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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
Qwant Qwant

The search engine you are the user of, not the product! Qwant is a European search engine, launched in July 2013, which offers an innovative search experience through the use of artificial intelligence and a loyalty program that is unique in the world of Search. In addition, Qwant is committed to respecting users' online privacy and to allowing them to explore the web with complete confidence and security. Qwant, the search engine you are the user of, not the product!

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: Data Analytics

124 72 45 130
LIAS Laboratory LIAS Laboratory

Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems The Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems, created in January 2012, is the result from the merge of two laboratories: the Applied Computer Science Laboratory (LISI, EA 1232) and the Laboratory of Automation and Applied Computer Science (LAII, EA 1219). The LIAS gathers 40 teachers/researchers from disciplines like automatic control, electrical engineering, and computer science. Although the laboratory is anchored in the Communication Systems community for the fundamental aspects, the LIAS, through its applications, is naturally open to the engineering sciences either for the new modes of propulsion, …

Type: Public Research & Education Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

10 1 6 13

Firefighters of the Rhône department and the Lyon metropolitan area The Rhône departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS) was created on January 1, 1999. In 2014, the Lyon metropolitan area was created and the Rhône SDIS became SDMIS (Departmental-Metropolitan Fire and Rescue Service) on January 1, 2015. The SDMIS carries out its missions for the benefit of 2 local authorities: the Rhône department and the Lyon metropolitan area.

Type: Public

23 11 14 1,013
Association e-Enfance / 3018 Association e-Enfance / 3018

3018 is the number for young victims of harassment and digital violence. The e-Enfance / 3018 Association, a single point of entry against harassment and digital violence suffered by young people. Recognized as being of public utility, the Association operates 3018, the free, anonymous and confidential number for victims of harassment, cyberbullying and other digital violence. It is accessible by telephone 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., as well as on, Messenger and via the 3018 APP. The e-Enfance / 3018 Association raises awareness each year among 200,000 children, adolescents, parents and professionals on the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

54 23 38 42
Les Trophées des Futures Licornes Les Trophées des Futures Licornes

The Unicorn Trophies aim to identify French companies that have strong growth potential and which could be valued at more than a billion euros in the next 5 years.

Type: Incubators & VCs

85 5 84 3

Let's build tomorrow's digital public services together is the State Digital Services Incubator. Our mission is to design digital public services. Our two principles: simplicity and trust. We create State Startups: small autonomous teams whose mission is to change the rules of the game. is a mission of the Interministerial Digital Directorate (DINUM), placed under the authority of the Prime Minister. Check out our website: we have an english version too! State Startups, Digital Services Incubator, Open Government, Open Data, UX, Intrapreneurship, Public Innovation, Digital, and Continuous Improvement

Type: Public

60 25 30 428
Points de Vente Points de Vente

B to B press commerce and mass distribution With its 55 years of expertise, Points de Vente is today positioned as a background information media (economy, analysis, forecasting), a decision-making tool, at the service of decision-makers in Distribution and Commerce. Commerce and Distribution, Food products, Non-food products, and Solutions

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce

66 6 60 96
Ordre des Avocats au Conseil d'État et à la Cour de cassation Ordre des Avocats au Conseil d'État et à la Cour de cassation

under the presidency of Mr. François Molinié The lawyers at the Council of State and the Court of Cassation, also called “lawyers at the Councils”, form an independent profession that has been profoundly modernized since its creation. A council composed of 14 members and a president is responsible for administering and representing the profession. The lawyers at the Councils are united in a bar dedicated to the two high courts that are the Council of State and the Court of Cassation. This specialized bar is distinct from the bars of lawyers attached to each high court.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

12 7 9 21
Citizen Press Citizen Press

Agence de communication spécialisée dans les stratégies éditoriales et la production de contenus print/web/vidéo. Citizen Press is an editorial communications agency based in Paris and London. Initially created as a news agency, Citizen Press strives to retain its journalistic culture: investigation, fact-checking, and quality reader-centric writing form our core expertise. With the creativity and responsiveness of a communications agency, Citizen Press delivers the highest standard of editorial communication. Our team excels in producing tailored, animated or scripted content and proposing multi-media editorial strategies to its clients in order to create a lasting bond with their audiences. Editorial, Information plurimédia, Content …

Type: Media

70 3 69 32
Affiches Parisiennes Affiches Parisiennes

Political and general information press (IPG) Affiches Parisiennes is a weekly newspaper of legal notices and legal information, headquartered in Paris. It is authorized to publish legal notices in the departments of Paris (75), Hauts-de-Seine (92), Seine-Saint-Denis (93) and Val-de-Marne (94). The newspaper Affiches Parisiennes is published on Tuesday and Friday, it is distributed by subscription, or by issue at the newspaper's headquarters, 15 rue du Louvre in Paris (1st ardt). It publishes not only the legal notices of companies, but also the notices of all sales of real estate by auction in the departments 75, 92, 93 and 94. …

Type: Media

165 54 184 11
Startup For Kids Startup For Kids

Let's explore a world of innovations to imagine the best of futures More than 65% of children who start school today will work in a job that does not yet exist: What jobs will our children have tomorrow? The mission of Startup For Kids: to prepare young people for the world of tomorrow with equal opportunities and gender equality by exploring a world of innovation to imagine the best of futures. Children and adolescents are invited to explore a world of innovations to imagine the best of futures through creativity workshops, the discovery of new ways of learning, advanced training …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

93 30 67 17
Paris Place de Droit Paris Place de Droit

Paris City of Law was created in 2015 as a working group dedicated to French and international legal professionals. A leading legal center, Paris has major assets to position itself as an international forum for resolving commercial disputes: a community of lawyers accustomed to the practice of foreign laws and languages ​​and jurisdictions specialized in business life applying efficient procedures. Paris Place de Droit brings together the Paris Bar, the Commercial Court, the University of Paris Panthéon Sorbonne, the French Association of Corporate Lawyers, the Cercle Montesquieu, the CCI Paris-Ile de France, ICC and Paris Place d’Arbitrage to contribute together …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

40 6 35 13
INRS France INRS France

Occupational risk prevention: follow the latest news from INRS The National Institute for Research and Safety (INRS) for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases works to serve 2.2 million companies and 18.4 million employees covered by the general social security system. From acquiring knowledge to disseminating it, the Institute uses its multidisciplinary resources to preserve health and safety at work, deploy a culture of prevention in companies and propose responses adapted to the diversity of occupational risks. Its action is structured around four complementary modes of action: studies and research, assistance, training and information-communication. Created in 1947 under the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

31 17 16 689
Shadline Shadline

The Autonomous Cyber Shelter. The 1st anti-crisis solution with tamper-proof communications and vital data access. The first autonomous digital survival system. Major attack or ransomware: Shadline combines collaborative tools and guaranteed access to your vital data to overcome crises. All your employees and partners can use Shadline on a daily basis or as an immediately operational digital fallback environment in the event of a crisis. Keep a footprint of your key data and keep working whatever happens: fulfill your obligations, ensure business continuity and speed up recovery. Defeat cyber attacks! Now, you can get ready. confiance digitale, sécurisée par conception, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity Data Analytics

4 1 4 14
Nova In Silico Nova In Silico

Nova has built jinkō, a unique in silico clinical trial simulation platform to de-risk and accelerate clinical trials Nova provides its jinkō clinical trials simulation platform to biotech and pharma companies, academic research centers and not-for-profit organizations. Jinkō® unlocks the potential of modeling & simulation to de-risk and accelerate the R&D of new therapies for the benefit of patients: identify best responders, optimise the drug's regimen, generate synthetic control arms, explore research outcomes that might not be feasible with conventional trials. Predict trial outcomes before advancing to real-world clinical trials and ultimately design studies that are more likely to succeed …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

20 8 11 58
Doctrine Doctrine

Doctrine centralizes and organizes legal information to make it immediately accessible and actionable for legal professionals. More than 11 000 law professionals already trust Doctrine. Find out why at

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Deep Learning

74 24 52 189

Easily adapt your website to each visitor with AI-powered content personalization BEYABLE's AI-powered solution suite enables E-Commerce and Retailers to maximize the value of their website traffic: - Boost conversion rates - Increased margins - Stock clearance - UX optimization - GeoMarketing - Highlighting sales promotions - Increase online sales - A/B Testing - E-Mail Remarking In concrete terms, BEYABLE makes it possible to adapt and optimize website content in real time, according to the profile of each visitor. BEYABLE is supported by over 200 references. They've all been won over by the solution, and the team of responsive, agile …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: A.I.

13 5 10 33
Coffreo Coffreo

Fluidifiez, automatisez et sécurisez vos opérations. Facilitez la vie de vos salariés temporaires. We provide two main services for our customers. First service is a BtoB one: we help HR department to dematerialize relationship with their employees. We catch and deliver all kind of documents issued of HR solution like pay slip and contract and bonus... Employer realizes savings, reduces its footprint, offer a new and smart service to its employees Second one is a BtoC one: we are focused on employees and the quality of the services we provide to them with our electronic safe box, Coffreo. We …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

14 4 12 53
OneWave OneWave

OneWave radically simplifies enterprise authentication. OneWave radically simplifies enterprise authentication. Humans are the primary vector of cyberattacks, yet they are effectively blocked by strong authentication. And you, have you activated it on your sensitive services? Not at all? Not enough? OneWave removes the complexity of strong authentication to democratize it. With our innovative biometric card, authenticating securely has never been easier for teams. Administration becomes a formality for the IT department. OneWave is: 🔹 The end of cybersecurity reserved for experts: basic use thanks to technologies mastered by all (Bluetooth, Biometrics, card format). The complexity of the most robust cybersecurity …

Type: Startup Activities: consumer services Technologies: Cybersecurity IoT SaaS Sensors Wireless

23 7 13 14
Sparkk Sparkk

Creative Web Agency A creative web agency founded in Nantes in 2013 by Florent Bolo, Sparkk specializes in the creation of tailor-made websites and innovative digital solutions. Our philosophy: We believe in the power of bold ideas. Innovation is at the heart of what we design. We encourage creativity to bring unique solutions to each project. Trust, support, responsiveness and flexibility are the foundations of the relationship with our clients. We are guided by passion and excellence. Our clients: Enedis, Thalès, Elsan, SNCF, Oddity, Montreux Comedy Festival, Canneseries, Hellfest, Spedidam, W Spectacles, Radical Production, Bragelonne, Lieu Unique, Julien Chieze, HBC …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

4 0 4 4
Kamaé Kamaé

The simple, gamified cybersecurity awareness solution Join the dojo ⛩️ ! Kamaé is the simple, gamified platform for raising awareness of cyber risks. Protect your data and business by developing your security culture: 🛡️ Training designed by cybersecurity and RGPD experts 🎮 An ultra-gamified experience: belt crossings just like in judo! 🤩 An easy-to-use platform, for staff and back-office alike The Kamaé platform boosts your defense, quickly reinforcing employees and engaging them for the long term 👉 micro-learnings, phishing tests, reflex sheets and a dedicated dashboard to track progress. Would you like to take a trial course? Click here 👉 …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

16 4 13 19
datacraft datacraft

The data scientists Club datacraft allows an exchange of best practices between data experts. It is a unique Club model, inspired by mentoring, and designed to allow data scientists/data engineers to train among peers and allow companies to accelerate their AI/data projects Access to the Club is through an annual membership.

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

75 8 62 17
Mohatra Mohatra

Mohatra at the service of professionals: IT, GDPR, Consulting, ERP and Project Management MOHATRA has been Qualiopi certified since January 2022 to guarantee the greatest professionalism for your training. All our training courses can be supported by your OPCO. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. GDPR, Cybersecurity, our team supports you in your personal data protection efforts. In 2024, become a business provider!! Mohatra is recruiting to expand its intervention network nationwide. Learn more about the offer: Business Development, Real Estate, Renewable Energy, GDPR, and GDPR Audit

Type: Startup Activities: proptech cleantech greentech it services privacytech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

6 0 6 1
Stelogy Stelogy

Simplifier la vie de ses clients en leur offrant en permanence « toujours + » +de technologie, +d’écoute, +de proximité VoIP/ToIP services Operator and Integrator Telephony solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Type: SMB Activities: it services telecommunications Technologies: SaaS

11 4 9 449
Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN) Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN)

An international community of cyber advisors from various disciplines and background, who want to build a better future - What is the Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN)? CyAN provides an international platform of advisors in cybersecurity, privacy and Trust & Safety . The ambition is to strengthen the security and safety in the digital environment through a multi-disciplinary approach based on mutual trust and on complementarity of profiles and experiences of its members. - Who can benefit from the Cybersecurity Advisors Network ? We aim to support advisors who want to participate in creating a more secure digital world, whether they …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 0 7 44
EHESS - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales EHESS - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Comprendre les sociétés humaines For the past 70 years, researchers and students from all different countries and backgrounds have elected the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) as their academic home, drawn by the pairing of in-depth analysis of the past and research explicitly devoted to understanding contemporary societies. Thanks to our global perspective and research-based learning, the EHESS has been an incubator in the social sciences; from the Annales to French theory to Thomas Piketty's historical analysis of modern capitalism, we have played a central role in the emergence of numerous paradigms in the social sciences and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

32 11 13 1,121
Pays de l'Or Agglomération Pays de l'Or Agglomération

Official account of the #PaysdelOr Agglomeration which brings together 8 municipalities in #Hérault The Pays de l’Or Agglomeration is a territorial authority, providing a public service to the population of its territory. The 4th largest urban community in Hérault, it has around 44,000 permanent inhabitants (more than 250,000 in the summer period) for an area of ​​120 km2. Within its territory, the Agglomeration has eight municipalities: Candillargues, La Grande Motte, Lansargues, Mauguio-Carnon, Mudaison, Palavas-les-Flots, Saint-Aunès and Valergues.

Type: Public

23 8 14 144
Les Affiches de Grenoble et du Dauphiné Les Affiches de Grenoble et du Dauphiné

The weekly newspaper that takes you out of the daily grind! Information in Isère, since 1923. Les Affiches de Grenoble et du Dauphiné is a legal notices newspaper distributed in the Isère department. Weekly, it has been published every Friday since November 24, 1923. Its content is aimed at a majority of active people, professionals, business leaders, traders and craftsmen, middle and senior executives for local information and legal and judicial notices. legal and judicial notices newspaper and local information

Type: Media

33 7 28 33
Health Data Hub Health Data Hub

The one-stop shop for access to health data in France - We are recruiting! The HDH is a state-of-the-art technological platform that brings together the French health data heritage to guarantee easy and unified, transparent and secure access. It facilitates interactions between health data producers, users and citizens, under high security conditions, and thus contributes to innovation and to federating the digital health ecosystem. We offer a set of services to support the players who contribute to finding tomorrow's solutions to improve the health of citizens: supporting project leaders, building and operating a technological platform to offer them the best …

Type: Public

81 32 55 127
Disclose Disclose

Open access investigative media Disclose is an open access investigative media. Our investigations are funded by donations journalism, investigation, ONG, osint, information, media, and association

Type: Media

13 5 6 18
Mathias Avocats Mathias Avocats

Faisons de vos risques, des opportunités juridiques ! Mathias Avocats provides its French and international clients with all its expertise and know-how in the Digital Law, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Cybersecurity and Cybercrime. 📌 Nos competences : - Mediation / Pre-litigation / Litigation / Investigations: Advice, support, criminal defence in courts, representing before the Data Protection Authorities (the CNIL); actions against intellectual property rights infringements etc. - Due diligence / compliance : GDPR and Sapin II compliance, audit, mapping, PIA, Specific compliance (website, application, projects), international projects etc. - IT contracts: E-commerce, GTC, software expertise (IP clauses, audit clauses, contractual …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity A.I.

19 0 19 5
AvoSial - Syndicat des avocats d'entreprise en droit social AvoSial - Syndicat des avocats d'entreprise en droit social

The first union of corporate lawyers in employment law Founded in 2004, AvoSial is a union of corporate lawyers in employment law that brings together more than 500 members across France. AvoSial places the simplification and security of employment law at the heart of its work and priorities. The union's mission is to promote the expertise of its members on the evolution of employment law and on the development of doctrine. Meeting in thematic commissions, AvoSial members work on current issues in order to issue concrete proposals, resulting from their professional practice in the service of companies. Find us: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

15 0 13 19
Réseau national Pimms Médiation Réseau national Pimms Médiation

🏡 🖥 Connecting you to essential services for 30 years #PimmsMédiation #mediationsociale For 30 years, Pimms Médiation have been reception areas open to all, a mediation interface between populations and public services. More than 300 points of contact in France, 90 Pimms Médiation labeled France Services and 10 partner companies engaged on a daily basis. Pimms Médiation are places of proximity and solidarity in which social mediators, professionals in social ties, facilitate people's access to the services necessary for daily life. They inform, guide and support users in their administrative procedures. They prevent and help resolve conflicts. Pimms Médiation, connecting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

97 15 83 20
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie Cité des sciences et de l'industrie

Science is still important! A place for sharing and meeting, the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie strives to help everyone, regardless of their background, discover, understand and love science and technology, industrial know-how and their challenges. To this end, the Cité offers a rich and varied cultural offering aimed at audiences of all ages: fun and interactive temporary and permanent exhibitions, shows, a Science and Industry Library, a Children's City, a Health City, a Careers City, conferences, symposiums and debates, spaces dedicated to new technologies and collaborative experiments with a Fab Lab and a Living Lab, and finally, publications, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

182 119 73 348
Faculté de droit - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 Faculté de droit - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Since 1875, the Faculty has trained generations of lawyers who have influenced the professional social circles not only of the Rhône-Alpes region but also beyond the borders of France. Today, we are constantly adapting to the evolution of society and its needs in terms of initial and continuing training and research. This year, the 174 teacher-researchers and 65 administrative staff supervise the 9,500 students attending the Faculty of Law and Political Science.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 7 4 109
Équipe de droit international, européen et comparé Équipe de droit international, européen et comparé

Research Unit (EA 4185) of the Faculty of Law of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 Our team EDIEC was created during the four-year contract 2003-2006 with the aim of bringing together researchers from both the private and public sectors in order to end a classic divide. The initial project noted the growing internationalization of law and the impossibility of conducting research in this scientific field without taking into account international law, European standards and the comparative law aspects of the subject being treated. The perspectives of internationalists, Europeanists and comparatists must cross, and it is important to create favorable …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

15 0 13 3
UNIFAB - Union des Fabricants UNIFAB - Union des Fabricants

For the promotion and defense of intellectual property rights The Union of Manufacturers has 4 main missions - cooperation with States so that the promotion and defense of intellectual property is a national and European priority - training public operational agents in the recognition of counterfeits (customs, police, gendarmerie, justice, etc.) - raising consumer awareness of the consequences of counterfeiting, through campaigns, reports, events, the Museum of Counterfeiting, etc. - dialogue with digital players and intermediaries to clean up the supply of fake products on the Internet Of course, it offers a range of services to its members according to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

71 7 59 26
Aleph Aleph

Analyse, protect, and influence your professional environment Aleph is a software publisher processing sensitive and strategic data. Aleph produce cybersecurity and strategic intelligence solutions to ensure the safety of individuals, companies, and countries. Our patented technology collects, analyses, and displays very large volumes of data. It can process all types of data, regardless of the format or source (Clear/Deep/Dark Webs, private databases, IoT, etc.). bigdata, crawl, P2P, search engine, webmining, darkweb, and deepweb

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics Cybersecurity IoT

30 4 20 16

Manage your core business, we manage its Transparency! Manage your core business, we manage its Transparency! 4mgTRANSPARENCY works with the Health Industry (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical visit providers, medical information delegates, Health events, PSAD) and Health Professionals by offering a personalized management solution, internal or outsourced, of regulatory functions and LEA (ex DMOS) from A to Z thanks to comprehensive support on the subject: - Audit of internal LEA (ex DMOS) and Transparency management processes - Management of administrative files (IDAHE, EPS) - Implementation of 4TRANSPARENCY, the innovative, efficient, profitable and agile digital platform that simplifies Transparency (SAAS Compliance management …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech biotech regtech deeptech Technologies: SaaS

40 0 39 5

Conversational AI Voice Agents for Businesses & The Phone Channel TALKR empowers businesses with AI Voice Agents for phone and web channels, providing seamless 24/7 customer engagement so you never miss a single opportunity. Thanks to TALKR’s no-code platform, AI Agents can instantly handle 100% of inquiries, achieving 35% to 85% full processing without human intervention—enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction. AI, Robots, Conversational AI, Voice Tech, Voicebots, Platform, Virtual Assistants , Voice Assistants, Conversational Agents, callbot, voicebot, chatbot, Personal Voice Assistant , VoiceBot for Call Centers, AI Agents , and AI Voice Agents

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. Generative A.I.

32 6 25 6
Wx (a Sodexo corp-up) Wx (a Sodexo corp-up)

Wx leads the workplace and employee experience revolution towards a liquid, data-driven, human-centric world of work. Wx leads the workplace and employee experience revolution towards a liquid, data-driven, human-centric world of work. Wx is an unusual company, half workplace consultant, half technology designer. Wx STUDIO is a consulting firm that helps organizations to operate better workplaces, through focus on user experience and data. Wx SOLUTIONS is a technology designer that helps organizations to optimize their footprint and improve workplace experiences. To achieve this day-to-day challenges, we develop sensors and a cutting-edge space analytics platform. We believe that workplace should actually …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: IoT Sensors

9 15 7 33

TOP is designed for HR and Managers, offering a solution to reduce turnover through Predictive AI. 📈 Your growth depends on your team and with TOP, you ensure their stability through artificial intelligence and algorithmic management. 💡 TOP is the must-have SaaS solution for managers and HR professionals aiming to retain their top talent. 🏢 A platform that adapts to your data and business context, delivering precise indicators to effectively reduce employee turnover. 🚀 With TOP, you can lower turnover by: ✅ Predicting potential resignations 🔮 ✅ Identifying the key causes of departures 🔍 ✅ Visualizing the right actions for …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment it services Technologies: A.I.

33 2 16 25
Leto Leto

Data Privacy Ops for modern businesses We love data and are on a mission to help you protect it 👨‍🔬 Leto has been supporting its clients in data protection and GDPR compliance since 2022 💥 🤝 Leto is the #1 tool for ops teams looking for a solution to manage GDPR compliance as a team and across multiple entities. Leto connects to more than 6,000 SaaS and automates your compliance. We have created an intuitive platform to simplify your compliance as much as possible! 💶 Generate more business, faster thanks to your GDPR compliance - respond to and win calls …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

26 1 8 20

Differential Privacy for AI & Analytics Retency has developed a unique technology that provides an RGPD-approved alternative to user consent. - Retency delivers the only SAAS software able to privately associate separate personal databases without user consent with a processing efficiency (>100M lines) adapted to the requirement of professional users. - Unique embedded de-identification technology allows to perform cross-analyses of databases held by separate parties, while guaranteeing perfect database protection and total personal data privacy, as a GDPR-compliant alternative to user consent. - Process is data-agnostic. Differentially Private output can be processed by any time of AI and data analytics …

Type: Startup Activities: it services martech retail Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

20 6 12 9
Dôme - La communauté des Domiciliens Dôme - La communauté des Domiciliens

Dôme is the link between all the actors involved in the care of a person receiving care at home. Dôme is an application intended for all the actors, both professionals and individuals, who are involved in keeping an elderly or disabled person at home. Dôme facilitates the coordination and sharing of information between these actors to ensure better care for the person and prevent disruptions in their life path. With Dôme, we consider caregivers as full-fledged actors in the care of the person receiving care at home. Thanks to the Dôme solution, we can include caregivers in the system to …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech consumer services

12 1 10 5
Smart Global Governance Smart Global Governance

Transform regulatory constraints into growth opportunities! With over 950 new regulations in Europe and a 50% increase in operational complexity over the past five years, governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) processes now represent 15% of companies' costs. At Smart Global Governance, we help organizations automate up to 40% of GRC processes, freeing up time for high-value activities and enhancing operational efficiency. Our modular solutions adapt to your specific needs by selecting from 13 functional modules in our GRC platform. Whether for risk management, internal auditing, compliance, or data protection, we have a solution for you. Recognized by IDC, Gartner, and …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity SaaS

36 3 34 66
Co-assist SAS Co-assist SAS

Solutions d'alertes innovantes pour personnes âgées en établissement Automatically alert your relatives everywhere and all the time

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: it services

8 6 3 12
bluexml bluexml

ECM Consulting and Expertise: document management, process management and automation, signature. Alfresco Bonita. Since 2005, Bluexml has been providing its expertise in document management, automation and process management, electronic signature and archiving to its clients in the public and private sectors. EDM (electronic document management), ECM/BPM (process management), RPA (process automation), Dematerialization, Archiving, Collaborative, Workflow, Digitalization, Portals, Electronic signature, Consulting, and Development

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing

9 1 8 31

IT support for businesses in Amiens and Hauts de France IT SUPPORT FOR BUSINESSES Based in Amiens, AB Expérience is the specialist in IT support and maintenance in businesses. A certified expert in Cloud solutions, AB Expérience also deploys VMWare, Microsoft Office 365, Dropbox Business, Microsoft Azure and Veeam solutions, in particular to help you gain in efficiency and agility. IT support for businesses With over 15 years of expertise in business IT, AB Expérience supports your users on a daily basis. Because some users also need assistance on weekends, our support service is open 6 days a week over …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

2 1 2 12
Wiklog Wiklog

Software solutions for an agile web Software solutions for an agile web Whether it is for the creation of your Intranet, CRM, ERP, business software or a web application, we support you in the implementation and realization of your project and participate in the digital transformation/transition of your activity. Digital transition, Digital transformation, Consulting, Training, Intranet, CRM, ERP, Business software, B2B, and Business service

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

5 2 5 3
Mission RGPD Mission RGPD

The GDPR platform to accelerate your compliance: Software, DPO coach, outsourced DPO, e-learning. The GDPR platform that simplifies and accelerates compliance for French and European companies. Created in 2019, we now support more than 1,000 clients in 22 countries thanks to our platform combining legal and digital expertise. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal obligation for all companies, but its compliance represents a major challenge, particularly for SMEs and mid-caps. Without dedicated internal resources, between legal complexity and high costs of external advice, many give up, exposing themselves to major risks: fines of up to 4% of …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity SaaS

23 1 19 10
Good ID Good ID

Google and Dropbox preferred partner, we support you on all your Cloud projects. Good iD, the idea after Organize | Migrate | Support | Train A Google and Dropbox partner, we work with our customers on defining the need, organizing their migration, support and training. We commit to a long-term partnership with them in order to meet their development needs around their business. Our team of experts supports you around Google Workspace, Google Cloud Platform, Google Voice, Google Meet, Chrome Enterprise and Education as well as Dropbox Business and Dropbox Sign. Through its experience, Good iD is able to meet …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

7 0 7 18
Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. By focusing international attention where human rights are violated, we give voice to the oppressed and hold oppressors accountable for their crimes. Our rigorous, objective investigations and strategic, targeted advocacy build intense pressure for action and raise the cost of human rights abuse. For 30 years, Human Rights Watch has worked tenaciously to lay the legal and moral groundwork for deep-rooted change and has fought to bring greater justice and security to people around the world.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

35 8 18 1,542
Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)

#empoweringEUconnectivity ”BEREC aims at fostering the independent, consistent and high-quality regulation of digital markets for the benefit of Europe and its citizens.” The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) is a regulative authority composed of the Board of Regulators (BoR) - the heads or nominated high-level representatives of National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), Working Groups (WGs) and the Contact Network (CN). BEREC is overseeing the day-to-day operation and voting on the adoption of initial proposals. While the WGs work on specific topics under the BEREC Work programme and develop initial proposals, the CN ensures the coordination of the proposals …

Type: Public

22 8 11 65
Digital Mag Digital Mag

The media of the connected company. Digital Mag is the reference magazine for digital professionals, direct marketing, e-commerce and m-commerce. The magazine offers several axes of subjects through zoom on: portraits, files, investigations, news, expert words ... Real answers to real questions are in Digital Mag!

Type: Media

31 3 30 5
CyberSchool - École Universitaire de Recherche en cybersécurité CyberSchool - École Universitaire de Recherche en cybersécurité

Brings together goal levels, master, engineer & amp; Doctorate. Cyberschool is the only university research school (EUR) in cybersecurity in France. It brings together goal levels, master and ingenor (classic format or work -study) of several renowned partner establishments. Graduates become experts, ingenious and/or scientists in the cybersecuritis key fields. Cyberschool also develops a doctoral journey which will aim to enrich the thesis experience of cybersecurity doctoral students. Cyberschool aims to be a major academic player in cybersecurity by offering training in adequacy with business human resources needs, both at local and national level. Its place in the industrial, socio-economic, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 4 19 14

#Tous united against hatred! Dilcrah is responsible for designing, coordinating and animate state policy in the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred. The interdepartmental delegation for the fight against racism and anti-Semitism was created in February 2012 but its field of intervention expanded to the fight against hatred and anti-LGBT discrimination at the end of 2016, and this following the recommendation of European institutions. In 2023 its field of competence expanded to the fight against discrimination linked to the origin with the national plan to combat racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination linked to the origin (2023-2026). Placed under the supervision …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 10 15 12
French-American Foundation - France French-American Foundation - France

Launched with its sister foundation in 1976 by President Ford and President Giscard d'Estaing, the French-American Foundation is a non-profit organization with the objective of creating transatlantic exchanges and dialogues on political, social, economic and economic subjects cultural.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

54 9 43 24
Clusif Clusif

Ethics and exchange spirit on the security of the IS & amp; Cybersecurity Created in 1992, but already a de facto association since 1982, the clusif is an association law 1901 which brings together French experts in information systems and cybersecurity. It offers its members a place of exchange and meeting at the service of an effective SSI around two colleges of experts: Safety solutions providers & amp; Users from all sectors of the economy. The clusif allows the brewing of experiences and the exchange of ideas within groups and workpads, publications and reference studies (MIPS "IT threats and security …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

38 11 17 49

A laboratory of ideas bringing together vice-presidents of higher education establishments. The Association of Digital Vice -Presidents of Higher Education federates vice -presidents in charge of digital - VPN - in French higher education establishments. An exchange and sharing network in the digital ecosystem of French higher education. Note Association works to raise awareness of the strategic value of the missions of vice-presidents in charge of digital in these establishments. We are developing actions allowing VPNS to best exercise the missions entrusted to them by their boards of directors and their presidents. VP-NUM organizes events around digital in higher education …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 3 4 1
Villes Internet Villes Internet

"For a digital citizen, accessible to everyone, shared by all, useful to all." Internet cities is a transpolitical association of local elected officials gathered around digital citizen. Our values: confidence, proximity, common experiences. We are committed as a trusted third party to advise communities in all independence We support communities in the accomplishment of their digital initiative projects for a local public service. We contribute to establishing relationships of trust between communities and citizens by ensuring optimal digital experience in terms of access, mastery and evolution of uses. We guarantee an objective approach focused on their specific needs aimed at …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

63 17 34 15

National Laboratory of Metrology and Tests For more than a century and constantly turned to the future, the LNE is responsible for supporting and arouse innovation. The LNE professions are oriented around two objectives: technological sovereignty and the security of citizens. His research work constitutes the base on which 5 trades are based: metrology, tests, expertise, certification and training. The LNE supports manufacturers and supports public authorities to promote the emergence of new technologies. LNE Nanotech, Leia, Melodi, Matis ... The LNE is endowed with several multi -plan multi -level platforms at the national and international level. Bringing together human …

Type: Public

41 15 28 664
Valconum - Institut de Valorisation des contenus numériques Valconum - Institut de Valorisation des contenus numériques

Development of the dematerialization economy and valuation of digital content The Valconum objective is to allow the creation of innovations and the development of the economy of dematerialization and the valuation of digital content. Valconum meets the needs of project leaders (public or private) who wish to initiate, develop or better master their digital projects, based on the expertise of industrial actors and the excellence of European research laboratories. Find out more:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 1 4 2
UFC-Que Choisir UFC-Que Choisir

1st consumer defense association in France! Let us mobilize for a responsible #Conso! The UFC-Que Choisir is an association law of 1901 aimed at informing, advising and defending consumers. The Federal Union of Consumers is the first consumer association in France, it intervenes thanks to different levers: • National action and local action: Discover and participate in the UFC-Que fights to choose nationally and local to advance consumer rights. Bank, energy, housing, food, health, environment, telecommunications: no sector escapes the vigilance and action of the UFC-Que Choisir. • The written press: enter behind the scenes of consumption thanks to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

98 53 14 387
The Pool, incubateur de projets innovants à Metz The Pool, incubateur de projets innovants à Metz

Transforming your innovative project into an efficient business Submit a project: The Pool incubator detects and supports innovative project leaders to transform them into profitable companies in the territory of the Eurometropolis of Metz. Association labeled "Incubator of excellence" by the region, The Pool deploys a sequenced method according to the maturity of the project and its carrier. The support policy is pragmatic and benevolent, centered on humans. On the one hand, the women and men who supervise the project leader are former entrepreneurs who have succeeded: they are best placed to understand and guide the project leader. On …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

57 12 55 12
Syntec Conseil Syntec Conseil

Organization of consulting professions in France. Let's invent the consulting of tomorrow Syntec Conseil is the professional union representing consulting firms in France. With nearly 250 member companies, we embody the profession in all its dimensions and together invent the consulting professions of tomorrow. Key figures for the sector: 15,000 companies 120,000 people €20 billion in turnover 80% executives JOIN US! - Take part in the professional consulting community - Exchange with peers and cross approaches - Promote your expertise and help promote consulting - Promote your practices and contribute to the excellence of the profession - Get support - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

68 15 61 20
Strat&SI - Votre DSI Strat&SI - Votre DSI

Simplify digital! Simplify digital! Strat & amp; if accompanies the small & amp; Average organizations in the digital transition by aligning their information system (IS) strategy for their business strategy. Like an architect of the building, Strat & amp; if is an architect of your SI. We help to identify and formalize needs, we support to find the right solutions and good service providers. We translate the needs in specifications and/or action plan to follow. We analyze returns and pilot the action plan to save time and allow managers to have factual and relevant criteria to make their decisions! Once …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

6 1 6 5
Spicee Spicee

The 100% documentary streaming platform. Spicee is a documentary platform per subscription. Since 2015, she has been offering hundreds of committed documentaries to her subscribers to her subscribers of the world today. The Spicee platform is a pioneer in the fight against disinformation and has a very committed editorial line (impact and solution journalism). And for a year, Spicee has even had its education component, Spicee Educ. The Spicee offer is available via its website available in iOS and Android mobile application, but also on Molotov, Orange, Video and Voo (Belgium). Launched initially as a responsive site, Spicee quickly …

Type: Media

48 7 36 13
Lex Daily News Lex Daily News

Independent online daily - Understand the news by law in a practical tone The independent daily online, Lex Daily News, helps you understand the news by law. Each day, the writing connects the right to the challenges of your daily life. To receive our free newsletter 👉🏻http: // real estate, economy, health, international, technology, social, and podcast

Type: Media

14 1 13 2

Trustworthy and compliant AI, made simple. ETHIQAIS automates compliance audit and management processes for AI systems, helping AI providers and users meet emerging global AI standards. Ensure real-time compliance maintenance and demonstration to expand your market, scale your processes, or mitigate regulatory risks. Artificial Intelligence, SAAS, Responsible AI, AI Safety, AI Security, AI Governance, AI Risks, AI, Generative AI, GenAI, and AI Policy

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

21 7 18 4

Simply Safe provides total or partial user identity verification for websites and applications. Based on double anonymity, its technology ensures a simple, smooth and secure identity control, thereby contributing to an internet that is both free and safe. provides age verification services for social media platforms and websites that are subject to age restriction. Age Verification, Double-Anonymity, Online Identity Verification, Parental Consent, Vérification de l'âge, Double Anonymat, Consentement Parental, Vérification de l'identité en ligne, vérification de profil, and profile verification

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

3 0 3 3
BreacHunt BreacHunt

Data Hunting Community BreacHunt continuously alerts you to the release by cybercriminals of immediately exploitable data stolen from your employees, suppliers and customers to prevent or rapidly detect their malicious use.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics Cybersecurity

1 0 1 6
Datatomic Datatomic

Free the power of your data ⚡️ Datatomic is a SaaS solution that centralizes, unifies, sorts all your contact data to deploy high -performance campaigns on all channels (email, SMS, mail, social networks ...).

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

3 0 1 5
IA Medical IA Medical

Today let's write the health journeys of tomorrow! Ia Medical is a French start -up that puts generative artificial intelligence at the service of mental health through a platform unique in Europe, unique because we are the first to make our chatbots boosted to the big model at the general public language like GPT. If you are between 40 and 60 years old, you are part of the sandwich generation, violial taken between professional requirements and helping your aging parents and children. A complex situation, exacerbated by discouraging administrative procedures. For 4 years, IA Medical has made available to all …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics

24 2 11 6

Boost Your Cyber Alcys is an entity specialist in cybersecurity, capable of intervening throughout the value chain of a company. Faced with the permanent development of cybersecurity technologies, Alcys favors pedagogy and knowledge sharing to maintain the skills of its teams, but also those of its customers. The company has thus forged around 4 essential pillars: training, practice, community spirit and innovation. All our consultants have access to theoretical and practical modules, and the opportunity to regularly participate in Challenges by Ethical-Hacking. The exchange, the technological watch, the conviviality between the teams are also values ​​essential to the company. It …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

3 1 3 3
Bleu Bleu

The cloud to collaborate & amp; Innovate with confidence. Bleu is a French, independent cloud service company, which aims at the SecnumCloud 3.2 qualification issued by the ANSSI. Blue is 100% owned by Capgemini and Orange. The future "confidence cloud" will offer all the richness of Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure to meet the specific needs of the State, local authorities, hospitals and health establishments, public and private entities recognized as operators 'Vital importance (OIV) and essential service operators (OSE). Cloud, France, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Secnumcloud targeted, and market isv

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

22 2 22 106
ModCo ModCo

ModCo contrôle l'usage pédagogique des smartphones en classe ModCo est une solution digitale qui accompagne les élèves à un usage raisonné et pédagogique de leurs smartphones au collège. 🚀 💡 En activant le mode collège, à leur arrivée dans l’établissement, les collégiens entrent dans une bulle sécurisée où leurs téléphones personnels deviennent un extraordinaire outil pédagogique. 🪴 Incubée au sein d'Anticipa à Lannion en Bretagne, l'équipe ModCo rassemble aujourd'hui 4 personnes. Ses deux co-fondatrices, Sylvie Audrain et Hélène Azevedo, se sont associées autour d'une même conviction : le smartphone peut devenir un vrai outil pédagogique. Pour plus d'informations, Education …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

23 7 21 3

Votre partenaire pour façonner les compétences au travail ! Daylindo permet aux entreprises d’exploiter la formation au poste de travail à l'échelle. Les défis en matière de compétences sont nombreux: renforcer les savoir-faire, répondre à la pénurie de main-d'œuvre, transmettre les gestes professionnels, intégrer de nouveaux coéquipiers, optimiser la formation continue, reclasser les collaborateurs... Or les compétences professionnelles s'acquièrent principalement par la pratique et l’accompagnement sur le lieu de travail. Daylindo combine une approche éprouvée et une plateforme SAAS conçue pour organiser, déployer et tracer la formation en situation de travail à grande échelle. Vous souhaitez exploiter la formation au …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

13 1 13 18

Digital health service FRENCH NON-PROFIT Organization that was created in 2008 and that aims to create synergies between (public and private-held) Healthcare structures or associations such as hospitals, radiology practices or gps association, in the world of information systems. - The purpose of health information systems of health systems in Ile de France is to improve the conditions of activity of its members by facilitating: • Interoperability and mutualisation within Ile-de-France health information systems, • Financial portage, • Project management. GCS members are public health establishments, PSPH, CLCCs, private establishments and liberal doctors. Healthcare, information system, e-health, coordination of care …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

30 5 25 133
Secuserve  🇫🇷 🔐 📨 Secuserve 🇫🇷 🔐 📨

Email & amp; Security as a service Managed services publisher (SaaS mode), security of emails and household, collaborative, mobile, unified and secure. Supported messaging service provider in France and everywhere abroad. We guarantee you 24/7 availability, control of your expenses and high quality support. Messaging, Mail Service Providers, SaaS, MAAS (Messaging As A Service), Cloud Computing, Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus, Unified Communication, Mail Forwarding Service, Mail to Fax, Fax to Mail, Mail to SMS, and legal archive. ..

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

15 0 13 35

City Healthcare: the only event in France dedicated to #digital in #health and its uses. City Healthcare is a congress fair dedicated to digital health whose theme is "digital to treat better: the bet of the future". The new 2025 edition will take place on October 7, 2024 at the Cité des Congrès in Nantes. Come and exchange, present your digital health innovations, your successes, your uses of digital therapies, your organization of care via digital. Participate in our congress and our conferences dedicated to remote monitoring (how to progress towards evidence -based remote monitoring) and clinical trials (digital to …

Type: Event

52 20 40 3
Renaloo: patients organization, kidney disease, transplant, dialysis Renaloo: patients organization, kidney disease, transplant, dialysis

The voice of kidney patients Renalo is the 1st French -speaking web community on kidney diseases, dialysis and transplants. It is also an association of patients, engaged in the field of health democracy, to improve the quality of life, support and management of people who live with kidney disease. Renaloo provides them with quality information and a large support and mutual aid network. With more than 1,300 unique visitors per day, a web TV, various and original content, a forum and ramifications to the main social networks, Renaloo is today the French -speaking reference site to learn about renal pathologies, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

26 11 14 10
Printemps de l'économie Printemps de l'économie

12th edition of the Spring of the Economy, from April 2 to 5, 2024. Do you get the economy! The spring of the economy is an annual event intended to improve the understanding of the economy and to allow everyone to seize the major challenges of the moment to participate in the democratic debate. 74% of our 15,000 listeners are young people under the age of 30. For 4 days, great players in the economic world (economists, chief of companies, academics, institutional (the) s, political) are found in Paris at the EESC to debate and exhibit their ideas. The singularity …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 9 32 1
Presses de l'EHESP Presses de l'EHESP

Information, train and wonder. The EHESP presses offer more than 300 living titles. Each year, nearly 40 new features are published. Specialized in the field of public health and social action by in particular our historic attachment to the EHESP, our public is essentially constituted by professionals, students, researchers ... Our latest catalog and our website offer a segmentation of our works in 4 thematic areas and 20 collections, some of which turn to the general public. Our favorite themes are: - Health management, listing various tools to discover and understand management methods, learn about changes in human resources management, …

Type: Media

34 0 31 18
Mediacités Mediacités

Independent and participative media without advertising, dedicated to investigation. Mediacités revives the fundamentals of journalism by honoring the investigation. There is no action and informed choice without demanding and independent information. This principle, valid on a country scale, is also at the local level. Multi-city newspaper, Mediacités concentrates its means on four major agglomerations-Lille, Lyon, Nantes and Toulouse-to meet these different observations: 1. The national press rarely investigates regional and metropolitan challenges. 2. The local press (PHR/PQR) is hardly dedicated to investigation. 3. Decentralization and the rise of metropolitan areas has enabled the emergence of strong powers (political, economic, cultural, …

Type: Media

75 11 65 49
Paroles d'élus Paroles d'élus

The #digital at the service of the territories #Collterr #Transfonum | Since 2005, words of elected officials have promoted digital initiatives of communities, serving territories. So many testimonies of dynamism and audacity that the territories can show to promote digital use and make it a lever for growth. Designed at the initiative of the Assembly of Departments, AMF, AMRF, ANEM, APVF, Regions of France, Cities of France and Orange, the editorial system of elected officials is subject to 'A participatory website: Interactive extension, permanent meetings and exchanges of local elected officials, their collaborators, executives and territorial agents, but also …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

103 13 95 1
One to One Expérience Client One to One Expérience Client

The meeting place for brands that create value with digital, content and data. 09/30-10/02 2025 - Biarritz Created in 2014, One to One Expérience Client is the meeting place for brands that create value with digital, content and data. A true business accelerator, One to One Expérience Client offers 3 days of conferences, business and networking in a prestigious setting, and has become the essential meeting place for all market players. Learn more: Twitter: @1to1Biarritz Marketing, Digital, Inspiration, Networking, Business, media, digitalmarketing, conferences, keynote, 1to1, and BtoB

Type: Event

48 5 48 4
mind Media mind Media

To understand the media and online advertising economy Mind Media is a professional and strategic information media on the media and online advertising economy. We publish information with high added value for managers within the media, agencies, adtech, agencies and brands and all industry professionals. Why read Mind Media? Understand the changes in the sector Press your decision -making Anticipate the next problems Our content: files, decrypts and analyzes, benchmarks and sectoral comparisons, data, interviews, experience feedback and case studies, exclusive information, movements of decision -makers ... Our media and services supports: - A website, with more than 10,000 articles …

Type: Media

49 11 32 13
MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives

Mildeca coordinates government action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors. Placed under the authority of the Prime Minister, the MILDECA (Interministerial Mission to Combat Drugs and Addictive Driving) animates and coordinates the government's action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors and develops the strategy Government in this area in the following areas: research and observation, prevention, health and insertion, application of the law, fight against traffic, international cooperation. The Mildeca supports the public, institutional and associative partners of public policy in the implementation of orientations, by providing them with methodological or financial support. health, prevention, public …

Type: Public

51 14 6 29

💡💻 Advice, managed services, data, AI, automation, training 🎓🧠 Imagine a digital service company (ESN) which is not content to follow technological trends, but which shapes them with an ecological conscience and a strong territorial commitment. Our approach is to go beyond the simple adoption of new technologies: we support you to integrate innovative strategies by reconciling performance and sustainability. In Midrange Group, we believe that real digital transformation goes beyond the simple adoption of technologies 🌍 A concrete ecological and territorial commitment Midrange Group provides you with digital solutions while actively engaging in environmental protection and sustainable development. Thanks …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

29 2 27 47
Euro Tech Conseil Euro Tech Conseil

The specialist in tailor -made development since 2000 Computer Company based in Paris since 2000, Euro Tech Conseil is a digital service company (ESN) operating on new technologies that supports its customers in all stages of the innovation cycle. Our company has real know-how- To do thanks to which it offers its customers of economic, effective and perfectly adapted technological solutions to their activities. Pour la réalisation de l’ensemble de vos projets, notre équipe qualifiée et expérimentée d’ingénieurs se tient à votre écoute. Méthodique et professionnelle, notre démarche de travail permet de répondre aux besoins de chacun de nos clients. …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Cybersecurity

2 0 4 39
Digora Digora

Giving more value to your data 💎 Use the full potential of your data and your IS to overcome your challenges in terms of availability, performance and security. Take control of your personal challenges around the Cloud, IoT, Big Data and DevOps automation with the support of Digora, a well-known expert in data management. As a widely recognised database expert, Digora supports companies in the implementation of a data management strategy and supports them in areas such as performance, security and IT availability issues. Digora offers a global approach to data management. It includes consulting & digital transformation services, supplying …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity IoT

32 6 24 155
Bearer | a Cycode Company Bearer | a Cycode Company

Redefining what code security can do for you. Developer-first modern SAST solution. Bearer helps modern teams ship trustworthy products with the help of our code security solution built for security, privacy and engineering teams. We combine sensitive data context with static code analysis to make security and privacy engineering simpler and smarter to maximize the ROI for your DevSecOps and central security team driven programs. For enterprises, we offer Bearer Cloud to manage product and application security at scale with deep sensitive data context. This is powered by Bearer CLI, an open-source static code analysis product with sensitive data context …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

17 0 17 28

The France Belgium Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an organization created in 1885 which supports French companies to set up, export and develop their activity throughout Belgian territory. 3 services to make Belgium your future export destination: → Rental of offices and meeting spaces: our 700 m2 business center, located in the heart of Brussels, offers shared or individual offices and meeting rooms. → A business club of 330 member companies allows members of the CCI to meet and build professional contacts during our 30 annual events of an economic, commercial, political and social nature. → The business support …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

26 4 20 27
Ecritel Ecritel

Web accommodation & amp; Information systems - Cloud & amp; Immigrant - Performance & amp; security Writel is a specialist in managed accommodation services for e-merchants, online service providers and any organization with critical use. In order to ensure the best quality of service, Ecritel Group offers a very complete range of services in this area: Consulting in Cloud Architecture, Private Cloud accommodation, public or hybrid, orchestration and outsourcing, support for containerization, Acceleration of Diffusion , Security of accommodation and distribution, financial (PCI-DSS) and personal (GDPR, HDS) compliance. Identical services are offered abroad, adapted to each legislation and carried out …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

35 3 28 185

Professional information from the political, economic and territories world. Discover our services and BDD. The trombinoscope is a French pillar of information and political and economic communication, created in 1981. Through its activities (publications, databases, events, audiovisuals, training), the group offers a global communication solution for institutions and businesses. Remember to subscribe to our page for the information present! THANKS Events, editorial, video, TV set, podcast, trophy ceremony, interview, video report, digital, wébinary, special files, sovereignty, database, influence, government poster, social networks, social networks, meetings, and magazine

Type: Media

73 3 65 8
Les Petits Débrouillards Les Petits Débrouillards

The educational factory The associative movement of little resources which, since 1984, has offered children and young people with scientific and technical activities, has participated significantly in social debates on education and culture. Organized in a network, it contributes to training active citizens, capable of thoughtful and critical opinions, actors in the construction of the world of tomorrow. The action of small resources is guided by a set of shared educational convictions and values ​​that are simply expressed. Here are the main lines: Make science discover by having fun, in order to create a lasting relationship with scientific culture. * …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

45 25 13 271
Les Clés du Digital Les Clés du Digital

Retail Rethink New online media, approved by the joint commission of publications and press agencies (CPPAP) The keys to digital aims to "deliver to its readers the keys to conduct and succeed in digital transformation". It is intended for the whole ecosystem of the retail universe, from decision -makers to providers involved in the digital transformation of brands. It is a weekly website and newsletter, sent on Wednesday to its subscribers to inform differently. Digital keys offer articles that decipher innovation, brakes and accelerators for digital transformation strategies. retail, ecommerce, omnichannel, digital, and technology

Type: Media

85 9 75 6
Le Mouton Numérique Le Mouton Numérique

Technocritic collective Digital sheep is a technocritic collective that deciphers the political, social and ecological impacts of technologies. Events, debates and meetings.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

35 13 26 3
la Réclame la Réclame

Every day, the best of marketing and communication. The advertisement presents to you every day, the best of marketing and communication. The advertisement is the main French media dedicated to creativity in the world of communication, with more than 400,000 unique visitors and more than 900,000 pages viewed per month. Our favorite subjects are spectacular or inspiring campaigns, whatever the medium: film, print, digital, identity, outdoor, stunt, event, innovation ... The advertisement is also a job site updated daily, attesting to the dynamism of the sector. Scan Book is the 1st platform for connecting communication pros. Co -production of Groupe …

Type: Media

62 8 54 16