Search 1
LogoName Σ Employees

Institute of Chemical Research is a CERCA centre and member of BIST. Chemistry that changes society. ICIQ is a public foundation dedicated to chemical research aimed at addressing global challenges such as the climate emergency and human health. Recognised with two Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence accreditations since 2014, the centre hosts 250 researchers distributed across 19 research groups focused on sustainable catalysis, renewable energies, and decarbonization, as well as molecular medicine. These groups drive frontier research using both computational and experimental tools. ICIQ scientists have secured a total of 26 projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC), and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

32 266
ActuaLitté ActuaLitté

The worlds of books ActuaLitté is the reference site for literature and publishing. Independent, it is aimed at amateur readers, amateurs and enthusiasts, publishing professionals, teachers, booksellers and documentarians. Updated daily, ActuaLitté provides the information necessary for a better vision of the book world. With more than 14,000 unique visitors each day, the site enjoys an excellent reputation in the closed world of literature and finds its place with the general public. Literature, reading, Publishing, digital book, press media, book professions, literature, and digital book

Type: Media

55 24

International Center for Research on Environment and Development. CIRED is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 8568) under the main supervision of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the National School of Bridges and Roads, with the Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), AgroParisTech and the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). At the CNRS, CIRED is attached to CNRS Human and Social Sciences. Director: Franck Lecocq Environment, Development, Climate, Environmental economics, Development economics, Public economics, Prospective modeling, Energy transition, Climate change, Climate negotiation, Agriculture, Game theory, Biodiversity, Low carbon transition, Land …

Type: Public

52 88
Health Data Hub Health Data Hub

The one-stop shop for access to health data in France - We are recruiting! The HDH is a state-of-the-art technological platform that brings together the French health data heritage to guarantee easy and unified, transparent and secure access. It facilitates interactions between health data producers, users and citizens, under high security conditions, and thus contributes to innovation and to federating the digital health ecosystem. We offer a set of services to support the players who contribute to finding tomorrow's solutions to improve the health of citizens: supporting project leaders, building and operating a technological platform to offer them the best …

Type: Public

81 127

ICPEES (Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, Environment and Health) is a joint research unit with a partnership between the French National Research Council (CNRS) and the University of Strasbourg Chemistry, Processes, Energy, Environment, Health, Catalysis, Materials, Polymers, Research, and molecular chemistry

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

9 41
Festival de la Communication Santé Festival de la Communication Santé

The French-speaking meeting place for all health communications 🚀The major events of season 34 🎧June 2025 - French-speaking #PodCastSanté Awards 📆 November 27 & 28, 2025 - The #FestiComSanté & #FestiComMed awards in Deauville communication, health, Medicine, e-health, health communication, startup, animal health, corporate, Deauville, FestiComSanté, ComSanté, marketing, and medical communication

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

109 6
Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association

Furthering the advancement and impact of women in the business of healthcare. #HBAimpact The Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) is a global professional association committed to furthering the advancement and impact of women in the business of healthcare. Mission The Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association is a global organization comprised of individuals and organizations in healthcare committed to: achieving gender parity in leadership positions facilitating career and business connections to accelerate advancement providing equitable practices that enable organizations to realize the full potential women HBA accomplishes its mission through strong business networks, education and leadership development, and global recognition for individuals and companies. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

49 446
Verily Verily

We are an Alphabet company bringing the promise of precision health to everyone, every day. Verily is an Alphabet company combining a data-driven, people-first approach to bring the promise of precision health to everyone, every day. We are focused on generating and applying evidence from a wide variety of sources to change the way people manage their health and the way healthcare is delivered - shifting the paradigm from “one size fits all” medicine to one focused on a more comprehensive view of the individual that leads to a more personalized path forward. For more information, please visit Verily …

Type: Large company

23 1,445
American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society

Advancing science, serving society since 1919 The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 12,000 professionals, professors, students, and weather enthusiasts. AMS publishes 11 atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic journals — in print and online — sponsors more than 12 conferences annually, and offers numerous programs and services. For further information regarding society activities, membership, or general inquiries please send an email to Scientific Publishing, Certifications, Scientific …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 232
Asia Research News Asia Research News

The Research Communication Experts Asia Research News connects research with the wider world. In 2005, we launched Asia’s first research news portal, creating a framework for institutions to share their news and thrive independently. Researchers gained greater recognition for their work and journalists benefited from a centralized resource for a wider variety of news to interest their readers, viewers and listeners. Our company has evolved to provide a complete suite of communication services and training for research institutions looking to expand their international presence. Our flagship Asia Research News print magazine, published since 2009, has been so popular that we …

Type: Media

16 9
Frankfurter Buchmesse Frankfurter Buchmesse

The biggest international marketplace for publishing ++ (15-19 Oct 2025) ++ #fbm25 ++ Frankfurter Buchmesse Join our group and start a discussion: Once a year, the Frankfurter Buchmesse becomes the Global City of Ideas: the most important international trading place for content, from novels and children’s books to academic databases. Publishing professionals from around the world meet here with partners from the technology sector and from related creative industries, such as film and games; it is here that new cooperation agreements and business models find their first inspiration. At the same time, the Book Fair is also a …

Type: Media

27 98
NWO (Dutch Research Council) NWO (Dutch Research Council)

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) ensures quality and innovation in science and facilitates its impact on society. The Dutch Research Council (NWO) is one of the most important science-funding bodies in the Netherlands and ensures quality and innovation in science. Each year NWO invests more than 650 million euros in curiosity-driven research and research related to societal challenges. NWO selects and funds research proposals based on the advice of experts from science and society from the Netherlands and abroad. NWO encourages national and international collaboration, invests in large-scale research facilities, promotes knowledge utilisation, and manages research institutes. NWO funds more …

Type: Public

14 990
European Cancer Patient Coalition European Cancer Patient Coalition

The unified voice of cancer patients across Europe. Established in 2003, the European Cancer Patient Coalition is the voice of the European cancer patient community, uniquely representing the interests of all cancer patient groups from the major to the rarer cancers. It has been established to represent the views of cancer patients in the European healthcare debate and to provide a forum for European cancer patients to exchange information and share best practice experiences. ECPC works for a Europe of equality, where all European cancer patients have timely and affordable access to the best treatment and care available, throughout their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech biotech

13 8
Momentum Life Sciences Momentum Life Sciences

Leading Provider of Patient Engagement Solutions Momentum Life Sciences is the leading provider of patient engagement solutions integrating human connection, advanced technology, and real-world data to deliver holistic support in a personalized environment. Leveraging 25+ years’ experience in patient engagement, our One VoiceTM model empowers biopharma teams to optimize the right mix of interventions for each patient. On behalf of our biopharma partners, we deliver 1M+ patient and healthcare provider engagements in person and virtually through our network of 800+ nurse educators nationwide. Our seasoned senior executive team is led by President and CEO Andrea Heslin Smiley, Momentum has been …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

7 232
Mexico Business Mexico Business

Mexico Business Publishing, the independent provider of business and industry insights, analysis, and in-depth interviews.

Type: Media

28 N/A
Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing

Raising awareness of Ontario's advanced manufacturing ecosystem. Offices located at Western University in London. The Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing produces and disseminates independent and objective data-driven research and analysis to raise awareness of emerging trends in Ontario’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem and plays a lead role in facilitating collaboration among industry stakeholders and ecosystem partners. A non-profit organization located at Western University, the Trillium Network leads collaborations with government, manufacturers, industry associations, education and research institutions, and other like-minded ecosystem partners. Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing, Ontario Manufacturing , Canadian Manufacturing , Research, and Data Bulletins

Type: Incubators & VCs

13 7
Department of Sociology, University of Oxford Department of Sociology, University of Oxford

Engaging with real world problems. Ranked 1st in the UK & Europe in the QS Rankings by Subject 2021. Sociology at Oxford has a strong analytical, empirical and comparative orientation. Focus is on developing and testing theories that engage with real world problems. Particular strengths include the statistical analysis of social surveys, social demography, collection, management and analysis of complex datasets, the development of rational choice theory, microsocial experiments and simulation studies. The Department of Sociology was established in 1999 to provide a renewed focus for sociological research and teaching in the University. The international reputation of Oxford Sociology remains …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

7 12

Lille electrical engineering and electronics laboratory Created in 1989, the L2EP laboratory (ULR 2697) was born from the desire of 4 partner establishments: the University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, Arts and Crafts Paristech, the Central School of Lille, and High Engineering Studies ( HEI) to bring together at the heart of the same laboratory all research activities in electric engineering. Established in Lille with international influence, the L2EP is made up of 4 teams whose work covers all the aspects inherent in the field of electrical energy. A major player at the regional level, he sets himself the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

10 60
HerKey HerKey

India’s largest career community for women - to nurture, support and elevate her career aspirations India’s largest career community for women - to nurture, support and elevate her career aspirations. HerKey secured $4M funding from Kalaari Capital, 360 ONE Asset (formerly IIFL AMC), and angel investors in 2023, making it one of the largest funding rounds ever for a company dedicated to women's careers in India. HerKey has been at the forefront of developing scalable solutions to increase women's participation in the Indian workforce. Incepted in 2015, the platform works with over 15k companies across India that prioritize D&I and …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

40 281
Sofcot Officiel Sofcot Officiel

French Society of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery Sofcot, French Society of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, is an organization law 1901. Founded in 1918, we group The Academy of Orthopedics and Traumatology (AOT), The French college of orthopedic and trauma surgeons (CFCOT), The National Union of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgeons (SNCO), Orthorisq And the objective of scientific societies whose study of the locomotor system. Our main mission is to promote the quality of professional exercise in orthopedic surgery and traumatology. We unite nearly 3,400 orthopedic surgeons within our learned society. Thanks to our members, invested in committees and commissions, we are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

10 34
SFC - Société Française de Cardiologie SFC - Société Française de Cardiologie

A strength for the heart Created in 1937 by Charles Laubry, the French Cardiology Society now has nearly 7,042 members. Its board of directors (28 people whose mandate is 4 years) elects its office and its president. Article 1 of the association's statutes defines its three objectives: - Develop and propagate scientific research in the cardiovascular field; - Provide quality continuous training; - Indicate the rules for the good exercise of cardiological practice, in particular by publishing recommendations. On the scientific level, the living force of the French Cardiology Society is represented by its 4 subsidiaries (pediatric and congenital cardiology, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 57
SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation

The French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation (SFAR) is a recognized learned society of public utility, governed by the law of 1901. It contributes to the study, advancement and teaching of anesthesia, resuscitation and peri-operative medicine. To these statutory objectives, the SFAR added in 1988 the security of all the gestures taken by the resuscitatory anesthesiologists.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

25 99
SantExpo SantExpo

For over 50 years, Santexpo has been the referent health and medico-social ecosystem #Santexpo: The referent ecosystem of #health and #medicoosocial that will be held on May 20, 21 and 22, 2025 in Paris, Porte de Versailles, Hall 1

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

120 6
Odile Jacob Odile Jacob

Understanding our society, the debates that shape it and the scientific discoveries that renew its vision, such is the ambition of Odile Jacob editions. Odile Jacob wishes to share new instruments of reflection and knowledge about the world in which we live, and help enrich the debate of ideas. Odile Jacob publishes more than 100 titles per year in the following genres: Sciences, Human Sciences, Medicine, Psychology, History, Geopolitics, Health & Amp; Practical life ... Editions have engaged in the digital turn by making all their works in digital format accessible (more than 4000 titles!). Edition, Sciences, Human Sciences, History, …

Type: Media

15 36
Aitia Aitia

Leader in the application of Causal AI and Digital Twins to discover the next generation of breakthrough drugs Aitia is the leader in the development and application of Causal AI and Digital Twins to discover the next generation of therapies for neurodegenerative diseases and Oncology. By leveraging the convergence of multi-omic patient data, high-performance computing, and causal learning and AI, Aitia is revealing the hidden circuitry of human biology to identify novel targets driving disease and focused patient recruitment for clinical development. Aitia has translated those insights into its Gemini Digital Twins (computational representations of disease), which the company is …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech biotech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics Generative A.I.

23 77
Universitat Rovira i Virgili Universitat Rovira i Virgili

La universitat pública de Tarragona i de les Terres de l'Ebre The URV was created in 1991 by the Parliament of Catalonia from the already existing university faculties and schools. In this way the Tarragona University of the 16th century was restored. From the very first day its aim has been very clear: to place knowledge at the service of society so as to contribute to the social and economic development of its environment, which has gradually transformed over time. Social and cultural changes have opened the doors to a new framework in which our students and future workers are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 2,810
TechInformed TechInformed

In-depth reporting at the intersection of technology, business, and innovation. TechInformed is technology in action. TechInformed® is a global leader in technology news and information. We are a B2B Enterprise level media content company and digital publisher who provide real-time breaking news, in-depth analysis, and trends on tech topics that matter most: AI, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Networking, Storage, Telco, FinTech, Healthtech and more. We specialize in covering the people, companies, and technologies that are creating change today. Those innovators who are disrupting entire industries as they build future-proof solutions. Our mission: to be the go-to partner for business and IT …

Type: Media

29 30
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

China's Independent Business School Education for a New Era of Global Business: Established in Beijing in November, 2002 with generous support from the Li Ka Shing Foundation, CKGSB is a private, non-profit, independent educational institution and the only business school in China with faculty governance. The school offers innovative MBA, Finance MBA, Executive MBA and Executive Education programs. Headquartered in Beijing, we have campuses in Shanghai and Shenzhen and representatives in Hong Kong, Seoul, London, Paris, Los Angeles, Boston and New York. Thought Leaders on Business in China: CKGSB faculty, through their on-the-ground research and close relationships with leading domestic …

Type: Incubators & VCs

19 442
Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU) Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU)

Official Linkedin home of Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU) At Dubai Health, MBRU provides a comprehensive educational environment featuring a diverse range of academic programs, hands-on clinical practice, and robust research opportunities. These programs are further enhanced through strategic collaborations with leading academic and industry partners. Learners at all stages—from undergraduates to postgraduates, including interns, residents and fellows— are provided with the opportunity to gain knowledge from esteemed experts within the vibrant and dynamic setting of one of the world's most innovative cities. Healthcare, Education, Medicine, Health Sciences, Higher Education, Higher Education, and Dental Care

Type: Media

3 802
International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN) International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN)

Connect and empower younger chemists globally. The IYCN aims to be inclusive in every possible way, welcoming members from the scientific community on a global scale. One of our specific goals is to communicate the opportunity to join and develop this network to chemists in every country. The current work of the IYCN is to reach out to chemists of all nationalities. A network such as the IYCN can only succeed if young chemists from all nations have the opportunity to join, network and participate. We have previously reached out to young chemists from many countries and continue to seek …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 30
Third Rock Ventures Third Rock Ventures

We discover, launch and build great companies based on bold ideas that meet at the intersection of science, strategy, business and medicine – where transformational science meets operational reality – providing the best opportunity to make a dramatic difference in patients’ lives. THE THIRD ROCK TEAM Our team has a proven record of translating disruptive technologies into valuable business enterprises. Working closely with leading scientific and business visionaries as well as industry partners, we identify opportunities to change the future of medicine and rigorously vet those ideas through our discovery process to develop the vision, strategy and plan needed to …

Type: Incubators & VCs

10 121
Headway East London Headway East London

We're a charity supporting people affected by brain injury in London. Headway East London is a charity supporting people affected by brain injury. Working across 13 London boroughs we offer specialist support and services for survivors and their family. We offer therapies, advocacy, family support and community support work alongside our day service: a community venue where people can make the most of their abilities and interests. We also promote awareness and understanding of brain injury by providing information to the public, and offering training to university students, professionals and businesses. Our vision is to build a community where people …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

4 56
LexisNexis France LexisNexis France

L'intelligence juridique Legal provides legal, regulatory, and business information and analytics that help customers increase their productivity, improve decision-making, and achieve better outcomes. We help lawyers win cases, manage their work more efficiently, serve their clients better, and grow their practices. We assist corporations in better understanding their markets and monitoring relevant news. We partner with leading global associations and customers to help advance the Rule of Law across the world. LexisNexis Legal & Professional is headquartered in New York and has further principal operations in Dayton, Raleigh, and Toronto in North America, London and Paris in Europe, and cities …

Type: Media

63 409

Club for exchanges and reflection which brings together information providers and communication from the health sector. FNIM (National Federation of Medical Information) is both the oldest, the first association of service providers in the pharmaceutical industry, and the youngest club for reflection, anticipation and action. The first, first of all, because we marry the problems of our customers daily, that we live with it and we help find solutions. Whether it is operational problems, such as the medical visit or the purchase of space, or advice on communication, lobbying, marketing or regulatory strategy, FNIM members are intended above all Professionals …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

27 7
Reims Légend'R Reims Légend'R

#Reimslégendr is the shared banner of Grand Reims in the service of the attractiveness of the territory! #Touslégendr Reims Legend’R is the territory brand of Grand Reims in the service of tourism, economic, student or residential attractiveness. It is a collective project, involving all the living forces with a common objective of promotion, influence and development of the territory gathered under the same banner, Reims Legend’R. Because Reims Legend’R is a story to tell, a banner to share, a legend to write! #Touslégendr We share here the "success stories" of companies, entrepreneurs, actors and local projects, the news of our …

Type: Public

129 14

One platform to create, enhance & deliver an amazing eBook experience for teachers and learners securely. Redefining Digital Learning with KITABOO Welcome to the cutting edge of education – KITABOO, a trailblazer in digital textbooks and educational software since 2009. BookIT Digital Technologies Private Limited takes KITABOO’s pioneering spirit to the next level, redefining learning with revolutionary digital experiences. Originating from Hurix Digital’s innovative spirit, today, KITABOO stands as BookIT’s flagship product, symbolizing a new era in digital education. A Legacy of Excellence Born under Hurix and flourishing as BookIT’s core, KITABOO is not just about eBooks but a comprehensive …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech it services Technologies: SaaS Data Analytics

3 117
Elastic Elastic

Elastic brings together the precision of search and the intelligence of AI to accelerate results that matter. Elastic, the Search AI Company, enables everyone to find the answers they need in real time, using all their data, at scale. Elastic’s solutions for search, observability, and security are built on the Elastic Search AI Platform — the development platform used by thousands of companies, including more than 50% of the Fortune 500. Big Data, AWS, Kibana, Observability, APM, Search, Distributed, Lucene, Database, Open Source, Cloud, SIEM, Security, Logging, Analytics, Elasticsearch, App Search, Site Search, Enterprise Search, and ELK

Type: Large company

58 4,205
University of Warsaw University of Warsaw

The largest university in Poland and a leading research centre in the country. University of Warsaw, established in 1816, is the best and the oldest Polish higher education institution, educating to almost 48 000 students. In international rankings, UW is the top one among Polish universities. Over 400 study programmes are offered at 20 faculties and 29 scientific and didactic units. The University is one of leading research centres in the country. Its IT specialists, archaeologists and physicists, but also specialists from other fields, achieve international success and recognition. It is here that the piano genius, Fredric Chopin, studied; moreover, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 4,804
The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia

We bring area businesses and civic leaders together to promote growth and create opportunity in our region. The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia brings area businesses and civic leaders together to promote growth and create opportunity in our region. Our members represent eleven counties, three states, and roughly 600,000 employees from thousands of member companies and organizations. And by bringing all kinds of businesses and leaders to the table—the new, the established, the big, the small, the growing, the thriving, the perennial, the innovative, and the experimental—we build community and find commonalities among us all. We advocate for regional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

19 154
ICAI - Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence ICAI - Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence

Research & Innovation in AI The Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) is a national initiative focused on joint technology development between academia, industry and government in the area of artificial intelligence. The Netherlands has the talent, the world-class research and the longstanding tradition in AI education to be one of the world’s top ranked countries in terms of innovation power. ICAI brings these positive forces together in a unique national initiative. ICAI’s innovation strategy is organized around industry labs, these are multi-year strategic collaborations with a focus on technology and talent development. ICAI will create innovative AI-applications, distribute AI-knowledge …

Type: Incubators & VCs

11 14

Accelerating women's equity, forming partnerships, and sharing inspiring stories. MAKERS is a media and community brand that exists to accelerate equity for women in the workplace and beyond by forging purposeful partnerships and sharing stories that ignite passion, drive action, and make change. With the largest video collection of women's profiles ever assembled, live events, Emmy-nominated documentaries, and award-winning digital content, MAKERS has been uniting change agents in every industry, at every level, around the issues that matter most, one story at a time. MAKERS also hosts a corporate partnership program to connect and galvanize leaders who are at the …

Type: Media

45 71
Research Ireland Research Ireland

Ireland’s new competitive research and innovation funding agency Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland is the national research and innovation agency. Research Ireland supports the contribution of research and innovation to Ireland’s economic, social, cultural, and environmental development and sustainability, as well as strengthen the engagement between the research and innovation system and enterprise, Government and public bodies, the voluntary sector and society. Research Funding

Type: Public

30 165
Crazy Town Oy Crazy Town Oy

Community-driven coworking and business acceleration in Finland. We have +400 awesome member companies all over Finland Crazy Town is a community for all kind on companies; freelancers, solopreneurs, micro-sized companies and also bigger companies who want to go further together rather than alone. We organize hundreds of events every year, check our website and join! We operate five locations across Finland – Jyväskylä, Tampere, Pori, Hämeenlinna and Helsinki. Ever since Crazy Town opened in 2002, our focus has been on peer-learning and peer-development of our members. All our locations give you access to local ecosystem and contacts. Each one is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 26
New York Cares New York Cares

NYC's largest volunteer organization. Each year we mobilize thousands of New Yorkers to serve their communities.🗽❤️ Discover how you can build a more equitable NYC Sign up today ⬇️ Volunteering, Corporate Social Responsibility, Community Service, Tutoring, Volunteer Management, Corporate Volunteerism, Education, and Nonprofit Management

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

26 442
Institut DATAIA Paris-Saclay Institut DATAIA Paris-Saclay

Data Science, Intelligence and Society The Dataia Paris-Saclay Institute is the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (AI) of Paris-Saclay University, specialized in data sciences and their societal impacts. ▶ Who are we? Selected by the National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the "Investments for the Future" programs, the Dataia Paris-Saclay Institute aims to group and structure multidisciplinary expertise large-scale and strong Visibility to better respond to major data sciences, artificial intelligence and their applications thanks to decompartmentalization between mathematics, computer sciences and legal, economic and social sciences. It mobilizes more than 800 researchers and teacher-researchers and 47 laboratories in the …

Type: Public

57 11
Institut Bergonié Institut Bergonié

New Aquitaine cancer center #reCherche #innovation #PriseenCharge #Cancerprévention Founded in 1923, the Bergonié Institute has been a private health establishment of collective interest since May 20, 2010. It is also one of the 18 cancer centers. Located in the town of Bordeaux, it is the only cancer Center in New Aquitaine and constitutes with the CHU de Bordeaux the regional cancer pole. The Bergonié Institute is labeled "Integrated Research Site in Cancerology" (SIRIC) by the National Cancer Institute (INCa). Member of the Unicancer group, he carries a model of oncology based on multidisciplinarity, individualization of treatments and research and food …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech healthtech

26 565
Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF)

The French Hospital Federation represents hospitals and public medico-social establishments Created in 1924, the French Hospital Federation (FHF) brings together more than 1,000 public health establishments (hospitals) and as many medico-social structures (retirement homes and autonomous specialized reception houses), almost all of the public sector establishments. This legitimacy and its national dimension make FHF a leading player in the health world, an actor all the more listened to as it is truly trans-political, as evidenced by the composition of its council of 'administration. The FHF fulfills a triple promotion, information and representation function: 1. Promotion of the public hospital and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

103 3
OpeningDoorsLondon OpeningDoorsLondon

OpeningDoorsLondon is a design company based out of 6 Tavistock Square, London, United Kingdom.

Type: Startup Activities: uxtech

5 1

Conference, Events & #EdFringe venue. Passionate about creating world-changing events. #MakeitEdinburgh #ScotlandisNow Situated in the heart of Scotland’s beautiful capital city, the EICC is one of the world’s outstanding venues for conferences, conventions and exhibitions. Since opening in 1995, we have welcomed around one million delegates through our doors for around 2,500 events, generating £300m for the city. Our purpose-built centre offers the very best in facilities and technology; and our experienced, enthusiastic team will help to ensure your event’s success. Customer Service Excellence, Event Management, Event Technology, and Flexible Facilities

Type: Event

9 122
Lymphoma Coalition Lymphoma Coalition

Worldwide network of lymphoma patient groups. LC, a worldwide network of lymphoma patient groups, was formed in 2002 and incorporated as a not for profit organisation in 2010. It’s express purpose is to create a level playing field of information around the world and to facilitate a community of lymphoma patient organisations to support one another’s efforts in helping patients with lymphoma receive the care and support needed. The need for a central hub of consistent as well as reliable current information was recognised as well as the need for lymphoma patient organisations to share resources, best practices, and policies …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

7 10
International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)

We Transform Chemistry The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) is an international centre promoting and developing Sustainable Chemistry solutions worldwide. Sustainable Chemistry is the single largest opportunity to transform the chemicals sector and move entire supply chains towards sustainable circular economy models, avoiding waste, hazardous chemicals, and making better use of natural resources. The emerging concept aims to establish a holistic approach, which promotes the use of environmentally and socially sustainable alternatives whilst also supporting economic innovation. In practice, this implies new business opportunities, new jobs, and a key contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

3 9
Mogrify Mogrify

Transforming the lives of patients with degenerative diseases through a novel class of in vivo reprogramming therapies. Mogrify® has developed a proprietary suite of platform technologies that utilize a systematic big-data approach to direct cellular reprogramming (Rackham et al., Nature Genetics, 2016) and the maintenance of cell identity (Kamaraj et al., Cell Systems, 2020). The platforms, MOGRIFY® and epiMOGRIFY®, developed over a 12-year period via a multi-national research collaboration, deploy next-generation sequencing, gene regulatory and epigenetic network data to enable the prediction of the transcription factors and growth factors required to produce any target human cell type from any source …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech biotech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Synthetic Biology

10 38
Sooma Medical Sooma Medical

Depression treatment at home. Transforming psychiatric and neurological care with accessible therapies. Sooma Oy is developing, manufacturing and marketing a non-invasive therapy devices for neurological and psychiatric disorders (depression and chronic pain). Sooma uses transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) technology. Our technology is trusted by over 150 clinics worldwide. We feel that everyone deserves high quality care. With our Sooma therapies, we want to provide an effective and safe way to treat disorders within psychiatry and neurology. We want to offer a safe, drug-free treatment option with minimal side effects, that minimises any discomfort that might otherwise come with treating …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech manufacturing deeptech biotech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

7 26
XR Association XR Association

The XR Association believes in XR, its immense global potential, and the opportunities ahead. Our mission is to promote responsible development and adoption of virtual and augmented reality globally with best practices, dialogue across stakeholders, and research. We are a resource for industry, consumers, and policymakers interested in virtual and augmented reality.

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: VR

19 15
CHRU de Strasbourg - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg CHRU de Strasbourg - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg

Innovation en santé pour tous Les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg comprennent 6 établissements de soins : - l’hôpital civil - l'hôpital de Hautepierre - le centre médico-chirurgical et Obstétrical (CMCO) - le centre de chirurgie de la main et de chirurgie orthopédique - l’hôpital de la Robertsau - l'hôpital de l'Elsau et 3 sites logistiques. santé, hopital, recherche, innovation, territoire, and grand est

Type: Public

39 2,853

Early stage research platform sharing tomorrow's research today. SSRN is an online repository of scholarly research. It was founded to provide an alternative distribution vehicle for scholarly research, enabling work to be shared as quickly and efficiently as possible at the lowest cost - in effect, providing Tomorrow's Research Today. SSRN began in 1994 as one finance network; today it spans more than 60 distinct networks in health, applied, physical, life, social sciences and the humanities. The eLibrary currently houses more than 800,000 full-text papers from more than 500,000 authors worldwide. Papers are being downloaded at an annual rate of …

Type: Media Activities: fintech biotech deeptech

28 79
Outsell, Inc. Outsell, Inc.

Trusted Advisors for the B2B Technology and Information Economy Outsell is the leading advisory firm serving executives operating in the B2B technology and information economy. Our solutions leverage proprietary data, leading industry analysts, a partner network, thriving peer-to-peer communities, and world-class events. Through deep relationships, we ensure our clients make great decisions about their strategy, competition, markets, operating best practices, and M&A. We stand by our work 100%, guarantee results, and are fanatical about our clients’ success. Information Industry Analysis, Publishing, Executive Services and Events, Strategic Advisory, Market Research and Data, and Information Management

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

20 33
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Copyright Clearance Center (CCC)

Advancing copyright. Accelerating knowledge. Powering innovation. #creatingsolutionstogether A pioneer in voluntary collective licensing, CCC advances copyright, accelerates knowledge, and powers innovation. With expertise in copyright, data quality, data analytics, and FAIR data implementations, CCC and its subsidiary RightsDirect collaborate with stakeholders on innovative solutions to harness the power of data and AI. rights licensing, content management, open access, content services, content workflow solutions, and copyright education

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

4 862
KLE Technological University - Hubballi (India) KLE Technological University - Hubballi (India)

Creating Value, Leveraging Knowledge KLE Technological University (KLE Tech), earlier known as B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli (BVB). In pursuit of academic excellence, the college attained academic autonomy from University Grant Commission (UGC) in 2007.

Type: Incubators & VCs

3 529
Comparably Comparably

On a mission to create more transparent and rewarding workplaces for all. Comparably (now a ZoomInfo company) is a leading platform for workplace culture insights and compensation data, empowering employees and job seekers to make more informed career decisions. With 20 million anonymous employee ratings across nearly 20 core culture metrics, covering 70,000 companies, Comparably provides one of the most comprehensive datasets on workplace culture, salaries, and leadership. Insights can be segmented by gender, ethnicity, age, experience, industry, department, location, and education, offering a deep and nuanced view of organizations of all sizes. Trusted by employers and job seekers alike, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

107 17
LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions

Bringing clarity to innovation for businesses worldwide. LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions brings clarity to innovation for businesses worldwide. We enable innovators to accomplish more by helping them make informed decisions, be more productive, comply with regulations and ultimately achieve a competitive advantage for their business. Our suite of workflow and analytics solutions (LexisNexis® IP Data Direct, LexisNexis PatentAdvisor®, LexisNexis PatentOptimizer®, LexisNexis® PatentSight® and LexisNexis TotalPatent One®) enables companies to be more efficient and effective at bringing meaningful innovations to our world. We are proud to directly support and serve these innovators in their endeavors to better humankind. LexisNexis Intellectual Property …

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech Technologies: Data Analytics

44 149
MD Anderson Cancer Center MD Anderson Cancer Center

MD Anderson is a global leader in cancer care, research, education and training, and prevention. Our mission: #EndCancer The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is one of the world's most respected centers devoted exclusively to cancer patient care, research, education and prevention. MD Anderson provides cancer care at several convenient locations throughout the Greater Houston Area and collaborates with community hospitals and health systems nationwide through MD Anderson Cancer Network®. U.S. News & World Report's "Best Hospitals"​ survey has ranked MD Anderson the nation's top hospital for cancer care. Every year since the survey began in 1990, MD …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

22 21,640
Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark University of Southern Denmark has more than 27,000 students and around 6,000 employees. Our university offers teaching and research at 6 campuses situated on Funen, in the south of Jutland, west of Zealand and in the capital city – in Odense, Kolding, Esbjerg, Sønderborg, Slagelse and Copenhagen. University of Southern Denmark has created an institution of higher research and education which provides first-class educational opportunities and is cooperation partner for both public and private businesses and organisations for providing qualified labour.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 5,163
University of Notre Dame ESTEEM Graduate Program University of Notre Dame ESTEEM Graduate Program

Welcome to the University of Notre Dame's Master of Science in Engineering, Science, Technology, Entrepreneurship Excellence (ESTEEM) Program. Over the course of this 11-month program, students from varying technical backgrounds are equipped with the skills and experience to launch new businesses, become innovators within large corporations, and be leaders of dynamic, innovative teams. Young professionals worldwide are immersed in an entrepreneurial sandbox, where they get their hands dirty with entrepreneurship and innovation through a cutting-edge curriculum, a capstone commercialization thesis for emerging technology, and outstanding out-of-the-classroom experiences.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

38 15
Cirium Cirium

The world’s most trusted source of aviation analytics. Cirium® is delivering powerful data and cutting-edge analytics to empower a wide spectrum of industry players. Equipping airlines, airports, travel enterprises, aircraft manufacturers, and financial entities, the company provides the clarity and intelligence needed to optimise operations, make informed decisions and accelerate revenue growth. Cirium® is part of LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, a RELX business, which provides information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. Data, Analytics, Aviation, Travel operations, Airports, Airlines, Travel Management, Finance, Lessors, Travel Tech, Government, OEMs, Corporate Travel, NBFI, Tourism, Online Travel, Aircraft Fleets, Travel Industry, aerospace, …

Type: SMB Activities: spacetech Technologies: Data Analytics

14 388
Fonds de recherche du Québec Fonds de recherche du Québec

Scientific news and news about our scholarship and grant programs. Reporting to the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, the Fonds de recherche du Québec’s mission is to ensure the strategic and coherent development of Quebec research and to support it financially, to support the training of researchers, to establish the partnerships necessary to achieve its mission, to support the mobilization of knowledge and to promote research and science in French. For more details, visit: The website of the Chief Scientist of Quebec: Netiquette and Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy: Netiquette: Research, Science, Grants, Scholarships, Quebec, Scientific …

Type: Public

40 162
Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador

Memorial University of Newfoundland is a multi-campus, multi-disciplinary, public, teaching/research university committed to excellence in everything we do. We strive to have national and global impact, while fulfilling our social mandate to provide access to university education for the people of the province and to contribute to the social, cultural, scientific and economic development of Newfoundland and Labrador and beyond. At Memorial, we celebrate our unique identity through the stories of our people – the work of scholars and educators, the ingenuity of students, the achievements of alumni – and the impact we collectively make in the province, the country …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

6 4,816

UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AI at the University of Bath We are a UKRI-funded research programme in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AI at the University of Bath. We draw from our diverse academic and personal backgrounds to help ensure that developments in AI, and decisions on how and when to use it, are informed and ethical. We are always looking to co-create interesting research projects with external partners and to collaborate on internships, short term placements, training, workshops and/or speaking to our PhD students informally or as part of our regular seminar series. If …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services

9 17
IAI - Israel Aerospace Industries IAI - Israel Aerospace Industries

Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) is Israel’s largest aerospace and defense company specializing in developing and manufacturing advanced, state-of-the-art systems for air, space, sea, land, cyber and homeland security. Over the past 60 years IAI delivered, supplied and supported advanced systems for the Israeli Ministry of Defense as well as many demanding customers worldwide. As a national center of excellence for advanced technological fields IAI maintains extensive research and development (R&D), engineering, manufacturing and testing capabilities to develop, produce and support complete systems, from the component, sensor and sub system to large scale integrated systems, support systems of expertise. This …

Type: Large company

12 4,352
Aspivix Aspivix

Together, Re-imagining Gynecology with "Gentle" in Mind. Aspivix is a medical device company in women’s health, based in Switzerland, developing next-generation devices for gynecology. Our flagship product, CarevixTM, is the world’s first suction cervical stabilizer clinically proven to reduce pain and bleeding associated with transcervical procedures commonly performed in gynecology, including IUD insertion, hysteroscopy, cervical biopsies, fertility treatments, and more. CarevixTM is a medical device that has received in 2023 FDA-clearance for the US market, as well as the CE-Mark for the European countries. CarevixTM study published in the international journal, Contraception, in March 2023 demonstrated superiority over the use …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

14 15
Iconthin Biotech Iconthin Biotech

The full-service specialist for algae-based health products. Home of AstaDaily®, AstaDermal®, AlgaeAstaTM and AlgaeO3. Iconthin Biotech, a specialist in Algae-Based Ingredients, is dedicated to pioneering sustainable biotechnology. Our focus extends from enterprise services to the development of consumer-facing products, including nutraceuticals, skincare, and functional foods. At the core of our cutting-edge technology is our commitment to innovation, underscored by our partnership with the renowned microalgae research team at the University of Toronto. We proudly introduce AlgaeAstaTM - Leading with Natural Astaxanthin. Discover the power of AlgaeAstaTM Astaxanthin, derived 100% from the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis using the latest 3rd generation cultivation …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech biotech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

11 4
Airfinity Ltd Airfinity Ltd

The disease forecasting company, helping you track, predict, and simulate to achieve better disease outcomes. Airfinity tracks, simulates, and predicts population level disease outcomes in real time to inform decisions that can increase the global life span. Specialising in infectious diseases, Airfinity works with the entire life science ecosystem. Our suite of proprietary surveillance tools and forecast models analyse and predict disease outcomes. Spanning over 150 viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens, we use advanced meta science, statistics, epidemiology and machine learning solutions to dynamically understand true disease prevalence and underlying outcome drivers. By combining this with expert analysis and commentary …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

18 94
Pistoia Alliance Pistoia Alliance

Where life science collaborates. We are a global, not-for-profit alliance of life science companies, vendors, publishers, and academic groups that work together to lower barriers to innovation in R&D. Our projects transform R&D innovation through pre-competitive collaboration. We bring together the key constituents to identify the root causes that lead to R&D inefficiencies. We develop best practices and technology pilots to overcome common obstacles. Our members collaborate as equals on open projects that generate significant value for the worldwide life sciences community. research and development, life science, healthcare, biopharma, and R&D

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech biotech

33 45
Next Einstein Forum (NEF) Next Einstein Forum (NEF)

Connecting Science to Humanity - Global Forum for Science in Africa Science et Humanité The Next Einstein Forum (NEF), an AIMS initiative in partnership with the Robert Bosch Stiftung, is a new global forum for science in Africa that will propel Africa onto the global scientific stage. The NEF wants to 'Connect Science to Humanity'​. The NEF has two main pillars, the NEF Global Gatherings and the NEF Institution. The first NEF Global Gathering 2016 was held in Dakar, Senegal on 8-10 March 2016 under the patronage of H.E. Macky Sall, President of Senegal. More than 1000 scientists, policy makers …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

20 34
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad

उत्तिष्ठ जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad (abbreviated as IIT(ISM), Dhanbad) is located in the mineral rich state of Jharkhand. It was formerly known as the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad (ISM Dhanbad). Established in 1926, IIT(ISM) is the only institution of its kind, in India, to have all the earth science branches. The campus houses a Geological Museum, a Seismic Observatory, a Long Wall Mine Gallery and a Remote Sensing Laboratory. The student hostels of the institute are named after gemstones (Diamond, Opal, Ruby etc.). IIT(ISM) has produced many stalwarts of the Indian …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 1,782
HealthEdge HealthEdge

Become a Digital Payer HealthEdge is on a mission to drive a digital transformation in healthcare. We’re connecting health plans, providers, and patients with end-to-end digital technology solutions to support new business models, reduce administrative costs and improve health outcomes. Our growing portfolio of products (HealthRules® Payer, Source, GuidingCare, and Wellframe) provides talented and passionate professionals with opportunities to lead change and make a lasting, global impact in healthcare. Driving our mission are 2,000+ professionals worldwide. Together, we are committed to innovating a world where healthcare can focus on people. Healthcare Technology

Type: Large company

4 1,929
CW+ charity CW+ charity

Hospital charity supporting patients and staff at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust CW+ is the official charity of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.​ Our vision is to enable every patient to receive outstanding care, in our Trust’s community of more than a million people and beyond. Our mission is to work with our Trust to create world-class facilities, drive innovation and research, and enhance patient and staff wellbeing. Using our expertise in partnership building, arts in health and healthcare innovation, we develop creative solutions to support an evolving NHS. Charity, Arts in Health, Research, Innovation, Fundraising, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 154
Institute of Coding Institute of Coding

A national collaboration of universities, employers, and charities making high-quality training accessible to all. The Institute of Coding (IoC), a consortium of universities and employers, with a mission to develop the next generation of digital talent at degree level and above. The IoC brings together the worlds of academia and industry with a remit to spread digital skills across the UK. The IoC organisation works specifically to develop specialist skills training in areas of strategic importance and boost equality and diversity in digital education and careers. This is delivered through degrees, degree apprenticeships, short courses, continuing professional development, innovative learning …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 40

All the latest nursing news. ActuSoins has become an essential press organ for the nursing profession. ActuSoins is a magazine published by an independent press company founded by nurses. Its ambition is to promote and enhance nursing expertise and initiatives taken in this field. Actusoins offers caregivers professional information, a place for sharing and exchange. ActuSoins is aimed at professionals and future paramedical professionals, in particular the 600,000 nurses. In less than ten years, ActuSoins has become an essential press organ for the nursing profession. Its team of health professionals and journalists offers you the essential nursing news every day …

Type: Media

11 13
EuroScience EuroScience

The founder of the EuroScience Open Forum and EuroScientist journal. EuroScience is a pan-European association of individuals interested in constructing scientific Europe "from the bottom-up"​. EuroScience represents European scientists of all disciplines (natural sciences, mathematics, medical sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities and the arts), institutions of the public sector, universities, research institutes as well as the business and industry sector. We are a grassroots organisation open to research professionals, science administrators, policy-makers, teachers, PhD students, post-docs, engineers, industrialists, and generally to any citizen interested in science and technology and its links with society. We organise meetings of all sizes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

14 30
France Énergies Marines France Énergies Marines

French Research and Innovation Institute dedicated to Offshore Wind At France Energies Marines, we bring together and coordinate a range of scientific expertise and resources to validate standards and produce the innovations essential for the development of offshore wind energy. Recognised for its industrial, economic and societal impact, this French Institute for Energy Transition relies on top-notch R&D conducted by a multidisciplinary team of nearly 100 staff. France Energies Marines is built around four complementary R&D programmes: site characterisation, system design and monitoring, farm optimisation, and environmental integration. Marine Renewable Energies

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

44 83
IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is the cancer agency of the World Health Organization Official LinkedIn page of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer research agency of the World Health Organization. IARC's mission is to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and to develop scientific strategies for cancer prevention and control. The Agency is involved in both epidemiological and laboratory research and disseminates scientific information through publications, meetings, courses, and fellowships. Support cancer prevention research IARC alumni are invited to join the IARC Alumni Group …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech healthtech deeptech

23 429

Agricultural Research for development CIRAD is a French agricultural research centre working for international development. Most of its research is conducted in partnership. CIRAD has chosen sustainable development as the cornerstone of its operations worldwide. This means taking account of the long-term ecological, economic and social consequences of change in developing communities and countries. CIRAD contributes to development through research and trials, training, dissemination of information, innovation and appraisals. Its expertise spans the life sciences, human sciences and engineering sciences and their application to agriculture and food, natural resource management and society. research, agriculture, agronomy, agroforestry, environment, development, partnership, agroecology, …

Type: Public

90 2,195
Association for Women in Science Association for Women in Science

Leading advocate for women in STEM. Posts ≠ endorsement of the author or the author's perspective. Founded in 1971, AWIS is the leading organization dedicated to driving excellence in STEM by achieving equity and full participation of women in all disciplines and across all employment sectors. AWIS membership is open to any individual who supports the vision and mission of AWIS. With a 50-year history of championing women in science and over 30 grassroots chapters, AWIS offers opportunities for professional development, recognition, and networking with members, allies and supporters worldwide. AWIS has helped guide Congress, the United Nations, pharmaceutical and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech civictech

18 58

The only official Pendo LinkedIn account. We’re on a mission to elevate the world’s experiences with software. The only official Pendo LinkedIn account. Pendo’s mission is to elevate the world’s experience with software. Pendo’s product experience platform allows companies to make product intelligence actionable with speed and scale, giving rise to a new generation of companies that put product at the center of everything. Pendo customers include the world’s leading companies, including Verizon, Morgan Stanley, LabCorp, OpenTable, Okta, Salesforce, and Zendesk. Through Mind the Product and customer communities, sponsored events and podcast, Pendo aims to support the success of product …

Type: Large company Activities: uxtech

31 992
Sportstest Performance Centre Sportstest Performance Centre

Where science + exercise = RESULTS! Sportstest offer personalised coaching and sports testing for cyclists, triathletes and runners. Whether you're a beginner or an elite athlete, knowing your personalised training zones will help you improve faster and to a higher level. Testing provides a wealth of information such as your Vo2 max, aerobic threshold, lactate threshold, aerobic capacity and much more. Knowing how hard to train and where your weaknesses lie will help you become a better athlete. exercise, health, fitness, performance, coaching, nutrition, cycling, running, triathlon, endurance, ironman, sports science, fitness testing, and physiology

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 3
Chariot Solutions Chariot Solutions

Software consulting firm building technology in the service of business for over 22 years. Founders of #PhillyETE. Chariot Solutions is the Greater Philadelphia region’s top IT consulting firm specializing in software development, systems integration, mobile application development and training. The Chariot team includes many of the top software architects in the area, with deep technical expertise, industry knowledge and a genuine passion for software development. Since it was formed in 2002, Chariot has established a flawless track record of successful projects. By using smaller teams of higher-level consultants with complementary specialties, we have been able to develop and deliver more …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

21 44
Universidade da Coruña Universidade da Coruña

Modern, innovative and of quality The University of A Coruña was created by Law 11/1989 of 20 July, on the organisation of the university system in Galicia. The Constituent Assembly approved, on 4 February 1992, the Statutes of the University, which were published in the DOG of 17 September 1992. The University of A Coruña is structured territorially in: A Coruña campus and Ferrol campus. It is a public institution whose essential purpose is the generation, management and dissemination of culture and scientific, technological and professional knowledge through the development of research and teaching. The University of A Coruña conceives …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 2,196
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)

Technology research and development center focusing on the lower layers of communication systems and Geomatics The Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) is a non-profit research center, from a public initiative and with a high degree of self-financing, open to the participation of other public and private bodies as well as to partnership with the industrial and business sectors. CTTC has a professional scientific management, a critical mass of researchers and projects, real possibilities of growth and establishment of durable links with industry and business sectors, and the capacity of leading technological projects, both national and international. CTTC’s core …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

14 309
Taylor & Francis Group Taylor & Francis Group

Discover. Learn. Share. Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, ebooks and reference works our content spans all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, and Technology and Medicine. From our network of offices in Oxford, New York, Philadelphia, Bangalore, Melbourne, Singapore, Beijing, Tokyo, Stockholm, New Delhi and Cape Town, Taylor & Francis staff provide local expertise and support to our editors, societies and authors and tailored, efficient customer service to our library colleagues. Taylor & Francis …

Type: Media

11 3,294
Swerim AB Swerim AB

Research for a sustainable future. Swerim is a Swedish Research Institute for Mining, Metallurgy and Materials. The metals research institute Swerim conducts needs-based industrial research and development concerning metals and their route from raw material to finished product. Our vision is a fossil-free and circular industry. We wish to strengthen industrial competitiveness by enabling improved product quality, greater resource efficiency and more sustainable manufacturing processes. Swerim has 190 professionals in two locations in Sweden – Luleå and Stockholm. The majority of our co-workers are postgraduate research engineers and/or have longstanding experience in industry. We have an extensive international network and …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: 3D Printing New Materials

14 162
Slalom Slalom

We help people and organizations dream bigger, move faster, and build better tomorrows for all. Slalom is a fiercely human business and technology consulting company that leads with outcomes to bring more value, in all ways, always. We team with leaders who expect more. So we bring more. From strategy through delivery, our agile teams across 52 offices in 10 countries collaborate with you to bring powerful customer experiences, innovative ways of working, and new products, services, and businesses to life. Every day, we work at the forefront of industry, combining our deep roots in technology and data, to help …

Type: Large company

55 9,876
Skolkovo Foundation Skolkovo Foundation

The strategic goal of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre is to concentrate international intellectual capital, thereby stimulating the development of break-through projects and technologies. In the course of implementation of the project, companies that are engaged in innovative development are discovered. After a selection process, some of these become project participants of the centre. They are provided with all assistance necessary for development. The Skolkovo Foundation and its partners transform the infrastructure, resources and other possibilities of the centre, into effective services for companies that are project participants. startup, technology, and innovations

Type: Incubators & VCs

46 327
Exaptive, Inc. Exaptive, Inc.

Innovation software for complex problems and interdisciplinary communities. Exaptive helps researchers and technologists working on a shared problem. Understanding and accessing all your resources - people and technology - is tricky. Building innovative teams is easier said than done. Then actually working together - sharing data and analysis - is a constant struggle. We use software to make the process of organizing teams and communities easier and more productive. We build tools that make collaborating on data and analysis fluid. We want data and intuition to flow freely among the smart people working together to have an impact. If that …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

4 8
Oorja Development Solutions Limited Oorja Development Solutions Limited

Solarising Agriculture Oorja is a Farming-as-a-Service company working at the intersection between clean energy and sustainable agriculture. It acts as a multi-utility providing affordable solar-powered irrigation, milling and cooling services to smallholder farmers on a Pay-Per-Use (PPU) basis, in weak-grid areas of northern India. We are proud to have pioneered the inclusive and customer-centric PPU model for productive use appliances in agriculture to eliminate the upfront technology acquisition cost barrier for last-mile BoP farmers, with less than 2 acres landholding and incomes of around INR 60,000 per year. Oorja finances, installs, operates and maintains decentralised solar assets at/near the farm …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech agritech Technologies: Solar Technologies

17 56

RELX is a global provider of information-based analytics for professional and business customers across industries. We help scientists make new discoveries, doctors and nurses improve the lives of patients and lawyers win cases. We prevent online fraud and money laundering, and help insurance companies evaluate and predict risk. Our events enable customers to learn about markets, source products and complete transactions. In short, we enable our customers to make better decisions, get better results and be more productive. We do this by leveraging a deep understanding of our customers to create innovative solutions which combine content and data with analytics …

Type: Large company

18 2,661
Research Data Alliance Europe Research Data Alliance Europe

Supporting European communities to develop & implement global solutions for open data sharing and reuse through the RDA. In 2021, the need to create an European legal entity to support the RDA activities was identified. This organization, the Research Data Alliance Association, was founded as a non-profit international organization under Belgian Law (AISBL), with the overall goal to support the RDA activities in Europe, and to take a part in the global RDA development. This Association is built on the strong commitment of the European member states, individuals, organisations, and the European Commission on the mission of the Research Data …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

13 14
Preqin Preqin

Visit the Home of Alternatives at As the leading data solutions provider in alternative investments, we’re on a mission to revolutionize the private markets with data, insights, and tools that help industry professionals make more informed decisions. To achieve this ambitious goal, we strive for quality and put customers first by forming industry relationships and leveraging advanced AI and machine learning to collect data that shines a light on the sector. The result? The private markets are more open, connected, and inclusive. With this goal at the heart of everything we do, we work across global teams, collaborating and …

Type: Incubators & VCs

11 1,464
Plymouth Science Park Ltd Plymouth Science Park Ltd

Where businesses come to grow. Where businesses come to grow. A dynamic community for health tech, advanced engineering, marine & technological advancements. 👉 To book a tour 01752 772200 A DYNAMIC COMMUNITY Plymouth Science Park is a world-class centre of excellence for ground-breaking research, business and laboratory innovation. The 25-acre campus is the region’s largest science and technology centre and has benefited from five impressive phases of development over the last 25 years. A vibrant and thriving community of innovators, with a global reach, Plymouth Science Park is home to international businesses, start-ups and academics and a hub for inspirational …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech

17 24
Marie Curie Alumni Association Marie Curie Alumni Association

A global network of MSCA alumni The Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) is an international non-profit organisation and alumni community for people who benefit or have benefited from the European Commission's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) research funding. Our vibrant community gathers MSCA alumni from all career stages, disciplines, and sectors. We offer our members lifelong professional development, networking, and advocacy opportunities.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

23 105