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Clúster para el uso eficiente del agua. ZINNAE, Cluster for the efficient use of water, integrates the main economical agents that are linked with an efficient use of water in the city of Zaragoza: companies of different nature (water saving technology, water measuring and meter reading technology, companies linked with the water supply, sanitation and treatment, water facilities, etc.), the main research and training centres in the region, as well as the local, regional and national water public administrations. ZINNAE was created with the following mission: To promote an efficient and sustainable use of water in Saragossa as well as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

9 4 8 7

WASH systems that transform lives It's not just about scarcity: the systems that should give people access to safe water and sanitation either don't exist or are breaking down, on a massive scale, across the world. For the latest on #WASHsystems subscribe to our newsletter, Amplify: Pumps break. Water stops flowing. Money is wasted. People have to use open spaces as toilets and drink dirty water. Lives are lost. We're changing this, by working with governments, communities and NGOs to challenge 'business as usual'​ approaches and transform the way we all think and act. Work with us to make …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech fintech greentech water management

1 0 1 100
Brussels Environment Brussels Environment

Environment and Energy Administration of the Brussels-Capital Region Created in 1989, Brussels Environment is the administration for the environment and energy in the Brussels-Capital Region. Our missions ? - To study, monitor and manage the air, water, soil, waste, noise, nature (green spaces and biodiversity) - But also to issue environmental permits, to monitor compliance with them, to develop and support environmental education projects in Brussels schools, to take part in meetings and negotiations at Belgian and international level... - Finally, Brussels Environment has developed its activities in the field of eco-construction and the links between health and the environment.

Type: Public

9 3 1 782
World Water Council World Water Council

Follow us on our others social medias ! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: The World Water Council is an international organization that aims to promote awareness, build political commitment and trigger action on critical water issues at all levels, including the highest decision making level, to facilitate the efficient conservation, protection, development, planning, management and use of water in all its dimensions on an environmentally sustainable basis for the benefit of all life on earth. The World Water Council, based in Marseille, France, was created in 1996. It brings together around 300 member organizations, including governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

11 8 1 31

Building peace in the minds of women and men UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945. For this specialized United Nations agency, it is not enough to build classrooms in devastated countries or to publish scientific breakthroughs. Education, Social and Natural Science, Culture and Communication are the means to a far more ambitious goal : to build peace in the minds of women and men. Education, Science, Culture, United Nations, Communication, Social Sciences, Humanities, Sustainable Development, and Peace building

Type: Large company Activities: entertainment

115 108 7 8,621
ATD Fourth World ATD Fourth World

All Together in Dignity to overcome poverty. ATD Fourth World engages with individuals and institutions to find solutions to eradicate extreme poverty. Working in partnership with people in poverty, ATD Fourth World’s human rights-based approach focuses on supporting families and individuals through its grass-roots presence and involvement in disadvantaged communities, in both urban and rural areas, creating public awareness of extreme poverty and influencing policies to address it. ATD - All Together in Dignity. Human Rights, Community-led development, Poverty, Social justice, Non-profit organisation, and international development

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

6 0 2 89
EurEau EurEau

The European Federation of National Associations of Water Services | Water Matters! EurEau is the voice of Europe’s water sector. We represent 34 drinking water and waste water service providers from 29 countries in Europe, from both the private and the public sectors. Our members are the national associations of water services in Europe. We bring national water professionals together to agree European water industry positions regarding the management of water quality, resource efficiency and access to water for Europe’s citizens and businesses. Our members are fully committed to the continuous supply of clean water and its safe return into …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

2 1 2 29
RTES - Réseau des collectivités Territoriales pour une Économie Solidaire RTES - Réseau des collectivités Territoriales pour une Économie Solidaire

[Automatic translation follows] Developing the transition economy with communities The Network of Territorial Authorities for a Solidarity Economy (RTES) is a national network of local authorities committed to supporting the social and solidarity economy. In 2021, the network brings together more than 160 communities: regional councils, departmental councils, metropolises, intermunicipalities and municipalities, which have expressed the need for a space for exchange and national coordination. An association under the 1901 law, the RTES acts to: • Promote territorial initiatives, through its publications (Newsletter, quarterly letter, etc.), its website, the organization of meetings, etc. • Promote to national and European institutions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

71 18 45 11
Zero Waste Europe Zero Waste Europe

Empowering communities and change agents to redesign their relationship with resources: nothing and no one is disposable Zero Waste Europe was created to empower communities to rethink their relationship with resources. In a growing number of regions, local groups of individuals, businesses and city officials are taking significant steps towards eliminating waste in our society. We work towards a world where nothing and no one is disposable! Zero Waste Europe engages at two levels: • Supporting local groups with independent knowledge and streamlined tools to drive change more efficiently, • Structuring the movement internationally to better represent the interests of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

25 12 8 35
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)

Representing 1 M democratically elected European politicians, in 60 member associations from 40 countries since 1951. The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) brings together 130.000 municipalities, cities and regions federated through 60 national associations from 41 European countries. It therefore constitutes the most representative association of local and regional governments in Europe. Its work is organised around two main pillars: - Influencing European policy and legislation in all areas having an impact on local and regional governments; - Providing a forum for debate and cooperation for elected representatives and experts from our 60 member associations. CEMR’s members are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

12 4 8 53
Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)

Representing more than 200 million citizens in some 150 member regions across Europe The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR) brings together more than 150 Regions from 27 States from the European Union and beyond. Representing almost 200 million people, the CPMR campaigns in favour of a more balanced development of the European territory. It operates both as a think tank and as a lobby for Regions. Through its extensive network of contacts within the EU institutions and national governments the CPMR has, since 1973, been targeting its action towards ensuring that the needs and interests of its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

11 1 9 52
Adeena - économies d'énergie Adeena - économies d'énergie

[Automatic translation follows] The economy, our energy In France and Europe, energy efficiency is becoming an environmental priority. Adeena is today one of the French leaders in this constantly evolving sector. A global player in energy savings, we reduce the energy impact of individuals, businesses and communities. energy efficiency, energy services, energy audit, energy renovation, energy poverty, energy saving certificates, energy transition, ISO 50001, Energy monitoring, CEE, and C2E

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

16 1 16 42

The United Nations Development Programme works in nearly 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results. DISCLAIMER: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) does not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of any comments posted to its social media outlets (blogs, social networks, message boards/forums, etc.). Users must not post any content that is obscene, defamatory, profane, libelous, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to any person or entity. …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

105 61 40 25,395
Future Earth Future Earth

Research. Innovation. Sustainability. At Future Earth, we believe that research, innovation, and collaboration can transform the world toward sustainability. We harness the experience and reach of thousands of scientists and innovators from across the globe. Together, this global community facilitates research, mobilises networks, sparks innovation, and turns knowledge into action. Our organization is rooted in the work of 27 Global Research Networks. These networks have a long history, in some cases stretching back decades, of generating research at the forefront of sustainability science. They played a critical role in forming the field of Earth system science – which considers how …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

16 3 8 93
CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Investiamo il risparmio del Paese per trasformarlo nel patrimonio di tutti. Dal 1850. #conlitaliachecresce The Cassa depositi e prestiti Group is the national promotional institution that has supported the Italian economy since 1850. It finances public investments, supports international cooperation and is the catalyst for the country’s infrastructure growth. It supports Italian enterprises, helping them innovate and grow, while supporting their exports and international expansion. As the primary operator in social and affordable housing, it contributes to the growth of the Italian real estate sector.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

28 5 20 1,615

KfW - Responsible banking KfW is one of the world’s leading promotional banks. Since 1948 KfW has been committed to improving economic, social and ecological living conditions all around the world on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany and the federal states. To do this, it supplied funds totalling EUR 77.3 billion in 2019 alone; of this total, 38% was spent on measures aimed at protecting the climate and the environment. KfW has no retail branches and does not hold any customer deposits. It funds its promotional business in a responsible manner and almost entirely via the international capital …

Type: Public

36 16 16 3,885
International Development Finance Club (IDFC) International Development Finance Club (IDFC)

The Global Network of Development Banks for Sustainable Development Investment IDFC, created in 2011, is the leading group of 26 national and regional development banks from all over the world, a majority active in emerging markets. IDFC is the largest provider of public development and climate finance globally, with US$ 4 trillion in combined assets and annual commitments above US$ 800 billion, including US$ 190 billion of climate finance. IDFC members have the unique function of supporting domestic policies while transferring international priorities into their own constituencies IDFC members are aligned with and work together to implement the Sustainable Development …

Type: Incubators & VCs

10 3 10 10
Institut Montaigne Institut Montaigne

The Leading French Public Policy Think Tank French nonpartisan and nonprofit think tank committed to the public interest. Helps improve public policy through research and analysis.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

119 66 68 82
#Leplusimportant #Leplusimportant

[Automatic translation follows] The Think tank and Action lab which gives everyone back the power to act and promotes a more inclusive society Independent association founded in 2017, #LePlusImportant already brings together more than 150 members of all ages and from all backgrounds (management consultants, senior civil servants, startupers, social entrepreneurs, researchers, lawyers, senior executives of large groups, teachers, etc.) . We act to develop the capacities and skills of our fellow citizens to enable each and everyone to find a place and a future in our rapidly changing society. We thus want to promote equal opportunities and an inclusive …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 5 12 13
Metropolis, World Association of the Major Metropolises Metropolis, World Association of the Major Metropolises

The global network of major cities and metropolitan spaces. Metropolis brings together the governments of 141 urban agglomerations worldwide. Raising the voices of metropolises to the global agenda and building capacity to deliver public policies and services, Metropolis contributes to finding common answers to the challenges of metropolisation. urban diplomacy and metropolitan governance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

9 2 4 45
L'Obs L'Obs

[Automatic translation follows] Inform, reflect, debate, act 📌 Follow us on Facebook: 📌 Follow us on Twitter: 📌 Follow us on Instagram: 📌 Follow us on YouTube: 📰 Subscribe to L’Obsdigital: ✉️ Receive our newsletters for free: Written press and Digital

Type: Media

188 116 72 29
The Local Europe The Local Europe

The Local Europe AB - Europe's news in English, sourced locally. AUTHENTIC EUROPEAN NEWS, SOURCED LOCALLY The Local is the largest English-language news network in Europe, with seven million readers every month. Our entertaining blend of daily news, business and features has made the site essential reading for foreign professionals in Europe. We now have editions in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, and Italy. News, Digital Advertising, Communities, Media, Content, International Communication, Native Advertising, and journalism

Type: SMB Activities: martech media

16 6 6 49
VitiBot VitiBot

[Automatic translation follows] Responding to the challenges of sustainable viticulture VitiBot is a startup founded in 2015 by young engineers passionate about robotics which today brings together more than 50 people. We create autonomous machines for maintaining vines. We believe that these intelligent and efficient machines are the key to reconciling the economy, individual protection and ecology. Visit our website to find more information: Robotics, Viticulture, IT, Smart agriculture, and AgTech

Type: Startup Activities: agritech it services Technologies: Robotics

8 4 2 56
The Cryptonomist The Cryptonomist

Reporting the future - Latest news about crypto, fintech, trading and blockchain The Cryptonomist - Reporting the Future. The latest news about fintech, NFT, blockchain, crypto, and trading. (Italian Version) (English Version) bitcoin, fintech, ico, blockchain, journalism, communication, marketing, advertising, token, altcoin, ethereum, mining, and trading

Type: Media

23 0 23 18
GEOTEC: Geospatial Technologies Research Group - Universitat Jaume I GEOTEC: Geospatial Technologies Research Group - Universitat Jaume I

GEOTEC is an informatics research group working primarily on Spatial Data Infrastructures and Services, Sensor webs, Crowdsourcing and Web 2.0 Services and Mobility systems, focusing on interoperability, integration, ubiquitous access and advanced visualization Spatial Data Infrastructures and Services, Sensor webs, Crowdsourcing, Web 2.0 Services, Mobility systems, Interoperability, Integration, Visualization, GIS, and Smart Cities

Type: Startup Activities: smart city Technologies: Data Analytics

8 0 8 18
CCR_Recruitment CCR_Recruitment

With over 17 years experience, CCR is a respected provider of recruitment services. 20 YEARS RECRUITING IN THE CONTACT CENTRE & CUSTOMER SERVICE INDUSTRIES. We are specialists in Call/Contact Centre Recruitment at all levels - across the UK. We currently supply contact centre & customer service professionals to a large range of clients in various sectors.

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

18 2 17 447
Gautrain Management Agency Gautrain Management Agency

The Gautrain Management Agency (GMA) is tasked with overseeing the operations of the Gautrain. The Gautrain Management Agency (GMA) was established in 2006, in terms of the GMA Act (Act 5 of 2006). GMA Mandate: The primary mandate is to manage, coordinate and oversee the Gautrain Project as well as to assist or act on behalf of other organs of state in performing their public transport and rail-related functions. Critical to the GMA mandate is to ensure that the Gautrain System operates in a sustainable manner with a clear commitment to governance and the Gauteng Provincial Government’s primary economic objectives. …

Type: Public

6 2 1 289
USAFacts USAFacts

Our nation, in numbers. A leading destination for those who seek unbiased facts about our government. We rely exclusively on publicly available government data sources. We don’t make judgments or prescribe specific policies. Whether government money is spent wisely or not, whether our quality of life is improving or getting worse – that’s for you to decide. We hope to spur serious, reasoned, and informed debate on the purpose and functions of government. Such debate is vital to our democracy. government, finances, open data, nonprofit, facts, open gov, us government, democracy, data analysis, data visualization, dataviz, economy, research, philanthropy, civic, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 1 9 55
Harvard Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation Harvard Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation

The Ash Center is Harvard’s home for scholars, students, and practitioners dedicated to strengthening democracy. The Ash Center is Harvard’s home for scholars, students, and practitioners dedicated to strengthening democracy around the globe. Democracy, Government Innovation, Asia, Public Policy, Innovation, Data-Smart Government, China Public Policy, Government Transparency, and Comparative Political Science

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

3 0 3 61
Host City Host City

The Greatest Meeting of Cities and Sports, Business and Cultural Events HOST CITY is the media and event of choice for cities, rights holders, organising committees and suppliers in their quest for best practice on hosting major events. First published in 2003 for the organisers of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, HOST CITY magazine, website and event now serve stakeholders in all international sports, business and cultural events. Event Hosting, Event Management, Cities, Venues, and Bidding

Type: Event

7 0 7 2
IWA Publishing IWA Publishing

Sharing knowledge about our most valuable resource, water. Our journals are now Open Access! As a leading international publisher of water, wastewater and environmental publications, IWA Publishing offers a high-quality, cost-effective service with information delivery in both print and digital format providing researchers and professionals with up to date and authoritative resources. Journals: IWA Publishing publishes 17 leading journals within the field including Water Research (in collaboration with Elsevier) and Water Science & Technology. For more information please visit our journals information page ( Additionally you can visit our journals website ( Books: IWA Publishing book programme includes cutting edge, …

Type: Media

6 1 4 53
Infralogic Infralogic

Discover the opportunities in infrastructure, power, energy and renewables. Infralogic is the global infrastructure, power and renewables market’s first truly interactive technology platform that combines data, analytics and news to help professionals identify investment and refinancing opportunities, analyze new markets and manage their pipelines. infrastructure finance, renewable energy, infrastructure conferences, and infrastructure news

Type: Media

23 5 17 31

A global platform that empowers sustainability: news, articles, startups, and creators! We build tools, stories and experience that makes sustainable living easy. IMPAKTER Platform Media: we feature the latest sustainability news and articles by our team or global leaders. Index: We research and evaluate global companies and rate their sustainability efforts. Business: We help companies start their sustainability journey by evaluating them, generating clear action plan and reports. Eco: a marketplace for sustainable products For more information please visit Sustainablility, 17 Sustainable Goals, Sustainable Companies, Sustainable products, Jobs in sustainable industry, Sustainability news, Environmental sustainability, Sustainable Living, impactinvesting, startup, …

Type: Media

17 2 15 25
Haelixa Ltd Haelixa Ltd

DNA-based physical traceability solution for full supply chain transparency from raw material to retail. Haelixa provides product traceability solutions based on DNA to support supply chain transparency and product integrity. Haelixa is a spin-off of the renowned ETH Zurich. The standards for the product and services are the high quality you would expect from a Swiss business. Textile & apparel - We help you to make fashion more sustainable. Diamonds & coloured stones - Our markers reassure your customers by providing provenance proof Gold - The Haelixa technology endows your gold with a label of origin and integrity Other industries …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech cleantech fashtech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

13 2 11 21
Women in AI Women in AI

Women in AI (WAI) is a nonprofit working towards gender-inclusive AI that benefits global society. We are a Global community of women experts and influencers of women in AI. Our goal is to close the gender gap in the field of Artificial Intelligence by empowering women and raising awareness about gender diversity in AI.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

53 10 45 180
ESSEC Business School ESSEC Business School

Enlighten. Lead. Change. The mission of ESSEC Business School, a world school with French roots, is to infuse leadership with meaning in order to prepare leaders ready to address contemporary economic, environmental and social challenges. In order to do so, it produces innovative and relevant knowledge to equip the next generation of leaders with the skills, know-how and savoir-être that will make them truly responsible, inclusive and respectful of the environment. Convinced that knowledge provides a path to freedom - Per scientiam ad libertatem - ESSEC inculcates in its students critical thinking and creativity skills that prepare them to anticipate …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Research & Education Activities: edtech

32 4 30 2,313

HOP Ubiquitous, S.L. (HOPU) is a SME established in Spain. HOPU is focused on research and develop-ment of networks protocols, IoT management, IoT security and final Internet of Things solutions. HOPU is specialized in applying their IoT management, security and networking protocols over an IoT platform called Homard ( Homard is being used and integrated for final customers by companies such as Fujitsu (RunMyProcess), FIWARE and Microsoft (Azure IoT Suite). HOPU has integrated the IoT Management with the Business Process Management (BPM) in the platform Homard using FIWARE. HOPU is promoting the integration of IoT as a key enabler of …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city it services Technologies: IoT

16 2 5 40
OZY Media OZY Media

Media and entertainment for curious people — across TV, events, podcasts and news. Live Curiously. OZY || Live Curiously OZY is your home of fresh stories and bold ideas. Our mission is to help the curious see the world more broadly and boldly by vaulting them ahead of the traditional news cycle and helping them to live curiously. OZY is a media company tailor-made for the Change Generation – people from every corner of the globe who are challenging the status quo and bucking convention. It's a platform to help you see more, be more and do more. Or, as …

Type: Media

26 10 10 32
Conservation X Labs Conservation X Labs

Reinventing conservation to prevent the Sixth Mass Extinction. Conservation X Labs is creating a new model for conservation, built on the exponential technologies & connectivity, coupled with financial and behavior change innovations, and scaled through the private sector, partnerships with conservation organizations, and collaborations with governments and intergovernmental entities. By harnessing the democratization of science and technology, we can finally allow conservation to operate at the pace and on the scale necessary to keep up with and even get head of the planet’s most intractable environmental challenges. There is a clear need to accelerate conservation solutions, harness new technologies, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

13 2 10 46
ScaleChanger ScaleChanger

Supporting impact proven solutions to scale ScaleChanger in a few words There is a vast realm of innovations that has emerged to tackle social and environmental issues around the world. However rare are those successful innovations that manage to go to scale and reach their full potential to impact the lives of millions that could benefit from them. As Bill Clinton summarises it: “Nearly every problem has been solved by someone, somewhere. The frustration is that we can’t seem to replicate (those solutions) anywhere else”. Research however points out that the lack of information and expert assistance are amongst the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

24 6 20 9
Flowlity Flowlity

A SaaS software using AI to synchronize your Supply Chain planning with your suppliers and customers. Poor inventory management accounts for billions in losses. Responding to this need, Flowlity brings resilient planning to prevent overstocks and shortages. Our ambition is to make supply chain plans resilient to uncertainty, and help you shift from a deterministic model to a resilient one. With a unique approach based on artificial intelligence and supply chain expertise, Flowlity has been helping leading companies, such as Danone, La Redoute, Saint Gobain and Camif to plan and forecast their inventories since 2018. Our customers see, on average, …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: SaaS A.I.

23 4 22 22
Alliance to End Plastic Waste Alliance to End Plastic Waste

We envision a world without plastic waste in the environment, driven by a functioning circular economy. We envision a world without plastic waste in the environment, driven by a functioning circular economy. We consider ourselves a global laboratory for sustainable solutions helping to get closer to that vision. Our experience and know-how draw from the unique context of more than 50 projects. We de-risk, develop and deploy new technologies, business models and solutions for solving plastic waste leakage in the environment. But this alone is not enough. Ending plastic waste is complex and will require systemic change, driven by all …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech civictech greentech

13 3 13 93
Digital Moment | Moment numérique Digital Moment | Moment numérique

Digital Moment is a global leader in mobilizing communities to build a better future through digital education. Fondé en 2013, Digital Moment (anciennement Kids Code Jeunesse) est un organisme de bienfaisance basé à Montréal et leader mondial dans la mobilisation des communautés pour bâtir un avenir meilleur grâce à l'éducation aux compétences numériques. Digital Moment se concentre sur la création de programmes et d'expériences pour les jeunes et leurs communautés sur les compétences numériques comme le codage, la littératie des algorithmes et des données, et l'intelligence artificielle. Digital Moment comprend trois initiatives éducatives: Kids Code Jeunesse, Digital2030, et le lab …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 6 15 32

Conjuguer Éthique et Performance ADHERE RH specializes in providing companies with formal framework and methodologies to identify problems or efficient ways of performing business and human resources tasks. ADHERE RH is a strong supporter and advocate for business leadership in corporate social responsibility (CSR). ADHERE RH aims at business executives with a commitment to making their business successful in a socially responsible manner. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech hrtech cleantech constructiontech greentech

12 2 11 4
UK in a Changing Europe UK in a Changing Europe

UKICE is an academic think tank providing impartial, research-based analysis of the critical issues facing the UK. UK in a Changing Europe is an academic think tank providing impartial, research-based analysis of the critical issues facing the UK. Find us online at European Union, Economics, Politics, Public opinion, Brexit, Public opinion, Britain, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, immigration, agriculture, fishing, environment, education, health, trade, parliament, and Levelling-up

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

19 5 11 28
Worldreader Worldreader

We get children reading so they can reach their potential. Worldreader gets children reading so they can reach their potential. We are an international nonprofit organization working with partners to get children reading at least 25 books a year with understanding, because regular reading improves reading comprehension, social-emotional learning, and digital literacy. Since 2010, Worldreader has supported more than 21 million readers in over 100 countries. Our free reading experience BookSmart can be accessed on your desktop, tablet, or mobile phone at Literacy in the Developing World, Reading in the Developing World, eLearning in Africa, and Technology for Good

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 3 5 77
The Block The Block

We empower smart decisions for those who invest in, work with, or are interested in learning about digital assets. At The Block, we see digital assets as a ubiquitous part of the future. As this space continues to evolve, we view our role as the trusted moderator and authoritative voice for those who invest in, work with, make decisions about, or seek to understand digital assets. We'll achieve this by delivering objective, impactful, and timely information across our three pillars: news, research, and data. digital assets, technology, government, finance, web3, crypto, blockchain, investing, and research

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

42 8 28 154
Blackbullion Blackbullion

The financial wellbeing platform & app equipping young people with money skills for life and improving access to funds. Blackbullion is the financial wellbeing platform and app equipping young people with money skills for life. The platform also houses the UK’s largest hub of support funds, scholarships and grants for students. We partner with over 60 universities and colleges across the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa to proactively support student financial wellbeing, optimise funds management processes and save staff time. To date, more than £17 million has been given to students through our multi award-winning platform. financial …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

19 6 16 30
Olnica Olnica

Secure Track & Trace System - Protect your brand with Olnica Olnica delivers the world’s first end-to-end Secure Track & Trace System that combines innovative molecular taggants with cutting-edge digital and cloud-based technology. We use our proprietary, invisible taggant to trace materials, all the way along your value chain. We safeguard intellectual property, guarantee authenticity and traceability of products and materials, and protect your brand.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

13 2 9 11
ActuIA ActuIA

[Automatic translation follows] B2B news on artificial intelligence at 360°: Research, Business, Impact. French-speaking portal for information and promotion of artificial intelligence. First source of French-speaking information on AI. Actu IA is a member of the European AI Alliance and a partner of Paris Machine Learning. Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Datascience, Information, and News

Type: Media

114 23 91 13
Vector Institute Vector Institute

The Vector Institute is dedicated to advancing the transformative field of artificial intelligence Vector Institute is an independent, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), excelling in machine and deep learning. We work with institutions, industry, start-ups, incubators and accelerators to advance AI research and drive its application, adoption and commercialization across Canada. Launched in March 2017 with generous support from the Government of Canada, Government of Ontario, and private industry, and in partnership with the University of Toronto and other universities. Vector prioritizes transparency. Viewers will be made aware of any AI-generated content before …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 7 13 443
Out Leadership Out Leadership

Return on Equality® Out Leadership is the global LGBTQ+ business platform CEOs and multinational companies trust to generate Return on Equality®. We create global executive events and insights that help leaders realize the economic growth and talent dividend derived from inclusive business, and convene groundbreaking talent accelerators: OutNEXT, the first global leadership development program for the next generation of LGBT+ talent; Quorum, which seeks to advance LGBTQ+ diversity in corporate governance; and OutWOMEN, which convenes and celebrates LGBTQ+ women in business. Out Leadership is the world’s first and only LGBTQ+ corporation whose sole product is equality. With 98 member companies …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

35 10 29 19
AC Immune AC Immune

We shape the future of neurodegeneration by discovering and developing breakthrough therapies through pioneering science AC Immune SA is clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that aims to become a global leader in precision medicine for neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and NeuroOrphan indications driven by misfolded proteins. The Company’s two clinically validated technology platforms, SupraAntigenTM and MorphomerTM, fuel its broad and diversified pipeline of first- and best-in-class assets, which currently features nine therapeutic and three diagnostic candidates, six of which are currently in clinical trials. AC Immune has a strong track record of securing strategic partnerships with leading global pharmaceutical …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

4 1 2 167
Mosabi Mosabi

Unlocking financial opportunities through innovative learning We're Mosabi – our engaging, mobile financial education helps emerging market citizens improve decisions and behaviors on their businesses and money. We harness data insights from user profiles and journeys to match them to best fits across a marketplace of financial services.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

7 3 3 14
Amsterdam Economic Board Amsterdam Economic Board

The network of organisations working on innovation for the Metropolis of Tomorrow We work together with companies, academia, government and social organisations on the smart, green and healthy Metropolis of Tomorrow.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

23 5 13 54
Climate Strategy & Partners Climate Strategy & Partners

Climate changes everything Climate Strategy is a leading policy advisory and consulting firm specialised in the strategies, markets and opportunities created by the need to combat climate change. We provide strategic advice and first class project execution to our clients in areas of: • Clean Energy • Energy Efficiency • Green Finance • Environment & Sustainability • Clean Technology & Innovation • Public Policy • Corporate Strategy Climate Strategy understands the interdependent relationships between Environment, Society, and Government and their roles in guiding the global transition to a low carbon economy. For 10 years, our team has provided global companies, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consulting constructiontech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

34 1 31 3
Briter Briter

Briter is a leading data-driven research firm that provides market insights and investment data on underserved markets. Briter is a data-driven research and market intelligence company focused on innovation and technology ecosystems across emerging economies. Briter specialises in market mappings and analyses and provides data and insights to global brands, governments, investors, and institutions operating across Africa, Latin America, Middle East, and Asia. Emerging Markets, Networking, Information, Innovation, Africa, Asia, Research, Consulting, Startups, Technology, International Development, Development, Economic Growth, MENA, Data, Analytics, and Visualisation

Type: Media

24 2 22 21
ecoDa a.s.b.l - The European Confederation of Directors Associations ecoDa a.s.b.l - The European Confederation of Directors Associations

The European Voice of Directors The European Confederation of Directors'​ Associations (ecoDa) is a not-for-profit association founded in December 2004 under the laws of Belgium. Through its national institutes of directors (the main national institutes existing in Europe ), ecoDa represents around fifty-five thousand board directors from across the EU. ecoDa's member organisations represent board directors from the largest public companies to the smallest private firms, both listed and unlisted. ecoDa's mission is - to promote the role of directors, to develop professionalism and European governance standards by acting as a standing body where national experiences in terms of corporate …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

8 1 7 22
The Global Business Initiative on Human Rights The Global Business Initiative on Human Rights

Advancing corporate respect for human rights through peer learning & strengthening business practice A global business-led initiative Advancing respect for human rights through peer learning and by strengthening business practice ____________________________________________________ GBI is a unique business-led organisation committed to strengthening corporate respect for human rights. We do this by sharing leading practice, examining challenges and potential solutions, and ensuring our members have greater insight into emerging trends and issues. GBI is made up of a committed group of respected multinational corporations with operations in diverse industries and regions. GBI members are working to embed respect for human rights in their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

3 0 2 11
European Coalition for Corporate Justice European Coalition for Corporate Justice

Changing the rules to make business accountable for its impacts on human rights and the environment. The European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) advocates for European laws that guarantee corporate accountability and transparency and ensure justice for victims of corporate malpractice. Representing more than 450 organisations from 17 countries, ECCJ is the only European coalition bringing together campaigns and national platforms of NGOs, trade unions, consumer organisations and academics in order to tackle the root causes of corporate injustice. We are guided by a vision of a sustainable world in which corporations’ drive for profit is balanced with the interests …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

5 0 4 8

we operate in three Business lines: France-Germany; Africa and Start-ups BELMONT Legal is a German law firm specialised in Corporate Law, Labour Law, Capital Markets and litigation with a strong focus on cross-border investments and litigations. We advise especially foreign companies in their strategic investments in Germany and accompany them throughout the life circle in Germany. Lutz Hartmann has executed over 50 transactions between France and Germany and during the last years has accompnied several European investments in Africa. He is member of the Board of the German-African Business Association. Stephan Schleitzer specializes in advising private clients in all aspects …

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech fintech

1 0 0 5
ECO2 Initiative ECO2 Initiative

[Automatic translation follows] Engaging support in your energy/climate transition 🚀 ECO2 activates the levers of energy transition and overall performance: - > environmental and CSR assessments (carbon audits and assessments, GHG, energy, impacts, etc.) - > advice and expertise - > support for action (consultation, communication, awareness, training, etc.) ECO2 adapts these levers to - > your strategy - > your sector - > your operation - > your needs ...according to 2 principles: efficiency and responsibility. Carbon footprints, Energy transition, Environmental assessments, Circular economy, Eco-design, Sustainable food, Climate & Energy, Commitment to action, Consultation, Environmental policies, Responsible communication, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

18 2 17 15
Quantalys France Harvest Group Quantalys France Harvest Group

[Automatic translation follows] A leading provider of fund data, tools, ratings and research - Twitter: @quantalys #bigdata #solutions #consulting Advanced analysis and comparison of funds, investor questionnaires and risk control, construction and monitoring of fund portfolios Quantalys, a company created in 2007, helps investors and their advisors build the best fund portfolios based on their financial objectives. Quantalys makes it possible to analyze and compare funds through numerous statistical indicators and to construct fund portfolios, based on asset allocation and risk control. Quantalys joined the Harvest Group in 2021 Fintech, Life Insurance, Asset Allocation, Wealth Management, IT Development, UCITS, Model …

Type: Incubators & VCs

42 7 39 64
Mon Petit Placement Mon Petit Placement

[Automatic translation follows] The French fintech that reinvents the investment experience ✨ Mon Petit Placement is the French fintech that simplifies the investment experience by making it accessible to everyone. Novices or experts, the platform is aimed at everyone thanks to its simple and clear interface. Education, personalized advice, regular monitoring... the investor benefits from real support throughout their investment thanks in particular to the responsiveness of the entire team. Thanks to Mon Petit Placement, French people can benefit from various portfolios, accessible from €300, from the most to the least risky, depending on the investor profile. Investment platform, Savings, …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

19 9 12 65

OKRA is an artificial intelligence company for healthcare. We use AI-powered analytics to save and improve human lives, driving health and market outcomes where they matter most. Through the OKRA engine, healthcare professionals get one combined view of all their data, and can generate actionable, evidence-based insights in real time. These insights include analyses, comparisons, suggestions and predictions of the future, which support faster and more accurate decisions for businesses and patients. Our mission is to the get the right treatment to the right patient at the right time, by building the world’s most trustworthy artificial intelligence engine. The OKRA …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech martech biotech deeptech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

18 3 15 36
Epiceum Epiceum

[Automatic translation follows] The #ComPublique agency for major projects, territories and the general interest. #AntiCom #BarometreComLocale Epiceum is an agency specializing in general interest communication with a focus on territorial public communication ( A generalist in its business, Epiceum is characterized by an approach focused on advice and by strong expertise in the communication of urban projects (development, transport, facilities, territorial projects, urban renewal, construction sites, etc.), public marketing, institutional communication of public organizations or editorial communication in general. In this context, it works for public (State, local authorities, EPL) and private (developers, planners, public service operators, etc.) stakeholders. Epiceum …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

15 0 14 27
Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) & Vulnerable Twenty Group (V20) Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) & Vulnerable Twenty Group (V20)

A voluntary, inter-government organization for developing countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The CVF is a South-South cooperation platform where countries highly vulnerable to the climate crisis act together to deal with this historic global challenge across all world regions. The CVF is a voluntary, non-treaty organization for vulnerable developing countries specifically focused on climate change action and policy. It represents some 1.74 billion people worldwide and is made up of 68 members from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East, and the Pacific. The Maldives, along with ten other countries, founded the CVF in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

5 1 4 22
Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A.

Favoriamo l'innovazione, la crescita dell’imprenditorialità, la collaborazione tra imprese, l'attrazione di aziende. Trentino Sviluppo è l'agenzia creata dalla Provincia autonoma di Trento per favorire lo sviluppo sostenibile del sistema trentino, attraverso azioni e servizi volti a supportare la crescita dell'imprenditorialità e la capacità di fare innovazione. La nostra mission: "​...Favorire lo sviluppo sostenibile del Trentino attraverso azioni e servizi volti a supportare la crescita della capacità imprenditoriale e di innovazione del territorio con azioni di promozione dei fattori di attrattività, operando in una logica di rete secondo principi di imprenditorialità, innovazione, coesione sociale, qualità della vita, del lavoro e dell’ambiente …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

4 1 3 158
Morrow Global Network Morrow Global Network

Where no one scales alone. Morrow is the global venture network for venture accelerators, studios, hubs, and their visionary leaders. Morrow curates a global community, actionable insights, and comprehensive tools to scale venture accelerators, studios and hubs alongside the early-stage ventures they build. Through the network's collective work, no startup scales alone. Short Term Accelerator

Type: Incubators & VCs

37 12 28 67
Codento Codento

AI + Apps Innovations. Our Passion. Your Edge. AI + App Innovations. On Google Cloud. By the Partner of the Year. With Codento, the Google Cloud Country Partner of the Year 2024, you gain competitive edge via clearer customer foresight, smarter operations, and increased software intelligence - all delivered on the nextgen foundation. architecture consulting, agile methodologies, google cloud, gcp, devops, cloud software development, sre, data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, cloud transformation, multi-cloud, software development, cloud architecture, smart operations, customer foresight, software intelligence, nextgen foundation, application modernization, software strategy, ai, and generative ai

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Generative A.I. A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

16 1 16 50
Peter Jordan Peter Jordan

[Automatic translation follows] Atypical, independent, strategic Manuel, Willy and Wicho founded Peter Jordan after experiencing good and bad publicity firsthand. From their business experience they learned that it is It is essential to have strategic allies whose synergy can make services that were previously good extraordinary. Peter Jordan works with their clients to improve their advertising strategy. marketing, advertising, consulting, creativity, business, business, branding, design, and production

Type: SMB Activities: martech

7 1 7 21

The digital agency of the future. ARCADE XR is the digital agency of the future. We are a new type of digital practice founded by architects, tech pioneers, game developers and creative strategists, exploring the frontiers of digital experience. We specialise in using XR and AI technologies to create new forms of digital experience that seamlessly complement the old. Our award-winning work spans a variety of sectors including heritage, arts & culture, visitor attractions, brands, retail, events and more, helping them to tell their stories and engage their audiences in new, immersive, three-dimensional ways. We were given a boost early …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: VR A.I. A.I. - Image Processing A.I. - Machine Learning

8 1 8 13
Landvault Landvault

Your complete tech stack to build, deploy, and monetize immersive 3D experiences in the metaverse. Landvault is building infrastructure to accelerate the metaverse economy, by building tools to create, deploy and monetize content. We have helped over 200 clients enter the metaverse, including top organizations and brands like Abu Dhabi government, Mastercard, L’Oreal, RedBull and Heineken. We are also building a standard to deploy interoperable content - the Matera Protocol.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech martech Technologies: VR

11 1 9 55

Ireland’s only dedicated BIM exclusive resource is Ireland’s only dedicated BIM exclusive news and information resource. In proud association with CitA, addresses the information needs of Ireland’s AECO firms, representing BIM Users, Stakeholders, Educators and Trainers. Brought to you by the team at Irish building magazine, who have more than 25 years of proven success in delivering the informational needs of the key decision and policy makers in Ireland’s Construction Sector. Construction, Engineering, Architecture, Technology, BIM, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Planning , Design, Procurement , Facilities Management, Construction Management , Project Management , and Lean Construction

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: VR

3 1 2 0
Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership

Bringing together Business, Community, Government and Education to create sustainable growth in Berkshire. At the Berkshire LEP we believe in collaborative momentum: bringing together business, our unitary authorities, education and the community sector to drive the local economy to new levels of growth. As part of the wider Thames Valley economic region, we serve Berkshire – an area second only to Greater London in output, with a GVA of £30bn per annum. We’re a strategic body led by an executive board of directors with a leading local business figure in the chair; all are volunteers. We’ve developed a Strategic Economic …

Type: Incubators & VCs

11 0 10 36
Ocean Protocol Ocean Protocol

The privacy-preserving data sharing protocol for AI and the #NewDataEconomy Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange protocol that unlocks data for AI. Ocean Protocol uses advanced blockchain technology that allows data to be shared and sold in a safe, secure and transparent manner. We enable a decentralized platform and network that connects providers and consumers of valuable data, while providing open access for developers to build services. Ocean Protocol uses a thoughtful application of both technology and governance for more equitable outcomes for users of data. Our team combines a deep background in big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

8 2 3 58
The Carbon Trust The Carbon Trust

Our mission: to accelerate the move to a decarbonised future. Our mission is to accelerate the move to a decarbonised future. Climate pioneers for more than 20 years, we partner with leading businesses, governments and financial institutions to accelerate their route to Net Zero. We are your expert guide to turn your climate ambition into impact. To date, our global network of 400 experts has helped set over 200 science-based targets and guided more than 3,000 organisations and cities across five continents on their route to Net Zero. climate change policy, carbon and water footprinting, clean technology innovation and commercialisation, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

34 10 24 452
Centre for Ageing Better Centre for Ageing Better

We're a charity working to create a society where everyone enjoys later life. The UK’s population is undergoing a massive age shift. In less than 20 years, one in four people will be over 65. The fact that many of us are living longer is a great achievement. But unless radical action is taken by government, business and others in society, millions of us risk missing out on enjoying those extra years. The Centre for Ageing Better is pioneering ways to make ageing better a reality for everyone, including challenging ageism and building an Age-friendly Movement, creating Age-friendly Employment and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech healthtech

4 3 1 58
The Responsible and Ethical Private Sector Coalition against Trafficking The Responsible and Ethical Private Sector Coalition against Trafficking The Responsible and Ethical Private Sector Coalition against Trafficking (RESPECT) initiative aims to assemble key thought leaders, practitioners, and policy makers to identify solutions to public and private sector challenges surrounding modern slavery. Particularly, RESPECT endeavours to add value where it can in facilitating debate between diverse stakeholders; providing relevant contributions to the research basis; building linkages to other crimes; and developing effective public policy towards a more effective global response. Babson College’s Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery and International Organization for Migration (IOM) jointly with the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime were the founding organizations …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

4 0 2 1
Recolight Recolight

WEEE Compliance for lighting | FREE lamp & luminaire recycling | Supporting a circular economy for lighting. Recolight is the leading UK WEEE compliance scheme for the lighting industry, taking on responsibility for its members’ WEEE compliance, giving their customers access to the UK’s most comprehensive free lamp collection and recycling service, and helping to ensure that as many lamps as possible are kept out of landfill. These new events and services complement the changes Recolight has already implemented to try to reduce the level of luminaire recycling, and increase reuse of old lighting equipment, and of excess lighting equipment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

4 0 3 21
FSD Africa FSD Africa

We help make finance work for Africa's future. Funded​ by UK International Development from the UK government. FSD Africa is a specialist development agency funded by the UK’s Department for International Development working to make finance work for Africa’s future. FSD Africa sees itself as a catalyst for change, working with partners to build financial markets that are robust, efficient and, above all, inclusive. It uses funding, research and technical expertise to identify market failures and strengthen the capacity of its partners to improve access to financial services and drive economic growth. FSD Africa is also a regional platform. It …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

12 0 7 159
FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs

A consultancy firm in corporate communication and public affairs FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs was created in 2005 by Anne Mazoyer. Its consultants design strategies which develop and strengthen the capital image and lobbying strategies of companies, institutions and their leaders in France and abroad. Moreover, we counsel our clients in their approach to local, national or EU institutions and in the management of their legislative risks. FairValue Corporate & Public Affairs is an independent consultancy firm with offices in Paris and Brussels. It represents its clients before national and EU institutions and media. Affaires Publiques , Communication corporate, Gestion …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting govtech

16 0 16 12
Regulation Asia Regulation Asia

Through our research, reporting, featured content and events, we play a key role in the regulatory agenda. Regulation Asia is a data-driven financial news and intelligence platform providing regulatory intelligence for Asia Pacific. Traditionally regulation has been the talk of the back-office. But since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008, with increased scrutiny by regulatory and the substantial costs of non-compliance. More and more executives are keeping a watchful eye on regulatory change and trying to figure out its impact on both theirs institution, as well as their clients. Asian regulators are playing catch up to their Western counterparts, …

Type: Startup Activities: regtech fintech media Technologies: Data Analytics

13 1 13 24
Ruta N Medellin Ruta N Medellin

Tenemos #ElPoderDeTransformar | #RutaN14Años Ruta N is the center of business and innovation of Medellin that promotes and develops successful knowledge-based businesses through the strengthening of the science, technology and innovation system. A city that wants to create welfare in a globalized world needs to be competitive, that's why Ruta N works on the worldwide exchange of knowledge, capital, human resources, services and products. It is only with a view to the world that we can achieve the wealth that is needed for the welfare of our society. Innovación, Innovation, Ciencia, Tecnología, Technology, and Science

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

22 6 10 157
Kaiko Kaiko

Bridging traditional and blockchain ecosystems by providing reliable and actionable financial data and services Kaiko is the leading cryptocurrency market data provider for institutional investors and enterprises. We empower market participants with accurate, transparent, and actionable financial data to be leveraged for a range of market activities. Kaiko’s mission is to be the foundation of the new digital finance economy by serving as a single source for market information. Our mission is premised on the idea that high-quality data drives market efficiency and greater transparency throughout the industry. For each of our enterprise clients, we build custom data plans designed …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

17 5 13 116
Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

CIGI offers expert research and policy analysis at the intersection of technology and international governance. The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) is an independent, non-partisan think tank committed to innovative policy making at the intersection of technology and international governance. Headquartered in Waterloo, Canada, CIGI has a global network of multidisciplinary researchers and strategic partnerships providing expert research and objective analysis with one goal in mind: to improve people’s lives everywhere. Global Governance, Public Policy, Global Economy, G20, and Global Security & Politics

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech govtech

9 1 3 159
Mobile World Capital Barcelona Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Driving the digital transformation of society to build a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable future. Driving the digital transformation of society to build a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable future. Mobile, Digital Transformation, Entrepeneurship & Innovation, mhealth, Smart Living, mSchools, 4YFN Event, Empowerment, 5G, and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services Technologies: 5G

70 22 37 136
GIS & Chaire Optima GIS & Chaire Optima

[Automatic translation follows] The OPTIMA chair is evolving into the GIS OPTIMA. The ambition is always to constitute a link between local actors (elected officials, territorial civil servants) and teacher-researchers specializing in local public management but by broadening the spectrum of action at the national level. GIS OPTIMA brings together 14 universities covering the French territory.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

8 1 8 1
Sinar Project Sinar Project

Hacking democracy The Sinar Project is an initiative using open technology and applications to systematically make important information public and more accessible to the Malaysian people. It aims to improve governance and encourage greater citizen involvement in the public affairs of the nation by making the Malaysian Government more open, transparent and accountable. We build open source civic tech applications, work to open government with open data and defend digital rights for citizens to apply their democratic rights. Civic Tech, Open Data, Open Government, and Digital Rights

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 0 2 7
Digital Transformation Team - Italian Government Digital Transformation Team - Italian Government

Vision The “operating system” of the country: a series of fundamental blocks upon which services for citizens, the Public Administration, and enterprises are built with modern digital products. Mission Make public services for citizens accessible in an easy manner, via a mobile first approach, with reliable, scalable and fault tolerant architectures, based on clearly defined APIs; support the different central and local government departments in making the best and most data driven decisions, thanks to the adoption of big data and machine learning techniques. Tasks 1) Coordinate the different government and PA stakeholders to manage existing and future digital programs …

Type: Public

9 1 0 38
AquaFed AquaFed

AquaFed is The International Federation of Private Water Operators. AquaFed represents more than 400 private operators providing water and sanitation services in more than 40 countries worldwide. According to GWI (2013), over 1 billion people worldwide count on private operators to serve them on a daily basis. AquaFed’s main action aims at: - Connecting private water operators with all stakeholders engaged at the international level on water services and challenges: International organisations, public authorities, civil society (researchers, academics, experts, NGOs, journalists, etc.) - Advocating for the benefits of public-private partnerships as an option in managing water and sanitation services for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

5 2 0 7

[Automatic translation follows] DASTRI is an eco-organization with a health vocation approved by the public authorities since December 2012 as part of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) sector concerning Waste from Healthcare Activities with Infectious Risks (DASRI) perforating patients in cars -treatment. The DASTRI association has three main missions: 1. Make “needle boxes” available free of charge via the pharmacy network to the patients concerned 2. Collect and dispose of these “needle boxes” safely 3. Inform, communicate and raise awareness among all stakeholders in the sector

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

17 2 11 12
Involve Involve

The UK’s public participation charity. Creating a vibrant democracy, with people at the heart of decision-making. We’re the UK’s public participation charity. We work towards creating a more vibrant democracy, with people at the heart of decision-making. We know that politics often does not work as it should, leaving people and politicians feeling divided, distrustful and powerless. We demonstrate how democracy can be different. We support people and decision-makers to work together to solve our biggest challenges. Our mission is to develop, support and campaign for new ways of involving people in the decisions that affect their lives. democracy, open …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

5 0 4 59
e-Governance Academy e-Governance Academy

Empowering e-governance and digital transformation around the world. Get in touch! The e-Governance Academy (eGA) is a non-profit foundation that assists public sector and civil society organisations in making digital transformation happen. We make it happen through consultancy, training, networking, research and assisting government organisations in the implementation of technical solutions. Most notably, eGA has delivered digital transformation solutions in 141 countries and regions, especially in Eastern and Central Europe, Asia and Africa. Additional cooperation projects have taken place with EU countries including Austria, Belgium, Faroe Islands (Denmark), Finland, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, and Serbia. To help increase the cybersecurity …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 0 2 98
Paris Peace Forum Paris Peace Forum

🌍Fostering multi-actor solutions to address our world's greatest challenges ln a world where collective action is more urgent than ever but where competition and the complexity of global challenges seem overwhelming, the Paris Peace Forum is a platform open to all seeking to develop coordination, rules, capacities and political momentum. Year-round support activities and an annual event in November help better organize our planet by convening the world, boosting projects, and incubating multi-actor initiatives. international affairs, event, peace, diplomacy, forum, development, inclusive economy, new technologies, security, climate change, environment, education, culture, multilateralism, gender, equality, cyberspace, international organisation, NGO, and global …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

19 6 10 60
dxw dxw

We design, build and run digital public services. dxw is employee owned. •About us• We’re a leading employee owned digital agency that works with the public and third sectors. We have offices in Leeds and London but employ people UK-wide. Since 2008 we’ve worked in partnership to deliver positive, sustainable change. We’re defined by our values. We work with organisations who, like us, want to improve people’s lives. We make life easier for the teams that run services too. We can work with our clients in lots of ways. From defining organisational strategy and priorities, growing capability, researching, designing and …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech it services Technologies: Decarbonization

5 3 3 102
Streetbees Streetbees

Rich conversations. Rapid Insights. Right decisions. Streetbees pioneered conversational research, leveraging AI to decode complex human behaviour over the last decade. By combining this deep expertise with the latest Large Language Models, we’ve now made it un-bee-lievably easy for you to get the bespoke insights you need to fuel your decisions. No more painful processes. No more unanswered questions. No more compromises. Since 2015, Streetbees has raised over $50 million in investment and has grown from 0 to 200 employees. The company was voted one of LinkedIn’s Top 15 UK Startups 2020 and 2021, was awarded ‘AI Product of the …

Type: Startup Activities: martech consumer goods Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

23 4 14 163
Neighbourly Neighbourly

Award-winning giving platform that helps businesses donate volunteer time, money and surplus to local good causes. Neighbourly is an award-winning giving platform that helps businesses make a positive impact in their communities by donating volunteer time, money and surplus products, all in one place. We were founded in 2014 with the aim of helping businesses deliver meaningful and sustainable community investment, into thousands of locations across the UK and Ireland. We believe that by putting local impact at the heart of responsible business we can create a system that works for everyone. We’ve grown into an award-winning, market leading CSR …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

12 0 11 86
OneTeamGov OneTeamGov

We're a global community, working together to radically reform the public sector through practical action. We're a global community of innovators focused on radical public sector reform through practical action. United and guided by a set of principles, we want to improve public services and change the way we work. The community is made up of people who are passionate about public sector reform (we deliberately want this to be wider than just government), with the emphasis on improving the services we offer to citizens and how we work. We believe the public sector can be brilliant, and we’re committed …

Type: Public

6 3 3 2
Oxford Insights Oxford Insights

We advise organisations on strategic, cultural and leadership opportunities from digital transformation and AI Helping organisations worldwide use new technologies and innovative approaches to make citizens' lives better. AI, Quantum computing, research, data governance, and Business Analysis

Type: Public

7 1 6 23