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LogoName Σ Employees
European Economic and Social Committee European Economic and Social Committee

We are the #EUCivilSociety assembly, giving a voice to NGO's, employers and worker's associations across the EU. We are a consultative body that represents Europe's socio-occupational interest groups and other civil society organisations and gives them a forum to express their points of view on EU issues. Our 329 members work on a wide range of issues, and their 'opinions' on EU laws and proposals advise the other institutions, namely the European Parliament, Council and Commission. European Union, Advisory body of the European Union, Organised Civil Society, Energy & Transport, Information Society, Institutional Reform, Consumers, Social Affairs, Enterprises and Industry, …

Type: Public

64 24 30 732
PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Advancing the scientific frontier and contributing solutions for a safe and just climate future. At PIK, researchers in the natural and social sciences from all over the world work closely together to study global change and its impacts on ecological, economic and social systems. Researchers examine the earth system's capacity for withstanding human interventions and devise strategies and options for a sustainable development of humankind and nature. Interdisciplinary and solution-oriented approaches are a distinctive characteristic of the institute. Climate Research, Science, Earth System Analysis, Climate Resilience, Planetary Boundaries, Transformation Pathways, Complexity Science, Climate Change, Tipping Points, Global Warming, Energy, Decarbonization, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

51 27 19 383
Metapolis Metapolis

Consulting firm in support of communities in their appropriation of innovative technologies Imagine together innovative, responsible, ethical and sustainable, useful and usable daily strategies and projects on the daily users and that improve public services. Metapolis is a consulting and services company specializing in supporting organizations and the transformation of public policies, in the service of the general interest. Advice, smart city, open source, digital transformation, data, data, open innovation, digital services, responsible numerical, sobriety, public sector, communities, modernization, and ecological transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

47 17 18 47
Altereo Altereo

Eau et territoires durables Ingénierie, conseil, innovation et digital pour l’Eau, la Ville et les Territoires Awakening Environmental Smartness. Our mission is to drive our clients from Ideas to Behaviours. Altereo is an independent company based in France. We are consultants, engineers and innovators since 1989. Our activities are organised in 4 departments: • Water and Environmental Engineering • Consulting for Public Utility Management • Sustainable Development of Cities and Territories • Edition of Geographic Intelligence Solutions Get to know us more on eau, urbanisme, SIG, gestion patrimoniale, ville, territoires, changement climatique, résilience, data, intelligence artificielle, économie comportementale, services …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

55 15 37 207
Xylem France Xylem France

Xylem, world leader in the water technology sector. 💧 Xylem (Xyl) is a world leader in the field of water technologies, engaged in the development of solutions in order to resolve the major worldwater, wastewater and the water sector thanks to innovation and expertise. Our company has 23,000 diversified employees and has generated a pro formed combined turnover of 8.1 billion US $ in 2023. We create a more sustainable world by allowing our customers to optimize their management of water and resources, and by helping communities in more than 150 countries to have a safe supply of drinking water. …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: cleantech greentech water management

12 4 10 201
Académie des technologies Académie des technologies

For reasoned progress, chosen shared Founded in 2000, the Academy of Technologies brings together 370 academicians and academicians, including five Nobel prizes, all experts and experts in their respective fields, and from very diverse horizons: world of industrial and academic research, economists, sociologists, architects, doctors ... It analyzes the opportunities and risks linked to new technologies, and is to improve the attractiveness of trades technological, in particular with young people and women. The Academy issues proposals and recommendations to public authorities, socio-economic actors and citizens for better exploitation of technologies at the service of men, in agreement with its motto: …

Type: Public

72 16 73 90
Mines Paris - PSL Mines Paris - PSL

Since its creation 240 years ago, Mines Paris - PSL has trained engineers and has produced essential knowledge to support companies to meet the challenges of their time. Originally those of mining extraction for the production of energy necessary for large industrializations, today those of ecological transitions and digital transformations. Founding member of PSL University, Mines Paris - PSL is a large, reference French engineering school and the first in partnership research.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

63 8 57 1,090
Conseil national de l'information géolocalisée - CNIG Conseil national de l'information géolocalisée - CNIG

The National Geolocated Information Council is an advisory body placed with the Minister responsible for sustainable development. In his field of competence, he's mission: 1 °. To inform and advise the government in the development, conduct and evaluation of public policies and action to which geolocated information contributes; 2 °. To organize the regular consultation of actors, to promote their membership in common approaches and to facilitate the coordination of their contribution to geolocated information, at European, national and territorial levels, with public authorities, economic, associative and academic sectors, civil society and users; 3 °. To ensure the good articulation …

Type: Public

36 7 5 7
IFP Energies nouvelles IFP Energies nouvelles

Research and training in the fields of energy, transport and the environment IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major player in research and training in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From research to industry, technological innovation is at the heart of its action, articulated around four strategic priorities: climate, environment and circular economy - renewable energies - sustainable mobility and responsible hydrocarbons. ------------------------------ IFP Energies Nouvelles (Ifpen) is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From Research to Industry, Technological Innovation is Central to All ITS Activities, Structured Around …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

69 42 16 2,882
Seine Grands Lacs Seine Grands Lacs

Seine Grandes Lakes works to maintain the quantity and quality of the water from the Seine and its tributaries. The Syndicat mixes Seine Grandes Lakes works in the service of the general interest of the upstream basin of the Seine. Alongside the water players, acting in the basin, its 136 agents ensure every day at the level and quality of the water in compliance with the environment for the benefit of its entire operational territory. The EPTB Seine Grandes Lacs is governed by a union committee of 31 elected officials from the Departments of Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, the City of …

Type: Public

38 7 35 80

The engineer of the digital world ENSEIRB-MATMECA (National School of Electronics, IT, Telecommunications, Mathematics and Mechanics Bordeaux) offers specialties covering the digital field in the broad sense: electronics, IT, telecommunications, digital simulation, on -board systems, networks ... It forms in 3 years of engineers ready to respond to the major challenges of the digital world. These sectors of the future offer graduates of the school prospects rich and varied. First school in New Aquitaine with more than 1,200 students-engineers, it has large resources, advanced equipment and software and a building of more than 20,000 m2 at the service of pedagogy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services

75 22 58 180
elydan elydan

Your projects inspire us | Your projects our inspiration Specializing in the manufacture of polymer products and solutions for the infrastructure, networks and buildings of tomorrow, Elydan, French industrialist is one of the main European players in polyethylene and polypropylene solutions. The company is organized around 2 branches of dedicated activities: • The infrastructure branch & amp; Networks • The building branch Member of the Frenchfab network, the company lists: • Six production sites in France and Belgium and nearly 400 employees • a national logistics platform and a European platform • A turnover of more than 135 million euros …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech energytech water management Technologies: Geolocation SaaS

23 8 17 182
Digiwin devient Lùkla Digiwin devient Lùkla

Digiwin, Creative Emotion. Technical Excellence. A new generation agency, we draw our strength from our dual culture combining technological expertise with strategic consulting know-how. A mix of skills that today allows us to offer you a global response to your performance and competitiveness challenges, promoting added value, innovation and the quality of the services delivered. 20 years of experience and we reinvent ourselves every day. Our offers: Drafting of specifications - Help in choosing a solution - Digital strategy - Functional, ergonomic and graphic design (UX/UI) - Webmarketing - Architecture and technical expertise - Implementation - Change management Our agency …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

9 0 5 3
Cosmétosciences Cosmétosciences

Research and industry, let's innovate together Cosmetosciences is a "Research and Development ambition" program funded by the Center-Val de Loire region. Its objective is the valuation of the cosmetic sector on our territory, in terms of research (academic and industrial), university training, communication and entrepreneurship.

Type: Public Activities: cosmetics

10 4 6 3
PREDICT Services PREDICT Services

Risk under close surveillance Subsidiary of Météo France, Airbus defense & amp; Space and BRL, PREDICT SERVICES has supported communities, insurers, businesses and individuals to make the right decisions for hydrometeorological risks since 2006. Expert in risk management, offering organizational and alert tools and services, PREDICT SERVICES also informs its users in anticipation and in real time for their 24 -hour security. Objective : Work on global resilience to hydrometeorological risks by offering innovative solutions for anticipation and management of phenomena in France and internationally. Solutions suitable for different users: - communities, to help them in their decision -making and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

31 7 23 36
CNDB - Le Bois Avance CNDB - Le Bois Avance

National Committee for Wood Development -& gt; Promote the use of wood and support its development Since 1989, the National Committee for Wood Development has been the French national organization for the development and promotion of the forest-wood sector. Our objective is to promote the essential role of the sector in the development of the French economy and jobs on the national territory, but also that of wood thanks to its exceptional capacity to contribution to the attenuation of climate change. The CNDB defends the interests of the entire forest-wood sector and supports its members and partners to promote a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

45 7 29 14
Circul'R Circul'R

Accelerate the transition from companies and territories to a circular economy In Circul'R, we believe in the power of collaboration to allow the emergence of a model based on balance between economic issues and respect for planetary limits. To create the conditions of this desirable future, we place our expertise and that of our ecosystem at the service of the transition of companies and territories to a circular economy. We operate at all stages of the transition: 1/ Awareness and training of teams 2/ Advice in the implementation of concrete projects 3/ Creation and animation of communities

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

93 30 73 40
Beoga Beoga

### ###

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

23 6 21 2
Soltracing Soltracing

STILTRACING is the French organization intended to organize the traceability of excavated land safely STILTRACING is a specialized player in the circular economy offering a complete traceability solution for the movements of excavated land. STILTRACING offers a global monitoring tool for monitoring all the land movements of your sites: on -site reuse, out -of -site reuse and elimination. The system allows the out -of -site explosion of excavated land via an environmental compatibility benchmark, especially for land from land not suspect of pollution.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing

4 1 3 1
PROMÉTHÉE Earth Intelligence PROMÉTHÉE Earth Intelligence

Preserving Heritage for Sustainable Future Prometheus Earth Intelligence is the first French operator Newspace of Constellation of Nanosatellites of Earth Observation whose objective is to democratize the use of satellite imagery for a safer and lasting world. Prometheus Earth Intelligence thus responds to the challenges of crisis management and sustainable development by providing strategic intelligence and environmental intelligence services. The scope proposed by Prometheus Earth Intelligence is practically unlimited, maritime surveillance, critical infrastructure; passing through the protection of ecosystems, water resources, fauna and flora; The fight against deforestation, illegal fishing or prevention in the face of natural disasters. Founded in …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech spacetech Technologies: Decarbonization

54 15 52 49
Bioceanor Bioceanor

Let's reconnect with our blue heart BIOCEANOR has developed the first underwater weather station for real time and predictive monitoring of water quality. We have built an innovative and unique offer on the market using IoT and Big Data (machine/deep learning) Thanks to our connected devices (fixed and floating module), we can measure more than 15 physico-chemical parameters: Temperature, salinity, pH, Oxygen, turbidity, etc. You can visualyze the data in real time and set up alert level (sms/email) through a dedicated web interface (24/7). Our solution AquaREAL is designed for all kind of water environment and have multiple applications : …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech cleantech greentech water management Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning Data Analytics IoT Sensors

51 17 43 20
AXA Climate AXA Climate

Climate and environmental adaptation AXA Climate's guiding principle, "Make regenerative business universal," drives the company to lead a significant shift in business mindset—moving beyond merely reducing harm to fundamentally transforming how businesses interact with the natural world. With its range of services, including digital training programmes, science-based SaaS products, specialized consulting services, and climate insurance, AXA Climate empowers sectors such as agri-food, industrial, financial, and public with the tools they need to address the challenges of climate change and take meaningful actions. With a global presence, AXA Climate is a leading force in the movement towards regenerative business practices. For …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

58 27 36 246
CERF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes CERF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes deer is a regional center of skills dedicated to land and development. The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes deer is a regional center of skills dedicated to land and development, made up in the form of an association (law 1901). Created at the initiative of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional council and bringing together major land and real estate players from both the public and private sector, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes deer's mission: - to support communities in their reflections and land actions: decision -making tools, legal support, support for projects; - to consolidate the culture of land and the dissemination of know-how through the organization …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

9 2 3 1
Entreprises Occitanie Entreprises Occitanie

1st economic magazine in the region. Founded in 1983, Entreprises Occitanie covers regional economic news by highlighting all sectors of activity. Designed by a team of professional journalists and published by the Medef 31, this monthly is available in 10 numbers, supplemented by the Economic Occitanie Top which lists more than 10,000 decision -makers from the region. On the web are published regularly reports, portraits of entrepreneurs as well as the calendar of the main events. Aeronautics, food, space, innovation, finance, employment / training, health, and building

Type: Media

68 5 67 7
ESTIA Entreprendre ESTIA Entreprendre

Business Innovation Center Aide à la création et au développement de start-up à vocation technologique et innovante Located in the heart of the Izarbel Technopole in Bidart, ESTIA Entreprendre welcomes and accompanies the holders of innovative projects, with a strong technological component in the study, the deepening and the concretization of their business idea and then in the development of their project.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

31 8 26 7
Sovamep Sovamep

Sovamep makes your waste a resource Collection, recycling and valuation of your industrial metals Created in 1986 by Messrs Baudet Père et fils, SOVAMEP is a company specializing in the valuation of precious metals and metals. Metal recycling, valuation, waste, and environment

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

6 1 3 15
Centre for Research and Teaching in Environmental Geoscience Centre for Research and Teaching in Environmental Geoscience

CEREGE, Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement de Géosciences de l’Environnement (European Centre for Research and Teaching in Environmental Geoscience), regroups around 130 permanent staff (45 university lecturers and professors, 40 researchers and 45 engineers, technicians, and administrative staff), and 110 temporary staff including around 60 graduate students. CEREGE is a joint research centre (UM 34), incorporating Aix-Marseille University (AMU), the CNRS (UMR7330), the IRD (UMR 161), and the COLLEGE DE France. The INRAE is also a partner. We are located in Provence, at the Technopôle Environnement Arbois Méditerranée, Petit Plateau de l’Arbois (Aix-en-Provence, Les Milles) and on the St …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech deeptech

26 5 9 94
Communauté de communes du Grand Pic Saint-Loup Communauté de communes du Grand Pic Saint-Loup

Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the community of communes of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup ☀️ The community of communes of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup brings together 36 municipalities in a territory of 57,000 hectares around Pic Saint-Loup. Its immediate proximity to Montpellier makes it an attractive and dynamic territory in constant evolution and which offers an incomparable quality of life. Local community, administration, living environment, culture, town planning, outdoor sport, environment, public procurement, housing, water management, heritage, youth, and mobility

Type: Public

9 5 2 64
Aléa Contrôles Aléa Contrôles

Without a doubt! Alea Controls perform missions in the field of professional health and safety: advice (AMO, MOE asbestos removal and deplics, ...), training (sub-sections 3 and 4 asbestos, lead, HAP, ...) and laboratory (asbestos and lead). Alea Controls has a multidisciplinary team made up of engineers, experts and trainers. With our experts in construction pollutants and public works (asbestos, lead, COV, Chrome, ...), building companies (construction) and public works, SMEs, VSEs, public organizations, you have with Alea Controls and its network of approved partners of a company based in Toulouse, worker in France and in its neighboring countries. With …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

28 0 27 42
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier

Votre avenir passe par Chimie Montpellier ! Located in Montpellier (France), the ENSCM is the 1st national ranking of post-graduates chemistry schools. The ENSCM is mainly involved in : Post-graduate students and PhD training Research projects development Technologies development and transfer - One of the French “Grandes Écoles”: selective, academic institutions preparing students to postgraduate degrees in science with high-standard professional training in the field of chemistry. - Member of the network of the 20 French schools of chemistry and chemical engineering

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 1 10 164
Centre International UNESCO sur l'Eau de Montpellier - ICIREWARD Centre International UNESCO sur l'Eau de Montpellier - ICIREWARD

Because the solicitation in #Eaudouce will increase by 40 to 50 % by 2050, it seemed urgent to us to #RA assembly scientists from different areas to provide elements of responses to global issues. 🌍 Since 2020, the UNESCO Icireward International Center has gathered and strengthens the #Collaboration of nearly 400 scientists 👨‍🔬 and 150 doctoral students 🎓 grouped in 17 research laboratories. The #Center communities thus forms a dynamic, multidisciplinary and international network combining hydrological, chemical and biological sciences with social sciences. Our ambition: meet the challenges of water resources - its availability, its quality, its sharing or even …

Type: Public Activities: water management

41 8 40 10
LGCGM-Laboratoire de Génie Civil et Génie Mécanique LGCGM-Laboratoire de Génie Civil et Génie Mécanique

Teaching Teachers and Technical Teams of the INSA of Rennes and the University of Rennes 1 The research carried out within the LGCGM tackles problems linked to the construction of works and the behavior of soils, materials or structures as well as subjects linked to the optimization of industrial production tools (shaping and assembly of parts, design and calibration, control of manipulative robots). The LGCGM is structured in 6 thematic axes: - axis 1 & gt; Materials for eco-construction - axis 2 & gt; Energy of buildings: performance of associated systems and materials, and quality of the atmospheres - Axis …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Robotics

11 1 0 11

The AUAT is an association that observes, supports and animates the development of the metropolitan area of ​​Toulouse. AUAT is an association of local authorities. For more than 50 years, AUAT has been observing, has supported and animated the development of the Toulouse metropolitan area territories. It helps communities and the actors of the city by producing in knowledge of urban, social, economic and environmental developments. Auat is also a space for speech and confrontation of the issues for the development of common projects, at the crossroads of the territories and their elected, institutional, associative representations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

36 5 34 61
Atlansun Atlansun

Great West solar sector Atlansun is the network of professional actors in the Great West solar sector. Our objective is to develop the share of solar energy in the regional energy mix in the service of all, by strengthening the solar sector of the Great West. Solar, photovoltaic, thermal, enr, association, solar energy, renewable energy, and network

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

48 8 41 10
France Télévisions France Télévisions

France Télévisions is the first French audiovisual group: every day, nearly 4 out of 10 French people are looking at the programs in our channels. Audiovisual public service, the group has a role in social and cultural life in this regard which imposes an ambition and a constant requirement in the definition of its supply of programs. Audiovisual, audiovisual public, French creation, television, documentary, fiction, series, information, education, culture, entertainment, digital, sport, innovation, creation, proximity, diversity, and media

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

437 341 69 11,931
Finavia Finavia

The airport company Finavia is leading and developing 20 airports in Finland. We do the work without which the world would be far away. The airport company Finavia is leading and developing 20 airports in Finland. Smooth and quality services for airlines and passengers are a heart to us. We are developing accessibility in Finland and good flight connections. We are committed to responsible activities to promote sustainable air travel. We manage extensive entities: demanding construction sites, human flows, complex logistics and data. We work well with our international and domestic customers and partners. All of this is enabled by …

Type: Startup Activities: spacetech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 4 4 555
SOS Accessoire SOS Accessoire

Now it's worth the cost of repairing! 🌍 Since its creation, SOS Accessory has saved more than 5.5 million household appliances. Founded in 2008 by Olivier de Montlivault, SOS Accessory is today the leader in online sales of spare parts and accessories for household appliances with a stock of more than 600,000 spare parts. 💡 How does our community extend the lifespan of devices? ✅ Thanks to the Free Visio Service (via the repair bonus) which allows consumers to be guided remotely by an expert technician. ✅ Out of the large stock of spare parts for household appliances. ✅ And …

Type: Startup Activities: retail Technologies: Robotics

40 5 40 65
Lithium de France Lithium de France

A company from the Arverne group Created in 2020, the vocation of lithium of France is to accelerate the energy transition by the supply of heat -in the companies, to farmers as well as to local authorities -, and the production of lithium intended for batteries. Lithium de France, an independent company, is a pioneer of this new French sector, innovative and protective of the environment. It is based in Haguenau, Northern Alsace. It is positioned as a demanding contributor to the decarbonation of the industry. Its production of local heat, continues and accessible, will be able to strongly contribute …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Batteries

15 4 12 46

With an annual activity of € 45 million, a workforce close to 600 employees, 1,200 contracts per year, Armines is the first private French contractual research structure. It is attached and linked by agreement to public higher education and research establishments, mainly the schools of the mining under the supervision of the ministry in charge of industry, with which it shares 48 research centers and for which it constitutes a unifying operator. Armines and schools pool resources specific within operational research centers. The model carried by the network of partner and Armines schools entrusts Armines with the responsibility of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

23 8 8 115
Andra Andra

Our mission: manage French radioactive waste to protect present and future generations Created in 1991, the Andra (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management) is a public industrial and commercial establishment (epic) whose missions were supplemented by the program law n ° 2006-739 of June 28, 2006 relating to the sustainable management of materials and radioactive waste. Placed under the supervision of the ministries in charge of energy, research and the environment, Andra is responsible for long -term management of radioactive waste produced in France. As part of this mission, the Agency puts its expertise and know-how at the service of …

Type: Public

32 12 20 705
Alterre Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Alterre Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Regional agency for the environment and sustainable development Alterre Bourgogne is the regional agency for the environment and sustainable development in Burgundy. Created in 2006 as an extension of the OREB (Regional Observatory of the Environment in Burgundy), Alterre is an association law 1901, mainly funded by the State, the Regional Council of Burgundy, ADEME and Europe, through the Feder fund. Alterre Bourgogne's mission is to mobilize regional actors so that the challenges linked to the environment and sustainable development are placed at the heart of the policies and actions of the Burgundian territories. His actions are 3 types: - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

25 5 24 12

Association for the development of the circular economy & amp; Collaborative Initiated by the CCI of Maine-et-Loire in 2017, ADECC supports economic players (companies, associations, EPCI ...) to progress in their circular economy process in collaborative mode: group purchases, group collection of waste, reduction of consumption, territorial and collaborative animation. Business network, the Adecc allows local players to meet, create social ties and share good practices on the circular economy. Ademe Pays de la Loire has supported the association since its creation! The circular economy, we all have to win! Circular economy, eit, and revaluation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

29 5 22 29
CCI Centre-Val de Loire CCI Centre-Val de Loire

Our regional network supports, represents and defends more than 100,000 companies in the Center-Val de Loire region 🥇 CCI Center-Val de Loire, bridgehead of the consular network, is based on the living forces of the 6 departmental chambers to defend businesses, promote the initiative, promote transmission and take part in the training effort. Its role is to anticipate, prepare and guide development policies. This is the full and whole place that the regional team takes, on behalf of the CCI network, as a privileged interlocutor of the State and the region. In this context, CCI Center-Val de Loire constitutes the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

43 7 36 40


Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

6 1 6 54
Pôle Theia Pôle Theia

Satellite data and services for the study of continental surfaces The Pôle of Data and Services Continental Surfaces Theia aims to increase the use by the scientific community and the public actors of the spatial data in complementarity of other types of data, in particular in situ and airborne data. It provides national public actors, scientists (national and international), and private actors, value -added data and products from satellite remote sensing. It also aims to structure the national scientific community, to pool image data, processing and scientific expertise, and to make national achievements visible internationally. Member of @data-terra remote sensing, …

Type: Public

24 1 13 2
Latitude-Cartagène Cartographies Latitude-Cartagène Cartographies

Give meaning to your territories Latitude-Cartagen is an agency expert in communication cartography for traveler information, mobility, tourism, communication of the territory. With 35 years of experience, the agency is differentiated by its design approach, its mapping consultancy center and its know-how in geographic databases (GIS). Thanks to its R & AMP; D pole in charge of new information technologies, Latitude-Cartagen offers innovative interactive maps focused on the needs of the end user and meeting new mobility behaviors. Our capital gains: - A very complete product range: a 360 offer and innovative solutions to respond to each problem; - Custom …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech smart city

18 0 15 32
Académie française Académie française

Académie française is a company based out of France.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment healthtech

5 5 0 10

Manager agency for positive impact Manager agency dedicated to positive impact. We use advice and communication to (trans) train. We like to think of communication strategies or plans, create & amp; Designer the supports, write new stories, invent event concepts and challenge their impacts, inject "CO" on all floors. We are engaged with private and public structures to promote their economic, ecological and societal transitions. We support (or future) "carrying an even more beautiful world". At the heart of our concept, we have developed the Laboxp. This is our R & Amp; D pole, our territory of societal experiments. Through …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Decarbonization

60 6 53 9

Share Value Innovation ICATALIST is a young and innovative company founded in 2013. Our projects focus on conducting studies and research about Environmental issues, Social Innovation and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. We work in a framework of open innovation, helping our clients to make decisions based on the best available science, creating and coordinating international and multidisciplinary working groups with the objective of having an impact on the national, European and international policy agendas on issues of Environment and Climate change. Medio Ambiente, Consultoría, I+D, Cambio Climático, Innovación, Educación ambiental, Procesos Participativos, and Recursos Hídricos

Type: Startup Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

13 2 12 27
Lhyfe Lhyfe

Changing the Energy Paradigm. Lhyfe is a certain idea of the world, a world in which we can meet our energy needs by being part of the natural ecosystem rather than trying to dominate it. Our mission: to change the relationship between man and the environment, to offer a more breathable world to our children and to enter a new energy paradigm with you. Lhyfe is a pure player in hydrogen that deploys modular 100% green industrial hydrogen production plants for mobility and industry. Lhyfe structures, designs, develops and operates its sites in a sustainable and agile way for clean, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech transporttech Technologies: Hydrogen

97 51 53 219
Weenat Weenat

Smart Weather Data to Empower Agriculture Weeat provides farmers with mobile and connected solutions but above all simple to use! Thanks to our expertise in weather data and soil settings we support daily decision -making, from sowing to harvest. In Nantes, our 50 employees have been working since 2014 since the development of a wide range of connected sensors related to a mobile application. To allow the farmer to better manage his resources and thus optimize his profitability, time, and environmental impact. Agriculture, agronomy, sensors, agtch, weather, irrigation, cultures monitoring, application, data, and water

Type: Startup Activities: agritech Technologies: Sensors

70 31 39 61
FreeHeat Caleosol FreeHeat Caleosol

Caleosol: a wide range of heating and cooling systems - Low in Carbon, Agile in temperature, Ecologicial. RE2020 ready FreeHeat SAS, under its trademark Caleosol, engineers, manufactures and sells a complete new set of ecological systems for heating and cooling, using floors, walls and ceilings in order to - reduce the manufacturing cost in CO2 from legacy systems with 100 kg of CO2/sqm down to a few kgs or even giving a negative consumption meaning storing CO2 instead of producing CO2. - reduce the "in service" production of CO2 by using agile temperature control systems down to 0.1°c, using geothermal …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 2 2 10

Serve, to be useful, to help are the essence of the Greek word "opheleia" Sale and sale of industrial laboratory analyzers Opheleia Instruments, sale and after-sales in all of France of scientific laboratory instrumentation equipment. Our instrument ranges are designed to offer our partner laboratories considerable productivity gains. Modularity, adaptability, Synergie are the watchwords to meet your needs as close as possible. In addition, each of our partners is accompanied with a specific application support, in order to ensure the implementation successfully of our instruments in any type of workflow. Go visit our website to discover our innovative instrument ranges!

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0

9 4 2 4
2gré 2gré

Production of warm heat and cold, at the heart of the territories A subsidiary of the French group Arverne, a mission company, 2gré develops hot and cold distribution projects thanks to geothermal energy. Geothermal energy, decarbonized and non -intermittent, is a disruptive energy for the French energy mix by its capacity for production of heat and renewable cold, at the heart of the territories.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 2 2 11
GexplOre GexplOre

Specialists in Geology, Geophysics, Well Logging & Mining Consultation GexplOre | Specialists in Geology, Geophysics, Well Logging & Mining Consultation GexplOre is a leader in geological exploration, providing consulting services and integrated solutions for the mineral industry and deep geology. Our expertise spans geology, geophysics, and well logging, ensuring precise and effective solutions for a variety of challenges. Our Services: Geological studies: Detailed analysis of geological formations and structures to interpret areas with high mineral potential. Geophysics: Advanced prospecting methods (electrical, magnetometry, gravimetry, electromagnetism) for detecting and mapping target zones. Well logging: Borehole measurements for comprehensive characterization of subsurface formations …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

3 2 3 31

Geophysics and airborne topography for industrial critical and mineral metals, geothermal and hydrogen systems, Infoggeo is a producer of geological knowledge for the exploration of the subsoil in connection with the energy transition (deposits of critical metals or industrial minerals, geothermal and hydrogen reservoirs or geological storage), through an integrated and rigorous process of acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical data acquired on the ground or by airborne (drone and light airplane). Natural resources, energy transition, drone, lidar, magnetometry, spectro-gamm, forests, mineral resources, solar energy, geothermal energy, topography, geophysics, hydrogen, wind, and geological storage

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Drones Hydrogen

2 1 1 7
Bureau GDA - Géologie & Diagnostic Amiante Bureau GDA - Géologie & Diagnostic Amiante

Your experts in the geological location of environmental asbestos With its recognized technical and scientific expertise in the identification of environmental asbestos as well as its mastery of constraints and the regulatory context, Bureau GDA supports you: - in order to put your operations in accordance with the regulations in force (or very soon applicable), - in order to guarantee the protection of your employees against potentially carcinogenic exposure to asbestos fibers as part of their missions. Bureau GDA realizes for you the identification in the formats provided for by the regulations (A0, A1 and A2) as soon as possible, …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech

5 1 5 8
Research Council of Finland | Suomen Akatemia Research Council of Finland | Suomen Akatemia

We fund excellent, high-impact research based on open competition and independent peer review. Suomen Akatemia tukee korkealaatuista, vastuullista ja vaikuttavaa tutkimusta kaikilla tieteen ja tutkimuksen aloilla sekä sen hyödyntämistä yhteiskunnan parhaaksi. Finlands Akademi stöder dels högklassig och ansvarsfull forskning som har stort genomslag, dels nyttiggörandet av forskningens resultat för samhällets bästa. Vi finansierar samtliga vetenskapsgrenar. We fund excellent, responsible and high-impact research to ensure that society can make the best possible use of the results. Our funding covers the full spectrum of scientific disciplines. Finance high-quality scientific research, Act as a science and science policy expert, and Strengthen the position …

Type: Public

17 1 3 167
L'Usine Nouvelle L'Usine Nouvelle

The industry's reference media since 1891. We talk about aero, auto, agro, energy, health, industry 4.0, HR ... The new factory deciphers the news of the industry daily. Through the website and the weekly magazine, find key news from the aero, car, energy, agro and many others in France and abroad.

Type: Media

331 200 189 146
Syndicat des Eaux d'Île-de-France • SEDIF 🚰 Syndicat des Eaux d'Île-de-France • SEDIF 🚰

#Sessuneeaupure, tap water innovates for the health of Ile -de -France residents With 755,000 m3 distributed each day, the Ile-de-France Water Syndicate (SEDIF) is the largest public water service in France. Piloted by local elected officials representing its members, he is the organizing authority ensuring the supply of irreproachable quality drinking water to 133 municipalities spread over 7 departments of Ile-de-France, except Paris, or 4 million users. His 135 agents provide daily project authority bearing a multi-year investment plan of 2.5 billion euros over 10 years, and the control of the concession delegation contract awarded to Franciliane, a subsidiary dedicated …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

44 19 37 126

GIP BRETAGNE ENVIRONNEMENT is a company based out of 6 A RUE DU BIGNON, Rennes, Bretagne, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

10 2 7 1
EIT RawMaterials EIT RawMaterials

Developing raw materials into a major strength for Europe #ConnectingMatters Minerals, metals and advanced materials are key enablers to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal. Today, only a fraction of the most relevant raw materials is produced in Europe. This can be changed through a circular economy approach, through innovation in recycling, substitution, processing, mining, and exploration. It is the objective of EIT RawMaterials to secure a sustainable raw materials supply by driving innovation, education, and entrepreneurship across European industrial ecosystems. EIT RawMaterials provides a collaborative environment for disruptive and breakthrough innovations by connecting business with academia, research, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: civictech edtech entrepreneurship Technologies: New Materials

42 20 27 138

Faites parler vos données avec Moobius et Neotool Neotool is a complete collaborative and secure information system that collects and manages technical data. Backed by MOOBIUS, an autonomous and modular IoT measurement solution, it increases your control over your data. Data mining, Développement, MES, Iot, Analyses, IA, Industrie_40, and Energies

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

7 2 5 2

Une nouvelle vision pour les territoires de demain HETWA, new vision for environment The start-up HETWA offers applications dedicated to the specific themes of each client in line with their needs. The objective is to provide a personalized response to the actors of the territory according to their problems. The start-up is specialized in applications oriented towards the evaluation of water quality regulation services and the evaluation of ecosystem services from the point of view of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The start-up is currently developing an innovative interactive web platform associated with a GIS (Geographic Information System) to …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: SaaS

9 6 6 6

Biotechnology powering plastic and textile circularity Carbios SA is a green chemistry company that focuses on discovering and developing enzymatic bioprocesses applied to plastic and textile polymers. The Company creates a new generation of fully biodegradable plastics with a controlled lifespan, a process enabling infinite biorecycling of plastic waste (PET) and a new biological pathway for the production of competitive biosourced polymers. Bioplasturgie, Biodégradation, Biorecyclage, Economie circulaire, Innovation, and Enzymes

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech civictech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

56 27 33 168
Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, F.S.P. (FECYT), which is part of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, works with the mission of catalysing the relationship between science and society, promoting the growth of Spanish scientific culture and fostering the transfer of knowledge through dissemination, education, training, information and advice. It also collaborates with other agents and actors of the Science, Technology and Innovation System in the internationalisation of Spanish science, the generation and analysis of data, and the management of scientific information and open science. Scientific culture, Open Science, Scientific Advice, Horizon Europe, Women and science, and …

Type: Public

13 4 1 132
REIA - The Global Rare Earth Industry Association REIA - The Global Rare Earth Industry Association

Committed to a more sustainable supply chain of REEs A global industrial association, aiming to develop a strong and balanced global stakeholder network, support the development of sustainable value chains and create transparency and certification of products within the REE industry.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

21 3 15 12
InfoChimie InfoChimie

The media dedicated to industries of chemistry, parachemy, plant chemistry and recycling. Follow the news of the chemical industry and its actors in fields ranging from recycling to the chime of plants through specialties. Chemistry, industry, and company

Type: Media

57 2 41 N/A
CCI des Îles de Guadeloupe CCI des Îles de Guadeloupe

The CCI of the Guadeloupe Islands, to advance all the desires to undertake The CCI of the Islands of Guadeloupe ensures the representation of the interests of all the commercial, industrial and service providers of the 32 municipalities of Guadeloupe, including the 3 municipalities of Marie-Galante, the Désirade and les Saintes: Terre-de-Haut and Terre-de-Bas. The CCI of the Guadeloupe Islands develops assistance missions with companies in Guadeloupe, collaboration and partnership with local authorities and other economic bodies, representativeness to regional, Caribbean, French, international organizations. The major CCI missions: - Promote competitiveness and performance - offer a training offer adapted to …

Type: Public

11 5 5 78

Permanent secretariat for the prevention of pollution and industrial risks of Hainaut-Cambrésis-Douaisis. The permanent secretariat for the prevention of pollution and industrial risks (S3PI) Hainaut-Cambréisis-Douaisis is a college assembly, which has the role of promoting actions intended to reduce pollution, nuisances and risks of all kinds resulting from industrial activities, urban or related, and to inform the population. It brings together 4 colleges: local and territorial communities, industrialists and consular organizations, state services and environmental protection associations, experts and qualified personalities. The S3PI Hainaut-Cambrésis-Douaisis was created by prefectural decree dated November 07, 2007. The coordination of the body is ensured …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

10 1 6 3

Your new bearings experts Faced with climatic, energy, ecological, technological and managerial challenges, economic actors need new benchmarks. Peri-G experts provide know-how and solutions to managers to facilitate the transformation of their business. Peri-G helps you take up the challenges of your time. In a world that changes rapidly, farms, SMEs and VSEs must now face new challenges that constitute new benchmarks for the economic world. Experts who know your job. Peri-G experts deeply master a wide range of trades. These skills allow them to transform the constraints of our time into assets for the future of all. Business advice, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 0 7 14
B2E Bretagne Éco-Environnement B2E Bretagne Éco-Environnement

Gateway to transitions actors in Brittany Brittany Eco-Entreprises synergy the skills and experiences of his members to provide a concrete and operational response to the issues of ecological and energy transitions. Our main communities share experiences and skills around different issues: - CSR: Sharing good practices to implement eco-responsibility procedures - Water & amp; Natural environments: the challenges of the Grand Cycle and the Small Water Cycle. Red thread on the reuse of unconventional waters #sobriety #reut #renc - Waste & amp; Resources: The challenges of the circular economy, prevention and recycling of waste. #AGEC #PLASTICS - Methanization & amp; …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

53 11 42 8
UTT - Université de technologie de Troyes UTT - Université de technologie de Troyes

Open Expertise Created in Troyes in 1994, the University of Technology of Troyes is a public establishment, authorized by the Engineering Qualifications Commission and member of the Conference of Grandes Écoles. It is part of the network of French technology universities with UTBM (Belfort-Montbéliard) and UTC (Compiègne). In 2005, they created the Shanghai Sino-European University of Technology (UTSEUS) based on their model. The three missions of UTT are research, training and technology transfer. With 3,090 students, UTT is one of the ten largest French engineering schools. UTT trains engineers in eight branches including 4 in apprenticeship, Masters in three majors …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

75 21 56 631
DRAFPICA Occitanie (MaForPro) DRAFPICA Occitanie (MaForPro)

Academic regional management for initial and continuous vocational training and apprenticeship “The main mission of the academic regional directorate for initial, continuous vocational training and learning (DRAFPICA) of Occitania Academic Region is to develop a training offer within National Education which supports the evolutionary need for skills in Each territory, reduces inequalities and allows everyone to have a successful level of qualification and professional integration. We are developing lifelong training with initial training for pupils and students, continuous training for employees, job seekers and retraining. »» Our anchor points are high schools. We are in a logic of territorial mesh …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

43 5 32 58

The CEA today builds the society of tomorrow The Institute of Sciences and Technology for a Circular Economy of Low Carbon Energies Established on the CEA-Marcoule Center, the Institute of Sciences and Technologies for a circular economy of low carbon energies (CEA-IISC) provides answers to the challenges of nuclear and NTE for sustainable use of primary resources & amp; Secondary (production, recycling, valuation of materials, advanced materials with controlled properties), with an integrated approach to processes (conditioning & amp; sustainable management of industrial waste, depollution, engineering & amp; instrumentation) and the deployment of technologies adapted to the technical context of …

Type: Public Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

37 4 35 92
Apodis Apodis

Connect the actors of the drug around the patient #bonusage #Empowermentpatit #rupturemedicaments #esanté #ia Apodis is the mobile and web application that connects the drug players around the patient to support him in the proper use and observance of his treatment. Our vision: to transform access to care by allowing the patient to become an actor of his daily health Apodis responds to two major problems for patients and our health system: - Ruptures of drugs that have been increasing for 20 years - the misuse of drugs which leads to more than 1 million days of hospitalization per year …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

34 7 35 61
leakmited leakmited

AI-Powered water leak detection for water utilities companies. leakmited is on a mission to enable any water operator to increase their network performance level beyond 90% thanks to our AI based solutions. #Mission90

Type: Startup Activities: it services water management Technologies: A.I.

50 15 44 23
Pickmecab Pickmecab

Ecotravel is a company to transport people, in Orleans and its agglomeration. This company is also present in Paris. Ecotravel is the specialist in short distance journeys, but also makes the transfers of Parisian airports (Orly, Roissy). Online booking on or on 0 811 14 14 15 Airport shuttle, Transfer Stations, Business transport, event transport, family transport, and senior transport

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech traveltech

8 1 4 6
MOTEN Technologies MOTEN Technologies

Preventing risks of MSD by measuring muscular effort. MOTEN Technologies is a startup founded in 2018 and centered around a mission : to preserve the health and performance of men and women whose muscles constitute a precious and irreplaceable capital. After a year of development, we have prototyped and manufactured in France the first measurement technology «listening» the sounds produced by the muscles, revealing their level of effort and fatigue in any situation. Today, we support companies in various sectors whose operators are exposed to the risks of occupational diseases and accidents related to physical activity. Our clients seek to …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Synthetic Biology

29 6 22 10
Business France Nordics Business France Nordics

We are fostering export growth by French businesses in the Nordics & facilitating international investment in France. Creators of business opportunities, throughout the world 🌍 Boosting 🇫🇷 attractiveness on the global stage 🚀 Detector of tomorrow’s talent with #VIE 🌟 #Choose France Business France Nordics is composed of 3 offices in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland from which we oversee Iceland and Estonia. We also work closely with the French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce within the Team France Export. FDI, Business Development, International Development, Strategy, France, Adviser, Network, Talent program, French Tech, and International growth

Type: Public

181 21 149 2
Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)

The leading voice of the mineral exploration and development community. The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) is the leading voice of the mineral exploration and development community. With over 7,000 members around the world, the PDAC’s mission is to promote a globally responsible, vibrant and sustainable minerals industry. As the trusted representative of the sector, PDAC encourages best practices in technical, operational, environmental, safety and social performance. The annual PDAC Convention is regarded as the premier international event for the mineral industry and attracts more than 25,000 people from over 125 countries. mineral exploration, mining, convention, gold, minerals, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

18 9 10 73
Belmont Forum Belmont Forum

Global flexible funding partnerships for understanding, mitigating, and adapting to global environmental change The Belmont Forum mobilizes international funding of environmental change research and accelerates its delivery to remove critical barriers to sustainability. transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary, sustainability, international, open access, open data, science, stakeholder engagement, funding, cross-sectoral, global change, environment, social science, natural science, innovation, action-oriented research, collaboration, health science, capacity building, synthesis, and metrics

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

16 3 13 16
ANMA Architectes Urbanistes ANMA Architectes Urbanistes

Architecture, town planning and landscape Architecture | Town planning | landscape

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech

36 7 23 117
GRADeS e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire GRADeS e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire

Act with e-health players for patients and users The Regional Group for the Development of E-Santé (Grades) E-Santé Center-Val de Loire is responsible for implementing the regional e-health strategy. A strategy resulting from the consultation led by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) to its partners from the E-Santé Public Policy Coordination Commission (CCPP E-Santé). The Grades e-health Center-Val de Loire brings together all public, private, private non-profit and liberal players in health, medico-social and social fields. He encourages the pooling of their means. It promotes the co-construction of digital tools and services which meet the business needs of professionals as …

Type: Public

10 2 7 42
Trackdéchets - Ministère de la Transition Écologique Trackdéchets - Ministère de la Transition Écologique

Manage your waste safely ♻️ What is Trackdéchets? Trackdéchets is a free digital platform, developed by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. This platform aims to dematerialize the traceability of hazardous waste to simplify management and secure the sectors. Thus, Trackdéchets gradually makes it possible to make the ecosystem of waste more virtuous ♻️ ✅ It is a tool developed as part of a state start-up within the digital factory, the incubator of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. ✅ This is an initiative supported by the Directorate General for the Ministry's Prevention and Risks, whose mission is to identify …

Type: Public

11 3 9 18
Cluster Eau Milieux Sols Paris Ile-de-France Cluster Eau Milieux Sols Paris Ile-de-France

In the service of urban ecology and innovation Association Law 1901 bringing together communities of Ile -de -France, universities, researchers, developers and companies of the water and bio -waste water sectors - 190 members - 900 professionals gathered

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

40 9 25 16
Koncilio Koncilio

🌱 Training and advice and for local elected officials, in the climate service. ESS company. 🌱 Koncilio, ESS company, makes training and advice for local elected officials, in the service of climate and biodiversity.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

17 1 16 7

Institute of Advanced Studies by Sciences and Technology / Decide with the sciences The IHEST, since 2007, has led in -depth reflections on the developments of science and society. He addresses many questions about higher education, research, innovation, but also in creative territories, education and culture, the European Union and globalization as well as on many lively questions that feed the Science-Société debates. The IHEST provides training to the new challenges of the governance of science-innovation-social relations and, in so doing, allows the emergence of personalities likely to get involved in the science-social dialogue at decision-making levels, in research and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

36 3 30 21
Le Parisien Le Parisien

Le Parisien, France's leading general daily newspaper - belongs to the Les Echos Le Parisien Group Le Parisien is a company of the Amaury Group and publishes the daily newspapers Le Parisien and Aujourd'hui in France, as well as the sites and Creation: August 22, 1944 Headquarters: Saint - ouen Site Web :

Type: Media

373 264 120 944
Le Journal de l'éco Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Le Journal de l'éco Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

The positive economic information of the actors, innovations and events of the territory The eco newspaper is a positive local economic media highlighting actors, innovations and economic events of the territory. With 200,000 articles read every month and 85,000 economic decision -makers receiving the newsletter every morning, the newspaper offers publication offers of articles, videos and advertising banners on its site, its newsletters and social networks, boosting web traffic . His department Events organizes conferences, trophies and meetings allowing organizations and companies to boost their visibility and notoriety with decision -makers in the territory. The eco agenda allows you to …

Type: Media

92 17 82 6
Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON) Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON)

The largest catalysis laboratory in France and Europe Mixed Research Unit 5256 CNRS-University of Lyon, Icelyon brings together the forces in heterogeneous catalyst in the Lyon region and constitutes the largest catalyst laboratory in France and Europe, with a hundred permanent staff of the CNRS and the 'Higher education and at least as many students, trainees, post-doctoral students and invited researchers from around thirty different countries. Structured in 5 research teams supported by administrative, technical logistics and an outstanding scientific platform, Icelyon's activities are at the heart of sustainable development with major concerns, the environment and green chemistry. Open to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

24 5 6 86
UL Propuls UL Propuls

An operational interface between laboratories and companies for technological and event solutions We divide our activity between scientific services and the organization of scientific events. 4 activity poles: • Studies: scientific services & amp; techniques • Events: organization of scientific events & amp; Communication services • Innovation: marketing of innovations developed in laboratories of the University of Lorraine • Communication: communication services (strategy & amp; graphic design: print, web, large format, stand dressing) Process engineering, environment, and organization of congresses

Type: SMB Activities: it services

19 0 16 11
L'Avion Jaune L'Avion Jaune

Air experience - Cartography & amp; Lidar Since 2005 the yellow plane has been a service provider specializing in the design and/or implementation of light acquisition systems (drones and light aircraft) intended for the production of scientific and technical imaging of the earth observation . Support your projects: Suppliers of tailor -made images and air maps, we know how to understand your need and offer you the technique best suited to your theme. Our customers recognize our listening, our flexibility and our constant quality concern. See and reveal: Our multispectral or Lidar imaging techniques allow an extended characterization of the …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Drones

6 3 2 9
L'Institut Agro Montpellier L'Institut Agro Montpellier

Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement Montpellier SupAgro is a public institution of higher education and research, under the Ministry of agriculture, food and forestry. Its campus areas are mainly located in Languedoc-Roussillon and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (South France). Created after the merging in January 2007 of four institutions : - National School of Agronomy Montpellier (ENSA.M) Agro.M - National Centre for Agronomic Studies warm regions (CNEARC) - Department agribusiness warmer regions of the National School of Agriculture and Food Industries (ENSIA-SIARC) - Center for Educational experiments Florac (CEP Florac) Montpellier SupAgro it's: - 1650 students including 27% …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

64 17 44 487

Uncovering Hidden Geothermal Hydrothermal Systems, Generating Clean Energy for People and the Planet. TLS Geothermics is a geoscience tech company, exploring and developing geothermal projects for power, heat, cold and byproducts. We conduct exploration projects globally, with 10 years of R&D activities to significantly reduce upstream drilling risks (geology, geophysics). We implement geothermal power systems independently and in partnership. We operate field campaigns for geological and geophysical data acquisition, with support from renowned laboratories and experts. Offering a complete acquisition / processing / interpretation value chain and expertise in geoscience studies, basin analysis, economics and technical feasibility in geothermal energy. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

7 2 5 15
CertiNergy CertiNergy

Reduce your energy consumption permanently Since its creation in 2008, Certinergy has mobilized to stimulate and implement energy savings for all energy consumers, from individuals to CAC 40 business. To allow its partners to reduce their energy bill and act for the environment, Certinergy has signed up very early with the same idea in mind: to shake up the usual systems of thought and to propose a new vision of things. With its 200 employees who share this same ambition, Certinergy is developing energy services adapted to each consumer profile. These services are funded by energy and fuel suppliers (thanks …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

25 1 24 133
Kyotherm Kyotherm

Investing in Clean Energy Kyotherm is a European investment company and energy producer dedicated to renewable heating and energy efficiency projects, with varied technologies including solar thermal, biomass, geothermal, storage and waste heat energy as well as district heating networks and installations allowing reduced energy consumption. Kyotherm works alongside energy service companies and project developers to offer a joint turnkey solution integrating design-build, operation-maintenance and financing for decarbonization projects. Energies renouvelables, Financement, and Economies d'Energie

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

21 5 18 14

Products from ecological chemistry BiobiSpir's mission is to make the new standard chemistry. In bainspir we synthesize bio -based molecules with high added value and the lowest possible environmental impact. Our eco -analyzers® are of plant origin: they come from the transformation of plant species which naturally accumulate the metals present in their environment. Molecules, bio -based, biosource, baiobs, biobs, biomimicry, cosmetics, chemistry, vegetable chemistry, fine chemistry, green chemistry, ecology, depollution, plants, ecocatalysis, and ecocatalysis

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

19 4 18 3
Terra Innova Terra Innova

Agroecological valuation of site lands - we are reborn our environment thanks to your excavated lands! Agronomic and environmental valuation of site lands *** Valuation of cuttings: Environmental, technical, logistics and town planning engineering for the creation of agricultural valuation sites *** hedges on slope *** Reconstitution of fertile soils by the valuation of clays, sands and construction silts *** Renaturation of urban wasteland *** Urban agriculture *** Creation of fertile and resilient ecosystems Environment, valuation of cuttings, ecological engineering, plant engineering, improvement in water quality, agronomy, engineering, recreation of ecosystems, agroecology, permaculture, circular economy, phytoremédioation, planting of hedges, and …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech agritech greentech cleantech

31 11 22 18
Kyoto University Kyoto University

Kyoto University was founded by Imperial Ordinance on the 18th of June 1897, the second university to be established in Japan. Kyoto University states its mission to sustain and develop its historical commitment to academic freedom and to pursue harmonious coexistence within human and ecological community on this planet. education and research

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

5 1 1 2,533