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Vertical Vertical

Your growth partner | We stimulate growth through collaborative, strategic and transactional services. We stimulate growth through collaborative, strategic and transactional services. Our key expertise are: Market Intelligence, Transaction Advisory, Service Design, Innovation Strategy, Collaboration Projects and venture Building. In the early days of Vertical, we supported startups to become the best versions of themselves. We were great at what we did, yet along the way we noticed the changing needs of the market, and realised we could offer something even better. We adapted and grew into a new space, to focus on strategic development and using collaboration as a …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting healthtech Technologies: IoT

6 0 6 27
FecunMed - Centre de Reproducció Assistida del Vallès FecunMed - Centre de Reproducció Assistida del Vallès

[Automatic translation follows] Very close to you, us and your dream. FecunMed is a health center dedicated to the diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of sterility and infertility. We offer highly specialized treatments exclusively, since our sole purpose is the study, diagnosis and treatment of sterility and infertility. Assisted reproduction

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 12
Federación Española de Párkinson Federación Española de Párkinson

[Automatic translation follows] More than 25 years working to improve the lives of people with Parkinson's and their families. The Spanish Parkinson's Federation (FEP) is a non-profit organization, declared of public utility, which was established in November 1996. Currently, the FEP has 44 associations, spread throughout Spain, bringing together more than 12,000 members. . The main objective of the FEP and the basis of our work philosophy is to improve the quality of life of those affected by Parkinson's disease and their families. To achieve this objective, the FEP works on different projects that cover all the problems that surround …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

8 4 5 8
Asindown Valencia Asindown Valencia

[Automatic translation follows] We work for the full social and labor inclusion of people with Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability Asindown is an entity founded in 1989 by families with children with Down syndrome, declared of public utility and whose general objective is to facilitate and promote whatever means are necessary to achieve the comprehensive development of people with Down syndrome and promote their full socio-labor, family and educational inclusion as active members of society Inclusive Education, Early Care, Labor Inclusion, Employment, and Social Inclusion

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

5 0 4 52
Sociedad Española de Neurología Sociedad Española de Neurología

[Automatic translation follows] A scientific organization founded in 1949 The Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) promotes and encourages the progress of Neurology, disseminating and promoting knowledge of the specialty. The main objectives of the SEN are: a) Promote and encourage the progress of Neurology, disseminating and promoting the knowledge of the specialty and its principles. b) Promote interaction between professionals in the neurological medical specialty and all sectors of society that may be related to it, as well as collaboration and cooperation between them for the promotion, development, study and scientific knowledge and practical of the specialty. c) Represent the …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 62
Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM)

[Automatic translation follows] Our mission: to improve cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring. The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) is a national, non-profit scientific society, made up of more than 3,100 professionals in the field of Oncology, with the aim of improving prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. of cancer with a multidisciplinary approach. To this end, it promotes studies, training and research activities, dissemination and information aimed at its partners, patients and society in general. SEOM is the reference point for opinion on Oncology in Spain and is the guarantor of the defense and promotion of quality, equity and …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech deeptech

11 0 11 37
Pere Claver Grup Pere Claver Grup

[Automatic translation follows] Organization has been committed since 1948 to the well-being of people in a more inclusive society. Sant Pere Claver - Fundació Sanitària is a private, non-profit institution with public vocation and financing, created in 1948. With a long tradition and strong roots in the Poble Sec and Sants neighborhoods of Barcelona, ​​it provides public health coverage services. Mental, in complementary examinations and in Allergy. SPC also has an Ophthalmology Service and a Dental Clinic that covers all dental specialties. In 2007, the foundation expanded its portfolio of services to the social field, prioritizing programs that respond to …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

2 0 1 200
Gym Factory Gym Factory

[Automatic translation follows] The essential information for fitness professionals on the Iberian Peninsula Gym Factory is a bimonthly publication with a triple focus (managers, trainers and wellness) specialized in sports gyms in Spain and Portugal and that has authentic leaders of the sector among its authors. Facebook: GymFactoryES Twitter: @Gym_Factory Fitness, Sports Management, Wellness, and Training

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

5 0 5 167
Fundación EHAS Fundación EHAS

TIC para la salud en zonas aisladas de países en desarrollo / ICT for health in remote zones of developing countries. La Fundación EHAS (Enlace Hispano Americano de Salud) es una ONG de Cooperación Internacional e Investigación para el Desarrollo cuyo objetivo es promover el uso apropiado de las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) para mejorar los sistemas de salud de zonas rurales aisladas de países en desarrollo. The EHAS Foundation (Hispano American Health Link) is a non-profit organization of International Cooperation and Research for Development whose purpose is to promote the appropriate use of new …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 4
MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid

Let's end cancer MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid was founded in the year 2000 as the only subsidiary of the most prestigious cancer center in the world: MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. At the present time, MD Anderson Madrid is the only subsidiary that operates in Europe. MD Anderson Madrid is currently a center of reference and excellence for the treatment of cancer in Spain and Europe thanks to a team of highly specialized professionals, to the current facilities and to the continuous and close collaboration with MD Anderson in Houston. In addition, MD Anderson Madrid, like its …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 0 0 115
Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer

Cuidamos tus ojos Barraquer Ophthalmology Center is a private entity engaged in the research, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of eye diseases, which offers assistance to patients around the world. The building itself is situated at No 314 Muntaner in Barcelona (Spain). El Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer es una entidad privada dedicada a la investigación, prevención, diagnosis, tratamiento y control de enfermedades oculares, que ofrece asistencia a pacientes de todo el mundo. El edificio que lo alberga está situado en la calle Muntaner no 314 de Barcelona (España). El Centre d'Oftalmologia Barraquer és una entitat privada dedicada a la investigació, …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 144
Blendhub Blendhub

Making food available to more people in more places Blendhub is a multinational company operating a global platform business model providing unique services for developing and producing powder-based food and nutrition to be used directly by the end-users or converted through industrial processes into liquid, solid, or gelled ready-to-consume food products like infant/sports nutrition, bakery products, reconstituted ice cream and dairy solutions, plant-based food products, spice blends or a nearly infinite amount of other food ingredients or food product blends. Operating its own companies and production hubs in Spain, India, Mexico, and Colombia and supporting a third-party operated hub in …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech foodtech healthtech Technologies: SaaS

4 0 8 131
Loop New Business Models Loop New Business Models

Prepared for complexity Loop is a strategy consultancy that generates market leaders through our experience in: Business Models, Product Development, Corporate Acceleration, Digital Environment Data Analysis. We operate in FMCG, Retail, Services, Consumer Goods and Capital Goods and we expand through Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Switzerland. More than 25 years developing new successful business models for companies worldwide. Changing ideas and models into product and services of value for the market. 1200 developed projects 85% implanted projects leader customers in each area We develop a multidisciplinary methodology that combines social, technological and economic aspects using strategic innovation as key …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech consulting healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

5 0 3 12
Sociedad Española de Reumatología Sociedad Española de Reumatología

[Automatic translation follows] Patients, our reason for BEING. The mission of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER) is to work and relate actively and positively with all agents of interest in the field of Rheumatology. To this end, among other activities, it promotes the study of rheumatic diseases -diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue-, develops work, studies and research projects in Rheumatology and addresses problems related to the specialty. Likewise, it provides support to patients with rheumatic diseases through its relationship with associations that primarily integrate patients. In the area of ​​teaching, the SER carries out a wide …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

4 0 4 50
Medigate by Claroty Medigate by Claroty

Connect with Confidence Securing the clinical environment requires a new security strategy and coordinated approach as IT, OT, IoT and physical systems converge and the threat of bad actors exploiting vulnerabilities across new and old infrastructure is increasing. IT also requires detailed knowledge of each and every medical device, their proprietary protocols, and a comprehensive understanding of medical workflows. In a network with hundreds of different device types, thousands of devices from different manufacturers, and a mix of protocols and operational parameters it can be overwhelming to protect. Healthcare needs a solution that covers the entire risk spectrum they face …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech it services Technologies: Cybersecurity IoT

2 0 2 98
BurstIQ BurstIQ

Tame data chaos and organize data the way humans & machines think to ignite innovation across your business ecosystem. BurstIQ’s LifeGraph® is an advanced data management platform that quickly solves age-old data issues, organizes data how humans think to make analytics more accessible, and scales human expertise by leveraging machine intelligence. Purpose-built for handling sensitive data, LifeGraph weaves security, privacy, consent, and compliance into your data strategies. With LifeGraph, you can better understand and engage with data across ecosystems, empowering custom human-centered solutions that outpace and outgrow the competition in this era of ever-expanding data and AI innovation. Cloud Enablement, …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Cybersecurity Data Analytics

18 1 14 31
MicroTransponder MicroTransponder

MicroTransponder has developed the Paired Vagus Nerve Stimulation System (Paired VNSTM System) based on decades of neuroscience research. The Paired VNSTM System is designed to treat several neurological conditions. Our initial focus is upper limb deficits among chronic stroke patients.

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech

1 0 1 84
IceCure Medical IceCure Medical

The Choice of Cryoablation IceCure Medical is a medical device company innovating cryotherapy solutions to treat benign & malignant tumors with our liquid nitrogen based ProSenseTM Cryoablation System for women’s health and interventional oncology. #freezecancernotyourlife Founded in 2006 to advance the treatment of cancerous tumors, our FDA-cleared and CE-marked ProSenseTM Cryoablation System utilizes liquid nitrogen to generate ultra-cold temperatures quickly to create large lethal zones for maximum efficacy in tumor destruction. The system achieves a sharp temperature decrease at the start of the freeze step and provides consistently stable freezing temperatures throughout the procedure. ProSense is a proven solution for …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech biotech healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

0 0 0 74
Theramex Theramex

Supporting women through different stages of life. We are Theramex // THX_HQ-UK_EN_18471_v1, Date of preparation: June 2024 Pharmaceuticals, Women's Health, and Healthcare

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 481
DotLab DotLab

The makers of DotEndoTM for #endometriosis AI/ML data scientists, clinicians, and engineers behind DotEndoTM for #endometriosis. Women's Healthcare, Endometriosis, and Chronic Disease

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I.

1 0 0 5
MyMicroZoo MyMicroZoo

MyMicroZoo geeft inzicht in uw microbioom en volgt de wetenschap rondom het microbioom op de voet. Get to know the bacteria that live in your own gut. Take control over your own health! Microbiome analysis

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 8
Nourished Nourished

Nourished® is founded on the 8 core principles of health and wellness: Nutrition + Exercise + Water + Sunshine + Temperance + Air + Rest + Trust. We believe in eating healthy and living naturally, and strive to educate on proper nutrition and lifestyle habits to enable you to easily jumpstart change through our one-on-one and group offerings. Set within a charming, 120-year-old farmhouse in historic downtown Hinsdale, our professional team of nutritionists and wellness chefs provide an unique experience where you can purchase healthy cuisine, learn a holistic approach to wellness, and renovate your own mind and body to …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

0 0 0 16
Holobiome Holobiome

Solving the human microbiome to enable the future of health -- the answer was inside us all along. Holobiome is building a platform to solve the complexities of the human gut microbiome, which is then used to deliver its potential to multiple marketplaces to improve human health. Our initial focus is on mapping and manipulating the gut-brain-axis via next generation probiotics.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 14
Surgical Theater Surgical Theater

360°-3D XR Visualization - the Only Proven XR System for Surgery in the Market Surgical Theater’s eXperiential Reality (XR) visualization platform is FDA-Cleared and has been utilized more than 40,000 times throughout the patient’s entire continuum of care—from patient engagement, to surgical planning and into the operating room. This visualization platform allows surgeons to step into the patient's complex diagnosis and walk inside an XR reconstruction of the patient’s anatomy. This walk through inside the pathology is proven to improve patient engagement, increase informed consent, improve education & communication, improve preoperative surgical planning and intraoperative visualization. Learn more at: …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: VR

0 0 0 72
Cordio Medical Cordio Medical

Medical Speech Processing Platform for Early Detection of Heart Failure Cordio Medical develops and provides groundbreaking solutions for monitoring health conditions through a patient’s voice. A patient’s free speech into a smartphone app backed by sophisticated and proprietary algorithms, allows near real-time monitoring and early detection of condition deterioration. Cordio Med's technologies are based on true speech signal processing technology, unique to each patient, augmented with machine learning capabilities. The system is patient-tailored, and is constantly learning the patient’s voice and providing personalized, seamless and effortless monitoring. Cordio’s goal is to identify and mitigate condition worsening by helping physicians prevent …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 32
Caption Health Caption Health

AI Guidance & Interpretation for Ultrasound | Acquired by GE HealthCare Caption Health has been acquired by GE HealthCare. Follow us at @GEHealthCare and @CaptionCare for the latest updates and healthcare news. Healthcare, AI, Deep Learning, Medical Device, Medical Imaging, and Cardiovascular Disease

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 60

Caring For Life. We go beyond the conventional role of providing medical devices. Medical device manufacturer and distributor of specialised products mainly in the fields of oncology, pain management, ultrasound and cellAED

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

0 0 0 12
Lumio Medical Lumio Medical

AI solutions for a safer medicine We develop AI solutions enabling health professionals to assess and manage risks. Our first product is a decision support tool to analyze prescriptions and prevent medication errors Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Hospitals, Health Data, and HealthCare

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

3 2 1 2
RelyMD RelyMD

A virtual health solution built with purpose. We are fostering healthier communities and workplaces through real-time access to community-based providers, nationwide. Founded by a group of innovative emergency medicine physicians and healthcare entrepreneurs, we’re on a mission to simplify people’s lives by delivering reliable, trusted medical care anytime and anywhere, to ultimately foster healthier communities and workplaces. Our journey began when co-founder and chief medical officer, Dr. Bobby Park, received a call about a cut that his niece had sustained. It was after hours for the pediatrician and urgent care center, and his sister didn’t know if it required emergency …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 10
MyoKardia MyoKardia

Driven by the heart We officially combined with Bristol Myers Squibb to further strengthen our scientific capabilities and treatments for cardiovascular patients. Visit to learn more about our work to produce the next generation of medicines for patients with serious cardiovascular disease. For more information on the acquisition, see our press release at: Genetic Heart Disease, Cardiomyopathy, biotechnology, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, precision medicine, therapeutics, drug discovery, drug development, and R&D

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

1 0 1 36
Wellth Wellth

Better Outcomes using Behavioral Economics Our healthcare system assumes we make decisions based on what is best for us. But it’s not that simple. Everyday stressors often cloud our judgement as to what’s best in the long run. For people with chronic conditions, this can make healthy habit formation difficult. Wellth is a venture-backed digital health company that improves adherence in chronic disease populations. Using the science of behavioral economics—combined with an appreciation for human nature—we uncover and address the unique obstacles that prevent people with chronic conditions from improving patient outcomes. Our program goes beyond current efforts to boost …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

4 2 0 96
Altoida, Inc. Altoida, Inc.

Pioneering digital #biomarkers of neurological disease using augmented reality and machine learning. Altoida is creating a new gold standard in brain health with Precision Neurology. We're radically transforming the method for measuring brain function and diagnosing neurological disease, using just your smartphone or tablet. Our products are backed by more than 20 years of innovative research in digital biomarkers, augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI). Altoida received FDA Breakthrough Device Designation in July 2021. Our first device is a Computerized Cognitive Assessment Aid that is classified as Class II, 510(k) exempt. Mobile Health, Digital Health, Medical Device, Healthcare, Predictive …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech Technologies: Affective Computing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning VR

10 0 9 48
WeSpire WeSpire

Inspiring people. Transforming business. WeSpire is the employee experience solution that empowers forward-thinking global organizations and their employees to reach their greatest potential. With the only configurable library consisting of hundreds of action-based programs backed by applied behavioral science, WeSpire enables individuals and entire organizations to drive measurable, positive impact. Follow us on twitter @goWeSpire. employee engagement, behavior change, sustainability for people, gamification, positive impact, interactive technology, responsible companies, volunteering, well-being, CSR, HR, employee experience, ESG, and Corporate Giving

Type: Startup Activities: games healthtech hrtech Technologies: SaaS

18 1 14 10
Insightful Insightful

Work in a more informed way with actionable data insights. Become more productive, and efficient, and improve workflows. Work in a more informed way with actionable data insights. Become more productive, improve workflows, and create more efficient processes. Productivity Management, Remote Work Management, Workforce Analytics, Capacity Planning, Workload Balancing, Employee Engagement, Deep Work Insights, and Calendar and Meeting Insights

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

1 0 0 92

VOLKAN is a company based out of 12 Markt, Kasterlee, Belgium.

Type: SMB Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 91
Galen Data Galen Data

Connecting medical devices to the cloud in a quick, cost-effective and compliant manner. A Secure, Compliant, Cost-Effective Cloud Solution for Medical Device Connectivity Compliant medical device connectivity infrastructure can be very costly and time consuming to build, operate, and maintain. Galen Data provides a turn-key, compliant software platform for device-to-cloud connectivity and data analysis that is compliant to FDA, HIPAA, CE Mark standards. Using our 40+ years of collective experience in the medical device industry and deep compliant, software expertise, we want to support innovation in the Connected Health space by making connectivity easy. Medical Device, Internet of Things, Heathcare …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics IoT

2 0 1 16
Geltor Geltor

Geltor is the biodesign company powering the products of the future with effective, sustainable, animal-free proteins Geltor is the biodesign company that audaciously imagines and deeply explores all the possibilities that the tree of life has to offer. With customer benefit at the fore of each step of the creative process, Geltor has created the largest selection of designer proteins that are crafted with unparalleled biocompatibility and functionality. These proteins are 100% animal- and GMO-free, globally scalable, and sustainably cultivated. Geltor’s products are the result of endless curiosity and ceaseless optimization, clinically demonstrated for high performance. Biotechnology, Protein, Cosmetics, Personal …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech biotech healthtech fashtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

1 0 0 30
WELL Health Diagnostic Centres WELL Health Diagnostic Centres

40+ accredited diagnostic health centres providing OHIP-covered cardiology and radiology services. MyHealth Centre is now WELL Health Diagnostic Centres with more than 40 accredited locations in Ontario! We're the same team with a new name, providing OHIP-covered cardiology, radiology, women’s health, telehealth, and sleep diagnostic services – with shorter wait times, faster report turn-around, and the highest standard of patient care. Diagnostic Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, Cardiac Assessment, Cardiology, Echocardiography, Mammography, Ambulatory Services, Stress Testing, Specialist Consultations, Holter Monitoring, Radiology, Ultrasound, X-ray, Women's Health, Sleep Diagnostics, Biopsy, Bone Mineral Density, and Telehealth

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

1 1 0 232
The Canadian Shield The Canadian Shield

Equipping Canadians with quality, medical-grade PPE face shields & face masks - manufactured in Ontario. The Canadian Shield produces medical-grade PPE that is manufactured in Ontario, Canada. We supply Face Shields for adults, Face Shields for kids, and disposable ASTM Procedural Masks across Canada. ppe, ppe face shields, medical ppe, surgical masks, procedural mask, and face masks

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech manufacturing

3 1 1 8
CarePros CarePros

We enhance the lives of children and youth in care. CarePros is a leading Children's Services Agency that provides Trauma-Informed Personalized Community Care and Agency Foster Care placements to children and youth living with a range of complex medical and behavioural diagnoses. We focus on cultural connection, family reunification and the transition of complex youth with disabilities into adulthood. CarePros is a highly awarded organization with several accolades. Our organization is proud to be recognized as one of Canada's fastest growing companies and a champion of diversity. • 2022 New Innovators List - People Leader (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) • …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

1 0 0 62
EHPlabs EHPlabs

We are a global, leading fitness supplement company helping millions of people reach their weight loss & fitness goals. EHPlabs is a global, leading fitness supplement company helping millions of people worldwide reach their weight loss & fitness goals. We are the creators of the #1 thermogenic fat burner, OxyShred. Since 2012, our mission has been to unite communities of like-minded people dedicated to inspiring a movement. Together we work towards bettering the world through fitness and nutritional supplements. The prefix 'EHP' stands for 'Empowered Human Potential', as we believe in 'empowerment through lifting others. As we empower others their …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech

2 1 1 99
National Care Group Limited National Care Group Limited

Your potential plus our commitment changes lives National Care Group is one of the UK’s leading providers of care and support services to vulnerable adults across the country. Our mission is to enable the individuals we support to live full, rewarding and happy lives. Through planning focused on the individual, we help every person achieve their potential, develop new skills and live as independently as possible within their community. Above all, we want to be the best and most trusted care and support provider in the UK. By putting our values of passion, empowerment, respect and collaboration into practice every …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

1 1 1 290
Nouveau Lashes Nouveau Lashes

The Ultimate Lash Brand Feel the power of gorgeous eyes with Nouveau Lashes. For over ten years, we’ve helped people unleash the power of their eyes. So much so, we’ve become the unquestioned authority in lash care among professionals, crowned with the Guild Awards of Excellence for the last five years in a row. Our revolutionary treatments are delivered by our skilled lash artists trained to the Nouveau Lashes highest standards internationally. And guess what, every product we create is cruelty-free and gentle to the natural lash. Our products are available to professionals and consumers through the UK and Worldwide. …

Type: SMB Activities: cosmetics healthtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

1 1 0 20
Cyted Health Cyted Health

Transforming access to digestive health for everyone, everywhere. We are redefining digestive health by pioneering non-endoscopic diagnostics, enabling early detection of diseases and access to care for everyone, everywhere.

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: A.I.

11 1 10 77
TriMedika TriMedika

We are committed to improving lives through innovative medical technology solutions. TriMedika are an innovative medical technology company that provides the most accurate clinical devices for hospitals worldwide. We look healthcare challenges in the eye and make a promise to protect people and planet through meaningful technology. We are inspired by our own first-hand experience of the challenges of healthcare. By asking the right questions, and applying fresh thinking in science and technology, we solve simple but critical, everyday problems. We unlock the full potential of staff and specialists and give them back time to do what they do best …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

3 0 3 31
HaloCare HaloCare

Empowering care at home by using innovative technologies to support independent living. HaloCare aims to support home carers and revolutionise the senior care sector. Core to the HaloCare offering is a range of unintrusive, contactless technologies installed in the home. The result is around the clock support system for older people, their carers, and their circle of care. Services offered by HaloCare include monitoring of vital health data, fall prevention, personal and environmental safety, social and cultural inter-connectivity, and much more. health, older people, care, careinthecommunity, aginginplace, and independentliving

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech silvertech Technologies: Wireless

1 0 1 26
TriviumVet TriviumVet

Bridging the treatment gaps in veterinary care for companion animals TriviumVet are an animal therapeutics company headquartered in Waterford, Ireland. We work with human healthcare and pharmaceutical businesses to bring healthcare applications to the veterinary market including: - veterinary pharmaceuticals, - veterinary medical devices and - veterinary diagnostic solutions Our pipeline includes patented, proprietary technology and pharmaceuticals that are completing European Medical Agency and Food and Drug Administration regulatory pathways. We develop in house research but also work with leading human healthcare companies. You can follow us online @triviumvet on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin veterinary, pharmaceuticals, research and development, innovation, …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

6 0 1 16
Jinga Life Jinga Life

Jinga Life is a digital, personalised, family health platform, changing the way we care for people on the planet by using simple technology to help them care for themselves and their loved ones by placing them at the centre of their own Circle of Care. Jinga Life's vision is to shift the axis of Healthcare from the Hospital to Home by empowering the "Jinga"​ (the Female, and true custodian & curator of the Family’s health and wellbeing ) to coordinate and care for all her loved ones from the comfort of her home. The platform is tailored to the specific …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: IoT

0 0 0 4
Revive Active Revive Active

Enrich your life The Galway Natural Health Company TA Revive Active commenced trading in July 2011 with a vision to design, develop, manufacture and market cutting edge health products. The company now employs 70 people, has 9 products on the market, stocks over 1,000 in Ireland and ships worldwide free of charge. Revive Active super supplement It is a high quality blend of 26 ingredients delivered in one convenient sachet. The unique blend of vitamins and minerals provide a multitude of health benefits including naturally sustained energy without the use of sugar and caffeine, boosted heart and cardiovascular system, amongst …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 0 3 66
Health Warrior Superfoods Health Warrior Superfoods

Food That Actually Feeds You We’re a superfood company that believes better health will build a stronger society. Better health starts with the right ingredients, which is why the first one in all of our products is a superfood – the most nourishing food on the planet. Our products combine these powerful ingredients in a way that tastes awesome and actually fits into the pace of real life. After all, healthy food can’t do its job if you don’t actually eat it. Find Health Warrior products in Whole Foods Market, Sprouts, Target, Giant, Stop & Shop, Wegmans, Safeway, Albertsons, Earth …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech healthtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

3 0 2 4
LiveSafe B.V. LiveSafe B.V.

Zorgeloos thuis & onderweg LiveSafe is specialised in personal alarm devices. In other words: personal alarm systems for people, animals and objects. Our products and services cater to private individuals, the business sector and the industrial market, providing both standard and customised solutions. Your health and safety and that of your staff or clients are our priority! Our target groups are: For the private market: • Senior citizens / dementia sufferers • Persons living alone / requiring care • Cardiac patients • Patients in recovery • Sports enthusiasts (indoor, outdoor, recreational) • Children • Animals and pets • Objects (car, …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

7 0 5 7
Wondr Medical Wondr Medical

Connecting the global health community. We are better working together. Wondr Medical seamlessly connects the health community on a global scale, transforming the ways we learn, share, discuss and treat. Compliancy, guaranteed. Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Data Science, Medical Insights, Publishing Tools, Advertising Tools, Online Marketing, online publishing, Social Network, Medical Education, medtech, and Clinical Collaboration

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

3 1 3 13
CirrusMD CirrusMD

We've reimagined virtual care. Discover the new category in care delivery – physician-first care & guidance. Physician-first Care & Guidance. Where the point of care meets the moment of need. Virtual care solutions that deliver immediate, affordable, high quality care to improve health and reduce costs.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

2 0 2 82
Casaverde Centros Sociosanitarios y de Rehabilitación Casaverde Centros Sociosanitarios y de Rehabilitación

Casaverde Centros Sociosanitarios y de Rehabilitación is a veterinary company based out of ITALIA No2, Alicante, Alicante, Spain.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

2 0 0 3

[Automatic translation follows] The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) is the only completely independent Spanish consumer association. We do not have advertising nor do we live off subsidies. We are a private organization funded by our more than 250,000 members. This is how we can make comparative analyzes of products and services ignoring the influences and pressures of large companies. We have been defending consumer interests for more than 40 years, guiding them in their purchases and enforcing their rights. Because united we are strong. Because together we can do more. Therefore, don't be left out: come to OCU. …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 314
DiR Corporate DiR Corporate

[Automatic translation follows] Physical activity and health. /// CATALAN /// Clubs DiR is the pioneering company in Barcelona to promote sport and a healthy lifestyle, offering the latest innovations in fitness, wellness and health. With 40 years of experience, Clubs DiR currently has more than 20 fitness clubs in Barcelona, ​​Sant Cugat and Maresme. DiR Clubs centers have swimming pools, water areas, natural solariums, healthy restaurants, wellness centers, sports shops, 34 paddle tennis courts, boxing rings, yoga rooms, spaces for HiiT training... among many other facilities and services, as well as numerous sporting and social activities. The mission of Clubs …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

0 0 0 453

[Automatic translation follows] We add value and cooperate with companies, leading innovation and technological development in a sustainable way. AINIA is the best ally for companies. We believe in competitiveness through innovation. We provide solutions to the food, chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, packaging and energy sectors. We are specialists in nutrition and health, food safety, industrial design and production and sustainability. food technology, biotechnology, chemical technologies, nanotechnology, electronic technology, information and communications, energy and environmental technologies, and packaging technology

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 274
IHE-Europe IHE-Europe

IHE-Europe engages clinicians, health authorities, industry and users to improve healthcare interoperability The seamless flow of health information between the different healthcare systems across Europe brings tremendous benefits to patients, as well as the doctors and nurses providing vital care. IHE-Europe is dedicated to interoperability in health information technology. It begins with an open process of developing integration profiles to assure IT systems can talk to each other. Then it requires testing these systems to verify that complex computer coding delivers the data. Finally, IHE-Europe actively promotes wider awareness and use of these methods for assuring continued conformance and compatibility. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services healthtech

2 1 1 13
PFMD .org PFMD .org

Improve global health by co-designing the future of healthcare for patients WITH patients. Patient Focused Medicines Development (PFMD) aims to transform the way in which we understand, engage, and partner with patients globally in the design and development of research and medicines by focusing on unmet patient needs. We are bringing together and synergising disparate but complementary efforts that integrate the voice of the PATIENT across the lifecycle of medicine. PFMD was established in October 2015 as an open, independent global coalition of health stakeholders.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

2 0 2 11
HealthforAnimals HealthforAnimals

Health for animals improves health for all. HealthforAnimals is the voice of the animal health industry and an advocate for the fundamental role of healthy animals in improving global wellbeing, sustainability and prosperity. HealthforAnimals represents developers and manufacturers of animal health products, including vaccines, diagnostics, parasiticides, antibiotics, digital technologies, and other tools that the health and well-being of animals. We believe health for animals improves health for all. Animal health, Veterinarian medicines, Pets, and Farming

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech agritech biotech deeptech

5 2 3 5

We support food & health research in Europe by providing validated food composition data for projects, members & clients Who we are EuroFIR AISBL is an international, member-based, non-profit Association under Belgian law was set up in 2009 to ensure sustained advocacy for food information in Europe. We provide validated food composition data for EU projects, members & clients Our mission Our mission is to be the best and only independent broker of validated food composition data and supporting information in Europe and beyond, facilitate improved data quality, storage and access, and encourage wider applications and exploitation of food composition …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 0 0 14
Alzheimer Catalunya Fundació Alzheimer Catalunya Fundació

[Automatic translation follows] you decide Dementia does not. Alzheimer Catalunya is a non-profit foundation that works to improve the quality of life of anyone affected by dementia. WE HELP AND SUPPORT patients living with dementia. WE SUPPORT AND ADVISE relatives of people with dementia. WE TRAIN PROFESSIONALS IN THE LEADING TECHNIQUES. WE ARE AWARE OF DEMENTIA and its impact on citizens. WE WORK TO ESTABLISH SOCIAL POLICIES together with organizations and institutions. People's will is stronger than fear, prejudice or symptoms. Collaborate: / (+34) 93 459 22 94 Private and professional services, advice, consultancy, psychological care, specialized training, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 27
Flossy Flossy

Dental Care Re-imagined Flossy is dental care re-imagined. The company connects high quality/affordable dentists to patients with transparent upfront pricing. By using our mobile app, patients can connect directly with great dentists through our curated network, easily book an appointment and pay with the app. For more information, visit Oral Health and Dental

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 105
United Way of Central Indiana United Way of Central Indiana

United Way fights for the education, financial stability, health and basic needs of everyone in our community. United Way of Central Indiana brings together compassionate people who are committed to improving lives in our community. For over 100 years, we have strived to help all Central Indiana residents achieve and maintain self-sufficiency by focusing on four key areas of community impact – Education, Income, Health and Basic Needs – in the six-county region of Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion, Morgan and Putnam counties. We invest in expert research and perform regular community assessments to identify the areas of greatest need …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech healthtech

4 0 2 186
UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations at ZSFG UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations at ZSFG

The UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations (CVP) at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center is dedicated to improving health and reducing disparities through discovery, innovation, policy, advocacy, and community partnerships. Founded in 2006, the UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations is based within the UCSF Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine located on the campus of Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. Beyond the local communities it serves, CVP is nationally and internationally known for its research in health communication and health policy to reduce health disparities, with special expertise in the social determinants of health, including literacy, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 51
Lakeshore Sport & Fitness Lakeshore Sport & Fitness

Chicago's #1 Destination for Sport, Fitness & Fun Lakeshore Sport & Fitness is Chicago’s #1 destination for sport and fitness. We are a diverse community of like-minded people who participate in social, instructional and competitive sporting activities; and who seek to improve and enhance our lives by achieving levels of personal fitness. Please take a virtual tour of our locations: Lincoln Park - Illinois Center - Follow us on Facebook and twitter - - @LakeShoreSF Personal Training, Tennis, Group Fitness, Aquatics, events, Rock climbing, Golf Simulator, Camps, Innovative Programming, Swim Team, Corporate Wellness, Team building events, Birthday …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 147
KLAY Preschool and Daycare KLAY Preschool and Daycare

India's largest network of non-franchised Preschools and Daycare KLAY is India's leading chain of company owned and company run Preschool and Daycare Centres, recognized for world class childcare and development enabled by a passionate set of teachers and caregivers who provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for children We enable young parents to return to work, stress free, by adopting a child-centric methodology of care. We work closely with parents to understand how a baby is cared for at home and endeavour to replicate those practices so that the child feels loved and cared for, just as they like …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 0 2 942
Oogachaga Oogachaga

Singapore's most established LGBTQ community orgnisation working with individuals, couples & families since 1999. Oogachaga is Singapore's most established community-based, professional non-profit organisation working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer & gender-diverse (LGBTQ+) individuals, couples and families since 1999. Counselling, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Whatsapp counselling, Hotline counselling, and Email counselling

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

4 0 4 5
Diabetes Victoria Diabetes Victoria

We support, empower and campaign for all Victorians affected by, or at risk of diabetes. Diabetes Victoria is the leading charity and peak consumer body working to reduce the impact of diabetes in the Victorian community. With almost 370,000 Victorians living with diabetes, our work has never been more important. Our mission is to support, empower and campaign for all Victorians affected by diabetes. We are committed to minimising the impact of diabetes in the community, helping all people affected by diabetes and contributing to the search for a cure. We rely heavily on the generosity of our caring community …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 160
Christian Horizons Christian Horizons

Promoting communities where everybody belongs. Christian Horizons is committed to nurturing communities of belonging, both in Canada and around the world, where everyone can use their gifts. From supporting people who experience disabilities in Canada, to giving children in Ethiopia the chance to overcome a life of poverty, Christian Horizons is there. Christian Horizons is a non-profit, faith-based charitable organization. Our purpose is to contribute to the quality of life of people who experience disabilities by addressing their emotional, intellectual, social, physical and spiritual needs. With over 3,500 employees, Christian Horizons serves people with developmental disabilities in more than 300 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

2 0 1 333
Chittick Family Eye Care Chittick Family Eye Care

The Doctors and Staff of Chittick Family Eye Care strive to provide each patient with excellence in vision and eye health care. We guarantee our constant commitment to the visual wellness of our patients by extending thorough diagnostic and therapeutic eye care, by emphasizing personalized service, and by never compromising materials, value, or professionalism Chittick Family Eye Care provides superb care for your eyes. From contacts, glasses and LASIK consultation to pediatric eye care, cataracts and vision therapy, we provide comprehensive care for the eye care of your entire family. Optometry, Contact Lenses, Eye Disease Prevention and Management, Eye Examinations, …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

0 0 0 43
Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)

We're working with partners to transform the lives of children and adolescents in developing countries The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) is an independent philanthropic organisation, with offices in Addis Ababa, Beijing, London, Nairobi and New Delhi. CIFF works with a wide range of partners seeking to transform and empower the lives of children in developing countries, with the ultimate goal of solving seemingly intractable challenges to ensure all children have the chance to survive and thrive. CIFF aims to play a catalytic role as a funder and influencer to deliver urgent and systemic change at scale. Areas of work …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

7 0 7 222
Childrens Home Healthcare Childrens Home Healthcare

Caring for those who need it most. Children’s Home Healthcare is a pediatric home healthcare agency for medically complex children. At Children’s Home Healthcare, we believe children are special! We specialize in private duty nursing, pediatric skilled nursing care, neonatal care, ventilator and tracheostomy care, gastric feedings, infusion therapy, skilled nursing visits and patient education and training for medically complex children. Patients suffering from these disorders require specialized and intensive treatment over an extended period of time. We care about the needs of your child and understand that issues arise after hours. To ensure that our patients receive the care …

Type: SMB Activities: kidtech healthtech

0 0 0 122
Cerevo Inc. Cerevo Inc.

Cerevo Inc. is a company based out of Japan.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 19
Centre of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public Centre of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public

The Centre of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public (CEPPP) is a joint initiative supported by the Université de Montréal (UdeM), the Faculty of Medicine of the UdeM, and the Research Centre of the Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM). The CEPPP is building on the work of the Office of Collaboration and Patient Partnership (Faculty of Medicine, UdeM) and the Canada Research Chair in Patient and Public Partnership (CRCHUM), to build synergies and bridge the gap between the practices and the science of partnership between patients, professionals and the public. The CEPPP will be built off …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 0 0 27
Centre for Ageing Better Centre for Ageing Better

We're a charity working to create a society where everyone enjoys later life. The Centre for Ageing Better is pioneering ways to make ageing better a reality for everyone, including challenging ageism and building an Age-friendly Movement, creating Age-friendly Employment and Age-friendly Homes. The UK’s population is undergoing a massive age shift. In less than 20 years, one in four people will be over 65. The fact that many of us are living longer is a great achievement. But unless radical action is taken by government, business and others in society, millions of us risk missing out on enjoying those …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech healthtech

4 3 1 64
Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank

The Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank serves central and southeastern Ohio's corneal transplanting surgeons in conjunction with our hospital partners and community support.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech healthtech

0 0 0 6

[Automatic translation follows] Official Confederal Profile on Linkedin of CCOO It is the first trade union center in Spain in terms of union members and delegates. According to its Statutes, CCOO is defined as a trade union: demanding, class-based, unitary, democratic, independent, participatory, of the masses, of men and women, socio-political, internationalist, pluri-ethnic and multicultural. Ideologically, it is oriented towards the suppression of capitalist society and the construction of a democratic socialist society. labor, employment, pensions, women, international, occupational health, youth, social movements, union, union action, and communication

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

24 4 9 716
Regence Health Policy Center Regence Health Policy Center

Informing, debating and advancing policy solutions that promote affordable, accessible and person-focused health care By collaborating with thought leaders, subject matter experts and stakeholders across the industry, our mission is to inform, debate and advance policy solutions that promote affordable, accessible and person-focused health care. Engage with us here, on LinkedIn and follow us on Twitter @RegenceHPC. Health Care and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

3 1 3 7
Hashtag Gesundheit e.V. Hashtag Gesundheit e.V.

[Automatic translation follows] Healthcare | Together | Shaping 🚀 Join in too! 💚 Healthcare | Together | Shaping 💚 Together for better quality of care in the healthcare system. 🚀 Health, medicine, economics, nursing, digital health, digitization, nonprofit, commitment, volunteering, studies, promoting young talent, and mentoring

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

9 1 4 10

[Automatic translation follows] The Hellenic Association of Health Informatics (ESPY), is a Community of Companies and Agencies that deal with the field of Health Informatics and are interested in the promotion and application of the principles of modern dynamic organization and electronic governance in the Health and Social Security sectors. Our members are experienced professionals in the field with recognized scientific training and have implemented a number of large-scale projects in the area of ​​Electronic Health. The ESPY puts the experience of its members at the disposal of the Public Health Administration, since, due to the object, it is very …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 3
WearHacks WearHacks

Promoting innovation and education in Wearable Technology and Internet of Things around the globe. // MISSION • Our fundamental goal is to bridge the knowledge gap that exists in the IoT industry amongst technology enthusiasts from all backgrounds. • We strive to make hardware education Accessible, Approachable, and Affordable. // WHAT WE DO: • Hackathons: World Tour 2015 • Consulting Services (**Contact us for more information**) • Workshops & White Label Hackathons (**Contact us for more information**) // Hackathons: World Tour 2015: • WearHacks is going Global in 2015!: 3,000 hackers, 200+ devices, 400+ projects, 14+ cities • We are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech edtech healthtech it services smart city smart home

5 1 3 3
Your Place Your Place

Solving homelessness one person at a time Your Place is a charity dedicated to solving homelessness in east London, one person at a time. We’re here to offer hope, a home and a healing place to grow, where people who’ve lost their homes can get the individual support they need within a safe, caring community. Our mission is to build hope and enable lasting change to end homelessness for people in east London. We’re a growing charity, helping people who’ve lost their homes to regain their self-belief and rebuild their lives. We work closely with each person who comes through …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech healthtech

1 0 0 73
Caring Cooks Caring Cooks

Giving children in Jersey the healthiest start in life We are all aware of the global epidemic of childhood obesity, tooth decay and chronic diseases like cancer, which we urgently need to address, not only to give our children a fighting chance in life but also to ensure that, particularly in Jersey, we have a healthy community in the future. Our mission is to get children cooking and eating healthy and nutritious food, in childhood and beyond, by educating, inspiring and supporting them, and their families. We teach over 1,000 children each year on our Let's Get Cooking Programme to …

Type: SMB Activities: kidtech foodtech healthtech

2 1 1 9
Care Providers of Minnesota Care Providers of Minnesota

Care Providers of Minnesota is a non-profit membership association with the mission to Empower Members to Performance Excellence. Our 900+ members across Minnesota represent non-profit and for-profit organizations providing services along the full spectrum of post-acute care and long-term services and support. We are the state affiliate for the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living, and with our national partners we provide solutions for quality care. Post-Acute Care, Long-Term Care, Long-Term Services and Support, Advocacy, Expertise, Regulatory Support, Education, Learning Opportunities, Quality, Member Support, Careers, and Workforce

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 18
Care Plus Group Care Plus Group

Leading care at the heart of our community Care Plus Group is a social business that provides community health and care services for adults of all ages and exists to support people to achieve their best quality of life. Established as a Community Benefit Society in 2011, we are owned by our staff and run for the benefit of our community - any profilt we make is reinvested back into the development and delivery of services ensuring we can constantly evolve and develop the services we offer to our communities. We employ approximately 800 members of staff. Care Plus Group …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 181
CareFlight CareFlight

The next life we save could be yours CareFlight is an Australian aeromedical charity, established in 1986. CareFlight's mission is to save lives, speed recovery and serve the community by providing the highest standard of rapid response critical care. We use helicopters, aeroplanes and medi-jets to bring a hospital level of care to the critically ill and injured. Our aircrew, medical teams and coordinators work closely together to ensure that patients receive the best care as soon as possible. It's about bringing the right team to the right patient at the right time. CareFlight doctors and nurses are specially trained …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 348
Care24 Care24

Home healthcare services | Physiotherapists at home | Babysitters/Nanny Services | Nursing Services | Attendant Services Care24 is a Healthcare technology company committed to bringing world class quality healthcare wherever needed - At the hospital, At Home or At Office. As one of the largest patient care institutions in Greater Mumbai and Delhi area, Care24 has built and trained expert teams to help all critical and chronic condition patients with their need of care. Care24 has become the by default destination for Recovery Management, Rehabilitative, Supportive and Palliative Care, Post-Discharge Critical Care, Cancer Care, Neuro-Rehabilitation and Infant Care. Large corporate …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 319
Cardiomyopathy UK Cardiomyopathy UK

UK charity supporting families affected by heart muscle disease. Cardiomyopathy UK is the heart muscle charity. Our vision is for everyone affected by cardiomyopathy to lead long and fulfilling lives. Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle that affects people of all ages and is mostly inherited. It cannot be cured but can be treated and managed, and we are here to help. Services for healthcare professionals We provide services to doctors and nurses like our medical conferences, training resources and expert advice to increase understanding of the diagnosis, care and management of cardiomyopathy. If you are a healthcare …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 25
Cancer Council Australia Cancer Council Australia

Every minute, every hour, every day we’re working towards a cancer free future. As Australia's peak national non-government cancer control organisation, we are leading the change needed to reduce the impact of cancer now and in the future. Cancer Council leads national action to improve cancer control and care for people with cancer and their caregivers. Cancer Council Australia advises the Australian Government and other bodies on practices and policies to help prevent, detect and treat cancer. We also advocate for the rights of cancer patients for best treatment and supportive care. Our independence means we can direct our funding …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

2 0 0 104
Canadian College of Health Leaders Canadian College of Health Leaders

Providing professional development, tools, knowledge and networks for high impact leadership in Canadian healthcare. Bringing together Canadian health leaders from every discipline, region, career stage and sector, the College creates extraordinary opportunities for our members to connect, learn and inspire their leadership. By supporting our members in becoming the leaders they want to be, we empower our health system with the leadership to serve all Canadians. Regional Chapter Networks, National Awards Program, Professional Development, Healthcare Management Forum, Professional Designations, Corporate Services, Mentoring, Certified Health Executive, CHE Program, Leadership Framework, LEADS, Peer-reviewed Journal, National Health Leadership Conference, BC Health Leaders Conference, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

4 1 3 101
CACHET - Copenhagen Center for Health Technology CACHET - Copenhagen Center for Health Technology

The CopenhAgen Center for HEalth Technology (CACHET) is a strategic partnership between the Capital Health Region of Denmark (RegionH), the City of Copenhagen, the Medical and Health Faculty at the University of Copenhagen (KU-SUND), and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The strategic objective is to strengthen interdisciplinary and cross-organizational research and development (R&D) within personal health technology Through evidence-based technological research, CACHET will create the foundation for new personal health technologies and products for the benefit of citizens and the society in general.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 6
Bury Hospice Bury Hospice

Bury Hospice provides invaluable palliative and end-of-life care to patients and their families across Bury Bury Hospice provides invaluable palliative and end-of-life care to hundreds of local residents and their families across Bury and the wider area. We provide specialist 24 hour inpatient, medical and respite facilities, care for people with life-limiting illness, whilst doing everything we can to help support their families and carers. It will cost £3.5m this year to run Bury Hospice and the generosity of our community and the continued support of local businesses help us to continue our invaluable work and support.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 52
Broadlawns Medical Center Broadlawns Medical Center

Together A Healthy Community With a dedicated staff of over 100 physicians and 1,200 employees, Broadlawns Medical Center ensures that our community has access to high quality healthcare that is coordinated, compassionate and cost-effective. The Broadlawns Medical Center campus includes an acute care hospital, primary and specialty care clinics, urgent care and emergency services, lab, radiology, dentistry, inpatient and outpatient mental health, crisis team, and community-based behavioral support services. Broadlawns accepts all forms of insurance and its approach to healthcare and quality outcomes earned a Level 3 rating from the National Committee for Quality Assurance, the highest achievable status for …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

3 0 2 736
British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF)

The Trade Association for the UK Safety Industry The British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) is the lead association for the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Regulation and is recognised by both the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) & Trading Standards (with whom we hold Primary Authority) . The BSIF has active links with many government departments and over 130 representative Trade Bodies. Set up in 1994, the Federation currently has over 300 members, ranging from manufacturers, importers and distributors of safety products through to test houses, certification bodies and safety professionals. Membership is accommodated within a number of sector trade associations. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

3 0 2 13
British Red Cross British Red Cross

For over 150 years, the British Red Cross has helped people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. The British Red Cross is a volunteer-led movement that connects those who have kindness to share, with the people who need it most. We help people in crisis get the support they need anywhere in the UK and around the world. The people we help can trust that we’re completely neutral, independent and impartial. Our supporters know that we help those most in need, and our staff and volunteers can see they’re a part of a unique movement which anyone is welcome …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 14 4 4,487
British Pest Control Association (BPCA) British Pest Control Association (BPCA)

BPCA is a leading UK trade association, representing organisations with a professional interest in pest management. The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is a not for profit organisation which represents the interests and development of its members and acts for the pest management industry within the UK. We’re seen as the central source of industry information to government, national and international organisations, pest control companies, media groups and the general public. The core objective of the Association is to promote pest control as a public health service while highlighting the risks of inadequate control and to provide support and guidance. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 30
Bristol Mind Bristol Mind

Bristol Mind is a mental health resource for people in Bristol & the surrounding areas. Bristol Mind is a mental health resource for people in Bristol and surrounding Counselling, Information & Signposting, Mental Health Training, Mental Health, Workplace Training, Mental Health Support, and Helplines

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

6 0 6 32
Bright Pink Bright Pink

saving lives from breast & ovarian cancer by empowering women to know their risk & manage their health proactively. Bright Pink® helps to save lives from breast and ovarian cancer by empowering women to know their risk and manage their health proactively. Breast/ovarian cancer prevention & early detection, Educating & supporting young women at high risk, Preventive Women's Health, Breast & Ovarian Health, Healthcare Provider Education, and Women's Empowerment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 1 4 22
Bridge Innovations Ventures Bridge Innovations Ventures

Bridge Innovations is an accelerator with an established track record of taking medical device startups from concept to successful exit. We partner with inventors, founders, and CEOs to help them build their companies quickly and efficiently. Medical device, Product Development, Funding, Regulatory and Compliance, Incubation, Intellectual Propoerty, and Risk Management

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech healthtech

0 0 0 2