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MEDEF Lyon-Rhône MEDEF Lyon-Rhône

MEDEF Lyon-Rhône: a network of active and dynamic members, united, creative, animated by the same spirit: the success of the company. You are traders, SME bosses, you think that Medef Lyon Rhône is not for you? Review your position by exchanging with a member of your sector of activity which like you is a boss of SMEs. By our site www.jere you can be linked to one of our members and discover our network and the advantages it will bring you. Join us is: commit to the company, break your solitude, support ambition, grow together, be able to exchange …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

73 22 54 17
Makers for Change Makers for Change

Let's make an intercultural company together! Makers for Change is a non -profit organization of general interest created in 2015 and located in Strasbourg. Through the organization of fun, creative, educational and innovative projects, we work for the inclusion of people from forced migrations. We facilitate the creation of links between people from all walks of life by doing it. ************ Since its creation in 2015, Makers for Change has contributed to valuing and integrating people from forced migration, and promotes meetings between people from all walks of life in Alsatian and beyond territory. Arriving in a new country is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 4 2 2
Maison de l'Emploi et de l'Entreprise de Bordeaux Maison de l'Emploi et de l'Entreprise de Bordeaux

Created at the initiative of the City of Bordeaux, the State and Pôle Emploi, the Maison de l'Emploi et de l'Entreprise de Bordeaux acts for access to employment, the creation of a business and the economic development. It promotes the integration of the most in difficulty audiences (local plan for integration and employment, integration clause), it animates the territory on the theme of employment (reception, events, territorial provisional management of jobs And skills, providing business services), it supports activity creation (initiative platform, PEP 'Bordeaux Chartrons). By mobilizing a network of 210 partners, the Bordeaux Employment and Company Maison affects more …

Type: Public

53 20 31 104
WebForce3 WebForce3

The school of #digital trades for all · your 🌍 50 schools 🎯 Recruit our talents #skills #RS WebForce3 is a network of digital professions, a solidarity approved of social utility and labeled Grande Ecole du Digital. WebForce3 is located in 50 territories in France (metropolitan and overseas) and internationally (Belgium, Luxembourg, Morocco). WebForce3 trains in digital tension professions to respond, in France alone, to the needs of companies in search of 191,000 skilled talents by 2022. In a world where trades and technologies are growing strongly, the mission of webforce3 is to allow anyone to train quickly to acquire …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

89 28 63 380

Lyve is an initiative of the Metropolis of Lyon to help you undertake and especially to succeed. Lyve is an initiative of the Metropolis of Lyon to help you undertake and above all to succeed, whatever the project, its scope or its sector of activity. Lyve is a whole world to undertake. Lyve is also: - 1 active community of more than 300 actors - events, meetings and exchanges - A festival of entrepreneurs - 1 digital platform - 3 poles of entrepreneurs spread over the territory of the metropolis -3 support offers (Earlyve / Lyve-Up / Lyve-in). Lyve …

Type: Public

37 18 31 1

The monthly of Lyon powers Because they are 120,000 in the Lyon metropolis, and they contribute to its dynamism every day, the Lyonian decision -makers deserve to have their media. Lyon Decideurs, it is a monthly paper version (kiosks and subscriptions), as well as a website powered daily, so as not to lack the news of Lyonnais decision -makers. A video synthesis is also posted every Friday. Without bias, without a priori, without self -censorship, this media is without taboo or tongue of wood. Lyon Decideurs is a title of the independent Rosebud press group.

Type: Media

71 15 59 23
Louvre Lens Vallée Louvre Lens Vallée

Pole of excellence and cultural and creative innovations Louvre-Lens Vallée supports entrepreneurs and companies to structure and accelerate their projects. Our promise: to bring an unexpected entrepreneurial experience to life through an innovative and creative methodology centered on the user, to give meaning to your projects and create lasting and differentiating economic performance. Labeled French Tech, Louvre-Lens Vallée was created in 2013, in the wake of the establishment of the Louvre in Lens, on the initiative of the State, the Nord Pas-de-Calais region and the community of 'Lens-Liévin agglomeration.

Type: Public

60 23 41 14
Sensor Tower Sensor Tower

Better data comes from real people Sensor Tower is the leading source of mobile app, digital advertising, retail media, and audience insights for the largest brands and app publishers across the globe. With a mission to measure the world’s digital economy, Sensor Tower’s award-winning platform delivers unmatched visibility into the mobile app and digital ecosystem, empowering organizations to stay ahead of changing market dynamics and make informed, strategic decisions. Founded in 2013, Sensor Tower’s mobile app insights have helped marketers, app, and game developers demystify the mobile app ecosystem with visibility into usage, engagement, and paid acquisition strategies. Today, Sensor …

Type: Startup Activities: it services martech Technologies: Data Analytics

28 1 25 327
LOCO numérique LOCO numérique

A stone's throw from the station and downtown, take advantage of our coworking space to work or televail! Driven by La Roche-sur-Yon Agglomeration, the digital loco is a place intended to promote the work, the meeting and the emergence of projects related to the digital ecosystem. In the heart of an eco district, located a stone's throw from the station and downtown La Roche-sur-Yon, the digital loco offers coworking spaces (shared work), and meeting rooms for the digital effervescence can be fully expressing themselves. The digital loco also hosts, at preferential rates, companies under different methods (nursery, hotel) as well …

Type: Public

24 6 19 3
Le Village by CA Ille-et-Vilaine Le Village by CA Ille-et-Vilaine

We are an accelerator of innovative projects for all the structures of the Brétillian territory. Since 2017, the village by CA Ille-et-Vilaine has played the role of accelerator of innovative projects open to all players in the territory. Thanks to the diversity of expertise and know-how present in our ecosystem of startups, partners and customers, we work every day to facilitate, structure and accelerate collective innovation and transformation dynamics with a strong will to impact societal transitions. At the heart of a bubbling ecosystem, the village by Ca Ille-et-Vilaine now brings together a community of 30 innovative projects being accelerated, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

94 13 81 13
Les Ecossolies Les Ecossolies

A network to support small and large cooperation in the social and solidarity economy #ess #innovation Initiated in 2002 with Nantes Métropole, the Ecossolies network brings together nearly 600 structures or partners in the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS), which cooperate to develop and promote ESS in the Nantes region. The Ecossolies support the structures of the ESS in the consolidation and development of their activity by proposing: support systems for social entrepreneurship, vocational training programs, general public commercial events, Solilab, an emblematic place From the ESS recognized nationally, communication tools that increase the visibility of ASS actors. Ecossolies' actions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

53 26 35 21
Lyon Entreprises [LE] Lyon Entreprises [LE]

The economic media of local Lyon news since 2003. Thanks to Lyon Entreprises [Le], Rhône Alpes companies are even more visible on the web and social networks! Since 2003, Lyon Entreprises has been an internet directory of more than 40,000 companies in Lyon and Rhône-Alpes. Economic web media, it offers economic news on the daily business in the region. Registration is completely free. Each company has a mini site of 6 pages or + which it animates and modifies without limitations: activity, products, contacts, contact details, legal information, references, strong points, type of customers, radius of action, certifications, form contact …

Type: Media

40 15 27 18
La Cloche La Cloche

Solidarity resonates 🔔 The bell is a 1901 law association founded in 2014. Its mission: to create and promote the social bond between neighbors with and homeless. The bell has notably developed the network of solidarity traders - the chime: the Carillon traders open their doors to precarious people who no longer feel legitimate to enter these shops, and offer small services (offer a glass of water, Access the toilets, recharge your phone ...) Pretexts to social ties. The bells, it is also a network that allows you to create social ties between the inhabitants of a neighborhood, but this …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

68 29 46 114
Journal L'Alsace Journal L'Alsace

Find the economic news of your region through local businesses and initiatives. The newspaper L'Alsace is the second news daily in the region and the 1st in the Haut-Rhin department.

Type: Media

28 18 8 175
Eclipse Foundation Eclipse Foundation

The Community for Open Collaboration and Innovation The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation. The Foundation is home to the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE, Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle, and over 425 open source projects, including runtimes, tools, and frameworks for cloud and edge applications, IoT, AI, automotive, systems engineering, distributed ledger technologies, open processor designs, and many others. The Eclipse Foundation AISBL is an international non-profit association supported by over 350 members, including industry leaders who value open source as a key …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

52 19 26 215
Le Télégramme Le Télégramme

Regional information daily from the municipalities of Brittany. Live news on Brest, Rennes, Quimper, Lorient and + Regional daily founded in 1944 at the Pointe de la Bretagne, the telegram today occupies 5th place in titles of the regional daily press. The newspaper has gradually transformed into a multimedia information company: paper, web, television, mobile. Elected best French daily newspaper at the media grand prix in 2015, he is one of the 10 French press titles and one of the only two regional press titles which obtained the maximum note of 100 in 100 in the 2021 report in Newsguard …

Type: Media

136 64 81 690

Health science Created in 1964, the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) is a public and technological public establishment, placed under the double guardianship of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of the Health. Its researchers are intended to study all diseases, from the most frequent to the rarest, through their organic, medical and health work of populations. Inserm, healthy researcher since 1964 With a 2013 bud budget of € 927 million, Inserm supports nearly 300 laboratories spread over French territory. All of its 1,200 teams brings together nearly 15,000 researchers, engineers, technicians, managers, …

Type: Public

182 130 41 39
INSEEC Grande Ecole INSEEC Grande Ecole

INSEEC Grande Ecole, est l'école fondatrice d'OMNES Education, institution privée d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche interdisciplinaire. Née à Bordeaux il y a plus de 40 ans d’un projet pédagogique innovant inspiré des Ecoles de Commerce et des Instituts en Sciences politiques, INSEEC Grande Ecole a pour mission de former des « esprits libres », capable de penser, analyser, décider, argumenter, en conscience et en toute autonomie, et de se réinventer sans cesse. Sa promesse : préparer à un métier pour demain et à des métiers toute la vie. Elle bénéficie de l'implantation multi-campus d'OMNES Education au cœur de grandes villes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

41 12 10 318

Insavalor is the research subsidiary & amp; Development, valuation and continuing education of the INSA of Lyon. Active promoter of the research of the Lyon INSA, Insavalor promotes relations between laboratories and companies in search of technological solutions, skills and training for their innovative projects. His role: Identify and mobilize the skills of Lyon INSA laboratories to meet the technological needs of companies: implementation of research collaborations, study services, measures, expertise / consultancy, coordination and assembly of R & AMP projects; , technology watch... Promote the valuation and transfer of knowledge from the Lyon INSA laboratories (products, processes, know-how) to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

46 14 15 71
Initiative France Initiative France

First associative network for financing and supporting creators and business buyers. Initiative France is the 1st associative network for financing and support for creation and business takeover. Consisting of 207 local associations, the Initiative France network is present in all territories and acts as close as possible to entrepreneurs. In 2021, more than 29,000 entrepreneurs accompanied, and 52,000 jobs saved or created thanks to its action. The Initiative France network is committed to diversity in entrepreneurship, and carry out dedicated actions to encourage women, people far from employment (long -term unemployed, city policy ...), young people and seniors to embark …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

162 78 107 90
1KFinancements (ex Incit'financement) 1KFinancements (ex Incit'financement)

The complete investment tool at the service of Business Angels. 1KFinancements is THE complete platform for Business Angels to co-invest in startups. It allows Business Angel networks to manage their investments in complete autonomy, from deal flow management to the realization of investments. With their pragmatic support and a cumulative community of 5,000 investors including 500 Business Angels, today, 1KFinancements democratizes financing and also allows you to benefit from a dealflow qualified as startups!

Type: Incubators & VCs Public

23 10 18 3
Trésoria Trésoria

The professional financing platform. Take advantage of tailor-made solutions 🔝 The professional financing platform, 50 credit providers to meet the needs of companies. Our promises: support, completeness and responsiveness.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

24 5 22 8
Handitech Trophy Handitech Trophy

National competition rewarding tech project leaders in favor of disability 🏆 propelled by Jobinlive and Bpifrance Founded by Jobinlive and BPFIRANCE, Handitech Trophy is a national competition rewarding start-ups, students, associations, and research laboratories that develop inclusive technologies intended to compensate for handicap or loss of autonomy. Handicap, innovation, tech4good, employment, health, accessibility, and digital

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

83 27 62 5
Graines de SOL Graines de SOL

Inspired entrepreneurs With soil seeds, we build a relationship with work, economics, cooperation that makes sense. Collaborative entrepreneurship is a powerful vector of personal and collective accomplishment, an anchoring to invent the world of tomorrow. The activity cooperative is an alternative to the mode of classic individual entrepreneurship. Launching your idea, living your dream, experimenting and perpetuating your project, Solines de Sol offers an evolutionary status that allows each entrepreneur to be supported while focusing on the development of their activity in complete freedom!

Type: Public

10 3 8 70

Grouping of content publishers and online services The gesture is an association that brings together the main market players in the press, television, music, classified ads, community sites and online games. All converge on the same objective: to participate in the creation of economic, legislative and competitive conditions essential for the development of online services and editions. Chaired by Philippe Jannet, Chairman and CEO, the interactive world, the gesture now has more than 120 member companies. Online press, online music, online games, e-publicity, new uses, mobility and convergence, connected TV, online classifieds, and social networks

Type: Media

18 4 6 45
Finple Finple

Funding the real economy End, a subsidiary of the Consultim group, is a crowdfunding platform that brings investors closer to entrepreneurs through a value proposal that combines the performance of a digital platform and the commitment of accompanists passionate about entrepreneurship. Our products are designed to complete the existing financing offer and finance the contractor on the most ambitious phases of its development. We are the only platform to offer such a variety of offers. We are in a logic of financing overall performance. We favor companies that contribute to the emergence of new models in accordance with transitional issues. …

Type: Incubators & VCs

16 10 5 22
Femmes Business Angels Femmes Business Angels

1st women's female network in France and Europe The only network of “business angels” in women in France and the first network in Europe, Women Business Angels brings together a hundred women who invest personally in potential start-ups and support them in order to help them emerge and develop. FBA investors are interested in innovative companies with high potential in all sectors, in priming or developing, led by men or women and seeking to raise between 100 k euros and 1 million euros. The study of projects is done as a team but each investor freely and independently chooses her …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

159 44 123 86
FFHandball - Fédération française de handball FFHandball - Fédération française de handball

Official page of the French Handball Federation The French Handball Federation (Ffhandball) is a French association 1901 law founded on September 1, 1941. It is the body managing handball in France with delegation of the International Handball Federation (IHF) and the Ministry of Youth and Sports . handball

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

44 26 22 392

The first matching service between startupers & amp; companies Fair4B, the first matching service between startupers and companies 💪 Our mission: to put an exclusive pool of agile talents at the service of your projects, mastering the latest technos and methodos. 📞 Companies, why use our ecosystem? Because all companies dream that their projects work as a startup. With Fair4B, secure and speed up your projects by creating or completing your teams with the startupers of our ecosystem. 🌐 Starty, why join our network? Because we understand your challenges and they are close to our hearts. To complete your income. …

Type: Event

4 0 4 17
Entreprendre Pour Apprendre Grand Est Entreprendre Pour Apprendre Grand Est

Because the most beautiful company is that of learning and creating together! Let's reveal together the talent of young people from the Grand Est! 🚀 💡 A mini-business® at the same time! Entrepreneur to learn big is given young people aged 9 to 25 the opportunity to discover their potential, to dream of great and to embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship. We are convinced that education is a common good and that the transmission of knowledge is a collective responsibility. Through the Mini-Entreprise®, we weave links between youth and its ecosystem to transform their ideas into projects and allow …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

55 8 49 17
En Marche En Marche

For a French and European renaissance, join us on Parti- For those who refuse that the country remains blocked, have a taste for work, progress and risk, and as values ​​freedom, justice and Europe.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

126 47 59 556
EFAP - École des nouveaux métiers de la communication EFAP - École des nouveaux métiers de la communication

The school of new communication professions EFAP - The School of New Communication Trades. Since 1961, EFAP has trained the best communicators, capable of adapting to a world in continuous movement. Our campuses: Paris / Nice / Bordeaux / Lille / Lyon / Toulouse / Strasbourg / Montpellier / Aix-en-Provence / New York / Shanghai / Rennes / Miami / Atlanta Find out more: Communication, marketing, advertising, public relations, events, digital, public communication, media, luxury, luxury communication & amp; Strategies, and luxury

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fashtech martech

116 18 68 1,041
Echos Judiciaires Girondins Echos Judiciaires Girondins

All the economic news of the Gironde! Has published your legal ads since 1848. The magazine of Girondin decision -makers. Economy, business, start-up, fundraising, legal news. Press, News, Gironde, Economy, Legal Ads, and Media

Type: Media

37 5 36 30
Brian Solis, @BrianSolis Brian Solis, @BrianSolis

Digital Analyst + Anthropologist, Futurist, 8x Best-Selling Author, International Keynote Speaker Brian Solis is the Head of Global Innovation at ServiceNow. He is also an 8x best-selling author and one of the world's leading digital futurists and keynote speakers. Forbes has called him “one of the more creative and brilliant business minds of our time,” ZDNet said that Brian is “one of the 21st century business world’s leading thinkers,” and The Conference Board described Brian as "the futurist we all need now." Brian travels the world to advise executives on innovation strategies . He has a unique gift of humanizing …

Type: Media

60 14 29 1
CRESS Pays de la Loire CRESS Pays de la Loire

Promote and develop the social and solidarity economy in Pays de la Loire The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy of the Pays de la Loire was born from the will of ESS actors to acquire a regional organization capable of gathering them, representing them and coordinating their action. It thus federates the companies of the ESS whether: associations, cooperatives, mutuals, social utility commercial companies, groups of ESS employers' unions, networks and platforms of local actors ... around 'A common political and strategic project. Social and solidarity economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

46 17 20 22
Xojo Xojo

Develop high quality, native apps for the web, macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and Raspberry Pi. Xojo, Inc. was founded with the idea that software development should be accessible to anyone. With traditional tools, creating software applications can be a very complicated process, but using the Xojo programming language and IDE anyone can learn to create high quality, native apps for the web, macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and Raspberry Pi. With users all over the world, Xojo apps can be found in every conceivable category - from commercial software applications to use in governments, universities, businesses, and the Fortune …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

8 4 2 9

Complete the best talent to propel your startup Thousands of talents are currently looking for an entrepreneurship project on co, come and meet them! Connection, collaborative platform, entrepreneurs service, and developer entrepreneur

Type: Incubators & VCs

34 9 27 6

Time-sharing CTO service - Trusted technical third-party to enable digital business success. CO-CTO is a time-sharing CTO service. We make the link between business goals and technical aspects. Our project management and our audits are the keys to digital business success. CTO, Orientation tech, Freelance, Internalisation, Prestataire technique, Etude technique, Vision générale, Confiance, Accompagnement, Suivi, Product owner, Réseau d'experts, Réseau de dévs, Responsabilité, Monter une équipe technique, Compléter une équipe technique, and directeur technique

Type: SMB Activities: it services

10 4 6 14
CMA Gironde - Nouvelle-Aquitaine CMA Gironde - Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Buy from a craftsman, a civic act! The Chamber of Trades and Interdepartmental Crafts - Gironde delegation located in Bordeaux, supports Girondin craft businesses in the building, food, services and production sectors. It plays an active role in the essential fields of business life and its competitiveness, contributes to the sustainable development of our territories and supports the evolution of professions and skills. We form, we support and advise Gironde craftsmen in the creation, resumption, development and transmission of business, initial and continuous training, recruitment ... The Chamber of Trades and Interdepartmental Crafts - Gironde delegation manages the CFA Institute …

Type: Public

29 9 21 119
Breizhacking Breizhacking

The challenge of committed startups and responsible Breton companies Breizhacking is the 1st challenge of committed startups in Brittany! The event of social and environmental innovation hackers in Brittany. It is a springboard for entrepreneurs engaged in the social and solidarity economy (SSE) who will have the opportunity to be supported by coaches employed by Breton companies concerned with their social responsibility (CSR). And who knows? Long-term partnerships could be born... committed startup, hacker, breizh, challenge, social solidarity economy, environment, responsible agriculture, digital employment, human employment, eco-mobility, sustainable transport, renewable energy, civic engagement, and solidarity

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech hrtech

35 10 27 1

100% personalized training to boost your sales and managerial efficiency Sales are part of our daily lives, its power of conviction remains useful to everyone, and even more so to those who dream of becoming sales champions. Our mission at Booster Academy is to train all those who want to develop their sales power in order to strengthen their impact and sales performance. We design tailor-made and supercharged exercise sessions as for high-level athletes, and we support them over time to set up areas for improvement. Our method is based on indicators measuring the progress made by our academics on …

Type: Media

35 21 7 44
BEELYS - Centre d'Entrepreneuriat Lyon Saint-Etienne BEELYS - Centre d'Entrepreneuriat Lyon Saint-Etienne

The University of Lyon's hub dedicated to young entrepreneurs. From awareness to acceleration! The Entrepreneurship Center Lyon Saint-Étienne is a general interest program supported by the University of Lyon and the Foundation for the University of Lyon. It is the result of the merger of the BEELYS, Lyon Start Up and Manufactory programs. -- #BEELYS: THE reference support center dedicated to #youngentrepreneurs Raising awareness of the entrepreneurial spirit, acquiring entrepreneurial skills, support for business creation but also preparation for acceleration... Beelys mobilizes the best professionals in the region for you. #AWARENESS #INCUBATION #SUPPORT #PROTOTYPING #INTERNATIONAL #ACCELERATION #BEELYS: - National …

Type: Public

45 17 26 6
BE 5.0 Salon Industries du Futur à Mulhouse (Grand Est) BE 5.0 Salon Industries du Futur à Mulhouse (Grand Est)

The industrial meeting of the Grand Est Organized with the support of the Grand Est Region, Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration, the BE 5.0 trade fair ( will bring together, on November 26 and 27, 2024, European industrialists seeking to source innovations and technologies to meet the strategic challenge of transforming value chains. More than 4,000 visitors are expected. BE 5.0 is a trinational hybrid event bringing together French, German and Swiss solution providers. It illustrates the wealth of cross-border dynamics at the service of the industry of the future. A true showcase of innovation, BE 5.0 Salon Industrie du Futur is …

Type: Event

79 31 52 3
Banque Populaire Grand Ouest Banque Populaire Grand Ouest

We are alongside those who dare, who take the plunge, who make the Grand Ouest of tomorrow. Banque Populaire de l'Ouest was founded in 1920 by entrepreneurs, craftsmen and traders, excluded from established banking circuits, who wanted to support each other to develop their business. Banque Populaire de l'Ouest is established in 7 departments of the Grand Ouest: Côtes d'Armor, Finistère Nord, Ille-et-Vilaine, Manche, Mayenne, Orne and Sarthe. A cooperative and regional bank, it supports the women and men who, through their initiatives, skills, talents and ability to work together, develop the region's economy. It ensures the success of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

86 48 22 2,573
Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes

Premium Partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games Welcome to Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes, to our candidates, clients and members and to those who wish to become one. Realizing what makes Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes a closer, stronger, more connected bank, our BPAURA team is happy to welcome you on LinkedIn. An active employer in the region, BPAURA recruits several hundred employees each year. Find our opportunities and chat with our recruiters on LinkedIn and our website -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

86 62 27 2,343
Banque Populaire Aquitaine Centre Atlantique - BPACA Banque Populaire Aquitaine Centre Atlantique - BPACA

Success is in you! 🌍 Anchored here, committed to tomorrow! At Banque Populaire Aquitaine Centre Atlantique, we manage your finances but not only that: we build, with you, the sustainable future of our region. We support the projects that make Nouvelle-Aquitaine shine, at the service of all its inhabitants. 💡 Cooperative and close to you, your Banque Populaire is represented by 2,100 women and men, all from the local fabric, spread across 218 branches and 11 departments, at the service of our 699,315 customers and members. Our ambition? To support you in carrying out the projects that make you dream …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

52 22 40 1,595
ANIMA Investment Network ANIMA Investment Network

The cooperation network for economic development within Europe, Middle East and Africa ! ANIMA is an international network that works towards economic integration and convergence between Europe, Middle East and Africa. ANIMA develops initiatives with the objective of making its partner countries more attractive to business and investment, improving the performance of policies and institutions, and promoting companies that create value for society. ANIMA network brings together 70 member organisations in 20 countries and more than 400 experts and partners coordinated by a team of 17 people based in France and Morocco. Join ANIMA Investment Network ! * ANIMA est …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

49 11 43 17
MyExpat.US MyExpat.US

We work with entrepreneurs, expats and their families to make the complex process of moving countries SIMPLE. We work with entrepreneurs and their families to make the complex process of relocating to the United States SIMPLE. Our deep knowledge of the culture and daily life makes your transition a positive experience. Nous travaillons avec les entrepreneurs et leurs familles pour simplifier et accélérer leur installation aux Etats-Unis. Nos connaissances approfondies de la culture business américaine et du mode de vie local rendront votre expérience positive. expats, startups, families, relocation, and personal and professional integration

Type: Startup Activities: entrepreneurship

18 0 17 1


Type: Media

126 70 45 336

Business media Since 1919, the IJ magazine has been a weekly economic, legal and tax information magazine. Authorized by the Loire-Atlantique prefecture, it includes, in each of its publications, legal announcements: transfers of funds, transactions, commercial information, public markets. A veritable mine of information for the business. économie, fiscalité, annonces légales, marchés publics, ventes aux enchères, vie des sociétés, entreprise, Juridique, droit des sociétés, droit commercial, and conseil aux entreprises

Type: Media

43 16 23 66
Biltoki Biltoki

Halles Bonnes Vivantes in the 4 corners of France 🦪 Biltoki means "the place that brings people together". We are a family business headquartered in the heart of the Basque Country, in Anglet (64). For more than 10 years, we have been reinventing market halls to make them places of conviviality where locals meet and share good times around the best products on the market, from the know-how of local artisans and independent traders. 👩🏼‍🌾🧑🏽‍🌾 🏛 In 2024, we launched the "Halls for all our cities" movement to accelerate the revitalization of market halls in the region in co-construction with …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

16 4 9 78
Alsace Business Angels Alsace Business Angels

Alsace Business Angels Sector: Associations, NGOs - Association law 1901 Alsace Business Angels is an association bringing together people who invest part of their personal assets in companies with high development potential. They also provide these companies with their skills, experience and network of contacts. Alsace Business Angels is an active member of France Angels, the organization that brings together French business angel networks. Location: Strasbourg - France Venture Capital, Private Equity, Minority Investments, and Private Equity

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

39 10 34 21
Alliancy - numérique et business Alliancy - numérique et business

Media on the digital transformation of companies, committed to "Stronger together" Since its creation in 2012, our media has been at the forefront of the digital acceleration experienced by private and public organizations at the heart of the French economy. Today, its role is to offer a unique perspective on our professional environments in transformation. We give our readers the keys to anticipation, through original and in-depth analyses, as well as by monitoring current events. We are a facilitator of sharing experiences for decision-makers, in a framework of trust. Our convictions: The era of artificial intelligence that we have entered …

Type: Media

230 38 208 29
Les Premières Nouvelle-Aquitaine Les Premières Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Incubator for entrepreneurs and innovative mixed teams! "Changing the entrepreneurial world for a sustainable, mixed economy, with more diversity, meaning and social utility", this has been our reason for being since the creation of the Les Premières Nouvelle-Aquitaine incubator. 📊 Les Premières in a few figures: 208 support sessions, 352 new jobs generated, 167 companies created. 📍Installed in the Darwin ecosystem, Les Premières Nouvelle-Aquitaine supports women and mixed teams in the creation of innovative projects. In detail, 3 programs are in the spotlight: 👉 Start: test your entrepreneur profile and confirm your ambitions. 👉 Go: build your project. 👉 Boost: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

31 13 21 32
01net 01net

Get informed, master, choose., your daily high-tech coach. Leader in high-tech information, has been supporting the French for over 15 years in their use of digital technology and new technologies with its website and its 01netTV channel. Every day, nearly 20 specialist journalists cover and decipher the latest news on high-tech products, security, the web and social networks. is also an independent test laboratory and a leading download platform that provides simple and secure access to software and applications that make the French people's digital lives easier.

Type: Media

66 27 26 60
Centrale Nantes Centrale Nantes

Reinvent Engineering In keeping with the traditions of French Engineering schools (grandes écoles d'ingénieurs), Ecole Centrale Nantes, founded in 1919, trains versatile engineers to a very high scientific and technical level. Equipped with a strong managerial culture, they are capable of placing scientific subjects into a global context incorporating environmental and societal issues. Sciences and Engineering

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

55 18 33 671
C'est pas mon idée ! C'est pas mon idée !

Innovation in financial services French blog by Patrice Bernard about innovation in financial services finance, innovation, banque, assurance, fintech, and insurtech

Type: Media

42 12 29 2
Fin&Tech Summit Fin&Tech Summit

The Playground of Innovation in Finance Fin&Tech Summit devient #20Past20Next pour nos 20 ans. Une journée exceptionelle. 20 years in wealth management deserve a real birthday ! We organize au special Birthday 21st of June 2023. Want to be a part of it ? Contact us MainStage : International Famous Speaker. Panel, keynote, Chat About the 20 Next Years Investments Work in progress for website and so on... MasterClass AI : With the help of scientist, ingineer, specialist a limited MasterClass (15p) will take place Trhee time during the event. Each attendee will bring back his personal Roadmap for AI …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

47 9 40 1
AlgoSource AlgoSource

High-value bioactive ingredients from microalgae for food supplements, healthcare / CDMO. #microalgaeforhealth AlgoSource is the French pioneer in producing high-value bioactive molecules from microalgae biomass and natural marine resources for nutraceutical and health prevention. AlgoSource has a strong in-house R&D team, cultivates its own biomass, and handles the extraction and packaging of high-value products. This way, we maintain our experise throughout the entire process. Thanks to patented cold water extraction processes, without synthetic solvents or chemical inputs, we offer 100% natural products, systematically subject to internal and external quality controls before introduced to the market. Our main products are: - …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech foodtech healthtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

22 11 14 31
EACC Lyon - European American Chamber of Commerce Auvergne-Rhone-Alps EACC Lyon - European American Chamber of Commerce Auvergne-Rhone-Alps

Where Europeans and Americans connect in business The EACC AURA is a private and independent non-profit organization with affiliates in Paris, Amsterdam, New York, Cincinnati, Texas, Miami and the Carolinas and expansion plans for other big US and EU cities. The EACC is a dynamic network of transatlantic business executives with a combined membership of about 750 member companies in Europe and the US, reaching out to over 10.000 executives. We provide our members with access to transatlantic business opportunities as well as timely and relevant information, resources and support on matters affecting business activities between Europe and the US. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

28 1 25 6
INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon

École publique d’ingénieur et pôle de recherche de référence. The National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Lyon is an international, multidisciplinary Engineering School at the heart of the European Higher Education scene. From its foundation in 1957, INSA Lyon included both international and human & social aspects in the curriculum of its engineers. In fact, equal importance is given to its international relations and openness as to the quality of its education and research. formation, recherche, and ingénieur

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

89 40 47 1,696
CATIE (Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l'Information et Électroniques) CATIE (Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l'Information et Électroniques)

Solutions pour la société numérique. Created in 2014 and supported by Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, CATIE (Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l'Information et Électroniques) is a center for technologic transfer specialized in digital technologies. With a mission to provide support for Nouvelle-Aquitaine's companies in the process of adopting and integrating digital technologies, it completes regional initiatives by focusing on the transfer needs. CATIE has a multidisciplinary approach and focuses on SME's needs through three fields of action : human factors and cognition, information technology (including Big Data and Artificial Intelligence) and digital systems (electronical, software and industrial dimensions). CATIE's missions are achieved …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

74 18 69 59
BASICS Finance BASICS Finance

Part Time Full Service Basics Finance was set up by finance experts in Paris (France) in order to fulfill identified needs in SMEs. Too many entrepreneurs spend too much time in trying to manage their finance, when they would rather focus on developing their business. We give the opportunity to SMEs to benefit from experienced CFOs on a part time basis. Cheaper than a full time position and very efficient. We also help Investment Funds from all over the world in dealing with the companies they invest in, from due diligence and M&A process, to day to day finance …

Type: Incubators & VCs

37 7 30 1
BigUp New Business Makers 🚀 BigUp New Business Makers 🚀

Custom-made innovation: Sourcing Expertise Support #Innovation #FrenchTech #Big4Start ➡️ Custom-made innovation: Sourcing Expertise Support #Innovation #FrenchTech #Big4Start ➡️ Visit to find out more! Custom-made Open Innovation

Type: Event

113 27 100 3
Tribune de Lyon Tribune de Lyon

All the news in Lyon and its metropolitan area. Rosebud is the publishing company of Tribune de Lyon, the leading general weekly in Lyon and, a daily news site (politics, society, economy, science, education, lifestyle, culture, etc.) on Lyon and its metropolitan area. The company also publishes the magazine Exit (, a free monthly magazine on outings in Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes region (tourism, leisure, shows, restaurants), as well as the family magazine Grains de Sel, also free ( Since 2016, Tribune de Lyon has been awarded the ACPM gold star (Alliance pour les Chiffres de la Presse et …

Type: Media

37 16 22 50
L'École de design Nantes Atlantique L'École de design Nantes Atlantique

Design for Creative Innovation - Nantes | Shanghai | Pune | São Paulo | Montréal L'École de design Nantes Atlantique is an higher education institution specialised in design, creation and innovation, managed by the Chambre of Commerce of Nantes (France). The institution offers 5-year curriculum at master level (degree recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education), with major options in graphic design, interaction design, product design and spatial design at undergraduate level (BDes). Topic related Master's programs (MDes) are open to international students in the following fields : Transcultural Design, Social Design, Environmental Design, Information Design, Food Design & Brand, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech uxtech

73 24 50 490
Trophées "Les Femmes de l'économie"​ Trophées "Les Femmes de l'économie"​

Revealing female talent Since 2010, the “Women of the Economy” Trophies have rewarded and highlighted women with exemplary careers who actively contribute to the economic development of their region. A pioneer, these Trophies have been able to highlight the importance of women in their regional economic fabric and thus give them back the place they deserve in the business world, a real societal issue. THE UNMISSABLE MEETING FOR WOMEN IN THE ECONOMY The “Women of the Economy” Trophies are held in each region, through business events and award ceremonies. These unifying events connect economic networks, business leaders, managers and institutions …

Type: Event

60 24 25 4
WIS - L’école [tech] de l’expertise digitale WIS - L’école [tech] de l’expertise digitale

WIS meets the needs of companies in the field of digital transformation. WIS offers a Digital Project Manager course (Bac+3) in double diploma (additional certification of your choice: Community Manager or operational marketing manager) and a Digital Expertise course (Bac+5) with 3 MSc (data, digital transformation, personal data security). They are accessible in initial training, work-study and professional training. By training strategists for the digital transformation of organizations, it meets the needs of a highly tense job market. WIS is located in 12 cities in France. Campus: Arras, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Paris, Reims, Rennes, Toulouse WIS is …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

19 4 10 70
Incubateur Les Premières Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Incubateur Les Premières Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

Incubator for entrepreneurs and innovative mixed teams The Les Premières Auvergne Rhône-Alpes incubator supports women and mixed teams in their startup creation. Individual support, Business plan, Marketing, Personal development, Coaching, Legal setup, Communication, Financing, BPI, business angels, Incubator, and Accelerator

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

5 5 0 27
Pierre Cappelli [ Digital OI ] Pierre Cappelli [ Digital OI ]

Digital Manager & Strategist Consultant en Transformation Digitale des entreprises Spécialiste dans l'acculturation des entreprises sur technologies de rupture, la disruption Communication digitale, relation client, médias sociaux et e-réputation. Formateur & Communicant expert senior En savoir plus: Transformation Digitale des entreprises, Digital strategist, Technologies de rupture, Disruption, E.réputation, Médias Sociaux, Personal Branding, Marketing de projet innovant, Formation & Master Class, Content Marketing, and Stratégie Digitale

Type: SMB Activities: martech e-reputation

129 24 106 0

You Create We Connect • networking & co-pro events CARTOON is an international non-profit association based in Brussels. Our mission is to support the animation industry by organising several types of events through the year dedicated to animation professionals. CARTOON is co-funded by the Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

14 5 9 39

WeJOB develops innovative solutions for employment, recruitment and training WeJOB: a Booster for employment with innovative solutions! WeJOB develops several services for all stakeholders: - for companies: human resources and management consulting, inclusive recruitment such as training, outplacement or mobilization - for job seekers: training, co-searching, building a professional project, jobdating and jobber communities Innovative and impactful services that you can benefit from tomorrow in Gironde! For more information, visit cosearching, Employment, Training, Recruitment, Human Resources, integration, inclusion, training, and HR consulting

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

25 5 21 31
Blockchain et Société Blockchain et Société

Notre association a pour objet de faire découvrir la thématique de la Blockchain et des Distributed Ledger Technologies. We created Blockchain & Society in order to promote blockchain technologies and study its impacts on our society. Based in Nantes (France), 800+ subscribers, ~50 attendees every meetups. Join us on Slack: blockchain, ethereum, cryptocurrencies, and distributed ledgers

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

1 1 0 2
Capitaine Study Capitaine Study

The 1st platform that lists verified opinions on higher education establishments, left by students! Finding a school that suits us and that really meets our expectations has now become a real obstacle course, as there are so many and varied schools, training courses, private preparatory classes and other establishments! How does it work? We give a voice to those who have studied at the schools you are targeting. Current students and alumni give a detailed opinion on their school, without detour and with flawless objectivity (establishments have no control over the opinions left on their page). We work hand in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 2 3 4

There are those who are stuck in elo hell, and there are those who use snowball. #coaching #esport

Type: SMB Activities: it services

4 2 3 1
Pépite Etena Pépite Etena

Test your idea, make your project a reality 🚀 🚀 Pépite Etena is a structure that aims to raise awareness and support students and/or young graduates interested in entrepreneurship and the startup world in the Alsace region. 🧑‍🚀 Want to know more about our news? Subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter so you don't miss anything: 👉 Entrepreneurship, Student Entrepreneur, National Student Entrepreneur Status, Awareness, Training, and Support

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

37 12 21 33
AT Internet, a Piano company AT Internet, a Piano company

Expert Digital Analytics - 100% privacy-by-design. Develop your digital performance. A Piano company since 2021. One of the world’s major players in digital intelligence since 1996, AT Internet helps companies measure their audience and optimise their digital performance across all channels. AT Internet’s expertise extends from collecting raw data to processing it in real time and delivering it for analysis and the sharing of insights. Applications in AT Internet’s Analytics Suite provide reliable, contextualised and actionable information. Scalable and completely modular, AT Internet’s offering adapts to businesses in all industries: e-commerce, media, finance/banking, corporate and institutions. Easy-to-use and accessible to …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

27 9 14 177
MamyRoom MamyRoom

MamyRoom connects young students looking for accommodation & seniors who have a room available at home. The idea: a very moderate rent in exchange for small, very useful services.

Type: Incubators & VCs

3 3 0 N/A
Latitudes – Exploring Tech for Good Latitudes – Exploring Tech for Good

🌟 We help you contribute to the Tech For Good movement How do you contribute to creating responsible and meaningful technologies ? What makes your teams proud of their work? Whether you are an individual, a company or a university, Latitudes helps you build responsible and committed technologies. #TechForGood Our goal: bringing purpose to digital technologies. We help you get involved in Tech for Good projects and learn about the social and environnemental challenges of digital technologies: ☘️ sobriety 🌻 diversity 😇 human well-being 🎈 accessibility 📣 citizenship Our offers include: ✅ Trainings and consulting in order to raise awareness …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

97 40 63 52
La Ferme Digitale La Ferme Digitale

Promoting innovation and digital technology for efficient, sustainable and civic agriculture. #AgTech #FoodTech Founded by 5 start-ups, La Ferme Digitale is an association under the 1901 law whose objective is to promote innovation and digital technology for efficient, sustainable and civic agriculture. Association bringing together 126 companies & start-ups serving the agricultural and food world. Follow us on Twitter @FermeDigitale and Facebook: La Ferme Digitale

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

171 70 105 48
Fédération Française de BasketBall Fédération Française de BasketBall

Basketball for all, close to all and within everyone's reach Basketball is the 5th French sport in terms of number of licensees and the 2nd team sport. The FFBB has more than 668,337 licensees (38% of whom are women) and 3,883 clubs. Developing, promoting and managing basketball in France are the FFBB's main missions.

Type: Public

59 29 45 603
Hacking Health Global Hacking Health Global

We Bring Innovation To Healthcare Hacking Health is a global movement to improve healthcare. We choose to unite in the pursuit of a common mission: Breaking down barriers to innovation in healthcare. In the face of ever increasingly complex health issues, we engage all stakeholders inside and outside the healthcare sector. By facilitating cross-disciplinary collaborations, we help generate fresh insights and creative solutions to current challenges. We find new ways to make the best ideas emerge and generate lasting impact. In these days of fundamental societal transformation driven by technology, we bring together healthcare professionals, patients, technologists, designers, entrepreneurs, decision …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: healthtech entrepreneurship

65 23 40 27
Dynamique Entrepreneuriale Dynamique Entrepreneuriale

Dynamique Entrepreneuriale is a print & digital media for managers and business creators. Dynamique Entrepreneuriale is a monthly magazine on the creation, life and development of the company. Dedicated to TPE/SME business leaders, it gives you the advice and tips you need to create and develop your business and shares the experience of entrepreneurs at all stages. Distributed on average to more than 69,000 copies (OJD figures, verified and certified) in targeted places such as CCIs, management boutiques, entrepreneur clubs, business clubs, employers' unions, etc. Entrepreneurship, Management, E-commerce, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Communication, Business Development, and Business Strategy

Type: Media

23 12 9 4
The Information The Information

The leading publication high-powered tech executives and founders read daily. The Information is a global publication committed to original reporting and in-depth analysis of the technology industry. Based in San Francisco and founded in 2013 by award-winning former Wall Street Journal reporter Jessica Lessin, The Information is one of the most influential voices in technology news and one of the fastest-growing news businesses in the world. In addition to delivering leading-edge journalism, the team hosts events and conference calls that draw thousands of C-level leaders annually. Sign up for our newsletters:

Type: Startup Activities: media it services

73 24 50 110
Rails Girls Rails Girls

Rails Girls - Get started with tech RailsGirls community page Ruby and Ruby on Rails

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 2 2 5
Dropbox Dropbox

Dropbox is the one place to keep life organized and keep work moving. Dropbox is the one place to keep life organized and keep work moving. With more than 700 million registered users across 180 countries, we're on a mission to design a more enlightened way of working. Dropbox is headquartered in San Francisco, CA, and has offices around the world. To learn more about working at Dropbox, visit We also have a few simple guidelines to keep this space respectful and productive. Please avoid: - Harassing other people or using language that’s hateful, offensive, vulgar, or advocates violence …

Type: Large company

109 48 15 3,699
Carrel Carrel


Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

11 1 11 42
Strapi Strapi

Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript, fully customizable and developer-first. 🚀 Strapi ( is the leading open-source Headless CMS. It gives developers the freedom to use their favorite tools and frameworks while allowing editors to easily manage their content and distribute it anywhere. Based on Node.JS, it saves days of development time through a beautiful admin panel anyone can use. Key features: - Open source: the entire codebase is available on GitHub and is maintained by hundreds of contributors. - Self-hosted: security is crucial for companies. Host your data safely, on your own servers. GDPR compliant. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

9 3 6 97
youWan | La réussite au féminin youWan | La réussite au féminin

The digital platform for women's professional success and fulfillment. Welcome to youWan, the digital platform that is committed to women's professional success and fulfillment through masterclasses by influential personalities and a library of exclusive resources tailored to each need. This digital platform allows > women to break the glass ceiling in business, free themselves from their limiting beliefs and achieve their professional ambitions to lead a fulfilling career. > companies to perform by encouraging gender equality.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 2 12 3
Agri Startup Summit Agri Startup Summit

Le Sommet international de l'innovation agricole. Agri Startup Summit is an international event based on innovation of the agricultural world. This exhibition gathers startups and AgTech participants to imagine and build the agriculture of tomorrow.

Type: Event

14 7 10 N/A

Augmented and Virtual Reality Agency "Helping everyone visualize and share the reality of their projects" For 20 years, Artefacto's DNA has been to "Help everyone visualize and share the reality of their projects". Created in 1998 by Valérie COTTEREAU, an architect by training, we specialize in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and 3D visualization for sectors as varied as architecture/urban planning, real estate, industry, training. Our production activity, which complements our R&D activity, differentiates us from many purely technological players: our highly qualified graphic designers produce content with a very realistic rendering to satisfy our most demanding customers. As an extension …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: VR

31 7 17 150
CPME Pays de la Loire CPME Pays de la Loire

Our added value is people! THE NETWORK OF COMMITTED ENTREPRENEURS! The CPME des Pays de la Loire, Confédération des PME, is the only interprofessional employer organization representing heritage VSEs and SMEs, those whose business leaders take personal and family risks on a daily basis, and who want to give meaning to their businesses. >> MAKING THE VOICE OF VSEs and SMEs HEARD The CPME des Pays de la Loire and its Departmental Unions of Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe and Vendée have the mission of defending and representing VSEs and SMEs. It maintains a constant dialogue with public authorities at the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

37 10 25 14
Groupama Centre-Atlantique Groupama Centre-Atlantique

Groupama Centre-Atlantique is an insurance company based out of 2 AVENUE DE LIMOGES, NIORT, DEUX SEVRES, France.

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: it services

123 18 25 936
Micropole Micropole

Join our team of ​#InnovativePeople An international consulting group specialized in corporate transformation through Data, MICROPOLE partners its clients through a global approach: ‘Data Driven‘ Strategy, Cloud Acceleration, Digital Business. From its 14 agencies, in Europe and China, the Group’s 1,200 #INNOVATIVE PEOPLE bring their expertise, from consulting to implementation, to assist their customers in staying ahead and having a positive business impact through Data innovation. 40% of Micropole’s turnover is achieved internationally and it is listed on the Euronext Growth market. Transformation Data, Data Governance, Data Management, EPM, and Data Science

Type: Large company Activities: it services

95 20 74 1,317
Petit Bateau Petit Bateau

FREEDOM. QUALITY. SUSTAINABILITY. 🌍 FREEDOM. QUALITY. SUSTAINABILITY. Petit Bateau has been creating durable clothing for over 130 years.

Type: Large company Activities: retail

55 27 22 1,398

Don't miss out! is the pioneering real estate network for real estate on the internet. For over 17 years, we have been training and supporting real estate advisors throughout France, providing them with the power of the Internet to distribute their ads, the tools and advice to enable them to develop their business without limits. Don't miss out! real estate

Type: Large company Activities: proptech

38 3 36 1,461

Le Son Unique The leading community radio station in the Pays de la Loire with 18,000(1) listeners per day and an average daily listening time of 2 hours, SUN is also among the leading community radio stations nationally. It is broadcast in Loire-Atlantique (Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Pornic), Maine-et-Loire (Angers, Cholet) and Vendée (La Roche-sur-Yon). SUN also offers a streaming service via its platform: mySUN. Making content available free of charge on multiple media is essential to respond to changes in usage and to reach all audiences. (1) EAR > Local 2021-2023 together 13 years and over. 05H00-24H00 Radio, new media, Media, …

Type: Media Activities: it services

25 2 18 62
Vitijob Vitijob

Jobboard specializing in vine and wine jobs (and not only!). 🍇🍷 [ Leading jobboard specialized in vine and wine professions ] Find nearly 2000 job offers, training, work-study and internship. 🍇 We help you find a job by accompanying you at each step of your career path. Our mission is to connect companies with professionals and future professionals of the vine and wine. Live your passion and become a vine and wine talent ! vin, emploi, stage, formation, alternance, spiritueux, bière, mixologie, CDI, CDD, profession, wine industry, recrutement, vigne, and champagne

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

10 3 7 4
ESD - École Supérieure du Digital ESD - École Supérieure du Digital

Create. Code. Innovate. The École Supérieure du Digital is a school on a human scale where strategy and creation meet, a school focused on connectivity with an avant-garde posture. The professional world needs people trained in the digital ecosystem: this is why the ESD offers a 5-year diploma to train in the professions of web marketing, creation/design and e-business. Digital, Communication, Digital Strategy, Start up, SEO-SEA, Social Media, Data, Internet, Webmarketing, Web Development, Programming, Web Design, UX Design, and E-commerce

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

42 3 42 243
Bryj Technologies, Inc. Bryj Technologies, Inc.

Bryj provides the best AI marketing solutions for maximum ROI. Bryj provides the best AI marketing solutions for maximum ROI. We offer AI-driven solutions for marketers and empower them with digital solutions that deliver real results. Looking to boost marketing performance without the manual effort? ChatROI’s AI activates and optimizes campaigns in real time, ensuring your media spend delivers the highest possible ROI. With 2x the engagement and 5x higher conversion rates than mobile web, our mobile apps allow you to offer a superior user experience that drives higher revenue. Plus, with mobile notifications, you can keep users active and …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

22 6 16 62