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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
CFE-CGC Orange CFE-CGC Orange

We represent and defend all the staff of the #Orange group, executives and non -executives, civil servants and employees! Orange CFE-CGC values We defend: - Collective interest and treatment equity for all staff of the Orange group, in France and internationally, in a parent company as in subsidiaries, employees, master's degrees and executives, civil servants, employees, contract workers, apprentices and trainees, subcontractors and temporary workers. - Fu given, quantitative and qualitative use, and the internal maintenance of strategic skills for the group. - The purchasing power of staff wherever it is at stake, and primarily the fixed salary. - A …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

30 0 29 50
Centre des Professions Financières Centre des Professions Financières

Understand and make the financial professions understand. Created in 1957, the Center for Financial Professions is an organization of general interest for educational purposes governed by law 1901. The center of financial professions is a position of observation of developments that financial professions live daily. As such, it works as a passer of ideas like a "think tank". Completely independent, it is open to members of all financial professions. Its mission His educational mission of "understanding and making the financial professions understand" revolves around 3 objectives: 1) Develop a real pedagogy of financial professions both within their breasts and outwards, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

85 12 81 26
CCI Midi-Pyrénées CCI Midi-Pyrénées

A network connected to its time, businesses, missions, partners and Air-Mer-Terre natural elements The CCI Midi-Pyrénées acts for the economic development of the region, alongside companies. Place of consultation and coordination of the eight territorial chambers, the CCI Midi-Pyrénées carries out specific common actions with them. The consular network has developed multiple services for companies, from creation to sale or transmission. He is also an interlocutor of choice for students and assets looking for training. In 2015, the Midi-Pyrénées CCI network supported 140 companies in their energy saving approach, 3000 buyers creators and formed 1200 apprentices. Services, Creation, Transmission, Resumption, …

Type: Public

117 37 79 129

The craftsman of your solidarity actions in a team It looks at me is a cooperative whose vocation is to develop the societal commitment of companies and individuals. His profession: the design, organization and promotion of events and solidarity sites, carried out in France, immersion, within associations working against precariousness and for the protection of the environment. A solidarity site it looks at me is caulled by: - a specific objective relating to the meaning of this event - A day in immersion in the associative environment - a collective experience of 5 to several hundred people - an intellectual …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

18 2 16 47
Business & Legal Forums Business & Legal Forums

#Blfs - for Ethics & amp; Performance. Participatory and independent Think-Tank. The vocation of business & amp; Legal Forum is a better articulation between business models and standards, for the emergence of balances acceptable by stakeholders, factors of ethics and performance. Meetings and works bring together great professionals, public and private, jurists or not, and representatives of civil society. BLF's exchange formats push them to get to know each other better and to discover, each of them, innovative interactions. Meetings, Studies, working groups, publications, business law, regulations, strategy, innovation, business, ethics, performance, economy, influence, and managers

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

98 5 98 10
BRANCHÉE Etudes & Conseil BRANCHÉE Etudes & Conseil

Complementary Social Protection Expert Council We support strategic and operational management of your transformation projects! Complementary health, provident, legal watch, collective negotiations, insurance, and communication

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

3 0 3 2
Autorité de la concurrence Autorité de la concurrence

La concurrence au service de tous L’Autorité de la concurrence est une institution indépendante spécialisée dans le contrôle des pratiques anticoncurrentielles, l'expertise du fonctionnement des marchés et le contrôle des opérations de concentration. Elle est née en 2009 de la transformation du Conseil de la concurrence. Au service du consommateur, elle a pour objectif de veiller au libre jeu de la concurrence et d'apporter son concours au fonctionnement concurrentiel des marchés aux échelons européen et international. The French competition authority is an independant institution specialized in the supervising of anticompetitive practices, providing expertise on market functioning and reviewing merger transactions. …

Type: Public

103 30 85 204
Association COSMED Association COSMED

First network of companies in the cosmetics sector in France JOIN the first network of companies in the cosmetics sector in France. Created in 2000, the Cosmed Professional Association was born from the desire of VSEs and SMEs to be represented and heard by the French and European authorities in charge of the cosmetics sector. joining Cosmed means: - JOINING A NETWORK that promotes relationships between all players in the cosmetics industry. Cosmed brings together 1010 companies representing all professions in the cosmetics sector: own brands, manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, expert and testing laboratories, consultants, training, etc. With 80% SMEs, Cosmed …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech cosmetics

34 4 31 22
Association Comme les Autres Association Comme les Autres

Supporting people who have become disabled following an accident in their recovery journey. The association Comme les Autres offers comprehensive social support, driven by sport and thrills, to people who have become motor disabled following an accident. The aim of this support is to facilitate the rebound towards a fulfilling social and professional life. It combines personalized monitoring by a social worker and participation in collective activities with a mix of disabled and able-bodied people, particularly thrilling activities. To date, CLA has organized more than 130 sports adventure stays and formalized more than 1,000 social support sessions. Mobility, Socio-professional integration, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

35 16 18 72
Prof en Poche Prof en Poche

Transforming teaching and learning for all since 2015 📚🚀 Since 2015, we have been a publisher of AI-based educational resources that impact thousands of students' learning every day (over 500,000 students reached in 10 years). Our team of 19 curious and passionate individuals, based in Pau and Bayonne in southwestern France, is dedicated to exploring new technologies and sharing knowledge. Our mission is to unlock potential and restore confidence in millions of children, students and learners worldwide. For the past decade, our expertise has focused on harnessing AI to serve humanity and foster growth, ensuring that all our solutions are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

42 16 28 32
EXECinsurtech EXECinsurtech

Connecting the movers and shakers of #insurtech in Europe. July 8 + 9 // remote Since 2016 EXECinsurtech has established itself as a leading Insurance conference in Europe with a focus on early-stage startups in the insurance technology & innovation space. Gathering the industry’s movers and shakers from startups, financial institutions and investors, the main purpose is to create a platform for meaningful exchange. Participants join the conference to network, to learn from top speakers and from each other and to find new partners, clients and investors. Insurtech, Insurance, Fintech, AI, Blockchain, RegTech, IoT, Health, Biotech, Big Data, Corporate Innovation, …

Type: Event

22 4 18 1

It's for you. It's for all of Brazil. It's for you. It's for all of Brazil. Financial Services, Housing, Social Services, Pawnbrokers, Banking Correspondents, and Microcredit

Type: Public

3 2 1 54,088
Alliancy - numérique et business Alliancy - numérique et business

Media on the digital transformation of companies, committed to "Stronger together" Since its creation in 2012, our media has been at the forefront of the digital acceleration experienced by private and public organizations at the heart of the French economy. Today, its role is to offer a unique perspective on our professional environments in transformation. We give our readers the keys to anticipation, through original and in-depth analyses, as well as by monitoring current events. We are a facilitator of sharing experiences for decision-makers, in a framework of trust. Our convictions: The era of artificial intelligence that we have entered …

Type: Media

230 38 208 29
Agence du Service Civique Agence du Service Civique

#EnModeServiceCivique The Civic Service Agency ensures both the implementation of the Civic Service, a voluntary and compensated commitment of 6 to 12 months open to all young people aged 16 to 25, and up to 30 years for young people with disabilities, and, since 2016, the French version of the Youth & Sports components of the European Erasmus+ program and the European Solidarity Corps. commitment, solidarity, environment, culture, citizenship, education, health, sport, humanitarian, youth, volunteering, europe, international development, and civic service

Type: Public

110 44 65 828
Acting for Life Acting for Life

French NGO - works for territorial economic and social development in West Africa and Latin America. Acting for Life France is an international solidarity organization, founded in 1973. The association contributes to the emergence and development of local organizations that provide appropriate responses to the challenges of exclusion. Its main missions are to network partners in the South and to remain faithful to an approach of territorial economic development. Acting for Life France is an international solidarity organization set up in 1973 by company managers and directors in partnership with local organizations sharing the same view of a world where …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

10 2 9 78

Strategy consultants dedicated to the investment management industry We are strategy consultants dedicated to serving investment managers and financial investors globally. We partner with business leaders on growth strategy, market entry, product development and enhancement, sustainability, M&A and transaction support. We are an independent partnership founded in 2007, operating across Europe and the U.S. We have been a UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) signatory since 2016. For more information, please visit Strategy, Private Equity, ESG, Asset Management, Consulting, Strategy consulting, Consultancy, Finance, Due Diligence, and Sustainability

Type: SMB Activities: consulting fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

29 6 22 107

The BFM Business show that supports companies in their digital transition Every weekend, Tech&Co Business, the digital acceleration magazine supports companies in their digital transition. Frédéric Simottel debates with his guests about digital news: technology, usage, trends... they decipher everything for you. Digital transformation, Customer experience, AI, and Media

Type: Event

73 33 49 12
FNEK - Fédération Nationale des Étudiant·e·s en Kinésithérapie FNEK - Fédération Nationale des Étudiant·e·s en Kinésithérapie

Association representing the 12,786 physiotherapy students in France. The FNEK, National Federation of Physiotherapy Students, brings together the various physiotherapy student associations in France. Created in 2002, it now brings together 47 local associations (Student Offices) and 19 advisory associations. The FNEK operates according to a bottom-up model, meaning that each student joins their local association (their BDE), which in turn joins the FNEK. Each association has a spokesperson, called a "FNEK administrator", who makes the voice of its members heard. The FNEK National Office, elected each year, represents the structure and ensures the coordination of the various projects implemented. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

26 3 22 18
Médecins du Monde Médecins du Monde

Soigne aussi l'injustice Médecins du Monde, association médicale militante de solidarité internationale, s'engage depuis plus de 30 ans à soigner les populations les plus vulnérables ici et là-bas, à témoigner des entraves constatées quant à l’accès aux soins, à obtenir des améliorations durables des politiques de santé pour tous. Association indépendante nous agissons au-delà du soin en dénonçant les atteintes à la dignité et aux droits humains et en nous battant pour améliorer la situation des populations précaires. For more than 30 years, Médecins du Monde, a campaigning medical organisation committed to international solidarity, has been caring for the most …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

59 35 15 2,115
Konexio Konexio

Bridging the Digital Divide through Learning and Community Connection Konexio, certified by Qualiopi and labeled as a Grande École du Numérique, has the mission of training people who are distant from employment and/or the digital world in digital skills, from the most basic to the most advanced. Placing particular emphasis on soft skills, Konexio facilitates the socio-professional inclusion of its learners by uncovering their talents. With an international network and active participation in organizations representing the social and solidarity economy, Konexio works to make digital technology an opportunity for everyone and to ensure that the digital society of tomorrow is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

106 24 86 118

The businesses of tomorrow already exist within yours Hello, We’re Five by Five, an innovation company. We come from the tech ecosystem, and we work with large corporates, their leaders and their innovators, in transforming their unexplored potential into new business opportunities. Startup Engagement Strategy and Program Design, Intrapreneurship, Business Model Innovation, innovation, venture studio, and business models

Type: Incubators & VCs

30 7 24 2
ESSEC Business School ESSEC Business School

Enlighten. Lead. Change. The mission of ESSEC Business School, a world school with French roots, is to infuse leadership with meaning in order to prepare leaders ready to address contemporary economic, environmental and social challenges. In order to do so, it produces innovative and relevant knowledge to equip the next generation of leaders with the skills, know-how and savoir-être that will make them truly responsible, inclusive and respectful of the environment. Convinced that knowledge provides a path to freedom - Per scientiam ad libertatem - ESSEC inculcates in its students critical thinking and creativity skills that prepare them to anticipate …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Research & Education Activities: edtech

193 105 81 2,518
Prologin Prologin

Promouvoir l’informatique auprès des jeunes. Concours Prologin, stages #GirlsCanCode! et ateliers Prologin. Prologin is a non-profit organization, which organizes a yearly Computer Science contest of the same name. It is run by 60+ volunteers. Since 1992, the Prologin contest brings together computer science enthusiasts. The contest is divided in three parts: an online selection phase open to everyone, semi-finals taking part in a few French cities, and for the best 100 candidates, the final in Paris: 36 hours of non-stop programming and fun! pédagogie, informatique, concours, diversité, algorithmique, égalité femmes-hommes, égalité filles-garçons, mixité, and numérique

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

43 6 35 86
Klein Blue Partners Klein Blue Partners

Accelerate your open innovation with partnerships and investments in future gems! Klein Blue enables corporates to identify tomorrow's trends and to co-construct innovative strategies by bringing the energy and the audacity of startups. Thanks to the Klein Blue platform, corporates can easily accelerate the acculturation process and the activation of collaboration and investments opportunities with future gems

Type: SMB Activities: fintech consulting insurtech regtech Technologies: SaaS

49 7 43 22
The Shift Project The Shift Project

Think tank qui œuvre en faveur d’une économie libérée de la contrainte carbone The Shift Project is an innovative entity, an interface between businesses, the academic world, civil society, and public and institutional authorities. Comprising a multidisciplinary team and a network of experts, this independent structure assembles and debates proposals accompanied by initiatives or measures that focus on managing the transition to a post-carbon world. In practice, these proposals stem from economic and scientific research or summary reports on the issues surrounding the climate and energy, using a concrete and pragmatic approach that puts the laws of physics above human …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

85 55 32 143
Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR)

L'ACPR est une autorité indépendante chargée de l'agrément et du contrôle des banques et des assurances. The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel (ACP) was formed on 9 March 2010 as the body responsible for supervising the banking and insurance sectors in France. It had its first full year of activity in 2011. The Authority’s main duty is to maintain financial stability and to provide protection for banks’ customers and for insurance policyholders and beneficiaries. The ACP also represents France for matters within its jurisdiction in Europe as well as in international negotiations. The ACP is an independent administrative authority attached to …

Type: Public

69 31 34 682
Epica Awards Epica Awards

The impartial creative awards. Judged by journalists, not by creatives. In short, we are the creative prize judged by the press. Established in 1987, Epica is unique in the crowded awards sector as it is the only prize judged by journalists working for marketing and communications titles. More than 300 magazines and websites from around the world are on our jury. Epica Awards’ aim is to reward outstanding creativity and help agencies, production companies, media consultancies, photographers and design studios to develop their reputations beyond their national borders, attracting thousands of entries from more than 70 countries. Advertising Award

Type: Media

57 2 56 25
Green Soluce from CBRE Green Soluce from CBRE

How do we achieve results for our clients? Our private and public clients can count on our four hubs of expertise and our demonstrated track record of creating value with sustainability and CSR strategy and implementation: - Advisory by Green Soluce: Sustainability and CSR are complex topics that require expert assistance to achieve tangible results whilst avoiding any risk of "green/CSR washing"​. Our consulting services range from strategy and engineering to communications applied to the sustainable built environment and CSR of the players in the urban ecosystem. Key topics include: energy, carbon, circular economy and biodiversity. Tools: certifications, benchmarks and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

13 8 4 1
Medef Deux-Sèvres Medef Deux-Sèvres

Acting together for responsible growth 📱 THE STRENGTH OF A MOVEMENT, THE PROXIMITY OF A NETWORK The leading employers' union in the department, Medef Deux-Sèvres, represents over 500 companies of all sizes - including 90% of VSEs and SMEs - and from all sectors of activity, industry, services, commerce, construction, etc., as well as 15 professional federations. Our Mission: TO BRING TOGETHER, ADVISE & REPRESENT business leaders. The Medef Deux-Sèvres team supports managers on a daily basis: - Labor law, HR and employment - Financial engineering - Risk management - Prevention of health and safety at work - Export …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

41 6 28 9
D-Sides D-Sides

Agence de conseil DSides is a lab and a collective whose mission is to support companies'​ transformation towards more collaboration, happiness, efficiency at work.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 1 6 7

All corporate information and databases on real estate CFNEWS IMMO (Corporate Finance News Immobilier) is an independent media for financial information on real estate : transactions, M&A, LBOs, fundraising, development capital, Private Equity Real Estate We offer investors, companies and consultants daily articles, as well as a subscription-based repository, because we believe that information of credible and qualified quality cannot be free. Our team of dedicated journalists and analysts investigate and qualify every day: - The latest news on real estate deals, continuously by region and type of operation, in France and abroad; - The complete track records of …

Type: Media

77 11 75 10
Sénat Sénat

The Senate votes on the law and monitors the Government's action. It represents local authorities. The upper house of Parliament represents local authorities and sits in the Palais du Luxembourg. The Senate votes on the law, monitors the Government's action and evaluates public policies. It can amend the Constitution jointly with the National Assembly. The 348 senators are elected by indirect universal suffrage for a 6-year term. Nearly 1,300 civil servants and contract workers assist senators on a daily basis in carrying out their mandate. Find legislative information for all professionals on this page.

Type: Public

215 124 95 2,657
OpusLine OpusLine

OpusLine is now part of Accenture OpusLine is part of Accenture and a France-based strategy and management consulting firm dedicated to the health sector. OpusLine is serving an array of clients in health insurance, life sciences, healthcare providers, public sectors, medtechs or private equity. The health sector in France and globally is undergoing deep changes : we bring [ou OpusLine brings] strong expertise and high engagement to enable innovation and efficient transformation. Founded in 2012, OpusLine, now part of Accenture, is composed of consultants sharing diverse backgrounds and a common commitment for quality, working hand in hand with our clients’ …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: healthtech biotech deeptech consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

37 4 32 10
Merci du Tuyau Merci du Tuyau

Merci du Tuyau! connects decision-makers and experts to create business opportunities About: Merci du Tuyau! is a digital Business Club bringing together more than 8,000 contacts all over the world. To this end, the founders are committed to opening the doors of their address book to support your needs and the development of your activities. Merci Du Tuyau! gives you access and connects you with recognized experts in their field, who will be able to meet your business expectations. As a true trusted third party, we prioritize above all the quality, agility and efficiency of our relationships. JOIN US Thanks …

Type: SMB Activities: entrepreneurship

19 3 7 2
Alliance pour l'éducation - United Way Alliance pour l'éducation - United Way

Mobilizing all stakeholders to serve young people enrolled in REP and REP+ middle schools Getting businesses, associations, schools, philanthropists and public stakeholders to act together to serve young people enrolled in REP and REP+ middle schools. Collective impact, Education, Co-construction, employee engagement, employee engagement, skills sponsorship, collective impact, Youth Challenge, Alliance for Education, soft skills, CSR, ESG, REP, REP+, psychosocial skills, and QPV

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

56 4 55 23
StartHer StartHer

@gitparis becomes @Starther_org Tech entrepreneurship is feminized.Ex-Girls in Tech Paris Becoming #Starther.Follow US @starther_org

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

41 29 8 N/A
DII - Drive Innovation Insights DII - Drive Innovation Insights

Connecting leaders since 1993 Launched in 1993, DII-Drive Innovation Insights is a B2B/B2G event & thought leadership agency, part of the Axel Springer group & POLITICO Europe sister company. DII connects C-level professionals through actionable information, tailor-made events & exclusive communities. The agency promotes exchanges between peers and leads communities of executives through 10 selective and confidential professional clubs (Global Public Affairs, Global Impact & Sustainability, Global Healthcare, Legal & Compliance, Recovery & Litigation, Finance, Communication & CSR, Innovation & Marketing, Data & AI, Pharma). Thanks to flagships events, customized content, marketing strategies and informal meetings (afterworks, exclusive dinners, conferences, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

172 9 173 7
L'Autre Cercle L'Autre Cercle

The reference for the inclusion of LGBT+ people 🌈 in the world of work A recognized association of general interest, L’Autre Cercle is the reference organization for the inclusion and management of LGBT+ diversity at work. Since 1997, we have been helping employer organizations in the private, public and non-profit sectors to create more inclusive work environments for LGBT+ people. We offer training, educational events, and a charter of commitment to support these organizations in their CSR policy and D&I strategy. We also observe professional practices in LGBT+ diversity management, resulting in the publication of surveys and studies available to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

120 68 82 78
Hiram Finance Hiram Finance

Transformez vos Risques en Valeurs Hiram Finance is a consulting firm specialising in financial markets which was founded in 1998 and currently has 45 consultants. Our know-how covers financial engineering (actuarial work, quantitative research), risk management, internal audits and conformity, post-market activities and project management in finance. We help several financial firms in their regulatory, transformation, and development projects. We are a team of technical experts and project management specialists who are capable of solving our clients’ problems throughout the « Front Office to Equity » chain (including risk management, management audits, accounting, and asset and liability management). This multiple …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

3 0 0 32
Netguru Netguru

Netguru builds software that lets people do things differently. Netguru is a digital acceleration consultancy founded in 2008. Netguru builds digital products that let people do things differently – offering digital acceleration tools, resources and know-how to companies of all shapes and sizes – to make beautifully designed digital products in a way that’s fast and fits their needs. Netguru provides consulting services in product development, creating software solutions, and product design. Since our founding in 2008, our team has completed more than 1000 projects and has 500+ people on board working from all over the world. Currently, Netguru collaborates …

Type: Large company Activities: it services entertainment fintech uxtech healthtech

87 4 84 472
Université Paris Dauphine - PSL Université Paris Dauphine - PSL

Recherche & Formation en sciences des organisations et de la décision. Université accréditée #EQUIS Composante de PSL Dauphine-PSL is unique in the world of French universities. Université Paris Dauphine-PSL is specialized in the Organization and Decision Sciences. Our mission is to educate future generations of executives, entrepreneurs, leaders and scholars to be both experts in their fields and socially responsible, cultured, open-minded members of the community. Our faculty is internationally esteemed and award-winning. We are respected for our academic excellence and recognized for the quality of our research in the organization and decision sciences. Our close ties to the business …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

194 60 144 3,012
Les Entretiens de l'Excellence Les Entretiens de l'Excellence

Our association aims to encourage and advise students who would like to take a path of excellence, but who do not dare, due to ignorance of the means of access. It is therefore a question of restoring equal opportunities, overcoming the conditions of failure by accessing information and fighting against self-censorship by exemplarity. Our method consists of organizing half-days of meetings and exchanges for middle and high school students, from 4th to 12th grade, particularly from ethnic, territorial and social diversity. These events allow them to meet professionals from diverse backgrounds, who have succeeded in exemplary careers and for the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

30 6 23 44

Your Association is looking for Volunteer Ambassadors. To find out more: SAUV Life is the first community of Citizen-Rescuers that brings together 750,000 volunteers at the disposal of the SAMU. Our mobile application is triggered by the SAMU in the event of a cardiac arrest, in order to geolocate volunteers near the victim and available to help them. Whether or not they are trained in first aid, the SAMU guides them in their actions until help arrives. Anyone can register, from the age of 15. Principle: The SAMU receives a call for a cardiac arrest, it sends help and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

19 1 17 28
Assemblée nationale Assemblée nationale

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity The National Assembly is the heart of French democracy. 577 deputies are elected every five years to represent the French people, legislate and monitor the actions of the Government. Three main categories of staff work in their service: civil servants, parliamentary collaborators and those of political groups. The civil servants of the National Assembly, numbering around 1,300, are recruited by competitive examination and exercise very diverse professions. In accordance with the principle of separation of powers, their autonomous status is set by the Bureau of the Assembly. Civil servants are assigned either to the legislative services, where …

Type: Public

298 219 81 5,294
W Project W Project

The W Project is the reference platform for French entrepreneurs abroad. On the website you will find video portraits of these "double-venturers", reports on business creation in the countries and an entrepreneurship barometer. Entrepreneurship, Content, Media, Entrepreneurs, Startup, French, Creativity, Social, Innovation, and Travel

Type: Media NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

3 1 1 2
Wimoov Wimoov

We support vulnerable groups towards sustainable and independent mobility. Association of the SOS Group Born from the carpooling organized at the University of Nanterre during the major transport strikes of 1995, the association, initially named Voiture & co, has gradually extended its scope of action. Wimoov's mission goes beyond the initial sphere of the car and is expressed through a wide range of systems. The association is now made up of a team of 250 mobility professionals present in nearly 100 platforms throughout France, who are united by the same philosophy of action: supporting all vulnerable groups (people with disabilities, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

84 25 64 213
voxfemina - Paroles d'experts au féminin voxfemina - Paroles d'experts au féminin

VoxFemina for a balanced representation of women experts in the media Company description Created under the "sponsorship" of Mercedes Erra, Véronique Morali and Candace Johnson, Voxfemina is aimed at women with recognized experience, wishing to speak in the media in their field of expertise, to make female expertise more visible. The association brings together women with recognized experience exercising responsibilities in the economic sphere who want together to contribute to a better visibility of women in the media. President Valérie Tandeau de Marsac - Founder and Manager of VTM Conseil FamilyBusinessLaw, JeantetFamily, Member of the French Institute of Directors Founders …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

24 7 14 7
Hacktivateurs Hacktivateurs

Hacktivators brings together doers, creators of links and bridges and innovators passionate about the transformational opportunities offered by our time. We are motivated, determined and even a little rebellious, with a major safeguard: we are kind to men and women of good will and to companies and organizations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

47 14 5 4
Led By HER Led By HER

Rebuild women's lives through entrepreneurship Our mission is to mobilize the entrepreneurial ecosystem to promote and accelerate the entrepreneurial journey of women who have suffered from violence by giving them the tools, opportunities and skills to succeed in their entrepreneurial projects. We support a group of 15 to 30 women each year. In partnership with expert trainers and professors, we have developed a training programme entitled ‘Developing an entrepreneurial project’, which has been awarded the ‘impact project’ label by the Paris 2024 endowment fund. Entrepreneurship, Leadership training, Business management, and Incubator

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

34 7 25 7
Latitudes – Exploring Tech for Good Latitudes – Exploring Tech for Good

🌟 We help you contribute to the Tech For Good movement How do you contribute to creating responsible and meaningful technologies ? What makes your teams proud of their work? Whether you are an individual, a company or a university, Latitudes helps you build responsible and committed technologies. #TechForGood Our goal: bringing purpose to digital technologies. We help you get involved in Tech for Good projects and learn about the social and environnemental challenges of digital technologies: ☘️ sobriety 🌻 diversity 😇 human well-being 🎈 accessibility 📣 citizenship Our offers include: ✅ Trainings and consulting in order to raise awareness …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

97 40 63 52
La Revue du Digital La Revue du Digital

N°1 de l'information sur le business connecté La Revue du Digital est un site de presse indépendant qui donne les clés de la transformation digitale et de ses usages aux professionnels de l'informatique, du marketing, du commerce et de l'innovation IT, MARKETING, COMMERCE, INNOVATION, STARTUP, DIGITAL, OBJETS CONNECTES, MACHINE LEARNING, BIG DATA, CLOUD, WEBDESIGN, and CYBER SECURITY

Type: Media

72 13 54 3
cbp cbp

cbp became Kereis France on March 30, 2023. Follow us on: cbp became Kereis France on March 30, 2023. Follow us on:

Type: Large company Activities: it services

14 1 16 653

Le média professionnel de L'AGEFI dédié aux investisseurs institutionnels. Test de 4 semaines gratuit. is a unique online platform that will provide information about institutional investors. A place for the pensions community to share knowledge and experience about regulation, asset allocation and risk control. Instit Invest gives you the opportunity to connect to financial directors and be informed about investment decisions such as RFI/RFP

Type: Incubators & VCs

10 0 10 15
Rejoué Rejoué

Rejoué, the socio-professional inclusion workshop that gives toys a second life. The Rejoué association is a socio-professional inclusion workshop that gives toys a second life. Rejoué collects, renovates and puts toys back into circulation thanks to the work of women and men supported towards sustainable employment. Established for more than 10 years in the Ile de France region, the association renovates an average of 55,000 toys each year and supports more than 60 people. Toys, games and books are collected mainly from citizens or within companies. They are then sorted according to safety standards, completed and cleaned ecologically and then …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

70 31 43 22
Bubble Bubble

Bubble is the only no-code programming platform with the full power of code. Build custom full-stack apps visually. Build web, mobile, and AI-powered apps — all without code. Bubble is the leading #nocode platform that lets you build without traditional engineers. software, programming, apps, Saas, startup, web apps, web development, entrepreneurs, nocode, no-code, and entrepreneurship

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

18 6 11 442
InsuranceERM InsuranceERM is a media service that went live in November 2008 and has since established itself as an indispensable source of information on all aspects of risk and capital management in the insurance industry. The industry is undergoing rapid change, caused by the financial crisis, regulatory reform and competitive pressures. The key issue underlying the health of the industry is its management of risk and the amount of capital it allocates against this. Yet till now there have been very few sources of regular and detailed information in this area. fills this gap. Here you'll find the whole range …

Type: Media

16 0 16 2

ADMICAL is an accounting company based out of 283 Hoevensebaan, Kapellen, Belgium.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

113 28 95 1
Fitch Ratings Fitch Ratings

Fitch Ratings is a leading provider of credit ratings, commentary and research. Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating through independent and prospective credit opinions, Fitch Ratings offers global perspectives shaped by strong local market experience and credit market expertise. The additional context, perspective and insights we provide help investors to make important credit judgments with confidence. Fitch Group is a global leader in financial information, providing critical insights that inform better decision-making in financial markets. With operations in more than 30 countries, Fitch Group is comprised of: Fitch Ratings, a global leader in credit ratings and research; Fitch Solutions, …

Type: Large company

34 10 7 3,340
Culture pour l'Enfance Culture pour l'Enfance

Promoting social inclusion through culture Ex-Fondation Culturespaces Since 2009, Culture pour l'Enfance has enabled children weakened by illness, disability and social exclusion to have unique artistic and cultural experiences to awaken, develop and reveal themselves. In order to encourage the expression of their creativity, Culture pour l'Enfance develops artistic and cultural education programs adapted to children and intervenes in schools in priority education networks, social structures, pediatric hospitals and medical-educational structures welcoming children with disabilities. As part of our projects, children discover exceptional cultural establishments: the Atelier des Lumières in Paris, the Carrières de Lumières in Les Baux-de-Provence, the Bassins …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 3 22 16
Fédélor Fédélor

Student life: some talk about it, we do it! Fédélor, the student federation of Lorraine, has been bringing together and supporting student associations and elected representatives in Lorraine for over 25 years. The first student representative organization (ORE) in Lorraine, it is behind many projects: AGORAés, Nocturnes Étudiantes©, Ciné Plein-Air, etc.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 2 9 13

Save your Water💧 Save our Planet 🌍 🇬🇧 The IoT LoRa solution to manage water consumption and detect leaks IN REAL TIME - Turn Key Solution with sensors, LoRa network and data platform, plug&play 🇫🇷 1ère solution innovante Smart Water de gestion des consommations d'eau et de détection des fuites en temps réel. Solution clé en main composée de capteurs connectés par la connectivité LoRa à une plateforme intelligente et intuitive Robeau. Iot, LoRawan, Watermeter, Smart Water, Smart Building, Smart Industry, Smart City, Smart Agriculture, Fuite, eau, environnement, climat, water, leak, climatechange, and robeau

Type: Startup Activities: water management smart city Technologies: IoT Sensors

30 0 30 5
Dauphine Alumni Dauphine Alumni

Dauphine Alumni is Dauphine for life! Created in 1972, Dauphine Alumni is the Association of all students and graduates of the University of Paris Dauphine-PSL. The Association develops and leads a community of more than 100,000 Dauphinois. Its objective is to be a real network of mutual aid and to support alumni throughout their professional life, by offering them adapted services. More than 100 events are organized each year by our twenty professional and leisure clubs or as part of the Career Mobility Center. Dauphine Alumni is present throughout the world thanks to the 20 Chapters spread between France and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

134 9 131 21
AXA Investment Managers AXA Investment Managers

AXA IM official account. To find out more about #LifeAtAXAIM, follow us here: Our ambition is to be a leading responsible asset manager. As a responsible asset manager, we actively invest for the long term to help our clients, our people and the world to prosper and secure a sustainable future for the planet. It is in our DNA and unites everyone across the company. We are a responsible investor We have already seen signs that the global economy is starting to move to a more sustainable and equitable model over the next decade, and we will take an …

Type: Incubators & VCs

57 24 18 3,697
Atelier des Lumières Atelier des Lumières

Immersive Digital Art Center L’Atelier des Lumières is a digital art center dedicated to “immersive” exhibitions. Visitors are invited to wander through the space for a truly immersive dive into the heart of the works. Created by Culturespaces, it opened its doors in 2018. Culture, Immersive Exhibitions, Digital Art, Privatizations, and Events

Type: Media

6 3 3 18
Owkin Owkin

We use AI to find the right treatment for every patient. Owkin is an AI biotechnology company that uses AI to find the right treatment for every patient. We combine the best of human and artificial intelligence to answer the research questions shared by biopharma and academic researchers. By closing the translational gap between complex biology and new treatments, we bring new diagnostics and drugs to patients sooner. We use AI to identify new treatments, de-risk and accelerate clinical trials and build diagnostic tools. Using federated learning, a pioneering collaborative AI framework, Owkin enables partners to unlock valuable insights from …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech biotech deeptech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics Generative A.I.

74 35 43 470
Natixis Investment Managers Natixis Investment Managers

Natixis Investment Managers’ multi-affiliate approach connects clients to the independent thinking and focused expertise of more than 15 active managers. Ranked among the world’s largest asset managers*, Natixis Investment Managers delivers a diverse range of solutions across asset classes, styles, and vehicles, including innovative environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies and products dedicated to advancing sustainable finance. The firm partners with clients in order to understand their unique needs and provide insights and investment solutions tailored to their long-term goals. Assets under management (“AUM”) of current affiliated entities measured as of September 30, 2024, are $1,368 billion (€1,279 billion). AUM, …

Type: Large company

22 12 2 1,840
Net Insurance Net Insurance

Net Insurance is an insurance company that offers protection solutions dedicated to individuals, families and small and medium-sized businesses. Its history, financial strength and product offering make Net Insurance a leading player in the Italian insurance landscape.

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

6 1 5 97
Ambassade de France au Brésil Ambassade de France au Brésil

Freedom, Equality, Fraternity Welcome to the official page of the French Embassy in Brazil on Linkedin!

Type: Public

18 7 13 90
C'est Frais C'est Frais

Platform for referencing and delivering small local businesses (bakers, butchers, cheese makers, greengrocers, fishmongers, delicatessens, wine merchants, caterers, etc.). Have the best businesses in your neighborhood deliver to you.

Type: Large company

3 3 0 2
Selectra Selectra

Plus clair, plus vert, moins cher ! At Selectra, we help customers manage and reduce their household or business expenses. We are experts in improving the conditions of your electricity and gas tariffs, making all the arrangements for the customer. In addition, we offer the same service for internet, telephone, television, insurance and alarm bills, as well as gas and electricity self-consumption installations, with the aim of simplifying people's lives. A multinational that grows and develops in the large sectors that move the market and progress -such as energy or telecommunications- and that has earned the respect of the companies …

Type: Large company Activities: insurtech

44 14 29 1,446
Sensefact Sensefact

Data & AI strategy and project management Data & AI strategy. Data & AI projects / products management. AI, design thinking, innovation, Data, Automation, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Generative AI, Data strategy, AI project management, and AI product management

Type: Incubators & VCs

5 3 11 1

Providing trust since 1926 AFNOR is an international group organised around four areas of expertise: standardisation, certification, publishing and training. Our standardisation mission serves the general interest; our three other activities are carried out in the competitive field. Nearly 77,000 customers in 100 countries trust us. Quality, safety, environment, CSR, energy... Your topics are our standards ! Follow our news on this page! normalisation, certification, formation, and éditions

Type: Large company

254 138 78 632
ADSF - Agir pour la Santé des Femmes ADSF - Agir pour la Santé des Femmes

Reach out to & welcome women in great precariousness to enable them to take care of themselves. Provide access to care and improve the health of the most deprived women in France and internationally. Thanks to many volunteers: gynecologists, midwives, nurses, social workers and many other professions, the ADSF leads programs allowing the most vulnerable women (migrants, prostitutes, in great poverty, homeless, victims of violence, war, etc.) access to specific, quality care to enable them to improve their health in general, a first step towards their autonomy. Health, Solidarity, Precariousness, and Training

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

23 5 15 33
Meal Canteen Meal Canteen

The best waste is the one we don't produce. Meal Canteen is an application designed for collective catering to reduce food waste. It is based on a virtual self-service restaurant that allows you to order your meal the day before. With Meal Canteen, you know who is coming to eat and, above all, what they are going to eat! The first application for collective catering to massively reduce food waste. Book your meal 🍽️ the day before and eat what you like by helping your collective catering to reduce food waste ♻️. Collective catering, Food waste, Canteen, Mobile application, Green, …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech foodtech cleantech greentech it services

34 10 25 9
Vitalbase Vitalbase

Leader Européen de la détection automatique de chute et développeurs d'objets intelligents pour les seniors. For more than 10 years, Vitalbase (healthcare division of Telecom Design) has been developing, industrializing and commercializing ehealth solutions. ▬ ▬ Key product ▬ ▬ The Vibby OAK is the 1st wrist & neck-worn automatic fall detector on the market to foster autonomy and security: ⇨ at home ⇨ in health care facilities. More than 1 000 000 wearers in Europe are currently protected with the Vibby OAK. Further a heavy fall, an automatic alarm will be sent from the Vibby OAK to the call …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech silvertech Technologies: Geolocation IoT

12 3 7 3

French Chapter of ISACA The AFAI, with more than 800 members, is the French representative of ISACA, a global organization with more than 100,000 members and present in 180 countries. Our associations bring together communities of professionals interested in governance, risk management, security and auditing of information systems. Our mission is to promote the development of trusted and value-creating information systems. The AFAI is the French (and often in the French-speaking world) distributor of the CobiT, ITAF, Val IT, Risk IT and BMIS standards. We also publish best practice guides and research work on all topics related to information systems …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

43 6 40 5
Swiss Life France Swiss Life France

Allowing everyone to live according to their own choices #YourLife Swiss Life is a leading player in insurance and wealth management, with a recognized positioning as a private wealth insurer. Our approach is global in life insurance, private banking, financial management, as well as in health, pension and damages. A global approach, because the essence of our business is to support each life journey, private and professional, and to build a lasting relationship every day with each of our clients, individuals and companies. Our personalized advice, based on proximity and mutual trust, enlightens our clients in order to allow them …

Type: Large company Activities: insurtech

42 19 12 2,931

Don't miss out! is the pioneering real estate network for real estate on the internet. For over 17 years, we have been training and supporting real estate advisors throughout France, providing them with the power of the Internet to distribute their ads, the tools and advice to enable them to develop their business without limits. Don't miss out! real estate

Type: Large company Activities: proptech

38 3 36 1,461
La Lettre de l'Assurance La Lettre de l'Assurance

Weekly satirical magazine of the insurance sector. By subscription and on sale by issue on our site. Each week, La Lettre de l'Assurance informs you about the insurance sector with a unique tone. La Lettre de l'Assurance organizes once a month Off Breakfasts with managers and a charity evening in November in Paris. Subscribe on our site.

Type: SMB Activities: smart city

49 7 47 0
Hogan Lovells Hogan Lovells

United in driving change. Delivering impact with and for clients. Move fast. Lead change. United in driving change. Delivering impact with and for clients. With the combined talent of 2,800 lawyers, operating at the intersection of business and government, we unlock and realize opportunities across sectors and borders. Our global reach and on-the-ground excellence gives clients the best of both worlds: the ability to see the macro and deploy at scale, while always being immersed in the local context that counts. Clients turn to us for incisive advice and actionable outcomes. Our deep understanding of highly regulated sectors gives a …

Type: Large company

143 19 108 7,463

The leading French sustainability, thinktank and consultancy agency since 1993 UTOPIES is the top French consulting firm dedicated exclusively, since its creation in 1993, to the promotion of sustainable development through consulting and think tank activities. We help various organizations to design and implement sustainable strategies - ranging from pioneering ones (Ben & Jerry’s, The Body Shop, Nature & Découvertes) to major corporate groups such as Danone, Sodexo or L’Oréal passing by smaller structures (SMB, start-ups and associations). Follow us on Twitter: @Utopies_Paris Stratégie & conseil en RSE, Reporting & communication extra-financière, Consultation & dialogue avec les parties prenantes, Construction …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech agritech greentech consulting civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

131 26 100 93
Unis-Cite Unis-Cite

Pioneering and expert association in Civic Service - More than 12,000 young people mobilized per year throughout France The Unis-Cité association was born from this dream: that one day all young people in France would devote a stage of their life to the community, and that this civic experience would be a time of self-construction and openness to others in their differences. Since 1995, Unis-Cité has been both the pioneering and specialized association in Civic Service for young people. Unis-Cité inspired the law on Civic Service of March 2010 and has since shared its expertise to help generalize Civic Service …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

143 63 87 2,413
Institut Louis Bachelier Institut Louis Bachelier

The Louis Bachelier Network promotes sustainable development in Economics and Finance The Louis Bachelier Network funds, develops and promotes research excellence in economics and finance. We have chosen to refer to Louis Bachelier, precursor in 1900 of the application of mathematics to financial markets, to note that scientific rigor is more than ever essential to tackle major societal transitions. The Network comprises the Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) and two foundations: Institut Europlace de Finance (IEF) and The Risk Foundation (FdR). économie, climat, démographie, big data, finance, digital, and recherche

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

68 22 60 90
Gide Loyrette Nouel Gide Loyrette Nouel

International law firm Gide is a leading law firm, both in France and internationally, in all areas of business law for Litigation, Transactions, and Regulation. Today, Gide has 10 offices around the world, covering Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle East. The firm has around 500 lawyers of 35 different nationalities. Visit our website to find out more about us.

Type: Large company Activities: fintech legaltech

119 25 95 1,128
Meridiam Meridiam

For people and the planet - delivering transformational infrastructure, for the long term. Meridiam was founded in 2005 by Thierry Déau, with the belief that the alignment of interests between the public and private sector can provide critical solutions to the collective needs of communities. Meridiam is an independent investment Benefit Corporation and an asset manager. The firm specializes in the development, financing, and long-term management of sustainable public infrastructure in three core sectors: sustainable mobility, critical public services and innovative low carbon solutions. With offices in Addis Ababa, Amman, Dakar, Istanbul, Luxembourg, Paris, Vienna, Libreville, Johannesburg and Washington, Meridiam …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech govtech Technologies: Decarbonization

87 32 58 382

Adie is a large French association that defends the idea that everyone can undertake. Adie is a non-profit association under the 1901 law. Thanks to a network of branches developed throughout the country, Adie finances and supports business creators who do not have access to bank credit and more particularly job seekers and RSA beneficiaries. Assistance with business creation, Entrepreneurship, Association under the 1901 law, Solidarity finance, NGO, Support, Institution, Financing, social and solidarity economy, Training, microfinance, microcredit, and micro-enterprise

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

192 100 81 1,236
La Chaine de l'Espoir La Chaine de l'Espoir

Together, let's save children. Founded in 1994, La Chaîne de l'Espoir is an international, independent, apolitical and non-denominational #NGO. Our mission is to improve access to #surgical care for vulnerable people, particularly children and women, in contexts of fragility or prolonged crisis. #StopAttente: The more you give, the less they wait! Let's act for #children: humanitarian, children, surgery, cardiac surgery, reconstructive surgery, medicine, major burns, Foster family, Pediatric surgery, Access to care, visceral surgery, humanitarian mission, volunteering, hospital construction, international, training, and e-health

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

37 11 25 245
Groupe Macsf Groupe Macsf

Together, let's take care of your career As the leading insurer for healthcare professionals, the MACSF group has always innovated thanks to the involvement and expertise of its employees. A leader in its market with the trust of more than a million members, our group has remained faithful to its mutualist values ​​that make its strength and its difference. With no shareholders or capital to remunerate, MACSF is independent and protects its members in the long term. Why join us? - For our purpose: "Alongside its members, the MACSF Group works sustainably to improve health by giving them the means …

Type: Large company Activities: insurtech

51 18 28 1,480
Habitat et Humanisme Habitat et Humanisme

Builders of links 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏻 For 40 years, in order to respond to the exclusion and isolation of people in difficulty, Habitat et Humanisme has been working in favor of housing, integration and the recreation of social links. 🧰 Resolutely focused on innovation, the Movement has developed economic tools with a social vocation, to finance and carry out its action. Habitat et Humanisme has set itself the mission of: ✔️ Enable people with low resources, who are in precarious situations due to their social situation, age, disability or health, to access a housing solution adapted to their situation and resources ✔️ …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

148 59 106 1,205
Elles bougent Elles bougent

Transmitting passion, inspiring vocations The Elles bougent association encourages young girls to move towards engineering and technical training, which are among the most valued on the job market, and to move towards sectors lacking female scientific and technological talent.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

181 106 126 102
Nell & Associés Nell & Associés

Training creators For 10 years, Nell & Associés has been appreciated for its comprehensive service offering: THE AGENCY Strategic advice on skills development and the digitalization of training as well as tailor-made creation of multimodal training (digital learning, MOOC, videos, serious games, virtual or immersive reality, educational kits, etc.). We support our clients in developing their skills development strategy and in bringing innovative and interactive training to life. THE ACADEMY A hundred multimodal training courses in the fields of training, communication, management and personal development. 72 training courses on libraries and 45 in architecture. Training available in inter-company, in-house or …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

5 0 3 13
Ecolhuma Ecolhuma

Act alongside teachers and school principals for a fairer and more fulfilling school. Ecolhuma is an independent, apolitical and non-denominational association of general interest. OUR VISION - The Ecolhuma association was born in 2012 from a simple and strong conviction: teachers are the best chance of success for young people who are the adults of tomorrow. - We dream of a school that allows each student to succeed and flourish, regardless of their social background. OUR MISSION: - Its mission is to support teachers and school principals on a daily basis for the success of the 12 million students in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

12 3 9 65
Centre de gestion de la Fonction publique territoriale d'Eure-et-Loir (CDG 28) Centre de gestion de la Fonction publique territoriale d'Eure-et-Loir (CDG 28)

Promotion of public employment in the Eure-et-Loir region & HR support for local authorities and territorial establishments The Management Centres are local public establishments of an administrative nature, managed by local employers (Mayors, Presidents of public establishments, etc.) whose purpose is to participate in the management of local personnel and the development of human resources in affiliated local authorities. In addition to its mandatory missions, the Eure-et-Loir Management Centre has expanded its area of ​​intervention by developing numerous optional missions: prevention of occupational risks, work psychology advice, recruitment assistance, mobility advice, preparation of retirement and unemployment benefit files, archiving, etc. …

Type: Public

4 1 3 25
Bealink Bealink

L&D Business Partner for forward-thinking companies Bealink offers a comprehensive suite of solutions for corporate training, combining innovative and customizable products with tailored support to make training an essential strategic lever. LMS, Learning Management System, TMS, Training Management System, Talent Management System, LXP, Learning Experience System, Adaptive Learning, Blended Learning, Predictive Learning, Prescriptive Learning, Développement des compétences, Talent Management, Ressources Humaines, RH, HR consulting & services, Corporate training, Saas LMS, Mobile Learning, Digital Learning, E-learning, and Evaluation de la formation

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech edtech Technologies: SaaS

23 9 28 92
Groupe S'cape Groupe S'cape

Strategy and event creation consulting agency Since its creation in 1999 by Stéphane Abitbol, ​​the S’cape Group has always aimed to give meaning to the events organized for its clients. A pioneer in the integration of strategic planning internally, the agency strives to design and implement event communication strategies adapted to the corporate, commercial, marketing and HR objectives of companies, institutions and administrations, in France and internationally. Thanks to the integration in 2015 of the agency The Blue Yellow Company, in 2016, of the travel activity with Xplore and in 2021 of the agency Chaïkana, the S’cape Group now offers …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

16 1 15 83
eeVee eeVee

serendipity is our way our agency helps private and public organizations to transform themselves after having held positions of responsibility in complex environments, we use our experience to move the lines within these organizations by relying mainly on collective intelligence techniques. Innovation, Codesign, Disruption, Training, strategy, digital transformation, space design, and magic

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

10 3 24 4
Widoobiz Widoobiz

Understanding tomorrow [Info, analysis, society...] Widoobiz - The first online radio 100% dedicated to entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs, executives and managers, Widoobiz supports you in the creation and development of your businesses. 45 Journalists and business experts bring you Testimonials, Expertise and Practical Advice every day. Startups, SMEs, start up, entrepreneurs, business creation, business development, entrepreneurship, experts, news, and media

Type: Media

111 56 68 6
Vauban Infrastructure Partners Vauban Infrastructure Partners

Long-term investing, Sustainable value Vauban Infrastructure Partners is an asset management company that invests in infrastructure which contribute to the sustainable development of local communities and their environments. Vauban Infrastructure Partners structures and manages equity funds that are invested into the design, construction, maintenance, financing and operation of essential infrastructure assets in the transportation, social, digital and utilities sectors. Vauban Infrastructure Partners commits to industry partners, users and public authorities through a long-term approach to investing. Vauban’s team of experts identifies investments that have a strong growth potential and are resilient in the face of uncertainties and risks, and ensure …

Type: Incubators & VCs

11 9 3 88
Fundtruck Fundtruck

Fundtruck is a startup competition. The Fundtruck Agency specializes in mobile events. Innovation on the move! Fundtruck is a startup competition that connects entrepreneurs looking for funding and investors. It is organized in the form of a roadshow in France and Belgium. competition, startup, entrepreneur, investor, crowdfunding, invest, company, investors, entrepreneurs, startups, pitch, growth, financing, innovation, innovate, fundsinvestment, coaching, events, raodshow, tour, and micro-event

Type: Incubators & VCs

179 87 135 1
Wakam Wakam

Wakam is a B2B2C insurance company that creates insurance via its Play&Plug® platform for its distribution partners Wakam is a B2B2C insurance company that designs tailor-made insurance solutions distributed under white label by over 100 distribution partners, through its Play&Plug® technology platform. Operating in 32 countries and with a turnover of over 924 million euros in 2023, Wakam is the European leader in digital and embedded insurance. With a team of 300 employees spread across 5 countries in Europe, Wakam is a committed Mission-driven company which mission is to "enable transparent and impactful insurance'". Wakam has a strong corporate culture …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

45 5 38 302