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Concurrences Concurrences

Antitrust Publications & Events Concurrences is an independent legal publisher, dedicated to antitrust law and competition economics, founded in 2004 by Nicolas Charbit with the support of Prof. Frédéric Jenny and Prof. Laurence Idot. Concurrences has offices in Paris, London, and New York. OUR MISSION: “CONNECTING ANTITRUST PEOPLE” We trust that competition can substantially contribute to innovation and growth. We act on a global scale as the foundations of antitrust rely on common principles across all jurisdictions. We connect antitrust worldwide. We are the antitrust network. Concurrences provides four main resources, gathered in a single database accessible to subscribers: - …

Type: Media

34 3 32 49

Cities for Life is an open innovation ecosystem based on co-creation and collaboration between cities to effectively address city problems, increase governance and generate development. Open Innovation, citizen co-creation and participation, and city collaboration

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: smart city

3 2 0 1
Cap Numérique ASBL Cap Numérique ASBL

[Automatic translation follows] Association invested in the development of digital technology in Belgium Cap Numérique is an association invested in the development of digital technology in Belgium, by disseminating teachings and promoting synergies between students and professionals in the sector Its objectives are: ►Ensure the development and dissemination of teachings in the digital field. ►Expand and maintain the bonds of solidarity and fraternity between graduates, particularly in the socio-economic sections of higher education dealing with the digital field. ►Encourage Belgian and European society to take advantage of all the benefits offered by digital tools in the most appropriate way possible.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

8 0 8 1
Design Friction Design Friction

A design fiction studio producing speculative scenarios and critical experiences for the upcoming presents. We are an applied design fiction studio producing speculative scenarios and critical experience for the upcoming presents. As designers, we are naturally interested in all the eccentric and almost invisible everyday things happening around us. This transcribes in our way of working where we explore those grey areas through the prototyping of ideas to foster social discussions. We create concrete visions envisaging preferable world, kindly differing from the expected one and acting as a reflection of our current reality. By embedding ethical and social questions in …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

14 5 6 3
Derriennic Associés Derriennic Associés

[Automatic translation follows] Business law and new technologies law firm: => "A leading player in information and communication technologies for over thirty years, Derriennic Associés has developed expertise recognized by all professionals in the market. With this experience, Derriennic Associés brings together lawyers and former corporate lawyers, specialists in new technologies, who speak the same language as their clients, know their issues and are committed to defending their interests Derriennic Associés is a human-sized firm that has always been interested in what is innovative and whose desire is to build a long-term relationship with its clients, based on trust, …

Type: Media

5 1 4 40
CyberCercle CyberCercle

[Automatic translation follows] A force of proposals and actions for digital trust and security Created in 2011, the CyberCercle is a circle of reflection, expertise and exchanges dedicated to the issues of digital trust and security. Our mission is twofold: to spread a culture of digital security beyond the circle of experts and its technical vision, and to support public policies by promoting close collaboration between all stakeholders. We work with public and political authorities, national and territorial, to support their thinking and actions in our field. Bringing together elected officials, parliamentarians and local stakeholders, the CyberCercle positions itself as …

Type: Media

97 17 82 8
European Cyber Week - Official page European Cyber Week - Official page

The leading annual sovereign cyber & AI forum in Europe. Save the date : la 9ème édition de l’European Cyber Week aura lieu du 18 au 21/11 2024 ! L’ECW, the sovereign cyber & AI forum, est l’événement annuel de référence de la filière cybersécurité et cyberdéfense en Europe. Lieu de rencontre privilégié d’un écosystème d’excellence français et européen, l’événement réuni près de 6000 acteurs de la recherche, des opérations et de la stratégie cyber, en proposant des conférences exceptionnelles, des espaces de networking conviviaux et de nombreuses opportunités de recrutement. - Save the date: the 9th European Cyber Week …

Type: Event

27 12 19 2
Schmidt Brunet Litzler Schmidt Brunet Litzler

Paris Law firm, part of MSI Global Alliance "Strive, developp and succeed together"​ Schmidt Brunet Litzler is a Parisian business law firm, member of the international network MSI, which includes more 250 of lawyers firms and accounting firms in 100 countries on 5 continents. Realizing more than 30 % of international business, Schmidt Brunet Litzer is the perfect partner for French and foreign customers in all the domains of the business law : Corporate M&A / Tax / Labour & Employment / Intellectual Property / Commercial-Consumer Affairs-Distribution / Communication-Media-Advertising, in advice as in litigation. Recognized for their commitment and their …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

5 0 5 13
Clarelis Public Notaries Clarelis Public Notaries

[Automatic translation follows] We work in France and abroad with individuals, banks and companies from all sectors. CLARELIS is the result of more than 28 years of experience in business and more specifically, in notarial work. It is the expression of our desire for excellence but also humanity. We want to provide you with the best tax specialists, the most efficient lawyers in private international law but also in corporate law. Our target: luxury, private banking, wealth management, but also all acts relating to the transfer of your assets. We will support you in the key moments of your life: …

Type: Media

9 1 9 16
CEFCYS - Cercle des Femmes de la CyberSécurité CEFCYS - Cercle des Femmes de la CyberSécurité

[Automatic translation follows] #Cybersecurity Awareness #Education Talent development #Leadership #WomenInTech #CyberWomen #Women The CEFCYS is aimed at women and men concerned by the professions and challenges of cybersecurity. Our actions: - Promote and professionalize women's skills through working groups, mentoring programs, publications - Raise awareness among companies, educational partners, recruiters of the importance of gender parity and thus advance the presence and impact of women. - Raise awareness among the general public about cybersecurity, especially young people, for protection and education in the secure use of digital technology. - Organize and/or participate in events, conferences in France and internationally. 2020 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

67 12 56 32
Human Technology Foundation Human Technology Foundation

[Automatic translation follows] Contribute to the development of technologies for the benefit of humans. The Human Technology Foundation, created in 2012, is a foundation but also a research and action network that places human beings at the heart of technological development. The main missions of the foundation are, above all, to be a coordinator of international multidisciplinary research projects. The Human Technology Foundation is also an interface between the academic world, society and the economy. Finally, it is also a provider of expertise for decision-makers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

33 3 27 16

Le Cloud. De confiance. Pour la France. Alliance entre #Thales, leader français de la #cybersécurité, et #Google, leader mondial du #Cloud proposant les meilleures technologies au service de l’#innovation, S3NS a pour volonté de proposer aux institutions publiques françaises et entreprises privées soucieuses de protéger leurs données sensibles une offre « cloud de confiance » répondant aux critères du label SecNumCloud de l’#ANSSI. Nous avons l'ambition d'ouvrir un nouveau champ des possibles à nos clients, et de devenir une référence en terme de partenariat hybride basé sur la technologie d'un #hyperscaler, Google Cloud, et les technologies de Thales au service …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

39 3 27 119
Archimag Archimag

[Automatic translation follows] The reference magazine for digital information professionals Archimag has been the reference magazine for information professionals for 30 years. Every month, you can find the latest news in the field, feedback, methodologies and reports. Archimag also publishes 4 practical guides per year that give you all the keys to succeed in your project (archiving, documentation, content management, EDM, ECM, monitoring, KM, corporate social network, records management, data).

Type: Media

15 6 10 14
UNAF - Union Nationale des Associations Familiales UNAF - Union Nationale des Associations Familiales

[Automatic translation follows] Unaf is the national institution responsible for promoting, defending and representing the interests of all families. UNAF is the national institution responsible for promoting, defending and representing the interests of all families living on French territory, regardless of their beliefs or political affiliation. The association created by decree in 1945 is the official institution representing families. It is entrusted by law with 4 missions: • advise the public authorities on family issues and propose measures in accordance with the interests of families • officially represent all families with the public authorities • manage family services entrusted by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

20 11 7 71
Dipeeo : votre DPO externe Dipeeo : votre DPO externe

[Automatic translation follows] Dedicated DPO, appointed to the CNIL. Dipeeo handles 100% of your GDPR subjects. Fixed monthly rate. Tested and approved by 250 customers • A dedicated DPO declared to the CNIL • Handles 100% of your GDPR subjects for you • A fixed monthly rate Bonus: The "GDPR Compliant" label issued More than 250 customers from all sectors: - Student Pop, Surfe, Plezi, Pharow, Pyxo, Livementor... - Health: health tech, e-health, biotech, medtech... - L'Express, RATP Dev, L'union Sociale pour l'habitat... All our customers: Learn more => GDPR, DPO, CGV, CGU, GDPR Compliance, Privacy Policy, Cookies, …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech regtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

4 0 2 32
Medaviz Medaviz

[Automatic translation follows] Medaviz, telemedicine solution. #health #ehealth #doctor #medicine #CPTS #MSP #ESP #teleconsultation Medaviz is a major player in telemedicine in France, offering services dedicated to professionals: ➔ A teleconsultation and tele-expertise solution, developed for healthcare professionals, ➔ A non-scheduled care management system, designed for territorial medical establishments and structures (CPTS, ESP, MSP), ➔ A 24/7 teleconsultation offer approved by the ARS, for beneficiaries of mutual insurance companies and companies, ➔ An interface tool with healthcare professionals' business software. Medaviz represents 6 million beneficiaries, 250,000 teleconsultations, 9,000 doctors representing 50 specialties and 40 CPTS projects. All the latest news …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech hrtech Technologies: SaaS

49 14 36 37

The Intelligent System that Cares for You and Your Animals 🐮🚀💚 🚀 Welcome to the world of AIHERD, the Nantes gem that will ignite your farmer's heart with a bold and innovative vision! 💡🐮 At AIHERD, we've gathered the brightest minds in the field: a dynamic team of passionate veterinarians, AI geniuses, and outstanding management specialists, all working in close collaboration with the prestigious CEA. Together, we form an explosive cocktail to revolutionize agriculture and pamper our adorable four-legged cows! 🌾💚 Our secret? Real-time visual analysis of bovine farms, powered by our cutting-edge artificial intelligence algorithms! 🐄💻 Imagine a world …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing

47 10 22 14
Interstis Interstis

[Automatic translation follows] The collaborative platform for responsible stakeholders! A Parisian and Burgundy start-up, Interstis is a collaborative platform that simplifies teamwork and structures exchanges within organizations by relying on cloud technologies. Better communication, efficient project management, and data security in France, while being easy to use, highly configurable and accessible everywhere: Interstis meets the challenges of networking stakeholders, particularly within decentralized organizations such as the various departments of a company, administrations or associations. In the medical field, Interstis promotes the coordinated practice of healthcare professionals. Meeting the security standards set by ASIP-Santé, Interstis networks professionals around their patients. More …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

25 5 22 141

Empower everyone with digital Our mission ? Putting digital within everyone's reach! Founded in 2007, UNOWHY is a French company that designs and develops high value-added digital products, services and content. In 2009, it launched QOOQ: the world's 1st culinary pad containing more than 5,000 Chefs' recipes. The company thus acquires unique technological and digital expertise that allows it to expand its activity to other sectors. In 2015, after 3 years of research and development, UNOWHY launched SQOOL, the e-education solution designed, developed and hosted in France. SQOOL solution has been designed with and for teachers and students. SQOOL is …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: SaaS

53 9 42 148
Confero Confero

[Automatic translation follows] Trusted tax compliance services Confero is a company that publishes tax compliance software. Its goal is to facilitate and secure the work of accountants and their clients. Through its e-ECF software, Confero offers a comprehensive tool that automates the Tax Compliance Review (ECF) and generates a mission report that complies with tax obligations. The insertion of content written by the Fiduciary Review helps each user in the audit process. Its GranIT software allows merchants to store their cash register data in an unalterable manner in accordance with regulations. Thanks to a dedicated interface, accountants benefit from many …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

4 0 4 17
Arkham Studio - Gamification and Storytelling Arkham Studio - Gamification and Storytelling

[Automatic translation follows] In Game We Trust! Arkham Studio is the leader in gamification for training and skills development. Since 2015, we have been supporting the largest companies and institutions in implementing interactivity and gamification in their training tools and methods. 🔎Learn more 👉 3D, 360°, Augmented reality, Training, digital, application, gamification, virtual reality, interactivity, elearning, and serious game

Type: Startup Activities: games martech Technologies: VR

19 2 20 12
Praticable Praticable

[Automatic translation follows] Digital Design Cooperative Praticable is a digital design cooperative. Founded in 2013 (formerly Collectif Bam), our studio designs and produces websites, tools and interfaces that promote practice and knowledge. Our designers, developers and philosophers share a deep culture of the ecological and social issues of digital technology. To respond to them, we make things accessible, sustainable, adjustable, shareable, repairable... In short, practicable. Design, Collaboration, Research, Digital, Environment, and Ecodesign

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

27 8 17 4
PulseLife PulseLife

PulseLife, For evidence-based ​medical decisions​ In a context of rapid medical knowledge growth, PulseLife provides healthcare professionals with reliable, up-to-date medical information to support evidence-based practice and improve care quality. As a mission-driven company since 2024, PulseLife’s goal is to “Make excellence in care accessible to all,” supporting over 800,000 healthcare professionals globally, including 390,000 doctors, 200,000 nurses, and 40,000 pharmacists. With PulseLife, healthcare professionals gain access to: - Interactive algorithms: Over 50 clinical decision trees. - Scores and calculators: More than 300 integrated medical tools. - Pathology-specific recommendations: Millions of insights, summaries, and guidelines from French and European medical …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: SaaS

65 5 53 37
Wimi Wimi

Work better! Wimi is a sovereign and secure collaborative suite (SecNumCloud ANSSI qualification in progress) Wimi is the European leader in collaborative work and project management. Its attractive and easy-to-use solution brings together essential elements for team productivity within unified workspaces and communities. With over 55,000 clients worldwide, Wimi continues to grow thanks to the trust and recommendations of its clients. The combination of these skills has given rise to Wimi, a sovereign and secure collaborative suite dedicated to SaaS collaborative work. It is an easy-to-use and secure tool that simplifies the management of projects and activities for a company, …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

34 6 23 90
Sanoïa - Real World Digital CRO Sanoïa - Real World Digital CRO

[Automatic translation follows] Sanoïa is the first French CRO (Clinical Research Services Company), natively digital and focused on the patient experience (PROMs | PREMs). Created in 2010, its specialization lies in real-life studies and projects with more than 10,000 patients in France and Europe. Its services are based on a secure and innovative digital platform, and its teams have unique know-how in terms of Hybrid e-cohort with SNDS matching and integration of Connected Objects. Sanoïa has been backed by Astek since July 2024: AN ASTEK COMPANY. e-health, health outcomes, clinical trials, rheumatology, big data, Real World Data, CRO, e-PRO, e-CRF, …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

19 1 18 15
FactoVia FactoVia

Pioneer in #UnifiedNamespace #UNS #IIoT, dedicated to helping industries optimize your real-time connected factories💲🍀 Join the Industry 4.0 revolution with FactoVia’s cutting-edge approach for seamless digital transformation. Our proven 5+1 step framework #LaFlecheFactoVia, validated by a study involving 11,000 individuals, helps overcome resistance to change and facilitates rapid cognitive breakthroughs to deliver ASAP an MVP in true production pilot environment, then deploy at scale. With expertise in the Unified Namespace (UNS) architecture, we ensure real-time data integration and instant decision-making. Contact FactoVia now to leverage our technology, stay competitive, fully benefit from digitalization, and unite your team around a shared …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: VR IoT

33 5 21 5
Openvalue Openvalue

[Automatic translation follows] The accelerator for your Data & Artificial Intelligence projects! 🤖 👉 Openvalue is a consulting company specializing in Data and Artificial Intelligence, with more than 10 years of expertise. With a team of more than 140 consultants specialized in Machine Learning, NLP, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Generative AI... It supports its clients in the design and construction of technological assets, collaborating with many large companies, all sectors combined. It joined the Consumer and Digital Branch of the La Poste Group in 2021 and the Data&AI division of Docaposte in 2022. 🤝 Openvalue works with leading technical partners …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Image Processing A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing Data Analytics IoT

58 6 14 130

Predictice organise toute l'information juridique pour les professionnels du droit. Predictice met à la disposition des professionnels du droit une plateforme d'aide à la décision intégrant des outils d'analyse prédictive concrets et stratégiques. En s'appuyant sur une analyse de l'ensemble des décisions des juridictions françaises appliquée aux données concrètes de votre litige, Predictice calcule ses probabilités de succès et vous guide dans son optimisation. Predictice permet à l'avocat de consolider son expertise et de la mettre en valeur vis-à-vis de son client. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Prédictice is a business intelligence solution dedicated to law professionals (law firms, in-house counsel). Using open data, …

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

54 17 44 31
Privately SA Privately SA

Privacy by design age verification and online child safety solutions for business Privately is passionate about building privacy-preserving, smart tech solutions that help businesses provide safer online environments for children and deliver age-aware, age-appropriate services and products. We specialize in AI based, privacy by design solutions for online child safety and age verification. Our technology can be incorporated into retail solutions, apps, platforms, games and devices. Our privacy preserving solutions help businesses verify age of customers, identify children and provide child-focused, on-device safety tools. Check out the technology demos at Data Privacy, Artificial Intelligence, Children, Education, Age verification, Age …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech kidtech Technologies: A.I.

10 2 2 20
Mozilla Mozilla

Feel good about your work again. A lot of companies say they’re “mission-driven.” Our unique corporate structure guarantees that every decision we make upholds our mission: to ensure the internet remains open and accessible. Beholden to neither shareholders nor investors, Mozilla Corporation is wholly owned by the not-for-profit Mozilla Foundation. Along with our communities of 20,000+ contributors and collaborators, Mozilla Corporation’s staff designs, builds, and distributes software that allows people to enjoy the internet on their own terms. Our flagship product — the Firefox browser — has expanded into a family of products that protects users and alerts them of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

99 35 28 1,787
Délégation des Barreaux de France Délégation des Barreaux de France

[Automatic translation follows] The Delegation of the Bars of France represents the 67,000 French lawyers before the European institutions. In 1983, the Paris Bar, on the initiative of its President Bernard du Granrut, opened a liaison office of the Paris Bar with the European Communities in Brussels. In 1993, the Conference of Bars joined the Paris Bar to create the Delegation of the Bars of France. In 2003, the National Council of Bars became a member of the Delegation of the Bars of France. Thus, the Delegation of the Bars of France represents the 74,096 lawyers of the French Bars …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

16 3 16 15

Providing trust since 1926 AFNOR is an international group organised around four areas of expertise: standardisation, certification, publishing and training. Our standardisation mission serves the general interest; our three other activities are carried out in the competitive field. Nearly 77,000 customers in 100 countries trust us. Quality, safety, environment, CSR, energy... Your topics are our standards ! Follow our news on this page! normalisation, certification, formation, and éditions

Type: Large company

250 137 73 632
Hinaura Hinaura

[Automatic translation follows] Hinaura: Hub for #Digital Inclusion in Auvergne Rhone Alpes @BanqueDesTerritoires Hinaura is a response to the call for projects Hub France Connectée from Banque des Territoires. The consortium is made up of four associations from the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region: Agate, Fréquence écoles, La Ligue de l’Enseignement and Zoomacom. The publication of the 2018 digital barometer confirms it: the digital transformation of society requires an increase in the skills of the public and professionals. Not to mention that the fragmentation of digital mediation stakeholders and their compartmentalization is an obstacle to a massive increase in the skills of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

28 8 9 2
Observatoire de la #compublique numérique Observatoire de la #compublique numérique

[Automatic translation follows] First collective intelligence laboratory in #digitalpublic. The #digitalpublicObservatory is: - a collective intelligence laboratory co-piloted by the territories for the territories - a tool that collects, records and analyzes in real time the signals emitted by the territories (big data), to transform them into freely consultable data (open data) - a performance methodology, to define its meaning - an exchange platform for territorials, allowing them to exchange "good plans" or share their success story but also the difficulties or failures encountered - a census of the territories present, infographic representations (dataviz) or cartographic Socialmedia, Bigdata, Opendata, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

59 19 52 10
Aides-territoires Aides-territoires

[Automatic translation follows] In just a few clicks, find aid to finance and support your local projects! Aides-territoires is a digital public service that facilitates the search for financial and engineering aid from local authorities and their local partners by grouping together the systems to which they are entitled on a single portal.

Type: Public

40 4 38 6

[Automatic translation follows] Access Doctorat Unique et Mutualisé used by 185 doctoral schools 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓🎓 The ADUM is originally (1999) the associative project of young doctoral students and doctors from Montpellier who wanted to create a directory of doctors and doctoral students. Its initial goal was to network doctoral students and doctors from the same doctoral school, a real gateway to employment. The objective was also to enable the valorization of the entire research community and a better visibility of the skills profiles of graduates. Today, ADUM is both an administrative and educational management software for the doctorate and a communication …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

56 0 55 9
Sight-O - Méthode de déchiffrage en ligne Sight-O - Méthode de déchiffrage en ligne

[Automatic translation follows] Learn to read the music you love, simply and instantly. Sight-O is an online method of musical deciphering (web application) Deciphering: the action of reading a score that was previously unknown, instantly. Sight-O is the story of a teacher who no longer wanted to see his students suffer when faced with new scores. After many years of research and writing more than 10,000 exercises for all levels and all instruments in the orchestra, Sight-O was born. Sight-O's #1 asset? Its animated, occulting mask. It moves at the tempo of the exercise to encourage you to: • Read …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech entertainment

7 3 5 1
Livv | Legal Intelligence Livv | Legal Intelligence

[Automatic translation follows] Livv revolutionizes legal analysis in business law Access the most advanced legal intelligence on the market to build winning strategies in business law. Are you a business law professional? Join a community of experts! Lawyers and legal experts receive considerable legal data every day. Today, as yesterday, information is key. But today more than yesterday, it is accessible and invasive. It is therefore necessary above all to sort and interpret it. This is our mission: to enable legal professionals to define a winning legal strategy.

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: Data Analytics

22 2 11 10
Micropole Micropole

Join our team of ​#InnovativePeople An international consulting group specialized in corporate transformation through Data, MICROPOLE partners its clients through a global approach: ‘Data Driven‘ Strategy, Cloud Acceleration, Digital Business. From its 14 agencies, in Europe and China, the Group’s 1,200 #INNOVATIVE PEOPLE bring their expertise, from consulting to implementation, to assist their customers in staying ahead and having a positive business impact through Data innovation. 40% of Micropole’s turnover is achieved internationally and it is listed on the Euronext Growth market. Transformation Data, Data Governance, Data Management, EPM, and Data Science

Type: Large company Activities: it services

94 20 72 1,317
TestWe TestWe

Anywhere Anytime TestWe is the E-exam leader in Europe! TestWe is a complete e-Exam solution: an online exam-builder platform for the administration and an offline software for candidates. TestWe proposes a software for candidates that is secure, offline and comfortable so that they can focus on their argumentation without the pressure of time. Most importantly, exam-takers can take their exams on their own device (BYOD) in an exam-room or remotely (live proctoring). As a remote proctoring solution, security and privacy are very important to us. TestWe is a French company, in compliance with European data protection regulations, GDPR. In addition, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 7 25 27
Techni.Cités Techni.Cités

[Automatic translation follows] Engineering news in communities in one click A subsidiary of Infopro digital, Techni.Cités is THE magazine for technical executives in the local government sector. It allows you to deepen your knowledge and keep you informed about technical and innovative, legal, statutory and regulatory news. It offers feedback and exchanges of best practices to help you make the right decisions in your missions. urban planning, environment, building, energy, mobility, smart city, career, legal, regulation, technical, status, career, transport, roads, accessibility, lighting, water, sanitation, DT-DICT, biodiversity, green spaces, GIS, security, and engineering

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech cleantech constructiontech greentech smart city Technologies: Cybersecurity

70 4 69 12
La Gazette des communes La Gazette des communes

[Automatic translation follows] The leading media on local public policies, the territorial civil service, and decentralization La Gazette des communes is the professional media of reference for decision-makers in local authorities, agents and elected officials. On its digital and paper media, it deciphers the latest news on public policies and the status of the civil service. It is also the media for the debate on the local public sector: decentralization, status of the FPT, management, local finances, security and prevention, digital transformation, public procurement, etc. La Gazette also provides a watch on official texts, case law and ministerial responses. It …

Type: Media

199 124 109 69

Notre métier : Accompagner les entreprises dans leur transformation numérique Hébergement Cloud Cybersécurité SI Digital IPGarde is a leading cloud service provider delivering enterprise-level international hosting services and cloud-based solutions to businesses from SMB to fortune-500 companies. Every day, millions of users benefit from IPGarde's technology quality of service to run their business with a high level of customer satisfaction whatever application they use: ecommerce, billling, video streaming, social networking... IPGarde is profitable and growing at a fast double-digit rate.

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

12 2 9 47

[Automatic translation follows] The intelligence of backup Kiwi Backup is one of the pioneers of outsourced backup. In 2003, when it was created, there was no question of Cloud... and yet, that's already what we were doing. Securing company data by backing it up in redundant Data Centers, spread across France. Today, this philosophy has not changed and we continue to ensure that backing up your data is not a constraint, but almost a pleasure! Our leitmotif: making life easier for system administrators, whether they are IT resellers or IT departments. Only our catalog of solutions has expanded, with the …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

10 2 7 8
DrData - Les Docteurs de la donnée DrData - Les Docteurs de la donnée

[Automatic translation follows] Protect, share and enhance health data in a secure and ethical way. DrData is a company dedicated to the dynamic environment of Big Data and innovation. We started from the observation that our daily environment is driven by the massive and systematic use of personal data, sometimes without being aware of it. The essence of our project is to contribute to the intelligent regulation of the use of this data in the common interest, while supporting stakeholders in the protection of this data and guaranteeing economic opportunities for them. We pay particular attention to sensitive health data. …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech Technologies: Data Analytics

30 4 29 10
Targa Viasat France Targa Viasat France

Des solutions numériques pour une mobilité intelligente et durable. Targa Viasat France is a company of Targa Telematics, one of the world's leading players in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) and in the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility. Targa Viasat France is a leading player in B2B telematics for fleet management in France. We offer a wide range of Software-as-a-Service solutions known for their usability and high technological performance, putting people at the centre of our customers' improving processes. At Targa Viasat France, it is in our DNA to remain close and accessible …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

28 0 25 28
Whaller Whaller

[Automatic translation follows] The secure collaborative platform that adapts to your needs - Whaller DONJON solution qualified SecNumCloud Whaller is a simple and complete collaborative solution that allows you to create secure social and collaborative networks. Respectful of its users' data and guaranteeing their confidentiality, the platform is aimed at companies, organizations, administrations, educational establishments, associations and individuals. The sphere, the central and distinctive element of Whaller, is a dedicated and secure space for sharing, discussion and collaboration. From a single account, the user can create, administer or join an infinite number of networks, all independent of each other. Whaller …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

88 20 64 18
HarfangLab HarfangLab

Your endpoints, our protection - Empower your analysts, overcome the threats Your endpoints, our protection - Empower your analysts, overcome the threats

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

25 8 18 124
Change Factory Change Factory

Cabinet de conseil I Organisme de formation certifié Qualiopi Based in Paris, Toulouse, New York and Singapore, Change Factory is the first acculturation lab that walks their clients through digital-related issues. From employee experience and new uses to generation Z consumer-behaviour and data impact. We got it. Change Factory offers the most accurate and optimized digital tools and strategies to boost your company within the digital realm. With clients such as BNP Paribas, Clarins, Faurecia, Petit Bateau, Erborian and Carrefour, and academic relations with Stanford, Sciences Po and the Ville de Paris, we have guided more than 10,000 professionals towards …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: Data Analytics

24 1 20 8
Yubo Yubo

We inspire a new generation to find out about the world and themselves. Yubo is the social discovery app that allows you to make new friends and hang out online. By eliminating likes and follows, we empower our users to create genuine connections and show up as their true selves. We've pioneered a new way for Gen Z to socialize online, and with millions of active users, our goal is to redefine how we connect today and tomorrow. Our team is international, multicultural, and deeply committed to its mission. As the leading platform for socializing online, we have a special …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

27 13 13 140
Bodyguard Bodyguard

All-in-one moderation and audience insights solution Bodyguard is the all-in-one moderation and audience intelligence solution empowering brands everywhere to create safer online spaces, and elevate business strategies through valuable audience insights. With seamless integration, Bodyguard detects and removes harmful content in real-time to protect your platforms, users and brand reputation, 24/7. More than just a moderation tool, Bodyguard’s actionable audience insights show you exactly what your audience cares about, and how to exceed their expectations. AI, Brand protection, Crisis management, Threat monitoring, Audience intelligence, Content moderation, Individual protection, 24/7 moderation, AI moderation, Social media, and Community insights

Type: Startup Activities: civictech it services Technologies: Affective Computing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing

35 16 23 134
Deemea Deemea

Get insights from your imaging data Deemea is a digital health company with expertise in the AI-driven structuring and analysis of medical data. Our specialization in imaging data processing has led us to develop and deploy a collaborative platform for medical data analysis, aimed at expediting biopharmaceutical and medical device clinical studies. Our innovative proprietary technology powers a multi-modal, multi-centric platform that prioritizes the security, privacy, and sovereignty of medical data, as well as the sustainability of healthcare facilities. Deemea empowers data-driven research, ultimately expediting patients' access to innovative therapies.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech biotech Technologies: Data Analytics

36 5 35 19
Digitemis Digitemis

[Automatic translation follows] Leader in cybersecurity, compliance & privacy / ANSSI Security Visa, 🥇 Digitemis is an expert in cybersecurity and personal data protection consulting. Its value proposition combines triple expertise: • Technical cybersecurity: intrusion tests, Red Team, phishing, code audit, configuration audit • Organizational cybersecurity: audits, risk analysis, cybersecurity support (ISO27001, DORA, NIS2), PCA/PRA, PSSI, outsourced RSSI • GDPR compliance: audit, training and support, shared / outsourced DPO Our added value? A coherent support proposal and an excellent understanding of needs thanks to a synergy between the centers of expertise. The ANSSI (National Authority for the Security and Defense …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity IoT

22 10 12 38
Smartbot Parking Smartbot Parking

☘️Projet SmartBot Parking peut aider à diminuer environs 2% des émissions de CO2 dans le Monde! 🌱SmartBot Parking Project can help to reduce around 2% of CO2 emissions in the World! Smartbot Parking is a system that makes parking very easy. You simply arrive at the parking lot, and Smartbot Parking automatically pays for your parking. You no longer have to worry about whether you've paid or not. Smartbot Parking takes care of everything, so you can enjoy your time and life without any concerns. Govtech, Hardware, Parking, Smart Cities, Software, and Transportation

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: SaaS

4 0 4 6
Clever Cloud Clever Cloud

From Code to Product Write Code. We run it. Create features, we publish them. Design great software, we make it safe. Clever Cloud exists for one purpose: helping people and companies to deliver software and services faster. We also focus on true sustainability: we want to make sure that once you app is deployed, it stays up, no matter what (high traffic, security updates, DDoS , application failure, hardware issues and so on...). From small projects to big corporates, we aim to deliver a great hosting and deployment experience. We aim to help you to bring back full attention on …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

76 36 43 76
TomTom TomTom

It takes the world to map the world. Billions of data points. Millions of sources. Thousands of communities. We are the mapmaker bringing it all together to build the world’s smartest map. TomTom Orbis Maps are the new standard in mapmaking, co-created with the biggest names in tech. It’s a future-proof mapping platform set to drive innovation at a faster pace and on a bigger scale than ever before. Together with our world-leading maps, we provide location data and tech to drivers, carmakers, businesses and developers. Our maps, routing, real-time traffic, APIs and SDKs empower the dreamers and doers to …

Type: Large company

50 19 23 5,213
SAMMAN Law & Corporate Affairs SAMMAN Law & Corporate Affairs

SAMMAN is one of the few French law firms active in regulatory and public affairs and able to engage with key decision makers in France and at the European Union level. Our assets: > A diversified team of specialists with 4 senior partners, lawyers, legal counsels, experts in public affairs, with a long practice in the public sector (Parliament, Government, Regulatory authorities...); > A significant experience and positive track-record in handling government and public affairs and providing tailored services in public policy and legal dossiers; > A recognized ability to anticipate, advise and advocate on business sector issues to optimize …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

86 0 76 21
INPI France INPI France

[Automatic translation follows] We are the home of innovators. The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) is a major player in innovation and creation in France. It issues industrial property titles (patents, trademarks, designs and models), and works to promote economic development through its awareness-raising and training activities. The INPI is the operator of the one-stop shop for business formalities (creations, modifications, cessations) and the National Business Register. It ensures the dissemination of data on companies and industrial property. The INPI actively participates in the development of law in the fields of intellectual property, support for innovation and business competitiveness, …

Type: Public

267 165 111 658
CyberEdu CyberEdu

[Automatic translation follows] Security by Design by teaching digital security. Master/IUT/BTS/DU, CyberEdu supports you and labels you A project initiated by ANSSI following the publication of the White Paper on Defense and National Security in 2013, the CyberEdu project aims to introduce security concepts into all training courses in the digital field in France. Indeed, digital security cannot rely solely on experts: each player in the information systems chain (administrators, developers, project managers, etc.) must feel concerned and be involved. The approach therefore aims to improve vigilance and response to incidents, prevent the appearance of vulnerabilities in information systems and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services

9 0 0 3
France Datacenter France Datacenter

[Automatic translation follows] The leading association for datacenter ecosystem players in France France Datacenter brings together all the players in the datacenter ecosystem in France. It represents and promotes the sector as the foundation of the performance and reliability of the digital economy. The association is now made up of around a hundred companies that design, build and operate datacenters. A natural player in thinking about the challenges of digital industries, France Datacenter promotes the formalization of knowledge, the development of skills and the adoption of best practices by professionals, in order to improve the competitiveness of the French sector …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

59 4 41 6
Conseil économique social et environnemental Conseil économique social et environnemental

[Automatic translation follows] The Economic, Social and Environmental Council is a consultative constitutional assembly. By representing the main economic, social and environmental activities, the EESC promotes collaboration between the different socio-professional categories and ensures their participation in the definition and evaluation of public policies. The EESC is mainly entrusted with five missions: • Advise the Government and Parliament and participate in the development of economic, social and environmental policy; • Encourage, through its composition, dialogue between socio-professional categories whose concerns, originally different, come together in the development of proposals of general interest; • Contribute to the evaluation of public policies …

Type: Public

160 75 67 461
Wilhelm & Associés Wilhelm & Associés

Créé en 1995, WILHELM & ASSOCIES est un cabinet d’avocats d’affaires français proposant aux entreprises un haut niveau d’expertise et un accompagnement efficace permis par une équipe d’avocats réactifs et spécialisés dans plusieurs domaines du droit des affaires, en conseil comme en contentieux, au travers de 6 pôles : - Concurrence - distribution - consommation - Audiovisuel et communication - Aménagement commercial et urbanisme - Immobilier - Droit des affaires - Propriété intellectuelle WILHELM & ASSOCIES est régulièrement cité comme faisant partie des meilleurs spécialistes français et européens dans ses domaines d’activité. Derniers classements : - Leaders League : "Excellent"​ …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

5 1 3 36

Building peace in the minds of women and men UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945. For this specialized United Nations agency, it is not enough to build classrooms in devastated countries or to publish scientific breakthroughs. Education, Social and Natural Science, Culture and Communication are the means to a far more ambitious goal : to build peace in the minds of women and men. Education, Science, Culture, United Nations, Communication, Social Sciences, Humanities, Sustainable Development, and Peace building

Type: Large company Activities: entertainment

138 130 13 9,016
Gide Loyrette Nouel Gide Loyrette Nouel

International law firm Gide is a leading law firm, both in France and internationally, in all areas of business law for Litigation, Transactions, and Regulation. Today, Gide has 10 offices around the world, covering Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle East. The firm has around 500 lawyers of 35 different nationalities. Visit our website to find out more about us.

Type: Large company Activities: fintech legaltech

119 25 95 1,128
AFM-Téléthon AFM-Téléthon

[Automatic translation follows] Parents' fight, children's lives 📆 November 29 & 30, 2024 AFM-Telethon is an association of parents and patients who are relentlessly fighting against rare and seriously disabling genetic diseases. ► An association of activists, patients and parents of patients engaged in the fight against rare genetic diseases that kill muscle after muscle, neuromuscular diseases. ► AFM-Telethon was born from a conviction and a desire: to cure diseases long considered incurable. To succeed, it has set itself a golden rule: rigor and efficiency. ► Within AFM-Telethon, volunteers and employees join forces to implement a strategy guided solely by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech deeptech

108 69 30 626
Contexte Contexte

[Automatic translation follows] The political information that professionals need. Contexte is the political information that professionals need. For ten years, we have been deciphering the making of the law and its struggles for influence on a daily basis. Contexte is a collective of 100 people spread between Paris and Brussels. We are journalists, salespeople, managers, developers, product managers, CSMs, lead gen, human relations managers, documentalists, management assistants, etc. What brings us together? To bring to life an independent media whose ambition is to allow all actors of democracy to participate in the exercise of power. And what we try to …

Type: Media

32 9 18 132

Join ACENSI, Worldwide Consulting and Digital services Group! You will be part of ACENSI network: 1650 co-workers involved in IS transformation projects at our clients through our multisectoral expertise. Digital transformation, Big Data, Mobility, Cloud, Security... won’t hold any secret for you! Depending on your level of security maturity and the cyber risks you are facing, ACENSI supports you at all stages: from the design of a secure architecture to the implementation of an orchestration and automation platform by addressing the three “P's”: people, process and products. Developers, IT Architects, Project Managers, Business Analysts, PMOs, Scrum masters, Web professionals, integrators... …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

23 5 16 846

[Automatic translation follows] National system for assistance to victims of cyber-malveillance and awareness of digital risks. Official page of the national system for assistance to victims of cyber-malveillance, awareness of digital risks and observation of the threat in France - is a government program in public-private partnership led by the GIP ACYMA (Public interest group "action against cyber-malveillance"). Its mission is to prevent and help the French population in matters of digital security. Its audiences are individuals, VSEs / SMEs and local authorities. Also follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @cybervictimes Cybercrime, Cybermalveillance, Cybersecurity, Information, Assistance, Cybervictim, Awareness, …

Type: Public

91 47 49 41
CyberTaskForce CyberTaskForce

[Automatic translation follows] High-level group on cyberspace security challenges. Private initiative funded by French cyber SMEs. The CyberTaskForce is a private sector initiative. This operational task force is projected in France and Europe to support the digital transformation of society. This task force is an agile tool for mobilizing high-level decision-makers and involving those who have not yet integrated the new threats. It strengthens the operational and productive dialogue between public and private stakeholders, all impacted by cyber. The work program is not designed as a discussion platform, an information cycle or a prospective think tank. It has a targeted …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

70 6 64 5
Zozio Zozio

Real-Time Data Only - Lean on us! We created ROBIN, a user-friendly SaaS to help all industrial operators & managers on the field to have access to their production status in real-time. ROBIN is data-based software which combines the power of an IIoT platform, a plant digital twin and a production flows optimization tool to visualize, control and monitor all of the WIP👷🏭 Industrie of the Future, Human Machine Interaction, UWB, Smart Factory, Industry 4.0, IoT, Industrie du futur, IA, Logistique prédictive, Lean Manufacturing, optimisation logistique, Géolocalisation, and IIoT

Type: SMB Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: A.I. Geolocation IoT

30 6 25 26

[Automatic translation follows] Because we are the key! 🗝 A consulting firm founded in 2016 in Niort and now located in Brest, Nantes, Niort and Bordeaux, Wekey has 3 areas of activity to its credit: 1/ Consulting: Helping freelancers achieve professional success 2/ Supporting companies in their digital transformation & change management 3/ Supporting project leaders 1/ Consulting - Advisory role for freelancers => Pipeline of 100,000 consultants => Pool of 4,000 qualified consultants => Partner ecosystem: Accounting firm, umbrella company, Web3 expert, etc. 2/ Supporting companies: Wekey supports its major clients in their digital transformation and change management by …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: Data Analytics

28 2 28 25
SandboxAQ SandboxAQ

Leveraging AQ - the powerful compound effects of AI + Quantum technology In the tech and data intelligence worlds, a sandbox is where innovation is born. It’s a place where the brightest free-thinking minds from across disciplines come together to reimagine what’s possible. A collaborative environment where the whole is infinitely greater than the sum of the parts. At SandboxAQ, this forward-looking vision is core to everything we do. It’s how we became who we are and it’s how we know our solutions can shift the way your business competes in tomorrow’s marketplace. As the world enters the third quantum …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: A.I.

21 8 16 289
Skaze Skaze

Skaze supports brands in their online customer acquisition and retention objectives through its omnichannel programmatic solutions. Our holistic solutions in data processing, scenario automation, programmatic delivery as a multi DSP allow us to support our clients in achieving their objectives. Our methodology: Understand / Plan / Activate / Optimize. A full service approach for each project with: a Technical account manager - an Account manager / media trader - a Data scientist - a Creative designer Our offers: - Programmatic Display campaigns: Branding / drive to store, traffic and new customer acquisition, retargeting prospects and customers, CRM group campaigns. - …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

5 0 5 17
Teolia Teolia

[Automatic translation follows] Need some serious enthusiasm? Teolia Happy At Work 2022, Platinium Ecovadis and now ATLASSIAN partner Ready for ONBOARDING? ⛵ Disruptive business models, 4.0 journey, user experience, what do our consultants and clients come to Teolia for? ⧫ Digital-based management and working methods to guarantee the value of projects ⧫ 360° transmission of know-how for sustainable management #people centric ⧫ The commitment of a liberated company #entrepreneurial #Team force Teolia operates in the fields of consulting, IT services and digital innovation. Our talents support our clients in project management missions, device agility and the creation of new application …

Type: Startup Activities: consulting it services Technologies: SaaS

2 0 2 75
Hamynä Hamynä

[Automatic translation follows] Complete services for GDPR compliance and cybersecurity. Optimize the management of your business. Hamynä offers you all the necessary services to optimize the management of your GDPR compliance and the security of your information system: - GDPR software - Audience measurement tool exempt from consent - Website compliance certification - Certification training - Outsourced DPO and RSSI GDPR, Cybersecurity, and Compliance

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

15 1 12 7

[Automatic translation follows] ✅ Let's humanize IT with simple and educational training EVEIL DIGITAL supports VSEs/SMEs/Local authorities and associations on their digital transformation issues: - Audit and technological advice - IT project management - Cybersecurity and GDPR - Teleworking solutions and collaborative tools coaching, Consulting, Support, Technologies, and Appropriation

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

1 0 1 1

AI & ART. We at Obvious wish to explore, use and share the different ways machine learning algorithms can catalyze our natural creativity. We wish to demonstrate that algorithms help us better understand how we function as humans, and push us to outsmart our current level of creativity. Through the creation of comprehensible artworks and by collaborating with the major actors that shape our society, our art collective wishes to shred some light on the emerging tools increasingly available for all types of creatives. We believe that a new generation of creators will rise, one that will know how to …

Type: Startup Activities: arttech it services Technologies: A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. A.I. - Image Processing Generative A.I.

9 5 3 10
TeamBrain TeamBrain

Boost your customer relations with AI With TeamBrain, you can take your customer relations to the next level by addressing 5 major challenges: - Operational efficiency: Share knowledge among your staff and help your new recruits to improve their skills. - Efficient customer service: Promote self-care to automate answers to redundant questions - Qualified leads: increase your conversion rate, identify and feed your CRM with qualified leads - Sales booster: with TeamBrain ("Brian") multi-lingual generative AI, automate your sales and reduce basket abandonment - SEO optimizer: with your FAQ-SEO space, you can improve your site's ranking in search engine optimization. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Machine Learning Generative A.I. A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing SaaS

10 3 7 18

[Automatic translation follows] OSINT Learning and Training Community OSINTOPIA is a non-profit association (law 1901) dedicated to the promotion and practice of OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) in an ethical, fun and collaborative framework. Heir to OZINT, OSINTOPIA aims to bring together a diverse community of experts, amateurs and enthusiasts around the challenges of cybersecurity and open source information research. Our mission is to allow everyone to discover, learn and improve in OSINT practices through educational resources, events, challenges and knowledge sharing. We make a point of creating a caring and inclusive space, encouraging mutual aid and collaboration. OSINT and Analysis

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

9 2 5 7
Hollia Hollia

From a passerby, you make a customer! We help businesses in understanding their physical clientele by providing an all-in-one analysis solution through a network of connected devices, artificial intelligence, and a user-friendly dashboard.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

20 2 11 3
Ambassade du Danemark en France – The Danish Embassy in France  Ambassade du Danemark en France – The Danish Embassy in France

The Danish Embassy in Paris works for the interests of Denmark in France. The main purpose of the Embassy is to represent Denmark in France and to strengthen the good relations between our two countries. Thus the Embassy facilitates meetings and cooperation between Danes and French people. This is done on a bilateral level between national authorities, on a political and diplomatic level, but also by facilitating private and public partnerships, on a cultural level (e.g. through our activities at Bicolore, the platform for Danish contemporary art in France) and on a commercial level. The Consulate General which is an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

20 5 0 51
Future of Privacy Forum Future of Privacy Forum

A catalyst for privacy leadership & scholarship, advancing principled data practices in support of emerging technologies The Future of Privacy Forum is a non-profit organization that serves as a catalyst for privacy leadership and scholarship, advancing principled data practices in support of emerging technologies. privacy, behavioral advertising, social media, big data, student privacy, Connected Cars, data protection, global privacy, Immersive Technologies, child privacy, advertising technologies, and artificial intelligence

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

28 6 22 132
Data & Society Research Institute Data & Society Research Institute

Data & Society studies the social implications of data-centric technologies and automation. The Data & Society Research Institute is a New York City-based think/do tank dedicated to addressing social, technical, ethical, legal, and policy issues that are emerging because of data-centric technological development. Data & Society provides a space for researchers, entrepreneurs, activists, policy creators, journalists, geeks, and public intellectuals to gather, debate, and engage one another on the key issues introduced by the increasing availability of data in society. Data & Society hosts events, does directed research, creates policy frameworks, and builds demonstration projects to grapple with the challenges …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

16 3 4 69
fifty-five fifty-five

55 | the data company | We help brands leverage data and technology to craft future-proof experiences. fifty-five was founded in 2010 by former Google executives who understood and anticipated the potential of data in brands’ marketing strategies. Our team has mastered a rare combination of consulting, technical skills and marketing understanding to offer high value data-based services to its clients. Headquartered in Paris, with deep European roots, we operate across 3 time zones from our 10 offices located in Paris, London, Geneva, Milan, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Taipei, Singapore and New York. We're hiring! Please visit our website to …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

32 4 26 490
AEFR - Association Europe - Finances - Régulations AEFR - Association Europe - Finances - Régulations

[Automatic translation follows] On May 26, 2021, the EIFR, by combining its forces with those of the AEF, the Financial Economics Association publishing La REF, became the AEFR, the Europe-Finances-Regulations Association. Created in 2008 in the midst of the financial turmoil, the European Institute for Financial Regulation is a place for training, exchange and reflection on financial regulation and related issues. The EIFR aims to contribute to a better mutual understanding between regulators and regulated parties. To do this, the EIFR's training and events meet two needs: to foster concrete reflection on key themes of European regulation and to present …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

51 2 50 10

We help companies craft their best future selves. That takes the best combination of true individual talent. We believe technology has the power to build a better, more virtuous future for companies and everything around them. A future in which every employee is able to find his rightful place, feel useful, empowered and efficient. And in which every user feels cared for and respected. But to fulfill this vision, one must dare to invent, make and bring different audiences together around innovation. Building this future for your company, finding the strength to lead the brand new projects that will take …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

100 34 65 294
TeraLab TeraLab

TeraLab, part of IMT Transfert, is a trusted, & sovereign data infrastructure to boost innovation & technology transfer TeraLab provides a big data innovation platform for innovation, research, and education, research. TeraLab is a subsidiary of IMT, a leading French engineering school, has been operational since 2014 and has conducted over 60 projects in a variety of fields, with a focus on cybersecurity, industry, and healthcare. TeraLab mission is to accelerate data-driven innovation by providing data infrastructure, architecture, tools, access to data, and an ecosystem of talent, research, and training.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

66 12 52 5
Data Ring Data Ring

[Automatic translation follows] Liberties & Digital Cultures Protection and Valorization of our identity & information heritage Association for research and discussion on the Protection of Personal Data #DataProtection #PersonalData law, protection of personal data, GDPR, data protection, and DPO

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: privacytech

24 2 19 1
Syndicat National pour la Silver Economie - SYNAPSE Syndicat National pour la Silver Economie - SYNAPSE

[Automatic translation follows] SYNAPSE is the meeting place for entrepreneurs around the demographic transition with an ethical dimension. The National Union of the Silver Economy was created on the initiative of professionals in the Silver Economy and gerontechnology sector. It is a continuation of the ASIPAG Association created in 2010. The National Union of the Silver Economy is a place for meeting, sharing and co-construction between the players and entrepreneurs of the Silver Economy. The actions of the members of the National Union of the Silver Economy aim to create a French sector of excellence for healthy aging. The objective: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech

27 1 25 3
Sipperec Sipperec

[Automatic translation follows] Public energy and digital service As a public inter-municipal action establishment founded in 1924, SIPPEREC's primary mission was to contribute to the equitable and supportive development of the territories on the outskirts of Paris, by enabling member municipalities to collectively access electricity and provide their residents with a quality public service. Over the past twenty years, SIPPEREC has constantly strengthened this public service mission by expanding its scope to include digital regional planning, renewable energy and sustainable mobility. Electricity, GIS, Shared purchasing, Renewable energy, Telecom networks, Heat networks, Data, Connected city, Digital services, Network burial, Public law, …

Type: Public

35 11 30 112
Predicta Lab | Protect your digital life Predicta Lab | Protect your digital life

Protect your digital life Predicta Lab is a company that provides OSINT tools to help individuals and organizations safeguard their online privacy and security

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

25 2 0 8
GreenBadg® GreenBadg®

A new generation authentification solution. GreenBadg® is a solution specialized in digital authentification. Its universal, eco-friendly and digital badg proves your identity and replaces all the other single-use supports. To get into your next concert or to go to the gym, say goodbye to cards and tickets ; say hello to GreenBadg®. Authentification , Identification, Mobilité, Billeterie , Loisirs, Preuve d’âge , and Majorité

Type: Startup Activities: it services

8 4 3 2
E Value it E Value it

The all-in-one application for leveling up ! E Value it is the all-in-one SaaS application to level up businesses. We accompany businesses in their quest for sustainable performance through a powerfully application, intuitive and boosted by artificial intelligence. The goal is simple: level up your company ! We pay special attention to the use of E Value it by our clients. We assist you in getting started and conduct regular check-ins to help you achieve your goals. An application made with and for our customers ! Informed by the insights of dozens of experts in each industry, E Value it …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

4 2 3 2
bziiit bziiit

[Automatic translation follows] Inspire, Simplify, Act with AI OUR PURPOSE Support companies to accelerate their sustainable marketing transformation by effectively inspiring them to implement priority best practices for success (Co-Construction, Eco-Design, Digital Sobriety, Decarbonized Data, optimization of Marketing ROI NOTORIETY and CONVERSIONS) HOW? * a collaborative DATA Marketing platform to help with decision-making and management to support their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach * audit services, support, sustainable marketing training WHAT DOES THIS BRING YOU? Reconciling Marketing ROI Objectives with Sustainable Marketing Actions and Best Practices? Digital marketing, digital, machine learning, connected objects, Analysis and measurement of traffic in places …

Type: Startup Activities: martech it services Technologies: IoT A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

117 12 116 8
Arkhn Arkhn

[Automatic translation follows] We help hospitals manage and leverage their data. 📣 We're hiring! Arkhn gives healthcare institutions back sovereignty over their data, to better support patients, facilitate the work of caregivers and accelerate research. Created in 2019, Arkhn supports healthcare institutions in managing their data sustainably thanks to an interoperable data architecture that is deployed within the centers. This architecture makes it possible to aggregate, qualityize and standardize all health data and facilitate access to it, in order to simplify patient care for medical teams. More broadly, it also promotes clinical research and health innovation, by offering effective and …

Type: Startup Activities: it services healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

41 8 28 30
Lampi AI Lampi AI

AI Agents that perform your tasks and workflows • Secure generative AI for professionals • Request Access • At Lampi AI, we provide a secure generative AI platform with the best and latest LLMs to power AI agents that interpret your needs and reliably perform tasks from start to completion. Our AI agents are able to interact with proprietary and public data and can help you to retrieve insights, compare, analyze or extract information, automate meeting notes, generate reports or execute complete workflows. Our innovative approach combines in total security the power of LLMs with external sources of information, ensuring …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

20 2 13 7
Lifen Lifen

Data intelligence for Healthcare Professionals. Streamline access, organization, and sharing of medical data to enhance the quality of care and clinical research. Health, Cloud, Privacy, AI, Interoperability, EHR, and FHIR

Tags: FrenchTech120 FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services privacytech Technologies: A.I.

74 29 47 164

[Automatic translation follows] An interactive tool to assess the managerial atmosphere of your organization by including digital and teleworking Several dozen experts and managers participated in the development of this new interactive diagnosis. It allows you to assess the managerial atmosphere of your organization, by including the digital and teleworking aspects. In participatory mode, it allows you to identify your strengths and areas for improvement. You can also use it to promote your Employer Brand thanks to the new #QV2T label The BtoB partner network is open to professionals who wish to use this tool with their own clients. The …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

13 0 13 11
EUKLES Solutions EUKLES Solutions

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting partners in the digital transition of their customers. 🎯 Eukles solutions is a Docaposte brand, a digital subsidiary of the La Poste group #Confiancenumerique A major player in the digital transition sector, Eukles offers a range of Electronic Document Management (EDM) solutions, secure data storage and backup, and dematerialization of mail (Resoposte) adapted to all structures. 🔥 Expertise, proximity, and support are the guarantors of all simple and secure management and archiving for each company. 🧬 From document audit to deployment, including personalized training and monitoring of users of our solutions: the tools meet all needs …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

24 3 24 85
libheros libheros

[Automatic translation follows] Facilitating access to care and health everywhere, for everyone! We are recruiting 🚀 libheros is the first e-health company that offers turnkey systems for mobilizing health professionals throughout France for all types of care. Thanks to our network of +20,000 health professionals (nurses, physiotherapists and midwives), our secure digital tools and our paramedical care coordinators, we are able to meet various demands. libheros is aimed at several types of players: -Individuals wishing to quickly find a health professional for their home care. Hundreds of thousands of them are satisfied with our services each month -Health establishments wishing …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

53 14 45 22