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Scarabe Scarabe

[Automatic translation follows] Sale of tactical and airsoft equipment Security, Audit, and Information Protection

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

1 1 0 6

NATO's Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic DIANA is the Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic, a NATO organisation with a mission to locate and accelerate dual-use innovation across the Alliance. DIANA provides technology developers with the resources, networks and expertise to address critical defence and security challenges, to create a more peaceful and resilient future. For more information about our challenges, accelerator programme, first cohort of innovators, and our network across the Alliance, please visit our website. We appreciate your interest in DIANA. For hiring questions, please get in touch with the hiring manager on the post; …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 6 2 51

Hardware for AI The company (Hardware for AI) designs hardware accelerators to provide explainable, accountable and transparent artificial intelligence (AI). Probabilistic models are the basis of this next generation of AI as the former Intel CTO Mike Mayberry says: "The third wave of AI [...] will be around probabilistic computing". These models meet our needs by combining the strengths of expert systems and neural networks, namely reasoning and learning. They enable a more frugal AI as they require much less data to learn and much less energy for their execution. Moreover, this type of AI meets the needs for …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

56 8 53 19
The Digital and Intelligence Service The Digital and Intelligence Service

Singapore Armed Forces The DIS will defend and dominate in the digital domain. As part of an integrated SAF, the DIS will enhance Singapore’s security, from peace to war.

Type: Public Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

1 1 0 420
Photonis Defense Photonis Defense

Protecting the protectors through the relentless pursuit of technology and innovation. Protecting the protectors through the relentless pursuit of technology and innovation.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

1 1 0 36

[Automatic translation follows] Root to security! Cyber ​​Humanum Est is a large-scale cybersecurity WarGame that takes place in a galaxy far, far away... in Nancy (Grand Est). This event is co-organized each year by the Nancy and Lorraine INP Defense Base, under the aegis of the Cyber ​​Defense Command (COMCYBER) of the Ministry of the Armed Forces and the University of Lorraine. It is aimed at around a hundred students from the Ecole des Mines de Nancy, Télécom Nancy, Polytech Nancy, the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, the UFR Human and Social Sciences and the IUT of Nancy-Brabois.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 1 9 N/A

[Automatic translation follows] Your online media: Web show to decipher cyber, risk and digital news. RISKINTEL supports you in your search for risk awareness. Through our monitoring, our risk interviews, our expert round tables and our talk shows, we are dedicated to centralizing and analyzing risk news in all its forms. 📑 Compliance 💻 Cybersecurity 💸 Finance 🏷️ Reputation ..... ! 👉 Follow us to be informed every day of the various threats affecting organizations. Like people, they are affected by the various risks and must anticipate and protect themselves. Possible synergies between us? Contact us at 🔬 Knowing …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

8 5 3 8
Mind2Shake Mind2Shake

[Automatic translation follows] Think use cases, adopt innovation and involve change. Mind2shake is a young structure working to build an innovative community of SMEs/Startups, large industrial and institutional groups. We bring together innovators (particularly digital) within a future Marketplace and support them to help them respond to uses and irritants within large groups and administrations. In addition, we offer a technology watch offering carried out via a methodology that uses academic research methods and machine learning algorithms to monitor emerging trends and technologies. We are currently developing a visualization platform for innovation ecosystems, which will allow innovation stakeholders to better …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

5 1 2 9
MuseIA MuseIA

[Automatic translation follows] Museia #Images #Perceptions #Representations #StrategicCom #Prospective #Innovation #informationalstruggleInfluence MuseIA guided the work of the “Cyber ​​3.0 Operations Center Challenge of the Ministry of the Armed Forces”. During its presentation, its report was described as "disruptive" by the Army, in the Informational Fight for Influence. MuseIA received the second “Most Disruptive Project Prize” from the Defense Innovation Agency at the end of 2022 alongside Thalès (1st Prize), Airbus and SopraSteria. MuseIA - specialized in visual perception, representation, image production, combined with cutting-edge engineering - was founded by the leaders of the prefiguration team of the Ministerial Delegation for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 1 8 2

[Automatic translation follows] SAHAR is a French technology company founded in 2019 in Paris and incubated at the Cyber ​​Defense Factory (Cyber ​​Defense Command). The company specializes in the collection, processing and visualization of massive data. SAHAR is listed with the government ministries which it assists on several projects. It also supports the public and private sectors in the development and deployment of strategic products. In addition, SAHAR provides training on crisis management and AI at the INSP (formerly ENA) and SciencesPo.

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

2 2 0 41
U.S. Cyber Command U.S. Cyber Command

CYBERCOM directs, synchronizes, & coordinates cyberspace planning & operations in defense of the U.S. & its interests. U.S. Cyber Command directs, synchronizes, and coordinates cyberspace planning and operations to defend and advance national interests in collaboration with domestic and international partners. Follow us on Twitter @US_CyberCom.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

1 1 0 304
OKTAL Synthetic Environment OKTAL Synthetic Environment

Software Editor company expert in the development of ElectroOptics, RADAR and GNSS rendering simulation tools software, simulation, and multi-sensors

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

3 2 0 31
Gorgy Time Gorgy Time

Leader in time & frequency synchronisation solutions and time display. Gorgy Time is a leader in time & frequency synchronisation solutions and time display. Since 1974, Gorgy Time has been designing and manufacturing clocks and time servers in France that meet the needs of security, synchronisation and precision for transport, defense, energy, broadcast, industry and health markets. The production site is based in La Mure, France. Gorgy generates 50% of its sales from exports. Synchronisation horaire, Distribution d'heure, Horlogerie Industrielle, Transmission sécurisée d'un code horaire, NTP, PTP, SNMP, and Horloges

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

3 0 3 49
La Place Stratégique La Place Stratégique

[Automatic translation follows] Preserve in France the essential strategic value of young, high-potential companies Aware of the issues of sovereignty in technological fields and the high potential of certain young national companies, La Place Stratégique aims to offer Young Strategic Companies a system of aid and support for their development, which aims to enable them to maintain most of their strategic value in France. These young companies, selected both for their technological potential and their initial successes on their native markets, integrate a collective and individual support program. This must enable them to successfully develop and deploy the duality of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

16 2 16 4

[Automatic translation follows] Aeronautics-defense cluster in the Grand Est region AERIADES is a network bringing together companies, technology transfer centers, education and research establishments united by their desire to strengthen and develop the aeronautics and defense sector in the Grand Est Region. Our goals : - Information, communication, coordination of network members - Participation in major aeronautical and defense events - Support and advice to cluster members through collective actions - Networking of knowledge and skills

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 6 0 3
Barbhack Barbhack

[Automatic translation follows] Southernmost hacking conference Do you sometimes feel like you don't have enough time to chat with your friends during big security conferences? Tired of Breton rain or Parisian clouds? ;) Why not head south to enjoy high-level talks, endless technical discussions, the warmth of the Riviera sun... and a BBQ on the beach? BARBHACK is "the" conference to discover in a unique place, in ALL-INCLUSIVE mode - excluding accommodation... so see you there!

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

1 1 0 N/A
MICA Center MICA Center

By sailors, through maritime industry, for seafarers' security « A bridge between the maritime Industry and the French Navy » The Maritime Information Cooperation and Awareness Center (MICA Center) encompasses all domains of maritime cooperation between the French Navy and the shipping Industry worldwide. Centre of expertise dedicated to maritime security, it hosts four different cells contributing to Maritime Situational Awareness, maritime Information sharing and reporting: - The Voluntary Naval Cooperation centre (VNC) - The Maritime Domain Awareness for Trade - Gulf of Guinea (MDAT-GoG) - The Maritime Security Centre Horn of Africa (MSC-HoA) EUNAVFOR ATALANTA - The Naval Control …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 1 1 12

[Automatic translation follows] Reference all addresses in the territory and make them usable by everyone The National Address Base is one of the nine public reference data service databases. It is the only address database officially recognized by the administration. A digital service for shared use and a basic infrastructure on which many public policies are based, it is part of the State's information and communication system.

Type: Public Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

6 3 5 1
France Chaleur Urbaine France Chaleur Urbaine

[Automatic translation follows] Facilitate and accelerate the connection of buildings to heat networks. France Chaleur Urbaine is a public service which promotes heating networks in order to respond to three major challenges: 1. the fight against climate change 2. control of energy prices 3. security of supply We inform, equip and connect communities, heat network operators, co-owners and owners or managers of tertiary buildings. Our objective ? Facilitate and accelerate connections to heat networks.​​ Visit our platform to: - Discover tools that enhance heat networks: connection test, network mapping, C02 simulator, etc. - Find information and data on heating networks …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech it services

26 5 24 3

[Automatic translation follows] Quality open data for transparency, better public action and the creation of new services. is the open and community platform which aims to centralize and structure open data in France. It promotes the transparency and effectiveness of public action while facilitating the creation of new services. We allow : - data producers to open their data; - data re-users to download data and share their achievements; - for any citizen to discover data or find information. Open data and Data

Type: Public Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

20 4 15 1

The program that harnesses social mobilization to respond to crises is a program that focuses on social mobilisation to bring rapid response to social and environmental crises. It's mission is to multiply the civic initiatives that shined during the pandemic (Covidtracker, Conotify, Covidliste, etc.) by combining the strengths of different actors: the velocity of “reservists”, volunteer citizens who develop projects to respond to crises; and the expertise and means of distribution of public, associative and private actors to have a large-scale impact. Join our community of reservists by filling out this form and you will be invited to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 1 6 11
Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării

[Automatic translation follows] The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization is a specialized body of the central public administration. The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization has a synthesis and coordination role in the fields of scientific research, experimental and technological development, innovation, communications and digitalization. The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization is the state authority in the fields of research, experimental and technological development, innovation, communications and digitalization, cyber security, postal services, radio communications. At the same time, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization is the state authority in the fields of information technology, information society and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech it services

1 1 0 90
Mission Interministérielle Numérique Écoresponsable Mission Interministérielle Numérique Écoresponsable

[Automatic translation follows] Reduce the environmental footprint of public digital The Eco-responsible Interministerial Digital Mission aims to reduce the environmental footprint of public digital. It is co-led by the interministerial digital department (DINUM) and the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Responsible digital, Ecodesign, Public service, and Digital accessibility

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

24 5 20 1

Your open source agile project management platform for multifunctional teams. Easy and intuitive yet powerful. Open Source. Powerful. Taiga is a project management platform for everyone looking for an intuitive, quick and beautiful tool that makes work truly enjoyable. Features include backlog, sprint planning, burn down chart, Kanban board, Epics, issue tracking, wiki, swimlanes and extensive customization options. On-premise, cloud (SaaS) and free self hosted options available. Taiga’s ease of use and flexibility means fast onboarding for your team and the ability to customize workflows your way. Seamless integrations with your favourite development and communication tools (Github, Slack...) make it …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

2 2 0 5
SDIS 72 - Sapeurs-Pompiers de la Sarthe SDIS 72 - Sapeurs-Pompiers de la Sarthe

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Sarthe Departmental Fire and Rescue Service. The Sarthe Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS 72) is a public administrative institution. It carries out many missions including the protection of people, property and the environment. It also provides emergency assistance to victims of accidents, disasters or catastrophes as well as their evacuation. But, it also aims to prevent and assess civil security risks and take safeguard measures.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

5 1 3 155

Fédération Nationale des Radioamateurs au service de la Sécurité Civile French Amateur Radio Emergency Network FNRASEC is recognized as being of public utility and approved for civil security. We specialize in technical and operational support in the field of emergency radiocommunications. As such, we design, deploy and implement radiocommunications networks dedicated to resilience and rescue and provide terrestrial radiolocation of S.A.R distress (PLB, ELT distress beacon).

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

4 1 2 3
SGAMI Nord - Secrétariat Général pour l’Administration du Ministère de l’Intérieur de la zone Nord SGAMI Nord - Secrétariat Général pour l’Administration du Ministère de l’Intérieur de la zone Nord

[Automatic translation follows] Partner and support for police officers, gendarmes, prefectures and civil protection in the North zone General Secretariat for the Administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the Northern defense and security zone: decentralized structure of the Ministry of the Interior, under the authority of the prefect of the defense and security zone, headed by the delegated prefect for the defense and security of the Northern zone, assisted by a Deputy Secretary General. North zone/ 5 departments: Aisne, Nord, Oise, Pas de Calais, Somme. The SGAMI supports the internal security forces (police and gendarmerie units), the prefectures, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

2 0 1 130
F24 AG F24 AG

That great feeling when you know your company is equipped to deal with any critical situation. F24 is Europe’s leading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider for resilience. More than 5,500 customers worldwide rely on F24’s digital solutions, which support companies and organisations through all areas of resilience. Solutions cover business messaging and service notification, emergency and mass notification, incident and crisis management, as well as governance, risk and compliance. F24 supports customers in virtually every sector ranging from energy, healthcare, industry, finance, IT, tourism and aviation to a wide variety of public organisations. Many years of international experience have made F24 experts …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

2 0 2 12
Préfecture de Police des Bouches-du-Rhône Préfecture de Police des Bouches-du-Rhône

[Automatic translation follows] Also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The Bouches-du-Rhône Police Commissioner: - implements the national internal security policy - responsible for public order - has authority over the police forces and gendarmerie units in the department and coordinates their action - carries out administrative police missions contributing to internal security in matters of drinking establishments, events on public roads, video protection, weapons, private security and security of sporting events Along with the Paris police prefect, he is the only full-time police prefect in France. The Bouches-du-Rhône Police Commissioner and the Bouches-du-Rhône Prefect are, for their respective …

Type: Public Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

30 13 17 30
Préfecture de Seine-et-Marne Préfecture de Seine-et-Marne

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of state services in Seine-et-Marne The prefect is appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, taken in the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior. He embodies the permanence of the State in the department. Missions : > State representation and communication > Safety of people and property > Service to the public and issuance of titles > Respect for legality and the rule of law > Social and professional integration as well as the fight against exclusion > Territorial administration and economic development …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

16 5 9 54
CEP Probation CEP Probation

CEP wants safer communities by reintegrating offenders and providing the best interventions possible. Follow us on this page to stay in touch and see news from the field of criminal justice. CEP aims to promote the social inclusion of offenders through community sanctions and measures such as probation, community service, mediation and conciliation. The organisation is committed to enhance the profile of probation and to improve professionalism in this field, on a national and a European level. Sign up for our newsletter: Probation, International cooperation, Conferences, and Knowlegde exchange

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

1 1 0 15
Association des Maires et Présidents de Communautés de Maine-et-Loire Association des Maires et Présidents de Communautés de Maine-et-Loire

[Automatic translation follows] Proximity is our strength The Association of Mayors and Community Presidents of Maine et Loire brings together, in 2022, 176 municipalities in the department and 5 Intercommunal Public Establishments (out of 9). It serves its members to facilitate the daily exercise of their mandate and defend their interests. The Association was declared to the Prefecture of Maine et Loire on November 3, 1953. It therefore celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2003. This anniversary was marked during the general assembly of June 14, 2003 in Segré with an exhibition and a brochure tracing the evolution of the Association.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

18 1 14 4
Divers-IT Divers-IT

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's reprogram the world of tomorrow Divers-IT offers awareness workshops on societal issues linked to the increased emergence of new technologies. In the program ? - Code - Cybersecurity - Digital sobriety - Data - And lots of interactions in a good mood... We are aimed at companies which distribute our offers to their employees who can register their children themselves. See you soon !

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics Cybersecurity

2 0 1 5
Groupe écologiste, solidaire & citoyen - Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Groupe écologiste, solidaire & citoyen - Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Group of 19 elected environmentalists to the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (2021-2028 mandate). Group of 19 elected environmentalists to the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine The group relies on a team of 4 employees.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 0 0 4

Innovative 3D laser scanning solutions for Mobile, Terrestrial, Aerial, Industrial and Unmanned applications. RIEGL is an international leading provider of cutting edge technology in airborne, mobile, terrestrial, industrial and unmanned laser scanning solutions. RIEGL has been producing LiDAR systems commercially for almost 40 years and focuses on pulsed time-of-flight laser radar technology in multiple wavelengths. RIEGL’s core Smart-Waveform technologies provide pure digital LiDAR signal processing, unique methodologies for resolving range ambiguities, multiple targets per laser shots, optimum distribution of measurements, calibrated amplitudes and reflectance estimates, as well as the seamless integration and calibration of systems. RIEGL’s various 3D scanners offer …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Drones

1 0 0 59
Observatoire du covoiturage Observatoire du covoiturage

[Automatic translation follows] A trusted third party in the short-distance carpooling ecosystem in France. The National Observatory of Daily Carpooling is a digital public service supported by the Ministry of Transport. It allows you to identify and certify short-distance carpooling journeys. This way, an AOM can launch an incentive campaign with complete confidence. By joining the Proof of Carpooling Register, the AOM gains access to a complete toolbox (statistics on its territory, campaign engine, etc.). Are you an AOM and you do not yet have access to the proof of carpooling register? Contact us by private message or by email …

Type: Public Activities: it services

10 1 8 1
La Rosêe - Le Réseau des Tiers-Lieux d'Occitanie La Rosêe - Le Réseau des Tiers-Lieux d'Occitanie

[Automatic translation follows] Animate, support and promote the Third Places of Occitanie! Lead, support and promote the network of third places in Occitanie third places, network, fablab, coworking, cultural wasteland, territory factory, territory manufacturing, and community

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 5 13 4
Tiers-Lieux en Grand Est Tiers-Lieux en Grand Est

[Automatic translation follows] Network open to all. To share and discuss the theme of third places within the region. Tiers Lieux en Grand Est is a network open to all those who wish to share and discuss the theme of third places within the Grand Est region. The Tiers-Lieux en Grand Est network is a collegiate association officially created on September 30, 2021, during a regional meeting at the Shed in Reims. Its objectives are: - to facilitate cooperation between members - to improve the skills of places and individuals - to support emergence and development - to represent the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

26 5 9 5
Tiers-Lieux BFC Tiers-Lieux BFC

[Automatic translation follows] The network of Third Places in Burgundy-Franche-Comté The association prefiguring the network of third places in Burgundy-Franche-Comté (Tiers-Lieux BFC) has the main missions of animation, structuring and development, through the pooling of actions and resources, of third parties. places in Burgundy-Franche-Comté.

Type: SMB Activities: it services

22 3 4 3
SUD Tiers-Lieux SUD Tiers-Lieux

[Automatic translation follows] The network of third places in the PACA region SUD Tiers-Lieux is the network, an association under the 1901 law, of third places in the PACA region. Its objective: To listen to third places and develop actions in response to their needs, challenges and desires. The network was created and is developing collectively with and for third places. It is there to support these places and their development, in particular by setting up meetings, training courses and actions promoting exchange, cooperation and mutualisation in the territory. ✉️

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

12 2 5 6
CAP Tiers-Lieux CAP Tiers-Lieux

[Automatic translation follows] Collective for the promotion and development of third places in Pays de la Loire. CAP Tiers-Lieux accompanies, trains, networks and produces resources to support third places in Pays de la Loire. #thirdplaces #sharedgovernance #socialutility Third Places

Type: SMB Activities: it services

14 2 2 N/A
Tilino Tilino

[Automatic translation follows] “MAKE THIRD PLACES” The Third Places are this “third place”. Outside of the house, outside of work, that of living and doing together. A place of meetings and sharing, a place of life and conviviality, a place of diversity and cohesion, a place of collaboration and creation, a place of invention and reinvention. More than a place, Third Places are also a process. The momentum by which each citizen, driven by an entrepreneurial, cultural, artistic, associative or simply committed desire, seizes their power to act to respond to the challenges of their territory. A collective and fertile …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 1 2 3

Providing field based, standardized traffic regulations data for a smoother traffic flow and optimized journeys DiaLog is a digital service designed and operated by the french government, that aims at making it possible for road authorities to digitize their traffic and parking regulations. We design a series of tool : forms, APIs, maps, etc. with local and state level road managers in order for them to easily input their informations, which is then available on an open data (Open licence 2.0) access point. More info at (english or french) Mobilités, Innovation, Data, Réglementation, Logistique, Routes, and Circulation

Type: Public Activities: transporttech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

16 2 16 4
Agora Managers TV Agora Managers TV

[Automatic translation follows] The managers' information channel - Analysis and news by and for decision-makers Agora Managers TV, information and decryption media dedicated to business decision-makers. It provides solutions to those who, every day, build and secure the vitality of our public and private sector companies. It is unique in its format and its content: videos which provide solutions to 17 different professions on subjects which punctuate their current affairs. The latter are carefully selected by members of Agora Managers Clubs, the leading phygital network of business decision-makers from large public and private companies. The other differentiating factor is to …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

2 1 1 N/A
Hopinnov Hopinnov

[Automatic translation follows] We offer digital and innovative solutions to transform the functioning of healthcare establishments. Hopinnov develops POC & PICK to help you rethink operating room logistics.

Type: Startup Activities: it services

26 2 8 4
Un abri qui sauve des vies Un abri qui sauve des vies

[Automatic translation follows] 🏘️ Solidarity platform to fight against domestic violence. The network of shelters who protect victims of domestic and intra-family violence. Offer accommodation on

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 1 0 5
Place Escange [ by FIGEC ] Place Escange [ by FIGEC ]

[Automatic translation follows] The think tank for intangible risk in business, powered by FIGEC Place Escange - etymologically the place of "exchanges" - is the privileged place bringing together public and private actors, to carry out prospective reflection on the evolution and change of the company's intangible heritage and its associated risks.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 0 4 4
Les Petits Outils de la Commande Publique Les Petits Outils de la Commande Publique

[Automatic translation follows] Sharing of everyday IT and office tools for better management of public purchases. 💻 Welcome to the page dedicated to Small Public Order Tools! 💻 This page aims to encourage the sharing of IT tools specific to public procurement and thus improve the day-to-day management of the public buyer's missions. 🎯 Targeted tools are small tools (office, on the internet, etc.) which provide added value for a very specific task of the buyer (writing, pointing out folds, analysis of offers, notifications, etc.), all while remaining easy to use by ordinary people and therefore not requiring in-depth training. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

0 0 0 N/A
mediatEUr mediatEUr

We are a novel venture in international peace mediation. mediatEUr brings together a network of qualified mediators and thematic experts to support peace processes in countries affected or threatened by conflict. We work with conflict parties, peace practitioners, policymakers and organisations active in conflict resolution, peacemaking and peace building. mediatEUr works to promote the use of mediation and dialogue as effective and constructive methods for resolving conflicts. We do this through direct mediation and facilitation; providing advice to conflict resolution efforts; and capacity-building for individuals and organisations. Alternative Dispute Resolution and International Mediation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

0 0 0 19
DRSD - Direction du renseignement et de la sécurité de la défense DRSD - Direction du renseignement et de la sécurité de la défense

[Automatic translation follows] Inform to protect The DRSD is the intelligence service of the Ministry of the Armed Forces dedicated to counter-intelligence. Its main mission is to detect and then hinder threats targeting the armed forces and companies related to defense. The spirit of the mission is condensed in its motto: "inform to protect". The DRSD offers a wide variety of jobs in France or abroad for a unique and enriching experience. Civilians or military, for a contract or an internship, the DRSD is recruiting! Send your application to: Intelligence, Protection, Security, Safety, Counter-Ingermination, Inspection, cyber, and cybersecurity

Type: Public Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

4 3 2 12
Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale

[Automatic translation follows] The General Secretariat for Defense and National Security (SGDSN) is a Department of the Prime Minister working in close liaison with the Presidency of the Republic. It assists the Head of Government in exercising his responsibilities in matters of defense and national security. It was created under the name of Permanent Secretariat for National Defense in 1921, then General Secretariat for National Defense (SGDN). In 2009, the SGDN was transformed into a General Secretariat for Defense and National Security (SGDSN) with expanded missions: • It provides the secretariat for high-level interministerial meetings held under the chairmanship of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 7 2 210
Préfecture de la région Hauts-de-France et du Nord Préfecture de la région Hauts-de-France et du Nord

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of state services in the Hauts-de-France region and in the Nord department This page presents the action of the State in the Hauts-de-France region and in the North. The prefect mobilizes public agents from State services to conduct government policies, consistent with the needs of the territories: territorial planning, economic and sustainable development, employment, housing, culture, social cohesion and security of the populations. Because the expectations of civil society and agents are evolving, because traditional methods are meeting their limits, in a context of controlling public spending, State services must reinvent their modes of public …

Type: Public Activities: it services

22 16 8 279
Polaria Polaria

[Automatic translation follows] Our conversational agents serving the digitalization, modernization and simplification of public services. Polaria (Union of Les Petits Bots and Audalom companies) has set itself the mission of democratizing conversational and generative AI technologies and supporting the associated human, organizational and managerial transformations so that they are not the prerogative of giants, concentrating power and economic value. We want to guide each organization and company, large or small, but also each territory, in the definition and implementation of strategies guided by humans and AI. To do this, we combine technological excellence with know-how in change management, organizational transformation …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

22 4 6 18
Konk Ar Lab Konk Ar Lab

[Automatic translation follows] Our FabLab aims to create, manage, animate and develop a collaborative space for discovery, creation and manufacturing, using the methods and techniques of collective intelligence and open innovation via workshops and manufacturing tools, particularly digital. It is a place of meeting and exchange open to all. It allows you to experiment, learn, train and create by sharing your knowledge and know-how, in a friendly workspace equipped with manual and digital tools. Konk Ar Lab is a third place with a social, cultural, economic and educational dimension. It is divided into 5 areas: Fablab, Ocean, Digital, Youth …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

1 1 0 7
Association des Jeunes Élus de France Association des Jeunes Élus de France

[Automatic translation follows] The association of young elected officials aged 18 to 35! Official Linkedin page of the Association of Young Elected Officials of France · President: Florent Rossi · First vice-president: Pauline Le Fur The association is transpartisan and is available in all territories in France 🇫🇷!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 0 6 14
ALTA IT Services, LLC ALTA IT Services, LLC

All About Exceptional People and Exceptional Results ALTA IT Services, LLC combines experience and expertise to deliver IT talent that meets and exceeds the expectations of our clients. Since 2004, we have specialized in delivering IT services and staffing nationwide from our Rockville, MD headquarters and two regional offices located in Columbia, MD and Cincinnati, OH. ALTA provides IT staffing and services to support critical IT initiatives, including Artificial Intelligence, Program & Project Management, Enterprise Platforms, Cybersecurity, Systems Engineering & Administration, Software & Web Services, Data Science & Analytics, DevOps, Quality Assurance, Help Desk, Network Management & Support, and Training. …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

1 0 0 214 | Relecture & correction de textes | Relecture & correction de textes

[Automatic translation follows] Because you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Vscript is a proofreading and editing agency created in 2015. We are attached to our mother tongue, and we have noticed that the same is true for our fellow citizens. However, the correct use of French tends to be lost over time. We then had the idea of ​​bringing together talents and building a team of enthusiastic and experienced proofreaders. Our clients are publishing houses, naturally, but also companies from various sectors of activity, who entrust us with their content and documents before their distribution. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

0 0 0 6
CMBC - Creusot Montceau Business Club CMBC - Creusot Montceau Business Club

[Automatic translation follows] Creusot Montceau Business Club, the community business club, skills at your service in the local area! The CMBC is a network of business leaders whose aim is to create synergy in the sector of the Creusot - Montceau les Mines Urban Community

Type: SMB Activities: it services

1 0 1 1
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia, based on open collaboration through a wiki-based content editing system. Publishing, Writing, and Encyclopedia

Type: SMB Activities: it services

10 8 0 790
Bloome Bloome

Aesthetic medicine, reinvented. Bloome's mission is to empower everybody with advanced, personalized aesthetic dermatology and natural-looking results through our digitally-connected experience. We aim to revolutionize cosmetic dermatology with a personalized, tech-driven experience that prioritizes patient education and natural-looking results.

Type: Startup Activities: it services

1 0 0 32 replaces manual software testing with testing through AI so business can adopt and scale QA faster. is building the first Autonomous QA Tester. We want to make engineers more productive by automating testing of applications. No more waiting for feedback from your QA team or stakeholders. Developers will get instant feedback on their work, ensuring less bugs, improved quality and faster time to market. Test Automation, Software Testing, AI Technology, Browser Testing, AI-driven solution, web testing, QA Testing, AI, Developer tools, Functional testing, DevOps, End-to-end test, OpenAI, and Large language model

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

1 0 1 19
Shackle Shackle

The greatest hotel app on the planet Welcome to Shackle, the name you ask? Ernest Shackleton was Ireland’s most famous explorer who sailed into unknown territories for adventure. A bit like integrating with hotel systems. Ok we joke, they aren’t that bad. For hotel guests, we simply allow them to skip to the good bit. No more long queues checking in, no more lost plastic key cards (that’s bad for the environment, Go Greta) and no more ordering room service by fax....sorry, we mean calling on the room phone. For hotels, you finally have an app that works, that your …

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech it services Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 31
NNN Community NNN Community

NNN is here to protect, connect and reward you through your Web3 journey The NNN Community is dedicated to empowering the crypto revolution through unity, collaboration, and community-driven growth within the Web3 movement. Offering a range of services including a launchpad for new projects, an NFT marketplace, and a DEX hub. Central to the ecosystem is, which provides AI-driven analyses to detect technical security risks in crypto contracts, aiding in creating a safer and more informed crypto landscape.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

0 0 0 12
Rated Rated

Reputation for machines We are building reputation for machines, starting with Ethereum validators. Our mission is to instill greater transparency and rich context in Web3 infrastructure data.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

0 0 0 14
Machine Discovery Machine Discovery

Oxford University spin-out that accelerates simulation workflow. We're hiring! We jump-start innovation — we speed up your simulation workflow by orders of magnitude. We’re an Oxford University spin-out, founded by world-class physicists and machine learning engineers. The benefits of our technology have been covered by Science Mag and Nature Physics, and we’re already delivering a substantial competitive advantage to our early customers. We leverage proprietary neural network technology to accelerate expensive calculations — and we do it with minimal data and 99.9% fidelity. You describe your simulation, we provide everything else — from automatic optimization of parameters to advanced statistical …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

2 1 1 18
Digis Digis

Smart Outsourcing — hire tech talents with added value. Our Smart Outsourcing model works like Smart Money. Digis provide you the rarest talents backed with the company’s domain expertise, software development knowledge base, and extensive business network worldwide. Smart Outsourcing is ideal for: Series A and B startups. The company has an MVP and a small team. Recently they have raised investment and are experiencing fast growth. Medium enterprises. The mature company with set processes that continue to scale their development team. Use cases for Smart Outsourcing: - You have no time to find and educate hired software developers about …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. IoT Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

0 0 0 164
Icon.X World Icon.X World


Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: VR

2 2 0 4
Bookkeepr Bookkeepr

[Automatic translation follows] Accounting via app. And your taxes under control. Bookkeepr is developing a mobile app that allows self-employed people to easily do their accounting and taxes using their smartphone. 🙌 Photographed or uploaded invoices are automatically read, sorted and categorized in the app. The app also reminds you of all tax dates and helps you prepare your tax return. In addition to the app being easy and intuitive to use, it is also important that no prior technical knowledge is required to complete all accounting and tax tasks. The user is supported by the Bookkeepr AI in making …

Type: Startup Activities: it services fintech Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 3
Decently Decently

Our mission is to improve lives through creating innovative, digital products.

Type: Startup Activities: it services

0 0 0 6
Scoutli Scoutli

Moneyball approach to esports. Scoutli is an esports organization's data analytics, scouting, and team management platform. Think of it as the Moneyball approach to esports. Esports, Scouting, and Team Management

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

0 0 0 20
VidiVet VidiVet

VidiVet for Vets. Help your team. Help your customers. Simple. VidiVet provides a 24/7 digital extension to your practice team. We’ll never consult, diagnose, or prescribe medications, and we will always respect and support the advice given by your in-house team. Instead, we act as a trusted triage service, providing immediate support to pet owners by guiding them on when they should consult with you. Beyond this, VidiVet can help you with: Health plan growth: Include VidiVet as a benefit in your health plan, making it profitable from day one while enhancing client satisfaction. Out-of-hours support: Ensure true emergencies receive …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

2 1 1 22
Stellar Omada Stellar Omada

Stellar Omada delivers business and digital transformation that exceeds expectations in a constantly changing world. Change to advance the future. We deliver business and digital transformation that exceeds expectations in a constantly changing world. We have several locations, including Edinburgh, London and Northampton, with plans to establish additional locations across the UK and Europe. Stellar Omada has grown rapidly in the last two years and is incredibly proud of the growing number of exceptionally talented individuals who have joined the business since its launch. Built on a rich financial services expertise and decades of experience, we have created a unique …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

1 0 1 126
Raily Raily

Raily App - Meets on the move. Travel with Raily, never journey alone. Find friends and explore striking destinations. Raily App - Meets on the move Raily it’s a AI-based social travel hub (mobile, mixed reality, smartwatches) tailored for travelers. Earn exclusive NFTs and enjoy crypto cashback while connecting with fellow travelers. The AI-concierge guides users towards unforgettable encounters on the move. Raily. Connect, Travel, Friends. AI, XR, MR, TravelTech, Travel, Social, and Meetups

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech it services Technologies: A.I.

18 0 18 15
Bubblemaps Bubblemaps

Innovative visuals for blockchain data Bubblemaps makes blockchain data transparent, accessible, and playful. We aim to substitute traditional block explorers, allowing users to easily analyze complex patterns and connections. Through cutting edge visuals, we are disrupting crypto research and due diligence, bringing fundamental data to millions of DeFi users. Our tool is endorsed by multiple blockchains to enhance their security standards. Most notably, we partnered with BNB Chain, Fantom, Avalanche, and Cronos. Our iframes have been natively integrated on leading DeFi platforms like Gemxyz, DEX Screener, and DEXTools.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

6 3 0 22

[Automatic translation follows] AI powered material analysis More precise, faster, autonomous microstructure analysis - The innovation in material quality control with artificial intelligence Thanks to the innovative solution, production costs for suppliers and producers in the automotive, mechanical engineering and construction industries can be drastically reduced. Consistent and reliable analysis results minimize production downtime, rejects and complaints. Microstructure analyses

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 14
Openvolt Openvolt

The API for smart meter data Openvolt is building the API for energy data across Europe. As the world accelerates its efforts to reach Net Zero, energy data is becoming increasingly important to enabling the efficient use of our energy resources. With an initial focus on smart meter data, Openvolt is removing the regulatory, financial and technical hurdles that impede energy innovators from integrating this data into the next generation of energy applications.

Type: Startup Activities: it services cleantech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 1 1 8

Devices as a Service for Your Agile Business INKI is the world's first all-inclusive device rental service for businesses of all sizes. Covering the entire device lifecycle, from acquisition to recycling, INKI's service includes comprehensive device maintenance, insurance, data security, and disposal, enabling you to focus on your core business operations without the distraction of tech management. Simplify your life, get the best tech for your team, and adopt a circular economy model that improves efficiency and minimizes e-waste. 🌱 Benefits: 📱 Always up-to-date: With INKI, your team will always have access to the latest technology. Our flexible model allows …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

1 0 1 13
Glassity Glassity

Saving AWS cloud costs with non-intrusive automation Glassity reduces AWS cloud costs with automation that doesn't require any infrastructural changes offering significant savings and the benefits of long-term RIs without locking you into RI contracts. CONTACT US FOR DEMO! We show you right away how much we can save for your cloud: ✉️ AWS, Cloud, Cloud cost optimization, and FinOps

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

2 1 1 6
Kwayga Kwayga

Cutting Supplier Sourcing from Months to Minutes For food & drinks buying team leaders, Kwayga is the fastest AI-driven supplier-sourcing engine, cutting sourcing times by 40% and increasing market visibility tenfold across the globe. On Kwayga, supermarket buyers engage with perfectly matched suppliers of private-label and trending food & drink products globally. Our mission is to revolutionise the way European supermarket buying teams operate. We empower them with game-changing technology to discover, validate, and connect with B2B food & drinks suppliers, achieving in minutes what previously took months. To learn more about us, visit Establishing Trust, Communication, Connecting B2B …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech it services Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 12
TakeDrop TakeDrop

[Automatic translation follows] Dropshipping starts here! Everything you need to succeed in dropshipping. Ready-made store, training, dedicated supervisor, best-selling products.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 21
PixlData PixlData

Empower your AI models with high quality data annotations. At PixlData, our main goal is to accelerate the development of AI applications and avoid misleading results. Meet our team of experts to safely unlock the potential of AI, customize and fine-tune your models, and control your data labeling workflow. We offer you predictable and scalable results by maintaining data labeling at optimum quality and speed for an effective work. PixlData is committed to the security of your data through legal regulations and confidentiality agreements. It also offers encrypted labeling environments and on-site or remote data labeling solutions. We are a …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

0 0 0 6
Companyon Analytics GmbH Companyon Analytics GmbH

[Automatic translation follows] The fastest and easiest way to professional controlling 🚀 Companyon is the fastest and easiest way to operational controlling 🚀 Companyon allows small and medium-sized companies to gain full insight into their business figures in just 2 minutes, enabling better decisions 📈 Companyon is the winner of the silver medal at the Out Of The Box Awards 2022 and is therefore the second most innovative company in NRW. Companyon contains the following modules: - Managing Director Cockpit - P&L and balance sheet - Earnings and liquidity forecast - Planning, forecast and scenarios - Analyses and key figures

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 12
Sentient Sports Sentient Sports

We develop cutting-edge AI technologies that solve the biggest challenges in sports. SentientSports is at the cutting edge of developing advanced AI technology to solve some of the biggest challenges in sports. AI is set to revolutionise sports across the board, fundamentally transforming how we experience and interact with the game. We are strategically focused on two core verticals: - Fan Experiences: We enhance fan engagement by enabling clubs to generate D2C revenue from global fanbases. Our AI-driven solutions, such as ScoutGPT and ReplayAI, provide personalised and immersive experiences. ScoutGPT utilises generative AI to deliver ultra-personalised content to fans in …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics

1 0 1 10
Talentlobby Talentlobby

Talentlobby. Effizientes und digitales Recruiting für Ihr Hotel und Restaurant. Social Media Recruiting and Candidate Management

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 4
PartyKit (acquired by Cloudflare) PartyKit (acquired by Cloudflare)

Everything's better with friends. An open source platform for real time collaboration. Acquired by Cloudflare (2024).

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS A.I.

0 0 0 1
Abelio Abelio

[Automatic translation follows] Abelio offers a daily crop monitoring solution. Precision agriculture is becoming accessible. Abelio offers a complete daily crop monitoring solution. This system, accessible at a lower cost, allows farmers to anticipate various agricultural problems (diseases, weeds, pests, etc.) and to optimize the use of water, phytosanitary products and fertilizers. Resource management, reduction of environmental impact and the health of producers and consumers are all challenges met by the Abelio solution. By reconciling societal and agricultural issues (yields, time savings, etc.), Abelio promotes the transition to sustainable agriculture. Innovation, Drones, UAV, Agriculture, Artificial Intelligence, and Engineering

Type: Startup Activities: agritech it services Technologies: Drones A.I.

23 11 16 40
Gizmo Gizmo

Remember everything you learn Gizmo is on a mission to help students remember everything they learn in a simple and fun way. We use AI to transform notes and study materials into fun quizzes that are based on cognitive science: quiz for just 10 minutes a day, and you will remember everything you learn! Save All is growing rapidly with teachers and students across the world who love the efficiency of the tool: just paste in your notes, and Save All turns them into fun, active recall quizzes.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. Generative A.I.

0 0 0 13
Blencowe Resources Blencowe Resources

Developing the Orom-Cross jumbo flake graphite project in Uganda. Listed in London, Ticker: BRES Potential world class graphite project both by size and by end product quality. #BRES

Type: SMB Activities: it services

0 0 0 7
Lex Lex

If it's queer, it's here Lex is the app for finding LGBTQ+ friends & queer community. If it's queer, it's here.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 128
osapiens osapiens

Grow with Corporate Sustainability osapiens develops holistic Software-as-a-Service solutions that enable global companies from a wide range of industries to ensure transparency, efficiency and trust along their entire value chain. The goal of osapiens is to enable sustainability through transparency in the supply chain at the product level and at the supplier level. With its cloud technology platform, the 'osapiens HUB', osapiens uses innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence to not only strengthen companies economically, but also to make human rights and ecologically sustainable and responsible corporate governance the global standard. osapiens currently works with around 1,000 companies from more …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech it services Technologies: SaaS

3 0 3 247
Metaloop Metaloop

Your All-in-One Solution for metal scrap. Focus on your core business, while we take care of everything. We are one of the leading European metal scrap service companies. As an industrial manufacturer, whether you want to buy or sell, you'll receive our full support in managing your metal scrap. We work closely with top recyclers and smelters to ensure you make the most of your capacity, offering an All-in-One solution tailored to your needs. > Buying > Selling > Logistics > Financing This means you save time, costs, and energy, while also making a positive impact on the environment. > …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: New Materials

3 0 2 53
ParTec AG ParTec AG

ParTec is a pioneer in the field of Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing. ParTec turns international projects in development and building Supercomputers into reality and is embedding Quantum Computing into various existing and soon-to-be systems. At ParTec AG, we design, build, and support purpose-built heterogeneous supercomputer solutions for science, using our modular high performance computing approach. Our team works in a fast growing technology company and cooperates closely with leading technology companies in this field for building some of the largest and most complex supercomputers in Europe. We integrate a broad range of products and compute technologies of different origin …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech it services Technologies: SaaS

2 1 2 66
toruk MAGICTM Deep Tech (formerly Agency) toruk MAGICTM Deep Tech (formerly Agency)

🧙🏻‍♂️ MAGICTM Boutique Digital Marketing | 💻 Software House | 🚀 Deep Tech | add MAGICTM to your Business toruk MAGICTM Deep Tech is the developer of MAGICTM who present earn more and spend less boutique digital marketing method. It creates innovative and progressive, valuable software products that contain deep technology. SEO, Google AdWords, Social Media Marketing, E-Commerce, Marketing Strategy, Mobile Application, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning

Type: Startup Activities: martech it services Technologies: A.I.

0 0 0 3
Kanta Kanta

[Automatic translation follows] Web App for collaborative accountants The fight against money laundering, or the pet peeve of accountants 🥶 Between tedious questionnaires, wasted time and therefore not billable as well as resources to allocate to this ethical aspect, this can become a real headache in your firms 🤯 Luckily, KANTA is here 😎 Our objective ? Reconciling yourself with the LAB 😇 How ? By offering you a tool that automates data collection and processing tasks, while respecting compliance with the standard 🤝 We want to take as much mental load off you as possible on this ethical aspect …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

3 3 0 38
Players 1st Players 1st

Players 1st empower golf club operators to recruit and retain more golfers. Players 1st represents the voice of the players, and we have made it our mission to support sports industries with cutting edge analytic tools and player insights that enable organizations to grow by providing great experiences for the players. Software, Customer Experience Management, Automation, Benchmarking, Surveys, Retention, Recruitment, Monitoring, Data, Insights, Optimization, Sports, and Golf

Type: Startup Activities: it services hrtech Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 27 (Techstars 23') (Techstars 23')

The one place for startups and investors to build a trust-based relationship backed by data TractionBoard provides one place for all fundraising activities. We are transforming the way founders find, connect with, and update investors. Our goal is to enable equal access to capital to help startup founders build businesses they care about.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

1 0 1 5
RRS - Retail Robotics Solutions RRS - Retail Robotics Solutions

RRS - Leading the way in AI-driven catering solutions. French innovation, global impact. Welcome to Retail Robotic Solutions (RRS) - Pioneers at the intersection of AI and catering. As a French leader, we're reshaping the industry with cutting-edge software solutions. Our AI technology identifies dishes and items with a 99% success rate, revolutionizing efficiency and reducing operational costs by up to 90%. Our Mission: To transform catering operations worldwide, making them smarter, faster, and drastically more cost-effective. Our unique AI solutions stand at the forefront, offering unparalleled recognition capabilities and operational improvements. Why RRS? Beyond innovation, we promise significant cost …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Robotics A.I. A.I. - Image Processing

1 0 0 15
PandasAI (YC W24) PandasAI (YC W24)

Open source conversational data analysis Open source conversational data analysis Data, NLP, and ML

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

3 0 0 3
Finematter Finematter

Using technology to help exceptional jewellery designers scale sustainably. Finematter believes that it’s good to be different. So, we bring to you a curated selection of exceptional jewellery by independent artists - handcrafted pieces that are perfectly imperfect and made just for you. Making a personal choice and finding something that is uniquely yours just got easier. When you shop with Finematter, you’re buying directly from the studios of our designers. We support independent creatives and entrepreneurs by helping them scale their businesses beyond one store without losing their creative integrity. That means that these beautifully unique pieces of jewellery …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 15
Herosupport SA Herosupport SA

We believe patients and medical staff are heroes. We support their efforts with innovative personalized solutions. Elevating patient comfort and reducing treatment time through innovative healthcare technology

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services

1 0 0 4