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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
ANITI Toulouse ANITI Toulouse

The Toulouse Interdisciplinary Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence, a major IA research center Aniti is a part, with Grenoble, Nice and Paris, of the four interdisciplinary artificial intelligence institutes (3IA) set up within the framework of the Investments for the Future of the Villani Plan program. These institutes aim to make France one of the world leaders in artificial intelligence. Aniti's specificity is to develop a new generation of so -called hybrid artificial intelligence. The targeted strategic application sectors are mobility and transport and robotics/cobotics for the industry of the future. machine learning, robotics, and artificial intelligence

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 12 0 34
Pad'Occ Pad'Occ

Acceleration platform to the industry of the future of Occitania Pad’occ, an acceleration platform to the industry of the future, supports companies in their transformation. Integrator architect, the platform brings together experts, advice, solutions providers, technological research organizations, training organizations and territorial research laboratories. Structured around a school factory placed in the heart of its approach, it offers a global service offer to Occitanie companies. Carried by the University of Toulouse, Pad’occ is based on a consortium made up of technological research centers and competitiveness centers of the territory: CMQE AS, Aerospace Valley, Optitec, IRT Saint Exupéry, CEA, Mecachrome, Toulouse …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

29 5 24 12

#Microtec, Your High-Value Added Partner in High-Reliabilty Electronics from Design to Manufacturing for All Domains. Microtec specializes in electronic design & amp; Mécatronique, test engineering, prototyping, unit industrial wiring, small and medium series, as well as the MCO. Microtec concentrates its activities mainly the space, aeronautical, automotive and medical sectors. Electronic design & amp; Mecatronics, spatial electronic production (unit and series), validation engineering & amp; Test, aeronautical electronic production (unit and series), industrialization, MCO aeronautics, ECSS, IPCA610, IPCA620, Space Electronics, and Hi-Rel Electronics

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech

5 3 1 123

Global solutions for your flight electronic equipment EREMS is an SME of 170 people (over 110 engineers) located in Toulouse and specialized in the study and the realization of electronic equipment and associated software mainly for space applications but also in the defense and aeronautic fields.

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

10 2 8 144
Green Aero Days Green Aero Days

Since 2020, as part of the Maele initiative carried by the Aerospace Valley pole dedicated to the decarbonation of light air mobility, several days have been organized around green and durable light air mobility in Occitania and New Aquitaine. In 2024, Green Aero Days returned to Toulouse on December 3 and 4, 2024 to bring together the entire ecosystem in Occitania again. Green Aero Days will bring together aircraft manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, experts, airport managers, energy, investors, regional, national and international bodies that are working today on the construction of the slight decarbonated aviation of tomorrow. Mobility, light aviation, plane, …

Type: Event

14 2 13 N/A
Future Intelligence Future Intelligence

Useful AI is now. March 13, 2025 in Toulouse: Future Intelligence returns for a 6th edition on the theme of AI of useful trust in the health service! This edition will highlight the impact of artificial intelligence in the health sector through four major themes: ethics and the importance of controlled adoption, optimization of care paths, acceleration of medical research thanks to Drug Design and decentralized trials, as well as the revolutions provided by digital twins in training, simulation and optimization of hospital processes. A complete exploration of innovations and challenges of AI in health. Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Robotics, …

Type: Event

33 3 33 4
Le Canard enchaîné Le Canard enchaîné

Official page of the Duck chained - Press freedom only wears out when you do not use it. Le Canard Enchaîné is a satirical newspaper appearing on Wednesday. "Le Canard" is a unique phenomenon in the French and even global written press because it is completely independent. Independent of advertising and, therefore, out of pressures that go with it. He has drawn his resources - since 1915 - from the exclusive product of his sales and the loyalty of his readers. Independent also of finance. It does not belong to any CAC40 Caid but it is the full property of …

Type: Media

26 6 0 55

Power supply, sectors & amp; territories CERESCO has supported public companies and decision -makers for 40 years thanks to its expertise on agricultural and food sectors and on the development of rural areas. Originally oriented in the agrifood sector, we have diversified our fields of intervention: - 🍞🌱 Agricultural, agrifood, agrifood and forest/wood sectors: agricultural development, food policies, organic farming, agriculture and water link, collective tools, short circuits ... - 👥🌅 Development of rural areas: valuation of territory resources, activity zones and nurseries, territory project, social and solidarity economy, reform of communities - 🏢🌿 Spatial planning: planning, city/country relations, nature …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

30 4 24 29
Space Center of the University of Montpellier (CSUM) Space Center of the University of Montpellier (CSUM)

University of support for the University of Montpellier (UAR UM 520) with 10 nanosatellites in orbit to its credit The CSUM: French No.1 in the Development and Launch of University Satellites. As University of Montpellier Facility Supporting Nanosatellite Engineering Training and Research, The CSUM’s Missions Are: Developing Nanosatellite Technology and Hands-On Training. Training in space professions, EMEA support program, innovative space missions, development of end-tond missions, and reception of trainees

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 2 22 31


Type: Media

20 14 3 17
CEMATER - le Cluster à énergies positives CEMATER - le Cluster à énergies positives

"Build, act, share" Group of professionals in the renewable energies and sustainable construction sector in Occitania

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech constructiontech energytech greentech

18 6 6 8

GRDF energy efficiency expertise CEGIBAT, GRDF's technical and regulatory expertise on natural gas and energy efficiency Gas regulations, energy efficiency of the building, reference guide for the installation of natural gas equipment, and consulting in solutions energy efficiency for the residential, tertiary and industrial sectors

Type: Corporate subsidiary

16 3 12 10
CCI Tarbes et Hautes-Pyrénées CCI Tarbes et Hautes-Pyrénées

1st business accelerator The Tarbes and Hautes-Pyrénées Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the CCI of the Hautes-Pyrénées department. Its seat is in Tarbes at the Kennedy center. It is part of the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Occitania industry. The CCI Tarbes and Hautes-Pyrénées's mission is to support companies in its territory at each stage of their development, to represent companies and to animate the economic life of its territory. Today, it represents more than 12,000 industrial, commercial and service companies.

Type: Public

39 10 30 32
CCI du Jura CCI du Jura

1st business accelerator As an actor in the development, performance and attractiveness of its territory, the CCI of the Jura has a double skill access to both the defense of the general interest of companies and on their individual and collective support. Public establishment in charge of the representation of 10,000 trade, industrial and service companies of the Jura, the CCI is part of its action in a partnership environment in the 1st rank of which are communities and professional organizations. As such, it is also engaged in the management of Dole Jura airport within the framework of a public …

Type: Public

27 4 18 33
Capitole Angels Capitole Angels

Join Capitole Angels and become Business Angels in Occitanie: an exciting adventure! Created in 2007, Capitole Angels, the Business Angels network in Midi-Pyrénées, brings together managers or former managers experienced and passionate about the creation of businesses. They invest their own funds but also their time, in supporting innovative project leaders and growth. The association meets investment needs from € 100 to 500K from companies in the southwest of France, offering files with high potential in the initiation and development phase. Capitole Angels now has more than 80 members. Since the creation of the network, investors have brought € 6.3 …

Type: Incubators & VCs

42 11 20 11
Cantine sans plastique France Cantine sans plastique France

Association law 1901 Apolitical association, canteen without plastic France was born from parents of students from different cities mobilizing for the withdrawal of plastics in the canteens of their children. It takes care of the awareness of public authorities to the health and environmental problems linked to this use. Its purpose is any action in favor of the withdrawal of plastics and other compounds presenting a health and environmental risk to the canteen. It can provide an expertise in the fields which concern collective catering, environmental health, waste management. Cantine without plastic France is a national association. She works in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

19 5 12 1
Caisse Solidaire Caisse Solidaire

Caisse Solidaire is a specialized credit institution, with cooperative status, approved "Solidarity company of social utility". With its partners, it gives meaning to the real economy by offering savings products and innovative loans that contribute to the economic development of territories, job creation and the emergence of economic and solidarity circuits. The Solidaire Caisse is a complementary player in banking networks whose mission is to facilitate access to local business credit: VSE/SMEs, cooperatives, associations, startups ... Savings and loan

Type: Incubators & VCs

7 1 6 4

Connecting energy and people Connecting. Linking. For over 100 years, all over the world, CAHORS helps transport energies and facilitate access to information. CAHORS offers global solutions and equipments suited to the specificities of medium voltage and low voltage distribution networks, fluids and communication networks. CAHORS implements its considerable experience all around the world to find THE relevant and optimum solution to clients. Electricité Moyenne Tension, Electricité Basse Tension, Eclairage public, Télécommunication, Electronique de pointe, Distribution et comptage de l'eau et du gaz, Stockage de l'eau chaude et de l'eau glacée, and Bornes de recharge pour véhicules électriques

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Wireless

10 1 4 688
Rives & Eaux du Sud-Ouest Rives & Eaux du Sud-Ouest

For sustainable water sharing After 65 years of existence, the CACG has officially become banks & amp; Southwest waters. In the service of sustainable water sharing, our teams are engaged alongside the territories to meet the challenges of ecological transition and water management. In figures: 500 mm3 managed each year, thanks to 80 dams and 30 public service concessions. 6,500 withdrawal of rivers or pressure networks, for drinking water, industry or agulh. 3,500km of realforced rivers, for low water support and biodiversity. 240 Group employees (at 12/31/2023) Hydraulic infrastructure, integrated water management, operation and maintenance, support / consultancy / training …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

27 11 21 209
Cabinet Sartre Cabinet Sartre

Chartered accountant but not only ... - Accounting office in Montpellier It has been 40 years since the Cabinet Sartre has supported creators and business leaders in the Montpellier region (Herault - 34). Our teams, divided into skills clusters, secure your accounting, tax and social obligations while offering you support in your projects or the development of your activity. Direct contact, and conviviality in the relationships between the firm and the business manager are a priority for our teams. Equipped with modern tools, we offer solutions adapted to each situation: from the complete outsourcing of the administrative to collaborative work …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

5 1 4 25

Association du Drone de l'Industrie Française The French Drone Industry Association brings together 37 manufacturers and equipment suppliers in the French drone industry, representing around 1,000 employees and €100 million in sales, with a goal to contribute to the development of the sector. Members: Aerix Systems, Aeromapper, Atechsys, Azur Drones, Boreal, Cerbair, Chronics Technologies, Cloudskeyes, Daher, Delair, Diodon, Dragonfly Pads, Dron’Aero, Dronisos, EHP2, Elistair, Emitech, Exail, Flying Robots, Hexadrone, Hionos, Icarus Swarms, InPixal, LN Innov', Metavonics, Multinnov, Novadem, Parrot, Pilgrim Technology, Scalian, SecureSally, Simpulse, Skydrone, Squadrone System, Survey Copter, Sylphaero, Thalès, X-Sun.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 1 5 7
Communauté de Communes du Haut-Languedoc Communauté de Communes du Haut-Languedoc

Welcome to the page of the Haut-Languedoc Community of Communes. Bringing together 20 municipalities, straddling the Tarn and Hérault, land of energy and initiatives, it carries the skills of the development of an entire territory. Mid mountain territory, halfway between Toulouse and Montpellier, where villages and landscapes combine, the quality of life it offers is unique in the heart of Occitania. Her cowards and waters, lakes and mountains make her a reference in France. The Haut-Languedoc community of communes benefits from a privileged situation of greenery and nature, at the gates of Castres and Béziers.

Type: Public Activities: greentech cleantech

10 0 9 14
Communauté de communes du Grand Pic Saint-Loup Communauté de communes du Grand Pic Saint-Loup

Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the community of communes of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup ☀️ The community of communes of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup brings together 36 municipalities in a territory of 57,000 hectares around Pic Saint-Loup. Its immediate proximity to Montpellier makes it an attractive and dynamic territory in constant evolution and which offers an incomparable quality of life. Local community, administration, living environment, culture, town planning, outdoor sport, environment, public procurement, housing, water management, heritage, youth, and mobility

Type: Public

10 5 2 64
Boudu Boudu

The Toulouse monthly who takes a side step. The independent monthly, of a company and Toulousain who takes a step aside. Printed on paper since 2015. To find every month in the kiosks of the region. Boudu it reads, it looks at and it listed.

Type: Media

12 2 12 13
Altéal Altéal

Social housing with a human face - Habitat group in the region At the service of populations and territories. A major player in social housing in Occitania, Altéal has been committed since more than half a century for the development of territories and access to accommodation for the greatest number. Our company acts so that everyone, whatever their resources, has access to a comfortable housing at moderate prices and considers its residential route with confidence. Present in 127 municipalities and 5 departments of the Occitanie region, Altéal is involved in the duration of communities to meet their housing needs and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

28 1 27 142
Le Quotidien du Cinéma Le Quotidien du Cinéma

A cinema and series webzine with an uncompromising tone The cinema daily is a webzine devoted to cinema, television series, DVD releases, streaming platforms and competitions.

Type: Media

7 1 7 3
Sabena technics Sabena technics

Safety, quality, performance We are a French leading independent provider of maintenance (MRO) and modification solutions for civil & military aircraft operators. To become your privileged partner we create dedicated solutions according to your needs, with in mind the goals of saferty, quality & performance! Airframe & component MRO Modifications & upgrades CAMO Supply Chain management Painting Training Key facts: - In-house Part/FRA 21J Design Office - Part 21G Product Office - A large range of worldwide type rating training solutions - Certifications & approvals from national authorities worldwide including EASA, FAA, FRA and ISO.

Type: Large company

25 14 10 2,580
Culture Matin Culture Matin

The media of culture professionals We are convinced that tens of thousands of culture professionals do not yet have a free media that suits them and provides them with rapid, varied, inspiring information. Involved in the world of culture for years, the morning culture team is multidisciplinary, attached to live performance, music, the world of museums, exhibitions and heritage. You can contact us on Culture, media, news, show, heritage, museum, exhibition, artists, and cultural

Type: Media

10 0 10 3
Communauté de Communes Erdre & Gesvres Communauté de Communes Erdre & Gesvres

Come and set up, live, work, find a job in Erdre & amp; Gesvres! Located north of the Nantes agglomeration, between Nantes and Rennes, Erdre & amp; Gesvres is a dynamic and united territory where quality of life is essential for the inhabitants as for economic actors. 12 municipalities are part of the community of communes: Les Touches, Vigneux de Bretagne, Grandchamp des Fontaines, Treillières, Notre Dame des Landes, Fay de Bretagne, Casson, Petit Mars, Saint Mars du Désert, Sucé sur Erdre, Nort sur Erdre, Héric. ---- Economic development - The community of communes has placed economic development at …

Type: Public

17 5 8 87

By your side, on a daily basis! In each department, the law has created a specialized public establishment, the departmental fire and rescue service, comprising a departmental body of firefighters (professionals and volunteers), and administrative and technical personnel. The SDIS missions are as follows: - Evaluation and prevention of all civil security risks (accidents, claims, technological and natural risks) - Preparation of safeguarding measures and organization of rescue means - Fighting fires of all kinds - Emergency rescue in general - Protection of people, property and the environment These missions revolve around 3 major functions: the operation of course, but …

Type: Public

11 2 4 310

Team one group, your public relations and tailor -made event agency 🤝 Founded by Philippe Spanghero, Vincent Clerc and Grégory Lamboley, Team One Group is above all a story of friendship between 3 men, united by sport and today the company. (Ex) professional sportsmen and entrepreneurs at heart, they created Team One in 2008 in order to support companies in the use of sports messages for their internal and external communications. Sylvain Marconnet then joins the adventure, and it is now 4 that they write the story of Team One, accompanied by a team of 11 people, each bringing their …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

14 2 5 6
CIIB - Financement en fonds propres des PME-PMI de croissance CIIB - Financement en fonds propres des PME-PMI de croissance

Equity funding for SME-PMI growth CIIB offers equity funding solutions to growing SMEs, whether through our announcements (individual minibourse for each company) or the IPO on Euronext Access. We collaborate with local authorities to promote popular shareholding in the municipalities and cities of France, thus promoting circular finance. We are experts in the shareholding of SME-PMIs, ensuring the interests of managers and their shareholders. Entrust CIIB all your formalities at a lower cost, in particular: - IPO on Euronext Access and Euronext Growth - Estroping convertible or non -convertible bonds - Announcement book with a back office for nominative titles …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

23 2 21 20

The ally of an artist's life Collective management and defense of the rights of artists-interpreters. Major support for projects: creation, dissemination, development.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

17 2 10 85
Mission Agrobiosciences-INRAE Mission Agrobiosciences-INRAE

National Center for Instruction of Controversies and Médiation Sciences / Society. Created in 1999, the Agrobiosciences mission (MAA-Inrae) is a national center for the mediation and instruction of controversies. She is responsible for identifying weak signals and analyzing the tensions that cross society in the fields of agriculture, food, rural areas, the environment, the sciences and techniques of the living. Its main missions? The organization of debate cycles and the publication of the SESAME journal (Sciences and Society, Food, Agricultural Worlds and Environment), semi -annual, free and entirely dedicated to the instruction of controversies and the analysis of the lively …

Type: Public

16 0 16 9
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier

Votre avenir passe par Chimie Montpellier ! Located in Montpellier (France), the ENSCM is the 1st national ranking of post-graduates chemistry schools. The ENSCM is mainly involved in : Post-graduate students and PhD training Research projects development Technologies development and transfer - One of the French “Grandes Écoles”: selective, academic institutions preparing students to postgraduate degrees in science with high-standard professional training in the field of chemistry. - Member of the network of the 20 French schools of chemistry and chemical engineering

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 1 10 164
Association EGEE Association EGEE

The passion of transmitting Enterest of generations for employment and business - the passion of transmitting Education ; Prepare students and students for their future professional life Jobs: support job seekers in their efforts Company: support business creation or takeover projects. Education, employment, and company

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

25 3 23 353
Polytech Montpellier Polytech Montpellier

@umontpellier engineering school for 54 years, it is part of the @reseaupolytech: 10,000 #engineers trained each year.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

1 0 0 N/A
Mod'emplois Mod'emplois

Undertake otherwise to build a fairer and lasting company A site to inspire, inform, guide, advise who wants to undertake collective and sustainable. A repertoire of successful, inspiring, duplicable projects throughout the territory. A method based on experience: 1/ Entrepreneurs share their journey. 2/ The testimony is increased by information and resources linked to the remarks. 3/ References to the structures that have accompanied, funded the project are proposed. Mod'mplois is a free tool, aimlessly: To undertake differently. To build a fairer and lasting society. Impact, Solidarity, Collective, Jobs, Entrepreneurship, Support, Advice, ESS, Method, Method, Video Site, Associations, SCOP, ESUS, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

49 11 22 1
Nous France Nous France

Join us! The France of tomorrow is built today! #Xavierbertrand #Sefrance #nf #rencontresnf We are medium -sized plains and cities, villages and agglomerations, of a proud, suburban, rural or Parisian France. We are of all origins, old lines as the first lines. We, France! is our rallying sign: "We, France! "Claims its carnal attachment to a French identity and values ​​that have been cementing for centuries "We, France! "Is the requirement that everyone submits without concessions to the authority of the State and our laws. "We, France! »Assumes: No one will be able to benefit from the tradition of welcoming …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

33 16 2 6
FERGUSS | Réseau d'agences d'emploi & de centres de formation FERGUSS | Réseau d'agences d'emploi & de centres de formation

Your potential has the future Created in 1992 in the Lyon region, Ferguss (the new name of Coralis) is a French SME with a social vocation specializing in the recruitment, training and placement of employees. Composed of a network of agencies and training centers spread across France, Ferguss has developed real expertise in training and recruitment for the logistics, industry and tertiary sectors. Bringing together more than 60 employees, Ferguss has 8 agencies in Ile de France, Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Occitanie and Auvergne Rhône Alpes. On the occasion of the thirty years of the company, Paul Campy the current …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

17 1 14 61
Centre International UNESCO sur l'Eau de Montpellier - ICIREWARD Centre International UNESCO sur l'Eau de Montpellier - ICIREWARD

Because the solicitation in #Eaudouce will increase by 40 to 50 % by 2050, it seemed urgent to us to #RA assembly scientists from different areas to provide elements of responses to global issues. 🌍 Since 2020, the UNESCO Icireward International Center has gathered and strengthens the #Collaboration of nearly 400 scientists 👨‍🔬 and 150 doctoral students 🎓 grouped in 17 research laboratories. The #Center communities thus forms a dynamic, multidisciplinary and international network combining hydrological, chemical and biological sciences with social sciences. Our ambition: meet the challenges of water resources - its availability, its quality, its sharing or even …

Type: Public Activities: water management

42 8 40 10
Ecole des Mines d'Alès Ecole des Mines d'Alès

Science and creativity to invent a lasting world Ecole des Mines d'Alès is a Higher-Education Generalist School, Proposing Engineer Courses (MSC) in the Fields of Environmental, Mechanical, Production and Software Engineering. Teaching is supported by the three corresponding research laboratories of the school, which offers internship opportunities to pHD studs. Computer engineering and production engineering, genius of the industrial environment, environment, energy, risks, underground engineering and exploitation of mineral resources, materials center, civil engineering, Eon-innovation and engineering of advanced materials, mecatronics, industrial performance and system engineering, advanced peoylmers materials, materials and civil engineering structure, research on materials and their environment, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech edtech

33 5 10 572

A business club that share common values Face Var is a structured business club in a local association and approved by the Face Foundation, the Foundation for inclusion. Face Var was created in December 2003 on the initiative of the City of Toulon, member of the Board of Directors and 10 Var companies: Today, the club is made up of a hundred local economic companies and networks that share the values ​​of the Foundation and wish to implement their corporate social responsibility.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 3 31 52
Veolia Énergie & Décarbonation Veolia Énergie & Décarbonation

Our raison d'être: to be the partner of local actors to guarantee the energy sovereignty and the decarbonation of the territories and their industries. In this, we optimize energy performance and offer innovative solutions that mobilize unexploited local resources. At Veolia, energy entity & amp; Decarbonation, we offer solutions around energy to meet the major challenges of our customers: compliance with regulations, reduction of their environmental footprint, and the security of their energy supplies. Our wide range of expertise allows us to create low carbon and resilient energy ecosystems, on the scale of a building, a neighborhood or an entire …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

39 12 3 393
Comité Régional du Tourisme et des Loisirs d’Occitanie Comité Régional du Tourisme et des Loisirs d’Occitanie

Welcome to the CRTL account: everything that is good to know about our actions or in the tourism sector in Occitania You will find on the LinkedIn account news on the world of tourism in Occitanie, as well as the actions carried out by the Regional Committee for Tourism and Leisure in favor of tourist companies of the Destination Occitanie Sud de France. Deployed on 2 sites, in Toulouse and Montpellier, the CRTL Occitanie is the unifying organization at the service of the destination Occitanie and tourist companies, the mission of which is to promote the development of the regional …

Type: Media

22 10 15 61

Farmers, distributors, manufacturers for the enhancement of agrofoming waste. We are the eco-organization in the agricultural sector, organized voluntarily for 20 years. We embody and inform the responsible commitment of actors in agro-for in recycling: industrialists, distributors, farmers, by developing efficient and safe solutions for collection and valorization for agricultural inputs at the end of life. We contribute to the environmental performance and the competitiveness of French agriculture, and are precursors of the circular economy in France and in Europe. recycling, circular economy, waste, and agriculture

Type: SMB Activities: civictech cleantech greentech agritech

7 2 5 29
Rouge Vif Prod Rouge Vif Prod

Video communication agency, live capture and broadcasting, and motion design. Digital video advertising and TV pub, screenwriter, storyboard, script, voice-over, everything is supported. Video production at the service of institutional, corporate, educational, industrial, public communication ... Our 36 m2 shooting set in the heart of Versailles welcomes you for any type of project: talk show, green background, interview, live ... More info on our website below Motion Design / Animated Explanation Video, Brand Content Video, Business Film, Event Capture, Fiction, Advertising, Brand film, Live Production, Filming Plateau, Interviews, and Reportages

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: VR

37 0 33 17
BLOOM Association BLOOM Association

Protect the ocean and sea species By maximizing sustainable jobs in fishing and aquaculture Bloom is a non -profit association founded in 2005 which works for the preservation of oceans and the defense of an ecologically and human sustainable fishing by carrying out awareness campaigns, plea and education actions as well as scientific research. Its actions are aimed at the general public as well as to political decision -makers and economic actors. To find out more: Biodiversity, protection of deep oceans, ecology, defense of artisanal fishing, ocean, preservation of marine ecosystems, and for the ban on subsidies that lead …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

44 15 21 53
INCO Ventures INCO Ventures

Invest in a united and ecological economy. Incre Ventures is an expert management company of the Venture Capital and Pioneer of Impact Investment. Since 2011, we have supported and funded the development of structures that respond directly to social and environmental issues. By first questioning the meaning and usefulness in our decision -making, we defend a vision of sober finance, anchored in reality and creator of value for all: citizens, employees, entrepreneurs and investors.

Type: Incubators & VCs

43 6 39 18

Property which puts real estate at the service of ecology, bond and social justice BELLEVILLES, Foncière responsible already approved ESUS (Solidarity company of social utility), endeavors to participate in the revitalization of key territories (medium -sized cities, villages, suburbs, peri -urban areas, city centers with strong land pressure) through the acquisition, programming and rehabilitation of housing, shops, third places and spaces of activities. Bellevilles is a real estate tool at the service of responsible, inclusive, mixed, ecological projects with high social impact. (Salem Mostefaoui photo credits) real estate, social economy and solidarity, and rehabilitation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

47 14 41 45

Do not miss anything about the news of the building! Find innovations, trends and solutions directly on Settlement editor in the construction, decoration, housing and sustainable development sectors, exclusive service provider for all professionals in these sectors. The Batiweb group publishes: 5 sites for building professionals, prescribers as well as industrialists and sector service companies: -, search engine products and information on the news of the eco-construction and sustainable development building, -, the site of architects and all the architecture - CREARGOS, the site of the technical prescription of the building - Batissor, the site of craftsmen …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

79 14 66 78
Actemium Marine Actemium Marine

Partner in electrical systems Electric and hybrid propulsion systems, energy management, production and storage make Actemium Marine A major European energy player, propellant of solutions for shipowners and shipyards. Actemium Marine provides turnkey solutions that provide energy efficiency, emission reduction and fuel economy. electricity, electronics, automation, energy conversion, electric propulsion, hybrid propulsion, and radionavigation

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

16 3 12 128
Groupe Talents Handicap Groupe Talents Handicap

Go to and apply for CDI, CDD, internship and work-study offers 🚀 Group Talents Handicap mainly has two additional services offered throughout the national territory: 1/ Online forums Talents Handicap since 2012 relate employers and candidates with disabilities, in a qualitative and supported manner. More info on 2/ Talents Handicap Training offers very high level training courses to train and educate managers, recruiters, disability referents and also any collaborator so that they are all actors in an inclusive policy within their organizations. More info on Each year, the online forums of disability talents are visited by more …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

91 23 80 24
BAB Audit Conseil BAB Audit Conseil

Supporting you in the face of business challenges by putting our experience and know-how at your disposal We want to offer more than certification... Nowadays, businesses operate in a complex environment in perpetual technological innovation. Indeed, it is important to anticipate changes, or if necessary, to adapt to them by adopting a coherent and effective strategy. BAB Audit Conseil, a firm specializing in the field of auditing companies, but also employees and shareholders, a privileged partner, independent and bound by strict ethics. We will share here about our profession! Consulting audit

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

15 1 12 3

Created in 2012, following the Ministerial Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean of Strasbourg on sustainable urban development, the agency of sustainable Mediterranean cities and territories (AVITEM) is a group of public interest (GIP) which associates the State (General Commission for the Equality of Territories, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research) Local authorities (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, Métropole Nice-Côte d'Azur, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis and the Corsican community, the city of Marseille as well as the Euro-Mediterranean public establishment. The mission of AVITEM is to conduct an experience in …

Type: Public

39 16 28 19
Aux Goûts Du Jour Aux Goûts Du Jour

Train, support and raise awareness about eating well. Created in 2006, to the tastes of the day is an independent training organization of training, support and awareness of the different themes related to food: education for taste, fight against food waste, food balance, food and climate change, gastronomic heritage of our regions, attractiveness of food sector, etc. Distributed on 3 antennas: Rennes, Brest and Quimper, our team is made up of multidisciplinary professionals who work today all over France. Food, training, awareness, support, diagnosis, CSR, QVT, eating well, food waste, and food education

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech foodtech

26 4 23 21

The AUAT is an association that observes, supports and animates the development of the metropolitan area of ​​Toulouse. AUAT is an association of local authorities. For more than 50 years, AUAT has been observing, has supported and animated the development of the Toulouse metropolitan area territories. It helps communities and the actors of the city by producing in knowledge of urban, social, economic and environmental developments. Auat is also a space for speech and confrontation of the issues for the development of common projects, at the crossroads of the territories and their elected, institutional, associative representations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

37 5 35 61
Atelier Tuffery Atelier Tuffery

Tailors made of French jeans since 1892 and 4 generations of fathers in son. Made in France, crafts. French workshop for making jeans since 1892 4 generations of Toffery intertwine and merge in the history of denim in France. The oldest French jeans factory: since 1892, the Toffery workshop in Florac has seen its production of pants transform and fluctuate. For a long time, the three Toffery brothers have always fought to perpetuate the tradition of quality know-how. A true national heritage, the Tuff’s are today the oldest French jeans. 124 years of high French quality: first manufacturer of work …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech manufacturing

10 5 5 24
Atchik Atchik

Free the full potential of the social web. Specialists in online conversations and reputation since 1999. Team of experts in standby and management of communities based in Toulouse, offering 24/7 support and high added value services. Platform dealing with millions of messages per month. mobile communities, social networking, moderation, mobile marketing, customer service, online reputation, community management, standby, web marketing, conversational marketing, social prospecting, CRM, and moderation

Type: SMB Activities: martech e-reputation Technologies: SaaS

17 2 15 38
Association nationale de la performance sociale du sport Association nationale de la performance sociale du sport

Social performance of sport: #Sport as a major player in the #inclusion of young people. The National Association of Social Performance of Sport is a place of discussion and dialogue between all actors in the social performance of sport: associations, federations, local authorities, companies, qualified personalities.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

78 1 81 6
Association Hermione-La Fayette Association Hermione-La Fayette

L'Hermione, an exceptional human & maritime adventure Official page of the "Association Hermione - La Fayette"​, owner of the frigate "L'Hermione"​, located in Rochefort, France. Formation, Navigation, and Site touristique

Type: Media

22 9 11 37
France Télévisions France Télévisions

France Télévisions is the first French audiovisual group: every day, nearly 4 out of 10 French people are looking at the programs in our channels. Audiovisual public service, the group has a role in social and cultural life in this regard which imposes an ambition and a constant requirement in the definition of its supply of programs. Audiovisual, audiovisual public, French creation, television, documentary, fiction, series, information, education, culture, entertainment, digital, sport, innovation, creation, proximity, diversity, and media

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

438 342 69 11,931
ASEI Agir, Soigner, Eduquer, Inclure ASEI Agir, Soigner, Eduquer, Inclure

Medico-social and health support of all disabilities at all ages in life ASEI, created in 1950 and recognized as a public utility, is an association that supports people with disabilities in carrying out their life project. It acts for a more inclusive company, and militates to guarantee access to the fundamental rights of all. His associative project "Acting for all possibilities" is the base of his action. With the fundamental principle of self-determination and the power to act, ASEI intervenes in many areas: education, care, inclusive housing, employment, and deploys its support through its 107 services and health and medico-social …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

29 4 26 943
Jokosun Energies Jokosun Energies

Empower Africa with durable and affordable green energy solutions 🌍 Pioneer of e-mobility on the waterways 🚤 Transforming the landscape of electric mobility in Africa 🇸🇳 based in Senegal, leading innovation for a sustainable future 💡 What we do: Development of retrofited electric canoes Ecological transport solutions for local communities Training and awareness of environmental impact 🌱 Why is it important: Reduction of the carbon footprint Promotion of renewable energy Support for the local community and the green economy 📞 Join this green revolution! 👉 Contact us for collaborations, advice or investment opportunities. Energy efficiency, renewable energy, electric mobility, retrofit, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

6 1 6 3
GLHD (Green Lighthouse Développement) GLHD (Green Lighthouse Développement)

Energy farmer Located in New Aquitaine near Bordeaux, GLHD is the first company specializing in supporting photovoltaic projects designed by and for farmers' operators. The development of a large -scale agrivoltaic model, favoring the operating scale, positions GLHD as one of the major players in the solar sector with more than 3 GW of projects, or 10% of the photovoltaic objectives of multiannual energy programming (PPE). The common ambition of accelerating in the deployment of an agrivoltaic repository of "new generation" is based on a pact of values ​​shared between David Portalès and Jean-Marc Fabius, co-founders, and EDF renewable and …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech agritech Technologies: Solar Technologies

25 3 18 45
edtake edtake

The Essential Learning Design Platform edtake is the one stop shop for all training professionals : -edtake software provides the best of AI to digitalise any content into engaging training material -edtake marketplace is the largest EdTech freelancer community in Europe The best of technology and experts in the palm of you hand Formation, SaaS, Conception pédagogique, EdTech, IA, and Digital Learning

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

18 4 15 18
Capitole Energie (by EPSA) Capitole Energie (by EPSA)

We help companies, condominiums and communities to find suitable and cheaper energy contracts ⚡️ We are proud to be at the forefront of regulation in the energy brokerage sector. Certified financial investment advisor (CIF) regulated by the AMF and registered with ORIAS, we put our expertise at the service of companies to help them optimize their energy budget. Through our award -winning solutions, we facilitate the reduction of energy costs by collaborating with a large network of supplier partners. Our goal? Develop tailor-made and sustainable purchasing strategies that rationalize gas and electricity purchases, even in a complex market. Company of …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

36 4 26 37
Shippingbo Shippingbo

1st logistics technology dedicated to e-commerce performance Shippingbo is a reference technology for e-commerce logistics. We have developed three robust SaaS software at the service of the performance of e-commerce professionals: An WHO to recover and centralize omnicanal e-commerce orders A WMS dedicated to warehouse management and optimization of order preparation A MSD, to manage its multi -transport shipments. These three associated software makes it possible to use a single solution to process and optimize the entire logistics chain. ➡️ Why ShippingBo? With ShippingBo, logistics becomes easy. It’s no longer a source of stress. You can focus on developing your …

Type: Startup Activities: delivery it services e-commerce Technologies: SaaS

27 4 25 100

Sovereign SaaS solution for simple, intuitive and resilient cyber crisis management AUCAE is a software editor of a simple, intuitive and resilient SaaS solution for sovereign cyber crisis management. AUCAE's customers include public institutions and businesses in France and Europe

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

24 4 14 10
CoperBee CoperBee

We decompartmentalize your information system to boost 🔥 your growth 🌱 A new business model Coperbee, founded in 2011, is an innovative service company, based on a collaborative and horizontal model that brings together IT women and men. Collaborative, because the efforts of the company are put to the benefit of employees so that they actively participate in the proper functioning of the organization and the development of the research center & amp; Development. This system can be set up thanks to a management model based on confidence and open -mindedness. Horizontal, because decisions are subject to the opinions of …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech hrtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

8 2 6 35
OBSAM - Spécialiste de l'obsolescence OBSAM - Spécialiste de l'obsolescence

Preventive, pro active and predictive obsolescence management. Obsam is an independent company founded in 2016 and specializing in detection, anticipation and reduction in the risk of obsolescence throughout the life cycle of complex systems and materials. Its evolutionary solution for managing the risk of obsolescence is based on dedicated OPSAM software (Boreal) which incorporates proven obsolescence management processes, supplemented by the expertise of experienced experts in the obsolescence survey. The company issues pro-active and predictive obsolescence ensures. Obsam offers expanded follow -up to all the elements of a nomenclature (fluids, mechanical and electromechanical components, software, electronics, tools ...). Surveys can …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Robotics

34 9 24 22
Emvista Emvista

We rethink how text analytics works to help humans make the best decisions Emvista's PrevyoTM is a set of products and services for understanding all kinds of texts: e-mails, reports, social networks, résumés, verbatims... From these texts, Prevyo generates key knowledge (opinions, sentiments, concepts) for you to make the best decisions. AI, NLP, Text Analytics, Compliance, and Explainability

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

34 8 17 6

Together, work for a cleaner and healthy world with our Eco-Responsible containers Noostrim is an innovative start-up specialist in food containers. Our mission: to limit the impact of plastics on human health and on the environment. To do this, we develop intelligent containers: healthy for men/woman/child (exclusively natural additives), recyclable, reusable, traceable, social (washing by ESS companies). With Noostrim, choose your containers in all transparency !!! Innovation, sustainable development, food container, zero waste, without endocrine effect, CSR, strimbox, and vitastrim

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech foodtech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

8 2 8 4
Energy Observer Energy Observer

Exploring positive energies To begin with, Energy Observer is the name of the first hydrogen-powered, zero-emission vessel to be self-sufficient in energy, advocating and serving as a laboratory for ecological transition. Now an organisation that combines expeditions and innovations, Energy Observer is exploring and developing solutions that prove that another future for energy is possible, an optimistic future, which is more respectful of the planet and those who live here. Criss-crossing the oceans in a bid to go out and meet the people who are coming up with sustainable solutions on a daily basis, Energy Observer has become a movement, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Hydrogen

81 29 49 30
Waga Energy Waga Energy

RNG for all Waga Energy upgrades landfill gas into grid-compliant Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), also known as “biomethane”. Thanks to its patented WAGABOX® technology, Waga Energy recovers the methane emitted by the breakdown of organic matter contained in the waste to inject it directly into the gas grid. The result of ten years of R&D within Air Liquide and Waga Energy, the WAGABOX® technology combines membrane filtration and cryogenic distillation to separate the methane from the other components of the landfill gas. It provides high-quality biomethane that is injected directly into the gas grid. The purification units are fully automated, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

62 28 44 227
Oyena Oyena

Let us dare to think, engage and act today to accompany the emergence of desirable work future! Oyena advises actors and actresses of the general interest in their human impact reflections. We help organizations and people who compose them to imagine new perspectives, to draw them for themselves and to set them up. Our team is made up of consultants and service designers: the first bring a base of organizational, cultural and managerial knowledge, and the latter their approach centered on users. Oyena accompanies the emergence of desirable work future by helping: - Project yourself in the future: conference, co-construction …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting

17 1 16 6
Voltalis Voltalis

Voltalis is the European leader of automated Demand Response. The company’s ambition is to put technology at the service of energy savings to meet the threefold challenge of climate change, purchasing power and security of electricity supply. When national consumption peaks or renewable energy production falls, its technology is capable of optimising the consumption of equipped electrical appliances. Voltalis enables to: - Reduce energy use - Relieve the power grid - Avoid the use of polluting thermal power stations, which are called upon to deal with major imbalances between supply and demand Today, this technology is embedded in a new-generation …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech it services Technologies: Decarbonization

52 11 44 417
Agence Web KookiApps - Paris - La Rochelle Agence Web KookiApps - Paris - La Rochelle

Since 2014 KookIapps has supported VSEs, SMEs in their digital transformation. With an e-commerce specialization 🗓 Since 2014 KookIapps has supported VSEs and SMEs in their digital transformation. Experts and REMODE E-COMMERCE SITE EXPERTMENT, we create websites that generate business! 📈 ☛ You want more customers but: • Don't have enough visitors? • Do you have traffic but your site does not convert or little? • Do you have too many abandoned baskets? • Is it difficult for your visitors to order? • Do you want to automate time -on tasks in your backend? • Or you simply embark on …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce Technologies: Data Analytics

7 3 5 2
illumo robotics illumo robotics

Be ahead of time. Explore the future of piece-picking operations Human, efficient and configurable logistics. Avoid the troubles of turnover and quality. Increase the speed of your operations. Discover how much savings you can bring to the company. Explore how Illumo adapts to you. Does this sound interesting to you? Contact us for more information at +33650680467 or Robotics software, Artificial Intelligence, Industrial robots, Flexible automation, 3D Bin picking, Smart industry, Industry 4.0, Logistics, and Robotic order picking

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Robotics A.I.

15 3 13 7
Sopht I B Corp certified Sopht I B Corp certified

Solution Green ITOps pour décarboner l'IT - Green ITOps solution to decarbonize IT - ITOps through sustainability 🇬🇧 Our vision is simple: Data-driven decision to lead environmental and financial performance, automated recommendations & guided actionability, relegating compensation to a residual role. In a context where in 2021, companies have invested more than 4,2 Trillion dollars in IT globally, it is time to use an IT efficient solution to not only reduce environmental impacts but also optimize related IT budget. Sopht is driving sustainability by reducing the environmental and financial impact of the entire IS/IT landscape. If you want to initiate …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

74 21 61 35

Search with Susbance We are all every day subjected to small dilemmas: go to work by bike then "anyway it rains a lot there"? Place your order on the website of a small brand rather than on Amazon even if it means paying a little more and not being delivered in 24 hours chrono? We add a small dilemma in addition: rather the French and solidarity search engine Lilo or a large American search engine? In the world of search engines, it is difficult to do better than the American leader. But we reassure you, if you are looking for …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: Data Analytics

27 1 27 31
Yesdriveme - Votre voiture, notre chauffeur Yesdriveme - Votre voiture, notre chauffeur

Rent your car driver! 1st driver rental platform for car owners and car professionals who do not wish, cannot or should not drive. +800 geolocated drivers everywhere in France are available for short as long as long journeys. Professionals: Rent a management driver and take advantage of the journey time to work, move forward on large files and leave the driver the charge of the road, traffic ... Companies Yesdriveme provides your drivers at your disposal to accompany you in different circumstances. 1-Management of your fleet Revisions, technical control, garage, washing, return to dealerships ... Your time, that of your …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: IoT

17 2 14 8
Beegift® Beegift®

Gift vouchers to shop local businesses. Local commerce throughout France is just a click away... With Beegift® it's easy to please: search for merchants by city, type, product brand, etc. Choose the business of your choice, fill out the form, pay online with your credit card. And There you go ! you have finished. The gift voucher is in your mailbox. Local shops, gift vouchers, Small traders, Web development, Online sales, and Platform

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce Technologies: SaaS

31 6 26 6
Proprio À Tout Prix Proprio À Tout Prix

The new real estate program on the channels of the M6 ​​group - @w9 @6ter The new real estate program on the channels of the M6 ​​group: W9 - 6ter and in replay on 6play.

Type: Startup Activities: proptech

7 0 5 66
Newheat Newheat

Renewable heat supplier, solar heat leader Newheat Provids Solar Heat for Large Heat Consumers. Newheat Designs, Finances, Builds and Operates its Own Heat Generation Plants (Using Water / Steam / Thermal Oil) Produced from Proven Solar Thermal Technologies. Each of these Plants Owned by Newheat is Located Near A Customer Site, to Which It Delivers a 100% Renewable Heat. Newheat has 2 different types of customers: - Large industries (Pulp & Amp; Paper, Chemicals, Food & Amp; BEV ...) - District Heating Networks Solar Thermal, Process Heat, District Heating, Renewable Energy, Heat Recovery, Industrial Process, Thermal Engineering, and Heat PUMP

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

38 15 26 53
MecaBotiX MecaBotiX

La mécanique & la robotique innovantes / Innovative mechanichal engineering and robotics MecaBotiX est une start-up française disruptive, implantée à Toulouse en Occitanie, qui conçoit, développe et commercialise des machines spéciales et robots innovants à fort impact social, dans le but de relever les défis de l’Industrie 4.0, de la mobilité et du développement durable, à l’échelle régionale, nationale et européenne. 🤖 Nous concevons, développons et commercialisons notamment les poly-robots M3-Cooper, bio-inspirés des fourmis et capables de déplacer et lever tout type de charge dans l’entrepôt durable du futur. 💡 Ce projet est lauréat du concours d’innovation i-Lab 2022 de …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Robotics

17 8 9 5
Psycle Research Psycle Research

Industrial performance through Artificial Intelligence Psycle advises and supports industrial companies in the integration of Artificial Intelligence solutions. With the help of state-of-the-art technologies (in AI and software development), we provide you with technical expertise and step-by-step support in the integration and mastery of these solutions. Psycle focuses more specifically on quality control in industry. We enable companies to automate most processes for detecting production anomalies and defects. Intelligence Artificielle, Industrie, Industrie 4.0, Sur-mesure, Vision industrielle, Deep Learning, and Machine spéciale

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning

9 2 6 12
4D Pioneers 4D Pioneers

Innovative printing, durable thinking. FR: Nous sommes pionniers d’un modèle durable de fabrication de pièces détachées et souhaitons révolutionner la maintenance industrielle. Nous utilisons la fabrication hybride (additif et soustractif dans une seule machine) de matériaux haute performance pour créer un avenir plus responsable pour votre industrie. Nous sommes organisés autour de 3 pôles d'excellence : 1. Un centre de service pour fabriquer des pièces et démontrer le potentiel de nos machines et matériaux ; 2. Un centre de R&D Matériaux : nous développons notamment des matériaux biosourcés avec une résistance certifiée feu/fumée/toxicité pour l'industrie ferroviaire (EN45545) ; 3. Un …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing

23 4 20 19
Exoneo Exoneo

Inspired by anatomy Exoneo specializes in biomechanical engineering for the orthopaedic industry, providing innovative, cutting-edge solutions. At Exoneo, we are dedicated to creating durable and accessible prosthetics and orthotics capable of reproducing the natural movement of the limbs. We are driven by the desire to design products that are universal. Our creativity and expertise are the key assets that enable us to innovate and design unique products found nowhere else in the orthopaedic field. At Exoneo, we all share the same goal: to put people at the heart of all our thinking and innovations. We firmly believe that our commitment …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech industry 4.0 manufacturing

19 2 17 5

Find a free health professional at the right time at the right time Today e-health is a subject at the heart of the practices of health professionals. is a solution to streamline patient health courses in the context of maintenance and return to your home, outpatient and facilitate the city-hospital link. The web platform offers: • A connection service for liberal health professionals, health establishments and patients. It is recognized by numerous institutions, organizations and associations of health professionals • A teleconsultation and tele-socket service for remote patient monitoring. • Coordination service with its instant discussion application as …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

10 0 9 3

What I Do, I understanD Experts in virtual reality, data science, and pedagogy, WiDiD supports organizations in their skill development and training projects. 🚀 We are the publishers of WiDiD Immersive: the platform that combines Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence to maximize educational effectiveness for learners. 🧠 WiDiD Immersive allows each individual to develop their skills through practice, whether independently or with the help of a trainer, with the goal of professional fulfillment. 😇 Contact us at or at 👈🏻 learning, VR, Conseil, Formation, apprentissage, Gamification, Immersive learning, training, réalité virtuelle, and learner

Type: Startup Activities: edtech games Technologies: VR

27 7 19 9
Specialist-Wanted Specialist-Wanted

Free up the potential of your business Specialist-Wanted is an internet platform for companies looking for administrative and commercial support online and on demand. It allows VSEs/SMEs to structure and develop through professional and benevolent aid in all areas of business life. Companies can immediately find a specialist available to answer their questions or make an appointment. The Specialist-Wanted interface allows connections via videoconference, management of appointments, monitoring of payments and invoices for both businesses and specialists. For specialists, this is a new distribution channel for all those who have a competence participating in business success (administrative support, communication, management, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

14 5 11 3
Avizzeo Avizzeo

Need help to analyze your data? Our data scientist, Big Data and Security expert, developers are in sides. Consulting and IT services company, based in Montpellier, specializing in decision -making IT and data analysis. Avizzeo has a varied offer of services: Big Data expertise, decision-making consulting, data scientist, security, project management, web development ... thanks to its 16 employees from computer, statistical and bioinformatics courses Created in 2013 by Antoine Penciolelli and Grégory Nallet, Avizzeo became a SCOP in November 2016. It is therefore managed in a participative and cooperative manner by its employees/partners. The profits of the company are …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

3 1 0 5
Whisper eF Whisper eF

Revolutionizes nautical experience by offering unique flight sensations A pioneering company in electrical navigation with foils, we build boats combining performance and respect for the environment. ✅ Do you want to know more about our startup #DeepTech and #Greentech? ✉ Do not hesitate to send us an email at Engineering, shipyard, electric propulsion, future boat, surface drone, and hydrofoil

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Drones

15 8 8 8
IC'Alps IC'Alps

Your trusted ASIC/SoC design & supply partner IC’Alps is your one-stop shop ASIC partner. The company provides customers with a complete offering for Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) and Systems on Chip (SoC) development from circuit specification, mastering design in-house, up to the management of the entire production supply chain. From its technical centers in Grenoble and Toulouse, IC’Alps supports multiple projects in the demanding medical, industrial, automotive, security, and mil/aero sectors. The highly qualified engineering teams cover every expertise needed, and have a long experience of on-demand analog, mixed-signal and digital integrated circuits on technologies from 0.35μm down to …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech manufacturing nanotech Technologies: Semiconductors

18 6 16 87
BAYAB Industries BAYAB Industries

Abrasive Solutions & Innovation BAYAB Industries est une PME spécialisée dans l’étude, le développement, la fabrication et la commercialisation de procédés, machines, équipements et prestations liés à l’usinage par jet d’eau abrasif, et la réparation de matériaux composites. BAYAB INDUSTRIES s’adresse à toute industrie mécanique de haute technologie, en particulier à la maintenance de composites et au secteur aéronautique (OEMs et MROs). En particulier, BAYAB INDUSTRIES présente le premier robot portable au monde dédié à l’usinage de réparation des matériaux composites. BAYAB Industries develops and markets processes and industrial abrasion machines based on Abrasive Waterjet Technology. To machine, BAYAB uses …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Robotics

10 0 4 8
Villacampa-Pyrénées Villacampa-Pyrénées

"It is less the sporting spirit that animates it than the thirst for freedom and adventure" In 2015, the torch of the Pyrenean manufacturing of skis in series was taken up. A manufacture is reborn under the name of the manufacture [in Félix]. A team of mountain enthusiasts are betting on developing an authentic and artisanal wooden “made in the Pyrenees” in cross-border consonances that characterizes this massif under the Villacampa-Pyrénées brand. Villacampa - Pyrénées is engaged in a quality design without compromise on the choice of materials and an eco -responsible artisanal manufacturing. For each pair of skis sold, …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing fashtech Technologies: New Materials

6 1 6 N/A
Hilum Healthcare Hilum Healthcare

Not your grandpa's Medtech The story of aerospace engineers who aim at building top-notch medical devices.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

18 0 13 9

Improving detection and management of normal pressure hydrocephalus X-Pressure’s mission is to improve the detection of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) through automated and standardized cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) outflow resistance testing. Traditionally, CSF pressure has been assessed using diverse and imprecise methods, often missing critical abnormalities. As a result, many cases of NPH - affecting more than 5% of people over 65 - go undiagnosed, leading to early loss of autonomy. The XP ONE device will provide real-time, smart CSF pressure monitoring at bedside, enabling faster, more accurate diagnoses and better patient outcomes. By simplifying NPH detection and management, X-Pressure will …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech silvertech deeptech Technologies: A.I. Synthetic Biology

9 1 2 7
Objectif Santé Environnement - OSE Objectif Santé Environnement - OSE

Environmental translating Health Science Into Action OSE is a multi -professional network of doctors, scientists and transformation experts who share the same systemic vision of environmental health with the ambition of: - Disseminate validated and updated scientific knowledge in order to prevent the risks involved in professional and personal life - translate scientific data into concrete actions for prevention and health promotion in the field - Create and support transformation dynamics in environmental health OSE sensitizes, form, mobilizes, advises, performs studies, audits, communication tools and supports the transformation of practices by promoting dynamics of collective intelligence. OSE is referenced as …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

14 2 13 3