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AToP - Association pour un Tourisme Professionnel AToP - Association pour un Tourisme Professionnel

Welcome Inn France! ATOP - Association for professional tourism - is the representative association of tourism professionals in France. Today we bring together around 30,000 establishments, hoteliers, suppliers, restaurateurs, traders, real estate professionals, in order to provide reflection and expertise to develop tourism of tomorrow. Our action aims to be proactive and progressive: we are not a union but an association which points as much the faults of the current legal framework as the weaknesses of our own professions. The ATOP is part of the government line in terms of tourism, that of welcoming 110 million tourists in 2020. For …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

20 5
CCI Pays de la Loire CCI Pays de la Loire

1st business accelerator Actor and partner of the Economic Development of Pays de la Loire The CCI Pays de la Loire is a public establishment of an administrative nature. Its objective: to contribute to the economic development of territories and businesses. It supports and supervises the regional consular network made up of 5 CCIs: -CCI Maine-et-Loire, - CCI Nantes St Nazaire, - CCI Mayenne, - CCI Le Mans Sarthe, - CCI Vendée Privileged interlocutor of the State and interface of regional institutions, its role is to anticipate and guide development policies in order to contribute to the economic development of …

Type: Public

61 87
Cercle de l'Epargne Cercle de l'Epargne

The Savings circle is a center for studies dedicated to savings, retirement and provident. The circle studies the developments in legislation concerning savings, retirement and provident. He analyzes, the needs and expectations of the French in the matter. To carry out its missions, the circle is based on the expertise of its scientific council made up of members recognized for their skills in the economic, sociological, demographic fields. The circle experts work together on savings and retirement subjects. The crossing of approaches constitutes the trademark of the circle which places pedagogy at the heart of its mission. savings, retirement, social …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

18 2
BFG Capital BFG Capital

French leader in capital management. Together, democratize capital! BFG Capital is an independent wealth management consulting firm with the vocation of putting capital creation within everyone's reach. The last decade has seen major financial and economic crises ("subprimes", Greece, Spain, etc.). Yet BFG was born and developed during this troubled period. To protect and continue to develop the capital of our investors, our teams had to redefine the contours of our profession. First by offering our customers a unique level of expertise in this sector of activity. Then by distinguishing itself by our desire for innovation in an environment often …

Type: Incubators & VCs

24 44
Abeille Assurances Abeille Assurances

Give your future wings! As of September 30, 2021, Assurances joined Aéma Groupe. This large -scale operation Place Aéma Groupe in the 5th row of insurance players in France with 11 million insured persons and 14.5 billion euros in turnover (on October 1, 2021). Major Insurance Company in France, with its 4,300 employees, 1,000 general insurance agents and its 170 years of experience, Assurances Assurances has an extensive range of insurance products and services, protection, 'Savings and retirement intended for more than 3 million customers. Assurances Assurances puts its expertise and influence as an insurer, investor, employer, at the service …

Type: Large company

38 3,197
Qonto Qonto

The finance solution that energizes SMEs and freelancers. Qonto is the leading European business finance solution. It simplifies everything from everyday banking and financing, to bookkeeping and spend management. Qonto energizes SMEs and freelancers so that they can achieve more. A few figures about Qonto: - Alexandre Prot and Steve Anavi launched Qonto in July 2017 - Qonto’s international team is growing fast and we are actively hiring! - Hundreds of thousands of customers in Europe are already using Qonto - €622m raised with VCs and business angels including Valar, Alven, the European Investment Bank, Tencent, DST Global, Tiger Global, …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

136 1,938
U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Chamber of Commerce

We are the world’s largest business organization. We advocate, connect, inform, and fight for business growth. The Chamber of Commerce of the United States is the world’s largest business organization. Our members range from the small businesses and chambers of commerce across the country that support their communities, to the leading industry associations and global corporations that innovate and solve for the world’s challenges, to the emerging and fast-growing industries that are shaping the future. For all of the people across the businesses we represent, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a trusted advocate, partner, and network, helping them improve …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

102 879

VNO-NCW represents the interests of Dutch business and industry by promoting a high quality business environment. The Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (known as VNO-NCW) is the largest employers'​ organisation in the Netherlands. VNO-NCW represents the common interests of Dutch business, both at home and abroad and provides a variety of services for its members. Over 160 (branch) associations are members, representing more than 185.000 enterprises. They cover almost all sectors of the economy, including more than 80% of all medium-sized companies in the Netherlands and nearly all of the larger, corporate institutions.VNO-NCW represents the interests of Dutch business …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

36 333
Collectif des sociaux-démocrates réformateurs | La Convention Collectif des sociaux-démocrates réformateurs | La Convention

Republican, secular and universalist left center For a republican, secular and universalist left center. Partner of the Convention of Bernard Cazeneuve and the Coalition "Europe Territoires Ecologie with Guillaume Lacroix in the European elections 2024. policy, social-reormism, social democracy, and Europe

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

50 1
CCR - Caisse Centrale de Réassurance CCR - Caisse Centrale de Réassurance

Public Reinsurer, CCR also develops high value-added services for its customers. Founded in 1946, CCR is a public reinsurer offering state-guaranteed cover against natural disasters and uninsurable risks to insurance companies operating in France, in the public interest. An expert in risk management, CCR has an AA rating (with a stable outlook) from Standard and Poor's. As a limited company 100% owned by the French State, CCR guarantees its partners solid, long-term partnerships. Réassurance, Réassurances de Marchés, Réassurances Publiques, Catastrophes Naturelles, Risques naturels, Climat, and Etudes

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

54 247
Neosoft Neosoft

Bet we better. Neosoft is an independent group of digital transformation of 1800 employees gathered in expert communities: Consulting & amp; Agility, cybersecurity, data, devops, infrastructures & amp; Cloud and Software Engineering. The combination of these additional expertise allows us to support our 360 ° customers on our 6 Target markets: Insurance & amp; Social protection, bank & amp; Finance, Energy & amp; Industry, retail & amp; E-commerce, public sector, telecom & amp; Media. We place excellence and surpassing oneself at the heart of our model. Since its creation in Rennes in 2005, Neosoft has advised and has supported its …

Type: Large company

53 1,633
Les Echos Les Echos

Find on all economic and financial news in France and worldwide, discover exclusive analyzes, special files, decrypts, chronicles and large formats.

Type: Media

654 1
CFA numiA CFA numiA

#Success Alternation Excellence by alternation Created and managed by renowned companies (Air France, AXA, BNP Paribas, Capgemini, CGI, Ekino, Expleo, CDC IT, Société Générale, Sopra Steria, Thales, Viveris), CFA Numia supports high level alternating young people , in close partnership with higher education. Its vocation is twofold: meet the needs of companies in IT and digital skills and allow young people from all walks of life to integrate professional life with real responsibilities. The CFA Numia offers computer and digital training in Bac+2 (B.U.T./B.T.S.) In Bac+5 (Master, Master, MSC) in partnership with schools and universities among the most famous: High …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

43 105

RTL Live together RTL is a French-national French private radio station located at 56, avenue Charles de Gaulle in Neuilly-sur-Seine and broadcast in France. The RTL radio center is also made up of two musical stations, Fun Radio and RTL2, stations of the M6 ​​group.

Type: Media

225 1,076
France Villes et territoires Durables France Villes et territoires Durables

The French Association of Stakeholders of Sustainable Territories France Sustainable cities and territories (FVD) is the French association of stakeholders in the sustainable city. FVD brings together, in the general interest, local communities (leaders and associations), companies of all sizes (French but also TPE groups), the State (mainly its specialized operators) and the city's experts (in Private national professional organizations) to advance the sustainable city in France and internationally, in a balanced partnership. It is first of all a place of sharing and meetings with a vocation of general interest between all the actors of the sustainable city. By its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

112 14
MoneyVox : l'info pour votre argent MoneyVox : l'info pour votre argent

Moneyvox, all the information for your money and your personal finances Moneyvox is a media site for the general public, specializing in budgetary issues and personal finances. Completely independent at the editorial level, Moneyvox offers detailed information on the bank, investments, credits, taxes and on all the subscriptions weighing on the budget (insurance, energy, etc.) of the French, via: - daily news on players in the sector, their services and the best offers of the moment; - pages of explanation on the functioning of financial products and subscriptions in the broad sense; - more than 30 comparators to save without …

Type: Media

69 17
Le HuffPost Le HuffPost

An explosive look at all the news and what makes you react. Online information site, the HuffPost was launched in France on January 23, 2012 in association with the Le Monde group. Like its great American brother, the site offers most of the news of the day, surprising angles, video but also stands and blogs that shed different light on the information of the moment. On this LinkedIn page you will find our articles "Office life" and "Carrière" as well as internship ads. Journalism, information, blogs, opinions, media, internet, video, and news

Type: Media

123 53
Generali Climate Lab Generali Climate Lab

Anticipate the evolution of climatic risks to better protect you Created in 2015, the Generali Climate Lab is a multidisciplinary team of high -level experts, including hydrologists, doctors in geography, news, social science engineers, data scientists and business insurers. Its objective is to revisit and adapt the insurance profession through increased insurance solutions (subscription, pricing, compensation, distribution, etc.) which, beyond the traditional role of compensation for the insurer , sensitizes and informs customers and partners about increased natural risks due to climate change. Working in open architecture with universities and the CNRS (on air pollution with the Generali balloon), this …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics

119 8
Spareka Spareka

Proud to repair 💪 At Spareka, you are taught to repair your devices yourself to save money, make your equipment last and opt for sustainable consumption. We are developing free teaching tools such as free breakdown diagnostics and video tutorials. Our goal is to lower the cost of repair to reduce household appliances. E-commerce, spare parts, repair, circular economy, ecology, troubleshooting, and youtube

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech e-commerce greentech retail Technologies: Decarbonization

64 41

Housing meets mass production. BOXABL is open to investors, subject to requirements at BOXABL has created a building system that’s compatible with scalable factory mass production. Our mission is to significantly lower the cost of homeownership for everyone. housing, supply chain, and blockchain

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

224 96
Place de l'IT Place de l'IT

Découvrez Place de l'IT, "THE place to be"​ ! Le média pro qui décortique l'économie numérique. Découvrez Place de l'IT, le média pro qui décortique les technologies informatiques pour l'entreprise, l'économie numérique et l'innovation. News, interviews et dossiers, rejoignez les décideurs avides d'infos opérationnelles pour leurs projets IT, la transformation digitale et le business. Place de l'IT, "THE place to be"​ ! numerique, intelligence artificielle, transformation digitale, cloud, big data, blockchain, start-up, e-marketing, commerce digital, telecoms, adtech, internet, technologies, datacenter, fintech, deeptech, ecosysteme IT, stockage, ESN, french tech, mobilite, industrie 4.0, securite IT, innovation, plateforme, reseau social, ressources humaines, datascience, …

Type: Media

77 2
MadameMonsieur MadameMonsieur

The Expert Agency for Higher Education, Orientation and Trades. MadameMonsieur is not an agency like the others. Our strength is based on the convergence of all our business expertise: audit & amp; Advice, branding & amp; Brand strategy, press relations, digital strategy, audiovisual, commercial management strategy, editorial strategy & amp; edition, events. This unique alliance of perfectly complementary skills guarantees you visibility and weight wherever your audience is inquiring and thinking. Perfectly comfortable with all the specifics of your professions, our advice and our creativity refer. By also mastering the production of all the tools, we can take care of …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

24 45

Kapia-Rgi, Publisher of High value Added Software and Services for Life and Non-Vie Insurance Kapia-Rgi, the commercial brand born of the Alliance between Kapia Solutions, publisher of n ° 1 software for life insurance on the French market and RGI, n ° 1 Italian in IARD insurance, has been supporting insurers for over 10 years, Bancassurers, mutuals and leading brokers in their digital transformation. Kapia-RGI, relies on more than 1000 employees spread across 9 countries and offers a full range of solutions in life insurance (savings, retirement, provident) and non-life (IARD, RC pro, fleets, deposit. .). Developed from the technological …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech it services Technologies: SaaS

25 138

The SIACI SAINT HONORE Group is a key player in: • the protection of industrial risks, • international mobility, • employee benefits, HR strategy and total rewards. The firm currently boasts more than 2,500 employees worldwide. Courtage d'assurance, Conseil, gestion et formation, Assurances de personnes en France et à l’international, and Assurances des entreprises

Type: Large company

56 2,530
Mondial de l’Auto - Paris Mondial de l’Auto - Paris

The meeting of all enthusiasts and automotive professionals since 1898. 126 years after its creation, the Motor Show has definitely proven that automotive passion still existed and only expected to be shared. More than ever to innovation, the 2022 edition was a full surprises, discoveries and exciting encounters. In 2024, the Paris Motor Show returned with a new major event, specially dedicated to the celebration of its 90th edition. Immersive, festive, close to its audiences and all those who make the automotive passion, the World Cup 2024 gives the ambition to surprise you! At the heart of the Porte de …

Type: Event

53 6

Give meaning to your events The Maison de la Chimie offers 18 rooms & amp; Salons, and 3 amphitheater capacities around a private garden of 900 m2. By the versatility of spaces with plural configurations and the modernity of integrated technical installations, it offers a multitude of possibilities in a place unit. The Maison de la Chimie is also a permanent team of professionals, attached to the preparation and monitoring of the 400 events welcomed each year, and whose watchwords listen, availability, advice and quality of service. Finally, the Maison de la Chimie, whose displayed ambition is to keep its …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

19 16
PACK Solutions PACK Solutions

Expert in management solutions (delegated management, outsourced management, software publishing) Created in 2002, Pack Solutions is a Gardoise company for insurance companies, mutuals or provident institutes, whose headquarters are located in the Angles near Avignon. She also has offices in the city of Nîmes and is now established as the leader in her field thanks to the confidence of her many customers as well as the business expertise of her employees. Pack Solutions This is: an expert in management solutions thanks to its service services on behalf of insurers (management outsourcing, management delegation and software publishing) for more than 20 …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

9 4
Web-agri Web-agri

Web-agri: The daily life of animated cattle breeding for but also by breeders! Web-Agri gives the floor to all dairy and breastfeeding cattle breeders whatever their system, but also to farming technicians and experts, regardless of their point of view. In a community spirit with its readers, the editorial staff of Web-Agri defends and supports breeders every day by offering them reactive and participative content, as well as services adapted to their punctual needs. You will understand, Web-Agri is the daily life of lively farming for but also by breeders. So do not hesitate to contact us live to discuss …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

7 2
Symbiose Management Symbiose Management

Agissons ensemble pour la nature, décarbonons notre économie 🌳 Act together for nature, let's decarbonize our economy Envie d’avoir un impact positif sur l’environnement ? Créons ensemble la symbiose entre nature et épargne. L'objectif est de proposer le premier produit d’investissement négatif-carbone, concret et transparent. Notre solution utilise la technologie spatiale pour permettre à la finance durable de jouer son rôle et d'aider à la restauration de la forêt et sa biodiversité. Aux arbres citoyens! Do you want to have a positive impact on the environment? Let's create the symbiosis between nature and savings. The aim is to offer the …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

38 3
Mutex Officiel Mutex Officiel

Human is strength Have you ever thought of sharing your skills with an expert insurer in provident and retirement savings? Mutex designs quality products and solutions, so that our mutual partners distribute them under their own brand. Our 330 employees act every day to support our customers in their development and multi-equipment strategy, by offering them a range of insurance products and services completing their health offers. Our objective is clear: satisfy them fully, while innovating and ensuring a very good quality service, while remaining faithful to the mutualist values ​​which found the identity of Mutex. Thus, we embody our …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: fintech insurtech

12 539
Département du Loiret Département du Loiret

The Loiret⚜️, a department for all talents With 2,600 agents and nearly 140 trades in the service of the inhabitants of the Loiret, the department consolidates its knowledge and the optimization of its workforce which has experienced since 2007, a major progression with the integration of 550 college agents and 215 agents of agents Roads.

Type: Public Activities: edtech

38 566

Xefi offers ready -to -use services covering all IT needs of VSEs/SMEs, ETIs and communities. "Being the close computer partner of VSEs/SMEs" is the ambition of the Xefi group since its creation in 1997 by Sacha Rosenthal. Xefi offers "loans to employment" services covering all IT needs of companies: sale of equipment, maintenance and outsourcing, security and internet links, backup of systems and data, software solutions, printing, accommodation and cloud solutions. Today, the XEFI group has more than 2,000 employees spread over more than 180 local agencies in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Spain. The group achieved a turnover of € …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity SaaS

21 1,130

Video games in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Game Only is an association created by and for companies whose main activity is the design, creation, development and marketing of video games in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

Type: SMB Activities: games

37 20
Mental Health Europe Mental Health Europe

Equal rights. Better mental health. For all. Mental Health Europe is the main independent European non-governmental network organisation committed to the protection of the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities, the promotion of positive mental health, the prevention of mental distress, and the improvement of mental health care and social inclusion. The organisation was established in 1985 and has 70+ member organisations from 35 European countries. Find us online: YouTube: mental health, human rights, social inclusion, transparency, advocacy, and improvement of care

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

3 33
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

EIOPA is part of a the European System of Financial Supervisors together with #ESMA, #EBA and #ESRB The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority is an EU agency based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It is one of three European supervisory authorities which, together with the European Systemic Risk Board, make up the European System of Financial Supervision. EIOPA’s overall goal is to strengthen consumer protection and financial stability for the benefit of Europe’s economy, its businesses and, above all, its citizens. Insurance, Occupational pensions, and Financial stability

Type: Public

22 243
Principles for Responsible Investment Principles for Responsible Investment

The UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment. The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is an investor initiative in partnership with UNEP FI and the UN Global Compact. Founded in 2006 and supported by the United Nations, the PRI has become the leading network for investors demonstrating their commitment to responsible ownership and long-term, sustainable returns. Pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign/development funds, investment managers and service providers make up the PRI network. Our goal is to grow investor interest in environmental, social and corporate governance issues (ESG), share best practice and support signatory needs in …

Type: Incubators & VCs

73 320

PCA-Stream is an architectural agency, interior and town planning architecture, a research center and an innovation center. We work beyond the traditional limits of the city factory, and embody in our projects and our productions an interdisciplinary urban vision underpinned by a strong conscience of environmental issues. Our team of one hundred employees multiplies tools and knowledge at the service of research and design. Our architectural and urban productions are deeply nourished by our research work: the agency is a laboratory where we explore and test solutions to the emergency room of a changing world. Architecture, town planning, research, interior …

Type: Media SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: SaaS

69 103
CCI Hauts-de-France CCI Hauts-de-France

The Hauts-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a key player in regional economic dynamism, works for business prosperity, job creation and sustainable development. With diversified expertise, we are determined to support entrepreneurs and economic players at each stage of their growth. Our areas of intervention: Company support: Strategic advice, tailor -made training and support programs to stimulate innovation and competitiveness. Internationalization: facilitation of international exchanges, export assistance, advice for foreign investments and support for implantation abroad. Local development: promotion of local attractiveness, support for creation and takeover of businesses, development of regional economic sectors. Training and apprenticeship: offer of professional …

Type: Public Activities: traveltech entrepreneurship hrtech

146 33

Since 1974, we have been working with housing professionals to promote the quality of housing. Qualitel's missions are multiple and organized within different structures: - The Qualitel association is an independent, non -profit association, founded in 1974 with the mission of promoting the quality of housing by certification and information of the general public. It brings together around this common objective the main housing players: professional organizations, consumer associations and public authorities. - Cerqual Qualitel Certification, Cerifier organization of the Qualitel Association, founded in 2004, supports local authorities, promoters, manufacturers and social landlords in their Housing and Sustainable Development Policy …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

57 161
MEDEF Bretagne MEDEF Bretagne

📣 MEDEF Brittany, the voice of Breton companies thanks to its expertise, action force and network! 📣 MEDEF Bretagne represents 20,000 companies located in Brittany, employing 300,000 employees via the 4 departmental MEDEFs, 19 adherent regional professional branches and 4 associate members: EDF, ENEDIS, SNCF and La Poste. MEDEF Brittany supports departmental MEDEFs and adherent professional branches in the accomplishment of their mission. 30 % of its members are companies with less than 11 employees. 98 % of its members are VSEs or SMEs. MEDEF Brittany Business House, 2b allée du building, 35000 Rennes

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

60 9

Expert in prevention and risk control CNPP is an international benchmark player in prevention and risk control. With the diversity of our businesses, we offer global cybersecurity, safety, risk management and crises, HSE (Hygiene Safety Environment), fire and explosion. Independent and at the heart of the risk management ecosystem, we have been creating a trusted environment with all security players for over 60 years. Our 400 employees support you with a diverse offer in: • Advice & amp; training • Test, inspection, certification (ICT) • Edition & amp; press Near Paris (in Eure), our 240 ha pole unique in Europe, …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

24 562
Entre nous soit dit Entre nous soit dit

Citizen Communication Consulting Agency Created in 1999, between us, is a citizen communication consultancy agency. Between us, the public and private actors are addressed who involve actions that make sense and content. Communication, information, training, prevention or awareness -raising actions. Between us, the fact, supports its customers by defining and deploying its communication strategy. With the ambition to strengthen its image with a speech of evidence, a solid and argued discourse. Communication advice, communication campaign, press relations, digital communication, and advertising

Type: SMB Activities: martech

7 8
FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs

A consultancy firm in corporate communication and public affairs FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs was created in 2005 by Anne Mazoyer. Its consultants design strategies which develop and strengthen the capital image and lobbying strategies of companies, institutions and their leaders in France and abroad. Moreover, we counsel our clients in their approach to local, national or EU institutions and in the management of their legislative risks. FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs is an independent consultancy firm with offices in Paris and Brussels. It represents its clients before national and EU institutions and media. Affaires Publiques , Communication corporate, Gestion …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting govtech

20 11
Sémaphore Conseil Sémaphore Conseil

Etudes, veille, conseil, solutions informatiques. Spécialiste de la banque, de l'épargne, du crédit et de l'assurance As market intelligence experts, we provide daily market follow-up on banking, credit and insurance products to more than 100 organizations. Our team includes 14 full-time consultants, specialized in 19 product lines (daily banking, credit and debit cards, savings, mortgages,...). We daily monitor from 20 to 150 french actors on each of these areas. We provide market studies on local and international pricing and marketing strategies. Business intelligence, Banking, Credit, Insurance, Pricing, and Market studies

Type: SMB Activities: fintech insurtech Technologies: NFC

118 30

The health of your insured deserves the best services! Healthclair, a mission company, wants to contribute to everyone can benefit from quality advice and health care, the most effective, the most appropriate to their state, the best suited to its life context, at a fair price and bring Thus a key contribution to the health system and social protection for all citizens. Santéclair is a company with shareholders of leading actors in the insurance world: Allianz, the Covea group (MAAF, MMA and GMF) as well as the General Mutual of the Police (MGP). Open to all actors in complementary health …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics

27 262
United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)

Working with banks, insurers and investors to accelerate sustainable finance. The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is a partnership between UNEP and the global financial sector to mobilize private sector finance for sustainable development. UNEP FI works with more than 500 members – banks, insurers, and investors – and over 100 supporting institutions – to help create a financial sector that serves people and planet while delivering positive impacts. UNEP FI aims to inspire, inform and enable financial institutions to improve people’s quality of life without compromising that of future generations. By leveraging the UN’s role, UNEP …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech fintech greentech

64 408

Spanish:Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE) The Confederation of Business Organisations is a private, non-profit organisation whose primary aim is to defend and represent business interests before public authorities and society in general. Founded in 1977, it voluntarily integrates two million companies and self-employed workers from all sectors of activity, who are linked to CEOE through more than 4,000 grassroots associations. The Confederation directly integrates 225 territorial and sectoral organisations at the regional and provincial level. This ensures that companies are represented both by the sector to which they belong and by the territory in which they are located.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

70 295
Les Libéraux de santé Les Libéraux de santé

LDS are an interpreter interpreting organization of liberal health professionals. Health liberals are an interpreter inter -union organization created in 2021 and bringing together 11 unions representative of liberal health professionals (CSMF, SDB, FNI, SML, SDA, CDF, SNAO, FNO, FSPF, FNP, FFMKR).

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

3 5
Santander InnoVentures Santander InnoVentures

Santander InnoVentures is Banco Santander's $200m corporate venture arm. We invest in fintech startups, globally, across all stages, and help create meaningful, strategic relationships between our portfolio companies and Santander Group. Current portfolio companies include iZettle, MyCheck, CYNGN, Ripple, Kabbage, Digital Asset Holdings, Elliptic, SigFig, Socure, Tradeshift, PayKey, Gridspace, Pixoneye, Curve, Payjoy, ePesos, Visible Alpha, Roostify, Autofi and Creditas.

Type: Incubators & VCs

40 1
Face au Risque Face au Risque

The reference media of security officials. Fire/Explosion - Security - Risk management - SST - CYBER Faced with risk, the reference media of security officials. By giving you the keys to transformation and changes in your sector, by guiding you thanks to the selections of the best practices, in the face of risk is the news media and the only resource center with the objective and ambition: to make the voice of Experts on major security challenges. Find most of the news on risks thanks to a global offer of content on multiple channels: a multimedia site,; a bimonthly, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

16 8
ANEV Association Nationale des Élus de la Vigne et du Vin ANEV Association Nationale des Élus de la Vigne et du Vin

The network of elected officials of wine territories ANEV was born on June 15, 1999. Michel Grégoire, then deputy for the 3rd district of Drôme and agricultural technician, as well as around twenty parliamentarians of wine districts, deplored the absence of a network of elected officials to represent the territories of vine and wine. Inspired by other associations of elected officials at the service of the territories, such as the National Association of Elected Elected Mountain (ANEM) or the Association of Rural Mayors of France (AMRF), these elected officials then decided to found the ANEV: The National Association of Elected …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

17 3
SADA Assurances SADA Assurances

Specialist in insurance solutions for real estate professionals A insurance company specializing in real estate insurance, created in 1967, with its registered office based in Nîmes, which distributes its solutions only through its network of insurance brokers. The company has been specialized over time on 3 main pillars: rental management (unpaid rent guarantee, deposit, etc.), transaction (loss on resale, hidden defects) and trustees (unpaid charges, legal protection). The company has benefited, since 1999, from the strong support of its 100%shareholder, the German Group DevK (15.3 m of contracts, 7,500 employees, € 4.8 billion of total bonuses collected, € 82.5 million …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

9 152
La France Mutualiste La France Mutualiste

The assurance of a family spirit Mutualist France Mutualist France is the individual mutual savings of the Malakoff Humanis group. With an experience acquired for more than 130 years, it has the ambition to allow all French people to build solid savings and build their retirement. With its 480 employees, 276 volunteers, and a network of 58 agencies, Mutualist France advises and supports 220,000 members in their savings strategy. In 2023, Mutualist France has a turnover of 468 million euros and a solvency rate of +250%, reflecting its financial solidity and the confidence of its members. Its values ​​of solidarity, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

40 515
ARES & CO ARES & CO Ares & Co is a strategy consulting firm dedicated to financial services. Our areas of focus include retail banking, private banking & wealth management, corporate & investment banking, financial sponsors, asset management, insurance, and specialist financial services. Our objective is to help leaders build and execute a winning strategy and support them in the development and transformation of their company, by accelerating decision making, managing risk and ensuring delivery of results. Our clients value our independence, the impact of our work, the quality of our team, the breadth and depth of our financial services sector knowledge and our analytical …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

12 42

CALIF is a consulting company for private and public actors. Its aim is to provide solutions for its clients involved in local, national or european politics and to equip them with good knowledge of institutional functioning. Its clients are politicians (both at local and national level), private companies (in a wide range of economic sectors), public organizations (in their european strategy). Relations publiques, Communication politique, Lobbying, Influence, Relations presse et médias, Communication politique, Stratégie événementielle, Communication digitale, and Identité marketing

Type: SMB Activities: martech consulting

43 38
Handisup Normandie Handisup Normandie

The objective of Handisup Normandie is to ensure each young Disabled Normandy conditions to pursue studies in higher education, build a realistic professional project and have a job corresponding to their level of skills. Thanks to our many partners, the system is still an exception in France placing the Normandy region as a leader on the subject of the orientation of disabled high school students and the professional integration of disabled students. Our raison d'être is to ensure that each young person, whatever their handicap, obtains a diploma allowing them to access a profession that meets their expectations and skills. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

23 12
ax'eau ax'eau

Water leakage detection the french leader for leak detection

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management

20 74
Solly Azar Assurances Solly Azar Assurances

Difference insurance Wholesale broker since 1977 Solly Azar designs and manages insurance products distributed to individuals and professionals by a network of 8,000 brokers. Solly Azar builds products that complete the more classic offers of large companies, to allow each insured to find insurance in real adequacy with their needs. The company is present on all professions, from design to the management of an insurance contract. Solly Azar covers all insurance needs by working on 4 major markets: - Damage to the individual - Health and foresight of the individual - Unpaid rents - Professionals Solly Azar is a 100% …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

10 281
MALJ Assurance (Mutuelle Alsace Lorraine Jura) MALJ Assurance (Mutuelle Alsace Lorraine Jura)

A solid network for high-performance brokers: join us! Since 1818, MALJ has protected people and their heritage thanks to personalized and innovative insurance solutions. With more than 100,000 members, a turnover of 39 million euros, and a network of 200 brokers everywhere in France, we were going to be proximity and expertise to quickly meet the needs of our partners and their customers. Why join us? By integrating our partner network, you benefit: • tailor-made support to develop your activity. • Effective tools to better serve your customers. • the strength of an organization that favors reactivity and humans. Based …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

55 20
Callyope Callyope

Monitoring brain health through speech Callyope is building the first speech-based foundational model to monitor mental health symptoms through low-touch smartphone interactions. We are developing Software-as-a-Medical-Devices (SaMD) based on this foundational model to find optimal treatment strategies and detect relapses for patients living with major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

12 16
THransition THransition

Thransitions intervenes in support of the professional trajectory of people with disabilities Thransition supports employers from the various sectors and the disability referents of higher education in the definition and implementation of their inclusive policy for people with disabilities. Our approach is both global, multidisciplinary, individualized, but also very concrete. Our site: Evaluation, training, handicap/employment, handicap, advice, support support, sourcing-recruitment, awareness-raising, communication-event, coaching, cognitive remediation, social support, referential training, Higher education awareness, mentoring handicap, , Higher education, and hanploi and school

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

32 19
julhiet sterwen julhiet sterwen

Conseil en stratégie, transformation et innovation julhiet sterwen is a key player in management, human resources and operational consulting. We blend talent & business know-how in a unique way and in doing so put into practice our belief that individual and collective energy, combined with organisational performance, can be used to accelerate companies’ competitiveness. Our multi-specialist teams develop and implement practical and innovative, often digital, solutions to accelerate the transformation of companies and continuously improve their performance. julhiet sterwen now has more than 300 employees in 6 French and European locations. Our network of operational partners covers more than 40 …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

85 536
Altaprofits Altaprofits

Online heritage broker and consulting advice since 1999. Altaprofits is a brokerage and online wealth management company. With 25 years of experience, Altaprofits now has more than 60,000 customers. Life insurance, retirement, real estate, private equity, structured products ... Altaprofits selects the best opportunities for you and provides you with a team of certified wealth management advisers to support you at all stages of your life. Life insurance, retirement, real estate, private equity, tax exemption, structured products, wealth management, brokerage, fintech, per, savings, investment, finance, SCPI, online placements, capitalization, and luxembourg

Type: SMB Activities: fintech insurtech

26 69
Les clés de la banque Les clés de la banque

Bank keys is the federation's financial and budgetary education program - Bank keys is the financial and budgetary education program of the French banking federation. Objective: make your life easier! We give you the keys to better understand and use the daily bank. You will find on the site - Tips to manage your budget and know what to do in case of difficulty, - Safety reflexes to protect you from fraud and react properly if you are the victim, - Practical modules focused on "moments of life" to support you at each important step, whether it is …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

17 2

Examo specializes in expertise and assistance to project management (AMOA) in the field of flood risks. It supports and assists managers of buildings or industrial sites in actions to reduce the vulnerability of their sites in the face of flood risk. References: - RATP - SNCF - Siaap - EDF CIPN - BNP Paribas Real Estate - CPCU - Climespace - Hermes - Boucheron - Sanofi Aventis - Oise Aisne agreement - City of Gennevilliers - Brisach - French Development Agency Flood prevention

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

12 6
Institut National de la Consommation Institut National de la Consommation

Innovation at consumer service Consumer information and protection. Defense tools in the face of poor practices of certain companies. The magazine 60 million consumers is the spearhead of the inc. The Inc produces consumer consumption education videos, broadcast on France Télévisions channels. His lawyers are preparing practical sheets for the general public. Inc is consulted by many public bodies. Information to consumer and consumer law

Type: SMB Activities: consumer services

35 59
TNP Consultants TNP Consultants

Harness the Unpredictable. Created in 2007, TNP is an independent French consulting firm specializing in operational, regulatory and digital transformations. We are present in Europe (France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Monaco), Africa (Morocco, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Tunisia), India and the Middle East (United Arab Emirates). TNP is involved in various dimensions – operational strategy, information system, business and human capital and projects in many industries such as: banking, insurance , public sector and healthcare, transport and logistics, industry, energy and retail. Today, TNP employs 750 staff and consultants for a worldwide turnover of 93 million euros in 2023.

Type: SMB Activities: consulting fintech insurtech transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics

94 646
La Mutuelle Familiale La Mutuelle Familiale

More than a mutual, a complementary of life! Mutual pioneer, committed to its members and for social progress for almost 90 years. Whether you are a private individual or a company employee, we offer personalized and accessible solutions to preserve your health capital throughout your life and without discrimination (health, provident, prevention and other innovative services). Classified in the top 30 health mutuals. Complementary health, mutual health, prevention, provident, mutual company, mutualist advisor, manager, health insurance, senior health, health health, health health, health protection, management of members, actuariat, municipal mutual, municipal mutual, Health, and mutuality

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

36 185

Zero carbon emission Sustainable architectures. A concern: the neutrality of "carbon emissions" in the buildings. Architectural, town planning, landscape, design workshops European Passive house designer CEPH Our "carbon neutrality" objective Our Archipente team has many references for teaching buildings and we can say that our mastery and specialization in wood construction for 30 years and our interest for the first oil crisis for renewable energies, has rallyed many contracting authorities The Rhône Alpes region has our essential concern: the neutrality of "carbon emissions" in the buildings. Architecture, wood, and passive

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

9 8

Courtier en assurances spécialisé dans la protection des entreprises As a specialist corporate insurance broker, Verlingue provides clients with simple and effective solutions to protect their business and their staff members. With 1,100 employees in regional offices in the UK and France, and Worldwide Broker Network partners in over 100 countries, Verlingue advises and manages insurance programmes for over 3,200 corporate clients with the goal of making insurance simple. We have ambitious growth plans and this is why we aim to recruit talented individuals from all backgrounds. Being a successful business, in which people enjoy working and where everyone can …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

34 907
Optimind Optimind

Manage Risk, Build Your Future As a strategic partner of French companies and institutions in their technological and human transformation, Accenture strengthens its capacities in finance, risk and actuariat. In a world in perpetual movement, the transformation of companies accelerates. Innovations and new technologies take a preponderant place in their strategy and new opportunities are emerging. Financial directors are on the front line in the face of these transformations. According to our study with 500+ financial directors in 2022, 77 % of respondents judged that controlling new technologies (AI, Machine Learning, etc.) and better exploitation of the company data, constituted …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting insurtech Technologies: A.I. Cybersecurity

5 140
Gaz d'aujourd'hui Gaz d'aujourd'hui

📰quotidid specialized-rate Energy news Focus on the gas, renewable and hydrogen sector Gaz today is a written and web press title specializing in energy. He issues news daily on the energy sector and the public policies associated with him in France, Europe and the world. The sectors of natural gas, renewable gases and hydrogen are more specifically treated there as well as many transverse themes linked to the energy transition. He endeavors to decipher national and international public policies and uses in terms of energy, climate. And more specifically those around natural gas, biogas, biomethane and hydrogen. He also endeavors …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Hydrogen

111 5
CPA Experts CPA Experts

Established in 1983, CPA Experts is the partner of choice of insurance claim managers. CPA experts are dedicated to providing cost-effective solutions for all your sensitive public liability and property damage issues. CPA Experts is regularly ranked “ #1 and indispensable ” in specialized insurance expertise (Guide Décideurs). Bâtiment & Génie Civil, Industrie, Finance, Environnement, Agroalimentaire, and Agriculture

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

2 61
Asterès Asterès

Asterès produces ideas to transform innovation into progress. Cabinet led by Nicolas Bouzou. Asterès is an independent consulting firm in the economic field, founded and led by Nicolas Bouzou. We offer companies and the public sector high -level reflection tools to direct action towards qualitative and sustainable growth. Our mission is to put economic analysis at the service of the development of our customers. In other words, we finally give economic analysis its operational role. Economic studies, strategy advice, conferences, design thinking, macroeconomic and sectoral forecasts

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

89 7
meaneo meaneo

We Are Impact Enablers An increasing number of entrepreneurs are questioning how we used to make profit and grow in the past. The entire global economy is being rebuilt. Climate change is rapidly reshaping the physical world just like new technologies were repatterning the digital world 20 years ago. We believe there is a better way... At meaneo, we are business leaders mentoring business leaders build a solid, future-proof business, moving from "less bad" to "more good". Our consulting firm enable leaders and their teams place purpose, positive impact, and financial performance on line.

Type: Incubators & VCs

13 22
Groupe Luminess Groupe Luminess

Luminess, a major player in the French digital ecosystem. #IDP #IA #BPO #Dataethics #PlateForm Luminess is a company of French intermediate size, created in Mayenne in 1903. Imprimeur at its origins, the group continued to transform itself to become a 100% digital company. Luminess is now located in 7 countries and has 1,400 employees worldwide, including 600 in France. Reference player in intelligent documents processing and process outsourcing, Luminess is at the cutting edge of AI technologies to automate, digitize and optimize business processes. The group combines an industrial approach to BPO with the operational excellence of an ESN to …

Type: Large company

22 962
Fondation Entrepreneurs de la Cité Fondation Entrepreneurs de la Cité

Make insurance to business creators accessible Thanks to its actions (micro-assurance, prevention, information), the Entrepreneurs de la Cité Foundation protects micro-entrepreneurs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imagined by Bruno Rousset, the City Entrepreneurs Foundation was born in 2006 thanks to the commitment of 8 founding members (April Group, CNP Assurances, Evolem, Caisse des Dépôts, AG2R La Mondiale, Matmut, La Banque Postale, CFDP Assurances ) and was recognized as a public utility by decree of December 19, 2008. It ensures a mission of general interest in favor of the entrepreneurial initiative of disadvantaged people and aims to protect people excluded from the world of work …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

21 13
Regulation Partners Regulation Partners

Consulting firm specializing in banking and financial compliance and risk management. Regulation Partners is a consulting firm specializing in the fields of banking and financial regulations and risk management. We intervene for any type of regulated establishments, from the approval file to delegated controls ... We also operate with credit institutions, payment and electronic currency establishments, asset management companies and financing companies , insurance mutuals and intermediaries on strategic missions related to the implementation of new regulations. In order to train the teams, management and administrators of financial institutions, we regularly organize training on different themes by always adapting our …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech insurtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

13 42
Quandify Quandify

Smart products that make water management easy Quandify is leading the way in digitalizing water metering and leak prevention, to make water management easy and sustainable. Water is the most valuable resource in the world, and with the help of smart technologies, you can now stay in control of your water usage. With cutting-edge hardware and software solutions we deliver top-quality and easy to use security measures. And that's how we help thousands of customers manage their water consumption effectively. Every drop counts. cleantech, sustainability, iot, internet of things, smart cities, water, energy, leakage, leak detection, lorawan, proptech, water metering, …

Type: Startup Activities: water management Technologies: Sensors

4 22
Aéma Groupe Aéma Groupe

Authentically mutualist group of French protection, working with +11m of people. Aéma Groupe was born in January 2021 of the ambition shared between the Macif and Aésio Mutuelle to create the first French protection mutual group. With the acquisition of Assurances bee (e.g. Aviva France) in September 2021, Aéma Groupe became a benchmark player in the insurance market placed in 5th place in French insurers. The creation of OFI Invest in September 2022 also places the group in the 5th row of French active management players, with 195 billion managed outstanders. The creation of this new pole with unique expertise, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

68 255

French Confederation of General Consulting-Confederation of Managers. The framework of executives and supervision. The CFE-CGC is the union that defends supervision, executives and public functions. With 160,000 members, 230 unions and more than 10,000 union sections (2015), the CFE-CGC has a single specificity, since 1944, as a representative union ensuring the interests of a defined professional category: the 'management. The responsibility, the initiative and the commitment, which base the professional actions and approaches of the executives, are precisely the cardinal values ​​that the Confederation aims to defend. The primary objective of the Confederation is the reconciliation of the employee and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

92 496
Fondation Jean-Jaurès Fondation Jean-Jaurès

Think to act Recognized of public utility from its creation, in 1992, by Pierre Mauroy, the Jean-Jaurès Foundation was the first of French political foundations. A place of reflection, dialogue and anticipation, it has been acting for almost thirty years to build a more democratic world, understand the history of the social movement and worker and invent the ideas of tomorrow. & gt; Build a more democratic world In collaboration with more than one hundred progressive political parties and political parties in the world, the Jean-Jaurès Foundation is carrying out missions to encourage democratic processes, form political staff and promote …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

95 61
Sciences Po Sciences Po

Sciences Po is France’s leading university in the social sciences and has been educating decision-makers in the public and private sectors for the past 140 years. Today, half of Sciences Po’s 13,000 students hail from 150 countries outside France. Why do so many international students choose Sciences Po? Because at Sciences Po, as part of a vibrant, multicultural student community, they will gain a multidisciplinary education and international experience to prepare them for career success. 88 percent of Sciences Po graduates are hired within six months of graduation and 39 percent start their career abroad. Students also benefit from Sciences …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Research & Education Activities: it services

265 5
Bâtir pour le climat Bâtir pour le climat

Act now to build decarbon! Second most issuing sector in France, the building has a potential to contribute sharply to the decrease in GHG emissions. The reduction in GHG emissions is essential to all the links in the construction chain: in industry, on construction sites, in the building and in the city, all trades are mobilizing. It is in this context and this energy that we have created: building for the climate, an event to support the actors of the construction in their transformations to build decarbon!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

78 N/A
LAB Réunion LAB Réunion

Agency specializing in the design of bioclimatic buildings in tropical environment 🌴 The Bioclimatic Architecture Laboratory was born in 2018 from the Antoine Perrau Architectures association and the Michel Reynaud (2apmr). Sharing the same values, our two companies got closer in 1995 to pool their technical means within a SCM. A way, these links were strengthened by the grouping of employees in 2009. Today this approach is c by in the creation of the Reunion Bioclimatic Architecture Laboratory (Lab Réunion) and thus allows us to extend our perimeter D 'Action and to improve our readability and efficiency. With an ecosystem …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

5 9
FEImmo FEImmo

The federation which represents and supports the industry of real estate operators The FEI brings together real estate operators who build, praise and manage diversified real estate such as offices, shops, hotels, logistics warehouses, housing, student residences or retirement homes in France and abroad. It is made up of listed and unlisted real estate companies which represent a total of 120 billion euros in assets and 24.7 million square meters; Its listed members total 63 billion euros in market capitalization, or more than 90 % of the market capitalization of the Euronext real estate compartment. Our missions Animate a dynamic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

18 11

Offer quality engineering while respecting the environment. Adret, is a design and consulting office created in 1977 which has developed an environmental activity since 1995 on the scale of the building and then of the territory. Adret realizes, in project management teams or in direct connection, with the contracting authorities the following engineering missions: • Electrical engineering: electricity - strong currents - weak currents, ssi • Climate engineering: plumbing - heating - ventilation - air conditioning • Sustainable building and territory: AMO for the environmental quality of buildings, environmental approach to town planning (AEU), QE design of buildings, energy audits, …

Type: SMB Activities: energytech constructiontech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

26 115
Association française des investisseurs institutionnels (Af2i) Association française des investisseurs institutionnels (Af2i)

Unite all economic players concerned by institutional management procedures and techniques. The French Association of Institutional Investors (Af2i) was created in 2002 with the ambition of uniting all economic players concerned by institutional management procedures and techniques regardless of their family of affiliation (pension, provident fund, mutual health insurance, insurance, association, endowment fund, foundation, public company or special institution, company with specific status, etc.). Af2i represents and defends the interests of its members but also aims to be a center for proposals and reflection, information and assistance. It brings together institutional investors but also partner members representing the different professions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech fintech

25 6
Fédération Cinov Fédération Cinov

The CINOV Federation is a representative employers' federation of 14 unions and 14 regional chambers of the intellectual benefit trades of the Council, Engineering and Digital. His mission: Defend the rights and interests of VSEs/SMEs in the trades of the intellectual service of the Council, Engineering and Digital General information Intangible services essential to any project Our trades in gray matter give the light of the achievements that punctuate all the sides of daily, professional, social, personal life For which areas of activity? Construction, coordination of projects, programming of regional planning operations, acoustics, infrastructure, environment, ecology, biodiversity, industry, logistics, digital, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

78 54
Banque de France Banque de France

Institution indépendante : stratégie monétaire, stabilité financière, services à l’économie. Banque de France is the central bank of France; it is linked to the European Central Bank (ECB). Its main charge is to maintain price stability by implementing the single monetary policy within the framework of the ESCB (European System of Central Banks). It also ensures the financial stability by regulating payment and securities settlement systems and supervising credit institutions and investment firms. central banking, monetary policy, banking regulation, and financial stability

Type: Public

277 8,055
France générosités France générosités

Syndicat professionnel des OSBL qui font appel aux dons : défendre vos intérêts, accompagner nos membres et promouvoir ! France générosités est le syndicat professionnel des organisations d’intérêt général faisant appel à la générosité du public. Il rassemble un réseau d’associations et de fondations philanthropiques œuvrant pour une société plus juste, inclusive et durable (plus de 155 organisations début 2025). Défense des intérêts des associations et fondations and Promotion de la générosité

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

73 15
Radio Notre Dame 100.7 Radio Notre Dame 100.7

Life takes on a meaning ✨ Welcome to the official Radio Notre Dame page! Catholic and generalist to better understand the challenges of the contemporary world. Listen to our programs every day on the 100.7 FM or on our website. Find us on our Apple and Android apps and on our social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. Radio, internet, press, journalism, animation, and information

Type: Media

7 47
MAP l'Observatoire des experts de la mobilité MAP l'Observatoire des experts de la mobilité

A dynamic of exchange and prospective reflection on mobility, with all the players in the sector Created to observe, reflect and communicate on the theme of mobility and prospective, the MAP "The Observatory of Mobility Experts" is supported by AM&P (ANEA MOBILITE & PROSPECTIVE), a subsidiary of the ANEA group (National Alliance of Automobile Experts). Designed to promote information and prospective, the MAP develops a dynamic of sharing, exchange and reflection with all the players in the mobility sector (public authorities, institutions, economic sector, etc.). THE MAIN ACTIONS DEVELOPED BY THE MAP: - Organization of events (round tables, meetings, conferences, …

Type: Media

14 2
FEIMA Editeurs FEIMA Editeurs

Digital technology at the service of healthcare professionals, patients and users The Fédération des Editeurs d’Informatique Médicale et Paramédicale Ambulatoire (FEIMA) brings together the main software publishers in the private healthcare sector. The solutions and support and assistance services they provide equip more than 300,000 healthcare professionals in France (2 million worldwide): general practitioners and specialists, dentists, pharmacists, medical auxiliaries, multi-professional practice structures and home healthcare providers (more than 80% of the French outpatient market). As leading industrial players (more than 2,500 employees in France and more than 12,000 worldwide), FEIMA members are a lever for job creation, value and …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Cybersecurity Data Analytics

6 6
Union Nationale des Professionnels de Santé Union Nationale des Professionnels de Santé

The National Union of Health Professions is above all the common home of liberal professionals UNION NATIONALE DES PROFESSIONNELS DE SANTE is a civic & social organization company based out of 25 RUE MIOLLIS, Paris, Îledefrance, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 11
Orias - Registre unique des intermédiaires en assurance, banque et finance Orias - Registre unique des intermédiaires en assurance, banque et finance

ORIAS's mission is to register insurance intermediaries (IAS), intermediaries in banking operations and payment services (IOBSP), financial investment advisors (CIF) and tied agents of investment service providers (ALPSI) by verifying that they meet the conditions and requirements set out in the Insurance Code and/or the Monetary and Financial Code. Placed under the supervision of the General Directorate of the Treasury, ORIAS is managed by professional organizations representing the insurance, banking and finance sectors. Alain Morichon is the current President and Grégoire Dupont is the Secretary General,

Type: Public

4 33
Institut des Risques Majeurs Institut des Risques Majeurs

Informing yourself to better prevent On the joint initiative of the French Ministry of the Environment and the General Council of Isère (Rhône-Alpes region - France), the Institute of Major Risks (IRMa) was created more than 30 years ago. This independent association based in Grenoble, has the mission of developing actions particularly in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes but also at the national level: - technical assistance to territories in order to contribute to the development and implementation of innovative projects with a social focus promoting the integration of natural and technological risks into local prevention policies; - support for applied research activities …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

45 14
Le Cercle des Européens Le Cercle des Européens

A space for meetings and debates between decision-makers to advance Europe. Chaired by Noelle Lenoir The Cercle des Européens is a recognized place for reflection, exchanges and contacts between high-level economic, political and social decision-makers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 N/A

EMERGENCY TRANSPORTED Courier - Urgent/Express Transport - Sensitive Transport From parcels to full trucks - 7 days a week ENVOYE SPECIAL is a company specializing in courier services, urgent transport and regular shuttles, offering the most comprehensive range of vehicles and services on the market. We carry out missions ranging from single items to semi-complete items. The employees who lead the Envoyé spécial team all have experience in our professions. Our interventions are carried out during the day, at night, on weekends and on public holidays. 90% of our activity is carried out with our own staff and equipment. ENVOYE …

Type: Media

290 112
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale

The Farnesina is vested with the functions and tasks assigned to the State in respect of international political, economic, social and cultural relations. The Foreign Ministry is vested with the functions and tasks assigned to the State in respect of international political, economic, social and cultural relations.

Type: Public

33 2,553