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[Automatic translation follows] Business expertise at the service of our customers. An actuarial consulting company, PRIM'ACT works with insurance and reinsurance companies or mutuals, provident institutes, banks and businesses in order to support them in carrying out their various strategic and risk management projects. Our values ​​of commitment, rigor, cohesion, sharing and creativity constitute the foundation of our identity. They are shared by all of our employees, and contribute to the collective success of the projects carried out on behalf of our clients. For more information, visit our website: ALM, Inventory, Actuarial science, Insurance, Savings, Retirement, Reinsurance, Climate risk, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

5 0 5 52
L'École de design Nantes Atlantique L'École de design Nantes Atlantique

Design for Creative Innovation - Nantes | Shanghai | Pune | São Paulo | Montréal L'École de design Nantes Atlantique is an higher education institution specialised in design, creation and innovation, managed by the Chambre of Commerce of Nantes (France). The institution offers 5-year curriculum at master level (degree recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education), with major options in graphic design, interaction design, product design and spatial design at undergraduate level (BDes). Topic related Master's programs (MDes) are open to international students in the following fields : Transcultural Design, Social Design, Environmental Design, Information Design, Food Design & Brand, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech uxtech

55 18 38 469

Energy for action VALOREM is a green energy operator created in 1994 which started off as a pioneer in the development of wind energy in France. Over the years, VALOREM has branched out into a variety of other activities and become a vertically integrated operator specialized in several energies in France and overseas. In 2016, VALOREM finalised an equity financing transaction worth a total amount of €74 million. Still independent, VALOREM welcomed a new lead international investor, 3i Infrastructure plc, joined by local and historical shareholders. VALOREM is certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 for the following activities: prospecting, studying, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

39 12 25 442
Transamo Transamo

[Automatic translation follows] Studies, advice and assistance to project management, Mobility specialist Studies, Consulting and Assistance Company exclusively dedicated to the project management of mobility projects: Quantitative studies, transport modeling and planning, urban studies; Delegated project management and integrated project management assistance; Project management, multi-actor approach management, control of quality, risks, costs and deadlines, administrative procedures, operation arrangements, purchasing strategy and public procurement; Technical expertise in transport systems and equipment, innovation and digital mobility solutions, electro-mobility, new modes of transport; Maintenance and operations engineering, safety, commissioning, training; mobility consulting and studies, project management assistance, transport systems, mobility, energy transition, Smart …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city transporttech Technologies: IoT

17 1 13 128
ACTIVATION conjuguer Chimie et Technologies pour réduire l'empreinte environnementale des procédés ACTIVATION conjuguer Chimie et Technologies pour réduire l'empreinte environnementale des procédés

[Automatic translation follows] Service company created in 2003 specializing in R&D of innovative synthesis processes by catalysis and continuous flow ACTIVATION is a company specializing in the research and development of innovative reaction conditions in fine chemicals. We innovate for the performance and sustainability of your processes along three axes: new reactions, new technologies and renewable raw materials (bio-sourced).

Type: SMB Activities: it services manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

26 1 26 24

Empower your live event Vodalys offers a comprehensive event live streaming platform composed of a cloud-based video studio and a professional web video portal. The solution empowers corporate hybrid and virtual events experience thanks to a complete set of advanced and unique features. It allows organizations to easily create and stream attractive live branded video contents, raise their brands awareness and significantly increase their audience engagement. The solution is deployed by the most prestigious brands worldwide and many major public organizations for their internal or public events. Vodalys is headquartered in Paris and has an office in Rennes, France. Visit …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: SaaS

13 0 13 16
Oodrive Oodrive

Frictionless security to collaborate in confidence Oodrive is Europe's first trusted collaborative suite. More than a million people use Oodrive to collaborate, communicate and streamline their business using transparent tools that guarantee security, sovereignty and compliance. Are you looking for a new professional challenge in a major French tech company? To join our R&D, Product, IT, Marketing, Sales, Security, or HR teams, go to: Cloud Computing, Saas/Cloud, File sharing, Digital trust, Collaboration, Online Backup, Archiving, Sensitive data management, Digital workplace, Data security, Electronic signature, and Private cloud

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

44 10 36 406
Enlarge Your Paris Enlarge Your Paris

[Automatic translation follows] The media of great Parisians Enlarge Your Paris is the first online media dedicated to culture in Greater Paris. It is also a user-friendly advice and assistance agency for local stakeholders ( events, consulting, content production, town planning, and hiking

Type: Media

43 10 39 9
La Lettre de L'Expansion La Lettre de L'Expansion

[Automatic translation follows] Exclusive and confidential: the reference for demanding decision-makers. A weekly from the WanSquare group. La Lettre de l'Expansion is a French weekly magazine, in the form of a confidential letter distributed every Monday morning to its subscribers. The journalists of La Lettre de l'Expansion produce 8 pages each week with often exclusive content, and always rich in value for all those keen to be the first informed of the upheavals in the political and business world. The Expansion Letter is available in e-reader and PDF versions. Following the merger with the online media WanSquare in 2017, all …

Type: Media

78 2 75 3

[Automatic translation follows] The 100% tailor-made and 100% NoCode application creation platform. The DAMAaaS (DAta MANagement as a Service) solution is published by the company INAGUA. DAMAaaS is a platform for creating tailor-made business applications, 100% No Code! - Have you reached the limits of Excel in managing your processes and projects? - Are traditional collaboration tools too complex to implement? - You must quickly deliver a solution for your teams With DAMAaaS you will be able to: - Collaborate with your suppliers, customers and partners (SaaS workflows) - Create documents, forms, contracts on the fly and have them signed …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

11 0 10 21

[Automatic translation follows] Platinium supports you... #diplomatetraining #certifiedtraining #hrservices #professionalinsertion You want to train yourself or your employees❓ Improve your skills❓Increase your employability❓You train for professions that are recruiting❓ Platinium supports you ❗️❗️ 👉 A real player in the #professionaltraining market, since 2009 Platinium has been supporting you in this evolution through its ability to offer you tailor-made training programs. ✔️ These are adapted to your objectives and those of your colleagues. ✔️ In addition, they scrupulously respect the performance of organizations. In carrying out and managing your #training projects, we are able to provide real added value in terms …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 0 7 85
La Biennale de Lyon La Biennale de Lyon

[Automatic translation follows] See you from September 21, 2024 to January 5, 2025 for the next Contemporary Art Biennial! The Lyon Biennale is an association which alternately designs, produces and organizes two major international events: the Dance Biennale in odd years and the Contemporary Art Biennale in even years. Its main missions are: - support for creation and distribution, - artistic training of the public, - the international influence of France and particularly of Lyon and its region, - the animation of the territory.

Type: Event

14 4 10 69
Icohup Icohup

Radioactivité : Réduire les risques et améliorer la sécurité tout en optimisant les coûts d'investissements Icohup aims to develop competitive pollution measurement instruments. The goal is to spread these technologies to consumers and to deploy pollution measurement networks with professionals. We are focused on providing sensors capable of detecting any type of pollution in your environment ! Our first sensor Rium is different from current radioactivity sensors like Geiger counters, dosimeters or radiometers. In addition to its high sensitivity, RIUM is able to provide information such as radioisotopes identification or X-ray spectrum. This process is now achievable thanks to our …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Drones IoT Sensors

23 8 17 13

Industrial Reverse Engineering Our mission : design, develop and deliver solutions for better product and supply chain cybersecurity. Cloud, Edge Computing, IOT, Industry Operations, Software Defined Networking and 5G : software is everywhere. However, does this mean that your software is security-ready ? Do you monitor and control your software supply chain in order to raise security awareness? Moabi helps corporate and institutional organizations to analyze, measure and improve any software security to succeed their digital transformation. Moabi SAAS platform is a scalable, cost efficient and pro-active security solution that performs analysis relying on security standards and tests software, binaries …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: 5G Cybersecurity IoT SaaS

45 10 6 8
BecomTech BecomTech

<Nous aspirons à un monde où chacune et chacun est libre de choisir son avenir/> #BecauseGirlsCan💪 The NGO Wifilles changes name to BECOMTECH! 2018 marks a major turning point in our ambitions to close the gender gap in Technologies Our core business is the introduction to digital and computer science, to open the field of possibilities, to junior and high school girls. More than 100 girls have taken the step. Through our signature program, they launch initiatives to address the issues of their community. They are solving problems, empowering their friends, and defining the future of our world. We’re thrilled …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

56 9 50 76

1 500 collaborateurs en France, avec l'objectif de relier partout, plus vite, les territoires et les Français Working at the very heart of the digital revolution, TDF is developing a multi-format and multi-support terrestrial platform for managing and distributing audio, video and data content to all types of receivers. As a dedicated broadcaster and designer of telecom networks, TDF is positioned at the nexus of the new digital, mobile and multimedia technologies by using all means of transmission: terrestrial, IP, satellite, etc. For years, TDF has been creating innovative solutions, to the point it is now developing tomorrow’s communications, channels …

Type: Large company

35 8 30 1,713
vallois vallois

[Automatic translation follows] Landscape company, specialist in landscaping • 60 years of existence • Subsidiary of Spie batignolles landscape VALLOIS, a subsidiary of the Spie Batignolles Paysage group, is a historic, leading company in the field of landscaping and environmental development. With more than 60 years of existence, VALLOIS today has 8 agency locations in the Greater West (Mirville (76), Saint Hymer (14), Caen (14), Valognes (50), Val de Reuil (27 ), Trappes (78), Servon-sur-Vilaine (35), La Chapelle-sur-Erdre (44). A landscaping company with strong human values, committed to cultivating its know-how, carrying out local landscaping work, from technical study to …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Bio sourced materials

14 2 9 164
MEDEF Île-de-France MEDEF Île-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] 📣"Serving businesses for a Capital region" 📌#MedefIDF #Medef #Business #SME The region's leading professional network, MEDEF Ile-de-France ensures the representation and defense of the interests of Ile-de-France businesses and regional professional unions. As a spokesperson for entrepreneurs, MEDEF Ile-de-France manages more than 3,000 employer mandates (CCI, TC, Industrial Tribunal, Schools, Universities, CESER, CPAM) and ensures the representation of Ile-de-France companies in all economic, social, training and integration institutions. He is the contact person for regional authorities, local authorities and social partners. Place of coordination of specific requests linked to the Ile-de-France economy, the MEDEF Ile-de-France coordinates the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

63 7 58 20
Fédération Syntec Fédération Syntec

[Automatic translation follows] High added value service professions The Syntec Federation represents more than 90,000 companies specializing in the fields of Digital, Engineering, Consulting, Professional Training and Events. It represents 910,000 employees and 120 billion turnover. Employer organization, Collective Agreement, Social, Employment, Professional Training, MEDEF, and National Collective Agreement applicable to Staff of Technical Design Offices, Engineering Consulting Firms and Consulting Companies

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

34 8 23 27

[Automatic translation follows] I have the solution with my CCI! The Touraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry serves 19,000 industrial, commercial companies and service providers in order to develop the economic assets of the Indre et Loire department. Starting a business is an exciting adventure, but it also means facing questions: - I have a creation-resumption project and I need advice - I want to advance my teams, I have difficulty recruiting employees, I am lost in employment support systems - I want to develop my presence on the web, on social networks - I need advice and tools to …

Type: Public

35 9 29 83

[Automatic translation follows] The ADGCF, the Circle of Today’s Territorial Leaders The ADGCF, the Circle of Today’s Territorial Leaders. The ADGCF is historically the national association of general directors and communities of municipalities, urban areas, urban areas and metropolises. It is now open to all project area directors: PETR, SCOT, metropolitan centers, town planning agencies, new municipalities, PNR. The ADGCF is a center of expertise dedicated to the management of territorial policies. The ADGCF is a network of experts who organize reflection on the intercommunal fact and a new territorial grammar. Communities, Territories, Public Policies, and Intercommunality

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

33 6 27 11
CEFCYS - Cercle des Femmes de la CyberSécurité CEFCYS - Cercle des Femmes de la CyberSécurité

[Automatic translation follows] #Cybersecurity Awareness #Education Talent development #Leadership #WomenInTech #CyberWomen #Women CEFCYS is aimed at women and men concerned by cybersecurity professions and issues. Our actions : - Promote and professionalize women's skills through working groups, mentoring programs, publications - Raise awareness among companies, educational partners and recruiters of the importance of gender parity and thus advance the presence and impact of women. - Raise awareness among the general public about cybersecurity, particularly young people, for protection and education in the secure use of digital technology. - Organize and/or participate in events and conferences in France and internationally. 2020 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

54 6 45 28
Cité de la Solidarité Internationale - CSI Cité de la Solidarité Internationale - CSI

[Automatic translation follows] All the news from the cross-border cluster of international solidarity The City of International Solidarity is a Franco-Swiss cross-border platform for International Solidarity actors (NGOs, Businesses, Universities, Communities). As such, it promotes a multi-partner vision of international solidarity and is developing 3 projects in this sense: ◼️ COEXIST: Incubator for NGO-Business partnerships ◼️ COGIT: Resource center on career paths and careers ◼️ COHABIT: Third place of reception and multi-actor support in Greater Geneva International Solidarity, Cluster, Support for project leaders, Development of NGOs, Support for professionalization, Innovation, and Welcome, Information and Orientation

Type: Public

28 0 27 6
France Active Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes France Active Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] Committed entrepreneurs, discover our solutions to accelerate your project! WHO ARE WE ? France Active Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes brings together the 7 associations of the France Active network in the region. France Active is the support and financing network for committed entrepreneurs (creation/takeover of businesses, associations and businesses in the social and solidarity economy) with more than 7,000 businesses supported in 2016 ! Created almost 30 years ago, France Active is a network of financing experts, volunteer business leaders and professionals in entrepreneurship and the social economy and solidarity (accountants, lawyers, bankers, etc.). WHAT IS OUR MISSION ? Helping …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

36 11 32 10
Dynacité Dynacité

[Automatic translation follows] Landlord builder, committed and supportive | Always by your side! Landlord builder in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Dynacité manages more than 27,000 homes, in 241 municipalities and 4 departments (Ain, Rhône, Isère, Saône-et-Loire). Its real estate activities concern development, new construction, rehabilitation, rental and social home ownership. #PropertyForAll Each year, improvement and renovation work on 20% of the stock is undertaken and an average of 500 new homes are built. Dynacité is 75 professions focused on customer relations with 586 employees, more than half of whom work locally in 11 territorial agencies. #AlwaysThereByYourSide Concerned with supporting its employees throughout …

Type: Public Activities: constructiontech proptech

22 8 15 266
CCAH - Comité national Coordination Action Handicap CCAH - Comité national Coordination Action Handicap

[Automatic translation follows] With its members, the CCAH is the leading private financier of disability in France. Place for all - CCAH and its members support project leaders in the disability sector with the aim of improving the daily lives of people with disabilities and promoting living together. Place for all - CCAH draws on its expertise in the sector, the support and financing of more than 3,000 projects to offer training and advice to companies engaged in a disability approach

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

36 5 32 18
Trisomie 21 France Trisomie 21 France

[Automatic translation follows] Together for a more inclusive society! Recognized as being of general interest, Trisomie 21 France is a federation which brings together more than 60 associations in France and Overseas which take concrete action on the ground so that school, employment, health, leisure and all environments, are accessible to all, with or without disabilities. The federation supports children and adults with Down syndrome or intellectual differences and helps them to participate in social life, like everyone else. It promotes the process of self-determination and self-representation of people with Down syndrome or an intellectual difference and supports them in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 4 13 55
La Fabuleuse Cantine La Fabuleuse Cantine

[Automatic translation follows] 🍽 Turn the table over! 🍽 Flip the table We offer you a resilient kitchen, contravention of conventions. The only rule that we strive to cook with creativity and only from unsold local, organic production, and seasonal. 💚 Get together We believe in the unifying power of cooking, this is why you can meet in our places to live in Lyon, Saint-Etienne and La Rochelle. But also in the cultural places that host our counters or again during your private events or professionals. 🌍 Share the right recipe Our recipes are as delicious for you as for …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 5 11 30
Clus'Ter Jura Clus'Ter Jura

[Automatic translation follows] Cooperate to promote the resources of the Pays Lédonien and create sustainable projects and businesses! At Clus'Ter Jura, we believe that cooperation is the lever for the human and economic development of the territory. We seek to create sustainable employment locally by bringing together local stakeholders around an entrepreneurial approach to reveal new opportunities and accelerate their emergence.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

12 1 11 11
Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer

[Automatic translation follows] Cooperative expert, solidarity partner The Regional Union of Scop and Scic of Ile-de-France Centre-Val de Loire, Overseas provides support and advisory missions for its member cooperative companies and assists with all creations of new cooperative companies in its regions. The Regional Union of Scop and Scic benefits from the financial support of the European Union (@European Social Fund +), the @Centre-Val de Loire Region, the @Île-de-France Region and the @City of Paris support, collective, communities, financing, cooperative management, training, association transformation, and social innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

44 1 42 8
LISIO Web Engagé 🌍 LISIO Web Engagé 🌍

Let's build a web for ALL and more substainable ! 💻🌍💛 Welcome to LISIO! Convinced that digital technology is a strategic lever for promoting social inclusion while limiting the web's environmental impact, we develop digital inclusion and sobriety solutions and services to make your digital spaces more inclusive for all and sober: - DIGITAL INCLUSION AND SOBRIETY: Tailor-made displays in real time and without redesign, based on the specific situation of each visitor: disabilities, senior difficulties, digital inexperience, foreign language, low-speed zone, etc. via the LISIO-WebEngagé SaaS solution; - DIGITAL ACCESSIBILITY: Audit and compliance with RGAA legal obligations via our …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech silvertech Technologies: Decarbonization

52 12 48 11

[Automatic translation follows] Public platform that connects everyone who wants to act with associative and public organizations is the public volunteering platform, offered by the Civic Reserve. More than 13,800 associations, communities and public organizations post missions there when they need support. To respond, they can count on 550,000 volunteers registered on the platform. They choose from thousands of missions, in all areas (solidarity, education, health, environment, sport, etc.) and throughout France. is open to all people residing in France, aged over 16. Flexible, accessible and universal, this digital public service allows everyone to participate in the society …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

28 9 26 43
Comm'une opportunité Comm'une opportunité

[Automatic translation follows] The first meeting site between project leaders and local authorities The Comm'une opportunity site helps project leaders and Territories to meet in order to establish new businesses and services in a sustainable manner in French city centers and town centers. Common Opportunity is our response to 2 distinct objectives: >Facilitating entrepreneurship for all audiences > Revitalizing French city centers and town centers Indirectly, we believe that Comm'une opportunity can also participate in the preservation of our architectural heritage & environmental, and preserve social ties within villages. That's all we want.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

21 2 20 3
MEDEF Pays de la Loire MEDEF Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] MEDEF Pays de la Loire represents, promotes and defends the interests of businesses on a regional scale. MEDEF Pays de la Loire ensures the representation, promotion and defense of business interests throughout the region. It is made up of 6 Territorial MEDEFs and 13 member professional branches, which represents approximately 639,291 employees and 18,500 companies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

33 7 10 12
Carsat Normandie Carsat Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] [Retirement and occupational health insurance fund] Ensure retirement, protect health Carsat Normandie (Retirement and occupational health insurance fund) is a Social Security organization. It operates in the areas of retirement, social action and occupational health, throughout the region. In 2022, Carsat Normandy is: - 775,045 pensions paid, - €7.9 billion in retirement benefits paid, - 54,212 rights allocated (personal rights, survivor's pension and solidarity allowance for the elderly), - 43,073 career accounts updated, - 23,370 online retirement applications submitted. - 18,726 insured persons supported by the Social Service, - €22.6 million in retirement social action expenditure, - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

16 5 12 433
ADNormandie ADNormandie

[Automatic translation follows] AD Normandie is the one-stop shop for economic aid and development of Normandy businesses AD Normandie, the Development Agency for Normandy is the one-stop shop for economic aid and development of Normandy businesses support for Normandy businesses, export, real estate, innovation, fundraising, territories and networks, environment, strategy, and advice

Type: Incubators & VCs

50 20 46 54
Opéra de Rouen Normandie Opéra de Rouen Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] Place for the creation of lyrical, symphonic and choreographic shows. NEW SEASON - Single sales open Tuesday, June 18 at 1 p.m. on the link in bio and at the Théâtre des Arts box office. Info and reservations 👇 See the link in the "About" section The Rouen Normandy Opera is the main cultural structure in Normandy. It is one of the three "Lyrical Theaters of National Interest" in France. Based at the Théâtre des Arts in Rouen (1,300-seat theater), it is also in charge of the Chapelle Corneille Corneille - Auditorium de Normandie (600 seats), it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

13 0 13 127
Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat des Pays de la Loire Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat des Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] CMA, artisans of the new economy ACT TOGETHER IN THE SERVICE OF CRAFTS IN THE PAYS DE LA LOIRE 📲 The Pays de la Loire Chamber of Trades and Crafts represents, defends and advises the 92,360 establishments whatever their size. 👤 Made up of elected artisans, it is an essential partner in the economic and social development of Pays de la Loire, serving the leading company 🔝 in France. Committed to training and the future of professions, 8,000 learners are welcomed each year in its training centers federated within CMA Formation, located in Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Angers, …

Type: Public Activities: entrepreneurship

37 15 24 305
SantExpo SantExpo

[Automatic translation follows] THE annual health and medico-social meeting #SANTEXPO: THE annual #health and #medico-social meeting of the French Hospital Federation will be held from May 21 to 23, 2024 at Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles, Hall 7.

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

107 63 51 6

[Automatic translation follows] Digital technology supporting healthcare professionals for everyone, everywhere Sêmeia designs and implements support solutions for patients suffering from serious or chronic illnesses. We apply the latest artificial intelligence technologies (deep learning, sequence mining, etc.) to improve the patient experience. Their support is personalized thanks to predictive models of patient journeys, based in particular on Health Insurance reimbursement data. Sêmeia solutions identify the patients most at risk (treatment cessation, re-hospitalizations, complications, etc.) and critical periods (taking certain medications, time after hospitalization, etc.) to intervene with them in an appropriate manner. efficient and appropriate. Associated with our predictive models, …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning

36 9 33 54

[Automatic translation follows] Higher Institute of Communication and Advertising ISCOM - Higher Institute of Communication | School of Communication and Advertising Created in 1986, the Higher Institute of Communication and Advertising gives its students the necessary keys to develop their creativity, sharpen their critical thinking and train them for positions of responsibility combining strategic vision and operational mastery of the communication function in the company . ISCOM systematically integrates business into its teaching and its 5 areas of specialization cover all communication professions: - strategic planning and advertising, - events, influence and reputation, - transformation and digital marketing, - creation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

53 5 37 1,284
Atlangames Atlangames

Atlangames, réseau des professionnel·les du jeu vidéo en Bretagne et Pays de la Loire. Le réseau Atlangames regroupe et fédère les entreprises du jeu vidéo dans l'Ouest de la France depuis 2010. La vocation d'Atlangames est de soutenir le développement des entreprises adhérentes et de renforcer la filière du jeu vidéo sur le territoire. The Atlangames Cluster brings together and federates video game companies in the West of France since 2010. The vocation of Atlangames is to support the development of member companies and strengthen the video game industry in the region. video games, social games, online games, games, serious …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: games

16 3 10 5
Établissement public d'aménagement Paris-Saclay Établissement public d'aménagement Paris-Saclay

[Automatic translation follows] Paris-Saclay, shared innovation #InnovationPlayground The Paris-Saclay Public Development Establishment drives and coordinates the development of the scientific and technological center of the Saclay plateau, as well as its international economic influence. He is the developer of concerted development areas within the scope of the Operation of National Interest. Paris-Saclay is a major area of ​​development and innovation which relies on: - Paris-Saclay University and the Paris Polytechnic Institute representing an exceptional scientific concentration in terms of its scale, its disciplinary diversity and its level of excellence; - A dynamic of innovation at work in several strategic sectors …

Type: Public

130 44 88 116
Domofrance Domofrance

[Automatic translation follows] Your home, our commitment Domofrance, a subsidiary of the Action Logement Immobilier Group, is a Social Housing Enterprise established in Bordeaux since its creation in 1958. Its vocation is to provide a set of diversified responses to the expectations expressed in terms of housing, and more generally housing. It provides responses adapted to the needs of the territories in New Aquitaine. It is present in more than 230 municipalities. developer, builder, social landlord, trustee, rental management, social innovation, technical innovation, CSR, and B Corp

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

41 9 1 506
TransWay TransWay

[Automatic translation follows] Your sustainable business mobility solution TransWay publishes solutions to help create smart cities. Intended for transport networks, communities, and businesses, TransWay's services improve the quality of urban services while reducing their cost. Our services allow in particular statistical exploitation of data from our own tools, as well as external services (ticketing, mobile telephony, GPS, etc.). TransWay also provides assistance in the field of mobility and technologies associated with passenger transport. | ecomobility rewarded, GoToo is a travel and networking community that rewards good mobility practices. The service is sold to businesses (Pro version), cities (City version) …

Type: Startup Activities: it services smart city Technologies: SaaS

23 12 12 43
bookBeo bookBeo

[Automatic translation follows] Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Applications, Chatbot, Web Dev Founded in 2008, bookBeo specializes in the development of websites and mobile applications and was a pioneer in the design of Qr Code. bookBeo implements tools based on the "user" experience, adopts an innovative service design approach (agile method / iterative testing) and develops tailor-made services and products by adapting technological possibilities to the needs and problems of customers. bookBeo has extensive experience in the development of AR, VR and AI technologies (machine learning, deep learning and chatbots). Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Artificial …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing VR

13 4 9 5
Rennes Business Rennes Business

[Automatic translation follows] Rennes, an ambitious economic destination located 1 hour 25 minutes from Paris and 45 minutes from the sea! #RennesBusiness #RennesRecrute Establish your business in Rennes! 🚄 1h25 from Paris and 45 minutes from the sea. Follow the news from the metropolis, our flagship companies, our sectors of excellence: #cybersecurity #digital #health #mobility #ICC #food #ecoindustries. Want to understand why Rennes? Go here: Want to talk about (your) business? Need support or simply curious? Contact us: And if you’re not yet convinced, discover Rennes Business Stories! Business leaders, investors, start-uppers... they are the ones who talk …

Type: SMB Activities: entrepreneurship Technologies: Cybersecurity

36 7 31 5
ANews Mobility ANews Mobility

[Automatic translation follows] The professional information media dedicated to the mobility ecosystem, its stakeholders and users. Online Media - Web TV, 100% dedicated to the world of Mobility! Online Media - Web TV, 100% dedicated to Mobility. Automobile, Vehicles, Mobility, Mobility, Smart city, Automobile fleets, Large companies, Company vehicle, Mobility manager, Company vehicle manager, 2 and 3 Wheels, Mobility manager, Fleet manager, Communities, Smart grids, Connected vehicles, Autonomous vehicles, Electric vehicles, New technologies, New energies, Travel manager, Travel and travel, Buses and coaches, Public transport, Air, Rail, Communities, AOM, Spatial, Intermunicipalities, Regions, and Europe

Type: Startup Activities: smart city transporttech Technologies: Sensors

59 0 58 0
Kaligo by Learn&Go Kaligo by Learn&Go

Handwriting & Spelling app - Improve your students’ handwriting & spelling by using tablets, styluses in the classroom! Founded in 2013 by Learn&Go, Kaligo is an AI-powered application designed to teach students how to write and spell using a tablet and stylus in the classroom or at home. Kaligo aims to support children of all abilities to achieve their highest possible literacy levels. With children behind expected using Kaligo to jump as much as 2 year groups in ability. Neuroscientific research confirms the link between motor skills and the brain’s ability to acquire information. How can Kaligo reserve the negative …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: A.I.

21 4 15 22
Louvre Lens Vallée Louvre Lens Vallée

[Automatic translation follows] Center of excellence and cultural and creative innovations Louvre Lens Vallée supports entrepreneurs and businesses in structuring and accelerating their projects. Our promise: To provide an unexpected entrepreneurial experience through an innovative and creative user-centered methodology, to give meaning to your projects and create sustainable and differentiating economic performance. Labeled French Tech, the Louvre Lens Vallée was created in 2014, in the wake of the establishment of the Louvre in Lens, at the initiative of the State, the Nord Pas-de-Calais Region and the Community of Lens-Liévin agglomeration.

Type: Public

49 19 35 12
Equanity Equanity

[Automatic translation follows] Equanity, driving engagement for 10 years To build an economy of engagement, we support in their development all those who wish to place social, environmental and cultural impact at the heart of their strategy. Associations, companies, foundations, organizations... whether on the ground close to impact initiatives or in economic and decision-making circles, we are committed to building the most effective and sustainable strategies and partnerships for all of our customers. For 10 years, support in: •Maximizing the potential of philanthropy •Connecting and building win-win partnerships between general interest organizations and businesses •Strategic and operational support for those …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

14 1 14 27
Advens Advens

Security for the greater good Advens is a European, independent and outstanding leader in cybersecurity. We are located throughout France (Paris, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Rennes and Tahiti), Spain (Madrid, Barcelona), Italy (Milano, Roma), Germany (Munich), as well as Canada (Montréal), Our mission is to protect, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, public and private organisations which are increasingly dependent on digital technology, and are increasingly exposing their resources to ever-more professional cyber attackers. This mission drives us on a daily basis. But it is still not enough for us. Our financial performance allows us to …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

30 15 13 542
Furet du Nord Furet du Nord

[Automatic translation follows] Bookseller for over 100 years and this is just the beginning! Furet du Nord is part of the NOSOLI Group bringing together the Furet du Nord and Decitre bookstores. Le Furet is a century-old bookstore in 2021. It has 800 enthusiasts, 32 bookstores - 30 in France, 2 in Belgium - and two e-commerce sites and 1st bookseller in France with the largest bookstore in Europe based in Lille. Leader on the BtoB market with The largest selection of books and ebooks in France. More than 500 annual meetings organized between authors and our …

Type: SMB Activities: retail

4 0 4 232
BCdiploma BCdiploma

The blockchain solution for delivering Digital Credentials, Micro-Credentials, Badges & Open Badges Leader in Digital Credentials Since 2017 BCdiploma transforms the recognition of achievements and qualifications for institutions and companies. Founded in 2017, our patented blockchain solution offers unparalleled security and verifiability. With over 100 years of collective experience in education and training, we serve more than 200 clients in over 22 countries 🌍. Innovative Technology Our blockchain solution ensures total integrity for diplomas, certifications, and academic records, with instant and paperless processes 📜. Trusted Partners We collaborate with prestigious institutions such as ESCP Business School, University of Toronto, Université …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech hrtech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

20 4 16 18
IN Groupe IN Groupe

A world specialist in identity and secure digital services A partner of the French government for close to 500 years, IN Groupe offers identity solutions and secure digital services, at the leading edge of technology and integrating electronics and biometrics. From components to services and from documents to interoperable systems, IN Groupe is a global specialist in identity and secure digital services. The institution plays a daily role in facilitating everyone's life: helping states exercise their sovereignty, citizens protect their identity and businesses preserve their integrity. Whatever the issue, IN Groupe, a company for digital sovereignty, contributes to asserting a …

Type: SMB Activities: it services regtech

29 7 23 971
Club Landoy - groupe Bayard Club Landoy - groupe Bayard

[Automatic translation follows] For a new social contract Club Landoy is a collective of pioneering and committed companies which act to make the demographic transition a catalyst for social innovation and thus contribute to building an economically sustainable and socially sustainable social pact. We help companies anticipate and adapt to the challenges posed by the demographic transition by driving cultural change and social transformations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

73 8 72 9

Salon professionnel des musées, lieux de culture et de tourisme - 3 et 4 avril au Carrousel du Louvre For 28 years, SITEM has been bringing together and promoting professionals from the cultural and creative industries in the public and private sectors, culture, tourism, cities, regions, heritage, the economy, monuments, gardens, libraries, archives, etc. A not-to-be-missed event, every year SITEM covers the latest news and future challenges facing the cultural sector. Constantly evolving, SITEM is renewed year after year, offering professionals new hubs and a packed programme of more than 30 conferences and workshops. Since 2023, the show has been …

Type: Event

19 4 15 65
Agdatahub Agdatahub

Trusted third-party data intermediary for the agricultural sector. Agdatahub is the trusted third-party data intermediary dedicated to the agricultural sector with its #consent digital identity and #exchange data exchange solutions. In support of these solutions, Agdatahub provides operational consulting services related to data (project management, technologies, marketing) to support agricultural and agri-food industry players in the use of digital technologies. Data, Stratégie digitale, Dataviz, Développement, Web, Application mobile, and Agriculture numérique

Type: Startup Activities: agritech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

35 5 33 14
Carsat Midi-Pyrénées Carsat Midi-Pyrénées

[Automatic translation follows] Ensure retirement, protect health. A private company carrying out a public service mission, the Midi-Pyrénées Retirement and Occupational Health Insurance Fund (Carsat) is part of the network of social security organizations. Thanks to its 796 employees spread across the territory, it carries out three missions for employees, retirees and businesses. - prepare and pay for retirement: career monitoring and updates, calculation of the retirement amount and monitoring of payments. - help and support vulnerable policyholders: fight against professional disintegration, easier access to care, actions in favor of aging well and benefits for vulnerable retirees. - prevent and …

Type: Public

45 4 44 319
Handitech Trophy Handitech Trophy

[Automatic translation follows] National competition rewarding tech project leaders in favor of disabilities 🏆 Powered by JobinLive and Bpifrance Founded by JobinLive and Bpfirance, the HandiTech Trophy is a national competition rewarding start-ups, students, associations, and research laboratories which develop inclusive technologies intended to compensate for disability or loss of autonomy. Disability, Innovation, Tech4Good, Employment, Health, Accessibility, and Digital

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

59 23 45 4
Prof en Poche Prof en Poche

[Automatic translation follows] We develop learning solutions that make the most of human and artificial intelligence 📚🚀 Prof en Poche, expert in the creation of educational digital resources, notably co-constructed - Mathia (, in partnership with the Ministry of National Education and Youth. Mathia is a solution intended for teachers, families and Cycle 2 students (CP-CE1-CE2). Now used throughout France, Mathia's mission is to make all children love mathematics. -KIDAIA, a solution born from an Education Challenge from the Ministry of National Education and Youth, and the Pau Béarn Pyrénées Urban Community. We support children in preserving the environment through …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

35 12 22 31
HOUDART & Associés HOUDART & Associés

[Automatic translation follows] Law firm specializing in health, social and medico-social law The HOUDART ET ASSOCIÉS firm has been operating for more than 30 years in the fields of health, medico-social, social, universities and research. Public authorities, Health, Medical-Social, and higher education, Research

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

10 2 7 31
Didask Didask

[Automatic translation follows] The LMS that tackles the real challenges of learning Didask is THE Learning Transformation Platform, which takes information to transform learners, and which generates results on the ground! A complete e-learning solution, our platform draws its educational effectiveness from its expertise in cognitive sciences. Its unique methodology identifies and takes into account the cognitive challenges of learners to offer the most effective teaching methods. Didask integrates the first educational AI, which assists you with design and writing, automatically transforms your content into interactive and educational eLearning, adapts the experience for each person, corrects live and coaches your …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: A.I.

21 2 11 58
CPFormation CPFormation

[Automatic translation follows] Information portal on professional training published since 2014 by LINGUEO© is a news blog where you will find everything about professional training: CPF, certifications, interviews and many other things training, Professional training, Skills, Media, Certificate, Continuing education, Employability, Job, Training plan, Financing of training, Online training, Recognition of skills, Validation of acquired experience, Skills assessment, Training strategy , Training center, Distance learning, In-company learning, CPF, Personal Training Account, My Training Account, and Formpro

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

10 1 7 10

[Automatic translation follows] The 1st professional social network in finance, banking, insurance, auditing and IT Dogfinance is the first French socio-professional network specializing in the fields of management and finance with more than 500,000 members. Dogfinance is aimed at financial professionals and allows them to create a network, with the aim of facilitating contacts and then developing professional relationships. The outcomes of this network are multiple: exchanges of information/experiences, connecting candidates/recruiters, buyers/sellers or even start-ups/investors. It offers members the opportunity to complete a detailed profile, publish their CV online and thus apply directly to advertisements. For businesses, the site offers …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

62 16 54 29
Opco Atlas Opco Atlas

[Automatic translation follows] i️ Financial Services and Consulting Skills Operator | ✅ News, advice & tools for businesses Businesses, we give you the keys to stay competitive and attract new talent (and keep it!) To see the future more serenely, we are here to: 🔎 Identify your human resources and training needs 💰 Finance your employees' training 🆙 Improve your HR practices 📄 Facilitate your administrative procedures 💼 Set up a successful work-study program Are you interested in these topics? Follow us to stay informed about the news in our sectors ✔️ training programs ✔️ financing ✔️ and many other …

Type: Public

76 43 35 328

[Automatic translation follows] Designer and constructor of environments and buildings dedicated to high technology. IDEC HAUTES TECHNOLOGIES is an engineering company and general contractor, specializing in high-tech environments and buildings, recognized as a major player in design and construction. Made up of 40 people and based in Grenoble, Paris, and Tunis, our team operates nationally and internationally. We specialize in the pharmaceutical, life sciences and health industries, research and laboratories, and industrial and mountain developments. What they have in common: a high level of demands. Our versatility and responsiveness allow us to intervene from audit and analysis to the design, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech healthtech

9 3 7 50
Patriarche. Augmented Architecture Patriarche. Augmented Architecture

Patriarche is an augmented architecture agency. JoinTheTeam: The company stands for a unique model to program, design, build and operate innovative environment. Based on a renewed practice of architecture, this approach integrates all disciplines necessary for facilitating the emergence of increasingly conscious, responsible solutions within a long-term perspective. Every day, Patriarche seeks to contribute positively to society and collectively (re)create a better future for all. This ambition is reflected in the company’s achievement, with every single action regarded as an opportunity to innovate and respond to the challenges facing people and the planet. Everywhere, for everyone, Patriarche acts to …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

39 18 24 520

[Automatic translation follows] Recycling companies at the heart of the circular economy ♻️ FEDEREC is the Professional Federation of Recycling Companies. Created in 1945, FEDEREC brings together 1,200 companies, from small businesses to large groups, spread across the entire French territory and whose activity consists of the collection, sorting, material recovery of industrial and household waste or trading/ brokerage of raw materials from recycling (MPiR) OUR MISSIONS Represent and defend the interests of our Members to stakeholders Promote and promote the professions of recycling professionals and recycling raw materials Support our Members through expertise and personalized assistance in the following …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

52 12 39 45
Innovales Innovales

[Automatic translation follows] InnoVales energizes the territory with economic projects: 100% social, environmental & united Innovales, a territorial economic cooperation center (PTCE), has been operating since 2015 in the social and solidarity economy sector in French Geneva and Haute-Savoie. We help to boost today's local economy and influence tomorrow's society by offering services and advice on sustainable development, energy renovation and responsible consumption. We work in close collaboration with communities, businesses, associations, educational establishments and citizens. With a project incubator, a coworking space, meeting rooms and shared offices, Innovales, based in Saint-Pierre-en-Faucigny, is also a place dedicated to meeting and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 6 11 18
Centre International des Arts en Mouvement (CIAM) Centre International des Arts en Mouvement (CIAM)

[Automatic translation follows] Let the circus surprise you A reference place for circus arts in Pays d'Aix, CIAM works to share the diversity of these arts with as many people as possible, residents or artists, children or adults, initiates or novices. Installed on a 5-hectare estate on the edge of the city, it aims to be a place of meeting between the arts, of dialogue and discovery, where projects and vocations are born, without artistic or social boundaries. It is organized around four major axes: discovery, transmission, creation, diffusion, which feed each other. Every year, at the end of September, …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

23 3 21 25
Bordeaux INP Bordeaux INP

[Automatic translation follows] 9 public engineering schools, 1 integrated prep class “La Prépa des INP”​, 1 “Bordeaux INPulse” student incubator A federator of engineering schools in New Aquitaine, Bordeaux INP offers high-level scientific and technical training backed by excellent research and a strong capacity to produce and transfer innovation. The Bordeaux INP Nouvelle-Aquitaine group brings together 9 public engineering schools (6 internal engineering schools and 3 partner engineering schools), an integrated preparatory class “La prépa des INP” and a student incubator “Bordeaux INPulse”. Internal schools: - ENSC: National Higher School of Cognitics - ENSEGID: National Higher School of Environment, Georesources …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

54 21 22 276
Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités

[Automatic translation follows] Media at the heart of campuses and businesses 🎙️ Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités is a multimedia player, a link between professional, student and academic communities. THE media at the heart of campus life for 25 years! 🚀 Your best ally to shine in your studies and find the career that suits you. 📰 Every month, exclusive thematic magazines and school magazines: Journal des Grandes Ecoles et Universités, Grandes Ecoles et Universités Magazine, la Gueule de l'Emploi, Start'me UP, X Passion, CentraleSupélec Jeunes Diplômés, Sciences Po, INSA, Grenoble Talk’INP and ParisTech 🎓 Our magazines are distributed …

Type: Media

76 20 61 57
Futuroscope Futuroscope

The power of attraction. Futuroscope, the first amusement park created in France in 1987, welcomes nearly 2 million visitors each year. More than 40 attractions await visitors for an unforgettable stay with family or friends. Parc d'attractions, Restauration, and Hôtellerie

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

15 10 5 500

[Automatic translation follows] Media of IT trends and uses, Tech & Businesses IT Social is an IT social media that reinvents the way of accessing and sharing information by transforming individual knowledge and experiences into collective intelligence. IT Social brings together a hundred contributors, twenty Experts and thousands of members. IT Social offers information, expert reports, WebTV but also events, a forum, discussion groups and much more. Join the IT Social adventure:

Type: Media

41 2 39 8
URPS médecins libéraux Ile-de-France URPS médecins libéraux Ile-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] The URPS represents and supports the 21,000 private doctors practicing in Île-de-France. The Regional Union of Health Professionals (URPS) independent doctors in Île-de-France represents the 21,000 independent doctors in Île-de-France. Made up of 60 private doctors elected by their peers for five years, it contributes to the organization and development of health care provision at the regional level. It is a 1901 association created by the law of July 21, 2009. Liberal medicine and Ile-de-France

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

11 6 7 29
CHU de Lille CHU de Lille

[Automatic translation follows] Our progress is for life A university hospital campus of excellence With a community of more than 15,000 professionals, Lille University Hospital is one of the largest health campuses in Northern Europe. Nearly 1.4 million patients are treated there each year, allowing Lille University Hospital to develop expertise both for its referral and local activities. A priority for innovation Drawing on their expertise, the medical teams at Lille University Hospital are at the origin of numerous national or global firsts in terms of therapeutic innovations (1st hybrid cardiovascular Discovery room in the world for vascular surgery, etc.). …

Type: Public

70 23 34 4,530
MEDEF Bretagne MEDEF Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] 📣 MEDEF Bretagne, the voice of Breton companies thanks to its expertise, its strength of action and its network! 📣 MEDEF Bretagne represents 20,000 companies located in Brittany, employing 300,000 employees via the 4 departmental MEDEFs, 19 member regional professional branches and 4 associated members: EDF, ENEDIS, SNCF and LA POSTE. MEDEF Bretagne supports the departmental MEDEFs and member professional branches in carrying out their mission. 30% of its members are companies with fewer than 11 employees. 98% of its members are VSEs or SMEs. MEDEF BRITTANY Business house, 2b Building Alley, 35000 Rennes

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

47 9 36 10

[Automatic translation follows] Live a new urban experience 🚀 Places to live, work, eat, exercise & (especially) meet! THE BABEL COMMUNITY is revolutionizing the rental offer by opening the first COLIVING residence in France in 2017. The Millennial generation requires us to completely review our conception of housing but also of the workspace, and more generally our way of living in the city. Our conviction is that housing and the office can no longer be considered without taking into account their integration into a broader ecosystem of services and leisure. For young professionals, THE BABEL COMMUNITY is the essential step …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech

27 10 1 67
Interplanetary Database Association e.V.  (IPDB) Interplanetary Database Association e.V. (IPDB)

The IPDB Association fosters research into transparent governance and blockchain technology. IPDB fosters research and exchange in the areas of blockchain technology & governance as well as consortial collaboration across industries, the public sector and other important aspects concerning the technological and collaborative part of our future, through non-for profit activities. We support the documentation of open source code in order to enable blockchain-based backend capabilities such as registries for machine, object or code IDs, metadata notarization with web3 database capabilities - and all of that with real decentralization and regulatory compliance in mind. IPDB‘s focus on strong governance is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 0 9 3
INATBA - International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications INATBA - International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications

International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications: Global Convener of the Blockchain Ecosystem Located in the heart of Europe, the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications - INATBA - serves as the bridge between public and private entities in the blockchain ecosystem: INATBA maintains a permanent and constructive dialogue with public authorities and regulators for global convergence of regulatory approaches. In doing so, INATBA works to promote an open, transparent and inclusive global model of governance for blockchain and other distributed ledger technology infrastructures that reflect the shared interests of Member and Advisory Board stakeholders. In line with the goal of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 0 7 68
Arkham Studio - Gamification and Storytelling Arkham Studio - Gamification and Storytelling

[Automatic translation follows] In Game We Trust! Arkham Studio is the leader in gamification for training and skills development. Since 2015, we have been supporting the largest companies and institutions in implementing interactivity and gamification in their training tools and methods. 🔎Learn more 👉 3D, 360°, Augmented reality, Training, digital, application, gamification, virtual reality, interactivity, elearning, and serious game

Type: Startup Activities: games martech Technologies: VR

17 2 17 11

[Automatic translation follows] Give the power to read Give the power to read At MOBiDYS, we believe that books should be accessible to everyone. To do this, we have mobilized cognitive sciences to develop technology that gives the power to read, so that no one is prevented from reading. We adapt existing works into “FROG” books: books in audio, digital or paper format, adapted to all reader profiles. Our books are interactive and customizable, cognitively enriched, using a multitude of reading tools. 20% of students arrive at college with serious reading difficulties. Reading becomes a real ordeal, at school and …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech kidtech

54 20 32 24
TMNlab / laboratoire Théâtres & Médiations à l'ère Numérique TMNlab / laboratoire Théâtres & Médiations à l'ère Numérique

[Automatic translation follows] Cooperating in a digital era, acting in a world of transitions Created in 2013 by performing arts professionals, supported by a learning community of more than 1000 members, connected with Europe and internationally, the TMNlab has been for 10 years an observatory of uses and a space for innovation by Cooperation. Since 2014, it has also been an association monitoring digital transformations, a vehicle for community projects. Its purpose is to bring together and lead a learning community of performing arts professionals to produce and disseminate a responsible digital culture. A player of the future for a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

12 0 11 9
Dauphine Alumni Dauphine Alumni

[Automatic translation follows] Dauphine Alumni is Dauphine for life! Created in 1972, Dauphine Alumni is the association of all students and graduates of Paris Dauphine-PSL University. The Association develops and leads a community of more than 100,000 Dauphinois. Its aim is to be a true support network and to support alumni throughout their professional lives, by offering them adapted services. More than 100 events are organized each year by our twenty professional and leisure Clubs or as part of the Career Mobility Center. Dauphine Alumni is present throughout the world thanks to 20 Chapters spread between France and abroad. Have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

116 7 114 22

The leading French center for research and expertise on the world economy 🌐 Qu’est-ce que le CEPII ? Le Centre d’études prospectives et d’informations internationales (CEPII) est le principal centre français de recherche et d’expertise en économie internationale. Les analyses et études du CEPII sur la macroéconomie et les finances, les politiques commerciale et migratoire contribuent au débat public et à la formulation des politiques économiques. Le CEPII produit des bases de données et renforce le dialogue entre chercheurs, décideurs de la sphère publique ou privée et acteurs de la société civile à travers l'organisation de nombreuses conférences. Fondé en …

Type: Public

17 3 5 53
AFG - Association Française de la Gestion financière AFG - Association Française de la Gestion financière

[Automatic translation follows] The AFG brings together asset management professionals, serving those involved in savings and the economy. The AFG - French Financial Management Association represents and defends the interests of asset management professionals. Its members are portfolio management companies, entrepreneurs or subsidiaries of French and foreign banking and insurance groups. More than 600 portfolio management companies operate in France. 4 members of the AFG are among the top 20 in the world. 400 are entrepreneurial management companies. SGPs manage 2,900 billion euros in assets, including 1,500 billion euros in collective management (1st European rank for the financial management of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

41 9 37 308
Confrontations Europe Confrontations Europe

[Automatic translation follows] European think tank Confrontations Europe: a citizen think tank; an incubator of ideas. “Confronting ideas to better build Europe”. Created in 1992, Confrontations Europe is a non-partisan and non-profit association based in Paris and Brussels. For more than 30 years, Confrontations Europe has established itself as a reference at the heart of political, economic and industrial debates in the European Union. Anchored in business reality, Confrontations Europe contributes to the construction of a sovereign, low-carbon, democratic, competitive, united Europe that is closer to its citizens. Faced with the scale and complexity of current societal challenges and issues, …

Type: Media

39 12 27 18
DRANE Site de Versailles DRANE Site de Versailles

[Automatic translation follows] Versailles, digital academy Official account of the Delegation of the Academic Region for Educational Digital (DRANE) - website of the Versailles academy. digital, e-education, e-training, robotics, programming, media education, EMI, ENT, and digital resources

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech Technologies: Robotics

26 6 21 49
Fondation pour l'innovation politique Fondation pour l'innovation politique

[Automatic translation follows] Liberal, progressive and European think tank, recognized as being of public utility Founded in 2004, the Foundation for Political Innovation takes a liberal, progressive and European perspective. Through her work, she contributes to a pluralist and documented debate.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

5 2 3 19
France Hydrogène France Hydrogène

[Automatic translation follows] The players in the hydrogen sector in France France Hydrogène brings together the players in the French hydrogen sector structured across the entire value chain: large industrial groups developing large-scale projects, innovative SMEs and start-ups supported by laboratories and research centers of excellence, associations, competitiveness clusters and local authorities mobilized for the deployment of hydrogen solutions. Its ambition: to accelerate the development of hydrogen solutions to succeed in the energy transition, boost the economy and create value locally to improve the quality of life for all.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

121 43 88 53
Le Media Social Le Media Social

[Automatic translation follows] Social Media, The information site aimed at all social and medico-social actors. Social Media, an information site dedicated to players in the social & medico-social, deciphers sector news in real time, covers all fields of activity (disability, childhood, old age, etc.), offers surveys, reports, interviews and provides dynamic content and educational such as podcasts, infographics, videos. With Social Media, stay up to date with the latest news in the social sector & medico-social and discuss developments in the sector with your peers! Edited by Lefebvre Dalloz.

Type: Media

38 1 35 16
Béguinage & Compagnie Béguinage & Compagnie

[Automatic translation follows] Opportunity study, Use Control Assistance and Co-development of projects for adapted and inclusive housing B&Cie is involved in studying senior housing needs, using a participatory method involving residents. We also support construction projects with Usage Management Assistance, to create inclusive housing based truly on the needs and motivation of residents. In addition, we offer studies on the subjects of senior housing, cooperation and social innovation. We are also developing a network of partners in the fields of construction, innovation and gerontology. You have a project, contact us! Senior project advice, Opportunity studies, Inclusive housing advice, Co-development, and …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech constructiontech

27 3 26 2
ANRT - Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie ANRT - Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie

[Automatic translation follows] For a France strong in its research ANRT is the public-private intersectoral network for French research. It offers its members the best conditions for exchange, debate and confrontation, to build a common strategic vision and develop a force for action. A trusted third party, its members entrust it with their unvarnished point of view, allowing objective analyses, well-founded proposals, and the guarantee of being listened to. Public decision-makers pay attention to our work and we report regularly to ministers and parliamentarians. We clearly display our ambition for impact. Our work is intended to participate in the challenges …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

66 24 42 43
Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment

[Automatic translation follows] General interest design. Vraiment Vraiment is a general interest design agency. We work mainly with public and para-public stakeholders, throughout the territory and in all fields of public policy. public policy design, design, public innovation, creativity, prototyping, urban territories, rural territories, peri-urban territories, state reform, and social innovation

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

79 11 63 40
EPF Ile-de-France EPF Ile-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Major player in the territories The EPF Ile-de-France is the land partner of 350 Ile-de-France communities. By mobilizing land, it contributes to the development of the housing supply, to supporting economic development and to the requalification of degraded condominiums of national interest. The Establishment also pilots operations to requalify degraded co-ownerships of national interest (ORCOD-IN). Key figures 2022: * Acquisitions: €591.3 million * Land sales: €364 million (+26%) #7,160 housing units # 270,000 m2 of economic activities Real Estate, Greater Paris, Land, Housing, Development, Economic Development, Requalification of degraded condominiums, and ORCOD-IN

Type: Public

44 16 2 198
Wimoov Wimoov

[Automatic translation follows] We support people in vulnerable situations towards sustainable and autonomous mobility. SOS Group Association Born from carpooling organized at the University of Nanterre during the major transport strikes of 1995, the association, initially named Voiture & co, has gradually expanded its scope of action. Wimoov's mission goes beyond the initial sphere of the car and is expressed through a wide range of devices. The association is today made up of a team of 250 mobility professionals present in nearly 100 platforms throughout France, united by the same philosophy of action: supporting all audiences in fragile situations (people …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

46 7 40 201
Acadie coopérative Acadie coopérative

[Automatic translation follows] ACADIE is a cooperative born in 1978 bringing together trained geographers, sociologists, political scientists and urban planners around an area of ​​reflection and action: the relationship between public policies and territories.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

19 4 5 11

[Automatic translation follows] The media dedicated to positive impact initiatives from public authorities is dedicated to promoting positive impact initiatives from public authorities. Its objective? To highlight all those who dare, in their territory, to set up innovative projects. Because every day, in France or elsewhere, local elected officials and their collaborators act to find real solutions to the problems that surround us. All areas are concerned. From education to ecology, including culture or participatory democracy, projects are multiplying. However, traditional media often have difficulty relaying them. Thanks to a unique know-how focused on digital and its network of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

23 3 20 4
Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme

[Automatic translation follows] Since its creation in 1990, the Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Man has set itself the mission of changing individual and collective behavior to preserve our planet. Recognized as a public utility, the Foundation uses all the means at its disposal to initiate a new form of society based on awareness of the interdependence of humans and all living things.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: consulting

32 9 23 64