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Argue & amp; light up the public debate Cartodebat is a citizen participation platform. #Planning of the Territorial #Politics #Science-Société debates #Education by controversies Designed with the CNRS, our platform was launched in 2017 during the prior consultation of the EOLMED project, aeolian fleet floating in the Mediterranean. More show Show less Consultation, public debate, datavisualization, co-construction, Science-Société, and digital humanities debates

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Data Analytics

17 5
advizeo advizeo

advizeo supports companies and local authorities in reducing the energy consumption of their buildings. Our solutions enable clients to efficiently comply with regulations and achieve significant energy savings with minimal investment. We leverage data science and connected devices (IoT) to empower business teams, allowing for cost-effective Energy Management across more buildings, from data collection to the management of energy improvement actions. We develop the savee energy management platform, used by over 300 clients in 2023, covering a total area of 85 million square meters. In 2023, advizeo helped save the equivalent of the annual energy consumption of all households in …

Type: Startup Activities: it services smart city Technologies: Data Analytics IoT SaaS

54 130
Nexelec Nexelec

IoT and connected sensors for the smart building Nexelec has devoted itself to the safety and environmental surveillance of your buildings for more than a decade. Our skills in the field of fire safety are recognized by professionals, and we strive to offer you a full range of peak atmosphere sensors for the comfort of the occupants. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We are constantly looking for new technologies and smart solutions to improve the safety of your wealth. Our smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, including our connected versions, result from our continuous research and innovation …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech manufacturing smart home smart city Technologies: Data Analytics IoT Sensors

11 27
Citykomi® Citykomi®

(re) Take control of your mobile communication! Mobile communication expert in real time and with confidence 🗣 With Citykomi® discover controlled and secure communication to disseminate the right information at the right time without filtering by algorithms and without collecting personal data. ✅ GDPR-free (patent) ✅ Eco-designed sobriety ✅ Modular and integrable ✅ Unlimited service Your data is not our business! Anonymity of connection, Digital Media platform, unions, real -time notifications, good information, communities, businesses, mobile application, internal communication, communication, GDP, Push notifications, zero given personal, simplicity, reporting, and unlimited messages

Type: Startup Activities: it services martech privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

34 2
Dawizz Dawizz

Your operational data governance 🛡️ Discover the potential of your data with the MyDataCatalogue platform. Follow us there to stay on top of all things : #DataDiscovery #DataCatalog #DataGovernance #DataQuality #DataLineage #MDM #DataCleaning #DataManagement MyDataCatalogue : Your operational data governance Data, Data Gouvernance, Data management, Big data, Data compliance, GDPR, Data security, RGPD, cyber security, Data labs, Data innovation, Data quality, Data catalog, Data lineage, Data discovery, and Data cleaning

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity Data Analytics

20 4
Homeys Homeys

Accelerate the energy transition of buildings for lasting savings Since 2018, convinced that access to energy data will strongly contribute to the decarbonation of buildings, Homeys develops a SaaS software solution which makes it possible to collect and analyze the energy consumption data of buildings. A real decision -making assistance, Homeys contributes to the massification of the energy transition thanks to functionalities based on artificial intelligence and data from communicating meters, IoT and Open Data. Labeled Greentech and winner of the ADEME innovation competition, Homeys is aimed at companies (energy service providers, social landlords and real estate heritage managers) and …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics Decarbonization IoT SaaS Solar Technologies

25 11
SenX SenX

The Sensor Data Lake SenX is the creator of an open-source technology suite for enterprise sensor data management and analysis, which includes Warp 10, WarpLib, and Discovery. We help industrial companies turn messy sensor data into actionable insights for engineers, business teams, partners, and end users. With real-time, no-latency access to raw data for all stakeholders, we enable: - Efficient fleet management - Devices Optimization - Reduced downtime - Predictive maintenance - Anomaly Detection & Quality Control - Remote device configuration - Advanced data exploration - Regulatory Compliance & Auditing - Scalable & Cost-Efficient Sensor Data Handling - Digital Twin …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics IoT Sensors

15 8
Wishibam Wishibam

Wishibam is a SaaS plateform enabling major physical players become omnichannel leaders. We aim to be the world’s most powerful software enabling brick & mortar players to reconnect with sustainable growth. Founded in 2015, Wishibam supports real estate players, cities, retailers & brands reconciling online & physical retail. To achieve the digital transition, Wishibam is the only SaaS solution capable of creating efficient local marketplaces based on real-time inventory. Our ecosystem consists of three main modules : We build the new sales channels Our marketplace automatically transcribes the stores’ inventory and product specificities in real time: 20,000 references digitized in …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce it services martech transporttech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

16 26

Reveal your 3D territories A subsidiary of the Geofit group, IGO offers operating solutions for massive and multi-sources 3D data. French leader in territorial 3D, IGO reveals the territory of its customers: 3D models and photobaches, collaborative cartographic platforms in real time and 3D interfaces in business applications. IGO offers strong expertise and 3D geospatial technologies to facilitate access to increasingly massive technical data, enhance them and transform them into decision -making tools. IGO supports its customers in their digital transformation to meet the major challenges of the Smart City, climate change or even security. 3D 3D 3D digital model, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 12

Transform your data into decision -making tools ✨ Creator of web solutions and IT services company. Datakode helps you manage your data by making tailor-made software exploiting open-source technologies. Our team translates your data into dashboards and has recognized expertise in geomatics (digital cartography). Our society is built on 3 strong values: agility, commitment, freedom. geomatics, web development, Digital Transformation Consultant of very small businesses, and digital transition SMEs

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

1 5
Datactivist Datactivist

We open data, we make them useful Datactivist is the first French pure player of open data consulting. We help our clients from the definition of their open data strategy up to its implemntation. open data, open government, and data science

Type: Startup Activities: govtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

85 18
Keynergie Keynergie

Give meaning to your action With you, from the energy strategy to the management of a controlled carbon footprint Keynergie is a company specializing in design, management and expertise of innovation projects in the energy sector. Keynergie is positioned as a catalyst and accelerator of innovation in energy, at the interfaces between the academic world, the industry, the public sphere. Jean-François Le Romancer, its founder brings its customers 20 years of experience in energy and technological innovation. Keynergie acts as a Directorate of Research and Innovation in Contracting Assistance (AMOA) by proposing an ability to design and develop, to put …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

5 3
Koumoul Koumoul

La donnée accessible. Visualisez, exploitez et partagez vos données en quelques clics. Koumoul is a young software development company. We are specialized in building services on the Web and creating value from data. Développement Web, Visualisation de données, Traitement de données, Opendata, Partage de données, Data, and Data management

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

7 5
What the Shop What the Shop

Flow analysis solution in the physical world What The Shop offers a wide range of sensors to analyze flows in the physical world. What the Shop now has more than 100 customers in 6 countries. The company has been awarded many times for its innovations #ADTech and #RetailTech. Retail, Digital, Connected Commerce, Analytics, Big Data, 3G, 4G, Experiences in point of sale, WiFi, Marketing, Drive to Store, and Dooh

Type: Startup Activities: connected commerce it services martech Technologies: Data Analytics Wireless

3 6
MyDataBall MyDataBall

Data Science industrial, machine learning solution built by your employees. MyDataBall offers organizations in the private and public sector sector, a unique monitoring and management tool for their activities. Innovative, MyDataBall technology responds to a need for processing of significant data volumes and increasingly sharp performance. Decision aid, visualization, business intelligence, dataminging, and business optimization

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

14 4
Deepki Deepki

Enhancing the value of your real estate assets #ImpactForward Founded in 2014, Deepki supports real estate players in their transition to net zero and sustainability. To achieve this transition towards sustainability, Deepki helps realign stakeholders’ interests to build efficient strategies and transform real estate into a positive force for the planet. Deepki is the only company offering a fully populated ESG data intelligence platform combined with expert advisory services. The company’s end-to-end solutions leverage data to improve ESG performance and enhance the value of real estate assets. The figures speak for themselves: 400M+ square meters monitored 60+ countries where we …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech proptech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

91 405
e-attract e-attract

Territorialized data, to decide. Territorialized data, to decide. We speed up the digital transformation of the actors of the territories: - Communities and developers - Large public and private companies (HR, real estate) - Real estate (investors, land, donors, promoters, advice & amp; agencies) Our expertise: - Sweet, aggregate and structure the data at the different ladders of the territories, - Build and feed decision -making models, - Adapt their interfaces and integrate them into your businesses, - At each key steps in your value chain. Our assets - database, models (AI), cartographic interfaces (digital maps) - and our understanding …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech it services proptech Technologies: Data Analytics

14 2
Geoptis Geoptis

Let's reveal the territorial data Geoptis is the new reference player in geomarketing and geointelliagence. Our mission vis-à-vis companies and communities: provide an innovative visual solution to reveal data and help them make the right decisions. A 100% subsidiary of the La Poste group and following the acquisition of Global Map Solution at the end of 2021, our geo-intelligence services cover a wide spectrum of use cases, both to help communities define and control their territorial public policies (optimize road maintenance, improve air quality, energy efficiency or mobile coverage) and to support companies Signs. Our innovative solutions are based on …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

26 41
namR namR

AI to decide the future of the habitat 🏠🌏🍀 🏠 AI to decide the future of housing 🔨 Energy rebuilding ☀️ Solar energy 🌏 Climatic adaptation With the NAMR AI, master the potential for ecological transformation and the vulnerability of 100% of housing (France and Europe) to accelerate your action and that of your customers 🎯 Our mission Reveal the potential for decarbonation and climate adaptation of French real estate heritage at the service of action! 📍nos solutions ➡️ Simulators simplified by the AI An unprecedented customer experience that facilitates the adoption of advisers and individuals with sustainable housing offers. …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech energytech it services Technologies: Data Analytics Decarbonization Solar Technologies

136 63
Affluences Affluences

Affluences is a digital solution specialized in measuring, forecasting and sharing real-time occupancy and waiting times With Affluences, forecasting attendance has never been easier. We design and set up sensors to measure real-time occupancy. With our proprietary algorithm, we’re even able to generate attendance forecasts for the day which we share on our free mobile app. We set up (or pair with) sensors to measure attendance or waiting times in real-time. Affluences is the only company able to communicate this kind of information thanks to proprietary sensors. We compute and analyse all incoming data thanks to our predictive algorithm. The …

Type: Startup Activities: it services smart city traveltech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

41 45
Corporama Corporama

Drive More Sales Innovative online services of BtoB commercial intelligence aggregates in real time all web, legal and financial information on all French companies. By connecting to our services, you can: - Target new prospects - Find your contacts and all the useful information (news, press, web 2.0 ..) - Better follow your customers - Update your CRM and databases Our services thus allow a better knowledge of: - your market via the easy identification of new prospects - your prospects via complete and real time information on any French society - your contacts via the identification of the …

Type: Media Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

6 31
Dawex - Data Exchange Technology Dawex - Data Exchange Technology

Dawex is the leader in Data Exchange solutions to distribute or share data products, with trust, meeting security, traceability and in compliance with data regulations requirements. With Dawex Data Exchange technology, organizations create data ecosystems and data spaces such as Corporate Data Hubs, Industry Data Exchanges and Data Marketplaces that support any business case, and address economic, environmental and AI challenges. At the invitation of the United Nations, Dawex joins the Data Expert group of the United Nations Environment Program. Awarded Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum, Dawex is also the initiator of an international standardization program on Trusted …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

96 55
Opendatasoft Opendatasoft

The leading data product marketplace unlocking data value for business users. Opendatasoft is the leader of data democratization. It provides organizations with a data product marketplace solution allowing seamless self-service access to all of an organization's data assets including data products. Opendatasoft empowers organizations to accelerate data value and business impact by scaling all type of data sharing projects (internal, ecosystem & BtoB, and public) that serve all employees and data consumers in record time. data marketplace, data catalog, metadata management, master data management, data sharing, API, data portal, internal data portal, open data, smart city, big data, software, open …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city civictech deeptech it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

115 103
FeedTravel | Plateforme d'agrégation de l'actualité du tourisme. FeedTravel | Plateforme d'agrégation de l'actualité du tourisme.

Feedtravel is a mobile application that brings together all the news for tourism professionals. Do not miss the latest news in the sector on an ergonomic interface and updated in real time. Tourism, News, Data Management, Mobile Application, Corporate Travel, Leisure Travel, Web technology, and Travel

Type: Startup Activities: it services traveltech Technologies: Data Analytics

1 1
Vitamin Consulting Vitamin Consulting

Leveraging the power of consumer insights for strategic decision making, with a focus on trends & innovation IDENTITY Vitamin is an independent consulting agency specializing on experience and browsing the world to find out the most emerging & promising trends. PURPOSE We empower businesses to : + Anticipate future market & consumer trends + Identify key emerging consumer values & attitudes + Envisage where consumer behaviors fit within a futures context + Make informed business decisions EXPERTISE + Macro Drivers + Consumer Intelligence + Marketing & Retail Trends NETWORK We work with a team of local agents (New York, Brussels, …

Type: Media Startup Activities: constructiontech martech Technologies: Data Analytics

15 1
BtoBmarketers BtoBmarketers

Site d'informations qui cible les responsables marketing BtoB en recherche d'informations sur l'ensemble des leviers du web (lead generation, social media, brand content, content marketing, search marketing, Emailing, Big data, Online advertising, mobile...) B2B digital marketing, social media, Lead generation, online campaign, emailing, Big data, Marketing automation, Brand content, Marketing content, Search marketing, and Mobile

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 1
Desmarais Avocats Desmarais Avocats

Law firm specializing in digital law and data - from risk to the creation of value Our ambition: to transform the legal risks linked to the use of data into value, within the framework of an informed choice and a shared responsibility. Digital, data, health, and innovation

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

3 1
Transform for Value Transform for Value

Bringing out the best in people to bring out the best in your business At the heart of Transform for Value is a passion for people and the value they can bring to businesses. For individuals and organisations to flourish, it's critical that people are comfortable with and embrace the speed of an increasingly digital and connected world. But such change is rarely easy. We support and accompany organisations in their transformation initiatives placing the onus on how to drive value through people as well as data and processes. We connect with people at every level of your business and …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

1 1
EDAWINDS - Smart measurements Wind Turbines EDAWINDS - Smart measurements Wind Turbines

We bring value and innovation on every measurements. EDAWINDS is an engineering consulting company that provides knowledge and services in the field of testing and measurements. At EDAWINDS, we are dedicated to optimizing the performance of wind turbines and other engineering products through our expertise in testing and measurement. We support our clients in both the design and enhancement of their systems, offering tailored solutions to meet their specific needs. Our Specialties: ✅ Measurement System Design: Development of measurement devices, sensor configuration, cabinet design, installation, and analysis services. ✅ Areas of Expertise: Lightning measurement, ice detection, mechanical loads, winds (LIDAR), …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Data Analytics

2 1
Adamentis Adamentis

Direct supplier of private and secure cloud, Adamentis ensures continuity of its services 24/7/365. Local data center in the Pyrenees Orientales IBM partners Your files will always be protected with the secure backup - Adamentis allows you to plan online backups on a daily, weekly or monthly basis - in your choice, planning your backups. The only way to recover data in the event of disaster or data encrypted by a cryptowall. Protect and preserve your business data: this data is critical for your activity. Adamentis offers different service and support levels, to meet your needs regardless of the size …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 2

Creator of interactive technological solutions for your events. Animaco: the agency that goes beyond the terminals. Our 3 professions: - Manufacturer designer of premium interactive terminals - Manufacturer of games and touch -up tablets to generate traffic in points of sale - Digital solutions editor for the digital transformation of customer journey and the convergence of web, mobile and terminals. Interactive game terminal and original interactive animations at the service of the success of your marketing commercial campaigns, your data collection and the animation of your stands. For more than 10 years we have been offering the interactive gaming terminal …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

6 2
icem7 icem7

Give meaning to data 2 experts share their experience at the service of information valuation. Their skills: statistical pedagogy and graphic semiology, opendata, datavisualization, information systems, training in technical tools (R, D3 ...), visual communication, communicating writing. R, D3, statistics, datavisualization, semiology, opendata, indicators, audits, and portraits

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

1 2
myDPO Solution myDPO Solution

Focus on the essentials, Mydpo takes care of your compliance! MyDPO is an intuitive and accessible regulatory compliance management tool created by data protection experts. This software in SaaS mode includes 5 governance modules accessible to all employees as well as documents of documents facilitating the life of companies (contracts, procedures, practical sheets). Thanks to MyDPO, any structure will be able to easily establish its level of compliance, create its action plan, follow training, manage the requests of the persons concerned, its data violations, or the compliance of its providers. Compliance, big data & amp; Cloud, GDPR, GDPR, Data …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech regtech Technologies: Data Analytics

6 2
Agence RampUP Agence RampUP

🚀 #Strategy #Marketing #Digital #SiteWeB #SEO #Networks #Emailing #Webinary #Sobrinimentaire The Rampup agency, 🚀 🚀, is a strategy consulting firm, digital marketing. It supports companies in the implementation of a suitable marketing strategy to develop their activity thanks to the web. 🚀The expertise: - Support for the development of VSEs, independent and startup, - Strategy, audit, - Web development, showcase site, ecommerce - Social networks, - Emailing, newsletter, - Webinar, web conference. 🚀The methodology: - Identify the issues of the company by the audit, - Define the action plan, - Develop solutions, - Test the solutions and readjust, - Deploy …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

1 2
Akhos Akhos

Your externalized geomarketing service: location, development and territorial organization. Akhos supports companies, networks and businesses in their commercial establishment, as well as in their development and their territorial organization. For this, we use geomarketing techniques, data processing, spatial analysis and cartography. 🏪 Implementation studies 🧭 Market and potential studies ✂️ Sectorization, zonification and development plans 🗺️ Local market states (ELM) 📊 Operating and knowledge of competition studies 💡 Optimization of the territorial organization and the home-work trips of employees Akhos is the externalized geomarketing service of franchises and networks 🤝 Geomarketing, market study, commerce, franchise, implantation study, sectorization, ELM, local …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

10 2
PetLova Tag PetLova Tag

🐾 Create a safer world for our hairy friends 🐶🐱 Petlova Tag is a young Toulouse startup specializing in the field of PET Tech; technology for pets. We design, develop, and market innovative solutions focused on new technologies (QR code, NFC, IA, Deep Learning, Big Data) in order to respond to global issues related to the safety and well-being of our animals 🐶🐱 We have two main lines of innovation: - Low Tech: We develop and market connected medallions with QR code and NFC technology. A rapid, reliable and affordable solution that can help owners of pets all over the …

Type: Startup Activities: pettech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning Data Analytics NFC Wireless

7 2
OkeanYs OkeanYs

Next generation Drive-2-Store Capture your next customers in a flash! Allow them to find you (or find you again), flawlessly, quickly, in your distribution network. Thanks to the dedicated OkeanYs QR Code and the very linear user experience provided by the site, we can create and immediate and effective link between your communication (ads, packaging, manuals, ...) and you distribution network. This unique link is independent from any search engine or e-commerce platform. It will also provide statistical data respecting consumer privacy. Retail is still 86% of everyday shopping. Help you network in the best possible way. Printing OkeanYs QR …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

12 2
Abeilles-Conseils Abeilles-Conseils

Marketing resources (s) in time shared 🐝 Lyon 🐝 Member of the network of entrepreneurs ashale Because your problem is unique, we offer tailor-made marketing solutions, thanks to shared time. Any business can use the marketing function, according to its needs. What are yours? Evaluate the existing offer, be advised on your strategy, train your employees, have support in your developments, optimize your communication or positioning? Your marketing manager, in time shared: 2 days a month, one day a week, working within your business, with your teams. The concept of bees-advisers allows you to use business expertise based on 20 …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

0 3
Tangible Display Tangible Display

Digital and Phygital Experts - Connected object , Multitouch screen, Product detection - UX, Customers experience, Innovative retail device - In-store trafic, Behavior analysis - Brand enhancement, Increased conversion. Your Phygital Partner ! When physical meets Digital... Since 2011 we build expertise around Phygital! We founded Tangible Display to push the boundaries between these two different worlds. Tangible is about what you can touch, feel and grasp. Display is about sharing our values and deploy them at a large scale. In order to bridge together the physical & the digital world we imagine solutions and deliver sensitive devices... By connecting …

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 3
VisioPM VisioPM

The first advertising management on 3D screens visible without glasses. A positive customer experience, a guaranteed impact. Innovative startup, we created the first advertising management on 3D screens visible without glasses. An incredible customer experience and the assurance of having a communication that does not go unnoticed for our advertisers! In permanent search for new locations to set up our 3D totems, we have the will to cover the big cities of France and thus make our solutions discover to the greatest number. 3D without glasses, big data, remote screens management, innovative communication, 3D digitization, profile and data rise, interactivity, …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

8 3
Use-and-Share Use-and-Share

Innovative approach to pilot the harmonization of health data and accelerate their use and sharing. To replace humans and care at the heart of the missions of professionals and health establishments, it takes broader access to knowledge and more fluid cooperation between practitioners. The standardization of health data is a prerequisite for achieving these two objectives and this is the mission that Use-And-Share is set. Interroprability, Data, Esante, Digital Health, Snomedct, Loinc, Semantics, and Platform

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

15 3
QuietRent QuietRent

Release cash: replace your GAPD and/or warranty deposits with our insurance solutions Quietrent is a multi -service fintech which aims to restore confidence between owners and tenants. Quietre intervene throughout the rental through the deployment of additional services: - upstream, an assessment of rental reliability based on an evolutionary algorithm and statistics; - During, rental monitoring allowing a rental file to be credible; - downstream, a triple mediation solution to ensure the best resolution in the event of a rental conflict. A soundproof product based on a collaborative model and oriented on the disputes of unpaid rental model is developed …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Data Analytics

7 3
Spirit of Safetyn Spirit of Safetyn

"Applied Human Factor" Experts for all Aviation Pilots and Professionals engaged in risk-intensive environments Spirit of Safetyn capitalizes on SAFETYN's legacy to develop life preservation systems and intelligent assistance solutions for Pilots, unifying Human Factor insights, Common Sense applications and disruptive Technologies. SAFETYN was created in 2016 by a team of visionary and pragmatic executives with significant and diversified experiences in Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, IT, Medical, Biotechnologies and Consumer Goods Industries We are relentlessly focusing on developing solutions aiming at: - Safeguarding Pilots against being irremediably drawn into the spiral of fatal accidents - Assisting Pilots in refining their …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

8 3
Rhisa Rhisa

Building & Delivering Enriched Medical Imaging Datasets Building & Delivering Enriched Medical Imaging Datasets data, health data, radiology, medical imaging, artificial intelligence, AI, MRI, and Scanner

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

3 3

Algorithmique française. Mathematics, expert system, machine learning. Small data & AI. data, algorithms, artificial intelligence, expert systems, and small data

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

13 3
deebr deebr

SaaS solution for customer engagement dedicated to marketing specialists. We give you the means to initiate your customers and obtain results through data collection, sales prediction and audience construction. Automated collection: We collect your data and make our machine learning models daily. Sales prediction: Our algorithms allow you to have time ahead and know future trends. Improved targeting: deliver relevant campaigns according to your business constraints.

Type: Startup Activities: martech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

2 3
Outsourcing Network Intelligence Outsourcing Network Intelligence

We help VSEs to become SMEs and SMEs to become ETIs thanks to digital acquisition channels. 🚀 Outsourcing Network Intelligence - Your digital growth accelerator! 🚀 Are you a VSE or an SME in search of digital performance? Do not look anymore, you are in the right place! With more than 25 years of experience in the web field, we are the maestros of Growth Hacking and the acquisition of customers via digital channels (CRO, SEO, SEO, SMA, and much more). 🎯 Our mission? We use data power to understand the intentions of Internet users and create tailor-made strategies. The …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

0 4
DAQSAN - Éditeur de logiciels DAQSAN - Éditeur de logiciels

Govern your data The DAQSAN company is a software publisher founded in 2018 by Mr. Bertrand Lebin, on the need to protect the computerized patient file and to optimize the financial revenues of health establishments. Software solutions meet legal obligations (GDPR) and billing issues currently present in the medical sector. Data management, protection of medical confidentiality, acts audit, data valuation, computerized patient file, IT, software, e-health, digital, digital health, data, data security, data protection, technologies, health software, software solutions, software, data governance, data confidentiality, data, business intelligence, and crossing of data

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

4 4
Graam Graam

Optimisez votre service client et maximisez l'efficacité de votre équipe commerciale Graam is a cloud call center solution for small and medium-sized businesses. It delivers the advanced functions of a call center in an intuitive and affordable way. As voice is still the preferred way of communication for a large number of customers, we help our clients to grow better by offering them tools to better serve their customer on the phone. If not tracking your website performances or your acquisition statistics seems totally unthinkable to you, the same goes for your phone activity! Graam offers you not only the …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

3 4
Delibia Delibia

The artificial intelligence of local authorities Artificial intelligence at the service of agents and elected officials of local authorities. Delibia is an artificial intelligence platform designed to simplify and optimize the administrative and decision -making tasks of agents and elected officials territorial. In December 2024, 450 local authorities used Delibia. Developed in collaboration with French communities, Delibia allows you to gain efficiency and productivity thanks to Advanced features, perfectly suited to specific needs public officials. The flagship features of Delibia: 🔍 National research engine for public decisions Access more than 2 million public documents from 5,400 communities (deliberations, decrees, decisions, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

6 4
Logpickr Logpickr

An iGrafx Company | Logpickr combines Process Mining with Artificial Intelligence to provide Smart Process Optimization Pioneer of Process Mining in France, Logpickr is known for its patent-pending Process Explorer 360 solution for next generation process mining. The recent acquisition by iGrafx builds on a comprehensive approach to process improvement, ensuring organizations focused on operational excellence, regulatory compliance, and digital transformation initiatives can streamline process, speed automation decisions, and increase their bottom line. Through the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence, Process Explorer 360 inspects existing systems to reveal process reality, versus process assumptions in real business operations. Recognized …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning RPA

16 4
Hexagone Stratégie Hexagone Stratégie

Our mission: to support chartered accountants in their digital, marketing and commercial strategy. Hexagon Strategy is an inbound marketing agency specializing in supporting accounting firms. Hired since 2015, in marketing and commercial support for accountants. Hexagon strategy deploys digital strategies and processes for your office daily. Our missions adapt to the needs of our customers and our services are based on a 4 -step process: Attract: The goal is to bring new visitors to your digital media by becoming your own media. - SEO natural referencing - Social networks - Blog / article - Content marketing Convert: Once quality traffic …

Type: Startup Activities: martech fintech Technologies: Data Analytics

3 4
Cywise Cywise

Cywise is the cybersecurity platform for VSEs and SMEs published by ComputableFacts Protect your business from cyber attacks with: - a vulnerability scanner to identify all the security or organizational flaws of your exposed servers - HoneyPots (false targets to attract an attacker outside your network) - Our content creation platform fueled by generative and conversational AI, Natural Language Processing and multilingual online drafting, in order to automatically create an IT charter or a security systems security policy (PSSI) directly questionable by users. You can test the solution for free for 15 days to validate its relevance for your organization …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

1 5
Wastreet Wastreet

Wastreet, digital at the service of waste! ♻️ Wastreet is a data collection operator around waste deposits that develops digital tools and solutions in order to transform the waste from communities and territories into a response to their daily challenges. It is a sole intermediary /interlocutor who links producers, collectors and (re-employer) (re-employer) of waste. Wastreet, digital at the service of waste! Environment, waste, city, digital, eco-mobility, ecological, recycling center, and dechetterie

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

15 4
QuantaCell QuantaCell

AI-powered image analysis software to accelerate the discovery of new biomarkers. QuantaCell's activity is based on 2 pillars: • The first one focuses on supporting research projects associated with the development of AI-based image analysis solutions applied to various health-related fields as a service provider. It allows providing highly customized solutions to our partners, fully integrated into their research environment. This pillar allows us to constantly challenge our adaptability and innovation capabilities. • The second pillar promotes our own deep learning image analysis software dedicated to digital pathology and 3D organoid quantification. It’s designed to improve discovery and identify new …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Image Processing Data Analytics

0 6
Bloomin ☼ Bloomin ☼

With an employee first mentality, everyone wins. We are the solution to collect current and reliable employees’ input. Considering your employees' well-being is a win-win situation ! Bloomin collects current and reliable employees’ input. You turn data into engagement, retention and performance. Employee life cycle adapted, available on any devices, questions are fitting managers’ needs. Gif, emoticons, photos, text... answering is fast, simple and fun. There is no limit for real feedbacks. With our advanced reporting, managers gather emotions, benchmark their company against the industry and directly take actions. ------------------ We are hiring and looking for you! If these sentences …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: Data Analytics

16 5
CAP 2020 CAP 2020

Evaluate and master the risks linked to climate and organic CAP 2020 contributes to the practice of precision agriculture by providing its customers with the tools necessary for the assessment and mastery of agroclimatic risks as well as those related to organicians. ✔️ For the mastery of agroclimatic risks, CAP 2020 provides its customers with all the weather and climatic data necessary for decision -making tools (OAD) used by farmers. CAP 2020 also develops tailor -made solutions for the valuation of the data provided such as the OAD PRECO’SEM and Agrotempo® to enhance the Mas Seeds seed. ✔️ For the …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

22 5

Strengthen the link between the departments and its inhabitants thanks to a mobile guide to live well on its territory The mobile application which strengthens the link between the departments and its inhabitants and which helps to live well on its territory ⚡️ is a mobile white marque application for departments. It facilitates access to local information available depending on the location of the user in the department. The application takes advantage of open data for updating information with a modern and intuitive interface, highlighting the news, events and services of the territory. Thanks to Insitu.App, the departments can meet …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

3 5
Datatim Datatim

Transmit the passion of impactful data 🌍 Your Companions of Management Control! #RSE ♻️ The best friends of the management controller: ✔️ Performance indicators ✔️ Dashboards ✔️ Budget management ✔️ Rating costs € and environmental ✔️ ACCOUNTING ANALYTIC ✔️ Information systems More info on: #Constroledegestion #ReS #Agility #Performance Management control, performance management, performance manager, advice, operational, budget, dashboards, indicators, investments, analysis, cost calculation, reporting, profitability, decision -making, decision aid, and information system

Type: Startup Activities: consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

17 5
RéclameICI ( - Consumers Trust group RéclameICI ( - Consumers Trust group

Biggest European consumers social network with over 2M members ! Join us ! From problem to solution : RéclameICI support the brands which intend to transform unhappy customers to promoters while mastering your e-reputation (no fake review, no insult and an evaluation based on customer's satisfaction after the reply). For consumers, it is the easiest way to solve. No revenge on other social networks, no need to put a bad review without any guarantee to get a solution. Free service for consumer and for the brand to answer to the users or signal fake-reviews. A premium version for brands is …

Type: Startup Activities: martech e-reputation Technologies: Data Analytics

37 5

Tech for Human Alcyon-E is a consulting company dedicated to digital and computer services 🌊. Alcyon-E also develops services in the fields of data and artificial intelligence 🛡️. In an environment that evolves quickly, our company helps its customers to implement information technologies best suited to their needs and provides added value to their activity. Alcyon-E supports its customers on several axes: • Computer strategy and digital transformation • Data and AI • IT, data and analytical project / services management • IT sourcing and computer efficiency • Digital sovereignty, security and data protection Each mission of Alcyon-E considers all …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 5

The digital assistant of VSEs/SMEs Foxyz, launched in 2008 and constantly evolving to integrate the latest innovations, is the all-in-one solution, flexible and adaptable for optimal business management and for 360 ° steering of your activities. Reference ERP software, designed to meet the specific needs of VSEs and industrial SMEs. Foxyz is both 100% customizable and adaptable to all industrial sectors, regardless of their needs and specificities. From GPAO to GMAO, including EDM, connected objects, and much more, Foxyz offers a complete solution, integrating all the tools necessary for fluid and efficient management. A tailor-made ERP for each company Designed …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

2 6
Jawg Maps Jawg Maps

Jawg Maps, the French start-up revolutionizing maps! Create a map that integrates seamlessly into your website or mobile application with our APIs. The Jawg platform provides enterprise-grade mapping services built from both OpenSource and proprietary tools, as well as OpenStreetMap data. Far from simply being a map customizing tool, Jawg provides you with statistics that enable you to adapt your product according to the needs of your users. Take control of your maps: Maps, Mapping, Open Source, and Data

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

8 6
Deepia Deepia

The first AI platform for an exhaustive analysis of medical biology. We are a growing startup developing digital solutions in the field of medical biology. Thanks to our artificial intelligence tools, we provide medical level expertise to healthcare professionals to help alert, analyze and help prescribe on the basis of medical biology data. We are developing digital solutions that simplify the work of health professionals and improve patient care. Artificial intelligence, digitalization, and medical biology

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

15 6
Lowatt Lowatt

A tailor -made tool and support for the implementation of your energy policy. Lowatt is an Occitan TPE, which supports you to understand and reduce your energy consumption. We were going to expertise in thermal engineering, data processing expertise, and self -confidence to help our partners reduce their environmental impact and improve their competitiveness. We are present in the food industry, very cold logistics, as well as cosmetic and pharmaceutical production. Since 2020, we have been supported in our development by the Inddigo group. We are also members of the Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation and Vinseo networks.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 6
KanopyMed KanopyMed

Des données au service de la santé publique de précision. KanopyMed is a multidisciplinary team passionate about improving health care and public health. We develop digital medical devices to improve health care and population-based decision support tools for public health using artificial intelligence. Kanopymed places ethics at the heart of its values. public health, health care, and AI

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

47 7
Stratello Stratello

Sustainable marketing customer experience advice #Parcoursclient #persona #crm #Marketing Automation #Marketing Durable Expert in the transformation of the customer experience, we are convinced that it must maximize the creation of value for customers while limiting environmental and societal impacts. It is on this condition that it will be a source of loyalty, innovation, meaning for employees and performance for the company, Our methodology starts from the analysis of the customer experience from the identification of the need until the end of the relationship with the company. On each stage, we seek to optimize the creation of values ​​for the customer, …

Type: Startup Activities: martech privacytech transporttech traveltech Technologies: Data Analytics

8 7
Zooka : L'Agence de Performance Digitale Zooka : L'Agence de Performance Digitale

Zooka is a consulting firm specializing in the UX that feeds on data. We optimize the conversion rate of our customers. We help our customers define and set up a vision and implement a data-driver customer experience: UX strategy, product management, training. Our expertise: SXO (Search Experience Optimization): Improve your performance in search engines. Data: Better understand and interpret the data on your site. CRO (Lifting Conversion Optise): Base on UX data to boost conversion. Our 3 commitments: 1. Experience: experienced senior advisers = rigorous monitoring and reporting. 2. Support: We recommend you at each stage of the project = …

Type: Startup Activities: martech uxtech Technologies: Data Analytics

4 9
Green Score Capital Green Score Capital

Biodiversity & carbon footprint assessment and decision-making tool for businesses. Because impacts are one. We provide a GLOBAL and realistic vision of human impacts on our planet, considering the 5 causes of biodiversity loss: - Natural habitats’ degradation - Overexploitation of species - Climate change - Pollution - Invasive species Footprint target, our SaaS mode software, combines your data and environmental data with scientific algorithms to create your own operational environmental action plan. - Assess and understand ALL your environmental impacts - Choose appropriate solutions - Lead your activities considering your profitability and sustainability Environmental impact assessment, Biodiversity, and Climate …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS

26 7
Mantiks Mantiks

Get instantly the contact of companies recruiting and reduce by 2 the time-to-hire. Get instantly the contact of companies recruiting and reduce by 2 the time-to-hire. Access in real time to the job market and receive new opportunities at scale. Account Based Marketing, Natural Language Processing, Artificial intelligence , Marketing, Sales intelligence, Web scraping, Sales, job posting, and job sales data

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 7
YOUrban YOUrban

Artificial intelligence at the service of local attractiveness 🚀 🤖 Yourban is IA software that analyzes weak signals to help business, city and real estate players to align their supply with local demand. 🚀 Thanks to this approach, they can identify emerging brands and products, activate the best marketing levers and strengthen their attractiveness on the territory. 🎯 Our ambition is simple: to develop the attractiveness of physical trade by relying on objective data on local demand, rather than on intuition. 🤩 With yourban, local intelligence becomes your best ally. Artificial Intelligence, Customer Intelligence, SaaS, Retail Tech, Search Intelligence, Saas …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

37 7
SDI Services SDI Services

Professionals or individuals, call on our experts in industrial painting! Expert in industrial anti-corrosion painting For over 15 years, SDI SERVICES works directly on site with professionals to use and protect your works, metal structures, and machine tools. Our ACQPA certified painters also move to individuals to renovate your doors, windows, verandas, garage doors, fences and gates. Based in Évron in Mayenne, we operate throughout the Great West and the Paris region. Need a quote? Contact us at or by email at Industrial painting, anticorrosion, and intume paint

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Data Analytics

14 7
MSInsight MSInsight

Unlocking the Power of Genomics: Advancing Cancer Care and Precision Medicine MSInsight, a French health-tech company, empowers the fight against cancer by revealing actionable information from the genome. We are committed to developing a portfolio of state-of-the-art diagnostic solutions for Microsatellite Instability (MSI) status. MSI has been shown to be an indicator of treatment response, especially for immune checkpoint inhibitors, and as an important pan-cancer biomarker. We aim to propose bioinformatic tools for delivering insights on microsatellite mutational variations using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data. Our flagship product, MSIcare, will be available as a robust diagnostic, prognostic, and theranostic assistant for …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

38 7
Busit Busit

Operational intelligence software solutions For Infrastructure, Building and Industry Busit® SAS is a French software company providing ready-to-use solutions for controlling equipment and services for more efficient governance and energy management of industry, buildings and urban infrastructures. Busit SAS solutions aggregate large amounts of data from urban and industrial services, integrate business processes and produce the right analysis, performance and prevention indicators. The pooling of resources and this new ability to anticipate provide businesses and communities with better competitiveness and an unprecedented offer of innovative services. Our offer : - Busit Application Enablement Platform : a software platform that addresses …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city constructiontech it services Technologies: IoT A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

3 8

Empowering Precision in Plant Breeding At DELTAGee, we empower plant breeders with innovative software that enhances decision-making and streamlines breeding processes. Join us in advancing agriculture with precision technology to develop superior, sustainable plant varieties for a growing world. As such, feeding a growing population of more than 8 billion of people while navigating an extreme changing climate is arguably the greatest challenge of the global community. Thanks to advances in science and technology, plant breeders now have access to more data and knowledge than ever before, creating new opportunities for innovation and value creation. However, these opportunities also come …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

7 7

Scanning the world Viametris is a manufacturer of mobile mapping solutions for all measurement professionals. We provide accurate, high quality, and value-added solutions to complex 3D scanning challenges. SLAM, BIM, LIDAR, Laser scanning, Mobile laser scanner, Surveying, Mobile mapping, Mobile scanning, Innovation, 3d scanning, Indoor mapping, Point cloud, Software, Hardware, Engineering, AEC, GIS, CAD, Technology, and Construction

Type: Startup Activities: it services manufacturing Technologies: Geolocation Data Analytics

2 9
Blackmeal | Motion design &ampamp; More Blackmeal | Motion design & More

French motion design studio since 2011. Based in Nantes, Paris and Montreal. I Part of Main Avenue. Blackmeal? It's a creative studio and motion design, specializing in the production and production of animated communication films. We work as well for television, cinema as for the digital and digital ecosystem. With our experience in advertising agencies and in the world of animation, we can respond to customer constraints with a speed and flexibility specific to our studio. Motion graphics, 2D or 3D, upstream or downstream projects, internal or external,. Our goal is always the same: Make things happen in the right …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment martech Technologies: Data Analytics

18 9
Teritorio Teritorio

Cards, simply, to support free data Teritorio is the ally of institutions, local authorities, tourist offices who wish to master the geolocalized data of their territory to be free to imagine applications (digital* or paper: interactive cards, increased plans)) efficient, sustainable, and create shared value. We rely on the OpenStreetMap ecosystem (Tools & amp; Free data, communities of contributors) addressed as a digital common good. Mapping, web mapping, openstreetmap, open data, local development, tourism, opensstreetmap, food, and data tourismr

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

6 9

Advanced Manufactured Heat Exchangers Tailor-Made TEMISTH (Energy Transfers, Innovative Materials and Thermal Systems) was created on July 2, 2012, in a context of high demand for high added value services in the energy field. The primary vocation of the company is the valuation of research work of the IUSTI laboratory, in particular those of the heat and mass transfers team (TCM). The business project was motivated by a emerging market where there are very few players in view of current energy expectations. We therefore offer services where value added is in data analysis, improvement proposals, even the development of technological …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: 3D Printing Data Analytics New Materials

9 8
Beewant Beewant

The AI-Powered Data Platform Beewant helps organizations interact with multiple types of data, including text, audio, images and videos. Our solutions empower companies to make informed, data-driven decisions, offering insightful analytics and predictions with unrivaled speed and precision. Join us in reshaping the future of Multimodal AI interactions. Get started here: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Natural Language understanding, Visual understanding, and APIs

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

4 9
Izaac Izaac

Control the Energy Consuption of Your Real Estate Assets. Are you looking to comply with regulations while reducing your energy costs? Izaac® is your energy control center. With it, optimize your consumption and simplify your compliance. 💡 Our solutions Izaac® combines a SMI (energy management system) and a multi-protein GTB interface for optimal energy management: ✅ Intelligent platform: real -time analysis and management ✅ Smé Compliant Bacs: Automated technical management of buildings ✅ Izaac Tertiary Decree: Automation of Operat declarations ✅ Izaac Studio: White brand solution for your own energy services 📜 Simplified regulatory compliance ⚡ Tertiary decree: semi-automatic generation …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech proptech Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS A.I. Decarbonization

42 9
Legitbee Legitbee

Secure your digital heritage and your memories Legitbee is the first planning and simplification tool of successions incorporating the digital heritage respecting the RGDP Online accounts, personal data, digital life, photos, clouds, NFT, etc. represent an increasing part of the heritage of each but are still not taken into account in the successions. Thus, millions of digital accounts representing billions of euros or having very strong sentimental value are permanently lost each year Legitbee simply allows and in complete safety to transmit all its heritage to its loved ones Succession, heritage management, digital heritage, digital inheritance, security, notaries, notaries, transmission, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

12 12
Optimal Ways Optimal Ways

Digital Analytics & Optimization for Ecommerce | Certified B Corp Optimal Ways is a niche agency specialized in Digital Analytics and Optimization for e-commerce. We proudly support our clients in France and around the world, offering our expertise in both French and English. Our mission is to support and train teams to analyze and optimize their ecommerce platforms, helping them make informed decisions through a sustainable and responsible approach. As an independent and trustworthy third party, we remain focused solely on Digital Analytics, ensuring our clients receive unbiased support. We partner with leading market solutions in Digital Analytics (Adobe Analytics, …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

34 11
ESSEC Metalab ESSEC Metalab

We look beyond data and AI technologies to study the conditions and impacts of their adoption by businesses and society. Artifical intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are profoundly transforming businesses and society. With the emergence of new managerial models, new jobs, and fresh challenges, society will increasingly call on the services of managers who understand and can use new technologies to serve businesses’ main stakeholders. The power of AI and Machine Learning stems from the modification of business models and managerial practices, enabling businesses to make better-informed decisions using more precise and more extensive predictions and recommendations. Our ambition is …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

30 9
Pimster | eCommerce Video Platform Pimster | eCommerce Video Platform

We enable brands to design and host engaging, shoppable, personalized, video experiences throughout the customer journey On a mission to help brands turn from a linear to circular economy with eCommerce Videos

Type: Startup Activities: it services martech Technologies: Data Analytics

12 10
ResearchPool ResearchPool

Building a Super App for Capital Markets Building a Super App for Capital Markets to: - Unlock unforeseen operational efficiency and deliver better financial and sustainable investments; - Help to outperform with enhanced productivity, superior connectivity, lower costs and unique insights. Show more Show less Investment intelligence, Data collection, Financial analysts, and Sellside

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Data Analytics

4 10
Listen! Listen!

A tech company which develops the 1st FREE global and intuitive music contents platform. Listen! développe une application de curation musicale globale et personnalisée à destination du grand public, des professionnels de l'industrie musicale et des artistes. Combinant des fonctions de curateur et de newsfeed musical, Listen! a développé une interface simple et intuitive centralisant tous types de contenus (audio, vidéo, events, articles). En développant son propre algorithme de machine learning, Listen! propose une nouvelle expérience en suggérant des contenus toujours plus proches des attentes de l'utilisateur. Listen! develops an app for personalized and global musical curation dedicated to public, …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

1 11
ChapsVision for Market Intelligence ChapsVision for Market Intelligence

Market and competitive exploration solution based on artificial intelligence. A unified range of solutions for accessing, collecting, monitoring, and analyzing strategic information from all sources (web information) on a global scale. A combination of sovereign AI-augmented solutions that address today’s challenges of detecting, collecting, and leveraging information for better decision-making. Multiple, customized deliverables to meet information needs across all economic sectors. Data Visualization, Business Discovery, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Veille stratégique

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics SaaS

25 9

Actor of digital inclusion for all! Professional training center labeled Grande Ecole Du Digital which offers diploma in computer science. We are talking to beginners and motivated audiences to fit into employment quickly. digital, fablab, digital referent, digital communication, large digital school, and developer data

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 12

Artificial Intelligence reinvents the management of major projects Lili boosts construction project margins by 1pt+ using NLP to extract insights from real-time unstructured data, like emails and attachments. Use case include: GDPR compliant project emails preservation, early risk detection and strong claims building. SAAS, construction, intelligence artificielle, and Traitement Automatique du Langage

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

17 13
Vekta Vekta

Cutting-edge training and coaching platform designed specifically for endurance sports. Vekta sets a new standard in athletic training. Our premium AI-powered platform drives hyper-personalised training plans, delivers real-time insights, and offers unmatched scalability for coaches. With cutting-edge sports science at its core, Vekta pushes the boundaries of performance, empowering athletes and coaches to achieve their highest potential. At Vekta, precision and data-driven insights are at the heart of what we do. Our platform seamlessly integrates data from wearables, apps and sensors, creating a comprehensive view of each athlete’s journey. This allows coaches to focus on what they do best — …

Type: Startup Activities: sporttech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics IoT

4 13
Shifters Shifters

Improve the sleep of those who work when others sleep Is working at night synonymous with sleeping badly? Shifters is a start-up which aims to improve the sleep of night workers and in offbeat times. Who says work in offbeat times, also says deregulation of the sleep rhythm leading to consequences on the short, medium and long terms for them as much for the company which employs them: sickness stops, car accidents, altered cognitive capacities (memory, concentration ...) etc. This is why we are developing a solution for companies for their employees. We integrate both the medical knowledge of the …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 12
Kereon Intelligence Kereon Intelligence

Data For All Kereon Intelligence provides on-demand AI and data services to companies working through the digital transformation of their business or products. The company maintains a highly specialized team, with expertise in each area of data science, and best-in-class technologies and partnerships, making it fast and easy to take projects from idea to production.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

16 13
Ma-Sauvegarde Ma-Sauvegarde

Ma-Sauvegarde is a major player in France of data backup thanks to accessible, secure and adaptable solutions. Backed by the Visiativ group, our teams based in Lyon support IT providers, software publishers and IT services in implementing the best backup strategy for their users. Leader in the health data backup market, Ma-Sauvegarde is ISO 27001 and HDS certified. In figures: • + 6,500 companies saved by our solutions • + 150 resellers • + 150 in catering Data backup, online backup, health data backup, outsourced back -time backup, outsourced backup, and backup

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

3 13

‘Data Integration and Valuable Engineering’, digital transformation lever and concrete valuation of your data DATIVE, a subsidiary of the Gérard Perrier Industrie group, supports manufacturers in their digital transformation, the definition of needs to implementation. We offer turnkey solutions, which include the installation of equipment and data analysis, while avoiding over-instrumentation. ⚙️ We help our customers centralize data often dispersed or nonexistent to make real levers of action 🔧. Thanks to this centralization, our platforms make it possible to optimize industrial performance, whether it is to follow energy efficiency, to improve quality, production or maintenance. We also support machine manufacturers …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 it services Technologies: Data Analytics

1 13
iRevolution iRevolution

Low-code high impact, Go-To-Market solutions iRevolution is an innovative company specializing in high-impact healthcare and regulatory solutions, offering low-code platforms to accelerate the development of healthcare and regulatory services. With over 10 years of expertise, we apply cutting-edge technologies to transform the interaction between patients, healthcare professionals and manufacturers. Our solutions enable personalized, rapid and efficient care, thanks in particular to artificial intelligence and advanced monitoring tools. We also facilitate regulatory compliance with the highest cybersecurity standards and European requirements for digital medical devices. Thanks to our modular platforms, we optimize access to care, incident management and healthcare and regulatory …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

2 13
Fruition Sciences - 360viti Fruition Sciences - 360viti

360viti : health record of the vineyard for better informed decisions. 🍇 Our team is dedicated to promote sustainable vineyard practices through research and education. We offer data based solutions and advice to 🍷 winemakers and vineyard managers to help them produce wines to their standards and specificities in a sustainable and durable manner. Agronomist Engineers, Wine & Viticulture Scientific Consultants. Agronomy and Viticulture. Use our platform 360viti to store all your vineyard data and use our analytics to better understand what really drives your vineyard yield and fruit quality. Management practices? Seasonal effects? Terroir? Go figure it out! By …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech Technologies: Data Analytics

11 14

Unlocks Yunik Talents Yunik helps businesses unlock the full potential of AI and data to drive transformation and growth. Our team combines consulting expertise, technical mastery, and industry knowledge to deliver tailored, high-impact solutions. Headquartered in Paris, we support clients across industries to innovate, accelerate, and stay competitive in a data-driven world. We're hiring! Explore our career opportunities on our website data and IA

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

28 14
Younicorns Younicorns

Do. Or do not, there is no try. We are a corporate studio, co-creating successful startups with corporates. We turn your great ideas into real products. # Our approach 1. ANALYZE: first, we meet, analyze and assess the interest and feasibility of the idea. 2. BUILD: then, we build the product while frequently meeting end-users to reach the product / market fit. 3. GROW: finally, we use growth marketing techniques to make the product a success. 4. SCALE: and we support the financing to scale it. # Our happy team Our team is composed of various profiles, all we …

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech martech it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency A.I. Data Analytics

16 16
Pingflow Pingflow

Transformez votre industrie avec des solutions digitales innovantes ! Digital visual management to improve team performance and real-time visibility Leverage Digital Visual Management benefits with new ways of working to your organization by embedding visual collaboration across your organization. Boost operational excellence and continuous improvement by digitizing performance management & encourage team collaboration with digital visual management. View activity in real time and make sure it is displayed at the same time on different sites. pilotage d'activité, AIC, Andon, SQCDP, lean manufacturing, management visuel, industrie 4.0, flowboard, wallboard, suivi d'activité temps réel, dashboard, système d'alertes andon, transformation digitale, and accompagnement …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

27 13