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Digitanie, terroir numérique Digitanie, terroir numérique

Digital terroir Digitania, digital and united integrator Who are the first Digitanians? Digitanie, was born from the desire of 3 people to create an integration company, in the field of digital services. Digital coaching Our offer is intended to simplify the implementation of digital tools and optimize the use of IT for professionals and communities. Thanks to our mastery of the whole digital chain, we help our customers to: & gt; Choose the right solution to transform business performance. & gt; Master new tools and make investments in digital technology sustainable. & gt; Boost their image thanks to a digital …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

16 4 11 22

Using the sky to secure the ground ELDA (eLiDAR Drone Analytics) offers a preventative service to reduce the number of avalanche-related accidents, using drones to analyze the snowpack remotely and trigger avalanches. Its core business focuses on data processing software to obtain a complete map of avalanche risk zones. ELDA advocates innovation, simplicity, requirement and trust.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Drones Data Analytics

60 8 42 6
Infinite Orbits Infinite Orbits

Shaping the future of in-orbit servicing. Infinite Orbits is a NewSpace company that is revolutionizing In-Orbit Services with innovative spacecrafts powered by its Rendez Vous solution, an advanced autonomous vision-based navigation software. We design, own and operate ‘Servicers’ to provide innovative in-orbit services to satellite operators in geostationary orbit. Satellite Maintenance, Orbit Correction, Satellite Deorbiting, Life extension, GNC, Debris detection, and SSA

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: SaaS

25 6 22 59
Helexia France Helexia France

Energy transition accelerator Helexia supports the CSR strategy of organizations while achieving savings regardless of their level of maturity on the subject. On the strategic level with expertise combining buildings, activities and uses to define an energy master plan coupled with a multi annual investment plan and secondly by deploying energy efficiency or energy production programs before Establish a continuous improvement system in line with the ISO 50 001. Photovoltaic solar power plants, third-party investor on projects, integration of energy efficiency solutions, technical, financial, legal engineering, development, construction, photovoltaic shades for parking, photovoltaic center photovoltaic in roof, audit, energy performance …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech constructiontech Technologies: Solar Technologies

15 4 13 105

Unrivaled Direct Devices-To-Satellite Connectivity TERNWAVES has invented & developed a revolutionary connectivity technology for satellites (LEO/MEO/GEO) & terrestrial networks for IoT, Direct Devices-To-Satellite and messaging services. This fundamental technology solves the problem of capacity limitation of these networks, crucial for this massive market in full growth, while guaranteeing a breakthrough robustness to jamming & interferences, the ultimate long range with a very low energy consumption. This fully asynchronous connectivity technology is the ultimate solution for resilience of satellites connectivity services. For enquires, please contact us : IoT, Scalability, Reliability, LPWAN, LPGAN, IoT Connectivity, Wireless, Internet of Things, M2M, New …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: telecommunications deeptech Technologies: Geolocation IoT Wireless

23 9 5 5
eOdyn eOdyn

Ocean in Motion In Situ Ocean Surface Currents, Anytime, In Every Ocean. "Why install sensors aboard, when the ship itself can be the sensor" Discover the ocean's hidden details - without ever leaving port! At eOdyn, we're pioneering digital solutions for remotely monitoring ocean dynamics in stunning detail. Using machine learning and massive datasets, we transform streams of information into discoveries. For example, our innovative processing of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data from ships at sea allows us to derive high-resolution surface current maps. By analyzing AIS-based ship velocities, we filter out the component due to ocean flow - revealing …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Sensors

9 5 0 9
The Conversation Australia + NZ The Conversation Australia + NZ

An independent source of news and views, sourced from the research community and delivered to the public. The Conversation is an independent source of analysis, commentary and news from the university and research sector -- written by acknowledged experts and delivered directly to the public. Our team of professional editors work with more than 45,000 registered academics and researchers to make sense of the big issues of the day and share the latest research and breakthroughs. Business + Economy, Environment + Energy, Health + Medicine, Politics + Society, Science + Technology, Arts + Culture, Education, Job Board, Event Listing, and …

Type: Media

138 77 63 34
Embassy of France in Singapore Embassy of France in Singapore

The Embassy of France in Singapore was first established on 18th September 1965, to build diplomatic relations between France and Singapore. It is currently headed by Ms. Minh-di Tang, Ambassador of France to Singapore. The Embassy operates several services and offices, liaising with the relevant Singaporean bodies and responsible for different areas of policy such as Economics, Trade, Defence, Science, Education and Culture. Diplomacy, French living abroad, Public relations, Politics, Culture, Science, and Education

Type: Public

42 5 36 5

INFRARED DETECTORS BRING YOUR THERMAL CAMERAS TO LIFE LYNRED and its subsidiary US-based LYNRED USA are global leaders in designing and manufacturing high quality infrared technologies for aerospace, defense and commercial markets. Their vast portfolio of infrared detectors covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum from near to very far infrared. The Group’s products are at the center of multiple military programs and applications. Its IR detectors are the key component of many top brands in commercial thermal imaging equipment sold across Europe, Asia and North America. The organization is the leading European manufacturer for IR detectors deployed in space. Infrared detectors, …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech manufacturing spacetech Technologies: Sensors

29 13 16 225
Association Française d'Astronomie Association Française d'Astronomie

Let us share new horizons. Make you want and the means to discover the starry sky, the sciences of the universe Founded in December 1946, the French Association of Astronomy aims to give the greatest number the desire and the means of practicing astronomy. She publishes Ciel magazine & amp; Espace, the eponymous website, organizes many notable events such as the Night of Stars, the Meetings of Heaven and Space with the City of Sciences and Industry, the Festival of 2 Infinis, Expor'Espace, but also educational workshops and thematic internships, trips, astronomy, scientific mediation, education-training, scientific culture, and journalism

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 0 13 27
VINCI Construction Outre-mer VINCI Construction Outre-mer

#rejoitzloutremer Vinci Construction Overseas: an overseas reference company Vinci Construction Overseas exercise all the trades of construction, building, hydraulics, civil engineering, road works and earthworks in the overseas departments and territories: Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Reunion, Mayotte and New Caledonia . The historic anchoring of Vinci Construction Dom-Tom allowed him to become an important player in the economic and local fabric. Renowned in their respective territories, the subsidiaries of Vinci Construction Outre-Mer share a rich experience acquired over time through sites as complex as they are diverse. They were able to develop their expertise and know-how, valued by their membership of …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

8 3 8 168
CCR - Caisse Centrale de Réassurance CCR - Caisse Centrale de Réassurance

Public Reinsurer, CCR also develops high value-added services for its customers. Founded in 1946, CCR is a public reinsurer offering state-guaranteed cover against natural disasters and uninsurable risks to insurance companies operating in France, in the public interest. An expert in risk management, CCR has an AA rating (with a stable outlook) from Standard and Poor's. As a limited company 100% owned by the French State, CCR guarantees its partners solid, long-term partnerships. Réassurance, Réassurances de Marchés, Réassurances Publiques, Catastrophes Naturelles, Risques naturels, Climat, and Etudes

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

54 7 34 247
Mairie de Drancy Mairie de Drancy

◆ Geographic location ◆ Drancy is located northeast of Paris, just 14.3 kilometers from the center of the capital. Its location, in the heart of the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, the place in the immediate vicinity of the Bobigny prefecture, the Bourget airport, the Georges-Valbon departmental park and about ten kilometers from the Airport Paris area -Charles-de-Gaulle. ◆ Positioning ◆ Drancy is the 5th city of Seine-Saint-Denis with 69,600 inhabitants. The Ladoucette park is the main green setting in the city, with an area of ​​5.5 hectares. The city has the "Fleurie City" label 3 flowers and is labeled fair trade …

Type: Public

11 4 5 393
SECURE Systems & Services SECURE Systems & Services

The specific is our standard. Secure Systems & Amp; Services is a subsidiary of VINCI Energies specializing in technological solutions for cybersecized physical and digital safety. Secure contributes to a safer world by intervening on behalf of demanding orders, for OIVs, sovereign sites and critical sites. in France and internationally. Agile editor and a pragmatic integrator, Secure provides its customers with its teams of experts who shape keystand solutions: from the simplest to the most complex, the cutting edge of innovation. Secure develops and markets its own technologies: - Evolynxng: cybersecized access control and safety management solution, in accordance with …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

9 1 5 55
Styx4D Styx4D

Applied Research and Consulting in Geomorphology Styx4D is an applied research office and geomorphology advice (mountain, karst, torrential and river, archeology, etc.) which is at the science/management interface Geomorphology, 3D, and Cartography

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

12 4 6 7
Cluster Eau Lémanique Cluster Eau Lémanique

For the efficiency of the heritage resource of water and plants. The Lémanic Eau cluster - Evian is the promotion and economic development of the water sector and solutions allowing heritage preservation and the efficiency of the resource (water and plants). It is based on 4 strategic axes: intelligent use of water; Water, vector of energies; Vegetable engineering and water and biodiversity. Its action is to identify the projects of the territory, to collectively support members, to co-build suitable projects and to promote innovation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management greentech cleantech

14 5 10 7
ActInSpace ActInSpace

International Hackathon in space application co-organized by CNES and ESA. Operated by Telecom Valley and Pôle SAFE. ActInSpace® is an international innovation contest initiated by the French Space Agency (CNES) uniting over 100 cities across 5 continents. ActInSpace® is supported by ESA and the ESA Business Incubation Centres network. Telecom Valley, has been mandated by the CNES and ESA is in charge of the operational execution of ActInSpace® 5th edition. By taking part in ActInSpace®, you’ll be taking part in a truly international event bringing together entrepreneurs, students, job seekers, developers and creatives worldwide. For 24 hours, teams come together …

Type: Public

44 33 19 1
News Tank Education News Tank Education

News Tank Education is a 100% digital news organisation based in Paris-France. It provides real-time information to higher education leaders : news reports, data, interviews, expert analysis, and a directory of individuals and organizations from the higher education sector. Our services are available only by subscription. We operate without advertising, which guarantees the independence of the information produced. éducation, universités, grandes écoles, politiques publiques, innovation pédagogique, vie étudiante, gourvenance, EdTech, Formation continue, innovation technologique, recherche, and transfert de connaissances

Type: Media

64 14 48 27
JobIRL L'orientation In Real Life JobIRL L'orientation In Real Life

The 1st orientation network that connects 12-30 year olds and professionals to speak #professions #Stages #Stages Jobirl is the 1st orientation network that connects young people aged 14-30 and professionals. Launched in January 2013, the network has more than 150,000 members including 8,500 professionals. He invites professionals from all back to testify and make young people discover their professions in search of advice for their orientation. The 14-30 year olds contact them to meet them in real life: "Who better than a pro can talk about his job?". They can also exchange with other students to find answers on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

167 24 155 91
Vendée Globe Vendée Globe

Sailing around the world, solo, non -stop and without assistance. #VG2024 The Vendée Globe is to date the only sailing race around the world, solo, non -stop and without assistance. The event was part of the mind of the Golden Globe which in 1968 initiated the first solo, non -stop and three caps (good hope, Leeuwin and Horn). On the nine pioneers to set off in 1968 only one managed to return to Falmouth on April 6, 1969 after 313 days at sea, the British Robin Knox-Johnston. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston was thus the first browser to win a sailing race, …

Type: Event

54 33 16 52
Solar Foods Solar Foods

We are introducing a game-changing natural protein for the global food industry. #NextGenEU #NextGenerationEU Solein is a game-changing protein for the global food industry. Produced from air – CO2, water, nitrogen – and electricity, our unique natural single-cell proteins are not dependent on agriculture, weather or the climate. Creating the future of sustainable food with an unlimited diversity of proteins. #NextGenEU #NextGenerationEU

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

19 5 12 62
Wheere Wheere

The ultimate indoor geolocation solution. Wheere is a French deeptech company revolutionizing indoor geolocation. Our technology is the only one capable of covering a site of one square kilometer with just four transmitters. By leveraging unmodulated low-frequency waves and a unique algorithm, our solution penetrates even the densest obstacles, such as concrete walls, and offers a sub-meter accuracy. Founded in 2021 by Pierre-Arnaud Coquelin and Antoine Carrabin, Wheere successfully closed an €11 million seed round in July 2023. At Wheere, our mission is to make indoor geolocation as accessible as GPS—ubiquitous, affordable, and integrated into all B2C and B2B devices. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Geolocation Wireless

22 4 19 59
Gama Gama

Space exploration & interplanetary transportation space exploration and interplanetary transportation

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Solar Technologies

9 2 8 40
Zephalto Zephalto

The low-carbon journey to space in a stratospheric balloon. #DareTheDream The low-carbon journey to space. Zephalto redefines space travel standards through an environmental commitment and a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We offer low-carbon journeys to the stratosphere aboard Céleste, our pressurized capsule, allowing to reach 25 km above Earth in unparalleled comfort and safety. This 6-hour flight will raise awareness among 6 exclusive guests who will have the opportunity to observe the curvature of the Earth and experience the phenomenon of the “overview effect”. Our purpose: Touch people through an experience of beauty and a contemplation of infinity and nature. Zephalto also …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

22 8 16 23
Collective Thinking devient Ospi Collective Thinking devient Ospi

Collective Thinking is an innovative French company specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing applied to medical data analysis. The dynamics of new technologies and in particular Artificial Intelligence, combined with the constant increase of digitized medical data, are open up opportunities for all healthcare players. Collective Thinking’s Artificial Intelligence is today a proven system, with a large number of hospital sites where it has been deployed, proven and continuously improved. Our expertise is recognized in more than 150 public and private (for-profit and not-for-profit) hospital sites of all sizes. Analyse sémantique, Deep learning, Big data, Analyse de données, …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

46 1 16 10
PYTHEAS Technology PYTHEAS Technology

Smart Materials Solutions PYTHEAS Technology is a French company based in La Ciotat, specialized in the design and manufacturing of innovative piezoelectric devices. The company’s mission is to bring innovations and solutions to the main challenges of our society: the energetic transition, connected health or the New Space for example. PYTHEAS Technology uses its expertise in piezoelectricity to work on various applications including: vibration damping, underwater acoustics, smart sensors, electrohydraulic, energy harvesting... PYTHEAS Technology is particularly known for its high-efficiency piezoelectric generator designed and optimized for the particular requirements of renewable energies. This innovative technology to convert mechanical energy into …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials Sensors

11 5 9 20
Anywaves Anywaves

Space Antenna Makers Anywaves excels in designing, developing, and manufacturing high-performance space antennas. Our COTS range offers flight heritage and compactness for TT&C, Data Downlink and Navigation, along with state-of-the-art custom antennas. Serving clients worldwide, we exceed expectations with industry expertise and innovation. Trust Anywaves for top-tier antenna solutions that drive your mission's success. Antennas, S-Band, X-Band, GNSS, Custom antenna, CubeSats, Nanosatellites, SmallSats, GPS, Galileo, Satellites, Constellations, and Antenna design

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech drones manufacturing Technologies: Geolocation New Materials

31 6 29 55

EXPLORE THE CLIMATE Cimel (Cimel Electronique S.A.S) is established in Paris as an independent company for more than 45 years. This company has been forerunner in designing and developping the first automatic weather station solar powered in 1969 in Europe as well as the first automatic photometer Our company pursues its commitment for increasing growth focused on its specialized field: Disciplines of atmosphere studies and meteorology referenced partnership (NASA, INRA, CNRS, INSU). We offer products based on these exclusive technologies and specific solutions complying with customers most demanding needs Cimel products acquired world-renowned reliability and high quality. Cimel undertakes a …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 2 5 43
La TeleScop La TeleScop

Cooperative startup in #remote sensing, #cartography, support for pupublic #politics. Member @darkskylab @Spaticistess Telescop is a cooperative and participative company of remote sensing, cartography and support for public policies that meets the needs of public and private actors in acquisition, production, exploitation and recovery of spatialized data in the fields of the environment and development of the territory. remote sensing, mapping, public policies, environment, agriculture, regional planning, town planning, biodiversity, satellite image, GIS, spatial data, in situ data, research, r & amp; d, engineering, expertise, advice, training, communication, valuation, photo -Plestation, classification, governance, networks of actors, ecological continuity, evaluation monitoring, …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city Technologies: Data Analytics

28 7 25 6
Nordnet Nordnet

Our solutions open the world to you Connection, security, site ... Nordnet offers a whole world of internet solutions. We want to offer all our customers an exceptional experience by ensuring optimal quality of service. We make every effort to make everyone who wish, today or tomorrow, access new technologies, can do it simply, without any constraint and in complete safety. Domain name, satellite internet, internet adsl, internet wimax, antivirus firewall, referencing, development of mobile applications, website creation, alternative connections, parental control, fiber internet, wifimax, lte, 4G, satellite, and very high speed

Type: SMB Activities: telecommunications Technologies: Wireless

16 2 8 175

Space serving the Earth Platform of the ICube laboratory, within the University of Strasbourg, SERTIT aims to extract and to format information from image data produced by Earth Observation systems. Télédétection, SIG, Image satellite, Cartographie, analyse spatiale, Gestion des risques, Gestion des ressources, and Environnement

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech it services

23 6 16 23

Optics & Lasers Technology Center Founded in 2007, ALPhANOV is the Optics and Laser Technology Center of the Route des Lasers cluster, located in Bordeaux, France. ALPhANOV aims to boost innovation through collaboration between research and industry. It offers multiple modes of action which enable it to act all along the value chain: collaborative projects, feasibility studies, access to shared technical facilities, dedicated resources for companies and laboratories, technical support of entrepreneurship. It contributes to the creation and development of companies by providing innovative solutions that meet their expectations. It offers an array of services and products in optics and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

37 15 25 107
Groupe Absolut Groupe Absolut

Understand the earth - Conceive the future Cryogenic innovation at the service of decarbonation, reliability and control of energy infrastructure. For more than 10 years the Absolut group has been recognized for its capacity for innovation and unique know-how in multi-sectors cryogenics. With skills in complex cooling systems, our teams transform energy management and the deployment of alternatives to fossil fuels. Our cutting -edge cryogenic systems of technology improve production, distribution and energy use. cryogenia, liquefaction, helium management, project management, and cryogenic cooling

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

18 6 12 15
Nature En Occitanie Nature En Occitanie

Act together for nature in Occitania Nature in Occitanie (ex-nature Midi-Pyrénées) is an association of 1901 law created in 1969. Its headquarters is located in Toulouse and it has 2 departmental committees, one in the Hautes-Pyrénées in Bagnères-de-Bigorre and one in the Gers in Auch. With a dynamic volunteer activity totaling more than 3000 hours of prospecting, monitoring, participation in the development of public policies, environmental education etc ... It is based on college advice of 14 members and on a multidisciplinary team of 35 employees (é) s. Recognized in general interest, it aims to protect and enhance regional natural …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 4 11 40
IMS Networks IMS Networks

Women and men committed to create a sustainable and confidence digital economy. Created in 1997, IMS Networks is a French company which has given itself the mission of helping organizations optimize the performance of their exchanges and anticipate, detect and respond to cyber attacks. Our experts are involved every day in order to offer a set of advice, operating and surveillance services for networks and cybersecurity, ISO 27001 certified. We support organizations from different sectors: industry, food, chemistry/health, aeronautics, banking, services, it/telecoms, education & amp; Research, public ... Network, cybersecurity, accommodation, Internet, SOC, NOC, Off, advice, IP/MPLS, Optical network, Optical …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

33 4 26 91

At the heart of innovation: build the spatial future and contribute to sovereignty HEMERIA was founded with the idea that each nation should be able to access autonomous space and defense capabilities, for a safer, more sustainable and more equitable world. We help our customers to deploy their tactical missions in constrained environments responding to strong strategic challenges such as the protection of populations and territories, the dissemination/collection of information or even easier access to space. Defence, space, nanosatellite, cubesat, mco, EOTS, and maintenance

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech Technologies: Decarbonization

21 11 13 253
Alén Space Alén Space

Design, Manufacture and Operation of Small Satellites Alén Space provides cutting-edge technology for the manufacturing of small satellites and services for the development of end-to-end missions with CubeSats. Born as a spin-off of the University of Vigo, Alén Space has evolved to become one of the most recognized companies in the European space sector, as part of the GMV Group. Since 2008, our team has participated in multiple missions, always achieving a 100% success rate. During this time, Alén Space has worked closely with space agencies, companies, educational institutions, and high-tech centers worldwide, including the European Space Agency (ESA), the …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing spacetech Technologies: SaaS

12 3 9 86

SIXENSE/VINCI's design office dedicated to climate change adaptation of cities, territories, infrastructures RESALLIENCE is a design office dedicated to adapting projects, cities, territories, infrastructures and their uses to climate change. We offer to our customers advice and services concerning climate hazards and their impacts on territories and infrastructures/assets. RESALLIENCE delivers climatic vulnerability assessment, functional resilience modeling relative to assets and area, and to support the development of action plans to improve the resilience to climate change. RESALLIENCE has also developed a 2D/3D/4D GIS platform. It allows to visualize the impacts of the adverse effects of climate change at different scales …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

37 7 32 17
Symbiose Management Symbiose Management

Agissons ensemble pour la nature, décarbonons notre économie 🌳 Act together for nature, let's decarbonize our economy Envie d’avoir un impact positif sur l’environnement ? Créons ensemble la symbiose entre nature et épargne. L'objectif est de proposer le premier produit d’investissement négatif-carbone, concret et transparent. Notre solution utilise la technologie spatiale pour permettre à la finance durable de jouer son rôle et d'aider à la restauration de la forêt et sa biodiversité. Aux arbres citoyens! Do you want to have a positive impact on the environment? Let's create the symbiosis between nature and savings. The aim is to offer the …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

38 4 37 3

Energy is the question of the future for humanity and the planet! Naarea’s goal is to make the continuous development of human activities compatible with the protection of heritage and heritage of humanity that constitutes the climate of our planet. This purpose depends directly on energy. The achievement of the 17 sustainable development objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda is an absolute necessity for humanity (eradicating poverty, protecting the planet, guaranteeing prosperity).

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

56 10 38 197
QuantCube Technology QuantCube Technology

Big Data Analytics for Economic Intelligence QuantCube analyses billions of alternative data points in real time, using artificial intelligence and big data analytics to deliver insights ahead of the market – giving users an edge in their investment strategies. Today we are the global leader in macroeconomic intelligence nowcasting and in pinpointing macro regime change. Our vision is to become the standard point of reference for macroeconomic, sector, corporate and environmental intelligence. By delivering timely, comprehensive and actionable economic insights we empower users within financial institutions, corporates and public bodies to reach their financial performance and sustainability goals. Headquartered in …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Machine Learning Geolocation Data Analytics A.I. - Image Processing

43 20 18 701

Environmental biosurveillance by bee APILAB is an international design office specializing in environmental surveillance by the bee. We install hives in order to assess the quality of the environment and enhance the environmental policies of our customers. Apilab's unique technical expertise allows: - Evaluate the impact of human activities on the environment (Hap pollution, heavy metals, dioxins, particles) - Evaluate the state of health of bees in response to human activities - Evaluate the effectiveness of actions in favor of biodiversity at the local level - involve your stakeholders in your sustainable development policies Take part in the protection of …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

19 2 16 8
Estuaire Estuaire

A climate mission for aviation Estuaire aims to empower the aviation industry in reducing its environmental impact. Our data company is looking at all pollution factors of aviation: CO2, NOx emissions but also contrails and aircraft manufacturing. Airlines, lessors and carbon calculators get actionable metrics to reduce the impact of air transportation. Founded by ex-Airbus employees in Paris and backed by institutions such as XAnge and Station F, Estuaire actively hires talent sharing its mission to decarbonize aviation.

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

38 6 23 42
Colibri Talent Colibri Talent

Our mission is to contribute to employability, the evolution of organizations and the development of the professions of the future. Colibri Talent is a recruitment, advice to managers and outplacement that accelerates the transformation of your business. Founded by Isabelle Rouhan, who has built her journey over the past 20 years at the same time as the acceleration of the impact of digital, Colibri Talent offers a direct and confidence of the most sought -after talent. Human capital is a lever for the lasting success of a business, particularly in an environment constantly changing. Colibri Talent accelerates the transformation of …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech martech Technologies: A.I.

47 3 43 2
Delair Delair

A leader of aerial observations vehicles and high performance drone-based solutions for Industry, Security and Defense. Delair is a leading provider of drone-based high performance solutions that enable enterprises to monitor and collect, their physical assets from the air before they digitize them and turn the collected data into valuable business insights. Its hardware and software solutions are used globally by customers in industries such as utilities, construction, agriculture, transportation, mining and oil & gas as well as in the Security and Defense. With 13 years of existence, 30,000+ flight hours, 2 millions of km and more than 3,000 operational …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city drones it services Technologies: Drones Data Analytics

60 16 39 172

New Technologies for more Safety and Security Capitalizing 12 years of experience in Energy, Aerospace, Oil & Gaz fields, Nexess provides turnkey IOT solutions and supports its customers on their major digital transformation projects. Nexess design IOT solutions to optimize and secure industrial processes (Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Maintenance). By collecting new data, Nexess provides industrials with reliable indicators to increase their performance in terms of productivity, quality and safety. ➡️ Follow us: RFID, RFID products, Tags, Software, HF, UHF, Traceability, Metrology, Tools management, Sensitive products management, Aeronautic, Aerospace, Nuclear, Energy, Security, Harsh environment, Smart RFID cabinet, NexCap®, connected …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech it services Technologies: Wireless IoT

16 6 11 58
ThrustMe ThrustMe

TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE SPACE ThrustMe is a deep-tech company in the space industry, a one-stop shop provider of high performing in-orbit mobility solutions for customers across the globe. It offers a portfolio of disruptive, deeply integrated and smart in-orbit space propulsion solutions design to solve emerging challenges associated with the rise of satellite constellations. The company made the worlds first demonstration of an iodine-fueled electric propulsion system in space - an achievement the space industry has tried to reach for 60 years. The team is highly qualified and multidisciplinary with world expertise spanning from plasma physics and space propulsion to thermal …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

34 14 20 43

Reinventing human-machine interactions with AI character interfaces 🤖🦊✨ SPooN brings AI to life through digital characters for brands and companies. Whether you’re aiming to create memorable brand experiences, enhance user engagement, or simplify technology adoption, SPooN helps you redefine digital interactions with friendly, emotionally engaging, and multimodal visual interfaces. We have partnered with industry leaders across diverse sectors, including retail, hospitality, cultural institutions, autonomous vehicles, and urban equipment. From greeting the public in shared spaces to providing in-car assistance or acting as brand ambassadors on mobile applications, the possibilities for our characters are as varied as they are limitless. Robotics, …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. Sensors Robotics

29 10 19 26
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus Harwell Science and Innovation Campus

The UK's leading science and innovation campus. Harwell is the UK’s leading science and innovation campus – a unique community of leading scientists, engineers and innovators working together to solve the critical problems facing our planet. Over 7,000 people work in more than 250 organisations at Harwell and these numbers will continue to grow. Our collective goal is to make Harwell the world’s largest and most important location for scientific research, technological development and commercialisation. We are finding solutions for the big challenges of the future including the impact of ageing and growing populations, climate change and sustainability, space exploration …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech energytech

38 9 29 34
connected connected

Everyone, Everything, Everywhere Connected is determined to provide easily accessible connectivity for everyone, everything, everywhere. Our vision aims at affordably connecting humankind, unleashing a new wave of IoT-based business models, while improving citizens’ quality of life and contributing to bridge the digital divide.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

10 1 9 14
Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

Intergovernmental partnership working on Earth observations for research/policy/decisions/investment for planet Earth. Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is an intergovernmental partnership of 115 countries promoting shared and open data and information on Earth observations. The GEO community also includes almost 150 partners including research institutions, data providers, businesses, engineers, scientists to promote broad open data sharing to improve the state of our planet. earth observation, earth observations, open data, big data, sustainable development, disaster risk reduction, and climate change

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 4 18 56
La Gazette du Laboratoire La Gazette du Laboratoire

The laboratory gazette: scientific news and marketing solutions to boost your visibility! The laboratory gazette is a Newspapers Company Located in France. Scientific journalism, public and private laboratories, research and development, scientific news, scientific articles, research laboratory, biotechnologies, food, cosmetics, environment, equipment suppliers, service provider, technicians, researchers, engineers, professional event, scientific events, Scientific readings, research, pharmaceutics, sciences, laboratories, communication, marketing, and marketing digital

Type: SMB Activities: biotech agritech cleantech deeptech greentech

66 7 59 16
SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques

Bringing light to your custom, complex or extreme environment is the challenge we take up since 1951! French company founded in 1951, our mission at SEDI-ATI is to design and build turn-key solutions based on optical fibers to enable you to bring photons in any environment, whatever your constraints are! By extreme environments we mean: • High temperatures ranging from 125°C up to 600°C and even 1000°C • Low temperatures down to -273°C • High pressures up to 1500 bars for geophysics and even 5000 bars for detonics • Hermeticity down to 10-9/10-10 • High voltage dielectric breakdown up to …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech Technologies: Robotics Sensors

19 3 17 37
Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme

Iconic destination! Rebuilt under the aegis of Augustus Perret, Le Havre, founded in 1517 by François 1er, consecrated World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2005 for the quality and modernity of its architecture has always been in advance on his time. Monet and its "rising sun printing" painted on the quays of the port, opened the doors of the Pantheon of modern art. The Malraux museum can be proud to have the 2nd collection of Impressionist paintings in France after Orsay. The city has enabled big names to express themselves freely. Niemeyer, the builder of Brasilia, built the volcano, …

Type: Public Activities: traveltech

29 5 21 27
CIO Systèmes Embarqués CIO Systèmes Embarqués

Specialist in the development of tailor -made on -board systems We design, carry out and produce your tailor -made on -board systems. Particularly specialist in real -time constraints, video flows, signal processing or industrial equipment Our design office and our ecosystem allow us to offer you the complete or partial realization of your on -board products! = & gt; 💡Fisability = & GT; 🔬poc = & gt; 🛠prototype = & gt; 🏭Andustrialisation We put our know-how and knowledge available to companies of all sizes. Boarded, electronics, software, embedded Linux, Rtos, Drivers, Yocto, Openembeddd, Angstrom, Open Embedded, Isagraf, Soft PLC, IMX6, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Embedded Systems

4 2 1 12

A leading spintronics laboratory, bridging the gap between fundamental and applied research Positioned at the crossroad of science and technology, SPINTEC (SPINtronique et TEchnologie des Composants) is one of the leading spintronics research laboratories worldwide. Ideally located on the MINATEC campus in Grenoble, SPINTEC gathers physicists and engineers from the academic and the industrial world. It was created in 2002 and rapidly expanded to reach 100 persons including 38 permanent staff and about 40 Ph.D. students, post-docs and international visitors. It is affiliated with CEA, CNRS and Univ. Grenoble Alpes. SPINTEC aims to bridge fundamental research and innovative technology in …

Type: Incubators & VCs

17 2 10 64
Master Films Master Films

The partner of your audiovisual communication. Based in Toulouse and Paris, Master Films is the partner of your audiovisual communication. A major actor in Occitanie, Master Films accompanies you to enhance your image, tell your story and create emotion. So many looks, know-how and experiences that have been intended, for over 30 years, to enrich each audiovisual project and offer tailor-made support. 🤝 From the simplest production to the most elaborate, we accompany you from the design to diffusion. Our DNA is creative and technical. In our references you will constantly find great innovations, the use of real -time technologies, …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: Robotics VR

19 2 16 93
Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak

Better understand to better innovate, at the service of the patient and the company The Institute of Human Biomechanics Georges Charpak follows the Laboratory of Biomechanics (LBM) of the ENSAM created in 1979 and located on the Parisian campus of arts and professions Sciences and technologies. Biomechanics, research, industrial valuation, and teaching

Type: Public

15 1 12 14

Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot Curie Gathering around 740 people, the “Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie” (Laboratory of the Physics of the two infinities Irène Joliot-Curie) or IJCLab is a joint research unit of CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay and Université de Paris, located on the Orsay campus. The identify of IJCLab is centred on the “physique of the two infinites” and their applications, with a wealth of subjects related to these domains of physics. This is featured by the presence of strong scientific departments in well-established disciplines, of scientific departments related to emerging fields and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

8 4 5 143
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille

The Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) is a joint research unit (UMR7326) of the French National Research Center (CNRS-INSU), the Université d’Aix-Marseille (AMU) and the CNES. The LAM undertakes research in astrophysics, with about 55 researchers, 55 doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, and 90 engineers, technicians and administrative staff. LAM building is located on the Technopole of Chateau Gombert campus in Marseille, France. Astrophysics, Research, Education, spatial technical platforms, and Astronomical data center

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

12 2 7 130
MR21 Managers Responsables MR21 Managers Responsables

The community of responsible managers The MR21 network, launched in 2016, is intended to be the meeting place and exchange of the largest number of executives engaged in CSR to energize the reflection and the practice of "responsible management", at the service of a more economy Innovative, more competitive and more sustainable, by providing companies with theoretical and practical knowledge of these responsible management experiences. The MR21 is both a space to broadcast your reflections and practices via articles that you can publish on our site and a catalyst of meetings throughout the year around managers, Expert lighting, events …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

15 1 13 4
setec tpi setec tpi

setec tpi, a subsidiary of the setec group, with over 300 employees, participates in all civil works engineering projects, in sectors ranging from transport infrastructures, civil engineering structures, complex buildings to industrial facilities. setec tpi is a renowned partner of contracting owners and firms in part due to the quality of its engineers and services and its capacity to deal with the most complex subjects. Our ambition is to address all the aspects of a project, in terms of environment, architecture and technical design, in order to provide in all circumstances, a comprehensive and sustainable solution. Fields of activities: Bridges, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

30 4 26 349
ARTEMA-organisation professionnelle des industriels de la Mécatronique ARTEMA-organisation professionnelle des industriels de la Mécatronique

Mécatronique manufacturers Artema is the representative professional organization of mecatronics industrialists. Artema has 150 members who provide components, solutions, and systems from professions: Industrial sealing Fixations Mechatronics Linear bearings and guides Hydraulic transmissions Mechanical transmissions Pneumatic transmissions and automation Key figures: • 35,000 employees • Global turnover: 8 billion euros, 50% of which are export Artema is a member of the FIM (Federation of Mechanical Industries) and CEOS Committees CETOP, EIFI, Eurotrans and FEBMA.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

27 2 20 18
OSE Engineering OSE Engineering

Turning innovative ideas into success stories. At OSE Engineering, we live by our mission and that is to make people's work easier so that they enjoy what they do. Improving people's working life starts with our own company. Every single one of us come to work every day to do something we love. We build technologies and software we believe in - as well as a strong, diverse company of curious and creative people who want to help people do the best work of their life. Always Innovate. Innovation is the only true way to create value. We challenge the …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

16 2 13 46
Aldoria Aldoria

Protecting Space Assets Aldoria collects, processes and leverages space situational awareness data to protect critical assets in space. By actively monitoring space debris, satellites and derelicts, Aldoria helps operators and space agencies proactively avoid threats and adjust orbital paths. atmospheric break-up prediction, satellite constellation design, space propulsion, Telescopes, Space Situational Awareness, Space Domain Awareness, Space Debris Mitigation, Collision Avoidance, Optical sensors, Satellite Navigation, Orbital Mechanics, and Maneuver detection

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Geolocation SaaS

58 21 44 55
Water Data Water Data

Acquisition of robotic data and decision support for the water sector based on Big Data tools Data production and processing for the water sector Robotics, drone, bathymetry, and big data

Type: Startup Activities: water management Technologies: Data Analytics Drones Robotics

7 3 6 4
Weeroc Weeroc

High-end microelectronics design. Analogue and mixed signal photodetector read-out chips. Radiation hardened design. Weeroc is a spin-off company from Omega laboratory (IN2P3/CNRS, french governmental agency for fundamental research in astrophysics, particle physics and nuclear physics). Weeroc designs and provides analogue and mixed ASICs for industry. Our main customers are major actors in the following fields: Medical imaging Homeland security Nuclear protection Scientific instrumentation Space (launchers and satellites) Weeroc helps its customers with the following products and services: We provide on-the-shelf programmable analogue and mixed front-end ASICs for photodetector and particle detector read-out. We design dedicated ASICs for a customer and …

Type: Startup Activities: it services manufacturing uxtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

4 1 3 7
Botaki 🌱✨ Botaki 🌱✨

Children's games that change the world! 🌈 Exploration kits + 1 magic totem! 🌍 eco-designed and made in 🇫🇷 Botaki is the innovative brand that connects children to nature! 🌈 🌱 1 activity box every month ✨ 1 magic totem to communicate with the 🌱 🦊 1 colorful universe, with the Botaki tribe! 🌍 eco-designed & amp; Made in 🇫🇷 🧒 4-10 years old #impact #DNVB #education 👉 Discover Us on: 💌 US contact: Our studio is based in Paris. Education, Education Games, Eduainment, Hybrid Games, Interactive Design, Game Design, Video Games, Environment, Connected Objects, Gardening, Nature, Kids, …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech kidtech Technologies: IoT

24 9 17 5
Reuniwatt Reuniwatt

Solar radiation and cloud cover observation and forecasting . Reuniwatt offers innovative & patented solutions for cloud observation and cloud cover forecasting • Renewable Energy • Atmospheric Sciences • Defence & Space • Aviation and air traffic management Reuniwatt's products are: • Our patented all-sky imagers: All-Sky Cameras Sky InSightTM (infrared) and Sky Cam Vision (visible) • Our proprietary satellite-to-irradiance services in the SunSatTM line • Cloud Cover Forecasting services for research, space, defense and aviation applications We help you monitor and forecast the cloud cover and several cloud parameters with an unparalleled accuracy. Our expertise enables the solar industry …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech it services Technologies: A.I. Decarbonization IoT Solar Technologies

42 14 30 24
B SMART 4Change B SMART 4Change

The 100% economy channel The 100% economy channel

Type: Media Startup Activities: media Technologies: IoT

229 117 131 182
Womed Womed

This is a women's world Womed is pioneering innovative, safe and effective treatments to free women from challenging uterine pathologies: infertility, uterine bleeding, endometriosis.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

10 1 1 12
Orius Orius

Precision indoor farming for high-value natural ingredients Orius takes on the most ambitious projects of living organisms production in controlled environments, serving the sectors of beauty, health, space & food. Our mission is to bring technologies & know-how to industries in ecological and energy transition, for a performing, predictable production of food, molecules and materials of natural origins. Our credo : biological, technological and operational excellence for leading-edge cultures of plants, mushrooms, insects & micro-organisms.

Type: Startup Activities: agritech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

29 8 19 13
Descartes Underwriting Descartes Underwriting

A new generation of insurance that builds resilience against climate, cyber, and emerging risks Founded in 2019 to address the insurability of risks worsened by climate change, Descartes’ mission is to help companies and communities build resilience in a world at risk. Descartes is a global corporate insurance specialist working exclusively with brokers to protect their corporate and public sector clients against climate, cyber and other emerging risks. At the forefront of AI and data analysis, Descartes utilizes cutting-edge technology combined with data from world-class research institutions to model, assess and manage risks. Descartes boasts the largest team of scientists …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: insurtech greentech cleantech spacetech Technologies: A.I. - Image Processing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics IoT

50 16 36 212
OTAKAM by Proessa Sport OTAKAM by Proessa Sport

Analysing your performance has never been easier Founded in 2017, Proessa Sport is developing performance analysis applications for cyclists of all levels, health sports and e-Sport under the Otakam brand. Based on several innovations, including two patents from the French National Space Agency (CNES), Otakam benefits from the support of the ESA-BIC-SUD incubator of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the French Tech grant (BPI France). The company is located in Toulouse, in La Cité, the former Halles Latécoères converted into a site dedicated to innovation and startups.

Type: Startup Activities: it services

5 1 4 1
Toulouse Team (ex-Agence d'attractivité de Toulouse Métropole) Toulouse Team (ex-Agence d'attractivité de Toulouse Métropole)

Business, MICE, tourism, film office... one sole agency to promote Toulouse! Toulouse Métropole business, meetings & tourism development agency was brought in 2016 by the merger of Invest in Toulouse, Toulouse Convention Bureau, Toulouse Métropole Tourist Office and Toulouse Film Office. It's mission is to conceive and direct the marketing activity for the Toulouse area in order to bolster its national and international notoriety, seek out wealth and job creators and to improve the existing conditions for welcoming them. Toulouse is asserting its ambition to stand out on the international stage, to showcase its advantages and personality in order to …

Type: Public Activities: martech

16 2 13 47
Ambassade de France en Pologne Ambassade de France en Pologne

French Embassy in Poland / Ambasada Francji W Polsce The French Embassy in Warsaw represents the French government in Poland. Under the authority of the ambassador, she manages many aspects of Franco-Polish relations and represents French interests in fields as diverse as the economy, culture or public service for French nationals in Poland.

Type: Public

18 2 14 35

EU Space Surveillance and Tracking Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) is part of the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) component of the EU Space Programme, adopted by the European Union in 2021 with the Regulation (EU) 2021/696 of the European Parliament and of the Council. This Regulation foresaw the creation of an SST Partnership composed of 15 EU Member States – Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden. The SST Partnership and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) work together to develop the European SST Capability. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: spacetech

5 1 4 5
Skywin Skywin

Aerospace cluster of Wallonia (Belgium) SKYWIN Wallonia is a R&D competitivity cluster for Air, Space, Drones, Defence and related engineering services, based in Rue de Rodeuhaie 1, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Wallonia, Belgium. Drones, Engineering, Space, Networking, and R&D projects

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech

20 7 1 55
Consulate General of France in Houston Consulate General of France in Houston

French Consulate in Houston. We represent France in TX, AR, OK France is represented in the United States by the Ambassador in Washington, D.C., and by 10 Consul Generals posted throughout the country. The consulate general of France in Houston is one of these consular posts. It covers Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Additionally, the consulate general in Louisiana defers to the consulate general in Houston for its consular affairs. The Consulate is responsible for protecting French citizens, either permanent residents or temporary visitors: crisis management in close link with local authorities in the case of health issues, natural or industrial …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 4 10 37
Consulate General of France in Los Angeles Consulate General of France in Los Angeles

The Consulate of France in Los Angeles is in charge of French interests in 5 Southwest states of the U.S. The Consulate General of France in Los Angeles is in charge of French interests in Southern California, Southern Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico. Our LinkedIn Page focuses on the Business/Economic side of our mission. If you need any administrative support, please visit our website You can follow us on the following social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:

Type: Incubators & VCs

11 3 8 33
CLS Group (Collecte Localisation Satellites) CLS Group (Collecte Localisation Satellites)

For Earth, from Space CLS is a global company and pioneer provider of monitoring and surveillance solutions for the Earth, created in 1986. We are subsidiary of the French Space Agency (CNES) and CNP, an investment firm. Our mission is to create innovative space-based solutions to understand and protect our planet and to manage its resources sustainably. CLS employs 1,000 people at our headquarters in Toulouse (France) and in 32 other sites around the world. The company works in five strategic markets: sustainable fisheries management, environmental monitoring, maritime surveillance, mobility, and energy & infrastructures monitoring. CLS processes data from 100,000 …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech spacetech Technologies: Geolocation Drones

60 24 48 666

Innovative Electronic Solutions TRONICO is specialized in the design and integration of electronic systems for high added-value equipment, throughout their life cycle. In addition to its core EMS business (Electronic Manufacturing Services), it has also established itself as an ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) in the development of complex electronically-dominant systems. The company is organized into “business units” which meet the requirements of the specific markets they address: Aeronautics, Alternative Energies, Biomedical, Defense & Security, Energy, Industry, Railway and Electronic Technology. This optimized organization enables technological, technical and functional synergies between markets.

Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing Technologies: Cybersecurity

64 12 61 395
Hangar Y Hangar Y

Unique heritage and cultural site for the general public and corporate events. Mythical aeronautical site, in the heart of nature, the hangar invites you to explore, by the gaze of artists, universal, contemporary, scientific and technological themes. Pasters between art, science and nature will evoke many subjects and challenges: flight, air, ecology, marine ecosystems, the dream of travel, space conquest, the world of living, the world From tomorrow, new technologies, innovations and major discoveries. Whether under the large nave of the hangar, of the Eiffel type, in the immense park that surrounds it or the different places of animation and …

Type: Media

16 6 10 34

Compact, dynamic and precise mechatronic solutions for demanding environments. Cedrat Technologies SAS ( is a high tech SME specializing in high performance mechatronics: - Smart Actuators : Actuators & motors based on piezoelectric materials, EAP, ultrasonic effects, - Smart Sensors : Magnetic, magnetostrictive, piezoelectric sensors, transformers or generators ; Force, Torque, Position, Speed, contactless sensors. - Mechatronic systems : Multi-dof mechanisms ; nano micro positioning ; motion control ; Active control / damping of Vibrations ; Vibration (Ultrasonic or sonic) assistance to process ; Proportional valves ; Fast injectors ; active / smart structures ; electro acoustic transducers ; sono …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing spacetech Technologies: Sensors

25 6 23 78

"Electronic Systems" expertise at the service of the innovation of your products and your production processes The Cap’Tronic program, carried out by the Jessica France association, was founded 30 years ago by the CEA (police station for atomic energy and alternative energies) and Bpifrance (public investment bank). The mission of Cap’tronic, as an expert in recognized electronics, is to support French companies in the digital transformation of their production products and processes thanks to connected electronic systems. It is implemented by a team of 15 engineers, spread across the national territory, as close as possible to local businesses and benefits …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

123 63 46 18

De notre expertise naissent les idées du futur EASii IC is a Design House specializing in the design of Analog, Digital and Mixed-signal integrated circuits, as well as the production of Electronic Boards and FPGAs. Founded in 2002, EASii IC designs custom products and components, from small to large volumes, for various markets, including aeronautics, space, defense, consumer electronics and medical. We are involved in the entire design chain, right through to delivery of your product. Our Design House carries out all or part of your ASIC project. Our experts carry out technical and financial feasibility studies, architecture, specification, analog …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech nanotech Technologies: Semiconductors IoT

16 2 7 119
LAB'S 214 LAB'S 214

Product design, strategy & innovation studio LABS 214 – Product design, strategy & Innovation studio At LABS 214, we believe that design and innovation are the best tools to shape a meaningful future. We don’t just follow trends: we anticipate them and transform them into concrete opportunities for our clients. Our approach is based on a forward-looking, collaborative and human-centered vision. What we do: 🔹 Anticipate and structure the strategic vision – Identify emerging trends and analyze new uses to help companies get ahead of the curve. 🔹 Innovate and experiment – ​​Deploy new approaches to rethink economic and operational …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech Technologies: SaaS

24 5 23 4
Novaspace Novaspace

The Global Leading Consulting Firm in the Space Sector Welcome to Novaspace! Euroconsult and SpaceTec Partners unite to create Novaspace, the premier global consulting firm in the space sector. This strategic merger brings together the distinctive strengths of both entities, significantly amplifying our international presence and service capabilities. Novaspace is dedicated to delivering an integrated value proposition crafted to meet the dynamic and evolving demands of the global space industry. Our mission is to empower decision-makers within the public and private sectors with strategic and technical insights, enabling them to navigate and seize new opportunities within the rapidly evolving space …

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech

44 8 34 220
So good So good

For a better world So Good is a committed and independent media group to highlight those who work for a better world. So Good is available through a magazine, audio (radio / podcast), digital content and a festival engaged in Marseille. Contact us to join the movement!

Type: Media

46 15 39 39
Centrale Lille Alumni Centrale Lille Alumni

The association of graduates and students of Centrale Lille Institute The missions of Centrale Lille Alumni: & gt; Be a mutual aid and confidence network & gt; Promote the professional and personal development of its members & gt; Develop the influence of Centralians

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

32 0 29 1
Agdatahub Agdatahub

Trusted third-party data intermediary for the agricultural sector. Agdatahub is the trusted third-party data intermediary dedicated to the agricultural sector with its #consent digital identity and #exchange data exchange solutions. In support of these solutions, Agdatahub provides operational consulting services related to data (project management, technologies, marketing) to support agricultural and agri-food industry players in the use of digital technologies. Data, Stratégie digitale, Dataviz, Développement, Web, Application mobile, and Agriculture numérique

Type: SMB Activities: it services agritech Technologies: Data Analytics

42 13 34 5
Cyber'Occ Cyber'Occ

CYBER’OCC aspires to the protection of Occitania organizations and to strengthen the cybersecurity ecosystem. Cyber'OCC aspires to the protection of Occitania organizations and the strengthening of the ecosystem, by supporting the resilience of regional organizations in the face of the Cyber ​​threat, by accompanying the organizations victims of cyberattacs as well as developing the influence of regional actors cybersecurity.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

33 15 15 7

Personal service company based on Reunion Island

Type: Startup Activities: consumer services

9 3 7 7

IT Laboratory in Image and Information Systems | UMR5205 IT Laboratory in Image and Information Systems

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech

18 8 1 363
CryptoNext Security CryptoNext Security

Post-Quantum Crypto Agility CryptoNext Security is a European software vendor based in Paris, an industry leader in quantum-proof cryptography (PQC) solutions. Our vision and the solutions we are developing are designed to manage the complete lifecycle of post-quantum migration, including the phases of discovery, remediation, and management. Founded in 2019 after 20+ years of academic research within the prestigious INRIA, CNRS and Sorbonne University, CryptoNext Security is identified by Gartner as part of its Top 5 in PQC and is, to date, the first European company selected by NIST's NCCoE group dedicated to the best PQC migration practices. We are …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

18 14 8 27

GEOSPATIAL INTELLIGENCE: 🌍Earth Observation Data📍Location Intelligence 📊 Geoanalytics We with companies to help them find new uses and added value for their temporal-spatial data lakes. We developed and published an open-source solution - ARLAS - for geospatial big data exploration and analysis. ARLAS provides quick and easy access to huge volumes of data. Quick to set up, modular, and efficient, it can be adapted to any information system. ARLAS is an innovative and powerful solution based on big data technologies. Using ARLAS allows our clients to concentrate on their business, gain in efficiency with regards to data exploration and analysis …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

13 2 12 10
OpexNews OpexNews

🛰 Watch over the defense industry and military issues | Remember to activate notifications🔔 🇫🇷 OPEXNEWS is a "tool" of watching on military issues and the defense industry. "The force of the city does not reside in its ramparts or in its vessels, but in the character of its citizens." Follow OPEXNEWS on Twitter 👉 Military, Army, Defense, Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Aeronautics, Opex, Industry, BitD, Aviation, Drone, Geopolitics, Defense, Army, Sovereign, Diplomacy, Technology, Innovation, Cyber, FrenchTech, and Deftech

Type: Startup Activities: military spacetech drones Technologies: Drones Cybersecurity

43 3 41 1

Remote sensing cutting edge technology and developments GRASP Earth is a company dedicated to r&d in Earth Observation (EO) remote sensing and Environmental Sciences. Our main objective is to conceptualize, develop, and implement advanced techniques across the entire EO value chain to improve the understanding and monitoring of the atmosphere and Earth's surface. We utilize advanced algorithms and computing tools, with a special focus on air pollution. One of our key innovations is the GRASP algorithm, standing for Generalized Retrieval of Atmosphere and Surface Properties, which enables better interpretation of satellite and ground data, providing detailed information on atmospheric and …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

30 6 12 26
Look Up Look Up

360 ways to enable space Look Up is a pioneering company specializing in space situational awareness (SSA), space domain awareness (SDA) and space operations services. Our mission is to ensure the sustainable use of space by providing advanced solutions that protect and optimize satellite operations. By combining cutting-edge radar technology, data analytics, and innovative software, we deliver real-time insights that enhance the security, safety, and efficiency of space operations. Our proprietary platform, SYNAPSE, enables governments, defense organizations, and commercial satellite operators to monitor and manage their assets in orbit, preventing collisions and improving space traffic management. At Look Up, we …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: SaaS

26 12 18 44
stellar // stellar //

We connect what drives you Our mission: We bring digital life to vehicles and passengers through the best internet and deep data intelligence. 👇 In practice: We are developing a full suite of products and services for the land mobility sector (cars, camper, buses, trucks, trains, tractors, shuttles), capable of combining the very best of cellular, Wi-Fi, and satellite networks to enable persistent in-vehicle digital services, as well as enhancing automated driving and road safety for #Automotive and #Transportation, while also offering unprecedented connectivity solutions to our #Enterprise and #Government customers. Stellar is headquartered in Bordeaux, France and was founded …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech it services Technologies: Wireless

52 9 45 26