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Cycle Up Cycle Up

Infinite resources! Created in 2017, Cycle UP develops and operates a global circular economy solution for the re -use of building materials. Its three main activities are: - Council and studies in re -use for all building players - The marketplace allowing the purchase and sale of re-use materials (used as it is, reconditioned, upcycled, surplus of site etc ...) - the reconditioning of certain materials through the establishment of sectors and the administration of workshops The Marketplace Cycle UP was designed to optimize the meeting of supply and demand for re -use materials and to connect the actors …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech proptech Technologies: New Materials

63 77

Join us on the trails & amp; Run French! Caprin is the brand of technical trail/ running clothing, 100% made in France and eco-responsible. A brand designing technical, sustainable and functional clothing, specifically designed for the needs of traileurs. Caprin? From the Caprine family, which are part of the ibex, the chamois ... emblematic animals of our mountains which amaze us with each exit. The idea is to go, in the most free and respectful way possible on their playgrounds. Our goals? Offer you a short circuit alternative and convince you to leave the bitumen to join us on the …

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials New Materials

8 1

Your best partner in plant health testing Qualiplante is a French start-up specialized in the development, the production and the commercialisation of innovative molecular diagnostic tools for the detection of plant diseases. Find the best tool for your plant health testing! Qualiplante offers to plant certification laboratories and all actors of agro-food industry, rapid and easy-to-use all-inclusive molecular kits that permit to detect, in a reliable and sensitive way, pathogens on crops. Validated by worldwide scientific experts, they include all the tools to perform a molecular analysis (ready-to-use master mix, positive and negative controls, analysis protocol). Thanks to the new …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: New Materials

0 1
VideoFlex VideoFlex

The video reflex! The Videoflex team works on all your business video needs: presentation, customer testimonies, direct video, motion design. We intervene whatever the universe of our client by basing ourselves into the environment, quickly comprising the codes under tense by trades and using video materials to highlight activities and achieve communication objectives. We approach the production of video in real co-creation with our customers in order to mix the knowledge to do and use the strengths of each. Contact us! / 06 19 39 06 32 Production of turnkey videos, Live Multi Camera realization, video / digital communication …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: New Materials

9 2

On site expertise Chemical analysis laboratory OSE is specialized in on -site service provision and in materials expertise. Society dare is: -A know-how of more than 20 years in physico-chemical analysis, non-destructive control, on-site measures and the study of matrices (solid, liquid and gas), in the assessment of chemical risk and the search for pollution and impurities. - Transportable, reliable and efficient technical means dedicated to the physico-chemical analysis of complex materials (polymers, excipient, charges, plastics, pollution, traces and impurities), the characterization of structures and unidentified formulation. ************************************************************************************** A question? A quote? Do not hesitate to contact us, we will …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: New Materials

5 3
Nival Nival

This is the way. Technical-designed sportswear for climbing | OSV Startup Program S23/24 | Supported by Côté Bloc, climbing media on YouTube

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: New Materials

1 3

Wasterial revalues ​​any solid used materials as everyday object! Quickly discover the Tina basin! 🏠 beautiful, useful and responsible products ♻️ New innovative materials, Wasterials®️, composed of used raw materials 🇫🇷 Made in France Wasterial revalues ​​any solid used material to transform it into everyday object. Our two missions: revalue local materials and re-locate employment. Recycling, wasterial, design, everyday objects, industry, materials, zero dechet, eco responsible, ethics, and sustainable development

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

8 3

Smart Factory for optimized recycling of composite PVC Observation: Today, most composite PVCs are not regenerated. At best, they are energetically valued, at worst they are simply dumped. Why? Current processes require a lot of "raw material", and most companies do not have enough waste to process simultaneously. The material recycled from these processes is of poor quality due to the lack of mastery of the input materials. Polyloop proposes a solution to solve these two problems, with a high performance and environmentally respectful equipment recyclage, pvc, composite, smart factory, compound, recycling, greentehc, innovation, plastic, plastique, valorisation, polymères, polymers, landfill, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

9 4
SloWeAre, label de référence de la mode responsable SloWeAre, label de référence de la mode responsable

Reveal the authenticity of your brand, be proud of your responsible commitments! In a sector saturated with ecological allegations, Sloweare values ​​your authentic approach to consumers to make fashionable fashion desirable. Our label reveals the real value of your responsible commitments, making your ethical practices a real radiation accelerator. Our unique methodology in 3 phases: beyond a label, a trusted third party. 1. Legitimize Sloweare is distinguished by its triple global approach specifically designed for fashion. The singularity of the label lies in its ability to combine rigor of evaluation, put in perspective of the axes of progress and concrete …

Type: Media Startup Activities: consumer services Technologies: New Materials

18 4
Magnetfab Magnetfab

Micromagnets for next-generation microsystems Micromagnets offer the potential to enhance the performance and durability of microsystems, commonly referred to as MEMS. However, traditional manufacturing methods based on powder metallurgy struggle to produce magnets smaller than 1 millimeter. At Magnetfab, we've devised a groundbreaking solution: leveraging thin-film deposition to create thousands of integrated micromagnets on a single wafer. These micromagnets, often no larger than a grain of sand and capable of even smaller dimensions, represent a size reduction of 10 to 100 times compared to current market offerings. Another aspect that sets our micromagnets apart is that they are made of …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: New Materials

5 4
AKRONE Maison Horlogère Nantaise AKRONE Maison Horlogère Nantaise

Akrone: Operational watches for demanding armies, corporations, companies and enthusiasts! Akrone, a major player in France with the armies in the personalization of high -end watches, supports armies, corporations and companies wishing to create tailor -made watch projects, adapted to the needs of their professions or universes. Akrone has established itself as the French reference in the exclusive universe of professional users. We develop for the army and the corporations of tailor-made timepieces adapted to their needs!

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech luxury Technologies: New Materials

3 5
RheaWave RheaWave

The echo that matters RheaWave is a start-up developing ultrasound technology for texture and viscoelasticity Quality Control of finished products or in course of manufacturing. Attractive for Foods and Cosmetic industries, RheaWave proposes a texture on-line sensor, nondestructive and contactless: RheaOnLine, allowing a real time follow-up of the viscoelastic properties of the product (raw materials optimization, manufactured product historic). RheaWave’s activity is based on a patented acoustic technology. This innovative technology is sensitive to the presence of microcracks, microbubbles, microdamages in the matter. Our company proposes studies services dedicated to Non Destructive Testing of materials, in other industrial sectors such …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

1 5
Yanara Technologies Yanara Technologies

Composite design, manufacturing and repair Yanara Technologies specializes in high performance composites (studies and internal manufacturing). In a dull of studies, we intervene both on subjects of R & AMP; D and on the development of parts, studies of the need, drafting of specifications, design studies on composites, calculations of structures, study of tools, definition of materials and processes etc. We are implementing and manufacturing in our workshops, which have an equipped sheet room with vacuum network, vacuum center, spots with recorders. Quality and respect for deadlines are essential for us. Yanara Technologies Specialzes in Composite Design, FE Analysis, and …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

3 5
Gaspajoe Gaspajoe

STAINLESS STEEL IS ENOUGH. Since 2010, stainless steel containers for life. Lunchbox, bottles, tumblers, straws, ice cubes. 100% stainless steel. No cover paint that comes off ! Only raw material with laser engraving designs. Go for REAL sustainable items !

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

14 5
HoliMaker HoliMaker

Holimaker, (re) we have the material. Holimaker develops a set of solutions around the transformation of plastics. The company is responsible for popularizing micro-industrial tools. Holimaker designs and markets Holipress, the first innovative manual plastic press on the market. Our offer is intended for innovation services and R & AMP laboratories of large groups, SMEs and VSEs, Fablabs and Cleanlabs as well as in the education and training sector. Holipress makes it possible to produce by using any type of thermoplastic parts intended for prototyping, small series or plastics formation. Holimaker also offers a set of services, including awareness -raising …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech greentech industry 4.0 manufacturing cleantech Technologies: New Materials

24 7

Major player in the circular economy. Terenvie was born from a partnership between Serpol, the Serfim group depollution branch and the Vicat cement group. This innovative circular economy project has been selected from the winners of "the 30 call! Launched by the Metropolis of Lyon, in 2014. This platform is dedicated to the promotion of excavated lands in short circuit by non -impactful processes for the environment. Located in Feyzin (69) on a field of 3ha, this project is perfectly part of the energy transition law for green growth, which sets 70 % the targeting target recycling of construction and …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

6 7

Textile revaluation for design and architecture Fabbrick recycles our old clothing in building material. These structural and insulating bricks make it possible to create partitions and furniture. Its self-blocan shape promotes the assembly and disassembly of the material. Architecture, design, circular economy, recycling, re -use, and material

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech smart city Technologies: New Materials

13 9

Global design French agency Architecture Design Products Graphics How it all started The desire for a creative and family adventure germinated during the summer of 2011 a dialogue between the two brothers Jeanmougin. Maël, who studied marketing and trade, and Yoann, carpenter and designer, unite their skills. They create the Baru company, whose name, "new" in Indonesian, has established itself as evidence following a trip that marked the two brothers. They fitted out a riddling of around forty square meters, which belonged to the society of their mother. Completely refurbished, the premises became an office then workshop in 2015 after …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city Technologies: New Materials

1 8
Dooitch Dooitch

The mobile application of express delivery on site 📲🚴📦👷♂️ Express delivery on Materials & Amp; Emergency building consumables by soft mobility, using a mobile app 📲🚴🏻📦👷🏻♂️

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: New Materials

39 7
Twiice Twiice

The future eco-organism, 100% dedicated to professional packaging! 🌍 Twiice: transform the circular economy of professional packaging Founded by Valorplast, Twiice is a non -profit company that rethinks the management of professional packaging. Our mission? Create efficient reuse and recycling sectors, essential for building a more sustainable economy. 🎯 Our ambition for 2025: Becoming an eco-organization approved for the producer's extended liability sector (REP). 🚀 Since 2019, a concrete commitment We are carrying out innovative pilot projects in partnership with key players from the whole value chain, for: - Improve the circularity of professional packaging. - Better understand this complex …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

7 9

Advanced Manufactured Heat Exchangers Tailor-Made TEMISTH (Energy Transfers, Innovative Materials and Thermal Systems) was created on July 2, 2012, in a context of high demand for high added value services in the energy field. The primary vocation of the company is the valuation of research work of the IUSTI laboratory, in particular those of the heat and mass transfers team (TCM). The business project was motivated by a emerging market where there are very few players in view of current energy expectations. We therefore offer services where value added is in data analysis, improvement proposals, even the development of technological …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: 3D Printing Data Analytics New Materials

9 8
WoodUpp France WoodUpp France

Our job? Provide unique solutions for your interior projects. Wall'In is a company, specializing in the distribution of innovative solutions for interior design. Breaking the codes, using innovative materials, bringing relief to your walls, and above all offering you new solutions are our motivation. We are working closely with many architects, interior decorators, coverts and in general with building professionals throughout France and Europe. Each project is unique, our solutions are too. Interior architecture, interior decoration, designer retail, architecture, construction, building materials, innovation, building, layout, wall covering, wall panels, interior design, and architecture

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: New Materials

0 9

Research center | RMN | Solutions | Innovative technologies | Scientific expertise | R & AMP; D | Analytical control Cerevaa is a contract research center offering a sophisticated expertise in RMN (nuclear magnetic resonance) to support you in your research and development projects. From the simple analysis of controlling a raw material or carrying out a study, to the implementation of innovative methods on industrial sites, we meet the needs of each, SME and large accounts of the cosmetics. RMN methods at low field (20 MHz) and high-field (500 MHz) are complementary to characterize the physico-chemical and chemical properties …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: New Materials

8 8

Innovation platform dedicated to the recyclability of textiles, footwear and accessories. Our mission: Increasing the circularity of textiles, accessories and footwear products through innovation and support for industrialisation from preparation to recycling. Our vision: To make the circular resource the world's leading raw material market. CETIA is a technological competence centre with demonstrators of automated and intelligent solutions to increase the performance and profitability of sorting and dismantling processes with a view to building a competitive TLC (Textiles, Linen, Footwear) recycling sector and thus deploying a viable circular model. Le CETIA est un centre de compétence technologique avec des démonstrateurs …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

14 11
SAPOVAL, cleantech expert SAPOVAL, cleantech expert

Innovate, simplify and optimize the management of wastewater treatment facilities and waste SAPOVAL is an expert in innovative solutions for efficient effluent and waste management. We assist industrialists and local authorities in the design and deployment of tailor-made solutions to improve the performance of their wastewater treatment facilities and the management of associated waste in order to -> Simplify processes -> Generate sustainable gains -> Respect the regulatory framework. Our solutions take various forms in response to the needs and specificities of our customers: -> Design office: Diagnosis, Audit, Sizing, Assistance to the MO and/or regulations... -> Field : Deployment …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: New Materials

18 11
Ardamez Ardamez

Ardamez est une société Nantaise créée en 2011, spécialisée dans la fabrication française de tables de bistrot. Specialist of outdoor and indoor furniture, Ardamez provides hospitality professionals, designers and architects with its know how worldwide, offering high quality products custom made in France. Its star product, the genuine French bistro table, is still made with materials that made its success - enamel steel, brass, stainless steel and copper - and the original machines used since 1954. Manufacturer of the original French bistro table

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

6 12

High perfume house. Ormaie fragrances are made up of exceptional natural raw materials. Ormaie is a family perfume house that plunges its roots into art and nature. The founders have put creativity at the heart of their approach and surround themselves with artists and craftsmen to write together each chapter in the history of the house. Ormaie perfumes are made up of natural raw materials with a concern for elegance and quality.

Type: Startup Activities: cosmetics arttech Technologies: Bio sourced materials New Materials

3 15
Eranova Eranova

Transforming green algae into bio-based resins. Thanks to an innovative and patented solution, our company provides an answer to these two global problems. Our technology uses green macro algae stranded on beaches, a pollutant, as a resource for the production of bio-based, recyclable, compostable resins. This is called Upcycling.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials New Materials

47 15

PISEO est un centre d’innovation spécialisé dans l'intégration des technologies photoniques (LED, lasers, capteurs...). PISÉO is an independent Innovation Center specializing in the integration of cutting-edge photonic technologies, including LED, VCSEL, laser diodes, sensors, lenses, phosphorescent, and optical materials. Leveraging our robust industrial expertise, we offer comprehensive support to our clients through top-tier consulting, engineering, and testing services. Our goal is to facilitate the development and qualification of optical-photonic systems, ensuring excellence and innovation every step of the way. PISÉO est un centre d'innovation indépendant spécialisé dans l'intégration des technologies photoniques de pointe, notamment les LED, les VCSEL, les diodes …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

14 17
Les Réparables Les Réparables

Textile repair solutions for professionals, brands and individuals. The mission of repairables is to enhance human know-how, by providing concrete and lasting solutions to reduce the impact of the textile industry. We are equipped with industrial machines and operators are formed to respond to different requests with a high level of quality. Our textile repair workshop allows companies to extend the lifespan of professional clothes and to benefit from a time and money saving. Repairing the equipment also makes it possible to participate in the circular economy and to enter a CSR approach, bringing a new angle to the image …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech Technologies: New Materials

17 17
Purple Alternative Surface Purple Alternative Surface

Design, offer innovative and ecological products to the benefits of the planet and future generations Created in 2020, Purple Alternative Surface asserted itself as a mission company, revolutionizing the recycling and construction sectors with its innovative and unique industrial process. Its commitment to the circular economy is materialized by the transformation of plastic waste not valued into permeable coatings. The patented Purple slabs, used in the layout of parking lots and traffic lanes, offer effective management of rainwater, reducing the risk of floods and promoting the recharge of water tables. Each parking space made with these solutions saves a ton …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials Decarbonization

42 19
APREX solutions APREX solutions

Turn video into data It has never been easier to film. Simple and economical video has become a real measurement instrument for whom it is exploiting it. At Aprex Solutions we transform video into data. Whether it is for the control and securing of a very high rate production and on very large volumes: counting, defects, positioning, follow -up .... whether to help researchers and engineers better understand their scientific experiences recorded on images or videos. Through our solutions we provide our users with know-how from several years of research and experience in the development of vision systems in the …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing New Materials A.I. - Deep Learning

54 22
OliKrom OliKrom

Industrial leader in color intelligence ✨ A new generation of autonomous intelligent materials ✨ Industrial leader in color intelligence, OliKrom is a company born of scientific research and innovation. With over 15 years' experience in the art of controlling color and programming materials, OliKrom designs and manufactures innovative custom coatings (inks, paints) with controlled, reversible or irreversible color change, depending on temperature, light, pressure or solvent/gas. OliKrom goes from research to final industrialized product with a global control of color change properties: reproducibility, stability and safety of the manufacturing process. Located near Bordeaux (France), OliKrom is both : - designer …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

30 23
Avel robotics Avel robotics

We design and produce high-performance composite parts through AFP (Automated Fiber Placement) process. We design and produce high-performance composite parts through AFP (Automated Fiber Placement) process. We make new-generation 4D composites accessible for offshore racing, naval and aerospace industries. Automated Fiber Placement, 4D Composite, and High-performance carbon parts

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

26 25
Laboratoire Lips France Laboratoire Lips France

Laboratory specializing in products dedicated to risk reduction. Founded in 2013, Lips France is a laboratory specializing in products dedicated to risk reduction. TRACABILITY AND ELIQUIDE

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

3 29
Le Pavé® Le Pavé®

Invent the materials of tomorrow The pavement manufactures healthy, local, recycled and durable materials 💙♻️ More than 2,000 projects carried out and nearly 1000 tonnes of recycled plastic! 90% of plastic waste produced worldwide end up buried or cremated. At the pavement, we decided to act by valuing this waste in the building sector, in a sustainable way. Because we are convinced that it is possible to build the world of tomorrow while depolluting that of today. Thanks to a patented industrial process, the pavement manufactures durable materials, in the form of panels. Our first material, Softsurfacetm, is made up …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech smart city Technologies: New Materials

28 48

Manufacturers of double -wall ringed tubes in high density polyethylene [PEHD] Polieco France, a subsidiary of the Italian group Polieco, is one of the European leaders in the manufacture and the sale of twin -walled ring tubes in polyethylene. The company is present in France with two production sites in the department of Ain; Feillens and Valserhône. The two industrial sites produce a full range of tubes, fittings and accessories for rainwater management networks and dry networks as well as a range of water pads in composite material, the KIO. Thanks to a plastic boilermaking workshop, Polieco makes tailor-made parts …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

8 49
JUJU'S Animations JUJU'S Animations

Business entertainment, commercial activities, multi -site caterer. Everywhere in France and U.E. 🌿 Business entertainment 🚀 Brand activation 🍢 Multisite event caterer 📍 Everywhere in France and U.E. Since 2008, jujjs has been carrying out business events, commercial events, brand and products activation, but also the delivery of catering buffets! Our goal is always the same: - Offer our customers and participants a moment of conviviality and make their events a success! - deliver quality products and high -performance professional equipment, managed by our animators - Install formats of aesthetic stands, adapted to any type of location, in "white brand" …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech martech Technologies: New Materials

18 61

Live the vapological experience. French producer of high quality e‐liquids for e-cigarette, VDLV is equipped with a laboratory combining safety and productivity. Rigorous analysis on raw materials and finished products are made by internal laboratory. From product design to sales, VDLV applies precise safety rules to provide optimal protection for consumers. Our manufacturing process is based on 4 foundational pillars : quality commitment, french production, constant innovation and the selection of vapological aromas. Also, the first manufacturer to obtain the e-liquid certification issued by the french standard AFNOR XP D90-300 part 2 for our brands "Vincent dans les vapes" and …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

11 85
Rossini Spa Rossini Spa

Production rollers and plate sleeves for flexo, gravure, lamination, offset, carbon fiber carrier and equipment division ROSSINI SPA is world leader in the manufacture of rotogravure and lamination rubber coated sleeves and rollers and flexographic plate sleeves and carriers. Rossini is a strongly innovative company since 1928 as testified by the many market-leading patents like the worldwide famous SPEEDWELL SLEEVE and CARBON FIBER CARRIER. The ROSSINI brand stands for quality, as testified by the full satisfaction of the company’s clients; its technological leadership has been certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and is proven by the tight working tolerances Rossini SPA …

Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

1 90
Aruliden Aruliden

Aruliden, a Material+ company, creates leading brands, products, and experiences that evolve alongside culture. Aruliden is the design and innovation studio inside Material+. We bring brands to life from their strategic DNA to their physical and digital products and experiences. Design, Strategy, Industrial Design, Design Development, Strategic Insights, Product Design, UX, Digital, and Content Strategy

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech Technologies: New Materials

4 36
ProBolt Fasteners Ltd ProBolt Fasteners Ltd

World-leading suppliers of high quality nuts, bolts washers and motorcycle accessories. Pro-Bolt is a family run business, based in the heart of England. However our customers are global and are individuals or businesses who demand nothing but the best quality of product and service. Whether you are looking to rebuild a bike, reduce unsprung weight on a track day bike or customise your Streetfighter, Sports Bike, Superbike or Offroader - we can support your project. As well as supplying fasteners to individual motorcycle riders, we also supply teams who take part in MotoGPTM, WSBKTM, BSB and Road Racing. This includes …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: New Materials

1 6
Airush Kiteboarding Airush Kiteboarding

By Innovators For Innovators. Airush Kiteboarding By Innovators, For Innovators. About Airush Kiteboarding is a design and rider driven Kiteboarding brand based in Cape Town, South Africa. Airush was established in the late 90’s, in response to the demand for innovation in kiteboarding equipment. Developed and tested by some of the earliest innovators in the sport, the brand has always been on the cutting edge of product design and riding. Headed by South African Brand and Design Director Clinton Filen, from their Cape Town HQ, where the legendary conditions create the perfect test ground for Kiteboarding equipment. Airush is part …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

0 14
Sully-Miller Contracting Co. Sully-Miller Contracting Co.

Part of Colas USA, Sully-Miller Contracting Company is one of the premier road and highway contractors, rail & intermodal, seaport, airport, federal/military and specialty contractors in Southern California. You will not find a more integrated and versatile general contractor in the region. With an emphasis on Project Management, Sully-Miller self-performs over 50 percent of the work on all contracts. Sully-Miller Contracting is a highly capable partner, taking the reins of standard and complex civil projects by providing the following services: Procurement of raw materials and construction Project completion, ongoing operation and maintenance Sully-Miller companies consist of Sully-Miller Contracting, United Rock …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

2 184

Meeting your challenges In an increasingly environmentally friendly world, we are evolving and growing with our customers, involved from the very early stage to supply optimized and tailored advanced innovative solutions for a cleaner, lighter and better mobility. In BATZ we are focused on the design and manufacture products that help the reduction of CO2 emissions aligned with the main automotive sector trends. Our broad expertise in the design and manufacturing of composite lightweight structures through new materials and processes and active aerodynamic components; together with our qualification and acknowledgement in the design and manufacturing of mechanical and mechatronic control …

Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization New Materials

0 380

Reinvent innovation The Miqro Innovation Collaborative Center (C2MI) Serves as a Reference in the Development and Commercialization of Components Essential to Digital Technologies, Being A Transversal Vector to All Economical Sectors and Critical to Wealth Creation. Backed by A World-Class Infrastructure In The Manufacturing Fields of Microelectromechanical System (MEMS), Advanced Asmiconductors, Mems, Compound Semiconductors and Electronic Systems, As Well as Printable Electronics, C2Mi is at the Heart of All Industrial Sectors Integrating Components Essential to the Use and Deployment of Digital Technologies. The Center is Strongly Committed to Be A Unique Model of Collaboration where Synergy Between Industrial and Academic …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: New Materials

10 84
ENSMA Junior Etudes ENSMA Junior Etudes

Together let's give your projects wings! 🚀🔝 ENSMA Junior Études connects companies and students from ISAE-ENEMA to enable them to put their skills and expertise for the benefit of concrete professional projects. We offer our customers the excellence of the training of our students. Contact us! Fluid mechanics, structures mechanics, computer and planeic, design, materials, aerodynamics, and thermal

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

2 5
Pistol Lake Pistol Lake

Ultra-functional apparel for minimalists. Made in small batches in Los Angeles.

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech it services Technologies: New Materials

1 2
ETIC INSA Technologies ETIC INSA Technologies

ETIC INSA Technologies, the Junior-Enterprise of INSA Lyon, supports your project in digital, engineering and strategy EIC's mission is to carry out studies with a strong intellectual added value. For more than 40 years, ETIC has offered companies and communities the services of Insa Lyon engineers, for a win-win relationship: * Our customers see their engineering projects carried out at a lower cost, whatever their domain (s) and their complexity; * Students directors complete their training with a field project, allowing them to develop their analysis spirit and their skills in project management, to satisfy a real customer. * EIC's …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: New Materials

23 78
Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

We are specializing in the research and applications of plasma. The Institute is one of the 55 research institutes of Czech Academy of Sciences. It conducts research in the following fields: - Non-inductive current drive and heating in tokamaks by lower hybrid waves - Edge plasma turbulence in tokamaks - Plasma diagnostics - High current capillary discharge - Generation of shock waves by a plasma discharge in water - Generation of chemically active non-equilibrium plasma in gases at atmospheric pressure and in liquids - Generation of equilibrium water-stabilised arc discharges - Interaction of thermal plasma with materials: plasma spraying and …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech Technologies: New Materials

0 N/A
Concrete LCDA Concrete LCDA

Innovative solutions in concrete for interior design Revitalised by three young entrepreneurs with complementary skills, LCDA (set up in 2003) became Concrete LCDA in 2011. A turning-point came when the designer Matali Crasset agreed to become the brand’s artistic director (2011-2015). This adventure started in 2010, when three young thirty-year olds, decided to take over the craft activity of LCDA. A special preference for this material for which each of them would use their experience in relation to prescribers, international roll-out and product innovation. Established in Avrillé near Angers in the Maine et Loire (49), the company has a 7,500 …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

3 57

Technological Research Institute Materials, metallurgy & amp; Procedures The Institute for Technological Research Materials Metallurgy and Processes (IRT M2P) puts its expertise, equipment and its network of academic laboratories at the service of industrial projects (aeronautics, automobile, naval, energy, general industry). M2P industrial pilots allow in particular the faster development of products and processes in an environment representative of the constraints of partner companies. The pooling of developments between industrialists from different activity sectors also accelerates the maturation of innovations via M2P. The offer of technologies and platforms are at the service of any industrialist through tailor-made services, private R …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

30 106
Balitrand Balitrand

Balitrand SA is a retail company based out of 201 av. De la Roubine, Cannes, Paca, France. Sanitary plumbing heating air conditioning ENR, hand tools, electroportive, workshop and site, epomotic epitricity, hardware store locksmith access control, locksmith buildings, and TP materials tile carpentry painting

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

2 282
Castel Alu Castel Alu

Fayat group - Growing together Castel Alu is a specialist in outdoor joinery and aluminum and glass facades. We belong to the architectural and aluminum construction pole of the Fayat Metal division. We support our customers everywhere in France, in new as in renovation, on office projects, teaching buildings, functional works or in the hospital field. We provide a tailor-made response to each of the projects carried out by establishing a permanent dialogue with the stakeholders and granting a prominent place to compliance with the architectural project and the performance of the facades. To do this, we have an integrated …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

4 57
Coriolis Composites Coriolis Composites

We design, develop and manufacture innovative equipment and software for the production of composite material structures Coriolis Composites is a company that designs, develops and manufactures innovative equipment and software for the production of composite material structures, in particular for the aerospace market. The technology and its derivatives, protected by patents, apply to the manufacturing of aircraft fuselage made of composite materials. Coriolis Composites proven technology is qualified by major aerospace OEM for industrial production: Airbus, Safran, Premium Aerotech, Stelia and Bombardier. Coriolis Composites is expanding internationally and into new markets such as automotive and naval industry, which is suitable …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing spacetech Technologies: 3D Printing Robotics New Materials

19 89

MATERIAL & FIRE TEST EXPERT #CREPIM - Material & Fire Test Expert - is the major European Laboratories for development and testing of materials concerned by fire regulations. CREPIM develops and tests the fire performances of materials and assemblies for all concerned areas featuring the #mass transportation sectors (#railways, #aircrafts, #bus and #boats), in the #building, #electrical, #batteries and #textile sectors. What sets us apart: ◻ We are all chemists, to turn over you high quality results regarding intrepretation , ◻ Our fumes are treated with a scrubber, in order to control the carbon footprint of our tests, ◻ Our …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech Technologies: New Materials

11 21
Barbara Bui Barbara Bui

Parisian house of luxury fashion. A mix of rock energy and ultra feminity. Barbara Bui is a womenswear and accessories luxury brand founded in 1987.Barbara Bui designs are a combination of edgy rock energy and ultra feminine sensitivity. Clothing design unexpectedly came into Barbara Bui’s life. In the 80s, fashion became the means of self-expression she sought. Quickly, she organizes fashion shows and imposes her style: a mix of masculine/feminine, sharp cuts, voluntarily oversized volumes or on the contrary very « sharp and cut ». She plays with paradoxes and materials that clash: she marries the irreverence of leather or …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech luxury Technologies: New Materials

2 69
Manitou across the world Manitou across the world

🟦⬜🟥 French brand that manufactures and distributes handling equipment, accessories and services worldwide 🌎 Founded over 60 years ago by the Braud family, Manitou now operates worldwide. A world-leader in all-terrain material handling, Manitou designs, manufactures, distributes and services equipment for construction, agriculture and industries. Manitou's product ranges include: all-terrain fixed, rotating and heavy-load telehandlers; all-terrain, semi-industrial and industrial masted forklift trucks; wheel or track skid-steer loaders; access platforms; truck-mounted forklifts; warehousing equipment; and attachments. Manitou and its worldwide network of 1,500 dealers, offers the best solutions to create optimum value for its customers. Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

2 227

Your tailor-made solution by inks Dubuit // #innovativeinks #encresdubit Dubuit inks: innovation at the printing service Dubuit inks is an international company recognized for its expertise in the development, manufacture and marketing of technical inks intended for industrial and graphic applications. Founded over 70 years ago, the company has established itself as a benchmark player in the field of specialized inks thanks to a resolutely turned approach to innovation and quality. Unique know-how Dubuit inks is distinguished by its ability to meet the most demanding needs in various sectors, such as: • Electronics: inks for printed circuits. • Packaging: Solutions …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

5 322
Cetim Grand Est Cetim Grand Est

CETIM Grand Est is a CRT (Center for Technological Resources) associated with CETIM (Technical Center for Mechanical Industries) and member of the Carnot Mica Institute. Located in Mulhouse, Strasbourg and Metz, it supports manufacturers in any sector to help them secure their development and optimize the sustainability of their products throughout their life cycle. Recognized for its sharp expertise in the field of materials (metals, polymers, composites, glasses, ceramics), it offers them a wide range of services: studies, characterizations, tests, expertise and training. It also has the vocation, as a technology transfer actor, to create and explore new technological solutions …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech deeptech greentech industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

15 34

Clean technology! CMS high-tech specializes in the sale of new or regenerated chemicals and more particularly in the distribution of chlorinated and flammable solvents used in the industrial sectors of surface treatment, automobile, paintings, electronics, printing, composite plastics ... CMS high-tech also achieves solvent recycling used by vacuum distillation. CMS High-Tech is a collector of industrial waste, and thanks to its suitable vehicles, ensure the removal of any type of industrial waste throughout the territory. This waste is sorted, stored and then reached towards distribution centers for valuation or elimination. CMS High Tech Specialises in Selling New Or Regenerated Chemical …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

3 32

The partner of gammists and carpentry manufacturers. Created in 1991, VOLMA is a major player in France on the market of monobloc opening, door panels and decorative lenses for housing. The company manufactures a large number of qualitative products in multiple configurations to meet the demand of a professional customers made up of manufacturers-asemblers (designers of PVC and aluminum joinery). • 3 skill centers: PVC, aluminum, glass • 30 years of expertise • 130 employees • 23,000 m2 of industrial site Our collections, carried by a requirement for innovation, quality and customer satisfaction, are made from raw materials in our …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

1 98

A passion for gymnastics GYMNOVA: 40 YEARS BUT STILL PASSIONATE ABOUT GYMNASTICS ! This company, which was established in 1978 by two former gymnasts and trainers, has become the leader in its specialist field in 40 years. GYMNOVA, specializing in the design, manufacture and distribution of gymnastic equipment, is continuously innovating and plays a part in the progress of the various disciplines in this sport. The range embraces all equipment from baby gyms to competition and in between these, training equipment relating to activities practiced under the aegis of the Gymnastics International Federation, namely artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, aerobic, acrobatic …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: New Materials

1 70

Euromac2 is the European leader in structural work materials for passive construction. Euromac2 is a European leader in structural work materials for passive construction since 1976 with more than 20,000 projects. It is nearly 80 employees who monitor professional and individual customers throughout French territory but also in Europe. Euromac2 in a few figures: - European leader in high performance building materials - The only manufacturer to offer a complete and technologically successful construction solution (walls, slabs & amp; roofs) under European technical advice and FDES. - a whole range of complementary products adapted to our constructive system - permanent …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

1 66

Testing and certification Laboratories to check the conformity of consumer and industrial products since 1920. Pourquery laboratories, created in 1920, come from an independent French family group specializing in safety tests on consumer goods intended for the general public and industrial products. Our two laboratories are based in France (Lyon) and Asia (Hong Kong). COFRAC accredited according to the ISO 17025 and ISO 17065 standards, we address manufacturers to analyze, control and assess their production as well as manufacturers or importers to test and certify their consumer products. Recognized for more than 100 years, our expertise and our test means …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

2 62

Manufacture of polyurethane sheets, custom molded parts for all industries and screen printing squeegees FIMOR is part of a French family group, created in Paris in 1977. The company moved to Le Mans in 1998 in order to facilitate the growing polyurethane production. FIMOR has 2 departments specialized in the transformation of polyurethane: FIMOR-POLYURETHANE and FIMOR-SERIGRAPHY, and a subsidiary specialized in high-end human-machine interfaces and electronic components: FIMOR-ELECTRONICS. In 4 decades, the company has developed the world's best-known and best-selling brand of screen-printing squeegees, “serilor® distributed through a network of 200 distributors in more than 80 countries. FIMOR has extended …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

4 39

Impossible is not Léa. Support for families affected by the disease, the handicap of their child (s) The Léa association is made up of families of patients, health professionals and social action and a network of 100 volunteers active throughout French territory and in Monaco, the Léa association supports sick children and/or disabilities with disorders throughout their health career, and supports their families. Léa improves the care path and the daily life of these children from 0 to 20 years old through various interventions in a hospital environment, the organization of escape activities and outings, access to fun and childcare …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech kidtech Technologies: New Materials

7 20
Kitiwaké Kitiwaké

Eco-responsible and female clothing for yoga, pilates and soft practices. Kitiwaké is the story of a complementary talent team gathered around cinnamon, fashion stylist. We are all passionate about yoga and low impact sport. This is a very young story of which we have only written the beginning yet. In 2018, we have launched the challenge of creating the clothing brand that resembles us. Clothes designed for soft practices, female, trends, techniques and sustainable. The choice of the range, the sourcing of new eco-responsible materials, the manufacturing choices, (...) are made together. And each garment is drawn by cinnamon, in …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: New Materials

1 4
Cemex France Cemex France

Concrete, sands and gravels for professionals and individuals. Cemex is a world leader in the cement industry, aggregates, ready -to -use concrete and urbanization solutions. We offer innovative and sustainable products and services to resolve global construction challenges and contribute to improving the living environment. In France, Cemex is a leading player in ready -to -use concrete and aggregates with more than 260 locations spread over the territory. Its concrete and aggregates sites are ISO 14001 certified and biodiversity commitment, and have reached the "exemplarity" level as part of the UNICEM CSR label entered. Cemex France adopted the quality of …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

41 395
apheros apheros

Innovative Metal Foam Solutions Our novel metal foams offer unprecedented properties. With a surface area that is 1000-fold larger than existing products, our innovative products have applications in cooling, lubrication, catalysis, as battery materials, and many more to come. We are able to produce a wide metal-range including iron, stainless steel, copper, and nickel. The basic properties of metals, such as thermal and electrical conductivity and mechanical stability, are retained. Data server cooling, Thermal management, Green Hydrogen, Catalysis, Innovative Materials, and Cooling

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

1 10
Binn Group Binn Group

Your waste is changing Binn Group is Scotland’s leading independent recycling and waste management company. Substantial investment and international expertise combine in one of the country's most technologically advanced waste recycling and processing centres now at the forefront of Scotland's national waste strategy. Situated and operating from our 60+ acre complex at Binn Farm near Glenfarg, Perthshire, we are in a prime location to access, process and recycle waste materials from all areas of the country. With motorway access close by, the site is only 35 miles from the centre of Stirling, 40 miles from Edinburgh, 60 miles from Glasgow …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

0 49
leon-nanodrugs leon-nanodrugs

THE FUTURE OF NANO ENCAPSULATION Leading Technology for the Encapsulation of nucleic acids, biomolecules, and other APIs. Our technology solves your current encapsulation challenges. We offer highly flexible GMP manufacturing solutions for your genetic payloads and other molecules, making manufacturing of transfection material a highly flexible and commercially viable proposition. LEON utilises its’ proprietary nano technology platform for the continuous manufacturing of SMART nanoparticles (ranging from surface stablilised polymeric through to lipid nanoparticles (LNP's) and liposomes). The Company is working with world class industry partners for both process and product development.

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: New Materials

0 12
Infinited Fiber Company Infinited Fiber Company

Ready to change the world? Let’s change clothes. Infinited Fiber Company was born out of the desire to solve some of the biggest challenges in the textile industry – mountains of waste, limited natural resources, and consumers calling for more sustainable choices. We’re a bunch of engineers, chemists, innovators and disruptors on a mission to make textile circularity an everyday reality. Our technology turns materials that would otherwise be landfilled or burned into something truly valuable – InfinnaTM, a premium textile fiber that reduces the world’s reliance on virgin resources. Our technology is now ready to scale for real impact. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

16 49
Velocio Velocio

There is a better way. The goal of Velocio is to create clothing that improves the experience of riding, to get at the stories told by cycling more efficiently, more comfortably, more absolutely. We do this by marrying technological progress in apparel with the natural progress of pedaling. We celebrate design that adds to the conversation, that says “hello” when you pass by and that encourages a little more so here’s what happened with every ride. cycling, apparel, and cycling apparel

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech Technologies: New Materials

5 16
Cuyana Cuyana

Fewer, Better Things Welcome to Fewer, Better. Fewer, better is the philosophy behind everything we do. We create timeless collections for the modern woman through meticulous design, carefully selected fabrics and simple functionality. Each piece is made with integrity and kindness from the highest-quality materials and created by skilled craftsmen throughout Europe, South America, China, and the United States. Cuyana is driving dynamic changes in the retail landscape. If you connect strongly with our fewer, better ethos, lead with care, and are driven by the opportunity to build the future of retail we want to hear from you.

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech Technologies: New Materials

7 163

Waste nothing. See everything. The planet needs us, as much as we need the planet. We dream of a planet where waste does not exist. However, shallow phrases aren’t enough to live up to that dream. This dream forms the foundation of every decision we make. It has been that way ever since we launched over ten years ago. Waste nothing. See everything.

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials New Materials

0 7
CORE autosport CORE autosport

CORE autosport is a racing organization based in Rock Hill, SC (Charlotte, NC metro area). CORE is a five-time Prototype Challenge Champion, scoring three of those titles in the American Le Mans Series and two in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship. CORE has made the leap to the top IMSA class with the No. 54 Composite Resources / Flex-Box ORECA 07 LM P2 driven by Jon Bennett and Colin Braun. In 2014, CORE formed a partnership with Porsche to field two manufacturer-backed Porsche 911 RSR in the GTLM class. The team won in its debut at the grueling Rolex 24 …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: New Materials

5 12
Bureo Inc Bureo Inc

NetPlus - Quality materials made from recycled fishing nets Bureo, based in the US and Chile, is focused on scaling a radically transparent model to eliminate fishing net pollution; using disruptive innovation to inspire change and create tangible positive impacts. Bureo’s NetPlus program works together with fishermen to provide a positive solution for their end of life fishing gear, which Bureo transforms into highly recyclable and durable raw materials. Headquartered in California, Bureo is a certified B-Corporation, a member of 1% for the Planet. To find out more visit: Show more Show less Benefits Corporation, Sustainability, Recycling, Responsible Business, …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

3 25
APWORKS Additive Manufacturing APWORKS Additive Manufacturing

Your additive manufacturing partner APWORKS makes proven aerospace technologies accessible in many different industries. Focusing on metal 3D printing (additive manufacturing) the company covers the entire value chain, from optimized component and part design to the choice of suitable materials, from prototyping to qualified serial production. Customers in robotics, mechanical engineering, automotive, medical technology and aerospace benefit from functionally integrated and optimized parts with reduced weight and lead time. 3D printing also allows much more complex geometries than were previously possible. Additive Manufacturing, Lightweight Design, Topology Optimisation, Numerical optimization, Advanced Materials, Modern Manufacturing Processes, Manufacturing Technologies, CFD, 3D Printing, Scalmalloy, …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing New Materials Robotics

6 22
FBBasic FBBasic

The Urban Mining Company FBBASIC focuses on the recovery of raw materials. We do this by turning linear production and consumption systems into circular systems, which we then strengthen step by step. The elements from a circular system that FBBASIC focuses on its product design, reverse logistics, refurbishment & amp; Recycling and a material bank. RAW Materials, Circular Systems, Consultancy, Reverse Logistics, Product Design, Material Bank, And Sustainability

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

3 2
Uluu Uluu

From the ocean, for the planet Uluu is an exciting new biomaterial that's incredible for our oceans and climate. It fights global warming by sequestering carbon in anything, and everything, that's built with it. It's biodegradable - so it won't harm our environment or the creatures living in it. And, it's made from seaweed - an amazing, renewable resource, which cleans up our oceans, promotes marine biodiversity, yet doesn’t displace precious farmland. Uluu - reviving the world.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization New Materials Synthetic Biology

7 17
Gruppo Veritas Gruppo Veritas

Veritas is the entirely public capital shares that provides environmental services to the 51 municipalities of members (the metropolitan city of Venice and part of the province of Treviso), in a territory of 2,300 sq km, which has 940,000 inhabitants and 50 million tourist presences. It is the first public multiutility in Veneto and one of the major of Italy by size and turnover. Veritas manages the complete cycle of waste in all stages, from the transfer to treatment, recycling, recovery and disposal in the ECDISTRIA of Fusina, one of the major structures of Europe for technology and quantities of …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech water management Technologies: New Materials

6 383
Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific

As the premier scientific marketplace, we have defined unparalleled choice and convenience for over a century. Focused first and foremost on delivering innovative yet eminently practical solutions, we have developed a comprehensive portfolio of lab and production essentials—everything from chemicals, diagnostics, and laboratory, safety, and teaching supplies to support services, manufacturing materials, and more—to help our customers increase productivity and drive innovation in research, healthcare, education, and industry, all with greater ease and efficiency than ever before. Connect with the Fisher Scientific team, a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific, and learn about the latest ways we’re empowering teams like yours …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: New Materials

6 320
Vygon España Vygon España

A space to share knowledge by reference professionals We manufacture and distribute high -value added surgical material in hospitals, but we are much more. We serve equal to 5 interest groups: team, shareholder, hospital, society and planet. We are an optimistic company that encourages the most positive vision of things, we favor conciliation, labor flexibility and happiness at work. We come to enjoy work, so continuous learning is in our DNA Vygonero. With our products, we put ourselves at the service of Spanish hospitals to offer products that improve the techniques and safety of patients and health professionals, as well …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: New Materials

1 47
Replas - Recycled Plastic Products Replas - Recycled Plastic Products

Australia's leading recycled plastic manufacturer and distributor Replas is Australia’s leading mixed recycled plastic manufacturer and aims to provide a solution for plastic waste by delivering quality cost effective sustainable products. The company produces a range of over 200 recycled plastic products in Australia using state-of-the-art machinery and robotics together with a focus on energy. The range includes bollards, signage, outdoor furniture, fitness equipment and EnduroplankTM Decking as well as products suitable for traffic control, parks and gardens and the utilities industry. For more than 28 years Replas has produced a range of over 200 products and has grown to …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

2 26

The fashion brand without seasons founded by Gala González. #NoMoreSeasons Amlul was founded by the end of 2019 by @Galagonzalez out of the need of eternal and affordable luxury garments ethically made in Spain. All our garments are sustainably developed working with local artisans contributing to a lower environmental impact, through a limited edition stock. Our Resort collections are developed in the form of DROPS released through out the year. All our garments are designed to easily adjust to your daily needs, from daytime to nighttime, focusing on Resort. Join our movement and tag us using #NoMoreSeasons

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fashtech greentech Technologies: New Materials

6 8
AeroMobil AeroMobil

The AeroMobil. Arriving 2024. The ultra-high-end vehicle that is equally at home on the road or in the sky. The AeroMobil is the new ultra-high-end vehicle equally at home on the road or in the sky. A true flying car, it is the culmination of leading-edge automotive and aerospace design and engineering, advanced materials, luxury features, and impeccable styling that does what no supercar or private jet can do. It can seamlessly transform from car to aircraft - from driving to flying - in under three minutes. This exceptional vehicle is the result of over ten years of research and …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing spacetech Technologies: New Materials

12 14
4M Carbon Fiber Corp. 4M Carbon Fiber Corp.

We transform the way carbon fiber is made. 4M’s revolutionary new fiber manufacturing technology is an environmentally friendly, high capacity method of manufacturing carbon and oxidized fiber. This revolutionary new method will lower energy costs and capital and operational expenses, while enabling the production of fiber products that are currently not economically feasible at industrial scale. Widespread adoption of 4M's technology will dramatically increase the global supply of and demand for carbon and oxidized fiber. 4M's green technology delivers the following advantages over existing manufacturing methods: 1. 75% less oxidation energy consumption: making carbon fiber more environmentally friendly 2. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

1 2
Extracthive Extracthive

Producteur de matières premières secondaires pour l'industrie At Extracthive, we strive to innovate for a more sustainable industry. Our activities are dedicated to circular economy, to make sure that once primary raw materials are extracted from the ground and enter the anthroposphere, they stay in the loop for as long as possible. To this end, Extracthive has developped the PHYre® technology, a solvent-based process to reclaim high-quality, green, and affordable carbon fibre from composite waste. Raw material consulting, Process developpment, Recycling, Secondary raw material provider, Carbon fiber, Refractory materials, Industrial waste recovery, Recyclage , Réfractaires, Fibre de carbone, Secondary raw …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

45 14

💡 French manufacturer of led lighting, electrical equipment, luxury hardware. We are enthusiastic producers of industrial goods with deep roots in our native region of the French Riviera. We have a strong desire to bring you our family run business’ technological and human expertise. Orsteel’s products are all made from sustainable and noble materials. They are designed, developed and manufactured in our own production facility. Our aim is to bring you our unique savoir- faire, availability, and renowned customer service. Our contracts, bolstered by our commitment to ISO Standard 9001V2015, guarantee the standard of quality you require. We guarantee the …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

13 9

Sizzy offers a measurement by 3D scanner for the general public and for any professional in multiple areas of application. Bodyscan: taking body measurements in the cabin, simple and fast, by 3D scanner (+mobile versions) The Footscan: Taking foot measurements and 3D modeling of object. Applications areas: - Retail & amp; Ecommerce: size recommendation in store and merchant site -tailor-made: liability file for tailor-made - Uniform and work clothing: Mentating campaign + size recommendation - Sport & amp; HEALTH: morphological monitoring, medical and sports equipment - Mannequinat: Certification of composites - Numeric: 3D modeling and printing, avatar and virtual fitting. …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce Technologies: New Materials

10 2

Movement art Hagen Bauer is a brand of urban accessories, born from the desire to circulate the paint "outside the walls" like street art. The brand offers bags, pockets of different sizes, from a recycled material. A conscious and artistic approach on everyday objects to put art in motion.

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech Technologies: New Materials

1 2

Nanoimprinting of sol-gel materials for photonics SOLNIL develops a proprietary low-cost nano-manufacturing technology that makes possible the direct nanoimprinting of metal oxides through advanced sol-gel chemistry. Metal oxides offer enhanced optical, thermal and mechanical performances compared to polymers used in standard nanoimprinting. SOLNIL’s technology is suitable for applications requiring miniaturized and engineered optical functions: multispectral imaging, 3D sensing, laser optics, augmented reality, metasurfaces, gas sensing. Nanoimprint, Photonics, and Optics

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech nanotech Technologies: New Materials

20 8

NEO Fly & Ride - Innovative and original paragliding and speedriding products designed and made in France - NEO is a paragliding and speed flying equipment manufacturer. NEO takes a clear stance giving priority yo French manufacture. It is more than a choice; it is a challenge, pushed by strong convictions, and we thank our customers for sharing this belief with us. NEO is in favor of local production and local labor. Our products are given special attention from conception through the testing and manufacture. In order to reduce dispensable transport and to follow an eco-responsible approach, priority is given …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing sporttech industry 4.0 Technologies: New Materials

7 14

Réduisons la consommation de matières premières dans les industries. MODULATIO' is a French startup that assists industries in reducing raw material consumption through its patented biomimetic technology. MODULATIO' designs variable-density alveolar and trabecular structures for mass production casting. These structures offer mechanical performance equivalent to that of a solid structure while using up to two to three times less material, weight, and generating fewer CO2 emissions. We collaborate on applications of our technology with major industrial players. For instance, we're working on a heavy vehicle bridge project with Holcim and Sika, as well as a lightweight slab for collective buildings …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

18 5
Tridoo Solutions Déchets 🐝♻️ Tridoo Solutions Déchets 🐝♻️

Diagnosis & amp; Tailor -made solutions for collection and treatment of your waste. 🐝♻️ Based in the hospital-du-Grosbois, close to Besançon, the Cuinet Solutions Waste (Tridoo) is at your service for the collection and processing of your industrial and banal waste. We will be able to bring you a solution for each of your waste: from cardboard to asbestos via wood, and from aerosol bomb to various liquids via all kinds of soiled materials.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

3 12
SO BAG France SO BAG France

Advice, study, prototyping and manufacturing of tailor -made big bags. Optimize the TCO of your packaging together SO BAG: Industrial packaging to your measurement. Since 2012, our SME has designed and manufactures tailor -made solutions to transport, protect and enhance your products in demanding sectors: food, chemistry, pharmacy, construction and many others. 🤝 Expertise close to you. Anchored in Burgundy, we support our customers from the study to manufacturing, with quick, innovative responses adapted to their needs. From design to prototyping, including process optimization, our team of experts helps you meet your industrial challenges. Our 2,900 m2 factory embodies the …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

17 9
R&ampamp;D Concept - Matériaux recyclés ♻️ R&D Concept - Matériaux recyclés ♻️

R & amp; d concept, research and development at the service of responsible materials and products responsible and sustainable R & amp; d concept gives a second life to your waste, studies their composition and finds a way of recycling it locally, to achieve eco-designed products and find new outlets.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

4 2
Guara Guara

Guara specializes in the design of neoprene combinations and materials intended for canyoning and outdoor aquatic sport.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

1 4
Conscious Labs Conscious Labs

Think Beyond • Conscious Labs is a Deep Tech company in the field of Neuroscience & Neurotechnology. • Conscious Labs develops innovative global solutions (hardware and software) for brain-computer interfaces or BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces) based on EEG (ElectroEncephaloGraphy). • Presented as a new generation Neuroheadsets (portable, wireless and equipped with patented ThinkPulse neurosensors), our EEG devices are aimed at research, development and experimentation, and are particularly suited to the sectors of: Aerospace, Automotive, Transport, Defense, Security, Health, Education and Research or Sport for example. • Designed by our team, the ThinkPulse polymeric neurosensor represents a true technological breakthrough with …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics Affective Computing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning New Materials Sensors

3 8