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EuroCité EuroCité

Citizen commitment associative think-tank for the EU Non-Profit Think-Tank Promoting Civic Commitment in Affairs Think European left, Eurocité is intended to contribute to the development of a progressive vision and program for Europe, through quality publications and unifying events. Eurocité is a laboratory of European activism and an incubator of multinational, innovative and dynamic ideas. Eurocité differs from other French think tanks by its desire to politicize Europe. Eurocité publishes stands in the main European media and interviews with policies and experts on European policies. Also present on social networks, we make a point of relaying the information that we …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

7 0 7 1

All the news of the FNSEA: employment, training, legal, role of farmers in the food chain ... The National Federation of Farmers' Unions (FNSEA), founded in 1946, is the majority professional union in the agricultural profession in France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

96 48 52 195
HESAM  Université HESAM Université

Professionalize academics and academize professionals Hesam University is an interdisciplinary community of 15 French higher education, training, research and business networks. Our ambition is to build a new type of university, based on interdisciplinarity and the meeting of knowledge and know-how present with our members. Together, we access new calls for research projects, of international level, and we offer a more complete and more attractive training of excellence. Our member establishments: - National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM) - National School of Architecture Paris-La Villette (ENSAPLV) - National School of Arts and Crafts (Arts and Crafts) - National School …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 3 22 27
Les Expertes Les Expertes

Experts exist, they are here! Experts are the first free, 100 % digital directory of all French and French -speaking women. While less than 35% of expert guest experts in the media are women, the expert project offers a single database of women researchers, business of associations, presidents of associations or institutions managers. & gt; & gt; The history of the project Tired of having systematically getting answered "There are no expert women!", Marie-Françoise Colombani and Chekeba Hachemi created the first guide to paper version with the Epoke agency in 2012. In 2015, under the leadership of the Egaé group, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 1 8 16
Decisions durables Decisions durables

Innovation -Tech -Société The innovation magazine, new technologies and social issues. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @Ddurables CSR, Tech, and Innovation

Type: Media

27 4 18 3

Syndicate of solar energy professionals Syndicate of solar energy professionals. Two main missions: - Represent professionals and defend their interests. - Animate, structure and develop the French solar sector. EnerPlan, representative union of the solar sector in France (heat and electricity), accounts for members throughout the value creation chain (industrialists, stories, distributors, BE, developers, operators, installers, energy, network managers, banks and insurance companies, ...). Solar Energy, BEPOS/NZEB, PV ENERGIE, PV Building, Solar heat, Smartgrid, self -consumption, TEPOS, Energy transition, Storage, Energy digitization, decentralization, and governance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

139 20 124 16
Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme

Since its creation in 1990, the Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Man has been responsible for modifying individual and collective behavior to preserve our planet. Recognized of public utility, the Foundation implements all the means at its disposal to initiate a new form of society based on the awareness of the interdependence of humans and all living

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: consulting

88 33 35 66
Connaissance des Énergies Connaissance des Énergies

Pedagogical media on all energies and their challenges. Who are we ? A media created on the initiative of the Alcen group, which is in essence of any commercial or political dimension. Our ambition: promote knowledge of all energies Energy is one of the fundamental issues for the balance of the world. In our opinion, good public information can participate in the appropriate decision -making for the future. Our goal is to write and disseminate relevant content on energies, whatever they are, with a desire for transparency and pedagogy with the greatest number Our site: The Site carries …

Type: Media

13 2 10 3
Com'Publics Com'Publics

Provocative of debate, ideas agitator, creator of solutions 🔴 Institutional and Public Affairs Communication Agency Provocateurs of debate, agitators of ideas, creators of solutions: 27 years of experience, 31 employees involved, 3 exciting trades 📌 Institutional communication and public affairs council Com'Publics intervenes on all aspects of the representation of interests, from the development of lobbying strategies and the conception of influence tools to their national and territories implementation. 📌 shared lobbying Clubs, reflections, coalitions, observatories: Com’Publics has initiated a new way of practicing lobbying by developing Think & Amp; Do Tank thematic. These shared lobbying spaces welcome companies, federations, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

97 1 95 43
L'Association nationale des communicants L'Association nationale des communicants

1st association of #Communication professions #Evenements #Networking #Formation #inspiration #expertise Strong more than 1,500 members, communication & amp; Company is the largest association of corporate communication professions in France. As such, it plays a referring role in representing and promoting the profession. It issues reflections and offers actions based on the power of content to have communication recognized as a value designer for the company. It promotes professionalization, responsibility and ethics. She supports her members in their evolution and the development of their skills on all of the communication professions. Finally, it is a place of exchange, commitment and conviviality. …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

113 26 96 95
Collège des Directeurs du Développement Durable (C3D) Collège des Directeurs du Développement Durable (C3D)

More than 370 sustainable development directors think and create the business of tomorrow! Created in 2007, the C3D is an association of the 1901 law type, bringing together more than 370 directors of sustainable development and CSR of companies and private and public organizations in France. The C3D is chaired by Fabrice Bonnifet, sustainable development director & amp; QSE of the Bouygues group, since the general assembly of the C3D of January 28, 2016.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

119 26 86 81
CCI Tarn-et-Garonne CCI Tarn-et-Garonne

The local interlocutor of business leaders. Soluccio Creation-Reprise-Transmission: Support for project leaders: preparation and structuring of the project through meetings, training and individual meetings. Our Soluccio offers for developing companies: #funding, #Sustainable development, #HR skills, #digital, #competitiveness, #international. Business advice, training, support for business creators, digital, human resources, financing, marketing, and export

Type: Public

27 6 18 33
Mavana Mavana

Services to Evaluate the Financial, Environmental, and Social Impacts of Digitally-Enabled Operational Improvements Mavana makes it possible to reduce the operational and environmental costs of public and private organizations by identifying, evaluating and, when relevant, by helping to implement an operational optimization based on IoT. Our ambition is to help communities and businesses reduce their environmental impact while optimizing their costs in a relevant and ethical manner. We have combined our diversity of skills to work on 4 different levels, encompassing technical, economic, environmental and social aspects. We are specialized in life cycle analysis (ACV), carbon footprint and eco-design. We …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: IoT Decarbonization

13 3 12 5
AXA Climate AXA Climate

Climate and environmental adaptation AXA Climate's guiding principle, "Make regenerative business universal," drives the company to lead a significant shift in business mindset—moving beyond merely reducing harm to fundamentally transforming how businesses interact with the natural world. With its range of services, including digital training programmes, science-based SaaS products, specialized consulting services, and climate insurance, AXA Climate empowers sectors such as agri-food, industrial, financial, and public with the tools they need to address the challenges of climate change and take meaningful actions. With a global presence, AXA Climate is a leading force in the movement towards regenerative business practices. For …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

58 27 36 246
Challenges Challenges

Tomorrow's economy is everyone's business What does economic news say this week? Every Thursday, find Challenges, your French economic weekly, in newsstands. Challenges is also a website and social networks on economic news in real time. Follow and share the news of the economy with the writing of Challenges*

Type: Media

331 198 160 250
Chaire "​ Transitions démographiques, Transitions économiques "​ Chaire "​ Transitions démographiques, Transitions économiques "​

Research and debate on demographic aging and its economic & social consequences The TDTE Chair aims to make economic research "useful", to apply it to our contemporary society, to create a place for debate with professional actors and political decision-makers and to anchor it in the world of academic research. This is the desire of 50 economists, gathered around Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, the initiator and founder of the Chair "​ Demographic Transitions, Economic Transitions "​. This Chair is: - the place for research and debate on aging; - the result of a convergence of interests to finance research between private partners, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

25 5 21 12
CFDT Cadres CFDT Cadres

The CFDT with and for the executives - to commit to everyone, to act for all A community of engineers, experts and managers The CFDT is the first union organization for executives: managers, engineers, technical executives, salespeople, executives of public functions, experts, project managers, scientific professions, etc. Public expertise on management Research groups, field surveys, executives observatory, international commitments ...: the CFDT executives anticipates work changes and innovates to better meet the expectations of executives. For examples: the invention of the day package responds to the concerns of executives to balance their investment. The promotion of negotiated telework requires companies …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

87 4 85 31

Commit for everyone, act for everyone. French Democratic Labor Confederation - Syndicate The CFDT is the first French union in number of members: 655,321*, women (51%), men (49%), who work in all professional sectors, in small and large businesses, in the majority in the majority, in the public and in all regions of France. *Source: union

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

104 56 32 1,042
Entreprises Occitanie Entreprises Occitanie

1st economic magazine in the region. Founded in 1983, Entreprises Occitanie covers regional economic news by highlighting all sectors of activity. Designed by a team of professional journalists and published by the Medef 31, this monthly is available in 10 numbers, supplemented by the Economic Occitanie Top which lists more than 10,000 decision -makers from the region. On the web are published regularly reports, portraits of entrepreneurs as well as the calendar of the main events. Aeronautics, food, space, innovation, finance, employment / training, health, and building

Type: Media

68 5 67 7

The “warranty warranty at birth” (GDN) A social and societal innovation 1 out of 5 assets is family help in France, or 11 million people. However, aid remains complex, unequal and long to obtain, weakening these employees who juggle between professional life and family responsibilities. Our mission: to fully integrate help in the social protection of companies. We structure help in the social protection of companies by offering dedicated guarantees, such as the guarantee of support for caregivers (GSA). Inspired by our first solution, the Babysafe solutions deficiency guarantee (GDN), it provides immediate and secure support for employees faced with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech insurtech

17 6 14 6

It is because we give priority to the person that we can optimize human organizations Domplelus Group is 5 companies for global support for people, including 1,500 situations treated each day with 15 million beneficiaries. An innovation group of services and an organization adapted to strategic orientations: - dhomplus == & gt; Services in social/health prevention, engineering-intermediation & amp; coaching - Care Experience == & GT; Management by Care: customer experience / employee experience - dhata === & gt; Data value at the service of the person - it house === & gt; Management of weakened people as part of …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

25 2 23 76
Cedap - Le réseau des dirigeants d'associations professionnelles Cedap - Le réseau des dirigeants d'associations professionnelles

Partner [s] of the general interest! CEDAP is the network of managers of professional associations. #Network of managers of professional associations bringing together more than 280 directors, delegates and general secretaries of professional associations, the CEDAP works in terms of professionalization of DGs and actors of professional associations. #Lab reflection, #Prospective and #Innovation at the service of members and associations they animate. #Forming #Studies Join us on social networks: Professional associations, professional organizations, professional federations, and professional unions

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 1 9 7
Carif-Oref Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Carif-Oref Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Regional Center for Orientation, Training and Employment in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. The Regional Center for Orientation, Employment, Training in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.

Type: Public

25 4 11 24
Boostzone Institute Boostzone Institute

Thank you for following us The Boostzone Institute is dedicated to understanding the evolution of labor, of management, of social relations, in front of major changes like technologies or social values. Recherche, Formation, Conseil, Avenir du Monde du Travail, and Prospective du Management

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

5 1 1 4
CIIB - Financement en fonds propres des PME-PMI de croissance CIIB - Financement en fonds propres des PME-PMI de croissance

Equity funding for SME-PMI growth CIIB offers equity funding solutions to growing SMEs, whether through our announcements (individual minibourse for each company) or the IPO on Euronext Access. We collaborate with local authorities to promote popular shareholding in the municipalities and cities of France, thus promoting circular finance. We are experts in the shareholding of SME-PMIs, ensuring the interests of managers and their shareholders. Entrust CIIB all your formalities at a lower cost, in particular: - IPO on Euronext Access and Euronext Growth - Estroping convertible or non -convertible bonds - Announcement book with a back office for nominative titles …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

23 2 21 20
Agence 4août Agence 4août

Public utility agency. Labeled CSR ** #compublication #habitat #environnement #transports 4AUTE is a public utility agency. Agency labeled in 2022 CSR active agencies ⭑⭑. We are continuing to explain, enlighten, question, reformulate the problems of our customers. We build a useful communication, where the form serves the substance, whatever the nature of the project. We mobilize our three expertise centers (advice, digital, creation) in order to design creative and innovative 360 ​​° solutions. #CommunicationPublique #habitat #transports #environnement Communication strategy, campaigns, graphic creation, writing, digital, advice to communities and public actors, support for urban projects, mobility, public communication, and environment

Type: SMB Activities: martech smart city

22 1 22 24
Alliance Villes Emploi Alliance Villes Emploi

National association of local authorities for training, integration and employment Alliance Cities Emploi is the national network of local communities involved in integration, employment and training issues. As such, it is the head of the PLIE network (local plans for integration and employment) and employment houses, and bears the network of facilitators of the social clause.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

66 12 52 9

Put at the service of public debate in economics the fruits of scientific rigor and university independence "Put at the service of the public debate in economics the fruits of scientific rigor and university independence" This is the mission that the State has entrusted to the OFCE and which it fulfills by conducting theoretical and empirical work, by participating in international scientific networks, ensuring a regular presence in the media and by cooperating closely with the French and European public authorities. The OFCE brings together more than forty French and foreign researchers and researchers who cover the fields of economic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

35 18 11 49
Veolia | Agriculture Veolia | Agriculture

Created in 1979, SEDE concentrates, as early as 1983, its activity on the study, design and implementation of recycling sectors by controlled agricultural emission of industrial and urban by-products. It develops this purification sector, with a concern for professionalism which leads the company to become the French leader in agricultural recycling, treatment through dehydration, composting or thermal valuation of urban and industrial by-products. In 2000, SEDE ENVIRONMENT joined the Veolia Environment group and has since developed the range of sludge processing and valuation services, to the point of integrating all the available solutions through its multifacious service: dehydration - drying …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

7 4 7 399
Compas Compas

Help you identify the social needs of tomorrow and adapt your answers! The compass specializes in the social observation of territories: analysis of social needs, creation of observatories, thematic studies, training, etc. He intervenes with communities in order to allow the consideration of social realities by all of the communities professionals and all elected officials. To achieve this, the compass develops tools most easily accessible by uninitiated people in order to facilitate debate and exchange. Our investigation and consultation methods make it possible to bring out levers of action to meet the needs, based on substantive work. The field of …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

30 3 22 210

The AUAT is an association that observes, supports and animates the development of the metropolitan area of ​​Toulouse. AUAT is an association of local authorities. For more than 50 years, AUAT has been observing, has supported and animated the development of the Toulouse metropolitan area territories. It helps communities and the actors of the city by producing in knowledge of urban, social, economic and environmental developments. Auat is also a space for speech and confrontation of the issues for the development of common projects, at the crossroads of the territories and their elected, institutional, associative representations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

36 5 34 61
Association négaWatt Association négaWatt

Successful energy transition! For an energy policy based on sobriety, energy efficiency and a more assertive appeal to renewable energies. Energy sobriety, energy efficiency, and renewable energy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

32 13 17 23

The right skill, in the right place, at the right time. In a nutshell. Neobrain is a leading AI-based Talent & Skills Intelligence platform dedicated to optimizing workforce management for large and medium-sized enterprises globally. Our suite of solutions—Skills Intelligence, Talent Marketplace, Talent Planner, and Engagement Loop—provides dynamic skill mapping, internal opportunity matching, precise skills gap analysis, and performance enhancement through actionable insights and data-driven feedback. Transform your talent strategy with our cutting-edge AI technology to place the right skills in the right place at the right time. Join us in shaping the future of work through smarter talent intelligence! …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

53 8 43 91
Aristys - UX | SEO | Éco Web 🍃 Aristys - UX | SEO | Éco Web 🍃

Digital agency & amp; Responsible since 2016 ➤ Auvergne agency specializing in web quality and responsible digital (UX design, eco-design, Google or SEO referencing) in accordance with W3C guidelines and ISO 14001 and following standards. Creation of websites, web-design, eco-design, UX / UI, SEO, logo, SEO, Mobile, and expertise

Type: Startup Activities: martech

8 3 7 2
Rue de la Formation Rue de la Formation

Se transformer pour conquérir @medef #International #TransfoNum #TransitionVerte #FormPro #apprentissage #competences

Type: Media

52 1 49 N/A
Aract Île-de-France Aract Île-de-France

The Aract Île-de-France, a regional association for the improvement of working conditions, is a joint organization funded by the DIRECCTE, the Regional Council, the ANACT and the FSE. It is part of the National Network of the ANACT and applies its ethics charter. It has an information and business advice mission, aimed at improving well -being at the work of employees while preserving the efficiency of the company. It intervenes in the context of individual, collective or public actions. His approaches promote consultation with staff representative bodies and the involvement of employees. The services of the Aract Ile-de-France are free …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech hrtech

12 1 5 18
Andra Andra

Our mission: manage French radioactive waste to protect present and future generations Created in 1991, the Andra (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management) is a public industrial and commercial establishment (epic) whose missions were supplemented by the program law n ° 2006-739 of June 28, 2006 relating to the sustainable management of materials and radioactive waste. Placed under the supervision of the ministries in charge of energy, research and the environment, Andra is responsible for long -term management of radioactive waste produced in France. As part of this mission, the Agency puts its expertise and know-how at the service of …

Type: Public

32 12 20 705

Every week, find the news, tools, calls for projects and resources for great age professionals Made up of journalists, but also expert consultants (geriatricians, gerontologists, lawyers, doctors, nurses, caregivers, associations), our team has been putting online every week for more than 20 years all news on the great age, informs about services that help remain autonomous and support disabilities and fragility. Regularly, it brings together its orientation council, made up of stakeholders and specialists in the medical and medico-social sector who inform her and debate major challenges in the sector. Information media in medico-social, directory of retirement homes, interviews with …

Type: Media

54 1 50 3
Le Monde Le Monde

Reference news everywhere, all the time, by writing the world. has been present on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economy, politics, society, ...) Leading News Website in French. Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, and ethics

Type: Media

612 490 145 180
Uniformation Uniformation

The skills operator (OPCO) of social cohesion. The Uniformation Skills (OPCO) Skills (OPCO) is the employment partner and training of companies from the 20 professional branches that cover the social cohesion sector: associations, cooperatives, social enterprises, foundations and mutuals. We advise and assist these members in the design and implementation of their training projects as well as on their funding. Continuing vocational training, employment, integration, orientation, learning, work -study, professionalization, financial aid, funding, recruitment, skills, numerical, illiteracy, and sustainable development

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Decarbonization

23 12 12 285
WAE Group WAE Group

WAE Group, accelerate your industrial project: electronics, mechanics, on -board software, series manufacturing. Wae Group is a French industrial group that brings together Quasar Concept, Cao Concept, Seretec and Snees. Electronics, mechanics, on -board software. From the idea to the product, subset or together, we are your agile partner, whether industrial subcontracting or the realization of a global project. The four SMEs components of Wae Group work on the following fields and they are complementary to each other about the full value chain: • Quasar Concept (Avrillé / 49): Electronic design office, test benches and test means, tools, IoT • …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: IoT

28 3 28 5

Manager agency for positive impact Manager agency dedicated to positive impact. We use advice and communication to (trans) train. We like to think of communication strategies or plans, create & amp; Designer the supports, write new stories, invent event concepts and challenge their impacts, inject "CO" on all floors. We are engaged with private and public structures to promote their economic, ecological and societal transitions. We support (or future) "carrying an even more beautiful world". At the heart of our concept, we have developed the Laboxp. This is our R & Amp; D pole, our territory of societal experiments. Through …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Decarbonization

60 6 53 9
Melchior Melchior

The platform in free access to the dialogue between education and the company for the integration of young people. The teacher-business program brings the world of teaching and that of the company closer to: relying on: - Melchior: the site of educational resources in its free access - Teacher-business interviews: the summer university of the world of education and the company - Continuing education actions throughout the year (Economy Days, Consultation Days, Management Days ...)

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

27 0 1 20
Voxe Voxe

Voxe, a membership media and training company that builds a generation of powerful women Voxe is a media and training company, dedicated to helping millennial women close the gender gap. Voxe edits a daily newsletter called La Quotidienne which breaks down the news, trends and politics, informs and impowers more than 50 000 people every morning. Voxe also creates masterclasses on soft and life skills to help our audience on things we didn’t learn at school. Think: how to buy a house, how to be civically engaged, how to invest your first €500 ... womenempowerment, news, soft skills, and empowerment

Type: Startup Activities: it services

28 18 10 91
MEDIAS-CITE - Coopérative d'intérêt collectif MEDIAS-CITE - Coopérative d'intérêt collectif

Understand, invent and support, for a digital open to all Media-cite & gt; Designs programs, projects, actions that allow digital technology to be appropriated. & gt; supports managers of public policies, educational, cultural, social, tourist organizations, & gt; Anime of professionals of professionals: net walkers, digital inclusion, digital mediation & gt; conducted by actions, social and digital innovation programs, & gt; develops and deploys websites, ethical and sober free digital services, Understanding the Media-Cité project: Discover our offer of digital services: Discover our achievements: Discover our resources: digital project engineering, social and digital innovation, training, and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

19 7 10 4
Réseau ÎSÉE Réseau ÎSÉE

The Network of Ile -de -France Environmental Health actors Îseée has the ambition to create a common environmental health culture by counting on the richness of Ile -de -France actors and their mobilization force. At the origin of the network, the desire to create the conditions to intensify and diversify collaborations between actors from different sectors whose common objective is the progress of environmental health matters (and especially the construction of answers!). The main objective of this project is to promote the meeting of environmental health actors: associations, state services, public or associate organizations, research world, private actors, health establishments, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

9 1 5 N/A
Inspection générale des affaires sociales - Igas Inspection générale des affaires sociales - Igas

Assess, enlighten, control, support change Interministerial general inspection of the social sector, IGAS carries out control, audit, expertise and evaluation missions, advises the public authorities and provides assistance to the design and conduct of reforms. She intervenes at the request of ministers or the Prime Minister, and on the basis of her activity program. IGAS explores subjects that mobilize an important part of national resources and which concern the lives of all citizens: employment, work and vocational training, public health, organization of care, social cohesion, social protection, population protection.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

37 6 35 214
Kea & Partners Kea & Partners

Our raison d'être : undertake the transformations for a desirable economy Kea & Partners is the first European strategy consulting firm "Entreprise à Mission", as defined by the Pacte law, and a member of the B Corp community. Since 2001, we have been working alongside top management to promote capitalism with a human face. Today, we are reaffirming our position as a consulting firm committed to responsible transformation. Operating in France and internationally, we are a founding member of "The Transformation Alliance", a network of independent firms united by the same values, with more than 500 consultants worldwide and 15 …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

58 9 49 303
Opéra Orchestre Normandie Rouen Opéra Orchestre Normandie Rouen

Place of creation of lyrical, symphonic and choreographic shows. New season - Available now on the bio link and at the Arts Theater Window. Info and reservation 👇 See the link in the "About" section The Rouen Normandy Opera is the main cultural structure of Normandy. He is one of the three "lyric theaters of national interest" in France. Based at the Théâtre des Arts in Rouen (room of 1,300 seats), he is also in charge of the Corneille Corneille chapel - Normandy Auditorium (600 places), he produces and programs lyric, symphonic, chamber music, contemporary and jazz shows. Budget: 13 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

13 1 13 138
Toulouse School of Economics Toulouse School of Economics

At the heart of economics The Toulouse School of Economics offers innovative undergraduate and graduate programmes delivered by renowned researchers and a distinguished and thriving environment for research and study. Research in Economics and Education in Economics

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

75 23 53 310
Nouvelle Vie Professionnelle Nouvelle Vie Professionnelle

NEWVEVIEPRO.FR, Portal No. 1 of professional retraining. Change your life, change your job! NEWVIEPRO (AEF INFO group) gives you avenues to change your professional life: evolve, convert, mount your box, expatriate. To keep you informed: & gt; With information on the recruit sectors, vocational training systems, new statutes and formalities of business creation, coaching and testimonials from people who have chosen a new professional path. Daily news section on employment and professional life in general: & gt; Professional retraining, support, coaching, business creation, personal development, leadership, expatriation, geographic mobility, management, stress management & amp; conflicts, news, vocational training, …

Type: Startup Activities: entrepreneurship

85 20 70 6
Effy Effy

Effy, specialist in energy efficiency. 🏠 Effy, specialist in energy efficiency. For more than 16 years, we have been transforming the houses of France into effycient houses: economical, comfortable and durable cocoons. Thanks to our expertise and our network of + 4,000 partner artisans, we offer tailor-made energy renovation projects adapted to each customer. Because each house is unique. We work every day to give a smile to the owners of France by advancing energy progress, house after house. Energy, energy economy, energy efficiency, environment, CEE, renovation, work, energy transition, insulation, solar, heat pump, heating, comfort, and housing

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

49 10 30 314
TestUnMetier | VisioMétiers TestUnMetier | VisioMétiers

Professional mobility accelerator Testunmetier is the startup specialist in professional mobility. We support DG/HRD in the challenges of professional mobility they meet (internal or external to the company). Our solutions allow a better understanding and knowledge of trades, it thus promotes the commitment of employees. Our solutions: Mob’in - Internal mobility: SaaS platform that organizes, pilot and structures the "lives my life" between employees of the same company VISIOMETERS - SaaS platform dedicated to the discovery of trades. It is intended for professional development advisers. Visiometrics allows their beneficiaries to dialogue with ambassadors of trades that interest them. You can …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech transporttech Technologies: SaaS

9 3 6 26
Le Potager du Roi Le Potager du Roi

Le Potager du Roi is an entertainment company based out of 10 RUE DU MARÉCHAL JOFFRE, Versailles, France.

Type: SMB Activities: arttech

25 5 13 144
DRIEETS d'Île-de-France DRIEETS d'Île-de-France

Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate of Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity The regional and interdepartmental directorate of the economy, employment, work and solidarity is the privileged economic and social contact for businesses, employees, job seekers, social and territorial partners, actors of integration and consumers. His agents work on a daily basis on many challenges that affect business, work or solidarity: - Labor policy and labor inspectorate; - control of the proper functioning of markets and commercial relations and consumer protection; - the development of sectors and support for businesses, economic changes, competitiveness and safeguarding companies; - Employment policy (access and return …

Type: Public

39 18 24 310
le Cèdre le Cèdre

Let's buy otherwise! Purchase group, Cedar brings 10,000 structures (companies, school groups, liberal professions, dioceses, associations, ...) and supports them to buy otherwise. Objective: to promote an economy concerned with the common good, respectful of man and the planet. By pooling their purchases, members benefit from 20 % on average savings on their general costs, thus making it possible to better manage their establishment. By being all players in the group, they buy together, better and less in the context of solidarity and fair trade relations where free has its place. Purchases, negotiation, grouping, catering companies, energy, photocopiers, food, office …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

16 1 15 230
Api Api

Super supervice supervice 24/7 at supermarket prices. Let's put supermarkets together in the center of our villages! API, these are new, connected and always open supermarkets, located in the villages deserted by the services, which fulfill their original and essential function of proximity and social bond, which the campaign deserves to find.

Type: SMB Activities: retail Technologies: SaaS

22 3 17 586
Rupture Engagée Rupture Engagée

Align your convictions to your actions | Accompaniment in ecological transition & amp; CSR Based in La Rochelle and Nantes, our firm supports companies throughout France to integrate CSR in a concrete and impactful way. 🌊 From awareness of valuation, including structuring and deployment, we support you at each stage of your approach! 🎯 Our goal: to make CSR attractive and concrete for companies wishing to have a positive impact. Our supports are tailor -made and our training 100% adaptable to your needs! Breaking committed, it is also: + 90 supported organizations ✅ 4 super engaged employees 🩷 + 20 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

8 1 7 4
Les Acteurs de la Compétence Les Acteurs de la Compétence

Professional Avenirs Creators The players in competence is the 1st professional federation representative of training companies and the development of skills in France. She is a member of MEDEF, the CPME, the Syntec Federation and the Think Tank The Shift Project. The players in competence are: • 1,300 companies: companies and training associations, CFA, certifiers, consultancy and support firms, publishers of digital solutions, • 13 regional delegations for a presence throughout the territory. Professional training, support, skills development, quality, human capital, employability, certification, advice, work -study, digital, and transformation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

65 10 59 105

Dedicated to enhancing your environmental and social performance Established in 2015, EVEA is a consulting firm, a software tools publisher, and a training organization. We assist organizations in enhancing the environmental and social performance of their products, services, and activities. EVEA = (in French) ÉValuer Et Accompagner Since 2017, as a cooperative and participative company, EVEA has brought together a team of associate consultants whose expertise spans various sectors: agriculture and food, building materials and construction, textiles and fashion, perfumery and cosmetics, biotechnology, packaging, detergents, energy, mechanics and industry, plastics and composites, transportation, healthcare, medical, pharmaceuticals, digital, networks, electronics, etc. …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting agritech cleantech constructiontech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

34 14 22 146

For lit, balanced & amp; compromise compromises demanding SECAFI specializes in expertise, assistance and advice to staff representative bodies: works council, group committee, CHSCT, European works council. Number 1 In France, he offers expertise, diagnostics, training, advice and support on issues of: restructuring, change management, social relations, health and working conditions, prevention of psychosocial risks ... SECAFI works without exclusivity with the All union organizations. Group committee, union delegation, staff representative bodies, social policy, reorganization of labor, account analysis, accounting, digital transformation of businesses, quality of life at work, social and economic committee, occupational health, working conditions, CSE , CSR, …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

14 1 12 388
GEYVO ILE DE FRANCE Groupement d'Employeurs GEYVO ILE DE FRANCE Groupement d'Employeurs

Provision of qualified personnel to membership companies Recruitment Part -time shared and/or full time The Group of Employers Geyvo Ile de France A solution to have access to the right skills in the right proportion of time, at an affordable cost - It provides companies and other member entities - Qualified personnel recruited and employee by him. -It also achieves direct recruitments for its members In general: - The intervention is in regular part -time by company / time shared - The functions concerned are rather support and/or expert, from the frame to the employee M/F: The professions found in …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

47 1 46 27

Allow everyone to get involved in environmental sobriety. Teeo facilitates the commitment of companies and communities to environmental and energy sobriety. We provide environmental and energy management practices and solutions, to streamline processes and perpetuate the commitment of organizations and their employees, for the benefit of sustainable performance. Teeo is based on 10 years of experience in environmental and energy management to offer: - proven methodologies to simply deploy an environment and energy management system (SMEÉ), in accordance with ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 standards: more than 100 private and public organizations accompanied on these certifications! - A collaborative software …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: SaaS

25 2 20 20

Empower your live event Vodalys offers a comprehensive event live streaming platform composed of a cloud-based video studio and a professional web video portal. The solution empowers corporate hybrid and virtual events experience thanks to a complete set of advanced and unique features. It allows organizations to easily create and stream attractive live branded video contents, raise their brands awareness and significantly increase their audience engagement. The solution is deployed by the most prestigious brands worldwide and many major public organizations for their internal or public events. Vodalys is headquartered in Paris and has an office in Rennes, France. Visit …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: SaaS

17 1 16 15
Agence LUCIE Agence LUCIE

The CSR agency that accompanies organizations to a sustainable transition! The Lucie agency guides organizations in their CSR approach, whatever their level. We are a solutions center to help organizations become transitional players with: - CSR labels based on the ISO 26000 standard or the responsible digital standard adapted to their level. - A Lucie training center, leader in CSR training in France with more than 50 training courses to support organizations in their ecological and united transition. - The Lucie community: 1st community committed and responsible for Europe with more than 1,400 members. Social responsibility, sustainable development, CSR, ISO …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

109 24 57 56
Wirk Wirk is the augmented employee toolbox. Thanks to the blind of 400+ applications bringing together the best automation and outsourcing tools of low-value back-office tasks, Wirk boosts the productivity of organizations and makes employees autonomous. Crowdsourcing, ia, outsourcing, productivity, and automation

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

15 4 15 27
IWH – Halle Institute for Economic Research – Member of the Leibniz Association IWH – Halle Institute for Economic Research – Member of the Leibniz Association

The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) is a member of the Leibniz Association. IWH’s tasks are economic research and research-based advising of economic policy. The Institute conducts evidence-based research by combining theoretical and empirical methods. In the focus of its research, IWH investigates processes of economic convergence, the role of the financial system regarding the (re-)allocation of production factors as well as the facilitation of productivity and innovation. economic research, macroeconomics, financial markets, structural change, forecasting, and economic policy recommendation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

3 1 0 87
La Plateforme de l'inclusion La Plateforme de l'inclusion

Report job researchers to solidarity employers (companies, associations ...) 🚀 Initiated in 2019 under the leadership of the Ministry of Labor, the inclusion platform was formed in a public interest group (GIP) in 2022. Its mission is to help the return to the employment of people who are distant, by fluidifying support paths and equipping insertion professionals. We bring together a dozen digital services that contribute to the same objective: to promote obtaining a stable job for people who are distant from it. 💡 A transversal and innovative approach At the intersection of several key players - France work, local …

Type: Public

37 3 35 77

The group of French Nuclear Energy Industrialists is the only professional union in the nuclear sector which brings together major principals, large companies, ETIs, SMEs, micro-enterprises and associations that cover all types of industrial activities and all areas of civilian nuclear. The Gifen is animated by two convictions: nuclear energy is essential to combat climate change and the expertise of the French nuclear sector is a reference worldwide. Its mission is to carry the voice and the collective challenges of the French civilian nuclear industry and to act for the transformation of the sector. The Gifen, through its subsidiary Gifen …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

56 18 46 48
Fédération des Distributeurs de Matériaux de Construction Fédération des Distributeurs de Matériaux de Construction

Federation of Distributors of Construction Materials FDMC Federation of Distributors of Construction Materials Materials and Construction

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

23 2 22 15
Réseau international de recherche sur les organisations et le développement durable (RIODD) Réseau international de recherche sur les organisations et le développement durable (RIODD)

The International Research Network on Organizations and Sustainable Development (RIODD) is an association: 1/ scientist, that is to say that she brings together researchers and people interested in research and determined to provide her with support; 2/ International, because the problems addressed are immediately posed worldwide, even if they find themselves to be declined at regional and local levels, 3/ Multidisciplinary in social sciences (philosophy, law, economics, sociology, management, political science, communication ...), because the extent of the questions to be treated cannot be satisfied with a single approach or the sole light of a discipline.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

3 1 2 2
Association Léo Lagrange pour la défense des consommateurs Association Léo Lagrange pour la défense des consommateurs

National Association of approved consumers, provides citizens in information and legal advice. The Léo Lagrange association for the defense of consumers ensures a proximity presence by bringing citizens, particularly to the most deprived, information, advice and legal aid. She helps them assert them and seek an amicable solution by intervention with the professional in question (mediation). It also implements different levers at the collective level such as negotiations at the national or European level for the development of new standards or participation in national information and awareness campaigns.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 5 11 8
FAB Group FAB Group

Find the best talents for our customers and the best professional opportunities for candidates 🤝 Fab Group ( is a recruitment and transition management consulting firm. Our role is to find the best talents for our customers and the best professional opportunities for all the candidates who trust us. Since 2007, we have supported our partners and talents with an approach based on 3 pillars that have made our reputation: confidence, expertise and growth. We place humans at the heart of our reflection, taking care to take into account each project individually and by implementing real coaching of our candidates …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech hrtech insurtech proptech Technologies: Cybersecurity

114 0 114 326
Association Coup de Pouce Association Coup de Pouce

Partner of Success at School The raison d'être of a boost is to promote everyone's academic success. Socio-economic origin cannot determine the school trajectories of students and equal opportunities is the guiding principle of our action. We want to contribute to a fairer society. Our mission is the early prevention of dropping out of school, during the first years of schooling, those of the acquisition of fundamental knowledge, those in which the child's confidence develops, the meaning given to the learning and the pleasure of words, reading and mathematics. We design, in collaboration with education researchers and alongside school, peri- …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

50 4 37 209
Association Jets d'encre Association Jets d'encre

With or without means, with or without help, but always with the rage and the pleasure of expressing themselves, young people speak and create newspapers in the places of life which are theirs. A unique and major phenomenon, this original press nevertheless remains faced with many barriers, from indifference to censorship, which are all attacks on the right of expression of young people. This is why jets of ink devotes his activity to the recognition and the defense of the newspapers carried out by young people aged 12 to 25. The association is set for the objective of federating, enhancing, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 4 9 19
Talent Solutions TINGARI Talent Solutions TINGARI

The ambition for each Tingari becomes talent Tingari solutions! Our teams have joined the ManpowerGroup Talent Solutions France brand, Consulting Division and HR solutions from ManpowerGroup. Specialist in professional transitions and support for sustainable employment, our mission remains unchanged: to make everyone actor in their professional career. In our world in full mutation, we each help to achieve their ambition: to reveal their potential, to develop their skills and to promote development at work throughout their professional life, whatever their profile, past and professional future. Partner of territorial actors in the reflection and deployment of public employment policies, we work …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 1 7 360
Plein Sens Plein Sens

Consulting office and design office specializing in relations and labor organizations Full sense is an independent consultancy and study office, created in 1991. It specializes in supporting organizations in their transformation and problematic support in connection with the organization of work and labor relations. He relies on a team of consultants rich in the diversity of their disciplinary training. It intervenes in very varied environments, companies of all sizes and all sectors, administrations, associations. Work analysis, transformations of organizations through the renovation of social dialogue, evaluation of public policies, quality of life at work, CHSCT expert, Pact, and Dialogue

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

21 3 18 49
La Coopération Agricole La Coopération Agricole

Let us build in common the future of each Agricultural cooperation is the unified representation of agricultural, agri-food, agro-industrial and French forest cooperatives. Political voice carrier and proposals with French and European public authorities, media and civil society, agricultural cooperation is responsible for promoting the cooperative model by valuing its economic action.

Type: SMB Activities: agritech

127 38 82 169
People at Work mag People at Work mag

Be a business People At Work is a professional press title inviting managers and top managers to share lighting and good practices on the employee experience, understood as the keystone of the company of tomorrow. This magazine is the only press title exclusively dedicated to the employee experience, in QVT and CSR dimensions - a collaborating experience meeting the challenges "People, Planet and Performance". The role of People At Work is to offer angles of reflections and concrete proposals, between analyzes and good practices to "be well in business". press, training, events, animation, round tables, influence, communication, print, and web

Type: Media

38 1 27 1
Verdikt Verdikt

The Corporate Digital Responsibility platform! Future40 Station F | GreenTech Innovation | BPI i-Nov 🇬🇧 How can CSR issues be integrated into IT Departments? With Verdikt, the Corporate Digital Responsibility platform! Our “Corporate IT” offer measures and pilots the CSR of IT to make IT Departments more sustainable. Our “IT Provider” offer enables Digital Service Providers to propose low-carbon projects to their customers to differentiate themselves in calls for tender, and enables Corporates to initiate sustainable IT projects. With these two offerings, Verdikt accelerates the sustainable digital transition of IT departments across their entire value chain. A topic of interest …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech it services Technologies: SaaS

59 2 57 14
Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf DICE is an acronym for Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics. We are aiming to be the leading academic center for Competition Economics in Germany and we also plan to gain an influential stance in Europe. DICE wants to foster the idea of a liberal competitive economic system through excellence in research, teaching, and policy advice. Our research encloses theoretical, empirical and experimental work on competition problems. For instance, we consider questions concerning merger control, abusive practices of firms, vertical or horizontal business relations, the regulation of network industries, or the essential institutional framework for effective market competition. In …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

22 2 17 59

Together, towards a new balance! The Nouvelle Company is a non -profit commercial company whose mission is to implement, on a national level, an information and accounting system on the impacts of business production. Our objective is to allow each company to know the impacts of its production, and to provide unique and free access to the results thus obtained and published. Our activities are organized around three axes: - Administration of an open database (data management and access); - Development and distribution of a free and open source tool for the measurement of indicators; And, - Realization of statistical …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

6 1 5 6
TAPAJ France TAPAJ France

At #tapaj, enthusiasm pays! 💚 The alternative work paid for the day (Tapaj) is a global integration program with suitable thresholds intended for young people aged 16 to 25 in great precariousness, desocialized, suffering from consumption problems and/or addictions. It allows them to be remunerated at the end of the day, for a professional activity which does not require any qualification or particular professional experience and does not engage them over time. Tapaj is set up by medico-social structures specialized in addictology (Caarud or CSAPA). The Tapaj France association coordinates and brings together all the Tapaj spread over the French …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

34 6 33 30
Lafayette Lafayette

Support the transformation of skills development actors! Lafayette Associés, specializing in the development strategy of educational establishments, offers all of the expertise necessary for financing models, educational models and certification models. Our customers are major engineering and trade schools, universities, but also regional advice, CCI and professional branches. Among them: the Ecole Centrale Paris, L'Enac, ENSAM, ESC Saint-Etienne, ESC Troyes, ESIGELEC, PRES UNAM, Paris X University ... The comic opera ... The CCIs of Maine et Loire, Perpignan, Vichy ... The UIMM branch ... The regional councils of the Pays de Loire, Midi-Pyrénées, Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Here are some examples of missions …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Data Analytics

10 0 9 28

Corporate and Evenementiel transport - global network RLC Offers Worldwide Transportation Services Across the Globe. Paris-Dubai-Londres ISO20121 certified - Labélized AFNOR "CSR engaged" - Silver Ecovadis RLC Regency Limo Coach our profession for 20 years: Cars, minibuses and coaches with drivers. Evenementality and official transport logistics. Follow us live on Twitter: @regencylimcoach Our news channel

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

16 0 16 17

Decryption of the latest regulations, practical tools, news ... Go to The requirement for hygiene, cleanliness is one of the first expectations of the French, especially in their workplace. Thus, cleanliness companies work in very diverse environments to ensure a healthy living environment for everyone. They also contribute to environmental protection, the quality of the products (both industrial and food), to hygiene in health establishments, to the comfort of users in transport ... These companies respond to Requests as varied as washing the glass surfaces of a skyscraper or the rehabilitation of the soils of a cinema. Cleanliness companies …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

41 4 39 16
Le Défenseur des droits Le Défenseur des droits

"The defender of rights ensures respect for rights and freedoms" - Article 71-1 of the Constitution The defender of rights is a completely independent state institution. Created in 2011 (inscribed in the Constitution in 2008), it was entrusted with two missions: defending people whose rights are not respected; Allow the equality of all in access to rights.

Type: Public

86 55 21 476

Training organization and CFA in New Aquitaine and Occitania Recognized and positioned in the regions of the Great South West, Vaelia supports companies, local communities, service companies and individuals in the implementation of their training projects for more than 30 years. Our regional establishment and our national partnerships with the main IT publishers allow us to offer you a wide choice of training and certifications on technologies: Microsoft, VMware, Cisco, Citrix, ITIL, LINUX and ORACLE. The training must provide technical skills but also new working methods related to everyone's personal efficiency. This development, Vaelia has anticipated it, now offering a …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

17 2 3 56
CESER Pays de la Loire CESER Pays de la Loire

JUIMAL ASSEMBLY OF THE REGIONAL COUNCIL, CERSER Pays de la Loire represents civil society organized since 1973 The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESER) Pays de la Loire is the advisory assembly of the region representing organized civil society. A true "laboratory of ideas", it is made up of 120 advisers from professional organizations, unions, organizations and associations that contribute to economic, social, environmental life in the region. A place of discussion and dialogue, the CESER publishes opinions, contributions and reports intended to shed light on the decision of regional public decision -makers. It is necessarily seized to give his …

Type: Public

33 1 30 39
BigMat France BigMat France

HOME OF BUILDERS BigMat is the first brand of independant builders merchants in Europe. Total turnover : 2.2 b € (1.1 b € for France). BigMat is present in 5 different countries : France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, and Czech Republic soon Négociant en matériaux de construction, Gros Oeuvre, Outillage, Menuiserie extérieure / intérieure, Isolation, cloisons, Toiture, couveture, Aménagement extérieur, Carrelage, Plomberie, Electricité, and Quincaillerie

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

22 3 17 401
CoreKap CoreKap

Corekap helps companies integrate CSR into their strategy, management and practices, to allow them to reconcile sustainable economic development, social well-being, environmental respect and societal attractiveness. Sustainable development, social responsibility, ISO 26000, and responsible communication

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 3 1
Les Boîtes Nomades Les Boîtes Nomades

Develop a re -use of food containers in Pays de la Loire Our goal is to promote and develop the re -use of food packaging for the purpose of reducing waste and preservation of natural resources. We support catering professionals to set up lasting re -use solutions through advice solutions, rental of containers, logistics, washing and communication around a network of responsible partners. We facilitate the transition to the action of the end customer by offering a simple and rewarding responsible consumption alternative to implement. circular economy, re -use, and packaging

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech foodtech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

8 3 9 6
Omind Neurotechnologies Omind Neurotechnologies

Unleash human capabilities of your organisation, leveraging the power of AI and neurosciences 🧠 Discover Omind Neurotechnologies, your HR co-pilot that unleashes human potential at work using neuroscience and AI! Omind's innovative solutions provide a better understanding of people's behavior (emotional management, decision-making, adaptation...) in order to train them using games and scientific data measurements. Backed by 7 years of R&D in neuroscience with major partners such as IRBA (French Army), CNRS, AP-HP, Omind provides more experiential, impactful and personalized training in a complex, fast-changing world. Our team includes 20+ passionate people, including 8 PhD in data science, neurosciences, IT, …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech hrtech Technologies: Affective Computing A.I. Data Analytics SaaS VR

31 8 23 21
trois virgule cinq · Agence Marque Employeur trois virgule cinq · Agence Marque Employeur

Your candidates deserve as much attention as your customers! More than an expertise, we bring you our vision. 🚀 Break the codes of classic recruitment by innovating in HR and seek to put the candidate at the heart of recruitment projects. My vision of recruitment, innovative and creative, determined the positioning of Octopus Factory. Octopus Factory offers "recruitment 2.0" services, innovative and dedicated to qualified CV sourcing | Bring different candidates by integrating a recruitment approach, exclusively dedicated to social networks. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// Octopus Factory supports companies to integrate social networks in their recruitment strategies | Personalized support …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

44 3 41 3
Hellio Hellio

Helio, reference actor of energy control Hired since 2008, Helio is the pioneer of the energy economies market in France (metropolitan area and overseas). Helio, a reference player in energy mastery, aims to allow as many people as possible to control its energy: the group stands out for the know-how, innovation and culture of its teams throughout the chain of value of energy efficiency. With its network of Craftsmen Approved, Helio works to simplify procedures and provide tailor -made solutions for all energy consumers - from individuals to businesses, including local authorities - for all types of buildings and their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

79 8 74 275
CREPI Ile-de-France CREPI Ile-de-France

Employment commitments! 👉 Since 1997, CREPI Ile-de-France has brought together companies from the Ile-de-France departments, with 26 employment zones, a strong economic engine of the country, which are committed to allow the return to the employment of people who are distant from it. 🤝 In close collaboration with local institutions (agglomeration community ...), integration players (PLIE, Local missions ...) and its network of companies, the CREPI Ile-de-France works for and With people looking for a job. Find our activity report 2021: The Crepi is two sites: 📍 Crepi Ile-de-France (seat) 14 rue André Suarès 75017 Paris 📍 11th antenna …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

44 2 37 3
Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (MESHS) Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (MESHS)

Created in 2008, the European House of Human and Society Sciences is a support and research unit (UAR 3185). It brings together 44 research laboratories in the Hauts-de-France region in 2024. La Meshs offers a set of means and actions at the service of research in human and social sciences, its interactions with other sciences and its dialogue with society. Its role is to support, structure, enhance research in articulation with its tutorial establishments such as the CNRS, the University of Lille, the University of Artois, the University of the coast of Opale, the Picardie University Jules Verne, the University …

Type: Public

19 5 13 16
ENS Paris-Saclay ENS Paris-Saclay

School missions Scientific research is a fundamental mission of ENS Paris-Saclay. Beyond the outlets linked to higher education, the school also trains executives for public authorities and large companies. The missions of the École normale supérieure de Paris-Saclay are defined in the decree of August 26, 1987: "The École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay constitutes a public, cultural and professional public establishment [...]. The school is preparing, through high -level cultural and scientific training, students intended for fundamental or applied scientific research, university education and in preparatory classes for grandes écoles as well as secondary education and, More generally, at the service …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

45 7 39 778

Co-constructs tomorrow! The Rameau is a research laboratory dedicated to co-construction between organizations, in particular between companies and associations, at the service of the common good. For ten years, he has produced knowledge through many publications, has been testing engineering methods he provides everyone in open source and has animated innovative co-construction approaches. Between prospective reflection, experiments, development of collective devices and territorial animation of alliances, the Rameau and its partners provide relevant responses to stimulate partnership dynamics within the territories. The Rameau team is made up of 7 permanents as well as 8 regular contributors. It is also based …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

72 12 58 24

Network Alliances is the 1st network of economic players committed for a more responsible economy in Hauts-de-France. Our ambition is to improve the social and environmental impact of companies and organizations on (and for!) The territory. With our 30 years of existence, Alliances Network federates 350 members and partners of all sizes and all sectors of activity. We propose: - Events throughout the year (visits, workshops, afterworks, working groups ...) to allow professionals to meet, exchange and feed on expertise and field returns of each other. - Training: we are a qualiopi certified training organization and we offer training to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

75 23 59 28