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Moonshot Insurance Moonshot Insurance

#TomorrowsInsuranceToday Moonshot Insurance is the pioneer insurtech offering Insurance-As-A-Service solutions to empower the e-commerce industry, mobility providers, along with financial services and so much more. Our value proposition combines innovative insurance coverage with a fully digital experience to enrich the customer experience and meet new uses. API, Insurance-As-A-Service, Insurtech, Datas, Real Time, New Consumers Behaviors, Insurance, Contextual Insurance, Solutions, and White Labeled

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech it services Technologies: SaaS

22 6 19 14
EcoTree France EcoTree France

🌿 Solutions based on nature in Europe 📩 Receive our monthly newsletter: European leader in nature-based solutions (nature based solutions), Ecotree is a B-CORP certified company, which allows companies and individuals to support sustainable forest management and the restoration of ecosystems in Europe. Our job for more than 10 years: identifying degraded or threatened natural ecosystems (forests, wetlands, peat bogs, agricultural land), restore them and follow them over time, and scientifically measure the impact of our actions on the climate, biodiversity, the preservation of water and soil. ECOTREE offers innovative commitment models, including investment in the forest, local and …

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

76 32 47 51
Civitime Civitime

Tomorrow is played out today. 🌍 No more traditional CSR sensitizations, make way for immersion and action! Fun and collaborative content to unite teams around business strategies and their CSR - corporate social responsibility approach. Expert in change management, to support companies in their societal, cultural and digital transformation and thus make proud and permanently engage all their employees.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech games greentech hrtech edtech

36 8 30 24

The agency specializing in the deployment of immersive realities: Event | Rental | Management of | Deployment The VR Academie is an agency specializing in #Metaverse and virtual reality services for companies. Brand experience, Teambuilding, 360 video, VR application, event animation, product launch, seminars, conventions, virtual reality, vr, virtual reality, htc vive, oculus rift, metoversh, metaver, metavers, and bound

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: VR

17 1 10 11
Osez la vidéo Osez la vidéo

Video to transform your training, presentations, blog articles Bring your content to life by transforming them into a video. We transform your existing content into captivating videos: PowerPoint, training, presentation, blog articles. #Forming #Elearning #Digitallearning #videolearning #communication

Type: Startup Activities: martech edtech

5 0 2 17
PayCar PayCar

Payment means dedicated to used vehicles. Buy or sell your used vehicle safely with Paycar. Paycar simplifies and secures the payment of your used car.

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

6 4 0 2
European Central Bank European Central Bank

We are the central bank for the euro, Europe’s single currency. We work to keep prices stable and banks safe. The ECB is the central bank for Europe's single currency, the euro. The ECB’s main task is to maintain the euro's purchasing power and thus to maintain price stability in the euro area. The euro area comprises the 20 European Union countries that have introduced the euro since 1999. Monetary policy, Banking supervision, Macroprudential policy, Financial stability, and Market infrastructure & payments

Type: Large company

148 87 29 4,787
Moove Lab Moove Lab

Startups imagine the mobility of tomorrow! Launched in September 2017 by Mobilians (ex CNPA) and via ID, the Moove Lab is the accelerator of Station F mobility startups. The Moove Lab offers a 6 -month program including tailor -made support by a team of experts and mentors, as well as collaboration opportunities with its leading mobility partners. All at Station F, the largest startup campus in the world. Since 2017, more than 110 startups have been accompanied, such as Fidcar, Zenride, Betterway, Cocolis, Géovelo, Fluctio or Proovstation. startup, mobility, smartcity, and innovation

Type: Incubators & VCs

64 18 49 11

L'assurance en plus facile APRIL’s mission is simply to offer people support and protection when it matters. APRIL is a major player in insurance distribution, the inventor of wholesale brokering in France and leader in this market. The company strives to nurture the confidence of its customers and offer them an outstanding experience, combining the best of people and technology. Its 2,300 employees design, manage and distribute insurance solutions in 22 countries and in five priority markets: loan insurance, individual health and personal protection, international health insurance (iPMI), pros and VSEs, and property and casualty niches. APRIL's ambition by 2023 …

Type: Incubators & VCs

84 28 43 2,536
Groupe Primonial Groupe Primonial

Primonial a rejoint Crystal, contribuant ainsi à créer le leader français de la gestion de patrimoine. Primonial is a leading independent wealth and asset management group offering a full range of open architecture investment solutions across a broad spectrum of asset classes. The Primonial group is mainly active in the areas of life assurance, asset management and real estate, where its investment teams have established a strong reputation for their expertise. With nearly €45 billion in assets under management or advisory management, the Primonial group’s presence in a number of countries confirms its European scope. Primonial Group key figures at …

Type: Incubators & VCs

45 15 18 385
Reezocar Reezocar

For all occasions we offer the best car shopping experience to each of our customers ✅ Reezocar facilitates research and secures the purchase of your used car in Europe. The first service to position yourself on the buyer's side, Reezocar facilitates research and secures the purchase of used vehicles in Europe. Addressing both neophytes looking for good advice as well as connoisseurs in lack of time, Reezocar supports the buyer at each stage, from the identification of the most suitable model and expertise to registration and delivery, all at the best price. Used car search, purchase advice, vehicle expertise, door …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech fintech

37 9 32 165
AlterNego AlterNego

Business not as usual Welcome to Alterno From the individual to the collective via the organization and its stakeholders, Alterno takes into account ecosystems to support public and private structures in the prevention and management of sensitive situations, in their transition and evolution issues. We are a consulting and training firm whose mission is to contribute to the conditions conducive to a quality of life at work shared by all, making it possible to establish a climate of confidence, to strengthen the feeling of belonging and to prevent psychosocial risks. We believe in social dialogue as a lever for engagement …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech legaltech Technologies: Decarbonization

46 12 34 52
Powens Group Powens Group

Where Open Finance meets Embedded Banking In a world where customer experience is key to acquire and retain customers, businesses should be able to integrate financial solutions seamlessly to create an attractive and frictionless journey for their clients. Powens is the only platform that brings together Open Finance and Embedded Banking with the mission to empower financial institutions, fintechs, and software vendors across Europe to create innovative products and streamline their financial operations through frictionless and fully automated banking and payment experiences. With over a decade of industry expertise, supported by a global team of 130+ professionals and backed by …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

32 10 16 82
European Digital Group European Digital Group

We are digital leaders investing in fast growing & amp; Profitable companies. About European Digital Group European Digital Group is the first group dedicated to the digital acceleration of companies made up of ultra-specialists in each of the levers. The group brings together more than 2,300 talents and generated € 280 million in revenue in 2023 with a target of € 380 million in 2024. Its mission is to federate within the same structure the leaders of each expertise involved in the digitalization of companies to create a global offer for large groups, ETIs and SMEs. Thanks to its subsidiaries, …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

8 3 0 63
Les Paniers de Léa Les Paniers de Léa

Healthy and sustainable food at the service of your QVT challenges, health prevention, well-being and CSR Because we are convinced that sharing a healthy and lasting diet at the office is both a health gesture and a social bond act, because feeling good with your colleagues and eating healthy in the office are, in our view, essential ingredients for well -being at work, we have created the baskets of Léa. Fruit deliveries responsible for the office, communication by the fruit with your network, healthy support for the CSR policy of your business and vitamin entertainment for you and your children. …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 3 8 27
AutoCare Mobileye France AutoCare Mobileye France

For safer driving In 2015, the DBF group created the company Autocare to officially represent Mobileye on the French market. Mobileye, a company of the Intel group, is the world leader in computer vision and artificial intelligence, data analysis, as well as location and mapping applied to advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. Since 2015, Autocare has evolved and has been progressing in the connected vehicle. The data collected by the embedded sensors in vehicles enrich a Timelapse Data® platform for monitoring and performance of vehicle fleets. Road safety, Smart City, Autonomous Car, Autonomous Car, Adas, Safety, Dengle, …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech manufacturing smart city Technologies: IoT

1 1 0 2
Fromont Briens Fromont Briens

To accompany. To anticipate. These are the words of action of Fromont Briens lawyers to shape the company of tomorrow. More than a partner since 1993, Fromont Briens is a player in the social transformation of companies by offering them innovative strategies in the face of technological, legal and societal innovations that are imposed on them at a sustained pace. As a leading French law firm, Fromont Briens stands out for its ability to go beyond the lawyer's position with a technical but also on-the-ground approach, which ensures the loyalty of its clients and its recognition by the main international …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

37 6 34 129
CBRE France CBRE France

Operating Across Every Dimension of Commercial Real Estate, CBRE SEES MORE SO YOU CAN DO MORE. CBRE N ° 1 in the world of corporate real estate consultancy In France, CBRE markets more than 4,000 office offers, warehouses, activity premises & amp; shops for sale / rent. CBRE is your partner for your corporate real estate projects. Managers, entrepreneurs, professionals, this page is made for you. You will find advice and resources intended to support you in your real estate research projects. Do not hesitate to ask your questions, exchange with us: our experts will answer it. Our trades - …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Data Analytics

88 22 40 637
assurdeal assurdeal

The insurance portfolio Legal information sheet Of the interest of certain regulatory obligations The exercise of the insurance broker profession is not an ordinary activity. This regulated profession offers numerous professionalism guarantees to its customers. The legislator allows the possible subscriber to have a good knowledge of the insurance intermediary with whom he will contract. Pursuant to the provisions of articles L 520-1 and R 520-1 any insurance intermediary must provide the possible subscriber with essential information such as: Name or corporate name and professional address Registration number in the ORIAS register and the link to the ORIAS website Financial …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: SaaS

39 9 28 10
ProovStation ProovStation

Improve your productivity by automating and standardising the inspection process. Operating in 13 European countries, ProovStation is a DeepTech start-up specializing in computer vision. Since 2017, its goal has been to scale up, automate and standardize the automotive inspection process worldwide to automatically estimate repair costs. Its mission is to reduce the total cost of vehicle inspection and increase the efficiency of the entire process to improve the customer and employee experience. ProovStation develops a range of high-tech vehicle scanners which, assisted by a combined array of optical technologies, conduct a 360° scan of the vehicle in just three seconds. …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech it services Technologies: A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. Blockchain/Cryptocurrency SaaS A.I. - Image Processing

36 9 33 58
D'un Seul Geste D'un Seul Geste

First aid training & amp; Fire safety in virtual reality #Techforgood From a single gesture designs first aid & amp; Fire safety in virtual reality intended for employees of companies and communities. Our innovation reduces training time to an hour per learner and allows effective memorization of reflex gestures. Training, first aid, virtual reality, VR, SST, first aid, tech for good, gestures that save, fire safety, fire, EPI, vocational training, and QVT

Type: Startup Activities: civictech edtech Technologies: VR

65 16 52 25
OWI Technologies OWI Technologies

The artificial intelligence of customer relationship management OWI Technologies, software editor specialized in Customer Relationship Management and Marketing 3.0, offers semantic analysis solutions for customers’ written messages (emails, letters, web forms, forums, blogs, social networks, etc.). These solutions are based on its breakthrough, a 3rd generation technology of natural language processing (NLP), and are easily integrated into large companies’ processes. OWI Technologies has already many clients in various domains such as Banking, Insurance, Social Protection, Industry, Telecom, etc. Analyse sémantique, Traitement Automatique du Langage (TAL), Text-mining, Gestion de la Relation Client, Pilotage de l'expérience client, Voix du client, Web Self …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I.

33 12 11 39
Tridea Tridea

New Online Travel Agency based in Limoges (France). Developed quality virtual interlining agency. 🛫☁🛬 👋Nous sommes Tridea, le moteur de recherche qui déniche les meilleures destinations au départ de l'aéroport le plus proche de chez vous! 🛫☁️🛬 OTA, Travel, Tourisme, Big Data, and Raising funds

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech Technologies: Data Analytics

7 6 2 1
Qorus Qorus

Collective expertise and innovation to reinvent finance Qorus facilitates networking that helps banks and insurers to reinvent themselves to thrive. Our global ecosystem brings together valuable insights, inspiring events, rich data and active global communities all in one place. 1,200 financial brands in 120 countries are Qorus members. Headquartered in Paris, Qorus serves financial institutions on all continents. marketing, innovation, best practice, event organisation, studies, networking opportunities, retail financial services, news feed, financial publications, work groups, councils, conferences, and transformation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

82 15 77 93

The Federation of Affinitarian Guarantees and Insurance (FG2A) is a French Association (law 1901), created in April 2012. The main objectives is to guarantee the ethics of the profession and strengthen consumer confidence Its objectives: promote and enhance the affinity services to consumers but also to the competent authorities. Its purpose is to guarantee self -regulation of insurance in order to: - Clarify the entire value chain (brokers, insurers, assistants, distributors). - Guarantee the lasting development of affinity insurance. - make the content of the programs that should allow consumers to better compare the products offered to them through a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

31 3 31 7
Majorel France Majorel France

Driven to Go Further We are Majorel. We design and implement personalized customer experiences for the biggest brands in the world. Our 82,000 employees speaking more than 60 languages ​​and present in 44 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, America and Asia, support your customers at every moment and all channels, in accordance with their expectations. We are determined to surpass ourselves to find, each time, the right solution by intelligently combining talent, data and technology. Determined to go further than what our customers expect in order to meet the needs of simplicity, fluidity and more human relationships expressed …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech Technologies: Data Analytics

109 5 105 371
Cercle LAB x i3 Cercle LAB x i3

The prospective research center (LAB circle) The applied research pole (i3) dedicated to the insurance sector. Discover the prospective research pole (Cercle LAB) and the applied research pole (i3) of the Seroni group, dedicated to the insurance sector. The Lab circle, the prospective research center, is a network of exchange and reflection intended for all enthusiasts and thirsty for knowledge that wish to advance things in the insurance sector. The Lab circle is the opportunity to be part of a collective adventure committed for the profession. It is also an opportunity to develop your talents: to expand your network, your …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

37 6 31 3
Challenges Challenges

Tomorrow's economy is everyone's business What does economic news say this week? Every Thursday, find Challenges, your French economic weekly, in newsstands. Challenges is also a website and social networks on economic news in real time. Follow and share the news of the economy with the writing of Challenges*

Type: Media

331 198 160 250
Les Dossiers de l'Epargne et de l'Assurance Les Dossiers de l'Epargne et de l'Assurance

To choose insurance, demand the label of excellence Created in 1984, the Profideo group, specializing in decision -making information banking & amp; Insurance, develops for its customers: - a competitive monitoring center - Commercial perfomance solutions for distribution commercial networks. Profideo is also a specialized media publisher: - B2B: the insurance tribune & amp; - B2C: the Savings, & amp files; More info on Intelligence Marketing Bank & Amp; Insurance, specialized media editor, commercial performance tools, digital solutions, IARD, health and collective providents, MRH, and guarantee borrower

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech martech Technologies: SaaS

31 5 30 39

we are hiring Inovatic is the French specialist in the automated extraction of data from structured documents. Actor of business information for businesses, Inovatic is an innovative SME that places the business manager at the heart of his service offer. At the service of the financial industry professions, optimizes the customer journey for your online financing offer. is your live solution to automate, standardize the processing of financial data Dedicated to banking and credit organizations, Inovaprod ensures the processing and secure integration of data verified in your Inovaprod information system is your personalized service to adapt, certify, enrich …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech it services Technologies: A.I.

72 3 72 24
Carbon4 Finance Carbon4 Finance

Provider of Climate & Biodiversity Data Solutions to the financial sector Carbon4 Finance is a spin-off of the leading advisory firm Carbone 4 specialized in the energy and climate transition for 18 years. Carbon4 Finance offers a complete set of climate data solutions covering both physical and transition risks, as well as biodiversity impacts and dependencies. These proprietary methodologies allow financial organizations to measure the carbon and biodiversity footprint of their portfolio, assess the alignment with a 2°C-compatible scenario and measure the impacts that arise from events related to climate change and biodiversity loss

Type: Incubators & VCs

30 5 29 39

Since January 2023, SG has been the new retail bank in France of the Société Générale group. Coming from the merger of the two retail banking networks in France, Société Générale and Groupe Crédit du Nord, SG aims to build a leading banking partner on the French market at the service of 10 million customers. It combines the strength of a large international group with the proximity of a bank anchored in the regions to serve the needs of individual, professionals, businesses, associations and local authorities, and become a benchmark player on its market. The SG bank makes strong commitments …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

64 34 26 8,413
Groupe Talents Handicap Groupe Talents Handicap

Go to and apply for CDI, CDD, internship and work-study offers 🚀 Group Talents Handicap mainly has two additional services offered throughout the national territory: 1/ Online forums Talents Handicap since 2012 relate employers and candidates with disabilities, in a qualitative and supported manner. More info on 2/ Talents Handicap Training offers very high level training courses to train and educate managers, recruiters, disability referents and also any collaborator so that they are all actors in an inclusive policy within their organizations. More info on Each year, the online forums of disability talents are visited by more …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

91 23 80 24
Tapoly - Insurance On Tap Tapoly - Insurance On Tap

A digital provider of flexible and on-demand insurance products and insurance technology solutions. A digital provider of flexible insurance products and insurance technology solutions. We provide flexible insurance specifically for SMEs, freelancers, the self-employed & the gig economy. Cover what you need, when you need it. Small business insurance, freelance insurance and business insurance. #Insurtech , #Ondemandinsurance , #GigEconomy, SharingEconomy, small business insurance, freelance insurance, and business insurance

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech

13 0 4 11
Saooti Saooti

✨Saooti Play & Saooti Creative, une expérience audio digitale à 360° Saooti, ​​a digital audio specialist, supports the media, large companies, communities and education and provides white label live radio solutions and podcasts. The Saooti solution maximizes podcast and live audiences, provides advanced tools to extend the editorial field (native podcasts, transcription of articles written in audio, editorial partnerships, etc.). For the media, it also makes it easy to monetize production. Producing, hosting, broadcasting and distributing to the global audio ecosystem and social networks, all functions to reach your audience in a cross channel logic. The plus of Saooti: its …

Type: Startup Activities: martech media

53 8 45 28
Powens Group Powens Group

Where Open Finance meets Embedded Banking In a world where customer experience is key to acquire and retain customers, businesses should be able to integrate financial solutions seamlessly to create an attractive and frictionless journey for their clients. Powens is the only platform that brings together Open Finance and Embedded Banking with the mission to empower financial institutions, fintechs, and software vendors across Europe to create innovative products and streamline their financial operations through frictionless and fully automated banking and payment experiences. With over a decade of industry expertise, supported by a global team of 130+ professionals and backed by …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

12 1 12 82
Germinal Germinal

Growth toolbox to multiply your turnover Everyone wants to grow their business. You just need the right tools not to plant yourself. We are the growth toolbox. We guide VSEs and SMEs to the right levers and the formulas to increase their turnover. Growth, Marketing, Growth Marketing, Growth Hacking, Entrepreneurship, Startups, Training, and Education

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech

21 8 11 87
Farvest Finance Farvest Finance

La communauté Finance au Luxembourg | news - events - Luxembourg Finance Awards Farvest is recognised as a B2B multi-specialist, enabling business and strategic partnerships. It facilitates the meeting of the brightest minds in the sector this organisation intends to explore. This category features the latest Finance trends and news in Banking • Funds • Private Banking • Insurance • FinTech Finance, Innovation, Fintech, Regtech, and Insurtech

Type: Media

32 3 34 N/A
Amadeis Amadeis

Consulting firm with institutional investors #Isr #esg #mpact Amadeis supports institutional investors (foundations, companies, insurers, mutuals, associations ...) and offers a wide range of tailor-made services and solutions in the following areas: - Portfolio audit, management fees, regulatory compliance ... - Definition of investment strategy, asset allocation ... - Selection of funds and management companies, due diligence ... - Portfolio control and monitoring: performance and risk measure, extra-financial reporting ... Since its creation in 2000, Amadeis has experienced strong and regular growth, supported by its ability to build lasting relationships with its customers and by the quality of its consultant …

Type: Incubators & VCs

10 2 9 21
Le Monde Le Monde

Reference news everywhere, all the time, by writing the world. has been present on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economy, politics, society, ...) Leading News Website in French. Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, and ethics

Type: Media

612 490 145 180

Support artists and NGOs with uniques collections of digital art 👉🏼 twitter : @oregenearth In the face of the challenges of biodiversity loss, Oregen offers unique collections of digital art, made by recognized artists, representing endangered species, that will allow you to participate in the preservation of ecosystems and living species. Join us on discord : Follow us on twitter :

Type: Incubators & VCs

1 0 1 2
DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG

DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG is an innovative, digital direct insurer. DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG based in Frankfurt/M. is an innovative direct insurer for private customers. The company offers material, personal and health insurance insurance for private customers. One focus of the extensive range is on combined insurance. Insurtech, supplementary health insurance, digitization, digital transformation, health insurance, payment, property insurance, fintech, insurance, Frankfurt am Main, AI, and Voice

Type: Startup Activities: fintech insurtech Technologies: A.I.

17 3 8 101

The Next Generation Insurance Pricing and Reserving Solution Akur8 is transforming the non-life insurance industry with its innovative suite of pricing and reserving solutions. Our Next Gen Pricing and Reserving Platform combines cutting-edge technology with actuarial excellence to drive business value, bringing speed, performance, transparency, and reliability to insurers of all sizes. Akur8 serves 250+ customers across 40+ countries, including AXA, Generali, Munich Re, MAPFRE, HDI, Tokio Marine, and MS&AD. Over 3000 actuaries use Akur8 daily to build their pricing models and reserving projections across all lines of business. " pricing, insurance, AI, machine learning, GLM, actuary, data science, SaaS, …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

20 8 13 168
Kactu'Z (a french actuarial association) Kactu'Z (a french actuarial association)

Kactu'Z is a non profit-making organisation aimed at the actuarial community and created in 2003. It consists of around thirty active members who are usually former members of their actuarial university's student union or are implicated in their alumni association. This year, for the first time, we would like some actuaries from different countries to join in our events which take place in Paris. Our main event is called the "​ Actuaries'​ Night "​ (the english equivalent to "Nuit des actuaires"​). Actuaries and actuarial students are all invited to come. This event is an opportunity for them to meet and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 3 10 2
Eres Eres

Ensemble faisons grandir le partage du profit. Membre de CroissancePlus. Eres is the French leader of independent providers of Profit sharing, Retirement plans and Employee share ownership. Owned by his founders and employees, Eres is the only independent specialist on the French market. We help our clients in : - Setting up profit sharing plans - Managing projects - The selection of banks, broker and insurance companies for plan administration - Training union/employee representatives. Eres has more than 15 000 clients, of all sizes and sectors representing 2,5 billion euros assets under management in profit sharing and retirement schemes. épargne …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

24 9 16 177
Style and Design Group Style and Design Group

Creation and manufacture, tailor -made and in series, of objects for all sectors of transport. From creative design to 3D animated films, including style models or fully functional prototypes production, Style & Amp; Design supports customers in their design process. With the quality in mind and a demonstrated experience in terms of perceived quality, customer orientation and industrial design records, Style & Amp; Design wishes to carry out the mission of "making the desirable possible" with customers. From this single value chain, Style & Amp; Design developed, thanks to a highly experienced staff composed of individuals, artists and craftsmen, many …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech Technologies: New Materials

14 1 5 146

Le Cabinet de conseil Data Centric - Partenaire de vos projets Data, IA, Digital & Technology Founded in 2007, AVISIA has become over the years a leading player in Data, Digital & Technologies. Through a passionate team, we are specialized in Consulting, Integration and the realization of Data Centric projects. For more than a decade, our community shares a strong identity built around values ​that are fundamental to us: >> Expertise that allows us to be recognized on the market. Thereby, we regularly train our employees to acquire new skills, >> Benevolence which translates for our employees through a close …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

34 4 29 271
Friendsurance Friendsurance

We believe that dealing with insurance should bring a smile to your face We believe that dealing with insurance should bring a smile on your face. That’s why Friendsurance develops innovative digital insurance solutions with the aim of making insurance more customer-friendly. As an independent insurance broker Friendsurance cooperates with over 175 insurance companies, serves nearly 150,000 customers and introduced the world's first peer-to-peer insurance model in 2010. Nowadays the company mainly considers itself as a pioneer in digital bancassurance: the digitization of insurance services for banks or insurance companies and their customers. With the brand Friendsurance Business the company …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech consulting fintech Technologies: SaaS

35 11 16 61

Allow all French people to touch the maximum retirement to which they are entitled. Sapiendo is an innovative, technological company, with the aim of democratizing the advice in terms of retirement and providing relevant and personalized information to the French in a very accessible manner. Sapiendo comes from the SAPERE verb who means to know in Latin because "knowing is already acting". Our approach combines both digital, which allows the speed of analysis, its democratization and human advice, which is essential in this anxiety -provoking and so complex area. Sapiendo today offers various solutions from educational awareness to expert calculations, …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech silvertech

28 5 26 28
Zaion Zaion

Conversational ai designed for cx. The customer experience increased by Zaion conversational artificial intelligence Create a unique customer experience thanks to conversational, vocal and generative Zaion artificial intelligence solutions. Zaion supports companies in improving customer experience through innovative solutions increased by AI and places voice - but also emotional empathy - at the heart of a committing, interactive and efficient relationship. Based on an experience of more than 20 years in customer relations coupled with expertise in conversational, vocal and generative artificial intelligence, Zaion offers complete solutions deployed in SaaS mode. Zaion solutions are part of the digital transformation of …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing Affective Computing A.I. Generative A.I.

49 12 37 97
MoneyTrack MoneyTrack

Moneytrack is a digital and secure payment platform, which allows a company, a community or an institution to pay money to individuals, who spend it on condition within a network of authenticated providers. The platform is based on blockchain technology to share information, secure transactions and trace payment flows.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

14 5 13 17
Ferpection Ferpection

User Research as a Service: we offer both a unique UX research platform and expert consulting services Build better websites and mobile applications across the globe with our user testing platform and expert consultants! We would all have a better experience with the Internet if websites and mobile applications were optimized according to what the user needs. We help companies build a more valuable Internet with our community of users. You want to become a tester : You want to start building better websites and mobile applications : Testing, UX, Crowdtesting, Mobile, User testing, Focus groups, 1to1 interviews, …

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech e-commerce martech Technologies: SaaS

22 8 16 25
Equancy | Groupe EDG Equancy | Groupe EDG

Advice around digital transformation & amp; Data • Accelerate your transformation • Created in 2002, Equancy is a consulting firm at the crossroads of digital strategy and data. Its mission: to send the challenges of growth and performance of companies, by exploiting new technologies, artificial intelligence and data in all its forms. With more than 200 consultants divided between Paris, Casablanca and Dubai, the force of Equancy is to combine expertise in strategy, in data science & amp; Technology, in marketing performance and media, in sustainability, with sharp sectoral skills (auto & amp; mobility, retail & amp; e-commerce, financial …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting constructiontech Technologies: Data Analytics

53 13 20 151
Clémentine Clémentine

Specialist in the recruitment of digital and IT talents since 2000 Clémentine is a recruitment consulting firm specializing in web, IT and telecoms professions. The major players in the digital economy trust us for the recruitment of their marketing, technical and commercial resources. From the middle/top manager to the expert, Clémentine knows how to choose the most suitable research strategy. The evaluation of skills and skills is one of the specialties of our firm: we offer an assessment center offer, with a variety of tests and tools for the "scenario" assessment of your candidates or employees . To guarantee an …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: Data Analytics

31 2 29 57
Tikehau Capital Tikehau Capital

The global alternative asset management group Tikehau Capital is a global alternative asset management group with €49.6 billion of assets under management (at 31 December 2024). Tikehau Capital has developed a wide range of expertise across four asset classes (credit, real assets, private equity and capital markets strategies) as well as multi-asset and special opportunities strategies. Tikehau Capital is a founder-led team with a differentiated business model, a strong balance sheet, proprietary global deal flow and a track record of backing high quality companies and executives. Deeply rooted in the real economy, Tikehau Capital provides bespoke and innovative alternative financing …

Type: Incubators & VCs SMB Activities: fintech proptech

57 26 34 699
Zelros Zelros

The Insurance CopilotTM Zelros- The Insurance CopilotTM - is a SaaS platform that leverages LLMs to offer real-time personalized insurance recommendations across channels. It enables insurers to provide the best coverage to their policyholders while boosting client acquisition, cross-selling and upselling, driving agent productivity, and increasing policyholder retention rate. Distribution and innovation Insurers leaders rely on Zelros to create relevant and proactive experiences for their customers and agents. insurtech, AI, Machine Learning, and Insurance

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Generative A.I.

79 18 72 32
Monuma Monuma

Monuma is a highly qualified art expert company increased by digital advanced technology tools. Monuma is a bridge between Monum (monument, art, collections, heritage) and Numa (the number and digital): a tailor -made and digital patrimonial consultancy and heritage support, which aims to do Vvire a real heritage experience with usual holders or new entrants of a plot of heritage eternity. We are an expert present 24/7 thanks to our mobile applications Patrimonia and Mobility. Fine Art and Species, furniture, numerical, expertise, wines, insurance, jewelry and precious stones, prevention, risk audit, and prelarable expertise

Type: Startup Activities: arttech insurtech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

24 5 14 1

Let's share our passion for real estate! [ENG] AG Real Estate is the real estate subsidiary of AG Insurance and the real estate consultant of Ageas. We aspire to manage a portfolio of diversified assets as an integrated operator in an optimal and sustainable manner. Concurrently investor and developer, we operate in Belgium, France and Luxembourg and on certain select European markets, in the best interest of our clients and partners. [NL] AG Real Estate is de vastgoeddochter van AG Insurance en de vastgoedadviseur van Ageas. Onze ambitie: een gediversifieerde vermogensportefeuille optimaal en duurzaam beheren als geïntegreerde operator. Als investeerder …

Type: Incubators & VCs

14 3 11 308
FAB Group FAB Group

Find the best talents for our customers and the best professional opportunities for candidates 🤝 Fab Group ( is a recruitment and transition management consulting firm. Our role is to find the best talents for our customers and the best professional opportunities for all the candidates who trust us. Since 2007, we have supported our partners and talents with an approach based on 3 pillars that have made our reputation: confidence, expertise and growth. We place humans at the heart of our reflection, taking care to take into account each project individually and by implementing real coaching of our candidates …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech hrtech insurtech proptech Technologies: Cybersecurity

114 0 114 326

CYBERSECURITY SERVICES I-TRACING, pure player and cybersecurity service provider leader in France, supports over 500 clients around the world in managing their cyber risks, from anticipating threats to maintain the highest level of security for their systems and assets, to the ability to respond in case of attacks to minimize consequences. Owned by its founders and managers, as well as by the investment funds Oakley Capital, Eurazeo and Sagard NewGen, I-TRACING generated a revenue of 145 million euros in 2024 and has 700 employees in France, as well as in Switzerland, UK, Canada, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong. Through a …

Type: SMB Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity

31 1 23 567
Cercle de l'Epargne Cercle de l'Epargne

The Savings circle is a center for studies dedicated to savings, retirement and provident. The circle studies the developments in legislation concerning savings, retirement and provident. He analyzes, the needs and expectations of the French in the matter. To carry out its missions, the circle is based on the expertise of its scientific council made up of members recognized for their skills in the economic, sociological, demographic fields. The circle experts work together on savings and retirement subjects. The crossing of approaches constitutes the trademark of the circle which places pedagogy at the heart of its mission. savings, retirement, social …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

18 3 7 2
PimpMyApp by Warren Walter PimpMyApp by Warren Walter

Innovate with heart Pimpmyapp is an innovative approach based on design Sprint methodology framed by digital professionals. Pimpmyapp meets a double goal: - Innovate with partner companies (Design Sprint, prototype produced and tested in just a few days) - Improve the employability of the sprinters that participate in it (Editions Alternance, Refugees, Handicap, First Employment ...) The key for businesses: successfully innovate on their issues with the satisfaction of concretely helping people access a job. Since 2017, more than 35 issues successfully treated for large companies from all activity sectors, to participate in a next edition, contact us on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 1 31 8

Facilitation and training at the service of your collective projects Created in 2016, YA+K is made up of facilitator and trainer, all and all passionate by the collective dimension of business, organizations and associations. Their optimism, their bias assumed for the action and their opening loudly bear their commitments for human, inclusive and optimistic organizations. Together, they design collaborative encounters and learning courses that take the collectives to new ways of working and learning together, and building projects that make them alive! Facilitation 🤜🏾🤛🏻 - Multi-actors - Project kick-offs - Governance / mode of operation - Hackathons / Innovation Days …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting

29 5 30 62
Le Revenu Le Revenu

Votre expert financier Le Revenu a été le premier mensuel de finances personnelles créé en France, en mai 1968. Sa marque s'est construite une forte réputation et un lectorat fidèle en procurant des conseils financiers pertinents et personnalisés, allant de la fiscalité à la sélection de fonds et d'actions, en passant par l'immobilier et la gestion des crédits. Le Revenu was the first monthly personal finance magazine launched in France in May 1968. Le Revenu's brand is focused on servicing its readers'​ community with appropriate advice covering a wide range of topics, from tax and legal information, to funds and …

Type: Media

50 30 20 63
ACSEL - L'association de l'économie numérique ACSEL - L'association de l'économie numérique

Transforming the economic potential linked to digital and innovation into opportunities for businesses. ACSEL, the association of the digital economy, brings together the actors engaged in digital transformation. Founded thirty years ago, the association today brings together nearly 200 companies, public organizations from all sectors and partners and works to put their connection. Place of exchange and proposals, ACSEL works address digital issues through three guidelines: anticipate, develop and measure. digital transformation, digital economy, and networking

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

122 27 108 24
MoneyVox : l'info pour votre argent MoneyVox : l'info pour votre argent

Moneyvox, all the information for your money and your personal finances Moneyvox is a media site for the general public, specializing in budgetary issues and personal finances. Completely independent at the editorial level, Moneyvox offers detailed information on the bank, investments, credits, taxes and on all the subscriptions weighing on the budget (insurance, energy, etc.) of the French, via: - daily news on players in the sector, their services and the best offers of the moment; - pages of explanation on the functioning of financial products and subscriptions in the broad sense; - more than 30 comparators to save without …

Type: Media

69 12 61 17

HELLOGARAGE is an automotive company based out of 10 RUE D ARMAILLE, PARIS, France.

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

3 1 1 1
Lidix Lidix

Lidix, the SaaS platform which reinvents transmission and successions. Life insurance - Provident - Heritage At Lidix we are convinced that the user experience of life insurance and succession beneficiaries can be incredibly fluidified thanks to digital: artificial intelligence, personalization, electronic signature ... At the heart of the Fintech ecosystem, Lidix has been incubated in Swave since February 2019, where we develop friendly and compliant modules. Our added value: optimize the courses to retain customers and seduce prospects. Assurtech, Fintech, and Digital

Type: Startup Activities: fintech insurtech Technologies: SaaS

12 3 5 6
Agicap France Agicap France

Pilot your cash in real time, avoid unpaid invoices and simplify your supplier payments. AGICAP is cash management software that helps companies manage by cash. From a single platform: pilot your cash in real time, centralize and pay your supplier invoices, restart your customers and get paid. In a few figures: - Founded in 2016 in Lyon - 7,000 customers across Europe - 500+ employees between France, Germany, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom - € 100M raised from international funds Go to Cash management, BFR optimization, cash, SaaS, cash monitoring, centralization and payment of supplier invoices, and customer recovery …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

32 15 13 670
ESCP Business School ESCP Business School

It all starts here ESCP Business School was founded in 1819, making it the world’s oldest business school. Throughout its 200-year history, ESCP has remained committed to educating accountable, bold and creative leaders who launch trends, bring new solutions and initiate the codes of tomorrow. ESCP’s six campuses in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin and Warsaw are the stepping stones that allow students to experience ESCP’s European approach to management grounded in multiculturalism. Every year, ESCP welcomes 11,000+ students and 6,000 managers from 136 different nationalities. Its strength lies in its many business training programmes, both general and specialised (Bachelor, …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

125 64 28 2,911
Eficiens Eficiens

Our know-how & GT; Site redesign, quote-sous-writing route & amp; Customer-adherent spaces Partner of insurers, we create intuitive digital solutions: efficient websites, optimized customer spaces and user routes that transform the experience. Our know-how - Creation and redesign of brand site - Quote-sous-writing course, UX, benchmark - Creation of insured sites / members / customers The team - an ecosystem of 32 major professionals Experts Insurance - A DG with 20 years of experience in the field, Francis Mahut - 3 Directors in Technical, Media and Projects Our values - a signature "the digital agency which ensures ✔︎" which says …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech martech Technologies: Data Analytics

93 5 86 27
Ecologic France Ecologic France

National Eco-Organism in charge of three prevention and recycling sectors of used or end-of-life products. Ecologic is an eco-organization approved by the State to take charge of prevention, collection, and recycling of used and end of life from electrical/electronic devices and equipment, sports and leisure items and DIY and gardening devices. Invested by the State of a mission of general interest, Ecologic has been contributing since 2006 to the development of a circular economy based on compensation, collection, re -use, depollution and product and waste activities, in S 'Pressing the mobilization and awareness of stakeholders and citizens. Deee, collection, recycling, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech civictech greentech Technologies: New Materials

55 27 28 126
Sencrop Sencrop

(acquired by Isagri) Sencrop, la météo connectée à vos cultures 🌡️❄️🌦 Sencrop is a European agtech startup, founded in 2016 at Euratechnologies (Lille, France) with offices in Germany, the UK, France, Spain , Italy, Hungary and the Netherlands. Positioned at the cutting edge of innovation in connected agriculture, Sencrop has won top awards for its high-precision ag-weather stations and collaborative network platform. As agricultural decision-making relies more and more on data analysis, at Sencrop we dedicated to making a real impact in agriculture and providing the tools to collect this data. Sencrop empowers all types of farmers across Europe to …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: agritech Technologies: Data Analytics Sensors

36 23 14 86
Livestorm Livestorm

The #1 end-to-end webinar platform for professional webinars. Livestorm is the #1 solution for organizing and hosting engaging webinars, designed with simplicity at heart. Empower your teams to create dynamic webinars in minutes using our intuitive and highly customizable platform. Livestorm is your unified platform for any event. From product demos and live marketing events to online trainings. Customization: Tailor your events with branded layouts, custom backgrounds, and seamless integration into your workflow. Efficiency: Enjoy plug-and-play simplicity with CRM and marketing automation integrations, calendar sync (Google, Outlook), and registration widgets. Engagement: Host dynamic discussions with Q&A, polls, virtual whiteboards, and …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

27 10 22 102
VR lab by Soft & Skills VR lab by Soft & Skills

The tool that erases the difference between face -to -face and distant Virtual reality at the service of your skills rise. Live professional situations in a real virtual environment to train safely. Use immersion, skills immediately applicable in your professional daily life. Virtual reality, training, soft skills, augmented reality

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: VR

2 1 0 5
Milliman France Milliman France

Solutions for a world at riskTM Milliman est un cabinet indépendant leader mondial du conseil en actuariat avec plus de 4500 actuaires et consultants répartis sur plus de 70 bureaux à travers le monde (Europe, US, Amérique Latine, Asie Pacifique, Afrique, Moyen-Orient). Nos équipes conseillent plus de 90% des plus grands acteurs de l’assurance et nous travaillons ainsi régulièrement avec la quasi-totalité des compagnies d’assurance du top 50 mondial. Milliman est également leader sur le marché Français. Notre activité s’organise autour de plusieurs pôles de compétences, regroupant plus de 150 consultants et actuaires spécialistes du marché de l’assurance : - …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics

12 0 8 80
Groupe Magnolia Groupe Magnolia

Marketplace Leader in militant loan insurance for the purchasing power of borrowers ✊ #simulassur #francefintech Insurech - Leader of online loan insurance For 20 years, the Magnolia group has maintained its place as a market for loan insurance leader by offering its B2C and B2B customers the best offers on the market via an ultra -efficient loan insurance comparator and quality experts support. Marketplace n ° 1 in loan insurance for individuals Each year, more than 260,000 simulation requests are processed by its 100 insurance experts. They guide users in their choices to allow them to make significant savings …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: SaaS

16 0 16 148

Advice, press, marketing, digital & amp; Communication - Thirteen hundred thirteen is a communication agency, specializing in the real estate and regional planning sector. For 20 years, we have supported private or public companies, both in France and internationally. A global communication agency, we operate by skill poles, by integrating a graphic and multimedia creation studio, Bahia Design, an integrated multimedia agency, thirteen interactive, as well as a press and event team. Communication advice, press relations, community management, digital marketing, website design, events, and graphic creation

Type: SMB Activities: martech consulting

26 2 24 15
Treezor Treezor

Your One-stop Shop for Embedded Finance. Outsource all your payment needs to the European Banking-as-a-Service leader! Treezor is an independent provider of outsourcing and white label solutions for electronic payments. Founded in Paris, Treezor owns a European License and is one of the approved suppliers for MasterCard® Prepaid. As an e-money issuer and a payment institution, Treezor is a white label solution dedicated for prepaid cards, e-wallet, marketplaces, crowdfunding and collaborative consumption platforms. With over 50 million transactions processed every year, Treezor is an expert in payments and risk management. More information on Payment Cards, Marketplace Payment, Crowdfunding, e-wallet, …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech regtech Technologies: SaaS

33 11 27 248
Germen Germen

Revolutionary insurance with the technology of tomorrow Germen simplifies and optimizes the customer experience by designing sales assistance tools (OAV) and customer spaces. Fintech, Assurtech, Life Insurance, Savings, Provident, Customer Experience, Innovation, and Finance

Type: Startup Activities: fintech insurtech

2 2 1 31
UTWIN Assurances UTWIN Assurances

Together, let's dare to assist people differently! Utwin is a service company founded in 2015, an insurance expert for persons who designs, manages and distributes solutions in borrower and health insurance. Turned to permanent innovation to increase the commercial performance of its partners, Utwin has been multi -rosy and recognized since its creation: Fintech Innovation label (Valorization of the Digital model of Utwin), Argus d'Or winner (Digital Innovation for Ubox Borrower), label excellence of the Savings files (labeled each year since 2019) and elected customer service of the year in 2024 (Valuation of 100% internalized customer relations and 100% based …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: SaaS

3 2 1 65
Epsens Epsens

EPSENS has been supporting companies for 50 years, small and large, in the implementation of their employee savings. Compensation policy, loyalty strategy, work motivation, tax and heritage optimization of the manager ...: EPSENS supports companies, small and large, in the implementation of their employee savings. & GT; 1st player in employee savings from the social economy EPSENS was born from the will of the two major social protection groups, Malakof Humanis and AG2R La Mondiale, and the 1st insurer of people in France, CNP Assurances, to renew the vision of employee savings together. The union of these actors from the …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 1 1 42
Académie du Service Académie du Service

Act on performance thanks to the symmetry of attentions © The Academy of Service is the leader in France of business advice for the development of service culture and improving customer relations. Bearer of the Accor know-how in management, marketing of behavioral services and pedagogies since its creation in 2004, the consulting firm is independent of the hotel group, after its acquisition by the management team in September 2011. Its offer to companies and public services is based on three pillars: service strategy advice, training in management behavior as well as customer relations and the conduct of operational projects aimed …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting fintech

47 8 40 29

PCA-Stream is an architectural agency, interior and town planning architecture, a research center and an innovation center. We work beyond the traditional limits of the city factory, and embody in our projects and our productions an interdisciplinary urban vision underpinned by a strong conscience of environmental issues. Our team of one hundred employees multiplies tools and knowledge at the service of research and design. Our architectural and urban productions are deeply nourished by our research work: the agency is a laboratory where we explore and test solutions to the emergency room of a changing world. Architecture, town planning, research, interior …

Type: Media SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: SaaS

69 15 59 103
Hiflow Hiflow

Unlock Mobility HIFLOW is the leader in vehicle transport per unit with more than 500,000 deliveries made. More than 300 large accounts trust us. Hiflow is the digital platform No. 1 which makes it possible to simplify all vehicle transport in order to respond to the automobile of tomorrow (more shared and therefore more mobile). We are the only player in the market to offer 3 transport methods for your vehicles: - Professional drivers - Private drivers - Truck carriers As well as dozens of complementary services, and all that, on a single platform! We are proud to support the …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: SaaS

31 8 24 160
Suravenir Assurances Suravenir Assurances

Subsidiary of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, specialist in property insurance and people for individuals Suravenir Assurances, a subsidiary of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, designs, manages and carries the risk of an automobile insurance offer, housing, health and foresight. Created in 1996, the company is today recognized for the quality of its offers and the excellence of its management. More than 600,000 customers trust him to provide 2 million contracts with a satisfaction rate of 95% as to the management of their claims. Its expertise and capacity for innovation are also regularly rewarded by the professional press. In 2015, Habitation, Automobile, Previ-Accidents of …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

8 3 4 242
Sémaphore Conseil Sémaphore Conseil

Etudes, veille, conseil, solutions informatiques. Spécialiste de la banque, de l'épargne, du crédit et de l'assurance As market intelligence experts, we provide daily market follow-up on banking, credit and insurance products to more than 100 organizations. Our team includes 14 full-time consultants, specialized in 19 product lines (daily banking, credit and debit cards, savings, mortgages,...). We daily monitor from 20 to 150 french actors on each of these areas. We provide market studies on local and international pricing and marketing strategies. Business intelligence, Banking, Credit, Insurance, Pricing, and Market studies

Type: SMB Activities: fintech insurtech Technologies: NFC

118 1 118 30

Connecting the land-locked world to the global economy FLYING WHALES is a French company established in 2012 to develop and industrialize a 60 tons Large Capacity Airship. The development of this solution is first to enable the French Forestry Agency to increase large volumes of timber extraction from land-locked areas. This solution, which will offer very low operating cost and almost no environmental impact, also targets the large market of special transportation, and logistics & freight market in the countries with transport infrastructure deficit. This project is supported by the French Government and the Quebec Government. The company bases its …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: spacetech greentech manufacturing

46 28 27 270
Warren Walter Warren Walter

Warren Walter is a mission digital service company, committed to an accessible and inclusive digital world. Warren Walter is a mission digital service company, hired for an accessible and inclusive digital world. We carry digital accessibility through our 3 expertise poles: Product Design, Development and Product Management. We intervene in innovation by the Sprint design and the Sprint Solidaire "Pimpmyapp". Warren Walter is also a training center on its expertise to train its customers and employees. If you share our vision of a committed digital world, join us! Digital accessibility, digital, pimpmyapp, design sprint, UX/UI strategy, and A11Y

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech it services

37 1 37 31
Epsor Epsor

Epsor opens the way to simple, committed and adapted savings to everyone. Towards employee savings. Epsor, company with certified m mission B Corp, opens the way to simple, committed and adapted savings to each. Towards employee savings. We guide each employee in his savings journey and give him the means to go in the right direction and carry out his projects. Epsor in 3 keywords is: 🌱 Impact: combine performance and responsibility, with ever more demanding, committed and transparent offers. ⚙️ tailor-made: Building savings solutions perfectly suited to each profile and each project, with personalized advice as close as possible …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

40 15 30 89
Clifford Chance Clifford Chance

We are one of the world's largest law firms, with significant depth and range of resources across five continents. We are one of the world's largest law firms with significant depth and range of resources across five continents. As a single, fully integrated, global partnership, we pride ourselves on our approachable, collegiate and team based way of working. We always strive to exceed the expectations of our clients, which include corporates from all the commercial and industrial sectors, governments, regulators, trade bodies and not for profit organisations. We provide them with the highest quality advice and legal insight, which combines …

Type: Large company

68 11 49 8,138

In the service of the Isupian community Created in 1922, the ISUP can be proud of a long existence. It has long been the only French statistical training center, and has often served as a reference to other centers currently existing in this area. The AAE-ISUP was founded in 1944 and aims to build strong and lasting links between entire generations of news, biostatisticists, industrial and commercial risk managers and Data Scientists of ISUP training. Hosted by volunteers who meet once a month, she regularly organizes events bringing together former pupils and students: cocktails, business conferences, graduation, and especially the …

Type: Event

2 1 0 11

Design and manufacture of eco-designed exhibition stands 🌍 Since 1977, FG Design has been a key player in the conception and fabrication of exhibition stands & professional spaces in France and internationally. ♻️ As a pioneer of eco-design in the exhibition stand industry, we have been integrating modular and reusable solutions since 2005, offering eco-designed stands with a lifespan of over 10 years. 💼 Bespoke solutions for large-scale projects up to 4,000 m2, with international reach thanks to our partnerships across Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. 📍 Headquartered in Paris with three regional teams — Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Occitanie, and …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Decarbonization

56 4 50 20
SPB Group SPB Group

European leader in affinity insurance, SPB group designs and manages insurance and assistance offers for everyday products and services (banking, telecom, distribution, mobility, travel, energy, health equipment). Founded in 1965, SPB serves both companies (design of white label offers) and individuals (claims management). Its 850 employees are mobilized every day around 3 values: innovation, excellence and integrity.

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

17 4 9 749
Societe Generale Private Banking - SGPB Societe Generale Private Banking - SGPB

Societe Generale Private Banking, the wealth management arm of Societe Generale, manages EUR 119 billion of assets*. With 2,500 staff in 11 countries across the globe, Societe Generale Private Banking is a worldwide private bank with a strong European base, offering wealth management solutions to entrepreneurs and High Net Worth Individuals. * at the end of March 2017 More information on : Wealth Planning Solutions, Corporate Solutions, Credit, Portfolio Management Solutions, Investment Products & Services, and Diversification Services (Art advisory, Philanthropy...)

Type: Incubators & VCs

8 8 11 2,269
Groupe SeLoger Groupe SeLoger

You have the keys 🗝️ For more than 20 years, has been the leader of online real estate in France, bringing together more than 1.4 million real estate advertisements, accessible every day to millions of French people, from any type of screen: computer , mobile phone, tablet and connected TV. provides a response to real estate projects from all French people. Purchase or rental, old or new, in France or abroad, corporate real estate, charming residences, holiday rentals, everyone can find the good they are looking for one of the group's sites: www;;;;; …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech e-commerce Technologies: Data Analytics

77 31 41 432
MALJ Assurance (Mutuelle Alsace Lorraine Jura) MALJ Assurance (Mutuelle Alsace Lorraine Jura)

A solid network for high-performance brokers: join us! Since 1818, MALJ has protected people and their heritage thanks to personalized and innovative insurance solutions. With more than 100,000 members, a turnover of 39 million euros, and a network of 200 brokers everywhere in France, we were going to be proximity and expertise to quickly meet the needs of our partners and their customers. Why join us? By integrating our partner network, you benefit: • tailor-made support to develop your activity. • Effective tools to better serve your customers. • the strength of an organization that favors reactivity and humans. Based …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

55 1 54 20
Digital Insure Digital Insure

The new generation of insurance #FrenchTech120 Digital INSURE operates on the entire chain of insurance borrower insurance, individual provident and health with resolutely tech DNA in BtoB: the mission is to offer its broker, banks and insurers, innovative and technological solutions that aim to improve access insurance by simple and quick journeys. Digital Insture employs more than 120 employees and manages more than 50 billion guaranteed capital. Member of the 2020 promotion of French Tech 120, Digital Insure is also classified 1st Surp from the Frenchweb 500 ranking, for the 2nd consecutive year. Borrower, digital insurance, management for account of …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech fintech Technologies: SaaS

15 5 11 125

Make it Happen ! Ailancy is a top-specialist and fast-growing management-consulting firm specialized in the financial services industry and headquartered in Paris. We help world-renowned financial institutions in leading their business-transformation projects, with deep industry expertise, valuable insights and actionable advice. Ailancy's portfolio of clients includes a varied range of multinational and French Banks, Insurance firms, as well as, Payment, Wealth & Asset Management companies. With 800+ missions achieved since its launch in 2008, and about 160 highly skilled consultants, Ailancy is committed to growing its business and hiring the best talent, while maintaining a nimble, agile and entrepreneurial culture …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech insurtech consulting

37 3 37 221
Jinnbee Jinnbee

Digital culture for innovation for insurance Innovation for insurance! Jinnbee offers the first digital culture improvement program for innovation in insurance, in English and in French Jinnbee is dedicated to providing you with best-in-class pieces of information around innovation for insurance business. A unique landscape of insurtechs brings you an analysis and business categorization of those startups. insurance, insurtech, and startup

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech it services

32 6 27 1