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Les elles du Groupe BPCE Les elles du Groupe BPCE

The they of the BPCE group brings together more than 450 executives and 30 mixed networks of group companies. Created in 2012, the ILU network of the BPCE group brings together more than 450 women executive executives and brings together the 30 mixed networks from group establishments, both in France and internationally. It is chaired by Sabine Calba (Director General of Banque Populaire Méditerranée). Our ambition: to advance diversity in our group, in particular by promoting women in supervision and positions of responsibility.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

3 2 3 1

SHARE MORE, BUILD BETTER What are our main missions? Connecting : Organisation of networking events and working groups, B2B relations, links with international, national and regional networks. Enhancing : Showcase for its members and their projects, dissemination of good practices among the professionals of the sector. Informing : Technology and legal watch, sector news and online agenda. Guiding: Introduction to training and guiding organisations, and to innovation stakeholders. gives particular importance to the following themes that are considered as essential for the future of sustainable construction in Brussels : Energy efficient retrofitting Circular Economy We particular aim : to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech

8 3 8 10
Université Paris Dauphine - PSL Université Paris Dauphine - PSL

Recherche & Formation en sciences des organisations et de la décision. Université accréditée #EQUIS Composante de PSL Dauphine-PSL is unique in the world of French universities. Université Paris Dauphine-PSL is specialized in the Organization and Decision Sciences. Our mission is to educate future generations of executives, entrepreneurs, leaders and scholars to be both experts in their fields and socially responsible, cultured, open-minded members of the community. Our faculty is internationally esteemed and award-winning. We are respected for our academic excellence and recognized for the quality of our research in the organization and decision sciences. Our close ties to the business …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

55 0 38 3,008
BCA Expertise BCA Expertise

One time ahead with you. Leader of Motor Engineering in France since more thant 50 years, we make sure our market moves Toward Service Improvement for Our Customers and Their Customers. Founded in 1955, BCA Expertise SAS has since originally the leader in the profession. Today it employs 1222 employees, including 637 experts (445 registered on the national list), distributed in 80 agencies located in France and overseas. He performs expertise on all rolling vehicles, on all kinds of damage and is organized to intervene throughout the metropolitan territory, on four offices of the overseas departments: Martinique, Guadeloupe, Réunion and …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech transporttech

30 6 16 925
POPSU - Plateforme d'observation des projets et stratégies urbaines POPSU - Plateforme d'observation des projets et stratégies urbaines

Information and exchanges space on research-action programs #popsu #popsuerritis #popsutransitions Place of convergence of research environments and those who make and govern cities, the Urban Projects and Strategies Observation platform - Popsu - crosses scientific knowledge and operational expertise to better understand the challenges and developments associated with cities and territories. It capitalizes, for action, the knowledge established on metropolises and ensures its dissemination with various audiences: professionals, academic, general public ... POPSU programs are operated by Europe of architectural and urban projects (Epau), a public interest group, under the supervision of the ministry in charge of architecture, the ministry …

Type: Public Activities: constructiontech smart city

93 16 66 10
Institut de la Finance Durable Institut de la Finance Durable

Branch of Paris Europlace | Coordinates the sustainable finance action of the Paris financial center About Institut de la Finance Durable The Institut de la Finance Durable (IFD), a branch of Paris EUROPLACE, aims to coordinate, federate and accelerate the Paris financial center's action to achieve the ecological transition and transform the economy towards a low-carbon and inclusive model, aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. Created in October 2022, the IFD takes over from Finance For Tomorrow. It brings together the more than 200 members of Paris EUROPLACE, financial players, companies, audit and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech fintech

48 8 44 28

The Federation of Affinitarian Guarantees and Insurance (FG2A) is a French Association (law 1901), created in April 2012. The main objectives is to guarantee the ethics of the profession and strengthen consumer confidence Its objectives: promote and enhance the affinity services to consumers but also to the competent authorities. Its purpose is to guarantee self -regulation of insurance in order to: - Clarify the entire value chain (brokers, insurers, assistants, distributors). - Guarantee the lasting development of affinity insurance. - make the content of the programs that should allow consumers to better compare the products offered to them through a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

30 3 30 1
Majorel France Majorel France

Driven to Go Further We are Majorel. We design and implement personalized customer experiences for the biggest brands in the world. Our 82,000 employees speaking more than 60 languages ​​and present in 44 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, America and Asia, support your customers at every moment and all channels, in accordance with their expectations. We are determined to surpass ourselves to find, each time, the right solution by intelligently combining talent, data and technology. Determined to go further than what our customers expect in order to meet the needs of simplicity, fluidity and more human relationships expressed …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech Technologies: Data Analytics

107 5 103 370
Coralium Coralium

Cyber ​​and safety for the laws of law Coralium is your trusted partner for the cybersecurity of your business: SSI audits, Intrusion tests (Pentest), training of your employees, ... 🛡️

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

10 7 3 13
L'Association nationale des communicants L'Association nationale des communicants

1st association of #Communication professions #Evenements #Networking #Formation #inspiration #expertise Strong more than 1,500 members, communication & amp; Company is the largest association of corporate communication professions in France. As such, it plays a referring role in representing and promoting the profession. It issues reflections and offers actions based on the power of content to have communication recognized as a value designer for the company. It promotes professionalization, responsibility and ethics. She supports her members in their evolution and the development of their skills on all of the communication professions. Finally, it is a place of exchange, commitment and conviviality. …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

113 26 96 95
Cercle LAB x i3 Cercle LAB x i3

The prospective research center (LAB circle) The applied research pole (i3) dedicated to the insurance sector. Discover the prospective research pole (Cercle LAB) and the applied research pole (i3) of the Seroni group, dedicated to the insurance sector. The Lab circle, the prospective research center, is a network of exchange and reflection intended for all enthusiasts and thirsty for knowledge that wish to advance things in the insurance sector. The Lab circle is the opportunity to be part of a collective adventure committed for the profession. It is also an opportunity to develop your talents: to expand your network, your …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

36 6 31 3
Alfa Alfa

#Fraud #SocialFraud #Fraud #Insurance #RiskManagement #Compliance #InsurTech #Corruption #Analytics #Compliance #GDPR Association law 1901, Alfa was created in 1989 to serve insurance companies OUR MISSIONS Act against all forms of insurance fraud Ensure institutional liaison with all public or private organizations Serve as an intermediary between insurance companies and police officers judicial Promote and train in the fight against insurance fraud

Type: Large company

8 1 2 29
Football Australia Football Australia

The governing body of Football in Australia. Football Australia is the governing body of football in Australia and is a member of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the international governing body for football. Football Australia is a member-based organisation where membership is loosely based on Australia’s federated system of government and is comprised New South Wales, Northern New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Northern Territory.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

12 6 1 895
Chaire "​ Transitions démographiques, Transitions économiques "​ Chaire "​ Transitions démographiques, Transitions économiques "​

Research and debate on demographic aging and its economic & social consequences The TDTE Chair aims to make economic research "useful", to apply it to our contemporary society, to create a place for debate with professional actors and political decision-makers and to anchor it in the world of academic research. This is the desire of 50 economists, gathered around Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, the initiator and founder of the Chair "​ Demographic Transitions, Economic Transitions "​. This Chair is: - the place for research and debate on aging; - the result of a convergence of interests to finance research between private partners, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

25 5 21 12

Commit for everyone, act for everyone. French Democratic Labor Confederation - Syndicate The CFDT is the first French union in number of members: 655,321*, women (51%), men (49%), who work in all professional sectors, in small and large businesses, in the majority in the majority, in the public and in all regions of France. *Source: union

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

104 56 32 1,042
APREF - Association des Professionnels de la Réassurance en France. APREF - Association des Professionnels de la Réassurance en France.

The association of reinsurance professionals in France. Created in 2005, the APREF (Association of Reinsurance Professionals in France) brings together the majority of players in the reinsurance sector operating on the French market. In particular, it federates almost all of the reinsurers active in France. The main missions of the association is to be a laboratory of ideas, a discussion forum and a proposal force for all questions related to reinsurance. As such, it is led to exchange with the various players in the sector but also with the public authorities, professional federations and any other organization with a link …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech it services

3 0 2 5

we are hiring Inovatic is the French specialist in the automated extraction of data from structured documents. Actor of business information for businesses, Inovatic is an innovative SME that places the business manager at the heart of his service offer. At the service of the financial industry professions, optimizes the customer journey for your online financing offer. is your live solution to automate, standardize the processing of financial data Dedicated to banking and credit organizations, Inovaprod ensures the processing and secure integration of data verified in your Inovaprod information system is your personalized service to adapt, certify, enrich …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech it services Technologies: A.I.

64 3 64 24
Calyxis Calyxis

Build a safer future for you and with you. Pole of expertise and risk prevention. - Data Center: 15 years of collection, processing and analysis of accidents of everyday life, provide valid responses in terms of use and equipment - Evaluation center: a modular and scalable living lab, expert professionals, samples representative of testers. - Calyxis supports local communities and populations in their process of prevention of flood risks (vulnerability diagnostics (individual, collective habitats, public buildings, economic activities; PCS revision and training of agents; awareness and communication).

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

15 5 8 16
News Assurances Pro News Assurances Pro

The news site dedicated to the insurance sector. News Insurance Pro is the reference media for insurance professionals. He deciphers the main issues and issues in the sector on a daily basis. Pioneer in the news cover of the news, News Assurances Pro stands out today as a precursor of Data Journalism. Thanks to its animated cards, Rich Media and Connected Video, News Assurances Pro offers a new approach to news coverage. The production of documentary films such as Get Ready thus corresponds to the aspirations of Pro News Insurances to want to go always further in the processing of …

Type: Media

28 12 19 4
INCO Ventures INCO Ventures

Invest in a united and ecological economy. Incre Ventures is an expert management company of the Venture Capital and Pioneer of Impact Investment. Since 2011, we have supported and funded the development of structures that respond directly to social and environmental issues. By first questioning the meaning and usefulness in our decision -making, we defend a vision of sober finance, anchored in reality and creator of value for all: citizens, employees, entrepreneurs and investors.

Type: Incubators & VCs

34 6 30 18
ATLAS Public Affairs ATLAS Public Affairs

Act on your sphere of influence by the expertise of lobbying Paris-Brussels-Territoires Founded in 2010, the ATLAS Public Affairs is the fruit of more than 10 years of public affairs practice in highly regulated sectors. With an experience of public affairs and customer practitioners of lobbying firms, we have developed an offer allowing us to best defend the interests of our customers with public decision -makers and to take into account companies. Our ambition is to reverse your perception of the influence you can have on the public sphere. Rather than adapting your activities to the existing regulatory and legislative …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting govtech

13 0 12 9
Joltee Joltee

The Electric Car Insurance ⚡ JOLTEE IS THE INSURANCE SPECIALISED IN ELECTRIC VEHICLES THAT INCENTIVE SUTTAINABLE Mobility. Digital, Insurech, AI, IoT, EV, Phev, Electric Vehicle, Electric vehicles, Insurance, Driving behavior, risk analysis, rechargeable hybrid vehicles, sustainable development, connected cars, energy transition, eco-responsibility, mobility, road safety, and brokerage in insurance

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: A.I. - Deep Learning A.I.

16 4 11 12
Zoī Zoī

Enabling people to improve their healthspan through cutting-edge medicine, data science and behaviorial nudges Zoī is a science-backed holistic approach to your health and wellness. Starting with a 360° physical check-up, and leveraging data and behavioral sciences, we give you the keys to drastically improve your quality of life. By providing you personalized and actionable insights, Zoī will make you healthier and feel better. Starting now, and for the long run. Pre-registration and additional information available at deeptech, health, medtech, behavioral sciences, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and wellness

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

4 2 2 96
Dattak Dattak

The best defense is Dattak ! Dattak is an insurtech with a mission to protect businesses against cyberattacks. This protection is provided by combining cybersecurity services with the most comprehensive insurance coverage available, all in one product. Thanks to our proactive approach, we reduce the risk of attacks, which allows us to offer the best rates on the market. Working alongside our broker partners and insurers, Dattak already protects over 1000 businesses and has completed two fundraising rounds totaling €18M from XAnge, Breega, and Bpifrance. insurance and cybersecurity

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

23 7 21 49
Citalid Citalid

A new way to live with cyber risk Citalid's cyber risk quantification platform enables Enterprises and Insurers to make enlightened decisions about the risks they face. Our advanced technology assesses the likelihood and financial impact of the cyber threats you face, in a simple and dynamic way. Then, we make this knowledge actionable by automatically generating tailored security and insurance recommendations, and simulating their return on investment. In 2023, Citalid has been featured by Gartner in the "Hype Cycle" for Cyber Risk Quantification and was a winner of the Zurich Innovation Championship. cybersécurité, cyberdéfense, cybermenaces, crq, and cyberrisk

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

50 13 41 43
O-Kidia O-Kidia

Dépistage et suivi du TDAH et troubles associés grâce à l’hybridation des techs, IA biomédicale et expertises cliniques The startup O-Kidia develops software applications for health professionals to support diagnosis and right care in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental and related mental disorders. We combine cutting-edge machine learning and biometry to identify digital biomarkers that will facilitate diagnosis and therapeutic decision making of neurodevelopmental and related mental disorders for health professionals. Our digital tools measure contactless, by a simple 30-minutes video, mental-related parameters: attention, social, anxiety, emotional, behavioral, motricity, visual speed, sleep variables to support diagnosis and therapeutic decision making …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech kidtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Deep Learning

35 10 29 11
Rue de la Formation Rue de la Formation

Se transformer pour conquérir @medef #International #TransfoNum #TransitionVerte #FormPro #apprentissage #competences

Type: Media

52 1 49 N/A
International Economic Forum of the Americas International Economic Forum of the Americas

Connecting global business leaders to address the world's major challenges The International Economic Forum of the Americas is committed to heighten knowledge and awareness of the major issues concerning economic globalization, with a particular emphasis on the relations between the Americas and other continents. The Forum also strives to foster exchanges of information, to promote free discussion on major current economic issues and facilitate meetings between world leaders to encourage international discourse by bringing together Heads of State, the private sector, international organizations and civil society. --- Le Forum Économique International des Amériques a pour mission de développer la connaissance …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

107 22 92 52
Collège Assurtech par France FinTech Collège Assurtech par France FinTech

Sectoral vertical assured of France Fintech. #insurtech

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

27 5 19 13
GDV Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. GDV Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V.

The voice of the insurance industry #insurersfortomorrow The GDV is the overall association of the German insurance industry based in Berlin. We represent around 470 members - an impressive variety of international players, locally rooted companies and aspiring insurtechs. With an impressive investment of around 1.9 trillion euros, we actively help with the future. Around 480,000 talented employees work in the insurance industry. These figures not only speak for previous successes, but also emphasize the enormous potential that we as an industry for the design of the future in us. As a voice of the insurance industry, we are committed …

Type: Incubators & VCs

36 6 28 189
Mouvement Européen - France Mouvement Européen - France

First player in European civil society / mobilized since 1950 to bring public debate to Europe. Don't wait to vote to count, join the movement! 🇪🇺 Play a key role in the future of Europe, without waiting for the next European elections in 2029. Join us today and help shape a more ambitious European project! ✨ event, pedagogy, awareness, citizen participation, Europe, and UE

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

35 4 27 50
AJILA Foundation AJILA Foundation

Nous preotégeons votre cœur ORGANIZATION AJILA is a charitable organization which advocates the general interest causes in healthcare and education We support initiatives that ensure the promotion of our struggles towards our three preferred targets which are the general public, institutions and businesses. We provide to our partners, experience in field operations and media in order to imagine with them bespoke projects that correspond precisely to their needs, as well as the cause we defend. Ajila is a European initiative with global reach. MISSION & VISION As a foundation, Ajila supports innovative projects that help defend chosen causes. We believe …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

11 3 4 3
Le Monde Le Monde

Reference news everywhere, all the time, by writing the world. has been present on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economy, politics, society, ...) Leading News Website in French. Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, and ethics

Type: Media

612 490 145 180
Centaure-Entreprises Centaure-Entreprises

The leader in road safety training Leader of secure driving training on a protected site, Centaur aims to bring to life, to companies and to individuals, the road risk to better avoid it. Through his participatory pedagogy, Centaur undertakes to teach good professional driving practices, to raise awareness of the risks linked to daily driving and to give experience by practical situations. Centaure supports companies in their training process to provide performance and skills to their employees. Centaur is also prevention and recovery courses of points open to all. The Centaur network is distinguished by its infrastructure and equipment at …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

8 2 4 51
Inspeer Inspeer

Inspeer is the first collaborative insurance platform. We are launching the first collaborative insurance for drivers of electric vehicles. This insurance is the only one that clearly covers the specificities of electric vehicles (rental battery, electric breakdown, etc.) and that allows our community of policyholders to recover part of their insurance premium in the event of low claims. . Peer-to-Peer Insurance, P2P Insurance, Collaborative Insurance, and Franchise Collaborative

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: Batteries

10 3 3 0
French Chamber of Commerce in Sweden French Chamber of Commerce in Sweden

The CCFS Supports and Asssts French Businesses Towards Excellence in Sweden 📈 A centuries -old institution founded in 1918, the France Sweden Chamber of Commerce (CCFS) is responsible for promoting the development of economic and commercial relations between France and Sweden. Independent non -profit organization, it maintains a permanent dialogue with the official Swedish and French services, and cooperates with the common objectives of the promotion of bilateral relations between our two countries. CCFS missions: • Animate and federate the Franco-Swedish business community on the territory; • Initiate and facilitate the network and business partnership; • Support French companies and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

22 2 19 8
España Global España Global

We take care, with your help, to defend and project the international reputation of Spain. English: Global Spain The Secretary of State for Global Spain, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, works to enhance the reputation of the country, involving civil society and the diplomatic, business, political and public administration sectors.

Type: Public

21 2 17 1
Conseil du patronat du Québec Conseil du patronat du Québec

For 50 years, at the service of the economy of Quebec and the improvement of the standard of living of the whole of society. The CPQ's mission is to ensure that companies can have the best possible conditions in Quebec in order to prosper in a sustainable manner in a context of global competition. Point of convergence of employers' solidarity, the CPQ (Council of Employers of Quebec), by its leadership, constitutes the essential reference in its fields of intervention and in constructively exerts a considerable influence targeting a more prosperous society, within which entrepreneurship, productivity, wealth creation and sustainable development …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

29 3 24 52
Confindustria Confindustria

The main association of representation of manufacturing companies and services in Italy. Confindustria is the main association of representation of manufacturing companies and services operating in Italy.

Type: Large company Activities: consulting

40 19 25 897
Urbanomy Urbanomy

We help businesses and local authorities to successfully achieve their green transition Urbanomy is EDF Group's strategic energy & climate consultancy, launched in 2020. Our consultants, based in France, the UK and Germany, help public and private sector organisations to accelerate their climate transition. What sets us apart? Our technical expertise in energy, our demonstrated knowledge of what works and what doesn't, our strong links with EDF's R&D, as well as an international mindset. All this ensures that our recommendations and action plans are tailor-made, ambitious, practical and carefully scheduled. Always closely co-developed with our customers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

35 3 33 24

Production of branded audiovisual content, and secure diffusion on the media without space purchase. Seprem Productions has specialized since 1986 in the production of free audiovisual content for brands, collective and institutions, and their secure broadcast on radio, television and internet media, and new media. You can listen and watch our various audio and video productions on our SoundCloud page (Sonore DP) on and on our Viméo page (DP Video) on Brand Content - Audiovisual production - Radio - Television - Internet - Podcasts - Short programs - Radio Chronicles - Reportages - Sound Design - shooting - …

Type: Media

8 0 8 6
Kactu'Z (a french actuarial association) Kactu'Z (a french actuarial association)

Kactu'Z is a non profit-making organisation aimed at the actuarial community and created in 2003. It consists of around thirty active members who are usually former members of their actuarial university's student union or are implicated in their alumni association. This year, for the first time, we would like some actuaries from different countries to join in our events which take place in Paris. Our main event is called the "​ Actuaries'​ Night "​ (the english equivalent to "Nuit des actuaires"​). Actuaries and actuarial students are all invited to come. This event is an opportunity for them to meet and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 3 10 2

4 agences pour votre communication globale basées à Saint-Étienne & Lyon 🚀 Webqam: digital and social experiences creation. We are proud to build for our clients social applications and responsive designed websites. Our clients include global brands like Samsung, Orange, Peugeot and other major leaders of their industry as long as local companies and organisations. Applications mobiles, Sites internet, SEO, Communication, Web marketing, Analyse data, e-commerce, Open-source, Activations digitales, Chatbot, Vidéos personnalisées, Social Media, UX design, Ui design, Campagnes bannières, Data visualisation, Intelligence Artificielle, and site e-commerce

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce it services martech uxtech Technologies: Data Analytics

21 1 17 51
Toulouse School of Economics Toulouse School of Economics

At the heart of economics The Toulouse School of Economics offers innovative undergraduate and graduate programmes delivered by renowned researchers and a distinguished and thriving environment for research and study. Research in Economics and Education in Economics

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

75 23 53 310
Open Sezam Open Sezam

Release your users with their passwords and secure their access thanks to the most innovative technologies Passwords are a brake on uses and digital confidence. 80% of cyber attacks are due to an overly low or stolen password. 92% of users prefer to leave a site rather than reset a password. Open Sezam is developing a strong and innovative authentication service without password and sovereign. Simple to deploy. Without hidden costs. Open SEZAM is a member of French Tech Paris-Saclay, the Paris-Région Systematic Pole and Qorum Secur'Num-1st single cybersecurity and digital compliance. Passwordless, authentication, cybersecurity, digital transformation, innovation, and artificial …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

32 3 26 9
Shifters Shifters

Improve the sleep of those who work when others sleep Is working at night synonymous with sleeping badly? Shifters is a start-up which aims to improve the sleep of night workers and in offbeat times. Who says work in offbeat times, also says deregulation of the sleep rhythm leading to consequences on the short, medium and long terms for them as much for the company which employs them: sickness stops, car accidents, altered cognitive capacities (memory, concentration ...) etc. This is why we are developing a solution for companies for their employees. We integrate both the medical knowledge of the …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 5 1 12
Arundo Re Arundo Re

Always around Arundo Re (ex CCR Re) operates on the reinsurance market in the Life, Non-life and Specialty lines in France and internationally taking into account local specificities. Arundo Re is a global player on a human scale that carefully selects its partners in order to offer them a long-term relationship. The security of Arundo Re's full-service reinsurance offering is substantiated by the stability of its corporate policy and its teams. •Non-life / property and casualty reinsurance: Arundo Re operates in lines that include property, motor, fire and third-party liability. •Traditional life and life, accident & health reinsurance: Arundo Re …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

22 0 20 181
Active Asset Allocation Active Asset Allocation

Coanda, the savings marketplace which brings together digital tools for insurers, AM, distributors and CGP. Founded in 2010, Active Asset Allocation (AAA) is a digital financial engineering company recognized for its investment algorithms. AAA has established itself as a leading fintech in recent years, notably thanks to Coanda, the digital marketplace of savings. 🎯 Our mission: to give each institution and individual the means to achieve their financial objectives, whatever their wealth or education. 🛠️ Our means: we conceive digital interfaces to accelerate the digital transformation of institutions and help increase the performance of their investments at lower costs, while …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Geolocation A.I.

48 15 41 21
Direction de la sécurité sociale Direction de la sécurité sociale

The Directorate of Social Security (DSS) is responsible for the development and implementation of social security policies: health insurance, labor accidents and occupational diseases, retirement, family and autonomy. It depends on several ministers: ministers in charge of health, solidarity, work and public accounts. The DSS is responsible for the financial equilibrium of the corporate accounts and prepares as such, each year, the Social Security financing law (LFSS) and ensures its application. She pilots the public social security service, including organizations responsible for the implementation of these policies: the national funds of the general regime (CNAM, CNAF, CNAV, ACOSS, CNSA), the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

17 10 12 152
PFA - Plateforme automobile PFA - Plateforme automobile

French automotive sector. Chaired by Luc Chatel - Renault, Stellantis, Michelin, Valeo, Forvia, Opthobility The automotive platform brings together the automotive sector in France. She is responsible for defining and implementing the strategy of the sector in terms of innovation, competitiveness, employment and skills, and to carry the voice of the sector. The PFA has been chaired, since December 4, 2017, by Luc Chatel and its governance is based on a council of presidents made up of the leaders of French manufacturers and equipment manufacturers (Renault, Stellantis, Valeo, Forvia, Michelin, Plastic Omnium), and Federations (CCFA, FIEV, FFC, FIM, GPA, SNCP).

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

73 31 46 17
L'Auxiliaire BTP L'Auxiliaire BTP

The partner insurer of construction professionals. Mutual insurer of building and public works professionals, the auxiliary offers entrepreneurs a full range of professional insurance to construction companies (civil and decennial liability, site equipment insurance, professional professional insurance and operating losses, insurance of Cyber ​​risks ...). We also ensure the risks linked to construction people through the life assistant (savings, retirement, provident, insurance of conventional bonds ...). Artisans, building entrepreneurs or public works, construction engineers, BET or architects, do not hesitate to contact us to benefit from our expertise! Professional construction insurance, ten-year liability, and damage

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

35 7 20 265
Mutualité Française Nouvelle-Aquitaine Mutualité Française Nouvelle-Aquitaine

For solidarity health in New Aquitaine The French Mutuality Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a professional federation, which represents health mutuals. It ensures the animation and promotion of the mutualist movement in the region. It participates in public debate and defends solidarity social protection and access to care for all. The Mutualité Française Nouvelle-Aquitaine is also an expert in prevention. Whether mandated by an institution, a community or a company, it offers tailor -made actions on different health themes (physical activity, addiction, food, hearing, vision, sleep ...). In a professional environment, she intervenes to preserve health and improve the well-being of employees: diagnosis, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech insurtech

17 4 14 53
Aréas Assurances Aréas Assurances

Aréas Assurances is an independent group of mutual insurance companies represented by the 7th network of general agents in France (nearly 500 points of sale). With Aréas, the service of your general agent includes protection of persons and goods, anticipation of needs and prevention. AREAS general agents advise both individuals as professionals and businesses. Mutual insurance companies with fixed contributions Companies governed by the insurance code SIREN 775 670 466 Areas Life N ° SIREN 353 408 644 Headquarters: 49 rue de Miromesnil 75380 Paris Cedex 08 Individual insurance, insurance of professionals and businesses, life insurance: savings, retirement and provident, …

Type: Large company

8 0 4 970
Les Acteurs de la Compétence Les Acteurs de la Compétence

Professional Avenirs Creators The players in competence is the 1st professional federation representative of training companies and the development of skills in France. She is a member of MEDEF, the CPME, the Syntec Federation and the Think Tank The Shift Project. The players in competence are: • 1,300 companies: companies and training associations, CFA, certifiers, consultancy and support firms, publishers of digital solutions, • 13 regional delegations for a presence throughout the territory. Professional training, support, skills development, quality, human capital, employability, certification, advice, work -study, digital, and transformation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

65 10 59 105
Ouest Digital Ouest Digital

Agency specializing in social networks. At the crossroads between digital communication and webmarketing. West Digital is a specialist agency for social networks. At the crossroads between digital communication and web marketing, our mission is to help you (really) benefit from your social media presence. 000 ratly delegate all or part of your social networks ▬ taxle Alongside our customers, we have developed a set of services adapted to each of your needs. From the most punctual and expert, to the most complete and comfortable for you. 1️⃣ Internalization of Community Management We form one or more people from your team …

Type: Media Startup Activities: it services martech Technologies: Cybersecurity

27 9 15 4
Ambassade de France en Espagne Ambassade de France en Espagne

Sigan La Actualidad de Francia y de las relaciones #francespagne The French Embassy in Spain ensures the diplomatic representation of the French government to the Spanish authorities. It ensures the good conduct of bilateral relations between France and Spain, as well as the promotion of French language, culture, science and companies. The embajada of Francia in España Asume la Répressentación Diplomática del Gobierno Francés ante las Autriadades Españolas. Tiene Por Misión Principale Asegurar La Buena Gestión de Las Relaciones Bilaterals between Francia y España. The Embajada También is inaccurate of the promoción de la Lengua, de la Cultura, de la …

Type: Public

57 9 42 77
ACA Luxembourg ACA Luxembourg

The voice of the Insurance and Reinsurance industry Founded in 1956, ACA is the professional association of Luxembourg insurers and reinsurers. ACA has 141 members, including 86 insurers and reinsurers, of either local or foreign origins. Association professionnelle, Réassurance, Assurance, communauté, médiation en assurance, Promotion & défense, Communication et information, Dialogue social, Formation agents en assurance, LPS au Luxembourg, Data, Bureau Luxembourgeois, and Fonds de Garantie Automobile

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

13 2 13 21
FAB Group FAB Group

Find the best talents for our customers and the best professional opportunities for candidates 🤝 Fab Group ( is a recruitment and transition management consulting firm. Our role is to find the best talents for our customers and the best professional opportunities for all the candidates who trust us. Since 2007, we have supported our partners and talents with an approach based on 3 pillars that have made our reputation: confidence, expertise and growth. We place humans at the heart of our reflection, taking care to take into account each project individually and by implementing real coaching of our candidates …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech hrtech insurtech proptech Technologies: Cybersecurity

114 0 114 326
Le Journal du Dimanche Le Journal du Dimanche

Anticipate, explain, surprise. Created in 1948, the Sunday Journal is available every Sunday in newsstands, but also all week on Information, media, press, internet, and weekly

Type: Media

211 151 49 82
Le Parisien Le Parisien

Le Parisien, France's leading general daily newspaper - belongs to the Les Echos Le Parisien Group Le Parisien is a company of the Amaury Group and publishes the daily newspapers Le Parisien and Aujourd'hui in France, as well as the sites and Creation: August 22, 1944 Headquarters: Saint - ouen Site Web :

Type: Media

373 264 120 944
Enderby Enderby

Strategic communication advice since 2008. A certain idea of ​​influence. Actor of the strategic communication council, Enderby was born from a meeting, that of Delphine Jouenne and Cyril Chassaing. And an idea, that of understanding and thinking about the complexity of its customers, to make it intelligible to all their stakeholders. A complexity that is invited today everywhere, in a hyper -connected world, more and more nebulous, jostled with full whip by multiple changes, economic, ecological, or even technological. A noisy world that requires leaders, decision -makers, experts to make their voices and their raison d'être heard. Independent, entrepreneurs by …

Type: Startup Activities: martech consulting

39 1 39 32
SustainSoft (Pending BCorp) SustainSoft (Pending BCorp)

Your ESG compliance partner. SustainSoft is SaaS software for CSR/ESG compliance and compliance.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

14 7 10 8
CX Air Dynamics CX Air Dynamics

Designed for the action, cut for everyday life! Discover our patented airbag surprise unique in the world CX Air Dynamics produces and markets a patented airbag surprise unique in the world to protect the lower body in all risky activities, especially for bikers and scooters. Combining an airbag with ultra-fast wired trigger with anti-G technology, this rechargeable surprise offers the perfect alliance between safety and comfort of use.

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech

14 1 13 6
Synaxia Conseil Synaxia Conseil

Our values: listening, teamwork, excellence Synaxia Conseil is a strategy and organization consulting firm specialized in the insurance and financial institutions sectors. The firm supports its customers throughout the value chain: strategy, offer and marketing, distribution, operations, human resources, management of activities and support. Synaxia Conseil is a team of 20 consultants, experienced and with strong business expertise. The values ​​that animate the Synaxians are Listening, Team Work and Excellence. These values ​​are embodied in the exercise of missions and within the framework of study and innovations carried out internally. The firm attaches great care to the recruitment of its …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting insurtech

22 0 22 16
LEIA Health LEIA Health

Supporting the next 1B parents - digitising the parental journey. LEIA Health: the app for new mothers. Prepare for life after childbirth with holistic support for sleep, feeding, and exercise. The founders Astrid Gyllenkrok Kristensen and Sandra Wirström experienced birth injuries, happiness, panic attacks, and loneliness, which led them to create a solution for new parents - LEIA Health. Research reveals the impact of undiagnosed postnatal depression and unmet healthcare needs, with 9 out of 10 new mothers facing issues post-childbirth and 1 in 3 employees changing jobs due to lack of parental support. LEIA Health offers: 🌿Holistic support: Comprehensive …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

15 1 14 28
BusinessEurope BusinessEurope

BusinessEurope is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and campaigning on the issues that most influence their performance. A recognised social partner, we speak for enterprises of all sizes in 36 European countries whose national business federations are our direct members. The current President of BusinessEurope is Fredrik Persson, the Director General is Markus J. Beyrer.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

47 17 23 123
AToP - Association pour un Tourisme Professionnel AToP - Association pour un Tourisme Professionnel

Welcome Inn France! ATOP - Association for professional tourism - is the representative association of tourism professionals in France. Today we bring together around 30,000 establishments, hoteliers, suppliers, restaurateurs, traders, real estate professionals, in order to provide reflection and expertise to develop tourism of tomorrow. Our action aims to be proactive and progressive: we are not a union but an association which points as much the faults of the current legal framework as the weaknesses of our own professions. The ATOP is part of the government line in terms of tourism, that of welcoming 110 million tourists in 2020. For …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

20 1 18 5
CCI Pays de la Loire CCI Pays de la Loire

1st business accelerator Actor and partner of the Economic Development of Pays de la Loire The CCI Pays de la Loire is a public establishment of an administrative nature. Its objective: to contribute to the economic development of territories and businesses. It supports and supervises the regional consular network made up of 5 CCIs: -CCI Maine-et-Loire, - CCI Nantes St Nazaire, - CCI Mayenne, - CCI Le Mans Sarthe, - CCI Vendée Privileged interlocutor of the State and interface of regional institutions, its role is to anticipate and guide development policies in order to contribute to the economic development of …

Type: Public

61 22 39 87
Cercle de l'Epargne Cercle de l'Epargne

The Savings circle is a center for studies dedicated to savings, retirement and provident. The circle studies the developments in legislation concerning savings, retirement and provident. He analyzes, the needs and expectations of the French in the matter. To carry out its missions, the circle is based on the expertise of its scientific council made up of members recognized for their skills in the economic, sociological, demographic fields. The circle experts work together on savings and retirement subjects. The crossing of approaches constitutes the trademark of the circle which places pedagogy at the heart of its mission. savings, retirement, social …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

18 3 7 2
BFG Capital BFG Capital

French leader in capital management. Together, democratize capital! BFG Capital is an independent wealth management consulting firm with the vocation of putting capital creation within everyone's reach. The last decade has seen major financial and economic crises ("subprimes", Greece, Spain, etc.). Yet BFG was born and developed during this troubled period. To protect and continue to develop the capital of our investors, our teams had to redefine the contours of our profession. First by offering our customers a unique level of expertise in this sector of activity. Then by distinguishing itself by our desire for innovation in an environment often …

Type: Incubators & VCs

24 0 24 44
Abeille Assurances Abeille Assurances

Give your future wings! As of September 30, 2021, Assurances joined Aéma Groupe. This large -scale operation Place Aéma Groupe in the 5th row of insurance players in France with 11 million insured persons and 14.5 billion euros in turnover (on October 1, 2021). Major Insurance Company in France, with its 4,300 employees, 1,000 general insurance agents and its 170 years of experience, Assurances Assurances has an extensive range of insurance products and services, protection, 'Savings and retirement intended for more than 3 million customers. Assurances Assurances puts its expertise and influence as an insurer, investor, employer, at the service …

Type: Large company

38 24 16 3,197
Qonto Qonto

The finance solution that energizes SMEs and freelancers. Qonto is the leading European business finance solution. It simplifies everything from everyday banking and financing, to bookkeeping and spend management. Qonto energizes SMEs and freelancers so that they can achieve more. A few figures about Qonto: - Alexandre Prot and Steve Anavi launched Qonto in July 2017 - Qonto’s international team is growing fast and we are actively hiring! - Hundreds of thousands of customers in Europe are already using Qonto - €622m raised with VCs and business angels including Valar, Alven, the European Investment Bank, Tencent, DST Global, Tiger Global, …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

136 70 77 1,938
U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Chamber of Commerce

We are the world’s largest business organization. We advocate, connect, inform, and fight for business growth. The Chamber of Commerce of the United States is the world’s largest business organization. Our members range from the small businesses and chambers of commerce across the country that support their communities, to the leading industry associations and global corporations that innovate and solve for the world’s challenges, to the emerging and fast-growing industries that are shaping the future. For all of the people across the businesses we represent, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a trusted advocate, partner, and network, helping them improve …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

102 35 74 879

VNO-NCW represents the interests of Dutch business and industry by promoting a high quality business environment. The Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (known as VNO-NCW) is the largest employers'​ organisation in the Netherlands. VNO-NCW represents the common interests of Dutch business, both at home and abroad and provides a variety of services for its members. Over 160 (branch) associations are members, representing more than 185.000 enterprises. They cover almost all sectors of the economy, including more than 80% of all medium-sized companies in the Netherlands and nearly all of the larger, corporate institutions.VNO-NCW represents the interests of Dutch business …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

36 13 26 333
Collectif des sociaux-démocrates réformateurs | La Convention Collectif des sociaux-démocrates réformateurs | La Convention

Republican, secular and universalist left center For a republican, secular and universalist left center. Partner of the Convention of Bernard Cazeneuve and the Coalition "Europe Territoires Ecologie with Guillaume Lacroix in the European elections 2024. policy, social-reormism, social democracy, and Europe

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

50 27 16 1
CCR - Caisse Centrale de Réassurance CCR - Caisse Centrale de Réassurance

Public Reinsurer, CCR also develops high value-added services for its customers. Founded in 1946, CCR is a public reinsurer offering state-guaranteed cover against natural disasters and uninsurable risks to insurance companies operating in France, in the public interest. An expert in risk management, CCR has an AA rating (with a stable outlook) from Standard and Poor's. As a limited company 100% owned by the French State, CCR guarantees its partners solid, long-term partnerships. Réassurance, Réassurances de Marchés, Réassurances Publiques, Catastrophes Naturelles, Risques naturels, Climat, and Etudes

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

54 7 34 247
Neosoft Neosoft

Bet we better. Neosoft is an independent group of digital transformation of 1800 employees gathered in expert communities: Consulting & amp; Agility, cybersecurity, data, devops, infrastructures & amp; Cloud and Software Engineering. The combination of these additional expertise allows us to support our 360 ° customers on our 6 Target markets: Insurance & amp; Social protection, bank & amp; Finance, Energy & amp; Industry, retail & amp; E-commerce, public sector, telecom & amp; Media. We place excellence and surpassing oneself at the heart of our model. Since its creation in Rennes in 2005, Neosoft has advised and has supported its …

Type: Large company

53 9 39 1,633
Les Echos Les Echos

Find on all economic and financial news in France and worldwide, discover exclusive analyzes, special files, decrypts, chronicles and large formats.

Type: Media

651 459 238 1
CFA numiA CFA numiA

#Success Alternation Excellence by alternation Created and managed by renowned companies (Air France, AXA, BNP Paribas, Capgemini, CGI, Ekino, Expleo, CDC IT, Société Générale, Sopra Steria, Thales, Viveris), CFA Numia supports high level alternating young people , in close partnership with higher education. Its vocation is twofold: meet the needs of companies in IT and digital skills and allow young people from all walks of life to integrate professional life with real responsibilities. The CFA Numia offers computer and digital training in Bac+2 (B.U.T./B.T.S.) In Bac+5 (Master, Master, MSC) in partnership with schools and universities among the most famous: High …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

43 5 38 105

RTL Live together RTL is a French-national French private radio station located at 56, avenue Charles de Gaulle in Neuilly-sur-Seine and broadcast in France. The RTL radio center is also made up of two musical stations, Fun Radio and RTL2, stations of the M6 ​​group.

Type: Media

225 100 144 1,076
France Villes et territoires Durables France Villes et territoires Durables

The French Association of Stakeholders of Sustainable Territories France Sustainable cities and territories (FVD) is the French association of stakeholders in the sustainable city. FVD brings together, in the general interest, local communities (leaders and associations), companies of all sizes (French but also TPE groups), the State (mainly its specialized operators) and the city's experts (in Private national professional organizations) to advance the sustainable city in France and internationally, in a balanced partnership. It is first of all a place of sharing and meetings with a vocation of general interest between all the actors of the sustainable city. By its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

112 25 105 14
MoneyVox : l'info pour votre argent MoneyVox : l'info pour votre argent

Moneyvox, all the information for your money and your personal finances Moneyvox is a media site for the general public, specializing in budgetary issues and personal finances. Completely independent at the editorial level, Moneyvox offers detailed information on the bank, investments, credits, taxes and on all the subscriptions weighing on the budget (insurance, energy, etc.) of the French, via: - daily news on players in the sector, their services and the best offers of the moment; - pages of explanation on the functioning of financial products and subscriptions in the broad sense; - more than 30 comparators to save without …

Type: Media

69 12 61 17
Le HuffPost Le HuffPost

An explosive look at all the news and what makes you react. Online information site, the HuffPost was launched in France on January 23, 2012 in association with the Le Monde group. Like its great American brother, the site offers most of the news of the day, surprising angles, video but also stands and blogs that shed different light on the information of the moment. On this LinkedIn page you will find our articles "Office life" and "Carrière" as well as internship ads. Journalism, information, blogs, opinions, media, internet, video, and news

Type: Media

123 90 18 53
Generali Climate Lab Generali Climate Lab

Anticipate the evolution of climatic risks to better protect you Created in 2015, the Generali Climate Lab is a multidisciplinary team of high -level experts, including hydrologists, doctors in geography, news, social science engineers, data scientists and business insurers. Its objective is to revisit and adapt the insurance profession through increased insurance solutions (subscription, pricing, compensation, distribution, etc.) which, beyond the traditional role of compensation for the insurer , sensitizes and informs customers and partners about increased natural risks due to climate change. Working in open architecture with universities and the CNRS (on air pollution with the Generali balloon), this …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics

119 32 47 8
Spareka Spareka

Proud to repair 💪 At Spareka, you are taught to repair your devices yourself to save money, make your equipment last and opt for sustainable consumption. We are developing free teaching tools such as free breakdown diagnostics and video tutorials. Our goal is to lower the cost of repair to reduce household appliances. E-commerce, spare parts, repair, circular economy, ecology, troubleshooting, and youtube

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech e-commerce greentech retail Technologies: Decarbonization

64 22 44 41

Housing meets mass production. BOXABL is open to investors, subject to requirements at BOXABL has created a building system that’s compatible with scalable factory mass production. Our mission is to significantly lower the cost of homeownership for everyone. housing, supply chain, and blockchain

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

224 146 22 96
Place de l'IT Place de l'IT

Découvrez Place de l'IT, "THE place to be"​ ! Le média pro qui décortique l'économie numérique. Découvrez Place de l'IT, le média pro qui décortique les technologies informatiques pour l'entreprise, l'économie numérique et l'innovation. News, interviews et dossiers, rejoignez les décideurs avides d'infos opérationnelles pour leurs projets IT, la transformation digitale et le business. Place de l'IT, "THE place to be"​ ! numerique, intelligence artificielle, transformation digitale, cloud, big data, blockchain, start-up, e-marketing, commerce digital, telecoms, adtech, internet, technologies, datacenter, fintech, deeptech, ecosysteme IT, stockage, ESN, french tech, mobilite, industrie 4.0, securite IT, innovation, plateforme, reseau social, ressources humaines, datascience, …

Type: Media

77 5 75 2
MadameMonsieur MadameMonsieur

The Expert Agency for Higher Education, Orientation and Trades. MadameMonsieur is not an agency like the others. Our strength is based on the convergence of all our business expertise: audit & amp; Advice, branding & amp; Brand strategy, press relations, digital strategy, audiovisual, commercial management strategy, editorial strategy & amp; edition, events. This unique alliance of perfectly complementary skills guarantees you visibility and weight wherever your audience is inquiring and thinking. Perfectly comfortable with all the specifics of your professions, our advice and our creativity refer. By also mastering the production of all the tools, we can take care of …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

24 5 18 45

Kapia-Rgi, Publisher of High value Added Software and Services for Life and Non-Vie Insurance Kapia-Rgi, the commercial brand born of the Alliance between Kapia Solutions, publisher of n ° 1 software for life insurance on the French market and RGI, n ° 1 Italian in IARD insurance, has been supporting insurers for over 10 years, Bancassurers, mutuals and leading brokers in their digital transformation. Kapia-RGI, relies on more than 1000 employees spread across 9 countries and offers a full range of solutions in life insurance (savings, retirement, provident) and non-life (IARD, RC pro, fleets, deposit. .). Developed from the technological …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech it services Technologies: SaaS

25 1 24 138

The SIACI SAINT HONORE Group is a key player in: • the protection of industrial risks, • international mobility, • employee benefits, HR strategy and total rewards. The firm currently boasts more than 2,500 employees worldwide. Courtage d'assurance, Conseil, gestion et formation, Assurances de personnes en France et à l’international, and Assurances des entreprises

Type: Large company

56 11 32 2,530
Mondial de l’Auto - Paris Mondial de l’Auto - Paris

The meeting of all enthusiasts and automotive professionals since 1898. 126 years after its creation, the Motor Show has definitely proven that automotive passion still existed and only expected to be shared. More than ever to innovation, the 2022 edition was a full surprises, discoveries and exciting encounters. In 2024, the Paris Motor Show returned with a new major event, specially dedicated to the celebration of its 90th edition. Immersive, festive, close to its audiences and all those who make the automotive passion, the World Cup 2024 gives the ambition to surprise you! At the heart of the Porte de …

Type: Event

52 35 24 6

Give meaning to your events The Maison de la Chimie offers 18 rooms & amp; Salons, and 3 amphitheater capacities around a private garden of 900 m2. By the versatility of spaces with plural configurations and the modernity of integrated technical installations, it offers a multitude of possibilities in a place unit. The Maison de la Chimie is also a permanent team of professionals, attached to the preparation and monitoring of the 400 events welcomed each year, and whose watchwords listen, availability, advice and quality of service. Finally, the Maison de la Chimie, whose displayed ambition is to keep its …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

18 15 0 16
PACK Solutions PACK Solutions

Expert in management solutions (delegated management, outsourced management, software publishing) Created in 2002, Pack Solutions is a Gardoise company for insurance companies, mutuals or provident institutes, whose headquarters are located in the Angles near Avignon. She also has offices in the city of Nîmes and is now established as the leader in her field thanks to the confidence of her many customers as well as the business expertise of her employees. Pack Solutions This is: an expert in management solutions thanks to its service services on behalf of insurers (management outsourcing, management delegation and software publishing) for more than 20 …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

9 0 4 4
Web-agri Web-agri

Web-agri: The daily life of animated cattle breeding for but also by breeders! Web-Agri gives the floor to all dairy and breastfeeding cattle breeders whatever their system, but also to farming technicians and experts, regardless of their point of view. In a community spirit with its readers, the editorial staff of Web-Agri defends and supports breeders every day by offering them reactive and participative content, as well as services adapted to their punctual needs. You will understand, Web-Agri is the daily life of lively farming for but also by breeders. So do not hesitate to contact us live to discuss …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

7 2 2 2
Symbiose Management Symbiose Management

Agissons ensemble pour la nature, décarbonons notre économie 🌳 Act together for nature, let's decarbonize our economy Envie d’avoir un impact positif sur l’environnement ? Créons ensemble la symbiose entre nature et épargne. L'objectif est de proposer le premier produit d’investissement négatif-carbone, concret et transparent. Notre solution utilise la technologie spatiale pour permettre à la finance durable de jouer son rôle et d'aider à la restauration de la forêt et sa biodiversité. Aux arbres citoyens! Do you want to have a positive impact on the environment? Let's create the symbiosis between nature and savings. The aim is to offer the …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

38 4 37 3
Assurea (ex Wazari) Assurea (ex Wazari)

Courtier grossiste multi-spécialiste : assurance auto, assurance santé, assurance prévoyance Créé en 2017, Wazari est un courtier grossiste multi-spécialiste sur les produits d'assurance IARD et ADP. La distribution de ses offres est assurée par son réseau de 3 000 courtiers de proximité. Insurance, Wholesale Broker, Motor Insurance, Distribution, Specific products tailored, Non-Life products, Broker network, Low cost, High value, Courtier grossiste, Assurance Auto, Health Insurance, Life & Protection Insurance, assurance, TNS, malussés, seniors, famille, and jeunes

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech

7 0 7 18
Mutex Officiel Mutex Officiel

Human is strength Have you ever thought of sharing your skills with an expert insurer in provident and retirement savings? Mutex designs quality products and solutions, so that our mutual partners distribute them under their own brand. Our 330 employees act every day to support our customers in their development and multi-equipment strategy, by offering them a range of insurance products and services completing their health offers. Our objective is clear: satisfy them fully, while innovating and ensuring a very good quality service, while remaining faithful to the mutualist values ​​which found the identity of Mutex. Thus, we embody our …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: fintech insurtech

12 5 7 539
Département du Loiret Département du Loiret

The Loiret⚜️, a department for all talents With 2,600 agents and nearly 140 trades in the service of the inhabitants of the Loiret, the department consolidates its knowledge and the optimization of its workforce which has experienced since 2007, a major progression with the integration of 550 college agents and 215 agents of agents Roads.

Type: Public Activities: edtech

38 23 15 566

Xefi offers ready -to -use services covering all IT needs of VSEs/SMEs, ETIs and communities. "Being the close computer partner of VSEs/SMEs" is the ambition of the Xefi group since its creation in 1997 by Sacha Rosenthal. Xefi offers "loans to employment" services covering all IT needs of companies: sale of equipment, maintenance and outsourcing, security and internet links, backup of systems and data, software solutions, printing, accommodation and cloud solutions. Today, the XEFI group has more than 2,000 employees spread over more than 180 local agencies in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Spain. The group achieved a turnover of € …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity SaaS

21 9 12 1,130

Video games in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Game Only is an association created by and for companies whose main activity is the design, creation, development and marketing of video games in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

Type: SMB Activities: games

37 10 24 20