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Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours

Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours is a company based out of France. sports automobiles, sports mécaniques, séminaires, and événementiel

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

11 5 7 25
Smartia Smartia

We provide scalable industrial intelligence and digital solutions to collect & transform data into actionable insights A new dimension in industrial intelligence, Smartia is the UK’s leading Industrial Intelligence solution provider, connecting and transforming industrial data into actionable insights. By combining edge computing, a data capture and management system, flexible visualisation technology and AI-driven applications, Smartia’s MAIO technology and services provide a complete end-to-end digital solution for the manufacturing sectors. The team at Smartia have decades of experience in the manufacturing sectors and understand the challenges many manufacturing companies face. Industry 4.0 (also known as Industrial IOT) provides an opportunity …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning IoT Data Analytics Robotics A.I. - Deep Learning

29 1 28 11
Farnborough International Farnborough International

Organisers of the world's best Airshow; international airshow consultants, events and venue operator, and film studios. Farnborough International is a subsidiary company of ADS, the trade organisation advancing UK Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space industries. Farnborough International has a three-strand business as the organiser of the biennial Farnborough International Airshow (FIA), operator of Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre, and as international consultants for civil, defence and business aviation events including Bahrain International Airshow (BIAS). Farnborough International is made up of a team of industry experts focused on delivering innovative, cost-effective events and maintaining the standing of its shows and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Cybersecurity

43 24 16 85
VeneziePost VeneziePost

Let's tell the future of the Venezie On Twitter: @Venezipost On Facebook: Veneziepost is an analysis portal on the "future of the Venezie", a meeting and comparison platform, also through a network of festivals and events, between the entrepreneurial world, the professionals, the institutions and the scientific and academic world. The purpose of Veneziepost is to build a metropolitan context that allows to offer adequate services to the growth of the business world. Veneziepost is a portal that daily provides an in -depth service to its subscribers (currently about 1,000). A rich morning press review follows an update in …

Type: Media

20 0 20 5

See at Corporate World, Digital Transformation, Human Development, Social Media News on digital transformation in the corporate world, management, technology, human development, social media. Journalist Gilberto Campos Blog. Graduated from the Federal University of Paraná, has over 20 years of experience in radio and TV. It also works in business communication projects and press office. Technology, digital transformation, corporate world, communication, human development, startups, and social media

Type: Media

18 2 16 5
Unione Industriali Torino Unione Industriali Torino

Association of Confindustria for the representation, protection, promotion and development of companies and their interests The Turin Industrial Union is a voluntary association of territorial level companies participating in Confindustria, for the representation, protection, promotion and development of companies and their interests. It was born in 1906 with the name of the industrial league, and from it, in 1910, the general confederation of the Italian industry, Confindustria came to life. Today, 2300 small, medium and large companies, with around 150,000 employees, adhere to the Turin Association of Industrials. Of these, 19 have been associated for more than 100 years and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech Technologies: Robotics

20 4 12 247
TT Circuit Assen TT Circuit Assen

The Cathedral of Speed. To radiate success and to conquer, retain or expand a good position in the market, it is important to network in a unique location. That is perfect on the TT Circuit Assen. You and your invitees not only enjoy the high speeds and catch -up maneuvers; Your presence is much more than a visit to a motorcycle race. You display your hospitality in an unforgettable way to important relationships and you have every opportunity to get in touch with fellow entrepreneurs and potential customers. On the TT Circuit Assen you definitively distinguish yourself from your competitors. …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

9 5 2 141
TopLegal TopLegal

Since 2004 the legal market. Penta Group, a Toplegal publishing company and the first Italian average group and Consulting aimed at business lawyers. Founded in Milan in 2004, he published the bimonthly Toplegal Review, analysis magazine dedicated to the main associated law firms and the legal directions in Italy. He established the first institutional events to recognize the best studies and professionals through the Awards. The Toplegal platform also embraces training (Toplegal Academy) and strategic consultancy aimed at professional studies (Toplegal Consulting). The multidisciplinary team ranges from marketing to journalism and from jurisprudence to psychology. Toplegal is read and is …

Type: Media

22 0 26 33
Todotransporte Todotransporte

Sectorial economic information. All the current transport of goods and logistics to a single click For more than three decades, all of them has not lacked the monthly appointment with its thousands of readers, the large part of them merchandise transport entrepreneurs and logistics operators, although without forgetting the entire industry providing the sector, from vehicle manufacturers (with their respective commercial and after -sales networks) to the most specialized body Telematic devices, among many others. The commitment to quality information, rigorous, proven and elaborated day by day by the writing team of this media, whose content is outside associative links …

Type: Media

33 0 33 11
The Innovation Group The Innovation Group

Tig Events - Tig Factory - Tig Media Born from the thirty -year experience of Multimedia marketing, Tig - The Innovation Group designs and governs technologies, helping companies to orient themselves in the choice of more effective solutions and to create relationships between the decision makers. In particular, Tig - The Innovation Group develops integrated omnicanal projects by combining technological competence and design culture, accompanying small and large businesses in innovation to increase their competitiveness on the market through Digital Transformation. With a staff of 72 people, over 500 active customers and a growth of about +10% compared to the …

Type: Media

63 5 61 138
Sustainability Makers Sustainability Makers

The Italian Association of Professionals and Professionals of Sustainability. WBCSD Global Network Partner It is the Italian Association that brings together the professionalisms that are dedicated to the definition and realization of sustainability strategies and projects, in companies and other organizations: work to qualify and promote these professionals with the aim of increasing competence and authority, through training and networking activities, studies and research, conferences, workshops and webinars. Born in 2006 as CSR Manager Network, in 2021 he modified his name in Sustainability Makers - The Professional Network. He is representative of Italy in the WBCSD Global Network - World …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

21 1 11 43
Social Reporters - Live Brand Journalism Social Reporters - Live Brand Journalism

Diventa una Media Company con | Produzione Video e Foto | Live Communication per eventi | Webinar e Live Streaming. Siamo una Startup innovativa, online dal 2015 che offre alle aziende servizi di content creation e curation, on demand e con copertura su tutto il territorio nazionale. Grazie ad un team di Brand Strategist e Producer focalizzato sulla live communication e sul brand journalism siamo capaci di offrire alle aziende soluzioni di infotainment, storytelling ed employee value proposition con un’elevata estensione editoriale su video produzioni, photoreportage e live streaming. La nostra community,composta da oltre 1500 professionisti in ogni ambito media, …

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

12 4 10 15
siderweb siderweb

The Italian steel community SIDERWEB SpA SB is the company that manages, the main Italian body of information, analysis and consultancy specialized in the steel sector. Established in 2001, siderweb intercepted the need of steel producers, distributors and users for information, services and advice. Focusing on the web, and realizing its potential, siderweb was a pioneer at a time when fax was the fastest means of communication. siderweb is also at the heart of Made in Steel, the international Conference & Exhibition for the steel industry. Informazione, Community, Rilevazione prezzi, Ufficio Studi, Acciaio & Siderurgia, news, and attualità

Type: Media

22 1 22 34
Senza Filtro Senza Filtro

Daily work. Without a filter it is the first digital native newspaper on the themes of work, the company and the free professions. The publisher has been Fiordisorse, a managerial association active since 2008. Without a filter, he makes use of a widespread editorial staff that involves over 8000 professionals and more than 1000 companies to tell the Italian culture of work by going directly to the source, "without filter". Also from abroad, journalists and manager contribute to the newspaper pages with content and debates that compare the Italian system with the international system. On without filter entrepreneurs and professionals …

Type: Media

21 2 19 38
Molteni Group Molteni Group

Molteni Group is a retail company based out of 50 Via Gioacchino Rossini,, Giussano, Germany.

Type: SMB Activities: retail

4 2 0 3
Save the Children Italia Save the Children Italia

For over 100 years we have struggled to save girls and boys at risk and guarantee them a future. Save the Children is the independent international organization dedicated since 1919 to save children and promote their rights. Onlus, non -profit, third sector, and childhood rights

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 9 12 700
Revista Futuro Sustentable Revista Futuro Sustentable

First means of sustainability in Argentina The sustainable future magazine, founded and directed by Pablo Jorge Gago since 2004, took care of the issues of sustainability in Argentina and the region, becoming the first graphic medium of it on economic, environmental and CSR issues. Environment, CSR, Mining, Economy, Sustainability, Media, Waste, and Energy

Type: Media

32 1 33 5
Mexico Industry ® Mexico Industry ®

Desde 1997, somos el medio informativo de la industria manufacturera en México. Revista Impresa, Revista Digital, Newsletter, Social Media, Parques Industriales, Entrevistas Exclusivas, Mapas Industriales, Marketing de Contenidos.

Type: Media

17 0 17 2
Regione Lombardia Regione Lombardia

Official page of the Lombardy Region The official page of the Lombardy Region promotes initiatives, calls, services and opportunities for citizens, businesses, entities and operators. The page is managed and moderated by the organizational unit communication according to the principles and rules expressed in the Social Media Policy, available on the regional portal.

Type: Public

36 18 6 2,435
Reale Mutua Assicurazioni Reale Mutua Assicurazioni

Tu + real mutua | Your Next Level Founded in Turin in 1828, the Mutua insurance real company is the largest Italian company in the form of a mutua, leader of Reale Group. With over 1,180 employees, 367 agencies distributed throughout Italy and over 1.4 million members/insured, Reale Mutua offers People, families, businesses and professionals innovative services and advanced solutions in all insurance branches. The particular statutory form of Mutua company, which has no owners shareholders, implies that the social heritage belongs to members/insured, in whose interest the savings made by the company are employed. Insurance, Banking, Consulting, Risk Management, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

13 1 3 2,864
Prima Comunicazione Prima Comunicazione

Communication and information are the basis of a democratic society. Let's tell what happens in these worlds Communication and information are the basis of a democratic society. First communication and tell what happens in these worlds. Communication, publishing, media, advertising, TLC, Internet, social media, information, and marketing

Type: Media

14 5 8 70
Milano Digital Week Milano Digital Week

#MDW2024. The new language of the city: between artificial intelligence and human expressions Milan Digital Week is the widespread and collective event on the city of Milan which aims to open new looks on the digital transformation processes that are changing the way of experiencing the present. From 10 to 14 October five days non -stop of meetings, workshops, events and plenaries dedicated to citizens, businesses and institutions. This year's theme is "the new language of the city": if on the one hand digital progress suggests an increasingly larger space for "artificial intelligence" and robots, on the other hand, communication, …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

22 8 13 4
Jointly Jointly

Benefit and B Corp. We help companies to design business welfare and corporate Wellbeing to measure. Jointly is the first B Corp ® in Italy in welfare and Corporate Wellbeing, able to guarantee a positive impact on the well -being of people, companies and local realities in which it operates. Together with companies, we plan useful and effective responses to respond to the new labor market challenges, increasing the sense of belonging and satisfaction of their collaborators. We offer solutions for parenting, for caregiver, for mental health and psycho-physical well-being, all accessible online or in person, as well as to …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

21 1 21 82
Italy China Council Foundation - ICCF Italy China Council Foundation - ICCF

Il tuo ponte tra l'Italia e la Cina The Italy China Council Foundation is dedicated to promoting business and cultural links between Italy and China.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

6 0 1 47
BPI group | LHH BPI group | LHH

Ready for Next Ready for Next - For 50 years. BPI Group | LHH in France. 750 consultants.100 offices. 1,500 projects undertaken each year. At the heart of the LHH World network. Thanks to the complementarity of its businesses, BPI Group meets the challenges and needs of companies of all size and all sector, at all stages of their transformation: social strategy, organization of organization, development project, development of talents and skills, revitalization and reindustrialisation of territories. In 2021, BPI Group was bought by LHH France (The Adecco Group). This rapprochement is part of a development strategy with the ambition …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech consulting

39 7 26 466
Glady Glady

The pleasure solution for advantages and awards to employees 🏆 4.1/5 at the workplaceindex ® 2023 label Glady is a brand of Pluxee, resulting from the bringing together of the gift activities of Pluxee France with the start-up Wedoogift in 2022. With a 40-year-old historic know-how, the Glady brand brings together shooting-pioneer in multi-season paper check, Spirit of Gift, Multi-gift pass and the Digital Wedoogift expert. Gift checks, culture and holidays, discount space or ticketing: the range of physical and digital solutions from Glady makes it the reference entity on its market. His mission? Strengthen the purchasing power of the …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: e-commerce it services Technologies: SaaS

15 3 13 373
AUTOhebdo AUTOhebdo

All the news of motorsport! The multimedia motorsport influence brand: Magazine / Digital / Web TV / Social networks. From the immediacy of information to the substantive processing: a balance for our community of enthusiasts! A team of journalists, model makers listening to brands to build "tailor-made" devices.

Type: Media

9 1 7 28
Arval BNP Paribas Group Arval BNP Paribas Group

Arval specializes in full-service vehicle leasing and new mobility solutions, leasing more than 1.7 million vehicles at the end of December 2023. Every day, more than 8,400 Arval employees in 29 countries offer flexible solutions to ensure seamless and sustainable journeys for its customers, ranging from large international corporate groups to smaller companies and individual retail clients. Arval is a founding member of the Element-Arval Global Alliance, a strong partnership in the fleet management industry, whose members manage more than 4.4 million vehicles across 55 countries. Arval was founded in 1989 and is fully owned by BNP Paribas. Arval is …

Type: Large company

57 10 47 8,227
TaxDown TaxDown

Your income statement and procedures well made for individuals, employees and clients. Goodbye, bureaucracy! TaxDown is a Spanish startup that facilitates life to all taxpayers optimizing their taxes to the maximum. Through our app and/or web, it is possible to make the income statement in the best possible way: fast, simple and without errors. But we not only do that, we also offer an innovative solution for companies, offering Taxdown to employees and customers. If you work in human resources, Taxdown is the benefit for employees you are looking for. Because? 1. A benefit to all employees: all, from the …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

17 3 18 127

Train, competence, succced is one of the online stores of leaders sports in Spain and one of the most growth e-commerce. Deportvillage is a company backed by the company Seedrocket companies and has among its shareholders with some of the most recognized business angels. With a young and entrepreneurial work environment, it is a company in continuous growth and that is expanding its team. e-commerce and sports

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce

9 1 6 163
WYZ Group WYZ Group

Des solutions digitales au sein de l'après-vente automobile. WYZ Group WYZ is an innovative French company, specialized in online tyre sales and supply management, with three types of clients:​ ► Key accounts in the automotive aftermarket​ ► Company fleets​ ​ ► Generic or specialized online sale website.​ ☛ Our solutions​ ► WYZ Fleet (B to B): Tyre supply management solutions for corporate fleets. Enable fleets to get an average discount of 30% on the cost of their tyres.​ ► WYZ Retail (B to B): supplemental tyre supply solution, complementing automotive dealer networks and automotive aftermarket retailers through custom-made and dedicated …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

15 4 10 86
Municipality of Florence (Comune di Firenze) Municipality of Florence (Comune di Firenze)

Official page of the Municipality of Florence Municipality of Florence Municipal of Florence Florence is an Italian municipality of 360,858 inhabitants, the capital of the homonymous province and Tuscany. It is the eighth Italian municipality by population and the first in the Tuscany region. The city of Florence is the heart of the Florence - Prato - Pistoia, which has over 1,500,000 inhabitants. Local government, public services, public order and safety, local taxes, environment, culture and education, mobility, communication, sport, tourism, mobility, businesses and trade, and territory

Type: Public

14 4 0 1,643
Milano Finanza Milano Finanza

The best of economic-financial information, at your disposal, always. MF-Milan Finanza is the national financial and economic newspaper, with the primacy of information on stock exchange, economics, investments and markets. A direct line with Piazza Affari and the main world bags. With dedicated sections: online trading, technical analysis, ETF, Covered Warrant, Private Equity, Shipping & Amp; Logistics and on Saturday with Milano Finanza Important insights on the world of managed savings, of securities and real estate investing. The correctness, truthfulness and authority of the newspaper are recognized by the target and professionals both nationally (partnerships with Tgcom and Tg5) and …

Type: Media

33 17 9 375
LILT Milano Monza Brianza LILT Milano Monza Brianza

Preventing is living. Since 1948 reference for oncological prevention in Italy. Who we are We are an association of social promotion born in Milan in 1948 and registered in the RUNTS (National Register of the Third Sector). We have the ambition to be the reference of oncological prevention in Italy. Our mission + to reduce the impact of tumors in our society. We are part of Lilt Italia which includes 106 associations operating with the high patronage of the President of the Republic under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. Where we operate We operate in the territory of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

16 2 14 143
OGR Torino OGR Torino

Fluid dynamic space: 35.000 sqm of tech + innovation + contemporary culture + food & drink #WeAreOGR After driving the city’s industrial growth providing train maintenance for almost a century, in the 1990s OGR Torino’s 35,000-sqm structure lay abandoned, taken over by wild plants. In 2013, Fondazione CRT bought the building and began redevelopment led by Secretary General Massimo Lapucci. In 2017, OGR Torino reopened as an inclusive space that celebrates contemporary culture. It welcomes visitors with site-specific art, music events and projects developed with international partners, and has created a strong business acceleration hub for an ecosystem of startups, …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment arttech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Data Analytics

25 7 18 72
»kfz-betrieb« »kfz-betrieb«

Germany's specialist medium for car trade, car service and mobility "Motor Function" is the specialist medium for the vehicle industry-since 1911. Our core issues are automotive trade and service in Germany. As a generalist, we not only have an eye on car dealerships and workshops, but also deal with the entire automotive industry and the mobility of the future. Our offer includes a print magazine, an online portal with the most important news every day, social media channels as well as several industry events such as the automotive Business Days or the conference free workshops and service businesses. "Car operation" …

Type: Media

22 2 21 228
Cadwellpark Cadwellpark

Register with MSV to enable online ticket purchases and to receive the latest news and special offers on selected products.

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

4 1 1 2
Autosport Autosport

Type: Media SMB Startup Activities: it services

12 3 7 153
Italgas Italgas

Italgas è una Network Tech Company, leader nei settori gas, idrico, efficienza energetica e IT. Primo operatore in Europa, con una forte presenza in Italia e in Grecia, gestisce un network che si estende per oltre 81.000 chilometri al servizio di circa 8 milioni di clienti. Con le sue controllate nell’idrico, il Gruppo serve – direttamente e indirettamente – 6,2 milioni di persone (pari al 10% della popolazione italiana) concentrate nelle regioni Lazio, Sicilia e Campania. La fondazione di Italgas risale al 1837. Con quasi due secoli di storia alle spalle è unanimemente riconosciuta come la società che ha portato …

Type: Large company

17 4 8 2,579
Regione Campania Regione Campania

Official Regional Council profile of Campania

Type: Public

10 2 1 2,445

We travel with you since 1928. We design, build and maintain the roads of our country efficient, with attention to sustainability and technological innovation for the mobility of the future. For almost a century, we have accompanied the economic and social development of the territory, connecting cities and locations from North to South of Italy. Today with 32 thousand kilometers of state roads and highways, a team of 7 thousand women and men, 38 territorial offices and 21 operating rooms, we guarantee the daily roads of about 8 million passengers and 400 thousand freight vehicles. In the Italian #FS group …

Type: Large company

5 0 2 4,339
Industria Italiana Magazine Industria Italiana Magazine

Analysis & amp; News on real economy, innovations, digital transformation Italian industry, founded and direct Filippo Astone, is the main Italian information site dedicated to the manufacturing industry • informs about all the aspects connected with the real economy of the sector. In particular, attention is focused on the transformation of the way of producing in progress in the manufacturing, relating to the insertion of the new technologies proper to the era of information. • topics covered: Internet of Things, Digital Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, progressive robotization of work procedures, Industry 4.0. • The editorial staff is composed of a close …

Type: Media Technologies: Robotics

51 5 53 6
Grupo Expansión Grupo Expansión

"A brand, four solutions" With more than 50 years of history, Grupo Expansión is one of the most relevant media in Mexico, standing out for its professionalism, ethics and high quality in the contents we create and the advertising services we provide. Expansion Group believes fervently in constant innovation and to adopt new and authentic strategies for the future of media and advertising in Mexico, gathering talent and specialized experts in all segments where we compete. The group has established itself under the leadership of Edgar Farah and its management team with four main business units: Publishing: focused on the …

Type: Media

31 12 15 1,016
Le Journal du Pneumatique Le Journal du Pneumatique

The magazine of tire professionals The Tire Journal, the reference media of all professionals in the sector, offers you reliable, enriched and commented information daily. Our various publications (Journal,, Newsletters, and this LinkedIn page) remain essential tools to follow the news of the tire market.

Type: Media

9 2 9 5

Choisissez, c'est monté ! Since its inception, has become the French leader in sales and tire fitting online. The website offers the widest and most complete range of tires on the market: cars, vans, 4x4, two wheels, quad, agricultural, heavy duty as well as a wide range of steel and alloy rims. Allopneus has a seasonal offer: Both summer and winter tires, as well as the possibility of ordering a pack of rims / mounted and wheel balanced, delivered at home. Vente de pneus sur Internet (tous les types de pneus), 5500 centres de montage agréés, and Service de …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

25 10 13 195

Collection and recycling of your tires 20 years ago, Aliapur started an avant-garde approach by becoming the first European eco-organization dedicated to recycling tires. Each year since then, we have recovered and valued more than 46 million worn tires. We have thus eliminated a number of wild and preserved deposits, on our scale, forests and rivers. Today, our company Maille all French territory, with a hundred collection, transformation and transport structures representing nearly 1,000 jobs. Every 39 seconds in France, tires are recovered from one of the 40,000 professional partners. And our pride is that all of these tires are …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

24 6 19 27
Formiche Formiche

Rivista e quotidiano on line di politica, economia e cultura Formiche. Pensare per approfondire. Magazzino quotidiano di politica, economia e cultura.

Type: Media

29 6 23 77
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Fondazione Politecnico di Milano

Sparkling Innovation for a Brighter Future. The Polytechnic Foundation of Milan was born in 2003 by the will of the Polytechnic of Milan, of the main institutions of the city and the Lombardy Region, with the support of some important entrepreneurial realities. The Foundation strengthens the development path of the University by making innovation usable, sharing with the productive realities and with the territory the many strengths that characterize research in the fields of engineering, architecture and design and giving impetus to progress to build the future. Thanks to a twenty -year experience in support of the University supports the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

29 4 23 81
Fondazione Banco Alimentare ETS Fondazione Banco Alimentare ETS

Share the value of food. Since 1989. The Banco Alimentare Onlus Foundation since 1989 has collected the production of the agro-food supply chain and, through its network of 21 organizations spread on the national territory, distributes them to over 8,000 charitable bodies that deal with offering food aid to the poor and marginalized throughout Italy. The Food Bank network collects still excellent foods that would be destined for destruction. Saved from waste, they regain value and become wealth for those who have too little. The main sources of supply are: the food industry, large -scale distribution, collective catering and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

25 8 14 96
Fleet People Fleet People

For mobility leaders Fleet People is the leading magazine in Spain in Mobility Information: Renting, Leasing, Rent A and Automobile Flees for companies of all types of size, autonomous and individuals. Renting, Rent a Car, automotive, fleets, car fleets, lifestyle, financing, car insurance, carsharing, management, business cars, corporate vehicle, business vehicle, mobility, mobility, and renting for individuals

Type: Media

48 3 48 7
Fleet Magazine Italia Fleet Magazine Italia

Since 2004 the rental magazine and Fleet Management. News and insights on automotive and world of mobility Since 2004 Fleet Magazine has been the most authoritative magazine dedicated to the world of corporate cars and authorso. We are attentive to all the news of the automotive sector, on our page you can find: • the latest models of cars and outgoing commercial vehicles, • exclusive interviews with experts and professionals, • Insights on today and tomorrow's mobility, from electric cars to car sharing and car pooling services. Cars, car rental, company fleets, car sharing, publishing, carpooling, automotive, engines, and corporate …

Type: Media

30 6 25 13
FERPI - Federazione Relazioni Pubbliche Italiana FERPI - Federazione Relazioni Pubbliche Italiana

Ferpi was born in 1970 from the merger of two professional associations: Fierp - Italian Federation Experts Public Relations and FIRP - Italian Federation of Public Relations. Since then it has represented professionals who operate in public relations, whose activity is defined by the aim of creating, developing and managing relationship systems with influential public on achieving the objectives pursued by individuals, companies, entities, associations, public administrations and other organizations. #comunicobene

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting govtech

13 2 9 128
Federmeccanica Federmeccanica

Federmeccanica is the trade union federation of the Italian metalworking industry. Costituita nel 1971, tutela, in campo giuslavoristico e in particolare nelle relazioni industriali, gli interessi dell'industria manifatturiera-metalmeccanica italiana. Ad essa aderiscono 90 Gruppi di aziende metalmeccaniche - meccatroniche costituiti nell'ambito delle rispettive Associazioni Industriali Territoriali facenti capo a Confindustria (Confederazione Generale dell'Industria Italiana). Federmeccanica rappresenta e assiste i Gruppi aderenti nei rapporti con le organizzazioni sindacali e con le Istituzioni dello Stato e stipula il Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di Lavoro per la categoria. He adheres to Confindustria. It has no profit and is apolitical. Attraverso i Gruppi metalmeccanici costituiti …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Data Analytics

18 3 11 36
Eppela Eppela

#Crowdfunding is the tool with which to give shape to your ideas. Choose Eppela, choose the future! Eppela is the first real Italian experiment of Crowdfunding. The goal is to finance innovative projects through micro-Donations via the web. Projects will be able to belong to the following areas: design, art and culture, food, non-profit, sustainability and social innovation, technology. Eppela represents a concrete alternative to the "mince" of market logic: it is a real job opportunity for anyone who has an idea, an opportunity made possible by the immense potential of the network and by its ability to aggregate, with …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

7 0 1 11
El Mercantil El Mercantil

Economic Information Specialized in the Logistics Business A new medium adapted to your time. A new time adapted to your environment. #Logistics, #Transporte, #infrastructure

Type: Media

48 3 49 28
EconomyUp - Nextwork360 EconomyUp - Nextwork360

EconomyUP is a newspaper published by Digital360, a leading group in Italy in the B2B offer of editorial content, communication and marketing services, Lead Generation, Events and Webinary, Advisory, Advocacy and Coaching, as part of digital transformation and entrepreneurial innovation. Economyup since 2013 tells Italy that it wants to grow and that is working to seize the opportunities for development, national and international, offered by innovation and digital technologies. Attention is therefore focused on startups but also on the open innovation initiatives started within companies of all sectors. What we try to do daily, therefore, is to tell how the …

Type: Media

71 12 65 7
Digital Biz Magazine Digital Biz Magazine

We fled from today and seek value information around the topics associated with digital transformation. Digital Biz Magazine is a communication platform aimed at the corporate environment. Although it is a technology magazine, above all, it focuses on people, solutions and business processes that seek to optimize existing models, make different business areas more efficient and respond properly to the challenges posed by the new digital transformation panorama. More information: You can subscribe to the printed edition (delivery only in the territory of Spain): 1) ★ Contact Please feel free to contact us by LinkedIn or by any …

Type: Media

44 7 40 3
Diario SPORT Diario SPORT

We are the Sport newspaper. We are all you expect from us The Sport newspaper is a newspaper founded in Barcelona in 1979 that informs the detail of everything that surrounds FC Barcelona and sport in general. Sport has been characterized by being the leading sports newspaper in the Catalan press and one of the most important at the Spanish level. In its digital version,, the company has made a commitment to new technologies and in a few years it has managed to place between the most audience media in Spain on the network. Likewise has profiles in the …

Type: Media

16 3 5 101
Crédit Agricole Italia Crédit Agricole Italia

Crédit Agricole Italia is part of the large international group Crédit Agricola: one of the most solid banking group on the international scene and present in 46 countries around the world, with 53 million customers. The Crédit Agricultural Group in Italy has 6 million active customers and about 16,200 collaborators. Internationality, reliability, proximity and concreteness are the values ​​of the group. - Facebook @Creditagricoleitalia - x @Ca_ita - Instagram @creditagricoleitalia - YouTube -Tik Tok @creditagricoleitalia - Tored - Indeed Banking, financial and insurance products and services, aimed at private individuals, companies and institutions.

Type: Incubators & VCs

21 5 9 7,282
Confindustria Udine Confindustria Udine

Since 1945 alongside the companies Since 1945 alongside the companies, Confindustria Udine has become a point of reference for industry and for the activities integrated with it, assuming a role of interlocution and proposed towards public powers and social partners. Today this role acquires even greater relevance since competitiveness is linked to innovation and growth. Another central aspect is made up of relations with the territory where decisions are made in terms of infrastructure, services, environment, urban destinations etc., determining for the future of companies and on which the companies themselves, through the association, can affect to encourage development conditions. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

22 0 21 50
Confindustria Confindustria

The main association of representation of manufacturing companies and services in Italy. Confindustria is the main association of representation of manufacturing companies and services operating in Italy.

Type: Large company Activities: consulting

40 19 25 897
Comune di Milano Comune di Milano

Official page of the Municipality of Milan dedicated to the selections and public competitions in the Lombard capital The page of the Municipality of Milan dedicated to information on the work policies and production activities of the municipal administration.

Type: Public

56 26 7 5,221
Circuit Ricardo Tormo Circuit Ricardo Tormo

A circuit inside a stadium Circuit Ricardo Tormo is the center of the motor in the Valencian Community. Located in Cheste since 1999 he hosts the most important engine sport events such as the Valencian Community Grand Prix that closes the MotoGP motorcycle world championship every year. In addition, Formula 1, DTM, FIA WTCC, Formula 3, Superbike, Lemans Series, FIA GT, Spanish Speed ​​Championship, Ferrari World Finals and endless events have passed through the Cheste track, which is the usual training scenario, driving schools, advertising shootings ... The Circuit is managed by a public company of the Generalitat Valenciana called …

Type: Event

19 6 13 69
Largo Consumo Largo Consumo

The information network on the economy and marketing of the chain of food and non -food consumer goods Founded in 1980, large consumption is the magazine that defined the standard of the periodicals of economics dedicated to retail and the industry of consumer goods, food and non -food. Since then he has never stopped innovating, in the formats and content by broadening the base of his readers from the traditional grocery area, non -food, and services. The investigations, analyzes and insights on paper and web are a daily work tool for buyer and category managers of retail signs and the …

Type: Media

48 7 44 68
AIDP - Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale AIDP - Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale

AIDP is the Italian Association for Personnel Management. AIDP attualmente riunisce oltre 4.000 Soci e Socie ed è presente in tutta Italia con 17 gruppi regionali per valorizzare, condividere e incentivare uno sviluppo serio e responsabile delle professionalità HR. Since 1960, the aim of being an active component has been aimed in the process of development of human resources in work organizations, in order to promote the centrality of the person and human dignity within the company and society. He takes part in projects at national and international level and is the promoter of research on the most important issues …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

16 2 11 228
Soleterre Soleterre

Health is social justice! Soleterre is a foundation that works for the recognition and application of the right to health in its broader meaning. For this reason, in addition to providing care and medical assistance, it is committed to safeguarding and promoting psycho-physical well-being for all and all, both on an individual and collective level, at all ages and in every part of the world. The prevention, denunciation and contrast of inequalities and violence, whatever the cause that generates them, are an integral part of Soleterre's activity: because health is social justice. Non -profit, international cooperation, right to health, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

9 1 6 100
Teatro Franco Parenti Teatro Franco Parenti

Theater of significant national interest founded in 1972 In 1972 Franco Parenti and Andrée Ruth Shammah, with Giovanni Testori and Dante Isella, founded the Pier Lombardo salon, which immediately became a point of reference for artistic and cultural vitality for the city of Milan, characterizing himself by an idea of ​​theater projected both towards the Italian and foreign news, and towards the reinterpretation of the classics in a contemporary key, and which also includes an intense and diversified proposal of cultural events, Film reviews, conferences, festivals, presentations of editorial novelty. Soon the shows of Pier Lombardo find circulation throughout Italy, …

Type: Event

3 1 0 134
Dynamo Academy Dynamo Academy

Business for the Common Good Dynamo Academy, the only Italian partner of CECP’s Global Exchange in Italy, is a social enterprise originated from the successful experience of Dynamo Camp. Dynamo Academy works with corporate partners in the fields of social entrepreneurship and corporate citizenship, providing a variety of consulting services from design and organization of ad-hoc consulting projects to employee engagement initiatives. Dynamo provides partners with exclusive use of the camp and of the Oasi. Dynamo facilities include state-of-the-art infrastructures located in an amazing natural oasis of over 3,700 acres in Tuscany. Dynamo Academy proposes innovative company team building programs …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

10 1 9 39
Koinètica. Accento sulla sostenibilità Koinètica. Accento sulla sostenibilità

Transforming the challenges of #sustainability into social innovation and competitiveness is our challenge. Specific skills in the field of sustainability, the seniority of the team and the twenty -year experience to support companies, public administrations and non -profit associations make Koinètica an ideal partner for organizations that choose to make sustainability their strategic driver. We have always managed Higher Education, Communicing, Networking and Stakeholder Engagement projects, public relations activities, major events, cultural initiatives and editorial necklaces that have contributed to spreading the culture of sustainability. Consultancy, communication, organization of events, public relations, CSR Strategy, Stakeholder Engagement, Training, and Social Communication

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

30 4 30 7
MoSt – More+Studio MoSt – More+Studio

Most is a creative agency specialized in editorial and communication projects. Most is a creative agency specialized in editorial and communication projects. We are part of an ecosystem that includes the magazine magazine Studio and Eleven, and the Studio Festival in the Triennale. We think and produce editorial and communication projects for companies and institutions, working on various media and formats. We tell stories in depth, intelligent and with a refined aesthetic, effectively integrating paper and digital, product and experience. Among our customers: Pirelli, Juventus, Santa Margherita, Ieg - Italian Exhibition Group, Eni, Manpower Group, Banca Mediolanum, Italcementi, Unicredit, Lacoste, …

Type: Media

9 3 7 10
Brand Reporter Lab Brand Reporter Lab

Observatory on brand Journalism and digital information Brand Reporter Lab is the first Italian Observatory on Brand Journalism and digital information, born with the aim of investigating the transformations that the network and digital tools are determining with technical-scientific criteria, are determining in all areas of communication and information. Brand Journalism, digital information, business communication, marketing, digital, journalism, research, social media, and brand storytelling

Type: Media

6 1 6 3
Wiener Boerse Wiener Boerse

Delivering a world of good deals As the main provider of market infrastructure in the region, Wiener Börse AG is the gate to global markets. Uniting the stock exchanges in Vienna and Prague, the group offers state-of-the-art systems, information and IT services. Listed companies receive maximum liquidity and investors benefit from fast and cost-effective trading by the market leader. Wiener Börse AG also collects and distributes stock market data and calculates the most important indices of the region. Because of this unique know-how the national stock exchanges in Budapest, Zagreb and Ljubljana trust its IT services. Additionally, the group holds …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Data Analytics

14 1 14 108

We manage water, energy, lighting and waste processing services We are an integrated multi-utility company leader on the Italian market, listed on the Stock Exchange in 1999. We manage and develop networks and services in the water, energy, environment and energy infrastructure sector. Acea is the top national operator in the water sector, serving approximately 9 million customers in the Lazio, Tuscany, Umbria and Campania regions; one of the main Italian players in the energy market with about 6 TWh of electricity sold, and about 10 TWh of electricity distributed in the city of Rome; we are also the main …

Type: Large company

22 8 4 2,720
The RepTrak Company The RepTrak Company

The RepTrak CompanyTM is the world's leading reputation data and insights company. Subscribers to the RepTrak program use our predictive insights to protect business value, improve return on investment, and increase their positive impact on society. Established in 2004, The RepTrak Company owns the world's largest corporate reputation benchmarking database — with over 1 million company ratings per year used by CEOs, boards, and executives in more than 60 countries worldwide.

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. Data Analytics

67 6 63 216
EconomyMagazine EconomyMagazine

Models. Opportunity. Solutions. More than a simple newspaper, a real tool at the service of companies. A "platform" of specialist information that, in the double paper and digital version, Investigates "the economy that changes" to tell it to the ruling class, to managers, to startuppers, to those who want to do business. How to finance and manage the company. What are the new credit tools, what to know from the world of banks and finance 2.0, how the new industry works and how the digital revolution can help the economy. But also how consumption and lifestyles change, what are the …

Type: Media

10 5 4 27
Credem Banca Credem Banca

Wellbanking People. Our way of banking has a new name. Credem, one of the main Italian private realities, is a modern bank with a centenary tradition. The Institute was founded in 1910, on the initiative of Reggio entrepreneurs, with the name of Banca Agricola Commerciale of Reggio Emilia. The current denomination of Credito Emiliano Spa, in short, was assumed in 1983, coinciding with the acquisition of the Belinzaghi bank in Milan, the first significant growth opportunity outside the regional borders. Today Credem is present nationally in 19 regions; This diffusion has been achieved both through the opening of new branches …

Type: Large company

20 5 13 5,132
Ferrarelle S.p.A. Società Benefit Ferrarelle S.p.A. Società Benefit

Ferrarelle S.p.A. Benefit Company is the fourth Italian group in the retail sector and the third Italian value group In the Ho.Re.Ca. sector of mineral waters. It owns the brands Ferrarelle, Vitasnella, essential source, Maxima, Boario, Electa and Santagata, which bottles at its two factories by Darfo Boario Terme (BS) and Riardo (CE). In addition, it is an exclusive distributor for the Evian brand peninsula. The company is also expanding abroad and with Ferrarelle is distributed in many countries, among the most relevant: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Malta, United Arab Emirates, Cyprus, Israel, Philippines, Kuwait, Dominican Republic. Since August …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

4 2 1 292
Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato

Guanajuato is one of the 31 states that together with the Federal District make up the 32 federal entities of Mexico. It is bordered to the west by the state of Jalisco, to the northwest by Zacatecas, to the north by San Luis Potosí, to the east by the State of Querétaro and to the south by the State of Michoacán. It has an area of ​​34,491 km2 and 46 municipalities. The capital is the municipality of Guanajuato. The state public administration is in charge of the Executive Branch, whose head is the Governor. For the handling of matters that …

Type: Public

4 0 0 3,975
Cariplo Factory Cariplo Factory

Infinite opportunities Cariplo Factory is a hub of innovation that activates a talent chain capable of include experiential training courses, entrepreneurial accompaniment programs, open innovation projects, venture capital investments and internationalization support activities. Cariplo Factory was born in 2016 by the will of the Cariplo Foundation and acts through an inclusive model that involves a national network of universities, technology transfer centers, incubators, accelerators, fablab, technological scientific parks, startups, business angels, venture capital funds, SMEs and corporate. Education, training, e-learning, innovation, advisory, internationalization, acceleration, startup, incubation, and innovation hub

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

27 5 20 52
Cadena de Suministro Cadena de Suministro

First online newspaper specialized in #Logistics and #Transporte. The news of the supply chain in 360o. We are the first online newspaper specialized in #Logistics and #Transporte. We analyze the actuality of the supply chain with a 360o vision. Supply chain is a digital native communication that transversely covers all information related to transport and logistics and its auxiliary industry: road, maritime, intermodal, immologists, transportation and intralogistic technology. We update our powerful informative offer with an average of 30 new news that we disseminate through our website, reaching more than 878,322 unique users, and our community of more than 15,200 …

Type: Media

55 0 54 11
busplaner busplaner

Technology * public transport * mobility Busplanner supplies private bus entrepreneurs and tour operators as an association -independent specialist journal Private omnibus entrepreneur and tour operator with information on the topics of corporate strategy, tourism and technology. An independent editorial team and specialist authors are currently informing extensive country specials, practice-oriented bust tests, new products, ideas and trends along group tourism and the omnibus industry up to report large fairs ten times. Detailed market overviews, industry news and information on current events in the industry round off the range of topics every month - an optimal advertising environment for excellent …

Type: Media

13 0 13 N/A
BPER Banca BPER Banca

Bper Banca. Where everything can start. For 150 years we have chosen to grow together with the people who trust us, in the territory and for the territory. Bper Banca today is a solid bank because, strong in its roots, it has been able to adapt to changes by making its strength. From 2009 to today we have faced an important phase of rationalization and simplification of our core business. At the same time we prepared ourselves for strong growth, which culminates in 2021 with the acquisition of 486 new branches and 134 operating points. Bank

Type: Large company

15 5 5 8,283

Are you a Franchisor banging your head against the wall because you can't get in touch with potential Franchisees? Our team of Advertisers creates 'Funnel+Ads' on social media for each of our Clients (mostly Franchise companies). BRANDS WE HAVE WORKED FOR: 100 Montaditos, 101 Caffè, Bialetti, Bottega Verde, Burger King, Blooker, Brums, Bimbus, Blue Spirit, Bluvacanze, BoConcept, Buffetti, CapelloPoint, Camicissima, Camomilla Italia, Carrefour Express, Celio, Città del Sole, Conte of Florence, Curves, CycleBand, Daddy&Son, Desjoyaux Piscine, Diètnatural, EdiliziAcrobatica, Engel&Voelkers, EcoStore, E’ Arrivato Paolino, Equivalenza, Esercito Italiano, Frimm, Fit And Go, Gabetti, Imaginarium, Invidia, Iperbimbo, Jacadi, Jennyfer, Kasanova, L’Isola Verde, La …

Tags: H2020 Type: Event

6 2 5 4
VPLP Design VPLP Design

VPLP Design is a world-renowned young international team of French-based naval architects, engineers and designers. VPLP Design is a world-renowned young international team of French-based naval architects, engineers and designers working from Vannes, Nantes and Paris in sail and motor craft projects across the world. The activity is now divided into 3 areas: Racing, cruising (serial and superyachting) and Maritime. Yacht Design, Architecture navale, and Naval Architect

Type: SMB Activities: smart city

19 3 15 49
La Société Protectrice des Animaux (SPA) La Société Protectrice des Animaux (SPA)

#Donnezsoutenezadopz The Protection of Animals (SPA) is the first animal protection association in France. Created in 1845, it was recognized as a public utility in 1860. His missions consist of: - Fight against mistreatment and abandonment - collect and accommodate abandoned, lost or mistreated animals and find a home - Take care of the animal from the deprivation of the destitute - Awareness of the general public and in particular young people to animal protection - Response animal owners - Building with the public authorities to develop the animal cause

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: pettech

20 10 10 503
Flat 6 Magazine Flat 6 Magazine

The first monthly of the Porsche Founded in 1990, Flat 6 Magazine is the first monthly of the Porsche in France. Each month, find Flat 6 is its flagship sections like the buying guide, the travel book and much more. Flat 6 The magazine of all the Porschists, and the great defender of the Porsche Passion in France.

Type: Media

2 0 2 6
EFI Automotive EFI Automotive

SENSE. BUILD. DRIVE. Electricfil Automotive, EFI Automotive, a first and second tier international automotive supplier, is the specialist in intelligent localized systems for drivetrain, powertrain (engine and transmission) applications. It provides a range of innovative products (speed, position, temperature sensors, injection actuators and mechatronic modules) to automotive manufacturers and their suppliers worldwide. EFI Automotive, which celebrated its 85th anniversary, is a family-owned group with 1,800 employees, consolidated sales of €201,5 million in 2021 and a strong international presence (Germany, Brasil, Turkey, China, USA). capteurs, mécatronique, actionneurs, Powertrain - groupe moto propulseur, Contrôle actif fonctions moteur, Contrôle moteur thermique, hybride, électrique, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

21 13 11 621
Sound To Sight Sound To Sight

Human-centric sound design agency dedicated to Industry, Mobility, Scenography and Audio Branding Sound To Sight is a sound design agency dedicated to Industry, Mobility, Scenography and Audio branding. STS promotes appeased soundscapes, by conceiving and producing necessary sounds with a sonic ethic. Relying on new technologies and research, we create unique sounds to appease, guide, entertain, to highlight your brand, immerge your visitors and underline your design. The agency developed a unique methodology, to enhance communication within multi-disciplinary teams in order to define a common vocabulary. Our partners (OEM, research centers, homologation coordinators, musicians, comedians, architects, psychologist, ergonomics,...) define all …

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech Technologies: IoT Sensors

14 3 9 3

Visibility developer Since 2010, Scooprint has specialized in advertising objects in other words communication by the object. We offer a wide range of goodies and business gifts for professionals: SMEs, VSEs, franchises, and associations. We have a well -defined vision of the advertising object. Advertising objects are very important in corporate communication, they leave a concrete trace of your image and your notoriety. You can use it as business gifts, business gifts and customer gifts. Scooprint offers a wide range of advertising items with more than 10,000 references on our site. We are committed to providing personalized advice and responsiveness …

Type: Startup Activities: martech

13 3 10 7
Automobil Industrie Automobil Industrie

We bring together industry experts from all over the world of mobility. »Automobil Industrie« is a b2b magazine that covers the entire world of mobility. We address both the commercial and the technical top management of car manufacturers, suppliers, engineering service providers, IT service providers, factory equipment suppliers, consultancies, universities and associations. The focus of our printed issues and our digital presence on is on the core topics of automotive technology, production, lightweight construction and development. Considering new technologies like connectivity, autonomous driving, shared mobility, e-mobility and Industry 4.0 contribute to our slogan "On the pulse of the industry". …

Type: Media

44 5 44 172
ASviS - Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile ASviS - Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

The largest Italian network of civil society organizations created to spread the culture of sustainability. The Italian alliance for sustainable development (ASVis) was born on February 3, 2016, on the initiative of the Unipolis Foundation and of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", to grow in Italian society, in economic subjects and institutions awareness the importance of the agenda for sustainable development and to mobilize it in order to achieve sustainable development objectives. The alliance currently brings together over 320 among the most important institutions and networks of civil society, such as: - representative associations of the social partners (entrepreneurial, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

25 7 15 74
Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica (ANFIA) Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica (ANFIA)

We create value for the automotive world With 450 associated companies, Anfia - National Association of Automobilistic Industry Networks - is one of the major trade associations participating in Confindustria. Born in 1912, for over 100 years it has been the aim of representing the interests of the associates towards public and private, national and international institutions and to study and resolve technical, economic, tax, legislative, statistics and statistics problems quality of the automotive sector. The association is structured in 3 product groups, each coordinated by a president: - Components: includes manufacturers of parts and components of motor vehicles - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

16 2 13 57
AndeanWire AndeanWire

Andeanwire meets the information distribution needs of large and medium -sized companies, government entities, brands and press agencies with interests in Latin America; Through the distribution of your press releases, through hundreds of news and informative media. We cover the North Latam circuits (Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala), Andino (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela) and Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay). For greater knowledge about our press release distribution service Contactos ( Press, press releases, communications, and free press

Type: Media

22 1 21 8
Alianza Automotriz Alianza Automotriz

Specialized digital magazine for the automotive industry and the spare market Automotive Alliance is a digital magazine specialized in the automotive industry and the spare market. Their 34 years of experience in the national replacement market place Automotive Alliance as the best positioned magazine in the automotive sector. Main objective: Strengthen the link between auto parts manufacturers; Distributors of spare parts, accessories and tires; Owners of workshops and automotive technicians; Team suppliers, tools and services for the automotive market. This 2020 Automotive Alliance migrates from the printed to the digital, a environment in which it already has various distribution channels …

Type: Media

32 1 31 18
Intesa Sanpaolo Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa Sanpaolo è il maggior gruppo bancario in Italia con una significativa presenza internazionale. Il suo business model distintivo la rende leader a livello europeo nel Wealth Management, Protection & Advisory e ne caratterizza l’orientamento al digitale. I’impegno in ambito ESG prevede, entro il 2025, €115 miliardi di finanziamenti impact e contributi per 500 milioni a supporto delle persone in difficoltà. Gallerie d’Italia, è la sede espositiva del patrimonio artistico della banca e di progetti artistici di riconosciuto valore. _______________ Intesa Sanpaolo is the largest banking group in Italy with a significant international presence. Its distinctive business model makes …

Type: Large company

75 20 17 57,653
AGOL - Associazione Giovani Opinion Leader AGOL - Associazione Giovani Opinion Leader

AGOL - Youth Opinion Leader Association: It is an association of young professionals operating in the world of communication, institutions and public affairs, which aims to stimulate the renewal of the leadership of our country by promoting meritocracy, through intergenerational dialogue.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 1 4 7

Il primo quotidiano digitale, dal 1996 - il primo quotidiano online. Nato nel 1996, si occupa di politica, economia, cronaca, attualità, cultura, costume, sport, green, sociale, media ed entertainment. Grazie all'informazione croccante ed alla sua indipendenza, è il progetto vincente della nuova editoria digitale. Giornalismo, Politica, Economia, Cronaca, Retroscena, Spettacoli, Mediatech, Costume, and Moda

Type: Media

14 6 7 71
Wise Society Wise Society

People for a sustainable future Wise Society is an international multimedia platform that brings together virtuous projects, best practices of companies, testimonies of entrepreneurs, researchers, professors, doctors, creatives committed to promoting new lifestyles and a new way of doing business that is more attentive to the well-being of the individual and the environment. Living “Wise” means believing in gentle mobility, in a balanced diet, in respect for the environment, in a more careful management of resources, in the search for clean energy, in a construction industry increasingly committed to urban regeneration, in widespread well-being to build an ethical and sustainable …

Type: Media

9 0 8 13
Fondazione Sodalitas Fondazione Sodalitas

The first organization in Italy to promote Corporate Sustainability Fondazione Sodalitas was founded in 1995 on the initiative of Assolombarda and a first group of companies and managers, establishing itself as the first organization in Italy to promote Corporate Sustainability. It is a network of companies, volunteers and collaborators committed to generating shared social value by promoting the culture of partnerships aimed at building a future of growth, sustainability, inclusion and cohesion, widespread development for the community. Fondazione Sodalitas is the National Partner Organization of CSR Europe, the leading network of companies committed to Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

35 12 30 87
Logitech Logitech

Enabling people to do what they do best through innovative technology and digital experiences. Welcome to the New Logic of Work. No matter what that means to you. Logitech helps all people pursue their passions and is committed to doing so in a way that is good for people and the planet. We design hardware and software solutions that help businesses thrive and bring people together when working, creating, gaming, and streaming. Brands of Logitech include Logitech, Logitech G, ASTRO Gaming, Streamlabs, Blue Microphones, and Ultimate Ears. Learn all about the products designed to empower you to create, play and …

Type: Large company

74 21 17 8,475