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LogoName Σ Employees

All the news of the FNSEA: employment, training, legal, role of farmers in the food chain ... The National Federation of Farmers' Unions (FNSEA), founded in 1946, is the majority professional union in the agricultural profession in France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

96 48 52 195
Ville d'Anglet Ville d'Anglet

Anglet, Basque Coast is little California: the city where project-business, students flourish there Anglet, Basque side, is "little California". A nickname that the city owes to its art of living, its culture slides and the affirmation of a natural, sporty and dynamic city. A territory of 27 km2, 700 hectares of green spaces and pine forests, and 4.5 km of beaches to combine leisure, work and relaxation. Anglet is the green lung of the Basque coast, where innovative projects, craft and industrial companies, students flourish there.

Type: Public

42 9 32 78
Collectif Mentorat Collectif Mentorat

Promote the development and quality of mentorship in France, federate the actors of mentoring The Mentoret collective was created by 8 associations in September 2019, in order to promote the development and quality of mentoring in France and federate the actors.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

48 7 45 13
Campus Cyber Campus Cyber

Together, serving a large cyber nation 🇫🇷 Project initiated by the President of the Republic, the Cyber ​​campus is the totem place of cybersecurity which brings together the main national and international actors in the field. It makes it possible to accommodate companies (large groups, SMEs), state services, training organizations, research and associations on the same site. The Cyber ​​campus is implementing actions aimed at federating the cybersecurity community and developing synergies between these different actors to protect society and promoting French excellence in the field. Partnerships between the national campus and territorial cybersecurity campuses are in development. To date, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

114 62 78 72
Digital College Digital College

Tomorrow's educational experience Our audacity is embodied in the innovation of pedagogy by project that we have implemented. Our goal: to bring you the concrete experience awaited by companies in the sector and prepare you today for the trades of tomorrow. The arrival of digital has changed our daily lives: our relationship with others and time, our modes of information and communication, our professional life and our way of working. Trades are evolving, others emerge. The startup spirit and flat management are free as new, more free work codes. Digital College transforms the talent of each student into skills and …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

14 2 9 513

The Union of Sport, Leisure, Cycle and Active Mobile Filler Companies Professional organization resulting from the merger of FIFAS (French Federation of Sports and Leisure Industries), FPS (Professional Federation of Sports and Leisure Enterprises) and Univelo (Union chamber of cycle actors), the Union Sport & Amp; Cycle brings together and defends the interests of 3,000 companies in sports, leisure, cycle and active mobility. His actions: - Represent and defend the interests of the sport sector and promote physical and sports activity (institutional relations, lobbying, ...) - Propose strategic and technical support as well as export assistance to members (legal, normative …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

108 15 93 5
ESS et société ESS et société

Content intermediator in social and solidarity economy Social and solidarity media dedicated to the social and solidarity economy in France and in the world. Through an agenda and press reviews and the social and solidarity economy, this is the information you are looking for to understand and debate on what surrounds you. Association, Mutual, Foundation, Cooperative, Union, Works Council, you will find their information through more than 45,000 articles on the site. recruitment, social and solidarity economy, social networks, media, and training

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

13 4 6 5
VRAC France VRAC France

BULD promotes the development of purchasing groups in the priority districts of the city. 💡 The BURC association promotes the development of purchasing groups in the priority districts of the city. We are currently present in 20 territories: Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Drôme, Montpellier, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Rennes, Finistère, Hauts-de-France, Artois, Paris, Strasbourg, Pays d'Arles, Grand Avignon, Seine Ouest Plaine Commune, Brussels and Charleroi. The Vrac France association supports swarming and existing associations in their operation. 🥕 The association's project is oriented towards accessing the greatest number to quality products from peasant/organic/fair agriculture at low prices, thanks to the reduction in …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

71 9 67 32
Mission locale de Paris Mission locale de Paris

For 16-25 year olds 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️ Looking for a job, training ...? 👉 Meet on The Local Mission of Paris is an organization responsible for reception, information, professional orientation and support for young people to build a specific professional project. It is intended for all young people aged 16 to 25 who encounter difficulties in terms of access to employment, training or difficulties in accessing their autonomy. With its 250 employees and its 6 reception sites spread over Parisian territory, the Local Mission of Paris supports nearly 20,000 young people. In 2023: More than 20,250 young people were in contact …

Type: Public

37 8 20 281
IAE FRANCE - Écoles Universitaires de Management IAE FRANCE - Écoles Universitaires de Management

The largest network of University Schools of Management in France IAE FRANCE is a network of 38 Schools of Management located within Universities. All IAE Schools of Management offer a range of courses covering all fields of Management, some of them taught in english, and deliver Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degrees accredited by the French Government. IAE FRANCE is the first source of Research in management in France. The IAE higher education programs of management stem from accredited Research laboratories or the knowledge of practitioners. IAE FRANCE provides to IAE's students and alumni a career center available at this link …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 1 12 121
Emploi et Handicap Grand Lille Emploi et Handicap Grand Lille

Together, let's make disability a force for employment! Employment and handicap Grand Lille's mission is to advise and support employees and job seekers with disabilities, in order to provide solutions in terms of employment in employment and access to sustainable employment in an ordinary workplace. Its service offers: - Handy'Action: Specific support of 12 months of RSA beneficiaries faced with a health problem or with disabilities aimed at professional integration through employment or training - Activ'Alternance: Support service to the work -study workmanship of people with disabilities and employers before and during a work -study contract - Ergonomic study provision: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

27 1 25 46
e-graine e-graine

Supports citizen engagement E-Graine is a popular education movement created in 2006. We believe in a sustainable future and just for everyone. We believe in the power of the inhabitants to build territories of friendly, solidarity and responsible life. This is why, we support the inhabitants to strengthen their power to act individual and collective to carry out the necessary transformations and promote a peaceful climate. To support citizen engagement throughout life, we rely on 3 specific actions levers: - educate in global citizenship: we go to the territories to support the inhabitants to understand the Global challenges and develop …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

36 10 27 81
Efficience Solidaire & Créative Efficience Solidaire & Créative

Digital as a project accelerator! Created in 2017, solidarity and creative efficiency, is a social or associative startup, which aims to invent new solutions to social needs identified in a territory. Innovative actions or devices are experienced, and can be used for other swarms on different contexts. Today we have 3 fields of activity: - Animation of Third Parties, with a multitude of activities related to digital inclusion and media education. - Solidarity communication agency with a qualitative service offer in production of graphic content or printing (flyers, brochures ...), website design and video production. - Training organization with infographic …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

29 4 28 14
EdTech Lyon EdTech Lyon

Join the community of Edtech actors - entrepreneurs, researchers, trainers, teachers - in the Lyon region! Edtech Lyon brings together all the players located in the Lyon region or nearby, who design, develop, market, prescribe, experience and/or use EDTECH solutions, that is to say technological and/or digital solutions to support learning throughout life. Edtech, training, teaching, teaching practices, digital education, digital learning, learning throughout life, cooperation, co -development, and territory learning

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

33 6 25 5
Ecomnews Ecomnews

ECOMNEWS, your 100% Connected Economic South Economic Media Ecomnews is the digital economic information platform in real time in the South of France, preserving journalistic quality, the analysis of territories and local investigation. This platform thanks to the Internet and social networks is a real modern communication tool at the service of information and regional economic and institutional actors. Ecomnews processes information and economic news from the south of France (Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi Pyrénées, Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, Aquitaine Poitou Charente Limousin). ECOMNEWS promotes and developing the information and economic news of decision -makers as close as possible to …

Type: Media

255 30 245 8
DesignGouv DesignGouv

Dinum digital designer team. For accessible, inclusive and humans public services for all Digital public services are too often designed without taking their users into account. We support administrations to improve the user experience of their services. Designgouv is a service offered by the Interdepartmental Directorate of Digital (Dinum).

Type: Public Activities: it services

25 2 25 5
CSA (Institut d'Etudes) CSA (Institut d'Etudes)

CSA, which has 40 years of experience in the field of market research and opinion polling and 130 employees, provides companies and institutions with a detailed understanding of consumer behaviours in order to learn their needs, analyse their environments, anticipate changes in their behaviours, and identify the pathways for engagement using a clear decision-making process. A multi-sector institute resolutely focused on the crossing of data in all forms, CSA specialises in knowledge of the user experience, forecasting and the evaluation of communication actions. CSA Consumer Science & Analytics has been part of the Havas Group since October 2015. Etudes de …

Type: Media

56 20 14 472

Youth information in Hauts-de-France The CRIJ Hauts-de-France, first regional reference reference generalist youth, product disseminates and animates information accessible to all (young people, parents, professionals) on all themes affecting youth: professions and training, employment and internship, commitment and initiatives, housing and practical life, health, leisure sports and holidays, international mobility.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 2 19 8
CREPS de Poitiers CREPS de Poitiers

The Center for Resource, Expertise and Sports Performance (CREPS) in Poitiers is a local public training establishment in the fields of sport, youth and popular education. Sports and animation professions, high performance, support for associations, prequalification, CFA of sports and animation professions, support for training players, and qualiopi

Type: Public Activities: edtech

28 6 13 68

Represent you! The CPME13, Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises of Bouches-du-Rhône, is the departmental relay of the CPME, interprofessional, private and independent employers' organization, whose representativeness is officially recognized. Its mission consists in defending and representing the small and medium -sized enterprises of the department, all sectors combined, with the public authorities and the social partners based on the presence of 300 agents within these various bodies. The CPME13 also supports you in the development of your network, by organizing many events (1 to 2 per week) such as business aperitifs, After Work, 1 p.m. of the entrepreneur, discovery …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

49 17 39 28
Alixio Group Alixio Group

Create new balances Alixio is a strategic consulting group and HR operational services dedicated to the success of transformations with strong human challenges. Our teams - real trust partners - are committed and supports companies and organizations in France and internationally, in HR, Social, Managerial and Organizational Domains. We have intervened from the design of management to the implementation in the field with managers and employees. The Alixio group offers a bouquet of sharp expertise, multisectoral know-how and solid experience allowing to act effectively on business performance levers, to register them sustainably in a growth trajectory. The solutions of the …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

34 6 27 203
Conseil national de l'ordre des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes Conseil national de l'ordre des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes

The National Council of the Order of Kinéesitherapists (CNOMK) is a professional institution which brings together and federates the 109,000 masseurs-physiotherapists, regardless of their status, mode and place of exercise. The CNOMK is responsible, by law, to ensure the maintenance of the principles of morality, of probity, of skills essential for the exercise of masso-physiotherapy and for observation, by all its members, rights, duties and professional obligations, as well as rules laid down by the code of ethics.

Type: Public

40 7 29 205
Conseil départemental de la Haute-Garonne Conseil départemental de la Haute-Garonne

Official account of the Haute-Garonne Departmental Council From the construction of colleges to social action, including the improvement of departmental road infrastructure, support for sport or cultural action, there is no shortage of possibilities! Follow our news!

Type: Public

58 29 23 1,947
Comité Régional Olympique et Sportif Île-de-France (CROS IDF) Comité Régional Olympique et Sportif Île-de-France (CROS IDF)

"Sport for all, at all ages of life" The Olympic and Sports Regional and Sports Committee is in charge of developing and promoting sports practice in Île-de-France. Sports, training, Evenementiel, Promotion, and Sport Health

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

36 2 31 24
Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Bourgogne-Franche-Comté-Employment • Training • Orientation 👀 Who are we? Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté is a public interest group funded within the framework of the 2021-2027 region plan contract: observe, understand, inform, professionalize. Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté brings relevant and essential elements favoring strategic choices of public decision-makers in the fields of employment, training and professional orientation. These expertise allow regional decision -makers to develop hypotheses and implement innovative actions to develop a policy adapted to regional specificities. 📢 Unique place of exchange and expertise in the region Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté is based on the skills of experienced professionals and specialists in the fields of employment, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 0 11 26
Euro App Mobility Euro App Mobility

Accelerator of long-term mobility of apprentices in Europe "Let us give every young person a chance to leave for a mobility in Europe!” Euro App Mobility wants to remove the barriers to the long-term mobility of apprentices (at least 3 months and ideally 6 months). Our activities target obstacles that exist in various areas: legal, academic, financial, educational, linguistic and psychological. Chaired by Jean Arthuis, former minister and member of European Parliament, our organisation aims to implement the results of the pilot project on long-term mobility of apprentices launched by the European Parliament and led by the European Commission between …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

30 3 29 14

More than a passion CNPH-PIVERDIÈRE, based in the Menitré (49), offers professional training in the fields of plant production, florist and marketing Horticulture, Floriculture, arboriculture, market gardening, nursery, organic, agriculture, organic agriculture, flowers, florist, merchandising, merchanter, trade, and art floral

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

11 0 8 36
CidB - Centre d'information sur le bruit CidB - Centre d'information sur le bruit

Imagine the sound environments of tomorrow Association law 1901 non -profit, recognized as a public utility, the Information and Documentation Center on Noise (CIDB) has the main missions of informing, raising awareness, documenting and training on the theme of sound environment. Created in 1978 at the initiative of the Ministry responsible for the Environment, the CIDB is the privileged interlocutor, both for the general public and public or private organizations involved in the management of the sound environment. The CIDB is a place of resources and dissemination of information dedicated to promoting the quality of our sound environment. The CIDB …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 9 29 52
House Of Codesign House Of Codesign

Mission Time for impact Social and environmental innovation Since November 2022, we have been a "mission business". On a daily basis, we’m upgrading existing models with the vision that another company is possible. Because we can no longer do against people and against the planet. Taking into account social and environmental issues is no longer an option, it is an obligation! You have to act with people and for the planet. With our collaborative -based methods and putting the user and the employee at the center, we facilitate innovation and skills rise to help major organizations accelerate their social and …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting

9 0 8 15
1km à pied 1km à pied

We help multi sites company to identify internal mobility to reduce the commuting distance of their employees. Our optimum dispatch algo finds the best location for each employee to minimize the CO2 impact of each commute. It also finds batch of swaps between employees with the same qualifications in different sites. HRtech, Mobility, Transition, Résilience, Plan de Mobilité, Mobilité interne, Echange de poste, Diagnostic Mobilité, RH, Ressources humaines, Mobilité géographique, multi-sites, Absenteisme, turn over, climat, certificat d'économie d'énergie, Mobilité, recrutement, talent pool, GEPP, workforce management, souhaits de mobilité, voeux de mobilité, and mobilité inter-sites

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

85 17 74 14

It's time to put fossil energies at the museum. Sublime Energie is a mission company that offers a collection, transport, purification and packaging solution of biogas, meeting environmental challenges, particularly climatic issues, allowing agricultural farms to enhance biogas produced by anaerobic digestion, while creating a new local Biognv supply sector (natural gas vehicle) and bioco2.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech transporttech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

26 12 18 20
numerik-ea numerik-ea

The adapted company committed for a digital accessible to all Solidarity digital agency, Numerik-Ea, the adapted company committed for a digital accessible to all Services: digital accessibility (audit and advice), website creation, webmastering / content integration, newsletter, testing Digital, communication, digital, accessibility, adapted company, web, CSR, solidarity purchases, handicap, opquast, web creation, and web development

Type: Startup Activities: it services martech

21 2 18 29
Bonanza Bonanza

Maximize your sourcing through social networks The HR marketing solution to generate qualified candidates and develop your employer brand. We allow companies to expand their fields of action by broadcasting their recruitment campaign in the form of advertisements on social networks to generate prequalified candidates. Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter ✅ 👊 Since its launch: + Millions of talents sensitized each month + Thousands candidates engaged in the recruitment processes of our customers + Campaigns in 🇫🇷 🇧🇪 🇳🇱 🇳🇱 🇩🇪 🇩🇰: BPCE, Burger King, Carrefour, Eiffage, SMCP, ENGIE, FDJ, L'Oréal, National Police, RATP DEV, Saint-Gobain, Siemens, SNCF, Sodexo, U …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

27 1 26 54
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Marseille-Provence Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Marseille-Provence

Porte voice of the 134,000 companies from Aix-Marseille-Provence. Our action combines the response to the daily needs of companies and the challenges of the territory to transform itself to international standards. Digital revolution, energy transition, collaborative economy ... In an in -depth changing world, the company must be in permanent motion. A natural partner of the company, the CCI Aix Marseille Provence works on a daily basis to offer 115,000 companies in its territory the keys that will allow them to gain performance and develop their turnover. Because companies are the engine of the economic competitiveness of the territory, the …

Type: Public Activities: e-commerce

92 23 70 324
CFDT Cadres CFDT Cadres

The CFDT with and for the executives - to commit to everyone, to act for all A community of engineers, experts and managers The CFDT is the first union organization for executives: managers, engineers, technical executives, salespeople, executives of public functions, experts, project managers, scientific professions, etc. Public expertise on management Research groups, field surveys, executives observatory, international commitments ...: the CFDT executives anticipates work changes and innovates to better meet the expectations of executives. For examples: the invention of the day package responds to the concerns of executives to balance their investment. The promotion of negotiated telework requires companies …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

87 4 85 31

Commit for everyone, act for everyone. French Democratic Labor Confederation - Syndicate The CFDT is the first French union in number of members: 655,321*, women (51%), men (49%), who work in all professional sectors, in small and large businesses, in the majority in the majority, in the public and in all regions of France. *Source: union

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

104 56 32 1,042
Learning Planet Institute Learning Planet Institute

Fostering a learning society through education, research, community building & collective intelligence. Fostering a #learningsociety to shape the world’s #future through #education #research #community building & #collectiveintelligence. ----- The Learning Planet Institute is a driver of the learning-society revolution that believes learning, research, collective intelligence, and creativity can help both individuals and organizations adapt to the increasingly complex challenges of our rapidly changing world. We are a research-and-development center as well as an educational facility developing programs for kindergarteners and doctoral students alike and every age in between—and even for continuing-education learners. We likewise offer services to government agencies, companies, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 1 11 221
✅Medef Haute-Garonne ✅Medef Haute-Garonne

At MEDEF31, there is no small or big boss, there are only #enthusiasts! MEDEF 31 is a network of members, dynamic, which accompanies several hundred VSEs on a daily basis, SMEs in Haute-Garonne. You want, - Be represented, informed, heard and defended - Find support in case of difficulty - Better understand and master the complexity around you, - meet other leaders, develop your professional relationships, - Participate in local economic development, - Promote your role of business manager ... Do not hesitate, join us. Our regular events: - The Tuesdays of Medef Every 2nd Tuesday of the month, professionals …

Type: Event

83 11 73 22
Direction Generale de l'Aviation Civile Direction Generale de l'Aviation Civile

Build the sky of tomorrow The Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC) is guaranteeing the security and security of French air transport and, the balances between its development and the objectives of the ecological and energy transition. It is both a regulatory authority, a security monitoring center, a provider for air navigation and training services, a partner of aeronautical players. It supports research and innovation of aeronautical construction and state industrial policies in this sector.

Type: Public

44 17 24 2,499

It is because we give priority to the person that we can optimize human organizations Domplelus Group is 5 companies for global support for people, including 1,500 situations treated each day with 15 million beneficiaries. An innovation group of services and an organization adapted to strategic orientations: - dhomplus == & gt; Services in social/health prevention, engineering-intermediation & amp; coaching - Care Experience == & GT; Management by Care: customer experience / employee experience - dhata === & gt; Data value at the service of the person - it house === & gt; Management of weakened people as part of …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

25 2 23 76
Cercle Vulnérabilités et Société Cercle Vulnérabilités et Société

Make vulnerability a force! Created in 2018, the Circle Vulnerabilities and Society is a think & amp; Independent do tank whose ambition is to convert the extraordinary potential of vulnerabilities into the deposit of social and economic progress. In this perspective, its action aims to prevent and resolve situations of proven weaknesses (handicap, loss of autonomy, chronic disease, precariousness, help, mourning, etc.) as much as to demonstrate and support their transformative power. Today he federates 60 private, public and associative organizations, to bring out proposals and experiment with new models that meet the challenges of employment, health, autonomy, citizenship and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

48 6 41 5
Centre Juno Beach - Juno Beach Centre Centre Juno Beach - Juno Beach Centre

Discover Canada’s Second World War museum in Normandy, France! Découvrez le musée canadien de la Seconde Guerre mondiale Opened on June 6, 2003, the Juno Beach Centre was born on the initiative of a group of Canadian Second World War veterans, widows and children of veterans keen to perpetuate the memory of the wartime operations that were a credit to Canada and to boost awareness of the role that their country as a whole had played in the conflict. It pays homage to the nearly 45,000 Canadians who died during the Second World War, of which 5,500 lost their lives …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

16 0 10 21

GRDF energy efficiency expertise CEGIBAT, GRDF's technical and regulatory expertise on natural gas and energy efficiency Gas regulations, energy efficiency of the building, reference guide for the installation of natural gas equipment, and consulting in solutions energy efficiency for the residential, tertiary and industrial sectors

Type: Corporate subsidiary

16 3 12 10
CCI Portes de Normandie CCI Portes de Normandie

Our raison d'être: help you create and develop your business. 📞 Contact us on 02 77 27 00 27 The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Normandy is responsible for supporting companies at each stage of their development, representing businesses and animating the economic life of its territory. Commercial development of businesses, business creation, training, takeover / business transmission, office rental, room rental, formalities, and legal advice

Type: Public

56 11 46 96
Carsat Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Carsat Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Your contact in the region for pension insurance, social service and professional risks The 870 employees of the Caisse de Retraite et de Santé at work, divided between the head office located in Dijon and the 8 departments of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, intervene to respond to needs of the insured of the general and businesses in the fields: - retirement; - Aging well; - social support; - Professional risk management. Business experts are supported by the cash support services: management of real estate, IT, maintenance, purchasing-market-budgets, human resources, risk control, information and communication ... Carsat is among the most important economic players …

Type: Public

9 1 9 286
Carif-Oref Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Carif-Oref Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Regional Center for Orientation, Training and Employment in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. The Regional Center for Orientation, Employment, Training in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.

Type: Public

25 4 11 24
Campus des Tiers-Lieux - Sinny&Ooko Campus des Tiers-Lieux - Sinny&Ooko

Campus of Third Parties supports actors in societal and territorial developments: training/ incubation/ consultancy The third-party campus is a training organization that brings a combined approach to know-how and knowledge necessary for the creation and management of cultural third places. Based on the experience of the Third-Lieux agency and Sinny & Amp; Ooko events (La Récyclerie, the Canals Pavilion, the Bubble Bar, Le Divan du Monde, Le Comptoir Général, etc.), the team of trainers is made up of expert members still in post and perpetual reflection in different cultural thirds. The third-party campus aspires to support the actors of societal …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

45 3 44 16
Mutuelle MBTP Mutuelle MBTP

For your health now, you have the choice! • Your mutual insurance company, dedicated to construction professionals Historical player in the complementary health insurance recognized for its fine knowledge of the specificities, challenges and constraints of the construction sector, MBTP is represented by active professionals and retired construction, at the service of BTP business leaders. She defends mutual and united values ​​for 90 years. • Our core business: complementary health MBTP's mission is to support you and advise you in your choices in terms of complementary health and risk prevention. We offer contracts adapted to the needs of businesses, self …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech insurtech

4 1 4 32

International graduate school in Digital Sport Sciences The objective of DIGISPORT is to create a unique graduate school of international excellence in interdisciplinary training and research in digital sport sciences. This project aims to offer students in initial and continuing training an opportunity to build a study strategy suited to their professional goals and to the labor market. DIGISPORT provides a coordinated training offer, from masters to doctoral level, that is resolutely interdisciplinary and strongly linked to research and innovation. This program proposes to university and Grandes Ecoles students, in initial and continuing training, to build their own learning path …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 2 7 24
Aléa Contrôles Aléa Contrôles

Without a doubt! Alea Controls perform missions in the field of professional health and safety: advice (AMO, MOE asbestos removal and deplics, ...), training (sub-sections 3 and 4 asbestos, lead, HAP, ...) and laboratory (asbestos and lead). Alea Controls has a multidisciplinary team made up of engineers, experts and trainers. With our experts in construction pollutants and public works (asbestos, lead, COV, Chrome, ...), building companies (construction) and public works, SMEs, VSEs, public organizations, you have with Alea Controls and its network of approved partners of a company based in Toulouse, worker in France and in its neighboring countries. With …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

28 0 27 42
EPMT Éducation EPMT Éducation

Excellence by alternation! Welcome to the school page of the apprentice training center of the Paris School of Table Trades - Paris 17 Discover the news, events and the latest job offers from the CFA EPMT!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 0 18 102
Chefcab - Conseil en communication d'influence Chefcab - Conseil en communication d'influence

Chefcab advises and supports elected officials, businesses, public and private organizations in the construction of a multi-supply influence strategy: communication, press relations, public affairs, reputation. With Chefcab, your voice counts. Agility, confidence, opening and innovation are our watchwords to help our customers gain visibility and influence. To reach us: To join us: Twitter: @chefcab Policy, communication, media relations, technical, digital, influence, and reputation advice

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

11 0 10 11

European leader in mutual horse racing bets, sports betting operator and online poker 🔞 Paris operator on the French market. Paris horse, sports betting and online poker. Mission: contributing, through its customers, to the development of the horse sector 10.5 billion € of sums played per year. 5.5 million customers, including 1 million online. TOP 5 EBUSINESS FRENCH 12,000 points of sale 15 foreign B2B partners Games of money, e-commerce, distribution network, local trade, international, data, tech, Paris horse racing, sports betting, online poker, nft, betting, and gaming

Type: Large company

66 14 41 3,619
Alliance Villes Emploi Alliance Villes Emploi

National association of local authorities for training, integration and employment Alliance Cities Emploi is the national network of local communities involved in integration, employment and training issues. As such, it is the head of the PLIE network (local plans for integration and employment) and employment houses, and bears the network of facilitators of the social clause.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

66 12 52 9
Le Progrès | Les événements Le Progrès | Les événements

Event organizer Integrated event event of the newspaper Le Progrès (EBRA Events*), we organize nearly 60 owner or tailor-made events for our partners per year. Rich in solid expertise, over 30 years old, in terms of the organization of corporate events, editorial events, fairs, congresses, but also intergenerational, festive, popular, cultural or sports events, we imagine events that promote citizen engagement or mobilization around strong themes and are consistent with the reason for the group: confidence between the actors of our regions ”. Our reference events: . Gastronomy and wines trophies . Agriculture trophies . Craft trophies . Mayors trophies …

Type: Event

18 1 18 9

Local missions, 1st support network for young people to employment and autonomy. Regional Association of 28 local missions of the South Provence Alpes region on the Azur side. Engaged in the fair transition fund funded by the European Union.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 1 10 9
Siniat France Siniat France

Siniat, brand of the Etex group, is the technical and responsible leader of plasterboard & amp; Innovative solutions & amp; Durable for partitions, ceiling, insulation and outside wall. Effective service creator & amp; Useful for its customers and innovative, intelligent & amp; Made in France for all types of buildings, Siniat has always been committed for the comfort and health of all, from the craftsman to the inhabitant. 1st to have certified its plaster plates Cradle to Cradle, Siniat has a strong policy of waste management and revaluation of plaster and work to improve the construction of tomorrow, step by …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 1 8 13
FERGUSS | Réseau d'agences d'emploi & de centres de formation FERGUSS | Réseau d'agences d'emploi & de centres de formation

Your potential has the future Created in 1992 in the Lyon region, Ferguss (the new name of Coralis) is a French SME with a social vocation specializing in the recruitment, training and placement of employees. Composed of a network of agencies and training centers spread across France, Ferguss has developed real expertise in training and recruitment for the logistics, industry and tertiary sectors. Bringing together more than 60 employees, Ferguss has 8 agencies in Ile de France, Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Occitanie and Auvergne Rhône Alpes. On the occasion of the thirty years of the company, Paul Campy the current …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

17 1 13 61
Social Builder Social Builder

What if all women could access a profession for the future? #Feminisonslatech 💡 The world of work is digitalized - like our lives - however, women represent only 27.9 % of digital employees! At Social Builder, our vision has not changed for 13 years: acting to go to a society where professional equality is a reality for all women. Founded in 2011 by Emmanuelle Larroque, our association accelerates the presence of women in the professions of the future thanks to actions of orientation, awareness, training and integration. We offer complete support to employment by helping women to develop both their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

86 13 68 98
MSA - Mutualité Sociale Agricole MSA - Mutualité Sociale Agricole

The MSA, the second social protection regime in France, protects the entire agricultural profession. It is based on the values ​​of mutualism, such as solidarity, responsibility and democracy, to bring the rural territories to life. With nearly 27.5 billion benefits paid in 2011 for 5.6 million beneficiaries, the MSA covers the entire agricultural population and beneficiaries (non-salaried and employees). In a few figures: The MSA is 17,000 employees including 1,170 social workers, 260 prevention advisers, 220 doctors and dentists advice and 320 occupational physicians, spread over 35 funds and a central fund Social protection, health, family, housing, retirement, solidarity, territories, …

Type: Public

84 38 39 3,266
BlueLink Group BlueLink Group

L'art de la Relation Founded in 1992, BlueLink, a subsidiary of Air France, specialises in the customer relationship. Through a consulting approach in line with the strategy of each partner brand, BlueLink's teams support businesses with the design, implementation and development of their customer relationships to make them a key factor for success and loyalty-building. The fields of expertise that characterise the company’s added value include customer insight, multilingual activities (33 native languages spoken) spearheaded by our brand ambassadors, and technological innovation. BlueLink now has a workforce of 2,000 employees throughout the world and is able to centrally orchestrate all …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

20 2 17 438

Since 1979, BGE Parif has supported business creation so that it is a reality accessible to all. Since 1979, BGE Parif has been working to make entrepreneurship a reality accessible to all. He supports business creation initiatives by supporting the advice and training all those who undertake, from the emergence of the idea to its implementation and the development of the company. BGE Parif is a member of the National BGE network. Our missions: - Advisor before and after business creation - Train future entrepreneurs and managers to acquire the basics necessary for the management of their business - Support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

64 15 56 70

Official account of the Sarthe prefecture. Official account of the Sarthe prefecture.

Type: Public Activities: arttech

39 8 33 77
Autour des Williams Autour des Williams

Association Francophone du Syndrome de Williams & Beuren. Association Francophone du Syndrome de Williams & Beuren.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech entertainment

41 6 34 5
Association nationale de la performance sociale du sport Association nationale de la performance sociale du sport

Social performance of sport: #Sport as a major player in the #inclusion of young people. The National Association of Social Performance of Sport is a place of discussion and dialogue between all actors in the social performance of sport: associations, federations, local authorities, companies, qualified personalities.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

73 1 76 6
Association des Villes Universitaires de France Association des Villes Universitaires de France

The strength of a network to support the development of a knowledge society in the territories The Association of University Cities of France (AVUF) is both: - A place of exchange of practices between elected officials and technicians in charge of higher education, research, and student life issues. - a force of proposal to the State and other actors in higher education in France and in Europe. - A platform of shared events between communities in territories and campuses (Nights of students of the world, Tour de France Act Together, etc.). It currently brings together 80 local authorities: 33 municipalities, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

38 8 14 3
Association ANTS Association ANTS

Our mission: we work to improve the quality of life of people with neuromotor disabilities. The Ants (Acronym English Acronym for Sport and Advanced Neuro-Reducative Therapies-Advanced Neuro-Rehabilitation Therapies & Amp; Sport) was created in 2015 by Vance Bergeron, CNRS research director at the Lyon ENS physics laboratory. Following a bicycle accident in 2013, Vance Bergeron became incomplete quadriplegic. During his hospitalization, he decided to found an association with other teeths sharing the passion for sport, with the support of the CNRS, the ENS of Lyon and the Civil Hospices in Lyon (HCL). Subsequently, he decided to redirect his field of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

12 2 7 16
Asder Asder

Support and train to succeed in the energy transition ⚡ Act for a sustainable and united energy transition. 🎓 Sustainable building school ⚡️ Local energy service 📍 Chambéry Training, environment, eco-construction, energy transition, renewable energy, professional training, advice & amp; Support, Eco-Batîment, Energy Precariousness, Energy Sobriety, and Eco-Consumption

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

26 4 20 139
YOOKAN, Révélateur d'avenir YOOKAN, Révélateur d'avenir

Discover trades and meet immersion professionals to find your way attessional The third place of success Yookan revealing the future, is an association carried by many actors and partners who opened in November 2021, a new experimental place of 750m2 in order to allow everyone to find their professional future! A space dedicated to the awareness of its affinities/strengths, to discover professions thanks to new XR tools, and personalized coaching to launch professional careers thanks to immersions in business. Come and meet us at the Rosny 2 - Porte 6 shopping center or by email at Professional integration, discovery …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: VR

54 6 44 10

So that communication is not an obstacle in daily exchanges Take the bus, buy a bread wand, follow the formation of your choice, fully enjoy a festival ... These are apparently "simple" actions of everyday life, but not for everyone. At PAIPS, we act to promote universal accessibility, social link and communication everywhere and for everyone. For this we propose: - An accessibility diagnosis: We advise you with a diagnosis on the accessibility of information and communication in your structure to respond to regulations, for example: February 2005 law on equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: SaaS

7 1 5 4
Octopulse Octopulse

Boost Your Traffic | 🚀 Octopulse helps startups, SMEs and freelancers who want to boost their Internet traffic! We are an alternative to traditional agencies which are often very expensive. The first page of Google monopolizes 92% of traffic, in other words not to be amounts to be invisible for almost all of the users, and therefore pass by its competitors. To remedy this problem and exceed your customers, Octopulse offers 5 different services: 📌 The SEA (paid referencing), which brings you qualified traffic from its launch. We are launching SEA campaigns from 200 euros. 📌 Netlinking is the …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

16 2 8 8
Gryzzly Gryzzly

🐻 Elevate your business's profitability with Gryzzly : effortless project time tracking chatbot for Slack and MS Teams. 🐻 Effortless project time tracking for Slack and MS Teams Elevate your business's profitability with Gryzzly : Your team-favorite Slack and Microsoft Teams chatbot that simplifies time tracking, boosts billable hours and enhances budget control. 🦾 Supercharged with AI Machine Learning chatbot, SaaS, Intelligence Artificielle, Conversationnel, Project forcasting, logiciel, software, Slack, Gestion de projet, project management, Time Tracking, Gestion du temps, Suivi des temps, and Suivi d'activité

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing SaaS

36 12 29 21

The most accessible profile solution on the market at the service of employability and the development of talents. Prismo offers the most accessible digital solution on the market to identify the skills profile, Soft Skills and Hard Skills, and the professional potential at the service of employability and the development of talents. Prismo has already identified the professional potential of 100,000 candidates, employees and learners, in several European countries and with more than 60 customers: Pôle Emploi, Mazars, Crédit Agricole, Mars, TBS Education, M2i Training, ESDES Lyon, etc. Created in April 2017 in Savoie, Prismo is a tech start-up with …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech consulting edtech it services Technologies: A.I.

11 4 8 18
COREADD Nouvelle-Aquitaine COREADD Nouvelle-Aquitaine

A team whose mission is to support the community of health professionals in the field of addictions Regional coordination Addictions Nouvelle-Aquitaine is an association created in 2020 following the merger of several associations. The main mission of the health network is to be supporting the practice for health professionals (city & amp; hospital) on the theme of addictions. Our goal is to support the community of health professionals in territories in the field of addictions throughout New Aquitaine. Coreadd is also a resource structure which offers multidisciplinary training, prevention actions, innovative projects for educational and mediation tools ... Since 2016, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 1 7 27
Pays de Saint-Fulgent - Les Essarts Pays de Saint-Fulgent - Les Essarts

The community of communes informs you of the news of the territory! Located in the heart of the Vendée bocage, the country of Saint-Fulgent-Les Essarts is made up of 10 municipalities: Bazoges-en-Paillers, Les Brouzils, Chauché, Chavagnes-en-Paillers, La Copechagnière, Essarts en Bocage, La Merlatière, La Rabatelière, Saint-André-Goule-d'Oie and Saint-Fulgent. Many industrial successes contribute to the dynamism and attractiveness of the territory and to synergy with a pool of VSEs and SMEs in sectors of diversified activity.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

9 1 7 33
Aract Pays de la Loire Aract Pays de la Loire

Support, train, equip, experiment, disseminate The Aract of Pays de la Loire, a regional agency for the improvement of working conditions, is a joint organization funded by the Dreets, the Regional Council and the Anact. She joined the ANACT in 2023 in a common public establishment. Improving working conditions is a factor in performance, cohesion and sustainable development. Also, the Aract of Pays de la Loire, as part of its public service mission, supports companies in their work organization and social innovation projects. It intervenes in the context of individual, collective or public actions. His approaches promote consultation with staff …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

25 6 14 14
Aract Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Aract Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Working conditions and social innovation in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ARACT Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is one of the 16 regional agencies of the ANACT (National Agency for the improvement of working conditions)-a public establishment administered by the State and the social partners, with a public service mission. Established in Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand, the interventions of the Aract are aimed at * Promote dialogue between management and employees on work issues. * Help experiment with new ways of working (new process, new organization, ecological and digital transition ...) with the people concerned ... so as to improve the quality of life and working conditions (QVCT). Modes …

Type: Public

30 6 25 22
Api Restauration Api Restauration

Api Restauration is a Hospitality company located in 384 Rue du Général de Gaulle, Mons-en-Barœul, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France.

Type: Large company

10 1 1 3,731
Apei de la Boucle de la Seine Apei de la Boucle de la Seine

Act together with our differences Animated by the desire to defend the rights and dignity of their child intellectual deficient child without a reception solution, a group of parents created in 1963, the APEI of the Seine loop. Association of a recognized committed parental parental of general interest, we welcome and support people with mental disabilities, suffering from the autism spectrum disorder, polyhandicap, and their families. Our mission: to offer supported people the societal environment proposed within the city and thus fully live their citizenship whatever the degree of their handicap. Anchored in our territory with 29 establishments and services, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

29 4 22 116
ANMF I La Meunerie Française ANMF I La Meunerie Française

Representative of professional organizations and companies in the French Meunerie sector. We recruit! The National Association of the French Meunery represents and brings together the millers in their diversity throughout the territory. With 13 territorial delegations and more than 177 members, the ANMF represents 94% of flour production in France. It ensures a constant dialogue within the sector and contributes to building a privileged link between its members and the partners of the Meunerie.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

32 1 29 11
AMNYOS Consultants AMNYOS Consultants

Our profession: support changes in public action, organizations and territories in different fields such as: employment, training, higher education, integration, challenges of professional equality, human resources, economic development. Professional training and orientation, labor market and integration, territory, skills, eco -eco, disability and employment, innovation and cluster, change management, organizational issues, ESF+ and European community programs, Evalations, social policies, health and solidarity, inclusion, and collective intelligence

Type: SMB Activities: edtech hrtech

11 1 11 39
AmCham France AmCham France

Community of companies 🇫🇷 and 🇺🇸, AMCHAM France is a dating, reflection and exchange platform. The American Chamber of Commerce in France - AMCHAM France - is independent and apolitical. We contribute to the public debate on the societal commitment of companies, the attractiveness of France and the future of the transatlantic relationship. We develop innovative ideas and bring concrete solutions to current public policies, through the publication of reports, analysis documents and white pods designed during thematic working groups. We organize high -level meetings and debates, and constitute a link between economic, political, intellectual and academic circles. We have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

77 10 71 29
France Active Alsace France Active Alsace

The movement of #entrepreneurs. Advice, financing and connection. For more than 25 years, France Active Alsace has supported committed entrepreneurs who have worked for a more dynamic and sustainable territory. We offer a diversity of financing, support and networking solutions at all stages of life of the company. We want to allow each entrepreneur to invest in a project with positive impact for employment, territory, social utility or the environment. Financing, support, DLA, ESS, business creation, advice, connection, cooperation, solidarity credits, emergence, development, processing, revival, associations, and financing

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

42 15 33 26

Learn and train in transport and logistics! AFTRAL is the largest pole of higher training in logistics transport in France. Created 60 years ago by professionals for professionals, AFTRAL devotes all means to the quality and development of training in transport and logistics. With more than 500 innovative programs, AFTRAL offers a complete offer in initial and continuous training allowing an operational response to the needs of professionals in the transport and logistics sectors. More than 220,000 people strengthen, develop and certify their professional skills with Aftral every year. More than 6,000 people follow each year in the 90 AFTRAL …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech edtech

52 13 33 3,398
Initiative Anjou Initiative Anjou

ᴛʀᴀɴꜱꜰᴏʀᴍᴇᴢ ᴠᴏꜱ ᴩʀᴏᴊᴇᴛꜱ ꜱᴜᴄᴄ ꜱᴜᴄᴄèꜱ i 1st financial support network & amp; human from Maine-et-Loire 📈 "It is never too late to become what you could have been" - George Eliot 🤩 Become an entrepreneur! What if you finally decide to go from the project to action? At Initiative Anjou, our goal is yours: to support your projects to transform your ideas into real success! 🥇1er human and financial support network of Maine-et-Loire for 30 years, 💥 More than 4,000 entrepreneurs have trusted us for their creation, development or recovery project! Why not? 🏦 Get bank funding more easily thanks …

Type: Incubators & VCs

12 3 10 17
GRETA-CFA Provence GRETA-CFA Provence

Training organization for employees, job seekers, young people in professional integration #Formezomain GRETA-CFA Provence offers many training courses on more than 50 places in the Bouches du Rhône territory (13). Established in national education establishments or in dedicated premises, Greta-CFA Provence meets the qualification needs of various audiences: job seekers, employees, apprentices, young people in professional and individual integration. GRETA-CFA Provence: a training offer in many professional fields: industry, building, digital, aeronautics, energy, hotel, catering, hairstyle, sanitary and social, tertiary, languages, key skills, integration, HR, trade, logistics, security prevention.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 2 14 118
Uniformation Uniformation

The skills operator (OPCO) of social cohesion. The Uniformation Skills (OPCO) Skills (OPCO) is the employment partner and training of companies from the 20 professional branches that cover the social cohesion sector: associations, cooperatives, social enterprises, foundations and mutuals. We advise and assist these members in the design and implementation of their training projects as well as on their funding. Continuing vocational training, employment, integration, orientation, learning, work -study, professionalization, financial aid, funding, recruitment, skills, numerical, illiteracy, and sustainable development

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Decarbonization

23 12 12 285
Préfecture des Pyrénées-Atlantiques Préfecture des Pyrénées-Atlantiques

Official page of the prefecture and state services in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques Discover the action of state services in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. #prefet64

Type: Public

32 6 27 48
WAE Group WAE Group

WAE Group, accelerate your industrial project: electronics, mechanics, on -board software, series manufacturing. Wae Group is a French industrial group that brings together Quasar Concept, Cao Concept, Seretec and Snees. Electronics, mechanics, on -board software. From the idea to the product, subset or together, we are your agile partner, whether industrial subcontracting or the realization of a global project. The four SMEs components of Wae Group work on the following fields and they are complementary to each other about the full value chain: • Quasar Concept (Avrillé / 49): Electronic design office, test benches and test means, tools, IoT • …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: IoT

28 3 28 5

For a Europe of territories close to its citizens Europe, Territorial cohesion, women's equality men, European exchanges and partnerships, citizen participation, sustainable development, employment and social inclusion, development cooperation, and service

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

44 11 17 10
Caplain Group Caplain Group

Caplain Machines, essential supplier for food trades in France and internationally Supplier of professional machines for workers in food trades.

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

3 0 3 13
Signes et Formations Signes et Formations

Digital careers school 100% French sign language! Signes et Formations is a cooperative company (SCOP) which designs and offers services in French sign language (LSF): - teaching of LSF, intra or inter company To allow everyone to learn a visual language and communicate with deaf people, whether in a professional context (colleague, employee or deaf public) or for everyday life. - LSF/French interpreter service To promote communication between hearing and deaf people in all life situations (education, training, medical appointments, justice, everyday purchases, conferences, meetings, cultural visits, etc.). Our interpreters operate throughout the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, in person or by …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

31 5 29 14
#ApresJ20 - Association Covid Long France #ApresJ20 - Association Covid Long France

Association aimed at promoting recognition, care, research and communication on the COVVI LONG Official account of #Apresj20 Association COVVI Long France aimed at promoting recognition, care, research and communication on #covidlong Hashtags: #apresj20 #covidlong #longcovid The association is part of a scientific and ethical approach and is attached to mutual respect for ideas and individuals. We want to avoid any ideological or partisan positioning and do not want to associate ourselves directly with any of them. The administrators of this page are guarantors of the positioning of the association #APRESJ20 and therefore reserve the right to block, filter and report …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 1 17 7
A + c'est mieux ! A + c'est mieux !

The community of third-party practices of Ile-de-France The community of third-Lieux practices and the commons of Ile-de-France

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

40 6 35 11
Fondation MMA des Entrepreneurs du Futur Fondation MMA des Entrepreneurs du Futur

The MMA business foundation of the entrepreneurs of the future is a Do Tank which aims to support and encourage initiatives, innovation and the capacity of entrepreneurs and territories to take advantage of demographic, environmental, technological and those linked to new uses. The MMA business foundation of entrepreneurs of the future intends to bring back and know the successful entrepreneurial initiatives of those who build the future and prepare France and its territories to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Entrepreneurs, territories, innovation, entrepreneurship, manager's health, and CSR

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

51 10 43 10
Fédération Sportive et Culturelle de France Fédération Sportive et Culturelle de France

Let's live together the sport and culture experience! Founded in 1898, the Sports and Cultural Federation of France offers in its affiliated associations a multi-activity sporting and cultural offer to an audience of all ages (from 3 to 90 years) throughout French territory, DOM COM INCLUSE. The FSCF aims to promote access to sports and cultural practice for all. To do this, the action of the Federation is guided by a constant research of originality (a awakening concept of the child, the care of the family, gym form ’relaxation, ...). It has an educational project which advocates openness, respect, autonomy, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 2 11 84

Develop your potentials in pleasure Training is synonymous with the future. It is with this in mind that was created in 1999; A company turned to the future and fun learning. Its mission is the development of professional skills through pleasure in order to promote the commitment and motivation of learners. To do this, constantly rethinks existing training methods and works on more attractive and effective dimensions than the other. It sets up three fundamental devices; E-learning, face-to-face training and Blended Learning. uses many supports such as voting system, e-learning, business theater, serious games, e-business, interactive whiteboard …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

10 2 9 21

Association of companies committed for professional integration in the territory of Paris and the Hauts de Seine The Association Face Paris Hauts de Seine is an association law 1901, a approved member of the Facestation Facestation network for inclusion. It was created in 2006 by the town hall of Paris and the companies in the territory with a goal of general interest: the fight against all forms of social exclusion, discrimination and poverty. 3 fields of action: Education: deconstruct representations related to sectors and Trades, create school gateways (internships, etc.) and Promote learning and alternation for everyone. Employment: support individually …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

34 1 34 13
ANews Mobility ANews Mobility

Professional information media dedicated to the mobility ecosystem, its actors and users. Online media - Web TV, 100 % dedicated to the world of mobility! Online Media - Web TV, 100% dedicated to Mobility. Hommobile, vehicles, mobility, mobility, smart city, car fleets, large companies, corporate vehicle, mobility, business manager, 2 and 3 wheels, mobile manager, Fleet Manager, Communities, Smart Grids, Connected vehicles, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, new technologies, new energies, Travel Manager, Travel and Cars Common, air, rail, communities, AOM, space, inter -municipalities, regions, and Europe

Type: Startup Activities: smart city transporttech Technologies: Sensors

59 0 58 0
Ellii Ellii

Discover our digital, collective and interactive workshops in order to stay in shape while having fun on 💚 Ellii, Silver-Economy start-up approved by solidarity with social utility (ESUS) = & gt; 🌟 Ellii supports seniors and close caregivers in a personalized and preventive way using adapted online activities in order to stay in shape while having fun! All our workshops are digital, collective and interactive within a tool built with users and partners. Also discover our tailor -made support in B2B of our various partners (pension funds, mutuals, associations, communities, CCAS, etc.) as well as our impact measures. …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech Technologies: SaaS

14 3 5 5