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I'MTech I'MTech

The scientific and technological news of the Mines-Télécom Institute. I'mtech is the popularization media of the Mines-Télécom Institute (IMT). It presents the news of research and innovations carried out in IMT schools. It thus offers decryption information on the major transitions of our time: digital, environmental, energetic, industrial ... Research, new technologies, environment, future industry, digital, energy, and health engineering

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech it services

62 20 41 1
Hellfest Productions Hellfest Productions

18th edition from June 19 to 22, 2025 Unmissable meeting of extreme music enthusiasts (punk, rock, metal, hardcore, heavy ...), Hellfest is now one of the most important international festival, bringing together 240,000 'Hellbangers', more than 180 artists from all nationalities in the heart of the Nantes vineyard, in the town of Clisson. Carried by the Hellfest Productions Association, the Hellfest claims loud and clear its local establishment and its attachment to its territory. Festival and Evenementiel

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 10 9 99
Futuribles International Futuribles International

Futurible is a center for reflection, training, advice and prospective studies. The Futurible International Association is a center for reflection and prospective studies whose objectives are: - Understand the undergoing transformations - Explore possible future - Debate the challenges of the future - Enlighten policies and strategies It is possible to adhere personally as a member member, or to make your structure join as a partner member of Futuribles International. To discover the products and services that we reserve for our members, visit the site: The Futurible International association works in close collaboration with the SARL Futuribles which publishes …

Type: Media

69 15 47 33
FSTT (France Sans Tranchée Technologies) FSTT (France Sans Tranchée Technologies)

Association for the promotion of trench -free work The FSTT, France without Trench Technologies is a scientific and technical association bringing together project owners, local communities, project managers, design offices, academics, engineering schools, general or specialized companies , manufacturers and suppliers of equipment or materials, unions and neighboring institutions ... The purpose of the FSTT is to promote without trench techniques for pipeline work on buried networks. His vocation is therefore triple: research, training, information. Trench -free techniques make it possible to avoid digging trenches during the installation or maintenance of buried networks. They also include techniques for identifying and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

21 2 20 10
France Hydrogène France Hydrogène

The actors of the hydrogen sector in France France Hydrogen federates the actors of the French hydrogen sector structured throughout the value chain: large industrial groups developing major projects, SMEs and innovative start-ups supported by laboratories and centers of excellence, associations, competitiveness clusters and local authorities mobilized for the deployment of hydrogen solutions. Its ambition: to accelerate the development of hydrogen solutions to succeed in the energy transition, boost the economy and create value locally to improve the quality of life of all.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

134 51 99 51
Forum Trium Forum Trium

Get the internship you dream of! The Trium Forum is an exceptional crossroads between the professional world today and that of tomorrow. A privileged place of exchanges, it offers the possibility for more than 2,500 visitors, students and young graduates to meet businesses and institutions in which they will work. He is co-organized by students from four grande engineers: Mines Paris, the National School of Ponts des Chaussées, ENSTA Paris and Ensae Paris. Forum Entreprises Students, Audit Council, Construction, Energy Environment, Industry, Telecommunication IT, Services, Logistics transport, and Insurance Banks

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

35 24 8 35
Fondation MAIF Fondation MAIF

Support research to better prevent risks A recognized foundation of public utility, the primary vocation of the MAIF Foundation is to finance research to prevent the risks which affect people and their goods and thus allow better development of each. We rely on the skills of researchers, from many areas of excellence, to support us on natural risks, risks linked to mobility or daily life as well as digital risks. In a more transversal way, the MAIF Foundation gives great interest to research on the sociology of risk: under what circumstances are we taking risks? How to change behavior? Every …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech fintech

67 13 52 9
Fondation Louis Vuitton Fondation Louis Vuitton

🗓 Discover until February 24 the exhibition "Pop Forever, Tom Wesselmann & Amp; ...". The Louis Vuitton Foundation, formerly Louis Vuitton business foundation for creation, launched in October 2006, was created by the LVMH group and its houses. Its objective is to promote art and culture and to perpetuate the patronage actions initiated since 1990 by the group. The building, designed by the architect Frank Gehry, is located in the acclimatization garden, in the Bois de Boulogne. The inauguration took place on October 20, 2014.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

33 21 6 155
Euroméditerranée Euroméditerranée

Public development establishment in Marseille. Euroméditerranée is a public development establishment which conducts an operation of national interest in urban renovation, incorporating all the challenges of the sustainable Mediterranean city, economic development and employment, housing, equipment and public spaces, transport, culture, training, environmental quality , etc... Architecture, town planning, economic development, sustainable development, and transitional town planning

Type: Public

84 39 57 75
Etalab - Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM) Etalab - Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM)

"Chief Data Officer" of the State, in charge of the public policy of data, algorithms and sources codes Service of the Prime Minister in charge of open data and open government. Within the General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action, Etalab coordinates government action in terms of open data, develops and administers the portal and supports reuse of public data. Open Data, Open Government, Datascience, Chief Data Officer, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Algorithms, Open Source, and Communs Digital

Type: Public

120 31 78 20
Entreprise et Progrès Entreprise et Progrès

The think tank of managers who place humans at the heart of businesses "Put humans at the heart of businesses" Company and Progress is an apolitical think tank of entrepreneurs and managers wishing to develop reports within the company. Place of reflection and sharing, founded in 1970 by François Dalle (L’Oréal) and Antoine Riboud (Danone) we now bring together more than 60 companies around the same conviction: economic progress is inseparable from social progress. Marion Darrieutort, CEO of The Arcane is the business president and progress. Company, progress, social, impact, entrepreneurship, manager, reason for being, management, CSR, economics, ecology, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

86 4 64 17
Ekopolis Ekopolis

Ile -de -France resource center for building and sustainable development. The mission of the Ekopolis association: accelerating the implementation of sustainable practices in the building and development, information and mobilization of Ile -de -France professionals. She continues this mission through four major actions: • Animate a network of committed professionals • Inform professionals by sharing qualified content on its online resource center and by organizing 100 events per year • Train in sustainable construction and rehabilitation through a qualiopi approved training center • Support construction and rehabilitation operations, on the building and development scale, with the durable Buildings of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

60 16 57 38
AGREEN LAB'O Village by CA AGREEN LAB'O Village by CA

Incubator and accelerator for innovative companies offering digital solutions dedicated to agriculture. The Agreen Lab’o Village by Ca welcomes, supports and accelerates project leaders and innovative companies. His goal? Allow the best possible ideation by associating all the players in its ecosystem, agricultural partners, the vegetable sector, competitiveness and clusters, researchers, training players, laboratories, VSEs, SMEs and large groups , etc. The Agreen Lab’o Village by CA is positioned at the heart of the innovation and scientific research ecosystem and in a very agricultural and horticultural territory. It works like a hub, a collaborative and experimental place of 1500 m2. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

37 9 33 1
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

The USGS is a science organization that provides impartial information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, the natural hazards that threaten us, the natural resources we rely on, the impacts of climate and land-use change, and the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and useable information. science, geography, geology, biology, hydrology, geospatial, natural hazards, climate change, energy, and environmental health

Type: Media

20 7 4 8,088
Département d'Ille-et-Vilaine Département d'Ille-et-Vilaine

The official page of the department of Ille-et-Vilaine to follow all the news of the Bretillian territory. Located 1.5 hours from Paris in TGV, proud of its situation at the Marche de la Bretagne, the department of Ille-et-Vilaine has 1 million inhabitants and 10,000 new ones per year. With Rennes, its university metropolis, its 72 km of coastline around Dinard and Saint-Malo, the diversity of its landscapes and its abundant cultural life, its united DNA and its economic dynamism, the Ille-et-Vilaine cultivates a mode of life on a human and curious size of the world. With a budget of more …

Type: Public

43 34 6 846

Welcome to the official page of the Department of Indre. The Departmental Council of Indre, a local institution in the service of nearly 230,000 inhabitants spread in 243 municipalities, supports all the Indians at different times in their lives. Present in the fields of education, culture, sport, digital development and of course the development of its territory, the department of Indre remains an unmissable player responsible for all solidarity. The Department works to improve the daily life of Indians thanks to its deliberative assembly made up of 26 departmental advisers and its 1115 agents spread throughout the territory. With a …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

21 10 12 144
IFP School IFP School

L'école de l'innovation énergétique et de la mobilité durable L'école d'application des métiers de l'énergie et de la mobilité durable The French-leading graduate school for energy and sustainable mobility #Energie #motorisations #économie #procédés #TransitionEnergétique Géoressources et énergie, Procédés pour l'énergie et la chimie, Motorisations et mobilité durable, Économie et management de l'énergie, and Hydrogène

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

31 3 24 995
Sciences à l'École Sciences à l'École

Ministerial system for supporting scientific education in colleges and high schools, and promoting the CSTI "Sciences at the school" is a ministerial system, founded in 2004 on the initiative of the academician Pierre Encrenaz and the Inspector General of National Education Jean-Yves Daniel in order to support scientific education in colleges And high schools, and to promote scientific and technical culture with students in the general, technological, professional and those of the post-baccalaureate classes. Thanks to its partnerships with the world of research and business, "sciences at school" is piloting actions with all of the aim of bringing the sciences …

Type: Public

34 4 28 9
Convergence international Convergence international

International growing of your growing Convergence is a service operator for the international development of companies on the axis 🌍 Africa- Mediterranean- Europe What we offer: ✔ Digital communication and marketing ✔ Operational and commercial support in more than 20 countries ✔ Business opportunity ✔ Animation of community and sectoral events ✔ Networking and connection Discover in addition by logging into Convergence is also the first network of talent and business with: 📊 + more than 4,250 decision -makers registered with our exclusive platform 📊 + more than 20 countries addressed in Africa 📊 + more than 20,000 members …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

17 1 16 5
Conservatoire d'espaces naturels Centre-Val de Loire Conservatoire d'espaces naturels Centre-Val de Loire

Nature, a chance for territories! The Conservatoire des spaces Natural Center-Val de Loire has given itself the mission of the safeguarding of the most remarkable natural environments for their fauna, their flora, their landscape or geological quality. Its intervention priorities relate to the preservation of the most beautiful and most threatened Ligen sites, the safeguarding of the most remarkable wetlands (mares, ponds, peat bogs, meadows ...) as well as the protection and management of natural environments Varies housing rare species (dry lawns, canepestière bustard sites ...). His work areas are: - Knowledge of species and environments (know), - preservation by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

19 4 12 32
Communauté Paris-Saclay Communauté Paris-Saclay

27 cities 318,000 inhabitants. An exceptional territory combining urban vitality, international influence and natural spaces The Paris-Saclay agglomeration community brings together 27 municipalities and nearly 300,000 inhabitants. It is located in Essonne southwest of Paris. environment, mobility, housing, culture, tourism, employment, economic development, sport, and innovation

Type: Public

98 23 77 212
Collège de France Collège de France

Research & amp; Teaching | PSL associate member The Collège de France is a public establishment for higher education and research unique in the world. Since its creation in 1530, it has responded to a double vocation: to be the most daring research and that of its teaching. We teach all interested audiences there, free of charge and without any registration or diploma condition, "knowledge being constituted in all areas of letters, sciences or arts", and we are carrying out a search for points in partnership with large French and international scientific institutions. One of the essential missions of the …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

56 33 15 751

Recherche en Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers (OSU) et composante de l’Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UPS) l'OMP fédère les laboratoires des sciences de l’univers, de la planète et de l’environnement toulousains autour de missions de recherche, d’observation, d’enseignement, de diffusion de la culture scientifique et de coopération internationale. Ces études sont menées par des approches couplant observations spatiales, aéroportées et in situ, développement instrumental, expérimentation, analyses de laboratoire, simulation numérique et approches théoriques. Le développement instrumental en astrophysique et en planétologie et l’utilisation des techniques spatiales pour l’observation de l’univers et …

Type: Public

28 7 10 70
Centre Régional Auvergne - Rhône - Alpes de l'Information Géographique (CRAIG) Centre Régional Auvergne - Rhône - Alpes de l'Information Géographique (CRAIG)

With Craig, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes territories have all the cards in hand! Fruit of collective work (region, departments, agglomeration, IGN), CRAIG is a resource center in the field of geographic information for regional public actors. As such: - In connection with the IGN, it coordinates the production, acquisition and dissemination of reference geographic data. Support for the efficient implementation of public policies at the region's level, in accordance with article L. 4211-1 of law n ° 2015-991 of August 7, 2015 relating to the new territorial organization of the Republic, he assures The provision of services for all public players in …

Type: Public

20 0 19 7
CCI du Cher CCI du Cher

▶ ️ Together to make you grow! Support businesses on a daily basis: creation, development, training, international relations, innovation, digital economics, transmission, human resources ... The Cher Chamber of Commerce and Industry responds to the concerns of business leaders. Support for businesses, development of the territory, and training

Type: Public

41 7 34 83
Institut Carnot ISIFoR Institut Carnot ISIFoR

🍃🌍⛏️ · ᴠᴏᴛʀᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛᴇɴᴀɪʀᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛᴇɴᴀɪʀᴇ & amp; ᴅ ᴅS ᴘʟᴜ 10 ᴀɴS ᴅᴀɴS ʟ'ɪɴɢéɴɪᴇʀɪᴇ ᴅᴇ ᴅᴜʀᴀʙʟᴇS ɢéᴏʀᴇssᴏᴜʀᴄᴇs · 💡🔬🔋 [· ISIFOR supports national and international companies in their research, development and innovation projects dedicated to the energy and environmental challenges of the subsoil] Isifor, labeled Carnot since 2011, federates academic research in the Great South West and dedicated to energy and environmental issues in connection with the basement. The complementarity of its 11 laboratories is a strong and distinctive asset on a global scale. In the context of a climate and environmental emergency that has become a major challenge for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

26 6 21 5
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE)

Our mission: to accelerate the energy transition of the territories Regional Agency for Energy and the Environment in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, AURA-EE is a resource center serving territories in transition. Its areas of intervention are climate change, renewable energies, energy efficiency strategies in buildings, sustainable mobility, waste and the circular economy, sustainable public procurement, new economic models and societal innovation. The agency carries out three types of actions: - it provides data, analyses and transition scenarios; - it offers technical, financial and regulatory expertise on the various subjects; - it drives, develops and supports projects and sectors. As a technical operator of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

61 12 52 50
Association Française d'Agroforesterie Association Française d'Agroforesterie

Working for fertile agriculture from soil to landscape Since 2007, the French Agroforestry Association has been working to accelerate the agro-ecological transition in the different territories of France. We work daily to support stakeholders in the agricultural world in the deployment of more fertile agriculture "from soil to landscape". To achieve our mission, we implement a wide range of actions: research and development, training, dissemination of knowledge, territorial animation, structuring of sectors and representation of agroforestry in the public debate. Recognized as ONVAR (National Organization with an Agricultural and Rural Vocation) by the Ministry in charge of Agriculture and with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech cleantech

42 2 41 31
National Carbon Capture Center National Carbon Capture Center

The U.S. Department of Energy's primary carbon capture research facility. Managed and operated by Southern Company. As a neutral research facility, the National Carbon Capture Center is finding breakthroughs in next-generation carbon management technologies. Managed and operated by Southern Company, our world-class research center provides a unique test bed to accelerate the development of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and industrial sources - and to promote carbon conversion and direct air capture solutions. Located in Wilsonville, Alabama, our state-of-the-art facilities bridge the gap between laboratory research and large-scale demonstrations. We provide real-world operating conditions and infrastructure, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 0 5 7
Angers Loire Métropole Angers Loire Métropole

Angers Loire Métropole. Urban community bringing together 31 municipalities of Maine-et-Loire and 310,000 inhabitants.

Type: Public

66 38 10 383
Pôle-relais lagunes méditerranéennes Pôle-relais lagunes méditerranéennes

National initiative to promote better recognition of Mediterranean lagoons National initiative to promote better recognition of Mediterranean lagoons (in Occitanie, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Corsica) and encourage better management practices. The Mediterranean lagoons relay center is run by the Tour du Valat, in close collaboration with the Conservatoire d’espaces naturels Occitanie (CEN Occitanie) and the Office de l’Environnement de la Corse (OEC). Mediterranean lagoons and wetlands

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

15 1 6 N/A
France Nature Environnement Centre - Val de Loire France Nature Environnement Centre - Val de Loire

The federation of environmental protection associations in the Centre-Val de Loire region! Founded in 1980, France Nature Environnement Centre-Val de Loire (formerly Nature centre) is the regional federation of Nature and Environmental Protection Associations in the Centre-Val de Loire region. Through its various missions, its objectives are the protection, conservation and restoration of biodiversity with a view to sustainable development. With 16 local associations affiliated to it, it is recognized as the contact for communities and administrations in the Centre-Val de Loire region. FNE Centre-Val de Loire has been affiliated with France Nature Environnement, its national federation since 1980, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

9 3 6 7

Know and raise awareness to protect the marine environment ASSO-MER, an association created in 2016 and based in Case-Pilote (Martinique), aims to gain knowledge of marine heritage and promote this knowledge to as many people as possible for the protection of the sea. The association's actions are divided into 4 areas: - conservation and restoration of species and habitats - participatory sciences - support for changing practices - awareness environment, corals, waste, sciences, awareness, and activities

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

2 1 1 8
Umweltbundesamt Umweltbundesamt

The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) is the central environmental authority of the federal government. Not the official website of the Federal Environment Agency. "For people and the environment" is the motto of the Federal Environment Agency - UBA for short - and sums up what we are there for. As Germany's central environmental authority, we ensure that there is a healthy environment in Germany in which people can live as protected as possible from harmful environmental influences, such as pollutants in the air or water. Our range of topics is broad - from waste prevention to climate protection to the …

Type: Public Activities: martech

22 7 8 164
Groupe Managem Groupe Managem

An industrial group with a mining vocation, Managem has been developing its activities in Morocco and internationally for 90 years. Operating in the valorization of mineral substances, Managem demonstrates its expertise every day in each of its activities. Through its international dimension, the quality of its assets and the commitment of its teams, the Managem Group reinforces its vision and its perspectives which suggest significant areas of development. The Group is implementing a long-term investment program which aims to significantly improve its production capacities, reduce its costs, invest in R&D to develop new technologies and assert its international scope.

Type: Incubators & VCs

1 0 1 1,375
HIT - Hub Innovazione Trentino HIT - Hub Innovazione Trentino

We promote the Trentino #research and #innovation ecosystem in Italy and abroad #technologytransfer The Fondazione Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT) is an instrumental body of the Autonomous Province of Trento and a research and knowledge dissemination body under the European Union regulations. Through the sustainable valorization of innovation and research results, HIT supports the development and growth of the territory, promoting the synthesis between the excellence of the scientific and technological research of its founders (University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Trentino Sviluppo) and the opportunities and requests for innovation of the market. Innovation, Business Development, and Technology …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

8 1 5 38
InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF)

Transforming strategies into insurance products and improving resilience to climate change The InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF), established and funded by KfW Development Bank on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), contributes to the development and implementation of climate risk insurance for people in ODA countries in order to increase their resilience to climate change. The ISF's objective is to close the protection gap by focusing on solutions for the poor and vulnerable who are over-proportionately exposed to climate risks and who currently have no access to risk management and insurance solutions. The ISF seeks to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

4 1 2 9
Environmental Defense Fund Environmental Defense Fund

We deliver bold, game-changing climate solutions to build a vital Earth, for everyone. We are Environmental Defense Fund, a leading environmental nonprofit focused on stabilizing the climate while helping build strong and healthy communities. Our game-changing solutions put people at the center of everything we do. Communities, governments, NGOs and businesses invite us to the table because our people find innovative solutions to the climate crisis. We work where we can make the biggest impact: fighting climate change, saving rainforests, supporting community-led clean air efforts and more. We bring team members together from a wide range of backgrounds. We are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

109 37 60 1,275
AgreenTech Valley AgreenTech Valley

Digital technologies at the service of plants AgreenTech Valley - The Digital Plant Valley, created in April 2015, is a centre of excellence dedicated to digital technologies for the plant sector (agriculture and primary agri-food processing), to meet the major challenges facing agriculture.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

32 14 26 5
Agence Qualité Construction Agence Qualité Construction

Preventing disorders, improving the quality of construction. The Construction Quality Agency (AQC)? We are a recognized association of general interest that brings together all professional construction organizations. Our mission? Preventing disorders in construction and improving the quality of construction. What actions do we take to achieve this? All our resources and free tools are intended to help construction professionals in the field in their daily practices! How are our tools and resources developed? -> we observe construction disorders in the field, -> thanks to this data and their lessons, we prioritize the subjects that require prevention, -> we then develop …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

50 14 35 55
Agence Locale de l'Energie et du Climat - métropole bordelaise et Gironde Agence Locale de l'Energie et du Climat - métropole bordelaise et Gironde

Territorial engineering at the heart of the energy transition. ALEC was created in 2007 at the initiative of Bordeaux Métropole, the Gironde department and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, with the support of ADEME, and in response to a European call for projects. Since then, this territorial engineering agency has been supporting the energy transition of the Gironde regions. Neutral and independent, ALEC carries out activities of general interest, recognized by the energy transition law for green growth of August 2015 (Energy Code, article L. 211-5-1). Now recognized in the Gironde region, it relies on the know-how of its employees and a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

25 2 24 15
AFIS - Association Française d'Ingénierie Système AFIS - Association Française d'Ingénierie Système

A key discipline for successful equipment development and that of simple to the most complex systems The French Association of System Engineering (AFIS) is an association under the 1901 law, working on the development and promotion of systems engineering in French industry. The members of the association are either organizations (industrial groups, SMEs and teaching and research organizations) or individuals acting in a personal capacity.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

39 2 38 27
Afigéo Afigéo

French Geographic Information Think Tank Created in 1986, the French Association for Geographic Information is a neutral and independent association that reflects the diversity and plurality of stakeholders and networks in the French geographic information sector. A think tank bringing together 200 members, a space for discussion and reflection open to the outside world, Afigéo promotes French expertise in the field in France and internationally. In 2024, Afigéo will continue its three main missions: - Lead the French community of stakeholders and networks in geographic information - Promote the geographic information sector in France and internationally - Represent the sector …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

69 7 56 13
AFAUP - Association Française d'Agriculture Urbaine Professionnelle AFAUP - Association Française d'Agriculture Urbaine Professionnelle

The head of the professional urban agriculture network AFAUP is a national association whose vocation is to unite professionals in urban agriculture and facilitate links with other city stakeholders, the agricultural world and the general public. AFAUP was created in 2016 at the initiative of historical French stakeholders in Urban Agriculture. urban agriculture, association, professionals, lobbying, public relations, promotion, and agriculture

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech smart city

45 4 35 17
MedVallée Montpellier MedVallée Montpellier

Montpellier, a global center of excellence in global health 🌎 #Health – #Food – #Environment The exceptional wealth of Montpellier's gray matter has long shaped the identity of the Montpellier Metropolis and contributed significantly to its #attractiveness and #economic development. 🌎 The Montpellier Metropolis has thus naturally given itself the #ambition of uniting the players from the different ecosystems of #research 🔬, #higher education 🎓 and #businesses to create an #innovative, collective and shared dynamic in order to make the #metropolitan territory a global center of excellence in Global Health [health, environment, food and well-being]. 🚀 Since the end of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

31 5 3 2
Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT) Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT)

Acting together for a more resilient future in the face of major risks The French Association for the Prevention of Natural and Technological Disasters is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. It was created at the end of 2000 to continue the action of the French Committee of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (DIPCN), as a national center for collective cross-cutting and multi-risk reflection on the issue of natural risks and a recognized player in international cooperation in this field. Supported by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES), it brings together scientists, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 12 21 32
Académie des sciences Académie des sciences

Working to share science as a common good Since its creation by Colbert in 1666, the Académie des sciences has been dedicated to the development and influence of science and its applications. The reflections, debates and discussions that it conducts have the role of providing society, and in particular government authorities, with a framework of expertise, advice and warning, with regard to the major issues that our era poses in this field. Its mission is also to encourage scientific life, promote science teaching, transmit knowledge and, in this context, foster international collaborations. It is one of the five academies – …

Type: Public

63 27 39 141
2ACR - Association Alliance Chimie Recyclage 2ACR - Association Alliance Chimie Recyclage

Faire de la valorisation des déchets, un outil de développement économique et industriel des territoires 2ACR is an economic non-profit organisation dedicated to the development of waste management as an opportunity for the development of local economy.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

9 3 4 1

Maîtriser le risque pour un développement durable Founded in 1990, INERIS is an EPIC (French public research body of an industrial and commercial character), under the aegis of the French Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning. INERIS mission is to carry out or commission studies and research programmes aimed at preventing the risks brought about by economic activities on health, the safety of persons and property and on the environment, and to provide any services intended to facilitate the adaptation of companies with this objective in mind. Expertise, Service pour l'environnement, Toxicologie, Ecotoxicologie, Phénomènes dangereux, sécurité industrielle, innovation, …

Type: Public

61 20 35 531
EuroScience EuroScience

The founder of the EuroScience Open Forum and EuroScientist journal. EuroScience is a pan-European association of individuals interested in constructing scientific Europe "from the bottom-up"​. EuroScience represents European scientists of all disciplines (natural sciences, mathematics, medical sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities and the arts), institutions of the public sector, universities, research institutes as well as the business and industry sector. We are a grassroots organisation open to research professionals, science administrators, policy-makers, teachers, PhD students, post-docs, engineers, industrialists, and generally to any citizen interested in science and technology and its links with society. We organise meetings of all sizes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

14 5 6 30
ANR, the French National Research Agency ANR, the French National Research Agency

ANR provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science - for both basic and applied research - to public research organisations and universities, as well as to private companies (including SMEs). Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews compliant with international standards, ANR provides the scientific community with instruments and programmes promoting creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between academia and industry. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world. Since 2010, ANR has also been the lead manager of the …

Type: Public

159 112 43 566


Type: Media

21 9 10 239
Association Prévention Routière Association Prévention Routière

Ensemble, changeons les comportements sur la route. The Association Prévention Routière is a non-governmental, non-profit making association created in 1949 to study and promote effective initiatives to improve road safety by all suitable means. For example, around 1 million children and teenagers receive a road safety education each year and 20,000 drivers take part in the rehabilitation programmes organised by the association for traffic offenders, that serve as an alternative to prosecution. The Association Prévention Routière has also set up a special training programme for senior drivers on a voluntary basis, and offers its expertise to private companies to help …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

91 37 58 199
SoScience SoScience

Impact Driven R&I | Catalyser of Responsible Research projects | Launch consortiums | Impact pathway | Science for Good SoScience is the first European startup dedicated to Responsible Research and Innovation. Our open innovation methodology has been recognized by the UN DESA as a good practice towards the SDGs’ achievement. We generate and launch multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share scientific knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources including stakeholders from civil society (researchers, industrial companies, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, associations, investors, etc.) to address social and environmental challenges. We offer expertise, a framework and actionable tools so that social entrepreneurs, scientists, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

62 20 45 10
Campus France Campus France

Vous souhaitez étudier en 🇫🇷 ? #RendezVousEnFrance grâce à Campus France ! The new French agency aims at promoting higher education, welcoming students and professionals and promoting international mobility. Campus France Agency was created by law on the July 27th, 2010. It is a public institution (EPIC) in charge of promoting higher education and managing the reception and international mobility of students, researchers, experts and guests. A decree from December 30th, 2011 indicates the agency’s terms of action. Enseignement Supérieur Français, Programmes de mobilité, Promotion, and Accompagnement

Type: Public

61 23 34 570
The Shift Project The Shift Project

Think tank qui œuvre en faveur d’une économie libérée de la contrainte carbone The Shift Project is an innovative entity, an interface between businesses, the academic world, civil society, and public and institutional authorities. Comprising a multidisciplinary team and a network of experts, this independent structure assembles and debates proposals accompanied by initiatives or measures that focus on managing the transition to a post-carbon world. In practice, these proposals stem from economic and scientific research or summary reports on the issues surrounding the climate and energy, using a concrete and pragmatic approach that puts the laws of physics above human …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

85 55 32 143

forme les talents depuis 1794 Supervised by the Minister for Higher Education, the Cnam - The Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), or National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts - is a Public Scientific, Cultural and Professional Institution, classed as a grand établissement, among France's top higher education establishments. It has 3 missions: - Training throughout life - Technological research and innovation - Dissemination of scientific and technical culture It is implemented in more than 150 cities in France and abroad. Cnam's motto is "omnes docet ubique,"​ which means "he teaches to everyone and everywhere."​ Lifelong learning for everyone

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

151 77 53 1,890
Fondation La main à la pâte Fondation La main à la pâte

Fondation de coopération scientifique pour l'éducation à la science The Foundation La main à la pâte aims at improving the quality of science and technology teaching in primary and middle schools. It is a foundation for scientific cooperation founded in 2011 by the Académie des Sciences, the École Normale Supérieure (Paris) and the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon. The Foundation’s activities are carried out within France and internationally, providing assistance and professional development for teachers. Programs are designed to help them implement inquiry-based learning which stimulates a scientific spirit in pupils, understanding of the world and capacities for expression. Science, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

40 10 26 56

Agricultural Research for development CIRAD is a French agricultural research centre working for international development. Most of its research is conducted in partnership. CIRAD has chosen sustainable development as the cornerstone of its operations worldwide. This means taking account of the long-term ecological, economic and social consequences of change in developing communities and countries. CIRAD contributes to development through research and trials, training, dissemination of information, innovation and appraisals. Its expertise spans the life sciences, human sciences and engineering sciences and their application to agriculture and food, natural resource management and society. research, agriculture, agronomy, agroforestry, environment, development, partnership, agroecology, …

Type: Public

90 40 48 2,195
Domaine national de Chambord Domaine national de Chambord

Enter the world of genius A symbolic monument recognized throughout the world, Chambord is a work of genius, born from the will of François I, King of France. Its architecture, inspired by the work of Leonardo da Vinci, a clever blend of medieval forms and innovations of the Italian Renaissance, is unique. The double-revolution staircase, the most striking architectural element, leads to the panoramic terraces from where the view of the chimney roofs. The estate extends over 5,440 hectares and is enclosed by a 32-kilometer-long wall. Listed on the first list of historical monuments in 1840, Chambord has been on …

Type: Public

52 26 31 136
Sénat Sénat

The Senate votes on the law and monitors the Government's action. It represents local authorities. The upper house of Parliament represents local authorities and sits in the Palais du Luxembourg. The Senate votes on the law, monitors the Government's action and evaluates public policies. It can amend the Constitution jointly with the National Assembly. The 348 senators are elected by indirect universal suffrage for a 6-year term. Nearly 1,300 civil servants and contract workers assist senators on a daily basis in carrying out their mandate. Find legislative information for all professionals on this page.

Type: Public

215 124 95 2,657
LEM3 - UMR CNRS n° 7239 LEM3 - UMR CNRS n° 7239

The Laboratory for the Study of Microstructures and Mechanics of Materials is a CNRS entity (UMR n° 7239) existing since January 1, 2011. It was born from the merger of two CNRS laboratories: the Laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Materials (LPMM) and the Laboratory for the Study of Textures and Applications to Materials (LETAM). It brings together around 250 people, including 80 doctoral students, working in 4 different establishments: the University of Lorraine (main supervision) the CNRS (INSIS Institute) the Arts et Métiers ParisTech the National School of Engineers of Metz (ENIM) mechanics of materials, Mechanics, Materials, Microstructures, Biomechanics, …

Type: Public

21 2 15 59
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques - Cirm Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques - Cirm

CIRM is quite a unique place. Situated right at the heart of the Parc des Calanques, a famous nature reserve in the South of France, the aim of our Centre is to welcome researchers from around the world. Scientists can work together, exchange ideas, share their knowledge and advance the key issues of our discipline. They can also develop ambitious projects with the other sciences and pass on their knowledge and findings to young researchers and doctoral students. A particular feature of CIRM is that it is a residential centre. At CIRM, a resident researcher lives in total immersion in …

Type: Public

14 2 2 14
Universcience Universcience

National player in scientific, technical, industrial and innovation culture. Universcience, born from the merger of the Palais de la découverte and the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, is the first French public institution dedicated to the dissemination and sharing of scientific, technical and industrial culture (CSTI) with the general public. The leading science center in Europe, it is also a major player in the influence of the CSTI outside our borders. Its interactive and fun approach offers to approach science and technology through discovery and questioning on the major issues of our world through diversified avenues: ▪ temporary or …

Type: Public

101 29 71 700
Pollutec Maroc Pollutec Maroc

POLLUTEC Maroc, Salon International des équipements, des technologies et des services de l'environnement a développé depuis huit ans un véritable écosystème de l’offre environnementale. Celle-ci est adaptée aux marchés émergents qui permettent aux entreprises marocaines et internationales d’asseoir leur position d’acteurs stratégiques sur les marchés des éco-technologies et sur les coopérations africaines pour un développement durable. POLLUTEC Maroc, International Exhibition of equipments, technologies and environmental services has developed for the past eight years a true ecosystem of the environmental offer. The latter has been tailored for emerging markets that enable Moroccan and international companies to establish their position as strategic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

15 6 2 N/A
ECPAD - Établissement de communication et de production audiovisuelle de la Défense ECPAD - Établissement de communication et de production audiovisuelle de la Défense

"Nos images sont votre histoire" The Établissement de Communication et de Production Audiovisuelle de la Défense (ECPAD, the French Defense Audiovisual Agency) is the French Ministry of the armed forces’ department that oversees audiovisual coverage. Its military reporters participate in every theater of operations, in France and around the world. Tasked with recording major Ministry events, the ECPAD plays a pivotal role into the cultural and remembrance policy, via its exceptional archives that encompass 12 million photographs and over 31,000 films. These archives are preserved and publicized through the sale of still images and movies, film and documentary productions, exhibitions, …

Type: Public

11 5 2 195
Pôle Cristal Pôle Cristal

Innovation at all levels A technical center specializing in Refrigeration and Climate Engineering technologies, the Pôle Cristal is the preferred contact for professionals and users of these technologies, as well as research laboratories operating in these areas. With a team of specialists and high-performance technical equipment, the Pôle Cristal makes its skills and know-how available to companies by offering them a range of services to meet their needs in an individualized manner. Our services are as follows: - Technological consulting - Studies - Industrial product design - Prototyping - On-site or laboratory testing - Technological and regulatory monitoring - Organization …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech deeptech greentech

29 6 21 12
Klee Group Klee Group

Creator of digital business solutions #Innovation #Digital #CollectiveIntelligence At Klee Group, a French ESN, we imagine and create digital business solutions by supporting our clients throughout the life cycle of their digital project. Thanks to our culture of commitment and results, we offer and implement industrial and tailor-made business solutions. Agility, UX, Responsible Digital, Web, Data, CyberSecurity, DevOps, Cloud... we offer our clients a real range of complementary expertise embodied by more than 1000 talents! Klee Group achieves 128 million euros in turnover in 2023. Information System, Consulting, Integration, Application Management, Digital Workplace, Web, DevOps, Business Solutions, Performance Management, Solution …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

34 5 25 934
Erdyn > Innovation Consultancy Erdyn > Innovation Consultancy

Our mission : to shed light💡 on your innovation choices⚡ to imagine and build the world of tomorrow 🌍. Erdyn is a consulting firm based in France and in the US. Worldwide, around 30 employees handle about 150 projects annually. Within our three offices (Paris, Rennes, New York), our dedicated team helps companies, academic institutions and policy makers make the right decisions, implement projects and assess the outcomes. Our offer relies on three pillars. Erdyn is your valuable partner if you wish to: Anticipate: -Create value through innovation (new market, new customer, ...) -Generate market pull innovations and reduce time-to-market …

Type: Incubators & VCs SMB Activities: martech healthtech consulting

42 9 28 29
Eurofins Environment Testing France Eurofins Environment Testing France

Testing for Life Eurofins Scientific is an international life sciences company which provides a unique range of analytical testing services to clients across multiple industries. The Group believes it is the world leader in food, environment and pharmaceutical products testing and that it is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for agroscience, genomics, discovery pharmacology and for supporting clinical studies. In addition, Eurofins is one of the key emerging players in specialty clinical diagnostic testing in Europe and the USA. The Eurofins Group is a leading provider of testing and analytical services …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech

8 3 5 522
Geovariances Geovariances

The global provider of geostatistics-based solutions (software, training, consulting) Welcome to Geovariances' LinkedIn pages! For almost 40 years, Geovariances has provided high-quality geostatistical software solutions, training, and consulting services to various sectors, including mining and energy, environmental, and geotechnical engineering. Our software solutions and services contribute to accurate resource assessment, effective remediation and decommissioning planning, and improved subsurface knowledge. We provide access to powerful, user-friendly statistical and geostatistical tools, enabling our customers to make informed decisions. Thanks to a team of highly qualified specialists, we deliver reliable and scientifically accurate solutions. Geovariances is a Datamine Group company. You can follow …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 1 5 38
Imerys Imerys

We aim to lead the specialty minerals industry, guided by strong values and an inspiring purpose of unlocking better futures for our people, our customers and our planet. With a global footprint, Imerys is organized around three main business areas: Performance Minerals (PM), Solutions for Refractory, Abrasives and Construction (RAC) and Solutions for Energy Transition (SET). Imerys contributes to a vast range of products that touch every aspect of life. A wide variety of industries use our value-added, innovative and sustainable solutions, ranging from the construction industry, natural solutions for consumer goods, serving agriculture, food, pharma and cosmetics industries, as …

Type: Large company

51 25 14 7,683
Aquila Data Enabler Aquila Data Enabler

#DataScience #ArtificialIntelligence #DataEnabler #MLOPS EXPERT IN R&D DATA SCIENCE & ML Ops Aquila Data Enabler brings its experience to put R&D at the service of your Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning projects. Our Lab is the true technical heart of Aquila. It brings together our Data Scientist specialists around their expertise (over 40 Data Scientist & ML Ops). We can thus offer the most innovative methods, from the latest research papers, to best and quickly meet the needs of our customers, putting operational R&D at the center of our concerns to serve their challenges. Our expertise: ▶ Computer …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Image Processing A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics

21 7 18 37
Ifri - Institut français des relations internationales Ifri - Institut français des relations internationales

Knowledge for action Ifri, the French Institute of International Relations, founded in 1979 on the model of Anglo-Saxon think thanks, is the principal institution for independent research and debate in France that is dedicated to the analysis of international affairs and global governance. Ifri’s policy-oriented research strives to illuminate international events and put them in perspective. It is primarily useful for political and economic decision-makers as well as academics, opinion leaders, and civil society representatives. According to the 2019 "GLOBAL GO TO THINK TANK REPORT"​ conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, Ifri ranks 2nd within the 100 most influential think …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

63 34 30 228

EUFI is a management consulting company based out of 5 RUE DU SILLON, MULHOUSE, France.

Type: Media

14 6 1 4

Knowledgeable & Imaginative Visions Since 1993, KIDOVA specializes in different fields in the environment (soil, groundwater, air), geothermal energy, geological disposal and oil & gas sectors. These fields include: - Geostatistics, spatial and spatiotemporal data analysis and modeling. - Characterization and upscaling of porous and naturally fractured rock properties. - Simulation of single and multiphase flows in porous and fractured media. - Mesh or grid generation and optimization. - Structural and geological modeling. KIDOVA’s services cover: - Research and development, to elaborate innovative and efficient approaches often leading to scientific software solutions. - Consulting, to take in charge or to …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Data Analytics

5 0 5 4

EMSC is a company based out of 47 Oudenaardestraat, Anzegem, Belgium.

Type: Media Startup Activities: healthtech

2 2 0 34
GIP Littoral en Nouvelle-Aquitaine GIP Littoral en Nouvelle-Aquitaine

The GIP Littoral sets up projects aimed at the sustainable development of a preserved, fragile and attractive coast. The GIP is a tool for reflection, coordination and technical support for the development and management of coastal areas. It is responsible for the design and animation of the Sustainable Development Plan for the Aquitaine coastline, a central element of a shared development strategy for the territory by 2020. Sustainable tourist development, Protection of the coastal environment, Coastal risk management, Coastal planning, and Integrated management of the sea and the coast

Type: Public

32 2 26 9
Assemblée nationale Assemblée nationale

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity The National Assembly is the heart of French democracy. 577 deputies are elected every five years to represent the French people, legislate and monitor the actions of the Government. Three main categories of staff work in their service: civil servants, parliamentary collaborators and those of political groups. The civil servants of the National Assembly, numbering around 1,300, are recruited by competitive examination and exercise very diverse professions. In accordance with the principle of separation of powers, their autonomous status is set by the Bureau of the Assembly. Civil servants are assigned either to the legislative services, where …

Type: Public

298 219 81 5,294
Université Gustave Eiffel Université Gustave Eiffel

We are rethinking the university. Together, let's rethink the way we practice our professions. Multidisciplinary and national, the Université Gustave Eiffel has the distinction of being the first institution to bring together a research organization, a university, a school of architecture and three engineering schools. By pooling many strengths in terms of training and research, the ambition of the Université Gustave Eiffel is to ensure its development by affirming a strategy that relies on the complementarity of its founders. By creating better synergies, the University can offer its different audiences a richer range of skills. Training young people, employees, or …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

69 25 60 1,969
Pavillon de l'Arsenal Pavillon de l'Arsenal

1st European center dedicated to architecture and urban planning Created in 1988, the Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Information, Documentation and Exhibition Center for Urban Planning and Architecture of Paris and the Parisian Metropolis, is a unique place where the development of the city and its architectural achievements are made accessible to all. At a time when urban issues are at the heart of current events, it is essential that these issues be the subject of an educational, attractive and debate-generating presentation, allowing citizens to situate themselves at the heart of the process of architectural and urban creation. Exhibiting Parisian urban planning …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

47 30 23 30
Livre Paris Livre Paris

Le plus grand événement dédié au livre en France. Porte de Versailles (Paris). Livre Paris réunit les professionnels du livre pour partager l'actualité de leurs métiers.

Type: Media

21 8 13 N/A
Département de la Gironde Département de la Gironde

Our areas of expertise are vast but have the same objective: to be at the heart of the concerns of the people of Gironde. Colleges, solidarity, integration, mobility and assistance for the elderly: the areas of expertise of the Department are vast but they all respect the same objective: to be at the heart of the concerns of the people of Gironde.

Type: Public

86 49 32 1,680

ELYX is the UN digital Ambassador. Behind the character, there are a soft power agency and a Foundation. ELYX is the first and unique UN digital Ambassador. Behind the character, there arr a soft power agency and a Foundation. Future Culture by ELYX operates at the nexus of Culture, Innovation, and Sustainability, offering consultancy and activations to brige purpose and perception. Our Foundation hosts ELYX's UN association and our soft power program, ARCHIPELAGO. RSE, Développement durable, Plaidoyer, Education, Culture, Art, Communication, Edition, Nouvelles Technologies, Stratégie, and Conseil

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

41 11 33 5
One Planet Summit One Planet Summit

Commitments to Meet the Challenge of #ClimateChange The vision of the One Planet Summit is to offer a new, pragmatic and effective framework for action, one that will contribute to broadening and renewing international cooperation for the ecological transition. A platform for joint commitment bringing together all these stakeholders, and their willingness to act, generates many synergies. Tangible and useful solutions on the ground emerge, resulting in a turning point for the environment. The One Planet Summit also helps incorporate climate and environmental challenges into the very core of development models, on a global scale. Climate, Biodiversity, and Oceans

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

25 5 22 2
Interreg VA France (Channel) England Interreg VA France (Channel) England

We are an EU funded cross-border programme dedicated to fostering economic development in the UK and France. The 2014-2020 France (Channel) England Programme is co–financed by ERDF. Le programme France (Manche) Angleterre 2014-2020 est cofinancé par le FEDER.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

16 3 11 7
YouTube YouTube

Like and Subscribe YouTube is a team-oriented, creative workplace where every single employee has a voice in the choices we make and the features we implement. We work together in small teams to design, develop, and roll out key features and products in very short time frames. Which means something you write today could be seen by millions of viewers tomorrow. And even though we’re a part of Google and enjoy all of the corporate perks, it still feels like you’re working at a startup. YouTube is headquartered in San Bruno, California, 12 miles south of San Francisco. We also …

Type: Large company Activities: it services

579 371 187 2
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany

Education and research are the foundations for our future. The promotion of education, science and research by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) represents an important contribution to securing our country's prosperity.

Type: Public

52 22 12 108
France Chaleur Urbaine France Chaleur Urbaine

Facilitate and accelerate the connection of buildings to heat networks. France Chaleur Urbaine is a public service that promotes heat networks in order to meet three major challenges: 1. the fight against climate change 2. control of energy prices 3. security of supply We inform, equip and connect communities, heat network operators, co-owners and owners or managers of tertiary buildings. Our goal? Facilitate and accelerate connections to heat networks. Visit our platform to: - Discover tools that promote heat networks: connection test, network mapping, CO2 simulator, etc. - Find information and data on heat networks - Be put in touch …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech it services

51 5 46 3
ANEB Association Nationale des Elus des Bassins ANEB Association Nationale des Elus des Bassins

Small streams make great solidarity. The National Association of Elected Basin Representatives (ANEB) brings together all stakeholders who wish to contribute to the effective implementation of watershed management, at the heart of sustainable territorial development.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

31 11 21 7
IPSL-Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace IPSL-Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace

IPSL brings together the activities of eight (+2 teams) public environmental research laboratories in the Paris region. The Pierre-Simon Laplace Institute (IPSL) was created in 1995 by Gérard Mégie, former president of the CNRS. IPSL is a research federation that brings together 8 labs and 3 associated teams in the Île-de-France region (CEREA, GEOPS, LATMOS, LISA, LMD, LOCEAN, LSCE, METIS, LERMA, S&R), or nearly 1,400 people, researchers and teacher-researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative staff, doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and interns. These laboratories are now located on nearly ten sites in Paris and the Paris region. They rely on the Observatories …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

17 3 8 56
Emploi-Environnement Emploi-Environnement

Specialized job search site Since 2002, Emploi-Environnement has been the leading site for job searches and career development in the environmental sectors: air, water, waste, energy, risk management, etc.

Type: Media

43 2 41 N/A
Electriciens sans frontières Electriciens sans frontières

International solidarity NGO, fights against inequalities in access to electricity and water in the world. "Putting our skills at the service of international solidarity projects, using access to electricity as a lever for development." Access to energy and water are necessary conditions for fighting poverty and promoting economic development. Today, nearly 1.5 billion people do not have access to electricity and more than a billion do not have drinking water. This is a crucial issue for developing countries and a major challenge for international solidarity. Since 1986, Electricians Without Borders has aimed to facilitate access to energy and water and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

53 8 44 143
CCI Campus Centre CCI Campus Centre

Training center in Châteauroux, Blois, Orléans and Tours Continuing, diploma and work-study training Training center in Châteauroux (36), Blois (41), Orléans (45) and Tours (37) We offer continuing, diploma and work-study training To follow our news, join us on our social networks: Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Contact an advisor now: Châteauroux Tel.: 02 54 53 52 00 Contact companies: Contact candidates: Blois Tel. : 02 54 57 25 25 Contact companies: Contact candidates:

Type: Incubators & VCs

53 2 53 54

Agence de conseil en stratégie de développement durable auprès d'acteurs publics et privés nationaux et internationaux. TRANSITIONS, agence de conseil en stratégie du développement durable, conduit des missions au niveau national et international, auprès de collectivités locales, d’entreprises, de coopératives, de filières et d’ONG pour accompagner les mutations nécessaires et promouvoir des modèles de développement plus durables, plus inclusifs et plus solidaires. TRANSITIONS, a sustainable development consultancy agency, carries out missions at both national and international level, with local authorities, companies, cooperatives, agricultural sectors and NGOs to support the necessary changes and promote more sustainable, inclusive and supportive development models. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 1 28 54
CEA-Liten CEA-Liten

Creating solutions to climate, energy and environmental challenges 🌿 ⚡ As a key player in the energy transition, we are the first European institute entirely dedicated to new energy technologies. We are focus on the major pillars of the energy transition, which are solar energy, batteries, the hydrogen vector, sustainable molecules and fuels with a view to energy efficiency and the circular economy. 🏔 Based at the CEA-Grenoble centre and the Ines campus in Chambéry, we are developing complementary, competitive and more environmentally-friendly solutions for an integrated vision of multi-vector, multi-scale and multi-temporal energy. Our research focuses on: ⚙️ the …

Type: Public

77 19 61 356
CCI Loiret CCI Loiret

The CCI du Loiret supports you in the creation and development of your business with three main missions: - Support businesses at each stage of their development; - Transform the territory's projects into economic and human wealth; - Represent and defend the interests of businesses. Commerce, Industry, Service, Entrepreneurship, Formalities, Visa, Registration, and International

Type: Public

59 15 49 77
ANPP - Territoires de projet ANPP - Territoires de projet

ANPP - Territoires de projet, created in 1997, is an association under the 1901 law, whose purpose is to support the expression and good practice of Pays/PETR, GALs and their Development Councils. As such, the association has a triple mission of representation with public authorities and private actors, network animation and support for its members by offering proactive monitoring of territorial news, in the form of daily information. In 2023, the 268 Territoires de projet cover 62% of the territory, for 49% of the French population, in mainland France and overseas. ANPP is also on Facebook: and on Twitter …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

54 9 11 13
ChapsVision CyberGov ChapsVision CyberGov

ChapsVision Cyber Division ChapsVision CyberGov is a leading player in cyber intelligence and cybersecurity, offering a sovereign solution dedicated to the defence, intelligence and security markets. Committed to the security of States, companies and populations, ChapsVision CyberGov is recognised for its expertise in investigative technologies and services for global security. ChapsVision CyberGov, federates around its innovative Data Exploitation System a wide range of capabilities from the activities of Flandrin IT (ex. Bertin IT), Vecsys, Elektron, Ockham Solutions, Deveryware and Qwam. Its solutions cover digital investigation, judicial interception, real-time geolocation, analysis of investigation data (telephone, ANPR, etc.), forensics, cybersecurity, anti-fraud, NLP, …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

31 5 26 116
EU Science, Research and Innovation EU Science, Research and Innovation

We bring you the latest news on EU science, research & innovation Science, Research & Innovation side of @European Commission. Explore how EU scientists shape policies and make a positive impact on society! Stay tuned for: 🔸Latest scientific findings 🔸Reports 🔸Tools & resources 🔸Research funding opportunities 🔸Jobs 🔸Support for policy And more! scientific research for EU policies, science, food, nuclear, environment, agriculture, forest, technology, chemistry, biology, physics, environment, space, big data, migration, disaster risk management, Climate, Innovation, AI, and Sustainable food

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

15 1 13 2