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LogoName Σ Employees
Eutelsat Group Eutelsat Group

Eutelsat Group is a global leader in satellite communications, delivering connectivity and broadcast services worldwide. Eutelsat Group is a global leader in satellite communications, delivering connectivity and broadcast services worldwide. It’s the first fully integrated GEO-LEO satellite operator with a fleet of 37 Geostationary satellites and a Low Orbit earth constellation of more than 600 satellites. 🛰 Via our global fleet of satellites and associated ground infrastructure, we enable clients across Video, Data, Government, Fixed and Mobile Broadband markets to communicate effectively to their customers, irrespective of their location. We are driven by the ambition to extend the benefits of …

Type: Large company Activities: telecommunications

70 16 47 1,126
Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération

39 municipalities in the heart of Europe, 3rd agglomeration of the Grand Est. A territory of #solidarity, #attractiveness and #excellence Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration (m2A) brings together 120 professions in various fields of expertise. m2A operates in the following areas: economic development, sustainable development, higher education, transport, waste collection and cleanliness, housing, early childhood, after-school care, sports and leisure facilities, zoological and botanical park... Located at the heart of the European market, the Mulhouse agglomeration belongs to a trinational innovation hub and has multiple skills. It has the only binational airport in France, the 3rd river port in France and is …

Type: Public

87 34 63 371
ThinkTank Maths Limited / Norge AS ThinkTank Maths Limited / Norge AS

Rethink Today. We find insights in data other AI cannot - DeepTech for Energy and Space Trusted Situation Awareness Systems to give decision intelligence for a safe, secure and sustainable future in Space and Energy. Rethink complex engineering processes using Deep Tech mathematical data fusion and analysis beyond the limitations of ML and statistical analysis. Situation Awareness Systems give decision intelligence through mathematical data fusion of heterogeneous data sets to deal with complex problems in operational and engineering challenges. Application benefits: - Rethink Engineering processes - Deep Tech first-principles Engineering to give you technology leadership and faster product or process …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

5 0 4 8
N7 Consulting N7 Consulting

N7 Consulting, the technical Junior-Enterprise for your unique projects. Commitment - Expertise - Passion N7 Consulting is the Junior-Enterprise of ENSEEIHT, formed in accordance with the 1901 law, member of the National Confederation of Junior-Enterprises. N7 Consulting has been advising its clients and developing concrete tailor-made solutions for their current and future problems for 47 years. Its affiliation with ENSEEIHT allows the 1,200 student-speakers it has to intervene in a wide range of skills: Electronics, Electrical engineering, Computer science & Big Data, Hydraulics & Fluid mechanics and Telecommunications & Networks. All are students passionate about the fields in which they …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

28 1 28 56
Inspire Metz Inspire Metz

Metz Eurometropolis Attractiveness Agency. Official website: and Inspire Metz, attractiveness agency serving the 46 municipalities of the Metz Eurometropolis, in charge of tourism, business tourism #MICE and the attractiveness and economic development of the territory. We are located at 2 place d’Armes-Jacques François Blondel in Metz.

Type: Public

64 13 57 28

Innovate - Support - Succeed Nova Emploi, formerly Toulouse Métropole Emploi (TME), is an association under the 1901 law. Through its commitment to social innovation, Nova Emploi implements concrete solutions to bring together businesses and job seekers in the region. Insertion clauses, GPEC-T, public markets, and social clause

Type: Public

36 7 32 29
Elles bougent Elles bougent

Transmitting passion, inspiring vocations The Elles bougent association encourages young girls to move towards engineering and technical training, which are among the most valued on the job market, and to move towards sectors lacking female scientific and technological talent.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

181 106 126 102
Data Terra Data Terra

INTEGRATED EARTH SYSTEM OBSERVATION A RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE TO ACCESS, PROCESS AND COMBINE MULTI-SOURCE DATA Society and the Earth system are facing major upheavals coming at an unprecedented rate, be it global warming, environmental and health hazards, pollution or loss of biodiversity to name a few. Better understanding and predicting the Earth system’s mechanisms and evolution is a fundamental challenge for research. This implies interoperable infrastructures to speed up extraction, analysis, distribution and intelligent use of data, indicators and models from national and international observation systems. Data Terra is a research infrastructure dedicated to Earth-observation data. Created in 2016, it is …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

26 0 0 16
Université de Caen Normandie Université de Caen Normandie

You are at UNICAEN! The University of Caen Normandy, founded in 1432, is one of the oldest French universities. 🏛️ Historically based in Caen, our university is anchored in a large territory, with campuses in Alençon, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Lisieux, Saint-Lô and Vire. It currently has more than 32,000 students enrolled in initial, continuing and work-study training. A major player in the development and attractiveness of the territory, the university also offers a professional training offer that meets the specific needs of different audiences. 🎓 UNICAEN is also a research center, with 41 research units, 21 of which are accredited by major …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

40 1 40 2,874
Education nationale Education nationale


Type: Public

50 44 0 83,496
Office for Climate Education Office for Climate Education

Learning today, for a better tomorrow The United Nations have declared climate change is one of the major challenges of our time. In that context, teachers require educational resources as well as professional development to be able to offer climate change education to their pupils. The Office for Climate Education (OCE) is a foundation hosted by the Fondation La main à la pâte to promote climate change education in developed and developing countries. The OCE became an official UNESCO center in 2020 with the aim to organise a strong international scientific, educational and operational cooperation for Climate Change education. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

26 4 13 22

JobinLive est un cabinet de recrutement et de communication RH orienté inclusion. Since 2006, JobinLive promotes innovative staffing solutions to the benefit of people who are still too often victims of discrimination: people with disabilities, senior citizens, young graduates, all representative candidates of our social and ethnic diversity. JobinLive has been the first company to promote the video resume (video CV) as means to encourage employment of people with disabilities or young people from immigrant backgrounds. Unlike anonymous resume, from 2006, JobinLive proved that ‘showing’ people rather than ‘hidding’ them is a better way to overcome prejudices and effectively changing …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

35 10 24 35
Communauté d'universités et établissements de Toulouse Communauté d'universités et établissements de Toulouse

The new University of Toulouse was created on January 1, 2023, bringing to fruition the transformation project initiated by the academic community in 2021. An important turning point in the trajectory of the Toulouse university site, now on track to be recognized as a "major research university". With one of the strongest academic communities in France, the University of Toulouse is the heir to the academic and scientific traditions of European humanism, built on the dialogue of knowledge and attached to the Toulouse and Occitan territory and constitutes an institution of higher education and research at the service of science …

Type: Public

75 34 47 13
Eiffage Génie Civil Eiffage Génie Civil

Eiffage Génie Civil: designing and building the most ambitious structures Eiffage Génie Civil is active in all areas of civil engineering. Its teams are involved from design to construction, as well as in repair and maintenance, and demolition, on numerous structures in France and abroad. #HumanPerspective

Type: Large company

29 12 23 112
Data Ring Data Ring

Liberties & Digital Cultures Protection and Valorization of our identity & information heritage Association for research and discussion on the Protection of Personal Data #DataProtection #PersonalData law, protection of personal data, GDPR, data protection, and DPO

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: privacytech

24 2 19 1
Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe

#LeCanalAvecMoi #LeCanalAvance The Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe (SCSNE) is a local public institution. It was set up specifically to lead the construction of the Seine-Nord Europe Canal, a river infrastructure linking the Seine and Oise basins to the large-gauge European network between Compiègne (Oise) and Aubencheul-au-Bac (Nord). This public institution also has the mission of promoting economic development in connection with this infrastructure. The project is designed in close collaboration with the territories, allowing for strong integration and listening to everyone's expectations. The institution can provide technical support to local authorities or developers for the execution of operations directly …

Type: Public

31 9 25 86
Société astronomique de France 🇲🇫 Société astronomique de France 🇲🇫

A passion: astronomy! A mission: to inform as many people as possible... The French Astronomical Society or SAF is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. Founded by Camille Flammarion in 1887, its goal is to promote the development and practice of astronomy. It has been recognized as a public utility since April 4, 1897. Astronomy, Planetology, Cosmology, Conference, Publication, Planets, Comets, Planet Mars, Moon, Eclipse, Shooting stars, Meteorites, Sundials, Telescopes, and Astronomical telescopes

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

39 1 38 11
SapienSapienS SapienSapienS

Agence de production audiovisuelle et multimédia spécialisée dans la vulgarisation scientifique et technique. SapienSapienS is a content agency specialised in multimedia production (web documentaries, documentaries, photo report, educational video games, animation, data visualisation, press and social media content). Founded in 2010, SapienSapienS provides strong experiences in scientific and technical mediation and communication. The company also offers audit and consulting in digital communication and social media strategy, training programmes and workshops. Among SapienSapienS clients : @CNES, @ATR, FFEPGV, MusikA Toulouse, Midinnov, Aérocherche, Graine de Pastel, Habitat Toulouse, ANACEJ (Association nationale des conseils d'enfants et de jeunes), CIMV. Multimedia production, Scientific and …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

12 2 10 8
Space Business Innovation Centre Noordwijk Space Business Innovation Centre Noordwijk

SBIC Noordwijk supports space related startups in multiple stages of their entrepreneurial journey SBIC Noordwijk supports startups that use space technologies by offering access to an international network, tools, knowledge and finance. SBIC manages the ESA Business Incubation Centre (ESA BIC) Noordwijk. ESA BIC Noordwijk is part of the space business incubator network of ESA Commercialisation Gateway. startups, space spin-offs, entrepreneurship, business support, business incubator, spacetech, innovation, satellite navigation, scale-ups, technology transfer, and earth observation

Type: Incubators & VCs

22 3 17 13
RECHERCHE ET AVENIR RECHERCHE ET AVENIR Created by Doctors in 2005, Recherche et Avenir (REA) was founded on missions in line with its purpose: "Contribute to a sustainable world by promoting knowledge, talents and potential to facilitate cooperation around research and innovation for the benefit of all." Labeled a Center for Technological Diffusion since 2018 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, REA promotes interactions between Research and Industry, Education and Culture. Thanks to the support of economic, territorial and academic players from 06, 83, 13 and 84, REA is carrying out three major structuring projects in parallel: 1) The RUE system Through …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

43 7 39 10
Possible Future Possible Future

⏭ We design sustainable innovations — from ideas to launch. Founded in 2016 and now frog, part of Capgemini Invent, Possible Future was an innovation studio based in Paris. The company is multidisciplinary, bringing together business, design, and technology expertise on an equal footing, creating innovations that are viable economically, environmentally and socially. We help our clients create meaningful new businesses, services and products at the pace and budget of a startup. In 4 months, we go from a brief to a Minimum Viable Product tested via a "fake"​ launch in market. innovation, positive economy, design, technology, and business

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

3 0 3 9
Photonics France Photonics France

Fédération française de la photonique : 200 membres industriels, académiques ou associatifs. Rejoignez-nous ! Photonics France is the french federation of photonics, we have the aim to join all the actors of photonics in France : companies, laboratories, universities, schools and associations. photonique

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

50 12 39 9
PCN Cluster 2 Culture, créativité, société inclusive #HorizonEU PCN Cluster 2 Culture, créativité, société inclusive #HorizonEU

Supporting research stakeholders in the humanities and social sciences and cultural stakeholders towards Horizon Europe The National Contact Point of Cluster 2 of the Horizon Europe funding program is your relay in France to obtain all the information about this program supported by the European Commission. Our team is at your disposal to raise awareness of European funding programs, and support you during the different stages of your application. The National Contact Points are coordinated by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation financing and horizoneurope

Type: Public

157 31 138 1
Paris La Défense Paris La Défense

Local public establishment for the development, operation, animation and promotion of the Paris La Défense area Paris La Défense is a local public establishment that brings together the skills of development, operation, animation and promotion of the area. The Paris La Défense teams work to develop and modernize the district, by implementing ambitious real estate and urban projects. The establishment has also undertaken a major project to diversify the district by developing a leading commercial, residential and leisure offering. Its ambition? To transform the district into a real place to live! Our purpose? To become the first post-carbon business district …

Type: Public Activities: proptech

101 33 72 259
Novespace Novespace

SCIENCE IN WEIGHTLESSNESS Aboard the Airbus A310 #ZERO-G Novespace, subsidiary of the French Space Agency (CNES), owns and operates the Airbus A310 ZERO-G, the largest parabolic flight aircraft in the world. 🇫🇷 We organizes weightless flights for scientific research and for the general public through our AirZeroG activity. More about our gravity-free flight discovery on ✈️ Weightless flights for Science & Technology, Weightless flight for the public, commercial, Science, research, and physics

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

14 4 10 26

Roll on / Roll off logistics specialist Roll on Terminal of the Port of Nantes Saint-Nazaire, leader on the West Atlantic coast Our services Maritime agency and ship consignment Roll on / Roll off transport commission Road transport Port handling Infrastructure (new Terminal) Three roll on berths, 30 ha of park, easy access: expressway, rail junction, river, airport Roll on Traffic New vehicles (preparation center on the terminal), trailers and road assemblies, aeronautical and XXL packages, EMR, construction machinery, industrial machinery, road or agricultural tractors, mobile homes, bulk station wagons on Roll trailer, etc.

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

7 2 1 11
Astre - réseau arts plastiques et visuels en Nouvelle-Aquitaine Astre - réseau arts plastiques et visuels en Nouvelle-Aquitaine

visual arts network in New Aquitaine Created in June 2018, Astre - visual arts network in New Aquitaine - is a space for resources and exchanges to support the professional structuring of this sector. Through cooperation approaches and networking of skills and know-how, Astre contributes to the fair and united development of artistic and cultural actors. It participates in the promotion of contemporary art by relaying the actions and programming of its members. As a player in the co-construction of public policies in the region, Astre leads and coordinates the visual arts sector contract with the State / Ministry of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

3 0 3 6

Ready to Disrupt Research in Quantum Technologies Innovation Center for disruptive quantum products. A unique & agile hub where research projects at the highest level will be jointly developed with applications as well as technological solutions. quantum, fundamental research, applied research, and industrial development

Type: Public Activities: deeptech it services

33 6 19 4
Nanoe Nanoe

Supplier of Ceramic raw materials for High Tech industries and Zetamix ceramic and metal desktop 3D printing technology Nanoe manufactures nanopowders for advanced ceramics. Nano-scale ceramics are revolutionary materials used in numerous applications including: biomedical, coatings, cutting tools, aerospace, defence, fuel cells, jewelery, membranes, and wear resistant parts. Nanoe is specialized zirconia, alumina and zirconia-alumina composites (Zirconia Toughened Alumina and Alumina Toughened Zirconia). Through it Zetamix brand, Nanoe also manufactures ceramic and metal filaments, compatible with any FFF printer on the market. This technology breaks the cost barrier, and make ceramic and metal printing affordable and easy to use. Nanoe …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: 3D Printing New Materials

9 5 5 11
MEDES - Institute for Space Medicine and Physiology MEDES - Institute for Space Medicine and Physiology

Explorer et Innover pour la Santé Based in Toulouse (France), MEDES is a group of economic interest created in 1989, which missions are to develop an expertise in the medical supervision of manned flights and the preparations for future interplanetary manned missions and to apply the results of space research on the areas of Healthcare. In order to meet space and clinical research needs, MEDES runs a centre for medical experimentation, the Space Clinic. MEDES has been also invested for more than 15 years in many telemedicine or medical research projects. space, telemedicine, and information technologies

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech healthtech

28 7 13 60
Licence K Licence K

Licence K is a communications consultancy and public relations agency specializing in new technology Licence K is a communications consultancy and public relations agency specializing in new technology. At a time when everything is disrupted, Licence K wants to be the spokesperson for innovation. Everything is possible! Technology is evolving to such an extent that the new major players in the technology industry have to write history. Licence K is there to accompany them through this process. Our expertise in media relations and public relations enables Licence K to offer a high level global service to innovative technology companies who …

Type: Media

17 0 17 10
Sybilla Technologies Sybilla Technologies

We help SpaceOps to operate satellites. Safely. #SpaceSafety #SpaceDebris #SpaceTrafficManagement #SpaceTrafficControl Sybilla Technologies designs, builds, and operates robotic optical observatories for monitoring objects in space. Company specializes in the software for automated data acquisition, analysis and scheduling of networks of sensors, as well as designing and building turnkey observatories. We work in the domains of Space Situational Awareness, Space Surveillance and Tracking, Space Traffic Management, Near Earth Objects, stellar and planetary research, education, and commercial on-demand observations.

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Robotics

6 1 3 43

SECURING THE SPACE INTERNET CYSEC is a European cybersecurity company based in Switzerland and France, with additional locations in Italy and Luxembourg. Since 2018, CYSEC has been providing world-leading, high-performance cybersecurity tools to ensure robustness, confidentiality, and integrity for the space internet networks & critical infrastructures. Hardware Security Module (HSM), Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), Hybrid Cloud, Virtual Machine, Cybersecurity, Post-Quantum Cryptography, Confidential Computing, Newspace, Satcom, Starlink, and Space Internet

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

16 4 11 55
Exail Exail

Expanding your capabilities Exail is a leading high-tech industrial company specializing in cutting-edge robotics, maritime, navigation, aerospace and photonics technologies. With a strong entrepreneurial culture, Exail delivers unrivaled performance, reliability and safety to its civil and defense clients operating in severe environments. From the deep sea to outer space, Exail expands their capabilities with a full range of robust in-house manufactured components, products and systems. Employing a workforce of 1500 people worldwide, the company benefits from a global footprint and conducts its business in over 80 countries. Exail was formed by ECA Group and iXblue joining forces in 2022. It …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing spacetech Technologies: Robotics

22 18 8 1,450
Fondation de l'Université Paris-Saclay Fondation de l'Université Paris-Saclay

"The best for all" The Paris-Saclay University Foundation supports the University in its ambition to be a major world-class institution, combining international excellence and societal commitment. It supports, through patronage and fundraising, training, research, innovation and mediation activities.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

26 3 8 7

Student association whose goal is to design and manufacture aerospace projects launched at C'SPACE. AéroIpsa is an association whose goal is to bring students together around the realization of space projects. As part of dynamic mutual assistance, the objective is not only to understand in a fun way through experimentation, to be able to apply one's knowledge, but also to design and see real functional projects come to life! The important event concerning this association is undoubtedly the national rocket launch campaign organized by CNES and Planète-Sciences, which takes place every summer, C'Space. experimental rockets, mini-rockets, experiments, and cansat

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

1 0 1 25
Classement des Associations Classement des Associations

The reference human adventure that brings together, promotes and enhances student association life. The Association Ranking is the reference human adventure that brings together, promotes and enhances student association life. To do this, the Association Ranking implements 4 actions annually: - the Tour Asso, 6 months of meeting and sharing student associations and their projects; - the Competition, the challenge for associations to improve and surpass themselves; - the Discovery Ranking, the perfect mix between a meetup and an afterwork; - the Final Ceremony, the culmination of the edition that reveals the association of the year. If you are interested …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 1 14 1
La Koncepterie La Koncepterie

committed experiences factory! La Koncepterie was born in 2016 with the ambition of making communication and events levers for mobilization and action in favor of transitions. We imagine, we create, we play for Koncocter committed experiences in order to raise awareness and design a more desirable society. Today, La Koncepterie is: > A team of about ten Koncoctrices and Koncocteurs > 2 Kugés: find us in Paris and Nantes > 4 professions: --- Event design and organization --- Consulting and support in event production --- Communication project management --- Responsible event training And here is our Krédo for Koncocter a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

53 5 39 12
La Bêta-Pi La Bêta-Pi

experiment, understand, share The identity of the association is based on two pillars: - the promotion of a scientific and technical culture - popular education Involving audiences, questioning ourselves, questioning the world around us, shaking things up, acting as citizens are part of the lexicon of our actions. We could say that we offer fun methods, but the fairer thing would be to say that we are looking for the most appropriate ways to conduct our mediations. It is not our fault if the levers of interest are often play, pleasure and curiosity! Bêta-Pi operates in Deux-Sèvres (79) in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

27 3 24 13
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale

The Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) is a laboratory of the CNRS (the French National Centre for Scientific Research ) and of Université Paris-Saclay. Together with GEOPS (Géosciences Paris Saclay) and AIM (Astrophysique Instrumentation Modélisation / DAp), they constitute the OSUPS (Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de l'Université Paris-Saclay). The main research themes at the IAS are: solar physics, solar system and extrasolar planets, extraterrestrial and interstellar matter, galaxies and cosmology. The institute is heavily involved in space instrumentation and has a large Research and Development (R&D) program. The IAS is a major partner for space agencies, national (CNES), or international …

Type: Public

8 5 3 76
Sodern Sodern

Leader mondial de l'optronique spatiale et de la technologie neutronique. World leader in space optronics and neutron technology. We combine excellence, innovation, and competitiveness to fulfill missions that inspire us. 🌍 Our space solutions contribute to the success of our clients' missions, leading to a better understanding of climate, the deployment of internet connections accessible to all, geolocation tools, sustainable agriculture, and other essential everyday services. 🛰️ Our neutron technology enables greater ecological and economic efficiency in the valorization processes of natural resources. 👩‍🔬 Our defense technologies contribute to the sovereignty of France and Europe. -------------- Leader mondial de l'optronique …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Geolocation Decarbonization

16 5 13 373
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

Excellence, Attractiveness and Professionalization Université Toulouse 1 Capitole Our field of research training: Law, Economics, Management. The University is today a university that favors international networks to promote scientific collaboration, exchanges of students and teacher-researchers. Law, Economics, Management, Administration and Communication, and Computer Science

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

35 10 29 1,546
Axians France Axians France

At the heart of your digital transformation Axians supports its clients - private companies, public sector, operators and service providers - in the evolution of their infrastructures and digital solutions. To achieve this, Axians masters all information and communication technologies: application solutions and data analytics, corporate networks and digital workspace, datacenter and cloud, telecom infrastructures, cybersecurity. Through consulting, design, integration and services, Axians develops tailor-made solutions to transform technology into added value. Axians is a VINCI Energies brand. 2 billion euros of activity // 9,000 employees // 22 countries Cloud, Virtualization, Datacenter, Network, Security, Digital Workspace, Collaboration, Storage, Data …

Type: Large company

56 9 40 98

Revealing engineers since 1961 More than 50% of engineering students find their first job at the end of their end-of-studies internship or their professionalization contract, before obtaining their diploma. The gross annual salary upon hiring is on average €33k. After three years of experience, the gross annual salary is between €37k and €40k. Becoming a general engineer means acquiring an engineering culture, because beyond their technical and scientific skills, the ENIB engineer bases his activity on a concern for respect for the environment, civic engagement and ethical sensitivity.

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

25 1 22 167
ENSTA Bretagne ENSTA Bretagne

La grande école de l'innovation pour la défense, le développement maritime et les entreprises de haute technologie. ENSTA Bretagne (formerly ENSIETA) is a French national graduate engineering institute which offers three year engineering programmes to both civilian and military students. The courses are of high quality and are designed to ensure that students have an excellent level of expertise in their chosen field of Engineering. ENSTA Bretagne graduates are able to design, build and manage complex electronic and mechanical systems. ENSTA Bretagne was founded in 1971 and is a multidisciplinary engineering institute under the auspices of the French Defence Ministry …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

34 2 30 775
ISEN Méditerranée ISEN Méditerranée

Large engineering school for digital professions. Campuses in Marseille, Nîmes and Toulon. Since 1991 in the South Region, our school has been training engineers in digital and high technologies. By offering an original pedagogy: numerous technical projects, strong presence of human and social training in training, ISEN sticks as closely as possible to the demand of local companies. The employment rate 4 months after graduation was 100% with a strong network of more than 10,000 graduates worldwide. Engineering, engineering school, computer science, robotics, internet of things, smart energies, big data, software development, post-bac, master, engineers, cybersecurity, innovation, technology, bachelor, engineering, …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech it services Technologies: Cybersecurity Robotics

52 10 41 95
IRAP - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie IRAP - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie

Studying the Universe from the center of the Earth to the farthest edges of Space IRAP’s scientific objectives concern the study and understanding of the Universe and its contents: the Earth as a planet, its ionized space environment, the sun and its planets, the stars and their planetary systems, the interstellar environment , galaxies, the very first stars and the primordial Big Bang. With activities of design, construction, integration and operation of instruments on the ground and in space as well as laboratory experiments allowing the characterization of physical processes, IRAP is one of the major poles of ground-space astrophysics …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

12 6 5 138
NATO Space Centre of Excellence NATO Space Centre of Excellence

"Per Excellentiam Ad Astra" NATO Space COE is not a part of the NATO Command Structure or other NATO entities nor an operational entity. Its Steering Committee (SC) is the body responsible for guidance and supervision of all activities and administration of the COE, within the framework of the Operational Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that was signed by 15 sponsoring nations (Kingdom of Belgium, the Czech Republic, the French Republic, the Federal Republick of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of North Macedonia, the Republic of Poland, …

Type: Public Activities: spacetech

7 1 6 13

Experts in temporary work and recruitment for companies in the Basque Country and Landes. 🌟 ABL EMPLOI, your temporary employment and recruitment agency in the Basque Country and South Landes! Companies: 📍 Local: Expertise in the regional economic fabric. 🚀 Speed: Quickly find the talents suited to your needs. 🔎 Personalized: Tailor-made solutions for each company (construction, industry, hotels, restaurants, tertiary, transport). Temporary workers: 💼 ​​Bonuses: Benefit from attractive bonuses. 🤝 Human-sized team: Personalized monitoring by a team close to you. 📍 Our offices: Two agencies in Bayonne and Hasparren. recruitment, temporary work, and human resources

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

31 2 1 21
Ratier-Figeac Ratier-Figeac

Every second, a plane takes off with equipment produced by Collins Aerospace on board. Our increasingly intelligent systems enable us to provide innovative solutions to our customers. At our Figeac site, 1,475 employees work at the cutting edge of technology. Thanks to our efforts and our market position, we produce highly technical products that no one else can make. Ratier-Figeac develops its business around three product lines: propellers, cockpit and cabin equipment and THSAs. It also provides repair and maintenance for its equipment and has a high level of expertise in machining vital parts for helicopters. Our customers: Major global, …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0

20 1 4 456
Celestia Callisto Celestia Callisto

Celestia Callisto designs, manufactures high performance LNAs and provides consultancy, engineering design & services. EXPERTS IN SPACE COMMUNICATIONS Serving the European Space Adventure: Callisto has been involved in engineering services and consultancy since its formation in 1993. Our engineers perform vital roles in support of European Space programmes. We work both in embedded teams at our customer sites, and also as external consultants. Callisto has undertaken a number of space system studies covering communications aspects and is used to working in consortium with academic and industrial partners. Our Business: Callisto designs and manufactures high performance LNAs with associated hardware and …

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech

9 3 7 20

A data expert at the service of public decision-making The GIP ATGeRi: A data expert at the service of public decision-making. The Public Interest Group for Land Use Planning and Risk Management ( is a neutral structure that has been developing reliable tools to support public decision-making for its members in Nouvelle Aquitaine, namely the State, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Council, local authorities, the DFCI Aquitaine, the SDIS (Departmental Fire and Rescue Services) of Aquitaine, the ONF (National Forestry Office), the IGN (National Institute for Geographic and Forestry Information), the Gironde Departmental Council and the South-West Forestry Union, since 2005. The …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

14 3 12 28

Platform of events of the French Society of Radiology. Visit #JFR365 #JFR2023

Type: Media

4 2 2 1
SophiaMag SophiaMag

An independent press anchored in the Sophia Antipolis technology park Combining the worlds of Tech, engineering, innovation and research to understand where the world is going. By contextualizing (always) to explain.

Type: Media

48 3 47 1
LCJ Capteurs - Ultrasonic Wind Sensor LCJ Capteurs - Ultrasonic Wind Sensor

Another way to read the wind ! LCJ Capteurs est concepteur et fabricant de capteurs de vent depuis 1999. Nos gammes de girouettes anémomètres à ultrasons sont adaptées à de nombreuses applications. Après avoir fait leurs preuves dans la marine, leur robustesse, leur précision et leurs larges possibilités de configuration leur ont ouvert la voie de nombreux domaines d'utilisation tels que la météo, l'industrie, la sécurité, l'agriculture et bien d'autres. Since 1999, LCJ CAPTEURS is specialized in the design and manufacture of compact ultrasonic wind sensors to measure wind speed and wind direction for marine and land-based applications. They have …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech cleantech Technologies: Sensors

6 1 3 9
SpeQtral SpeQtral

Transforming the world’s networks for the quantum revolution SpeQtral is developing space-based quantum systems for the global delivery of secure encryption keys. Quantum, Space, Secure Communications, QKD, and Quantum Key Distribution

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech

8 3 7 32
Spaceflight Institute Spaceflight Institute

World's first Commercial Astronaut Certificate program Founded by ISAE Supaero alumni Stéphanie Lizy-Destrez and Jonathan Pickworth, and led by Deputy CEO Ugo Bonnet, the Spaceflight Institute is currently set in Toulouse—a city synonymous with cutting-edge space projects. Supported by the world’s leading space institutions, the Institute brings together European astronauts and experts in human spaceflight to prepare a new generation of versatile and inclusive astronauts. This rigorous training program is poised to meet the needs of upcoming commercial space endeavors, from lunar missions to low Earth orbit research stations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: spacetech

4 1 3 3
Actualidad Aeroespacial Actualidad Aeroespacial

The portal for aeronautics and space professionals The portal for aeronautics and space professionals Aeronautics, Space, Engineers, News, Aircraft, Space, Aviation, and Airlines

Type: Media

13 0 11 1
German Aerospace Center (DLR) German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Researching for the world of tomorrow DLR is the Federal Republic of Germany’s research centre for aeronautics and space. We conduct research and development activities in the fields of aeronautics, space, energy, transport, security and digitalisation. The German Space Agency at DLR plans and implements the national space programme on behalf of the federal government. Two DLR project management agencies oversee funding programmes and support knowledge transfer. Climate, mobility and technology are changing globally. DLR uses the expertise of its 55 research institutes and facilities to develop solutions to these challenges. Our 10,000 employees share a mission – to explore …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

52 30 12 22
Expansion Expansion

Backing European Aerospace founders, from Pre-Seed to Series B Created by Audacia and Rymdkapital, Expansion will be a 300M€ VC fund to support European Aerospace & Defence startups, from Pre-Seed to Series B.

Type: Incubators & VCs

25 4 23 12
Cegelec Projets Espace Cegelec Projets Espace

For over 50 years, we have been putting our know-how at the service of the space adventure. Cegelec Projets Espace is a pioneering company in the European space sector, through its presence in this field since the 1960s. Cegelec Projets Espace offers its expertise in special and cryogenic fluids, mechanics, low currents & security, information and communication technologies, and multi-technical project management.

Type: Media

5 0 4 28

Manufacturer of the BOREAL high-endurance, high-payload drone. BOREAL is the designer and manufacturer of the BOREAL drone system: a fixed-wing drone with a high payload and long endurance. The drones are particularly suitable for carrying out any type of mission requiring the carrying of a demanding payload in terms of mass (7kg), volume and stability. Involved in the field of maritime surveillance, scientific experimentation and earth observation, the company is one of the leading companies in the world of civil drones in France. __________________________________________________________________________________ The BOREAL system, designed, developed and built by SAS BOREAL, is a fixed-wing UAV with high-endurance …

Type: SMB Activities: drones spacetech Technologies: Drones

4 2 1 43

Regional Institute for Space Innovation - Brittany IRISPACE is a regional initiative that aims to support the development of space technologies and their applications in the context of Research, Training, Innovation and Uses. A unique institute in France, IRISPACE is composed of leading institutions and companies across the entire value chain of the space sector: launchers, space segment, ground segment, signal processing, data processing, development of services and applications. IRISPACE supports the Brittany Region in its Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation in the space sector. The Institute also acts as a relay for its community with the CNES, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: spacetech

21 5 17 4
CNRS Côte d'Azur CNRS Côte d'Azur

"Crossing Borders" The CNRS in Côte d'Azur has 28 research and service units and 5 GDRs (Research Groups), covering a wide range of disciplines, present in 2 departments: Alpes-Maritimes and Var. The regional delegation provides support to the units. The CNRS has a significant presence in Côte d'Azur and covers a wide range of disciplines: biology, chemistry, human and social sciences, environment, engineering and systems, physics, universe sciences, mathematics, computer science, in close collaboration with its academic partners. Scientific research, Biology, Chemistry, Ecology and environment, Engineering and systems, Mathematics, Physics, Information sciences, Man and society and Earth and universe

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

26 5 7 31
FIRA - World Ag Robotics Forum FIRA - World Ag Robotics Forum

In coming: World FIRA 2025 📆 February 4 - 6, 2025 📍 Toulouse, 🇫🇷 #Agriculture #Robot #Agtech Since 2016, FIRA has been the Expert Leading event dedicated to Agricultural Robotics. Through keynotes, panels and robot demos, the ag robotics leaders meet and share their latest advances for autonomous and sustainable farming. You are working and interested in better understanding how agriculture is evolving? Join the Agriculture new deal! For that, let's meet again in 2024! For more information, please visit or contact us ROBOTICS, EVENT, and CONFERENCES

Type: Event

15 3 14 6

Celebrating the best of innovation, together! ◾ February 5-6, 2025, in Grenoble, land of pioneers. 📍ALPEXPO ◾ Celebrating the best of innovation, together!

Type: Event

94 53 57 6
Laboratoire Hubert Curien Laboratoire Hubert Curien

Joint research unit of Jean Monnet University, National Centre for Scientific Research and Institut d'Optique - UMR5516 Laboratoire Hubert Curien is a joint research unit of Saint-Etienne University (member of the University of Lyon), The French National Centre for Scientific Research and the Institut d'Optique Graduate School. It has more than 200 employees including 90 staff scientists and faculty, 20 engineers and technicians and about 100 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. It is thus the largest university research center in Saint-Etienne area. The laboratory is organized in two scientific departments: “Optics, Photonics, Surfaces” and “Computer science, Security, Image” with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

16 5 6 93
Forum Teratec Forum Teratec

The meeting place for high-powered digital experts! Next edition: May 21 & 22, 2025 at the Parc Floral, Paris. The 20th Teratec Forum will take place on May 21 and 22, 2025 at the Parc Floral in Paris, and will provide a forum for suppliers, users, manufacturers and researchers involved in the most advanced digital technologies. Discover our previous editions on: HPC, IA, Quantique, Simulation Numérique, Jumeaux Numériques, and Teratec

Type: Event

34 4 33 N/A
Institut FMES Institut FMES

Mediterranean Foundation for Strategic Studies The FMES Institute aims to produce strategic information and to stimulate reflection on security and defense issues in the land areas around the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Africa, as well as in adjacent maritime areas. The Institute is also a resource center for the Sud-Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region and provides support and expertise on defense economics issues. It is aimed at elected officials and leaders of the Nation, executives in companies and the public sector, both civil and military, students and all of our fellow citizens, in the most appropriate forms. This is how the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 7 28 44
Institut Carnot ESP Institut Carnot ESP

Developing skills and technologies: LAND TRANSPORT | AERONAUTICS & SPACE | ENERGY The CARNOT ENERGY AND PROPULSION SYSTEMS (ESP) institute - your multi-physics Research, Development & Innovation partner on issues related to energy production, its rational use in systems and the development of energy and propulsion systems. Our objective: developing skills and technologies for business innovation in our key markets LAND TRANSPORT | AERONAUTICS & SPACE | ENERGY THE CARNOT ESP INSTITUTE is: 1 Carnot label since 2006 for its ongoing commitment to technology transfer 7 laboratories: Coria, Crismat, GPM, LCS, Esigelec-Irseem, Certam and Cevaa 2 Normandy sites: Madrillet campus, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

38 0 37 5
Innov'Acteurs Innov'Acteurs

Act collectively for desirable innovation Innov’Acteurs is an association dedicated to the development of Participative Innovation in organizations. The association was born from several initiatives (Groupement pour l’innovation participative, Pôle Initiative et Créativité de l’IQM, Club innovation participative d’Inergie), which were joined by several companies and organizations to found Innov’Acteurs in 2002: Accor, EDF, Solvay, Renault, Sita, Territoria. The Innov’Acteurs network currently brings together 70 to 80 companies, private and public organizations, with the desire to share their experiences and best practices. Participative innovation, Employee innovation, Idea management, and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

59 7 52 8
Breizh Up Breizh Up

The Brittany Region Co-Investment Fund for the Economy of Tomorrow Breizh Up is a fund created by the Brittany Region, with the support of the European Union, to strengthen the capital contribution of innovative Breton companies, promising in terms of value creation and jobs. With a capital of €30 million and managed by UI Investissement, Breizh Up intervenes from the first fundraising, in co-investment with private players operating in the seed segment. fundraising, investment, innovation, finance, development, growth, health, digital, environment, agri-food, industry, economy, maritime, venture capital, technology, energy, agriculture, robotics, biotechnologies, and seed

Type: Incubators & VCs

65 10 21 4

ACCELERATE YOUR INNOVATION 🚀 Are you a Startup, an SME/SMI or a large Group? Do you have an innovative idea and want to make it happen? Do you want to join immersive programs to accelerate the realization of your project in the best conditions? By joining PARIS-SACLAY HARDWARE ACCELERATOR and its Micro-Factory 4.0, our experts support you from design to manufacturing, including prototyping. Our immersive programs also allow you to accelerate your evolution towards the industry of the future in the best conditions by combining technical and production platforms. For total efficiency, all this is done in the same building …

Type: Incubators & VCs Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: 3D Printing

50 9 38 6
PhDTalent PhDTalent

Put talent on your side. PhDTalent is the reference in connecting the business and scientific worlds. It allows companies, institutions and investors to access useful scientific knowledge and resources, produced thanks to an intimate understanding of the world of research and business, to serve development projects. Our digital platform offers companies a multitude of tools to interact with researchers: targeted job offers, specialized CV library, digital recruitment events and scientific expertise missions. Through our digital platform, companies can easily access qualified profiles, increase their visibility among PhDs and delegate specific missions to our researchers. In addition to our digital platform, …

Type: Event Incubators & VCs

82 19 75 14

The agency for all economic potential The economic development agency of the Occitanie Region is a team of 180 people spread over the 72,000 km2 of the largest region in France. Our mission: to contribute to the prosperity of your company and make your life as a manager easier. AD’OCC 360° is an à la carte service offer. To help you clarify your needs, we offer a program that includes four components. • find the right financing, • dare to export, • focus on innovation, • succeed in your establishment • or a bit of all four! Internally, our experts …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

161 71 105 172
IRDI Capital Investissement IRDI Capital Investissement

IRDI Capital Investissement is a trusted partner, investor of the innovation and the SME on the South West of France. Based in Toulouse, Montpellier and Bordeaux, the management company IRDI Capital Investissement support in capital the companies based in the South West at every stages of their development (initiation, risk capital, development capital / transmission) for an cumulative oustanding amount of 300 million of euros.

Type: Incubators & VCs

82 26 70 39

Creative Studio in extreme Territories 🛰✈️🌍 Art Architecture Design Robotic Performance Scenography 3D RealTime ART IN SPACE is the first european micro gravity research and creation studio ART IN SPACE accompany artistic creation on the borders of known worlds. And ask the question, how shall we create when we leave the earth? WELCOME to ART IN SPACE °°°

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

3 0 0 4
Orbite Inc Orbite Inc

We are the space experience company offering the best of astronaut training and space travel. Orbite is building a commercial astronaut training and spaceflight gateway complex. Orbite will provide an end-to-end customer experience, from pre-mission training, to preflight accommodations, day of departure preparation, mission monitoring during flight, and post mission accommodations, re-acclimation and mission debriefing.

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech

3 0 3 9
Groupe Kardham Groupe Kardham

Beyond Building Because real estate is not static, Kardham co-builds the future of cities, companies and organizations by mastering transformations. Whatever your sector of activity, we offer you an offer that integrates all real estate professions. Experts in consulting, architecture, space design, engineering and digital solutions, our 600 employees provide local support to more than 2,000 small and large projects per year to create sustainable and shared benefits. For Kardham, in France or internationally, a great operation is first and foremost a great story. #beyondbuilding More information: Architecture, Interior design, Real estate consulting, Change management, Engineering, and Connected building

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

59 10 55 412

Small Breton family group committed to a gourmet and responsible diet #BeGood2030 Jean Hénaff SA is a small Breton family group committed to a gourmet and responsible diet. Established since 1907 in Finistère and Ille et Vilaine, we create and prepare food products following a responsible approach with a positive impact called Be good 2030. We have three main branches: Jean Hénaff specialist in convivial moments (aperitif, BBQ, picnic). GlobeXplore pioneer of gastronomic algae and creative molecular cuisine. Kervern organic butcher-delicatessen-caterer workshop. With nearly 300 people committed on a daily basis, the Jean Hénaff Group works for the development of …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

55 13 44 111

A reference institution for your health! A reference institution for your health! The #GHBS is the 3rd public health institution in Brittany (after the 2 university hospitals). Located in South Brittany, it is the reference hospital of the health territory and offers a complete range of care and accommodation ✅ requirement, proximity, quality ✅ partnerships with health and medico-social sector players in the territory ✅ 5,000 professionals serving the health of the population ✅ 2,300 beds & places ✅ located on 12 sites ✅ support institution of the Territorial Hospital Group ✅ Institute for Training of Health Professionals & Health …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

15 3 6 406
GERPA - Groupe Ressources Prospective GERPA - Groupe Ressources Prospective

We have renewed the approach to foresight with our Collaborative Digital Platform for Foresight (#PNCP) GERPA (Groupe d'études Ressources Prospective) has been one of the leading French consulting firms specializing in the field of foresight and collaborative work for over 35 years. It is an independent company specializing in foresight consulting, prospective studies and foresight training. Human resources foresight, Collaborative work, Foresight training, Strategic foresight, Defense foresight, Territorial foresight, Foresight workshops, Foresight approaches for sustainable development, innovation, collaborative, and collective intelligence

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

5 0 4 6
French Society of Financial Analysts (SFAF) French Society of Financial Analysts (SFAF)

Au cœur de l'analyse financière et extra-financière The French Society of Financial Analysts (French: Société Française des Analystes Financiers (SFAF)) is the main professional organisation representing members of the French financial industry. It was created in 1961 and currently has over 1500 members, all of whom are financial professionals (financial analysts, portfolio managers, investment bankers...etc). SFAF is a member of EFFAS (Europen Federation of Financial Analysts Societies) and ACIIA (Association of Certified International Investment Analysts). SFAF plays a highly active role in the French financial markets by : 1. Bringing together investment and financial professionals using financial analysis techniques and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

69 6 62 60
Fédération des Entreprises d'Outre-mer (FEDOM) Fédération des Entreprises d'Outre-mer (FEDOM)

Serving the economic development of the Overseas Territories The FEDOM (Federation of Overseas Enterprises) is an association originally composed of the employer organizations of the Overseas Departments and then over the years of those of New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Mayotte, and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, with which the Construction Federations, Tourism Federations, Chambers of Commerce, as well as business associations have joined forces. The FEDOM thus brings together the most representative employer organizations corresponding to approximately 110,0000 companies in these territories, mainly in the fields of industry, commerce, services and partly in the agricultural field, and employing more than 600,000 employees. FEDOM represents …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

41 6 30 14
SpacEarth Initiative SpacEarth Initiative

Life on Earth passes through Space. 🌎 🛰️ Life on Earth passes through Space. 🌎 🛰️ We are SpacEarth Initiative, a unique coalition that brings together all the space industries of GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales). Our ambition? To promote a space of solutions, useful to the greatest number. Our mission? To make the invisible visible, and to illustrate the essential uses of space in terms of climate change, sustainable agriculture, connectivity, or even defense and security. And through all these uses, we wish to highlight the mobilization of a sector of excellence embodied by women and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech spacetech

20 1 20 1
ISTP ingénieurs ISTP ingénieurs

Future Inside ISTP, over 30 years of expertise in engineering training under employee status ISTP, a pioneer in its field, a national reference for engineering training, trains a third of apprenticeship engineers in the leading French industrial region AURA in partnership with prestigious schools: Mines St Etienne, Arts et Métiers. An ISTP bachelor's degree allows integration from the post-baccalaureate. The founding mission of ISTP is to support industrial companies by developing individual and collective skills, in particular through the training of specialized engineers. Due to its close proximity to the economic world, ISTP adapts its programs and the associated pedagogy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech industry 4.0

21 3 18 212

Collaborative ecosystem for major risk prevention & crisis management #smartcity #resilience #riskmanagement In France, each year, an average of 4,700 municipalities are recognized as being in a state of disaster. Faced with the effects of climate change and extreme events, local authorities are increasingly required to implement safeguarding actions in their territory. Through the analysis of multiple crises (Xynthia, Lubrizol, the COVID crisis or the Gironde fires, etc.), we note that many local authorities are having difficulty effectively implementing their crisis management plan. To address this, in 2017 we launched the Numérisk Project, a research program that led to the …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

18 2 9 10
Fenix Energy Fenix Energy

Iron fuel is the easiest way to store, carry & produce carbon-free energy anywhere, anytime. Fenix Energy brings to the world a revolutionary way of producing carbon-free & affordable energy : renewable metal fuels. The company is decarbonizing off-grid industrial energy which account for 20% of global CO2 emissions.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

10 2 6 6
Astroscale Astroscale

Safe and sustainable development of space for the benefit of future generations Founded in 2013, Astroscale is the global leader in on-orbit servicing, dedicated to the safe and sustainable development of space. The company delivers a variety of innovative and scalable on-orbit servicing solutions, including life extension, in-situ space situational awareness, end-of-life, and active debris removal. These solutions empower satellite operators to reduce risks, increase returns, and achieve mission success while fostering a sustainable space environment. Astroscale is also defining the economics of on-orbit servicing and collaborating with government and commercial stakeholders to develop norms, regulations, and incentives that promote …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Decarbonization

23 6 17 504
La French Tech Krakow La French Tech Krakow

The French touch of the Krakow start-up community Connecting the French and Polish startup ecosystems for partnerships and success stories!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

19 2 19 8
French Tech Artois French Tech Artois

A community committed to promoting start-ups in the Artois region French tech Artois is a grouping of innovative and dynamic startups from the Artois region and the cities of Arras, Lens and Béthune, united in an ecosystem aiming to stimulate the growth and development of these young companies 🐣. 👉 The aim of the association is to create a collaborative and sharing environment, where startups can exchange ideas, experiences and expertise. A wide range of resources and opportunities are here to support their growth, such as training, workshops and networking events 📚. All startups that want to grow and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

35 6 7 1
La French Tech Est La French Tech Est

La French Tech Est: the collective of entrepreneurs, startups, and tech actors in the Grand Est region. La French Tech Est one of the 17 @LaFrenchTech 🐓🇫🇷 Capitals. A collective of entrepreneurs and stakeholders for entrepreneurs. Initially recognized as a French Tech Metropolis in 2015 and later designated as a French Tech Capital in 2019, the La French Tech Est association is chaired by entrepreneurs who build actions, operations, and events for entrepreneurs and project leaders in the region. Our goal is to implement the necessary measures and programs to make startups in the region high-potential growth companies, creating employment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services entrepreneurship

79 14 75 17
Siradel Siradel

Together, let's accelerate the co-construction of a more connected, sustainable, resilient and inclusive world. SIRADEL – a subsidiary of the ENGIE Group – delivers digital technologies that accelerate the transition towards a more connected, carbon-neutral and resilient world that positively impacts our communities and the planet. Since 1994, SIRADEL has been leveraging expertise in geodata production, 3D modeling, digital twins, simulation and AI to help clients in telecom, industry, energy, and local and regional governments reach their sustainability and digital transformation goals. wireless network planning, Small Cells, Wi-Fi, Smart City, MIMO, 4G, Wireless 3D design, 5G, 3D city model, mmwave, …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city telecommunications transporttech Technologies: 5G Data Analytics IoT

53 12 46 155
Eiffage Énergie Systèmes Eiffage Énergie Systèmes

Join a company with a unique family spirit #EspritDeFamille​ Joining Eiffage means joining a company with a unique family spirit. We are looking for talents who value team spirit and mutual support. Talents who want to discover, progress, innovate in a collective committed to building a future on a human scale. We need your differences and your uniqueness because they are the wealth of a Group that gives everyone a chance. Joining Eiffage means joining a large company that has all the assets of a small one! __ Eiffage Énergie Systèmes is the brand of the Eiffage group's energy businesses. …

Type: Large company Activities: consulting energytech

58 25 33 14,073

Unlocking in-space mobility through customized electric propulsion, mission analysis software and operations support ⚡🚀 Over the next 10 years, a staggering 11000 new satellites will be launched; 90% of these are “Nano-Satellites”: they weigh less than 10Kg, cost under 100k$, and are revolutionising, and democratizing, access to space; most follow the first open-access standard in the space sector: the CubeSat standard. CubeSats are quickly acquiring new, varied and crucial functionalities: from high-speed communication networks, satellite internet, IoT, and earth observation, to space exploration. However, one last challenge remains a limiting factor: the lack of on-board propulsion. ienai SPACE, a newly-established …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: SaaS

6 0 5 27
NematX AG NematX AG

10x stronger than PEEK - >250°C heat resistance - inert material properties NematX AG is a Swiss startup specialized in additive manufacturing. Founded as a spin-off company from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in 2020, NematX aims to introduce the next generation in high-performance polymer 3D printing. Their "Nematic 3D Printing" technology allows for the production of high performance end-use parts which clearly outperform current benchmarks in polymer 3D printing. Target industries of NematX include Aerospace & Space, Medical, Electronics and all industrial applications where parts are exposed to harsh environmental conditions. 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing, High-Performance …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 deeptech Technologies: 3D Printing

4 0 4 8
Kreios Space Kreios Space

Kreios Space enables Very Low Earth Orbits thanks to an innovative Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion system Kreios Space is developing an electric propulsion system to revolutionize the satellite industry. With this technology we enable orbital keeping in VLEO (Very Low Earth Orbits) thanks to renewable energy. We make space applications easier.

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 1 5 12
UK Space Agency UK Space Agency

We boost UK prosperity, understand the Universe, and protect our planet and outer space. We boost UK prosperity, understand the Universe, and protect our planet and outer space. The UK Space Agency plays a major role in delivering the government’s National Space Strategy. We nurture a thriving space ecosystem – a network of investors, scientists, engineers, integrators, academia, and research labs – and a sector that generates an annual income of £17.5 billion and employs nearly 50,000 people across the country. Our staff include scientists, engineers, commercial experts, project managers and policy officials who: - catalyse investment to advance space-based …

Type: Public

42 17 28 182

We accelerate the most promising high-tech start-ups on their way from MVP to market entry. Powered by UnternehmerTUM. XPRENEURS is an incubator for high-tech start-ups by UnternehmerTUM ( based in Munich. We empower new high-tech businesses to shape the world of tomorrow. In our program, we accelerate the most promising high-tech start-ups in the pre-seed and seed stage on their way from MVP to market entry. Through our expertise and broad network, we help start-ups to validate their business model, win first customers and secure initial investments. Start-up Incubator, Industry 4.0, IoT, Mobility, Medical Technology, B2B Software & Hardware, Robotics, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city biotech edtech healthtech it services transporttech deeptech

43 5 39 35
SSC - Swedish Space Corporation SSC - Swedish Space Corporation

SSC is a global provider of advanced space services. We develop experiment payloads and provide rocket and balloon launch services at our unique facility Esrange Space Center. We also offer reliable access to satellites through our global network of ground stations. Furthermore, we provide engineering consulting expertise to all phases of our customers’ space programs. With extensive experience and a solid understanding of the rapidly changing space market, we tailor innovative and sustainable solutions to institutional and commercial customers worldwide. SSC covers the global market through its offices in Sweden, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, USA, Chile, Australia and Thailand, along …

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 2 7 684