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Oscillum Oscillum

Smart tags for monitoring your products in real time. Oscillum is a biotechnological company that develops sensors for the agri -food industry. Founded in Alicante (2019), Oscillum has developed Smartlabel an intelligent label that is placed in contact with food and is able to alert the state of decomposition/freshness of that product through a simple color change. The label is conceived as a functional material and with it we intend to reduce food waste without harming consumers' health. Why food waste? Our main objective in Oscillum is to make the most sustainable food value chain, and one of the great …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: New Materials

7 1 0 6

Excellence for innovation! Basque Research and Technology Alliance Research & innovation, CRECIMIENTO SOSTENIBLE, INDUSTRIA 4.0, TECNOLOGÍA, SCIENCE, MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, Biotechnology, and Additive manufacturing

Type: Public

4 1 2 40
ebbf - ethical business building the future ebbf - ethical business building the future

Bahai-inspired global community exploring how to build the future of business through the application of values. ebbf is a baha’i-inspired global learning community, that accompanies mindful individuals and groups, through daily work and discourse to transform business and the economy, thereby contributing to a prosperous, just and sustainable civilization WE AIM TO: - effectively accompany mindful individuals’ contribution to a prosperous, sustainable & just civilisation through their daily work - remain innovative providing new insights, showing new positive trends - be a learning organization - inspire more people into action, give them the courage to make change happen in their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

11 2 5 42
Too Good To Go France Too Good To Go France

Too good to go, the anti gaspi app n ° 1! We dream of a planet without food waste! 🌍 Too Good To Go is a movement to combat food waste. Our application offers a win-win solution by offering merchants to put online baskets of unsold 1/3 of the initial price. Bonus: Too good to go aims to raise awareness and mobilize the whole company to reduce food waste! Restaurants, bakeries, caterers, canteens, supermarkets, primers ...: more than 34,000 traders have already joined our movement! And on the user side, it's more. 13 million citizens who downloaded the application on …

Type: Large company Activities: connected commerce civictech greentech foodtech cleantech

136 89 65 72

🔬 New encapsulation technology for the industrial development of Nanocapsules and Biocapsules 💊 Green Nanotechnology NUCAPS@ is a consortium comprised by two Pharmaceutical companies (Laboratorios Cinfa and IDIFARMA), a Food Technological Center (CNTA) and the University of Navarra. T his consortium has developed new solutions based on the use of Food proteins (GRAS) as casein, zein or soya for the oral delivery and controlled release of drugs/actives and/or microorganisms. Nanotechnology, Encapsulation, Nanoencapsulation, Microencapsulation, Food, Nutrition, Cosmetic, Farmaceutic, and Pharmaceutical

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech biotech Technologies: Synthetic Biology Bio sourced materials

10 2 3 19
Coolx Coolx

Sense Forests🌳, Protect the planet🌎 || Making Deforestation-Free Products a reality 🇪🇺 The EUDR (European Union Deforestation Regulation) obliges operating and trading companies of coffee ☕, cocoa and soy (among other products) to demonstrate that their products are deforestation free ✅ 🌳, don't know how to ensure that your company complies with this regulation? Let's talk! 🚀 Our motivation is to generate a positive and measurable environmental and social impact by reducing deforestation rates associated with daily consumer products. For companies affected by the EUDR from Coolx we offer: Storage and management of EUDR-relevant data 👨‍💻 . 1️⃣ Support for …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: A.I. Decarbonization

4 0 3 7
València Innovation Ecosystem València Innovation Ecosystem

From the flour we promote the talent and technological entrepreneurship of Valencia to create an ecosystem from the co From the Harinera we promote the talent and technological entrepreneurship of Valencia to create an ecosystem from the public-private collaboration Its members have the possibility to exchange knowledge, collaborate in R&D activities, transfer technology, establish synergies through network work and maintain contact with outstanding entities in the field of Valencian entrepreneurship. The results of this joint work derive directly from the economy and citizens promoting employment and creation of companies. Entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, startups, training, public aid, economic promotion, connecting, advice, …

Type: Public

39 7 33 0
Unlimited Unlimited

Foundation that works so that all companies create social and environmental positive impact. Unlimited is a foundation that promotes a systemic change in business culture: to ensure that the social and environmental impact generated by companies is as important as their profitability. Through impact startups acceleration programs, projects together with large companies and our community of change agents promote the empowerment of companies to improve society and the planet. Unlimited is created in Spain inspired by UNLTD, a Pioneer British organization in the support of social entrepreneurship projects. The matrix, based in the United Kingdom, has contributed to boost since …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

29 11 15 22
SportBoost SportBoost

Startup accelerator and incubator linked to the world of sport with the aim of turning them into leading companies Startup accelerator and incubator linked to the world of sport with the aim of turning them into leading companies in their sector. Direct business contact: Our specialized program has all the resources for advice, networking and access to financing to take your entrepreneurial project to success. Accelerator, Incubator, Startups, Company, Sport, Entrepreneurship, Invest, Mentor, Success, and Innovation

Type: Incubators & VCs

7 1 7 14
Open Value Foundation Open Value Foundation

"We trust people and their potential to develop, we just have to open opportunities" We are a family foundation that drives and disseminates a hybrid model of philanthropy and impact investment to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people. Our motto, "We open opportunities, open minds," arises from a double vocation and mission: support and facilitate new development opportunities using more sustainable models and tools, and sensitize and train the ecosystem and society in those new models and solutions to contribute to solve poverty problems. Social Impact Investment, Social Entrepreneurship, Venture Philanthropy, Patient Capital, and Filantropía

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

23 5 17 11

Empowering a sustainable lifestyle that cares for our planet: fashion, sports and wellness.🌎 #BecauseThereIsNoPlanetB Empowering a sustainable lifestyle that cares for our planet: fashion, sports and wellness.🌎 Join our community to make a difference! #BecauseThereIsNoPlanetB

Tags: H2020 Type: Startup Activities: fashtech Technologies: Decarbonization

29 14 9 188

Coworking Space & AMP; Creative Hub Creative space and coworking The Moli Lab is a creative space and coworking located in a historic place, the old Molí dels Canyars, in the heart of L’orta Nord and only 15 minutes from the center of Valencia. Designed to promote creativity, innovation and collaborative work, it is the perfect place from which to enhance any type of professional project, whether individual or team.

Type: Startup Activities: martech

7 1 4 2
Yeeply Yeeply

We select the best remote tech talent for the companies' digital projects. Yeeply is a worldwide network of top-notched Remote Tech Talents available to help startups, SMEs and big companies tackle their digital transformation and develop their digital projects. With hundreds of certified teams and 2,000+ successfully completed projects, Yeeply has established itself as a strong market leader in the web, app and software development industry. We connect our clients to all sorts of tech and digital experts: App & Web Developers, Software Developers (python, django, Java, .Net, php), Artificial Intelligence Experts, RPA Programmers and EPM Integrators. Thanks to Yeeply's …

Type: Startup Activities: it services uxtech Technologies: A.I.

6 4 3 30
Felidarity Felidarity

The consultant specializing in sustainability, ethics and marketing In Felidarky we are moved by the idea of ​​building ethical and sustainable brands and organizations that positively impact people's lives. That is why we help our clients connect with their stakeholders developing, integrating and making visible their values ​​and their sustainability and positioning strategies. Strategic consulting, values ​​development, corporate culture, reputation, brand, corporate social responsibility, purpose, ethical codes, social responsibility memories, sustainability, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, positioning, strategy, strategic marketing, operational marketing, and communication

Tags: H2020 Type: Startup Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

4 1 3 2
Uttopy Uttopy

Everyday microactivism in favor of causes that import. Gender · D & AMP; i · sustainability Uttopy is a social company that promotes daily microactivism in favor of causes such as gender equality, diversity and sustainability. Through formations, workshops and workshops we help companies aware of promoting their cultural transformation, spreading new narratives that help their team reconnect with their values ​​and arouse the illusion for being part of the change. We also design “fashion with cause” collections, sustainable and solidarity, which through their messages make our commitment visible, to proudly champion the causes that matter the most. Gender equality …

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce retail Technologies: Decarbonization

4 1 1 2
CE/R+S Club de Empresas Responsables y Sostenibles de la Comunitat Valenciana CE/R+S Club de Empresas Responsables y Sostenibles de la Comunitat Valenciana

1st #Sustainability Club in #ComunitatValenciana. We are companies that apply and promote sustainable development. CE/R+S is the first Sustainability Club in the Valencian Community that aims to promote sustainable, responsible and ethical business development. The Club is made up of companies that are leaders in their sector due to their sustainable business model based on the triple balance: ECONOMIC, SOCIAL and ENVIRONMENTAL.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 1 15 8
Paocapital Paocapital

How can we help? --> BOARDS: . Independent Board Directors . Creation and Management of Boards STARTUPS: . Sparring Partner . Investment Rounds TRADITIONAL BUSINESS . Innovation fundraising, strategy, boards, and investments

Type: Incubators & VCs

5 1 0 3
Global Social Impact Investments Global Social Impact Investments

Transforming the world through impact investments Global Social Impact Investments SGIIC, SAU - GSI is an impact investment fund manager that allows investors to achieve positive social and environmental impact together with attractive financial returns. Authorized by the CNMV in 2020, we currently manage GSIF Africa and GSIF Spain. Through both funds, GSI seeks to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable people by investing in profitable businesses that contribute to solving social problems in a sustainable way, while generating financial returns for our investors. Impact Investment, Value Investing, Social Business, and Social Entrepreneurship

Type: Incubators & VCs

13 2 10 19
Oryx Impact Oryx Impact

Unlocking Africa's growth potential through Impact Investing. Oryx Impact is an impact investment firm dedicated to investing capital into the African continent to generate local and regional jobs and economic development, mitigate climate change and promote gender equality, while generating attractive financial returns. Oryx Impact unlocks growth opportunities in Africa and increases private capital flows by investing in funds with strong local presence and networks and by seeking co-investments into companies, ultimately providing growth capital to SMEs and businesses generating essential goods and services. Oryx Impact applies a gender lens at SME and fund level, proactively seeking women-led management teams …

Type: Incubators & VCs

7 0 2 14
Confederación Empresarial Valenciana Confederación Empresarial Valenciana

#UnidadParaSerMás #CEVCastellón #CEVValencia #CEVAlicante The Valencian Business Confederation represents and defends the interests of businessmen in the province of Valencia. The Valencian Business Confederation (CEV) has the following fundamental objectives: - To promote and defend the system of private initiative and free market economy - To promote industrial and commercial development for the benefit of the general interest - To promote the creation of business organisations, fostering their unity and solidarity - To represent and defend the interests of its members before public and private persons and entities, before the Administration and before workers' organisations at the same level - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 4 6 59
Raven Indigenous Capital Partners Raven Indigenous Capital Partners

We are an impact-driven venture capital fund investing in Native American- and Indigenous-led companies. Raven Indigenous Capital Partners is the first Indigenous-led and -owned social finance intermediary, investing in Native American- and Indigenous-led startups across the United States and Canada. Headquartered in Vancouver and Albuquerque, Raven focuses on facilitating the flow of capital through impact investing to support the ongoing revitalization of the Indigenous economy. Raven builds relationships with Indigenous communities and entrepreneurs to drive sustainable change.

Type: Incubators & VCs

5 1 2 20
Portocolom Agencia de Valores Portocolom Agencia de Valores

Doing well by doing good Portocolom Agencia de Valores is a regulated investment firm dedicated to putting wealth to work for competitive returns and positive social and environmental change. Investing with high standards to maximize financial performance and public benefit, Portocolom AV helps its clients to build diversified investment portfolio across asset classes, from public equities and fixed-income holdings to private equity and direct investments. ISR, ESG, Inversion de impacto, asesoramiento, independencia, impact investments, sostenibilidad, mercados financieros, gestion de carteras, inversion de impacto, and consultoría estratégica

Type: Incubators & VCs

3 1 0 22
Fundación Cañada Blanch Fundación Cañada Blanch

We are a private foundation that promotes social innovation, the transmission of knowledge and education. Through our centres and channels, at Fundación Cañada Blanch, we bring contemporary culture closer to society through activities open to citizens (dialogues, concerts, exhibitions...), and we reward talent through scholarships and prizes. Find us at: - Valencia: Headquarters (offices, events room, art collection and library). 📍 C/ Jorge Juan 4 - 2a - 46004 Valencia - London: Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Studies (London School of Economics) 📍 Office 3.01. King's Chambers. 10 Portugal St, London WC2A 2HD Follow our activity on Social Networks: Instagram: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 0 3 7
Funds Society Funds Society

Meeting point for the Asset and Wealth Management Industry in Spain, Latin America and the Offshore hubs in the U.S. Funds Society is the meeting point for the participants in the wealth and asset management industry in the offshore hubs of the United States, Latin America and Spain. It is the leading publication in Spanish language for these three regions for the professionals in these industries. Funds Society plays an active role in the development of the asset and wealth management industries in these regions by providing the most relevant information about mutual funds (mainly UCITS), private banking (international and …

Type: Media

16 1 14 33
Fundación LAB Mediterráneo Fundación LAB Mediterráneo

Because being an entrepreneur is doing. Fundación LAB Mediterráneo was born because we know the unlimited value of everything we are. We, the entrepreneurs, are the ones who must promote social and economic progress. We encourage entrepreneurship, the culture of innovation, research and technology to make this happen. We join forces to strengthen initiatives that already exist or to provoke new connections that place the Comunitat as the place where companies want to be and grow. We were born to generate action. Because being an entrepreneur is doing.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

12 4 12 7
Wayra Wayra

#WeAreInvestors - We are the CVC of Telefónica and it's Open Innovation platform. Wayra is Telefónica's Corporate Venture Capital and its Open Innovation platform. Wayra invests in startups with the capacity to attract innovation to Telefónica and provides innovation services to third parties, to help them take their Open Innovation initiatives to the next level. With a global presence, it has seven hubs in Europe (Spain -Madrid and Barcelona-, United Kingdom and Germany) and Latin America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia), and teams operating in nine countries. Through its funds, it is also present in Silicon Valley and Israel. Since its …

Type: Incubators & VCs

86 22 29 294
GAWA Capital GAWA Capital

Life Changing Investments GAWA Capital promotes social and economic development by leveraging private capital markets. It advises investment funds that are raised among private and institutional investors to support the growth of social enterprises in under-served markets, while seeking financial returns and a positive impact for society. It is currently advises funds with total AUM exceeding €150 million. Impact Investing, Asset management, Emerging markets, and Microfinance

Type: Incubators & VCs

14 3 5 15
Social Enterprise NL Social Enterprise NL

Driving force behind the growing movement of social entrepreneurs. Social Enterprise NL is the driving force behind the growing movement of social entrepreneurs who work on the economy in which profit is created for everyone. Social Enterprises are companies with a primarily social goal, an innovative scalable approach and a sustainable revenue model. Social entrepreneurs are pioneers in creating a healthy economy in which social and economic values ​​go hand in hand. Want to know more? Visit Social Enterprise, social entrepreneurship, impact, accelerators, growth program, Lobby, support, Support, workshops, social enterprises, Buy Social, Procurement, and Social Enterprise NL

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

21 11 12 21
Impulsalicante Impulsalicante

Local Agency for Economic and Social Development of the Alicante City Council. Autonomous body of the Alicante City Council responsible for carrying out activities and services to improve the social, employment and economic situation of the city of Alicante and all citizens.

Type: Public

6 1 1 9
Lanzadera Lanzadera

High performance center for startups Shuttle is the business accelerator of business, it is a fully private capital project promoted by Juan Roig (president of Mercadona). Our initiative was born to help entrepreneurial leaders create efficient companies, which contribute value and implant a solid business model based on productive work, effort and leadership. Entrepreneurs, projects, business innovation, entrepreneurs, #PasionPORMPREDER, STARTUPS, STARTUP, AND ENTRACTORS

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

47 7 29 459
Adalab Adalab

We train and support women who are looking for a career path adapted to the needs of the technology sector. How many women are there in your company's technology department and what do you do to remedy this? Adalab is a school specialising in technological training for women. We select the women with the greatest potential to take part in our 'Web Programming' and 'Data Analytics' bootcamps. For this reason, our students stand out for their motivation, commitment and proactivity. We want to encourage diverse and, therefore, more creative and innovative teams in companies. Hire the best junior tech talent …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 4 8 83
Generalitat Valenciana Generalitat Valenciana

Generalitat Valenciana

Type: Public

39 12 9 8,160
Innsomnia Innsomnia

Business Accelerator Innsomnia I Business Accelerator is a strategic innovation consultant, which solves the technological challenges of corporates. With a background of more than 8 years of expertise, our figures leave no doubt. About 35 companies and institutions, such as Santander, Caixabank, State Ports or the Ministry of Culture have already trusted us. We are specialists in verticals: Fintech, Agrotech, Smartports, Artech, Cibersecurity, E-Health and Industry 4.0. We currently develop a series of incubation and acceleration programs such as “Santander X100”, the global community of the most outstanding entrepreneurial projects, the “Agrobank Tech Digital Innovation” program of CaixaBank or the …

Type: Incubators & VCs

40 5 34 25

Open innovation platform where talent, technology and industry come together to launch new digital solutions. Innolab Bilbao is an open innovation platform that connects companies and technology to search for digital solutions to current business and social challenges. Born thanks to the impulse of the City of Bilbao, the resources of the BBK Foundation, University of Deusto, Mondragon Corporation, Iberdrola, IMQ Group, Sidenor, Inkolan, BCAM (Basque Center for Apply Mathematics), Technalia, Vicomtech and El Correo, added to its own capacity. Its lines of activity are: 1. Open innovation: We help companies discover the impact of technology on their organizations through …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

22 0 22 4
Green Urban Data Green Urban Data

Environmental Intelligence for Smart Cities Green Urban Data is an innovative environmental Big Data platform to help cities in their adaptation to climate change. It facilitates decision -making, oriented to the development of environmental strategies and improvement of citizens' quality of life. Green Urban Data has obtained various recognitions: - Ayto. From Valencia. Social Innovation Award. 2015 - INDEA VALENCIA-CLIMATE KIC. Green Routes Projects Award. 2016 - Eco4Clim. ECOPRENERS FOR THE CLIMATE (UN). Winning project. Valencia 2016 - Best Green Start Up, VLC Startup Awards. Valencia 2018 - Finalists at the South Summit 2018 Green Urban Data has been selected …

Type: Event

9 4 5 9
Fundación Youth Business Spain Fundación Youth Business Spain

Entities network for self -employment and inclusive youth entrepreneurship Youth Business Spain is a private, independent, non -profit and national foundation, constituted in 2014 with the aim of channeling and adding efforts in the fight against unemployment helping young people to launch their self -employment projects, that is, creating their own jobs. The vision of Youth Business Spain is that young self -employment is widely recognized as a catalyst for sustainable economic development and that all young people who want to launch a business have the opportunity to develop their full potential. The Mission of Youth Business Spain is to …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

19 3 18 64
Fundación para la Diversidad Fundación para la Diversidad

Diversity Foundation promotes the inclusion of diversity management in Spain through the letter of diversity The Foundation for Diversity in Spain has been constituted to promote policies of equality, anti-discrimination and diversity management in Spain. Its objective is the dissemination and implementation, in the companies and institutions of the Diversity Charter in Spain. It is currently promoted by the Ev Foundation. The Charter reflects the 2000 directives of the European Commission that are becoming legislation at the level of each of the member states of the Union. The charter's objectives are: Promote inclusion and anti -discrimination as a mechanism that …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

56 15 50 65
Fundación Exit Fundación Exit

We work for labor insertion and the return to the educational system of young people in vulnerability. Our mission is the job insertion of young people with school failure and at risk of social exclusion through an own training model based on network work with other social entities, implying society in general and the business world in particular. Young training, corporate volunteer programs, young insertion, and social projects online

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

32 8 26 57
Tech Open Air Tech Open Air

TOA is a community for tech professionals looking for knowledge exchange and collaboration. TOA is a community for technology enthusiasts. Mission: help people & organizations become futureproof. Product: Content & Conferences. @techberlin We connect, grow and inspire technology professionals through media, experiences and educational programs. Technology is transforming the way we work, live and relate. Everyone shall have the knowledge and network to seize the opportunities ahead. Events, Content, Technology, Art, Science, Music, Politics, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Startups, Investment, Thought Leadership, entrepreneurship, learning, investing, Venture Capital, angel investing, and inspiration

Type: Event Startup Activities: deeptech entertainment

53 27 29 17
ForestChain ForestChain

We provide solutions for the digital transformation of wood and forestry industry. Industry 4.0 We provide solutions for digital transformation of the Wood industry. ForestChain is a startup born as a worldwide reference tool for the digital and industrial transformation of the sector, that will allow it embrace the Industry 4.0 and become a transparent and innovative industry. ForestChain platform is a SaaS based on blockchain/cloud for the timber industry to assure the traceability of wood, to comply with existing legal requirements such as EUTR and Lacey Act, make certification easy and to improve the management of the company. We …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 5
Crowmie Crowmie

Empowering investors with accessible, liquid, and secure renewable energy investment. Real impact, real returns. Crowmie is a Green-Fintech that is revolutionizing the way of impact investing. The Valencia-based startup provides accessibility and liquidity to investments in renewable energy assets. Imagine you could invest in highly impactful projects just as you can through closed-end funds or traditional crowdfunding, but with the flexibility of an ETF. By employing blockchain technology, Crowmie enables anyone to invest from 1000€ in tokenized photovoltaic projects on a platform that allows you to liquidate investments again with just a few clicks. The startup strives to accelerate the …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech fintech cleantech greentech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

1 0 0 5
ChangeNOW ChangeNOW

WE ACCELERATE THE TRANSITION TO A SUSTAINABLE WORLD 🌍 📅 ChangeNOW - Next Edition 24-26 April 2025📍Paris Our mission is to accelerate change by connecting innovators, investors, companies, media, and cities all around the globe so they can join forces in finding solutions to the greatest challenges of our century. ChangeNOW takes positive change to the next level by organizing its annual summit, dedicated to a new generation of entrepreneurs whose solutions are changing the world for the better.

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

185 105 108 75
Fundación Ayuda en Acción Fundación Ayuda en Acción

We have been generating since 1981 Opportunities for people who need it most ❤️ Help in Action is a non -governmental development organization (NGOs) independent, aconfesional and partisan that aims to improve the living conditions of children, families and communities of the most disadvantaged countries in America, Asia and Africa. Non -governmental organization, third sector, cooperation, and development cooperation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

6 0 5 790
EYPASA | Ediciones y publicaciones alimentarias EYPASA | Ediciones y publicaciones alimentarias

Global communication on food and health. Journalistic rigor in science -based communication. Ediciones y Publicaciones Food, S.A. (EYPASA) is a publishing company specialized in publications aimed at the food sector. (Http:// Since 1964 he publishes the Food Magazine ( of Food Technology and Safety and markets the legal database (Information Service and Documentation of EyPASA The most complete and updated database on food legislation. Half dissemination, food, health, food legislation, digital communication, branded content, and magazine

Type: Media

30 1 30 12
Enisa con el emprendimiento innovador Enisa con el emprendimiento innovador

Enisa, is a public capital entity dependent on the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, through the DGIPYME. Since 1982, it focuses its activity on financing to SMEs through participatory loan. Its mission is to promote the creation, growth and consolidation of the Spanish company, actively participating in the financing of viable and innovative business projects and in the revitalization of the risk capital market. Values • Transparency, neutrality and objectivity in management • Customer orientation • Personalized service • Respect for confidentiality • Flexibility and adaptability to the needs of companies • Specialized technical support • Sustainability in management …

Type: Incubators & VCs

61 17 42 103
Diario Responsable Diario Responsable

The global CSR An anonymous said: In the world of ideas not everything is black or white, there is a wide range of colors. This is what makes us advance, which enriches us and makes us more human. That is why I like responsible newspaper, because it is plural, because it does not conform.

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

37 3 36 9
Creas Creas

Un mundo con sentido Creas is the pioneering impact investment manager in Spain. We integrate capital, purpose and talent and put them at the service of companies that solve major social and environmental challenges. Fomento de los emprendedores sociales, Financiación y apoyo a empresas sociales, Inversión de impacto, Empresas de impacto, Capital Riesgo, and Impact investment

Tags: H2020 Type: Incubators & VCs

12 4 8 24

Creating economic opportunities for people in poverty. CODESPA is a private non-profit organization with almost 35 years of experience, specialized in creating economic opportunities for people in poverty. Proyectos de Desarrollo Cooperativo, Turismo Comunitario, Microfinanzas, Desarrollo Agropecuario, Apoyo Microempresarial, Formación e inserción laboral, and Sensibilización

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

27 8 12 181
Las Rozas Innova Las Rozas Innova

Municipal Company of the City Council of #LasRozas for the promotion of technological innovation and digital transformation Municipal Company for Innovation, technological development, digital transformation and promotion of entrepreneurship in Las Rozas. We invest in the future technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, startups, investment, talent, digitalization, development, sustainability, efficiency, Employment, and efficiency

Type: Public

19 3 18 25
Fundación Juan XXIII Fundación Juan XXIII

Fundación Juan XXIII is a private, non-profit organization dedicated for 40 years to improving the quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities and promoting their social integration through comprehensive care that covers educational, therapeutic, psychosocial and socio-laboral aspects.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

15 1 8 515
Everywhere Ventures Everywhere Ventures

Global pre-seed fund backed by 500 founders and operators. Global pre-seed fund backed by 500 founders and operators. Startups, Investing, Founders, Community, Entrepreneurship, Seed Investing, Technology, Venture Capital, and Technology Startups

Type: Incubators & VCs

43 9 34 153
Fundación Parque Científico de Madrid Fundación Parque Científico de Madrid

Oficinas, laboratorios y servicios profesionales I+D para empresas innovadoras científico-tecnológicas #IncúbateFPCM PCM's task is directed towards consolidating a new productive network based on knowledge and new technologies, innovation, hiring qualified staff, the promotion of state of the art research, and interdisciplinary knowledge. On the one hand, the one related to the creation and development of companies based on knowledge emerging within the promoting universities from the Park, UAM, and UCM, the public research agencies (PRE ́s), and the private sector. Through an intensive pre-incubation, incubation, and acceleration program, the new companies obtain the support necessary to consolidate their projects, making …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

13 2 8 44
Alianza por la Solidaridad-ActionAid Alianza por la Solidaridad-ActionAid

We contribute to protecting the rights of vulnerable people in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. People transforming the world. We work for a better and more sustainable world for everyone, no matter where they were born or where they choose to live. Over the last decades we have worked for human and economic development in other continents. Today, the challenges are already global and must be faced from a global perspective and with a focus on Human Rights. As a civil society organization, we pursue a model of informed, critical global citizenship that is willing to get …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

4 1 2 169
Disruptivo Disruptivo

We unleash your potential to change the world. We unleash the potential of people and companies to change the world. We use Impact Communication, Social Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation, Podcasting, Digital Media, Blogging, and Video production

Type: Media

12 2 8 43
CEEIM Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Murcia CEEIM Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Murcia

European Center Foundation and Innovation of Murcia. We give space to your ideas. The European Center for Companies and Innovation of Murcia -CEEIM - was born in 2007 as a private, non -profit foundation, with the mission of promoting the entrepreneurial spirit in society, supporting those business initiatives of an innovative nature, and favoring consolidation and consolidation and Modernization of companies through innovation. The ultimate goal of its performance is oriented to boost business wealth within the Region of Murcia. The Foundation will have as its purpose of general interest the promotion, promotion and development of economic, social and innovation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

16 0 13 12

Capsa Leadership in dairy brands, quality and innovation In Corporación Alimentaria Peñasanta, S.A., we want to be the best dairy company, take care of our environment, help people and protect our future. We build our business on the three strategic pillars that allow us to generate growth and create value. Brand leadership: We expand the competitiveness of our brands by increasing our presence in the market with a wide variety of our production. I+D+I: We investigate, promote and incorporate opportunities in processes, products and services to translate them into success. Sustainable growth: We satisfy our interest groups without compromising the …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

15 7 4 651
Seedstars Seedstars

Impacting people's lives in emerging & frontier markets through technology and entrepreneurship. Seedstars is a global organisation with a mission to impact people's lives in emerging & frontier markets through technology and entrepreneurship. If you are interested in joining an exciting mission and work in a flexible environment where you are supported to do your best, then check out our careers page: Startup, Technology, Entrepreneur, Emerging Market, innovation, Social impact, Africa, Asia, Latin America, CEE, MENA, Social Innovation, Venture Capital, and Investment

Type: Incubators & VCs Startup Activities: civictech entrepreneurship

46 21 22 247

Hybrid Network Management System for Massive IoT Founded in Switzerland in 2015 by CEO Julian Studer and Vit Prajzler, LORIOT AG is a leading global IoT company, already present in more than 150 countries on 5 continents. Due to a unique positioning in the LoRaWAN ecosystem as both software provider and network operator, LORIOT is able to provide one of the most powerful, complete and secure solutions in the market as well as tailor-made end-to-end solutions for IoT applications. The core product is a system of multiple applications to set up, maintain, operate, and scale a distributed, resilient, and secure …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city it services Technologies: IoT

26 2 24 59
Clevergy Clevergy

Save money, energy, and the planet. Our mission is to help you optimize your energy consumption. In other words: Make you save money while you save the planet To accomplish this, we partner with key energy providers and enable their customers with powerful tools to reduce their consumption Our algorithms & AI as a Service systems enables us to provide: - Visibility: Understand where your consumption comes from and compare with similar homes - Advisory: Receive personalized tips and reduce your consumption with our prediction systems. Integrate smart devices that fit with your specific needs - Control: Program your own …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: A.I.

6 1 1 25

Valencian Association of the Energy Sector | Valencian Region Cleantech Cluster | Energy transforms us | Director of Avaesen, leading association in promoting renewable energy in Spain, representing, dynaming, internationalizing and developing business for more than 120 associated companies in the energy sector (manufacturers, engineering, installer, consultants, promoters). AVAESEN manages in Spain Climate-Kic Accelerator, the largest echo-business acceleration program of the European Union. Promoted by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), the program offers coaching, mentoring, international masterclass sessions and financing for Start-UPS. The program takes place in 18 EU cities, being coordinated in Spain from Valencia. Climate-Kic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

26 5 16 13
findspo findspo

Intelligent Demographic Resilience Findspo is an deeptech AI startup specializing in demographic resilience and sustainability through advanced neural network stacking. Our expertise spans PropTech, HRTech, GovTech, and Humanitarian tech, delivering solutions that predict demographic trends, optimize resource allocation, and foster sustainable communities. We provide cutting-edge outputs to enhance property management, streamline HR processes, support government operations, and improve humanitarian efforts, ensuring long-term resilience and environmental responsibility. What is Demographic Resilience? Demographic resilience is the capacity of a population to adapt to changes in its makeup, such as shifts in age, migration, or socioeconomics, to maintain stability and well-being. Outputs: 1. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

20 1 17 6

We create opportunities for impact-driven ventures in emerging technologies. LUMO Labs is an impact-driven multi-stage (pre-seed through series A) venture capital fund with coaching program for founding teams. of ventures focused on AI/Data, Blockchain, IoT, VR/AR, and/or Digital Security. We believe these emerging technologies hold the key to solving the social challenges people face today. At LUMO Labs, we focus on sustainable cities and communities, health & Well being, Quality Education, and Climate Action. We create opportunities for people and emerging technologies by connecting impact-driven groundbreaking start-ups to our funds, our expertise, our network and each other. LUMO Labs Eindhoven …

Type: Incubators & VCs

32 4 27 28
Beka Finance Beka Finance

We are an independent financial services and investment group We are active in investment banking, asset management and direct investments . In investment banking, we advise our clients on raising capital to finance their expansion, facilitating debt and offering advice on corporate operations. We manage assets for a volume of approximately 20 billion euros in private markets, through various vehicles registered with the supervisory bodies. We invest directly in companies, either through our own investment platforms or in partnership with our clients, accompanying them in their growth.

Type: Incubators & VCs

6 1 6 156
Impact Hub Barcelona Impact Hub Barcelona

Where change goes to work Impact Hub, we are one of the world’s largest network focused on building entrepreneurial communities for impact. Nowadays, over 100 Hubs host 17,000 professionals worldwide. And we're a team of more than 1,300 experts dedicated to inspire, connect and empower people, businesses and organizations to make a positive impact through their work. Through our 100 coworking spaces, hosting 17,000 professionals and 11,000 events every year, together with more than 200 annual entrepreneurship and innovation programs, we have created a unique ecosystem of social innovation. Impact Hub arrived in Barcelona in March 2020: located in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

13 5 8 46
CEEI Elche CEEI Elche

We innovate, grow and transform with you The CEEI Elche is an entity that promotes entrepreneurship and innovation, supporting the creation of innovative companies, their consolidation and growth; with the aim of generating wealth and employment in the Valencian business network. The CEEI Elche is an initiative, created in 1990, promoted by the European Union, and developed in the Valencian Community by the Generalitat, through the IMPIVA, whose main objective is to support the creation, consolidation and growth of companies, mainly innovative, and to promote entrepreneurship and innovation; all with the aim of generating wealth and employment in the Valencian …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

9 4 7 14
Techfestival. Techfestival.

Where humans & technology meet. A progressive event linking human ideas with tech progressive. No hype. Just real talk. We have created Techfestival to find human answers to the big questions in technology. Join 20,000 curious humans for a new kind of conversation in Copenhagen this September 5-7 2019.

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 5 5 1

Where passion for impact meets capital to scale As a trusted and highly professional advisor, we are passionate about mobilizing more capital for impact ventures to create impact at scale. Our aim is to push the boundaries by embracing the full spectrum of impact capital through innovation, collaboration, advocacy, and deep expertise. Our larger vision is to contribute to a thriving ecosystem for social innovation in Europe. hybrid financing models, investor syndication, capital raising support, tailored social finance, impact investment pipeline, investor network access, investment readiness support, professional transaction management, and social finance innovations

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 1 5 24
Pioneers Post Pioneers Post

The Social Enterprise Magazine Pioneers Post is the social enterprise magazine, delivering the news and setting the agenda for the new wave of social entrepreneurs, responsible business leaders and impact investors across the globe. We provide the news, knowledge and insight to help you do good business, better – and we are committed to using storytelling to create positive social impact. We publish online content, from written features, videos and podcasts, to a weekly newsletter with a round-up of the most important updates in the impact economy. Pioneers Post is itself a social enterprise with a legal structure that safeguard …

Type: Media

46 19 35 10
Innovation Lab Innovation Lab

We help organizations stay relevant Bliv en del af vores medlemsunivers her! International outlook contextualized - We help organizations stay relevant. Since 2001, we have established an international network comprising close to 2500 connections within worldwide research, product development and entrepreneurship. This network operates as our antennae, providing us with insights on emerging technologies, their potential and of who has advanced the furthest (and with what). Through talks, articles, workshops, seminars and projects we strive to provide a comprehensive list of the potentials and challenges facing businesses and organisations in the future; and here our extensive insight is a …

Type: Incubators & VCs

5 1 4 55
Bioo Bioo

Creating the next biotech cities in the world through unique technologies powered by nature. From living biological batteries below earth that generate energy, save water and compensate heat; to bioluminescent plants, able to reduce energy use and light pollution; and even biological activators, using leaves to create automations between the human beings and plants, are some of the unique biotechnologies developed in our labs. Bioo is ideating, installing and developing buildings and parks around the planet by becoming its biotech partner, not only incorporating the first system in the world that recovers the economical investment of its green areas, but …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech biotech deeptech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 3 3 26
Sensefinity - Everything Connects Sensefinity - Everything Connects

Visibility for Supply-Chains Creating the Internet of Cargo We connect the physical world with your IT, creating the Internet of Things (IoT). Via our simple to use, inexpensive sensor-platform and our scalable cloud-platform we can find fast and easy ways to integrate machine-data into today's IT systems to uncover hidden value. We are currently building the Internet of Cargo. Sensefinity - Everything Connects Internet of Things, Tracking, Monitoring, Control, Cold-Chain, Logistics, IoT, Transformation, SaaS, Cold Chain, Internet of Cargo, Blockchain, and AI

Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: IoT Blockchain/Cryptocurrency SaaS Sensors

12 4 2 15
maze impact maze impact

Certified BCorp. We accelerate and invest in solutions solving for social and environmental challenges. maze is an impact investing company founded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation created in 2013. maze offers financial and non-financial tools to everyone committed to delivering positive social and environmental outcomes. We will always post when hiring. In the meantime, if you would like to work for an impact-driven organisation, check our job board and join our talent pool. Job board: impact investing, capacity building, social impact bonds, social impact, vc, envrionmental impact, venture capital, growth programmes, impact advisory, platform, and outcomes-based comissioning

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech fintech

21 4 13 32
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Art, knowledge and science in a fairer, more sustainable and diverse world. WHO WE ARE An international foundation, based in Portugal, which promotes the development of individuals and organisations, through art, science, education, and charity, for a more equitable and sustainable society. WHAT WE DO We promote wider access to culture, and the transformational power of art in the development of people and societies. We contribute to reducing inequalities in access to education and care for the most vulnerable. We promote knowledge, scientific research, and greater participation and involvement of citizens and civil society in building more sustainable communities. HOW …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 10 9 806
DARWIN Bioprospecting Excellence DARWIN Bioprospecting Excellence

Selecting microbial strains for the biotechnology industry - Empowering the infinitely small DARWIN Bioprospecting Excellence is a microbial biotechnology company that is based in the Scientific Parc of the University of Valencia (Spain). We focus on the isolation, characterization and production of microorganisms that can be used in a wide range of applications, including in the food (yeast for the production of bread or fermented beverages) and agricultural (plant-growth promoting microorganisms) industries. We aim at designing each project to meet the clients needs, with personalized sampling, culturing, sequencing and production strategies. Food Microbiology, Bioprospecting, Bioinformatics, Sequencing, Biotechnology, Food Biotechnology, Microbiology, …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech

4 2 2 20
Acumen Acumen

Solving the problems of poverty and building a world based on dignity. Acumen is solving the problems of poverty and building a world based on dignity. non-profit, poverty, social enterprise, impact investing, development, leadership, venture capital, private equity, base of the pyramid, bottom of the pyramid, social entrepreneurship, international development, climate change, Climate Adaptation, clean energy, agriculture, and education

Type: Incubators & VCs

45 20 22 884
naria naria

Digitalizando ayuda social, desarrollamos soluciones tecnológicas y de innovación para el Tercer Sector. We lead the digital transformation of the social sector through our Services and Solutions Hub, connecting people to a more dignified life. Digitalización, Trazabilidad Blockchain, Gestión de Excedente Alimentario, and Captación de donaciones

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

13 1 12 11

Soluciones visuales para problemas reales—Creamos soluciones #GIS para mejorar la toma de decisiones de tu organización DOTGIS is a #GIS startup that offers solutions of data analysis in maps. We were born in 2016 with the aim of maximizing the data value. We work focused on getting the highest performance to the location data tecnology based in GIS, Big Data and Deep Learning. After developing advanced method of information gathering, it is time to develop systems which take an advantage of these data and dotGIS propose to do it through maps. DOTGIS es una startup de análisis geoespacial que ofrece …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning Data Analytics

3 1 2 9
INOKS Capital S.A. INOKS Capital S.A.

Capital for Growth INOKS Capital is a Swiss Asset Manager - prudentially regulated by FINMA - managing collective investment schemes and segregated mandates which directly provide efficient and impactful capital solutions to Corporates generating tangible value, focusing on Agriculture & Food value chains and related Tech Enabled Efficiencies & Trade Enhancing Services sectors. As an Impact Private Markets Investment Manager with an 18 years track record, we more than ever aim to lead in channelling meaningful and efficient capital to the real economy. Through our research based opportunity focus, we enable Investors to best profit from our Theory of Change …

Type: Incubators & VCs

12 0 6 27
responsAbility Investments AG responsAbility Investments AG

Impact investments for a sustainable world responsAbility Investments AG is a leading impact asset manager specializing in private market investments across three investment themes. These themes directly contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Financial Inclusion, to finance the growth of Micro & SMEs; Climate Finance, to contribute to a net zero pathway; and Sustainable Food, to sustainably feed an ever-growing population. All responsAbility investment solutions target specific measurable impact alongside market returns. Since its inception in 2003, responsAbility has deployed over USD 16.3 billion in impact investments. With over 270 employees collaborating across 7 offices, as of …

Type: Incubators & VCs

19 5 10 293
Quiero. Quiero.

La consultora que hace (The consulting company that makes things happen) Our purpose is to put brands and organizations at the service of change. How? Accelerating transformation in a measurable way, and driving systemic changes that provide legitimacy. Innovación Sostenible, Sustainable Innovation, Marketing reputacional, Diálogo Grupos de interés, Stakeholders, Desarrollo sostenible, Sustainable development, and Sustainable Brands Barcelona

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

22 2 15 27
Nästa Nästa

Tech for Sustainability / Decode. Decide. Decarbonize. La misión de Nästa es democratizar la sostenibilidad mediante la recopilación y transformación de datos complejos sobre carbono en información práctica y fácil de usar que permite a individuos y empresas tomar decisiones ambientalmente responsables en tiempo real. Nästa, fundada en 2023 por emprendedores en serie (incluyendo el grupo Zubi), ya cuenta con clientes relevantes y ha obtenido más de 600.000€ en financiación. sostenibilidad, recursos humanos, beneficios, ESG, climate tech, Green Tech, and Huella de carbono

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 0 5
Premios EmprendeXXI Premios EmprendeXXI

More than 15 years identifying companies with the greatest potential and accompanying them on the road to success. The EmprendeXXI Awards are an initiative promoted by CaixaBank through DayOne, the service for technology companies and investors, which aims to identify, recognize, and accompany young companies with the greatest growth potential. These awards are co-awarded with the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the National Innovation Company, S.A. (ENISA) in Spain and Banco BPI in Portugal, and have the support of more than 130 reference entities involved in the development of innovative companies. The EmprendeXXI Awards aim to be the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

16 6 9 10
Consum Cooperativa Valenciana Consum Cooperativa Valenciana

Together means Coop Consum is the largest cooperative in the Spanish Mediterranean region. It has more than 760 supermarkets, both its own and franchised, distributed throughout Catalonia, the Valencian Community, Murcia, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia and Aragon. In 2019, it had a turnover of 2,935 million euros, 7.4% more than the previous year. It also obtained the Top Employers certificate, for the seventh consecutive year, which accredits it as one of the best companies to work for in Spain. It is the only distribution company with the Family-Responsible Company certificate. Food, Fresh products, Cooperative, Retail, Distribution, and Mass Consumption

Type: Large company Activities: martech

13 1 0 4,400
Connected Mobility HUB Connected Mobility HUB

Estamos construyendo un ecosistema de innovación para acelerar la transformación del paradigma de la movilidad We work to create an ecosystem. We support and promote startups that aspire to change the paradigm of mobility with the digitalization of the sector. We collaborate with corporates and investors in order to accelerate the new mobility. Would you like to be part? Join us!

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

10 3 1 7

THE PURPLE WAY TO START INNOVATION 👇 Start innovating with us We are “the” Purple innovation factory that blends future visions, software and human genius, enabling organizations to flourish as modern digital businesses. We operate globally from the following locations: Italy, United Arab Emirates and Spain.

Type: Incubators & VCs

10 3 6 218
Invest in Spain Invest in Spain

We are your strategic ally if you are seeking business opportunities in Spain. ICEX-Spain Trade and Investment. INVEST IN SPAIN is an executive division of ICEX Trade and Investment, a publicly owned business-oriented entity of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business. Our mission is to promote foreign direct investment (FDI) in Spain and to support business owners and entrepreneurs that want to set up their companies in Spain. To see a full list of our services, please visit our website FDI, Investment, Spain, and Foreign Direct Investment

Type: Public

55 6 53 20
Agencia EFE Agencia EFE

The first Spanish news agency The first Spanish news agency and the fourth in the world, with more than seventy years of experience that support its impartiality, its power, its credibility and its immediacy. A multimedia informative company with a world journalist network, where more than three thousand professionals of 60 nationalities work 24 hours a day from more than 180 cities from 120 countries and with four editing tables in Madrid, Bogotá, El Cairo (Arabic) and Rio de Janeiro (Portuguese), to offer its products to customers on the five continents. Text, photo, video, digital content, audio, web, multimedia, infographics, …

Type: Media

39 10 14 1,534
SmartEcoCity SmartEcoCity

Smarter, Greener, Together! SmartEcoCity (SEC) is the business network, consultancy and investor in smarter greener cities. We are at the intersection of internet (Smart), cleantech (Eco) and cities (City) bringing stakeholders together hence our motto “Smarter, Greener, Together!”. Founded 2012 jointly by MIT, Tsinghua University and HEC Paris alumni, we provide insight and research, advise on markets, technologies and financing, for organizations growth, digitalization and sustainability goals. Twitter: Slideshare: Smart City, Smart Grid, Green building, IoT, Cleantech, Electrical Vehicles, Renewable Energy, Green Mobility, Energy Storage, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity, 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Sensors, and Smartphone

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city greentech cleantech

37 1 31 5
Tespack Ltd Tespack Ltd

Smart Mobile Energy solutions for off-grid usage We specialize in providing smart mobile micro-grid solutions to bring energy and Internet ACCESS to distant and challenging markets Our formula is simple. Design, innovate, patent and manufacture. #FutureOfEnergy #ENERGYTHATMATTERS. Green Energy, Techfashion, Mobile Energy, Ultra Fast Charging, R&D, battery, AI, and MicroGrids

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech deeptech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning

28 5 27 16
Senstone Senstone

A hands-free and smart voice assistant for productivity with AI. We help busy professionals increase focus and efficiency by capturing and organizing their thoughts with a portable-smart voice assistant powered by artificial intelligence. It works online and offline. Tap and speak to capture memos, todos and notes in-the-moment. Perfect way to upgrade your memory for work and life. Note-taking, Artificial Intelligence, Productivity, Audio Analysis, Voice Assistant, Wearables, Voice Recorder, Natural Language Processing, Wearable, 5G, 4G, and Bluetooth

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: 5G A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Wireless

17 1 16 9
Wayco Wayco

Creative coworking spaces in Valencia — Abastos . Cabanyal . Ruzafa. WAYCO is the main operator of coworking spaces in Valencia, with locations in the Abastos, Cabanyal-Canyamelar, and Ruzafa neighbourhoods. Three open, stimulating, and warm spaces, where professionals and companies connect with the city and seek to make their own way. Every month, the WAYCO community has access to a rich agenda of social, cultural, and professional events. At the same time, our coworkers benefit from agreements and collaborations that WAYCO establishes with local and international brands, to help them in their personal and professional development. WAYCO also offers meeting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

8 1 4 26
Neo-Eco Neo-Eco

A World Without Waste We make Waste Valuable. Circular economy engineering, full waste treatment lines, waste valuation, and elaboration of ecoproducts

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech

61 21 18 63
Zubi Labs Zubi Labs

Creating companies for a better future. We are an IMPACT VENTURE BUILDER. We combine talent and investment to solve social and environmental challenges, through companies that we create together with committed management teams. We work together to build a better future. At Zubi Labs we create and finance companies that seek to generate a positive impact. We use the company as an instrument to create social, environmental and economic value. Based on our experience, we identify challenges, seek the best talent and form committed teams that work together for a mission: to solve challenges to create a better future.

Type: Incubators & VCs

18 3 14 10
AlphaMundi Group Ltd AlphaMundi Group Ltd

Investment Solutions for People and Planet Current public sector and private philanthropy resources are not sufficient to resolve global issues before critical tipping points are reached. At AlphaMundi Group, we believe Impact Investing can help mobilize additional resources for sustainable development, and complement the efforts of the public sector and private philanthropy. AlphaMundi is exclusively dedicated to Impact Investing, with an emphasis on human development and environmental preservation in developing countries. We provide debt and equity financing to profitable and scalable ventures in various sectors including fintech, rural microfinance, smallholder agriculture, renewable energy access and affordable housing for low-income households. …

Type: Incubators & VCs

11 2 10 13
Impact Entrepreneur Impact Entrepreneur

The premier global network for entrepreneurs, investors, scholars and students of social and environmental innovation. Impact Entrepreneur is the premier global network for "systems-minded"​ entrepreneurs, investors, scholars and students of social and environmental innovation, with 67,000+ members in 200+ countries, a multimedia producer of popular webinar series and in-person events, and the publisher of, a leading source of business and finance journalism on the impact space. Impact Entrepreneur's mission is "to create and support a global movement of impact entrepreneurs who are building an "impact economy"​ populated by triple bottom line businesses fueled by impact investments."​ Join our Network’s …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

5 1 3 29
KIMPA - Impact Investing KIMPA - Impact Investing

Invest to tackle the world's greatest challenges Our mission: to direct your capital towards projects with social impact and environmental Impact Investing, Impact Measurement, Wealth Management, Family Office, Sustainable Finance, Family Governance, Private Equity, Impact Innovation, Investment bank, and Corporate finance

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 5 6 23
Elucid Elucid

Healthier farmers, stronger supply chains At Elucid, we’re dedicated to improving health and livelihoods in agricultural and metal value chains. Our passionate team—comprising doctors, value chain experts, human rights advocates, and tech innovators—works together to bring better healthcare and ethical practices to small-scale producers. Our Mission: We believe in creating win-win solutions where small-scale producers enjoy improved health and opportunities, while our clients achieve their sustainability goals and build trust. The result? More productive communities and a fairer, more transparent market. What We Do: Health Programs: Tailored healthcare for those in need Verified Impact Claims: Honest and clear sustainability reporting …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics

7 1 7 31
Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs

At Goldman Sachs, we believe progress is everyone’s business. That’s why we commit our people, capital and ideas to help our clients, shareholders and the communities we serve to grow. Founded in 1869, Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm. Headquartered in New York, we maintain offices in all major financial centers around the world. More about our company can be found at For insights on developments currently shaping markets, industries and the global economy, subscribe to BRIEFINGS, a weekly email from Goldman Sachs. Copy and paste this link into your browser to …

Type: Incubators & VCs

221 99 43 60,186
Helenis Biocosmetics Helenis Biocosmetics

Development of personal and cosmetics hygiene products with microorganisms of natural origin. #unetealmicrobiomebeauty HELENIS BIOCOSmetics is an advanced biocosmetic brand that focuses on the research and development of personal and cosmetic hygiene products, focused on treating the most common skin conditions and imperfections of the skin, with prebiotic and postbiotic microorganisms of natural origin. Formulation

Type: Startup Activities: cosmetics Technologies: Bio sourced materials

1 1 0 4
Technovation Technovation

We empower girls to become leaders, technology innovators, and real-world problem solvers. Technovation is a global tech education nonprofit that empowers girls to become leaders, creators, and problem-solvers. With the support of volunteer mentors and parents, girls work in teams to code mobile apps that address real-world problems. To date, 300,000+ students in 100+ countries have participated in programs run by Technovation As one of its core programs, Technovation Girls equips girls around the world with the skills to become tech entrepreneurs and leaders. Its alumnae have gone on to win startup and app-building competitions, speak at events like TEDx …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

49 12 39 350