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eco+construire eco+construire

The ECO+Building Economy Cabinet participates in the design of a building project within the project management team. Its role is multiple and includes the financial estimate, description and financial monitoring of a project. Construction economy and overall cost

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech fintech smart city

11 1 3 13
Air Space Drone Air Space Drone

Share the sky safely / U-Space Services Provider Air Space Drone is a French company offering U-Space & UTM services (airspace management and security) and regulatory consulting (SORA, PDRA, MANEX). It is also the publisher of the well-known software solution for drone operators Flyby ( U-Space, UTM, drone, airspace, SORA, PDRA, MANEX, tracking, CUAV, UAV, UAS, mission, software, and aeronautical

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Drones

16 2 9 5
Ville de Manosque Ville de Manosque

Type: Public

6 3 0 46
Gérontopôle Sud Gérontopôle Sud

Federate • Value • Innovate Support public aging policies Regional Center for Skills and Animation for Aging Actors. Federate the regional partners committed to the elderly. Value initiatives and know-how by sharing them. Innovate and support organizational, educational, professional and technological experiments.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

6 2 2 14
Hospimedia Hospimedia

Online media independent of health decision -makers The Hospimedia group is developing online services for professionals in the health, social and medico-social world. Find our opportunities on: Hospimedia covers news from health territories. His journalists cover general, technical and regulatory news in the health and medico-social sectors in real time. Find out more: Agency Staff is the group's online recruitment activity: it provides job offers from its customers, puts candidates and recruiters in touch on the health and social professions, and offers its recruiters a recruit Specialized audience and a constantly updated CV base. It publishes the Staffsanty …

Type: Media SMB Activities: hrtech healthtech

98 16 78 48
Move In Med Move In Med

Care courses agilitator Pioneer in Ville-Hôpital Coordination, Move in Med offers integrated solutions including strategic support and digital tools (secure web platform for coordination of care) to streamline patient care paths with chronic diseases. With an expertise of more than 10 years in the field as close as possible to patients and care players, Move in Med today supports more than twenty teams, care establishments and institutional in the deployment of devices Ville-hospital coordination or efficient and evaluable intergenerational habitats. E-health, care course coordination, connected and housing

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

20 5 17 20
Terre d'Hippocrate Terre d'Hippocrate

Integrate a preventive care strategy around a shared place, the garden! Chronic diseases represents a major public health issue. The field of prevention, although acclaimed by health policies, is struggling to translate concretely in the field. On its scale, Terre d'Hippocrates wishes to respond to this issue by testing the integration of a preventive and free health strategy in the care path of chronic pathologies. This strategy is built around a shared place: the garden, and combines gardening activities, suitable physical activity and nutritional workshops. It responds to the non-medicious preventive component of HAS recommendations and aims to meet the …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech silvertech

3 1 3 4
Kimso Kimso

Engage in social impact Kimso is a consulting and assessment firm specializing in social impact. Associations, companies, foundations, public or private funders, our customers share the desire to contribute to a more united and environmental company. We support them in the development of social value creative strategies and the helps to follow and assess the results obtained. For this, we mobilize a diversity of proven methods, while innovating to meet the challenges encountered. Why the social impact? To be interested in the social impact is to ask essential questions for any social purpose initiative: what need do you be interested? …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

41 8 17 19
BEA Group BEA Group

BEA is a multidisciplinary insurance brokerage group at the service of public and private care establishments and local authorities. Through our specialized teams we cover all of your insurance needs: - Hospital civil liability, biomedical research, managers - Damage to goods, machine breakage - Data loss - Cyber ​​Risk - Construction - Complementary social protection, provident and retirement Based in Paris, Lyon, Besançon, Milan, Turin, Livorno, Bea Group operates in France. And in Italy, with the support of its London offices, in order to offer you very competitive offers from medical insurance companies for medical risks practicing for many years …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics

3 0 3 49
Weliom Weliom

Together let us raise the health system up to the challenges of tomorrow! The world of health is in profound change. Weliom, a subsidiary of Docaposte, supports health organizations to adapt and reinvent themselves in the face of economic, societal, regulatory and technological issues. Our objectives: • Contribute to the patient's experience, • Help our customers gain efficiency and refocus on their profession • Support the digital transformation of the health system • Participate in the construction of a powerful health system Our differentiation is based on a unique combination of know-how: • A User-Centric and Roist approach (patients, health …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Cybersecurity

21 1 16 59
CareLink by Care Connect CareLink by Care Connect

Carelink provides secure information, real -time monitoring, improving coordination, quality and safety. The Carelink solution reduces tasks interruptions in care by ensuring fluid and secure sharing of information between caregivers and relatives. Thanks to its geo-suivi system, it allows real-time monitoring of the patient, thus strengthening coordination, quality and safety of care.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: IoT

2 1 2 2
Ecofilae Ecofilae

360 ° support for water fingerprints reduction projects Specialist in the reuse of waters (Reuse), Ecofilae, a pioneer and independent company of advice and engineering, has been offering 360 ° support since 2009 to communities, industrialists, managers of leisure and golf courses or still farmers and territories developers. Its role is that of a real pivot, bringing together the skills of communities, water managers and users to make water reuse projects possible. Through the observation of the conditions conducive to the creation of a water loop and an expert support on regulatory issues, Ecofilae draws up optimized, safe and lasting …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

149 21 138 26
Hôpital d'Antibes Hôpital d'Antibes

As close to you The Antibes Juan-les-Pins hospital center is at the heart of the hospital group "Sophia Antipolis-Var valley", composed of 3 other establishments: - The Puget-Théniers hospital center - The Entrevaux Social and Medico-Social Establishment - The Vallauris Golfe-Juan health center It brings together more than 2,200 staff, has no less than 1,300 beds and places and has a budget close to € 170 million. The 4 health establishments work to create and deepen real professional and digital complementarities. The Antibes Juan-les-Pins hospital center is responsible for a high-level public hospital service, organized in 5 centers of clinical …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

11 2 8 319
Foundation for Hospital Art Foundation for Hospital Art

A nonprofit dedicated to painting a brighter world by creating and donating art to hospitals all around the world A global non-profit dedicated to brightening hospitals through art with the participation of volunteers around the world. Over 1,000,000 volunteers and patients have united in an effort to create over 53,000 paintings for over 8,500 hospitals in 195 countries. We welcome your love and support in our mission of compassion through art. The initial concept of painting for people in hospitals was born in 1975 when John Feight volunteered in Northside Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. The idea to establish the Foundation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

3 1 0 15

Access to leisure for all! Dahlir is the handicap support system towards integrated and regular leisure. Born in Haute-Loire in 2012, the association now has 25 employees in 7 departments in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, as well as in the Hautes-Alpes. His goal? Access to leisure activities for all, whatever their condition. Dahlir contributes to the regular and lasting integration of people with disabilities, in a situation of exclusion or with chronic disease in leisure. The concept of handicap is apprehended as widely as possible: it encompasses any type of disability including social disability and health problems. Its field of action is …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

39 5 33 57
Filieris Filieris

Health in action! Filieris is an operator of the Public Health Service, which offers a diversified offer of care: health centers, establishments, services. Coming from CANSSM, a social security organization of the mining regime, Filieris is mainly established in the old mining basins. Its structures are open to the entire population, regardless of the patient's social security regime. Organized in the sector around health centers, which allow a grouped and coordinated exercise in medicine and overall care for patients, the Filieris care offer includes: - 123 health centers (general medicine, specialized medicine, physiotherapy, nursing, care and dental prostheses - 22 …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech silvertech Technologies: Cybersecurity

21 7 7 962
Laboratoire Phytocontrol Laboratoire Phytocontrol

In the service of food safety and the environment Phytocontrol Group works daily to guarantee the health safety of food and the environment. With 3 business expertise, the group supports its customers in all fields of health security: laboratory analyzes, audit / consultancy / training and digital traceability (digitalization of PMS with the Zest Haccp solution). Its teams of specialists are structured in 3 markets: • Agrifood (food) • Waters (sending) • Biopharma (Cosmetics, Pharma, Agrosciences, Chemicals & Amp; Materials) Phytocontrol thus endeavors to guarantee proximity support and a differentiating quality service in terms of responsiveness and reliability. The group …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech hrtech Technologies: New Materials

25 16 10 295
Carenity Carenity

The Patient Insights Company Recognized as one of the best places to work for in France in 2021 and founded in 2011, Carenity is a leading online patient community with more than 500,000 active members in Europe and in North America, and a digital CRO services provider. Patients are at the core of our activities, our mission is to enable patients and caregivers to share their experience with other people living with the same diseases or challenges, find information, manage their illness and advance medical knowledge by participating in online research projects. More info: 📧 Carenity, part …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 9 11 27
Aéroport Marseille Provence Aéroport Marseille Provence

2nd regional airport in France, committed to grow its territory. Here, the future inspires us. Our airport brings together more than 140 companies and 4,500 employees including 370 employees at Marseille Provence airport. With them, we want to be in tune with a territory which is at the forefront of large transitions, by accelerating our transformation to a reasoned growth model, which continues to develop the essential connectivity to the region while minimizing its impact. In 2023, we welcomed 10.8 million passengers while containing the number of aircraft movements, making Marseille Provence airport, the 1st French regional airport in freight …

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

35 12 19 386

Our programs and solutions reduce waste and waste by 20 to 60% according to the pro sectors. #Antigaspi #RSE Biodechets, packaging, banal industrial waste, food and non -food surplus of professional and public actors ... EQOSPER programs and solutions reduce waste and waste by 20 to 60% according to the professional activity sectors. The offer of services and the support of Eqosphere as well as your commitment has a positive and environmental impact: waste decreases, waste is reduced and transformed into resources.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

37 5 34 4
LearnEnjoy LearnEnjoy

Allow everyone to achieve their potential! Learnenjoy is a French company for social purposes (ESUS), whose vocation is to create and disseminate software solutions promoting the academic success of children and adolescents using the lever of digital tools (tablets, interactive tables). Our software offers content from the school program covered in a fun, interactive way and with a difficulty level adapted to the needs of students thanks to our adaptive learning technology. These are real tools for educational differentiation and school inclusion, used by 20,000 young people in France, half of which have TND, in partnership with National Education and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

33 12 19 29
 Lifelines Logistics Intelligence Lifelines Logistics Intelligence

Lifelines Logistics Intelligence Lifelines Logistics Intelligence is the Healthcare logistics solution that allows caregivers to better focus on the patient and to transport goods faster and cheaper. You will see how our full integrated solution can improve the transport of medical products between hospitals. New technologies such as autonomous robots and drones improve logistics standards and reach outstanding results. These technologies are changing the face of every industry and that is the reason we created LIFELINES: to offer the best logistics solution for healthcare teams. To do so, our team of engineers implement in healthcare facilities robots and drones to …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech transporttech Technologies: Drones Robotics

14 6 0 15
Cap emploi 05 Cap emploi 05

Expertise and tailor-made support with employers and people on the issue of employment and disability The mission of CAP Employment is to support people with disabilities and employers.

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

11 1 11 3
Agence d'urbanisme de l'aire toulonnaise et du Var (audat.var) Agence d'urbanisme de l'aire toulonnaise et du Var (audat.var)

Association law 1901 created in 2003, member of the National Federation of Town Planning Agency (FNAU), the Toulonnaise and Var (Audat.var) Urban Planning Agency is a multidisciplinary tool for decision -making , shared by local authorities and public institutions. Created at the initiative of the State, the Metropolis Toulon Provence Méditerranée, the Departmental Council of Var and the Scot Provence Mediterranean, Audat.Var has gradually expanded the community of its members to intervene throughout the Var territory . Today it has about twenty members, including the Toulon metropolis, many EPCI Varois (agglomeration communities and communities of municipalities), the consular chambers, the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

17 2 16 18
Centre national de ressources et de résilience (Cn2r) Centre national de ressources et de résilience (Cn2r)

Psychotrauma and resilience Created in 2019, the National Center for Resources and Resilience (CN2R) is a public interest group (GIP) carried by Pr Guillaume Vaiva (CHU Lille) and Professor Thierry Baubet (AP-HP). The main objective CN2R is to deepen and disseminate knowledge of psychotrauma and resilience. The CN2R continues three main missions: developing multidisciplinary scientific expertise on psychotrauma and resilience, developing training and good practices for better management of post-traumatic mental disorders, and disseminating knowledge to professionals and the public. CN2R also plays an animation role in the network of regional psychotrauma centers in connection with the national medico-psychological emergency …

Type: Public

27 2 14 22
Care Insight Care Insight

The NextGen Health & Amp; Tech Advisor Care Insight, a strategy expert consulting firm supports health innovation players. The firm has specialized in approaches to the transformation of the health system and the support of actors for the deployment of new organizations and cooperation. Building on his knowledge of governance and health and medico-social professionals, he offers a global approach to the problems posed by health and aging to allow the undertaking efficient actions. Strategic analysis, watch, benchmark, corporate communication, change of change, influence communication, public affairs, political communication, and advice

Type: SMB Activities: consulting govtech

89 10 79 26
Ville d'Orange Ville d'Orange

Orange is a millennial city in the heart of Provence, between the Rhône on the one hand, and the lace of Montmirail and Mont Ventoux on the other hand. His triumphal arch and ancient theater, monuments listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, testify to its importance in Antiquity. Headquarters of a sovereign principality for more than 500 years, the city of princes is today a Provencal city of 30,000 inhabitants registered in the terroirs of wines of the Rhône valley (Châteauneuf-du-Pape and Côtes-du-Rhône ). The 3rd City of Vaucluse thus hosts the most important competition for the Valley of …

Type: Public

1 1 0 54

Hospital care, nights at the hotel. My Hospitel publishes the first hotel-pastry system management platform. Thanks to its solution, it facilitates the sending of patients eligible for HTNM* to the hotel, without administrative overload for hospital staff. Our digital solution adapts to all types of establishment without additional cost. Our digital tool makes it possible to quickly reallocate beds by removing unnecessary nights and thus limits deprogramming of operations. My Hospitel increases the reception capacity of hospitals while ensuring the patient's comfort during their care career. The patient becomes an actor of his career by being informed in real time …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

26 7 17 58
Agence d'Urbanisme Rhône Avignon Vaucluse AURAV Agence d'Urbanisme Rhône Avignon Vaucluse AURAV

The Aurav, territorial transitional agency. The urban planning agency Rhône Avignon Vaucluse (Aurav) is an association law 1901 created on October 4, 2004. It is part of the National Federation of Urban Planning Agencies (FNAU). The purpose of the AURAV is the definition of territorial or development projects at different scales, from the district to the Urban area of ​​Avignon via the municipal scale and the department of Vaucluse. It intervenes in urban, peri -urban and rural areas. It is intended to observe and analyze the socio-economic developments of these territories to provide prospective insights to decision-makers and contribute to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

14 3 10 17
Bataillon de marins-pompiers de Marseille Bataillon de marins-pompiers de Marseille

Recruitment - Innovations - Sharing "If there are lives that are dear to you, for us they are all" ⚓️ Official page of the Marseille marine battalion, the largest unit of the French Navy in the service of the 2nd city and the 1st port of France.

Type: Public Activities: hrtech

22 9 11 321
Dracénie Provence Verdon agglomération Dracénie Provence Verdon agglomération

Our territory is called Dracénie. Its area is 914 km2, for 107,347 inhabitants distributed in 23 municipalities. 23 Member municipalities: Ampus, Bargemon, Bargème, Callas, Châteaudouble, Claviers, Coms-sur-Artuby, Draguignan, Figarières, Flayosc, La Bastide, La Motte, La Roque-Esclapon, Le Muy, Les Arcs/Argens, Lorgues, Montferrat , Saint-Antonin-du-Var, Salernes, Sillans-la-Cascade, Taradeau, Trans-en-Provence, Vidauban. The DPVA territory is called Dracénie. Its area is 914 km2, for 107,347 inhabitants distributed in 23 municipalities. Dracénie Provence Verdon Agglomeration (DPVA) is a public inter -municipal cooperation establishment (EPCI). It is directed by elected representatives each of the 23 member municipalities, in proportion to their municipal population.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

16 5 14 104
Ville de Bandol Ville de Bandol

Welcome to the page of the city of Bandol in the #Var Follow our news on Instagram @villedebandol, Facebook @villebandol and you tube and youtube @villedebandol

Type: Public

6 2 4 44
Alotra devient Vivacité Alotra devient Vivacité

Thinking and managing social housing Accompanied accommodation ALOTRA is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. Created in 1954, ALOTRA intervenes mainly in the South PACA region. His job is social rental management. Initially, Alotra managed mainly migrant workers households by exclusively carrying out safety and maintenance work without rehabilitation of the structures to consolidate the habitat. This situation has led to little investments, little funding, while generating positive operating results with each assessment. In 1996, Alotra was involved in the five -year plan to process migrant workers, allowing the rehabilitation of its structures and their change …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

7 1 0 55
Ville de Salon-de-Provence Ville de Salon-de-Provence

Official page of the city of Salon-de-Provence

Type: Public

4 3 0 59
EntendsMoi EntendsMoi

Thanks to, Act on the Improvement of Practices Thanks to the continuous analysis of the patient experience Co-founded by expert patients, healthcare professionals and an engineer, hearing his first digital solution in co-development with 9 health establishments (CHU, GHT, ESPIC, Clinique, Center for Cancer) . Now deployed in more than 50 establishments in France and Belgium to act on improving professional and organizational practices thanks to the lived experience of patients, collected in their free comments. Patients' speech is transformed into levers of action thanks to automatic language processing (TAL) and allows precise, continuous and large -scale management …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I.

28 6 22 5
Ville d'Arles Ville d'Arles

World heritage of humanity. Official page of the city of Arles

Type: Public

11 7 2 105
Département de Vaucluse Département de Vaucluse

Vaucluse, southern possibilities Land of talents, community of development and solidarity Avignon, South Provence region-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Welcome to the official page of the department of Vaucluse The department is a local authority, which acts directly to improve the daily life of its inhabitants. It is a key player in regional planning, through its major projects on the departmental road network, in progress or to come or the construction of new public facilities (new departmental archives in 2024, new departmental house for disabled in 2024). The master word of the policy led by the governance of the department of Vaucluse is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

21 11 7 256
La Cité des Entrepreneurs d'Euroméditerranée La Cité des Entrepreneurs d'Euroméditerranée

Entrepreneurs, Euromediterranean actors!  Created in 2000, the city of Euroméditerranée entrepreneurs is implementing actions intended to facilitate exchanges, welcome, inform, establish bridges between companies installed on the perimeter of Euromediterranean or attracted by this large urban renewal and economic development. The city of Euromediterranée entrepreneurs aims to unite companies on Euromediterranean so that they help to boost the territory and be the ambassadors of this urban requalification operation. It also has an essential role in the connection between adhering companies. To do this, it is based on four levers of economic and territorial development that are: • Associate your …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

36 5 31 10
Korian Korian

Korian is the main network of medical retirement houses in the Clariane group. It brings together in France, nearly 270 establishments in the heart of the territories for the elderly losing autonomy. Korian offers long or short stays personalized care courses, and a day care. In addition, in total, the Clariane group has 695 medical retirement homes in Europe. Clariane is the first European care community at the service of weaknesses; It is present in 7 countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands and United Kingdom. With their various expertise, the 67,000 group professionals work each year for more than …

Type: Large company

41 17 22 7,626

together for a healthy island ARS Corsica's mission is to implement the region's health policy in its entirety, from prevention to care and medical-social support, by implementing national policies and taking into account island specificities. ARS Corsica is a team of doctors, pharmacists, engineers, statisticians, financiers, communicators, lawyers and many other specialists whose missions are to finance prevention actions, manage environmental health risks on a daily basis, prevent and respond to health crises and support Corsicans in their health journey. We work with professionals from the world of health and medical-social care, elected officials, local authorities, health insurance, state services, …

Type: Public

22 6 9 40
CPTS Itinéraire Santé CPTS Itinéraire Santé

All the healthcare professionals in the 11th, 12th and 13th arrondissements of Marseille, at your service for your health! ☀️ The Territorial Professional Health Community in the 11th, 12th and 13th arrondissements of Marseille for: 👩‍⚕️👨🏽‍⚕️ An Interdisciplinary Collaboration Our CPTS brings together a variety of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists and many others. By joining our community, you will have the opportunity to work closely with other experts from different fields to provide holistic care to your patients. ✅ Better Coordination of Care Coordination of care is essential to ensure that patients receive the appropriate services at …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 1 1 10

Les experts de l'audiovisuel numérique NOVASUD is an information technology and services company based out of 30 B BOULEVARD CHAVE, MARSEILLE, France. Réalisation de films institutionnels, Formation professionnelle, Fabrication et distribution de solutions pour les professionnels de l'audio-visuel, and Plateau de tournage fond vert

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

3 1 1 18

Pharmacists of the South Region, at the service of your health Public health and innovation in the Region. 💜Promoting the role of the pharmacist in #paca 🏥 Designing the #pharmacy of tomorrow #lienvillehopital 💚Facilitating your daily practice

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

2 1 2 5
Préfecture du Var Préfecture du Var

The State in Var - Toulon

Type: Public

21 9 6 83
Anamnèse 📱 logiciel e-santé 🇫🇷 Anamnèse 📱 logiciel e-santé 🇫🇷

Bringing AI and digital technology to healthcare professionals, in coordinated practice, the patient journey, prevention Anamnèse offers innovative e-health solutions to improve the efficiency of healthcare professionals, in the city as well as in the hospital, and the care of patients at different stages of their life journey (students, employees, retirees, etc.). Through ergonomic and pragmatic digital tools, it promotes the dissemination of 4P medicine (Preventive, Predictive, Personalized, Participative). Through "intelligent" patient questioning based on an Artificial Intelligence engine, Anamnesis accelerates the detection of pathologies and facilitates the care and orientation of the patient. Artificial Intelligence, e-Health, Digital Applications, Mental …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I.

41 10 30 20
Wandercraft Wandercraft

Ordinary life for Extraordinary people Revolutionizing mobility with self-balancing robotics We're hiring ! Wandercraft ‘s job is to make wheelchair users walk again. We make real the promises of robotics by providing an ordinary life to extraordinary people. We have developed the first autonomous exo. In our world premiere clinical trials, persons with paraplegia walked human-like, autonomously and without crutches. The Wanderteam walks on the edge of robotics. We cooperate with world class university labs and medical centers in Europe and the US. Atalante is not only an exoskeleton. Atalante allows patients to stand up, without crutches. Atalante allows …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: Robotics Synthetic Biology

68 36 31 134
Association ALC (Agir pour le Lien social et la Citoyenneté) Association ALC (Agir pour le Lien social et la Citoyenneté)

Solidarity commitment since 1911 Association recognized as being of public utility, founded in 1911 Our mission: to protect and integrate the most vulnerable in the Alpes-Maritimes ♡ 📣 More than 10,000 people (children/adults) supported each year! 👉 OUR MISSION: ✔️ ACT, FROM EMERGENCY TO CITIZENSHIP On the front line of the social emergency, ALC manages the 115 and emergency accommodation for people on the street. ALC supports its users from sheltering to sustainable housing. ALC mobilizes personalized social and professional integration systems to enable them to train, find a job, but also to become actors in their lives and citizens …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

12 1 4 120
Fédération de l'Hospitalisation Privée (FHP) Fédération de l'Hospitalisation Privée (FHP)

The Fédération de l’Hospitalisation Privée (FHP) represents the 1,030 private hospitals and clinics in France. The FHP brings together more than 1,030 private clinics and hospitals that provide care to 9 million patients each year. Around 160,000 employees (care staff, administrative staff and technicians) work in private healthcare establishments and 40,000 doctors practice there. The FHP has a dual role. Downstream, it informs, advises and assists its members in economic, legal and social matters. Upstream, it represents private clinics and hospitals with the supervisory authorities, the ministry and employee unions in the sector. The FHP also develops actions to better …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

54 15 33 186
Banlieues Santé Banlieues Santé

Act for access to health NGO acting for the health of tomorrow in medical deserts in France and internationally founded by health professionals and patients from these same places. We are a citizen initiative at the service of all! HEALTH SUBURBS, HEALTH, TECHFORGOOG, DATA, MEDICAL DESERTS, CITIZEN, SOCIAL PRECARITY, HOME, SOCIAL LINK, SUBURBS, RURALITY, HOME HEALTH, PERSONAL SERVICE, and HUMANITARIAN

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

87 23 66 25
Unapei Unapei

For a united and inclusive society Commit to living together Created in 1960, Unapei is a French associative movement representing the interests of people with disabilities and their families. Unapei and its affiliated associations work together for the real effectiveness of the rights of people with disabilities and their families. They take their needs into consideration and build appropriate responses with them. Unapei campaigns for an inclusive and united society. Unapei and its associations represent all people who have a global delay in acquisitions and a limitation of adaptive capacities and who have lasting difficulties in representing themselves, whether it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

58 23 35 364
Mission Locale Jeunes Hautes-Alpes Mission Locale Jeunes Hautes-Alpes

The ML05 offers support for young people aged 16 to 25 for their social and professional integration paths The Mission Locale Jeunes des Hautes-Alpes, present in the region for over 30 years and also known by the acronym MLJ05, is a non-profit organization responsible for welcoming, guiding and supporting young people aged 16 to 25 on issues of social and professional integration. The range of services offered by the MLJ05 is varied and ranges from a simple reception and information point for young people to support in their professional orientation, their autonomy and their access to working life. The MLJ05 …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

10 1 9 16

Smart Ageing Solutions Smart Care technologies Our complete range: Otono-me for home, Otono-me for senior residences, Otono-me for nursing homes. With Otono-me® for home and senior residences, it has never been easier to remotely monitor a loved one. With Otono-me for nursing homes, the nursing staff benefits from an advanced automatic fall and abnormal situations detection solution. _______________________ Technologies de Smart Care Notre gamme de produits : Otono-me Domicile, Otono-me Résidences Senior, Otono-me EHPAD. Avec Otono-me® Domicile et Résidences Senior, il n’a jamais été aussi simple de veiller sur un proche. Avec Otono-me EHPAD, le personnel soignant bénéficie des toutes …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech it services Technologies: Data Analytics IoT

31 14 21 24

Committed by nature to ethical and high-performance textiles. 🌱 Today in France, operating room outfits, gowns and protective products imported from China are used once and then thrown away. The healthcare sector generates approximately 700,000 tonnes of medical waste, which represents 10 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower each year. We believe that well-being is a right for all, which should not be developed at the expense of living things. We are therefore committed by nature to ethical and high-performance textiles. In collective intelligence, we develop innovative, comfortable, durable and recyclable textile products, manufactured in a short circuit. Our …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 2 9 5
Vivacités IDF Vivacités IDF

Ile-de-France Education Network for a Sustainable City. Vivacités IDF is a network of actors who come together to promote and develop education for the sustainable city in the Ile-de-France region. The association is based in Ivry Sur Seine, France. Environmental Education, Sustainable City, Ecomobility, Accessibility, Energy, Water, Biodiversity, Public Space, Ecological Transition, and Citizen Participation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech edtech

22 1 18 4
URPS Médecins Libéraux AuRA URPS Médecins Libéraux AuRA

URPS Médecins Libéraux represents and supports the 14,500 independent doctors in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. URPS Médecins Libéraux AuRA represents and supports 13,500 independent doctors in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

10 4 6 15
Health Data Hub Health Data Hub

The one-stop shop for access to health data in France - We are recruiting! The HDH is a state-of-the-art technological platform that brings together the French health data heritage to guarantee easy and unified, transparent and secure access. It facilitates interactions between health data producers, users and citizens, under high security conditions, and thus contributes to innovation and to federating the digital health ecosystem. We offer a set of services to support the players who contribute to finding tomorrow's solutions to improve the health of citizens: supporting project leaders, building and operating a technological platform to offer them the best …

Type: Public

81 32 55 127

Bureau d'analyse sociétale d'intérêt collectif Since 2013, Basic has been assessing and analyzing the societal impacts and costs generated by economic activities in order to: - strengthen the expertise of civil society actors working towards a social and ecological transition; - contribute to the accessibility and transparency of information relating to the main social and environmental issues related to economic activities and lifestyles; - develop multi-stakeholder platforms (economic actors, public authorities, civil society) on sustainability issues at the level of sectors of activity and industries. Basic is an approved solidarity enterprise and has been recognized as a Young Innovative Enterprise. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

16 3 6 17
Générations Futures Générations Futures

Protecting future generations from pesticides and other chemicals. Générations Futures is an association specializing in the fight against chemical pollution and particularly synthetic pesticides. It aims to protect the most vulnerable groups and campaigns for a future that respects future generations, resulting in the definitive elimination of these pollutants. As part of these campaigns, the association conducts surveys and regularly publishes studies for the general public and political decision-makers. The aim of this work is to denounce the health and environmental impact of pesticides on citizens and consumers on the one hand and to change regulations in the direction of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

50 13 38 10
Ville d'Aix-en-Provence Ville d'Aix-en-Provence

Town Hall of the City of Aix-en-Provence

Type: Public

41 19 7 518
Unafo, union professionnelle du logement accompagné Unafo, union professionnelle du logement accompagné

194 members who manage more than 155,000 housing units in social housing, youth housing, family pensions Unafo, the network of professionals in supported housing Access to housing for vulnerable people The Unafo network develops and implements innovative solutions to find a housing solution for people in situations of: - precariousness, people who have experienced a family or professional breakdown - mobility, people with low resources in access to employment and training - vulnerability, people who have had accidents in life, in psychological suffering, leaving the street... The job of Unafo members: - offer an independent, affordable, adapted and supported home …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

39 13 29 18

Manage your core business, we manage its Transparency! Manage your core business, we manage its Transparency! 4mgTRANSPARENCY works with the Health Industry (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical visit providers, medical information delegates, Health events, PSAD) and Health Professionals by offering a personalized management solution, internal or outsourced, of regulatory functions and LEA (ex DMOS) from A to Z thanks to comprehensive support on the subject: - Audit of internal LEA (ex DMOS) and Transparency management processes - Management of administrative files (IDAHE, EPS) - Implementation of 4TRANSPARENCY, the innovative, efficient, profitable and agile digital platform that simplifies Transparency (SAAS Compliance management …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech biotech regtech deeptech Technologies: SaaS

40 0 39 5
la Vitre la Vitre

The right people, to the right place ✨ With la Vitre, feel the presence! La Vitre brings closeness anywhere in the world! The right people, to the right place. Used by teams, speakers, hospitality, training, events, retail... for now. Why not give it a try yourself?

Type: Startup Activities: proptech

53 5 52 23
Mairie de Miramas Mairie de Miramas

Miramas, a city, lives Official page of the city of Miramas

Type: Public

28 5 12 118
Fondation ENGIE Fondation ENGIE

30 years of commitment to solidarity and the environment Created in 1992, the ENGIE company Foundation is part of its action in the ambition of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Emergency aid for populations affected by disasters, childhood help, & amp; Education - Biodiversity & amp; Access to energy - Fight against poverty and insertion: the four main priorities of the Foundation meet a requirement: take care of life and our planet, meet the needs of vulnerable or distant populations. Each year, it supports more than a hundred projects around the world. With 52% of its projects dedicated …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

41 6 32 5
Fondation Recherche Alzheimer Fondation Recherche Alzheimer

To help the sick, help researchers! #metonsalzheimerko Created in 2004 by two French doctors specializing in Alzheimer's disease, Professor Bruno Dubois, neurologist and Dr Olivier de Ladoucette, psychiatrist-general, the foundation is installed in Pitié-Salpêtrière, as close as possible to clinical research. It has been recognized as a public utility since 2016, labeled Ideas in 2024. Alzheimer's disease is a major public health issue and affects an ever -increasing number of people in France and around the world. Scientific research has made it possible to identify the lesions responsible for the disease and to understand the way in which they evolve. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech silvertech healthtech

18 5 14 19
Ville de Brignoles Ville de Brignoles

#Brignolesaccelere Brignoles is located in the Var department of which it is the sub-prefecture, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. It is at the heart of the Provence Verte agglomeration. Brignoles benefits from a privileged geographical situation at: ► 45 minutes from the seaside ►45 minutes from Aix-en-Provence ► 1 hour from Marseille ► 1 hour of Nice ►1:30 of the Italian border To discover Brignoles is above all to browse its old center, with its alleys and its places, its ancient houses and its palace ... it is also diving into the history of the city which was an economic …

Type: Public

5 4 0 32
Pôle Ressources National Sport Santé Bien-Etre (PRNSSBE) Pôle Ressources National Sport Santé Bien-Etre (PRNSSBE)

The National Sport Health Health Resources Center, tool of the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games is located at CREPS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Vichy. Its missions are: - Develop the necessary technical skills of the actors in the PRNSSBE field of action - Promote and contribute on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games to the National Sport-Santé Strategy - Bring elements for the Ministry of Sports in the development and implementation of its well-being-health sports policy - Animate meetings of actors who contribute to the achievement of the objectives of …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

14 2 5 3
Association PIICTO Association PIICTO

Animation of a dynamic of industrial and territorial ecology PiICTO is an association, created in September 2014, which brings together industrialists and various stakeholders (port authority, private developer, communities, consular, etc.) in order to animate and implement a dynamic of industrial and territorial ecology within of the industrial-port area of ​​Marseille-Fos (inter-industrial synergies, circular economy, decarbonation and competitiveness of industrial activities, area attractiveness, innovation and technological risks).

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

37 5 27 9
SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation

The French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation (SFAR) is a recognized learned society of public utility, governed by the law of 1901. It contributes to the study, advancement and teaching of anesthesia, resuscitation and peri-operative medicine. To these statutory objectives, the SFAR added in 1988 the security of all the gestures taken by the resuscitatory anesthesiologists.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

25 5 19 99

Digital health service FRENCH NON-PROFIT Organization that was created in 2008 and that aims to create synergies between (public and private-held) Healthcare structures or associations such as hospitals, radiology practices or gps association, in the world of information systems. - The purpose of health information systems of health systems in Ile de France is to improve the conditions of activity of its members by facilitating: • Interoperability and mutualisation within Ile-de-France health information systems, • Financial portage, • Project management. GCS members are public health establishments, PSPH, CLCCs, private establishments and liberal doctors. Healthcare, information system, e-health, coordination of care …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

30 5 25 133
Parc national des Calanques Parc national des Calanques

A natural and cultural gem in the Mediterranean Created in 2012, the Calanques National Park is part of the 11 National Parks in France. It is the expression of a permanent interaction between man and nature. In the heart of the Aix-Marseille Provence metropolis, as a city-natural interface, it also has the particularity of expanding on a land and sailor territory. The richness and diversity of its fauna and flora are exceptional. Inhabited in his heart, and welcoming many professional and leisure activities, it is a living territory, a space for meetings, exchanges, commitment and creation.

Type: Public

27 12 15 81
Mucem - Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée Mucem - Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée

The first museum dedicated to the cultures of the Mediterranean, MUCEM is an unprecedented museum located in Marseille. From Marseille, the Mucem asserts itself as the only large museum dedicated to the Mediterranean. Suspended between sky and water, floating at the entrance to the Old Port of Marseille, the Mucem deploys new bridges. Open to the open sea, this museum is by its very situation a major project for the Mediterranean, now a meeting point for its two banks. In his exhibitions as in his cultural programming, he offers a multidisciplinary vision where anthropology, history, archeology, art history and contemporary …

Type: Public

63 38 34 205
MProvence MProvence

Proximity information on Provence! Our raison d'être Highlight the talents and local riches and make it a source of inspiration that makes all Provencals proud and which reinforces the feeling of belonging to our territory. Our goal Understanding information from a "positive", peaceful, reflected and benevolent angle, with another temporality than the frantic pace to which the pressure of the news and the extraordinary speed of current means of dissemination, submit the vast majority of those and Those who put information within the reach of the public. Our bias An uncompromising journalistic requirement and the assertive will to provide our …

Type: Media

46 9 37 14
Marine Nationale Marine Nationale

Each year, the French Navy recruits and form +4,000 young people, from the 3rd to Bac +5, in 80 professions. France, a resident of all the oceans of the world, has the 2nd world maritime space thanks in particular to the overseas territories. The French Navy has the duty to control this space in its three dimensions (under the sea, on the sea and above the sea) to preserve peace and defend the interests of France. For this, the French Navy has nearly 40,000 active sailors, military and civilians, and 5,000 reserve sailors, who every day, give the best of …

Type: Public

115 64 32 13,236
Marcelle - le média Marcelle - le média

Inspire, Marcelle takes over! #Mediadesolutions Online solutions media, fueled by professional journalists, Marcelle targets actions and projects useful for society and the environment. Collective, individual, entrepreneurial, associative or institutional, all initiatives interest us!

Type: Media

61 4 57 8
Ville de Carpentras Ville de Carpentras

Carpentras, at the foot of the "Géant de Provence", is a city of 31,459 inhabitants equidistant from Avignon and Orange. A city in the shape of a heart, turned towards the other, as evidenced by the flags of the twin cities which welcome us on the roundabout of friendship. Marked by Roman colonization and by five centuries of papal presence, the capital of Comtat Venaissin owes its label "City and country of art and history" to the richness of its heritage. A heritage that is felt both in the typical and varied landscape of Provence and in its secular traditions, …

Type: Public

16 7 6 214
La Fabulerie La Fabulerie

Fabulerie is a digital manufacture. A multidisciplinary team that accompanies the experience of scientific, cultural and/or educational content, facilitating access, in a creative way, to the knowledge and power to act. For this, it is based on facilitators such as digital, art, creativity and participatory processes. The city and the digital and cultural transformations that cross it are at the heart of our steps. Each project, each creation is an opportunity to develop links with professionals who wonder, with their audiences, how to develop their services (public or private) and enrich their trades. The Fabulerie primarily sends its actions to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 8 7 8
Institut Paoli-Calmettes Institut Paoli-Calmettes

A triple vocation: care, research and teaching. A mission: to defeat cancer, together. The Paoli-Calmettes Institute (IPC) is a cancer reference center for the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region and Corsica. The IPC is a triple vocation: a hospital, an associated research center (CRCM) and a cancer school (Institute for Cancer Training). Cancerology, care, research, prevention, teaching, training, hospital, cancer, and medicine

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

39 16 19 805
Institut national du cancer Institut national du cancer

Together, we will defeat cancers. Let's accelerate progress in the face of cancers The National Cancer Institute (INCA) is the State and Scientific Expertise Agency in Cancer of the State, responsible for coordinating actions to combat cancer. Created by the public health law of August 9, 2004, the Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The National Cancer Institute is made up of the form of a public interest group (GIP) which brings together the state within it, the major associations for …

Type: Public

89 38 45 195
France Assos Santé France Assos Santé

A union of nearly 100 associations militant for rights & amp; Defense of the rights of health system users France Assos Santé is the name chosen by the National Union of approved associations for users of the health system in order to publicize its action as a reference organization to represent patients and users of the health system and defend their interests. With a mission officially recognized by its registration in the public health code via the law of January 26, 2016, France Assos Health was created in March 2017 on the initiative of 72 national founding associations, by registering …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

63 26 17 93
Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF)

The French Hospital Federation represents hospitals and public medico-social establishments Created in 1924, the French Hospital Federation (FHF) brings together more than 1,000 public health establishments (hospitals) and as many medico-social structures (retirement homes and autonomous specialized reception houses), almost all of the public sector establishments. This legitimacy and its national dimension make FHF a leading player in the health world, an actor all the more listened to as it is truly trans-political, as evidenced by the composition of its council of 'administration. The FHF fulfills a triple promotion, information and representation function: 1. Promotion of the public hospital and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

102 54 49 3
Fédération Générale des PEP Fédération Générale des PEP

Solidarity in action! The strength of a national associative network, actor of social transformation, partner of the school, families, teachers and communities. The convictions of a movement initiated for the emancipation of all and an inclusive company. PEPs, a network to discover on: Join our LinkedIn group PEPs manage and organize activities in the fields of: Education, leisure, local educational policies, social and medico-social. Actions are thus carried out for the benefit of more than 1,300,000 children, adolescents and families. The PEP network, with 23,500 employees, has more than 70 vacation centers intended for the reception …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

34 4 17 54
Ville d'Antibes Juan-les-Pins Ville d'Antibes Juan-les-Pins

Antibes Juan-les-Pins, a culture, an art of living City of Antibes Juan-les-Pins

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

13 7 4 177
Espace éthique Ile de France Espace éthique Ile de France

The Île-de-France ethical space is a place of training, of research & amp; of debate on medical ethics and bioethics Created in 1995, the ethical space of public assistance - Paris hospitals is the first ethical space designed and developed within an institution (taken up in 2004 as a model of ethical reflection device within the framework of the law relating to bioethics). In 2013 it was appointed space for ethical reflection of the Ile-de-France region (ERE/IDF). In 2010 the ethical space/AP-HP was given the development of the national ethical reflection space on Alzheimer's disease (EREMA) as part of the …

Type: Public

28 5 19 12
Association ONCO-PARTAGE Association ONCO-PARTAGE

A dynamic team at the service of cancer patients. Our association aims to bring together teams of oncology services, around innovative and dynamic projects. 2 main axes of action:  - activities offered to patients and their loved ones, as well as the realization and provision of specific information supports, to help them better live their daily lives. #SoinDes support #etp - Training, information and awareness of staff: so that everyone's skills are optimized and put at the service of patients. Cancerology, oncological care care, care path, oncology, cancer and well-being, onco-aesthetic, socio-aesthetic, cancer and nutrition, cancer and relaxation, cancer …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

15 2 3 3
Département des Bouches-du-Rhône Département des Bouches-du-Rhône

Collectivity of Solidarity, committed to all Provencals, from birth to good age of life. Welcome to the page of the Bouches-du-Rhône department 👋 A little story ... The department is an institution whose creation dates back to the revolution. The limits of the territory were defined as having to be a horse's day of the capital. Most of its skills results from the laws of decentralization of 1982 and 1983, recently supplemented by the Notre law of August 7, 2015 relating to the new territorial organization. The Department is an essential proximity level for the inhabitants, thanks to its actions …

Type: Public

114 64 37 1,040
Département des alpes maritimes Département des alpes maritimes

The distribution of skills between local authorities is defined by decentralization laws successive since 1982. The large areas of the departmental executive: - Social action: child protection, integration of people in difficulty, RSA, assistance to people disabled and elderly, health prevention; - Infrastructure: management of departmental roads; - Transport: Transport of travelers on interurban networks, school transport; - Education: material management of colleges; - Culture: departmental archives, departmental loan library, museums; - Local development: aid to associations, in municipalities, tourism, agriculture. The law of August 13, 2004 relating to local freedoms and responsibilities (Act II of decentralization) committed A new …

Type: Public

67 41 27 1,100

The French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) is a French association of public utility which represents the sports movement on French territory and brings together in particular sports federations. He is notably responsible for collaborating in the preparation, the selection of athletes and ensuring their participation in the Olympic Games. His statutes give him, moreover, competence to lead, on behalf of the federations, or in collaboration with them, any action in the general interest of the sports movement. The CNOSF promotes the fundamental principles and the values ​​of Olympism, sport for all, sports activity with the general public and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

102 51 39 241
CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale

CLUBHOUSE : un lieu qui accompagne des personnes concernées par un trouble psy vers une réinsertion sociale et pro Peu de solutions existent pour passer de l’état de stabilisation d’un trouble psychique à un retour à une vie sociale et professionnelle stable, durable et épanouissante. Inspiré d’un modèle nord-américain crée en 1948, les CLUBHOUSE sont des lieux qui accompagnent des personnes concernées par un trouble psychique (bipolarité, schizophrénie, dépression, etc.) vers une réinsertion sociale et professionnelle. La méthode CLUBHOUSE, unique, innovante et efficace, s’articule autour d’une approche collective basée sur le « faire ensemble » et la pair-aidance, mais aussi …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

45 15 25 77
La Maison de l'autisme La Maison de l'autisme

Reception area for all those concerned, directly or indirectly, by autism. 🏠 The House of Autism informs and accompanies all the people concerned, directly or indirectly, by autism. In its physical or digital version, the House of Autism is a place that allows easy and simply access to reliable information and advice, tools and services. 👐🏻 Whether you are an autistic person, family, professional, association ... The House of Autism is a place of life and meeting for all. 📍 The House of Autism welcomes you at 10 rue Waldeck Rochet in Aubervilliers. 📞 0800 71 40 40 (Opening of …

Type: Public Activities: it services

16 3 13 17
Bleu Tomate Bleu Tomate

Natural fertilizer of good ideas Tomato blue highlights the actors of the transition which favor biodiversity, proximity, naturality, renewable energies ... and beyond, all those who work for peaceful relationships between earth and its inhabitants. A global and virtuous movement Producing, feeding, acting ... preserving biodiversity, and more broadly while respecting the living, has become obvious for many of us. This approach is rooted in local practices but takes on meaning in a global and virtuous movement. It’s the seed of hope. An information relay Throughout the territory, men and women leave the beaten track to produce, innovate and act …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

52 4 43 17
Association IRSAM Association IRSAM

Support for people with disabilities, mainly with hearing or visual impairment. Created 160 years ago in Marseille, on the initiative of Father Dassy and originally developed by the Religious Congregation of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate, IRSAM is an association under the 1901 Law recognized as being of public utility, belonging to the medico-social sector. It supports people with disabilities, mainly with sensory impairments, in specialized establishments, in ordinary environments and in learning and training centers. It currently manages 31 establishments or services in Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and La Réunion. It welcomes 2,370 children, adolescents, adults and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

30 2 25 408
Association Du Sport et Plus Association Du Sport et Plus

The world of sport at the service of hospitalized children. "The world of sport at the service of hospitalized children" The Association Du Sport et Plus aims to improve the daily lives of hospitalized children, thanks to the world of sport. It has been active since the end of 2012 and its headquarters are located in Vanves, in Hauts-de-Seine. Our association mainly carries out 4 types of actions: - We offer equipment to the hospitals that we support, - We take athletes to meet children in pediatric departments, - We also invite convalescent children to sporting events. - Since 2021, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment healthtech

48 1 49 2
Association Creative Handicap Association Creative Handicap

Art and digital technology for the inclusion of all Created in 2004 by Sylvie Sanchez, the Créative Handicap association promotes the social and professional inclusion of people with disabilities and able-bodied people through art and digital technology. Our mission: to contribute to making art, culture, digital technology and training accessible to all. We want to change the way we look at disability, fight against all forms of discrimination and exclusion and seek all solutions that could alleviate the disadvantages caused by disability. We participate in professional actions or those in the process of professionalization and contribute to the training of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

40 5 35 20
APHM (Assistance Publique - Hopitaux de Marseille) APHM (Assistance Publique - Hopitaux de Marseille)

Marseille University Hospitals #APHM | Our DNA: care, innovation, transmission AP-HM: University Hospital Center and Civic Institution. With 4 hospitals and 3,500 beds, the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (AP-HM) is the largest hospital center in the Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur region (France). It is also the region's largest employer, with more than 12,000 employees and 1,885 doctors. The missions of this University Hospital Center (CHU) are care, training, research as well as prevention and health education. Its hospitals offer the full range of specialties, from local care to cutting-edge treatments for complex and rare pathologies, for …

Type: Public

92 25 65 11
Anap Anap

Supporting healthcare and social-medical professionals in the development of their organizations. Since 2009, Anap has been supporting healthcare professionals in healthcare and social-medical institutions in the development of their organizations in order to improve the service provided to users. Its productions are always developed thanks to the expertise of professionals in the field. Its action aims to: - Improve the fluidity of people's healthcare pathways; - Facilitate knowledge of the healthcare offer, decision-making assistance and management dialogue; - Improve the organization of patient care and support activities; - Improve the organization of support and support functions. Our missions: - Support …

Type: Public

71 30 52 358

Maîtriser le risque pour un développement durable Founded in 1990, INERIS is an EPIC (French public research body of an industrial and commercial character), under the aegis of the French Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning. INERIS mission is to carry out or commission studies and research programmes aimed at preventing the risks brought about by economic activities on health, the safety of persons and property and on the environment, and to provide any services intended to facilitate the adaptation of companies with this objective in mind. Expertise, Service pour l'environnement, Toxicologie, Ecotoxicologie, Phénomènes dangereux, sécurité industrielle, innovation, …

Type: Public

61 20 35 531
Ville de Digne-les-Bains Ville de Digne-les-Bains

General public administration

Type: Public

19 8 12 74
Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities

The Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities is an association affiliated to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC). Our network seeks to promote the Age-Friendly Cities Approach at a francophone level and to encourage a cross-disciplinary way of work, the civic rights of older people and the fight against ageism.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

53 8 45 9
Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique (APPA) Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique (APPA)

Know - Inform - Gather - Act Association loi 1901, created in 1958, recognized as being of public utility in 1962, approved by the Ministry in charge of the environment APPA's activities are at the intersection of the fields of the environment, public health and climate. APPA is mobilized on all issues relating to air quality, both outdoors and indoors, from the global to the local level: climate change, urban and industrial pollution, allergic risk linked to pollen, carbon monoxide poisoning, domestic environment... As a national association, APPA benefits from regional anchoring through its regional committees. public health, prevention, air …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 4 13 30