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Open Innovation for sustainable buildings NOBATEK/INEF4 is a private RTO, French Institute for Energy and Environmental Transition in Construction. OUR MISSION : Co-develop innovative solutions to assist the construction sector in its entirety (architects, corporations, public and private contractors, developers, engineers and communities) in achieving greater energy efficiency and sustainable design, moving towards the greater Energy and Environmental Transition. WHAT WE DO : Drive innovation from ideas to market-ready solutions. Together, our teams of researchers and engineers conceptualise innovative products and solutions that will improve the energy efficiency and environmental quality of buildings and neighbourhoods, and make them a reality. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Decarbonization

44 15 39 77
We Love Green We Love Green

[Automatic translation follows] Festival engaged since 2011. May 31, June 1 and 2, 2024 MUSIC • ART • COMEDY • FOOD • TALKS • NATURE The WE LOVE GREEN festival is organized by the non-profit association WE LOVE GREEN created in November 2008. The association is responsible for the sustainable development awareness project, the scenographic and musical artistic direction, and the involvement of public in the implementation of the festival. This association aims to “develop and promote eco-citizenship and raise awareness of sustainable development, through the design, creation, production and organization of artistic events in the field of live performance. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

39 7 36 53
Journées de l'Économie Journées de l'Économie

[Automatic translation follows] 3 days of meetings, debates, conferences to bring the general public closer to the economy in Lyon. The Economy Days (Jéco) are organized each year in Lyon by the Innovation and Transitions Foundation. This event, which brings together economists, business leaders, administration experts, journalists, social actors and political leaders, brings together more than 40,000 participants, 65 conferences and more than 250 speakers each year. The conferences are completely free and open to all upon registration. They are also broadcast live on our YouTube channel, then edited and presented in the Jéco Virtual Library. The Jéco offer citizens …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 9 24 4

[Automatic translation follows] Local grocery store - Bistro - Services In France, one village in two no longer has any commerce and is transformed into a dormitory town. This represents 4,000 villages between 700 and 2,000 inhabitants. In 2015, COMPTOIR de CAMPAGNE was created with the ambition of creating sustainable businesses in many villages in France. The concept is the creation of a network of franchises, which will offer in each village an offer adapted to the needs of the population: local products, emergency products, ancillary services (shoe repair, dry cleaning, etc.), catering services, concierge services for local businesses, etc. …

Type: SMB Activities: retail Technologies: SaaS

10 4 9 28
Les scop et Les scop et

[Automatic translation follows] Since 1937, the General Confederation of SCOP has brought together and led all cooperative and participatory societies in France. Thanks to our network, any member company benefits from welcome and support at each stage of its project by professionals in business creation and transfer within each of the 9 regional SCOP unions. We also offer you original and adapted financing solutions from financial structures and partners. You also have specific support from federations in four professions: construction, CAE, communication and industry. Finally, we offer training modules for employees and managers to support them in the creation and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

66 16 39 52
Greater Paris Investment Agency Greater Paris Investment Agency

[Automatic translation follows] Make Greater Paris the pioneer and leader in transitions. “Making Greater Paris the pioneer and leader of transitions.” Paris-Île de France Capitale Économique is a think & do tank founded at the initiative of the CCI Paris Île-de-France and by around fifty Grand Paris Makers® (companies with an international dimension, federations and public establishments committed to an ambitious and innovative Greater Paris) and supported by the Metropolis of Greater Paris. Its ambition is to make Greater Paris the pioneer and leader of transitions by anticipating the future factors of attractiveness of metropolises and contributing to develop them …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

115 14 108 17
Aéroports de la Côte d'Azur Aéroports de la Côte d'Azur

Un groupe aéroportuaire, une référence européenne qui veut être le laboratoire de l’aéroport de demain. The Aéroport Côte d'Azur Group now operates three renowned airports: Nice Côte d'Azur Airport, Cannes Mandelieu Airport and the Gulf of Saint-Tropez Airport. With an infrastructure, network and organisation that are constantly evolving to meet the expectations of its customers, it has supported the economic boom of the French Riviera for over 60 years. The group also hosts a large number of business aviation customers. Its Business Aviation brand, Sky Valet, is a strategic participant in the development of business streams on the French Riviera, …

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech Technologies: SaaS

26 6 20 394
Fondation Jean-Jaurès Fondation Jean-Jaurès

[Automatic translation follows] Think to act Recognized as being of public utility since its creation in 1992 by Pierre Mauroy, the Jean-Jaurès Foundation is the first of French political foundations. A place of reflection, dialogue and anticipation, it has been working for nearly thirty years to build a more democratic world, understand the history of the social and workers' movement and invent the ideas of tomorrow. > Building a more democratic world In collaboration with more than a hundred foundations and progressive political parties around the world, the Jean-Jaurès Foundation carries out missions to encourage democratic processes, train political personnel …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

58 28 32 49
Morbihan Énergies Morbihan Énergies

[Automatic translation follows] A union serving the territories Owner of more than 22,000 km of networks, Morbihan energies is the sole organizing authority for electricity distribution in Morbihan. This public intermunicipal cooperation establishment invests more than €40 million/year in networks. Over the years, it has become an essential public actor, supporting communities (municipalities and intercommunalities) to ensure the development of the energy and digital transition in Morbihan. Among the flagship actions carried out by Morbihan Énergies or its mixed economy company in recent years, we have in particular electric mobility (200 vehicle terminals deployed and operated), a NGV station (1250 …

Type: Public

19 3 9 42
Groupe SE.DEL.KA Groupe SE.DEL.KA

[Automatic translation follows] Reference real estate. Two structures for an identical core business: REAL ESTATE PROMOTION SE.DEL.KA is solely dedicated to operations in Calvados (14), the Group's historic department, and EUROPROM extends the activity to the entire French territory. Diversifying its activity, the SE.DEL.KA-EUROPROM Group today offers a complete range of products and skills in order to provide its customers with global and efficient solutions. A privileged partner of local authorities, the Group has established itself thanks to its know-how and the quality of its achievements. Its short decision-making circuit promotes flexibility and responsiveness in carrying out projects. The company …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

13 1 12 85
Plurial Novilia Plurial Novilia

[Automatic translation follows] PLURIAL NOVILIA, a company of the Action Logement group A major player in innovative social housing in Île-de-France and the Grand Est, PLURIAL NOVILIA imagines original and effective solutions on a daily basis to meet the needs of local communities and their residents. Teams of experts mobilized PLURIAL NOVILIA has more than 500 employees, 12 local agencies and a real estate portfolio of more than 37,000 homes spread across Île-de-France (Seine-et-Marne and Essonne) and the Grand-Est. The complementarity of our professions, backed by our expanded network of professional partners, allows us to provide responses that are both …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

31 8 23 354
Apur - Atelier parisien d'urbanisme Apur - Atelier parisien d'urbanisme

[Automatic translation follows] Apur is the town planning agency of the City of Paris and the Greater Paris Metropolis. The Parisian Urban Planning Workshop (Apur) was created on July 3, 1967 by the Paris Council. Its missions are to study and analyze urban and societal developments participating in the definition of public planning and development policies, to contribute to the development of the orientations of Parisian policy and in particular its urban planning documents. and projects on the scale of Paris and its metropolis. To this end, it observes and analyzes developments in Paris and its metropolis, in particular based …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

51 21 36 85
Le Cercle des économistes Le Cercle des économistes

[Automatic translation follows] Let us dare to have an informed debate. The Circle of Economists is a think tank, founded in 1992, on the initiative of Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, which brings together around thirty economists and academics. Its mission is to organize and promote an economic debate that is open and accessible to all. Its members are distinguished by different approaches and skills, thus guaranteeing the richness and plurality of the debates. The Circle of Economists organizes various annual events including the Aix-en-Provence Economic Meetings. economy, finance, markets, industry, energy, and innovation

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

42 24 20 41
Direction générale des Finances publiques Direction générale des Finances publiques

[Automatic translation follows] Public Finance, an administration at the heart of the functioning of the State, and businesses throughout the territory. 🇬🇧 Within the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, the General Directorate of Public Finance (DGFiP) is an administration at the heart of the functioning of the State and at the service of citizens, businesses and local communities. 🚀 #recruitment | Public Finance comprises more than 50 professions across all territories: user services, fight against fraud, accounting, finance, human resources, IT, digital, audit, etc. 🤝 Jobs, internships, learning, with or without competition, we are looking for …

Type: Public

63 37 16 4,390
FPI FRANCE - Fédération des Promoteurs Immobiliers de France FPI FRANCE - Fédération des Promoteurs Immobiliers de France

[Automatic translation follows] Promoters at the heart of the territories The Federation of Real Estate Developers of France, which is the only professional organization representing private sector developers, defines the ethical rules and monitors the professional ethics of its members. The FPI is an interlocutor listened to by administrations, the government and parliamentarians. It actively participates, through various commissions, through formal or informal contacts, through public positions, in the development of legislative and regulatory texts which concern the areas of activity of its members. It also works with European authorities through the European Union of Promoters-Builders (UEPC). The FPI offers …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

72 31 51 50
News Tank Cities News Tank Cities

[Automatic translation follows] Make an informed decision News Tank Cities is a News Tank Network media outlet dedicated to housing, development and real estate stakeholders. 100% digital, neutral, targeted and concise, News Tank Cities guarantees you exhaustive coverage of sector news through articles, associated factsheets, selections, indicators, interviews, agendas, opinion columns and sectoral analyzes (in written formats, podcast and videos), as well as a directory of people and organizations. All our content is produced by a team of journalists, experts and professional contributors. Our services are accessible by subscription. Our advertising-free model guarantees the readability and independence of the information …

Type: Media

66 9 63 15
2050NOW La Maison (ex-Netexplo) 2050NOW La Maison (ex-Netexplo)

A centre for building knowledge and boosting businesses’ sustainable transformation. Netexplo is now 2050Now La Maison For over 15 years, Netexplo has supported businesses in their digital transformation by making sense of trends, boosting innovation and training their managers. The innovations and trends we spot increasingly raise huge questions that will have even more impact on society and businesses than Data or Artificial Intelligence. How do we create new economic and social models that are compatible with planetary boundaries? How do we transform our organizations so that People and Nature are firmly at their centre? To address these essential issues, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

48 4 47 28

[Automatic translation follows] Creator of cultural third places PLACES WHERE A BETTER WORLD IS INVENTED EVERY DAY Sinny&Ooko is a cultural company that creates places to bring together those who act for a better world every day. At the scale of a district, a town or a village, its third places promote and disseminate in new ways to live together, more united and more respectful of the environment. Supporting behavior changes Sinny&Ooko's third places welcomed more than 340,000 people in 2020 to eat, drink, listen to music, dance, walk, work, get information, learn, share, help each other, play, get together …

Type: Event

80 14 76 48
AHK Frankreich / Chambre Franco-Allemande de Commerce et d'Industrie (CFACI) AHK Frankreich / Chambre Franco-Allemande de Commerce et d'Industrie (CFACI)

[Automatic translation follows] Your partner for success in the Franco-German trade The Franco-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CFACI) brings together 950 members for the maintenance and development of Franco-German trade relations that are of particular importance. It appears in the network of German Chambers of Commerce abroad, as reported by the Federation of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) and supported by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology following a decision by the German Parliament. This appearance in the global network of 140 Chambers of Commerce and delegations represented in 92 countries enables it to offer excellent …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

41 7 36 92
Les compagnons du devoir Les compagnons du devoir

Formez-vous autrement L’association ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France (AOCDTF) is established according to the french law 1901. Its activity is focused on the training of young persons (14 – 27). The Association of today represents the traditional trades of the Compagnonnage du Devoir which can be classified in 4 main domains (building, metal working industry, bakery, flexible materials). Its specificities rest on 2 pillars : - the travel, real enriching professional life in France and around the world and, - the alternation of work periods and training periods. Formation, Formation continue, Compagnonnage, Alternance, Métiers, Apprentissage, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

43 22 19 886
ACSEL - L'association de l'économie numérique ACSEL - L'association de l'économie numérique

[Automatic translation follows] Transform the economic potential linked to digital technology and innovation into opportunities for businesses. ACSEL, the digital economy association, brings together stakeholders engaged in digital transformation. Founded thirty years ago, the Association today brings together nearly 200 companies, public organizations from all sectors and partners and works to connect them. A place for exchange and proposals, ACSEL's work addresses digital issues through three guidelines: anticipate, develop and measure. digital transformation, digital economy, and networking

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

94 21 83 22
Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises

[Automatic translation follows] The network of actors who act for a responsible company. The CSR Observatory is a multi-stakeholder association that supports companies’ CSR strategies. L’Orse is chaired by Hélène Valade. Orse is a member of the CSR Platform, CSR Europe, and the Institute of Sustainable Finance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

59 6 54 14
The Shift Project The Shift Project

Think tank qui œuvre en faveur d’une économie libérée de la contrainte carbone The Shift Project is an innovative entity, an interface between businesses, the academic world, civil society, and public and institutional authorities. Comprising a multidisciplinary team and a network of experts, this independent structure assembles and debates proposals accompanied by initiatives or measures that focus on managing the transition to a post-carbon world. In practice, these proposals stem from economic and scientific research or summary reports on the issues surrounding the climate and energy, using a concrete and pragmatic approach that puts the laws of physics above human …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

67 46 20 128
Comité 21 Comité 21

[Automatic translation follows] 1st multi-stakeholder network for sustainable development Comité 21 is the first network of stakeholders involved in the operational implementation of sustainable development in France. Its mission is to create the conditions for exchange and partnership between its members from all sectors so that they can take ownership of and implement, together, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the territorial level. Composed of four colleges, it brings together the stakeholders concerned in France: companies, communities, associations, institutions, higher education establishments and the media. This network of nearly 500 members bases its action on multi-stakeholder partnership and concrete action. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

94 23 63 36
CPME nationale CPME nationale

[Automatic translation follows] The preferred network for entrepreneurs The CGPME, General Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises, is an interprofessional, private and independent employers' organization, whose representativeness is officially recognized. It ensures the representation and defense of all small and medium-sized businesses, all sectors combined (industry, commerce, services, crafts), at the national level, both with public authorities and social partners, as well as at the international level. . It brings together both professional federations and interprofessional territorial structures.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

131 52 53 2
McPhy McPhy

Driving clean energy forward | Concepteur fabricant d'équipements de production & distribution d'hydrogène bas-carbone As a leading "pure player" McPhy designs and manufactures a range of hydrogen production and valorization equipment, including electrolyzers built on robust and proven technology: pressurized alkaline electrolysis. ▶ Who are we? More than 265 highly experienced, multi-skilled employees today contribute to carrying out complex projects representing numerous technological, industrial, environmental and economic challenges. ▶ What values are driving us? • Innovating for low-carbon & clean energies • Adapting, being agile & solution-driven • Committing to sustainable achievements • Caring, respect people & ideas, support each …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

56 11 53 269
Sogaris Sogaris

[Automatic translation follows] We create innovative spaces dedicated to #UrbanLogistics to deliver the #SustainableCity! 📦 Warehouses and factories have long left the fold of the modern city. A guarantee of quality of life over the past century, this movement today comes up against the reality of new lifestyles in the city: explosion of online commerce, rise of alternative modes of travel to the private car, demand for proximity , etc. ✊ It is in this context that we believe the return of logistics to the city is essential. 📣 Our project is the development of a mesh network of logistics …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

40 7 25 83
SIDI (Solidarité Internationale pour le Développement et l'Investissement) SIDI (Solidarité Internationale pour le Développement et l'Investissement)

Make social and patient finance a lever for sustainable transformation Founded in 1983 by CCFD-Terre Solidaire, SIDI (Solidarité Internationale pour le Développement et l'Investissement) is a pioneer of social finance in France. For over 40 years, it has financed and supported economic actors in developping countries, with the aim of improving the living conditions of vulnerable populations excluded from conventional financial circuits, particularly in rural areas. In particular, it supports microfinance institutions, producers' organizations and small and medium-sized businesses with a strong social and environmental impact. In this way, SIDI aims to combat economic inequality and poverty, while addressing the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech civictech

8 1 8 30
Consorto Consorto

Europe's Commercial Real Estate Marketplace: #1 in Sales Listings CRE Deal Sourcing Platform. Tech-driven platform matching investors with commercial real estate in Europe. Connecting vendors, investors and brokers using latest technological solutions. Commercial real estate, technology, Europe, retech, proptech, startup, marketplace, real estate, data, office, hotels, logistics, investments, networking, and connecting

Type: Startup Activities: proptech transporttech Technologies: SaaS

8 0 8 5
Anah Anah

[Automatic translation follows] A territorial response to the challenges of private housing The National Housing Agency (Anah) has the mission of improving the existing private housing stock. It is a public establishment under the supervision of the ministries in charge of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with local authorities, Action and Public Accounts and the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. Anah grants financial aid for conditional work to owner-occupiers, landlords and co-owners in difficulty. It is a partner of local authorities for planned operations (Opah). And state operator in the implementation of national plans. Fight against unworthy and very degraded …

Type: Public

90 38 61 297
Petits Frères des Pauvres Petits Frères des Pauvres

[Automatic translation follows] No to the isolation of our elders Recognized as a public utility, the Petits Frères des Pauvres Association has been fighting since 1946 against the isolation and loneliness of the elderly, primarily the most deprived. Through our actions, we recreate links allowing them to regain a taste for life and be part of the world around them. It is the most important association, with its Foundation and its establishments, specializing in the problems of isolation of the elderly. The Little Brothers of the Poor are also present internationally. Joining the Little Brothers of the Poor means ✔️contribute …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech civictech

92 37 58 628
L'Assurance retraite L'Assurance retraite

[Automatic translation follows] Public service committed to your future Retirement insurance is the leading pension scheme in France, with 20 million contributors and 16 million retirees. The network of retirement insurance employers is made up of the National Retirement Insurance Fund, 15 retirement and occupational health insurance funds (Carsat), 4 general social security funds (CGSS) in the overseas departments and the Social Security Fund (CSS) in Mayotte. Our missions? Support policyholders in preparing for their transition to retirement and then during retirement. To do this, we are carrying out projects to improve our service offerings, digitalize the relationship with our …

Type: Public

59 28 25 6,682

[Automatic translation follows] Facilitator of the Silver economy sector Federator of public and private actors in the Silver economy sector FRANCE SILVER ÉCO aims to bring together and lead the national ecosystem of the Silver economy. Its missions: to promote the development of an innovative industry and a quality economy in the field of technologies serving the sector, to strengthen the Silver economy in the Territories, to support the professionalization of public buyers, and to deploy the French strategy of the Silver economy and the know-how of our players at the European and international level. @francesilvereco For any information: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech

80 12 69 10

Make your data work for you Take control of your real estate assets asset management, development, proptech, web application, property management, fintech, data management, saas, data analysis, data visualization, fund management, lease management, immobilier, real estate, and gestion immobilière

Type: Startup Activities: proptech fintech Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS

50 4 48 65
CCI Haute-Savoie CCI Haute-Savoie

[Automatic translation follows] Serving #businesses and #territories in the department. A company serving businesses and territories... This is how the CCI Haute-Savoie is defined, which brings together 38,600 companies in the department from industry, commerce and services and which welcomes on average, each year, 3,500 creators and buyers. Today more than ever, it gives priority to supporting businesses throughout their life cycle and local communities in their economic development. It provides them, through its network of skills, its services and its specific training, the benchmarks and tools necessary for their growth. For more than 15 years, the CCI Haute-Savoie has …

Type: Public

31 14 17 134
AID Observatoire AID Observatoire

[Automatic translation follows] Firm specializing in commercial urban planning At AID, we work to develop the economic and commercial potential of territories. Our main objective is to provide our clients with quality advice and expertise on all the missions entrusted to us. With over 40 years of experience, we master the requirements and trends of the commercial and urban planning market. Our constantly enriched database allows us for each project to carry out analyzes in parallel with other territories. Our vision on all types of missions is to carry out strategic and operational reflection in the short, medium or long …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city

19 0 17 29
East Games East Games

[Automatic translation follows] The regional association of video game professionals in the Grand Est region The East Games cluster is the bringing together of players in the video game sector sharing the same goal: to develop the video game industry in the Grand Est. Our project is to bring together companies in the sector, in particular to: • Consolidate the economic, social, technological and cultural development of its members • Pool resources, in order to allow everyone to benefit from the presence of others • Achieve global visibility, highlighting the dynamics of the cluster and its supporting partners • Build …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: games

16 2 6 4
Les Interconnectés Les Interconnectés

[Automatic translation follows] Our mission: to support the digital transformation of communities The mission of the Interconnected network is to support the digital transformation of communities through concrete actions based on sharing, collective intelligence and proximity to the user. The first national association for the dissemination of digital uses and innovations serving the territories, a reference point for the State, we are both an exchange platform, a resource center and a sharing space. Created in 2009 by Urban France and Intercommunalités de France, the Interconnected network has several missions which are all commitments: • support territories strategically and operationally in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city it services

100 42 63 5
Revue Banque Revue Banque

[Automatic translation follows] Leading press actor in the banking and financial sector La Revue Banque offers a diverse range of content and services for professionals in Banking, Finance and Insurance: - La Presse, publisher of Revue Banque, Banque & Droit, as well as their special editions, is a leading press player in the banking and financial sector. Dive into specialized content, rich in analysis and expertise, to stay at the forefront of your field. - Events organize meetings to interact with professionals in the sector, providing learning and networking opportunities. Stay informed on major issues in the financial sector while …

Type: Media

44 11 34 33

[Automatic translation follows] Training ecosystem (initial and professional) unique in France. Y SCHOOLS is an ecosystem built around the Grande École Program, ranging from a 2nd Chance School to a Doctoral School (in collaboration with the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne), and from management to design, including tourism , international and the paramedical/social sector. Created in 1992, the school has become a unique training center, through its development and its model. Initial training, Professional training, Management, Tourism, Design, Paramedical, Social, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 7 28 345
BE 5.0 Salon Industries du Futur à Mulhouse (Grand Est) BE 5.0 Salon Industries du Futur à Mulhouse (Grand Est)

[Automatic translation follows] Get ahead! BE 5.0 is the trinational meeting of industry 5.0 (solutions, innovations, training, etc.)! Organized with the support of the Grand Est Region, Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération, the BE 5.0 exhibition ( will bring together, on November 26 and 27, 2024, European manufacturers seeking to source innovations and technologies to meet the strategic challenge of the transformation of value chains. More than 4,000 visitors are expected. BE 5.0 is a trinational hybrid event bringing together French, German and Swiss solution providers. It illustrates the richness of cross-border dynamics put at the service of the industry of the …

Type: Event

60 27 48 2
Le Point Le Point

Faites le point sur l'actualité et lisez le journal en avant-première. ⬇️ 1€ le 1er mois : A general information French news magazine, based in Paris, France. It relied on its ability to redefine the genre. It modelled itself closely on magazines owned by other news magazine : Time Magazine and Newsweek. It is currently owned by François Pinault. Presse écrite and Presse web

Type: Media

200 94 129 587

[Automatic translation follows] Parisian cultural park La Villette combines arts, culture and biodiversity in an urban environment. Conducting an active policy of support for creation and distribution, La Villette promotes, thanks to its programming, the meeting between public and professionals around all artistic practices. The program covers all fields of live performance. Music, theatre, circus, dance and cinema - with recognized expertise in urban cultures and popular arts. Recurring events punctuate each cultural season, such as Open Air Cinema, Freestyle, Plaine d'artistes or Jazz à la Villette. Arts & recreation, Cultural programming, Urban park, and Performance and concert hall

Type: SMB Activities: arttech

28 8 21 333
Hodéfi Hodéfi

[Automatic translation follows] Start-up partner for innovative companies in the Hauts de France region. A player in financing innovation in Hauts-de-France, Hodéfi supports and finances around thirty startups per year in the seed phase. Hodéfi provides: - An expertise : The operational team assesses the eligibility and economic feasibility of the project, validates the business plan and mobilizes its network of specialized experts, made up of around a hundred members in various areas of expertise. The creator is thus challenged throughout the expertise phase! - An honorary seed loan: Hodéfi finances startups in the form of an honorary loan, which …

Type: Incubators & VCs

23 5 19 23
Club des Entreprises de Bordeaux Club des Entreprises de Bordeaux

[Automatic translation follows] Link builder! A key player in Bordeaux economic life, the Bordeaux Business Club is an environment which allows each of its members to create links essential to their professional success, to the realization of their dream. 💡Our Club has 360 member companies, representing 25,000 employees. We offer around a hundred events per year, as well as thematic workshops (Economic Development, Sustainable Development, Employment and Managerial Innovations, Attractiveness - Innovations and Territory, Communication, Club Life, Patronage, etc.). ➡️ Don't hesitate to join a dynamic and friendly Club to share moments together with ease! sustainable development, economic development, welcoming …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 1 14 12
Plateau Urbain Plateau Urbain

[Automatic translation follows] Cooperative serving the common city Plateau Urbain is a solidarity real estate and transitional and temporary urban planning cooperative that offers affordable workspaces and, when possible, emergency accommodation solutions in lively, creative third places with a social vocation. and solidarity, in Île-de-France and in several metropolises (Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille). It also carries out consulting and support activities throughout France. Ephemeral occupations, Alternative business model, Support for emerging projects, Local economic development for citizens, and Animation and open programming in pre-project

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

69 23 43 98
Louvre Banque Privée Louvre Banque Privée

[Automatic translation follows] Louvre Banque Privée mobilizes its expertise every day to serve your assets. Louvre Banque Privée, created in 1963 and a subsidiary of La Banque Postale, offers a global offering aimed at a wealthier clientele of families, business leaders, executives and family offices. Unique in its private banking model anchored in the territories, Louvre Banque Privée is present in more than 90 cities in mainland France and DROM-COM. Louvre Banque Privée offers its clients its different areas of expertise: - heritage engineering - wealth management - management under 100% ESG mandate - heritage financing solutions - direct real …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech proptech

17 4 13 643
Immoweek Immoweek

[Automatic translation follows] All B2B Real Estate information - News & Real Estate Connections Created by Pascal Bonnefille and Valérie Garnier, the Immoweek group (at the time PBO Initiatives Presse) started from a double observation: the need for real estate professionals (both tertiary and residential) to have information tools essential to their development, but also to make themselves better known and present a positive image of the sector, corresponding to the tremendous professionalization effort made then, and since then. Immoweek is the press company dedicated to informing real estate professionals. From paper (magazine) to the internet with the daily newspaper …

Type: Media

35 16 25 9
Habitat et Humanisme Habitat et Humanisme

[Automatic translation follows] Acting for housing and integration of people in difficulty 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏻 For more than 36 years, to respond to the exclusion and isolation of people in difficulty, Habitat et Humanisme has been working in favor of housing, integration and the recreation of social ties. 🧰 Resolutely focused on innovation, the Movement has developed economic tools with a social vocation, to finance and carry out its action. Habitat et Humanisme’s mission is to: ✔️ Allow people with low resources, who are vulnerable due to their social situation, age, disability or health, to access a housing solution adapted to their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

124 44 87 1,100
FAIR - Label Finansol FAIR - Label Finansol

[Automatic translation follows] FAIR aspires to an economy that places people at the center of their development and acts in France and internationally The Finansol association, a collective of solidarity finance players, aims to promote solidarity savings and solidarity finance. Please note, we have noticed that malicious people are pretending to be Finansol or one of its managers by sending fraudulent emails: this is identity theft, Finansol is not a financing organization.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

90 28 72 59

The 1st sustainable furniture brand II Exclusive, handcrafted and ultra creative. For the past 5 years, FOR ME LAB has been working to make handcrafted tailor-made products more accessible and to put the human being back at the center of our lives and our interiors. After several years spent in fashion and cosmetics high-end companies, Jordane and Geraldine took the plunge in 2016 with the creation of FOR ME LAB and thus gave a new meaning to their daily lives by focusing on the beautiful, the unique and the responsible. Since then, the adventure has not stopped evolving. Specializing in …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce Technologies: Bio sourced materials

6 0 6 17
La 27e Région La 27e Région

[Automatic translation follows] Public Transformation Laboratory The 27th Region is developing desirable futures for public action. It is a public transformation laboratory, made up in an independent association, which offers a multidisciplinary, reflective and experimental space. Convinced of the importance of reintroducing experimentation and trial and error into public action, we test new services, tools, methods and organizational methods with administrations. We mobilize concepts inspired by design, social sciences and alternative movements (do-it-yourself, free culture, popular education). The 27th region relies on a community of practitioners and agents across France, who share and extend its approaches. Through projects and events, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

37 10 25 10
La Mednum La Mednum

[Automatic translation follows] The national cooperative of digital mediation players The Collective Interest Cooperative Society La Mednum was born from the desire of professionals in social innovation and digital mediation to pool their efforts to make digital technologies a factor of progress, inclusion and empowerment for all. Our structure works to deploy a pooling of services and the support of common projects across the entire territory. This cooperative brings together more than 140 members of a wide diversity: startups, social and solidarity economy companies, associations, the State, local authorities, etc. In addition to existing local initiatives, this structure makes it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

52 17 35 17
DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique

[Automatic translation follows] State HR Official page of the General Directorate of Administration and Civil Service - State HRD. Find us on and on Twitter: public service account @dgafp .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................ The general directorate of administration and civil service has the mission of designing and implementing an overall civil service policy in the field of human resources.

Type: Public

38 22 19 6,357
Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC) Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC)

[Automatic translation follows] Cinema, TV series, video games, digital creation. Discover behind the scenes. Cinema, audiovisual, video games: the National Center for Cinema and Animated Images supports projects, supports the sectors and finances the creators of today and tomorrow. Cinema, Audiovisual, Video, Video game, New media, creation, series, and TV

Type: Public

81 51 20 637
Etalab - Service du Premier ministre Etalab - Service du Premier ministre

[Automatic translation follows] “Chief Data Officer” of the State, in charge of public data policy, algorithms and source codes Prime Minister's Department in charge of open data and open government. Within the General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action, Etalab coordinates government action on open data, develops and administers the portal and supports the reuse of public data. Open Data, Open Government, Datasciences, chief data officer, artificial intelligence, AI, Algorithms, open source, and digital commons

Type: Public

93 24 57 21
Conseil d'Etat Conseil d'Etat

Conseiller les pouvoirs publics - Juger les litiges entre les citoyens et l'administration In France, the Conseil d'État (English: Council of State) is an organ of the French national government. Its functions include assisting the executive with legal advice and being the supreme court for administrative justice. Its members are (for the most part) high level jurists. Administrative justice

Type: Public

50 28 20 1,334
Assemblée nationale Assemblée nationale

[Automatic translation follows] Liberty, Equality, Fraternity The National Assembly is the heart of French democracy. 577 deputies are elected every five years to represent the French people, legislate and control the action of the Government. Three main categories of staff work in their service: civil servants, parliamentary collaborators and those from political groups. The civil servants of the National Assembly, numbering around 1,300, are recruited by competitive examination and carry out very diverse professions. In compliance with the principle of separation of powers, their autonomous status is set by the Bureau of the Assembly. Civil servants are assigned either to …

Type: Public

234 173 52 2,232

[Automatic translation follows] Neutral and independent organization. Our mission: citizen participation and mobilization in the service of society is a neutral and independent organization whose mission is to engage citizens and mobilize all of civil society to positively transform society. We have developed a massive consultation method, capable of reaching several million people: - We are initiating citizen consultations to respond to the key issues facing society (the “Great Causes”): fighting against violence against women and children, allowing everyone to eat better, have access to culture, taking action to the environment and for the territories, giving a chance to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

97 36 76 54

[Automatic translation follows] For 20 years, the EBG has been the main French think tank on digital innovation. With 660 member brands, or more than 110,000 active professionals, the EBG has been the main French think-tank on digital innovation for 20 years. digital, innovation, and think tank

Type: Media

128 32 104 227
Acteurs publics Acteurs publics

[Automatic translation follows] Public Actors is a media specialized in information and services dedicated to public actors. Public actors: At the heart of the State, in the territories, alongside all those who act in the public sphere, the editorial staff of Public Actors deciphers, analyzes and comments on public policies. Acteurs publics publishes the daily Acteurs publics Newsletter (200,000 recipients) and the monthly Acteurs publics (circulation 15,000 copies). Public Actors also organizes the Public Actors Meetings Written press, Online press, Web TV, Events, and Studies

Type: Media

108 51 75 116
Affiches Parisiennes Affiches Parisiennes

[Automatic translation follows] Political and general information press (IPG) Posteres Parisiennes is a weekly newspaper of legal announcements and legal information, headquartered in Paris. It is authorized to publish legal announcements in the departments of Paris (75), Hauts-de-Seine (92), Seine-Saint-Denis (93) and Val-de-Marne (94). The Posteres Parisiennes newspaper appears Tuesday and Friday, it is distributed by subscription, or by number at the newspaper's headquarters, 15 rue du Louvre in Paris (1st ardt). It publishes not only the legal announcements of companies, but also notices of all sales of real estate by auction in departments 75, 92, 93 and 94. Tables …

Type: Media

115 41 123 9

[Automatic translation follows] The Association of financial professionals serving businesses in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Lyon Place Financière aims to be a pool of high-level skills and thus highlight the diversity and expertise of finance, service and training professionals among entrepreneurs and investors. Lyon Place Financière occupies a special place in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, as a crossroads for exchanges between representatives of finance and the tertiary sector: Institutions, communities, representatives of organizations, academics find here a privileged ground for cross-reflection with private actors . To do this, it relies on a strong representativeness of professionals, a desire for ecumenism and an ethic of neutrality. It …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

60 14 49 14
Ville de Rueil-Malmaison Ville de Rueil-Malmaison

[Automatic translation follows] Rueil-Malmaison is the city where life is good. Equipped with a high-quality living environment, it assiduously strives to maintain its human dimension and its conviviality as well as its harmonious distribution between green spaces, homes and offices. Rueil-Malmaison has managed to preserve a rich commercial fabric, with numerous local shops and various brands. It is also a city with strong economic development and strong attractiveness, which attracts each year large groups who come to set up there (Novartis, Unilever and soon Danone), but also many VSEs and SMEs. Rueil-Malmaison has also, since 2016, been included in the …

Type: Public

44 17 30 453
Option Finance Option Finance

Le media de référence des professionnels de la finance A PROPOS DU GROUPE OPTION FINANCE Avec ses différentes publications, le Groupe Option Finance est le seul groupe de presse à destination de l’ensemble des professionnels de la finance, de l'assurance et du droit des affaires. L’hebdomadaire Option Finance, se présente comme un véritable trait d’union entre les entreprises et la communauté financière depuis plus de 20 ans. Dédié à la présentation et l’analyse des grandes évolutions de la finance, aux innovations et montages financiers, aux problématiques de gestion des entreprises ainsi qu’à l’actualité de la communauté financière et de la …

Type: Media

92 34 68 59
European Investment Bank (EIB) European Investment Bank (EIB)

The EU Bank supports sustainable investment for people and the planet and works to improve lives. We provide finance and expertise for sustainable investment projects that contribute to EU policy objectives and make a strong impact on people’s lives in Europe and beyond. The EU's bank The EIB is the European Union's bank. We are the only bank owned by and representing the interests of the European Union Member States. We work closely with other EU institutions to implement EU policy. A major player As the largest multilateral borrower and lender by volume, we provide finance and expertise for sound …

Type: Incubators & VCs

73 55 16 4,635
AFM-Téléthon AFM-Téléthon

[Automatic translation follows] The struggle of parents, the lives of children The AFM-Téléthon is an association of parents and patients who lead a tireless fight against rare and seriously disabling genetic diseases. ► An association of activists, patients and parents of patients engaged in the fight against rare genetic diseases that kill muscle after muscle, neuromuscular diseases. ► The AFM-Téléthon was born from a conviction and a desire: to cure diseases long considered incurable. To succeed, it has set itself a golden rule: rigor and efficiency. ► Within the AFM-Téléthon, volunteers and employees come together to implement a strategy guided …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech deeptech

35 24 9 593
Sénat Sénat

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the Senate, upper house of the French Parliament The upper house of Parliament represents local authorities and sits at the Palais du Luxembourg. The Senate votes on the law, controls the action of the Government and evaluates public policies. He can modify the Constitution jointly with the National Assembly. The 348 senators are elected by indirect universal suffrage for a mandate of 6 years. Nearly 1,300 civil servants and contract workers assist senators on a daily basis in carrying out their mandate. Find legislative information for all professionals on this page.

Type: Public

79 49 32 2,386
Le Télégramme Le Télégramme

[Automatic translation follows] Regional daily information newspaper for the municipalities of Brittany. Live news from Brest, Rennes, Quimper, Lorient and more A regional daily founded in 1944 at the tip of Brittany, Le Télégramme today occupies 5th place among the titles of the regional daily press. The news newspaper gradually transformed into a multimedia information company: paper, web, television, mobile. Voted best French daily newspaper at the Grand Prix des Médias in 2015, it is one of 10 French press titles and one of only two regional press titles which obtained the maximum score of 100 out of 100 in …

Type: Media

69 29 50 640
Syntec Ingenierie Syntec Ingenierie

Impulsons ensemble les grandes transitions ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ingénierie, Bâtiment, Infrastructures, Environnement, Industries, Conseil en technologie, and Géotechniciens

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

70 16 58 49
Oryon Oryon

[Automatic translation follows] Dare - Innovate - Invest - Get involved Oryon is the economic development agency of La Roche-sur-Yon Agglomération. It employs 50 employees around 3 divisions, organized with the objective of regional development. Its missions revolve around economic development, housing and urban projects but also real estate management. The transversality of its professions gives it strength and credibility on many projects. Furthermore, its clients, elected officials and businesses, regularly renew their trust in it. Housing, Real estate management, Social landlord, Project management assistance, Business establishment, Financing solutions, economic development, urban projects, construction, events, housing, Corporate real estate, Office …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

23 12 3 59
La Croix La Croix

[Automatic translation follows] And tomorrow will be just as surprising Subscribe to this page to discover the contents of the La Croix newspaper. Title of the Bayard group, we are a national daily general information newspaper. We take a human and Christian look at current events. To subscribe: Journalism, Media, Online press, Written press, Internet, Video, Ethics, news, news, podcasts, information, journalist, media, news, and daily

Type: Media

25 19 8 264
ANR, the French National Research Agency ANR, the French National Research Agency

ANR provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science - for both basic and applied research - to public research organisations and universities, as well as to private companies (including SMEs). Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews compliant with international standards, ANR provides the scientific community with instruments and programmes promoting creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between academia and industry. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world. Since 2010, ANR has also been the lead manager of the …

Type: Public

91 64 32 536
BGE Hauts de France BGE Hauts de France

[Automatic translation follows] Helping entrepreneurs succeed in Hauts-de-France More than 400,000 businesses have been created in France with the help of the BGE network for over 40 years. This experience with business creators has allowed us to model the key success factors for your project. * Prepare well, train * Equip yourself well and finance your project * Mobilize networks around your project * Develop your entrepreneurial posture (ability to bounce back, curiosity, etc.) BGE has a team of professionals specializing in entrepreneurial project management. Close to you, they have very good knowledge of your territory. They also rely on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech fintech

17 3 14 205
Cholet, Ville et Agglomération Cholet, Ville et Agglomération

[Automatic translation follows] Economic and employment news from Choletais. Discover the economic and employment news of the City of Cholet and Cholet Agglomération Moderation charter:

Type: Public

12 7 5 164
Pims Pims

Manage the sales and marketing of your events the right way! Pims helps organisers in the marketing of their events (live shows, sports events, exhibitions, congress). Fill your events, reach your financial targets while spending smartly in marketing. événement, spectacle vivant, stratégie commerciale, stratégie marketing, suivi billetterie, suivi communication, aide à la décision, reporting, concert, billetterie, spectacle, producteurs, sport, ticketing, culture, crm, évènementiel, festival, promoteur, diffuseur, arts vivants, pointage, théatre, musique, scène, humour, divertissement, and loisirs

Type: Startup Activities: martech

5 1 4 36
Fondation USMB Fondation USMB

[Automatic translation follows] Let's dare a future of possibilities. Let's dare a future of possibilities. The Savoie Mont Blanc University Foundation's mission is to promote forward-looking thinking and support strategic projects for our future. Our ambition is to support societal transformation, for the benefit of the international leadership of the region and its stakeholders. Around the themes of Industry and Service 4.0 and Environmental Transition, we offer creativity spaces “Innovation Circles”, in which collaboration takes on meaning and particular effectiveness. Thanks to the support of our Founding members and partners, we finance research and training projects and enable the development …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

11 3 9 10
Vendée Numérique Vendée Numérique

[Automatic translation follows] The deployment of high and very high speed networks for all Vendée residents Vendée Numérique is a Public Interest Group responsible for developing high and very high speed broadband for Vendée residents and economic players. Deployment of optical fiber in Vendée and Development of Very High Speed

Type: Public Activities: telecommunications

18 5 9 13

What I Do, I understanD Experts in virtual reality, data science, and pedagogy, WiDiD supports organizations in their skill development and training projects. 🚀 We are the publishers of WiDiD Immersive: the platform that combines Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence to maximize educational effectiveness for learners. 🧠 WiDiD Immersive allows each individual to develop their skills through practice, whether independently or with the help of a trainer, with the goal of professional fulfillment. 😇 Contact us at or at 👈🏻 learning, VR, Conseil, Formation, apprentissage, Gamification, Immersive learning, training, réalité virtuelle, and learner

Type: Startup Activities: edtech games Technologies: VR

19 4 14 8

[Automatic translation follows] Develop, promote and lead the operational and financial strategy of urban and real estate projects VILLE EN ŒUVRE supports public and private actors in the development and management of operational and financial development strategies for urban and real estate projects. We are economists, urban planners, financiers, programmers, lawyers and engineers, passionate about the economic, legal and organizational issues of urban planning, and convinced that they represent one of the major strategic levers for building the sustainable city we need! The DNA of Ville en Œuvre is to remove operational, legal and financial questions from an instrumental posture, …

Type: Public Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 0 7 11
ANPP - Territoires de projet ANPP - Territoires de projet

[Automatic translation follows] ANPP - Project Territories, created in 1997, is a 1901 law association, whose purpose is to support the expression and good practice of Countries/PETRs, LAGs and their Development Councils. As such, the association ensures a triple mission of representation to public authorities and private actors, coordination of the network and support for its members by offering proactive monitoring of territorial news, in the form of daily information . In 2023, the 268 project territories cover 62% of the territory, for 49% of the French population, in mainland France and overseas. ANPP is also on Facebook: and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

44 9 6 11
Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT)

[Automatic translation follows] The MOT, serving cross-border territories: assistance, networking and reporting of needs. WHAT IS THE WORD? The Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) is an association created in 1997 by the French government. It is supported at the national level by: - the General Commission for Territorial Equality (CGET), - the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and International Development, the Interior and Overseas Territories, - the Caisse des Dépôts. The MOT network also brings together stakeholders from border areas: - 13 cross-border intercommunities - 4 Municipalities - 13 groups of municipalities and communities - 5 Departments - 11 Regions, Counties etc. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: telecommunications

28 5 27 13

[Automatic translation follows] Forum of experts in France, sharing best practices and contributing to Payments in Europe A unique forum for exchanges and meetings. We are an active non-profit association under the 1901 law. 60 member companies and independent experts representing players in the payment industry: expert consultants, digital services companies, fintech, banks and credit and electronic money institutions 1 council and 11 working groups allow members to share and participate in the development of useful work for the sector. The groups present a report of their work each month. This Forum aims, in support of the orientations, decisions …

Type: Media

17 2 17 12
Sto France Sto France

[Automatic translation follows] Building responsibly Sto France is the French leader in ITE and develops innovative products and systems for facade renovation and cladding. Our mission: Build responsibly. Our employees work daily to preserve the value and aesthetics of buildings and constructions. To find out more about the processing of your personal data: Building, Renovation, Exterior Thermal Insulation, Modeling, and Cladding

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

22 2 20 218

[Automatic translation follows] Augmented and Virtual Reality Agency “Help everyone to visualize and share the reality of their projects” For 20 years, ARTEFACTO’s DNA has been “Helping everyone visualize and share the reality of their projects”. Created in 1998 by two trained architects, we specialize in augmented reality, virtual reality and 3D visualization serving sectors as varied as architecture/urban planning, real estate, industry and training. Our production activity, which complements that of R&D, differentiates us from many purely technological players: our particularly qualified computer graphics designers produce very realistically rendered content to satisfy our most demanding customers. As an extension …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: VR

23 6 14 154
Easis Consulting Easis Consulting

[Automatic translation follows] Our job: decide and work differently with digital! Easis is a consulting firm specializing in new digital management solutions. We help our clients innovate, accelerate their "digital transformation" and gain agility. We are a stakeholder in the development of e-Health, and more generally in the new transformations induced by digital technology. Organizational management, e-Health, Health innovation, Master plans and IS, Telemedicine, Project Portfolio Management, Transformation strategy, Transformation engineering, Enterprise architecture, Solution integration, and Change management

Type: Startup Activities: consulting

35 1 35 37
Le Moulin Digital Le Moulin Digital

[Automatic translation follows] A place for exchange, innovation and coworking. Supporting the digital transition of VSEs and SMEs Le Moulin Digital supports Drôme businesses in the digital transition through various workshops and events. It is a place for exchanges and innovations but also a coworking space. It runs the network of third places in Drôme Cédille.Pro (25 coworking spaces) through events and various projects. Le Moulin Digital helps you take advantage of digital technology to: - develop your business - launch your future entrepreneurial project - invent new projects - work differently - to be inspired - discover local talents …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

37 4 33 13
Association COSMED Association COSMED

[Automatic translation follows] First network of companies in the cosmetics sector in France JOIN the leading network of companies in the cosmetics sector in France. Created in 2000, the Cosmed Professional Association was born from the desire of VSE-SMEs to be represented and heard by the French and European authorities in charge of the cosmetics sector. joining Cosmed means: - INTEGRATING A NETWORK that promotes relationships between all players in the cosmetics industry. Cosmed brings together 1010 companies representing all professions in the cosmetics sector: own brands, manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, expertise and testing laboratories, consultants, training, etc. Made up of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cosmetics cleantech

29 2 28 23
ARIA Hauts-de-France ARIA Hauts-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] ARIA Hauts-de-France increases the competitiveness of companies in the automotive sector through targeted actions. For 25 years, ARIA Hauts-de-France has contributed to the development and sustainability of regional companies in the automotive sector, of which it represents the majority of players (manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, universities, schools, consultants, etc.). Promoting continuous improvement of performance and adaptation to market developments, ARIA develops and promotes a collective and individual action plan led by professionals in the field. Support, Network, Project setup, Business development, Competitiveness, marketing, communication, CSR, Operational excellence, Industry 4.0, industriadufutur, Training, Management, Lean, and Manufacturing

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

61 13 59 16
GÉROND'IF, gérontopôle d'Île-de-France GÉROND'IF, gérontopôle d'Île-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Enlighten, prevent, raise awareness, innovate around aging Gérond’if, the gerontopole serving seniors in Île-de-France! The Île-de-France gerontopôle is a non-profit association, created in 2016. It constitutes a regional center for promoting excellence and innovation in geriatrics and gerontology. Gérond’if collaboratively brings together aging stakeholders in order to boost research, innovation, industrial development and training in these fields. It thus brings together multidisciplinary skills around the issue of aging well. Gérond'if is an association of general interest, qualiopi certified and elected European reference site for active and healthy aging by the European Commission. He was also a holder …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech edtech

32 5 27 20

Dématérialisez & fluidifiez votre gouvernance #legaltech #Frenchtech La poste FrenchIoT ConnectHers by BNP-Paribas SISTA Manage your shareholders in a few clicks ! legaltech, frenchtech, assembléesgénérales, Regtech, Fintech, Actionnaire, and Actionnariat

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech fintech regtech Technologies: SaaS

57 7 52 5

Natural solutions to microplastics Lactips is a fast growing company based on a patented technology. Lactips offers a cold water soluble bioplastic (films, bags, cold hydrosoluble material for 3D printers, etc.) manufactured from milk proteins, instead of petrol. The solutions/products could be edible or inedible.! Lactips the milky way of the plastics Emballage hydrosoluble, Emballage comestible, Détergence, Emballage imprimable, Emballage biodégradable, Water soluble wrapping, Edible wrapping, Printing wrapping, Biodegradable wrapping, Detergent product, Biosourcé, Biosourced, Granulés thermoplastiques, and Thermoplastic pellets

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing Bio sourced materials

39 19 20 50
Planisware Planisware

Make Vision Reality Planisware is a global provider of software solutions for project portfolio management. Planisware solutions are specifically designed to support product development, engineering and IT business processes. For more than 25 years, Planisware has been helping its customers to achieve strategic and innovative excellence, make valid business decisions and increase portfolio value. Today, over 1000 companies worldwide rely on Planisware products to manage their projects, resources and portfolios. Planisware Enterprise and Planisware Orchestra are two PPM software solutions listed as leaders in Gartner's Magic Quadrant. PPM, EPM, PLM, PSA, PMO, CMMS, new product development planning, program management, product …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

18 3 8 642
Master 2 Droit public de l'économie — Université Panthéon-Assas Master 2 Droit public de l'économie — Université Panthéon-Assas

[Automatic translation follows] Created more than 20 years ago, the Master of Public Economic Law is undoubtedly one of the diplomas best recognized by professional circles in the field of public business law. Open to the economic and legal challenges of tomorrow, the Master trains 25 to 30 young professionals each year. Our ambition: to train excellent professionals, immediately operational, experts in their field of expertise, astute and rigorous in their approach to public business law.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: legaltech

6 0 6 1
Fondation pour le droit continental Fondation pour le droit continental

[Automatic translation follows] European and international legal think tank Recognized as a public utility, our Foundation has for more than 10 years brought together public and private actors from the legal and economic world who together wish to promote and increase the influence of continental law in Europe and internationally. Our Foundation has thus established itself as an influential organization, capable of creating a global network of experts and organizing large-scale events around law and economics. It mainly pursues three objectives: -Enhance the attractiveness of our continent by improving the attractiveness of our law and our legal system. -Provide innovative …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

15 8 14 13
Un rôle à jouer, Théâtre d'entreprise, Vidéo & Formation Un rôle à jouer, Théâtre d'entreprise, Vidéo & Formation

[Automatic translation follows] Theater, video and training, serving the players in your company. A role to play: corporate theater, video and training. The aim of corporate theater is to raise awareness, free employees' voices and mobilize them on concrete subjects linked to professional life. Our theater, “reflecting mirror of the world of work” helps to stimulate reflection in and about the world of work; and thus serve as a starting point for exchanges, training or workshops. We work on topics such as: - management, - customer relations, - prevention of RPS, - prevention of addictions, - fight against sexism and …

Type: SMB Activities: arttech edtech fintech

11 3 10 20

[Automatic translation follows] Consulting specialists in media strategy, adtech and data marketing, we support brands on all the challenges of transforming their communication. Born from digital, we are expanding the use of data to all media. Display, Search, SEO, SEM, SMO, Affiliation, Emailing, Community, RTB on Adexchanges, RP 2.0, RP, and Social Media

Type: Media

14 1 9 62

Your business is our business BERSAY is a French business law firm with a strong international focus. The firm advises French and foreign clients ranging from multinational corporations to small and mid-size businesses. Created in 1995, Bersay delivers the highest standard of service, which is the very essence of the firm’s commitment to its clients. Specialists in their respective fields of expertise, the lawyers of the firm act and advise in the main sectors of business law*. They work in close cooperation to find the tailored solutions which best meet their clients’ needs, demonstrating dedication, determination and responsiveness. * Fields …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech proptech Technologies: Data Analytics

12 1 7 64
Gino LegalTech Gino LegalTech

Optimise Contract Lifecycle Management and organise the sharing of contractual information Who are we? 📢 Gino LegalTech is a French LegalTech, member of France Digitale, and a key player in the digital transformation of companies. The Gino solution, designed and developed by the company's teams, enables the management and automation of the entire contract lifecycle management 💥. Referenced by UGAP, Gino is already deployed in French and international companies and many law firms. Gino LegalTech is a member of the Microsoft for Startups program and benefits from Microsoft Co-Sell Ready status Partner 😃. Our vision 🚀 ⏩ Technologies are rapidly …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech it services Technologies: A.I.

44 6 44 26
Gide Loyrette Nouel Gide Loyrette Nouel

International law firm Gide is a leading international law firm and the first to have originated in France. Founded in Paris in 1920, the firm now operates from 11 offices worldwide. It has 500 lawyers, including over one hundred partners, drawn from 35 different nationalities. Gide offers some of the most respected specialists in each of the various sectors of national and international business law. We offer legal advice and assistance across a broad spectrum of disciplines to businesses, public and private sector institutions, investment funds and governments. Wherever we work in the world, be it Western Europe, Central and …

Type: Large company Activities: fintech legaltech

80 21 56 1,123