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LogoName Σ Employees
The Dragonfly Collective The Dragonfly Collective

The Dragonfly Collective is an international consultancy supporting for-purpose organisations to be strong & successful. The Dragonfly Collective is a for-purpose business offering training and consultancy in Australia and the UK. We support for-purpose businesses to be successful. We specialise in for-purpose business models - from start-up to scaling. Consulting - strategic planning & development, Consulting - research, Social innovation, Social change models, Social enterprise, social business models, feasibility analysis, business planning, marketing and communications, for-purpose, business models, scaling, and strategy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

3 3
Techfugees Techfugees

Empowering inclusion of forcibly displaced persons with tech 🚀. Stay in touch: TECHFUGEES mission is to leave no forcibly displaced persons behind in an increasingly digital and climate change stricken world through digital innovations, inclusions and insights. As a non-profit, we harness the global collective with volunteers, digital tech, cross-sector organisations and humanitarian NGOs to empower inclusion of forcibly displaced persons with responsible digital innovations, developed for and with displaced communities, to have equitable access to trusted information, education, health, work and social integration for their betterment whilst advancing their human rights to participate in the digital society through …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech

87 16
RITMI Rete Italiana Microfinanza RITMI Rete Italiana Microfinanza

RITMI brings together organizations operating in the field of microfinance in Italy The Italian Microfinance Network (RITMI) was created in February 2008, on the initiative of institutions operating in the field of microfinance; in particular, entities that carry out their activity in the national territory; entities that start from different motivations and origins (associative, solidarity and private and public charitable; activities aimed at creating new entrepreneurship; programs aimed at creating equal opportunities; experiences of ethical finance; microcredit and microfinance consultancy companies; study and research centers in the sector; promoters; donors). FINANCE, MICROCREDIT, and CREDIT

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

3 4
CEB➡️Social development bank for Europe CEB➡️Social development bank for Europe

Council of Europe Development Bank, a multilateral development organisation with an exclusively social mandate

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

31 N/A
epiCura epiCura

We are an innovative scaleup, specialising in personal care services. epiCura is an innovative scaleup, specialising in personal care services. One of the main functions performed by epiCura is that of a Carer Search and Selection Agency recognised by the Ministry of Labour. epiCura's support to the family ranges from selecting the right professional figure, to dealing with all the bureaucratic formalities. epiCura relies only on experienced staff with demonstrable references, takes care of all the documents for recruitment, and then processes and manages payroll. A telephone helpline is available to the family seven days a week, with dedicated family …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

4 119
I3P - Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico Torino I3P - Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico Torino

Iniziamo l'impresa I3P supports the creation and development of innovative start-ups with high technological intensity and growth potential, founded both by university researchers and students, and by external entrepreneurs, providing strategic consulting services, coaching, mentoring, fundraising support and spaces. I3P is the best public business incubator in the world, as recognized by the World Rankings of Business Incubators and Accelerators 2019-2020 published by UBI Global, the most important international organisation active in the benchmarking of incubation and acceleration programmes linked to university institutions. The mission of the Incubator of Politecnico di Torino (Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy) is to support …

Type: Incubators & VCs

16 60
OrtiAlti OrtiAlti


Type: Startup Activities: foodtech

2 3

The Art of Embroidery: fashion & lifestyle accessories, designed to bring refugees above the poverty line. B Corp. SEP hand-embroidered fashion and home accessories blend hallmarks of premium Middle Eastern craftsmanship with high style. Certified B Corporation. SEP creations are one-of-a-kind accessories, distinguished by their intricate embroidery, geometric design inspired patterns and a sophisticated style. Every stitch tells a story: each piece is hand embroidered by a single talented artist. Women who continue the time-honored, cross-stitch technique that has been passed down from generation to generation are the artisans who are passionately making the unique pieces that make up the …

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech luxury

9 64
Synapta Synapta

Linked data for real. Synapta Srl is an Italian innovative start-up based in Turin. Synapta is focused on software development and data integration projects using Linked Data and other Semantic Web and Big Data technologies. Our core activities concern data retrieval, cleaning, curation and interlinking (enriching data on the basis of open or proprietary sources, possibly leveraging the natural language processing competences of one of Synapta’s corporate partners: Moreover, Synapta develops front-ends to access linked data hiding their complexity to ordinary users, but respecting the W3C standards to leverage interoperability and reducing lock-in. Synapta brings on the market a …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics

3 5

ideato and extrategy are now Flowing: an inclusive community of people who share a passion for innovation and a constant need for evolution. Flowing provides support to accelerate business projects. Starting from the client's objectives, we identify together the most suitable technological project to be developed. Choose us if you share our principles, they will be the base of our collaboration: TOGETHER: Flowing and the client work together, they are a unique team that makes shared choices. VALUE-DRIVEN: the choices are based on evidence and concrete results. We identify the “value to be delivered and to whom”, in order then …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

5 18
Quotidiano Piemontese Quotidiano Piemontese

The best online digital native newspaper in Piedmont The best news site in Piedmont: free, timely independent, social Follow us on social Facebook: Instagram Twitter: Youtube: Slideshare: h informazione online, social network, online advertising, comunicazione, and editoria

Type: Startup Activities: martech

1 10

Cyber ​​security solutions for companies and public administration Ermetix is ​​a 100% Italian innovative SME and pioneer of mobile security. The company's strength lies in its profound technical expertise, knowledge of the security market and the use of innovative technologies to offer its partners advanced and sophisticated software solutions. Ermetix has established itself in the Software as a Service world, being the only solution developed entirely in Italy that combines Unified Endpoint Management with Mobile Threat Defense, offering public and private companies of any size total protection of their Android mobile devices, iOS and Windows. Thanks to sophisticated algorithms based …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

9 21
Instilla Instilla

Recipe for results We are a digital consulting company. We provide support on multi-channel digital conversion-oriented, projects, working alongside our clients from strategy design to implementation. The strategic approach and solid set of specialised skills together with our values, our Instilla r.e.c.i.p.e., lets us find concrete solutions and provide results. This is what we call “sharpening the mind”! SEO, SEM, Social, UX Design, conversion marketing, lead generation, customer base acquisition, formazione, Local SEO, digital advertising, and inbound marketing

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

4 58
WaterView WaterView

Visual intelligence Driving visual intelligence on the edge weather big data, weather monitoring, irrigation, weather, transport, agriculture, civil protection, insurance, mobility, environmental monitoring, IoT, smart cities, weather nowcasting, precipitation type, rain, rainfall, and snow

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech insurtech smart city Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing Data Analytics IoT

10 34

Your partner in crime. Let's imagine and build unpublished combinations. We are an independent and ethical creative agency, but before we are still people. We became rebellious when we understood that the classic rules of the communication market were close to us. Do not call us simply a creative agency: we don't only like to provide services or skills but first of all think of simple, concrete and effective solutions intended for anyone who needs to communicate. To center our goal we have created an open system of professionals - which we coordinate and involve - and which shares values …

Type: Startup Activities: martech

1 38
GetYourBill GetYourBill

The fast track for your checkout! GetYourBill is an innovative solution for the management of electronic sales documents. Thanks to the automatic retrieval of fiscal data from certified databases, the document is issued immediately at the moment of purchase. It enables the issuing of an electronic invoice or receipt in just a few seconds. Thanks to its extreme adaptability, GetYourBill is integrated with the most common hardware devices used at the checkout: SmartPOS; cash registers; ecommerce. Over 10.000 retailers across Italy already use GetYourBill. - - GetYourBill is an application developed in 2014 by Ultroneo, a fintech company from Udine, …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

1 4
TakeMyThings s.r.l. TakeMyThings s.r.l.

We contact those who must send with those who move; ALWAYS. Take My Things is the first Italian Delivery Network able to put in touch those who have to make a package transport and those who are willing to do so; in the shortest possible time. Take My Things in fact offers an elastic, rapid and economic deliveries service, carried out at the latest within two hours. Active service also during the weekend until 22:00, with the intention of expanding more. Logistics, Portal, Green Economy, City Logistic, and Delivery Network

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

1 2
WMM - Web Marketing Manager WMM - Web Marketing Manager

Digital Communication Strategy First! Social Media Marketing is a challenge. #SMMdayIT #SocialMedia #DigitalMarketing Web Marketing Manager - The only comprehensive place for all web marketing discipline worldwide :-) Il Web Marketing Manager definisce le strategie della presenza su internet dell'impresa e dell'utilizzo delle informazioni presenti online sulla concorrenza. Web Marketing, Social Network, Realtime Customer Behavior, online marketing and sales process automation, Social Media Marketing, SMMDayIT, Digital Marketing, Digital Communication, Social Media Communication, Live Tweeting, Digital Advertising, Communication, Social Media, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Digital Communication Strategy, digital consulting, social media marketing, Digital Advertising, digital event, digital communication, digital …

Type: Startup Activities: martech

4 34
Synesthesia Synesthesia

The Digital Experience Company Synesthesia, whose name derives from the Ancient Greek σύν (syn), "together," and αἴσθησις (aisthēsis), "sensation," was founded in 2011. It is a digital experience company that supports businesses in their digital transformation. Synesthesia offers a wide range of services, including web and mobile app development, marketing services, training, event organisation, and strategic consultancy. The company firmly believes in open innovation and synergistic collaboration with startups, as well as promoting digital transformation processes. Synesthesia has been recognised by the Financial Times as one of the fastest-growing companies in Europe in 2018 and 2019, and as one of …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency VR

11 146
Fondazione CRC Fondazione CRC

We support projects for our provincial community, alongside non-profits and local institutions We are a non-profit organization that for 30 years has supported and promoted projects in the province of Cuneo in the fields of education, welfare, art and culture, local development, public health and sports. We operate mainly in the areas of Alba, Braidese, Cuneo and Monregalese. The Foundation has a net worth of almost 1.4 billion, which places it among the top ten in Italy, and is invested in diversified activities, from whose profits the resources to support the project and grant-making activity are derived.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

3 42
La Stampa La Stampa

📰 We tell the meaning of things. Every day, since 1867 🌎 From Turin to the world La Stampa is a leading European news organization based in Turin, Italy. Founded in 1867, it is now an innovative journalism hub based on an original “concentric circles” newsroom. From its Turin headquarters, La Stampa reaches millions of readers around the world on all platforms (paper, digital, social media). The tradition of credibility of the paper and the authoritative voice of its journalists make La Stampa a protagonist in the daily life of Italy and Europe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Stampa is one of the …

Type: Media

29 693
Environment Park Environment Park

Environmental solutions

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

3 N/A
Ninacare Ninacare

Ninacare revolutionizes healthcare staffing by connecting skilled health professionals and organizations. Ninacare is an innovative HR Tech platform focused on solving the shortage of healthcare professionals. Using advanced technology, Nina links skilled healthcare workers with organizations, simplifying hiring, training, and placement. Our scalable, digital-first method improves access to quality healthcare, establishing Nina as a transformative force in the industry. Healthcare and Human Resources

Type: Public

1 13
EBAN - European Business Angel Network EBAN - European Business Angel Network

The European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds, and other Early Stage Market Players EBAN is the pan-European representative for the early stage investor community gathering over 150 member organizations in more than 50 countries today. Established in 1999 by a group of pioneer angel networks in Europe with the collaboration of the European Commission and EURADA, EBAN represents a sector estimated to invest 11.4 billion Euros a year and playing a vital role in Europe’s future, notably in the funding of SMEs. EBAN fuels Europe’s growth through the creation of wealth and jobs. Early Stage Investment, Business Angels, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

33 62
Wired Italia Wired Italia

A better world. A new world. Every day. A better world. A new world. Every day. Wired, recognized as the “bible” of the digital revolution, landed in Italy in 2009 and is now directed by Federico Ferrazza. The brand has three “souls”: digital, magazine and events. The website has over 5.2 million monthly users; the new magazine has an appearance very similar to a book - a bookazine - of in-depth monothematic analysis signed by the protagonists of the technological revolution underway at an international level; the events bring the general public closer to the brand and translate into …

Type: Media

42 84

Our experience. Your growth. We are 5,600+ around the world. We at RINA provide expert solutions for engineering, testing, inspection and certification across diverse markets. In 2000, we inherited a legacy from one of the world's first ship classification registers (Registro Italiano Navale) and turned it into a “business-to-society" company that helps clients stay ahead of changes and grow sustainably. We engage in partnering with customers in developing solutions to complex problems, while leveraging our expertise to anticipate and address any challenges along the way. Our people come from diverse cultures, countries, and backgrounds. By respecting, embracing, and making the …

Type: Large company

13 7,170
Made in Carcere Made in Carcere

(Italiano / English) Made in Carcere è il brand della Onlus “Officina Creativa” che dal 2008 garantisce a donne e minori in stato di detenzione di lavorare, percepire una retribuzione ed utilizzare il periodo di reclusione per intraprendere un nuovo percorso di reinserimento sociale. Made in Carcere fa parte del Progetto Sigillo, un marchio registrato dal Dipartimento di Amministrazione Penitenziaria del Ministero della Giustizia e nel 2014 ha ottenuto il riconoscimento da “Ashoka”, la più grande rete al mondo di imprenditori sociali, posizionandosi tra i primi 4 ChangeMaker in Italia quale modello di impresa sociale in grado di contaminare e …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

1 3
Kalatà Kalatà

Kalatà opens up wonder to everyone, offering a unique vision of our heritage Kalatà is a cultural enterprise. It is an adventure along unbeaten paths, to share the beauty of stories, art and landscape. With our projects, we shed new light on Italy's architectural treasures, opening up accessible paths to all and surprising perspectives.

Type: SMB Activities: consulting it services Technologies: A.I.

1 23
LastMinuteSottoCasa - Perché il cibo... non si butta! LastMinuteSottoCasa - Perché il cibo... non si butta!

Trasformiamo in valore lo spreco alimentare! Il primo sistema antispreco per la GDO. LMSC was born in 2015 as a certified Innovative Start up with a social vocation. In 2018 we entered the Up Day Group and focused our activities on large scale distribution, becoming the first anti-food waste system specifically designed for supermarkets. Thanks to LMSC, any shop can: - reduce by over 50% the time due to monitoring food expiry dates; - reduce the amounts of unsold products; - significantly improve store margins; - disrupt its communication towards clients through automatic daily digital offers; - strenghten its green …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech

5 3
Relicta - Innovation of Packaging Relicta - Innovation of Packaging

Relicta developed a water-soluble, transparent and biodegradable bioplastic for packaging made from fish waste. Relicta developed a water-soluble, transparent and biodegradable plastic for packaging made from fish industrial waste. The project aims to reduce pollution from traditional plastics that are poisoning our oceans, meanwhile adding value to fish waste. It is a circular economy business model: our product will be obtained from a secondary raw material and will not pollute once melted in water.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

5 7
Elisava School of Design and Engineering Elisava School of Design and Engineering

El diseño y la ingeniería como instrumentos para transformar el mundo mediante la innovación y la reflexión crítica. Created in 1961, it was the first School of Design to open in Spain, being the first to offer specific design studies. As a pioneer, it has set methodological guidelines that have served as a starting point for other schools. Elisava promotes education, knowledge, research, development and innovation in the field of design, engineering and communication, providing university education that prepares its students to meet professional challenges internationally, promoting the relationship of our community with the business community, institutions and society and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 653

TIRESIA is an International Research Center pursuing scientific excellence in the field of Social Innovation Ecosystems promoted by MIP the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano. TIRESIA core mission is to study and interpret transformation in SOCIAL INNOVATION Circular Interaction System delivering new economic, business and policy models. Tiresia group studies social venture and its ecosystems. Social impact , Social impact finance, Social impact ecosystem, Corporate social innovation, Social business & impact measurement, Inclusive innovation policy, Sustainability, Social venture, Hybrid social entrepreneurship, Digital innovation, Academic reserch, Impact investing, New social business , Education, Advisory, Experiential learning, and Executive education

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 14
Tandem Social Tandem Social

We work to transform! Vocation becomes involvement, and involvement becomes results. Welcome to Tandem Social, a consultancy for projects and social enterprises that aim at transformation and social impact, collective equity or environmental sustainability. With our experience, knowledge and work we want to help and collaborate in the sustainable growth of organisations, creating a unique tandem with our clients that always has as its ultimate objective to contribute to improving our society, whether at a local or international level. From design to implementation, our social action strategy and development services are entirely aimed at obtaining results and are aimed at: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

6 63
PerMicro PerMicro

PerMicro è una società italiana, nata nel 2007, specializzata nell'inclusione finanziaria di famiglie e piccole imprese. microfinance, fight financial exclusion, microloans for microenterprises, microcredit for families, microcredito, and microfinanza

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: fintech

5 83
StartupItalia StartupItalia

Unstoppable Women, 14 ottobre a Milano #SIOS24 Winter, 17/12 a Milano We are now ready to take the next step to create a launchpad with significant impact on the creation of new startups in Italy. Platform with data from startups, innovative companies, investors and skilled people. Educational platform to support mindset building and training for a future generation of entrepreneurs with clear vertical specializations. Services and support for a new generation of startups with appropriate growth models Flexible space to bring together the ecosystem and support flexible expansions for startups and Corporates/SMEs. "The largest Italian community targeting founders, investors, developers …

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

66 93
South Summit South Summit

The most valuable network for entrepreneurship & business 🌍 In 2012, South Summit, together with IE University, saw opportunities for entrepreneurs at a time when the crisis had hit hard. They believed that entrepreneurs would be the driving force behind a revitalized economy. South Summit, born as Spain Startup, is a leading company in the identification, organization and promotion of all kinds of initiatives with the aim of boosting entrepreneurship, generating business opportunities and driving the development of talent and innovation. South Summit, the leading business and innovation platform where cutting-edge entrepreneurs connect with the most influential investors and corporations …

Type: Event

85 118
Fabriq Fabriq

Fabriq The Hague best kept secret for female fashion. The pretty little shop is a true trend treasure, which puts their customer as high as their quality. Female Fashion Store & Online Shop.

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: retail

7 5
FunniFin - Financial Wellbeing FunniFin - Financial Wellbeing

Your employees financial wellbeing partner. Welcome to FunniFin, your partner in financial well-being transformation! As a leading Benefit Corporation in the financial wellness sector, we're committed to revolutionizing how individuals and employees manage their money. Through cutting-edge technology and a user-centric approach, we provide advanced solutions to help achieve long-term economic security and success. Our innovative platform seamlessly integrates AI-driven tools, personalized coaching sessions, and engaging educational programs to offer comprehensive support across all aspects of financial life. With a dedicated team of passionate professionals, we're on a mission to promote equitable access to financial resources and drive positive change …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

5 11
Avanzi - Sostenibilità per Azioni Avanzi - Sostenibilità per Azioni

Since 1997 we have been promoting sustainability through social innovation. Since 1997 we have been dealing with sustainability, social innovation and impact. From research and development to strategic consulting, from business acceleration to space regeneration: we transform thoughts into actions. Because sustainability is not just talked about, it is done. We operate through seven areas of activity: a|change - consulting for sustainable change a|place - urban regeneration and local development processes a|cube - incubation, acceleration, impact a|impact - impact venture capital fund a|discover - spaces, territories, communities a|finance - useful finance a|word - communication, creativity, events urban regeneration, incubation, acceleration, …

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

25 56
CFM Italia CFM Italia

We help companies in the path of growth and change: training and access to funding for R&M; D and training Since 2005 we have created and supported SMEs, associations and non -profit entities in their path of changes management, innovation, development and social innovation with communication, training, consultancy, fund raising and accessibility to funding -national and European financing- Since 2005 We Create and Support Change Management, Innovation Social Innovation in SME, Association and No Profit Settor With Communication, Training, Consulting and Fund Raising and Grant Actvities. Managerial advice, communication, training, accessibility to funding, and marketing

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: consulting martech Technologies: A.I.

2 2
InfoCamere InfoCamere

Innovare è Crescere InfoCamere, the IT company for the Italian Chambers of Commerce, is the ideal technological structure for supporting the Chamber system in managing its information stores and providing its services. By devising and developing the most up-to-date and innovative IT solutions, it unites the Chambers of Commerce on a daily basis, across a network also accessible to all involved in the Italian productive system: businesses, members of the public, Public Authorities, business associations, professional bodies and anyone involved with economic data. InfoCamere manages the high-speed and high-security communication network interconnecting the nerve centres of the Chamber system. By …

Type: Media SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

63 887
Consorzio Arca Consorzio Arca

Incubator of companies from the University of Palermo The Arca Consortium is the incubator of companies of the University of Palermo whose mission is to promote and assist the birth of innovative entrepreneurial initiatives. Over the years we have supported the start of startups and academic spin-offs with a high rate of innovation. The Arca Consortium, a consortium for the application of research and the creation of innovative companies, active since 2003, is a partnership between the University of Palermo and a private entrepreneurial group engaged in the field of industrial research and technology transfer. The incubator is located inside …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

42 3
Osservatori Digital Innovation Osservatori Digital Innovation

Il punto di riferimento sull'Innovazione Digitale in Italia Il punto di riferimento sull'Innovazione Digitale in Italia. Gli Osservatori Digital Innovation della School of Management del Politecnico di Milano rappresentano una fonte unica di informazioni, dati e conoscenza sui temi chiave dell'Innovazione Digitale abilitata dall'ICT. Innovation, Management, Business, Digital , Big Data, Risorse Umane, Information Security, Digital Marketing, Mobile, Ecommerce, Internet of Things, Digital Transformation, Startup, Smart Working, Cloud, Fintech, ICT, Industria 4.0, Social Network, Customer Experience, Export, Mobile Payment, Blockchain, Privacy, and Retail

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services consulting e-commerce fintech martech privacytech uxtech

71 328
Fondazione BET SHE CAN Fondazione BET SHE CAN

We are dedicated to empowering young girls, committed to introduce change, and reduce gender bias as early as possible! BET SHE CAN accompagna la crescita di bambine e ragazze (8-12 anni) fornendo strumenti di supporto allo sviluppo della consapevolezza di ciò che sono e di ciò che vogliono essere, fino alla libertà nelle loro scelte e azioni. Prima che i condizionamenti si consolidino, percorsi innovativi che portano a vissuti e prospettive di osservazione originali: una chiave propositiva e orientata al futuro, un modello per far emergere talenti e potenzialità, una strada che fa riaffiorare il coraggio. Fund raising, Project development …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

2 6
EticaNews EticaNews

Dal 2011, la prima testata giornalistica dedicata agli ESG per imprese e finanza, oggi parte del progetto ET.Group company description company description company description company description company description company description company description company description giornalismo, csr, finanza, sostenibilità, informazione, comunicazione, management, ESG, finanzaSRI, climate change, governance, formazione, analisi, eventi, and risparmio

Type: Media

57 13
Brandtopia Brandtopia

Check off the box Digital PR, Influencer Marketing, Social Media Management. Marketing e Comunicazione, Digital PR, Influencer Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Big Data Analysis

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

17 5
Qonto Qonto

The finance solution that energizes SMEs and freelancers. Qonto is the leading European business finance solution. It simplifies everything from everyday banking and financing, to bookkeeping and spend management. Qonto energizes SMEs and freelancers so that they can achieve more. A few figures about Qonto: - Alexandre Prot and Steve Anavi launched Qonto in July 2017 - Qonto’s international team is growing fast and we are actively hiring! - Hundreds of thousands of customers in Europe are already using Qonto - €622m raised with VCs and business angels including Valar, Alven, the European Investment Bank, Tencent, DST Global, Tiger Global, …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

136 1,978
Zest Group Zest Group

Future. Faster. Zest is the top player of Made in Italy innovation born from the merge of Digital Magics and LVenture Group, market leader in early stage investments; Venture Capital, startup acceleration and Open Innovation Startup Incubator, Co-working, Startup Accelerator, Venture Capital, and Open Innovation

Type: Incubators & VCs

12 87
Il Sole 24 Ore Il Sole 24 Ore

☀️ All the economic, political and financial information you need. Since 1865 The 24 ORE Group is the main multimedia publishing group active in Italy in the economic, financial, professional and cultural information sector. The information offering of Il Sole 24 Ore, a leading daily newspaper in economic, financial and regulatory information directed by Fabio Tamburini - are the Radiocor press agency (Italian leader in financial information), the portal and Radio 24, the news&talk radio station, founded on 4 October 1999. Radiocor and Radio 24 are also directed by Fabio Tamburini. In services to professionals and businesses, the Group …

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

40 2,974

L’investissement durable dans les entreprises sociales & écologiques, dès 100 euros. 🇬🇧 (formerly 1001pact) was born out of the desire to address two major issues: the lack of transparency and meaning in traditionnal investment products and the strong need for financing companies with positive social and environmental impact and the lack of transparency and meaning in investments offered to retailers. Our mission is to participate in reducing social and environmental inequalities in the world by offering everyone the opportunity to invest in companies with a positive impact. That's why we offer people the ability to build a 100% responsible, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

128 95
WikiHouse WikiHouse

WikiHouse is a modular building system that makes it easy to design, manufacture and assemble high-performance homes and small buildings.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

10 7
Global Alliance for Banking on Values Global Alliance for Banking on Values

Finance at the service of people and the planet The Global Alliance for Banking on Values is a movement of independent banks with a shared mission to use finance to deliver sustainable economic, social, and environmental development. Founded in 2009, the GABV comprises more than 70+ banks and credit unions operating in 45 countries across 6 continents. Collectively we serve more than 60 million customers, hold over USD 200 billion of combined assets under management, give service to over 60 million customers and are supported by more than 80,000 co-workers. We call it #BankingOnValues Sustainable banking, Ethical banking, Values-based banking, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

14 21
Future Education Modena Future Education Modena

Future Education Modena is an international center to increase research, quality and impact of education in society. Future Education Modena is an international center to increase research, quality and impact of education in society. education, edtech, formazione, learning, learningscience, R&D, learningdesign, digitallearning, digitaleducation, cognitivescience, edtechvalidation, and learningprofessionals

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 51
Fintech District Fintech District

The gateway to the Italian Fintech ecosystem Fintech District is the gateway to the Italian Fintech ecosystem and attracts the most relevant national and international stakeholders. The Fintech District community has now over 290 Fintech and Techfin companies and numerous collaborations with Corporate and Professional Partners, public institutions, investors, financial institutions, international innovation hubs and promotional agencies. Let's get in touch and join our ecosystem: Fintech , Innovation, Banking, Startup, Regtech, Insurtech, Open Banking, Open Innovation, Collaboration, Scaleup, Ecosystem, Networking, and Startup

Type: Incubators & VCs

58 10
European Urban Initiative European Urban Initiative

innovate.share.inspire The European Urban Initiative (EUI) is an instrument of the urban dimension of Cohesion policy. EUI supports European cities in developing transferable and scalable innovative solutions to urban challenges of European Union relevance. EUI supports cities of all sizes to tackle these challenges and contribute to sustainable development of the entire European Union and its citizens, and to build capacities and increase knowledge sharing in order to strengthen the transformative power of all EU urban areas. The Initiative has a total ERDF budget of EUR 450 million for the programming period 2021-2027. to create and offer opportunities and an …

Type: Public

13 97
Pere Claver Grup Pere Claver Grup

Organized committed from 1948 Amb el Benestar de les Persones in an inclusive societat. Sant Pere Claver - Fundació Sanitària is a private non -profit institution and public vocation and financing, created in 1948. Long tradition and a strong roots in the neighborhoods of the Poble Sec and Sants de Barcelona, ​​it provides public coverage services in mental health, in complementary and allergy explorations. SPC also has an ophthalmology and dental clinic service that covers all dental specialties. In 2007, the Foundation extended its portfolio of services to the social field, prioritizing programs that respond to identifiable social demands with …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

5 190
Impact Europe Impact Europe

The investing for impact network Impact Europe is the investing for impact network. We gather capital providers (impact funds, foundations, corporate social investors, banks, public funders) to increase prosperity and social progress for all, fix inequalities and injustices and preserve the planet. Together, we rally people, capital and knowledge to accelerate, scale and safeguard impact. Photos: Getty Images René Magritte work © Succession René Magritte – Sabam Belgium 2022 Impact Investing, ESG, sustainable finance, impact finance, IMM, impact management, impact entrepreneurship , corporate social investors, social entrepreneurship , purpose, finance, investing, social economy, and corporate impact

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

45 57
Fablab Torino Fablab Torino

Cultural association, digital fabrication lab and makerspace. If you can imagine it, you can make it at FablabTo! Fablab Torino is a cultural association, a digital fabrication lab and a makerspace. Fabrication Laboratories are places where traditional DIY meets Open Source technologies and rapid prototyping techniques. In a FabLab you will find 3D printers, laser cutting machines, CNC milling machines, electronic boards and other tools of the trade to transform your ideas into projects and projects into reality. electronics, digital fabrication, rapid prototyping, 3d printing, laser cutting, CNC milling machine, design, 3d modeling, vinyl cut, fast prototyping, prototyping, Arduino, Raspberry …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

4 6
Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT

Impact investing, venture philanthropy, crowdfunding: realizziamo progetti e investimenti a impatto sociale in Italia Fondazione Sviluppo e Crscita CRT was founded in 2007 through an initiative of Fondazione CRT. It is a non-profit organisation that operates in accordance with the institutional activity of the Fondazione CRT including innovative activities in the field of impact investing. Philanthropy at the core but also business, finance and public administration: different worlds supporting each other to create social value. This "Impact Revolution"​ is a joint action of patient private investors alongside traditional grants. Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT plays a fundamental role in originating …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

5 7
EBN - European Business & Innovation Centre Network EBN - European Business & Innovation Centre Network

We are on a mission to connect, and support economic & sustainable development in EU regions - and beyond. Connecting a Global Innovation Partner Network EBN (European Business and Innovation Centre Network) is a not-for-profit that serves a pan-European, global community of people that use innovative business as a driver for regional economic, social and sustainable development. EBN’s initiatives include EU|BIC certification, development and distribution of quality business support programmes, facilitation and initiation of project collaborations, global networking and advocacy for excellent business support actors like the EU|BICs. 175+ Dedicated members operating in over 31 countries, covering the full spectrum …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

73 49
Ondula Ondula

For a critical digital education Ondula is a newly created social company that seeks to address new information and communications technologies (ICT) by putting people in the center. We are developing our own work philosophy from the analysis of the culture of the information society, seeking to respond to: What technologies? What do we want them for? How to design and use them? For this we have a methodology based on experience and meaningful learning through three key points: we build critical and creative thinking against ICT; We learn experimentally through game and collective creation processes; And we believe that …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 1
CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Investiamo il risparmio del Paese per trasformarlo nel patrimonio di tutti. Dal 1850. #conlitaliachecresce The Cassa depositi e prestiti Group is the national promotional institution that has supported the Italian economy since 1850. It finances public investments, supports international cooperation and is the catalyst for the country’s infrastructure growth. It supports Italian enterprises, helping them innovate and grow, while supporting their exports and international expansion. As the primary operator in social and affordable housing, it contributes to the growth of the Italian real estate sector.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

55 1,759
Casa Netural Casa Netural

Coworking|Coliving|Incubator the home of social innovation in the heart of the Mediterranean A home where you can find inspiration and training together with people from all over the world, to regenerate and realize your ideas around the themes of social, cultural and creative innovation. Honorable Mention for Social Design XXV edition of the ADI Compasso d'Oro Award "Founded by Andrea Paoletti and Mariella Stella in 2012, Casa Netural is located in a historic working-class neighborhood created by Adriano Olivetti. In it, the community can start collaborations and shared projects, with social innovators from all over the world, who, thanks to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

6 6
Fondazione Barilla Fondazione Barilla

Barilla Foundation promotes sustainable behaviors and healthy food choices for a concrete change in society The Barilla Foundation wants to promote responsible behaviors and healthy food choices for a concrete change in society. Nutrition, Sustainable Diets, Health, Climate Change, Food Waste, Food Education, Food Systems, Research, Education, Sustainable Development, Agriculture, Food, Environment, and Science

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech cleantech edtech greentech

15 20

Life Company A2A is the Italian Life Company that deals with the environment, water and energy and, thanks to the circular use of natural resources, takes care of the necessary conditions for life and quality thereof. Listed on Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange), with over 12,000 employees, A2A is a leader in Italy in the environmental sector, from separate waste collection to integrated waste management and the recovery of materials and energy, according to a circular economy model that transforms waste into resources. The second largest operator in Italy in terms of installed capacity, A2A guarantees the flexibility and …

Type: Large company

36 4,407
Accenture Italia Accenture Italia

Let there be change. Accenture is a global company of professional services with advanced digital, cloud and security skills. By combining a unique experience and specialist skills in more than 40 industrial sectors, it provides services in the strategy & amp field; Consulting, Interactive, Technology and Operations, supported by the largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations Centers worldwide. Our 537,000 talents combine technology and human ingenuity every day, serving customers in over 120 countries. Accenture embraces the power of change to create shared value and success for customers, people, shareholders, partners and communities. At the center of the …

Type: Large company

10 7,019

Adie is a great French association that defends the idea that everyone can undertake. ADIE is a 1901 law non -profit association. Thanks to a network of antennas developed throughout the territory, ADIE Finance and supports business creators who do not have access to bank credit and more particularly job seekers and RSA beneficiaries. Help in business creation, entrepreneurship, association law 1901, solidarity finance, NGOs, support, institution, financing, social and solidarity economy, training, microfinance, microcredit, and micro-company

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

193 1,252
Assifero Assifero

Associazione italiana Fondazioni ed Enti Filantropi Assifero is the national association of grant-making foundations and private institutional philanthropy that aims at building, strengthening and promoting a more informed effective and connected Italian philanthropic system

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

8 14
Avvenire Avvenire

the Avvenire insert on the evolution of the Third Sector, ESG finance and social impact technology A periodical appointment offered by Avvenire and an insert (paper and online) entirely dedicated to the civil economy, to tell the evolution of the Third Sector, the most advanced tip of ESG finance, social impact technology. The paper back as well as the site are divided into sections, to make reading and consultation more immediate: IDEAS, STORIES and ANALYSIS. Appointment at newsstands every fortnight and on every day: the site is in fact constantly updated and also offers social sharing of the …

Type: Media SMB Startup Activities: entertainment

11 3
quattrolinee quattrolinee

Siamo una brand agency, uniamo strategia, design e tecnologia per creare azioni di comunicazione innovative. We design to create connections and change things Quattrolinee is a graphic design agency focused on identity creation and brand development. We help startups, companies and public authorities to develop new relationships with people. We believe in culture, research, experimentation and technology as tools to develop new strategies able to respond to our client needs. Brand Strategy & Identity, Design Language, Advertising, Product Design, Brand Communication, Digital Strategy, UI / UX / Web Design, Mobile Design, Digital Installations, Brand consultancy, and Digital transformation

Type: SMB Activities: martech

1 23

CELI is H-FARM Innovation’s lab for language technology We provide expertise, research, and tools for the improvement of business through Natural Language Processing technologies. CELI was founded in 1999 as a research center for language computation. Over the years, it has become a consultancy company focused on using AI & NLP. Our goal is to extract knowledge and create value through language-related data. In 2021, all the services of CELI have joined H-FARM Innovation’s consulting offering. For more information, please contact us : +39 011 5627115 or natural language processing, speech application, text mining, phonetic transcription, sentiment analysis, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics

12 177
C.O. Gruppo C.O. Gruppo

We see potential everywhere. Welcome to cogruppo. We do strategy and organizational development without inventing anything you don't already have. We help you create services, work groups and transformation projects. We are a Benefit Corporation. organizational design, change management, and benefit

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

1 21
Finpiemonte S.p.A. Finpiemonte S.p.A.

Support for investments in Piedmont, through financing, guarantees and public grants. Finpiemonte is an in-house company of the Piedmont Region. It supports investments in Piedmont of companies and institutions, through the provision of incentives such as: subsidized loans, guarantees and contributions. Incentivi pubblici, Credito alle imprese, Finanziamenti, Start up, agevolazioni pubbliche, credito agevolato, pubblica amministrazione, pmi, grandi imprese, professionisti, garanzie, fintech, crowdfunding, finanza alternativa, progettazione europea, contributi, Banche, finanziarie regionali, and ppp

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

3 77
RP Legal & Tax RP Legal & Tax

Independent law and tax firm with 6 offices in Italy and 170+ professionals, providing full service assistance. RP Legal & Tax is an Italian independent law and tax firm, founded in 1949, with 6 offices throughout Italy, major international links, and more than one hundred and seventy highly skilled professionals providing full service assistance. Our partners and consultants are recognised as leading authorities in their chosen disciplines. We provide both international clients who do business in Italy and Italian Clients abroad with first class legal and tax advice along with the necessary support to bridge the cultural gaps which are …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

7 187
Accurat Accurat

Accurat is a data-driven research, design and innovation firm. Where others see complexity, we see beauty. And value. Accurat is an independent data-driven research, design, and innovation firm, with offices in Milan and New York. We work with clients like Starbucks, IBM, Google and MOMA, to turn data into software, revenue, and stunning digital experiences. We help our clients understand, communicate and leverage their data assets through static and interactive data visualizations, interfaces and analytical tools that provide comprehension, insight and engagement. We build rock-solid, enterprise-grade software products and delightful digital experiences that make large quantities of data attractive, digestible, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

8 59
Jobiri Jobiri

The 1° AI Based Digital Career Advisor Jobiri is the first AI-based digital career advisor which provides jobseekers with a trusted, easily accessible and innovative service, designed to guide them towards their future employment and career path. It is an integrated ecosystem of career tools, tailored for both individuals and career support institutions, which aim to contribute to the improvement of the labour market. Human Resources, ICT, Career Coaching, and Counseling

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: A.I.

5 13
WaMe WaMe

What a message! Every day we generate ideas, study strategies and produce content looking for results that lead to attraction between brands and people. We talk to people, study the social background, define objectives, build the most effective communication strategy and do the thing we love most: we make it happen. We do it on different media dealing with branding, content creation, integrated marketing, media relations, influencer marketing, digital PR, digital brand strategy, branded content, podcasts, videos, websites, e-shops. Being professionals in the art of language today is more important than ever. Communication changes chaotically. For every "what a mess" …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting martech

3 43

Communications Agency - Benefit Corporation | Make Your Brand Breathe Communications Agency - Benefit Corporation Turin | Reggio Emilia | Biella | Novara Make Your Brand Breathe "Breathing. For us it is fundamental. For everyone, you will say. But what does it mean that we make brands breathe? It means communicating naturally. Here is our idea of ​​communication: we study complex mechanisms and transform them into a spontaneous gesture. Like a breath." Social & Web, CrossMedia, Digital Marketing, New Media, Social Media, Visual Storytelling, Creativity, Advertising, SEO, and Digital PR

Type: SMB Activities: martech

4 44
Digit'Ed Digit'Ed

Empowering Learning Experiences Digit’Ed brings together the best names in the world of Learning & Development, with the aim of developing an increasingly complete and, above all, integrated offer. For large companies, SMEs and all professionals. For you too. A wealth of knowledge at the service of the job market: more than 300 professionals and a Scientific Committee leading over 200 teachers, 1,000 annual training projects and more than 10,000 training titles in the catalog. Education, Consulting, Training, Talent Management, Funded Training, Corporate Academy, Human Resources, and People Strategy

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

8 309
Eggers Eggers

A laboratory for research, experimentation and production of communication. Eggers2.0 is a laboratory for research and production of communication. It is 2.0 because it is open to the active participation of everyone: companies; communication experts; students and scholars of visual languages ​​and all forms and means, new and traditional, of communication. It is an open factory that combines the actual production of communication materials with research and experimentation. It was created by the University of Turin, by avigdor&associati srl, by Pragmos S.p.A. and is led by Pietro Dotti and Guido Avigdor The core group is made up of young people …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: New Materials

1 29
Slow Food Slow Food

Good, Clean and Fair Food Slow Food is a global, grassroots organization working to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and products and counteract the rise of fast life. Slow Food has grown into a global movement involving millions of people in over 160 countries, working to ensure everyone has access to good, clean and fair food. Slow Food believes food is tied to many other aspects of life, including culture, politics, agriculture and the environment. Through our food choices and advocacy, we can collectively influence how food is cultivated, produced and distributed, and change the world as a …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 825
Aulab Aulab

Digital Factory engaged in the creation of courses and the development of innovative services with high technological value Aulab is the first Tech School in Italy to have imported the coding bootcamp model from the USA. Active since 2014, it deals with digital & tech training. More than 10,000 students have relied on us to turn their lives around and, according to independent research certified by Ipsos, over 90% of them have started a new career. education, technology, innovation, coding, coworking, tech, courses, software development, full stack developer, web developer course, coding, and bootcamp

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services

7 130
Luiss Business School Luiss Business School

Leaders for a better world Luiss Business School, accredited by EQUIS and AMBA, is the School of Business and Management of University Luiss Guido Carli, in Rome (Italy), which leads the development and the growth of individuals and companies. Through the Competence Centres & Labs, which are centres of Business Practice and Research, the School is full embedded in the innovation of the training programmes even thanks to the cooperation with Key Corporate Partners and an International Faculty in order to offer a real change to those who live the experience Luiss Business School. The programme portfolio includes: MBA; BA …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

45 816
Il Salone della CSR e dell'innovazione sociale Il Salone della CSR e dell'innovazione sociale

Create future future The most important event in Italy dedicated to the evolution of the CSR towards increasingly sustainable and competitive scenarios. It focuses on the opportunities offered by social innovation and the urgency of networking between conscious social actors. CSR, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and social innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

31 6
European Microfinance Network European Microfinance Network

The voice of European microfinance. The European Microfinance Network (EMN) is a Brussels-based non-profit organisation with 91 members in 25 countries. We envision a society in which those excluded by the conventional banking system have access to a full range of financial and support services, empowering them to finance personal needs, consolidate existing businesses, and start new ventures to improve their lives. Our mission is to advocate for transparency and good governance in the European microfinance sector, while developing capacity building, promoting best practices and fostering research within and beyond the membership. EMN’s core membership is made up of microfinance …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech fintech

15 290

The AI-powered platform that boosts diversity in the workplace. We are a platform that uses AI to enhance diversity in the job market, supporting companies in adhering to strategies focused on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, and facilitating the integration of diverse talents. AI, Talent Sourcing, Platform, Women and Non-Binary Talents, Diverse Talent Sourcing, Employer Branding, and Diverse Talent

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS A.I.

4 12
Smau Smau

Innovation for big companies and start-ups! For over 50 years, SMAU has been a benchmark of innovation for companies and public administrations. Since 2008 Smau organizes a series of local events throughout Italy’s main Regions to promote a culture of innovation among businesses and local organizations, a series which become international in 2015. More than 80,000 companies take part in SMAU every year, coming from various commodity sectors and for whom the trade show is an important platform to communicate directly with the market, the aim being to get the leading companies active in the development and revitalization of the …

Tags: H2020 Type: Event

44 41
CIRCE - Centro Tecnológico CIRCE - Centro Tecnológico

Improving business competitiveness with technological solutions in the field of energy and sustainability Circe is a technological center founded in 1993 with the objective of improving the competitiveness of companies through the generation and transfer of technological solutions through R&D activities and training, market -oriented in the field of sustainability and efficiency of resources, electrical networks and renewable energy. Circe works day by day to position itself as an international reference in energy, investment multiplier in R&D and talent focus, while looking at the future in order to help the business fabric anticipate technological change. Do you want us to …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

28 304
SardexPay SardexPay

The first commercial credit circuit of the real economy in Italy. Sardexpay allows companies, freelancers and associations to exchange goods and services on an online platform through a complementary currency. Thanks to a continuously expansion network, through a digital account (where a Sardex is the same as one euro) today over 7 thousand companies throughout Italy exchange goods and services in a multilateral and multi -meter system. Parallel and complementary services of payment and credit tools

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

4 72
Invitalia Invitalia

The Agency for the Development of the Country Invitalia, the National Agency for Investment Attraction and Business Development, acts on behalf of the Italian Government to increase the competitiveness of the country, in particular of the South, and to support strategic sectors for development. Its priority objectives are: Supporting innovation and growth of the production system - We support investment programs of new or existing companies through a package of complementary tools, capable of increasing the competitiveness of companies. ( Enhance the potential of territories - We contribute to the development and competitiveness of the country through interventions on the …

Tags: H2020 Type: Public

23 2,484
Altreconomia Altreconomia

Altreconomia is a monthly magazine and publishing house founded in November 1999 on the initiative of a group of organizations in the solidarity economy and international cooperation. Altreconomia is a publishing house that publishes essays, guides and manuals dedicated to the solidarity economy, responsible tourism, the environment, self-production, organic and sustainable cuisine, and investigations. Altreconomia is a communications agency for non-profits: we design and produce editorial products and awareness and fundraising campaigns, we manage press offices, develop websites, and create events.

Type: Media

2 35
Castelvecchi Editore Castelvecchi Editore

Italian publishing house.

Type: Media

2 63
Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence

This is not charity, this is business with a social objective. The Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence (YSBCUF) works to spread the theories of Social Business and offers strategic support to private individuals and Institutions who want to set up Social Business both in Italy and abroad. The centre also acts as intermediary with the Yunus Centre in Dhaka and Italian subjects who want to be in contact with Prof. Yunus The YSBCUF acts as a Social Business. Any profit is re-invested in the activities of the YSBCUF to promote and support the creation of Social Businesses in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

6 5
Mu Nu Chapter of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Mu Nu Chapter of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu

Scholarship, Character, Attitude IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu is the Honor Society of IEEE. The association was founded with the mission of assembling the most brilliant students associated to designated areas of concern and to support them through training activities and development of various projects. Members of PoliTO Chapter, after having passed a strict selection process, plan tutoring activities and events in favor of the University.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 70
Consiglio regionale del Piemonte Consiglio regionale del Piemonte

Official page of the Regional Council of Piedmont. It is the Assembly that directly represents the citizens of Piedmont. Elected by the people, the Council is the body that discusses, develops and approves regional laws. The Piedmont Council is made up of fifty councilors, gathered in council groups according to the different political affiliations. According to what is established by the Statute, the following can present legislative initiatives: the Regional Council, the regional councilors, the provincial and municipal councils and the voters. Within 15 days of the approval of the Regional Council, the law is promulgated by the President of …

Type: Public

2 205
Italia non profit Italia non profit

Italia non profit is the largest non-profit community, a meeting point and reference for organizations, operators in the sector, companies, foundations and citizens. We are an independent platform and we believe that the growth of the non-profit sector can make a difference for the Country System. Every day we create innovative digital projects for those who donate, for those who work in the non-profit sector, for volunteers and for those who invest in social issues: we provide the sector with the best data, information, products and technologies available. Our traveling companions are: Non-profit organizations, Companies that do CSR, Banks and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

2 18
VIEW Conference VIEW Conference

Italy’s largest computer graphics conference VIEW Conference is the premiere international event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Animation, Gaming & VFX. Virtual Production, Metaverse, VR,AR, XR, MR, AI; immersive and 3d. VIEW 2024 will continue to focus on exploring the increasingly fluid boundary between real and digital worlds. Through lectures, meetings, tributes, exhibits, screenings and demo presentations VIEW will reveal the new digital frontier sweeping from cinema to architecture, from automotive design to advertisement, from medicine to videogames. VIEWFest is the event that complete and enrich VIEW Conference. VIEWFest is an International festival on digital cinema – where the best …

Type: Event

8 18
Nuovi Turismi di Silvia Badriotto Nuovi Turismi di Silvia Badriotto

Communication, Web Marketing and Slow Tourism 💜 I help companies in the tourism and cultural sector to find new customers and improve their digital communication. Web marketing and slow tourism ✔ I carry out training and consultancy to improve and grow in a sustainable way, combining tourism and territorial web marketing with knowledge of digital communication and its tools. Aware that slow tourism is growing and a knowledge of the territory integrated with its development is needed. ✔ Together with my clients, I try to understand how to promote their business with the right tools, analyzing the current situation and …

Type: Media

2 3
Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile (ItaSIF) Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile (ItaSIF)

We promote the awareness and the practice of sustainable and responsible investments in financial markets. The Italian Sustainable Investment Forum (ItaSIF) was founded in 2001. ItaSIF is a not for profit multi-stakeholder association: its members are financial actors and other organizations interested in the environmental and social impacts of financial activities. Our mission is to promote the awareness and the strategies linked to sustainable investments, with the aim to encourage the integration of environmental, social and governance criteria into financial products and processes. Since 2012, ItaSIF has organized the Italian SRI Week, among the main events on sustainable and responsible …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech fintech greentech

15 18
ESN Milano IULM - Erasmus Student Network Milano IULM ESN Milano IULM - Erasmus Student Network Milano IULM

Students helping students ESN Milano IULM is a non-profit and non-partisan student association founded in 2006. Our aim is to support international mobility and help international exchange students at IULM University in Milan during their stay in Italy through the organization of travel and activities, and by providing practical help before and after their arrival to help them integrate into the Milanese social fabric. We are part of ESN Italia and ESN International and we are the only student association that promotes international mobility officially recognized and supported by the European Commission.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 2