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LogoName Σ Employees
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme is in charge of the tourism promotion of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes territory.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

40 13 31 37
RunMotion Coach RunMotion Coach

We support runners of all levels in Achieving Their Goals through personalized Digital Coaching Runmotion Coach is the reference application for running coaching (Road & Amp; Trail). Available in English, French and Spanish, the application is acclaimed by more than 600,000 runners 📱 who seek to progress, succeed in their objectives or take care of them. Runmotion Coach was created in the Alps by Haut-level coaches and runners. For us, running was a great personal development tool. Thanks to its artificial intelligence, Runmotion Coach allows each runner to benefit from a personalized training plan, regardless of their level, experience, objectives …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

7 5 4 9
Waga Energy Waga Energy

RNG for all Waga Energy upgrades landfill gas into grid-compliant Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), also known as “biomethane”. Thanks to its patented WAGABOX® technology, Waga Energy recovers the methane emitted by the breakdown of organic matter contained in the waste to inject it directly into the gas grid. The result of ten years of R&D within Air Liquide and Waga Energy, the WAGABOX® technology combines membrane filtration and cryogenic distillation to separate the methane from the other components of the landfill gas. It provides high-quality biomethane that is injected directly into the gas grid. The purification units are fully automated, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

62 28 44 227
Captivea Captivea

Leader of Odoo Integration Worldwide We improve your organization and your profitability quickly and easily by deploying Odoo! The best software in the world! Solutions de gestion de la relation client (GRC ou CRM), Solution de travail Collaboratifs, Logiciel ERP, Applications mobiles, Audit et conseil en systèmes d'information de gestion de la relation client, Intégrateur SugarCRM, Hébergement Cloud, Odoo, Marketing Automation, partenaire Gold Odoo, Partenaire Sugarcrm, ERP, and CRM

Type: Startup Activities: martech it services privacytech Technologies: SaaS

6 3 5 106

Bring out decarbonized solutions for industry Savoie Process supports manufacturers to optimize their manufacturing, cleaning and sanitization processes. Whether it is a problem related to hygiene, the performance of the processes, Savoie Process is made up of experts with many years of experience. Our method applies to the food and cosmetic industry but also to many other sectors. We intervene on the complete cycle of the project or at strategic stages to guarantee its success. Some references: - NEP optimization study (efficiency and consumption) Manufacturing and packaging - Skid hygiene audits and utilities - Hygienic stamp storage design before packaging …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Decarbonization

6 2 5 2
HeliosLite HeliosLite

Cost effective solar innovation. HéliosLite designs disruptive and patented photovoltaic structures that integrate different technologies resulting from the R&D work carried out by its engineers to solve the market’s unmet needs. HéliosLite masters the entire technical development cycle, conducts collaborative experiments and associates with strategic partners for the industrialization and marketing of its products. Since 2013, HéliosLite has conducted more than 10 ad hoc collaborations with customers & strategic partners worldwide and would be delighted to explore new opportunities with you. solar, tracker, photovoltaic, CPV, self-ballasted pv structure, floating pv structure, autonomous data logger, self-consumption pv, partnerships, and pilot projects

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

4 4 0 5

Gourmet aperitif cookies, recycling cereals from brewing beer. Each year, more than 700,000 tonnes of drêches (cereals from brewing) are produced in France. Our mission? Restore a new life to these cereals to be able to create aperitif cookies with low environmental impact and with high user -friendly value. Website: Facebook: Instagram:

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing cleantech

1 1 0 1
Adopte Un Brasseur Adopte Un Brasseur

The platform that digitizes the world of French brewing crafts Adopt a brewer, it is the online marketplace dedicated to French brewers and lovers of craft beer. For brewers, the platform brings visibility and allows you to easily start e-commerce, without constraints. It creates a new sales channel in addition to an existing e-commerce site if this is the case. For amateurs/beer trices, it is the possibility of buying on a short circuit and live from the brewers. Marketplace, Breweries, Craft Beers, and Direct to Consumers

Type: Startup Activities: e-commerce Technologies: SaaS

2 2 1 2
Le Drive tout nu Le Drive tout nu

Your daily races, waste less! 🛒 The naked drive and the super naked, it is the first network of 0 waste supermarkets and managers 📍 in Toulouse, Lille and Bordeaux ... with the aim of sowing our jars everywhere in France! The observation is heavy: 590 kgs! This is on average the amount of waste produced by a household each year 😳. Responsible consumption becomes an increasingly strong subject of concern among French people who wish to "consume differently" to protect their health and the environment. However, the existing solutions to meet these new expectations are not very accessible. This …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

38 28 10 42

A new way to move What is the common point between grass, sand, snow and concrete? Already we find it everywhere but in addition, we can go in skiing. "But what is this joke?!" Will you tell us. We will answer you that this is the promise of e-skis. Whether to go to the office, to visit otherwise or simply to take advantage of our trips, we imagined Skwheel. We could have been content to keep our bikes, but we chose another path. This is how we thought, designed and manufactured the first model of electric skis allowing you to …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing traveltech

14 9 1 9

Purveyor of luxury alpaca textiles for interiors Inata is a natural, modern and reasoned brand in which the founder shares his passion for the exceptional qualities of a rare fiber, the skills of craftsmen with unique know-how and the creation of top quality products. The objective is clear: preserve the heritage and restore the power to alpaca farmers to push the limits of sustainable luxury in decorative textiles. This is why the brand creates products that go back to the origin, with a material first bought at a fair price. In order to offer the best of this fiber, each …

Type: SMB Activities: luxury transporttech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

4 3 1 9
Sportiw Sportiw

Sportiw is a platform to connect Players, General Managers, Sport Directors, Coaches, and Agents. SPORTIW is a platform dedicated for sports recruitment.

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

20 6 17 16
L'Comunik L'Comunik

"Make your communication a real performance lever" For 13 years, the Comunik has advised and supported its customers in BtoB on the strategic reflection of their communication to make it a real performance lever within their companies. Our goal: to make you invest in effective actions in order to assess their return on investment. The Comunik is: * 80% of industrial customers, technology and innovation * 86% loyalty rate * 90% of customers located in the Rhône-Alpes region A team at the service of your visibility, your strategy and a global and/or digital action plan to boost your king! 🔎 …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

23 4 21 4
Camby Camby

Camby is never mistaken. Meeting Monday September 9

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

1 1 0 3
1'Pulser 1'Pulser

Sustainable commercial development │ Let us market with pleasure! 🟠 1'pulser has been established in Savoy since its creation in 2005. Specializing in commercial development, we allow our customers: - to develop their CA - to define and size their commercial approach - access new customers more quickly and more easily For this, we use 3 levers: - advice - training - commercial actions We intervene according to the vision, expectations and resources of our customers. Commercial actions, event animation, commercial training, commercial advice, marketing, commercial development, prospecting, phoning, pitch, communication, orality, linkedin, negotiation, commercial strategy, local marketing, fair, and …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

12 8 4 7
Club des Entreprises de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc Club des Entreprises de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc

Connect companies & amp; University is our job Association law 1901, of general interest, the club of companies mobilizes companies and institutions of the two Savoy, or nearly 15,000 referenced professional contacts, with which it maintains daily relations for the benefit of students and teachers s of Savoie Mont Blanc University. To connect the world of business with that of the university, the club acts three large levers: - The contribution of skills from companies to promote the professionalization of education. - The promotion of university sectors to companies to promote the professional integration of students, - The creation of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

44 8 40 20

Prolong the passion Basanne offers durable and eco-responsible clothing and equipment. Horse riding

Type: SMB Activities: pettech retail Technologies: Decarbonization

3 2 0 2
PowerUp PowerUp

from Battery Data to Battery Insights : improve the reliability, safety & performance of your battery assets PowerUp develops advanced battery analytics solutions. PowerUp solutions help battery operators generate value from their operational data for a more reliable, safe and sustainable use of their batteries. Founded in 2017, PowerUp has developed a breakthrough technology based on more than ten years of research within CEA-LITEN (French innovation laboratory for new energy technologies). Battery Analytics, Predictive Maintenance, Energy Storage Systems, Electric mobility, UPS, and Sustainability

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Batteries

27 9 23 47
Talents Féminins des Savoie Talents Féminins des Savoie

Actresses of the Economy of Pays de Savoie We are entrepreneurous and/or intrapreneous women in the Savoy territory. We are convinced that obstacles are opportunities, that the possible depends on us, that an external look brings a constructive vision, that we find meaning in putting our expertise at the service of the collective, that synergy always appear in places More improbable. In short, we are stronger together ... This is the raison d'être of the female talents of the Savoy. Women's business, network, entrepreneurship, and intrapreunariat

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

1 1 0 10
Trialp Trialp

Your partner of the social and circular economy Professional of sorting and recovery of waste, Trialp exercises a social activity to combat exclusion through integration by the economic. Strong development in connection with local issues and networks. A company carried out mainly by shareholders from local savings. The "I" of insertion can only exist if the "E" of Economic is strong. For this reason, we are constantly looking for the balance between economic and social. Our mission is to partly recruit people excluded from the economic and social system, to support them so that they find a job at the …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

2 1 0 96

The alloy of men & amp; Values The alloy of 5 complementary SMEs (GVC, Joly Philippe, Prinox, Coppel Maintenance, Abcyss) The adventure is based on capital held by 25 employees, the founding and current leaders Our raison d'être Give life to a collective adventure to inspire the strongest alloys Our goal Constitute solid teams, men or companies to carry out committed and stimulating projects Our know-how Conception, civil engineering, manufacturing, assembly, renovation Our values Sense of effort, openness, honesty, confidence

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

5 3 1 17

The re -use of building materials in Savoy Social and solidarity association, finally! Reuse was created by players in the circular economy and the valuation of Savoy building resources. It allows all the actors of the building, the principal to the Sunday handyman, to limit their environmental and societal impact, by providing concrete and affordable solutions (advice, study, collection, second-hand materials, processing workshop wood). Circular economy, social and solidarity economy, re -use, valuation, construction materials, social action, ecology, frugality, construction, construction, renovation, development, and building

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech cleantech greentech

11 6 4 5
Styx4D Styx4D

Applied Research and Consulting in Geomorphology Styx4D is an applied research office and geomorphology advice (mountain, karst, torrential and river, archeology, etc.) which is at the science/management interface Geomorphology, 3D, and Cartography

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

12 4 6 7
Groupe Aivazian-Moreau Groupe Aivazian-Moreau

Managing your Intellectual Property Rights with Powerful Success! >>> Our services, our approach Which best strategies and tools to protect your Industrial Property and setting-up your start-up, your business, etc., to better innovate sustainably, with the overall goal of economic development of your business extends, of the products you sell?... Here are the questions we answer every day, with and for our customers. Any invention, creation, starts with and in the human brain, before being enhanced by the use of legal tools of Intellectual Property so to become intangible assets. Human capital is key to deliver IP Rights and be …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

4 2 0 8

Savoie deer is a member of an Associative Consulting and Accounting Expertise network registered in the order of accountants in the Rhône-Alpes region. Our mission: to support and advise business leaders in their projects and their development. Craftsmen, traders, farmers, VSEs/SMEs, liberal professions and associations trust the deer of Savoy. We provide business leaders with a team of 270 multidisciplinary employees to support them in their project, from creation to the transmission of their business. Savoy deer: 9 agencies spread over all of the two departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie, 270 employees attentive to around 5,000 customers. Accounting expertise, accounting, …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

12 6 8 153
Dynergie Dynergie

Nous faisons de l’innovation un levier de transformation ! Since 2006, DYNERGIE has developed a 360° global approach of innovation. We create innovative and profitable businesses. We bring to our clients all the succeeding components of their projects as: ➤ Scientific & technical resources ➤ Funding ➤ Innovation Valuation ➤ Partnerships, external growth ➤ UX Design DYNERGIE is a team of multidisciplinary experimented professionals: ➤ Engineers, science doctors, ➤ Experimented entrepreneurs, ➤ Intellectual Property experts, ➤ Technological and industrial marketing specialists, ➤ IC developpers This team achieves quality service and proximity to all of our clients and all along their …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech consulting

74 27 51 93
Citeo Citeo

Donnons ensemble une nouvelle vie à nos produits. Citeo is a not-for-profit company founded from the merger of Eco-Emballages and Ecofolio with a view to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and paper. 250 committed, passionate Citeo employees work to help companies find solutions to their recycling problems, advising them on environmental responsibility, optimizing low-cost sorting and recycling procedures and motivating the public to adopt user-friendly effective sorting.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

144 74 87 587
Alpvengers Alpvengers

Powered Events app! 🚀 Alpvengers: The digital platform for autonomous and zero carbon sporting events! 🌍 Communities & amp; Tourist offices: Transform your territory into a sustainable outdoor playground. 🏢 Companies: Mobilize managers and employees around causes such as health, cohesion, and environmental awakening. 🏨 Sociopro, merchants, hotels: make your customers sustainably move. Joining Alpvengers is to commit to: • Respect for the environment 🌱 • Local preference 🏞️ • Inclusion & amp; Sport for all 🤝 • Simple pleasure & amp; benevolence 😊 • Sharing & amp; social support ❤️ * almost :)

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment sporttech Technologies: SaaS

17 6 9 4
Sogedev by EPSA Sogedev by EPSA

Consulting firm in public funding, referenced CIR / CII, Bpifrance aid, JEI status, investments, export. Since its creation in 2002, SOGEDEV by EPSA - player in the research and innovation tax credit consultant, recently referenced by business mediation (Ministry of Economy) - Helps companies to obtain, optimize and secure systems Public aid for financing innovation, international development and investment. Our team of more than 120 multidisciplinary employees, has already successfully carried out more than 4,000 missions - throughout France - in the implementation of these systems for companies in any confused sector such as IT services, edition of Software, industrial …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: SaaS

46 31 31 122
Rong Yi Solutions Rong Yi Solutions

Our vision: a world adapted to climate, and carbon neutral in 2050. Founded in 2020 by industry executives. We founded róng yì solutions in 2020 to help clients identify and tackle climate risks, embrace circularity opportunities, and lead transformation of value chains to low carbon. We combine international experience in industry with technical and transformation expertise. GHG Assessement, Climate Risk mitigation, Low-carbon path, Process industries, Bilan Carbone, Life cycle analysis, bilan carbone, formation, adaptation, hazclim, and risque climatique

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 3 8 7
niiwaa niiwaa

Committed to answering your specific professional need when commun search engines fail you. Niiwaa est une plateforme de veille et d'intelligence économique multilingue qui vous permet de suivre votre écosystème complet. Intuitive et personnalisable, elle s'ajuste à tous les utilisateurs. Notre solution informationnelle est disponible sur mobile et web. information, market intelligence, competitive intelligence, UX, Mobile development, Energy, Sustainable growth, IA, early warning signs, supply chain, and business development

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

10 6 3 7

Intelligent Charging Solution Nexteneo is a start-up nestled in the heart of the Alps which created its own intelligent recharging solution for electric vehicles, really ahead of its time with: - an evolutionary infrastructure that meets immediate needs while preparing future needs. - a turnkey appearance; We take care of everything! Technical study, installation by an approved expert, exploitation and supervision. We occupy all market segments; Individuals, communities, companies, so do not hesitate to contact us for a quote. Choosing Nexteneo is the assurance of finding a solution to your needs. Maintenance, energy management, smart charging, charging stations, IRVE, smart …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech transporttech Technologies: Batteries

27 9 22 11
VeryMountain VeryMountain

Your skiing packages in 3 clicks! Compose and book your multi-activity stay in mountains in a few clicks: accommodation, activities with family or friends, skiing packages and equipment rental. In any season, we are the station that best suits your desires. Our missions: facilitate access to the multitude of activities offered by mountain stations and contribute to the development of sustainable tourism as part of an ethical collaboration with mountain actors. Sustainable tourism and mountain tourism

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

10 5 3 8
Alpes in Bike Alpes in Bike

Electric mountain bike rental delivered everywhere in the Alps. Adult and children's electric mountain bike rental (from 7 years old) delivered everywhere in the Alps.

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

6 2 2 2

The smart energy manager of complex systems, for energy market players, in France and worldwide. At the centre of the smart grid revolution, Energy Pool manages and optimizes complex systems (energy consumption of industrial sites, decentralized production, renewable energies, storage devices...) for a smarter and low-carbon energy management and achieve substantial savings. Energy Pool has been one of the pioneers in the French flexibility market since 2009, and now has more than 120 employees. In addition to France, we have also been present in the Japanese and Turkish markets since 2015, and in the Netherlands since 2018, and are leading …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Sensors Decarbonization

32 12 18 275
Empreinte Locale Empreinte Locale

Regenerative solutions Our mission: to regenerate our production methods to offer healthier and lasting textile alternatives. We offer impactful regenerative solutions to meet the challenges of sustainable development: Local impact: Weaving links locally to energize our local economy. Environmental impact knit the virtuous loops of the circular economy to master our ecological footprint. Our ambitions: Relocation "bringing together the production locations of places of consumption" Eco -design "Produce better to consume better" Action "Get words to acts and come true individually or collectively". We support workshops, brands, shops and business leaders in their textile development project: - Regenerative solutions: turnkey …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech fashtech Technologies: Decarbonization

14 6 1 2
BeSpoon BeSpoon

inch-level tracking BeSpoon is a fabless semiconductor company. We cracked the individual positioning problem. Our chips can track items or individuals within a few centimeters... over long ranges. To achieve that, we measure the time of flight of a ultra wide band signal with a precision of 125 picoseconds! This opens fantastic opportunities to monitor assets, enable precise indoor location and ultimately keep track of all our belongings on our phones. Ultra Wide Band, Indoor location, Real-Time Location System, UWB, and Precise Positioning

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech nanotech Technologies: Semiconductors Geolocation

1 1 0 9

More than lightweight - Solar PV modules HELIUP is a start-up company which develops, produces and commercializes lightweight solar PV modules dedicated to large rooftops for commercial and industrial buildings. HELIUP aims at contributing to a large deployment of solar energy through a better use of existing surfaces in order to avoid further land artificialization. The company also brings a solution to building owners and users to better control their energy costs and by developing auto consumption HELIUP proposes a new & unique technology developed at CEA-LITEN which provides an insurable, reliable and efficient light solar PV solution compatible for …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

25 14 15 23
MyBuckli MyBuckli

Dream trigger What if you started to realize your dreams and your desires? Mybuckli is being created to help you create your bucket list, the list of all the things you want to do at least once in your life. Our goal? Motivate you so that you will thrive and live without regrets!

Type: Startup Activities: it services

3 3 0 4
Flüm Flüm

100% natural and French textile mists. For your interior clothes and textiles. Flüm is 100% natural and French mist for your textiles. 🇫🇷 Made in France 🌿 With a natural formula 🍷 Alcohol -free ♻️ and rechargeable To breathe your daily clothes and linen clothes, Flümez!

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

3 2 1 1
AllTracks Engineering AllTracks Engineering

Alltracks revises and adapts damage machines to the needs of the agricultural and forest world. Alltracks revises and adapts damage machines to the needs of the agricultural and forest world. agricultural, forestry, tp, caterpillar, lady, methanization, and grinding

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0

3 2 1 2
UNITA - Universitas Montium UNITA - Universitas Montium

UNITA - Climb Your Future UNITA Universitas Montium is part of the European Universities Initiative. It unites 6 universities of 5 European countries : - Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal) - Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (France) - Université Savoie Mont Blanc (France) - Universià degli studi di Torino (Italy) - Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (Romania) cultural heritage, renewable energies, and circular economy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

3 1 1 24
Oscaro Power Oscaro Power

Tailor-made solar. Oscaro Power aims to support all individuals wishing to initiate their energy transition with a new offer: self -consumption. Our goal is to democratize this subject and allow you to control your energy from its production to its resale. To do this, we offer a full range of services and systems to install yourself. Of course, we will support you throughout your journey towards a more responsible energy production. From the dimensioning of your installation to its installation, you can rest on the knowledge and advice of our team of experts. Photovoltaic panels, renewable energy, green energies, durable …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

7 2 5 14
Grand Chambéry Grand Chambéry

A unique and unique territory, which preserves the quality of life of current and future inhabitants ⛰️. Grand Chambéry is a community of agglomeration bringing together 38 municipalities and nearly 139,000 inhabitants spread over 52,599 hectares. Our skills: waste, water and sanitation, mobility, large equipment (swimming pools and skating rink), sustainable development, housing and town planning, city policy ...

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

64 28 40 227
Roy Engineering Roy Engineering

Physics, Technics and Economics. Collaborative Engineering and Advanced Control for Industries.

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0

2 2 0 2

Alpine radiance is the first brand of care that reinvents beauty gestures on a daily basis. Alpine radiance is a brand of cosmetics under development that reinvents beauty gestures on a daily basis. Ultra easy to use with a nomadic format. Made in France and imagined in the heart of the Alps. Short formulas, with ingredients of natural origins, from local producers. All in an eco -responsible packaging.

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing cosmetics Technologies: Bio sourced materials

1 1 0 1
Naige Naige

Spread natural. The Lanana company chooses Naige trade name. Its bet: to spread white gold, wool in French textiles, and thus enhance local wools, underconsidered today, and more generally natural materials by designing and manufacturing in France, with the least Possible impact on the environment, a range of soft, beautiful, comfortable and biosourced textiles and products for nature lovers. Textiles, committed fashion, and circular economy

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

7 3 6 1
France Active Savoie Mont-Blanc France Active Savoie Mont-Blanc

The movement of entrepreneurs engaged in Savoy and Haute-Savoie We are committed to those who commit for a more united, more inclusive and more sustainable economy. 1st solidarity funder, France Active supports 7,500 companies each year in France and more than 300 in Savoy and Haute-Savoie, in all the life phases, from emergence to recovery via creation. Financing, advice, networking: Join the #entrepreneurs' movement! To receive our committed newsletter: Solidarity finance, support for ESS structures, guarantee, loans, emergence, development, change of scale, rebound, entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship engaged

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

22 10 17 17
Istya Istya

Entrons dans une nouvelle air Istya is at the forefront of transforming indoor environments with our sophisticated AI-driven technology. Specializing in air quality management, we deliver powerful solutions that proactively monitor, predict, and enhance air quality. Our state-of-the-art systems are tailored to significantly cut down the energy expenses associated with ventilation, while also taking a proactive stance against the aerial spread of viruses, ensuring spaces are not just compliant with regulations but are bastions of health and safety. Crafted with precision and the vision to foster well-being, our solutions empower businesses and homes to be more energy-conscious and health-oriented. We …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

48 15 6 15

IP Trust, an industrial property advice involved! Associates: Emmanuel Huyghe, Elsa Martin Touaux, Maryse Dulout, Claudine Kauffmann, Alexandre Donye IP Trust brings together a team of professionals trained to understand the economic and commercial challenges of their customers, in order to reconcile: - Recognized expertise in risk analysis in terms of PI, drafting, obtaining and defense of patents and protection of know-how. - A strategic approach to the PI in order to make it a real competitive asset for their customers. IP Trust creates and implements innovative and traditional methods and tools to offer you IP management strategies: - Interactive …

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech

6 6 0 25
Atawey Hydrogen Atawey Hydrogen

H2-fueling tomorrow In a fast-changing world in which companies and local authorities are working to decarbonize mobility, the development of recharging technologies represents a crucial challenge. This development requires easy access to hydrogen. Atawey, a key player in hydrogen stations, offers all hydrogen project owners customized solutions based on personalized support, expert services and a range of high-performance, modular hydrogen refueling stations to refill all types of vehicles whenever and wherever the user needs it - AnyTime, AnyWhere, EnergY. hydrogène, stations hydrogène, mobilité, and écosystèmes hydrogène

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing transporttech Technologies: Hydrogen

52 20 35 119
Nanobiose Nanobiose

Smart tools for cell biology Nanobiose’s mission is to provide pharma, biotech and cosmetic companies with better tools to improve their in vitro analysis of efficacy / safety of drug candidates. Nanobiose develops SecretCells®, an innovative lab-on-a-chip system to evaluate secreted biomarkers from 2D or 3D perfused cells. SecretCells® combines a microfluidic biochip (where the perfused 3D cell cultures stand) and a removable biosensor for a multiplexed on-line biomarkers analysis. While better mimicking in vivo like conditions, SecretCells® allows more accurate and more predictive results for the evaluation of drug candidates at early stages. SecretCells® is a very flexible solution …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Sensors Synthetic Biology

21 2 21 4

Born from the desire to act for the re -use of glass in the heart of the Alps! Alps sets in place a local sector for the re -use of glass containers (bottles, jars). Thus, we sell re -employed bottles, support services to adapt your packaging and labels to re -use. Stores that wish to become a collection point to offer their customers a range of re -employed products can also reach our network. We offer adapted communication so that the re -employed offer is easily identified by consumers, on the shelves and online. Reuse, local, and sale of re …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech

8 8 0 7
Nāga Geophysics Nāga Geophysics

Rough terrain. Software development. Quantitative interpretation. Bureau de recherche appliquée en géophysique.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

8 2 5 4
Camif Camif

Mission company, specialist in local and sustainable development of the house. 🇫🇷🌱 Handled since, since ... always 🤓 At Camif, we feel homes, stories, a whole world of the more eco-responsible interior ... We are local and sustainable development professionals ✌️ Our commitment transcends the simple act of purchase: it aims to inspire, transform and redefine the way in which we live in our spaces. And we embark on you in the adventure! Our mission is clear: to design products and services for the house that benefit everyone. We mobilize our ecosystem - consumers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, local actors - …

Type: SMB Activities: retail Technologies: Decarbonization

68 42 18 81

Sporganize on paper to achieve your sporting goals! 🚀 Help the world of sport to (re) discover the benefits of a paper training book 🚀 We conceptualize tailor-made training books in paper format for your clubs, federations, companies, events ... 📒 Well-being, healthy life hygiene, time management, objectives, motivation, daily organization, sport, and optimization of sports performance

Type: SMB Activities: it services

3 2 0 1
Groupe Ecomedia Groupe Ecomedia

GROUPE ECOMEDIA ? Ce sont les actus économiques de Haute-Savoie, de Savoie, de l'Ain, du Nord-Isère et du Grand Genève. GROUPE ECOMEDIA ? Ce sont les actus économiques de Haute-Savoie, de Savoie, de l'Ain, du Nord-Isère et du Grand Genève. PRESSE and ECONOMIE

Type: Media

44 22 16 16
Take[air] Take[air]

Your decarbonation and reporting solution CSRD 💻 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 An actor in the fight against global warming, Take [Air] is responsible for transforming businesses into a hero of decarbonation. We offer a Digital SaaS solution of carbon and reporting CSRDs. Our offer coupled with tailor-made support from carbon experts allows: - the measure - reduction - and the management of CO2 emissions We work as close as possible to the proven methodologies of ADEME, ABC, in close …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

28 13 19 20
Art of Roof Art of Roof

The open -air art gallery that refreshes the planet. Our mission: to refresh the planet by offering a professional cool roofing service to supermarkets, industrialists and communities. Cool roof, industrial roof treatment, cool roofing, climate roof, fresh roof, waterproofing, and energy economies

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

16 5 9 6
110° 110°

Solar solution for industrial heat 110 ° Production of solar heat for industrialists and communities. Decarbon your processes and invest in reliable, sustainable and competitive energy. Solar heat and renewable heat

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

3 2 1 1
Lila signe avec bébé Lila signe avec bébé

Children's books with signs from French sign language Collection of books for babies from 6 months to 3 years old mixing images, texts and signs from the French sign language. In a gentle, colorful and poetic universe, Lila tells her daily life and her emotions with simple words and signs adapted to babies to make toddlers dream and travel in their imagination. Already initiated into sign language for babies, or simply curious to learn, the Lila Sign with baby collection is accessible to everyone. The aim of our books to create a real moment of sharing between the child and …

Type: Startup Activities: kidtech traveltech

3 1 2 1
μBert - MicroBert μBert - MicroBert

Adopt ecological computers ♻️ μbert This is the company that makes it all professional equipment accessible to all -range equipment thanks to reconditioning. Reconditioning computer equipment also involves us in a dynamic of sustainable development, an area that is close to our hearts. Being both specialized and graduates in the field of networks and telecommunications, we will also offer sizing and network installation offers for companies. We therefore have a wide range of offers to ensure versatility and touch both individuals and professionals. Reconditioning, IT networks, IT maintenance, IT installation, expertise, parks management, advice, training, IT, Network, Telecommunication, Cybersecurity, and …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 3
Mon carré doux Mon carré doux

Manufacturing and sale of painkillers The padded comfort cushion designed to relieve people with an implantable device (implantable room, pacemaker, defibrillator ..). It adapts to different types of supports (safety belt, bags, bras ..) Solidarity brand - eco -responsible - inclusive Everything is thought and designed with the heart!

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing fashtech

1 1 0 2
AltitudeRando AltitudeRando

Find your hike! Over 10,000 hiking routes with photos and cards. Altituderando is more than 10,000 hiking routes with photos and card.

Type: Startup Activities: it services

2 2 0 4

The real recuperated beer designed by athletes and for athletes. Run'hard manufactures real recuperation beer, for athletes & amp; For all beer lovers: alcohol -free, gluten -free, with pleasure! Our also manufacture the Beerscuit®, aperitif cookies Locavores & amp; circulars based on drêches. To your taste buds!

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing foodtech

2 1 0 4
Puralist Puralist

Puralist is a French based uv nail polish brand on mission to disrupt varnish and consumer industry. When we had the opportunity to create a brand of semi-permanent varnish, we have devoted all our efforts and our time to a single mission: to offer a more natural alternative to demanding consumers and concerned about the composition of their varnish. Instead of asking us what we could add to our varnishes to stand out from the current industry, we looked for what we could remove or replace, to keep only natural ingredients. We therefore focused on what defines an excellent natural …

Type: Startup Activities: cosmetics Technologies: Bio sourced materials

3 3 0 1
Ghold Ghold

Your manufacturer of recyclable and recycled climbing holds Founded in 2021, Ghold has developed Carat, a recyclable and recycled material for brands of climbing holds. This material is shaped using a patented injection process. to find out more, come and see us 😉 SBH Equipement (SAS)

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

8 8 0 5
Collectif Jeu Change Collectif Jeu Change

Second -hand second -hand toys The game collective changes is the association of two experts independent of the re -use of the game and toy. With several years of experience in the sector (manufacturers and e-commerce distribution), and 2 and a half years of projects carried out around the social and solidarity economy in the world of the toy, we pool our forces to answer the Better to the needs of actors who wish to take impacting approaches, ecology and solidarity oriented. Our objective: to support the transition from the toy industry to more sustainable practices by developing the re …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: SaaS

3 1 3 3

Take a step in ahead, to remain master. Anav is a simple and friendly planning solution that allows companies working on the case to reconcile performance and serenity. Load schedule, staff, and advancement

Type: Startup Activities: it services

8 4 2 8
La Fabrique à Neurones La Fabrique à Neurones

Boostez vos performances cognitives avec des neurosciences ludiques et bienveillantes! La Fabrique à Neurones propose des solutions issues des neurosciences cognitives pour mieux vivre et mieux travailler. Nous avons à coeur de sensibiliser chacun à la nécessité de prendre soin de son cerveau tout au long de sa vie afin de vivre au meilleur de ses possibilités. La Fabrique à Neurones a développé une méthode, testée actuellement au Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition de l'Université Grenoble Alpes, basée sur la bienveillance, le jeu, l'intelligence collective et le transfert de connaissances en neurosciences cognitives. ATELIERS COGNITIFS: Cette méthode est utilisée dans …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

18 3 19 24
Be Cause Be Cause

Where your values ​​are put into action. Be Cause is a mission-driven company whose purpose is to transform CSR into a shared, concrete and measurable approach. We believe that CSR is a collective commitment 🤝 where everyone, within an organization, must make their contribution. For us, giving employees and customers a voice so that they feel involved and listened to is essential. By actively involving stakeholders, we strengthen their commitment while providing the company with concrete tools to measure and promote its CSR actions. Our solution makes it possible to measure the positive impact of each individual within the company. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

7 6 0 4
SAVE - Transition écologique SAVE - Transition écologique

Company supporting communities and businesses in the ecological transition. Company supporting communities/businesses in the ecological transition 🌱 Advice, training and sale of eco-efficient products. ecological transition, preserving water resources, reducing energy consumption, reducing waste production, training in eco-gestures, water-saving systems, and eco-efficient equipment

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech

3 2 3 1
TOUTOU Petcare TOUTOU Petcare

Clean care for happy dogs! AVAILABLE ON TOUTOU.CARE! 🎉 Care adapted to the needs of dogs 🐶 Natural and organic formulas 🌿 Eco-friendly and plastic-free packaging. Made in France with love 🇫🇷

Type: Startup Activities: pettech manufacturing cosmetics Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 2 0 4
Wetall Wetall

Wetall offers products and news for tall people. Wetall is a unique website that offers products adapted to tall people: - Clothing (women, men, sports, work...) - Shoes up to size 54 (women, men, sports, work..) - Furniture (beds, desk, tables...) - Equipment (bike, sleeping bag, tents...) Products for tall people

Type: Startup Activities: sporttech

5 2 4 1
Place aux Possibles Place aux Possibles

Creating the success that suits you is possible! 🗣 Young people are the ones who will make the society and the world of tomorrow. It's up to us to give them the tools 🧰 so that they can create the life that suits them. 🤩 We facilitate the success of all by involving all the adults who gravitate around 15-25 year olds: - Parents who need to be reassured about the future of their young people to change their beliefs - Teachers who need to reconnect with the pleasure of transmitting and changing paradigms - The business world which, in …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

11 3 11 8
La Vie nouvelle La Vie nouvelle

La Vie nouvelle is published every Friday in Savoie. Economic, institutional and cultural news. La Vie nouvelle is published every Friday in Savoie. The newspaper covers the economic, institutional and cultural news of the department. Our weekly is authorized to publish legal and judicial announcements.

Type: Media

29 4 27 22
ABF Décisions ABF Décisions

PUBLIC AID REFLEX ABF DÉCISIONS IS A RECOGNIZED PLAYER IN PUBLIC FINANCING CONSULTING. Since 2004, we have been providing our clients with all the public aid (European, national, territorial) to which they are entitled as part of their development projects. A pioneer in operational consulting in territorial aid, our global vision of the public financing environment allows us to provide a complete, tailor-made response that is perfectly adapted to the needs of our clients. Benefiting from multi-sector expertise, we intervene in 4 areas of their development: Ecological Transition, R&D / Innovation, Productive Investment and Export. Our mission is to offer …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

65 28 43 154
HubWatt HubWatt

Simply valorize your photovoltaic surplus In an era marked by soaring energy prices, the cost of producing solar energy has reached its lowest level, offering an unprecedented opportunity for the adoption of photovoltaics. HubWatt's mission is to enable each producer (company, community and citizen) to simply and locally valorize their surplus photovoltaic energy. We are working towards a future where each kilowatt-hour produced not only contributes to reducing energy bills, but also to strengthening the energy resilience of territories and decarbonizing our society.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

5 3 5 3
Grand Lac - Communauté d'agglomération Grand Lac - Communauté d'agglomération

Lac du Bourget Urban Community The Grand Lac urban community is a French intercommunal structure, located in the Savoie department and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Grand Lac is currently made up of 28 municipalities.

Type: Public

18 8 13 176
Communauté des Entreprises à Mission Communauté des Entreprises à Mission

Transforming the company to transform society Association Loi 1901, the Community of mission-driven companies aims to bring together all managers and entrepreneurs who place a social or environmental purpose at the heart of their project. We share the conviction that companies are a formidable lever for innovation to meet contemporary challenges and build a more sustainable society. Our mission is to promote and unite new forms of companies that combine positive impact and performance. With the PACTE law, the concepts of purpose and mission-driven companies are recognized in law. The emergence of this new status must be an opportunity for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

73 28 50 50
Ville de Chambéry Ville de Chambéry

🐘Welcome to the Linkedin page of the City of Chambéry! You will find job opportunities, news and ➕ 🐘 Gateway to the Alps and capital of Savoie, Chambéry is located one hour from Lyon and half an hour from Annecy and Grenoble. In Chambéry, you have the advantages of the city (shops, wide cultural, leisure and sports offerings, mobility services) while having nature, lakes and mountains just a few steps or pedal strokes from your home. As a bonus: a beautiful historical heritage and a preserved living environment! Town Hall, Public Service, and Local Authority

Type: Public

19 14 7 278

Let's give a second life to photovoltaic panels. SOLREED gives a second life to photovoltaic panels for even less environmental impact and a strong commitment to integration. These installations have a guarantee of at least 15 years and use cutting-edge technology to ensure high safety and reliability of operation. photovoltaic and ESS

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

6 3 4 3
Freezco Freezco

Specialist in industrial refrigeration and process air conditioning FREEZCO - Specialist in industrial refrigeration and process air conditioning ❄️ As the field of Refrigeration is evolving, our experienced team is here to offer you an innovative perspective on your installation. 🌎 This new approach aims to reduce the environmental and energy impact of your installation while optimizing its performance, by installing refrigeration systems with an adapted maintenance vision. 👷🏼 On a human scale, we attach great importance to maintaining proximity with our customers, in order to guarantee optimal responsiveness during our interventions. 📢 Contact us for all your industrial refrigeration …

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 greentech cleantech

2 2 0 2
Lyon Ynov Campus Lyon Ynov Campus

Learn to succeed Digital is now transversal. Business demand is booming. 80,000 jobs would not be filled for lack of suitable profiles. 85% of the professions by 2030 do not yet exist. The next generation will be above all digital and perfectly adapted to a changing world. For ten years YNOV has been training students in search of a professional diploma in digital and creative industries. A course adapted to each profile: Our students can adapt their course and choose their specialty among 19 bachelors and 28 masters: IT | Marketing & Digital Communication | Creation & Design | 2D, …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech martech

23 0 10 213

INPI - Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property We provide protection to inventions by means of patents and grant the registration of trademarks and designs. We encourage investment in innovation and promote Industrial Property in Portugal. Industrial Property and Patents, Trademarks and Designs

Type: Public

41 36 0 576
INES - Institut National de l'Energie Solaire INES - Institut National de l'Energie Solaire

Research & amp; Education for Solar Energy The Ines is a world leader in R & AMP, expertise and training for advanced solar technologies, their integration into systems and intelligent energy management. Initiated by the Savoy Departmental Council and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, it brings together the CEA teams, the Savoie Mont Blanc University and benefits from the support of the CNRS and the CSTB. The Ines now has 500 employees on a 22,000 m2 site with the best equipment. Our employees and partners redesign the future for the energy transition. Photovoltaic solar, Energetic Building, Solar Thermal, Storage and Mobility, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

69 19 56 126
iBecome iBecome

Agence de communication créative et engagée. 🌿 Marketing, Design, Digital, Rédaction. 🎯 Nomade depuis Chambéry. 🏔 iBecome est une agence de communication créative et engagée. Depuis Chambéry, en Savoie, elle accompagne les entreprises des territoires pour leur permettre de grandir dans les meilleures conditions. Notre ambition : vous aider à communiquer le bon message, au bon moment, aux bonnes personnes. Stratégie et conseil, Identité de marque, Marketing digital, Communication, UX-Writing, UX-Design, Rédaction Web, Sites internet, Relations Presse, Référencement naturel, Social Media, Brand Content, Inbound Marketing, Coaching, Crowdfunding, Community Management, MailChimp, Événementiel, Conférences, Personal Branding, Growth Hacking, Business Model, Études de …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

7 2 6 8
Fondation USMB Fondation USMB

Let us dare a future of possibilities. Let us dare a future of possibilities. The Savoie Mont Blanc University Foundation's mission is to promote prospective reflection and support strategic projects for our future. Our ambition is to support societal transformation, for the benefit of international leadership of the territory and its actors. Around the themes of industry and service 4.0 and the environmental transition, we offer spaces of creativity "The circles of innovation", in which collaboration takes on a particular meaning and efficiency. Thanks to the support of our founding members and partners, we finance research, training projects and allow …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

17 6 13 9
SoluCir SoluCir

A network of professionals and solutions to better produce, better consume and recycle better in Savoie Mont-Blanc Solucir is the network of players in the circular economy in Savoie Mont-Blanc #economiecircular The association is the referent gateway to the circular economy in Savoie Mont Blanc. His missions are as follows: ‣ Identifies and supports circular solutions of the territory ‣ democratizes the circular economy with the local economic fabric ‣ creates economic and environmental value by contributing to the emergence of sectors Solucir radiates, essays, and influences public policies in favor of the development of the circular economy. Do you …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

33 12 31 36
Village by CA des Savoie Village by CA des Savoie

Innovation accelerator & amp; transformation on 2 Savoy. 🚀 The village by Ca des Savoie welcomes start-ups in the development phase and supports them in their growth. It offers a complete acceleration program, but also an exceptional working environment and access to a national network of partners. 💛 He is also an actor in the development of innovation and support for businesses in their transitions. It promotes collaborations and creates the best conditions to give birth to innovative solutions! 📍 Connected between them, the 44 villages constitute the 1st network of accelerators in France and has more than 1,000 start-ups …

Type: Incubators & VCs

26 13 24 13
UFR Sciences et Montagne - USMB UFR Sciences et Montagne - USMB

Innovating the future The Sciences and Mountains Training and Research Unit (UFR SceM) is a component of the Savoie Mont Blanc University (USMB) and offers scientific training on an exceptional site in Bourget-du-Lac: • Fundamental Sciences, Earth, Environment • Mountain, Sports, Tourism • Digital Technologies • Teaching Professions The UFR SceM has many advantages for those who want to acquire a solid scientific training with courses adapted to the requirements of each and every one: • the classic bachelor's degree (bac+3) master's degree (bac+5) doctorate (bac+8) courses • more directly professionalized courses such as professional licenses • international collaborations with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 6 2 8
Faculté de droit de l'USMB Faculté de droit de l'USMB

The Faculty of Law offers a diversified training offer anchored in its territory. The Faculty of Law, located in Jacob-Bellecombette and Annecy, benefits from strong territorial support from public authorities; in particular from the legal and judicial professions of the two Savoie and develops the internationalization of its training and academic relations. It offers its students a diversified range of training: INITIAL / LIFELONG TRAINING CLASSICAL (c) / ALTERNANCE (a) (apprenticeship or professionalization) DOUBLE DEGREES (dd) BACHELOR'S DEGREE Law / Economic and social administration / Double degree Law / LEA (Annecy) (dd) PROFESSIONAL DEGREE Professional degree in notarial professions (3rd …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

11 1 1 4
Bontaz Bontaz

Innovating for a sustainable industry. As a tier-1 supplier, Bontaz is the world leader in automotive hydraulic functions. Bontaz is a trusted development partner to the world's leading OEM's and work in close collaboration to ensure the highest quality of its subassemblies (Check valves, cooling nozzles, solenoids, injection parts). Set on 5 continents, 11 sites with 4 R&D centers, Bontaz employs over 4,000 people.

Type: Large company

16 8 7 1,261

Movement at the service of #companies in #Savoie, we are committed to promoting your interests and supporting you in your #development.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

23 5 20 12
Haute-Savoie General Council Haute-Savoie General Council

Compte officiel du Département de la Haute-Savoie Welcome to Haute-Savoie! Haute-Savoie borders Switzerland and Italy in the heart of one of the world's leading winter sports destinations. It is a vibrant and attractive french area with a flourishing high tech economy and very active academic, cultural and sporting life. With a €1 billion budget and 3,000 agents, the Haute-Savoie General Council is a major driver of development and community life in the region. It plays an active role in a number of areas—from social services, education and planning to transportation, economics, environmental protection, culture, sports and more—with a view to …

Type: Public

58 34 14 618
SporTech Fr SporTech Fr

The collective of startups working for innovation and impact in sport In 2019, a few startup founders wanted to come together to be the voice of innovation in French sport. They created the SporTech association, a non-profit association financed by its members' subscriptions and by its partners and patrons. OUR MISSION: Participate in the emergence of a sporting nation through innovation OUR ACTIONS: Promote exchanges with the entire French sports ecosystem, and create useful connections for the development of startups. We produce original deliverables, forums, interviews, podcasts, etc. intended to raise awareness of this sector in the midst of technological …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

43 13 41 60

Our project, help yours INITIATIVE SAVOIE is a civic & social organization company based out of SAVOIE TECHNOLAC, Le Bourget Du Lac, Auvergnerhônealpes, France. Business creation and takeover, business monitoring, sponsorship, and networks

Type: SMB Activities: it services

14 4 7 9
Chambéry-Grand Lac économie Chambéry-Grand Lac économie

SUCCESS WITH A FRESH AIR Chambéry–Grand Lac économie supports companies from their creation to their development and establishment. We guarantee them the essential conditions for their success, in the heart of the Alpine furrow. development, business services, incubation, French Tech, real estate, land, development, economy, business reception, and territorial marketing

Type: Public

41 16 33 30
Orchestre des Pays de Savoie Orchestre des Pays de Savoie

An Orchestra for all! The Orchestre des Pays de Savoie: The Orchestre des Pays de Savoie is a professional chamber orchestra, composed of 23 permanent musicians (19 strings, 2 oboes, 2 horns), under the musical direction of Pieter-Jelle de Boer since September 2021. Created in 1984, under the impetus of the departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie, the Rhône-Alpes region and the Ministry of Culture, the Orchestre des Pays de Savoie has had as musical directors Patrice Fontanarosa, Tibor Varga, Mark Foster, Graziella Contratto and Nicolas Chalvin. The Orchestre des Pays de Savoie is a member of the national network of …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

12 2 9 22

The fusion between the solidarity economy and industrial performance A leading subcontractor for manufacturers of all sizes, ADTP benefits from solid expertise in: Assembly, Electronics, Conformity control, Custom packaging, Mechatronics. A company in the social and solidarity economy, ADTP's mission is to facilitate access to employment for people with disabilities Studies and integration of wired electronics, Packaging, Mechatronics, and Packaging, Assembly and Electronic Document Management

Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing industry 4.0

28 10 17 179