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Dolist Dolist

Pour vous inscrire à la newsletter 👉 Dolist, Data specialist & Email Service Provider since 2000, supplies email production, audit, consulting services and training courses in Data Driven Marketing. Our main goal: assist marketers to maximize their digital strategy and increase the ROI of their campaigns. Dolist also supplies marketing / transactional emails and SMS sending technologies which go with offering data acquisition, enrichment and exploitation (scoring, personalization, automation, analytics...). More information : Data Digital Marketing, emailing, e-mail marketing, data marketing, fidélisation, marketing direct, campagnes sms, délivrabilité, email, stratégie emailing, email transactionnel, trigger marketing, routage, api emailing, data, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

32 9 19 65
La Note Globale La Note Globale

The overall note: a note to better choose your products and actions Ferme France is a non-profit association engaged in improving the societal performance of products from sectors and agricultural markets (animal welfare, traceability, nutrition-health, environment, contribution to the French economy, performance of the channels , contribution to the common good). Agriculture, consumption, collective, production, distribution, nutrition, and health

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

24 5 17 7
Le Point Le Point

Faites le point sur l'actualité et lisez le journal en avant-première. ⬇️ 1€ le 1er mois : A general information French news magazine, based in Paris, France. It relied on its ability to redefine the genre. It modelled itself closely on magazines owned by other news magazine : Time Magazine and Newsweek. It is currently owned by François Pinault. Presse écrite and Presse web

Type: Media

314 177 189 630
Les Echos Les Echos

Find on all economic and financial news in France and worldwide, discover exclusive analyzes, special files, decrypts, chronicles and large formats.

Type: Media

651 459 238 1
Agglo Lens-Liévin Agglo Lens-Liévin

Public establishment for inter -municipal cooperation at the service of 36 municipalities representing more than 245,000 inhabitants. With more than 245,000 inhabitants divided between 36 municipalities, the Lens-Liévin (CALL) agglomeration community, chaired by Sylvain Robert, works to build the future and improve the living environment of users. With more than 200 agents in the service of the inhabitants, the Agglo intervenes in the following areas: economic development and regional planning, environment, valuation and collection of waste, housing, heritage, sport and culture, water and sanitation. Join the CALL, a community offering its employees a great opportunity to involve in ambitious projects. …

Type: Public

35 15 28 151

Reference Federation of the Solidarity Private Sector In Health The FEHAP, present since 1936 in all the fields of social protection, is the reference federation of the private health sector in health. It brings together more than 5,000 members, working within more of 1,500 managers. These associations, foundations, congregations, mutuals, supplementary pension organizations, provident ... employ nearly 280,000 employees, or nearly 12% of salaried jobs in the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS). Its flexibility combining private management and public service places its establishments and services at the cutting edge of innovation and research. His governance, from civil society, is disinterested. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

75 28 53 1
CFA numiA CFA numiA

#Success Alternation Excellence by alternation Created and managed by renowned companies (Air France, AXA, BNP Paribas, Capgemini, CGI, Ekino, Expleo, CDC IT, Société Générale, Sopra Steria, Thales, Viveris), CFA Numia supports high level alternating young people , in close partnership with higher education. Its vocation is twofold: meet the needs of companies in IT and digital skills and allow young people from all walks of life to integrate professional life with real responsibilities. The CFA Numia offers computer and digital training in Bac+2 (B.U.T./B.T.S.) In Bac+5 (Master, Master, MSC) in partnership with schools and universities among the most famous: High …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

43 5 38 105

You [in] Train, transform yourself! Created in 2009 by Pierre-Yves Sanchis, Youmatter is a free media and a leading training organization in France with citizens and collaborator on ecological and social transitional subjects. 👉 Our goal? Give you the keys, to you citizens and collaborator to act and transform society! We accompany you thanks to: - Information, both via our media but also by accompanying the structures to be communicated internally and externally on CSR issues (creation of content: videos, podcasts, writing articles, newsletter and watch), - training to support citizens and employees in their skills rise, Coaching and change …

Type: Media

54 14 40 10
France Villes et territoires Durables France Villes et territoires Durables

The French Association of Stakeholders of Sustainable Territories France Sustainable cities and territories (FVD) is the French association of stakeholders in the sustainable city. FVD brings together, in the general interest, local communities (leaders and associations), companies of all sizes (French but also TPE groups), the State (mainly its specialized operators) and the city's experts (in Private national professional organizations) to advance the sustainable city in France and internationally, in a balanced partnership. It is first of all a place of sharing and meetings with a vocation of general interest between all the actors of the sustainable city. By its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

112 25 105 14
WanSquare WanSquare

Decryption and analysis of all economic and financial news in real time Les Echos Group - Le Parisien Wansquare is a pure player media without advertising that deciphers economic and financial news every day. Les Echos- Le Parisien group since 2021 Distributed to the leaders of the main French and foreign companies and the highest bodies of the public administration, Wansquare makes its information exclusively available to its subscribers. On the program every day from Monday to Friday: - The Morning Brief at 7 a.m. and the 10 digits of the day at 12:15 p.m., - appointments, exclusive articles, analyzes …

Type: Media

104 9 97 12

#Infojeunesse Created in 1969 on the initiative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the CIDJ (Center for Information and Youth Documentation) is an association that welcomes, informs, advises and supports young people on all the subjects that interest them: Studies, professions, orientation, projects, international and European mobility, health, jobs, housing ... The CIDJ is organized around 4 main missions: Public welcome and information (information and advice, tailor -made activities and workshops, telephone response, moderation of Jcomjeune forums) Edition (Current-Cidj, Practical Guides, Trades Cards, Cidj Carnets,,, information flyers, communication media ...) Documentation (documentary watch, production of a youth …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

109 14 93 100
20 Minutes France 20 Minutes France

The daily media of the French and French Created in 2002, 20 minutes is an independent information publisher held in equal parts by the Sipa-Ouest-France group, publisher of the first paying French daily newspaper and by the Rossel group, the first Belgian French-speaking press group. It is the only major French media independent of any financial, industrial or commercial group. Its audience brings together 20 million readers per month, more than 80% on digital media. Mobilized in the fight against false information, the editorial staff of 20 minutes obtained the labeling of the very limited IFCN Network. The company published, …

Type: Media

136 97 11 495
News Tank Education News Tank Education

News Tank Education is a 100% digital news organisation based in Paris-France. It provides real-time information to higher education leaders : news reports, data, interviews, expert analysis, and a directory of individuals and organizations from the higher education sector. Our services are available only by subscription. We operate without advertising, which guarantees the independence of the information produced. éducation, universités, grandes écoles, politiques publiques, innovation pédagogique, vie étudiante, gourvenance, EdTech, Formation continue, innovation technologique, recherche, and transfert de connaissances

Type: Media

64 14 48 27

Reference information on CSR transitions - ESG, Environment, Sustainability, Governance and Sustainable Finance Reference information on environmental and social transitions Information - News, CSR, data, sustainable development, extra -financial valuation, ESG, CSR reporting, sustainable finance, responsible finance, ISR, extrafinancier reporting, circular economy, decarbonation, duty of vigilance, responsible purchases, environment, watch CS Environment, Sustainability, CSRD, ESRS, Duty of Vigilance, CS3D, CSDDD, and Environment

Type: Media

89 6 86 8
Police nationale Police nationale

First domestic security force in France, we fight every day against all forms of violence. More than 150,000 women and men, police, administrative, technical and scientific staff, contract workers as well as reservists are at your service to intervene 7 days a week and 24 hours a day throughout the territory. We are at the heart of society to protect this precious good that is public peace. Our commitment is total. Our priority missions: - Ensure the safety of people, property and institutions - Fight against crime, great delinquency and trafficking - Protect the country against external threat and terrorism …

Type: Public

56 32 24 6,038
Alternatives Economiques Alternatives Economiques

For independent information of economic and financial powers. Since 1980. For independent information of economic and financial powers. Since 1980. News, information, Economy, Politics, Europe, Globalization, Education, Labor, Employment, Pensions, Family, Solidarity, Health, Environment, Sustainable Development, ESS, International, and Geopolitics

Type: Media

90 47 14 74
Xerfi Canal Xerfi Canal

The audiovisual review of the economy, strategy and management Xerfi Canal is the online audiovisual review on the economy, strategy and business management Day after day, independently, Xerfi Canal deciphers economic policies in their French and international context, the impact of technologies and innovations on production systems, management and labor relations, their consequences on national strategies and that of companies. A virtual think tank, generator of ideas In a world in full geopolitical, technological, societal and entrepreneurial upheaval, the ambition of Xerfi Canal is to reconcile intellectual requirement and circulation of knowledge. To bring together the disciplines of the economy, …

Type: Media

34 14 21 3
Greenworking Greenworking

Leader in new, powerful, efficient and inclusive working dynamics Consulting office and qualiopi certified training organization, Greenworking supports cultural, managerial and social transitions of more than 65 % of CAC40 companies and public actors. Our raison d'être: allow everyone to give the best of themselves within a high-performance and durably committed collective. Our mission: to enlighten your decisions and support you to implement them for: • Make the employee experience more engaging • Enrolling managerial, cultural and social operating transitions • Optimize the working environment in its 3 dimensions: place, time, governance To make Greenworking your partner is to benefit: …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

42 3 26 39

The ready-to-rest vegetable garden and other innovative #LowTech solutions for urban and peri-urban agriculture #FoodTech #bio Your vegetable garden installed in 20 minutes on your lawn. The company offers a vegetable garden suitable for the tastes of family members and delivered directly to your home. No need to dig, to know the Latin vegetable name, planting dates, or the choice of varieties to succeed!

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

47 4 48 2
Council of the European Union Council of the European Union

27 EU governments making decisions together in the European Council & the Council of the EU. Learn, participate, share. The Council is the main decision-making body of the European Union; it is composed of the ministers of the Member States. — The Council of the European Union passes laws (usually legislating jointly with the European Parliament). — The Council coordinates the broad economic policies of the Member States. — The Council defines and implements the EU’s common foreign and security policy, based on guidelines set by the European Council. — The Council concludes, on behalf of the Community and the …

Type: Public

114 77 18 2,248
Ecological Accounting Chair Ecological Accounting Chair

For nature and people to count This scientific chair is the result of a partnership between higher education institutions (AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Dauphine, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardennes), companies (LVMH, Compta Durable, CDC Biodiversité) and the Île-de-France organization of l'Ordre des Experts Comptables. Its objectives are to develop, model, promote and experiment with strong sustainability accounting, to put accounting systems at the service of an ecological transition. Contact: Twitter:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

21 1 7 9
Caf-Allocations familiales Caf-Allocations familiales

CAF by your side Family allowances are first of all a network made up of the National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) and 101 CAF divided throughout French territory (metropolitan area and overseas). Family allowance funds, better known by the general public under the CAF name, are private law organizations, invested with a public service mission. Alongside families, couples and single people, our ambition is to participate in national solidarity and fight precariousness. Our missions: - Assist all families to reconcile family, professional and social life - Work for better access to rights - Fight against social and territorial inequalities …

Type: Public

134 72 52 78

Innovative, moving, interaction and open trades to a wide variety of profiles in New Aquitaine Want to join us? Discover the many career prospects available to you within the network of agricultural chambers A plurality of field trades Innovative professions, moving professions, interaction professions and open to a wide variety of profiles exist in the network of chambers of agriculture ... Become a collaborator of Nouvelle-Aquitaine Chambers of Agriculture and work with farmers to help them meet the challenges of economic, social and environmental performance on a daily basis.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

6 4 3 41
Agence Erasmus+ France / Education & Formation Agence Erasmus+ France / Education & Formation

The Erasmus+ France / Education Training Agency manages, promotes and communicates about the Erasmus+ programme for the sectors of school education, vocational education and training, higher education and adult education. The Agency also manages several European schemes such as Europass, Euroguidance, EPALE and AEFA, and evaluates the impact of the Erasmus+ programme in France with the publication "Notes de l'Observatoire Erasmus+". Based in Bordeaux, the Erasmus+ France / Education Training Agency employs 160 staff members. For further information:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

50 26 19 410
L'Opcommerce, opérateur de compétences du commerce L'Opcommerce, opérateur de compétences du commerce

In the service of trade skills of tomorrow Oppommerce is the Alternation-Competance Partner of Trade Companies, 20 professional branches. Approved by the State, Oppommerce has 450 employees at the service of 160,000 members, who employ 1.7 million employees. On a daily basis, the Oppommerce teams, present through 13 regional locations, nearby support the performance of companies and contribute to the professional development of employees, in synergy with employment-training players. Oppommerce is also present in four overseas departments and regions (DROM): Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Reunion. Through the professionalization contract, the apprenticeship contract, but also pro-A (retraining or promotion by work-study), oppommerce …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

52 14 42 469
Hellowork recruteur Hellowork recruteur

Our job stops where yours begins. Our job stops where yours begins. On this page, you will find tips, tutorials, interviews, webinars ... for business recruiters of all sizes. VSEs/SMEs, ETIs and large groups. HELLOWORK RECRUMOR is the reference page of the HR universe of the HELLOWORK GROUP, the 1st private employment player in France. Join the community! Dissemination of offers, CVTHèque, recruitment platform, application management tool, employer brand, HR programmatic, sourcing on social networks, recruitment events, and cooptation

Type: Media

29 3 27 N/A

Succeed in the turn of your digital transformation Digitall Conseil is a consulting firm and a training organization at the service of the digital transformation of companies & amp; organizations. Our multidisciplinary team is positioned as a real conductor of your digital transformation and supports you from the definition of your new strategy to pilot its realization according to a proven method with diversified TPE/SME/ETI actors in all economic sectors. Located in Bordeaux and forts of an experience of more than 10 years we put all of our know -how to design, organize and build the success of your digital …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting e-reputation

54 4 53 8
France Culture France Culture

Actor of cultural life and media in motion, France Culture always spreads more broadly the pluralism of ideas, the richness of knowledge and the abundance of creations. Information newspapers, news lighting, debate, knowledge magazines, cultural news and heritage, fictions, documentaries: France Culture offers its programs in various formats and on all supports. Radio, digital antennas, paper review, public events and co-editions, as much access to the content of France Culture, for the greatest number in line with all uses. Media, culture, heritage, knowledge, ideas, creation, information, news, debates, knowledge, fiction, documentary, digital, global media, edition, and events

Type: Public

57 45 13 398

Welcome to the M6 ​​JTS page, here, reports on the economy, business and the world of work. Find here the best of our reports and chronicles on the business world, the economy, the world of work ... media, information, news, reports, economy, general information, television, business, world of work, and consumption

Type: Media

155 87 13 48
Audencia Audencia

Never Stop Daring - L'audace comme moteur de l'engagement de l'école À propos d’Audencia Fondée en 1900, Audencia se positionne parmi les meilleures Ecoles de Management européennes. Régulièrement classée dans les premiers rangs mondiaux par le Financial Times, elle est accréditée EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA et fait partie du cercle très fermé des Business Schools détenant cette triple accréditation. Première Ecole de Management en France à adhérer à l’initiative Global Compact des Nations Unies, signataire de leurs Principles of Responsible Management Education, Audencia s’est très tôt engagée à former & guider dans leur développement de futurs managers et entrepreneurs responsables. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech edtech fintech hrtech

153 43 117 1,129
Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée

It is together that we will make a job a right! The “Zero -Uso -Terre -Termant -Termant” project was focused for its start -up phase by ATD Quarter in partnership with Secours Catholique, Emmaüs France, the Civic Pact and the Federation of Solidarity Actors with a will that operational conduct This project can then be carried by an ad-hoc organization. The association "Territories zero long -term unemployed" was created on October 7, 2016 to take over from the action and demonstrate that it is possible at the scale of territories, without significant cost for the community, to propose to Any …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

53 20 22 74
Huglo Lepage Avocats Huglo Lepage Avocats

"Full Services" office in environment and public law, pioneer in environmental law. "Full Services" firm in environment and public law, pioneer in environmental law, Huglo Lepage Avocats reinvents himself and incorporates a large collaborative open innovation ecosystem. Public and private affairs law, environment and health, industrial environment, industrial and natural risks, energy and climate, and adaptation to the new economy

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech legaltech Technologies: Decarbonization

19 1 15 15
Symbiose Management Symbiose Management

Agissons ensemble pour la nature, décarbonons notre économie 🌳 Act together for nature, let's decarbonize our economy Envie d’avoir un impact positif sur l’environnement ? Créons ensemble la symbiose entre nature et épargne. L'objectif est de proposer le premier produit d’investissement négatif-carbone, concret et transparent. Notre solution utilise la technologie spatiale pour permettre à la finance durable de jouer son rôle et d'aider à la restauration de la forêt et sa biodiversité. Aux arbres citoyens! Do you want to have a positive impact on the environment? Let's create the symbiosis between nature and savings. The aim is to offer the …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

38 4 37 3
Webikeo Webikeo

Webikeo, the expertise platform that connects professionals through the best webinars. Webikeo is the 1st site that offers you to attend free online conferences led by experts on themes such as: - Marketing - IT/Tech - Finance - Rh & amp; Training - Professional and staff development - Right - Management - Btp & amp; Energy - Industry - Trade and sale - Business strategy No software to install, no time: it's simple, fast and free. Do you want to organize webinars? Go to Webinair, webinar software, webikeo, videoconference, content marketing, webinar, and inbound marketing

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

58 20 38 51
Gymlib Gymlib

Find Your Balance. Gymlib offers a sport and well-being subscription for employees giving access to 5,000 partner sports halls throughout France and Belgium. It alternates between tennis, boxing, indoor soccer, yoga, fitness, climbing, golf, etc. With this offer, Gymlib supports companies concerned with improving the well-being and quality of life at work of their teams and allows them to work on the employer brand, commitment and health prevention. Leader in France, Gymlib has more than 2,000 customers. Startups like Deliveroo, Payfit, Qonto, Openclassrooms, Doctolib, but also consulting firms like PwC, Deloitte or large groups such as Carrefour, SNCF, Danone, Pernod …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

37 11 26 112
WeRide WeRide

Transforming Urban Living with Autonomous Driving Established in 2017, WeRide (NASDAQ: WRD) is a leading global commercial-stage company that develops autonomous driving technologies from Level 2 to Level 4. WeRide is the only tech company in the world that holds driverless permits in China, the UAE, Singapore and the US, conducting autonomous driving R&D, tests and operations in over 30 cities of 9 countries around the world. WeRide has operated a self-driving fleet for more than 1,800 days. On October 25, 2024, WeRide was officially listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the ticker symbol "WRD", and became the …

Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Image Processing Robotics

21 3 15 322
A2 Consulting A2 Consulting

The Responsible Council A2 Consulting is a multi-specialist and completely independent organization and management consulting firm created in 2000. A2 Consulting is committed to companies to increase their operational performance and support the transformation of their organizations, in compliance with social and environmental values. Key data: • 140 employees • 11 partners • € 19 million in turnover (+ 20 % growth per year for 3 years) • Independence: 100 % of the capital is held by partners • Valuation of individual routes: 50 % of partners started at the rank of consultant at A2 • Training: 4 % of …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting greentech regtech cleantech fintech Technologies: Data Analytics

15 3 12 192
Groupe Chimirec Groupe Chimirec

Chimirec manages your waste as close as possible to your needs Management of hazardous and non -dangerous waste: collection, grouping and valuation Waste collection, valuation and recycling, circular economy, garage waste, automotive waste treatment, waste diagnosis, printing waste, and organic degreasing fountain

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech civictech

6 2 1 399
M&M Conseil M&M Conseil

Public Affairs - Institutional Relations M & Amp; M Council has specialized in the organization of institutional events and in public affairs council for more than 25 years. Closer to French and European institutions, we organize key meetings between public, private and institutional actors. Public affairs consultancy, institutional communication, Evenementiel, and public relations

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

110 8 106 10
AGS Movers AGS Movers

You deserve the best AGS Movers has been in operation since 1974 and has established a global network of 147 locations across 100 countries worldwide. For over 49 years we have pioneered innovative and original moving solutions. Our world-wide presence allows us to provide door-to-door services to and from any location in the world, while still assuring excellent service delivery. In addition, we also have a network of 300 accredited partners around the globe. Our stringent management systems gives us superior control of all processes including client communications, client follow-up and the correct handling of goods. We also provide our …

Type: SMB Activities: telecommunications

3 1 3 916

Taxis G7, European taxi leader, connects its customers with a fleet of more than 7,700 vehicles thanks to an ultra-performance geolocation system. An unavoidable player in urban mobility, Taxis G7 offers vehicles adapted to the needs of its private and professional customers: Familycab with babies, Maxicab for group trips, Greencab for environmentally friendly trips, WiFi and iPad on board Many business club vehicles for demanding business customers. Expertise, efficiency, innovation, multi-frame control: so many assets that allow Taxis G7 to carry out more than 14 million races each year. Transport of people, technology, mobile, internet, and innovation

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Wireless

20 5 16 716

The group of economic, social and environmental transformation In the service of employment, work and the economy of territories Alpha Group is an expertise and consulting group specializing in social relations and local development. He is the specialist in employment solutions, co-constructed with social partners and local authorities. Today, the group occupies a unique place and intervenes with all actors in social and territorial dialogue: staff representatives, companies and public actors. In 30 years, the Alpha group has changed its historic profession of assistance from staff representatives to invest all fields in the employment chain, incorporating health and safety challenges …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

69 2 64 882
Maison de l'Emploi et de la Formation des Pays Voironnais et Sud Grésivaudan Maison de l'Emploi et de la Formation des Pays Voironnais et Sud Grésivaudan

The House of Employment welcomes, informs and advises nearly 4,500 people and 700 companies each year. It brings together in a single set several tools and devices for employment, training, orientation and insertion, a guarantee of dynamics, efficiency and economy of scale. Jobs, Local Mission, Plie, Employment Development, HR support, training, professional integration, social integration, sustainable development, recruitment, and companies

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 1 0 28
MR21 Managers Responsables MR21 Managers Responsables

The community of responsible managers The MR21 network, launched in 2016, is intended to be the meeting place and exchange of the largest number of executives engaged in CSR to energize the reflection and the practice of "responsible management", at the service of a more economy Innovative, more competitive and more sustainable, by providing companies with theoretical and practical knowledge of these responsible management experiences. The MR21 is both a space to broadcast your reflections and practices via articles that you can publish on our site and a catalyst of meetings throughout the year around managers, Expert lighting, events …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

15 1 13 4
ObsAR Observatoire des Achats Responsables ObsAR Observatoire des Achats Responsables

Promote and implement responsible purchases Obsar, association law 1901, is the only French think-tank dedicated exclusively to responsible purchases. Our missions: Mobilization and information Active contribution to standardization work (ISO 20,400) Proposal of amendments to legislative texts Publication of methodologies, practical guides and responsible purchasing newsletters Awareness of private/public buyers and players in the economic world and CSR Organization and animation of conferences, conferences, workshops and working groups Sharing and support Animation and management of working groups bringing together members and experts Exchanges and identification of good practices Support and mobilization of operational teams of our members Evaluation and measurement …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

16 8 9 7

Practical news of the self -employed, creators and leaders of VSEs and SMEs. Netpme is an online service company for TPE-PME creators and managers. Netpme offers real help to the patterns of small structures often alone in the face of a complex economic, social and fiscal environment in perpetual change. Mission: save time with business leaders, offer simple and professional tools, loans to work, to be up to date with the obligations that weigh on the company and gain in efficiency. Our value -added services are centered on: - free access to more than 1000 practical and thematic sheets updated …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

39 6 32 4
BDO France BDO France

BDO, 5th global audit and consulting network, is present in 135 countries and brings together nearly 48,800 people. In France, our teams support you through a large offer of audit services, financial advice and accountant, regardless of the size of your business or its sector of activity. Audit, advice, accountant, transaction services, social expertise and HR advice, legal, tax, GDP, finance, innovation, start-up, risk management, financing, cybersecurity, and atmp

Type: SMB Activities: fintech privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity

53 7 49 1,350
Keljob Keljob is the first independent job search site. The idea was born from simple observations: how to gain efficiency in its prospecting and quickly assess opportunities? How to easily meet qualified candidates and highlight your job offers? With, a new search mode was born, allowing candidates to go around the job market in 3 clicks. Every day, they simply access the announcements published by more than 440 sites (institutional, job sites, business sites, recruitment firms and temporary work companies). Keljob is now essential as a major director of e-recruitment, with several million job offers visualized each month. With, …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: Geolocation

24 14 5 39
Kirae Kirae

La gamification au service de vos ressources humaines Kirae uses gaming as a training tool to develop soft skills. From schools to companies, we raise awareness and empower people on their soft skills, with mobile games to set the skills in motion, cognitive scores for objectivity and Open Badges for easy promotion. EdTech, Jeux vidéo, Soft skills, Formation professionnelle, Gamification, and Formation

Type: Startup Activities: games

44 6 42 6

Innovation for sustainability 3WAYSTE SAS is a French company specialized in sorting, recycling and valorizing household waste. The 3WAYSTE technology is a novel, patented solution capable to process a 100% of mixed waste and achieves an unprecedented 90% of waste recovery and valorization. Déchets Ménagers, Tri des déchets, Recyclage, Valorisation, Economie Circulaire, Municipal Household Waste, Recycling, SRF, Compost, Recyclables, and Waste Sorting

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing

28 0 21 7
B SMART 4Change B SMART 4Change

The 100% economy channel The 100% economy channel

Type: Media Startup Activities: media Technologies: IoT

229 117 131 182
Ethics & Boards Ethics & Boards

The leading Independent Governance Intelligence and Advisory services provider Ethics & Boards is a trusted governance intelligence and advisory firm We offer advanced benchmarking, scoring, and advisory capabilities in governance and board issues to a range of stakeholders, including corporates, funds, and stock market operators. Our proprietary governance databank has made us a reference data and insights provider for a number of institutions. Founded in 2010, Ethics & Boards is born from a belief that effective governance unlocks value for all stakeholders. Our services include : For Corporates : • Board Evaluation • Board Effectiveness • Governance Intelligence and Benchmarks …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Data Analytics

91 11 81 16
Chaire Attractivité et Nouveau Marketing Territorial (A&NMT) Chaire Attractivité et Nouveau Marketing Territorial (A&NMT)

Chaire universitaire de l'IMPGT, et chaire de territoire. Organisatrice du Place Marketing Forum Chaire universitaire de l'IMPGT La chaire « Attractivité & Nouveau Marketing Territorial » est une « chaire de territoire » dédiée à l’attractivité et aux nouvelles pratiques du marketing territorial dans le monde. Elle est donc fortement orientée vers l’innovation dans les différents métiers du développement et du marketing territorial : diagnostic et stratégie, structuration et qualification de l’offre, stratégie de prix, branding, commercialisation, communication, plan d’action opérationnel, gouvernance et animation des acteurs. Parce qu’elle considère que c’est une condition de son efficacité et que toutes les …

Type: Public Activities: martech

48 9 41 8
European Investment Bank (EIB) European Investment Bank (EIB)

The EU Bank supports sustainable investment for people and the planet and works to improve lives. We provide finance and expertise for sustainable investment projects that contribute to EU policy objectives and make a strong impact on people’s lives in Europe and beyond. The EU's bank The EIB is the European Union's bank. We are the only bank owned by and representing the interests of the European Union Member States. We work closely with other EU institutions to implement EU policy. A major player As the largest multilateral borrower and lender by volume, we provide finance and expertise for sound …

Type: Incubators & VCs

197 130 52 4,773

🔶 National Agency for improving working conditions | French Agency for Improvement of Work Conditions Intervention and capitalization, implementation of public policies, transfer of methodologies, support for innovation, prevention of professional risks, improvement of working conditions, quality of life at work, social dialogue, prevention of professional risks, and professional equality

Type: Public Activities: hrtech

101 56 40 164
BL évolution BL évolution

Consulting office for your ecological transition: CSR digital climate Biodiversity Mobility Circular Economy Advice and support in CSR and sustainable development strategy. Managing your business is a long process based on a continuous improvement process. The corporate social responsibility must become the real column of the company so that it can have a truly sustainable and relevant development whether in economic, social or environmental terms. This continuous improvement approach can be represented by a cycle of progress, a real virtuous circle for the company and comprising 4 key stages: - The definition of a strategy - the implementation of the …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

76 20 57 92
Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment

Really really designs concrete solutions with those & amp; Those who defend the general interest & amp; common goods We are a design agency: we help repair general interest services by imagining and producing useful, practical and beautiful things. We are carrying out concrete projects with those who produce the common good on a daily basis in public services, the companies of the social and solidarity economy, associations, actors of the urban factory and mobility ... With you, we produce: - attentive places favorable to sociability, conviviality and citizenship - new professional and citizen practices that simplify action and give …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

106 18 91 51
France compétences France compétences

National authority for financing and regulating vocational training and apprenticeship France Skills is the only national government in vocational training and learning. Created on January 1, 2019, by the Professional Avenir Law of September 5, 2018, France Skills's mission is to ensure the financing, regulation, control and evaluation of the vocational training and apprenticeship system. Its action promotes the development of skills, the acquisition of certifications as well as equal access to vocational training of all assets. Professional training and apprenticeship, regulation, professional certifications, financing, evaluation, and learning

Type: Public Activities: edtech

15 12 6 97
Hospimedia Hospimedia

Online media independent of health decision -makers The Hospimedia group is developing online services for professionals in the health, social and medico-social world. Find our opportunities on: Hospimedia covers news from health territories. His journalists cover general, technical and regulatory news in the health and medico-social sectors in real time. Find out more: Agency Staff is the group's online recruitment activity: it provides job offers from its customers, puts candidates and recruiters in touch on the health and social professions, and offers its recruiters a recruit Specialized audience and a constantly updated CV base. It publishes the Staffsanty …

Type: Media SMB Activities: hrtech healthtech

98 16 78 48
adista adista

Telecom. Cloud. Cybersecurity. 24/7 Adista, an operator of accommodated services, has established itself in a few years as the specialist in IT services offered to SMEs and communities on very high speed networks. Adista's strengths: his sharp knowledge of the needs of organizations; Its ability to associate two professions, the integration of systems and telecoms; Its innovative offer, based on a new generation information system. Adista contributes to the success of its customers by offering them a wide range of IP (access to broadband Internet access, IP telephony, unified communication, virtual private networks, integration of nomadic users, remote office, application …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

55 19 29 747
EducPros EducPros

News in the world of higher education. 🎓 Educpros is the first free news site dedicated to education and higher education professionals. On, editorial journalists offer you decrypts, perspective, analyzes of trends and issues of education and higher education. Educational, international, research, higher education, education, education professionals, and education professionals

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

41 4 37 7
Centrale Lille Alumni Centrale Lille Alumni

The association of graduates and students of Centrale Lille Institute The missions of Centrale Lille Alumni: & gt; Be a mutual aid and confidence network & gt; Promote the professional and personal development of its members & gt; Develop the influence of Centralians

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

32 0 29 1

L'entreprise de référence du Management de Transition en France et à l'International. X-PM is a front-ranking player in transition management services, providing large, mid-size and investment companies with management support to meet the following challenges: > Manager vacancies: On-the-spot recruitment of CEO, HR Manager, CFO, CIO, Purchasing/Supply Chain Manager, Project Manager etc. > Transformation projects: - Performance improvement, turnarounds - Divestments, integrating acquisitions - International development. > Crises: - Regaining control during an operational, human or financial crisis - Replacing an executive at short notice X-PM fulfils these missions by drawing on: > An international pool of several hundred highly-qualified …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

68 6 61 81
Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier

Created in 2005, the business of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm is solely focused on two specialised areas: literary and artistic property (copyright, neighbouring rights, database producer rights), and digital law (IT contracts and litigation, liability of intermediaries, personal data, e-commerce, e-reputation, etc.). With the cooperation of Valérie-Laure Benabou, Professor of Law (PhD), and of Benjamin Jean, Open Source/Open Data technical consultant, a structured team of six lawyers is at the service of the firm’s clients, which consist of large international groups, SMEs, government departments, public authorities and institutions. The firm has built up a reputation in all traditional media …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech e-commerce e-reputation Technologies: SaaS

11 2 10 15
Apave Certification Apave Certification

With Apave Certification you are recognized! APAVE Certification is a recognized and independent organization (third party) specialized in certification engineering. Apave Certification is based on a network of qualified, internal and external auditors, spread across the whole national and international territory. Apave Certification intervenes both on voluntary certifications and regulatory certifications. Apave certification benefits revolve around 5 major axes: - Management systems - SKILLS - Products - Services - Labels / Evaluations Do you want to create your own repository or your own label? It is quite possible! APAVE Certification also offers an engineering service service. You will work with …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

12 2 10 106

Outsourcing at the service of managing your training. Rhexis, outsourcing at the service of managing your training A specialist in the outsourcing of training management, Rhexis takes care, according to your needs, the logistics, administrative, accounting and tax components of the training plan. Rhexis also supports HRD or training manager in the design and management of the training plan. Occasionally or over time, Rhexis leu allows: - to reduce and control training management costs - to restore to the training service its role as an internal partner by discharging it from administrative tasks - to strengthen the management of …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

26 3 20 37
RésidSocial RésidSocial

Solidarity host Residsocial is a solidarity host who acquires and renovates prefecture hotels to make them accommodation residences of people in emergency. Our 3 missions: 👉 offer a home, by the complete renovation of acquired hotels and the creation of common spaces; 👉 Create social ties by the presence of a residmanager (super guard), the establishment of residence delegates and the creation of festive moments and sharing; 👉 Facilitate social integration thanks to the implementation of perennial partnerships to meet the priority needs of people housed (food aid, hygiene products, support for parenting or employment, etc.). Residsocial benefits from the …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech

15 2 14 20
Artips Artips

Your daily culture bubble A company of the social and solidarity economy, Artips has been working since 2013 to reduce cultural inequalities by disseminating large -scale knowledge. Our free newsletters on arts, music, sciences, sports and eco (the economy, but by the prism of sustainable development!), Followed by more than 800,000 subscribers, make us first Online cultural media in France. Not bad, right? Our conviction: telling stories in a way and fun thanks to tools accessible to all is the best way to transmit knowledge. So we launched the micro-learning platform (online learning in small doses) of general and civic …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

58 18 36 36
Zenride Zenride

Boost your employer brand with a new free social advantage: the Vélotaf by Zenride. Boost your employer brand with a new social advantage: the Vélotaf by Zenride. Vélotaf is a free social advantage for employers who allow employees to ride with the bicycle of their dreams saving at least 30%. Vélotaf is the advantage that has a lot of advantages: - Attract the best talents - Loyalage your employees - Reduce absenteeism - Reduce your carbon footprint - Save parking Saint-Gobain, Safran, Veolia, Caisse d'Epargne, Allianz and more than 500 other large groups, ETI and SMEs have already chosen to …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

53 8 49 56
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

We are the provider of the world’s most widely used standards for sustainability reporting – the GRI Standards GRI is an independent international organization that has pioneered sustainability reporting since 1997. GRI helps businesses and governments worldwide understand and communicate their impact on critical sustainability issues such as climate change, human rights, governance and social well-being. This enables real action to create social, environmental and economic benefits for everyone. The GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards are developed with true multi-stakeholder contributions and rooted in the public interest. Follow GRI on Twitter Facebook: Global Framework for sustainability reporting, Certified Software …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

61 13 36 289
topics topics

Strategic and operational support for internal transformations Strategic and operational support for transformations Since 2018, topics have supported their customers in the main stages of their transformation. Centered on the human and HR component of these transformations, Topics brings a strategic vision as much as operational support. Around him and his team, Bruno Mettling brought together a high -added ecosystem: nearly 80 independent experts, partners and a network of startups specializing in HR technologies. This agile organization makes it possible to effectively approach the complex challenges linked to the internal transformations of companies. Topic experts are distinguished by their significant …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: A.I.

31 5 26 33
Nouveaux Systèmes Energétiques, Comité Stratégique de Filière Nouveaux Systèmes Energétiques, Comité Stratégique de Filière

Renewable energies, storage, networks and energy efficiency The new energy systems, a strategic sector committee, works to give greater industrial dimension to the energy transition in France. Organized around structuring projects to give a greater industrial dimension to the energy transition, it brings together State, manufacturers of the energy transition, union organizations, communities and associations around shared priorities for which specific actions are defined and implemented jointly. These structuring projects are acted in the sector contract, common roadmap of all players in the sector over the next 2 years. Launched under the impetus of the State and the large groups …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

76 20 66 22
Sonergia Sonergia

SONERGIA, specialist in the valuation of Energy Economies Certificates (EEC). Established in Marseille since 2009, Sonergia is part of a sustainable development approach by supporting energy suppliers, called obligated, in achieving the objectives of reducing global energy consumption that their ministry for transition sets them ecological and united. By relying on the system of energy savings certificates (EEC), set up by the government and on a network of partners and construction professionals recognized RGE, SONERGIA advises energy consumers (individuals and professionals of all sectors) and participates in the financing of their energy renovation work. Discover our services! Energy savings certificates …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

58 6 56 152
XPair XPair

The n ° 1 media of energy and environmental performance is the referent support for climate and energy engineering. XPAIR offers marketing solutions in climate engineering, renewable energies and technical equipment. 100% Energy Performance Communication The density and the quality of technical information from the XPAIR portal is a preponderant asset to enhance marketing-client in the field of energy performance. Professional tool made by professionals, XPAIR is used mainly by prescribers and installers. News, energy performance, regulations, techniques, CVC, joinery and openings, structures, insulation, communication, media, and content experts

Type: Media

33 3 26 4
Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE) Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE)

Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Aix-Marseille School of Economics combines a research unit (UMR 7316), a graduate school, and an outreach department. AMSE takes an innovative and original approach to the fundamental concerns of our societies. Research and teaching -at Master and PhD levels- are carefully combined to train a new generation of economists capable of dealing with all the challenges of a world in crisis, capable of putting their knowledge of economics to work for citizens and policy-makers. AMSE plays an essential role in disseminating knowledge to the general public on economic issues through its outreach department, Sharing and its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 2 10 52
Inspection générale de l'environnement et du développement durable (IGEDD) Inspection générale de l'environnement et du développement durable (IGEDD)

Advise the government: Ecological and energy transition, town planning, housing, mobility, water, biodiversity ... The General Inspectorate of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the#Igedd is responsible for advising the government in the fields of the environment, mobility and transport, the development and development of territories, housing, town planning, city policy, climate change, biodiversity and sea ... These activities are materialized by writing studies reports (expertise, evaluation, decision -making, prospective), opinion and inspection reports in the fields of its field of competence. Ecological transition, biodiversity, transport and mobility, town planning, housing, and energy transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech smart city greentech

18 0 18 N/A
Défi métiers Défi métiers

Ile-de-France carif-ear, public interest group at the EFOP service in Ile-de-France Defi business challenge, the Carif-earref Ile-de-France, supports the operational levels of public employment, training and professional orientation policies in Ile-de-France for more than 20 years. Specialist in offer and vocational training needs of the Ile-de-France region, Challenge Métiers intervenes in several areas: ♦ ️ Understanding the system of sectors, trades and territorial issues employment/training/orientation; ️ Professionalizing and equipping jobs for employment/training/orientation; ♦ ️ Inform about vocational training and training offer; ♦ ️ Observe the skills, training and employment needs of the Ile-de-France region. Propelled by ~ 45 employees/trices engaged …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

64 2 63 26
Qualiview conseil Qualiview conseil

Market research analyst specialising in the training sector Qualitative research and consulting in sales and marketing specialising in the training sector. We also train and advise trainers to integrate new pedagogies. Publications in Revue du Digital and other online publications specialising in the training sector (Centre Inffo, le Quotidien de la formation, Actualités de la formation et Défi-métiers) and in Human Resources (myRHline). Formation, Qualiopi, stratégie, certification, organisation, Rs, RNCP, Etudes, and marketing

Type: SMB Activities: edtech fintech

73 1 71 3
Centre Inffo Centre Inffo

A place of resources, analysis and information on vocational training and apprenticeship, Center Inffo is an association under the supervision of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue. Center Inffo designs and disseminates at the national level of services, products and information, expertise and training on training: news, law and practices. He is the privileged interlocutor of public authorities and professional training players. With more than 90 employees, Center Inffo brings together lawyers, documentalists, specialists in training practices, journalists, publishing and multimedia professionals. Professional training, guidance, training law, formacode, public service, training engineering, training practices, advice, certification …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

48 14 40 133
Asselin Asselin

Restauration de menuiserie & charpente d'exception Asselin est une entreprise de charpente, menuiserie, ébénisterie et ferronnerie spécialisée dans la restauration du patrimoine historique. Constructeur de l'Hermione (Rochefort-sur-Mer), l'entreprise a son siège basé à Thouars (Deux-Sèvres) mais est implantée aussi à Paris, La Réunion et Atlanta (USA). Asselin Inc. is established in Atlanta, GA with more than 50+ projects delivered in the USA since 15+ years for high-end residences. Asselin designs and manufactures in France authentic custom hand-crafted traditional windows and doors as well as wood panels, parquet flooring, staircases... Asselin’s core business in France is the restoration of historical monuments …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

34 19 8 95
Bref Eco Bref Eco

Entrepreneurs connector: How ? Through its news, its directories, its events +Info: In short, Eco is the first economic press group in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Independent editor specialized since 1966 in projects and news of companies and communities has print and digital publications. The editorial line of the 3 press supports is based on factual, reliable and synthetic information whose executives of business and communities need to achieve their economic and competitive monitoring but also to identify regional opportunities. The vocation of Brief Eco is to highlight the companies that develop, innovate, recruit ... but also to connect entrepreneurs. …

Type: SMB Activities: entrepreneurship

129 43 108 32
Little Wing - Conseil en communication Little Wing - Conseil en communication

The consulting firm of committed leaders The Little Wing agency was born out of the conviction that communication must be able to combine with intelligence and experience to reach its audiences. & gt; The meaning, through the development of a vision and a strategy to respond with relevance and precision to various communication issues. & gt; Experience, by activating all the levers necessary to give life to your messages: advertising and edition, events and field operation, digital presence and media relations. Sustainable transformation, managers, CSR advice, press relations, crisis communication, governance, project support, internal and managerial communication, and events

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 1 17 28
Commown Commown

The cooperative for sustainable electronics Commown is a Cooperative that supports fair and sustainable electronics by leasing devices designed to be easily repaired. The electronics industry generates a huge amount of negative externalities, from the mines to the products' end-of-life. Many studies showed that the first priority is to reduce the number of electronic devices made and sold. However, this is not viable for companies that rely solely on the sale of these devices. There is therefore a need for another business model: Hardware as as Service (HaaS). The service includes providing smartphones (e.g. Fairphone), computers, headphones and managing repairs …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: IoT

53 18 34 29

Informing is acting! Informing is acting! Effinews: press reviews to learn otherwise 👷♻️🌍⚡🚲 | | Although essential, staying on standby on the developments in your sector is tedious and very time -consuming 😩 This is where the Effinews come in: on one and the same newsletter, you will find all the news in your sector under the prism of the ecological transition. To do this, we follow more than 700 media, and analyze nearly 10,000 articles each week. On this quantity of information, we select 50 to 60 articles most relevant to you that we put in shape in …

Type: Startup Activities: media constructiontech greentech cleantech smart city civictech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

209 5 204 3
U Change U Change

Open-innovation consulting firm and publisher of the SaaS Motherbase software solution U Change combines software and advice solutions to accelerate the transformation of large companies in the digital age. • Creation of digital innovation programs, identification of opportunities, definition of economic models, creation of open innovation ecosystems, selection and identification of startups. U Change council teams are based on Motherbasetm, a Saas solution for identification of innovation ecosystems via AI ( • Implementation and support for co-design processes, from the definition of bread points to the launch of POCS. U change methodologies are based on co-innovation between employees and external …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting privacytech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning SaaS

24 10 18 5
SNDGCT * Union Régionale Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur SNDGCT * Union Régionale Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

A professional solidarity network. Created in 1948, the National Union of Directors General of Local Authorities is a professional organization which brings together territorial leaders from local authorities, EPCIs, public establishments. The union today has nearly 4,000 members, including more than 3000 in activity. It consists of regional unions, themselves declined in departmental sections.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 3 7 4
julhiet sterwen julhiet sterwen

Conseil en stratégie, transformation et innovation julhiet sterwen is a key player in management, human resources and operational consulting. We blend talent & business know-how in a unique way and in doing so put into practice our belief that individual and collective energy, combined with organisational performance, can be used to accelerate companies’ competitiveness. Our multi-specialist teams develop and implement practical and innovative, often digital, solutions to accelerate the transformation of companies and continuously improve their performance. julhiet sterwen now has more than 300 employees in 6 French and European locations. Our network of operational partners covers more than 40 …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

85 15 75 536
Lazard Frères Gestion Lazard Frères Gestion

The Lazard Group: created in 1848, the Lazard Group is active in financial advisory and asset management. With more than 3,000 employees in 27 countries, it manages $217 billion in assets worldwide (30/06/2022). Lazard Frères Gestion is the asset management company of the Lazard Group LLC in France, specializing in investments in listed securities. To advise its clients, it benefits from all the expertise of a major asset management company backed by a powerful international group: presence in all major asset classes, presence in all major geographical areas, and a global research team of over 100 analysts dedicated to asset …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

25 2 20 284
Sharers & Workers Sharers & Workers

Connect actors to reflect together on digital work -related work transformations The Sharers & Amp; Workers regularly organizes events to facilitate meetings and exchanges and stimulate interactions between actors throughout the year.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

11 5 8 1
Mairie de Bagneux Mairie de Bagneux

Bagneux, today, tomorrow. Welcome to the LinkedIn page of the city of Bagneux, Ile-de-France commune of Hauts-de-Seine. Jobs, internships, spontaneous applications, find our offers and all the information to apply for the town hall of Bagneux on the city website: Local authority

Type: Public Activities: it services smart city

17 8 6 330
Maïsadour - Groupe Coopératif Maïsadour - Groupe Coopératif

Food processing cooperative group composed of 8,000 farmers and more than 5,500 employees. We are structured around : • an agricultural division (grain, agricultural supplies, seeds, vegetables, animal production and nutrition), • a fine food division with foie gras, jambon de Byonne, salmon, caviar, ... (Delpeyrat, Comtesse du Barry, Sarrade and Delmas), • a poultry division from slaughtering and butchering through to marketing (Fermiers du Sud-Ouest with St Sever or Marie Hot brand), • a garden centre & mechanised agriculture division (a network of garden centres, a central purchasing facility and points of sale for mechanised agriculture). The Group is …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech Technologies: Decarbonization

20 9 12 766

The statutory auditors, builders of a trusted company. President: Philippe Vincent. The professional organization of auditors dates from the decree of August 12, 1969, modified on January 4, 1993. A relatively recent creation for a more than a century -old function! The qualification of "commissioner" appeared for the first time in 1863. But it was the law on societies of July 24, 1867 which establishes, in the midst of an industrial revolution, that which will first be called the "corporate commissioner". AUTHOR COMMISSIONS AND AUDIT

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

55 8 37 336
Lexing Avocats Lexing Avocats

Lexing Alain Bensoussan - Lawyers has been a law firm dedicated to technology law, since 1978. Law firm dedicated to technology law since its creation in 1978. Cabinet's lawyers are involved in consulting and litigation in the fields of IT, Internet, Telecoms, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, AI and more generally in all technologies and digital sectors. Law of advanced technologies, IT, Internet, Téélcom, Data Protection, Copyright, Robotics, and Personal Data

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: Robotics

47 9 34 92

MANDELIEU is a real estate company based out of 627 AVENUE DE CANNES, MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE, France.

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

13 8 0 38
Datactivist Datactivist

We open data, we make them useful Datactivist is the first French pure player of open data consulting. We help our clients from the definition of their open data strategy up to its implemntation. open data, open government, and data science

Type: Startup Activities: govtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

85 21 58 18

Being an employer forces us. Being an ESS employer commits us. USGERES is a union of employers in the social economy. Literally, his acronym means; Union of unions and groups of representative employers in the Social Economy. The structures of the social economy are those which implement economic models where the social objective prevails. Thus, beyond a necessary economic profitability, these structures do not seek to remunerate a capital, but to be socially useful. They operate on the principles of equality of people (one person one voice), solidarity between members and economic independence. There are mutuals, cooperatives, associations unions, federations. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

69 21 59 370
Paritel Paritel

Expert in BTOB communication solution since 1991. Paritel is a proximity and subsidiary operator of the Global Concept group. We provide VSEs/SMEs and liberal professions with global solutions and adapted to their specificities. In growth for more than 25 years in a very competitive sector of activity, we have based our organization on respect for performance and the ability to recognize individual talent while promoting team spirit. The human potential placed at the heart of our strategy, we have developed a responsible and engaging human resources policy where each employee is encouraged and supported in the realization of his ambitions. …

Type: SMB Activities: telecommunications

16 3 12 419
Paris School of Economics Paris School of Economics

Economics serving society The Paris School of Economics is a leading research center in Economics located in Paris, France. Chaired by Esther Duflo, PSE is devoted to the advancement of knowledge and education in this field, and combines its expertise in research with innovative teaching methods. Economics and Social Sciences and Education and Research

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

46 5 30 239
Gaz d'aujourd'hui Gaz d'aujourd'hui

📰quotidid specialized-rate Energy news Focus on the gas, renewable and hydrogen sector Gaz today is a written and web press title specializing in energy. He issues news daily on the energy sector and the public policies associated with him in France, Europe and the world. The sectors of natural gas, renewable gases and hydrogen are more specifically treated there as well as many transverse themes linked to the energy transition. He endeavors to decipher national and international public policies and uses in terms of energy, climate. And more specifically those around natural gas, biogas, biomethane and hydrogen. He also endeavors …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Hydrogen

111 4 112 5
Réseau des Carif-Oref Réseau des Carif-Oref

Resources and tools at the service of employment, training and professional orientation players. Carif-ear (Center Animation Resources of Information Resources on Training / Regional Observatory Employment Training) today have nearly 600 employees spread across the entire territory. Their missions revolve around 3 main axes: observation / information / animation - professionalization. Partnership structures carried by the State and the Region, carif-earrefs have a privileged positioning on the scale of a region, at the crossroads of state policies, region and social partners and at the service of reception professionals, 'Information, orientation, employment, training and audiences in the territories. At a time …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

28 5 20 18