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Common Futures. Energy Transition Specialists Common Futures. Energy Transition Specialists

Common Futures is a consultancy aiming to accelerate the energy transition. We help optimise the future energy system. Energy transition consultancy, specialising in energy system optimization. Areas we focus on: - the role that renewable gases can play - integration of large amounts of offshore wind energy - the energy transition in the built environment. What we offer: - In-depth analysis - Open Dialogue - Creative solutions

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

22 4 9 7
FieldFactors FieldFactors

We turn rain into a local source for water supply. In the city, powered by nature.🌱💦 FieldFactors’ mission is to make cities green, healthy and future-proof by turning rain into a reliable local source for freshwater supply. We are a Dutch start-up changing the way we deal with rainwater in cities. We help municipal, commercial and industrial users to prevent flooding and reduce their drinking water consumption. Our BlueBloqs system is a green and compact solution for rainwater treatment, underground storage and reuse. Visit our systems at: 🌱 Spangen, Rotterdam 🌱 Rotterdam Zoo 🌱 Cromvlietpark, The Hague 🌱 Caleido Park, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

9 1 9 10
Rewilding Europe Rewilding Europe

Making Europe a wilder place, with more space for wild nature, wildlife and natural processes. For the benefit of all. Our mission We want to demonstrate the benefits of wilder nature through the rewilding of diverse European landscapes, and to inspire and enable others to engage in rewilding by providing tools and practical expertise. Our vision Wild nature is valued and treated as an essential element of a prosperous and healthy society, with far more space provided for wildlife and natural processes. Our goal Rewilding is being practiced at scale across Europe. The application of rewilding principles, models and tools …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

5 2 3 65
Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico

Third Vice-Presidency of the Government of Spain - Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

50 20 8 689
Ocean Alive Ocean Alive

Working with coastal communities to transform behaviours for ocean protection Ocean Alive is Portugal’s first co-operative dedicated to ocean protection. We envisage a thriving ocean protected by coastal communities. We exist to accomplish this vision. We work to protect the ocean through marine education projects and activities that foster transformation of behaviours. Ocean Alive’s project is focused on the Sado estuary, where seagrass meadows are the nursery habitat for both the prey of the resident dolphin population, and for the fish and shellfish which the fishing community’s economy depends upon. Our goal is to protect the seagrass meadows with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech edtech

4 1 3 6

Open Innovation for sustainable buildings NOBATEK is a private RTO, French Institute for Energy and Environmental Transition in Construction. OUR MISSION : Co-develop innovative solutions to assist the construction sector in its entirety (architects, corporations, public and private contractors, developers, engineers and communities) in achieving greater energy efficiency and sustainable design, moving towards the greater Energy and Environmental Transition. WHAT WE DO : Drive innovation from ideas to market-ready solutions. Together, our teams of researchers and engineers conceptualise innovative products and solutions that will improve the energy efficiency and environmental quality of buildings and neighbourhoods, and make them a reality. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Decarbonization

59 20 51 74

Inventing the maritime world of tomorrow - Power at Sea SIREHNA is a subsidiary of Naval Group (French naval system integrator). SIREHNA operates in various fields of expertise such as hydrodynamics and control of mobile maritime units. Those skills are directly applied to maritime embedded systems such as Dynamic Positioning Systems, Unmanned Surface Vessels or critical tailored systems such as the French aircraft carrier flight deck tranquilization system. Those embedded systems include software components which perform many functions such as real-time computation of navigation data, multi-degree of freedom control algorithms, actuators orders and supervision of the system by human operators. …

Type: SMB Activities: military industry 4.0 Technologies: Embedded Systems Geolocation

15 7 11 127
Navlandis Navlandis

Making transport more sustainable. Technology-based company, innovating in the transport and logistics sector. Our first development is Zbox, a new generation of foldable container to make transport more sustainable.

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 1 2 5
Spiru’Marine Spiru’Marine

[Automatic translation follows] GREEN MARINE GOLD from Brittany: a concentrate of benefits with French know-how, drawing its strength from the Oceans 💪🌊💚 Located in Sarzeau and Arzon, in the Morbihan department, the Spiru'Marine company offers you a whole range of innovative products, good for your health, good for the planet, based on "marine spirulina, 100% seawater", a de facto label Managed by Marie-Gabrielle Capodano, the Spiru'Marine company is a marine biotechnology start-up, anchored on the edge of the Gulf of Morbihan. Passionate and experienced, Marie-Gabrielle has developed a process to produce spirulina 100% seawater, purified by her care. In May …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

22 3 21 1

Ride the tide Since 2008, SABELLA is an innovative marine current turbines developer, supplying reliable turnkey energy solutions worldwide. With a differentiated and economically-optimized range of technologies, protected by appropriated patents, SABELLA endeavors to promote a new energetic model tailored for remote grids on islands and isolated shore communities. Based on a clean and reliable resource, the model offered by SABELLA to these markets is a sustainable alternative to costly and polluting fuel-based power generation. Marine renewable energy, Tidal & ocean energy, Ocean energy, Renewable energy, Remote community, Off grid area, Paris agreement, Sustainable development, Clean energy, Turnkey solution, Predictable …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

19 9 11 61

More than lightweight - Solar PV modules HELIUP is a start-up company which develops, produces and commercializes lightweight solar PV modules dedicated to large rooftops for commercial and industrial buildings. HELIUP aims at contributing to a large deployment of solar energy through a better use of existing surfaces in order to avoid further land artificialization. The company also brings a solution to building owners and users to better control their energy costs and by developing auto consumption HELIUP proposes a new & unique technology developed at CEA-LITEN which provides an insurable, reliable and efficient light solar PV solution compatible for …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Solar Technologies

25 13 15 23
Instant System - Enabling MaaS Instant System - Enabling MaaS

MaaS solutions to manage local mobility. Instant System publishes and markets "Mobility as a Service" (MaaS) solutions for public authorities and transport operators. Our ambition is to simplify urban mobility thanks to a MaaS platform managed by public authorities and transport operators. We integrate all mobility offers in the territory (public transport, bike sharing, car sharing, carpooling, ride hailing, parking, etc.) in order to offer citizens a seamless, intermodal transport experience, from route finding to payment. A genuine tool for optimising mobility, this platform also aims to enable public players to manage all modes of transport on their territory. Instant …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city transporttech Technologies: SaaS

52 11 38 120
HYmpulsion HYmpulsion

[Automatic translation follows] With HYmpulsion, I drive on hydrogen in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes HYmpulsion is a commercial company created to deploy the market for heavy and light hydrogen mobility through the Zero Emission Valley "ZEV" project coordinated by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. HYmpulsion, whose shareholders are the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, Engie, Michelin, Banque des Territoires and Crédit Agricole, is in charge of building and operating 20 renewable hydrogen charging stations and 3 electrolysers by the end of 2024.

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

27 10 16 16
Stockholm Exergi Stockholm Exergi

We are Stockholm’s energy company. All day, every day, we ensure that the fast-growing region of Stockholm has access to heating, cooling, electricity, and waste processing services. More than 800,000 people and over 400 hospitals, data centres, and businesses are connected to our district heating grid and our heat-and-power plants, ranging from Högdalen south of Stockholm to Brista north of the city. By working together, we’re powering the future of Stockholm – and have the potential of becoming the world’s first climate-positive capital city. Energi, Värme, Kyla, and Hållbarhet

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 2 6 701
Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry

Moving Together for a brighter future! The Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI) is a Brussels-based European platform representing the interests of some 1,800 European sporting goods manufacturers before the European Institutions, other international sport federations and other associations. FESI - Provides opportunity for sporting goods companies to collaborate on non-commercial pre-competitive issues of common interest - Monitors all legislative initiatives relating to the sporting goods industry at a European level - Offers an established and recognized platform for the voice of the sporting goods industry to be heard in Brussels - Communicates with a variety of European …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

21 3 19 15

Prevent crashes, reduce injuries, save lives SWOV: the national scientific institute for road safety research in the Netherlands Within SWOV about fifty experts work together in multi-disciplinary teams to fulfill our mission for road safety: prevent crashes, reduce injuries, save lives! road safety, scientific research, research, and bicycle safety

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

8 1 4 68
CCAM Association CCAM Association

Facilitating research on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) within the European Research Area. The objective of the CCAM Association is to promote and facilitate pre-competitive research on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) within the European Research Area, by bringing together the different actors of the CCAM value chain. The Association focuses on the coordination of research and innovation activities in the field of CCAM at the European and at the international level, to harmonise European R&I efforts to accelerate the implementation of innovative CCAM technologies and services.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

3 2 1 9
MOBI Electromobility Research Centre MOBI Electromobility Research Centre

MOBI supports the transition to a more environmentally friendly and electrified mobility and transport system MOBI, the Electromobility Research Centre is the innovative research hub for electromobility in Europe, and aims to make a strong contribution to a more sustainable society.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

7 1 3 43
Parc national de Port-Cros Parc national de Port-Cros

[Automatic translation follows] Island, coastal and marine Since 1963, a unique place of preservation in the Mediterranean: the oldest! The Port-Cros National Park a coastal archipelago in the Mediterranean Created on December 14, 1963, the National Park whose hearts Port-Cros and Porquerolles, occupy 1700 ha of emerged land and 2900 ha of marine surfaces, is one of the two oldest National Parks in France. It is the pioneer of marine parks in Europe. In 2012, the national park was reformed in depth. Following a consultation with local stakeholders, the space of the National Park is completely reconfigured. It currently includes: …

Type: Public

19 5 10 60
Surfrider Foundation Europe Surfrider Foundation Europe

Protecting the oceans since 1990. #SurfriderEurope Our mission : Protection and sustainable management of the coastline Surfrider Foundation Europe is a non profit organization, dedicated to defending, saving, improving and managing in a sustainable manner the ocean, coastline, waves and the people who enjoy them. From its creation, efforts have been concentrated on coastal issues, but today our scope of interest and involvement is spreading to related areas of lakes and rivers. Originally, surfers... Created in 1990 in Europe (Biarritz, France) by surfers, including 3-time World Surfing Champion Tom Curren, the organization brings together today about 1500 volunteers, 8000 members, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

78 41 34 176

SERENDI-PV is a four-year project funded by the European Commission working to advance the energy transition in Europe. SERENDI-PV is a four-year project funded by the European Commission working to advance the energy transition in Europe through: • Improving the lifetime, reliability, performance & profitability of PV generation • Increasing the penetration of PV generation in the European grid with improved stability. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

7 1 6 N/A

Mobilité zen à l'hydrogène Join us! ==> HYSETCO offers integrated solutions to promote hydrogen mobility : development of the Hydrogen Refuelling Stations network and fleet management. Today we have a unique position in France with the 1st distribution network and the 1st hydrogen fleet. You want to transform your mobility and be part of the hydrogen adventure ? contact us! To join us --> mobilité, hydrogène, taxi, gestion de flotte, mobility, hydrogen, fleetmanagement, and energytransition

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Hydrogen

32 7 27 30
Hype Hype

The only zero-emission taxi booking application at no extra cost compared to polluting alternatives Launched by Mathieu Gardies in 2015 at COP 21 in Paris, in response to the public health and climate emergency of air and noise pollution in urban areas, Hype offers the only 100% zero-emission taxi booking application for the full range of services (Standard, Van, PRM, Premium) at no extra cost compared with the other on-demand transport operators whose fleets are mostly made up of polluting vehicles (diesel, petrol or hybrids). To be able to provide a non-polluting, carbon-free solution tailored to each driver, Hype integrates …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Hydrogen

26 2 23 78
Facirénov Facirénov

[Automatic translation follows] Yes to comprehensive energy renovation! Facirénov is the Bordeaux Métropole Énergies brand dedicated to the energy renovation of buildings. As a Rénov Supporter, we are aimed at all owner-occupiers or lessors of individual and collective housing in Bordeaux Métropole, wishing to improve the energy performance of their buildings. Facirénov carries out a third-party financing activity permitted by the Energy Transition Law for Green Growth involving: - The design of the work program based on an energy audit - The estimation of the associated energy savings - Support during the search for qualified RGE professionals and during the …

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 0 4 N/A

Driving the Standard for Aviation With 500 members, EUROCAE is the European leader in the development of worldwide recognized industry standards for aviation. ✈️ EUROCAE develops high-quality, internationally recognised and worldwide applicable aviation standards, which are built upon the expertise of more than 5000 highly skilled experts nominated by EUROCAE’s 500+ European and global members. Members include (but not limited to) equipment and airframe manufacturers, regulators, civil aviation authorities, service providers and airports. EUROCAE standards are referenced by all major European and international regulators and are therefore actively contributing to a safe, efficient and sustainable aviation. EUROCAE has become the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: spacetech

10 1 9 57

PROAVIA is the French Trade Association for AIRPORT and ATM Technology. Helping French Companies Export with Success PROAVIA has been created in 1976 under the initiative of the Technical department of French Directorate of Civil Aviation as the official representative for the French companies involved in civil aviation and airport development overseas. It is the Information Gate for anyone seeking to source in France a supplier of goods, services or expertise for airport terminals as well as for ATC or ramp and maintenance. Its activities are controlled by an elected Board and administered by two full time delegates. Proavia operates …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: spacetech

14 2 12 4
IPSL-Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace IPSL-Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace

[Automatic translation follows] IPSL brings together the activities of eight (+2 teams) public environmental research laboratories in the Paris region. The Pierre-Simon Laplace Institute (IPSL) was created in 1995 by Gérard Mégie, former president of the CNRS. IPSL is a research federation that brings together 8 labs and 3 associated teams in the Île-de-France region (CEREA, GEOPS, LATMOS, LISA, LMD, LOCEAN, LSCE, METIS, LERMA, S&R), or nearly 1,400 people, researchers and teacher-researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative staff, doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and interns. These laboratories are now located on nearly ten sites in Paris and the Paris region. They rely …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

17 3 8 56
Envirobat Occitanie Envirobat Occitanie

[Automatic translation follows] Network of professional actors and resource center for sustainable development and construction in Occitanie Envirobat Occitanie, a network of professional actors and a resource center, aims to contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of buildings and neighborhoods in Occitanie. The association offers multiple systems and services for professionals with the ambition of optimizing and pooling skills and resources for greater efficiency. Envirobat Occitanie's actions are structured around 4 major axes: -> Capitalize, produce, promote and disseminate information -> Raise awareness, train and lead networks of actors -> Support actors, their projects and public policies -> Assess construction, …

Type: Media

34 12 28 16
Battery Competence Cluster - NL Battery Competence Cluster - NL

Accelerate the opportunities of the energy transition provided by battery technology To leverage and accelerate the opportunities provided by battery technology and the energy transition, the Brainport Eindhoven region, the industry, knowledge institutes and trade associations are jointly committed to developing a strong battery ecosystem. The Battery Competence Center is the innovation program for companies, knowledge institutes and organizations that want to work together to acquire knowledge and develop skills in the field of battery technology. The Dutch battery, transport and shipping industry join their forces in the Battery Competence Cluster - NL. Battery, Transport, Automotive, Trucks, Busses, Maritime, and …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Batteries

14 1 13 5

De-fossilizing shipping and chemistry via revolutionary e-methanol production technology. ICODOS is a technology development company providing the industry with breakthrough e-methanol production technology. Our technology enables the lowest-cost, at-scale production of sustainable e-methanol. Based on our patented hybrid process, harmful off gases are turned into the highly versatile liquid methanol. Produced sustainably and carbon-neutral, e-methanol enables carbon-neutral transportation and chemistry. E-methanol is the most viable carbon-neutral fuel substitute for oil, making it crucial to de-fossilizing transportation and chemical industries. By replacing fossil fuels in shipping and other transportation industries, and as a feedstock in the chemical industries, e-methanol promises to …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

10 0 0 11
Vetted Vetted

[Automatic translation follows] The on-demand, SaaS-based sustainable sourcing and purchasing solution. VETTED - YOUR RESPONSIBLE SOURCING AND PURCHASING EXPERT Guide and adjust your procurement with the right data to combine societal impact and economic value creation. We distribute sustainable products and services in SaaS mode to companies and public actors by reconciling economic and societal development and climate and environmental issues. Thus we build the most diversified and impactful catalog to enable organizations to achieve their overall performance. OUR FILTERS 🔎 Optimize partner sourcing 📈 Provide decision-making data 🌱 Improve uses sustainably OUR SUBSCRIPTIONS 💜 Supplier 💛 Buyer 🤝 Accessible …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

27 0 27 4
Expertise- en InnovatieCentrum Binnenvaart Expertise- en InnovatieCentrum Binnenvaart

[Automatic translation follows] Center of innovation in the inland shipping sector. The Expertise and Innovation Center Inland Shipping (EICB) is the center of innovation in the sector. From this position, our team works every day to make inland shipping transport even smarter and more sustainable.

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 1 9
Agenzia Roma servizi per la Mobilita'​ Srl Agenzia Roma servizi per la Mobilita'​ Srl

[Automatic translation follows] Since 2010 we have been planning and controlling public and private mobility, freight, logistics, sustainable and cycling. We support Roma Capitale and its subsidiaries for information and communication needs. We manage on behalf of Roma Capitale: the Mobility Centre, the Car Sharing Rome service, the Communication Platform on the street and online, the planning of school transport, Permits both online (ztl, parking, disabled people, tourist coaches, NCC outside Rome) and through the public counter (taxi licenses, NCC Rome, botticelle). Roma Mobilità coordinates the school and company mobility managers of Rome. private transport, public transport, information, communication, sustainability, …

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

5 2 0 219
SEA Milan Airports SEA Milan Airports

Official account of Milan Linate and Milan Malpensa's management company We are the company that manages Milan Malpensa and Milan Linate airports. Our company is one of the top 10 airport operators in Europe for passenger and freight traffic. It is the leading company in Italy for freight traffic and is responsible for the second-highest number of passengers. By supporting the growth of the airports, we are contributing to the growth of a whole region: its people, economy, employment opportunities and central role in the global connection process. Our mission is therefore to promote this growth through a sustainable, inclusive …

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech Technologies: Decarbonization

19 0 16 980
BlueBioClusters Project 🇪🇺 BlueBioClusters Project 🇪🇺

Supporting Coastal Regions in the Transition to the Blue Bioeconomy. 🇪🇺 | Horizon Europe | Grant agreement ID 10106070 The project started on 1 August 2022. A transdisciplinary consortium led by SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG, and comprising 13 partners from 9 European Regions was awarded €2.5 million grant to facilitate the uptake of business opportunities in the blue bioeconomy for European coastal regions, companies and citizens, including low-income populations. BlueBioClusters will contribute to sustainable regional development and the EU Green Deal by enhancing the services of existing blue bioeconomy clusters across Europe to both public and private actors. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

2 1 2 N/A
SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG

Working together to improve the blue environment and the economy The SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG promotes sustainable and innovative uses of marine resources. It offers a cooperation platform to related actors and initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region. Using the sea consciously is a way to maintain and improve the region’s natural capital, provide marine-based feedstock and energy solutions and improve human well-being. We aim to turn the Baltic Sea Region into a model region for sustainable blue biobased innovations and smart combinations. The SUBMARINER Network is a flagship project of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

4 2 2 31

Replication of innovative concepts for peri-urban, rural or inner-city mobility. #H2020 & @CIVITAS Initiative project RECIPROCITY is an #H2020 project that will initiate and support projects in at least 20 cities, replicating existing innovative mobility solutions. mobility and innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

4 0 4 1
ZONE Cluster ZONE Cluster

ZONE Cluster is an initiative committed to developing cooperation within the mobility sector by supporting sustainable, innovative solutions. We believe in the power of collaboration and combination, and that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Smart ideas come from the collective intelligence and the presence of the community. Therefore, we continuously strive to build an innovative ecosystem for the mobility sector and beyond. Nurturing an international, especially regional, cooperation network is key to achieving our mission, and we are continuously seeking partners to join forces. Our organisation is the founding member of EIT Urban Mobility, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

5 1 5 7
Gruppo CAP Gruppo CAP

Trasparenti come l'acqua. The CAP Group manages the integrated water service in the Milan Metropolitan area, Monza and Brianza, Pavia, Varese, and Como using the “in house providing” model, guaranteeing the public control of the shareholders in accordance with the principles of transparency, accountability and participation. With over a decade of experience, it combines the public nature of the water resource and its management with an efficient management organization, capable of investing and increasing the knowledge of the infrastructure using IT instruments. Integrated Water Service, Webgis, Research & Development, and Sustainability

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech deeptech greentech water management

15 2 4 391
CIVITAS Initiative CIVITAS Initiative

The CIVITAS Initiative works to make sustainable and smart urban mobility a reality for all in Europe and beyond. CIVITAS is one of the flagship programmes helping the European Commission achieve its ambitious mobility and transport goals, and in turn those in the European Green Deal. It does this by acting as a network of cities, for cities, dedicated to sustainable urban mobility. Through peer exchange, networking and training, CIVITAS fosters political commitment and boosts collective expertise, equipping cities to put mobility at the centre of decarbonisation. Since its launch in 2002, CIVITAS has advanced research and innovation in sustainable …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city transporttech

9 5 3 7

[Automatic translation follows] Let's think together about tomorrow's transport TDIE is a platform for reflection and exchange whose objective is to develop proposals for the development of multimodal and sustainable mobility systems with transport stakeholders, to submit them for debate, and to bring them to the public authorities. A pluralistic and multimodal association, TDIE brings together all public and private stakeholders from different modes of transport: network managers, operators, shippers, carriers, logisticians, elected officials, local authorities, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, experts, and researchers. The orientations and proposals put forward by TDIE are based on the work of the association's scientific council, which …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

21 1 0 9
CANOE - Le Centre Technologique Nouvelle Aquitaine Composites & Matériaux Avancés CANOE - Le Centre Technologique Nouvelle Aquitaine Composites & Matériaux Avancés

[Automatic translation follows] CANOE is an R&T center created in 2008 at the initiative of the Nouvelle Aquitaine Regional Council. Our activities: development of composites and advanced materials (formulation, manufacturing processes and characterization) are spread over 6 technologies: - Thermoplastic & elastomer formulations - Fibers and carbon, - Thermoplastic composites and prepregs - Additive manufacturing - Surface treatment by printing - Characterization and NDT. Our objective: to support companies in the development of new technologies (product/process) using pilot equipment (TRL 3-6): R&D studies (feasibility studies, prototyping, scale-up, tests, etc.), cooperative projects, training activities. Our main customers and partners are recognized …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

36 9 21 45
OffGridBox OffGridBox

We provide affordable clean water and renewable energy in remote areas. OffGridBox is the world's most powerful modular and compact unit that provides affordable renewable energy and clean water in remote areas. Our innovative technology is a solution for more than 2 billion people worldwide that need energy and clean water on a daily basis. renewable energy, mobile utilities'​ technologies, clean water production, alternative gas solution, and solar water purification

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech water management energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 0 4 11
AGrowingData AGrowingData

[Automatic translation follows] Agriculture is Open AGrowingData is a consulting company specialized in data analysis and big data for the agri-food industry. We develop customized technological solutions based on predictive models, satellite image analysis and geovisualization maps. We help companies in the agricultural sector, public administrations and research centers to get the most out of their data and be more competitive in decision-making. Our solutions facilitate more sustainable agriculture in the future. Big Data, Machine Learning, Remote sensing, Smart Agro, GIS, Business Intelligence, and Artificial intelligence

Type: Startup Activities: it services agritech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

4 0 1 4
Extracthive Extracthive

Producteur de matières premières secondaires pour l'industrie At Extracthive, we strive to innovate for a more sustainable industry. Our activities are dedicated to circular economy, to make sure that once primary raw materials are extracted from the ground and enter the anthroposphere, they stay in the loop for as long as possible. To this end, Extracthive has developped the PHYre® technology, a solvent-based process to reclaim high-quality, green, and affordable carbon fibre from composite waste. Raw material consulting, Process developpment, Recycling, Secondary raw material provider, Carbon fiber, Refractory materials, Industrial waste recovery, Recyclage , Réfractaires, Fibre de carbone, Secondary raw …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

43 8 24 5
EU Science, Research and Innovation EU Science, Research and Innovation

We bring you the latest news on EU science, research & innovation Science, Research & Innovation side of @European Commission. Explore how EU scientists shape policies and make a positive impact on society! Stay tuned for: 🔸Latest scientific findings 🔸Reports 🔸Tools & resources 🔸Research funding opportunities 🔸Jobs 🔸Support for policy And more! scientific research for EU policies, science, food, nuclear, environment, agriculture, forest, technology, chemistry, biology, physics, environment, space, big data, migration, disaster risk management, Climate, Innovation, AI, and Sustainable food

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

15 1 13 2
McPhy McPhy

Driving clean energy forward | Concepteur fabricant d'équipements de production & distribution d'hydrogène bas-carbone As a leading "pure player" McPhy designs and manufactures a range of hydrogen production and valorization equipment, including electrolyzers built on robust and proven technology: pressurized alkaline electrolysis. ▶ Who are we? More than +220 highly experienced, multi-skilled employees today contribute to carrying out complex projects representing numerous technological, industrial, environmental and economic challenges. ▶ What values are driving us? • Innovating for low-carbon & clean energies • Adapting, being agile & solution-driven • Committing to sustainable achievements • Caring, respect people & ideas, support each …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

74 25 60 245
EUROPARC Federation EUROPARC Federation

The European Network of Protected Areas. Supporting Parks, protecting nature, bringing people together. The EUROPARC Federation is the network for Europe’s natural and cultural heritage. With members in 37 countries we are the representative body of Europe’s Protected Areas and the collective voice for all nature and landscape areas. Created by our members, the Federation works to improve the management of Protected Areas in Europe through international cooperation, exchange of ideas and experience, and by influencing policy. Nature Conservation, Protected Areas Management, Capacity Building, Communication, Natura2000, Sustainable Tourism, Sustainable Agriculture, Transboundary Cooperation, Biodiversity, and Wildlife

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

9 1 8 33

The Electro•Mechanical Authority The Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (EASA) is an international trade organization of nearly 1,900 electromechanical sales and service firms in 60 countries. EASA members sell, repair and service a variety of electromechanical equipment such as motors, pumps, generators, gearboxes, drives, etc. EASA provides technical and management education (including its annual convention and exhibition), networking forums, the industry standard (ANSI/EASA AR100), engineering consulting, reference materials such as the EASA Technical Manual, and much more. Electric motor repair; pump repair; electromechanical sales and service

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: New Materials

2 2 1 103
Maritime CleanTech Maritime CleanTech

A world-leading hub for clean maritime solutions 🌊 Maritime CleanTech represents one of the world’s most complete maritime commercial hubs. 🚢✨ We leverage generations of Norwegian maritime expertise as a springboard to develop energy-efficient and sustainable technologies, working hand in hand with our incredible partners. 🌍🔧 Together, we’re driving green and groundbreaking projects with global commercial potential. 🌿🚀 Clean maritime solutions, Environmental friendly technology, Energy-efficiency, Innovation projects, and Sustainable innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

10 1 8 26
FuelCell Energy FuelCell Energy

A leader in delivering innovative clean energy solutions. FuelCell Energy (NASDAQ: FCEL) delivers efficient, affordable and clean solutions for the supply, recovery and storage of energy. We design, manufacture, undertake project development, install, operate and maintain megawatt-scale fuel cell systems, serving utilities, industrial and large municipal power users with solutions that include both utility-scale and on-site power generation, carbon capture, local hydrogen production for transportation and industry, and long duration energy storage. With SureSource installations on three continents and millions of megawatt hours of ultra-clean power produced, FuelCell Energy is a global leader with environmentally responsible power solutions. Our headquarters …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

5 0 1 535

Naval Group is a partner to its customers' maritime sovereignty. An international player in naval defence and heir to French naval know-how, Naval Group develops innovative solutions to meet the needs of navies. Present throughout the entire life cycle of the ships, the group designs, builds, integrates and maintains submarines and surface ships, as well as their systems and equipment, through to dismantling. It also provides services for shipyards and naval bases. A high-tech company, it builds on its exceptional expertise, its unique design and production resources and its ability to set up strategic partnerships and successful transfers of technology. …

Type: Large company

106 72 37 11,376
EuroQuity - Bpifrance EuroQuity - Bpifrance

Shine Match & Deal EuroQuity is a service by Bpifrance, France's national investment bank, financing businesses through loans, guarantees, equity investments, and export insurances. Created in 2008, EuroQuity is an online matchmaking platform that helps companies meet investors and partners. EuroQuity is one of the leading matchmaking platforms in Europe while becoming increasingly present in Africa. We provide many additional services such as acceleration programs funded by the European Commission, digital training, coaching sessions, and exclusive online pitch sessions for the most promising companies. In short, EuroQuity is the perfect match for companies to scale with confidence and speed and …

Type: Public

56 10 26 2
Gares & Connexions Gares & Connexions

Activateur de la mobilité responsable Gares & Connexions, SNCF's 5th business unit, is responsible for the future of France's railway stations. The role of Gares & Connexions is chiefly to promote the development of passenger stations, improve the way they work, redesign and reinvent them so that we are constantly tailoring stations to the challenges of the future.

Type: Large company Activities: transporttech

152 74 80 2,754
Omega X Omega X

Orchestrating an interoperable Multi-vector Energy data space built on open standards & ready for GAia-X. Omega-X stands for Orchestrating an interoperable sovereign federated Multi-vector Energy data space built on open standards and ready for GAia-X. The aim of this European research and innovation action is to implement a data space (based on European common standards), including federated infrastructure, data marketplace and service marketplace, involving data sharing between different stakeholders and demonstrating its value for real and concrete Energy use cases and needs, while guaranteeing scalability and interoperability with other data space initiatives, not just for energy but also cross-sector. The …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech it services cleantech Technologies: Data Analytics

7 1 5 5
IRIS Technology Solutions IRIS Technology Solutions

Innovation to achieve perfection IRIS is an Advanced Engineering company specialised in Real-Time Monitoring systems and development of Digital Analytical Platforms for the improvement of processes, quality and efficiency in the Food, Chemical and Pharmaceutical industries. Our value focus is centred on Industrial Digital Transformation to bring companies into the Industry 4.0 Revolution. ADVANCED ENGINEERING, IN-LINE MONITORING SOLUTIONS, INDUSTRIAL CLOUD SOLUTIONS, DATA ANALYTICS, PROCESS ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES, SPECTROSCOPY, PROCESS DIGITALISATION, DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, INDUSTRY 4.0, CIRCULAR ECONOMY, and PROCESS INTENSIFICATION

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Image Processing

19 2 9 83
C4U Project C4U Project

Advanced Carbon Capture for Steel Industries Integrated in CCUS Clusters Funded by the European Union H2020 programme, C4U is a holistic interdisciplinary project addressing all the essential elements required for the optimal integration of CO2 capture in the iron and steel industry as part of the CCUS chain. This spans demonstration of two highly efficient solid based CO2 capture technologies for optimal integration into an iron and steel plant and detailed consideration of the safety, environmental, societal, policy and business aspects for successful incorporation into the North Sea Port CCUS industrial cluster in Belgium and the Netherlands. C4U elevates from …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 1 5 1
Autopistas, an Abertis company Autopistas, an Abertis company

[Automatic translation follows] We are a friendly company that offers security and service to its customers We are a friendly company that offers security and service to its customers At Autopistas we work so that our customers enjoy their trips. We believe in a different way of doing things, we manage infrastructures based on the principles of commitment, responsibility, teamwork, proximity and efficiency. We create experiences for our customers by providing maximum value in terms of road safety and innovation. As a result of our work, we have become a benchmark in the infrastructure sector, managing nearly 600 kilometres of …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

7 0 7 312
iBECOME project iBECOME project

INTELLIGENT BUILDING ENERGY ASSETS CONTROL FOR COMFORT, ENERGY AND FLEXIBILITY OPTIMISATION iBECOME is a 42 month Horizon 2020 project which aims at demonstrating a combination of novel technologies and new business models in the form of a virtual Building Management System (vBMS) for optimizing buildings energy performance and comfort conditions, while reducing the operational costs by leveraging demand response. The vBMS will utilise both physics-based dynamic building simulation and data-based ML techniques to optimise thermal and visual comfort, energy performance and flexibility while its openness will be accommodating 3rd parties to make use of its functionalities and data to provide …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech it services Technologies: IoT

4 0 4 N/A
DePoly DePoly

Plastics Made Pure – 🏆 Winner of the Top 100 Swiss Startup Award 2024 – 2024 Technology Pioneer by World Economic Forum Recognized as 2024 Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum, and winner of the Top 100 Swiss Startup Award in 2024, DePoly is a Swiss cleantech company committed to tackling the plastic waste problem. Our cutting-edge recycling process converts plastics into high-quality raw materials without compromising their quality. Not only is it energy-efficient, but it also has the remarkable ability to handle even the most challenging streams of PET plastic and textiles, including mixed, dirty post-consumer and post-industrial …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

16 5 6 31
Communauté de communes Val de Cher Controis Communauté de communes Val de Cher Controis

[Automatic translation follows] Territory of progress Third community of communes of Loir-et-Cher, the Val de Cher Controis brings together 33 communes and their 48,000 administrators economy, employment, tourism, culture, childhood youth, development, environment, and health

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 0 6 33
Isle Utilities Isle Utilities

Isle is an international consultancy specialized in technology and innovative best practices. Isle’s vision is to be the leading catalyst in water industry transformation through exceptional business insight, technology, and innovative solutions. Isle offers a unique synergy between business and technology consulting; our capabilities span visioning and strategy development through to implementation of business structure, operating model, processes, systems, technology, and innovation. Technology, Innovation, Investment, and Strategy Consulting

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

14 2 11 132
Smart Innovation Norway Smart Innovation Norway

Smart Innovation works for a green change and creating new jobs through research, innovation and commercialization. Smart Innovation Norway is a non-profit research and innovation company that specializes in research-based business and societal development within sustainable energy, applied artificial intelligence, smart cities and communities, digital entrepreneurship and social and behavioral innovation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

6 0 6 48

Sustainable progress of society From large-scale public infrastructure and technical production facilities to buildings and urban planning, we at NIRAS help to shape the community of tomorrow. This includes solutions that are not in plain sight: the water supply, wastewater treatment facilities, surveying and the IT systems that streamline climate change adaptation and urban planning. Landing at Copenhagen Airport is as good an introduction to what we do at NIRAS as any. Passing the offshore wind farm in the Øresund, the Metro station at the airport or driving into town skirting Amager Beach Park. All projects in which NIRAS has …

Type: Large company

5 0 4 3,645

Working for a sustainable world and secure #FutureofFood for all. Our actions are our future. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. right to food, food security, comunications, emergency aid, research, international development, policy formulation, international conference, food systems, Innovation, Zero Hunger, End Poverty, and SDGs

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

60 42 20 18,368

[Automatic translation follows] In charge of communication and innovation for the City of Issy-les-Moulineaux A mixed economy company, ISSY MEDIA was founded in 1989. It manages, in particular, the communication actions of the city of Issy-les-Moulineaux, which holds 57% of its share capital. From the municipal newspaper to the City's Facebook page and Twitter account, including press relations, the organization of events (conferences, association forums, arts markets, etc.), the display and production of communication documents (brochures, invitation cards, etc.), ISSY MEDIA is also in charge of the development strategy for new digital services and participates in European projects and international …

Type: Media

8 4 0 41
International Energy Agency (IEA) International Energy Agency (IEA)

Committed to shaping a secure and sustainable energy future for all. The IEA is the global energy authority, providing data, analysis and solutions on all fuels and all technologies. We help governments, industry, and citizens make good energy choices. Energy security, Environmental protection, Economic growth, and Engagement worldwide

Type: Public

88 53 12 757
Soren Soren

[Automatic translation follows] let's shine, regenerate, recycle Soren is the eco-organization of the energy transition, approved by the State for the collection, reuse and recycling of used photovoltaic solar panels in France. It works daily to extend the lifespan of photovoltaic panels and to regenerate the raw materials necessary for the energy transition for an increasingly circular sector. environment, recycling, recovery, collection, information, circular economy, eco-design, reuse, re-use, treatment, awareness, and extended producer responsibility

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

32 3 23 13
SIGERLy - Syndicat de gestion des énergies de la région lyonnaise SIGERLy - Syndicat de gestion des énergies de la région lyonnaise

[Automatic translation follows] For sustainable energy management in the Lyon region! Founded in 1935, SIGERly, the Lyon region's energy management union, brings together the Lyon metropolitan area and 65 municipalities, including 8 municipalities in the Rhône department. Organized as an open mixed union, SIGERLy provides a public service mission focused on the rational management of energy (municipal buildings, public lighting), the quality of energy distribution (electricity and gas), the sustainable, coherent and safe development of the territory (network erasure) as well as the development of renewable energies (solar, wood). Serving the member municipalities and users of its territory, SIGERLy works …

Type: Public

38 3 15 54
Junia_ingénieurs Junia_ingénieurs

[Automatic translation follows] Grande école des transitions depuis 1885 JUNIA, grande école des transitions, contributes to major challenges: feeding the planet, developing digital and industrial transformation, accelerating the energy and urban transition, strengthening health and well-being technologies. The leading engineering school offers 7 preparatory cycles, 3 “grande école” programs HEI, ISA and ISEN, research activities and business services. JUNIA has 5,000 students (including 530 apprentices) and 450 employees. It has 3 campuses: Lille (since 1885), Bordeaux and Châteauroux. Recognized by the State for its higher education missions, it is labeled EESPIG (private higher education institution of general interest). Its diplomas …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

80 33 51 525
Elliot Cloud Elliot Cloud

[Automatic translation follows] Technology applied to infrastructure management. Elliot Cloud integrates different technologies by linking them together Technology applied to infrastructure management. Elliot Cloud integrates different technologies by linking them together. #Water #Energy #Industry #SmartCities sorcery development, programming, devops, iot, analytics, java, python, business intelligence, artificial intelligence, big data, data management, cloud, cybersecurity, and infrastructure

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT A.I.

8 0 4 53
beti - experts in automated mobility beti - experts in automated mobility

✨ consulting services + hypervision solutions + operations of 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 & 📦transportation beti operate automated mobility services to move people & goods. In 2019, beti was created as part of bertolami group, a French mobility operator in the transportation business for more than 70 years. Since 2022, beti can count on MACIF as one of its shareholders. MACIF is a leading insurance company in France. beti can support you to: ➡️ Understand the opportunities & challenges of automated services through consulting services ➡️ Operate mobility services ➡️ Develop software solutions for Hypervision (critical to move from self-driving cars to commercial …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: SaaS

20 4 12 13
Hype Hype

The only zero-emission taxi booking application at no extra cost compared to polluting alternatives Launched by Mathieu Gardies in 2015 at COP 21 in Paris, in response to the public health and climate emergency of air and noise pollution in urban areas, Hype offers the only 100% zero-emission taxi booking application for the full range of services (Standard, Van, PRM, Premium) at no extra cost compared with the other on-demand transport operators whose fleets are mostly made up of polluting vehicles (diesel, petrol or hybrids). To be able to provide a non-polluting, carbon-free solution tailored to each driver, Hype integrates …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Hydrogen

12 0 12 78
Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe

We are Europe's leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change. Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe's largest coalition working on climate and energy issues. With over 200 member organisations in more than 40 European countries, representing over 44 million citizens, CAN Europe works to prevent dangerous climate change and promote sustainable climate and energy policy in Europe. The vision of CAN is a world actively striving towards and achieving the protection of the global climate in a manner that promotes equity and social justice between peoples, sustainable development of all communities, and protection of the global environment. CAN Europe …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 5 5 73
Elaphe Propulsion Technologies Ltd. Elaphe Propulsion Technologies Ltd.

On a mission to relieve some of the stress we humans put on our planet through radically changing transportation. Elaphe's core business is Innovation, Research and Development of in-wheel motors for EVs. The amazing team of Elaphe engineers is highly motivated to push in-wheel electric motor technology to the market because, besides the obvious benefits of a successful business, it will directly save an additional million tons of raw materials, millions of GWh of energy and billions tons of C02 per year once in-wheel technology is endorsed by the market. Based on the innovations, development results and entrepreneurial activities, Elaphe …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 1 5 98
HELCOM - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission HELCOM - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission

For a healthier Baltic Sea The Helsinki Commission, or HELCOM, works to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution through intergovernmental co-operation. HELCOM is the governing body of the "Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area"​ - more usually known as the Helsinki Convention. Marine environment, Maritime Spatial Planning, Data hub, and Policy maker

Type: Public

7 1 4 44
Laboratoire M2P2 Laboratoire M2P2

[Automatic translation follows] Laboratory of Mechanics, Modeling and Clean Processes The M2P2 is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 7340) attached to Aix-Marseille University, the Institute of Engineering and Systems Sciences of the CNRS (INSIS) and Centrale Marseille. Its activities combine the fundamental aspects of research with applied research to effectively respond to scientific, technological and societal challenges, with tools ranging from experimental investigation to physical and mathematical modeling for digital simulation. scientific research, fluid mechanics, process engineering, digital modeling, and clean processes

Type: Public Activities: deeptech it services

11 0 4 34
Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe

[Automatic translation follows] #LeCanalAvecMoi #LeCanalAvance The Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe (SCSNE) is a local public institution. It was set up specifically to lead the construction of the Seine-Nord Europe Canal, a river infrastructure linking the Seine and Oise basins to the large-gauge European network between Compiègne (Oise) and Aubencheul-au-Bac (Nord). This public institution also has the mission of promoting economic development in connection with this infrastructure. The project is designed in close collaboration with the territories, allowing for strong integration and listening to everyone's expectations. The institution can provide technical support to local authorities or developers for the execution …

Type: Public

31 9 25 86
Ideas for Change Ideas for Change

Ideas for Change is a consulting and research company that works in the intersection between innovation, strategy and design. We have pioneered research on collaborative strategies and exponential growth; we’ve also consulted for big and small size clients looking to transition to more contributive and open models while sustaining competitiveness. Our in-house innovation projects have been recognized and used to drive innovation worldwide. We have developed projects for customers like: Sony, Telefónica, Groupe Adeo, OuiShare, Fundació Princesa de Girona, Mondragón cooperative, Abacus cooperative, Barcelona City Council, Bristol City Council, among others. Innovation, Research, Collaborative Economy, City Design, Ventures, Impact Enterprises, …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting

23 5 15 17
Quiet-Oceans Quiet-Oceans

Technologies to address the issue of underwater noise Quiet-Oceans' mission is to enable sustainable use of the oceans by preserving the balance between human activities at sea and marine biodiversity. The delicate balance between economic imperatives and respect for the environment largely depends on the ability of man to understand the consequences of his activity at sea on marine biodiversity and to adapt his actions to minimize the impact, in particular acoustics: the issues related to noise pollution of the oceans are now known to the maritime community and are now regulated by the legislator. French leader in passive acoustics, …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 2 5 25

Embedded Life-Cycle Management for Smart Multimaterials Structures: Application to Engine Components An H2020-funded project aiming to develop a new generation of intelligent, multifunctional, multi-material aeronautical structures such as engine fan blades.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

5 2 0 N/A
Technopolis Group Technopolis Group

Insights that make a difference Technopolis Group is an international research and consulting organisation working for the public sector. Our mission is to help decision-makers understand the complex transitions and systemic changes in our society so they are equipped to take strategic decisions towards a sustainable society, improving policy actions and their communication to the wider society. Starting as a frontrunner in the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy sector, we have grown and diversified our areas of expertise and solutions to SMEs and Industry, Regional Development & Cohesion, Climate Change and Environment, Digital Transformation, Education and Skills, Life Sciences …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

23 3 25 300

A Nordic and US-based steel company that has developed #SSABZero and #FossilFreeSteel. SSAB is a Nordic and US-based steel company that builds a stronger, lighter and more sustainable world through value added steel products and services. Working with our partners, SSAB has developed SSAB Fossil-freeTM steel and plans to reinvent the value chain from the mine to the end customer, largely eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from our own operations. SSAB ZeroTM, a largely carbon emission-free steel based on recycled steel, further strengthens SSAB’s leadership position and our comprehensive, sustainable offering independent of the raw material. SSAB has employees in over …

Type: Large company

22 6 9 5,316
EuroGOOS, European Global Ocean Observing System EuroGOOS, European Global Ocean Observing System

The leading European #OceanObserving network of oceanographic institutes and research organizations European Global Ocean Observing System, EuroGOOS, identifies priorities, enhances cooperation and promotes the benefits of operational oceanography to ensure sustained observations are made in Europe’s seas underpinning a suite of fit-for-purpose products and services for marine and maritime end-users. EuroGOOS is the European component of the Global Ocean Observing System of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC GOOS). EuroGOOS is registered as an international non-profit association under Belgian law (EuroGOOS AISBL) and its Secretariat is located in Brussels. Today, EuroGOOS brings together 42 members from 19 European countries …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

9 1 5 8
Teraz Środowisko Teraz Środowisko

[Automatic translation follows] News and jobs in the environmental protection sector Teraz Środowisko is an online B2B journal for employees and specialists in the environmental protection sector. Since 2014, every day, we have been publishing articles, analyses, expert opinions, legal acts, announcements of upcoming events and job offers in the sector. Thanks to the reliability, regularity and attractiveness of the published content, we have become an irreplaceable source of information for tens of thousands of people. environmental protection, renewable energy, water management, waste management, sustainable development, air protection, environmental management, green construction, ecology, and climate

Type: Media

8 2 5 7
European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF)

We represent all renewable energy technologies! EREF is the federation of national renewable energy associations from EU Member States, representing sectors such as wind, solar, small hydro, bio-energy, tidal, wave, and geothermal. EREF's objective is to defend the interests of independent power, fuel and heat production from renewable sources and to promote non discriminatory access to the energy market. EREF is striving to create, maintain and further develop stable and reliable framework conditions for renewable energy sources. EREF continuously advocate for ambitious and legally binding targets for all renewable energy sectors beyond 2020. Renewable energy, EU policy, and Energy consulting

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

5 0 2 11
GreenFlex GreenFlex

Changing course towards a regenerative economy Since 2009, GreenFlex has been a key partner in the energy, environmental and societal transformation of organizations, enabling them to change their trajectory towards an economy that creates and preserves more than it destroys. Thanks to a multi-expertise model combining consulting, operational support, digital and financing tools, GreenFlex accelerates the transformation of its 800 clients and supports them from the design of their roadmaps to their operational implementation and monitoring over time. GreenFlex's teams combine their expertise to meet the challenges of sustainable development, decarbonization and energy efficiency and enable companies and regions to …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting civictech cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

88 38 53 430
Parc naturel régional du Marais poitevin Parc naturel régional du Marais poitevin

[Automatic translation follows] Community at the service of the development and preservation of the Marais Poitevin, the first wetland on the Atlantic coast. The Marais Poitevin Regional Natural Park works to safeguard, restore and enhance the Marais Poitevin, in a sustainable development dynamic. Located between Niort and the Atlantic Ocean, the Marais Poitevin Regional Natural Park is 204,822 hectares and 284,064 inhabitants, spread over 91 municipalities. It is made up of two regions (Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Pays de la Loire), three departments (Charente-Maritime, Deux-Sèvres, Vendée) and eight communities of municipalities and agglomerations. The Marais Poitevin is the first wetland on the …

Type: Public

16 4 15 32
Agence du climat, le guichet des solutions Agence du climat, le guichet des solutions

[Automatic translation follows] Climate Agency, the solutions counter, in the territory of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg. Designed as a solutions counter in terms of mobility, energy, greening and sustainable consumption, the climate agency stands out for its "multi-service" offer in the territory of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg and marks an important step in the response to the state of climate emergency and the acceleration of the implementation of the 2030 Climate Plan. Our goal is to inform and advise households and businesses on climate-friendly mobility, while taking into account the various constraints of future beneficiaries. The Climate Agency website and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

25 3 22 26
Communauté de communes Touraine Ouest Val de Loire Communauté de communes Touraine Ouest Val de Loire

[Automatic translation follows] Connected with you. Created on January 1, 2017 by the merger of the former communities of communes of the Pays de Bourgueil and Touraine Nord-Ouest, the CCTOVAL now brings together 28 communes (Ambillou, Avrillé-les-Ponceaux, Benais, Bourgueil, Braye-sur-Maulne Brèches, Channay-sur-Lathan, Château-la-Vallière, Cinq-Mars-la-Pile, Cléré-les-Pins, Continvoir, Coteaux-sur-Loire, Couesmes, Courcelles-de-Touraine, Gizeux, Hommes, La Chapelle-sur-Loire, Langeais, Lublé, Marcilly-sur-Maulne, Mazières-de-Touraine, Restigné, Rillé, Saint-Laurent-de-Lin, Saint-Nicolas de-Bourgueil, Savigné-sur-Lathan, Souvigné, Villiers-au-Bouin) within a "space of solidarity with a view to developing a joint development and planning project". A mild climate, rolling landscapes, exceptional wildlife, thousand-year-old vineyards and a unique concentration of the most beautiful castles in …

Type: Public Activities: greentech

12 2 11 27
L'Europe s'engage en Région Sud L'Europe s'engage en Région Sud

[Automatic translation follows] For a Region that is smarter, greener, more social and closer to you with Europe! The South Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region, through its Directorate General for Europe and Mediterranean Cooperation and under the leadership of its President, Renaud MUSELIER, has confirmed over the years its central role in mobilizing European funding for the benefit of its inhabitants and territories. Since 2014, the South Region has distinguished itself with exemplary know-how in the management and capture of European funding, which earned it the 2021-2022 European Enterprising Region prize from the Committee of the Regions. This distinction is a recognition …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

26 4 22 1
Future Proof Shipping Future Proof Shipping

Creating a zero-emissions shipping world Future Proof Shipping (FPS) offers zero-emissions marine transportation services to enable players across the value chain make the transition to zero-emissions. We are connecting and enabling the entire maritime and green energy value chain, starting with logistics service providers and cargo owners that are ready to take the lead. We are now in the process of developing a zero-emissions inland container vessel that will carry container cargo between Rotterdam (NL) and Belgium. maritime, renewables, environment, hydrogen, fuel cells, zero emissions shipping, shipping, fossil-fuel free, sustainability, technology, innovation, batteries, zero-emissions propulsion systems, zero emissions, and decarbonisation

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization Hydrogen

8 1 5 8
Padam Mobility Padam Mobility

Demand-Responsive Transport & Paratransit solutions to transform territories and bring communities closer together. Since 2014, Padam Mobility offers digital on-demand public transport solutions (DRT, Paratransit) to reconnect peri-urban and rural areas and bring communities closer together. To do this, Padam Mobility provides a software suite of smart and flexible solutions that improve the impact of mobility policies in sparsely populated areas for all types of users. To get users, operators and Public Authorities on the move. This software suite is based on powerful algorithms and artificial intelligence. It includes : - Booking interfaces (mobile app, website) for users and call …

Type: SMB Startup Activities: transporttech it services smart city Technologies: A.I.

34 4 29 99
Innovafeed Innovafeed

Climate change is the challenge of our generation. As innovators, we believe disruptive technology can bring performant solutions to the most dire challenges we face as a society. As we seek a more respectful way of living on our planet, nature itself has much to offer and teach us, starting with feeding the world of tomorrow with better nutrients - for animals, people and our planet - through insects. At Innovafeed, we are committed to inventing efficient technologies that reproduce Nature's processes on a large scale. By building a circular and zero waste agri-food chain replicating insect's role in nature, …

Tags: FrenchTech120 FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: foodtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

87 33 65 293
Danish Energy Agency Danish Energy Agency

The Danish Energy Agency is a key contributor to Denmark's role as a pioneer in a cost-effective energy system transition – which benefits both the climate and Danish economy. We undertake tasks related to energy production, supply and consumption and efforts to reduce CO2 emissions. We also participate in international collaboration on energy transition in countries such as China, Mexico, Ukraine, Indonesia, South Africa and elsewhere. DEA is supporting the economic efficiency of the supply sector, which in addition to energy includes vital areas like water, waste and telecommunications of our society. DEA was established in 1976 and is part …

Type: Public

10 3 5 880
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency

The Netherlands: a place to accelerate your business and benefit people and the planet Whether you’re an executive at a global, multinational company or a founder of a fast-growing scale-up, selecting a location for your international business expansion is something you do with care. The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), an operational unit of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, is here to help and advise you across all stages of the expansion process. Our country is the place where you can accelerate your business to benefit people and the planet. If you are looking to take your business ambitions to …

Type: Public

76 1 76 190
YES-Europe YES-Europe

Connecting Energy Leaders - Students and Young Professionals International Network Young leaders in Energy and Sustainability. YES-Europe's vision of the future is a world where energy is more sustainable, accessible, and secure. Our role to make it happen is to build a stronger community of future energy leaders across disciplines and countries through online and in-person opportunities. We do it because we are certain that the only way to do it is together. YES-Europe grew out of an initiative at EPFL (Switzerland) that brought together 50 students from 9 European countries in May 2016 for the first YES-Europe Annual Conference …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech edtech

6 1 3 40
International Zagreb Airport Jsc. International Zagreb Airport Jsc.

The history of Zagreb Airport starts in 1962 when a passenger terminal was built on this area. Today, our airport records 3 million passengers a year at the current terminal that stretches over 65 000 square meters. A new passenger terminal, named after the first Croatian president Franjo Tuđman, was opened to the public in March 2017. The concessionaire of Franjo Tuđman Airport, MZLZ Jsc, is a company with six shareholders bringing international expertise in airport development – Groupe ADP, BBI, Marguerite, IFC, TAV and Viadukt. The airport provides all-year connections to the most important European hubs, and it managed …

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech

4 0 0 83

[Automatic translation follows] Our real estate solutions for your business What is TANDEM? Expert in business real estate since 1988 A dedicated and involved team, locations with high added value, and a solid financial structure make the mixed economy company TANDEM an ally of choice for the successful establishment of your business. Within our ecosystems, we offer you quality premises at competitive prices, on-site services that make life easier for your company and that of your employees, customers, suppliers or potential partners. For your business real estate in Belfort and its territory, contact TANDEM! real estate, business real estate, tertiary …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

21 1 21 12
TAB Rail Road TAB Rail Road

[Automatic translation follows] Your sustainable long-distance transport partner 🚛🚊🌿 TAB Rail Road is a family-run freight transport company founded almost 70 years ago by the father of Jean-Claude Brunier, the current CEO of Groupe Open Modal. In 1962, Jean-Claude Brunier specialised TAB Rail Road in combined rail-road transport. 🚛🚊🌿 TAB Rail Road organises the transport of goods from warehouse to warehouse using the road for the first and last kilometres, and the rail for the long distance. 📍 4 agencies in France: Créteil (91), Saint-Jean-de-Védas (34), Saint-Thibéry (34) and Toulouse (31) 🌿 A 100% NGV fleet ↘️ Reduction of your …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

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