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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
La Mednum La Mednum

The National Cooperative of Digital Mediation Actors The Cooperative Society of Collective Interest The Mednum is born from the will of professionals in social innovation and digital mediation to pool their efforts to make digital technologies a factor of progress, inclusion and capacity for all. Our structure works to the deployment of a pooling of services and the portage of common projects throughout the territory. This cooperative brings together more than 140 members of great diversity: startups, social and solidarity economy companies, associations, the State, local authorities ... In addition to existing local initiatives, this structure makes it possible to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

70 21 52 21
La Gaite Lyrique La Gaite Lyrique

Fabrique de l'époque Cultural venue dedicated to digital cultures, digital arts and current music. Located on the location of an historical parisien theater built in the 1870's, la Gaîté lyrique underwent massive restructuration by architect Manuelle Gautrand after having been closed for 20 years, ordained by the city of Paris.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment arttech

71 53 16 117
La Fonda - Association La Fonda - Association

The laboratory of ideas of the associative world. Association created in 1981, recognized as a public utility, Fonda is the laboratory of ideas of the associative world. Its mission is to inform associative actors to develop their strategic vision and their capacity for initiative. Emphasis of collective reflection by multiple actions (working groups, debates, prospective workshops, surveys ...) and crossing eyes and practices, the Fonda wishes to prepare the ground for experimentation and political decision. Associative world, participatory prospective, ideas and debate, and project engineering

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

89 15 42 114
La 27e Région La 27e Région

Public transformation laboratory The 27th region develops future desirable public action. It is a public transformation laboratory, constituted In an independent association, which offers a multidisciplinary, reflexive and experimental space. Convinced of the importance of reintroducing experimentation and essay-error in public action, we test with administrations new services, tools, methods and methods of organization. We mobilize concepts inspired by design, social sciences and alternative movements (do-it-yourself, free culture, popular education). The 27th region is based on a community of practitioners and agents across France, who share and extend its approaches. Through projects and events, she worked for the animation and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

49 18 28 10
ISSA France Security Tuesday ISSA France Security Tuesday

Reach and convince for digital security Issa France Security Tuesday, is an independent French association created in 2010. Directed by cybersecurity professionals, it has given itself the main mission to make digital security more accessible to the audiences that are most distant ... .. to start with young people, that the association is working to inform and educate both in the dangers of digital technology and its opportunities. She regularly goes to them, during workshops on school time or extracurricular. Issa France is also a content designer. - "Web AS" for children from 7 years old, a real best seller, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

26 1 18 6
Cerfrance Seine Normandie Cerfrance Seine Normandie

You support you in the long term to succeed in your projects and manage the overall performance of your business. With its 29 agencies located in Normandy and part of the Île-de-France, Cerfrance Seine Normandie supports you in the long term to succeed in your projects and pilot the overall performance of your business! Discover all the job offers of the moment Business Advice, Accounting, Legal, Fiscal, Social, Patrimoine, Economic, Marketing, Commercial, Communication, Strategy, Human Resources Management, Quality, Hygiene, Safety, Environment, Insurance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Tax, Pay accounting, management, digital, and advice

Type: SMB Activities: fintech martech

27 6 22 473
Les Interconnectés Les Interconnectés

Our mission: to support the digital transformation of communities The interconnected network is responsible for supporting the digital transformation of communities through concrete actions based on sharing, collective intelligence, proximity to the user. The first national association for disseminating digital uses and innovations at the service of the territories, a reference contact of the State, we are both a platform for exchanges, resource center and sharing space. Created in 2009 by Urban France and Intercommunalities in France, the interconnected network has several missions which are all commitments: • Supporting the territories in innovation and communities on the strategic and operational …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city it services

140 62 91 5
Indexel Indexel

We are your digital story Indexel is an agency in digital and editorial communication consultancy. Specialist in B2B, she provides companies with reflection and support in the implementation of their marketing strategy. Content production and corporate edition, website creation, social networks, natural and paid referencing, advertising, videos, direct marketing ... Its mission: recruitment and loyalty of B2B communities by production, dissemination and sharing of content with high added value. A real lead generator and visibility creator, content has become an essential accessory in business marketing strategies of all sizes. For web projects as for publishing or video, content is an …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

3 0 2 16
Trūata Trūata

Founded by Mastercard and IBM in 2018, Trūata specializes in privacy-enhancing technologies for privacy risk assessment, de-identification, and true anonymization of data. We were one of the first companies in the EU to receive independently accredited ISO 27701 certification, the international standard for data privacy management. In 2023, Mastercard acquired full ownership of Trūata with Trūata continuing to operate as an independent entity. With a team of cross-specialism experts from the worlds of tech, legal and data science, we are able to deliver products and solutions that empower organizations to do more with their data at scale. GDPR, Data Analytics, …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

11 0 11 52
Sesamlld Syndicat des Entreprises des Services Automobiles en lld et des Mobilites Sesamlld Syndicat des Entreprises des Services Automobiles en lld et des Mobilites

Syndicate of companies in LLD and mobility car services Created in 1978, the union of long -term car rental companies that have become "SESAMLLD" in 2018, represents commercial companies with the rental of long -term vehicles in France. The union of companies in LLD and mobility car services is responsible for ensuring compliance with a rigorous ethics with its members, to represent the profession with numerous interlocutors, in particular administrative, and to promote rental Long -term

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

11 2 10 5
Institut national du cancer Institut national du cancer

Together, we will defeat cancers. Let's accelerate progress in the face of cancers The National Cancer Institute (INCA) is the State and Scientific Expertise Agency in Cancer of the State, responsible for coordinating actions to combat cancer. Created by the public health law of August 9, 2004, the Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The National Cancer Institute is made up of the form of a public interest group (GIP) which brings together the state within it, the major associations for …

Type: Public

89 38 45 195
Institut du Numérique Responsable Institut du Numérique Responsable

Sustainable values ​​creators The INR, an association law 1901 created in 2018, aims to be a place of reflection on the three key challenges of responsible digital: the reduction of the imprint (economic, social and environmental) of digital, the ability of digital To reduce the imprint (economic, social and environmental) of humanity, and the creation of sustainable value / responsible innovation via digital to succeed in everyone's e-inclusion. It develops, in the interest of all, close interdisciplinary cooperation between actors of civil life, the social and solidarity economy, teachers, researchers, public, private and associative actors for anticipation and appropriation of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech greentech cleantech

106 45 60 27
Institut DATAIA Paris-Saclay Institut DATAIA Paris-Saclay

Data Science, Intelligence and Society The Dataia Paris-Saclay Institute is the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (AI) of Paris-Saclay University, specialized in data sciences and their societal impacts. ▶ Who are we? Selected by the National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the "Investments for the Future" programs, the Dataia Paris-Saclay Institute aims to group and structure multidisciplinary expertise large-scale and strong Visibility to better respond to major data sciences, artificial intelligence and their applications thanks to decompartmentalization between mathematics, computer sciences and legal, economic and social sciences. It mobilizes more than 800 researchers and teacher-researchers and 47 laboratories in the …

Type: Public

57 11 28 11

Health science Created in 1964, the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) is a public and technological public establishment, placed under the double guardianship of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of the Health. Its researchers are intended to study all diseases, from the most frequent to the rarest, through their organic, medical and health work of populations. Inserm, healthy researcher since 1964 With a 2013 bud budget of € 927 million, Inserm supports nearly 300 laboratories spread over French territory. All of its 1,200 teams brings together nearly 15,000 researchers, engineers, technicians, managers, …

Type: Public

182 130 41 39
Ugict - Les Ingés Cadres Techs CGT Ugict - Les Ingés Cadres Techs CGT

Ugict-CGT, the union reference of engineers, executives, technicians, master's degrees The Ugict-CGT organizes the union activity of engineers, executives and technician professions within the CGT. We represent 80,000 affiliates of all professional branches and all the territory, and are to be to our aspirations and our experience at work translate into majority demands. Our unionism integrates this specific relationship to work because of our functions, our level of responsibility, our expertise and our role in the organization of work. The UGICT is a member of Eurocadres, an organization associated with the European Union Confederation (CES). Professionally committed and socially responsible …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

50 6 43 27
Hospitalia Magazine Hospitalia Magazine

Hospital innovation magazine Reference Newsmagazine, Hospitalia has been deciphering hospital news for over a decade. Recognized for his searched surveys, colorful reports, and his interviews with opinion makers, professional representatives and experienced experts, he without make -up the issues faced, on a daily basis, all those who bring the hospital. In particular renowned for its section devoted to health computer science, Hospitalia does not hesitate to rob its spotlights wherever the news requires it - laundry, pharmacy, biology, hygiene, imagery, traceability, catering, comfort, logistics. ., in order to highlight the business issues as close as possible to the players in …

Type: Media

50 3 45 5
Apel - Association de parents d'élèves de l'enseignement libre Apel - Association de parents d'élèves de l'enseignement libre

Represent all the parents who made the choice of a Catholic education establishment For their child. For almost 100 years, the APEL (Association of parents of free education students) has defended the free choice of the school, represent families who educate their children in private establishments under the contract of the Network of Teaching Catholic, and provides parents with information and advice throughout the education of their children. Apel is: • 5000 associations in establishments • 2 million children educated in Catholic education associated with the State • Tens of thousands of parents volunteers engaged in the Apel • 1 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

27 0 15 66
GIE GERS -  Groupement pour l'Elaboration et la Réalisation de Statistiques GIE GERS - Groupement pour l'Elaboration et la Réalisation de Statistiques

GIE Gers is an economic interest group created by companies in the pharmaceutical industry. GIE Gers is an economic interest group created by companies in the pharmaceutical industry. For 45 years, Gers supports its members in market analysis and performance management and offers unique exhaustive data by pooling medication and health products. The Gers plays a key role in the conventional system and the economic regulation of repayable and hospital medicines. The SELL in data is used by the health authorities to follow the key market indicators, to determine the price policy of drugs from the level of sales carried …

Type: Media

19 3 15 10

Grouping of content publishers and online services The gesture is an association that brings together the main market players in the press, television, music, classified ads, community sites and online games. All converge on the same objective: to participate in the creation of economic, legislative and competitive conditions essential for the development of online services and editions. Chaired by Philippe Jannet, Chairman and CEO, the interactive world, the gesture now has more than 120 member companies. Online press, online music, online games, e-publicity, new uses, mobility and convergence, connected TV, online classifieds, and social networks

Type: Media

18 4 6 45
Fréquence écoles Fréquence écoles

Support the media and digital practices of all audiences. Organizer of the Super event tomorrow! 🚀 Because : & gt; Social fractures increase in digital fractures, & gt; Digital is (also) political, & gt; Moral panic prevents from educating digital media, & gt; Mastered digital is an opportunity, & gt; Digital is not always the solution, & gt; Digital natives do not exist, Frequency écoles has been supporting digital uses and the development of digital skills for everyone for 30 years for 30 years throughout life. Collective of digital experts, journalists, developers, designers, teachers (and also parents) We are convinced …

Type: Media

30 12 17 23
France Université Numérique France Université Numérique

Form free France Digital University (FUN) is a public establishment that federates a network of universities, schools, research institutes, government agencies, Edtech companies and contributors who are dedicated to the construction of sovereign digital services for education. France University Digital develops free and open learning tools but also tailor-made learning platforms and services, which is the best known is This aims to be a reference platform in France, in the French-speaking world and more broadly internationally. Development of free and open learning tools, dissemination of online training, and ethical approach, respectful of the regulations and the challenges of sovereignty

Type: Public

77 36 39 42

At the service of innovative companies. France Innovation represents and promotes French innovative companies. France Innovation is a professional association which brings together private research providers of research and technological development, companies offering innovative products, processes or services and actors in the consultancy and support in innovation. R & amp; d, innovation, technological solution, engineering, industry, technology, CIR, CII, valuation, technology transfer, research tax credit, and credit credit innovation tax credit

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

105 14 86 4
France Assos Santé France Assos Santé

A union of nearly 100 associations militant for rights & amp; Defense of the rights of health system users France Assos Santé is the name chosen by the National Union of approved associations for users of the health system in order to publicize its action as a reference organization to represent patients and users of the health system and defend their interests. With a mission officially recognized by its registration in the public health code via the law of January 26, 2016, France Assos Health was created in March 2017 on the initiative of 72 national founding associations, by registering …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

63 26 17 93
Fondation Mozaïk Fondation Mozaïk

For an inclusive company where each and everyone finds their right place with regard to their skills: join us! Dedicated to economic inclusion, the Mozaik Foundation is the first shareholder foundation in France to act against employment discrimination. Innovative, its model is at the service of a global change in practices and mentalities. Its objective: to work on a more inclusive society where equal opportunities is no longer the exception but the norm. Its mission: the meeting between recruiters and candidates of less privileged territories. - by accompanying candidates in their trajectories to employment and individual emancipation - by supporting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

111 40 96 51
Fondation Mines-Télécom Fondation Mines-Télécom

Support IMT and its schools to train, innovate and undertake, encourage research and shed light on the future The Mines-Télécom Foundation supports the IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) in its missions in training, innovation, research and prospective, at the heart of digital, industrial, energy and educational transformations. Coming from the transformation of the Telecom Foundation created in 2008 recognized as a public utility since 2012, the Mines-Télécom Foundation, contributes to the development and influence of IMT and its great engineering and management schools: Télécom ParisTech, Telecom Sudparis, IMT Atlantique, Télécom Ecole de Management, IMT Lille Douai, Mines Ales, Mines Albi, Mines Saint-Etienne. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

102 23 58 19
Fondation MAIF Fondation MAIF

Support research to better prevent risks A recognized foundation of public utility, the primary vocation of the MAIF Foundation is to finance research to prevent the risks which affect people and their goods and thus allow better development of each. We rely on the skills of researchers, from many areas of excellence, to support us on natural risks, risks linked to mobility or daily life as well as digital risks. In a more transversal way, the MAIF Foundation gives great interest to research on the sociology of risk: under what circumstances are we taking risks? How to change behavior? Every …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech fintech

67 13 52 9
FO-Cadres FO-Cadres

Who better than a creator of rights to defend you? FO-CADRES is the Union Union Confederal of executives and engineers within Force Ouvrière (FO). It brings together all of the FO FO executives and engineers. The third interprofessional union organization among executives and engineers, FO-CADRES is characterized by its political independence and its freedom of action. Attached to the Republican model and its values, Fo-Cadres places its union commitment only in the field of defense of the material and moral interests of executives and engineers. Fo-Cadres acts for: *Better professional recognition of executives and engineers *Defense and creation of individual …

Type: Media

23 3 22 8
Forum InCyber Europe (FIC) Forum InCyber Europe (FIC)

#1 🇪🇺 Event on #cybersecurity 🛡️ #Incyberforum | 🗓️ 26, 27, 28 March 2024 | The Incyber Forum (FIC) is part of a reflections and exchanges approach to promote a global vision of digital trust. Born in France, under the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior and the Hauts de France region, the FIC has established itself over the years as the reference element in Europe, bringing together representatives of the institutional, economic, economic world academic and technical. The European Incyber Forum is now 3 days of exchanges and technical demonstrations in Lille, bringing together nearly 20,000 participants …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

151 73 102 24
Fédération Française des Industries de Santé - FEFIS Fédération Française des Industries de Santé - FEFIS

The ambition to put your action at the service of public health policy, a source of social and economic progress. Created in 1975, the French Federation of Health Industries - Féfis - brings together eleven professional organizations representing companies that create, manufacture or distribute health products such as human and veterinary drugs, medical devices, optical products, dental products, in vitro diagnosis. Carrefour of joint exchanges and actions, the FEFIS endeavors to be the spokesperson for a strategic future sector for the growth and competitiveness of our country. Its commitments within many structures - Ariis, Medef, CSIS, IMFIS etc. - and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

38 9 31 5
Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité

1st National Network for Combating Exclusions Network for the fight against exclusions, the Federation of Solidarity Actors brings together 900 solidarity associations and organizations that welcome and support the poorest, or nearly 2,800 structures: - 800 accommodation and social reintegration centers (CHRS) - 900 workshops and integration sites (ACI) - 75,000 accommodation and temporary housing seats - 30,000 workstations in insertion - 12,000 places in reception centers for asylum seekers (CADA) - more than 15,000 social workers - Thousands of volunteers - 900,000 people in difficulty welcomed each year. For many years, the Federation of Solidarity Actors has had to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

59 27 27 136
Etalab - Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM) Etalab - Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM)

"Chief Data Officer" of the State, in charge of the public policy of data, algorithms and sources codes Service of the Prime Minister in charge of open data and open government. Within the General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action, Etalab coordinates government action in terms of open data, develops and administers the portal and supports reuse of public data. Open Data, Open Government, Datascience, Chief Data Officer, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Algorithms, Open Source, and Communs Digital

Type: Public

120 31 78 20
Espace éthique Ile de France Espace éthique Ile de France

The Île-de-France ethical space is a place of training, of research & amp; of debate on medical ethics and bioethics Created in 1995, the ethical space of public assistance - Paris hospitals is the first ethical space designed and developed within an institution (taken up in 2004 as a model of ethical reflection device within the framework of the law relating to bioethics). In 2013 it was appointed space for ethical reflection of the Ile-de-France region (ERE/IDF). In 2010 the ethical space/AP-HP was given the development of the national ethical reflection space on Alzheimer's disease (EREMA) as part of the …

Type: Public

28 5 19 12
Emmaüs Connect Emmaüs Connect

Emmaüs Connect Fight against digital and social exclusion in a society in dematerialization. Emmaüs Connect is an association of the Emmaüs movement created in 2013 to combat the digital and social exclusion of the most precarious people. Emmaüs Connect, with the help of its 120+ employees and 1,500 volunteers, has already given the power to act to more than 135,000 people faced with isolation. The association has also trained more than 15,000 social guides to digital inclusion and supported more than 350 solidarity structures in the implementation of digital inclusion actions. Through its solidarity programs, Emmaüs Connect supports people on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

125 69 65 281
Educatech Expo Educatech Expo

The Professional Educational Innovation Fair The Professional Educational Innovation Fair Next meeting: 13, 14 & amp; November 15, 2024. Higher Education, Equipment for Education, Digital Education, Digital School, Salon, Conferences, Educatice, TICE, Teaching, SalonProf, Pedagogy, School of Tomorrow, DNE, Inclusive School, Digital Educational, Ministry of Education, Eduscol, Education , School, and Edtech

Type: Event

41 19 30 4
CBC - Cybersecurity Business Convention CBC - Cybersecurity Business Convention

A page entirely dedicated to CBC news The CBC - Cybersecurity Business Convention, based in Toulouse, is the Pro Salon for Digital Safety for Businesses and Communities in Occitania. Throughout a day, participate in this meeting of the cybersecurity sector with the program: awareness, innovative solutions and demonstrations. Cyber ​​experts and data protection: Develop your expertise! Managers and elected officials: Insure yourself! Meet on Thursday, November 28, 2024 at the Meett conventions center in Toulouse, for the 6th edition of the CBC. Stay connected so as not to miss anything from #cbctoulouse and Cyber ​​news!

Type: Event

29 5 29 N/A
Direction[s] Direction[s]

A Lefebvre Dalloz media, the 100% useful ally of executives and directions of social and medico-social action Direction [s] is published by the REED Business Information group (RBI), a subsidiary of the International Group Reed Elsevier. RBI has been present in France for more than 10 years, through the ESF Editor, Comundi, Strategies, Cosmetics Magazine brands, Hebdo cosmetics, Paris, EPN, EDN Europe and Ian. Building on his press experience and his knowledge of the social action sector, Reed Business Information launched the monthly Direction [s] in October 2003, magazine dedicated to directors and executives of the health, social and medico-social …

Type: Media

18 3 12 17
DRANE Site de Versailles DRANE Site de Versailles

Versailles, digital academy Official account of the delegation of the academic region to educational digital (drane) - site of the Academy of Versailles. digital, e-education, e-training, robotics, programming, media education, EMI, ENT, and digital resources

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech Technologies: Robotics

33 6 28 58
Info-Jeunes Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Info-Jeunes Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

#explorerlesposables in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Info-games Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has the object, on the territory of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region: * to make available to young people, by all appropriate means, the information they wish to have in all areas; * to promote the initiative, social commitment and mobility of young people by the implementation of structures and services adapted to the information of young people; * to promote the establishment of local and departmental structures for animating youth information. Youth, information education, mobility, commitment and citizenship, digital mediation, access to rights, housing, employment, job, and auvergne-rhône-Alpes

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 5 17 21
CRE - Commission de régulation de l'énergie CRE - Commission de régulation de l'énergie

CRE is the independent authority responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of French energy markets The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) is an independent administrative authority responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of electricity and gas markets in France. Created in 2000, the CRE has a status guaranteeing the independence of the missions generally devoted to the independent administrative authorities responsible for the regulation of an economic sector in the process of opening up to competition and marked by the presence of public operators. It includes a college and a dispute and sanctions settlement committee.

Type: Public

40 19 20 173
Conseil national du numérique Conseil national du numérique

Independent public commission responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship of humans to digital The National Digital Council, an independent advisory committee, is responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship of humans to digital. Its mission is to give citizens and decision -makers, on a national and European scale, keys to reflect and to act. The work he produces and sharing are from collective thought emanating from the debates organized within it and the meeting with people from all the components of society. Members and General Secretariat: we Tech, Digital, Government, and Public Policy

Type: Public

151 82 69 24
Compliances Compliances

Tech and business ethics and business media, anti -corruption, data protection and cybersecurity Complies is the independent professional media dedicated to operational and technological challenges of anti -corruption, business ethics, personal data protection and cybersecurity Compliance, Ethics, GDP, Anti-corruption, Tech Compliance, Regtech, Legaltech, Compliance, KYC, Data Protection, Anti-Glassification, Alert launchers, and Ethics

Type: Media

83 3 80 7
CNOUS (centre national des oeuvres universitaires et scolaires) CNOUS (centre national des oeuvres universitaires et scolaires)

Placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the National Center for University and School Works pilot the Crous network. Its objective is to give all students the same chances of access and success in higher education by accompanying their daily lives. To accomplish its mission, the CNOUS benefits from an original head positioning of a network made up of 28 regional centers (CROUS), 16 local centers (nails) and more than 40 branches which offer students, in the field, services proximity. The CSS ensures the consistency and management of the network, the expertise of projects, the …

Type: Public

57 15 23 191
CNAPE, la fédération des associations de protection de l'enfant CNAPE, la fédération des associations de protection de l'enfant

The Federation of Child Protection: 169 associations, 13 movements, experts and 1 user association Created in 1948, the CNAPE is a national federation of associations that accompany and welcome children, adolescents and young adults in difficulty. Its action is part of the CIDE and in the context of public policies relating to childhood and youth. The CNAPE fields of intervention concern prevention, child protection, criminal justice for minors, childhood and youth with disabilities and vulnerability, youth faced with integration difficulties. They also relate to the environment of children and young people who can influence their development and well-being, such as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

30 8 21 40
Fidens by TVH Consulting Fidens by TVH Consulting

French editor and expert in cybersecurity. Created in 2002 and joining the TVH Consulting group in 2022, FIDENS is French publisher and expert in cybersecurity and supports you from the safety audit to the implementation of protective measures, including the advice and awareness of users. To support the compliance of our customers, we have been publishing our own technological solution to assist in safety objectives (APOS) for 3 years. It allows the implementation of a information security management system (RSSI and SMSI project managers) in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard, with the main missions: as the main missions: - …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

9 1 8 71
Centre des Professions Financières Centre des Professions Financières

Understand and make the financial professions understand. Created in 1957, the Center for Financial Professions is an organization of general interest for educational purposes governed by law 1901. The center of financial professions is a position of observation of developments that financial professions live daily. As such, it works as a passer of ideas like a "think tank". Completely independent, it is open to members of all financial professions. Its mission His educational mission of "understanding and making the financial professions understand" revolves around 3 objectives: 1) Develop a real pedagogy of financial professions both within their breasts and outwards, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

85 12 81 26
Business & Legal Forums Business & Legal Forums

#Blfs - for Ethics & amp; Performance. Participatory and independent Think-Tank. The vocation of business & amp; Legal Forum is a better articulation between business models and standards, for the emergence of balances acceptable by stakeholders, factors of ethics and performance. Meetings and works bring together great professionals, public and private, jurists or not, and representatives of civil society. BLF's exchange formats push them to get to know each other better and to discover, each of them, innovative interactions. Meetings, Studies, working groups, publications, business law, regulations, strategy, innovation, business, ethics, performance, economy, influence, and managers

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

98 5 98 10
BM Services BM Services

💻 Interactive communication agency in Lozère 💡 We offer a solution to your communication issues 🎯 BM Services is an interactive communication agency based in Lozère. It is part of the BienManger group which publishes sites such as, Modèles de Lettres, Lozère Authentique. Today, BM Services is made up of a team of 20 people (project managers, engineers, developers, graphic designers, editors, web marketers...) and relies on recognized partners (PrestaShop, Magento, Google, Bing, Criteo, NetAffiliation, SocialShaker, Spread and many others...). We are certified on all of these solutions. Our company is divided into four divisions: - a technical division …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

8 1 6 85
Autorité de la concurrence Autorité de la concurrence

La concurrence au service de tous L’Autorité de la concurrence est une institution indépendante spécialisée dans le contrôle des pratiques anticoncurrentielles, l'expertise du fonctionnement des marchés et le contrôle des opérations de concentration. Elle est née en 2009 de la transformation du Conseil de la concurrence. Au service du consommateur, elle a pour objectif de veiller au libre jeu de la concurrence et d'apporter son concours au fonctionnement concurrentiel des marchés aux échelons européen et international. The French competition authority is an independant institution specialized in the supervising of anticompetitive practices, providing expertise on market functioning and reviewing merger transactions. …

Type: Public

103 30 85 204
Assas Legal Innovation Assas Legal Innovation

Training the Next Generation of Lawyers ⚠️ please refer to the account « Assas Legal Innovation » to read about the society’s events and activities: 🇫🇷 Assas Legal Innovation a pour but de promouvoir l’innovation dans le domaine du droit et de préparer la prochaine génération de juristes aux enjeux des avancées technologiques. Notre objectif est celui de favoriser la collaboration entre étudiants et professionnels, de contribuer à l’accessibilité du droit et d’analyser les sujets à l’intersection entre le domaine légal et celui des nouvelles technologies. L'association s'organise en six départements : - Blockchain - Fintech - Intelligence Artificielle …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

9 2 5 9
Ground Labs Ground Labs

Streamlined Data Management For Privacy | Security | Compliance Ground Labs enables organizations to discover and remediate all of their data across multiple types and locations — on servers, on desktops and in the cloud. Ground Labs serves as the most comprehensive and trusted solution in the enterprise to confidently mitigate risk and find sensitive data. Ground Labs’ core focus is to develop technology to meet the increasing challenges of data management and regulatory compliance. This is shown with our flagship products of Enterprise Recon and Card Recon, along with our continued development of future solutions to address the complexities, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

6 0 4 46
ErnieApp | Your Privacy Knowledge Manager ErnieApp | Your Privacy Knowledge Manager

Your sharing rights at your fingerprints! ErnieApp was founded in 2017 in Dublin. The company has launched an innovative mobile consumer friendly internet service called Privacy Knowledge Manager or“PKM” . Company early stage mission was to engineer in a software what GDPR art 6 has prescribed in Europe: that a data subject is given full rights to consent (or oppose) to the use of his/her personal data and or even to delete data. ErnieApp is now engaged on a mission to educate companies to offer such capabilities to their customers under a transparent framework as companies' biggest assets are the …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

1 0 1 13
Secure Privacy Secure Privacy

Privacy Automation. Delivered. Secure Privacy helps companies become compliant with 55+ privacy laws including GDPR in under 30 minutes! Project Management

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity

11 0 6 13

#writeyourworld - Let's share our passion for writing For over a century, PILOT has been committed to providing new writing solutions. By listening to consumers, our research has allowed us to create new standards in terms of comfort, through the launch of liquid ink rollerballs, gel ink, and more recently FriXion, the thermosensitive ink rollerball popular with young people around the world. Your trust has recently made us the world's number 1 brand in writing instruments, and we thank you for that. Today, we are committed to meeting the major challenges of this new millennium, such as protecting the environment, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

11 2 7 72
Amcsti Amcsti

The national network of scientific, technical and industrial culture dedicated to professionals Amcsti is the professional network of scientific, technical and industrial cultures (CSTI). The association works for the recognition and development of CSTI. This recognition involves affirming the need for strong cultural and educational action in the field of science and technology, which constitute a considerable societal issue at the heart of current debates. It is through the diversity of these members, the diversity of the territorial distribution that issues can be addressed, discussed and shared. science, culture, network, mediation, and technique

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech it services

57 8 50 15
Alliancy - numérique et business Alliancy - numérique et business

Media on the digital transformation of companies, committed to "Stronger together" Since its creation in 2012, our media has been at the forefront of the digital acceleration experienced by private and public organizations at the heart of the French economy. Today, its role is to offer a unique perspective on our professional environments in transformation. We give our readers the keys to anticipation, through original and in-depth analyses, as well as by monitoring current events. We are a facilitator of sharing experiences for decision-makers, in a framework of trust. Our convictions: The era of artificial intelligence that we have entered …

Type: Media

230 38 208 29
Alliance du Commerce Alliance du Commerce

Ambitions for innovative commerce The Alliance du Commerce is a professional organization that brings together three federations of organized commerce: FEH, UCV and FEC. It represents department stores (Galeries Lafayette, Printemps, Le Bon Marché, BHV, etc.), popular stores (Monoprix), and fashion brands (Celio, Etam, Kiabi, Promod, Petit Bateau, etc.). Defend and promote organized commerce, Represent the interests of fashion brands, department stores and multi-commerce stores, Negotiate collective agreements, Inform member companies, and Develop the network of representatives of member brands

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

52 12 35 10
ANews Expérience Client ANews Expérience Client

The #media B2B of all the players of the customer experience - Press company ANews Expérience Client is the B2B media dedicated to professionals of the customer relationship/experience. Today we offer you nearly 15 programs to inspire you, pilot and manage the customer experience within your organizations. Customer Experience, Customer Relationship, Digital, Consumers, User, Custommer, Omni channel, Feedback, Customer, Media, Information, Content production, Customer Service, News, Digital experience, Artificial Intelligence, Interviews, Audiovisual, Press, Digital Press, and Customer Service

Type: Media

76 4 75 1
Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois

The Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois is located in the heart of Haute-Savoie, a few kilometers from Geneva. It brings together 9 municipalities and works daily to meet the expectations of the 29,912 inhabitants of the territory in terms of public services. The Communauté de communes is part of Greater Geneva, a cross-border project aimed at developing cross-border cooperation and services made available to the 750,000 inhabitants of this territory straddling Switzerland and France. As such, the Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois participates in discussions around large-scale urban developments aimed at improving the living environment of the inhabitants …

Type: Public

13 3 8 42
1D Lab 1D Lab

Innovation, cultures and territory 1D Lab is a cooperative society of collective interest (Scic) which intends, through digital services and resources, to strengthen the dissemination and remuneration of independent creations. Built with the collective energy of a multitude of actors (federations, labels, artists, local authorities, associative radios, concert halls, etc.), the cooperative was designed as a territory of collaborative experiments claiming shared governance of the projects carried out. As a true "smart'up" of the social and solidarity economy, it identifies concrete avenues and imagines new ecosystems to make digital a real opportunity for creators. Four years after its creation, 1D …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 11 10 11
PiaLab PiaLab

Practical and pragmatic GDPR compliance PiaLab, Practical and pragmatic GDPR compliance: ✔️External DPO ✔️Compliance and advice ✔️Training and awareness Our online store: Data protection, Definition of an action plan, GDPR, Training, Risk identification, GDPR, DPO, Processing register, Cybersecurity, and SSI

Type: SMB Activities: privacytech it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

9 0 0 3
DILA (Direction de l'information légale et administrative) DILA (Direction de l'information légale et administrative)

L'accès au droit, les droits et démarches administratives des usagers, l'information citoyenne. #JORF #Droits The direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) is a central administration department of the Prime Minister's Office, placed under the authority of the Secretary General of the Government. Its missions : - LEGAL DISSEMINATION DILA is responsible for publishing laws and decrees in the Journal Officiel de la République française (#JORF). It publishes and disseminates French legislative and regulatory texts on the Lé legal access website. It publishes all legal, economic and financial information relating to public contracts, business life and associations (BODACC//BOAMP/BALO). - ADMINISTRATIVE …

Type: Public

66 17 53 454
Fédération Française des Diabétiques Fédération Française des Diabétiques

Une Fédération de patients au service des patients : #diabete #metiersinterdits #EGDiabete #DiabeteLab #SlowDiabète Created in 1938 and state-approved in 1976, The Fédération Française des Diabétiques (Association Française des Diabétiques until 2013) is a patients’ association, led by patients to the benefit of patients, which accompanies, defends and informs people suffering from diabetes and those around them. It is a Federation with a national headquarters and a network of local associations spread over the national territory (metropolitan France and overseas departments). It brings together 93 associations. The Fédération Française des Diabétiques is a member of the International Diabetes Federation. Since …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

49 19 29 53
Alcees Conseil & Expertises Alcees Conseil & Expertises

Alcees Conseil & Expertises helps you avoid costly mistakes, effectively protect what matters Created in 2018 and present in Paris, Alcees is a consulting & expertise services company that contributes to the success of business transformation. Whether your activities are financial, non-financial or public, we support you in your ambitions to fight cybercrime, including data breaches and cybersecurity incidents. Invest in cybersecurity and digital trust today with Alcees Conseil & Expertises, and receive tailored advice, in-depth analyses, detective/corrective action plans, and targeted metrics every day. This is possible thanks to Alcees Conseil & Expertises. We identify hidden IT assets, critical …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting insurtech privacytech Technologies: A.I. Cybersecurity

48 2 36 1

The businesses of tomorrow already exist within yours Hello, We’re Five by Five, an innovation company. We come from the tech ecosystem, and we work with large corporates, their leaders and their innovators, in transforming their unexplored potential into new business opportunities. Startup Engagement Strategy and Program Design, Intrapreneurship, Business Model Innovation, innovation, venture studio, and business models

Type: Incubators & VCs

30 7 24 2
Institut Pasteur Institut Pasteur

The Institut Pasteur, a non-profit foundation with recognized charitable status set up by Louis Pasteur in 1887, is today an internationally renowned center for biomedical research with a network of 33 members worldwide. In the pursuit of its mission to tackle diseases in France and throughout the world, the Institut Pasteur operates in four main areas: research, public health, training, and development of research applications. The Institut Pasteur is a globally recognized leader in infectious diseases, microbiology, and immunology, with research focusing on the biology of living systems. Among its areas of investigation are emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, certain …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech biotech

107 64 47 4,337
ANR, the French National Research Agency ANR, the French National Research Agency

ANR provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science - for both basic and applied research - to public research organisations and universities, as well as to private companies (including SMEs). Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews compliant with international standards, ANR provides the scientific community with instruments and programmes promoting creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between academia and industry. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world. Since 2010, ANR has also been the lead manager of the …

Type: Public

159 112 43 566
Arcep Arcep

Networks as a common good Arcep, expert and neutral referee to the status of independent administrative authority, is the architect and guardian of the exchange networks in France. Architect of networks, Arcep creates the conditions for a plural and decentralized network organization. It ensures the opening of the market to new players and all forms of innovation, and ensures the competitiveness of the sector through competition for investment. Arcep organizes the network interoperability framework, so that they appear as one in the eyes of users despite their diversity, simple access and not partitioned. It coordinates the good public / private …

Type: Public Technologies: 5G

118 59 82 322
Prologin Prologin

Promouvoir l’informatique auprès des jeunes. Concours Prologin, stages #GirlsCanCode! et ateliers Prologin. Prologin is a non-profit organization, which organizes a yearly Computer Science contest of the same name. It is run by 60+ volunteers. Since 1992, the Prologin contest brings together computer science enthusiasts. The contest is divided in three parts: an online selection phase open to everyone, semi-finals taking part in a few French cities, and for the best 100 candidates, the final in Paris: 36 hours of non-stop programming and fun! pédagogie, informatique, concours, diversité, algorithmique, égalité femmes-hommes, égalité filles-garçons, mixité, and numérique

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

43 6 35 86
WeTechCare WeTechCare

WeTechCare is an association that puts digital technology at the service of vulnerable people. At WeTechCare, we are convinced that digital technology can improve the situation of vulnerable people. Our actions aim to give everyone the means to benefit from digital opportunities and to create social action systems using the full potential of technology. To carry out this mission, we mobilize our expertise in project management, platform development, community animation, consulting, educational engineering and data management. In 5 years, more than 1 million people have been supported by our programs. Our goal is to reach five times more by 2025. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

61 5 60 4

Mutualisation + Solutions Amue (Agence de mutualisation des universités et etablissements d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche) is a French shared-services agency devoted to foster innovation among universities and other Higher Education and Research Institutions. The agency is a GIP (Public Interest Group under the French law) created in 1992 to facilitate cooperation between its members. Amue has currently more than 170 members and it supports their joint actions to improve the quality of their management. Our main missions are: - to provide expertise to institutions through training, guidelines, knowledge sharing and best practices; - to disseminate information in different areas …

Type: Public

21 8 16 228
Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR)

L'ACPR est une autorité indépendante chargée de l'agrément et du contrôle des banques et des assurances. The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel (ACP) was formed on 9 March 2010 as the body responsible for supervising the banking and insurance sectors in France. It had its first full year of activity in 2011. The Authority’s main duty is to maintain financial stability and to provide protection for banks’ customers and for insurance policyholders and beneficiaries. The ACP also represents France for matters within its jurisdiction in Europe as well as in international negotiations. The ACP is an independent administrative authority attached to …

Type: Public

69 31 34 682
Healthcare Data Institute Healthcare Data Institute

Think Tank focused on transforming healthcare through the use of health data for the benefit of patients and citizens. The Healthcare Data Institute is a Think Tank, a collaborative structure, dedicated to the transformation of the healthcare system through the scientific and economic use of health data for the benefit of healthcare system stakeholders, patients, and citizens. healthcare, think tank, data mining, machine learning, Health Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech it services

75 7 66 8
Statice Statice

Statice has joined Anonos to provide a comprehensive data privacy & security solution to overcome obstacles to data use. Statice has joined Anonos! We commercialize data anonymization solutions, enabling companies to derive value from sensitive data while minimizing privacy risks. With Statice, companies remove existing barriers to data usage and safeguard their customer privacy by generating privacy-preserving synthetic data, which is compliant for sharing and processing. In October 2022, Statice and Anonos joined forces. The combined organization has grown to 70 employees working globally to provide a comprehensive data privacy and security platform that eliminates the trade-off between data protection …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

31 3 29 9
Conseil d'Etat Conseil d'Etat

Advising public authorities - Judging disputes between citizens and the administration The Conseil d’État is a court that settles disputes between citizens and administrative authorities. It ensures that the rights and freedoms of each citizen are respected by administrative authorities. It also serves as a legal advisor to the Government and Parliament, suggesting improvements to their bills and legislative proposals to ensure the new laws entering into force are clear, effective and comply with the existing body of law. Lastly, through its studies, it performs a forward-looking role in improving public policy. Serving citizens, the Conseil d’État safeguards the rule …

Type: Public

63 34 26 1,432
Sénat Sénat

The Senate votes on the law and monitors the Government's action. It represents local authorities. The upper house of Parliament represents local authorities and sits in the Palais du Luxembourg. The Senate votes on the law, monitors the Government's action and evaluates public policies. It can amend the Constitution jointly with the National Assembly. The 348 senators are elected by indirect universal suffrage for a 6-year term. Nearly 1,300 civil servants and contract workers assist senators on a daily basis in carrying out their mandate. Find legislative information for all professionals on this page.

Type: Public

215 124 95 2,657
Trousse à projets Trousse à projets

School in action The Trousse à Projets is a Public Interest Group created in 2017 at the initiative of the Ministry of National Education in partnership with the Central Office for Cooperation in Schools, the Canopé Network, Crédit Coopératif and the Endowment Fund for a Solidarity and Innovative School. Its purpose is to encourage and facilitate the implementation of educational and pedagogical projects, the opening of the school to its environment and the development of partnerships. Its activities are deployed for the benefit of students and school communities in public and private schools, middle schools and high schools under contract. …

Type: Public

52 15 47 13
Ligue de l'enseignement de Vendée Ligue de l'enseignement de Vendée

Joining forces A popular education association that complements the School and is an actor in the Social and Solidarity Economy, the Ligue de l'enseignement – ​​Fédération de Vendée brings together around its values ​​and principles – secularism, citizenship, solidarity – more than 200 associations in the department. We are part of the national movement of the Ligue de l'enseignement that has existed for more than 150 years. We act daily within the framework of multiple activities and projects on cross-cutting and complementary themes with toddlers, children, young people, families and seniors. Education, culture, social action, community life, environment, digital, sport, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 1 15 18
La Quadrature du Net La Quadrature du Net

La Quadrature du Net is an advocacy group that promotes the rights and freedoms of citizens on the Internet. More specifically, it advocates for the adaptation of French and European legislations to respect the founding principles of the Internet, most notably the free circulation of knowledge. As such, La Quadrature du Net engages in public-policy debates concerning, for instance, freedom of speech, copyright, regulation of telecommunications and online privacy. In addition to its advocacy work, the group also aims to foster a better understanding of legislative processes among citizens. Through specific and pertinent information and tools, La Quadrature du Net …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 10 12 6
Universcience Universcience

National player in scientific, technical, industrial and innovation culture. Universcience, born from the merger of the Palais de la découverte and the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, is the first French public institution dedicated to the dissemination and sharing of scientific, technical and industrial culture (CSTI) with the general public. The leading science center in Europe, it is also a major player in the influence of the CSTI outside our borders. Its interactive and fun approach offers to approach science and technology through discovery and questioning on the major issues of our world through diversified avenues: ▪ temporary or …

Type: Public

101 29 71 700
smartclip smartclip

Engineering the future of TV advertising | smartx ad server and SSP smartclip is the adtech business of RTL Group — Europe’s leading free-to-air broadcaster group. Our proprietary advertising technology is custom-built for the needs of European broadcasters and publishers — enabling media owners to implement smarter monetisation strategies. We are committed to delivering the most innovative ad experiences spanning in-stream, out-stream, addressable TV, connected TV, audio, and gaming — ultimately empowering brands with true cross-screen storytelling opportunities on all devices. Headquartered in Hamburg, smartclip has offices in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Gütersloh, Amsterdam, and Paris. online video, advertising, video, …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

6 0 4 139
CCI Rouen Métropole CCI Rouen Métropole

The Rouen Métropole CCI supports companies in its territory at every stage of their development, from creation, to development and transfer/takeover. The CCI represents companies and drives the economic life of the 25,000 industrial, commercial and service companies in its territory. Business development of companies, Business creation, Training, and Business takeover/transfer

Type: Public

56 21 43 150

Contract Research Organisation CLINACT, a MultiHealth Group company, is a Contract Research Organisation (CRO) assisting you in your health products development: pharmaceutical, medical devices, biotechnology, cosmetics, nutrition... With more than 20 years of experience, CLINACT provides its expertise for large range of innovative services: - Clinical operations - Biometrics - Medical and regulatory affairs - Pharmacovigilance, medical device vigilance and other vigilances - E-tools : Clinfile - Outsourcing and recruting : TempoPHARMA - Professional Training : FORMATIS This range of services fully covers industrials or academic organisations' requirements. As a MultiHealth company, CLINACT can also provide specific services withtout any …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

7 0 7 116
Telemedicine Technologies Telemedicine Technologies

#ClinicalResearch #ClinicalTrials #Telemedicine, #MobileHealth #MedicalDevices #DataManagement #DataEngineering Founded in 2000, Telemedicine Technologies is an information systems engineering company specialising in the e-health sector. The solutions developed and operated by Telemedicine Technologies contribute to the improvement of the health care system, patient care or clinical and epidemiological research, in a wide range of uses. Telemedicine Technologies' activity is at the convergence of various disciplines (software engineering, space technologies, big data and data science, medicine and clinical operations, etc.) in an international environment and a start-up spirit. Telemedicine Technologies' teams have the expertise to ensure and guarantee a perfect compliance with the …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

14 0 14 34

Partenaire de l’innovation médicale RCTs is a French and International Full-Service CRO with more than 30 years of experience and over 700 projects conducted: clinical studies from phase I to phase IV, real-life or public health impact studies, medical and administrative assessments of SNDS (National Health Data System) databases, in various therapeutic areas (oncology, diabetes, cardiology, rheumatology, infectious diseases, central nervous system, vaccines...), for drug and medical device manufacturers, as well as for academic sponsors, institutions, learned societies and patient associations. Besides, RCTs has an expertise in clinical evaluations (CEP and CER) and regulatory consulting for medical devices. It is …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

7 0 7 50
Angels Santé Angels Santé

The leading European Business Angels network in healthcare investment Europe’s number one Business Angel Network for Health Angles Santé investors provide their funds and expertise to start-ups with strong potential to support their launch and development. Our mission at Angels Santé: to detect European start-ups that meet the challenges of our health systems with economically responsible solutions and strong medical benefits, to boost seed-stage development by providing direct capital, expertise and networks, to mobilize non-specialized investors towards health investment to meet the needs of ambitious projects. Our members invest in healthcare projects that they understand, thanks to their expertise and …

Type: Incubators & VCs

73 13 59 72

Account managed by the EDPB communications team. We cannot provide legal advice. Disclaimer:!MQ43cU The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is an independent European body, which contributes to the consistent application of data protection rules throughout the European Union, and promotes cooperation between the EU’s data protection authorities. The EDPB is composed of representatives of the national data protection authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS). The EDPB is established by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and is based in Brussels. The European Commission has the right to participate in the activities and meetings of the Board without …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

11 3 1 1
Oaklen Consulting Oaklen Consulting

Matching the Worlds Founded in 2001, Oaklen Consulting is an independent consulting and auditing firm specialising in payments. We have developed a high level of expertise that is recognised by our clients, whom we support in their payment transformation projects from strategic vision to implementation. This global approach to payment methods allows us to intervene in the entire value chain. The success of the ambitious projects entrusted to us by our clients is based on our sense of commitment and the expertise of our consultants involved. Monétique, Moyens de Paiement, Conseil, MOA, Marketing des Paiements, Innovation, Plateforme de Paiement, Cybersécurité, …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

15 1 8 71

The growth activator ADNOV, a subsidiary of the ADSN group, a renowned French player with national roots, has been developing recognized expertise in cybersecurity and data protection for regulated professions for over 40 years. Thanks to our experience, we offer cutting-edge services in cybersecurity, secure networks, data protection, as well as real estate and customer relations, perfectly adapted to the specific requirements of these essential professions. Our mission: to support our customers in their digitalization by providing them with optimal digital security and peace of mind. Our goal is for them to be able to remain focused on their core …

Type: SMB Activities: it services proptech Technologies: Cybersecurity

14 8 8 156
Biometric Update Biometric Update

Biometric Update publishes daily breaking news, analysis, and research about the global biometrics industry. is the leading news property that publishes shareable breaking news, analysis, and research about the global biometrics market. We provide the world’s leading news coverage and information on the global biometric technology market via the web and an exclusive daily newsletter. Our daily biometrics updates, industry perspectives, interviews, columns and in-depth features explore a broad range of modalities and methods, from fingerprint, voice, iris, and facial recognition, to cutting-edge technologies like DNA analysis and gait recognition, related identification tools such as behavioral biometrics, and non-biometric …

Type: Startup Activities: martech regtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

38 2 35 15
InterHop InterHop

For Digital Commons in Health! Follow us on Mastodon: promotes and develops the use of free and open-source software for health. brings together activists for free software and self-managed use of health data at the local level. health, data, rgpd, advocacy, software, IT, and law

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 3 18 3
Chut! Magazine Chut! Magazine

Chut! explores the impact of digital technology on our lives Chut! magazine is a quarterly paper magazine of 100 illustrated pages, which takes the time to observe the impact of digital technology on our lives. It is also a podcast channel Chut! Radio. In a context of infobesity and digital noise, we say "shush" to the effervescence of digital technology in order to better listen to the changes induced by technologies. Our society is changing profoundly. Connected objects, blockchain, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, uberization, behind the buzz words that cause a lot of ink to flow, there are changes in uses …

Type: Media

64 16 52 35
Assemblée nationale Assemblée nationale

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity The National Assembly is the heart of French democracy. 577 deputies are elected every five years to represent the French people, legislate and monitor the actions of the Government. Three main categories of staff work in their service: civil servants, parliamentary collaborators and those of political groups. The civil servants of the National Assembly, numbering around 1,300, are recruited by competitive examination and exercise very diverse professions. In accordance with the principle of separation of powers, their autonomous status is set by the Bureau of the Assembly. Civil servants are assigned either to the legislative services, where …

Type: Public

298 219 81 5,294
Acteurs publics Acteurs publics

Acteurs publics is a media specialized in information and services dedicated to public actors. Acteurs publics: At the heart of the State, in the territories, alongside all those who act in the public sphere, the editorial staff of Acteurs publics deciphers, analyzes, and comments on public policies. Acteurs publics publishes the daily Acteurs publics Newsletter (200,000 recipients) and the monthly Acteurs publics (print run 15,000 copies). Acteurs publics also organizes the Rencontres des Acteurs publics Written press, Online press, Web TV, Events, and Studies

Type: Media

136 62 103 117
DMA France DMA France

The leading network for multichannel data marketing for professionals and institutions. DMA Frace is the professional organization representing the Data Marketing Industry in France. Today, it brings together nearly 200 members who are committed to offering their services in compliance with the ethics and best practices of the profession. These professionals integrate new communication channels and high-performance technologies. They offer skills that extend to all the professions represented. Promotion of direct marketing techniques and professions, Expertise on all BtoB and BtoC channels, Defense of direct marketing professions, and Protection of privacy and personal data

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

12 1 9 24
Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE) Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE)

Created in 1973, the Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE) is a think tank that promotes the collective expertise of the Grandes écoles and its members and their role in the landscape of higher education and research. It also participates in discussions on societal issues, given the anchoring of the Grandes écoles in the territories and the impact of training the executives and managers of tomorrow. The CGE produces summaries, studies and surveys that refer to the national level: annual survey on the integration of young graduates, barometer of the social and international openness of the Grandes écoles, white paper on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

69 21 48 68

Less legal and code maintenance, more GDPR compliance. - AI legal services

Type: SMB Activities: it services legaltech Technologies: Data Analytics

8 1 2 8

Consulting firm specializing in Electronic Payments and Payment Methods. PARTELYA Consulting is a consulting firm specializing in Electronic Payments and Payment Methods based in the Ile de France region. Since its creation in 2008, PARTELYA Consulting has developed solid experience in the field of project management and assists its clients in both project management and project management. Our consultants provide decisive assistance in defining strategies, analyzing and organizing the processes to be implemented and developing innovative projects and applications. Our know-how and expertise in electronic payment allow us to provide an appropriate response to our clients' issues. Our teams of …

Type: Media

33 4 30 51
Ekitia Ekitia

Data and AI in full confidence Ex Occitanie Data Ekitia (ex Occitanie Data) is an association prefiguring a data economy hub. Currently in the process of being transformed into a Public Interest Group (GIP). Created in Occitanie but bringing together stakeholders beyond, its members and partners are companies, public institutions, local authorities, academic stakeholders. Ekitia consists of building a framework of trust, ethics and sovereignty, intended to allow stakeholders to share and cross-reference their data while respecting the interests of individuals and data owners. The structure will offer actions, services and solutions likely to meet the needs identified with stakeholders. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

58 17 32 9
Lue Lue

Lorraine University of Excellence (LUE) is Lorraine's response to the IDEX-ISITE national call for tenders. By winning this call for tenders, the project will be able to establish Lorraine as a cutting-edge land in the fields of materials and engineering (energy, digital, health, knowledge industry, resources) and benefit from funding to activate the devices described in this document. This objective will be achieved through innovative devices aimed at creating added value.

Type: Media

7 0 7 3
La villa numeris La villa numeris

Think digital, make real La villa numeris is an independent think tank that promotes a European model of digital based on humans. Our mission: to enable decision-makers to understand and anticipate societal and economic transformations, to act accordingly, to raise awareness and mobilize to give meaning to organizations and succeed in their transformation. La villa numeris is an association under the 1901 Law financed by its members and by the sale of services. New Culture of Work, Working Differently, Connected Territories, Fake news, Digital citizen, Blockchain, AI, and Citizenship

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

46 4 28 10