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BFT Investment Managers BFT Investment Managers

Let's give back a sense of yield At BFT Investment Managers, we give a sense of performance thanks to the commitment of all our employees to the service of our customers. For more than 30 years, the performance of our investment solutions, associated with rigorous risk management, has been the first of our missions. BFT Investment Managers offers a range of products specialized in the main asset classes, articulating around the performance search. On all of our funds, we integrate socially responsible investment criteria and we benefit from the AFNOR label in this area. A subsidiary of Amundi, we combine …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

18 4 14 151
CNCPI - Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle CNCPI - Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle

La CNCPI est la personne morale instituée par la loi pour représenter les Conseils en Propriété Industrielle français auprès des instances gouvernementales, défendre leurs intérêts professionnels, s'assurer du respect des règles de déontologie professionnelle et faire connaître la profession. La CNCPI s'assure des compétences professionnelles, de l'indépendance et l'éthique des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle. CNCPI is the legal entity established by Law to represent the French Patent and Trademark Attorneys nearby the public authorities, to defend their professional interests, to ensure that they comply with the rules of profesionnal ethics and make the profession known. CNCPI makes sure of the …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

75 17 65 32
FAB Talents FAB Talents

Fab Talents accompanies you for fixed -term contracts, first -level permanent contracts and temporary contracts 🎯 Fab Talents ( is a specialist in quality temporary recruitment. A subsidiary of Fab Group, our role is to find the best talents for our customers and the best professional opportunities for all the candidates who trust us. Fab Talents meets specific recruitment needs on CDI, CDD and temporary work. Since 2012, we have supported our partners and candidates with an approach based on 3 pillars: sectoral specializations, rigor and transparency. True recruitment specialists, we understand your challenges and are able to support you …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech hrtech insurtech

19 0 19 25
Targa Viasat France Targa Viasat France

Des solutions numériques pour une mobilité intelligente et durable. Targa Viasat France is a company of Targa Telematics, one of the world's leading players in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) and in the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility. Targa Viasat France is a leading player in B2B telematics for fleet management in France. We offer a wide range of Software-as-a-Service solutions known for their usability and high technological performance, putting people at the centre of our customers' improving processes. At Targa Viasat France, it is in our DNA to remain close and accessible …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

28 0 25 29
Oeconomicus Oeconomicus

Thinking and writing the economy differently. 💡Revue dedicated to analysis & amp; The use of eco research | 🌐 Researchers, economists, PHD, and students | 🥇Prix for the best online newspaper 2021

Type: Media

11 0 10 3

French Confederation of General Consulting-Confederation of Managers. The framework of executives and supervision. The CFE-CGC is the union that defends supervision, executives and public functions. With 160,000 members, 230 unions and more than 10,000 union sections (2015), the CFE-CGC has a single specificity, since 1944, as a representative union ensuring the interests of a defined professional category: the 'management. The responsibility, the initiative and the commitment, which base the professional actions and approaches of the executives, are precisely the cardinal values ​​that the Confederation aims to defend. The primary objective of the Confederation is the reconciliation of the employee and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

91 24 65 496
Les entreprises pour la Cité Les entreprises pour la Cité

The network of committed companies Spokesperson for companies with institutions for more than thirty years, the Network Les Entreprises for the Cité supports companies (large companies, ETI and SMEs) on three major CSR themes: Equal opportunities, diversity and patronage. We have great territoriality with a presence in the following regions: Grand-Est, Ile-de-France, Pays de la Loire, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, Paca, Guadeloupe. Our support is around workshops, conferences, round tables or events, organized all year round by our expert teams, everywhere in France. Authorized training organization, we also offer various and complementary training modules, always linked to these three major themes. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

131 27 95 47
Cerdd Cerdd

Sustainable development resource center Since 2001, the Resource Center for Sustainable Development (CERDD) has been outstanding and has supported actors in the region towards new social models and encourages them to contribute to economic, social and ecological transitions. Its action, focused as a priority to local decision -makers and relay actors, is available in different fields: & gt; Sustainable development and transitions management & gt; New economic models and Rev3 & gt; Climate change and energy & gt; Sustainable food and environmental health Modes of action & gt; Approach the DD and the climate issues in a global way & …

Type: Public

45 14 36 23
Sto France Sto France

Build in manager Sto France is the French leader of the ITE and develops innovative products and systems for facade restoration and cladding. Our mission: Building in charge. Our employees work daily to preserve the value and aesthetics of buildings and constructions. To find out more about the processing of your personal data: Building, restoration, outdoor thermal insulation, Modenures, and cladding

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

27 2 24 228
Sciences Po Sciences Po

Sciences Po is France’s leading university in the social sciences and has been educating decision-makers in the public and private sectors for the past 140 years. Today, half of Sciences Po’s 13,000 students hail from 150 countries outside France. Why do so many international students choose Sciences Po? Because at Sciences Po, as part of a vibrant, multicultural student community, they will gain a multidisciplinary education and international experience to prepare them for career success. 88 percent of Sciences Po graduates are hired within six months of graduation and 39 percent start their career abroad. Students also benefit from Sciences …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Research & Education Activities: it services

265 127 139 5

Energy renovation training Since 2008, the Feebat program (training in energy savings in the building) has supported the skills of professionals and future professionals in the building and architecture sector with more than 30 training modules. 👷 The Feebat program is: 🟩 Quality training on energy renovation, meeting current needs, 🟩 Advantageous treatment conditions for training 🟩 New resources being deployed for teachers and trainers of CFAs 🟩 A program recognized and developed by the public authorities, representatives of the building and teaching sector 🟩 And many other things! With the strong challenges and current expectations on energy renovation, take …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 1 6 4
Altémed Altémed

Build the territory of tomorrow The Altémed group was born from a rapprochement between ACM Habitat Office Public de l'Habitat de Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, 1st public social landlord in the Occitanie region and the Serm-SA3M group, which implements urban projects in the city of Montpellier , of the metropolis and its municipalities. Altémed is the only public group in France which brings together the professions of responsible development, solidarity housing and renewable energies within a team of 250 experts. Its mission is to support the vision, projects, innovations, solutions of each municipality and the whole metropolis, to accelerate the urban …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

32 14 12 69
NEREUS - Sustainable water recyling NEREUS - Sustainable water recyling

Tomorrow's technologies to solve today's problems Experts in dynamic filtration, we support industrial companies, tourist establishments and farmers in the ecological and economic management of their effluents. From design and construction in our workshop to commissioning and operation in France and Europe, we offer our customers individual and personalized turnkey solutions. Extraction d'eau basse énergie, Recyclage des eaux usées, Procédés innovants d'extraction d'eau, Utilisation de membranes de dernière génération, Reuse, and Filtration dynamique

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing water management Technologies: Decarbonization

46 5 45 21
Les Déviations Les Déviations

Les Déviations has only one vocation: to tell stories of people who have decided to change the course of their lives. Les Déviations has only one vocation: to tell stories of people who have changed their lives. Les Déviations is a 100% social media, present on Facebook, Instagram, iTunes, Youtube. Les Déviations exists in three formats: written, podcast and video. We like to follow the following themes: #Reconversion #Futureofwork #Burnout #Newjobs #Newlife reconversion, quest for meaning, well-being, new jobs, work, employment, burn-out, and personal development

Type: Media

6 3 4 11
Onclusive Social Onclusive Social

Onclusive is a world leader in media intelligence technology and services, dedicated to supporting PR, Communications, and Marketing professionals. We deliver leading-edge innovation, human expertise, and unmatched media reach in a suite of media management, monitoring, and analytics solutions that support every stage of the communications cycle. Our unified platform and services enable our customers to make fast, accurate, data-driven decisions about their communications and marketing strategies, allowing them to prove and improve their value. competitive intelligence, market intelligence, online reputation, web data analysis, social media monitoring, social media listening, social media analytics, social media tool, social media monitoring software, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech e-reputation Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

121 7 110 172
Renaissance Numérique Renaissance Numérique

Think Tank | We flash the debate, for a digital transformation that benefits all Renaissance Digital is an independent think tank dedicated to the digital transformation of society. He works to shed light on the developments that this transformation leads to and give everyone the keys to their mastery. In order to fulfill its mission, Renaissance Digital arises as a place of debate, positive confrontation of expertise and ideas. It brings together academics, personalities, non-governmental organizations and businesses, from the wide variety of actors and points of view in the digital field. --- Digital Renaissance is an independent think tank …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

85 23 68 11
Banque de France Banque de France

Institution indépendante : stratégie monétaire, stabilité financière, services à l’économie. Banque de France is the central bank of France; it is linked to the European Central Bank (ECB). Its main charge is to maintain price stability by implementing the single monetary policy within the framework of the ESCB (European System of Central Banks). It also ensures the financial stability by regulating payment and securities settlement systems and supervising credit institutions and investment firms. central banking, monetary policy, banking regulation, and financial stability

Type: Public

273 195 58 8,055
ASKALIA, réseau des acteurs & responsables du développement des compétences ASKALIA, réseau des acteurs & responsables du développement des compétences

Le 1er réseau national entièrement dédié aux responsables du développement des compétences / talents / formation ASKALIA (ex-GARF) est le 1er réseau national entièrement dédié aux acteurs et responsables du développement de compétences. Il réunit 500 professionnels de la formation et des RH, principalement en entreprise, mais aussi dans la sphère publique, économique et sociale. Cette communauté de métiers est issue de plus de 70 années d’activités dans les entreprises au service de l'investissement le plus durable : le développement des compétences. Ce réseau a aussi pour fonction de constituer une communauté de pratiques, pour apprendre ensemble et se professionnaliser …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

19 0 18 20
Nantes Métropole Entreprises Nantes Métropole Entreprises

Support you for responsible development in the Nantes metropolis Nantes Métropole Entreprises: a web platform, a call center, social networks and a newsletter to help you create, develop your activity and engage in responsible economic development.

Type: Public

67 10 48 3
Agence France Locale Agence France Locale

La banque des collectivités Agence France Locale is a new entity dedicated to the funding of French local authorities Authorized by the banking law dated 26 July of 2013 and incorporated on 17 December 2013, Agence France Locale was granted a banking license as a specialist credit institution on 12 January 2015 The unique French local government funding agency fully-owned by the French local authorities themselves 100%-owned by French local authorities, its sole mandate is to distribute attractive loans to French local authorities by raising cost-efficient funds in the capital markets thanks to the pooling of volumes and a robust …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

68 12 60 50
ANDRH - Association Nationale des DRH ANDRH - Association Nationale des DRH

The HR manager's reference community and HR professionals! Join us! Created in 1947, the Andrh is an association law 1901 at the service of human resources professionals, representing companies and organizations of all sectors of activity and all sizes, public and private, national and international. With more than 5,000 members, organized in 80 local groups, including 18 in Ile-de-France, it is the largest community of human resources professionals in France. For more than sixty years, the AndRH has anticipated and has supported the evolution of human resources professions and has become, over the years, the reference community in the HR …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

105 47 59 188

The ARIA Sud represents #AGROALIAL companies of the #regionsud and contributes to their development. Member of the Ania (National Association of Food Industries), the Regional Association of Food Industries (ARIA) of the South Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region is at the service of business competitiveness, development of employment and the conquest of new markets. Created in 1989 by industrialists from the South Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region under the name of the Regional Federation of Agrifood Industries (Friaa), ARIA South is one of the oldest arria in France. It brings together more than 250 companies on this territory and promotes the development of regional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

12 2 11 9
Ligue des droits de l'Homme Ligue des droits de l'Homme

Association de la loi de 1901, la Ligue française de défense des droits de l’Homme, « LDH », regroupe les femmes et les hommes de tous horizons et toutes conditions, qui choisissent librement de s’associer afin de réfléchir, discuter, agir pour la défense des droits et libertés, de toutes et de tous. Elle intervient sur l’ensemble du territoire à travers ses sections locales. La LDH a été créée en 1898 à l’occasion de l’affaire Dreyfus pour défendre un innocent victime de l’antisémitisme et de la raison d’État, mais, dès le départ, elle a déclaré étendre son action à la défense …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

24 14 2 186
Flying Secoya Flying Secoya

Our mission ? Structuring, deploying and managing your Low Carbon & CSR strategies. Flying Secoya is a consultancy agency specialising in the implementation of low-carbon and CSR strategies for the audiovisual, film and advertising industries, with a 360° offer from the creation phase to the optimisation of your overall ESG performance (responsible productions, structures, investors & suppliers). Our mission ? Structuring, deploying and managing your Low Carbon & CSR strategies. 🔵 Access tailored solutions with customised support. 🔵 Comply with regulations and anticipate future requirements. 🔵 Integrate an efficient method of collecting your data and save time. 🔵 Ensure smooth …

Type: Media

36 6 27 14
Datagora Datagora

Retour aux sources. Datagora est une application mobile gratuite qui vise à agréger des données clés fiables, récentes et utiles au débat public (par exemple : taux de chômage, résultats PISA, sondages élections...). À travers une plateforme simple d’utilisation nous facilitons l'accès à ces points de données, présentées sous la forme d’une courte dépêche - environ la taille d'un tweet - que nous appelons datapoints. Ces datapoints proviennent en effet exclusivement de rapports de sources officielles (ex: Insee, Eurostat, Cour des comptes...) que nous rendons accessibles directement depuis la plateforme. Au-delà de rapprocher le citoyen des données qui font l’actualité, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

53 14 49 8
Institut Godin Institut Godin

Institute for Research & Transfer in Social Sciences Created in 2007 with the desire to rethink and nourish the science-society relationship, the Godin Institute is a Research & Transfer organization whose goal is to produce scientific knowledge for the benefit of economic actors in the territory. One foot in the production of scientific knowledge, another in its uses, this is how we could summarize our Research & Transfer activity today. Concretely, our activity consists of exploring, analyzing and understanding the issues and problems of actors such as associations, project leaders, communities and public institutions, networks and other organizations of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

15 2 1 7
Aliaxis Aliaxis

Aliaxis is a global leader in advanced piping systems for building, infrastructure, industrial and agriculture applications. The company provides communities around the world with sustainable innovative solutions for water and energy, leading the industry in a way that anticipates the rapidly evolving needs of its customers and of society. With a global workforce of 15,000+ employees, Aliaxis offers specific solutions that meet our customers’ most demanding needs across the globe. Aliaxis is active through leading local brands and operating in over 40 countries, combining local solutions with global innovation and operational excellence. The company is privately owned, with its global …

Type: Large company

6 2 3 7,535

Investing away from the crowds Founded in 2005 in Geneva, QUAERO CAPITAL is an independent, specialist fund management firm which brings together independently minded investment managers who use original research to provide actively managed strategies for clients in the institutional and wholesale markets. QUAERO CAPITAL is 100% employee-owned and its founding partners take an active role in its investment processes. QUAERO CAPITAL provides a wide range of liquid, high conviction investment strategies. In private markets, the Group also offers European Infrastructure and French Real Estate investment strategies. QUAERO CAPITAL is present in Geneva, Zurich, Paris, London and Luxembourg. Contact us …

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 3 2 77
Club de la Durabilité Club de la Durabilité

The network of economic actors committed for sustainability! The durability club is a network of economic players committed for sustainability, driven by the HOP association (stop for planned obsolescence) in 2018. Our reason for being? Evolve economic models and support the transformation of organizations to a virtuous circular economy, which integrates sustainability over the entire value chain. Our actions: working groups, practical guides, white pods, seminars, events, sharing good practices, ideas, failures and successes, strategic watch, connection ... We reveal the synergies around collective interests in a framework of confidence (beyond the competition), and send the challenges of sustainability in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

8 0 5 6

LE JOURNAL DU CENTRE SA is a publishing company based out of 3, RUE DU CHEMIN-DE-FER, BP 106, CEDEX, Nevers, France.

Type: Media

21 10 8 7

European leader, Hesus offers sustainable solutions for land as close as possible to your construction sites ♻️ The group is positioned on all strategic, operational and logistical expertise with proven mastery of polluted sites and soils. It supports all construction industry players during the design, construction and demolition of infrastructures and buildings. HESUS is present in 6 countries, manages each year nearly 2 million tons of earth in France and Europe and recovers on average 82% of the debris on its construction sites. Hesus has been developing for 13 years: its regular and sustained growth is based on constant anticipation …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

68 11 57 58
AudéLor AudéLor

Urban planning, economic development and technology park agency of the Pays de Lorient. Urban planning, economic development and technology park agency of the Pays de Lorient. Serving businesses, local authorities and public stakeholders. We support the territorial strategy, focused on innovation and sustainable development. For any questions, contact us! Toll-free number 0 805 05 00 26 (free call from a landline). As an urban planning agency, we provide technical support to local authorities by implementing observation and evaluation tools. We offer strategic & operational thinking thanks to our urban planning skills and thus contribute to the decision-making process of elected …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

33 14 16 29
Rocket School Rocket School

High Tech Business School. Recruit salespeople, Growths and CSMs trained in digital technology, in work-study programs. Rocket School was born from a vision: it is possible to better mobilize education to make the link between companies that are recruiting and talents that are unaware of it. Rocket trains tomorrow's talents for free in lead acquisition jobs and places them in work-study programs in startups. No prerequisite diploma. Digital Business Development, Education, Growth Hacking, SDR, and Acquisition

Type: Research & Education Activities: edtech

54 16 28 32
Énergie Solidaire Énergie Solidaire

Solidarity as a source of energy! At Énergie Solidaire, we believe that to succeed, the current energy transition must benefit everyone. Our ambition: that everyone can consume the energy they need. Unfortunately, today in France, 12 million people suffer from energy poverty. That's too many! Solutions exist: many stakeholders act on their scale, in their territory, by proposing adapted solutions and helping to implement them. To provide more resources to these initiatives, Énergie Solidaire has set up an Endowment Fund. This allows us to collect donations - micro-donations on energy consumption, one-off or regular donations, or even energy donations - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

32 6 23 13
GESTIA Solidaire GESTIA Solidaire

🏠Owners, we help you manage, optimize & secure your property with meaning. Make an appointment ☎️ 0428295471 GESTIA Solidaire is a unique real estate company specializing in rental investment and responsible rental management that reconciles the interests of landlords with the needs of tenants who do not have a perfect record. Indeed, the private rental real estate market is in a situation of tension in large cities, the offer is not adapted to the needs of the populations. And a situation of poor housing is increasing with 15 million people poorly housed in France. Including 8 million people who must …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech

34 13 29 9
Profil Public Profil Public

The job platform that re-enchants public sector recruitment ✊ | ▶️ ☀ Profil Public is the platform that re-enchants public sector recruitment! We believe in the public sector, its potential for innovation and its meaningful professions. That's why we created Profil Public, the job platform that modernizes recruitment in the public sector. 🎯 Our daily challenges? Helping candidates to project themselves into a position that suits them, supporting organizations to promote their employer identity, to disseminate attractive job offers and to offer a smoother path to candidates. We are looking for inventive employees to shake up the codes of …

Type: Media Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

63 11 59 25
Inspection générale des finances Inspection générale des finances

The General Inspectorate of Finance carries out a general mission of control, audit, study, advice and evaluation The General Inspectorate of Finance is an interministerial inspection service hierarchically attached to the Minister of Action and Public Accounts and the Minister of the Economy, with direct referral possible by the Prime Minister. The IGF is approximately 100 missions carried out each year by 70 inspectors and general inspectors of finance. Our missions (evaluation, advice, assistance, control, audit) are focused on the Government's priorities.

Type: Public

55 9 47 510
La Gazette Oise La Gazette Oise

All the economic information from Oise 🗞🎯 Economic newspaper, La Gazette Oise covers every week the news of companies, men and women who are moving the economy 🗞 🚀

Type: Media

59 3 58 3
Humanité et Biodiversité Humanité et Biodiversité

Together, let's protect the living! Biodiversity, this first pillar of human well-being on which we depend on a daily basis, is in bad shape. All studies confirm this. We must act today and act powerfully because safeguarding biodiversity means safeguarding life and guaranteeing our future. This desire for action drives Humanité et Biodiversité. Humanité et Biodiversité is a national association under the 1901 law, recognized as being of public utility and approved for the protection of nature by the Ministry of the Environment. It is chaired by the biologist and doctor of science Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis and its honorary president is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

21 8 15 15
OHWOOD (groupe Imagreen) OHWOOD (groupe Imagreen)

Network creator Ohwood has been part of the Imagreen group since February 2021. Ohwood: strategic consulting in corporate communication and public affairs. A strategic communications consulting firm, Ohwood supports private and public organizations in the regions in their corporate communication and influence challenges, in the service of their growth and influence. Ohwood supports its clients in the environmental, social and economic transition with a long-term strategic perspective. We advise managers and support them in building their communication strategies, while working hand in hand with operational teams to deploy the communication plan. In February 2021, Ohwood joined the Imagreen group.

Type: Media

38 7 31 1
Amnesty International France Amnesty International France

When it comes to human rights, every fight deserves a victory. Created in 1961, Amnesty International (AI) is an association independent of any political tendency, economic interest or religious belief that relies on a network of more than 3 million members and supporters to defend and promote human rights throughout the world. Its funding is mainly based on the generosity of the public. Amnesty International France (AIF) has 70 employees in Paris, more than 350 volunteers and relies on a network of 30,000 members, nearly 4,000 of whom work within the 400 activist structures present throughout France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

29 8 13 248
Vignerons Engagés Vignerons Engagés

Since 2010, Vignerons Engagés has been the first sustainable development and CSR label dedicated to the world of wine. Since 2010, the professional organization Vignerons Engagés has brought together winegrowers invested in a CSR approach from the vine to the glass. Its Vignerons Engagés label is the first CSR and sustainable label dedicated to the world of wine in France. It now brings together 6,000 winegrowers and employees throughout France. Its specifications are audited and evaluated by AFNOR, an independent and universally recognized control body. It is based on the ISO 26000 standard, an international reference recognized by more than …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

12 2 9 35
ITF - International Transport Forum ITF - International Transport Forum

Global dialogue for better transport We work for transport policies that improve people's lives. The International Transport Forum at the OECD is an intergovernmental organisation with 69 member countries. We act as a policy think tank and organise an Annual Summit of transport ministers. The ITF is the only global body with a mandate for all transport modes. Transport policy, Economic analysis, Transport statistics, and Ministerial Summit

Type: Public

63 9 61 99

Afev mobilizes young people all over France to create links in neighborhoods and fight against inequalities! Thanks to Afev, nearly 20,000 students commit each year to supporting young people with academic difficulties and creating links in working-class neighborhoods. By fighting against educational and social inequalities, they act for a fairer and more united society through three programs: > Volunteer mentoring 2 hours per week Each week, a volunteer high school or college student individually supports a child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in their education (from kindergarten to university) for 1 or 2 hours per week throughout the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

84 22 62 1,469
Cercle K2 Cercle K2

"Because the world requires a multidisciplinary approach" "Because the world requires an international, interdisciplinary and intergenerational approach"

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

52 0 51 118
Waves of Change Coalition Waves of Change Coalition

Making Coastal Cities Future Proof 💚💙 International Forum April 28-30 2025 - « The next 10 years » 🌊 🌳Biarritz 🇫🇷 The Waves of Change Coalition is based in Biarritz, France. We are a non-profit formed by entrepreneurs from the blue and green economy with complemental profiles in science, finance, consulting, tech, energy, HR and networks across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Together our goal is to make coastal cities and ecosystems future proof, while promoting international collaborations in this regard. For a long time we have dreamed to find a place where different stakeholders could connect and accelerate coastal …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

74 5 70 26
Affiches Parisiennes Affiches Parisiennes

Political and general information press (IPG) Affiches Parisiennes is a weekly newspaper of legal notices and legal information, headquartered in Paris. It is authorized to publish legal notices in the departments of Paris (75), Hauts-de-Seine (92), Seine-Saint-Denis (93) and Val-de-Marne (94). The newspaper Affiches Parisiennes is published on Tuesday and Friday, it is distributed by subscription, or by issue at the newspaper's headquarters, 15 rue du Louvre in Paris (1st ardt). It publishes not only the legal notices of companies, but also the notices of all sales of real estate by auction in the departments 75, 92, 93 and 94. …

Type: Media

165 54 184 11
Commission nationale du débat public (CNDP) Commission nationale du débat public (CNDP)

"My word has power" Created in 1995 by the "Barnier law" which established public debate, the National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) became an independent administrative authority in 2002. Its mission is to inform citizens and ensure that their point of view is taken into account in the decision-making process for major development and equipment projects of national interest. Website: X: @CNDPDebatPublic Facebook: @debatpublic Instagram: @cndp.debatpublic YouTube: @CNDP-debatpublic Public debate, Participatory democracy, Consultation, Sustainable development, Environment, Development projects, and Equipment projects

Type: Public

50 24 14 121
Conseil Français de l'Énergie - World Energy Council France Conseil Français de l'Énergie - World Energy Council France

French Committee of the World Energy Council - World Energy Council - since 1923 President: Jean-Bernard Lévy Secretary General / Executive Director: Marie-Line Vaiani The French Energy Council is the national committee representing France to the World Energy Council, a body recognized by the United Nations, which brings together more than 3,000 public and private organizations from more than 90 countries. A recognized public utility association, founded in 1923, the French Energy Council brings together the main French players in the energy sector (companies, administrations, professional organizations or universities) involved in discussions that prioritize the dimensions of accessibility, availability and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

30 0 25 10
Club 21e Siècle Club 21e Siècle

This is not the time for indignation or resignation, but for commitment! #ConcordeRépublicaine #Diversité #Fraternité Convinced that equal opportunities and the promotion of socio-cultural diversity are an opportunity for all and require a commitment that is equal to the challenges, Although we both come from different backgrounds, we all share a strong conviction that diversity can only advance if it is part of a collective mobilization. With this shared vision, we have chosen to act within the framework of a co-presidency, which is a first in the history of the Club. Thus, we believe that the issue of promoting and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

69 8 58 22
Université de Rouen Université de Rouen

Law, economics and management, literature, humanities, health, sport, science and technology. Training Research

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

42 14 17 2,882
Ceebios Ceebios

Implementing biomimicry Ceebios accelerates the societal transition through biomimicry, this innovation approach that draws inspiration from living things to take advantage of the solutions and inventions produced by nature. By bringing together a network of expert actors, Ceebios aims to become THE reference center in this field. biomimicry, innovation, research, methodology, training, development, bio-inspiration, and transition

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

91 41 64 70
Coffreo Coffreo

Fluidifiez, automatisez et sécurisez vos opérations. Facilitez la vie de vos salariés temporaires. We provide two main services for our customers. First service is a BtoB one: we help HR department to dematerialize relationship with their employees. We catch and deliver all kind of documents issued of HR solution like pay slip and contract and bonus... Employer realizes savings, reduces its footprint, offer a new and smart service to its employees Second one is a BtoC one: we are focused on employees and the quality of the services we provide to them with our electronic safe box, Coffreo. We …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

14 4 12 53
Vertigo Lab Vertigo Lab

Notre ambition : contribuer à basculer notre modèle économique vers un futur souhaitable. Vertigo is a consultancy specialized in environmental management. It works from local to international scale to develop innovative tool to reconnect environmental management with public policy and the economy. Recently, Vertigo has worked with national institutions to value the benefits of biodiversity conservation, undertake cost-benefit analyses, and develop conservation financial planning or payments for ecosystem services. Vertigo currently aims to extend these economic tools to the management of broader issues such as water management, agroecology, natural resource efficiency, new types of economy (such as functional or community-based …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fintech greentech

47 6 41 23

WE WORK WITH TALENT, ENTREPRENEURS AND FAMOUS BRANDS TO VISUALISE THE FUTURE, THEN HELP BRING IT ABOUT. For around four decades we have enabled hundreds of organisations, large and small, to gain greater exposure to wider markets. We help realise personal and corporate aspirations, move people and product and more pragmatically, we increase sales and profitability. Brand development., Brand strategy., Advertising (Press, Radio, TV, Film)., Exhibition. Interiors. Theatre Set, Web., Specialist Design and Print., Art Direction. High-end Photoshop., Music Composition., Illustration and 3D Art., Event creation, Magic Consultant, Themed entertainment and luxury experience, Resort planning, visualisation and execution , Merchandise, …

Type: Media

26 1 22 49
Nuova Vista Nuova Vista

Grow your societal impact Since 2009, Nuova Vista has been supporting companies and foundations seeking to explain, develop and evaluate their societal contribution. As a CSR consulting firm, we support our clients on 4 types of mission: construction of a corpus of purpose and mission (within the meaning of the PACTE law), support for the implementation of governance and management systems, development and deployment of CSR strategies, development of impact strategies. Nuova Vista has also been a mission-driven company within the meaning of the PACTE law since February 6, 2020. OUR MISSION PURPOSE Because, for us, each company can be …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

29 1 28 10
Agence d'urbanisme de la région angevine (Aura) Agence d'urbanisme de la région angevine (Aura)

The Urban Planning Agency of the Angevin Region (Aura) is a territorial and urban engineering structure. An organization for reflection, studies, decision-making assistance and support for public policies, its main missions are territorial observation, urban planning and contribution to the definition of planning and development policies. Created in 1971, Aura has around twenty employees with multidisciplinary skills (urban planner, geographer, sociologist, economist, cartographer, etc.), specialists in territorial development. Their combined expertise allows for cross-disciplinary approaches. For nearly 50 years, Aura has been recognized for its expertise and operates in a territory in perpetual motion. A true tool at the service …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

29 0 24 18

International Center for Research on Environment and Development. CIRED is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 8568) under the main supervision of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the National School of Bridges and Roads, with the Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), AgroParisTech and the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). At the CNRS, CIRED is attached to CNRS Human and Social Sciences. Director: Franck Lecocq Environment, Development, Climate, Environmental economics, Development economics, Public economics, Prospective modeling, Energy transition, Climate change, Climate negotiation, Agriculture, Game theory, Biodiversity, Low carbon transition, Land …

Type: Public

52 11 39 88
Déchets Infos Déchets Infos

News, investigations and reports on waste management Déchets Infos is a newsletter specializing in waste management, intended for all stakeholders in the sector: — local authorities — collection and treatment operators — equipment manufacturers — design offices — eco-organizations — relevant administrations (DREAL, DDPP, etc.) — NGOs, etc. The newsletter is distributed by e-mail in PDF format. It is published every 15 days (22 issues per year). If you would like to receive a free issue: To receive the detailed summary every 15 days, free of charge: The website ( provides free access to the detailed summary of …

Type: Media

15 3 7 3
Communauté des Entreprises à Mission Communauté des Entreprises à Mission

Transforming the company to transform society Association Loi 1901, the Community of mission-driven companies aims to bring together all managers and entrepreneurs who place a social or environmental purpose at the heart of their project. We share the conviction that companies are a formidable lever for innovation to meet contemporary challenges and build a more sustainable society. Our mission is to promote and unite new forms of companies that combine positive impact and performance. With the PACTE law, the concepts of purpose and mission-driven companies are recognized in law. The emergence of this new status must be an opportunity for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

73 28 50 50
Sherpa Sherpa

Defending human rights and the environment ~ Défendre les droits humains et l'environnement Sherpa defends human rights and the environment against economic actors. Our strategy is based on an innovative approach to the law, combining advocacy, legal action, legal research and capacity sharing. Through its actions and expertise, Sherpa promotes the vision of a fairer world centred on respect for the environment, communities and workers. Find out how we make a difference every day. Lutte contre la criminalité économique, Contentieux stratégique, Plaidoyer, Laboratoire du droit, Environnement, Déforestation, Corruption, Blanchiment, Devoir de vigilance, Duty of vigilance, Corporate accountability, RSE, Big Tech, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

27 5 18 47
Agir pour le climat Agir pour le climat

"If the climate were a bank, we would have saved it already!" Act for the climate, association supporting the Finance-Climate Pact project. For a financing plan for the ecological transition/reconstruction on a European scale!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech fintech greentech

43 3 30 5
L'Etudiant L'Etudiant

Vous avez l'âge de l'avenir. 🎓 L’Etudiant, a historically multimedia company, is the leading organisation in France in the field of higher education. Regarded as the most significant publisher thanks to its monthly magazines and several yearly comprehensive guides, it is also the leader in organising student fairs. For more than 40 years, l’Etudiant has been keeping its public informed about the world of education through its activities in: > FAIRS • 76 fairs • 2 million visitors • 660 conferences • 1,830 lecturers > INTERNET • 4 websites : - - - • 7,3 million …

Type: Media

180 125 82 2,398
Cap'Com Cap'Com

The national network of public and territorial communication Cap’Com federates and leads the network of public and territorial communication With the conviction that communication is essential to the conduct of public policies, Cap’Com has contributed for more than 25 years to the recognition and study of public communication, and supports the developments of the profession through numerous tools: thematic meetings, professional training and training of local elected officials, studies, information and networking systems.

Type: Media

82 28 61 78

Météo-France is a public administration placed under the authority of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, with the main mission to observe and to forecast the evolution of the atmosphere, the snow cover and the surface of the ocean and thus to ensure the security of life and property. Météo-France has many centres in France (mainland), in all the overseas departments and in all parts of the world where France is present, including Terre Adélie in French Antarctica. Nearly 80% of Météo-France personnel are either engineers or technicians whose level of education is between that of university graduate and doctorate level.

Type: Public

154 98 55 1,573
Réseau Action Climat Réseau Action Climat

Our mission: to unite associations committed to an ecological and social transition #Climate #ClimateChange The Climate Action Network is the French representative of a global and European network of NGOs, which brings together nearly 1,100 members across the planet. With the aim of speaking with one voice to have more influence on decision-makers, the Climate Action Network covers all sectors responsible for climate change through its work: transport, energy production, agriculture and food, housing, etc. It mainly works on developing alternative and ambitious measures to combat climate change and its impacts and ensures that its proposals do not harm the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

26 17 13 24

Mission-driven company / 1,100 women and men committed to sustainable development and the environment 🚧🌿 Our purpose: We, the women and men of the CHEVAL group, are developers committed to sustainably developing the territory with quality, useful and innovative equipment. We are proud of our professions, our achievements, our missions serving populations and territories. With our stakeholders, we are determined to contribute to the ecological transition through our activities and our circular economy while creating sustainable performance. A family and independent business for three generations, the Cheval Group has been built on strong historical values, a real DNA, and on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 7 8 221
Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises

The network of actors who act for a responsible company. The CSR Observatory is a multi-stakeholder association that supports companies' CSR strategies. Orse is chaired by Hélène Valade. Orse is a member of the CSR Platform, CSR Europe, and the Institute of Sustainable Finance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

113 28 98 16
Environnement Magazine Environnement Magazine

The reference for all the professional news from the world of the environment A flagship media for players and decision-makers in the sector, delivers every day the latest information, trends and strategies from the professional world of #sustainabledevelopment and #environment. 💧 Water ♻ Recycling ⚡ Energy 🌱 Cleantech 🚜 Equipment Follow all the news on our site. Edited by Cayola Médias #Medias #b2b environnement and Sustainability

Type: Media

129 33 114 6

There have never been SO many reasons to be Free! Founded in 2002, the ADULLACT association (Association of Developers and Users of Free Software for Administrations and Local Authorities) aims to support and coordinate the action of Administrations and Local Authorities in order to promote, develop and maintain a heritage of free software useful for public service missions. ADULLACT is also a founding member of the Open Document Format Alliance, an international initiative aimed at promoting and facilitating the use of open formats in the public sector. ADULLACT is present throughout France with approximately 280 direct members, thus reaching nearly …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

46 7 22 15

CCCA-BTP, the number one player in apprenticeships in France. Innovative player in training for construction trades. CCCA-BTP, the number one player in apprenticeships in France. An innovative player in training for construction trades, a tool for the building and public works sectors *A national association with joint governance* - Managed by professional employer federations and employee unions in the building and public works sectors - Financed by professionals in the construction sector OUR MISSIONS *A dual legitimacy to act for the benefit of the development of vocational training for construction trades* Legal missions - Contribute to the development of initial …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

42 17 28 137
Haut conseil pour le climat Haut conseil pour le climat

Independent body - opinions & recommendations on public policies/measures - reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in France The High Council for Climate is an independent body responsible for providing opinions and issuing recommendations on the implementation of public policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in France. Its purpose is to provide independent insight into the government's climate policy. The High Council for Climate was established on 27 November 2018 by the President of the Republic and by decree of 14 May 2019. Its members are chosen for their expertise in the fields of climate science, economics, agronomy and …

Type: Public

21 13 1 24
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie Cité des sciences et de l'industrie

Science is still important! A place for sharing and meeting, the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie strives to help everyone, regardless of their background, discover, understand and love science and technology, industrial know-how and their challenges. To this end, the Cité offers a rich and varied cultural offering aimed at audiences of all ages: fun and interactive temporary and permanent exhibitions, shows, a Science and Industry Library, a Children's City, a Health City, a Careers City, conferences, symposiums and debates, spaces dedicated to new technologies and collaborative experiments with a Fab Lab and a Living Lab, and finally, publications, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

182 119 73 348
Fondation Notre Dame Fondation Notre Dame

Recognized as a public utility since 1992, the Notre Dame Foundation encourages and develops projects of mutual aid, education and Christian culture. It is mobilized to serve the human person, in all its dimensions. With all those who wish to make man grow by restoring his confidence and hope, the Foundation makes their commitment and ideas bear fruit. The Notre Dame Foundation initiates and supports more than 500 projects per year at the heart of the concerns and needs of a wide audience, in the following areas: - Youth and education - Family - Precarity and exclusion - Employment and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 1 27 28
Hello Charly Hello Charly

There is no royal road. There are only loyal paths. With oneself. Hello Charly gives each young person the power and freedom to choose, decide and build the professional project that suits them. Hello Charly helps all young people find their way with a digital solution based on conversation. Young people chat with the Charly chatbot, get personalized answers and learn to question themselves, to know themselves and to act. They explore the support, employment and training opportunities that are close to home. Hello Charly, my future: the one I choose, the one I build.

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

70 21 61 26
International Weather Forum【Media Workshop】 International Weather Forum【Media Workshop】

An unmissable event for education and mobilization in climatic issues. Created in 2004, the International Météo and Climate Forum is an annual event dedicated to awareness of climatic issues which remains a major challenge for humanity. Even if the citizens are + conscious, concerns and misunderstandings remain. The International Weather and Climate Forum promotes synergy between the general public, civil society actors, scientists and weather presenters. Sustainable development, CSR, innovation, education, conference, awareness of the general public, weather, climate, exchanges, and debates

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

128 13 127 5
L'Hémicycle L'Hémicycle

The review that loves politics The hemicycle is an independent quarterly review. 100 pages of analysis, interviews, history and stories. His ambitions: deciphering a world that has become more and more complex, exploring the new senses of politics, telling the fights of women and men who engage, bring a historical perspective on our time. Information, journalism, and media

Type: Media

65 11 59 13
Équilibre des Énergies Équilibre des Énergies

Towards better energy Founded in 2011 EdEn is a non-profit and cross-sectional association gathering companies from the energy, building and mobility sectors united around a common goal: driving the energy transition to decarbonise our economies and societies. Our aim is to contribute to building a carbon-neutral world by 2050 and to increasing society’s resilience to the adverse effects of climate change. EdEn is chaired by Brice Lalonde, former French minister of the Environment and executive coordinator of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 conference). Our recommendations are based on recognised economic and technical expertise, derived from the work …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

38 7 34 17
Tous Tes Possibles Tous Tes Possibles

🚀 Creative association of innovative and inclusive solutions for return to employment The all your possible association experiences innovative solutions for the return to the use of all. Laboratory of the Social and Solidarity Economy, its purpose is to Diagnose, impossate, develop and swarm inclusive responses in terms of employment and integration, by accompanying all the people who wish to relaunch their professional life. Our mission: Foster the return to employment, a fundamental condition of a sustainable integration into our company, by making accessible to the greatest number of new innovative return to employment courses. Our method: 1) Diagnosis and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

68 6 63 12
Fondation de l'Armée du Salut Fondation de l'Armée du Salut

Present in France since 1881, the Salvation Army has evolved its organizational structure at the beginning of 2000. So today it is split into two distinct structures but closely linked to each other; The Foundation of the Salvation Army and the Congregation of the Salvation Army. More than a simple charitable organization, the foundation is a social extension of the spiritual and humanist values ​​of the Salvation Army. She puts her commitment and competence at the service of all those who suffer. Prevention, assistance in reintegration, emergency aid The mission of the Salvation Army Foundation is global. The Foundation, whose …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech silvertech

81 16 65 526
Familya Familya

Educate the relationship to prevent the weakening of family ties The family is the main source of joy in the life of the French, and a majority of them consider it the first place of solidarity between generations and as an asset for social peace and living together. However, the family is today weakened: the difficulties in the couple and in terms of education lead to many separations, with significant personal consequences for both ex-spouses and for children. Today, succeeding in his couple and family is a real challenge! To take it up, people need to spend time on it, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

25 2 23 32
Uniopss Uniopss

Unite associations to develop solidarity National Interfederal Union of Private and Social Works and Private Organizations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

32 11 17 31
Union des FAmilles Laïques (UFAL) Union des FAmilles Laïques (UFAL)

Link secular fight and social combat The UFAL is a family movement of social transformation which links secular combat and social combat. Ufal's action is based on republican ideals: freedom, equality and fraternity. It attaches particular importance to the principles of secularism, democracy, solidarity, safety, popular sovereignty and ecological and social development which will be decisive in the 21st century. The strength of the UFAL is to articulate local action, closest to the needs of families, and global reflection to better defend their interests.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

6 1 1 9

An association, French partner of WBCSD, made up of around forty large companies committed to working together to better take into account the environment in their strategies and their current management Common work on environmental issues • Energy and climate change, • Environmental health, • Biodiversity, • environmental prospective, A place of exchange with NGOs, ministries, elected officials, scientists, academic circles

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

52 23 36 164

Together, let's manufacture the industry of tomorrow. UIMM LYON-France is a professional organization at the service of industrial companies in the Rhône. She supports them on all issues linked in particular to labor relations and vocational training. It connects companies to each other, in sectoral and thematic exchanges. It represents and promotes industrial companies in the territory with public authorities. Uimm Lyon-France federates the community of industrialists through many events rich in exchanges and sharing of experiences. Employers' union, industry, metallurgy, and support companies

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

46 6 31 34
UFC-Que Choisir UFC-Que Choisir

1st consumer defense association in France! Let us mobilize for a responsible #Conso! The UFC-Que Choisir is an association law of 1901 aimed at informing, advising and defending consumers. The Federal Union of Consumers is the first consumer association in France, it intervenes thanks to different levers: • National action and local action: Discover and participate in the UFC-Que fights to choose nationally and local to advance consumer rights. Bank, energy, housing, food, health, environment, telecommunications: no sector escapes the vigilance and action of the UFC-Que Choisir. • The written press: enter behind the scenes of consumption thanks to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

98 53 14 387
Think tank Sport et Citoyenneté - FR Think tank Sport et Citoyenneté - FR

Sport at the service of the company Created in September 2007, the Think Tank Sport and Citizenship intends to promote the values ​​of sport and campaign for their best establishment in society. Both the place of reflection, force of proposal and reference platform for national and European public authorities, sport and citizenship aims to lead, through a transversal and multidisciplinary reflection, to an exchange of ideas, to an analysis of Different policies and a networking of actors engaged on these issues. The association is based on a scientific committee made up of more than fifty experts, French and European. Every …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

73 12 56 23
Télémaque Télémaque

Developing the potential and chances of success of all young people! An association created in 2005, Télémaque is relaunching the social ladder from middle school onwards by supporting young people invested from priority areas through a dual "school-business" mentoring. Context: 50% of children of executives vs. 6% of children from modest backgrounds have a bac + 5 or more. Our levers for action: In order to combat this social determinism, we act in 4 areas: - Sociocultural openness - Discovery of the professional world - Self-affirmation - Academic perseverance Young Télémaque students benefit from: > individual support from a business …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

101 30 80 133
L'Université ouverte des compétences L'Université ouverte des compétences

Act for work cooperation University open to skills service Carried by an independent, practical & amp; Strategies, the University Open of Skills - Club Strategies offers access to professional communities - open universities of practices -, the use of 1200 reference video resources and participation in quality meetings. Its customers and partners are companies, professional and union organizations, local authorities, public institutions, training and education professional. The open university provides a service platform • To share projects, ways of acting and new ideas between professionals • To access the interventions of the best experts and researchers • To allow each …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

33 0 33 2
Revue Chaud Froid Performance Revue Chaud Froid Performance

The review of climate engineering prescribers: thermal and fluid, engineers and installation companies. The Reference Technical Review of Climate, Aéraulic, Cold, Plumbing-Sanitary, Hydraulic Distribution and Renewable Energies Reference. Still on the lookout for the news of the efficient building with an audience of more than 50,000 captive professional readers per number, the CFP journal is the most read journal in the sector. Each month, in hot cold performance, find all the news of companies and the profession, discover our technical files, regulatory news, testimonies of experts and visit exceptional sites. Professional information of climate engineering. The highest distribution for prescribers, …

Type: Media

23 2 22 5
Rennes demain Rennes demain

Rennes tomorrow, undertake in intelligence! ✨ Rennes tomorrow, the web portal at the service of entrepreneurs:

Type: SMB Activities: entrepreneurship Technologies: Cybersecurity

72 9 55 6

The community of actors in the sustainable economy The company Todday is organizer of the Production Fair: where best practices, CSR solutions, and experts in the sustainable economy are gathered for a concrete and generalized implementation. This fair is open to all actors (from VSE to large account) and in all trades (private / public sector). This productable innovation year and to bring + Content + Concrete + Networking to these 2 days on March 28 and 29, 2011 at the Palais des Congres de Paris. Our credo: Federer: economic, private and public actors, serving sustainable economic development Promote: best …

Type: Event

127 71 73 5
Printemps de l'économie Printemps de l'économie

12th edition of the Spring of the Economy, from April 2 to 5, 2024. Do you get the economy! The spring of the economy is an annual event intended to improve the understanding of the economy and to allow everyone to seize the major challenges of the moment to participate in the democratic debate. 74% of our 15,000 listeners are young people under the age of 30. For 4 days, great players in the economic world (economists, chief of companies, academics, institutional (the) s, political) are found in Paris at the EESC to debate and exhibit their ideas. The singularity …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 9 32 1
Préfecture du Rhône Préfecture du Rhône

The prefect is the depositary of the state authority in the department. He is the direct representative of the Prime Minister and each minister in the department and implements government policies for development and regional planning on the level of the department. The Rhône prefecture has the following services: - Agriculture, environment, development and housing - Consumption, food, animals - Culture - Defense - Economy, public finances, work and employment - Education - Justice - Social health and cohesion - Security and protection of people

Type: Public

56 35 14 229
Pour l'Eco Pour l'Eco

Understanding the economy has never been easier. For the eco, the new supplement of the echoes. Economy, pedagogy, education, journalism, video, economic news, sociology, media, data, and infographic

Type: Media

50 7 40 14
Comité Interprofessionnel du Bois-Energie (CIBE) Comité Interprofessionnel du Bois-Energie (CIBE)

Wood, energy of our territories The Interprofessional Bois-Energie (CIBE) committee was created in 2006. He coordinates and supports players in collective and industrial heating with wood to professionalize practices, establish the rules of the art, train professionals and promote the boiler rooms of strong and medium -sized powers to public and private decision -makers. It brings together 150 companies, project owners (public and private), professionals in the wood sector and the world of energy. He notably provided the simplified classification of fuels and the technical notes on the reduction of emissions, the condensation of smoke, the valuation of ashes, methods …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

17 2 17 5
UNEA - Union Nationale des Entreprises Adaptées UNEA - Union Nationale des Entreprises Adaptées

Federate - Adapt - Professionalize The National Union of Adapted Companies (UNEA) brings together and brings together more than 75% of companies adapted in France who employ 57,000 employees, more than 41,000 with disabilities. UNAA works for the development of an entrepreneurial model at the service of the employment of people with disabilities, promotes this business model with all stakeholders by developing the image and communicating the know-how do and professionalism of suitable companies Its mission was to promote adapted entrepreneurship by communicating the know-how and professionalism of adapted companies, supporting their development, and by weaving in the economic environment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

59 19 23 41
Partageons l’Éco Partageons l’Éco

Let us share the eco, think-tank popularizer of the economy, partner of the Panthéon-Sorbonne University and DBNOMICS 📊 Let us share the eco is a young think-tank popularizer of the economy, partner of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. Our goal is to disseminate economic analysis, to explain the theories and to clarify its mechanisms with rigor and pedagogy. For this, let us share the ECO publishes articles, concept and graphics sheets, subject to a rereading by a scientific committee. Created in 2018 in Paris, let us share the eco is a popularizer of the economy in partnership with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 1 13 3
Oxfam France Oxfam France

Citizen power against poverty. Oxfam France is a member of the International Confederation Oxfam, a network of 17 international solidarity organizations that work together in more than 90 countries, in collaboration with partners and allies around the world, to find sustainable solutions to poverty, to injustices and inequalities. Non -governmental organization, associations, international solidarity, and fight against poverty

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

48 24 19 76
OpinionWay OpinionWay

Enable Today, Shape Tomorrow Founded in 2000 on this radically innovative idea for the time, OpinionWay was a pioneer in the renewal of the practices of the profession of marketing and opinion studies. Our mission: to make the world intelligible to act today and imagine tomorrow. With continuous growth since its creation, the company has continued to open up to new horizons to better address all marketing and societal issues, by integrating the social media intelligence into its methodologies, exploitation From Smart Data, creative co-construction dynamics, community approaches and storytelling. Today OpinionWay continues its growth dynamics by geographically establishing itself …

Type: Media

146 97 38 173