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LogoName Σ Employees
APL Data Center APL Data Center

Organic Design, data centers in symbiosis with their environment Founded in 1983, APL is a Group specialised in the consultancy, engineering, construction and operation of data centers. Through its "Organic Design" mission, APL is committed to creating data centers in symbiosis with their environment, so that the proliferation of digital infrastructures is compatible with the sustainable development of territories. Its services are based around four activities: data center consultancy and engineering, IT consultancy and engineering, maintenance and operation, and sustainable IT. APL is accredited as a Tier Designer and Operations Specialist by the Uptime Institute, and has been awarded the …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

25 4 23 170
CRESS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes CRESS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] The Economy we want is sustainable, social and united. CRESS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is an association resulting from the 1901 law whose vocation is to unite, represent and support all the players in the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Based in Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand, it brings together associations, cooperatives, mutual societies, foundations, federations and unions of ESS employers. His missions ? ➡️​Represent the ESS to public authorities ➡️​Promote the ESS as a mode of entrepreneurship ➡️​Support the creation, development and maintenance of ESS businesses ➡️​Observe the ESS in the territories ➡️​Support training for company employees and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

51 19 41 18

[Automatic translation follows] Elevation to create new housing without artificialization and finance the overall renovation of buildings Created in 2017, UpFactor is a company specializing in elevation. We detect the potential for real estate optimization and air land in particular on a large scale. We thus develop unexploited territories to facilitate the creation of new square meters without artificializing the land. This is made possible thanks to our technology, UPFACTOR GEOSERVICES, innovative software to detect the potential for elevation of a given address. Once the potential has been analyzed, regulatory studies are carried out to validate the feasibility of the …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

40 7 25 16
morbihan habitat morbihan habitat

[Automatic translation follows] With you, draw tomorrow Morbihan Habitat provides operational responses on a daily basis, as close as possible to the field and while respecting the specificities of each territory, in terms of: Construction of social housing, Rental management, Local services and social support, Maintenance and rehabilitation, Home ownership, Urban development, Construction of public facilities. Leading landlord in Brittany with 32,000 housing units in 220 municipalities, more than 60,000 tenants, 530 employees, more than 2 million m2 of buildings and 2.6 million of land. Morbihan Habitat, built alongside communities and with its network of partners, a responsible and committed, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech proptech

14 4 12 163
Agence Locale de l'Energie et du Climat - métropole bordelaise et Gironde Agence Locale de l'Energie et du Climat - métropole bordelaise et Gironde

[Automatic translation follows] Territorial engineering at the heart of the energy transition. Alec was created in 2007 at the initiative of Bordeaux metropolis, the Gironde department and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, with the support of ADEME, and in response to a European call for projects. Since then, this territorial engineering agency has supported the energy transition of the Gironde territories. Neutral and independent, Alec carries out activities of general interest, recognized by the energy transition law for green growth of August 2015 (Energy Code, article L. 211-5-1). Today recognized in the Gironde region, it relies on the know-how of its employees …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

18 1 17 16
AMSOM Habitat AMSOM Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Social landlord of the Somme since 1920: 20,000 homes, 400 employees. Historical player in social housing in Picardy With almost a century of existence, the company has been able to adapt in order to meet the needs of residents and the development of the metropolis and the department, by building up a diversified and quality portfolio of nearly 20,000 housing units. . Player attentive to the residential journey of its customers With the satisfaction of its customers as its main concern, the company has adopted methods and tools to best respond in an individualized manner to housing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

14 0 11 114
Naoned Naoned

Editeur des logiciels d'archives #Mnesys, destinés à ouvrir le patrimoine culturel au plus grand nombre. Memory and heritage in digital. Naoned is a software company specialized in information management and memorial heritage. Naoned is the French leading software company in solutions dedicated to archive services and museums. Corporate culture is strongly oriented on user-centric and technological innovations. systèmes d'archivage, gestion de collections de musées, systèmes de records management, valorisation du patrimoine, patrimoine d'entreprise, Valorisation des documents d'archives, Edition de logiciels, logiciels de gestion des archives, pérénnisation des données, Chaine archivistique, portail de valorisation, Hébergement, Reprise de données, marchés publics, Formations …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

16 0 15 39
Logeo Seine Logeo Seine

[Automatic translation follows] Commit to a habitat that produces connections Logeo Seine is a Social Enterprise for Housing: a key player in Normandy and on the Seine Axis, we offer enriched and innovative services, focused on residents and territories. Every day, on the ground, our 430 employees work with the residents of our 24,500 homes and support a new, positive, innovative and responsible business model that: - designs real estate solutions and services promoting new modes of housing; - offers an enriched and renewed customer service, based on extensive participation of residents; - acts for the sustainable development of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

29 4 5 205
Clésence Clésence

[Automatic translation follows] With nearly 50,000 homes and more than 700 employees, Clésence is a player in affordable and sustainable housing. Resulting from the merger of Logivam, La Maison du CIL and Picardie Habitat, Clésence, Social Enterprise for Housing and subsidiary of the Action Logement Group, is a key player in affordable and sustainable housing in the Hauts-de-France and Ile regions. -of France. Established in 9 departments, 2 regions and more than 300 municipalities, Clésence houses more than 90,000 people in its nearly 50,000 housing units and collective residences spread across the entire territory. If its main missions are to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

36 8 33 381

[Automatic translation follows] Member of the Action Logement Group, DOMIAL ESH manages a rental property portfolio of more than 13,300 housing units spread across 221 municipalities in Alsace, covering all ranges of housing and rents. We attach particular importance to the service and comfort of residents, nearly 35,000 people. Through our project management activity, we are constantly developing our fleet in order to meet demand, particularly in the Strasbourg Eurometropolis. To respond to societal developments, we innovate and develop new products adapted to the shared accommodation of students and young professionals with our #myHappyColoc concept; for housing for older people …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

20 2 11 123
Silène, Office Public de l'Habitat Silène, Office Public de l'Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] For nearly 100 years, Silène has defended the idea of ​​quality social housing, accessible to as many people as possible. For 100 years, Silène has defended a great idea: that of social housing that is accessible to all, perfectly integrated into the territory, sustainable and of high quality! A key player, the office has participated in the changes in Saint-Nazaire and its peninsula by contributing to its development. Yesterday as today, tomorrow and beyond, the office meets social and environmental challenges whatever the era. Today, we are building, renovating and managing 10,500 homes in 18 municipalities. Whether …

Type: Public Activities: proptech

20 3 6 133
RMD-Technologies RMD-Technologies

Exploitez pleinement le potentiel des hébergements touristiques. The Revenue Management Destination (RMD) offers innovative and precursory solutions to public and private stakeholders in order to measure the territory's tourism health, thanks to our easy-to-use forecasting software which is accessible to everyone. Destination Revenue Management (RMD) was launched by C & L Associés and supported by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, the ADT Charentes Tourisme, the Tourist Offices of the Ile de Ré, Oléron and Marennes, La Rochelle Tourisme, the hotel trade union SYNHORCAT Poitou-Charentes, as well as the institutions of higher education and research (IAE La Rochelle and La Rochelle School of …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech traveltech Technologies: SaaS

6 3 1 20
Atmo Normandie Atmo Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] Approved Association for Air Quality Monitoring in Normandy According to its statutes, Atmo Normandie aims to participate in public policies relating to air quality and more generally to the integrated issues of air (including air inside premises), climate and energy. Its object is: - to ensure the management and proper functioning of an air quality monitoring system in Normandy; - to participate in the development, improvement and application of information and alert procedures upon delegation from the Prefect; - to support the competent authorities during crisis or post-crisis management having an impact on the air; - to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

17 4 15 32
June Partners June Partners

June Partners combines the best experts in Finance, HR, industrial and operational divisions who know what a business is, its constraints and the results obligation. Thanks to multidisciplinary experience in consulting and business, numerous missions in different contexts (150+missions and 90+ clients), in your activity sectors, our teams'​ cutting edge digital experience will bring you, in France and abroad, the means to accelerate your performance and implement your new trajectory. Whether these are your "top line"​ challenges, improvement of your EBITDA, or improvement of your liquid assets, we can occur as support to your operational teams or take control of …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech consulting hrtech

23 10 12 85
Upciti Upciti

Supplier of precise, localised real-time data for Smart Cities and Smart Retailers. With its unique sensor technology applying the most stringent privacy rules and based on image analysis by Artificial Intelligence, Upciti characterises and optimises flows of goods and people for towns and local areas that are more pleasant to live in. Smart City, Smart Retail, Smart Parking, Sensor, Edge, Computer vision, Data, AI, Data Economy, Data Privacy, Data Monetization, and IoT

Type: Startup Activities: smart city it services privacytech Technologies: Sensors A.I. A.I. - Image Processing IoT

37 4 29 31
ENVSN - École Nationale de Voile et des Sports Nautiques ENVSN - École Nationale de Voile et des Sports Nautiques

[Automatic translation follows] The ENVSN, a national reference establishment, serving all nautical stakeholders in France and internationally The National School of Sailing and Water Sports is a national public establishment which participates in the development of sailing and boating throughout France. Its main missions revolve around: 1. Professional training 2. High level sport 3. Innovation, expertise, research & development 4. Reception and organization of stays training, sailing, surfing, kite, canoe kayak, support, safety, first aid, weather, VAE, skills assessment, nautical activities, prevention, and research and development

Type: Public

19 1 18 45
Centre Inffo Centre Inffo

[Automatic translation follows] The toolbox for training and guidance professionals A place for resources, analysis and information on vocational training and apprenticeship, Center Inffo is an association under the supervision of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue. Center Inffo designs and distributes information, expertise and training services, products and services on training: current events, law and practices. He is the preferred contact for public authorities and professional training stakeholders. With more than 90 employees, Center Inffo brings together lawyers, librarians, specialists in training practices, journalists, publishing and multimedia professionals. Professional training, Orientation, Training law, Formacode, Public …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

19 7 13 127
Ville de Louviers Ville de Louviers

[Automatic translation follows] #jaimeLouviers Louviers, the third city in the Eure department, today has nearly 20,000 inhabitants. Central city of the Seine-Eure conurbation, an area with a high quality of life, it is at the heart of a living and employment area of ​​75,000 inhabitants. Louviers is known for its textile past – the Cité Drapière – for its remarkable heritage, for its political history marked by great figures such as Pierre Mendès France and Rémy Montagne. Today, its shops, its market, its numerous public services, its sports and cultural facilities, its associative fabric, make it a city of recognized …

Type: Public

14 5 7 165

[Automatic translation follows] The smart agency to emerge in the Eco-Social-Social media OZINFOS, the eco-social-societal communication agency, designs and implements influential communication systems allowing its clients to leave a positive and lasting imprint on their environment. She supports her clients in particular in: public relations, editorial communication, internal communication, change support, management communication, expertise communication, crisis communication, etc. An independent agency, OZINFOS is a member of numerous professional organizations of communicators and journalists: Communication & Business, Information, Press and Communication (IPC, the Association of Economic and Financial Journalists (AJEF, the Association of Journalists of social information (AJIS,; …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

19 0 19 6
Neobridge Neobridge

[Automatic translation follows] Neobridge is a Qualiopi training organization specializing in E-learning. At Neobridge, we train in the field of languages ​​and digital. All our training courses are eligible for CPF funding. Thanks to a simple, fun and adapted platform, users can train where and when they want while being supported by an experienced trainer. For the first time, you can choose: 🔹 Your trainers 🔹 The training support (pdf, videos, chat'...) 🔹 Your learning pedagogy 🔹 The theme of the training (languages ​​and office) 🔹 The location and dates of the training courses 🔹 The possibility of following Excel …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

4 2 1 25

[Automatic translation follows] Industry is the Factory of the Future The UIMM La Fabrique de l’Avenir helps industrial companies combine competitiveness, employment and development of their employees, through social dialogue and in line with the new expectations of society. The UIMM La Fabrique de l’Avenir works on the future of industry, of the French and of France. Follow UIMM news on Twitter @UIMM

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

58 36 23 511
ETRE - Les Écoles de la Transition Écologique ETRE - Les Écoles de la Transition Écologique

[Automatic translation follows] School of hands, school of tomorrow The Ecological Transition Schools – ETRE network is an association which brings together ETRE schools at the national level and supports them in their development. ETRE schools are training organizations that raise awareness and train young people far from employment (school dropouts, reorientation, newcomers) aged 16 to 25 in ecological transition professions: eco-construction, urban agriculture, repair of bicycles, ENR, circular economy, etc. The fundamental educational principles of the school are learning by doing (workshops and collective projects), meeting professionals, and personalized support for each young person welcomed. Throughout their training, young …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

29 5 27 25

[Automatic translation follows] People at the heart of services AKTO is the skills operator for labor-intensive services. It informs, advises and supports companies in 27 professional sectors in their HR, skills, training and learning projects. AKTO, in 2021 there will be 1,000 employees in mainland France and the 5 DROMs; 181,000 companies supported, 8.3 million employees concerned (including temporary workers); 1.4 billion euros of funds managed; 665,000 trained interns including 95,000 supported work-study students; +42% of work-study students compared to 2020.

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

35 12 24 940
Hydrogen Today (en français) Hydrogen Today (en français)

[Automatic translation follows] | Professional news on hydrogen, commented by professionals | 👇Subscribe to our newsletters is a professional information site dedicated to hydrogen and fuel cells. The writers and editors are journalists, experts and consultants with in-depth knowledge of the hydrogen energy carrier, fuel cells, as well as the automotive industry. Authors select, analyze and comment on the best news and topics daily, adding value to the growing flow of information. On this LinkedIn page you will be able to follow all the hydrogen news, ranging from simple sharing of articles, to our exclusive video interviews through our …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Hydrogen

75 2 71 4
LosangeFibre LosangeFibre

[Automatic translation follows] Optical fiber in the Grand Est The Losange project officially started on August 4, 2017, a little over a year after the launch of the Rosace project (deployment of optical fiber in the Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin departments). Seven departments in the Grand Est Region will soon be able to benefit from Very High Speed. The Moselle department will have a fiber optic network, independently of the Losange project. This Public Initiative Network (PIN) project, called Losange, is carried out at the initiative of the Grand Est Region, project owner, in partnership with the seven Departmental Councils: Ardennes, …

Type: Startup Activities: telecommunications

22 2 21 25

The leading French sustainability, thinktank and consultancy agency since 1993 UTOPIES is the top French consulting firm dedicated exclusively, since its creation in 1993, to the promotion of sustainable development through consulting and think tank activities. We help various organizations to design and implement sustainable strategies - ranging from pioneering ones (Ben & Jerry’s, The Body Shop, Nature & Découvertes) to major corporate groups such as Danone, Sodexo or L’Oréal passing by smaller structures (SMB, start-ups and associations). Follow us on Twitter: @Utopies_Paris Stratégie & conseil en RSE, Reporting & communication extra-financière, Consultation & dialogue avec les parties prenantes, Construction …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech consulting civictech agritech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

67 10 60 105

[Automatic translation follows] Accelerator of your international growth Convergence is a service operator for the international development of businesses on the 🌍 Africa-Mediterranean – Europe axis. What we offer: ✔ Communication and Digital Marketing ✔ Operational and commercial support in more than 20 countries ✔ Business Opportunity ✔ Animation of community and sectoral events ✔ Networking and matchmaking Find out more by logging on to Convergence is also the leading talent and business network with: 📊 + More than 4,250 decision-makers registered on our exclusive platform 📊 + More than 20 countries addressed in Africa 📊 + More than …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

15 1 15 6
Designers Éthiques Designers Éthiques

Association et structure de recherche action autour de la conception de services numériques responsables et durables. Founded in March 2017, the association Ethical Designers aims to promote responsible and sustainable digital design. We organize the French-speaking Ethics By Design event ( dedicated to responsible digital design. design and numérique

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech Technologies: Decarbonization

19 7 14 21

[Automatic translation follows] The era is for reuse! Make returning containers and reusing them a daily action. Join the movement! We are BIBAK. Bring it Back! Our name expresses our mission: return your containers and we promise that they will be reused. Does it seem simple? It is. And yet, it makes all the difference. With BIBAK, let’s put a strike on disposable! Since 2018, we have had only one mission: to initiate a large movement to make the return of containers and reuse a daily action. BIBAK is the industrial tech solution to facilitate and maximize the reuse of …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

31 5 26 31
Villages Vivants Villages Vivants

[Automatic translation follows] Enable the opening and development of collective and living places in rural areas A rural and solidarity real estate cooperative, Villages Vivants brings together citizens, businesses and communities who commit with their savings to buy, renovate and rent premises to social and solidarity economy companies in rural areas. Villages Vivants also intervenes through training and support for communities and project leaders. You too, join the adventure! local commerce, support for business creation, real estate solutions, social ties, solidarity finances, social innovation, training, support, and ESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

33 10 29 26
Les Echos Les Echos

[Automatic translation follows] Find on all the economic and financial news in France and around the world, discover exclusive analyses, special reports, analyses, columns and large formats.

Type: Media

392 257 150 1
Groupe CISN Groupe CISN

[Automatic translation follows] Innovation on your territory since 1930 A committed player in its territory, the CISN Group aims to support its customers at each stage of their residential journey, in close partnership with those responsible for public housing policies, in a logic of quality and with the desire to plan its action over the long term.

Type: Incubators & VCs

26 9 20 105
Union Nationale des Aménageurs Union Nationale des Aménageurs

[Automatic translation follows] Aggregators of solutions and the partner of communities for the development of their territory. UNAM is the employers’ organization for planning professionals. It brings together private and public project owners throughout the country, including overseas, who carry out all types of projects: • the creation of residential neighborhoods • the establishment of new local businesses • financing of public services or facilities • the creation of logistics or activity zones • the reconversion of military, industrial or commercial wastelands • or the preservation of architectural and landscape heritage Our mission: we strengthen synergies between all players in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

38 6 23 12
La Roche-sur-Yon, Ville & Agglomération La Roche-sur-Yon, Ville & Agglomération

[Automatic translation follows] Join us and follow the news from the heart of Vendée. Administrative and economic capital of Vendée, La Roche-sur-Yon asserts its strategic interregional position, between Nantes and Angers, while maintaining and developing strong links with its other neighboring cities, Rennes, Le Mans and La Rochelle. Located 50 minutes from Nantes and 30 minutes from the first beaches, La Roche-sur-Yon is renowned for its quality of life, its cultural richness, the diversity of its sporting events, its economic dynamism and the excitement of its student life. . The Agglomeration, the City and the CCAS of La Roche-sur-Yon employ …

Type: Public Activities: proptech

41 11 30 252

[Automatic translation follows] 1st business accelerator in Mayenne: formalities, support for businesses, training Here are the 8 good reasons to call on the Chambers of Commerce and Industry - Create or take over a business - Find funding - Boost your turnover - Develop internationally - Increase your competitiveness - Succeed in the digital transition of your company - Optimize the management of your human resources - Improve your performance for a sustainable and profitable business

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

41 9 31 57
AGIRabcd AGIRabcd

[Automatic translation follows] AGIRabcd*, an association of volunteer retirees, supports populations in difficulty in France and internationally. For 40 years, AGIRabcd*, an association of volunteer retirees, has supported populations in difficulty. (Association law 1901, founded in 1983, recognized as being of public utility in 1990, with the approval of several ministries). In 2022, more than 2,600 retired senior volunteers, in more than 130 delegations and branches, took action as close as possible to the field. In France, nearly 25,000 days of intervention were devoted to more than 1,000 social assistance, training, support and accompaniment actions for young people, adults and …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech transporttech

11 2 0 158
Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities

The Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities is an association affiliated to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC). Our network seeks to promote the Age-Friendly Cities Approach at a francophone level and to encourage a cross-disciplinary way of work, the civic rights of older people and the fight against ageism.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

43 4 36 10
Fondation JAE Fondation JAE

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting professionals in orientation, integration and professional transition The JAE foundation designs and makes tools available to professionals who support people in their orientation, integration and professional transition projects. Our tools, and in particular our digital platform Parcouréo, help to facilitate the role of dialogue and mediation of all stakeholders in public and private structures. Through and beyond the publishing of tools, we have strong objectives and commitments in our actions and projects linked to lifelong professional guidance. guidance, lifelong guidance, guidance education, professional integration, professional transition, young people, youth, training, education, edtech, digital, software, information, professions, …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

27 6 23 23
MGA Technologies MGA Technologies

Automated and robotized solutions for your process performance in the industry of the future. Our mission: design, develop and manufacture custom-made machines, innovative equipment and product lines for industries of the future. Our competencies: design, 3D CAD, automatisation and supvervision, robotics integration, clean room integration, numeric axis, marking, datamatrix, RFID, vision and controls.... References: Sanofi, Fresenius Medical Care, Boehringer Ingelheim, bioMérieux, L'Oréal, Valéo, Michelin, Schneider Electric, Becton Dickinson, ST Microelectronics, Staubli, ITEN, Buashc+Lomb, Xfab, EFI Automotive, STILLA, Soitec, Ceva, Symatese Device, Bobst, IPSEN, Medtronic, ABL Europe, Catalent, Pfizer, Clariant, Aguettant, Service de Santé des Armées... Robotics integration, Sterile flexible welders, …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Robotics Wireless

37 6 7 80
Préventica Préventica

[Automatic translation follows] Provider of solutions to those who have Health, Safety and Quality of Life at Work issues to resolve For 25 years, Préventica has been the meeting place and inspiration for all those involved in health, safety and quality of life at work. Two major meetings are organized annually in France, under the patronage of the Ministries of Labor and Health, bringing together a total of 20,000 participants. An online resource platform also allows 100,000 professionals each year to benefit from advice and feedback for the implementation of their risk prevention and quality of life at work actions. …

Type: Event

68 19 46 47
100 000 Entrepreneurs 100 000 Entrepreneurs

[Automatic translation follows] We transmit to young people aged 13 to 25, the culture of entrepreneurship through testimonies from volunteer entrepreneurs. We organize meetings throughout the country between young people aged 13 to 25 and women and men who are entrepreneurs and carry out projects. 100,000 entrepreneurs is a general interest association founded in 2007 whose vocation is to transmit the culture and desire to undertake to young people in France. Thus, more than 500,000 young people have had privileged exchange times during their schooling with our volunteer community of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. The action To raise awareness among young …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

143 49 97 172
NovAliX NovAliX

NovAliX is a preclinical drug discovery-focused CRO NovAliX is a fully integrated drug discovery CRO supporting therapeutic programs from target identification to the delivery of preclinical candidates. NovAliX enables successful discovery programs through an award-winning team of medicinal chemistry and pharmacology scientists, and a variety of screening and characterization technologies, including an outstanding DNA-encoded library platform and a comprehensive portfolio of biophysical techniques, including an in-house cryo-EM facility. NovAliX’s presence in therapeutic areas now spans oncology, inflammation, fibrosis, and infectious and kidney diseases. For additional information, please visit Target based drug discovery, NMR, SPR, Epigenetic targets, Nuclear receptors, Protein-ligand …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

28 4 26 382
Groupe SATEC Groupe SATEC

[Automatic translation follows] Free yourself from risk The SATEC Group, the 10th largest French general broker, offers a wide range of insurance products. A privileged partner of companies, our expertise allows us to design tailor-made competitive offers. SATEC has also developed real know-how in setting up affinity programs for both companies and individuals. We support our clients in choosing the most suitable solutions to protect their activities and their employees: - damage to property (buildings, equipment, stocks, etc.) and operating losses - public liability, - car fleet, - customer risk, - goods transported, - fraud, malice, - construction, - collective... …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech insurtech

8 0 8 343

[Automatic translation follows] For you, by your side! FORSIDES is an independent actuarial consulting firm. It relies on the expertise of its collaborators and associates. Team training and versatility are essential values ​​of our group. To maintain and convey them, we benefit from a documentary database called "ForWikSides", sharing Mondays - feedback between employees, thematic mornings on current topics and training organized by our Eliza training center. . To renew and develop our skills, we also benefit from a research and development center built around the following 3 committees: a scientific committee, a tools committee and a standards and methods …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics

6 0 6 75
Groupe Macsf Groupe Macsf

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's take care of your career #responsible #responsible #expert #care The leading insurer of healthcare professionals, the MACSF group has always innovated thanks to the involvement and expertise of its employees. Leader in its market with the trust of more than a million members, our group has remained faithful to its mutualist values ​​which make it strong and different. Without shareholders or capital to remunerate, MACSF is independent and protects its members in the long term. Why join us? - For our reason for being: “Alongside its members, the MACSF Group works sustainably to improve health …

Type: Large company Activities: insurtech

24 8 16 1,420
INTENCIAL Patrimoine INTENCIAL Patrimoine

[Automatic translation follows] A new look at saving INTENCIAL Patrimoine is the brand of the APICIL Group exclusively dedicated to Independent Wealth Management Advisors, key players in the wealth savings business, and to their Clients. Specialist in medium and long-term savings, INTENCIAL Patrimoine positions itself in the market segment of wealth clients, and offers its contracts through Independent Wealth Management Advisors (CGPI). We provide them with a set of tax envelopes, management methods and financial support to enable them to build the savings solution that suits you. The offers and solutions proposed by INTENCIAL Patrimoine are exclusively distributed by Wealth …

Type: Incubators & VCs

13 5 11 30
CJDES - générations pro-ESS CJDES - générations pro-ESS

[Automatic translation follows] In a 🌍 where the collective is fragile, we strengthen the vitality of the #ESS by allowing each 👫 to achieve their potential The CJDES is a network of young and old people professionally involved in the social and solidarity economy sector (associations, foundations, cooperatives, mutual societies, social enterprises, etc.) The CJDES is an association of people whose purpose is to promote and reflect on the social and solidarity economy. It brings together women and men, members of all the ESS families who aim to rethink society, the economy and business in the service of humanity. Founded …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

15 0 14 2

[Automatic translation follows] Expert in risk prevention and control CNPP is a leading international player in risk prevention and control. Drawing on the diversity of our businesses, we offer global solutions in cybersecurity, security, risk and crisis management, HSE (health, safety, environment), fire and explosion. Independent and at the heart of the risk management ecosystem, we have been creating an environment of trust with all security players for over 60 years. Our 400 employees support you with a diversified offering in: • advice & training • test, inspection, certification (TIC) • editing & press Near Paris (in Eure), our 240 …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

16 2 12 520
Palanca Palanca

[Automatic translation follows] Territorial services: AMO / AMU, design of social and environmental innovation services PALANCA is a cooperative company (SCOP) founded in 2012. Our multidisciplinary team supports the emergence and sustainability of common spaces of public or private social utility: new or revitalized neighborhoods, third places, public facilities and spaces. . mainly in Occitania, and on the rest of French territory when exciting projects call us there! CSR advice, Corporate training, School training, Studies, Life cycle analysis, Social impact, Environmental impact, Graphic design, Sustainable real estate, Complex projects, Design of an economic model, Shared governance, Pooling, Circular economy, Ecology …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech civictech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 3 5 12

ASSOCIATION COMMITTED TO ACCELERATING THE TRANSITION TO A LOW-CARBON FUTURE Transition Forum aims to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future by mobilising a diverse community of international stakeholders and catalyzing concrete solutions that reconcile prosperity and preservation of our planet for future generations. Founded at the initiative of Aqua Asset Management, Transition Forum is a non-profit association whose mission is to bring together business leaders, public decision-makers, investors, innovators, experts and representatives of civil society, committed to the ecological transition and to accompany these actors in the realisation of their projects. The TRANSITION FORUM, the association's flagship event, brings …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

50 20 32 6
UIMM Occitanie UIMM Occitanie

[Automatic translation follows] Industry is the Factory of the Future The UIMM Occitanie represents regional industrial metallurgical companies and supports their economic and social development on a daily basis: legal issues, human resources, training, financing, environment, attractiveness, etc. The UIMM Occitanie is made up of four territorial UIMMs: the UIMM Midi-Pyrénées, the UIMM Méditerranée-Ouest, the UIMM Adour Pyrénées and the UIMM Gard-Lozère. Each of them is a member of the national UIMM, thus forming the territorial and regional level of the metallurgy network. Coming from the industrial sector, elected by members, the volunteer leaders of the UIMM have a perfect …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

66 19 53 64
CyberCercle CyberCercle

[Automatic translation follows] A force of proposals and actions for digital trust and security Created in 2011, the CyberCercle is a circle of reflection, expertise and exchange on issues of digital trust and security, which today works with a double objective: to disseminate a culture of digital security beyond the circle of experts in which this subject is too often confined; decipher and support public policies by promoting joint work among all the stakeholders concerned, serving the reflection and action of political, national, territorial or European authorities. Placed under the dynamic of elected, parliamentary and local officials, the CyberCercle is …

Type: Media

75 12 58 9

[Automatic translation follows] Outsourcing for the management of your training. RHEXIS, outsourcing for the management of your training Specialist in the outsourcing of training management, RHEXIS takes care of the logistical, administrative, accounting and fiscal aspects of the training plan, according to your needs. RHEXIS also supports the HR Director or Training Manager in the design and management of the training plan. Occasionally or over time, RHEXIS allows them: - Reduce and control training management costs - To return the training department to its role as an internal partner by relieving it of administrative tasks - Strengthen the management …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

17 3 9 34
HappyVisio HappyVisio

[Automatic translation follows] Referent website for health and well-being prevention by videoconference HappyVisio is an Internet platform offering videoconferences in prevention, health and well-being, live, for the general public. A pioneer and reference in remote prevention, HappyVisio contributes to improving the quality of life and preparing for the future. We are supported by a large number of local authorities, institutions, mutual societies and prevention players in the broad sense. We rely on a network of more than 500 experts from recognized establishments. During the activities, our HappyNautes get information, ask questions and chat in a friendly atmosphere on Launched …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

26 4 26 35
EpaMarne EpaFrance EpaMarne EpaFrance

[Automatic translation follows] The soul in the design EpaMarne is the leading developer in eastern Paris, originally involved in a group of municipalities in the Paris-Vallée de la Marne and Marne-et-Gondoire conurbations. EpaFrance is the developer of Val d'Europe, an area known in particular for the Disneyland Paris park, but which contains other riches and potential (offices, business premises, Nature Village, etc.) Historically linked to the growth of the new town of Marne-la-Vallée, EpaMarne and EpaFrance are evolving in 2016 to welcome 17 new communities, bringing their territory of intervention to a total of 44 municipalities on 77, 93 and …

Type: Public

33 17 18 124
MocapLab MocapLab

Mocaplab is one of Europe's leading innovative Motion Capture studios MocapLab is a company that is 100% specialised and dedicated to capturing movement: mocap (Motion Capture). MocapLab offers complete mocap services, while continuing to base itself on a permanent and solid research & development department : The Lab. Through a highly experienced team with over 25 years of Motion Capture, MocapLab offers a high level of expertise in feature films, ads, video games, TV series, virtual reality, AR, Apps. We are a company who unite an international team passionate about living movement and who has gained a reputation for delivering …

Type: Startup Activities: games Technologies: VR

6 2 3 18
LACROIX - Electronics LACROIX - Electronics

Connected technologies for smarter industries Ranked among the Top 50 EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services) worldwide, LACROIX’s Electronics Activity designs and manufactures electronic functions and equipment as well as industrial IoT solutions for its customers, combining advanced skills in both R&D and Production 4.0. Positioned in critical applications for the automotive, industrial, smart home and buildings, avionics and defense, and healthcare sectors, the Electronics activity has six production plants and a design and turnkey services office (Impulse), enabling it to serve its markets in Europe, North America, and the Maghreb. With 4,400 employees, it recorded a turnover of €522 million in …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Embedded Systems IoT

26 9 12 976
Initiative Nice Côte d'Azur Initiative Nice Côte d'Azur

[Automatic translation follows] Nice Association for Business Financing and Support. Initiative Nice Côte d'Azur supports you in finding financing to create or take over a business thanks to a 0% honorary loan, personalized support and networking with economic players in the region. The Initiative France network is committed to diversity in entrepreneurship, and carries out dedicated actions to encourage women, people far from employment (long-term unemployed, urban policy districts, etc.), young people and seniors to embark on the entrepreneurial adventure. Support, Business creation, Business takeover, Legal, Commercial, Financial, Honorary loans, Network meetings, and Training workshops

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

38 7 36 58
France Active France Active

Le mouvement des #EntrepreneursEngagés. Conseil, financement et connexion. France Active is a non-profit organisation with the goal of facilitating access to enterprise setup through access to bank credit. It also helps existing structures consolidate jobs through various financial tools.

Type: Incubators & VCs

113 49 71 189
Made in Marseille Made in Marseille

[Automatic translation follows] Online information for the Marseille region Made in Marseille is the first online media that propels initiatives and inspires solutions in the Marseille region. 📌 The leading 100% digital information site throughout the region with a community of 600,000 readers and 200,000 subscribers on social networks 📌 A daily, independent and free news media 📌 A team of passionate journalists who have been bringing you local news differently since 2014 📌 An ambitious and resolutely innovative editorial line, specialized in information solutions and impactful journalism 💡 Sections: news, economy, politics, innovation, urban planning, sustainable development, culture, leisure, …

Type: Media

60 16 50 18
Apidae Tourisme Apidae Tourisme

[Automatic translation follows] 1st tourist information network serving the local economy Apidae facilitates connections between all players in the tourism ecosystem to increase the local economy. From an operational point of view, we are developing a platform and running a network which makes visible all this diversity of actors and all this wealth of talent within the territories. Data is at the heart of the digital economy and tourism data is at the heart of the Apidae ecosystem. The members of the network are the main creators and the first users. Key figures: - 900 customers including 3 regions, 31 …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech smart city martech Technologies: Data Analytics

16 4 11 26
Fondation Innovation et Transitions Fondation Innovation et Transitions

[Automatic translation follows] 🎯 Cross-reference talents, multiply actions. The Innovation and Transitions Foundation, previously the Foundation for the University of Lyon, aims to promote the progress of knowledge and innovation by carrying out actions supported by stakeholders in higher education and research and the world socioeconomic. It intends to contribute to scientific, environmental, social, economic and cultural development, balanced and united in the territory, by acting in the service of the general interest. In order to fulfill its role of supporting innovation and major transitions in the region, the foundation is positioned in two main areas of action: - The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

38 7 17 19

Immersive Learning Solutions for your professional training MIMBUS develops and distributes virtual training tools dedicated to manual trades. MIMBUS'​ solutions provides the instructors with the best tools to complete and optimize their training. Working on the simulator allows the trainee to learn its trade by doing, in a playful and totaly safe way, without any risk of injury or breakage. Every MIMBUS'​ solution is connected to VULCAN, the only platform that allows the instructor to follow all the performances of its trainee on the simulator in real-time. Each action is tracked by VULCAN, which analyses and retranscribed to the instructor …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

24 4 19 26

[Automatic translation follows] The specificity of GB2A, a consulting firm, is to be able to manage a public or private project in all its components. For more than 15 years now serving public interest projects, GB2A mainly operates in the areas of public business law and project financing. GB2A is ranked among the top legal and financial consulting firms in France for several consecutive years. Since its creation, the team of around thirty lawyers and employees spread across several offices in Caen, Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Nice, Nancy, Bordeaux, Lille has already carried out and supported numerous PPP, SEMOP and concession …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech proptech

7 1 5 20

From space data to strategic decisions Pixstart is born to bring space data to decision maker. Thanks to our earth vision from space, we help to make geo-strategic decision with a global overview. Our main expertise is based on • classification of urban elements to manage and support local politics or to help retail sector to reduce the time-to-market with direct marketing services. • reading the Air or Water composition in order to link human activities and environment. • monitoring wide area infrastructures to control vegetation expansion, structures modification, non-legal activities as wild constructions. Thanks to satellite observation we are …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech cleantech greentech it services proptech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

24 7 15 11
Synergie Family Synergie Family

[Automatic translation follows] Optimistic start-up with high impact ⚡️Creator of experiences with strong educational values. Synergie Family is an optimistic, high-impact start-up that reveals talents by creating innovative experiences with strong educational values, serving individual development, to allow everyone to find their way. Our belief is based on the fact that everyone has a talent that just needs to be revealed. Anchored in the field and specialized in educational and inclusive innovation, the start-up offers a real alternative in which the public, through empowerment, the practice of their passions and personal development, are the heart of the solution. Founded in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

62 14 57 226

[Automatic translation follows] The French association of companies and professionals serving Energy The French association of businesses and professionals at the service of Energy In a multi-energy world, support oil services and new energy players in the development of responsible, sustainable and economical solutions to ensure access to energy for all, while contributing to the acceleration of the energy transition.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

40 13 32 3
Association Creative Handicap Association Creative Handicap

[Automatic translation follows] Art and digital technology at the service of the inclusion of all Created in 2004 by Sylvie Sanchez, the Créative Handicap association promotes the social and professional inclusion of people with disabilities and able-bodied people through art and digital technology. Our mission: to contribute to making art, culture, digital technology and training accessible to all. We want to change the way we look at disability, fight against all forms of discrimination and exclusion and seek all solutions that could alleviate the disadvantages caused by disability. We participate in professional actions or those in the process of professionalization …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 4 20 23

[Automatic translation follows] Created in 2014, from the merger of the two networks Unith and Ohé Prométhée, CHEOPS, the National Council for Disability & Employment of Specialized Placement Organizations represents Cap emploi with public authorities, economic decision-makers and social partners. CHEOPS is based on a foundation of associative and entrepreneurial values ​​of a network type. Its permanent actions aim to: Participate in the definition and implementation of policies for access to employment, training and retention in employment of people with disabilities. Represent all Specialized Placement Organizations called Cap emploi. Professionalize the actors of human resources management for the employment of …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

15 8 7 19
CIBC Sud Aquitaine CIBC Sud Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] With the architect of your professional decisions, your life becomes active! A true craftsman of your professional decisions, CIBC is the largest and most experienced Skills Assessment Center in South Aquitaine (Landes and Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Its annual turnover is around €1,200K. 🔴 Our advisors support more than a thousand employees each year in their professional development or retraining. 🔴 Skills assessment, orientation assessment for young people, coaching, professional development advice (CEP) are among the main services we provide. 🔴 Our advisors also inform and advise all Active People (since 2002) on the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

6 1 0 31
SSTRN - Prévention et santé au travail 🫀🚀 SSTRN - Prévention et santé au travail 🫀🚀

[Automatic translation follows] We are rethinking prevention to serve your well-being at work. 💼🥰 #Prevention #Servicedesantéautravail #Nantes 🧑‍⚕️ Experts in inter-company prevention and occupational health, the SSTRN supports and advises 27,000 companies in the private sector. ❤️ To make your life easier, our team offers innovative advice to promote well-being at work, prevent occupational risks and optimize the overall health of employees. 🌈🤝 We are convinced that occupational health and well-being are the keys to professional success, because after all, prevention is better than cure. 🩹 👍 So, subscribe, right? 😉 Prevention in occupational health, Occupational medicine, Individual monitoring of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

16 0 15 194
Aiguillon Construction Aiguillon Construction

[Automatic translation follows] Your home, our responsibility Social Enterprise for Housing established in the West since 1902, Aiguillon is a subsidiary of the Arcade-VYV Group. Our general interest mission consists of designing, managing and marketing housing to people subject to income ceilings. To meet this mission, Aiguillon relies on a strong and committed strategy, inspired by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is expressed around governance serving a sustainable model targeting four issues: - ensure quality of service - contribute to development and territorial balance - act for environmental balance - and promote the commitment, well-being and solidarity of employees. More …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 5 10 245

[Automatic translation follows] The National Association of Mutuality Employers is the only employers' organization in the Mutuality branch ANEM represents mutual employers who carry out activities governed by the Mutuality Code.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

17 3 16 232
Pas-de-Calais habitat Pas-de-Calais habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Pas-de-Calais habitat Managers & Solidarity Created in 1931, Pas-de-Calais habitat is a major public landlord in France with more than 40,000 housing units spread across 216 municipalities. Beyond its social mission which is to allow everyone to have a roof over their heads, Pas-de-Calais habitat also supports tenants when they are in housing, and in particular through training, integration and therefore employment. Our values ​​- Responsible & Solidarity - carry out our actions every day thanks to the commitment of more than 800 employees spread across the entire Pas-de-Calais department. Real estate and social housing

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

22 7 13 442
Les Acteurs de la Compétence Les Acteurs de la Compétence

[Automatic translation follows] Creators of professional futures Les Acteurs de la Compétence is the first professional federation representing training and skills development companies in France. She is a member of MEDEF, CPME, the Syntec Federation and the think tank The Shift Project. The Skills Actors are: • more than 1,400 companies: training companies and associations, CFAs, certifiers, consulting and support firms, publishers of digital solutions, • 13 regional delegations for a presence throughout the territory. Professional training, Support, Skills development, Quality, Human capital, Employability, Certification, Consulting, Work-study, digital, and transformation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

44 9 38 106
France Volontaires France Volontaires

[Automatic translation follows] The French platform for international volunteering for exchange and solidarity. France Volontaires is the French platform for international volunteering for exchange and solidarity. Operator of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, it brings together the State, local authorities and associations around a mission of general interest: the development and promotion of international volunteering for exchange and solidarity. The platform is based on a presence in France (mainland and overseas territories) and on a network of Volunteer Spaces in Africa, Asia, Latin America/Caribbean, the Middle East and Oceania). Promotion of International Volunteering for Exchange and Solidarity (VIES), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

38 4 34 225
réseau Cler réseau Cler

[Automatic translation follows] Carry the energy of transition The Cler network is a national association which brings together nearly 300 structures committed to implementing an energy transition that is both fair and ambitious. Its objective: to accelerate the energy transition on a local, national and European scale. The association brings together associations, communities and companies to defend a model of territorial transition, by promoting energy efficiency, sobriety, renewable energies, the fight against energy poverty and sustainable and inclusive mobility. Its ambition: to carry the energy of the transition. The Cler network defends and implements an energy transition model which is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

52 11 45 43
GIP Littoral en Nouvelle-Aquitaine GIP Littoral en Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] The GIP Littoral sets up projects aimed at the sustainable development of a preserved, fragile and attractive coast. The GIP is a tool for reflection, coordination and technical support for the development and management of coastal areas. It is responsible for designing and facilitating the Sustainable Development Plan for the Aquitaine coastline, a central element of a shared development strategy for the territory by 2020. Sustainable tourist development, Protection of the coastal environment, Coastal risk management, Coastal planning, and Integrated management of the sea and the coast

Type: Public

19 2 18 9

[Automatic translation follows] ALIPTIC: network of digital professionals in the Limousin region! Limousine Association of Information and Communication Technology Professionals. ALIPTIC is the cluster of digital companies in the Limousin region whose priority themes are the development and structuring of the sector, the digital planning of the territory (use component), supporting communities in the development of projects and the integration of uses digital. To carry out its missions, ALIPTIC relies on a network of key players and partners both public and institutional as well as private. The association implements the 2014-2017 Collective Action Contract entered into with the Region for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 12 30 10
NEREUS - Sustainable water recyling NEREUS - Sustainable water recyling

Tomorrow's technologies to solve today's problems Experts in dynamic filtration, we support industrial companies, tourist establishments and farmers in the ecological and economic management of their effluents. From design and construction in our workshop to commissioning and operation in France and Europe, we offer our customers individual and personalized turnkey solutions. Extraction d'eau basse énergie, Recyclage des eaux usées, Procédés innovants d'extraction d'eau, Utilisation de membranes de dernière génération, Reuse, and Filtration dynamique

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing water management Technologies: Decarbonization

35 5 34 30
SDEF - Syndicat départemental d'Energie et d'Equipement du Finistère SDEF - Syndicat départemental d'Energie et d'Equipement du Finistère

[Automatic translation follows] Energy serving the territory The Finistère Departmental Energy and Equipment Union, as the Organizing Authority for Electricity Distribution (AODE), is responsible for organizing the public service for the distribution of electrical energy in the territory of 269 municipalities out of the 277 in the department. It also has 4 optional skills: gas, public lighting, heat and cold networks and electronic communications. An important player in the Finistère economy with €40 million in investments each year and around 600 jobs direct or induced by its activities, the SDEF is a major player in the energy transition. It is …

Type: Public

16 4 15 35
Com'Publics Com'Publics

[Automatic translation follows] Provocateur of debate, agitator of ideas, creator of solutions 🔴 INSTITUTIONAL COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS AGENCY Provocateurs of debates, agitators of ideas, creators of solutions: 27 years of experience, 31 employees involved, 3 exciting professions 📌 CONSULTING IN INSTITUTIONAL COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Com'Publics is involved in all aspects of interest representation, from the development of lobbying strategies and the design of influence tools to their implementation at the national level and in the territories. 📌 SHARED LOBBYING Clubs, think tanks, coalitions, observatories: Com’Publics has initiated a new way of practicing lobbying by developing thematic think&do tanks. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

88 1 86 44
Altereo Altereo

Eau et territoires durables Ingénierie, conseil, innovation et digital pour l’Eau, la Ville et les Territoires Awakening Environmental Smartness. Our mission is to drive our clients from Ideas to Behaviours. Altereo is an independent company based in France. We are consultants, engineers and innovators since 1989. Our activities are organised in 4 departments: • Water and Environmental Engineering • Consulting for Public Utility Management • Sustainable Development of Cities and Territories • Edition of Geographic Intelligence Solutions Get to know us more on eau, urbanisme, SIG, gestion patrimoniale, ville, territoires, changement climatique, résilience, data, intelligence artificielle, économie comportementale, services …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

44 12 25 198
Sipperec Sipperec

[Automatic translation follows] Public energy and digital service A public establishment for intercommunal action founded in 1924, SIPPEREC's primary purpose was to contribute to the united and equitable development of territories on the outskirts of Paris, by allowing member municipalities to collectively access electricity and provide their residents a quality public service. Over the past twenty years, SIPPEREC has constantly strengthened this public service vocation by broadening its scope to digital land use planning, renewable energies and sustainable mobility. Electricity, GIS, Shared purchasing, Renewable energies, Telecom networks, Heat networks, Data, Connected city, Digital services, Network burial, Public law, Public service, …

Type: Public

23 6 19 108
CEMATER - le Cluster à énergies positives CEMATER - le Cluster à énergies positives

[Automatic translation follows] "Commit, act, share"​ Group of professionals in the renewable energy and sustainable construction sector in Occitanie

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech constructiontech energytech greentech

14 3 5 10
Asder Asder

[Automatic translation follows] Committed to the energy transition through its Sustainable Building School and its Local Energy Service Acting for a sustainable and inclusive energy transition. 🎓 Sustainable building school ⚡️ Local energy service 📍 Chambery Training, Environment, Eco-construction, Energy transition, Renewable energies, Professional training, Consulting & Support, Eco-building, Energy poverty, Energy sobriety, and Eco-consumption

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

17 3 13 128
Atlanbois Atlanbois

[Automatic translation follows] Inter-professional association of the timber sector in Pays de la Loire The Atlanbois association since 1990 has ensured the animation, promotion and communication of the timber industry in the Pays de la Loire region. With more than 400 professional members, the association represents the forestry wood sector including furniture, sawmills, construction, wood energy, etc. A true network for professionals, Atlanbois organizes numerous exchange times: visits to companies, construction sites, wood energy boiler rooms, forest replanting sites, thematic meetings and conferences... but also two more significant events: Habiter Bois for the general public with events around individual homes …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

22 4 22 19
Inddigo Inddigo

[Automatic translation follows] Innovative solutions for the sustainable development of territories and organizations Sustainable development engineering

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech civictech smart city greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

40 10 32 382

L'innovation au service de la biodiversité aquatique Ecocean innovates, restocks and restores aquatic ecosystems, and raises awareness of the issues involved in preserving and protecting them, positioning itself as a major force in the rehabilitation of these fragile environments. Ecocean was pioneering the PCC technique (Post-larval, Capture, and Culture), the company enables local authorities and coastal developers to restore and regenerate aquatic ecosystems through passive "Biohut®"​ and active "BioRestore®"​ processes. ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION, FISHING & REARING DEVICES, DIAGNOSTIC USES, SUSTAINABLE REARING, Aquatic ecosystems restauration, and Education for biodiversity preservation and protection

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

34 9 28 32
CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Investiamo il risparmio del Paese per trasformarlo nel patrimonio di tutti. Dal 1850. #conlitaliachecresce The Cassa depositi e prestiti Group is the national promotional institution that has supported the Italian economy since 1850. It finances public investments, supports international cooperation and is the catalyst for the country’s infrastructure growth. It supports Italian enterprises, helping them innovate and grow, while supporting their exports and international expansion. As the primary operator in social and affordable housing, it contributes to the growth of the Italian real estate sector.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

28 5 20 1,615
Aatiko Conseils | Accompagner les acteurs de l'habitat 🏠🏢 Aatiko Conseils | Accompagner les acteurs de l'habitat 🏠🏢

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting housing stakeholders, serving the territories Sector: Consulting - Consulting, Organization and strategy Aatiko Conseils is a young firm, on a human scale, aiming to become a leader in its market segment. It was created by experienced consultants, trained by major consulting firms (Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Ineum). We are experts in advising real estate players: - Actors responsible for defining and coordinating national policies: Ministries, professional federations - Real estate and housing professionals: real estate developers, land companies, developers, property managers, 1% collectors, social landlords - Large real estate users: Real estate departments of large companies, …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech consulting proptech

20 2 17 33
IREV  Centre de ressources Politique de la ville Hauts-de-France IREV Centre de ressources Politique de la ville Hauts-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Resource center Urban policy Hauts-de-France IREV is a city policy resource center which carries out 3 main missions in the Hauts-de-France region: - the animation of the network of city policy professionals via regular events, network meetings, but also the promotion of know-how and the organization of exchanges of experiences; - increasing the qualification of actors in the neighborhoods thanks to qualification cycles, regional days, Pop-Ups, Citizen Masterclass; - the capitalization and dissemination of inspiring and innovative knowledge and experiences in the territories (via publications, documentation center, web news and newsletter) The actions carried out by IREV …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

36 2 11 10
Rosace Fibre Rosace Fibre

[Automatic translation follows] Optical fiber is being installed in Alsace! The Rosace company, mandated by the Grand Est Region and created in April 2016, has the mission of deploying Very High Speed ​​in more than 700 Alsatian municipalities. A major project, to be carried out over 5 years of work, which will ultimately ensure optimal coverage of Alsace and guarantee a complete and scalable service offering thanks to unrivaled speeds (up to gigabit per second) . Indeed, new uses by businesses, public services (electronic administration, development of telehealth, etc.) and the general public require increasingly efficient speeds and high quality …

Type: Startup Activities: telecommunications

15 0 14 24
Anjou Fibre Anjou Fibre

[Automatic translation follows] Partner of communities for very high speed In February 2018, Anjou Fiber, a subsidiary of TDF, was entrusted by the Syndicat Mixte Ouvert Anjou Numérique with a public service delegation for a period of 25 years relating to the design, establishment and operation of a Public Initiative Network in Optical Fiber in rural areas in Maine-et-Loire.

Type: Startup Activities: telecommunications

5 1 4 2

KfW - Responsible banking KfW is one of the world’s leading promotional banks. Since 1948 KfW has been committed to improving economic, social and ecological living conditions all around the world on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany and the federal states. To do this, it supplied funds totalling EUR 77.3 billion in 2019 alone; of this total, 38% was spent on measures aimed at protecting the climate and the environment. KfW has no retail branches and does not hold any customer deposits. It funds its promotional business in a responsible manner and almost entirely via the international capital …

Type: Public

36 16 16 3,885

[Automatic translation follows] Independent renewable electricity producer in France: onshore wind and photovoltaic solar. 👉🏻 Since 2004, EOLFI has been a major player in the development and production of ground-mounted solar and onshore wind renewable energies in France. 🌍 With more than 20 employees based in Paris, Montpellier and Nantes, EOLFI’s expertise includes: ✅project development, ✅financing, ✅construction and operation 👉🏻Our offer is aimed at communities, farmers, agricultural operators, industrialists and investors. EOLFI places dialogue and transparency at the heart of its actions and designs its projects in consultation with local stakeholders. Together, let's build a more responsible future 🍃 Onshore …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

8 2 5 40
InfraNum InfraNum

[Automatic translation follows] The Federation partner of connected territories Founding federation of the Strategic Committee for the Digital Infrastructure Sector, InfraNum brings together 220 industrial members representative of the entire value chain serving the territories connected or to be connected. The association brings common positions previously established within thematic commissions to institutions and partners. InfraNum publications are tools aimed at informing public debate or supporting market development. InfraNum is also recognized in terms of meetings between decision-makers, peers, partners or end customers who are public order givers, through rich event news focused on economic-strategic subjects covering the notion of public-private …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

67 14 55 20
YesWeHack YesWeHack

Global Bug Bounty & Vulnerability Management Platform YesWeHack is a leading Bug Bounty and Vulnerability Management Platform. Founded by ethical hackers in 2015, YesWeHack connects organisations worldwide to tens of thousands of ethical hackers, who uncover vulnerabilities in websites, mobile apps, connected devices and digital infrastructure. Bug Bounty programs benefit from in-house triage, personalised support, a customisable model and results-based pricing. Clients include ZTE, Tencent, Swiss Post, Orange France and the French Ministry of Armed Forces. The YesWeHack platform offers a range of integrated, API-based solutions: Bug Bounty (crowdsourcing vulnerability discovery); Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (creating and managing a secure channel …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity IoT

39 9 32 284
COLOFT Lesquin COLOFT Lesquin

[Automatic translation follows] Eco-responsible place to live and work We designed COLOFT by dreaming of beautiful, inspiring, warm, friendly places where you can enjoy rich experiences with as little impact as possible on our planet. 🌍🌱 Inspired by the codes of hospitality management, the COLOFT concept brings together Coworking, Coliving and catering spaces in the heart of tertiary parks, located on the urban outskirts and developed by the ARTEA Group. 🎨 COLOFT is the response to new generations of entrepreneurs, employees and economic actors looking for a better balance between personal and professional lives, attracted by new modes of exchange …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech

14 4 11 1
IndustriLAB - Hauts de France IndustriLAB - Hauts de France

Plateforme régionale d'innovation pour l'industrie IndustriLAB is research platform dedicated to industrial purposes like mechanical design, industrial robotics or virtual reality. A second platform named WindLAB (based in Amiens) dedicated to training on windturbine maintenance joins IndustriLAB in 2020. Industrial design, Robotics, Composite, and Virtual reality

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Robotics VR

28 5 23 8