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Klik2Learn Klik2Learn

The new way to learn English ⮕ Established in 2010, this innovative Scottish digital learning resource, allows companies to offer a fully on-line accredited qualification in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). The software is fully on-line (web based) and allows organisations to offer tutoring via on-line interactive learning materials which include 3D models, animations, videos and audio recordings to potential clients. In addition, the software allows tutors at partner organisations to communicate through live teaching sessions with their students around other commitments.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 3 8 11
World Trade Center Metz-Saarbrücken World Trade Center Metz-Saarbrücken

A prime business centre in the hearth of Metz and a club serving the business community. A prime business centre in the hearth of Metz and a club serving the business community.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

29 6 22 5
Escuela Ideo Escuela Ideo

[Automatic translation follows] An education capable of changing the world Our school is the materialization of a dream. A life project that arises from the concerns of a group of people who understand that education needs a new approach. Combining our common ideas and growing from our differences, we propose an alternative to the traditional educational system Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Training Cycles, TSEAS, TECO, and TSDAM

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 0 4 100

Innovation for people Created in 1963, Farmaindustria is the National Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry established in Spain. It brings together most of the innovative pharmaceutical laboratories established in Spain, which accounts for almost all sales of prescription drugs under patent in the country. farmacia, investigación y desarrollo, industria, innovación, salud, sanidad, health, pharma, healthcare, laboratorios, medicamentos, fármacos, pharmaceuticals, medicine, I+D, vacunas, vaccines, and industria farmacéutica

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

24 8 8 170
Melián Abogados Melián Abogados

[Automatic translation follows] Law Firm in Tenerife Munguía y Melián. Abogados is today an innovative centre for the provision of legal services, specifically aimed at companies and public entities, our main clients, having established ourselves as a Canarian legal consultancy with sufficient prestige to compete against the large national firms. Without a doubt, the key to our success is none other than the quality of the work. This implies dedicating ourselves to each matter as if it were the only one. Not haggling over means or time. Not being concerned about quantity, only about the quality of the work. Excellent …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: Cybersecurity

4 1 3 7

[Automatic translation follows] Consulting, training, consultancy, product design and financing, in the field of #Industry40 Fom Asesoramiento Tecnológico emerged in 2015 as a catalyst for knowledge around Industry 4.0, the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution that encompasses enabling technologies, business implementation or social impact. Fom provides consulting, training, consultancy and financing for activities related to Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things. Technological consulting, Investment fund, Building the ecosystem, Industry 4.0, Internet of things, Industry, and Masters

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

57 2 56 20
Antares Consulting Antares Consulting

[Automatic translation follows] Translational Knowledge in Healthcare Antares Consulting is an international consulting firm in strategy, management, and technology, specialized in health, life sciences, and social and social-health services. We have a team of more than 80 highly specialized consultants, and we have offices in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Brussels, Lisbon, Paris, Santiago and La Paz. In addition, we have business alliances with partners that allow us to be present and develop projects in many other countries, mainly emerging countries (Russia, China, the Middle East, etc.). Since 1998, we have worked with 793 clients in 27 different countries, exceeding 150 projects per …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

15 5 9 82
Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo

Acompañar, proteger y servir a personas, empresas e instituciones través del dcho para contribuir a una Sociedad Justa Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo es una de las firmas de abogados más relevantes de España. La firma cuenta, con profesionales con amplios conocimientos en el campo de la economía y las finanzas. De este modo, el asesoramiento legal que brinda está complementado por un profundo conocimiento de la realidad de los negocios. We are an international full service law firm that can provide for all of your business needs. Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo is one of the most well known and well respected law …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

26 0 22 221

[Automatic translation follows] We are the employers' association of the generic pharmaceutical industry in Spain. AESEG is the employers' association of the generic pharmaceutical industry in Spain and the qualified business interlocutor in this area. All pharmaceutical specialty laboratories, companies that manufacture raw materials and active pharmaceutical ingredients or technological development companies whose main activity is in the field of generics within the national territory can become members of AESEG. AESEG was established in Barcelona on March 17, 1998 as a national non-profit organization, to promote the knowledge and use of generic drugs, creating a true generic culture within Spanish …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

4 1 4 11
Broadcaster Broadcaster

Content Agency & Communication Consultants We believe in content. We believe that every story is worth telling. We believe in real stories by real people. Because those are the stories that generate the most empathy, that can be communicated most effectively, and that convey the most authenticity. Content is king, yes, but to reach it, or for it to reach you, you need a good communication strategy, a good story, lots of creativity, a commitment to digital and innovation, to formats and channels, and to the production and generation of content. At Broadcaster, we are skilled in integrated communication. We …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

8 1 8 200
Asociación de Marketing de España - Asociación MKT Asociación de Marketing de España - Asociación MKT

[Automatic translation follows] Promoting ethical and socially relevant marketing. Follow us on Twitter: @AMKT_es and Facebook: @AMKT.esp At the Spanish Marketing Association we are committed to promoting marketing in its entirety, to the development of its professionals, companies and institutions, in a dynamic and innovative way, and to leading the dissemination and promotion of the best practices in this discipline. Our objectives are: - To contribute to the development of the Marketing culture among professionals, companies and institutions, promoting their knowledge. - To serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences and to be a meeting point …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

39 5 35 84
Servicios Folgoso Servicios Folgoso

[Automatic translation follows] Spanish law firm specializing in value-added services based on competitive intelligence. Specialists in internationalization processes, with demonstrable experience in Sub-Saharan Africa and South America, export consortia. Location and processing of business financing

Type: SMB Activities: it services

4 0 4 2
Cybernetica Cybernetica

Architects of e-Estonia | cybersecurity | e-government innovators | future tech developer | digital identity expertise We develop state of the art knowhow and technology for digital societies, and produce digital solutions to make people’s lives easier, safer and more convenient. This involves the creation of technically complex and large scale development projects. Cybernetica has unique experience in building the world renown digital society in Estonia, but also in other countries. Cybernetica’s driving factor is that our work is meaningful and has a wide impact. Essentially, we use transformative technology and cutting edge knowhow for the greater good. Today, our …

Type: SMB Activities: it services govtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

15 1 13 204
PensionDanmark PensionDanmark

[Automatic translation follows] PensionDanmark is a labor market pension company that aims to ensure members a good supplement to public welfare benefits when they retire or if they lose their ability to work. PensionDanmark has 800,000 members employed in 23,000 private and public companies. They are covered by agreements between 11 trade unions and 28 employers' associations. Our task is to help the members to a good and long working life and a financially secure old age. In addition to the pension scheme, we offer a social safety net in the event of illness, death, the need for early retirement …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

13 2 8 423
Stifterverband Stifterverband

[Automatic translation follows] We design and promote education and science in order to strengthen society's innovative power. The Stifterverband is a community of around 3,500 committed people, companies and organizations from business, science and civil society. The aim of its work is to rethink and redesign education and science in order to sustainably strengthen society's innovative power. As a central driving force, it analyzes current challenges, promotes model projects and enables their dissemination in a variety of networks. It links business, science and civil society, develops ideas together and initiates political reforms. In its work, it focuses on two fields …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

22 8 15 187
Cogneon Akademie Cogneon Akademie

[Automatic translation follows] Your place to learn Cogneon GmbH was founded on December 21, 2001. We help companies, organizations and individuals to be successful in the 21st century through the systematic handling of knowledge. We do this through consulting, coaching, training and the provision of free materials. Our main location is the Cogneon Academy in Nuremberg, where we work and organize training courses, workshops and community events. Imprint: Knowledge management, learning organization, digitization, expert debriefing, and lernOS

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

21 3 21 3
European IP Helpdesk European IP Helpdesk

Follow us for regular updates: The European IP Helpdesk provides free-of-charge first-line support on IP-related issues aiming to help current and potential beneficiaries of EU-funded projects, as well as EU SMEs, manage their Intellectual Property assets. The European IP Helpdesk is managed by the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), with policy guidance provided by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG Grow). The information provided by the European IP Helpdesk is not of a legal or advisory nature and no responsibility is accepted for the results of any actions …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

14 9 12 16
foodwatch International foodwatch International

NGO fighting for food safety & transparency. Offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Paris and Vienna. foodwatch is an independent, non-profit organisation that exposes food-industry practices that are not in the interests of consumers. foodwatch fights for the right of consumers to know exactly what they are buying and to enjoy good food that is healthy and uncontaminated. foodwatch was founded in 2002 in Germany by former Greenpeace director Thilo Bode and has offices in Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna and Brussels.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

30 10 24 38
Flossbach von Storch Flossbach von Storch

[Automatic translation follows] Flossbach von Storch is the largest bank-independent asset manager in Germany. In 1998, Bert Flossbach and Kurt von Storch founded Flossbach von Storch AG in Cologne. Both are united by the desire for independence and the aspiration to operate first-class investment management. The company's roots lie in the care of wealthy private individuals; today, the company is the largest independent asset manager in Germany and is one of the largest German managers of multi-asset funds. The Flossbach von Storch Research Institute was founded in 2014 together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Mayer. The institute conducts research in particular …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

8 2 4 284
Rupprecht Consult GmbH Rupprecht Consult GmbH

We are a fully independent sustainability research and consultancy company based in Cologne (Germany) since 1996. Rupprecht Consult - Forschung & Beratung GmbH is a fully independent private research and consultancy company, mainly working on sustainability in the fields of urban and transport development, environment, information technologies and innovations to society. Our company is based in Cologne. We have developed and managed major European projects in our areas of interest. Project Management, Transport, Transport Planning, Consultancy, Sustainable Planning, Research, Project Development, Public Transport, Transport Policy and Governance, Shared Mobility, Innovative Transport, Dissemination, Stakeholder Engagement, Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, SUMP, Connected …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

10 0 3 36
Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi) Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi)

[Automatic translation follows] The BITMi is the largest professional association for exclusively medium-sized IT companies in Germany The Federal Association of IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi) represents over 2,500 IT companies and is thus the largest IT professional association for exclusively medium-sized interests in Germany. IT industry and digitization

Type: SMB Activities: it services

12 3 4 13
ReDI School of Digital Integration ReDI School of Digital Integration

Tech education to break down barriers and connect the digital leaders of tomorrow ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit coding school for tech-savvy people without access to digital education based in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, NRW, Aarhus, Copenhagen and Malmö. We provide talented individuals with free, high-quality training and the chance to start their career in the tech industry.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

41 17 25 273
Kiel Institute for the World Economy Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Understanding and Shaping Globalization. The Kiel Institute for the World Economy sees itself as the research institute in Germany for globalization issues. Our researchers investigate the drivers and effects of international economic activity, the integration and disintegration of global markets as well as the opportunities and limits of political action in open economies. The Institute analyzes the world economy not just as the sum of individual national economies, but rather as a global economic area that must be understood and shaped. We have tasked ourselves with identifying emerging global economic challenges and developing practical solutions that are compatible with open …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech Technologies: Data Analytics

27 9 21 152
365 Sherpas - Corporate Affairs & Policy Advice 365 Sherpas - Corporate Affairs & Policy Advice

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. 365 Sherpas was founded in Berlin in October 2013. Its team of experienced and specialised all-rounders provide corporate affairs and policy advice to enterprises, associations and government bodies like ministries on federal and state level. We have offices in Berlin and Brussels. If we need expertise in additional disciplines when advising clients or implementing communications, we can access the professional resources of the HIRSCHEN GROUP – one of the largest owner-managed agency groups in Germany and majority shareholder of 365 Sherpas – or our …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: IoT

25 0 24 60
result gmbh result gmbh

[Automatic translation follows] Digital agency - consulting, research, editing, content creation Our history is characterized by digitization and change. That has made us fit for the future. Founded in 1994, result gmbh initially dealt with classic radio and television research by telephone and in the form of qualitative studies. The market has changed radically since 2000. Research budgets are dwindling and people are relying on direct communication with their audience and customers: in corporate blogs, via social media or via messenger services. Time for us to grow beyond the field of market and media research and, in addition to our …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

15 1 13 16

[Automatic translation follows] German Chamber of Commerce and Industry - #StrengthenEconomyTogether The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) represents the entire commercial economy in Germany. Its members are the 79 Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IHKs) with several million companies from industry, trade and services - from kiosk owners to large corporations. The DIHK is committed to these companies in politics, administration and the public. It advocates for the commercial economy at federal and European level - for example for less bureaucracy, free trade or fast internet. The goal: good framework conditions for successful business. Economy, training, further education, …

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce

39 11 16 317
DIW Berlin - German Institute for Economic Research DIW Berlin - German Institute for Economic Research

Das DIW Berlin ist seit 1925 eines der führenden Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute in Deutschland. The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) is one of the leading economic research instituts in Germany. Its core mandates are applied economic research and economic policy as well as provision of research infrastructure. As an independent non-profit institution, DIW Berlin is committed to serving the common good. The institute was founded in 1925 as Institut für Konjunkturforschung (Institute for economic cycle research). Since 1982, the Research Infrastructure SOEP (German Socio-Economic Panel Study), a long-term study, is affiliated to DIW Berlin. Thematically, the scientific work of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech Technologies: Decarbonization

35 11 17 264
EDELWEISS Management Consulting GmbH EDELWEISS Management Consulting GmbH

Connecting C-level professionals with new opportunities Edelweiss Management Consulting GmbH – is a German recruiting and executive search consultancy since 1997 with global representations and offices in Dusseldorf, Prague, Kyiv, Tallinn and Warsaw. We work in all business sectors without limitations. We speak: English, German, Czech, Russian and Ukrainian. Our assignments cover the entire area of Central and Eastern Europe, CIS-countries and Middle East. Human Resources, Executive Search, Recruiting, HR Consulting, IT Recruitment, Recruitment, Fintech Recruitment, Interim Recruitment, Outsourcing, C-Level Recruitment, Sourcing, Direct Search, Database Search, Personnel Development, People Capital, Search and Selection, Staffing, and Human Capital

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech consulting

1 1 0 11
Casper Labs Casper Labs

Casper Labs delivers applications and services that drive revenue and radical efficiency for companies and governments. Casper Labs delivers applications and services that drive revenue and radical efficiency for companies and governments. We are on a mission to build the essential foundation for an entirely new era of customer value and business success.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

19 2 14 95
Equal Playing Field Equal Playing Field

Equal Playing Field provides a platform for women to support other women to challenge the gender inequalities that exist in sport. We started with a world record when two teams of female players climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest mountain, to play the world’s highest ever game of competitive football. We've just completed our second adventure, the Jordan Quest, securing the record for the lowest altitude match at the Dead Sea. We run football camps and challenges to motivate more women and girls to play, create role models in the media and inspire others. We campaign for: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

12 1 11 7

Making the Internet work better. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a Standards Development Organization responsible for defining the technical standards for the Internet.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

15 3 6 69
FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Financial markets need clear, comprehensive information on the impacts of climate change. This includes the risks and opportunities presented by rising temperatures, climate-related policy, and emerging technologies in our changing world. The Financial Stability Board created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to improve and increase reporting of climate-related financial information. The TCFD has developed a framework to help public companies and other organizations more effectively disclose climate-related risks and opportunities through their existing reporting processes. Our recommendations encourage clear reporting on how climate change financially impacts companies across four pillars: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech fintech greentech

49 23 10 35
University of York Economics Department University of York Economics Department

As one of the largest economics departments in the UK we offer a great diversity of research expertise and research-led teaching. Our academic community of staff, students and visitors is both intellectually vibrant and international in perspective. Economics and Finance

Type: Incubators & VCs

35 12 16 4

[Automatic translation follows] Commercial law firm in Leipzig · Frankfurt am Main · Dresden We are a commercial law firm founded in 2011 and active internationally. We advise large and small clients, primarily from the e-commerce, IT and marketing sectors. We work hand in hand with our clients, with our finger on the pulse and at the forefront, be it technical, economic or legal. E-Commerce Law, Corporate Law, Data Protection Law, Employment Law, Trade Mark Law, and Competition Law

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech e-commerce Technologies: Data Analytics

32 2 30 25
Kienbaum Kienbaum

We are a progress company – for people & organisations. We are a progress company – for people & organisations. And this is what we excel at: bringing potential to life. Creating the perfect match between individuals and companies by bringing today’s capabilities in tune with the demands of tomorrow: no one can do this the way we can. We are a unique combination of leadership advisory and management consulting. We scrutinise and improve skills, workflows and structures, to lead people and corporates to a higher level and build a sustainable future perspective. It‘s our DNA – ever since Gerhard …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting hrtech Technologies: Decarbonization

42 8 34 669
Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe

[Automatic translation follows] Secure digitization "Made in Germany". We create trust in the analog and digital world. As a federal technology company, we are passionate about one of the central issues of the 21st century: products and solutions for secure identities, data and infrastructure. Whether it is about identifying people without a doubt or ensuring the security of sensitive data, documents and information: we are the innovation driver in high-security technology, whose products and services "Made in Germany" are trusted by companies, states and authorities. This is linked to a working world that could hardly be more exciting and diverse. …

Type: Large company Activities: it services

21 4 3 1,464
ATOSS Software SE ATOSS Software SE

At ATOSS we are shaping working environments to the benefit of companies, employees and society. We are paving the way to working environments that are more creative, more intelligent and more humane. At the same time, we are revolutionizing the interaction of cost efficiency and humanity. This vision of a human economy drives and motivates us. Since 35 years, ATOSS has ranked as a trendsetter and key player in the workforce management market. Every day, ATOSS solutions are making significant contributions towards higher value creation and greater competitive strengths for more than 15,000 customers. We are enabling the implementation of …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

26 2 24 739
Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH

The Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH (BMR) develops and markets the Ruhr metropolitan business location. The Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH (BMR) develops and markets the Ruhr metropolitan business location. It bundles the economic interests of the 53 citiese of the region. The work of the BMR aims at increasing the regional competitiveness. Dienstleistung, Digitalisierung, Internationalisierung, and Flächenmanagement

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

32 6 31 40
Goalimpact Goalimpact

Opinion you can count on. Providing a next generation Software-as-a-Service solution for football player talent scouting and performance evaluation of individual players as well as as team squads. Offering the most extensive analytics on the market with data for 55,000+ football players out of 200 competitions (leagues, cups and continental as well as world championships), Goalimpact’s technology has a proven track record, reliable back testing and research and development since 2004. Fussball, Managment, Scouting, and Datenanalyse

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: Data Analytics

13 1 14 4
Fraunhofer UMSICHT Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Fraunhofer UMSICHT is a pioneer for a sustainable world. Fraunhofer UMSICHT is a pioneer for a sustainable world. With our research on circular economy, carbon management, green hydrogen and local energy systems, we make concrete contributions to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Thermal/Chemical Storage, Process Intensification, Energy Systems Engineering, Electrical, Thermal Energy Storage, Process Engineering, Resource Management, Innovation Management, Leather Technology, Bio-Plastics, Material Systems, Information Technology, Biofuels, Research, Circular Plastics Economy, Compressed CO², Electrically conductive polymers, Circular Economy, Sustainability, Life Cycle Assessment, Catalysts for industrial use, Resources management, Turbomachinery, Carbon Management, Green Hydrogen, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

18 8 9 366
Fadata Fadata

Making the world a safer place by empowering insurance innovation. Fadata Group is a leading provider of software solutions that empower the insurance community to drive customer engagement, innovation and business value. We provide the heart of the insurance industry with the next generation of core insurance platform. We use end-to-end, flexible cloud services for all lines of business and all insurance processes, harnessing open ecosystems. Recognized as an advanced solution provider by analysts at Gartner and Celent, Fadata has clients in over 30 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. We have extensive international distribution and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

16 2 17 276
Instinctif Partners Deutschland Instinctif Partners Deutschland

Communication Consulting - Specialised in economic, financial & socio-political communications in Germany. With our expertise in business and finance and a team of experienced consultants, we have become one of the leading owner-managed communications consultancies in Germany since our foundation in 2003. Today, companies and institutions appreciate us when it comes to strategic corporate communications, socio-political communications, investor relations and financial market communications. Instinctif Partners maintains contact with the most important German and international media as well as with politics and associations. We develop communication concepts and implement them worldwide on request. This makes us a sought-after partner for successfully …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

2 0 2 22
Usbotschaftberlin Usbotschaftberlin

Usbotschaftberlin is a company based out of 2 Pariser Platz, Berlin, Germany.

Type: Media SMB Activities: healthtech

37 5 27 1
Photonics21 Photonics21

The European Technology Platform Photonics21 represents the photonics community of industry and research organisations Photonics21 is the European Technology Platform (ETP) for photonics – a technology encompassing all of the products and processes around the emission, manipulation and detection of light. It is integral to a wide range of industries that include the medical, healthcare, transport, manufacturing, and telecommunications sectors. In December 2005 "Photonics21"​ was set up to bring the community of photonics professionals and industries together. In September 2009, the European Commission defined photonics as one of five European Key Enabling Technologies (KET's) and shortly after the European Research …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

16 1 11 14
EU Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Southern Africa (EUCCISA) EU Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Southern Africa (EUCCISA)

The EU Chamber represents EU business interests in SA to promote fair and attractive business landscape for its members The EU Chamber represents EU business interests towards SA institutions (governmental and business) in order to promote a fair and attractive business landscape for EU business in Southern Africa. We focus on: • Advocacy work • Business intelligence • EU business community media representation & events

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

8 0 8 4
ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector

The Global Health Connector ECHAlliance is the Global Connector for Digital Health. We facilitate multi-stakeholder connections in various health ecosystems to drive sustainable change and disruption in the delivery of health and social care. Our global network of Digital Health Alliances connects 78 countries and 4.4 billion people (Europe, USA, Canada, China, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Americas and the Pacific). Our community of over 22,000 experts, including · Government · Health & social care providers · Leading companies and multinationals · Start-ups · Researchers · Insurance companies · Patients groups and citizens · The investment community ECHAlliance Group …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

42 6 57 34
Tvoříme Evropu Tvoříme Evropu

[Automatic translation follows] We create Europe - online, in the regions, at round tables, together with you 🇪🇺 Basically about Europe. The official portal of the Czech Republic for information about the EU News, analysis, comments, interviews, reports. The web portal Tvoříme Evropu is the main information source about the EU on the Internet in Czech. It also covers regular daily news about the European Union. We are creating Europe currently brings together the original separate information portals Euroskop, Eurocentra and the National Convention on the EU. The portal is managed by the Department of Information on European Affairs of …

Type: Public

7 0 7 2
Geospatial World Geospatial World

Making a difference through geospatial knowledge in world economy and society. Following its mission of “Making a Difference through Geospatial Knowledge in the World Economy and Society”, Geospatial World is an open, diverse, inclusive, collaborative and humane organization that has pursued thought leadership, policy advocacy, technology evangelism for the past 24 years. An integral part of the geospatial ecosystem, Geospatial World will continue to work as a knowledge organization, advancing knowledge for sustainability. Geospatial Publications, Geospatial Portal and e-Publications, Geosptial Conferences and Trade Shows, and Geospatial Industry Research Reports

Type: Media

68 4 60 113
Innovation Ecosystem Innovation Ecosystem

Bigger Opportunities, Bigger Solutions We are committed to impact. At Innovation Ecosystem, our goal is to help innovators and leaders deliver impactful new ideas that work in the real world and produce real value. We come to this work as practical hands-on innovators who have spent decades enabling creative thinkers from all over the world to change their organisations and industries. We’ve empowered disruptive change agents in international corporations and on-the-ground inventors in refugee communities. These varied initiatives repeatedly demonstrate a fundamental truth about innovation. It is not enough to just have a good idea. Whether you are trying to …

Type: Incubators & VCs

22 0 22 11
Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa) Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa)

We help international companies set up successful business operations in Western Switzerland. Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa) is the official investment promotion agency for Western Switzerland. Its mission is to support foreign companies so that they can quickly establish and develop their operations in Western Switzerland. Its services include: providing information on business environment, taxation, operational costs and labor law; facilitating contacts with peer companies and industry groups; evaluating the best location for each company’s needs and finding suitable premises. This support is provided at no charge and on a confidential basis. Since its creation in 2010, GGBa has successfully …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

40 2 39 40
CogX Festival CogX Festival

CogX's mission is to convene the tech industry, global leaders, changemakers, creatives and policy makers together to address the critical question 'How do we get the next 10 years right?'. We do this through our Festivals and Summits, combining leading speakers, highly focused content sessions and executive networking. ​ Often described as a ‘festival of ideas’ with the heart of a meet up and the polish of Davos, CogX is an opportunity to immerse yourself in all things AI. We are thrilled to be hosting two events in 2024, The Leadership Summit in London on October 7th, and even sooner …

Type: Event

70 5 65 28
Scope Group Scope Group

Scope Group is Europe's leading credit rating, ESG and fund analysis agency. Are you getting #TheScopePerspective? Scope Group is the leading European provider of credit ratings, fund analysis, ESG assessment and bespoke solutions for evaluating and monitoring risk. Scope provides an essential alternative perspective, contributing to greater diversity of credit and risk opinions for issuers and institutional investors. The group has around 250 employees in its offices in Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan, Oslo and Paris. Scope Ratings is the only European credit assessment institution accepted in the Eurosystem Credit Assessment Framework (ECAF) for collateral used in euro area monetary …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech proptech Technologies: A.I.

31 6 24 291
Global Business Coalition Global Business Coalition

The voice of the Entreprise, representing more than 6.8million small, medium and large businesses throughout the world. The Global Business Coalition brings together leading independent business associations from the major world economies & advocates on behalf of more than 6.8 million small, medium & large companies. Established in 2012, the Global Business Coalition (formerly B20 Coalition), operates as a worldwide platform of exchanges between national business communities, & aims at building consensus & developing common positions on issues critical for enterprises. GBC focuses on helping member associations share intelligence, access decision-makers & coordinate their respective national & international advocacy campaigns. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

10 1 8 4
Australia France Business Association Australia France Business Association

Connecting the French and Australian business communities through networking opportunities and events Who Are We? Australia France Business Association (AFBA) is a non-profit membership based association that provides networking opportunities for companies and individuals with an interest in Australia. The Australian Ambassador to France is our Honorary President. Our Aim To bring together professionals and companies who have Australian connections, creating forums for the exchange and sharing of knowledge and first hand experiences. With over 100 corporate and individual members, Australia France Business Association helps strengthen and foster business links between Australia and France, and further our members'​ interests and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech fintech

8 0 8 6
Groupe Huit Groupe Huit

[Automatic translation follows] Multidisciplinary expertise to address urbanisation challenges in developing and emerging countries Since 1967, Groupe Huit has been working as an advisor to governments, local authorities and international funding agencies in several areas related to cities and territories: land use planning, urban planning, neighbourhood planning, architecture, urban and municipal development. Groupe Huit’s types of intervention are identification, feasibility, evaluation and technical assistance in execution. Groupe Huit offers consulting services in the following areas: • national and regional development plan and framework, • urban planning • preparation of urban projects, • management of urban services (water, sanitation, roads, transport, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

4 0 3 48
Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN) Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN)

An international community of cyber advisors from various disciplines and background, who want to build a better future - What is the Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN)? CyAN provides an international platform of advisors in cybersecurity, privacy and Trust & Safety . The ambition is to strengthen the security and safety in the digital environment through a multi-disciplinary approach based on mutual trust and on complementarity of profiles and experiences of its members. - Who can benefit from the Cybersecurity Advisors Network ? We aim to support advisors who want to participate in creating a more secure digital world, whether they …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 0 7 40
Coalition Eau Coalition Eau

[Automatic translation follows] The Water Coalition is the collective of French NGOs committed to access to water and sanitation for all The Water Coalition is the collective of French NGOs committed to promoting access to drinking water and sanitation for all, with priority given to the most vulnerable, while preserving water resources.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

28 6 14 7
BPW France BPW France

[Automatic translation follows] NGO that fights for gender equality in the professional world. #feminism #sustainabledevelopment #work #inclusive BPW France is the French branch of the International NGO BPW, which has more than 30,000 members in 98 countries, and benefits from statuses with the United Nations and the Council of Europe. BPW has been working in France since 1930 to advance the cause of women at work, through actions such as Equal Pay Day ® or supporting companies in signing the WEPs (Women's Empowerment Principles). BPW is open to all working women, students or retirees, and has the following goals: - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

30 9 13 12
EHESS - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales EHESS - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Comprendre les sociétés humaines For the past 70 years, researchers and students from all different countries and backgrounds have elected the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) as their academic home, drawn by the pairing of in-depth analysis of the past and research explicitly devoted to understanding contemporary societies. Thanks to our global perspective and research-based learning, the EHESS has been an incubator in the social sciences; from the Annales to French theory to Thomas Piketty's historical analysis of modern capitalism, we have played a central role in the emergence of numerous paradigms in the social sciences and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

32 11 13 1,113
1001fontaines 1001fontaines

Sustainable safe drinking water solutions for vulnerable populations, already serving 1M people across 4 countries 1001fontaines is a non-profit organization designing and deploying sustainable safe drinking water solutions for vulnerable populations. The NGO 1001fontaines was created in 2004 and is dedicated to improving the health of isolated populations by enabling them to produce and consume safe drinking water based on a social business model that ensures the communities’ autonomy and sustainability. The 1001fontaines safe drinking water production units (water kiosks) are managed as micro-businesses by local villagers trained to become entrepreneurs. The purified water, sealed in sterilised 20 litre containers, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

37 14 28 39
Association Les Audacieuses & les Audacieux Association Les Audacieuses & les Audacieux

[Automatic translation follows] Be yourself at any age! The association "les Audacieux" works to improve the quality of life of LGBT seniors, promote social inclusion and promote a positive image of aging, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. It has set itself 3 missions: - Act for the healthy aging of seniors, particularly LGBT seniors, through activities aimed at breaking and preventing social isolation and workshops to prevent loss of autonomy - Design and develop an inclusive housing model for isolated, independent or fragile seniors - Raise awareness among stakeholders in the gerontology sector of the specific needs and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech civictech

26 3 24 6
La Fresque du Climat La Fresque du Climat

[Automatic translation follows] Fun and collaborative workshop to understand climate issues! "The Climate Fresco" is a fun, participatory and creative workshop on climate change. It is based on collective intelligence and therefore extremely educational: it allows us to learn a lot in a very short time about the climate and the cause-and-effect links between the different components of climate change. The Climate Fresco is a 3-hour introduction, aimed at both novices and experts, on how the climate works and the consequences of its disruption. This workshop sheds light on the complexity of climate change, gives us keys to understanding and …

Type: Media

154 121 25 3,892
Démocratie Ouverte Démocratie Ouverte

[Automatic translation follows] The democratic innovation collective to gain the power to act Open Democracy brings together French and French-speaking actors of democratic renewal - civic start-ups, associations, citizen collectives - who develop innovative solutions to serve more transparency and engagement in our political system (examples: Voxe;; Parlement-et-citoyens; Sénat Citoyen ...). These projects use new technologies and methodologies (digital, public policy design, collaborative methods, random draw, ...) to improve our representative democracy. Open Democracy aims to federate and drive synergies between these actors, support the experimentation of new solutions, and promote the concept and benefits of open democracy. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

47 10 33 25
FAIR - Label Finansol FAIR - Label Finansol

[Automatic translation follows] FAIR aspires to an economy that places the person at the center of their development and acts in France and internationally The Finansol association, a collective of solidarity finance stakeholders, aims to promote solidarity savings and solidarity finance. Warning, we have noticed that malicious people are pretending to be Finansol or one of its managers by sending fraudulent emails: this is identity theft, Finansol is not a financing organization.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

102 35 81 59
CARE France CARE France

Ensemble contre les inégalités Founded in 1945, CARE is one of the world’s leading humanitarian organizations. It is non-partisan and non-sectarian. In 2017, CARE worked in 92 countries and reached over 63 million people around the world. In its emergency response and long-term development programs, CARE seeks to fight underlying causes of poverty. CARE places special focus on working alongside poor girls and women because, equipped with the proper resources, they have the power to lift whole families and entire communities out of poverty. To know more about CARE: Humanitaire, Développement économique, Droits humains, and Solidarité internationale

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

32 8 25 82
Action Emploi Réfugiés Action Emploi Réfugiés

Le travail, c’est la dignité ; le premier pas vers une intégration réussie. Action Emploi Réfugiés est le service de rapprochement entre employeurs, particuliers et réfugiés demandeurs d’emploi. Rejoignez-nous sur Une question sur l'emploi des personnes réfugiées ? Consultez notre guide Info Emploi Réfugiés : Action Emploi Réfugiés is a meeting place for employers, both individuals and businesses, and refugees trying to find jobs joine us on "​ مبادرة توظيف اللاجئين "​ هو مكان للاجتماع على شبكة الانترنت ،لأرباب العمل والشركات واللاجئين الذين يرغبون باللعثور على وظيفة . Networking, Employment, Refugees, and French business

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

28 3 22 8

[Automatic translation follows] International Center for Research on Environment and Development. CIRED is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 8568) under the main supervision of the National Center for Scientific Research and the École des PontsParisTech (ENPC), with the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), AgroParisTech and the Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD). At the CNRS, CIRED mainly depends on the Institute of Human and Social Sciences (INSHS), but it is also attached to the Institute of Environmental Sciences (INEE) and the Institute of Engineering Sciences (INSIS). Address: 45 bis avenue de la Belle …

Type: Public

46 10 34 85
Institut de l'Économie Positive Institut de l'Économie Positive

[Automatic translation follows] Positive economics means thinking about development in the interest of present & future generations. Our actions for a positive economy aim to be the center of expertise and support for the positive transition of public and private actors. MEASURING THE CURRENT DEGREE OF POSITIVITY OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ACTORS Thanks to the 3 Positivity indices developed with Nomadéïs and intended for nations, territories and companies, we measure the real capacity of the entity to place the interest of present and future generations at the heart of its priorities. They thus make it possible to classify and identify …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

75 27 60 5
STOA Infra & Energy STOA Infra & Energy

Progress Builder STOA is a 600M€ infrastructure investment vehicle combining the strengths of its two shareholders: the track record of the Caisse des Dépôts in infrastructure investment and the strong presence of the French Development Agency in emerging markets. STOA invests equity and quasi-equity in all infrastructure segments (power, transportation, telecommunications, water and waste, and social infrastructure) in Africa, Latin America and South East Asia. Our differenciation lies in our values. We are committed to a shared vision of progress and have an entrepreneurial mindset. We work on the development of projects that are key to emerging countries’ sustainable growth. …

Type: Incubators & VCs

27 3 22 40
International Space University International Space University

Training the future leaders of the world space community Space education for a changing world. The International Space University provides graduate-level training to the future leaders of the emerging global space community at its Central Campus in Strasbourg, France, and at locations around the world. In its two-month Space Studies Program and one-year Masters program, ISU offers its students a unique Core Curriculum covering all disciplines related to space programs and enterprises, space science, space engineering, systems engineering, space policy and law, business and management, and space and society. Both programs also involve an intense student research Team Project providing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech spacetech

38 8 29 204
Sherpa Sherpa

Defending human rights and the environment ~ Défendre les droits humains et l'environnement Sherpa defends human rights and the environment against economic actors. Our strategy is based on an innovative approach to the law, combining advocacy, legal action, legal research and capacity sharing. Through its actions and expertise, Sherpa promotes the vision of a fairer world centred on respect for the environment, communities and workers. Find out how we make a difference every day. Lutte contre la criminalité économique, Contentieux stratégique, Plaidoyer, Laboratoire du droit, Environnement, Déforestation, Corruption, Blanchiment, Devoir de vigilance, Duty of vigilance, Corporate accountability, RSE, Big Tech, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

25 4 16 60
Rugby World Cup France 2023 Rugby World Cup France 2023

[Automatic translation follows] Official LinkedIn account of the Organising Committee of the Rugby World Cup France 2023. #RWC2023 In accordance with the Convention signed between the French Rugby Federation (FFR), the State and the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF), the Public Interest Group #FRANCE2023 is notably responsible for: • Preparing, financing, organising and delivering the Rugby World Cup 2023 in France; • Promoting the Rugby World Cup 2023 in France and around the world; • Designing and promoting major events intended for the development of French and international rugby; • Involving cities, departments and regions in the success …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

74 54 46 240
Sons & Merveilles Sons & Merveilles

Podcasts creation Consulting and creation of branded podcasts. podcasts, contenu de marque, contenu audio, and storytelling

Type: SMB Activities: martech

10 1 9 1
SOS SAHEL International France SOS SAHEL International France

[Automatic translation follows] Acting together to improve the food and nutritional security of rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. SOS SAHEL is an African international NGO with over 40 years of experience and expertise. SOS SAHEL was founded in Senegal in 1976 by President Leopold Sédar Senghor following a period of extreme drought. SOS SAHEL is now active in 11 countries in the Sahel strip, from Senegal to Djibouti. SOS SAHEL's mission is to improve the food and nutritional security of rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. SOS SAHEL's food security approach encompasses all aspects that contribute to sustainable development - social, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

11 1 5 90
Graie Graie

[Automatic translation follows] Water & Territories ➡️ Are you a technician, researcher, elected official in the field of water management 💧? Le Graie, Water & Territories, connects you and supports you in implementing practical solutions and promoting your work 🤝 ✔️ The objective? Collectively evolve towards exemplary management of this resource in tension, which constitutes the heart of tomorrow's development projects. ➡️ Animation of working groups and various research systems, organization of regional meetings or national and international conferences, creation of training courses... are all activities carried out by Graie in order to move towards more sustainable management of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech water management

33 12 27 13
Finance In Common Finance In Common

Addressing our common need to build new forms of prosperity that take care of people and planet in a resilient manner Underscoring the crucial role of Public Development Banks (PDBs) in support of common action for climate and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This year, Public Development Banks (PDBs) will convene for a fourth time to reiterate and reinforce their commitments in support of common actions for climate and sustainable development. This year's Summit will be hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), Bancoldex, in partnership with the Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE) and with the support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

21 7 15 6
Focus 2030 Focus 2030

[Automatic translation follows] Focus 2030 supports actors mobilized to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Focus 2030 is an association that supports international solidarity actors in the areas of communication, mobilization and advocacy with a view to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Our objective is to put international development issues, global inequalities and the fight against poverty on the political, media and citizen agenda, with a view to adopting ambitious, transparent and effective public policies. Focus 2030 focuses its actions around 3 activity areas: • a DATA area that produces and analyzes qualitative and quantitative data …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

14 3 8 12
Forus Forus

Forum brings together 69 National NGO Platforms and 7 Regional Coalitions representing more than 22 000 NGOs. Forus is a global network that brings together 69 national platforms and 7 regional coalitions, which together account for more than 22,000 organizations from across the globe. The members of our global network work together through a shared vision and common values: the defense of human rights, the inclusion of the most vulnerable populations, the fight against inequalities and injustice, as well as new models of financing for development.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

3 1 3 25

[Automatic translation follows] Neutral and independent organization. Our mission: citizen participation and mobilization in the service of society is a neutral and independent organization whose mission is to involve citizens and mobilize the entire civil society to positively transform society. We have developed a method of massive consultation, capable of reaching several million people: - We initiate citizen consultations to respond to the key issues of society (the “Great Causes”): fight against violence against women and children, allow everyone to eat better, have access to culture, act for the environment and for the territories, give a chance to each …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

151 76 109 53
GAN France GAN France

[Automatic translation follows] To address one of the world's most significant challenges, GAN works to promote youth employment. GAN is a public-private partnership that was first launched globally in 2013 and then expanded to various countries, including France in 2017. This network works to address the youth employment crisis and the need for businesses to develop new skills for the future. GAN's main objective is to: - Encourage business initiatives - Address barriers to the development of work-study programs - Link these initiatives with real professional opportunities for young people, - Focus on workplace training as a springboard for access …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

23 2 17 1

[Automatic translation follows] Committing to responsible actions KNOW SEE Created in 2011, SANTÉ EN ENTREPRISE (SEE) is a business association whose objective is to design and implement preventive actions against HIV, malaria, diabetes and chronic diseases. SEE operates in France, Africa, the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean, on site or in the environment of companies with employees, their families and local populations. SEE promotes the sharing of experiences, develops tools (operational roadmap, practical guides) and provides experts to support companies in the development and implementation of their action plans. Our main programs: - "Chronicles in business", "Gestures and Postures", "Diabetes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

34 2 31 23
L'Etudiant L'Etudiant

Vous avez l'âge de l'avenir. 🎓 L’Etudiant, a historically multimedia company, is the leading organisation in France in the field of higher education. Regarded as the most significant publisher thanks to its monthly magazines and several yearly comprehensive guides, it is also the leader in organising student fairs. For more than 40 years, l’Etudiant has been keeping its public informed about the world of education through its activities in: > FAIRS • 76 fairs • 2 million visitors • 660 conferences • 1,830 lecturers > INTERNET • 4 websites : - - - • 7,3 million …

Type: Media

174 120 79 2,181
Cap'Com Cap'Com

[Automatic translation follows] The national network of public and territorial communication Cap’Com federates and leads the network of public and territorial communication With the conviction that communication is essential to the conduct of public policies, Cap’Com has contributed for more than 25 years to the recognition and study of public communication, and supports the developments of the profession through numerous tools: thematic meetings, professional training and training of local elected officials, studies, information and networking systems.

Type: Media

76 26 53 76
Institut français Institut français

[Automatic translation follows] International cultural incubator / Freedom · Creativity · Diversity As the operator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for France's external cultural action, the Institut français is responsible, within the framework of the policy and orientations established by the State, for carrying a renewed ambition for our diplomacy of influence by contributing to the influence of France in a strengthened dialogue with foreign cultures. Chaired by Xavier Darcos, surrounded by Sylviane Tarsot-Gillery, Deputy Director General, and Laurence Auer, Secretary General, the Institut français replaces the Culturesfrance association in the form of an EPIC (Public Industrial and Commercial …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

81 35 50 2,538
Fondation de France Fondation de France

[Automatic translation follows] The Foundation for all causes Each of us has the power to act for the general interest. This conviction has been the driving force behind the Fondation de France for 50 years. Every day, it encourages, supports and transforms the desire to act into useful and effective actions to build a more dignified and just society. The Fondation de France has developed unique know-how, relying on the best experts, hundreds of volunteers and thousands of field actors, in all areas of general interest: helping vulnerable people, medical research, the environment, culture, education, etc. It intervenes in two …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

148 87 55 6
Forum Français de la Jeunesse (FFJ) Forum Français de la Jeunesse (FFJ)

[Automatic translation follows] The FFJ is the platform for French organizations managed and led by young people under 30. The French Youth Forum (FFJ) was created on June 20, 2012. It lives by the will of the main organizations managed and led by young people. That of seeing, in France, young people speak out in order to advance the public debate. The FFJ thus carries out four main actions: It produces "opinions": findings and proposals on all societal issues that affect young people (health, housing, citizenship, mobility, etc.). These are collectively carried out by the member organizations of the FFJ …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

30 1 26 15
L'Obs L'Obs

[Automatic translation follows] Inform, reflect, debate, act 📌 Follow us on Facebook: 📌 Follow us on Twitter: 📌 Follow us on Instagram: 📌 Follow us on YouTube: 📰 Subscribe to L'Obs numérique: ✉️ Receive our newsletters for free: Written press and Digital

Type: Media

214 127 95 26
Club Alumni MDEA Club Alumni MDEA

Professional Master in Law and Business Ethics at the CY Cergy Paris University Bienvenue sur la page du Club Alumni du Master Droit et Ethique des Affaires (MDEA). Le Club Alumni du Master Droit et Ethique des Affaires, créé en 2019, est l'association qui regroupe les diplômés du MDEA (plus de 400 aujourd'hui !). Page officielle du MDEA : Compliance, Ethique, ESG, Finance durable, Finance alternative, Gouvernance, Sanctions, Pénal, and Pénal des affaires

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

20 2 15 6
Faculté d'Economie - Université de Montpellier Faculté d'Economie - Université de Montpellier

[Automatic translation follows] An excellent training for highly qualified professions The Faculty of Economics is one of the many components of the University of Montpellier such as Medicine, Pharmacy, Law, STAPS etc... The Faculty of Economics acquired its autonomy in 1971, rue Cardinal de Cabrières, in the heart of Montpellier. In 1995, it moved to the Richter campus on avenue Raymond Dugrand, which has become a strategic place in Montpellier. Located between the new town hall, the regional hotel and the beach road (Carnon, Palavas les Flots, La Grande Motte...), the Faculty of Economics offers an ideal setting to all …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

55 5 51 3,496
mind RH mind RH

[Automatic translation follows] The information service on the transformation of HR and social relations - Fr/Inter As an HR manager faced with changes in your profession, you may have already had to face a lack of information to make your decisions in an informed manner. What have you put in place to enable you to anticipate transformations and risks, to understand the challenges and trends of your profession and your practices? mind RH offers you international monitoring to monitor regulations, digital and organizational transformations and innovative HR practices within companies.

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

37 0 29 3
Radio Classique Radio Classique

[Automatic translation follows] Eco - info - music - culture With a unique offer in the French audiovisual landscape, Radio Classique asserts itself as the leading global media on classical music and a recognized reference for quality information (general, economic and cultural). A subsidiary of the Les Echos-Le Parisien Group (LVMH), Radio Classique strives to guarantee a diversified, user-friendly, elegant and demanding program offering, accessible live and on demand (podcasts) to an influential audience, largely made up of entrepreneurs and opinion leaders. Present in more than 100 cities in France, Radio Classique is increasing its broadcasting throughout the country on …

Type: Media

139 62 88 89

Météo-France is a public administration placed under the authority of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, with the main mission to observe and to forecast the evolution of the atmosphere, the snow cover and the surface of the ocean and thus to ensure the security of life and property. Météo-France has many centres in France (mainland), in all the overseas departments and in all parts of the world where France is present, including Terre Adélie in French Antarctica. Nearly 80% of Météo-France personnel are either engineers or technicians whose level of education is between that of university graduate and doctorate level.

Type: Public

144 93 52 1,520
Formation Professionnelle Continue Sorbonne Université Formation Professionnelle Continue Sorbonne Université

[Automatic translation follows] 💡 A universe of knowledge to transform into performance. Continuing education in Sciences, Humanities and Health 👀Sorbonne University's continuing professional education offers training for professionals and businesses, drawing on the university's wealth of research and training, the expertise of its teacher-researchers in sciences, literature, health and medicine, and over 50 years of activity in the field of continuing professional education. The training offer provides an adapted and personalized response to the needs of professionals, businesses, communities and administrations. The training is for all audiences regardless of age or level of education. We offer short-term qualifying training courses …

Type: Public

117 56 45 11
Les Éditeurs d'Éducation Les Éditeurs d'Éducation

[Automatic translation follows] Interprofessional association of French school publishers serving the entire educational community. Les Éditeurs d'Éducation is the interprofessional association of French school publishers serving students, teachers and the entire educational community. Today, it brings together 27 school publishing houses that publish school textbooks and educational resources from kindergarten to high school, for general, technological and professional pathways. It ensures ongoing reflection and leads actions around books, educational resources and printed and digital educational materials. It carries out its missions on all media, by all means of research and communication. It also federates collective action on behalf of school …

Type: Media

13 2 11 2
Toute La Culture Toute La Culture

[Automatic translation follows] The media of cultural news: art, cinema, books, music, cultural policy, shows and trends. TLC, culture in all its forms! • Arts, Cinema, Books, Music, Shows, Trends Discover our cultural universe Theater, Cinema, Music, Literature, Exhibitions, Fashion, Cultural policy, and Dance

Type: Media

25 2 25 28
FFPB Fédération Française des Professionnels de la Blockchain FFPB Fédération Française des Professionnels de la Blockchain

Fédération professionnelle de l'industrie Blockchain Blockchain based Federation which represents Blockchain industry key players Crypto, blockchain, certification, Web3, DLT, Smart contracts, LegalTech, DeFi, Tokenisation, standards, Identité digitale, SportTech, TFR, and Digital finance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

47 3 43 6
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

Reporters sans frontières - Reporters Without Borders (RSF). We fight for #PressFreedom all over the world. "Don’t wait to be deprived of news to stand up and fight for it"​ In some countries a journalist can be thrown in prison for years for a single offending word or photo. Jailing or killing a journalist removes a vital witness to events and threatens the right of us all to be informed. Reporters Without Borders promotes and defends the freedom to be informed and to inform others throughout the world. Based in Paris, it has ten international offices (Berlin, Brussels, Geneva, Madrid, …

Type: Media

39 17 16 219
Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises

[Automatic translation follows] The network of actors who act for a responsible company. The CSR Observatory is a multi-stakeholder association that supports companies' CSR strategies. Orse is chaired by Hélène Valade. Orse is a member of the CSR Platform, CSR Europe, and the Institute of Sustainable Finance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

112 27 96 13

[Automatic translation follows] Information for real estate and city stakeholders // Urban Projects Forum // Urban Features Contributing to the construction of a common urban culture between all those who make the city, such is the ambition of Innovapresse through its professional events and specialized publications. For over 40 years, Innovapresse has published reference publications in the field of urban planning, real estate and architecture: newsletters, magazines, guides and books. Innovapresse also organizes events that are now essential, which unite and animate the professional community: urban projects forum in Paris and in the regions, materials showrooms, study trips, prizes and …

Type: Media

127 19 124 6
Tironem Tironem

[Automatic translation follows] Tironem is an information site dedicated to all forms of recruitment in companies: fixed-term contracts, permanent contracts, work-study contracts, temporary work contracts, portage contracts, flexibility contracts, etc. Oriented towards professionals, our content details the terms of employment contracts and follows their evolution. Follow us to stay informed about recruitment and job market news: Recruitment, Alternance, Interim, and Contrat

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

5 0 4 1