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LogoName Σ Employees
Shift Technology Shift Technology

AI-powered insurance decision automation and optimization Shift Technology delivers AI decisioning solutions to benefit the global insurance industry and its customers. Our products enable insurers to automate and optimize decisions from underwriting to claims, resulting in superior customer experiences, increased operational efficiency, and reduced costs. The future of insurance starts with Decisions Made Better. Learn more at Mathematics, Computer Science, Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Insurance

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: it services deeptech insurtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

66 27 39 550
Testamento Testamento

At Testamento, we believe financial and estate planning should be accessible to everyone. At Testamento, we believe that life insurance and financial education should be available to everyone, both end-clients and sales & marketing teams. Testamento designs and deploys innovative cloud native software that boost the commercial approaches and services banks and insurance players in the field of life insurance. Our key B2B clients are Generali, Allianz and MetLife. These services can be integrated at lead generation level (Testamento Detect), pre-sales (Testamento Optimizer), in the management of beneficiary clauses (Testamento Beneficiary) and can form an educational platform of services enabling …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech legaltech Technologies: SaaS

55 17 54 17
BioSerenity BioSerenity

Connected & integrated neurosciences. Brain monitoring & remote diagnostic BioSerenity develops connected medical solutions to help diagnose and monitor patients with chronic diseases in neurology, sleep disorders and cardiology. We use physiological sensors, an IoT platform, apps and A.I. to detect digital biomarkers. We work with more than 200 hospitals in Europe and in the USA and help diagnose over a hundred thousand patients per year. Our headquarter is in Paris, France. The US main office is located in greater Boston area (Danvers) in Massachusetts. Medical Devices, e-Health, Neurology, Smart Clothing, Mobile Diagnostics, Sleep, Research, EEG, Polysomnography, Sleep diagnostic, and …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech biotech Technologies: A.I.

51 28 23 272
Greenscope Greenscope

Where ESG can be leveraged. Greenscope is a greentech helping companies and financial institutions to manage their CSR/ESG approach with a SaaS platform and ESG consulting. Greenscope supports investors and companies in their 360° environmental transition process: - ESG reporting & CSR diagnosis - EU Taxonomy reporting & CSRD/SFDR reporting - Carbon & biodiversity footprint From data collection to sustainable actions, Greenscope is the ESG monitoring solution for companies and investors. reporting, ESG, Sustainable Finance, and RSE

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fintech greentech Technologies: SaaS Data Analytics

42 18 25 44
Antenia Antenia

By your side to ensure tomorrow! Software publisher for insurance players, Antenia strengthens the agility and competitiveness of its customers in their digital transformation. With its cutting-edge expertise in the fields of IT, P&C, Life and Health insurance, Antenia ensures the transition between traditional information systems and new IT practices. To dive into the heart of Antenia's life and discover the essence of our company, visit the LinkedIn page: Inside Antenia. Insurance software edition

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech it services Technologies: SaaS

6 2 6 86
Wilbi Wilbi

Wilbi, it's a real experience Wilbi is the free tool for discovering careers and training in video stories that helps young people with their career guidance. On Wilbi, we use the format, codes and features of the social networks that young people use every day to make the career guidance process attractive. In concrete terms, Wilbi allows them to find all the information on careers thanks to more than 10,000 video stories in social network style. Salary, training, missions, skills... hundreds of professionals show them their daily lives on video. But Wilbi is also an opportunity for different players in …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

26 9 19 11
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale

The Farnesina is vested with the functions and tasks assigned to the State in respect of international political, economic, social and cultural relations. The Foreign Ministry is vested with the functions and tasks assigned to the State in respect of international political, economic, social and cultural relations.

Type: Public

33 15 11 2,553
Portage Portage

We empower entrepreneurs reshaping financial services. Portage is a global investment platform focused on fintech and financial services. Our team partners with ambitious companies across all stages, providing flexible capital and deliver a global network of investors, commercial partners, advisors and value creation experts. With deep industry knowledge and entrepreneurial experience, Portage is committed to supporting the leaders who are reshaping financial services. A full list of portfolio companies is available at: Fintech, financial services, asset management, and venture capital

Type: Incubators & VCs

33 9 11 65
Association des Assureurs Mutualistes Association des Assureurs Mutualistes

United in our diversity! The Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (AAM) brings together French mutual insurance companies. Its mission is to promote the interests of mutual insurers at national, European and international levels... It offers its members a space for sharing and debating any topic specific to the world of mutual insurance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

25 5 23 5
FAIR - Label Finansol FAIR - Label Finansol

FAIR aspires to an economy that places people at the center of their development and acts in France and internationally The Finansol association, a collective of solidarity finance stakeholders, aims to promote solidarity savings and solidarity finance. Please note, we have noticed that malicious people are pretending to be Finansol or one of its managers by sending fraudulent emails: this is identity theft, Finansol is not a financing organization.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

108 38 85 59
Ofi Invest Ofi Invest

France’s fifth-largest asset management group. Ofi Invest, a new dimension for the future. Ofi Invest is now France’s fifth-largest asset management group, with 195 billion euros in assets under management as of the end of December 2021. Formed by the merger of Aviva Investors France, Aviva Investors Real Estate France, Aéma REIM, and OFI Group, Ofi Invest is the sole asset management division within Aéma Groupe (which includes MACIF, Abeille Assurances, Aésio Mutuelle). Ofi Invest has more than 600 employees committed to serving institutional, professional and individual investors – whether clients, insured parties, or members of partner distribution networks – …

Type: Incubators & VCs

8 6 2 48
Assurances Crédit Mutuel Assurances Crédit Mutuel

Join a human, innovative and supportive company. Life and P&C Insurance social protection, prevention, insurance manager, actuary, insurance, MRH, work-study, and health insurance

Type: Large company

12 8 5 1,819
Génération Génération

Experts and caring, we are committed to your side to make health management easier for you. Created in 1996, Génération is a broker specializing in the management of corporate health and pension plans on behalf of all players in personal insurance: insurance companies, pension institutions, mutuals, brokers, consulting actuaries. With more than 1,200 employees, 2.4 million beneficiaries managed in Health, 1.1 million employees managed in Pension and €1.6 billion in benefits paid per year, Génération has become a benchmark on the market. Management of health and pension plans

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

10 3 8 590
L'Etudiant L'Etudiant

Vous avez l'âge de l'avenir. 🎓 L’Etudiant, a historically multimedia company, is the leading organisation in France in the field of higher education. Regarded as the most significant publisher thanks to its monthly magazines and several yearly comprehensive guides, it is also the leader in organising student fairs. For more than 40 years, l’Etudiant has been keeping its public informed about the world of education through its activities in: > FAIRS • 76 fairs • 2 million visitors • 660 conferences • 1,830 lecturers > INTERNET • 4 websites : - - - • 7,3 million …

Type: Media

180 125 82 2,398
Syntec Ingenierie Syntec Ingenierie

Impulsons ensemble les grandes transitions ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ingénierie, Bâtiment, Infrastructures, Environnement, Industries, Conseil en technologie, and Géotechniciens

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

97 26 76 48

Météo-France is a public administration placed under the authority of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, with the main mission to observe and to forecast the evolution of the atmosphere, the snow cover and the surface of the ocean and thus to ensure the security of life and property. Météo-France has many centres in France (mainland), in all the overseas departments and in all parts of the world where France is present, including Terre Adélie in French Antarctica. Nearly 80% of Météo-France personnel are either engineers or technicians whose level of education is between that of university graduate and doctorate level.

Type: Public

154 98 55 1,573
MEDEF Île-de-France MEDEF Île-de-France

📣"Serving businesses for a Capital Region" 📌#MedefIDF #Medef #Entreprise #PME The region's leading professional network, MEDEF Ile-de-France represents and defends the interests of Ile-de-France businesses and regional professional unions. As the spokesperson for entrepreneurs, MEDEF Ile-de-France manages more than 3,000 employer mandates (CCI, TC, Conseil de Prud'hommes, Écoles, Universities, CESER, CPAM) and represents Ile-de-France businesses in all economic, social, training and integration institutions. It is the contact for regional authorities, local authorities and social partners. A place for coordinating specific requests linked to the Ile-de-France economy, MEDEF Ile-de-France coordinates the collective expectations of companies in their territory, requests expressed by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

78 13 68 19
Mission Risques Naturels (MRN) Mission Risques Naturels (MRN)

Mission of insurance companies, for the knowledge and prevention of natural risks The Natural Risk Mission (MRN), is an association created by the insurance profession in 2000. Its purpose is to enable the insurance profession to contribute to a better knowledge, prevention and adaptation to current and future natural risks. As part of its mission, the MRN carries out institutional and technical, scientific, educational and documentary activities. It constitutes a space conducive to reflection, analysis and exchanges between its members. It develops innovative services and tools allowing a better knowledge and reduction of the vulnerability of issues exposed to natural …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

25 2 14 14
IGNES - Industriels des solutions électriques et numériques du bâtiment IGNES - Industriels des solutions électriques et numériques du bâtiment

Together, let's bring the building to life IGNES is the Alliance of manufacturers who offer electrical and digital solutions to bring the building to life and animate it for the benefit of its occupants. These solutions make energy and data accessible in a secure, efficient and sustainable manner. They also provide essential functions within the building: control, warn and protect. IGNES positions these solutions as a key response to major climate and societal challenges. It supports manufacturers, public authorities and stakeholders in France, while being part of a European and international dynamic. The Alliance is made up of 42 companies …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech it services

71 4 69 19
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie Cité des sciences et de l'industrie

Science is still important! A place for sharing and meeting, the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie strives to help everyone, regardless of their background, discover, understand and love science and technology, industrial know-how and their challenges. To this end, the Cité offers a rich and varied cultural offering aimed at audiences of all ages: fun and interactive temporary and permanent exhibitions, shows, a Science and Industry Library, a Children's City, a Health City, a Careers City, conferences, symposiums and debates, spaces dedicated to new technologies and collaborative experiments with a Fab Lab and a Living Lab, and finally, publications, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

182 119 73 348
InBrain Pharma InBrain Pharma

InBrain Pharma, a CNS disorders focused biotech, founded in 2018, exploiting through an exclusive worldwide patent license signed with the Northern France TTO, a groundbreaking therapeutic approach of advanced Parkinson’s Disease based on the research work of Pr David DEVOS and Pr Caroline MOREAU developed within their academic research Team from the Université́ de Lille, Lille Neuroscience & cognition UMR-S 1172 INSERM and the Lille University Hospital. To date, the company has raised €4.4 million in dilutive and non-dilutive financing, these funds having enabled to carry out a first phase I/IIb DIVE-I clinical trial on 12 patients, for which results …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

15 6 10 4
My Risk Committee My Risk Committee

An all in one ERM platform to manage prevention, mitigate risks and optimize insurance. ©My Risk Committee My Risk Committee is a risk advisory company, whose platform “©My Risk io” is focused on unlocking data insights from industrial assets using connected objects (IoT) for risk management, improving loss prevention and optimizing insurance. The combined risk management and data science expertise allows My Risk Committee to offer a fully digital plug and play solution for continuous real-time monitoring of corporate assets, risks and insurance. My Risk Committee gives you the tools for modern monitoring of your corporate assets and to improve …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics IoT SaaS

13 0 12 3
Untec - Union nationale des économistes de la construction Untec - Union nationale des économistes de la construction

Join the community of construction economists. The National Union of Construction Economists is the only professional organization of construction economists. The fundamental values ​​of the UNTEC are confratern assistance, the training and improvement of its members and their collaborators, research and development as a way of the excellence of the profession on all its missions. Beyond its members, the Untec works in the idea of ​​federating all construction economists, whatever their professional status, and to serve mastery of quality, costs and deadlines within act of building. Construction economists, construction, building, BIM, Building Information Modeling, BTP, Businesses, VSEs, and PMEs

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

44 9 34 31
GHU Paris psychiatrie & neurosciences GHU Paris psychiatrie & neurosciences

1st Mental Disease Hospital and Nervous System #Neneuroscience #SyCychiatry #mentalhealth The Paris Psychiatry University Hospital Group & Amp; Neuroscience was created on January 1, 2019, born from the merger of the House White House, Perray-Vaucluse and Sainte-Anne. It brings together 170 structures spread over 94 sites, the 25 sectors covering the entire health territory in the capital. With a total active line of 60,000 patients, 1 in 40 Parisian uses its services. Psychiatry, neuroscience, mental health, hospital, Paris, health, psychiatrist, and neuro

Type: Public

29 13 4 1,741
Force Ouvrière Force Ouvrière

Resist, claim, reconquer The union which brings together employees (assets, apprentices, unemployed and retirees) beyond their political, religious or philosophical choices to represent their common interests.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

35 20 8 287
French-American Foundation - France French-American Foundation - France

Launched with its sister foundation in 1976 by President Ford and President Giscard d'Estaing, the French-American Foundation is a non-profit organization with the objective of creating transatlantic exchanges and dialogues on political, social, economic and economic subjects cultural.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

54 9 43 24
Albin Michel Albin Michel

Albin Michel group's official LinkedIn Page The Albin Michel editions are a French publishing house founded in 1900. Francis Esménard, the current Chairman and CEO, is the descendant of the founder. General publishing house, Albin Michel publishes around 500 titles per year in the following genres: French literature, foreign literature, documents and essays, human sciences, psychology, spiritualities, practice, fine books, youth and licenses. Albin Michel has resolutely engaged in the digital turn by making a large part of its fund accessible in this format (more than 2,000 titles) and its innovations. The Albin Michel group has several publishers among its …

Type: Media

28 17 6 429
Prévention MAIF Prévention MAIF

Prevent, inform, educate with road, domestic, digital risks and the gestures that save Prevention MAIF supports communities, associations, teachers and families, by deploying concrete prevention actions. 🤝 Our reason for being ⤵ Because listening and attention paid to oneself, the other and the world are necessary conditions for individual and collective development. We want, through a positive approach, to prepare each citizen for the experience of the risks encountered during his life so that he can anticipate them and act in responsibility. 🚀 Join us to be part of an exceptional human adventure!

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

12 1 10 50
Clusif Clusif

Ethics and exchange spirit on the security of the IS & amp; Cybersecurity Created in 1992, but already a de facto association since 1982, the clusif is an association law 1901 which brings together French experts in information systems and cybersecurity. It offers its members a place of exchange and meeting at the service of an effective SSI around two colleges of experts: Safety solutions providers & amp; Users from all sectors of the economy. The clusif allows the brewing of experiences and the exchange of ideas within groups and workpads, publications and reference studies (MIPS "IT threats and security …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

38 11 17 49

The association that accompanies all women in their desire to undertake and fight gender inequalities 💪 Willa, formerly Paris pioneers, is the first mix of diversity in tech in France. Since its creation in 2005, Willa has accompanied startups founded or co -founded by women thanks to a network of mentor. Willa is convinced that more women, more diversity in general, is more creativity, and therefore more innovation and value creation. Willa is an organization that gives the keys to entrepreneurship to all women, accompanies them and welcomes them in a strong and committed network, but also in an atypical …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

55 33 28 80
French Straw Bale Construction Network French Straw Bale Construction Network

Promouvoir et démocratiser l’usage de la paille dans le bâtiment en France. The French Straw Bale Construction Network is the national association representing and developing the straw bale construction sector. isolation, botte de paille, efficacité énergétique, économie d'énergie, construction, rénovation, and bâtiment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

13 3 8 12
Union Nationale des Géomètres-Experts - UNGE Union Nationale des Géomètres-Experts - UNGE

Let's express the spaces of tomorrow The National Union of Spews-Experts is the employers' organization of this ordinal profession created in 1946. It is the union representative of the profession with a network of 14 regional chambers and 85 departmental chambers. Its role is to organize the actions relating to the promotion and defense of economic and social interests of the exprets. Speramership, real estate, land, town planning, topography, rural development, condominium, BIM, diagnosticsimmobiliers, subdivision, development Durable, trustee, organizationalle, paritarism, construction, professional organization, training, and permit

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

46 5 42 28

French Meeting Industry Council Unimev, French Union of Event Trades is the representative professional union of fairs, fairs, congresses and events, managers of reception sites and service providers dedicated to France. It has more than 400 members and represents nearly 90% of the activity in the sector, including the biggest names in the organization, reception and the provision of services of events in Île-de-France and Region . Unimev missions 1. Promote the use of fairs, fairs, congresses and corporate events By carrying out studies on the sector, its actors, the economic benefits caused by the organization of events, by promoting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

65 14 48 47
Syntec Conseil Syntec Conseil

Organization of consulting professions in France. Let's invent the consulting of tomorrow Syntec Conseil is the professional union representing consulting firms in France. With nearly 250 member companies, we embody the profession in all its dimensions and together invent the consulting professions of tomorrow. Key figures for the sector: 15,000 companies 120,000 people €20 billion in turnover 80% executives JOIN US! - Take part in the professional consulting community - Exchange with peers and cross approaches - Promote your expertise and help promote consulting - Promote your practices and contribute to the excellence of the profession - Get support - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

68 15 61 20
CFDP Protection Juridique Indépendante CFDP Protection Juridique Indépendante

CFDP Legal Protection, trusted partner of brokers CFDP independent legal protection, trusted partner of brokers. Relational proximity, legal expertise, independence, intermedied distribution, territorial anchoring are the pillars of CFDP. We provide an adapted and innovative response to our brokers and distributor partners within our 30 delegations. Legal protection

Type: SMB Activities: it services legaltech

10 0 8 252
Smacl Assurances Smacl Assurances

United and committed insurer that has supported communities and territories for 50 years Smacl Assurances has been committed, for almost 50 years, with communities and territories. Created by and for local elected officials, Smacl Assurances is a united and committed insurer. It has developed tailor -made products and offers, perfectly calibrated to the needs of its insured, whether they are communities, associations or local businesses. Companies, general insurer, and Iard

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

53 16 42 599
Revue Banque Revue Banque

Reference player in the banking and financial sector The Banque journal offers a diverse offer of content and services for professionals in the bank, finance and insurance: - La Presse, Review editor Banque, Banque & Amp; Right, as well as their specials, is a benchmark player in the banking and financial sector. Immerse yourself in specialized content, rich in analysis and expertise, to stay at the forefront of your field. - Events organize meetings to interact with professionals in the sector, offering learning and networking opportunities. Stay informed about the major issues in the financial sector while developing your professional …

Type: Media

60 21 46 30
Printemps de l'économie Printemps de l'économie

12th edition of the Spring of the Economy, from April 2 to 5, 2024. Do you get the economy! The spring of the economy is an annual event intended to improve the understanding of the economy and to allow everyone to seize the major challenges of the moment to participate in the democratic debate. 74% of our 15,000 listeners are young people under the age of 30. For 4 days, great players in the economic world (economists, chief of companies, academics, institutional (the) s, political) are found in Paris at the EESC to debate and exhibit their ideas. The singularity …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 9 32 1

For more than 25 years, Polyexpert has supported insurance professionals in expertise, diagnosis and evaluation of damage consecutive to claims that occurred to insured (water damage, fires, electrical damage, flights, drought, etc.) . Whatever the frequency of the disaster or its magnitude, our experts intervene to technically see the causes and circumstances, the materiality of the damage, the verification and the state of the risk, the responsibilities and, if necessary, may take agreement on the compensation with the insured or the third party. Because each situation is different, our teams show adaptability and rigor and treat each claim in a …

Type: Large company Activities: insurtech

9 1 8 925
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Polonaise en France Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Polonaise en France

The Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in France since 1994 has been actively participating in developing economic cooperation between Poland and France. The main task of the Chamber is to inspire and support the development of economic and commercial relations between Polish and French business entities and representing the economic interests of member companies. These tasks are carried out through organization of numerous promotional campaigns, seminars, business breakfasts and conferences, which are a platform for the exchange of experiences and information between French and Polish enterprises. Échanges économiques Franco-Polonais, Organization d'événents, Mise en relations entre les entreprises, and commerce

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

14 2 10 7
Opco Atlas Opco Atlas

I qualifying financial and advice skills operator | ✅ News, advice & amp; Tools for companies Companies, we give you keys to remain competitive and attract new talents (and keep them!) To see the future more serenely, we are here for: 🔎 Identify your human resources and training needs 💰 Financing your employees' training 🆙 Improve your HR practices 📄 Facilitate your administrative procedures 💼 Set up a successful alternation Are these subjects interested? Follow us to remain informed of the news of our sectors ✔️ Training devices ✔️ Funding ✔️ and many other subjects that you will discover by …

Type: Public

103 60 49 348
Observatoire de l'immobilier durable Observatoire de l'immobilier durable

Thinking responsible real estate #Carbone #Adaptation #Biodiversity #Energie #isr Independent Association, the Observatoire de l'Emal Estate Sustainable (OID) aims to accelerate the ecological transition from the real estate sector in France and internationally. Composed of more than a hundred members and partners, including real estate leaders, the OID constitutes the reference for the entire sector value chain, and promotes collective intelligence to solve environmental, social and social issues real estate societies. OID produces resources and tools at the service of the general interest. Tertiary real estate, sustainable development, innovation, climate, resilience, energy, resources, general interest, conviction, and climate change

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

74 26 61 36
LMedia LMedia

Group - &Co - Events LMedia, indépendant depuis 2012 entrepreneuriat, économie, nouvelles technologies, innovation, start up, optimisme, patrimoine, RH, and formation

Type: Media

86 26 62 56

The professional organization representative of event communication agencies at the service of companies. Since January 1, 2016, the agencies member of the ANAE (Association of event communication agencies), the Raffut and the event delegation of the AACC (Association of Communication Consulting Agencies) have been brought together within a single and only association called Lévénement. It brings together 96 event communication agencies, weighs around 80% of the market and brings together 2,500 permanent employees. All the diversity of event communication professions is represented in agencies, whose areas of expertise are aimed at three public typologies: the internal public (employees, managers), the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

47 3 45 22
MasterDevFrance MasterDevFrance

Large live code competition, innovations, technical conferences & amp; general Since its 1st edition in 2013, the MDF has become one of the highlights of the French digital landscape. A demanding code competition, Salon, this is also an opportunity to attend conferences led by expert speakers in their field.

Type: Event

39 17 24 N/A
Le Cercle des économistes Le Cercle des économistes

Let us dare an enlightened debate. The circle of economists is a circle of reflection, founded in 1992, on the initiative of Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, which brings together around thirty economists and academics. Its mission is to organize and promote an economic debate open and accessible to all. Its members are distinguished by different approaches and skills, thus guaranteeing the richness and plurality of the debates. The circle of economists organizes various annual events including the economic meetings of Aix-en-Provence. economy, finance, markets, industry, energy, and innovation

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

55 31 27 40
LDigital LDigital

First association in favor of #Mixed in the #digital in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes! #WomanSetnumeric 👩‍💻 The Ldigital association is a collective intended to promote the place of women in the digital sector of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region. Composed of associations, companies, actors and actresses of the digital ecosystem, the collective is open to all. If you want to act mixed, join us. In 10 professions created in France in 2015, 8 have a close link with digital. However, women represent only 27% of this economy against 48% for the rest of the economy (according to the digital Syntec) and 8% are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

37 6 27 14
100% Handinamique 100% Handinamique

For the success of young people with disabilities Founded in 2010, each year, 100% handinamic supports more than 1,400 young people with disabilities in their training courses and their professional integration: - Mutual aid groups - Collective school tutors and individual mentorates - Tips in orientation and job research coaching - Stock markets - Recruitment forums and immersion courses - Actions for a student life and inclusive campus - Advocacy and training of volunteers and beneficiaries 100% handinamic also supports the handicap policy of employer organizations through awareness -raising, training and sourcing services. Mostly led by young people with disabilities, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

82 14 62 31
Groupe Alptis Groupe Alptis

Useful and innovative solutions in prevention, insurance and financing Created in Lyon in 1976, Alptis is an independent, associative and entrepreneurial protection group. It offers solutions that combine responsibility and solidarity in three major areas: prevention, insurance and financing. The Alptis group is now made up of a set of companies: Alptis Provident & Amp; Health, Ensurema, Belend, Capvita, Cmonassurance, Gea Assurances,, Pro, Signature Insurance, Solaé, UNP. He intervenes with individuals, self -employed workers and businesses. It has a distribution network of 7,700 partners, brokers and independent wealth management advisers. The Alptis group today protects nearly 500,000 people and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

22 0 21 87

The leading information service for finance professionals in France. AGEFI is the leading information service for finance professionals in France. AGEFI relies on the 1st financial editorial team composed of 50 expert journalists in finance, allowing it to cover all sectors of finance: Asset Management, Private Equity, Institutional Investors, Cash & Risk, Heritage. Every day, our journalists analyze, decipher and delve deeper into the news and offer our readers unique information with very high added value (alerts, articles, analyses, in-depth reports, etc.) essential to their activity. AGEFI, as the facilitator of the communities that make up finance, organizes more than …

Type: Media

250 102 208 177
Sesamlld Syndicat des Entreprises des Services Automobiles en lld et des Mobilites Sesamlld Syndicat des Entreprises des Services Automobiles en lld et des Mobilites

Syndicate of companies in LLD and mobility car services Created in 1978, the union of long -term car rental companies that have become "SESAMLLD" in 2018, represents commercial companies with the rental of long -term vehicles in France. The union of companies in LLD and mobility car services is responsible for ensuring compliance with a rigorous ethics with its members, to represent the profession with numerous interlocutors, in particular administrative, and to promote rental Long -term

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

11 2 10 5
Institut national du cancer Institut national du cancer

Together, we will defeat cancers. Let's accelerate progress in the face of cancers The National Cancer Institute (INCA) is the State and Scientific Expertise Agency in Cancer of the State, responsible for coordinating actions to combat cancer. Created by the public health law of August 9, 2004, the Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The National Cancer Institute is made up of the form of a public interest group (GIP) which brings together the state within it, the major associations for …

Type: Public

89 38 45 195
Institut de l'Entreprise Institut de l'Entreprise

Bring the French closer to the company Created in 1975, the Institute of the Company is a think tank independent of any union or political mandate. Deeply anchored in economic reality, he concentrates his reflection on the relationship between the company and its environment and puts a large network of experts to carry out his studies. Also a meeting place and training center, the Institute develops a vision of the company open to the world and on society. Institute of Advanced Studies of the Company (IHEE), Melchior, and the Agora

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

105 18 100 36
BPCE Assurances BPCE Assurances

BPCE ASSURANCES AND SHOWS OF BOUTS: BPCE LIFE, BPCE LIFE, BPCE ASSURANCES IARD, BPCE IARD BPCE ASSURANCES designs and manages a complete offer of people and non -life insurance products and insurance products, serving the BPCE group networks and their customers.

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

23 13 15 1,149
Yoonest Yoonest

Real estate savings for all The mission of Yonest is to revolutionize and democratize real estate savings for all French people. Yoonest allows easy access to safe and efficient investments to build up a sustainable heritage. Real estate, insurance, financing, and scpi

Type: Incubators & VCs

18 3 18 9
Immomatin Immomatin

All real estate news Imomomatin offers quality articles where all aspects of real estate are addressed: real estate sites, advice, social networks, real estate training ... thanks to a clear editorial line and an experienced team of specialized journalists, Immomatin appears day after day as the reference of real estate information on the Internet. Also find the Immomatin newsletter every Thursday: very followed, this newsletter has become essential for those who are interested in real estate. For more information and news on the world of real estate: Media, real estate, web, internet, innovations, technologies, real estate portals, franchise, real …

Type: Media

29 9 21 5
ID, l’Info Durable ID, l’Info Durable

The media to decipher the sustainable today and tomorrow. Since 2017, ID has been the essential media to decipher the sustainable today and tomorrow. With a demanding editorial offer resolutely turned towards concrete solutions, we allow our readers to understand the challenges in terms of sustainability. The birth of ID is above all a project that starts from an observation: our company awaits concrete solutions within everyone's reach, the initiatives are numerous and the economic actors have seized these issues. It was from there that Valère Corréard, journalist and entrepreneur, brought together a team of journalists and media professionals to …

Type: Media NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 6 16 12
Fondation FondaMental Fondation FondaMental

Together, to gain speed of mental illnesses! The fundamental foundation is a foundation of research and care dedicated to improving diagnosis, understanding and treatment of mental illnesses. She combines cutting -edge care and research to promote personalized and multidisciplinary management of severe psychiatric disorders. To gain speed of mental illnesses and promote personalized medicine in psychiatry, the fundamental foundation has given itself four missions: - Improve early diagnosis, management and prognosis; - Accelerate research in psychiatry; - Distribute knowledge; - Break prejudices. research, psychiatry, and prevention

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

56 11 50 38
FO-Cadres FO-Cadres

Who better than a creator of rights to defend you? FO-CADRES is the Union Union Confederal of executives and engineers within Force Ouvrière (FO). It brings together all of the FO FO executives and engineers. The third interprofessional union organization among executives and engineers, FO-CADRES is characterized by its political independence and its freedom of action. Attached to the Republican model and its values, Fo-Cadres places its union commitment only in the field of defense of the material and moral interests of executives and engineers. Fo-Cadres acts for: *Better professional recognition of executives and engineers *Defense and creation of individual …

Type: Media

23 3 22 8
FIR - Forum pour l'Investissement Responsable FIR - Forum pour l'Investissement Responsable

Promote and develop socially responsible investment (ISR) and its best practices The Forum for Responsible Investment (FIR) is a 1901 law association created in 2001. The forum brings together responsible investment players in 5 colleges: institutional investors, asset managers, advice/research, civil society and qualified personalities. Its only corporate object is the promotion and development of socially responsible investment (ISR) and its best practices with various public: public authorities, businesses, investors, academic research, etc. Communication, ISR, ESG, plea, academic research, dialogue, commitment, and finance responsible

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

73 19 60 23

The strength of innovation. A noble design. Premium quality. Oknoplast is one of the main manufacturers of PVC and aluminum entry doors in Europe. Since its creation in 1994, this family business has been synonymous with premium quality, innovation and refined design strength. Today, more than 3,500 specialized business partners, divided into 21 countries, trust us. Recognized as a creator of trends, the OKNOPLAST group is among the major players in the French carpentry market. Quality, performance and aesthetics characterize its products. The OKNOPLAST brand is part of the OKNOPLAST international group with aluminum products (aluminum products) and WND (windows …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

5 0 2 28

Your Choice for Persistent Monitoring We are a fast-growing international New Space company with employees from over 45 countries united by the same values and vision. ICEYE delivers unmatched persistent monitoring capabilities for any location on earth. Owning the world’s largest synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) satellite constellation, we enable objective, data-driven decisions for customers in sectors such as insurance, natural catastrophe response and recovery, security, maritime monitoring and finance. Our data can be collected day or night, and even through cloud cover. We constantly search for new talent to push the technology limits and keep making the impossible possible. See our …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

22 10 14 679

Innovative over -indebtedness support and prevention network Crésus is a network of non -profit federated associations whose mission is recognized as a public utility. Crésus was born in 1992 in Alsace. The network consists of 27 associations, 225 local reception points and 500 expert volunteers. The Federation ensures the consistency of the functioning of cresus at the national level. It thus organizes an unprecedented proximity network entirely dedicated to the reception of over -indebted households and the prevention of financial and economic exclusion. The purpose of the Foundation is to support the economic and social initiatives which act for the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

64 21 30 56
Comité 21 Comité 21

1st multi-actor network of sustainable development Committee 21 is the first network of actors involved in the operational implementation of sustainable development in France. Its mission is to create the conditions of exchange and partnership between its members from all sectors so that they appropriate and implement, together, the objectives of sustainable development (SDG) on the scale of a territory. Composed of four colleges, it brings together the stakeholders concerned in France: companies, communities, associations, institutions, higher education and media establishments. This network of nearly 500 members bases its action on the multi-actor partnership and on concrete action. UNEP and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

126 31 89 35
Rivington Rivington

Cabinet specializing in public affairs council Rivington, a firm specializing in public affairs and event communication, was founded in 2011. He proposes to provide real expertise in institutional circles, by fine knowledge of procedures and actors who are at the heart of decision -making. The firm has given itself the main mission of the design and support of its customers through determined influence communication strategies. Our added value is our ability to contact you with the appropriate interlocutors, those who will give you the means to make heard the challenges and positions linked to your areas of activity. Our ambition: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

9 0 9 10
CTIP (Centre technique des institutions de prévoyance) CTIP (Centre technique des institutions de prévoyance)

The CTIP brings together 51 provident institutions (IP), which cover 13 million employees in collective provident, 6.5 million employees in complementary health, through 2 million adhering companies. IPs are joint insurer organizations, for non -profit, which manage collective personal insurance contracts. As part of professional companies or branches, they offer guarantees for employees, in the event of illness, incapacity for work and invalidity, dependence, death - as well as retirement savings. Insurance, social protection, complementary health, disability, invalidity, provident, death, dependence, retirement savings, collective contract, and joint governance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

29 8 26 41
Centre des Professions Financières Centre des Professions Financières

Understand and make the financial professions understand. Created in 1957, the Center for Financial Professions is an organization of general interest for educational purposes governed by law 1901. The center of financial professions is a position of observation of developments that financial professions live daily. As such, it works as a passer of ideas like a "think tank". Completely independent, it is open to members of all financial professions. Its mission His educational mission of "understanding and making the financial professions understand" revolves around 3 objectives: 1) Develop a real pedagogy of financial professions both within their breasts and outwards, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

85 12 81 26
Centre de gestion du Morbihan (CDG 56) Centre de gestion du Morbihan (CDG 56)

Expertise and human resources consultancy with local authorities and public establishments The Center for the Management of the Territorial Public Service of Morbihan (CDG 56) supports local authorities in the management of their human resources. He offers support and advice missions in various fields of skills: career management, HR support, legal advice, improvement of working conditions ... Human resources, organization, local authorities, recruitment, prevention of professional risks, professional and preventive medicine, professional development, archiving, temporary, CNCRACL retreats, advice and HR support, protection of personal data, payroll of communities, elected officials, elected officials, elected officials Professional assessment, RGPD compliance, professional competitions …

Type: Public

11 2 7 47
CCI Toulouse Haute-Garonne CCI Toulouse Haute-Garonne

The 1st business accelerator The CCI Toulouse Haute-Garonne is at the service of 54,000 trade, industry, services and tourism establishments in Haute-Garonne. House of economics and companies, it represents them with local communities & amp; State services, and contributes to the implementation of an environment conducive to growth and employment. On a daily basis, each company can count on targeted and responsive support from CCI Toulouse Haute-Garonne, regardless of its development stage. The various services offered are designed by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, they therefore provide concrete answers to the issues of the company throughout its life cycle: creation, financing engineering, …

Type: Public

93 30 71 89
Capital FR Capital FR

Captivating economy! Capital, the captivating economy Economy, consumption, real estate, career, surveys, reports ... Employment, management, economy, real estate, companies, scholarship, and retirement

Type: Media

211 122 82 186
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Orientation Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Orientation

Because finding your way is a major step towards finding employment, because employability, regardless of age, is today's challenge for everyone, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Orientation association provides you with all the solutions to help you find your way and make your professional project a reality. Orientation, apprenticeship, training, employment, business creation, summer job, support, work-study, internship, profession, entrepreneurship, and publications

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

61 23 39 55
arpejeh arpejeh

Meetings that help talents grow! The arpejeh association is a general interest association created in 2008, governed by the law of July 1, 1901, bringing together companies and public actors from all sectors, engaged in an active policy in favor of the employment of disabled people, equal opportunities and diversity. arpejeh aims to promote the training, qualification and employment of young disabled people. To achieve this desire to work in line with the law of February 11, 2005, arpejeh and its members are developing a pragmatic system of information, reception and support for young disabled people in their training and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

81 17 76 19

French Road Safety Observatory The French Road Safety Observatory builds and monitors road safety indicators, sponsors and promotes road safety studies and research on behalf of the Interministerial Road Safety Directorate within the French Ministry of Interior. sécurité routière, déplacements, accidentologie, politique publique, infractions, interministériel, spécificités territoriales, and international

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

3 1 1 1
UIMM Picardie UIMM Picardie

Industry is the Factory of the Future The Metallurgy Branch employs more than 42,000 people in Picardy, in very varied fields of activity: foundry, metal processing, mechanics, agricultural machinery, automotive, aeronautics, space, railway, electricity and electronics, nuclear, household equipment, etc. UIMM Picardie is a place for exchanges between metallurgy entrepreneurs and represents their interests in the institutional environment. It provides its members with its expertise in the fields of social law, human resources management, employment, health and safety at work, and the environment. It allows them to benefit from personalized support in their development and innovation projects. It also strives …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

21 1 9 21
ANACOFI - Association Nationale des Conseils Financiers ANACOFI - Association Nationale des Conseils Financiers

Created in 2004, ANACOFI now has more than 2,750 companies (for 2,160 companies or groups of companies registered directly) and more than 12,000 professionals, to which are added 5 member associations. ANACOFI is a multi-trade association (8 to date) with sections (by trade or confederal), whose goal, in addition to reflection and representation, is to enable its members to practice their professions. In total, more than 5,000 companies are represented and can benefit from the services and associative offer of ANACOFI and ANACOFI-CIF. ANACOFI-CIF is a regulatory association approved by the AMF since 2006. It allows those who need it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

39 14 12 53
AMRAE - Management des Risques et des Assurances de l'Entreprise AMRAE - Management des Risques et des Assurances de l'Entreprise

"RISK MANAGEMENT IS THE FOUNDATION OF A RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS." The Association for Risk Management and Corporate Insurance brings together 764 members from 416 French public and private companies (including 38 of the 40 CAC 40 companies). The association's main objective is to develop the "culture" of Risk Management in organizations, and to help its members in their relations with players in the insurance world and public authorities. It advises them on assessing risks, controlling their financing and insurance expenses. It developed AMRAE Formation, in cooperation with the Insurance Institute of America and the Carm Institute, which allows it to provide …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech insurtech

61 13 53 52
Agence Qualité Construction Agence Qualité Construction

Preventing disorders, improving the quality of construction. The Construction Quality Agency (AQC)? We are a recognized association of general interest that brings together all professional construction organizations. Our mission? Preventing disorders in construction and improving the quality of construction. What actions do we take to achieve this? All our resources and free tools are intended to help construction professionals in the field in their daily practices! How are our tools and resources developed? -> we observe construction disorders in the field, -> thanks to this data and their lessons, we prioritize the subjects that require prevention, -> we then develop …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

50 14 35 55
agéa - agent général d'assurance agéa - agent général d'assurance

Defend, support, train and inform general agents! National Federation of Insurance General Agents' Unions represents the profession at national and European level. agéa has 64% of the 12,000 active general insurance agents as members. insurance, professional union, general agent, advice, training, CCN, lobbying, studies, conferences, animation, attractiveness, promotion, general agents, professionalization, support, advice, and recruitment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

40 7 35 139
Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT) Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT)

Acting together for a more resilient future in the face of major risks The French Association for the Prevention of Natural and Technological Disasters is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. It was created at the end of 2000 to continue the action of the French Committee of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (DIPCN), as a national center for collective cross-cutting and multi-risk reflection on the issue of natural risks and a recognized player in international cooperation in this field. Supported by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES), it brings together scientists, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 12 21 32
MEDEF International MEDEF International

Le 1er réseau d'affaires privé français à l'international MEDEF International is a non-profit private-funded organisation, created in 1989 by MEDEF, the French Business Confederation. MEDEF International is the most representative organisation of the French private sector at an international level. It is chaired by Mr Frederic SANCHEZ, CEO of FIVES GROUP. MEDEF International aims at promoting the French companies’ know-how abroad through collective actions. MEDEF International supports trade, technologic cooperation and investments, long-term partnerships, especially on emerging and developing markets as well as reconstruction markets. It gathers every year about 7100 French companies already operating in the world, in 85 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

124 34 99 81
Sia Sia

Sia is a next-generation, global management consulting group—born digital, augmented by data, enhanced by creativity, and driven by responsibility. We partner with clients to resolve challenges and capitalize on opportunities. We believe that in today’s world of change and disruption, optimism is a force multiplier. Banking, Energy & Environment, HR & Transformation, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Actuarial Sciences, Government, CIO Advisory, Data Science, Insurance, Transportation & Logistics, Marketing & Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Change Management, Procurement & Sourcing, Corporate Strategy, Operational Excellence, Healthcare, Generative AI, and Digital & Design

Type: Large company

143 31 120 3,068
ESSEC Business School ESSEC Business School

Enlighten. Lead. Change. The mission of ESSEC Business School, a world school with French roots, is to infuse leadership with meaning in order to prepare leaders ready to address contemporary economic, environmental and social challenges. In order to do so, it produces innovative and relevant knowledge to equip the next generation of leaders with the skills, know-how and savoir-être that will make them truly responsible, inclusive and respectful of the environment. Convinced that knowledge provides a path to freedom - Per scientiam ad libertatem - ESSEC inculcates in its students critical thinking and creativity skills that prepare them to anticipate …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Research & Education Activities: edtech

193 105 81 2,518
Association Prévention Routière Association Prévention Routière

Ensemble, changeons les comportements sur la route. The Association Prévention Routière is a non-governmental, non-profit making association created in 1949 to study and promote effective initiatives to improve road safety by all suitable means. For example, around 1 million children and teenagers receive a road safety education each year and 20,000 drivers take part in the rehabilitation programmes organised by the association for traffic offenders, that serve as an alternative to prosecution. The Association Prévention Routière has also set up a special training programme for senior drivers on a voluntary basis, and offers its expertise to private companies to help …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

91 37 58 199
Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR)

L'ACPR est une autorité indépendante chargée de l'agrément et du contrôle des banques et des assurances. The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel (ACP) was formed on 9 March 2010 as the body responsible for supervising the banking and insurance sectors in France. It had its first full year of activity in 2011. The Authority’s main duty is to maintain financial stability and to provide protection for banks’ customers and for insurance policyholders and beneficiaries. The ACP also represents France for matters within its jurisdiction in Europe as well as in international negotiations. The ACP is an independent administrative authority attached to …

Type: Public

69 31 34 682
MEDEF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes MEDEF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The Mouvement des Entreprises de France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is the leading regional network serving businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit. With 11 territorial MEDEFs and 26 professional branches, it represents businesses of all sizes and from all sectors of activity in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, including 90% of businesses with fewer than 50 employees. In connection with its ecosystem, MEDEF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes supports businesses in the region each year in their development: recruitment, training, financing, external growth, international, digital, sustainable development, etc. MEDEF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes appoints and supports nearly 350 regional representatives who are committed to representing businesses within the various civil society bodies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

92 28 58 54
Envirobat Grand Est Envirobat Grand Est

Let's focus on sustainable building, let's build and renovate better together! Envirobat Grand Est HELPS YOU PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE How to offer comfortable and healthy buildings, how to adapt effectively to climate change, ... Envirobat helps you better meet the challenges of the energy transition global approach to the building, dissemination of good practices, understanding pathologies, capitalization of feedback, anticipation of new regulatory constraints ... Envirobat Grand Est SHARES BEST PRACTICES • for the building: sobriety and energy efficiency, the use of materials with low environmental and health impact, deconstruction materials, renewable energies, life cycle analysis, the development of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech smart city constructiontech

17 3 0 10
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy

The Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy (OICA) was launched in 1983 by a group of citizens as the result of an investigative report by the national news media which exposed a horrific story of cruelty and abuse experienced by Oklahoma children who were in the state’s custody. That media report, “Oklahoma Shame,” spurred child advocates from every corner of the state into action to create an organization whose mission was to ensure the protection of Oklahoma’s children. OICA was established to create a strong advocacy network that would provide a voice for the needs of children and youth in Oklahoma, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

10 1 2 9
Citroën Citroën

Welcome to the official Citroën account. People and their way of life are our main source of inspiration. Citroën is a French carmaker founded in 1919 by André Citroën and part of Groupe PSA. At the heart of the automotive market, Citroën has since 1919 stood as a popular brand in the noble sense of the term (Traction Avant, 2CV, Méhari, Berlingo, etc.), its main source of inspiration being people and their lifestyles. This spirit is underlined by its baseline “Inspired by You” and embodied by cars boasting unique styling and benchmark comfort. Citroën also stands out among mainstream carmakers …

Type: Large company

28 9 8 6,782
Fédération Syntec Fédération Syntec

High value-added service professions The Syntec Federation represents more than 90,000 companies specializing in the fields of Digital, Engineering, Consulting, Professional Training and Events. It represents 910,000 employees and 120 billion in turnover. Employers' organization, Collective agreement, Social, Employment, Professional Training, MEDEF, and National Collective Agreement applicable to the Staff of Technical Design Offices, Consulting Engineering Firms and Consulting Companies

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

48 14 33 27
Sustainable Finance Observatory (formerly 2°Investing Initiative) Sustainable Finance Observatory (formerly 2°Investing Initiative)

Think tank focusing on mobilizing private financing for the transition. The Sustainable Finance Observatory is an internationally recognized think tank focusing on mobilizing private financing for the transition. Our mission is to support changes in financial practices among economic actors, driving their impact toward a sustainable societal model. We adopt a pragmatic approach based on studies, tools, and methodologies to directly benefit these economic actors and make a real impact on the economy. finance, sustainable finance, climate change, sustainability, ESG, risk management, scenario analysis, environmental finance, sustainable investing, and Paris Agreement

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

29 10 24 24
Fondation CGénial Fondation CGénial

La science et l’entreprise font école The CGénial Foundation, officially recognized nonprofit organization, was created in 2006. We take action to promote science among young and student people and make them aware of the diversity of scientific and technical professions. Our objectives are multiple and complementary: - to promote the diversity of scientific professions and to create vocations among girls and boys - develop exchanges between the scientific and business communities - illustrate science teaching in middle and high schools with examples of applications in companies - involve engineers and technicians from companies in the development of their profession - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

73 24 60 38

Growing up with confidence. Since 1932, MAE has accompanied the lives of millions of children, becoming the reference in school insurance. With 2.5 million insured, it has established itself as the specialist in child and family protection, offering a comprehensive range of solutions dedicated to each stage of life: accidents of life, home insurance, provident cover, property damage, etc. A mutual and committed mutual insurance company, MAE's purpose is to protect children, support families and reassure schools. school insurance, family insurance, home insurance, prevention, mutual insurance, solidarity, student insurance, family insurance, children's insurance, and provident cover

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

17 4 7 206
Think tank CRAPS Think tank CRAPS

Social Protection, an idea for the Future Intended as a place for meetings, reflections, exchanges and proposals, CRAPS (Circle of Research and Analysis on Social Protection) is independent of all political, philosophical and religious affiliations. Its operational vocation is to bring together the most representative members of civil society, by promoting exchanges on what constitutes our republican pact, namely, Social Protection. CRAPS intends to answer the only question that will determine the future of this common heritage: "How to reconcile economic requirements with the principles of equality and solidarity on the basis of a balanced distribution of wealth?" Our think …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

34 5 32 12
Rexecode Rexecode

L'analyse économique au service des entreprises et du débat public. Rexecode is a French non governmental macroeconomics research institute. The institute is devoted to the analysis of the economic situation for its members. Rexecode also participate to the economic policy debate through an expertise of reforms impacting the production system. Rexecode delivers the following services to its members : • Analysis of economic conditions in the major developed and emerging economies • Forecasts for key macro variables for about 50 countries • Global macro scenario detailed for the major developed and emerging economies • Country macro profiles and country research …

Type: Media

67 19 24 26
Urssaf Caisse nationale Urssaf Caisse nationale

Serving our social protection Urssaf is a key player in national solidarity. Today, we are 16,000 women and men spread across the country, committed to bringing the French social model to life. Our missions? Urssaf collects contributions from employers, self-employed workers and employees. It then transfers them directly to organizations (particularly Social Security), which provide social benefits to millions of people 🌍: reimbursement of medical care, financing of hospitals 🏥, public transport 🚇, and much more. We are also strategic partners for companies and employers 🤝: we support them as closely as possible to their needs (in their procedures, or …

Type: Public

153 75 86 1,233
Otsuka Pharmaceutical France Otsuka Pharmaceutical France

Otsuka Pharmaceutical is a global healthcare company with the following philosophy: “Otsuka – people who create new products for better health worldwide”. Our employees are passionate about developing and marketing innovative pharmaceutical products that address unmet medical needs. Our ambition is to help patients with diseases that affect millions as well as a relatively small number of people. In Europe, we focus on central nervous system (CNS) disorders, nephrology, infectiology and endocrinology. Otsuka worldwide has nearly 46,000 employees and 183 subsidiaries in 28 countries. In France, we have been present since 2004 and employ nearly 100 employees. All Otsuka stories …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech deeptech

3 3 0 53
Verspieren Verspieren

Vocation Client As the first 100% family-owned insurance broker on the French market, Verspieren has full control over its strategy. This, in turn, gives the company the flexibility necessary to implement solutions which are perfectly adapted to your needs. Some Key figures: - over 130 years of experience ; - 2013 turnover : €310.9 million ; - 2,033 employees. Our areas of expertise : - corporate risks ; - construction ; - maritime and transport ; - aviation and aerospace ; - political and commercial risk ; - Life, accident and health insurance ; - Personal lines and partnerships. More …

Type: Large company Activities: cleantech greentech insurtech proptech spacetech transporttech

30 7 21 1,084
Ifri - Institut français des relations internationales Ifri - Institut français des relations internationales

Knowledge for action Ifri, the French Institute of International Relations, founded in 1979 on the model of Anglo-Saxon think thanks, is the principal institution for independent research and debate in France that is dedicated to the analysis of international affairs and global governance. Ifri’s policy-oriented research strives to illuminate international events and put them in perspective. It is primarily useful for political and economic decision-makers as well as academics, opinion leaders, and civil society representatives. According to the 2019 "GLOBAL GO TO THINK TANK REPORT"​ conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, Ifri ranks 2nd within the 100 most influential think …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

63 34 30 228
FFB - Fédération Française du Bâtiment FFB - Fédération Française du Bâtiment

Building, a wealth for France. The FFB ensures the daily defense of 50,000 member companies, including 35,000 of artisanal size. They generate 2/3 of the 166 billion euros excluding tax of the annual production of the building and employ 2/3 of the 1,273,000 employees of the building. The FFB aims to bring together building companies of all sizes, in order to effectively defend the collective interests of the Profession. Find the FFB on or on social networks: #building #housing #construction #craftsmanship #SME #employment building, construction, entrepreneurs, craftsmen, innovation, Ecological transition, environment, employment, training, and housing

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

198 119 87 10
Clubster école-entreprise Clubster école-entreprise

The regional network that brings schools and businesses together The Hauts-de-France School-Business Clubster was created to develop School-Business relations, in secondary and higher education and in favor of inclusion. Our missions: - Bringing the educational and economic worlds closer together. - Supporting dialogue and understanding the needs/expectations of stakeholders (young people, employees, job seekers, schools and businesses). - Facilitating access to information on promising professions and associated training. - Implementing concrete actions in favor of the professional integration of young people/apprenticeships.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

19 1 19 3