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LogoName Σ Employees
Groupe Luminess Groupe Luminess

Luminess, a major player in the French digital ecosystem. #IDP #IA #BPO #Dataethics #PlateForm Luminess is a company of French intermediate size, created in Mayenne in 1903. Imprimeur at its origins, the group continued to transform itself to become a 100% digital company. Luminess is now located in 7 countries and has 1,400 employees worldwide, including 600 in France. Reference player in intelligent documents processing and process outsourcing, Luminess is at the cutting edge of AI technologies to automate, digitize and optimize business processes. The group combines an industrial approach to BPO with the operational excellence of an ESN to …

Type: Large company

22 8 10 962
Wacano Wacano

Entrepreneurs who build the future Wacano supports 350 companies per year through 15 entrepreneurial platforms in France: incubators, nurseries and business hotels. Wacano develops support programs, a working environment and a community of peers for entrepreneurs. 💥 For all ambitions 💥 We believe that each contractor must have the opportunity to evolve in a stimulating environment, surrounded by benevolent people at affordable prices. For global or local ambitions. For exponential or linear growths. For the diversity of sectors and provenances. Because yes, the key is the passion of entrepreneurs. And where there is passion, Wacano will always help to create …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

42 9 0 37


Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: New Materials

7 4 5 5
PowerUs PowerUs

Die Jobplattform #1 im Bereich Elektronik, Mechatronik und SHK. 🔌🔧 Finde deinen Traumjob mit PowerUs! We help workers find the best jobs, discover new companies & industries, connect with other workers and get further education. On the other side, we help attractive employers find these workers to fulfill their projects and grow. We have put together a Notion Page where you can learn more about our mission, our team, benefits, values and much more:

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

2 1 1 116
Apiday Apiday

From ESG data collection to reporting and certification, we help companies achieve their sustainability goals. Apiday is on a mission to make sustainability easy, measurable and affordable for companies and investors. The world is changing. Focusing exclusively on financial performance is not enough for companies anymore. Tracking and reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics is now a must-have. The apiday platform helps companies easily collect all ESG data in one place, automate ESG reporting and certification processes, and collaborate with third parties, such as specialized ESG consultants, to improve ESG scores or make specific ESG improvements. ESG, Sustainability, …

Type: Startup Activities: regtech Technologies: SaaS

15 7 10 54
malibou malibou

Centralisez simplement la paie & les RH au sein d’une même plateforme et bénéficiez de l’accompagnement d’un expert. Malibou is the first PEO (Professional employer organisation) for European SMBs. You can easily: - Manage employees - Run payroll - Track compliance All in a single app instead of juggling across multiple tool with out of sync data Software, HR, and Payroll

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

7 2 3 18
Klark Klark

Boost your customer service with Generative AI Klark's mission is to transform the way companies engage with their customers through generative AI technology. As specialists in the AI sector, we are developing a software solution designed for effective customer care contact management. Our approach provides businesses with advanced tools and opens the door for a significant shift in industry standards. We're hiring talents, apply here:

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

19 8 13 20
KohortPay KohortPay

The referral solution where teamwork pays. KohortPay helps e-merchants drive high quality customer acquisition at-scale, at a fraction of the cost of existing acquisition channels. Our technology combines the virality of referrals with the power of cashback to offer immediate rewards to loyal customers for each new customer referred. As such, KohortPay delivers 10x results as compared to existing coupon-based referral rewards programs. Installed on your site in 15 minutes or less, KohortPay integrates seamlessly into the existing customer journey with no extra clics, no apps to download, and no sign ups. Put referrals and word of mouth at the …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

11 6 3 14
Getsafe Getsafe

Insurance redefined: empowering people to protect what matters. Getsafe empowers people to take control of their futures by making informed life decisions and protecting what matters most to them. Getsafe challenges the traditional insurance industry with its unique technological platform, driven by the vision of delivering fair, accessible and tailor-made insurance solutions – all in one app. Expanding beyond conventional insurance models, Getsafe’s portfolio includes property and casualty insurance, as well as life and health coverage. All on one connected platform. With the introduction of features like family accounts, instant claims, AI-based advisory tools, and experts on demand, Getsafe reduces …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

21 7 12 212
Techfugees Techfugees

Empowering inclusion of forcibly displaced persons with responsible digital technology 🚀 TECHFUGEES mission is to leave no forcibly displaced persons behind in an increasingly digital and climate change stricken world through digital innovations, inclusions and insights. As a non-profit, we harness the global collective with volunteers, digital tech, cross-sector organisations and humanitarian NGOs to empower inclusion of forcibly displaced persons with responsible digital innovations, developed for and with displaced communities, to have equitable access to trusted information, education, health, work and social integration for their betterment whilst advancing their human rights to participate in the digital society through shared insights. …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech

87 43 57 16
Emmaüs Défi Emmaüs Défi

Let us take up the challenge of a new life Emmaüs Défi, it is a collective engaged alongside people in great precariousness, to help them meet the plural challenges they face. We support them in their desire to return to employment, access to health and worthy accommodation, thanks to second -hand solidarity donations and purchases made in our places. By supporting Emmaüs Défi, you help to take up the challenge of a more inclusive, sustainable and united society. socio -professional insertion and re -use

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

62 32 44 106
Climate Dividends Climate Dividends

Most robust & standard extra-financial indicator to trace companies' climate positive contribution back to investors. We're on a mission to foster investments towards solutions that contribute to carbon neutrality by avoiding/removing GHG emissions. We're a non for-profit co-founded early 2023 by ADEME, Mirova, Sweep, Team For The Planet, and the Kanopée Partage foundation. The association is currently chaired by Brune Poirson. Our daily job is to develop and promote adoption of the "Climate Dividend". Climate Dividends are an extra-financial indicator reflecting the positive climate positive contribution of a company (i.e avoided/removed GHG emissions). ➡️ Each year, a company can …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

28 12 22 9
Welfaire Welfaire

Independent & amp; brokers: finally insurance that wants you good ... Welfaire, it is the Assurtech Provident & amp; Independent health (TNS): 100% digital, 100% benevolent, 100% health ... We are still working to do a service to the little onions. I promise, we are telling you soon ...

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech healthtech

3 2 2 13
Trusk Trusk

You will like to have yourself delivered 📦🚀 🔥 For over eight years, Trusk has established himself as the essential national player in transport and urban logistics 🔥. Leader of delivery of the last kilometer, we are specialists in bulky parcels and we provide - thanks to our truskers (professional carriers 💙) a delivery without incident, within 2 hours and always with a smile. Our customers? The flagship players in the furniture sector, household appliances, DIY, sport, construction ... and much more! There is nothing more precious to us than: the confidence of our customers, the benevolence of our investments …

Type: Startup Activities: delivery transporttech

18 2 18 174
Malizen Malizen

Software to reveal the dangers hiding in your data and teach AI to find them. Data visualization to better explore and understand complex cybersecurity data. Machine learning algorithms to support and multiply the capacities of teams. A full visual environment to boost your cybersecurity teams. Dataviz, Deeptech, Cybersecurity, Cyberinvestigation, Start up, Frenchtech, Threat Hunting, SOC, and CERT

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Cybersecurity Data Analytics

27 6 23 7
UncovAI UncovAI

An efficient and ecological solution for detecting generative content 😎 UncovAI introduces an innovative platform for detecting Generative AI Content, offering a blend of efficiency and sustainability. Instead of relying on resource-intensive Deep Learning models, we employ mathematical hypotheses that effectively distinguish between AI-generated and human-authored content.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Generative A.I.

55 11 43 3
Devialet Devialet

French acoustic engineering. Crafting the future of sound. Devialet is an acoustic engineering technology company, whose goal is to bring high-fidelity sound to the many. Devialet is committed to evolving its technology and product design, without any compromise on sound quality, until everyone can access and enjoy Devialet in every moment of their life. Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Paris, Devialet is one of the most critically acclaimed company for its innovations and excellence in sound technologies. Our story began with ADH®, a revolutionary patented invention that would forever change high-end amplifiers. A mind-blowing feat, this hybrid technology seamlessly …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: SMB Activities: deeptech entertainment

62 30 26 318
TBS Education TBS Education

Inspiring Education, Inspiring Life. Founded in 1903 by the Toulouse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, TBS now has 5 campuses in Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona, ​​Casablanca and London. TBS is structured around 6 curriculum (TBS Bachelor, TBS Grande École, specialized masters, MBAS, continuing education and CPA). Training is mainly focused on management, HR, marketing, finance, accounting, advice and audit, health, culture, entrepreneurship, etc. TBS is one of the few schools with triple international accreditation: Equis, Aacsb and Amba. Open to the world, TBS has signed more than 200 exchanges with universities spread over all continents. Nearly 80 nationalities are represented on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

97 21 84 1,624
Renaissance Numérique Renaissance Numérique

Think Tank | We flash the debate, for a digital transformation that benefits all Renaissance Digital is an independent think tank dedicated to the digital transformation of society. He works to shed light on the developments that this transformation leads to and give everyone the keys to their mastery. In order to fulfill its mission, Renaissance Digital arises as a place of debate, positive confrontation of expertise and ideas. It brings together academics, personalities, non-governmental organizations and businesses, from the wide variety of actors and points of view in the digital field. --- Digital Renaissance is an independent think tank …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

85 23 68 11
La Lettre de L'Expansion La Lettre de L'Expansion

Exclusive and confidential: the reference of demanding decision -makers. A weekly weekly week. Les Echos- Le Parisien The letter of expansion is a French weekly magazine, in the form of a confidential letter broadcast every Monday morning with its subscribers. The journalists of the expansion letter produce 8 pages each week with often exclusive content, and always rich in value for all those concerned with being the first informed of the jolts of the political world and the business. The letter of expansion is available in reader and PDF versions. Following the rapprochement with the Wansquare online media in 2017, …

Type: Media

94 2 91 3
Business O Féminin Business O Féminin

The E-Learning platform for working women who want to accelerate their careers ! 🚀 Workshops - E-learning - Coaching - Videos - Media - Networking Business O Feminin is the essential tool for women leaders ! média, magazine féminin , carrière, entrepreneuriat , développement personnel, coaching , développement professionnel, club femmes, and networking

Type: Media

57 14 39 3
The Kooples The Kooples

ENSEMBLE DEPUIS 2008. En ouvrant la voie du luxe accessible avec ses silhouettes Dandy Rock très identifiables et ses campagnes inoubliables, The Kooples a marqué le style des années 2000. Aujourd’hui, The Kooples célèbre son héritage et réédite ses pièces phares. Comme un best-of dans lequel on se plonge avec une pointe de nostalgie. - TOGETHER SINCE 2008. Opening the way to accessible luxury with its immediate recognizable Dandy Rock silhouettes and its unforgettable campaigns, The Kooples marked the wardrobe of the 2000s. Fast forward 15 years, we celebrate our heritage with a re-edition of our most iconic pieces. An …

Type: Large company

13 6 2 1,221
Sekri Valentin Zerrouk Sekri Valentin Zerrouk

Business law firm assisting companies, shareholders and executives in all their strategic transactions and litigation Sekri Valentin Zerrouk is a French business law firm assisting companies, shareholders and executives in all their strategic transactions and litigation since 2004. Fusions-acquisitions, Private Equity, Droits Public, Droit Fiscal, Droit Social, Contentieux, Financement, Venture Capital, and Droit immobilier

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: IoT

21 3 20 74
Cellsway Cellsway

Cellsway is a fresh deep-tech start-up founded in March 2020 in UK to convert the know-how and cutting-edge core technology that have been developed and cultivated at Mikro Biyosistemler Inc. into commercial products to set the gold standard for diagnosis and management of cancer. The flagship product of the company is a liquid biopsy platform which uses a simple blood sample for cancer diagnostics and cancer research. The patent-pending microfluidic technology enables isolation and enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) from the blood samples of cancer patients.

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech biotech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

4 0 0 6
autone autone

Always know your next inventory move. Most retail executives possess an innate ability to understand their businesses. They can instinctively weigh trade-offs when making inventory decisions, comprehend the causes and effects of various actions, and understand what external factors will impact their internal operations. However, their software stack is often limited to spreadsheets, which do not support their expertise. At autone, we envision a world without overproduction, defects, unnecessary transport, emissions, delays, and ill-informed decisions. It is a world that is now within reach, thanks to the recent advancements in AI and Machine Learning technology. We harness the potential of …

Type: Startup Activities: retail Technologies: SaaS

17 4 10 69
Aindo Aindo

At Aindo, our vision is to enable Artificial Intelligence (AI) to add value to society while respecting people's rights and freedoms. We achieve this vision through the Aindo Synthetic Data Platform. Synthetic data form a revolutionary new paradigm in privacy protection and fairness. They are hyper-realistic, yet artificial and devoid of sensitive information. They replace personal data or rebalance biased datasets for safe and fair analysis. Synthetic data allows us to responsibly seize the wealth of opportunities AI presents. This is invaluable in sectors, such as healthcare, finance, infrastructure, and policymaking. Aindo is one of the first teams dedicated to …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Generative A.I. A.I. Data Analytics

16 2 12 35
Flowlity Flowlity

A SaaS software using AI to synchronize your Supply Chain planning with your suppliers and customers. Poor inventory management accounts for billions in losses. Responding to this need, Flowlity brings resilient planning to prevent overstocks and shortages. Our ambition is to make supply chain plans resilient to uncertainty, and help you shift from a deterministic model to a resilient one. With a unique approach based on artificial intelligence and supply chain expertise, Flowlity has been helping leading companies, such as Danone, La Redoute, Saint Gobain and Camif to plan and forecast their inventories since 2018. Our customers see, on average, …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: SaaS A.I.

24 4 23 23
Animaj Animaj

Picture this! Animaj is a next-generation media company that brings high-quality and inspiring brands to kids and families worldwide. We acquire and transform high-quality IPs into multi-platform franchises, using a digital-first and AI-driven approach. Our content, produced independently, aims to inspire children to dream, explore, and create.

Type: Startup Activities: kidtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing

5 3 2 71
Carbonfact Carbonfact

Let's decarbonize fashion together 👖✂️💚 Environmental Sustainability Software built for the apparel and footwear industry. With Carbonfact apparel, luxury, and footwear brands measure, report and reduce your emissions without becoming data admins. Carbon Accounting Automate your Carbon Accounting (GHG Protocol, Scopes 1, 2, 3) with unmatched resolution for purchased goods and services. Compliance & Disclosure Measure and report your emissions to stay compliant with EU and U.S. regulations such as CSRD, DPP, and the NY Fashion Act. We save you months of time. Product LCA Environmental impact measurement for all your products on the SKU level (CO2e, water consumption, land …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 5 25 32
Okamac Okamac

Achetez - Vendez - Réparez vos Mac 🇫🇷 Okamac est une société du groupe Sens Technologies. Okamac rachète, reconditionne et réemploi plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'ordinateurs Apple chaque années. Notre site e-commerce remet sur le marché des MacBook, iMac et MacMini sous le nom de marque Okamac à destination des clients particuliers. Nous équipons également les entreprises et collectivités territoriales soucieuses de leurs démarches RSE et de l'impact environnemental de leurs achats IT. Nos ateliers de reconditionnement situés dans les Pays de la Loire offrent expertise et conseil à l'ensemble des acteurs désireux de s'impliquer davantage dans l'économie circulaire.

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: greentech

23 6 16 65
Lifen Lifen

Data intelligence for Healthcare Professionals. Streamline access, organization, and sharing of medical data to enhance the quality of care and clinical research. Health, Cloud, Privacy, AI, Interoperability, EHR, and FHIR

Tags: FrenchTech120 FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services privacytech Technologies: A.I.

76 31 49 163
Eco-Tech Ceram Eco-Tech Ceram

Your partner in energy efficiency and waste heat recovery for the decarbonisation of industry. More than 50% of energy is consumed in the form of heat and more than a third of the energy consumed is lost as heat (equivalent to 2450 Mt of CO2 per year). Industrialists are keen to reduce their energy consumption to improve their competitiveness and reduce their carbon footprint. In order to support these manufacturers in their low-carbon transition, Eco-Tech Ceram, a three-time winner of the world innovation competition, is made up of a team of 40 employees (doctors, engineers and technicians) specialising in industrial …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Batteries Decarbonization

62 17 54 22
Datagora Datagora

Retour aux sources. Datagora est une application mobile gratuite qui vise à agréger des données clés fiables, récentes et utiles au débat public (par exemple : taux de chômage, résultats PISA, sondages élections...). À travers une plateforme simple d’utilisation nous facilitons l'accès à ces points de données, présentées sous la forme d’une courte dépêche - environ la taille d'un tweet - que nous appelons datapoints. Ces datapoints proviennent en effet exclusivement de rapports de sources officielles (ex: Insee, Eurostat, Cour des comptes...) que nous rendons accessibles directement depuis la plateforme. Au-delà de rapprocher le citoyen des données qui font l’actualité, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

53 14 49 8
Made For All Made For All

Made For All supports startups & associations working for a more sustainable and inclusive world. Made For All supports startups and associations that are trying to address the major challenges of tomorrow: ecological transition, health, education and leisure, responsible tourism, responsible consumption and production, agriculture. To do this, Made For All has two vehicles:, a venture capital company, investing in young innovative companies, particularly in seed stage;, an endowment fund that supports associations working in the field of inclusion through funding.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

26 5 4 3
Mozaik Foundation Mozaik Foundation

Za novu generaciju mladih uzora u BiH i regionu. For the new generation of youth role-models in BiH & the region. Mozaik Foundation (Mozaik) is a leading impact investor in the region, with a mission to identify, empower and invest in value-driven and innovative social entrepreneurs. Mozaik is committed to achieving its 10-year impact, which states that: “Between 2016 and 2025, Mozaik will lead the development of a breakthrough generation of entrepreneurial and innovative youth – a value-driven force that creates new social and economic value, creates new jobs and serves as a role model to other youth.” Our three …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 3 3 58
xFarm Technologies xFarm Technologies

The Digital Farming Ecosystem for Farmers & Agrifood Supply Chain xFarm Technologies is a tech company focused on the digitisation of the agri-food sector, providing innovative tools that can support farmers and stakeholders in the management of their businesses. 🌱 📱 It offers apps for farm management, connected sensors, support in Digital Transformation projects, algorithms applied to agriculture and training activities for the whole sector. 🌍 xFarm Technologies supports the work of 450,000 farms belonging to more than 30 supply chains on 7 million hectares in more than 100 countries worldwide. iot, agritech, agtech, software, data analysis, satellite, Agriculture, Traceability, …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech it services smart city Technologies: Data Analytics IoT SaaS Sensors

18 5 7 199
Yards Yards

An independent and international business law firm Yards is an independent and international business law firm

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

12 2 11 45

Dématérialisez & fluidifiez votre gouvernance #legaltech #Frenchtech La poste FrenchIoT ConnectHers by BNP-Paribas SISTA Manage your shareholders in a few clicks ! legaltech, frenchtech, assembléesgénérales, Regtech, Fintech, Actionnaire, and Actionnariat

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech fintech regtech Technologies: SaaS

70 8 60 5
AFI Ventures AFI Ventures

Europe’s Day-One Impact Launchpad At AFI Ventures, we are committed to backing the most promising seed & pre-seed impact entrepreneurs. From climate action to healthy living, we partner with every visionary that shares the ambition of deep, at-scale impact. We are investing up to 500k€ in 1 to 2 companies every month. AFI Ventures is the seed fund of Alliance for Impact, Europe's day one impact launchpad. impactinvesting, capitalrisque, VC, impact, startup, fonds, seed, financement, entrepreneurship, and socialbusiness

Type: Incubators & VCs Activities: fintech

16 13 4 6
Les Déterminés Les Déterminés

Entrepreneurship For All! The non-profit organization Les Déterminés supports and trains entrepreneurs from Priority Areas of the City and Rural Zones. Since 2015, more than 800 entrepreneurs (64% of whom are women) have been trained all around France. Our mission : Accelerate your success! Our aspiration is to develop through entrepreneurship a positive and proactive state of mind: the state of mind of an entrepreneur. The association Les Déterminés provides trainings, support for entrepreneurship and networking. Visit our website: and follow us on Facebook: and Twitter : Formation, Entrepreneuriat, Association, Collectivités locales, Conseil, Création d'entreprise, Réseau, Coaching, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

105 72 49 311
Notion Notion

The connected workspace for your docs, projects, knowledge, and AI Notion blends your everyday work tools into one. Product roadmap? Company wiki? Meeting notes? With Notion, they're all in one place, and totally customizable to meet the needs of any workflow. It's the all-in-one workspace for you, your team, and your whole company. We humans are toolmakers by nature, but most of us can't build or modify the software we use every day — arguably our most powerful tool. Our team at Notion is on a mission to make it possible for everyone to shape the tools that shape their …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. SaaS

110 33 69 5,559

The new personal electric scooter solution with an all-inclusive subscription and 50-second recharge 🛵⚡ ZEWAY is the all-inclusive mobility solution that will make you want to switch to an electric scooter! To clean up mobility in Paris and its inner suburbs, ZEWAY has deployed exchange stations every 2km to allow you to change your battery in less than a minute thanks to Swapping technology. By offering a rental service for personal, connected and unlimited mileage electric scooters, ZEWAY is revolutionizing the mobility of tomorrow! To find out more about our innovation: #SimplifyYourCity #IAmPoweredByZeway scooter, electric scooter, mobility, urban, sustainable …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Batteries

34 12 28 64
Fretlink Fretlink

Fretlink connects industrial shippers to Europe's largest network of regional carriers. Fretlink connects industrial shippers to the largest network of regional carriers in Europe, through a new transport organization standard.

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

17 5 9 19
PlayPlay PlayPlay

PlayPlay is the video creation platform empowering marketing & comms teams to transform any message into engaging videos Companies have a lot to say, and their audiences expect video content. PlayPlay is the video creation platform that empowers Marketing and Communication teams to transform any message into engaging video stories. With our powerful and intuitive products, the best AI technologies, and our focus on enterprise storytelling, we've enabled over 3,000 companies to make video their main form of communication. Inspiring CSR initiatives, authentic employee interviews, valuable industry insights... bring all your stories to life with video. video hr, hr technology, …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: hrtech martech Technologies: SaaS

9 7 2 249
Leocare Leocare

Toutes vos assurances à portée de 👍 Leocare is the fastest growing multi-services neoinsurance in France with over 1M downloads for its top rated app 4.6/5. Thanks to our app, you can have all your car, home & motorbike insurance policies in one place, that you can reach 7/7, 24/24h. Simple and flexible, you can subscribe online in a few minutes, handle your policies in one click or submit an insurance claim. Forecasted as one of the top 50 most promising insurtech in the world, we leverage our technology so that our customers can benefit from powerful AI-based services that …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: insurtech it services Technologies: A.I.

67 24 44 127
Bimpli Bimpli

Bimpli, the solution that reinvents the daily lives of companies and their employees! Bimpli is the solution that reinvents the daily lives of companies and their employees. Take advantage of a single application to access the best employee benefits 📱Services designed for you. Just for you 💙 Since December 2022, Bimpli has been a subsidiary of Swile, a FrenchTech unicorn specializing in employee experience whose largest shareholder is Groupe BPCE, the 2nd largest banking player in France. This alliance gives birth to the co-leader in meal vouchers in France with the best technological and financial capabilities. meal vouchers, social and …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

11 4 8 86
Wandercraft Wandercraft

Ordinary life for Extraordinary people Revolutionizing mobility with self-balancing robotics We're hiring ! Wandercraft ‘s job is to make wheelchair users walk again. We make real the promises of robotics by providing an ordinary life to extraordinary people. We have developed the first autonomous exo. In our world premiere clinical trials, persons with paraplegia walked human-like, autonomously and without crutches. The Wanderteam walks on the edge of robotics. We cooperate with world class university labs and medical centers in Europe and the US. Atalante is not only an exoskeleton. Atalante allows patients to stand up, without crutches. Atalante allows …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: Robotics Synthetic Biology

68 36 31 134
MAIF Impact MAIF Impact

MAIF's impact investment fund for projects that develop equal opportunities and the circular economy. Having become a mission-driven company in 2020, MAIF conducts its activities in the service of the common good. This is the objective of MAIF Impact, the MAIF group's investment fund for social and societal innovation, whose ambition is to invest in entrepreneurial projects designed to: - contribute to equal opportunities, - develop new forms of mutual aid, - grow the circular and solidarity economy, - participate in the development of solidarity finance. With 40 million euros, MAIF Impact has supported the development of around thirty structures …

Type: Incubators & VCs

5 5 0 4
Les Trophées des Futures Licornes Les Trophées des Futures Licornes

The Unicorn Trophies aim to identify French companies that have strong growth potential and which could be valued at more than a billion euros in the next 5 years.

Type: Incubators & VCs

85 5 84 3
Zeroto7 Zeroto7

International Marketing for European Startups The first marketing consultancy dedicated to helping European startups achieve international growth: - Launch immediately into new markets with local experts - Develop & deliver strategies to rapidly scale - Save time finding local, in-language staff

Type: Incubators & VCs

20 0 20 1
Alter Equity Alter Equity

Investor respectful of the planet and people. ALTER EQUITY was the first French management company to offer an investment model in companies whose activity has a positive impact on people or nature and whose management practices are part of a global responsibility. The managed funds also seek attractive remuneration for subscribers in order to compensate for their risk. This combination is symbolized in the 3Ps of their name, meaning People Planet Profit. IMPACT AT TWO LEVELS The companies in which ALTER EQUITY3P II invests are characterized by: - their activity: their products or services respond to a major social or …

Type: Incubators & VCs

63 26 41 20
Banlieues Santé Banlieues Santé

Act for access to health NGO acting for the health of tomorrow in medical deserts in France and internationally founded by health professionals and patients from these same places. We are a citizen initiative at the service of all! HEALTH SUBURBS, HEALTH, TECHFORGOOG, DATA, MEDICAL DESERTS, CITIZEN, SOCIAL PRECARITY, HOME, SOCIAL LINK, SUBURBS, RURALITY, HOME HEALTH, PERSONAL SERVICE, and HUMANITARIAN

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

87 23 66 25
Ledger Ledger

Ledger is your gateway to securing and managing crypto safely. Posts under this account are not intended for the UK. Founded in Paris in 2014, LEDGER is a global platform for digital assets and Web3. Ledger is already the world leader in Critical Digital Asset security and utility. With more than 6M devices sold to consumers in 200 countries and 10+ languages, 100+ financial institutions and brands as customers, 20% of the world’s crypto assets are secured, plus services supporting trading, buying, spending, earning, and NFTs. LEDGER’s products include: Ledger Stax, Nano S Plus, Nano X hardware wallets, LEDGER Live …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Cybersecurity

167 67 91 694
Kerala Ventures Kerala Ventures

The specialist of cofounding investment. Partner from inception of Doctolib, Malt, Ouihelp, Sonnar, Skillup... Kerala has developed the concept of "Cofounding Investor", partnering with top entrepreneurs from their startup inception, bringing a massive support with a specific focus on recruitment (involved in 200 hirings over last 8y) Cofounding in => • Ongoing: Doctolib, NaturaBuy, Skillup, Avrio, Sonnar. Exited: Ouihelp, Malt, TheFork, Balinea (though Otium for the last 2) Lead Seed investor in => • Ongoing: Indy, PlayPlay, Hostnfly, Napta, Tracktor, Exited: Adot Business Angel investments in => Ongoing: Qobra, Medaliance, CarbonFact, Pollen, Upway, Enduring, OrthographIQ, Evaneos, Lokki, Exited: Shippeo, …

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: A.I.

11 4 5 15
Back Market Back Market

Keeping tech 📱 out of landfills and money in your wallet since 2014 🤑 Tech Reborn. Founded in 2014 by Thibaud Hug de Larauze, Quentin Le Brouster, and Vianney Vaute, Back Market is a global marketplace for premium refurbished electronics. We’re here to help make refurbished tech trustworthy, reliable, and affordable. As a certified B-Corp, Back Market’s mission is to do more with what we already have. Because, well, what we already have is pretty great. That’s why all the tech you find on Back Market is better than new — because not only is it in perfect working condition, …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce Technologies: Decarbonization

114 71 42 879
Strime Strime

Tous vos fournisseurs directs The only plug and play SaaS solution combining data and ordering tools designed for B2B merchants

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: SaaS

3 1 1 7
Ÿnsect Ÿnsect

The world leader in insect ingredient production: a natural, healthy and sustainable solution to feed the world. Ÿnsect is one of world leader in the production of protein and natural insect fertilizers. Founded in 2011 in Paris, France, by both scientists and environmental activists, the company processes insects into high-end, high-value ingredients for animals, plants and humans. From its purpose-built state-of-the-art farms, Ÿnsect offers a long-term, sustainable, organic solution to accelerate protein and plant consumption. Ÿnsect uses pioneering proprietary technology covered by more than 470 patents, to produce its mealworms in fully automated vertical farms. Ÿnsect runs several production sites, …

Tags: FrenchTech120 FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: healthtech biotech cleantech deeptech greentech manufacturing agritech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

121 64 72 263
Citizen Capital Citizen Capital

Use the power of capital to tackle humanity's major challenges Citizen Capital is a leading French private equity fund dedicated to using an impact-driven investment approach to deliver both financial and social returns for investors and society at-large. Citizen Capital manages €65 million and provides growth capital to high growth startups or SMEs (€1 to 50 million sales) with a strong social purpose targeting pressing social challenges (adressing the needs of underserved populations) or ecological needs (sustainable production and consumption). Our goal is to build wealth for all stakeholders in our portfolio companies as well as positive social impact for …

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

76 29 44 28
Particeep Particeep

SaaS <no code> solutions for online distribution of financial services Particeep is a Fintech that publishes SaaS solutions for online marketing of banking, insurance and investment products. Particeep helps banks, insurers, management companies and their distributors on a daily basis to deploy digital versions and digital subscription channels for their products in less than a month and without IT development. Among its clients, Particeep counts major players in banking, insurance and investment in France, Europe and the United States such as Crédit du Nord, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, Crédit Agricole, MetLife, Groupama, RCI Bank and Paref Gestion. Particeep is a Young …

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: fintech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

54 14 46 38
Spendesk Spendesk

Liberating every part of your business with smarter, agile spending. Spendesk is the complete spend management platform that saves businesses time and money by connecting company spend. With the integration of everyday technologies, built-in automation, and an easily adopted approval process, Spendesk’s single solution makes agile, efficient spending easy for employees and gives finance leaders complete visibility across the entire company spend. Trusted by thousands of companies, Spendesk is proud to have over 200,000 users across France, the UK, Germany and Spain. Spendesk also puts community at the heart of spend management. Spendesk-backed CFO Connect is the largest finance community …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

80 37 41 401
Klub by Ki Klub by Ki

The next-generation private-wealth platform. Klub is the financial platform designed for modern decision-makers 🚀 Dare to diversify your portfolio with a varied range of assets, access affordable investments (from €500), and immerse yourself in an inspiring community! Join passionate investors, seize exceptional investment opportunities, and create memorable memories through our events and privileges. Let's explore the future of investment together 👉 #Investment #Community #Privileges

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

3 2 2 20
GreenPods GreenPods

A fully integrated ag developer, servicing the growing demand for sustainable and locally produced plant-based proteins. GreenPods is a fully integrated farm-to-fork developer, servicing the growing demand for sustainable and locally produced plant-based proteins and nuts. We meet the expectations and challenges of the European Green Deal and the EU Protein Plan, by relocating food production to Europe. We are currently building a pipeline of investment-ready projects, and target a diversified portfolio of 5 to 7 farms under management in 2025. We focus on the three most profitable tree nuts that grow in Europe : hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios. Combined …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 3 0 4

A revolution in Energy... A unique and disruptive technology of fuel cell... Energie and Hydrogène

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Hydrogen

46 20 33 14
Frenchfounders Frenchfounders

The international French-speaking business network ⇒ What if the world came closer to you? Since 2014, Frenchfounders has developed an international French-speaking business network of more than 25,000 leaders, including 4,000 decision-making and executive members within the Club, and more than 120 partner companies. ⇒ How? Frenchfounders provides its members and partner companies with a digital platform and a team to facilitate exchanges and create business opportunities with different offers such as the Private Club, the Investment Fund and Business Solutions. ⇒ And in figures? Frenchfounders is the leader in French-speaking business intermediation with: - an international team of +80 …

Type: Incubators & VCs Activities: entrepreneurship Technologies: SaaS

115 34 90 311
574 Invest 574 Invest

574 Invest is the SNCF Group's Corporate Venture fund, which aims to invest in innovative companies. 574 Invest is the SNCF Group's investment fund, which aims to invest as a minority shareholder in innovative companies. 574 Invest will provide startups with dedicated support based on the SNCF Group's industrial experience. These investments may be accompanied by the establishment of commercial or development agreements between the startups in the portfolio and one or more Group entities. Mobility, Startup, Innovation, Industry 4.0, and Green Tech

Type: Incubators & VCs

19 10 12 5
FJ Labs FJ Labs

FJ Labs is a stage-agnostic venture fund headquartered in New York City. FJ Labs invests in ambitious founders solving big problems.

Type: Incubators & VCs

31 17 0 121
Instagram Instagram

More than one billion people around the world use Instagram, and we’re proud to be bringing them closer to the people and things they love. Instagram inspires people to see the world differently, discover new interests, and express themselves. Since launching in 2010, our community has grown at a rapid pace. Our teams are growing fast, too, and we’re looking for talent across engineering, product management, design, research, analytics, technical program management, operations, and more. In addition to our headquarters in Menlo Park, we have thriving offices in New York City and San Francisco where teams are doing impactful work …

Type: Large company

558 334 332 14
Eventbrite Eventbrite

A global platform that allows anyone to create, share, find and attend events that fuel their passions. For support, please visit event ticketing, event registration, tickets, event planning, social commerce, event technology, ticketing, and event management

Type: Large company Activities: it services

179 119 38 1,241
Reedsy Reedsy

A community of 1,000,000 authors and publishing professionals. We help authors create and market the best indie books 🤓 A friendly place for authors to learn, create and market the best indie books: Reedsy is an award-winning community of over 1,000,000 authors and publishing professionals. Our mission is to help authors create high-quality books by connecting them with the world's best editors, designers, marketers or ghostwriters. Since our launch in 2014 we have been developing a number of resources for authors to learn about writing craft and publishing ( and for professionals to develop their freelance career ( In 2019 …

Type: Media

2 2 0 442
Zero One Hundred Conferences Zero One Hundred Conferences

Your Top Choice for Intimate Networking in Private Markets Across Europe. Our events are designed to create an intimate setting with limited capacity ensuring a high level of seniority, a balanced LP:GP ratio, and more dedicated time for meaningful networking. The result is an engaging family-and-friends atmosphere—perfect for in-depth, in-person meetings that increase the likelihood of building lasting relationships. venture capital, limited partners, general partners, startups, business development, conference, networking, funding, FoF, business angels, family offices, private equity, conferences, fund investors, and fund managers

Type: Incubators & VCs Media

45 13 36 20
2050 2050

Crafting a fertile future. 2050 provides the means to imagine and build our tomorrow. 2050 is a new kind of investment fund that combines performance and company alignment. It empowers those who are building a fertile future, a world aligned with economic, social and ecological challenges.

Type: Incubators & VCs

49 26 20 17

Emerging a generation of leaders by reducing funding inequalities between women and men SISTA is a collective of women entrepreneurs and investors that promotes more diversity in the digital economy by encouraging more investment in companies led by women. In partnership with all stakeholders in the ecosystem, the collective co-constructs best practices to combat unconscious bias and bring out a generation of more diverse leaders. Created in December 2018, the collective is led by Céline Lazorthes, Tatiana Jama, Valentine de Lasteyrie and its board is composed of Nathalie Balla (La Redoute & Relais Colis), Mercedes Erra (BETC - Havas Worldwide), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

138 58 97 109
Lerouge Partners Lerouge Partners

Structuration d'équipe - M&A - LBO - hyper croissance Nous accompagnons dirigeants et investisseurs dans les phases de structuration des sociétés, notamment suite à des événements de M&A, LBO ou de levée de fonds. Sujets d'intervention : intégration post M&A, transition de dirigeant, structuration des méthodes de recrutement, team building. Clients : AB Tasty (M&A et passage de 200 > 300 collaborateurs), Kumo foods (M&A et passage de 50 à 120 collaborateurs), Camping car Park (recrutement CEO, 150 collaborateurs) Clients & partenaires VC : XAnge, MAIF Avenir, Arkéa Capital, Newfund, Go Capital, Kima Ventures, Partech, Alven, Iris Capital

Type: Incubators & VCs

18 1 19 1
Beink Dream Beink Dream

Quand l'Art parle à la raison et la Science à l'émotion Today, ideation phase is still the bottleneck in every product lifecycle. Endless meetings, back-and-forth approvals, and never-ending revisions. Now, what if you could get rid of all that friction and move from idea to decision, in just a day? That’s where Beink Dream comes in. We’ve built a visual collaboration SaaS platform that transforms early-stage ideas and concepts into high-impact designs — in real-time. Starting from simple drafts or collages, our plateform delivers : - 10 times faster ideation, - Significant cost savings, - 100% confidence before prototyping. No …

Type: Startup Activities: arttech deeptech Technologies: A.I.

63 12 18 9
Morpho Labs Morpho Labs

Building an open, efficient, and resilient lending platform to make financial infrastructure a public good. Morpho is a leading Decentralized Finance (DeFi) lending protocol with an open, efficient, and resilient platform. On its flexible, permissionless infrastructure, developers or businesses can create markets, curate vaults, and build a range of applications. Morpho has grown to more than $6 billion in assets supplied since launch, making it one of the most used DeFi protocols in the world. Designed to serve end-users, developers, and businesses alike, Morpho aims to establish itself beyond just crypto and serve as a cornerstone of a new internet-native …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech transporttech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

6 4 0 44
Geolid Geolid

The Brand to Local platform for brand networks Geolid offers a marketing platform dedicated to brand networks. Its mission? Help head-end marketers deploy powerful local marketing strategies! To do this, Geolid has developed a complete, collaborative and analytical platform that centralizes all of the networks' marketing tools and facilitates collaboration with their establishments. The platform brings together: 🔎 Presence Management ⭐ E-reputation 👍 Social Networks ✉️ Direct Marketing 📢 Local Ads 👥 Lead Management 🎨 Brandbox 📊 Reporting With Geolid, brands are able to manage marketing centrally and delegate deployment to the local level. Natural referencing (SEO), Paid referencing (SEA), …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

23 7 14 59
Connecting Food Connecting Food

Food Confidence Platform Manage, control and visualize in real time all your data throughout your supply chains, from farm to fork : - traceability - quality control - sustainability - crisis management - risk reduction Provide proof of your commitments to your customers and consumers and collect their opinions. Foodtech, Blockchain, Food quality, Certification of food compliance, consumer trust, brand equity, Food & Beverages, Retail, traceability, CSR, sustainability, RSE, transparence , alimentation durable, transparency , and deep tech

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Data Analytics

69 13 50 17
Matters Matters

We support startups and scale-ups that develop virtuous solutions for the environment and society. Hello! We are Matters, a product & startup studio. Our mission: to support startups and scale-ups that develop virtuous solutions for the environment and society. At Matters, we firmly believe that companies have a role to play in meeting the challenges of tomorrow's world. This is why we support solutions that accelerate the ecological and social transition. An idea to develop, a product to improve, a go-to-market to test, a strategic vision to challenge, we support you throughout all the key stages of developing your solution. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services e-commerce Technologies: Data Analytics

49 7 44 48
daco, a vente-privee company daco, a vente-privee company

daco helps retailers to achieve growth ! Our high-end strategic tools based on machine learning allow retailers to know all about competition (offer, pricing, discount & store network). daco has been acquired by vente-privee in october 2018. We created daco starting from a simple finding: growth was, is and will be the number 1 stake of all retailers. Achieve growth in a stable market requires to know all about competition in order to gain market share: a know-how still missing today. Growth pillars (like-for-like and expansion) are offer, pricing, discount and store network. Retailers have to monitor all of them …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Machine Learning

14 4 11 8
BuyCo BuyCo

Our collaborative platform simplifies container shipping for large-volume shippers. Buyco builds technology that streamlines shipping operations. Our cloud-based maritime management platform enables end-to-end shipment operations management. Over 90% of the world's trade is carried by sea nearly all of those shipments are arranged via phone calls, email and spreadsheet. Buyco eliminates those time-consuming and messy workflows. Learn how our cloud-based maritime management platform brings greater supply chain visibility, fosters trust via collaboration with your existing partners by getting rid of repetitive tasks and gaining actionable data to every shipment. To learn more, please connect with us at Freight Forwarding, …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: SaaS

17 5 18 62
Sparklane Sparklane

La solution tout-en-un de génération de leads et de prospection. Cherchez moins, vendez plus ! Who’s your next client ? Sparklane is the first editor of predictive lead scoring solutions for the European B2B market. Accelerate your B2B Sales Process by focusing on the best prospects! Sparklane is an editor of a Predictive Lead Scoring Solution for B2B marketing and sales: Predict. Our mission is to leverage Artificial Intelligence to help you identify your market and steer you to the best opportunities. Predict automates your sales prospection : • Precisely defines your Ideal Client Profile • Automates the setup of …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: A.I.

8 4 5 34
Frichti Frichti

Good food for FOOD LOVERS 100% homemade dishes and super fresh groceries delivered in 1 hour🥕🍐🌶 Eating well for good! This is what Frichti has been guaranteeing Parisians since 2015: making good food practical and affordable. First by delivering a selection of home-cooked meals in 1 hour, and since summer 2018, ultra-fresh products to revolutionize the experience of daily shopping at the local supermarket. In 3 years of existence and €43M raised, Frichti's ambition is both economic and societal: to become THE reference for good food in Europe and around the world. To achieve this, we have built a revolutionary …

Type: Media Startup Activities: foodtech

49 25 9 258
Matera Matera

We make the life of co-owners easy ! Matera is a PropTech Saas company that allows co-owners to manage their buildings themselves without the services of a professional property manager. With a third round of funding of 35 million euros, Matera is moving up a gear! Today we have 3,000 client co-ownerships with a target of 5,000 very soon. With more than 400 new applications per week, there is no shortage of people who wish to change their way of managing their building! Founded in 2017, we are now 150 Materani working a lot to achieve our mission: make co-owners …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: SaaS

14 4 8 284
Pasqal Pasqal

Defining the quantum reality. We build Programmable Quantum Simulators and Quantum Computers made of 2D and 3D Atomic Arrays. Neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezers and addressed with laser beams are ideal indistinguishable quantum systems to realize superposition and entanglement, at the heart of powerful Quantum Information Processing. It is a highly scalable platform, benefiting from tens of years of development which has brought some of contemporary physics'​ most spectacular achievements: Bose-Einstein condensation, cavity quantum electrodynamics, etc... We develop the lasers, the vacuum technology, the electronic controls and the software stack to make the individual atoms accessible to quantum programmers …

Tags: FrenchTech120 FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: deeptech it services Technologies: SaaS

84 41 62 312
Reach Capital Reach Capital

Reach invests in founders who elevate human potential and ignite purpose across learning, health, and work. Reach Capital invests in founders who elevate human potential and ignite purpose across learning, health, and work. We partner with visionaries to grow bold ideas into world-changing companies that empower everyone to thrive and live their best lives. Education Technology, Venture Capital, Impact Investing, workforce development, early childhood, K-12 education, higher education, and edtech

Type: Incubators & VCs

27 4 20 59

IDM | Technical Partner for the Mountain ⛰ IDM was created in Annecy (France) in May 1993 to offer French ski resorts alternative solutions in terms of spare parts for ski lifts and ladyrs. From the first years, ski resorts recognized the know-how and responsiveness of the young company. The experience being conclusive, IDM moved to Montmélian (France) in 1996 to get closer to the heart of the Alps. It is among the first companies to settle in the business park of the Big Island which will later be known as the Alpespace. This area has become one of the …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

14 4 11 24

Andros reconciles the requirement of a multi-local industrial company and the values ​​of a French family company proud of its rural roots for over 100 years. If the fruit is historically at the heart of the A.D.N. From Andros, the expertise of the company revolves around other know-how such as dairy, pastry, and confectionery. Our brands - Bonne Maman, Andros, Mamie Nova, Pierrot Gourmand - are the emerged part of an organization based on the respect of our employees, industrial excellence, as well as a pragmatic culture of simplicity and discretion.

Type: Large company

36 15 25 1,783
Da Vinci Labs Da Vinci Labs

AI | Quantum | Synthetic Biology - For the Planet Da Vinci Labs is an innovation hub dedicated to pioneering breakthroughs at the intersection of deep tech, sustainability, and human potential. Inspired by the visionary spirit of Leonardo da Vinci, we foster cutting-edge research, bold entrepreneurship, and transformative solutions for global challenges. What we do 1. Research and development – we invest and incubate emerging innovations using quantum AI, and synthetic biology, driving sustainability and impact. 2. Venture building – we nurture startups and provide strategic guidance, fundraising support, and an ecosystem to scale visionary ideas into market-ready solutions. 3. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 8 23 17
Occurrence Occurrence

Cabinet of study and advice specializing in communication assessment About occurrence: Created in 1995 by Assaël Adary and Benoit Volatier, occurrence is an independent study and advice, specialist in communication assessment (corporate & amp; brand, media analyzes, internal, public, event, digital, ... ). For 20 years, Occurrence has been supporting companies and agencies in France and internationally to measure the performance of their communication actions and clarify their strategic decisions. The cabinet works at the service of many major accounts and reference institutions: EDF, ENGIE (ex-GDF Suez), Areva, Carrefour, BNP Paribas, Airbus, MAIF, INPI, ministries, European institutions, in particular …

Type: Media

65 18 49 53
Finscale Finscale

Your Trusted Partner to Shape the Future of Finance Solenne Niedercorn help professionals and businesses navigate transformation through insightful analysis, authentic storytelling and actionable strategies. Podcast, Learning, Game Changer, consulting, and Fundmanagement

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

12 8 3 1
Activeloop Activeloop

Deep Lake: Database for AI Deep Lake is a Database for AI powered by a unique storage format optimized for deep-learning and Large Language Model (LLM) based applications (; 8K+ stars). It simplifies the deployment of enterprise-grade LLM-based products by offering storage for all data types (embeddings, audio, text, videos, images, pdfs, annotations, etc.), querying and vector search, data streaming while training models at scale, data versioning and lineage for all workloads, and integrations with popular tools such as LangChain, LlamaIndex, Weights & Biases, and many more. Deep Lake works with data of any size, it is serverless, and it …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

8 0 3 31
We are NOT Weapons Of War We are NOT Weapons Of War

Le viol est une arme de guerre. Créée en 2014 par Céline Bardet, juriste et enquêtrice criminelle internationale, spécialiste des crimes de guerre, We Are NOT Weapons Of War lutte contre les violences sexuelles dans les conflits en poursuivant trois objectifs : * Faire de l’élimination des violences sexuelles dans les conflits un enjeu public mondial * Lutter contre l’impunité, première cause de propagation des viols * Redonner un pouvoir d’action aux victimes Founded in 2014 by Céline Bardet, lawyer specialized in international criminal law, We Are NOT Weapons Of War is a non lucrative organisation with three main pillars: …

Type: Media

15 2 11 9
Les Clés du Digital Les Clés du Digital

Retail Rethink New online media, approved by the joint commission of publications and press agencies (CPPAP) The keys to digital aims to "deliver to its readers the keys to conduct and succeed in digital transformation". It is intended for the whole ecosystem of the retail universe, from decision -makers to providers involved in the digital transformation of brands. It is a weekly website and newsletter, sent on Wednesday to its subscribers to inform differently. Digital keys offer articles that decipher innovation, brakes and accelerators for digital transformation strategies. retail, ecommerce, omnichannel, digital, and technology

Type: Media

85 9 75 6

Financial Consulting for Impact Organizations: Part-Time CFO Services, Fundraising, Strategic Advisory Financial Consulting for Impact Organizations: Part-Time CFO Services, Fundraising, Strategic Advisory

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

13 9 1 12
La Cloche La Cloche

Solidarity resonates 🔔 The bell is a 1901 law association founded in 2014. Its mission: to create and promote the social bond between neighbors with and homeless. The bell has notably developed the network of solidarity traders - the chime: the Carillon traders open their doors to precarious people who no longer feel legitimate to enter these shops, and offer small services (offer a glass of water, Access the toilets, recharge your phone ...) Pretexts to social ties. The bells, it is also a network that allows you to create social ties between the inhabitants of a neighborhood, but this …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

68 29 46 114
Kickston Kickston

Fundraising i m & amp; a Kickston is a business bank that supports entrepreneurs in their fundraising and amp; a. Industries: Consumer & amp; Tech B2B • Fund lifting: 2 to 10M € • Cession: operations up to 15M € Are you interested in our approach? Contact us!

Type: Incubators & VCs

36 1 36 8
Albatross AI Albatross AI

The most advanced AI ranking engine Albatross is a Swiss AI company that empowers businesses to deliver real-time, personalized user experiences with the most advanced AI ranking engine. Powered by deep learning and sophisticated reinforcement learning, Albatross orchestrates content and promotions in real time to maximize in-session engagement. Unlike traditional solutions that rely on static popularity and user similarity, failing to adapt to user interests and changing catalogs, Albatross leverages in-session user behavior and dynamic catalog attributes, creating experiences that inspire discovery, drive engagement, and unlock missed revenue. All this is achieved with virtually zero integration effort, no maintenance overhead, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

1 0 1 11
Maniv Maniv

Maniv Mobility is a global early-stage venture fund based in Tel Aviv and New York. We partner with founders advancing the cleaner, safer, more efficient and more sustainable movement of people and goods. With decades of experience in the mobility, transportation, electrification and policy sectors, Maniv has built a deep global network of industry leaders and experts - allowing us to closely partner with startups and drive better outcomes. Maniv is backed by some of the world's leading automotive, transportation, infrastructure and energy companies. Mobility, Venture Capital, Automotive, transportation, investments, Sustainability, EVs, and Electrification

Type: Incubators & VCs

24 5 15 21
Aircall Aircall

AI-powered communications platform trusted by 20k+ businesses to unify channels, automate tasks, and deliver insights. Connect, Empower, and Grow with Aircall. We're not just a business phone system; we're a unified and reliable communications powerhouse. Aircall seamlessly integrates voice, SMS, WhatsApp, and social media channels into a single platform, with bi-directional syncing across 100+ essential business apps. Imagine your CRM and Helpdesk data flowing effortlessly into every customer interaction, empowering your team to deliver smarter, more personalized experiences. Trusted by over 20,000 businesses globally, Aircall's AI-powered platform supercharges sales and support. We automate the busywork—optimizing call routing, automating repetitive tasks–while …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

47 26 17 736
Pyramid Analytics Pyramid Analytics

Decision Intelligence. What’s next in analytics. Empower anyone to make faster, more intelligent decisions Pyramid Analytics is the next generation of decision intelligence. The award-winning Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform empowers people with AI-augmented, automated, and collaborative insights that simplify and guide the use of data in decision-making. Critically, the Pyramid Platform operates directly on any data, enabling governed self-service for any person, and meeting analytical needs in a no-code environment without data extraction, ingestion, and duplication. It combines data prep, business analytics, and data science into one frictionless platform to empower anyone with intelligent decision-making. This enables a strategic, enterprise-wide …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

16 2 11 169