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Les Echos Les Echos

Find on all economic and financial news in France and worldwide, discover exclusive analyzes, special files, decrypts, chronicles and large formats.

Type: Media

651 459 238 1

For the right to be different against indifference Capsaaa = "Cap" for "Handicap", "Cap or not Cap" and Paris "La Capitale" + S for Sport + 3A for Adventure, Art and Friendship 1) Origins ... communicate a positive vision of disability Recognized of general interest, CAPSAAA is an association founded in 1995. Originally, Capsaa was created to form a Handi -Basket team and disseminate their values ​​on disability via sport. Today, the Capsaaa club has widened and brings together several sports. Beyond the CAPSAAA sport is also an association in the field which operates in schools, businesses and prisons through …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 3 8 18
Le Café de l'Avenir Le Café de l'Avenir

Push stroke towards the 1st job! The Café de l'Avenir, Push stroke to the 1st job! 🚀 • Are you a young graduate (Bac + 2 and beyond) looking for an alternation, a Master 2 end -of -study internship or a first job? Come and meet professionals experienced from all sectors of activity, which will help you define your project and facilitate your integration into the professional world! You will benefit from 100% free personalized and individual support until the realization of your project. • Because young graduates who are struggling to find a job shocks you? Engage yourself and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

4 1 3 12
Cadremploi Cadremploi

Give yourself all the chances of being contacted by recruiting companies, put your CV 💪🏻 Have the ambition to be happy Today, the majority of executives believe that they would be happy if they were changing work, but few of them will change this year. However, the job market for executives has never been so well worked! What are you waiting for to be happy? Cadremploi is the recruitment site dedicated to executives. Visible job offers has been our core business for almost 30 years. Expert in career management, we are keen to give you all the keys to success. …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

70 22 50 19
RMC Sport RMC Sport

Find all the news on all sports as well as the biggest football competitions on RMC Sport RMC Sport, is a multimedia French press agency specializing in sports news. It was created by Nextradiotv in 2008.

Type: Media

35 18 9 367

RTL Live together RTL is a French-national French private radio station located at 56, avenue Charles de Gaulle in Neuilly-sur-Seine and broadcast in France. The RTL radio center is also made up of two musical stations, Fun Radio and RTL2, stations of the M6 ​​group.

Type: Media

225 100 144 1,076
Midi Libre Midi Libre

1st Languedoc-Roussillon media on the web, print and social networks. Midi Libre, first information media from the regional daily press in Languedoc-Roussillon since 1944. We have been broadcasting in 1849 municipalities of the Pyrenean-Orientales, Aude, Hérault, Gard, Lozère and Aveyron, in 14 editions: -Montpellier and its region -Lunel -Lodève-Vallée de Hérault -Sete -Beziers -Nîmes -Uzège-Camargue-Cévennes -Gardrhodanian -Alès-cévennes -Narbonne -Carcassonne -Catalan -Millau-Sudaveyron -Rode -Lozère Journalism, information, and media

Type: Media

98 46 30 478
TRANSAT CAFÉ L’OR Le Havre Normandie TRANSAT CAFÉ L’OR Le Havre Normandie

Braver l’Atlantique en duo ⛵️ #TransatCaféLOR #RouteduCafé Braving the Atlantic double-handed #TransatJV

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

50 26 17 13
Femmes du Digital Ouest Femmes du Digital Ouest

1st regional network of men and women acting to encourage #diversity in #digital in #paysdelaloire. 1st regional network encouraging #Mixity in #Numeric, Women Digital Ouest is an association created in 2015 in Nantes. Our missions develop around 3 axes: 1. Awareness of young people to the opportunities offered by digital technology, a domain with many outlets which remains little invested by women! 2. Women in retraining 3. Women's entrepreneurship In transversal: Promote professional models of digital technology, by testimonies of inspiring routes via meetings, videos and podcasts #Wecanbeher, the #FDO Prize (2015, 16, 18), and the show #FDO20 For this, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

63 21 41 2
Palais de Tokyo Palais de Tokyo

Center for contemporary art, Paris📍 With its 22,000 m2 the Palais de Tokyo is essential by its energy as one of the largest contemporary art centers in Europe. He encourages contemporary creation with an eclectic and inventive program around emerging and experienced artists from all walks of life. Contemporary art, exhibitions, performances, and concerts

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

35 23 9 175
Groupe Oui Care Groupe Oui Care

N ° 1 of home services in France The group yes Care: leader in home and person services With 23,000 employees (20,000 in France and 3,000 internationally), 700 agencies in France, and 13 BtoC brands (O2, APEF, France Presence, Trans -emicilio, Les Berievillants, Nounou Expert, La Compagnie des Lavandières, Maison Eliya Paris, Autonomia, Wiplay, Berillus, Les Petits Bilingues, ourselves) and 3 BtoB brands (Silver Alliance, ASAP, Itsap), yes Care is the leader in personal services. Each day, the group supports more than 120,000 families, with suitable and quality services: home maintenance, childcare, support for the elderly or with disabilities, gardening, …

Type: SMB Activities: consumer services silvertech Technologies: Decarbonization

41 12 26 257
CrossKnowledge CrossKnowledge

Grow Your People With Focused Upskilling Develop entire employee populations at scale, matched to their career development journey. Deploy award-winning upskilling strategies to grow your employees from the moment you welcome them into your company, nurturing their growth as high-performing individuals who eventually grow into experienced leadership roles. CrossKnowledge upskilling solutions help customers achieve learning outcomes that meet business stakeholders' expectations. CrossKnowledge combines quality content from thought-leading authors, facilitation experts and specialist services into extensive blended learning capabilities, backed by proven learning tech. CrossKnowledge, Your Upskilling Partner. e-learning, Corporate Learning, Digital Learning, Mobile Learning, Learning and Development, Talent Development, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting edtech Technologies: SaaS

57 9 37 219
WanSquare WanSquare

Decryption and analysis of all economic and financial news in real time Les Echos Group - Le Parisien Wansquare is a pure player media without advertising that deciphers economic and financial news every day. Les Echos- Le Parisien group since 2021 Distributed to the leaders of the main French and foreign companies and the highest bodies of the public administration, Wansquare makes its information exclusively available to its subscribers. On the program every day from Monday to Friday: - The Morning Brief at 7 a.m. and the 10 digits of the day at 12:15 p.m., - appointments, exclusive articles, analyzes …

Type: Media

104 9 97 12
Aramisauto Aramisauto

Construisons ensemble la solution préférée pour tous ceux qui veulent changer de voiture en Europe ! At Aramis Group we are revolutionising the way people across Europe buy cars. The 2nd biggest investment a European household will make will be a car. By offering new and used car sales of all makes under one brand, and providing a second-to-none buying experience, we have established ourselves as digital leaders in France. In 2017, Spanish startup Clicars joined us on our journey and leading Belgian independent retail network Cardoen followed shortly afterwards in 2018. Together, we are building Europe’s leading car buying …

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce

39 12 20 752
Aromates Relations Publiques Aromates Relations Publiques

Aromas offers its customers public relations solutions developed with a vision experienced by realities on the ground: media and digital relations, public affairs and events. Since its creation in 1987, Aromatics has also been initiating many institutional conferences on the various activity sectors on which it operates such as health, digital, telecoms or energy. These meetings are the privileged place of debates between policies, experts, and economic actors, and have become, in many cases, an important step in certain parliamentary works. Aromas has also acquired particular expertise in the field of new technologies thanks to several years of collaboration with …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

53 7 53 6
ACSEL - L'association de l'économie numérique ACSEL - L'association de l'économie numérique

Transforming the economic potential linked to digital and innovation into opportunities for businesses. ACSEL, the association of the digital economy, brings together the actors engaged in digital transformation. Founded thirty years ago, the association today brings together nearly 200 companies, public organizations from all sectors and partners and works to put their connection. Place of exchange and proposals, ACSEL works address digital issues through three guidelines: anticipate, develop and measure. digital transformation, digital economy, and networking

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

122 27 108 24
MoneyVox : l'info pour votre argent MoneyVox : l'info pour votre argent

Moneyvox, all the information for your money and your personal finances Moneyvox is a media site for the general public, specializing in budgetary issues and personal finances. Completely independent at the editorial level, Moneyvox offers detailed information on the bank, investments, credits, taxes and on all the subscriptions weighing on the budget (insurance, energy, etc.) of the French, via: - daily news on players in the sector, their services and the best offers of the moment; - pages of explanation on the functioning of financial products and subscriptions in the broad sense; - more than 30 comparators to save without …

Type: Media

69 12 61 17
Numen Numen

Numen, specialist in document management 🗂️ Numen is a specialist in document management. Numen supports companies and players in the public sector in dematerialization and optimization of their documentary processes. Partenaire de confiance, nous offrons des solutions complètes de gestion documentaire afin d’améliorer l’efficacité de votre gestion de l’information et simplifier vos opérations quotidiennes. Our proven platforms meet the most complex needs. 🖥️ Your documentary processes from start to finish with Numen. We offer standard solutions as well as solutions specifically adapted to your sector of activity. Que ce soit la numérisation des documents physiques, la gestion des flux de …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: NFC SaaS

21 0 20 227
Normandie Université Normandie Université

Communauté d'Universités et Établissements de Normandie Normandy University was founded in 2015, and gathers 6 founder members (the universities of Caen Normandy, Havre Normandy and Rouen Normandy, the architecture school ENSA Normandy, and the engineering schools ENSICAEN and INSA Rouen Normandy) and 12 associate members. It organises the coordination of the training offerings and of the research and transfer strategy of the higher education institutions and research bodies in the form of a territorial cluster. The higher education institutions and research bodies that are members of Normandy University share the desire to make top-level training and research offerings and to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech energytech

32 13 18 63

Reference information on CSR transitions - ESG, Environment, Sustainability, Governance and Sustainable Finance Reference information on environmental and social transitions Information - News, CSR, data, sustainable development, extra -financial valuation, ESG, CSR reporting, sustainable finance, responsible finance, ISR, extrafinancier reporting, circular economy, decarbonation, duty of vigilance, responsible purchases, environment, watch CS Environment, Sustainability, CSRD, ESRS, Duty of Vigilance, CS3D, CSDDD, and Environment

Type: Media

89 6 86 8
JobIRL L'orientation In Real Life JobIRL L'orientation In Real Life

The 1st orientation network that connects 12-30 year olds and professionals to speak #professions #Stages #Stages Jobirl is the 1st orientation network that connects young people aged 14-30 and professionals. Launched in January 2013, the network has more than 150,000 members including 8,500 professionals. He invites professionals from all back to testify and make young people discover their professions in search of advice for their orientation. The 14-30 year olds contact them to meet them in real life: "Who better than a pro can talk about his job?". They can also exchange with other students to find answers on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

167 24 155 91
JOBSFERIC - Site d'information prospective sur les métiers et l'innovation RH JOBSFERIC - Site d'information prospective sur les métiers et l'innovation RH

Info on innovation and HR trends to co-construct the business of tomorrow HR innovation and future information media of the company. Follow trends in human resources management and decipher current changes within organizations. Jobsferic is the information site for HR trends and innovations. Quality articles deal with changes in recruitment, training, management, quality of life at work, e-learning, HR applications and software, digital transformation, digitalization of the company, The evolution of HR professions and HR function Its relevant, neutral and Claire editorial line thanks to a team of experienced and specialized journalists, allowed Jobsferic to establish itself as the reference …

Type: Media

34 5 26 1
Alternatives Economiques Alternatives Economiques

For independent information of economic and financial powers. Since 1980. For independent information of economic and financial powers. Since 1980. News, information, Economy, Politics, Europe, Globalization, Education, Labor, Employment, Pensions, Family, Solidarity, Health, Environment, Sustainable Development, ESS, International, and Geopolitics

Type: Media

90 47 14 74
Oney Oney

Your money, you way! Oney's 1,900 talents operate in over 10 countries, partner with 37,000 sites and stores, and serve 7.2 million clients. We are a European bank, a subsidiary of BPCE and ELO (formerly Auchan Holding), established over 40 years ago. We are partners in the transformation of commerce in all its forms and the everyday ally of those who want to take control of their consumption to improve their daily lives and consume more wisely. To achieve this, we create payment, financing, and insurance solutions that enable millions of Europeans to realize their projects and hundreds of brands …

Type: Large company

65 15 48 1,995
Vendée Globe Vendée Globe

Sailing around the world, solo, non -stop and without assistance. #VG2024 The Vendée Globe is to date the only sailing race around the world, solo, non -stop and without assistance. The event was part of the mind of the Golden Globe which in 1968 initiated the first solo, non -stop and three caps (good hope, Leeuwin and Horn). On the nine pioneers to set off in 1968 only one managed to return to Falmouth on April 6, 1969 after 313 days at sea, the British Robin Knox-Johnston. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston was thus the first browser to win a sailing race, …

Type: Event

54 33 16 52
Rothschild & Co Rothschild & Co

Rothschild & Co is one of the world's largest independent financial advisory groups. We offer a distinct perspective that makes a meaningful difference to our clients’ business and wealth. With a team of 4,600 talented financial services specialists on the ground in more than 40 countries across the world, we provide independent advice on M&A, strategy and financing, as well as investment and wealth management solutions to large institutions, families, individuals and governments. As a family-controlled business that has been at the centre of the world’s financial markets for over 200 years, we can rely on an unrivalled network of …

Type: Large company

36 22 9 5,428
Xerfi Canal Xerfi Canal

The audiovisual review of the economy, strategy and management Xerfi Canal is the online audiovisual review on the economy, strategy and business management Day after day, independently, Xerfi Canal deciphers economic policies in their French and international context, the impact of technologies and innovations on production systems, management and labor relations, their consequences on national strategies and that of companies. A virtual think tank, generator of ideas In a world in full geopolitical, technological, societal and entrepreneurial upheaval, the ambition of Xerfi Canal is to reconcile intellectual requirement and circulation of knowledge. To bring together the disciplines of the economy, …

Type: Media

34 14 21 3
HEC Alumni HEC Alumni

The association of all HEC Paris graduates | We SHARE. We DARE. We CARE. Founded in 1883 and with a community of 68,000 @HEC Paris graduates worldwide, HEC Alumni has been named the most influential alumni association in the world by The Economist. It federates a network of nearly 1,200 volunteers, more than 100 Clubs, 75 Chapters and initiates 1,000 events each year. HEC Alumni's mission is to inspire and animate its alumni community to contribute to a more inclusive, prosperous and sustainable world. We SHARE. We share, grow and create memories together. We DARE. We dare with our vision …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

122 23 85 118
CCI Finistère CCI Finistère

1st business accelerator in Finistère The CCI Finistère is a public administrative establishment of the State. Its missions: represent the interests of its 44,000 Finistère companies in commerce, tourism, industry and services to the public authorities; Inform, support companies at each stage of their development (creation - transmission, formalities, animation of business nurseries, networks ...); Observe, analyze, carry out studies and conduct prospective work at the service of all territorial actors (State, communities, businesses, schools and university, ...); Ensure vocational training and gradual graduation in the various stages of life for managers, employees, young people and job seekers; Manage large …

Type: Public

62 17 52 128
MySezame MySezame

The business changes Our raison d'être is to create a rocking of individuals in the company to commit them to collectively refound business and success models, in order to make the economy sustainable, sustainable and inclusive. We are convinced that, faced with current social and environmental challenges, the company has a preponderant role to play. And we see these challenges as business levers to innovate, differentiate and perform. We have developed two complementary business approaches: • The rocking of companies by the head of the organization, through the strategic support of the general departments (definition of the CSR strategy, support …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: Decarbonization

57 11 45 8
100 000 Entrepreneurs 100 000 Entrepreneurs

We transmit to young people aged 13 to 25, the culture to undertake through testimonies of entrepreneurs. We organize meetings between young people aged 13 to 25 and women and men who undertake and carry out projects throughout the territory. 100,000 entrepreneurs is an association of general interest founded in 2007 whose vocation is to transmit culture and the desire to undertake young people in France. More than 500,000 young people have thus had privileged exchange times during their schooling our volunteer community of entrepreneurs and intrapreneur. The action Sensitize young people to the spirit of undertaking by means of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

206 62 157 168
Groupe Ifop Groupe Ifop

International Market Research Group - Ifop | Sociovision | Occurrence | Deep Opinion | Brainvalue Founded in 1938 by sociologist Jean Stoetzel, IFOP is the pioneer of the surveys method and the first to deploy public opinion in France. Over the years IFOP has developed both in Europe, the United States and China, as a specialist in consumer and citizens' knowledge, to become a multi-expertise group integrating sociovision, occurrence, deep opinion and Brain Value. Mû by the conviction that it is the people who make the world move, and animated by the passion of human, the culture of expertise, the …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

139 68 78 379
Adetem Adetem

National Association of Marketing Professionals Since 1954, ADETEM (the National Association of Marketing Professionals) has been a French non -profit association, recognized as a public utility, whose main mission is to offer its members a place nourished by exchanges and Meeting to permanently progress in their profession and benefit from a unique relational network qualified as managers, marketers and experts. With more than 1,500 members in all sectors of activity and covering the largest companies such as SMEs, ADETEM is to date the only general association to bring together all marketing professionals. Marketing, Networking, Digital, Benchmark, Exchange and Content, Customer …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

103 12 87 51
MAYA Data Privacy Limited MAYA Data Privacy Limited

Anonymity is the new Wealth! MAYA is a Deep Tech startup using AI to support mid & Large Enterprises with data usage challenges (while complying to AI Act, GDPR, NIS2, DORA). MAYA provides solution to organisations for using data as permitted by regulations. Personal data mixed with insightful data poses the biggest challenge in utilisation. Our AI solutions help curate and where needed provide anonymity to complete running applications. AppSafe is our key product, which integrated into cloud or hybrid environments using on-edge compute with privacy enhancing technologies. It can transform data in files(Sharepoint, Azure blobs, AWS S3 buckets, etc.), …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

5 0 0 24
Open Badge Factory Open Badge Factory

Develops innovative cloud-based solutions for recognising competencies. Open Badge Factory develops innovative cloud-based solutions for recognising skills, competencies and learning for associations, educational institutions, companies and other organisations. We operate internationally and have customers from over 90 countries. We have two platforms that use the official Open Badges standard: Open Badge Factory (OBF) and Open Badge Passport (OBP). OBF is meant for organisations that want to create, issue and manage Open Badges. It offers all the tools your organisation needs to create a sustainable and meaningful Open Badges ecosystem. OBP is a free service and meant for Open Badge earners. …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: SaaS

14 0 5 6
EverC EverC

Tech-driven Risk Management Solutions for Safer Ecommerce EverC is focused on powering growth for the online seller ecosystem. With the world’s first fully automated, AI-driven cross-channel risk management platform, we are transforming the internet into a safe and trusted place for ecommerce. Our easy-to-use solution rapidly detects, identifies, and removes high-risk merchants; online money laundering; and fake, illegal, and dangerous products and services. We also continually monitor activity to mitigate ongoing and evolving risk. Founded in 2015, the EverC team comprises domain experts in risk intelligence, data science, fintech, payments, and financial risk. To learn more about how EverC can …

Type: Startup Activities: it services regtech Technologies: A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. Data Analytics

19 2 17 148
Vymo Asia Vymo Asia

Intelligent Solutions for Distribution Management and Collections Optimisation. Vymo is a leading Distribution Management System (DMS) and Collections Management System (CMS) trusted by over 350,000 users across 70+ global financial institutions. Our AI-powered platform provides solutions for lending, agency, bancassurance, branch banking, and collections operations to drive business growth and operational excellence. Why Global Leaders Choose Vymo Vymo partners with financial institutions through a comprehensive solution that combines deep domain expertise with cutting-edge technology. Our platform's human-centric design, coupled with enterprise-grade scalability and AI-powered intelligence, delivers measurable business outcomes while ensuring high user adoption and engagement. Sales productivity, Field force …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

16 3 13 430
Competia Competia

Think ahead- Act Accordingly As industries become increasingly complex and companies are overwelmed by information – very little time is spent analyzing the data that has been gathered, and deriving the insight needed. When strategic decisions are driven by anecdotes, executive intuition and past experience, companies run the risk of making decisions based on biased information. Competia can help through training or facilitation. Competitive Intelligence, Growth Strategy, Social Media Strategy, and Corporate Governance

Type: Startup Activities: edtech martech Technologies: Data Analytics

39 4 33 4
Generali Climate Lab Generali Climate Lab

Anticipate the evolution of climatic risks to better protect you Created in 2015, the Generali Climate Lab is a multidisciplinary team of high -level experts, including hydrologists, doctors in geography, news, social science engineers, data scientists and business insurers. Its objective is to revisit and adapt the insurance profession through increased insurance solutions (subscription, pricing, compensation, distribution, etc.) which, beyond the traditional role of compensation for the insurer , sensitizes and informs customers and partners about increased natural risks due to climate change. Working in open architecture with universities and the CNRS (on air pollution with the Generali balloon), this …

Type: Startup Activities: insurtech Technologies: Data Analytics

119 32 47 8
I-Visio I-Visio

#Webmarketing agency in Lyon, expertise in #natural referencing and sponsored on the web and social networks. Agency advisory in professional referencing, web audience analysis and optimization of conversion rates. I-Visio supports its customers in the creation of traffic, the development of a targeted audience with the aim of marketing and commercial performance of their website. From the implementation of promotional websites for websites on search engines (natural and sponsored referencing) to the analysis and improvement of results, including the creation and writing of specific content, design web architecture oriented around the conversion of visits. Partner of web agencies and communication …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

93 6 87 6

French producer independent of solar energy for 15 years. Founded in 2009 with the objective of actively participating in the energy transition, Irisolaris is now one of major companies in France in the field of renewable energies. Our company is developing its own power plants and is today an independent energy producer. We also support companies and communities in the energy transition. We build photovoltaic power plants on the roof, on the ground and by carport. Our teams provide all the services: from commercial and technical engineering, to the installation and maintenance of our power plants. Contact us to discuss …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech energytech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

20 3 11 227
EcoGreenEnergy EcoGreenEnergy

Industrial energy efficiency service company based on Strasbourg - Lille - Lyon and Nantes Expert engineering office in energy efficiency, manufacturer of ENR & AMP; R (renewable energies and fatal heat revaluation) since 2008. Creation of a decarbonation roadmap, at ISO 50,0001, to the implementation of EMS software, design and pilot a low carbon and resilient energy mix. Reduce reuse reut of industrial water consumption. Ecogreenenergy, based in Strasbourg, Lille, Lyon and Nantes, is engaged in the support of manufacturers to the decarbonation of their site by the reduction, the choice and the mastery of their energies, for the sake …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

18 2 16 46
Beekast Beekast

The collaborative space for productive teams! 🐝 Beekast is an interactive meeting platform that allows you to create and facilitate interactive virtual meetings, training sessions, workshops, and events that are engaging and efficient. Known as the most straightforward solution on the market, Beekast allows anyone to engage their teams through interactive activities that are quick to set up. Our solution is now integrated into numerous tools, such as Microsoft Teams, Webex, PowerPoint, and more, and it has over 1 million active users! Thanks to its many features, Beekast supports employees in different work environments: face-to-face, remote work, or hybrid mode. …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: Wireless

31 12 19 29
Les Jokers de Cergy-Pontoise Les Jokers de Cergy-Pontoise

Together, let's dare to dream! Your prompts will make it good! On the occasion of its French ice hockey championship matches, the Jokers of Cergy-Pontoise offer VIP solutions that will enchant your customers or employees by their quality and their originality. You can also associate your image with the fastest collective sport in the world, with a solidarity and combative team and a determined and ambitious club. Sports show, VIP offers, personalized lodges, marketing solutions, original and impactful image, new kind of new kind, customer fidelization, insured emotions, sport with high added values, valuation solutions, and visibility and highlighting solutions

Type: Startup Activities: martech

12 1 5 2
Retreeb Retreeb

Change the means of payment, let's change the world. 💚 Download our app and start consuming responsible and united! 💪

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

14 1 11 12
Seekube by HelloWork Seekube by HelloWork

Provide the best online matchmaking experience between candidates and companies. Seekube, the leading virtual recruitment forum platform for employment and education stakeholders. Through our online recruitment platform, we enable candidates and companies/schools to connect and interact regardless of their location. Seekube organizes over 500 forums annually, in formats tailored to your needs (thematic forums, company-specific forums, school-specific forums, etc.). Key figures: • 500+ digital events in 2022 • 200,000+ recruitment interviews • 400,000 candidates • 400+ school forums in 2022 • 200,000+ candidate-recruiter meetings • 200 partner schools trust Seekube Seekube is a solution by the Hellowork group, the leading …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

48 27 25 4

"Never too old to learn, never too young to teach"​ SEVEN is a consulting company. Passioned by education, the pleasure to learn and rythm, we develop and animate interactive and innovative training experiences. SEVEN offers training, seminars and resources to companies on one hand (EDF, Natixis, Ernst & Young, Deliveroo, WestWing, Extia, etc.) and to business, administration and engineering schools on the other hand (eg. ESSEC, NEOMA, Centrale Paris, Ponts et Chaussées, etc.). These trainings are shaped so that they can be be both entertaining and efficient. They articulate around tailored simulations and subject-matter experts for each topic. The main …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

14 1 14 62
Lyzi Lyzi

The leading cryptocurrency payment solution 📈🏷 The payment solution that connects cryptocurrency holders to businesses 💰 Pay now with your cryptos in just a few seconds at your favorite shopping mall, bakery, or luxury store 🏷🥖📈

Type: Startup Activities: fintech it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

23 2 17 32
Diversidées Diversidées

Live the diversity experience! Diversity cannot be told, it is lived! Variously creates training, awareness -raising and communication devices to live learning, fun, digital, living experiences ... We are experts in diversity and handicap subjects in the company, gathered around the desire to innovate. Advice, disability and diversity training, human resources, and disability awareness and diversity

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

29 4 22 10
Algoan Algoan

Leading-edge technology for better and fairer credit decisions Algoan is a fintech revolutionising the credit sector by building fairer and more transparent credit decisioning tools. Europe’s leader in Credit Scoring API, it provides financial institutions, retailers and fintech with credit decisioning tools that can be used in a variety of use cases such as BNPL, consumer credit, car subscription, mortgage and much more. Based on Open Banking (the secure sharing of bank account data), Algoan solutions enable a cut of credit risk by up to 50% and an increase in loan production by up to 40% while lowering processing costs, …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

18 3 18 36
Witik Witik

A solution for all your conformities | GDPR, FIRS II, ACT, etc. 100% made in France! 🇫🇷 ✨ Witik: compliance and ethics, simplified and accessible! ✨ Witik in short: • All-in-one SaaS platform: easily manage the GDPR, FIRS II, ACT, EPRIVACY, or ISO standards with serenity 🛠️ • Dedicated E-DPO Service: Our E-DPO supports you step by step to meet regulatory and ethical requirements, providing expert advice at each stage of your compliance course 📘 • MIA artificial intelligence: our AI assistant detects and anticipates your compliance needs to stay always up to date, without additional effort 🤖 • Made …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity SaaS

6 2 4 27

The 100% tailor -made and 100% Nocode application creation platform. The DamaaaS solution (Data Management AS A Service) is published by Inagua. Damaaas is a platform for creating business applications, tailor -made, 100% no code! - Have you reached Excel's limits in managing your processes and projects? - are classic collaboration tools too complex to implement? - You must quickly deliver a solution for your teams With Damaaas you can: - Collaborate with your suppliers, customers and partners (workflows in SaaS mode) - Create documents, forms, contracts on the fly and have them sign electronically if necessary - Integrate your …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

16 1 14 23
Aglaé Aglaé

The pioneer company of the Luminescent plant! Event services, arrangement of interior spaces and landscapes. We Design Scenographic Installations for Companies Thanks to the Magic of Glowing Plants. Plant design, events, plant research, biology, scenography, innovation, floral decoration, interior decoration, landscape, smartcity, biotechnology, start-ups, Paris, ile-de-France, agency, design, light, design, town planning, Luminescent, green, and communication

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech smart city Technologies: VR

25 10 19 42
inmemori inmemori

Inmemori is a funeral home house. We organize funeral with care and humanity. Inmemori is a funeral home created by Clémentine Piazza in 2016. We are present in Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Nantes and Rennes. The teams support families who have lost a loved one by organizing funeral with care and humanity. Administrative aspects to the design of a just and comforting ceremony, everything is taken care of so that the farewell is meaningful. The company is distinguished in the funeral sector by its approach centered on the wishes of families, a simplified offer and ultimately fair prices. Inmemori is a …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

29 14 10 41
BeMyApp BeMyApp

Building Communities That Ignite Change We are on a mission to build and engage communities that ignite change! BMA is the premier community engagement agency with the network, technology, and operational rigor to take your community-building events to the next level. Beyond its status as a world leader in hackathon organization, BeMyApp has been supporting its customers' digital transformation for 10 years. We are committed to accelerating the development of their innovations by animating internal and external communities around the world, through in-person, virtual, or hybrid events (conferences, webinars, hackathons, pop-up incubators, workshops, DevLabs, white label accelerator, etc). We support …

Type: Media Startup Activities: it services

91 18 80 38
CVE (Changing Visions of Energy) CVE (Changing Visions of Energy)

French IPP with affiliates in the United-States, Chile, South Africa and in Spain Created at the end of 2009, CVE is a French multi-energy, multi-country renewable energy producer. CVE develops, finances, builds and operates photovoltaic power plants, biogas units and hydrogen production units. Our vision is to produce renewable energy in a decentralised way and sell it locally to meet the needs of businesses, local authorities and the agricultural sector. CVE has been a mission-driven company since 2022, with a purpose driven by its teams: "Putting people and the planet at the center of tomorrow’s energy". With €866 million invested …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies Hydrogen

125 17 114 415
Jungle Coop Jungle Coop

Cooperate, the other jungle law Jungle Coop advises and supports organizations (very small businesses, SMEs, associations, foundations, endowment funds, communities) in their strategy and societal and environmental commitments. We help organizations that wish to meet major social, societal and environmental issues to design and implement their CSR strategies, patronage and general interest. We rely on agile methods, of collective intelligence, on our network of experts and our skills recognized in CSR and in support of social and solidarity economy organizations to guide you in the transformation of your organization. Mécénat, monitoring, studies and societal prospective, training, corporate social responsibility, ESS, …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

31 8 18 4
AirFund AirFund

The next generation Fund Distribution Platform for Private Markets AirFund simplifies the distribution of private markets funds and disintermediates relationships between actors all along the value chain Asset Management, Private Equity, SAAS, Private Markets, Digitalization, Capital Investissement, Feeder Funds, Tokenisation, Democratization, Private Debts, GPs, LPs, Infrastructure, Real Estate, Family Office, and Private Banks

Type: Startup Activities: fintech uxtech Technologies: Geolocation A.I. - Machine Learning

26 7 15 39
HomeExchange HomeExchange

The #1 worldwide home exchange community - Certified B Corporation - French #Next40 2020 HomeExchange is the global leader in home exchange vacations, offering authentic, affordable and more sustainable vacation opportunities for everyone. With more than 200,000 members across 155 countries, HomeExchange makes vacationing on a budget easy with a nominal annual membership fee, no hidden costs or cancellation fees and 24/7 assistance. In late 2021, HomeExchange's newest venture HomeExchange Collection was created, an exclusive community for like-minded travelers to meet, share, and exchange their luxury homes. Travel, Home Exchange, Hospitality, Collaborative Consumption, Sharing Economy, Digital TRavel, vacation, family travel, …

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

29 10 14 152
DoYouBuzz DoYouBuzz

Make a CV without taking the lead and pick up the job of your dreams. Doyoubuzz helps its users and customers to find the job of their dream. More than a million people today use our Doyoubuzz application to create a super CV without taking the lead. Our team of employment coaches also offers free conferences and coaching programs to master their job search from A to Z. In addition, IT service companies such as Agap2 or Davidson Consulting, labeled B-Corp and Great Place To Work use our professional solutions to allow their managers and consultants to be more efficient …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

10 4 5 13
Dataveyes Dataveyes

We reinvent interactions between humans and data. Dataveyes focuses on Human-Data interactions. We help people understand, operate and communicate their data. We translate data into experiences, to share narratives, support new uses, and make sense of a world increasingly shaped by algorithms. We design useful, relevant interfaces through our workflow, which revolve around both data and user needs. We connect users to data through interfaces: web and mobile applications, software, editorial content or creative installations. Our interfaces are a game changer, in that they introduce our clients to a strategy that makes the most out of data. Our core competencies …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

20 14 4 3
Teads Teads

Teads operates a leading, cloud-based, omnichannel platform that enables programmatic digital advertising across a global ecosystem of quality digital media. As an end-to-end solution, Teads’ modular platform allows partners to leverage buy-side, sell-side, creative, data and AI optimization technologies. For advertisers and their agencies, Teads offers a single access point to buy the inventory of many of the world’s best publishers and content providers. Through exclusive global media partnerships, Teads enables advertisers and agencies to reach billions of unique monthly users in brand safe, responsible advertising environments, while improving the effectiveness and efficiency of digital ad transactions. Teads partners with …

Type: Large company

85 30 43 1,339
Opera Opera

We’re bringing together teams of exceptionally talented people, compelled to create the best online experience. For 25 years, Opera has been at the forefront of building ideas, bringing together exceptional international teams of developers, coders, researchers, marketers, and support professionals. Our goal has always been to provide the best online experience on any device, leveraging our decades of experience and dedication to innovation. With more than 380 million engaged users worldwide, we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible. How do we do it? At Opera, we believe that success comes from sticking to our principles. We move quickly …

Type: Large company

34 8 10 2,177
European Professional Club Rugby (EPCR) European Professional Club Rugby (EPCR)

Where Extraordinary Happens EPCR is the organiser of the Investec Champions Cup and EPCR Challenge Cup. European tournament

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

14 8 1 55
Fintech Direct Fintech Direct

Writing, editing and media consultancy services. Fintech Direct was founded in October 2019 as a news site. It was revamped in May 2021 to offer writing, editing and media consultancy services.

Type: Media

21 1 19 1
John Deere John Deere

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never driven a tractor, mowed a lawn, or operated a dozer. With John Deere’s role in helping produce food, fiber, fuel, and infrastructure, we work for every single person on the planet. It all started nearly 200 years ago with a steel plow. Today, John Deere drives innovation in agriculture, construction, forestry, turf, power systems, and more. Agriculture, Construction, Forestry, Turf Care, Golf, and Technology

Type: Large company

95 31 6 51,018
Oil & Gas Council Oil & Gas Council

Engaging Energy Executives, Financiers and Investors Globally The Oil & Gas Council is the most senior and influential network of energy executives in the world. We connect oil, gas and energy executives, and in turn their companies, to each other and to their partners in the finance and investment worlds. Our network spans the global oil and gas value chain and comprises Members (individuals connecting into our network) and Partners (companies connecting into our network to promote themselves regionally or globally). We focus on the business dynamics of oil and gas; the pioneers, partnerships, capital, transactions, joint ventures and capex …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech fintech greentech

31 7 30 38
Bayerische Landesbank Bayerische Landesbank

As a streamlined specialised bank, BayernLB is a major investment financier for the Bavarian and German economy. We are committed to progress. Our customers – companies, financial institutions, investors, savings banks and the public sector – are at the centre of our sustainable approach. As a stable and financially strong bank with international activities, we work efficiently and think long-term. We have long-standing experience and in-depth knowledge of the sectors in which our customers operate. We understand their business challenges for the future, offer solutions that match their needs and are partners on an equal footing – always cultivating reliable …

Type: Large company

18 4 8 1,834
Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce

We make Greater Boston the best place for all businesses and all people to thrive. The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce is an independent, non-profit organization that is the convener, voice and advocate of our diverse and collaborative membership who drive the region’s success. We are committed to making Greater Boston the best place for businesses and individuals to thrive by convening the business community to connect and collaborate; shaping public policy with researched-based advocacy; and providing unique leadership programs that promote personal and organizational growth. Membership is at the corporate level, which means that if your employer is a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

49 7 57 81
Nordic APIs Nordic APIs

Smarter Tech Decisions Using APIs Nordic APIs s a network and a knowledge based community for API practitioners and enthusiasts, arranging conferences and events throughout the programming world. Nordic APIs provide knowledge and information designed to help organizations become more efficient, automated, and programmable through the use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Each year, a multi-day event is held in one of the Nordic capitals, and smaller events are run throughout the region and elsewhere all year long. Check our site for upcoming events, follow our blog and read our ebooks for expert advice on everything APIs. APIs, Hypermedia, Open …

Type: Event

12 3 9 9
Hellowork recruteur Hellowork recruteur

Our job stops where yours begins. Our job stops where yours begins. On this page, you will find tips, tutorials, interviews, webinars ... for business recruiters of all sizes. VSEs/SMEs, ETIs and large groups. HELLOWORK RECRUMOR is the reference page of the HR universe of the HELLOWORK GROUP, the 1st private employment player in France. Join the community! Dissemination of offers, CVTHèque, recruitment platform, application management tool, employer brand, HR programmatic, sourcing on social networks, recruitment events, and cooptation

Type: Media

29 3 27 N/A
Place de l'IT Place de l'IT

Découvrez Place de l'IT, "THE place to be"​ ! Le média pro qui décortique l'économie numérique. Découvrez Place de l'IT, le média pro qui décortique les technologies informatiques pour l'entreprise, l'économie numérique et l'innovation. News, interviews et dossiers, rejoignez les décideurs avides d'infos opérationnelles pour leurs projets IT, la transformation digitale et le business. Place de l'IT, "THE place to be"​ ! numerique, intelligence artificielle, transformation digitale, cloud, big data, blockchain, start-up, e-marketing, commerce digital, telecoms, adtech, internet, technologies, datacenter, fintech, deeptech, ecosysteme IT, stockage, ESN, french tech, mobilite, industrie 4.0, securite IT, innovation, plateforme, reseau social, ressources humaines, datascience, …

Type: Media

77 5 75 2
MadameMonsieur MadameMonsieur

The Expert Agency for Higher Education, Orientation and Trades. MadameMonsieur is not an agency like the others. Our strength is based on the convergence of all our business expertise: audit & amp; Advice, branding & amp; Brand strategy, press relations, digital strategy, audiovisual, commercial management strategy, editorial strategy & amp; edition, events. This unique alliance of perfectly complementary skills guarantees you visibility and weight wherever your audience is inquiring and thinking. Perfectly comfortable with all the specifics of your professions, our advice and our creativity refer. By also mastering the production of all the tools, we can take care of …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

24 5 18 45
Bleu de Prusse Bleu de Prusse

Du renfort pour les projets de transformation des professions du chiffre et du droit, et des collectivités publiques Service design boutique. On-demand innovation skills for professional services. 360 experience, with a passion for market analysis and implementation. We thrive in virtual or decentralized collaboration, and multicultural environments. Innovation, Change Management, and Market Intelligence

Type: SMB Activities: it services

18 1 14 1
Ville de Grande-Synthe Ville de Grande-Synthe

City in the north of France (59), Grande-Synthe is the second largest city in the territory of the Urban Community of Dunkirk. Known of many for its actions as part of the ecological transition, the city is also a haven of nature. The diversity, its dynamic associations, its industry and its actions for the inhabitants make Grande-Synthe an endearing city, an innovative city carried at every moment on the daily life of its inhabitants and its territorial influence. Ecological transition, guaranteed social minimum, culture, sport, and communication

Type: Public

8 4 2 174
Axome - Brand & Tech Agency | Groupe EDG Axome - Brand & Tech Agency | Groupe EDG

Brand & amp; Tech Agency The only Shopify Premier agency in France. Brand and Tech Agency Beyond a signature, "Brand & amp; Tech "is a real story. Our agency was built as an iterative process, rethinking each time the communication need for our customers to better decrypt it and optimize it. This is how creation joined graphic production and digital has integrated perfectly into our expertise. From now on, the tools, processes and technological solutions help make more fluid, more precise, faster the presence of brands that we support ... And we are committed to perpetuating this permanent watch for …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

7 0 4 109
Hoppen Hoppen

Time to care In 2018, Telecom Health evolves and became hoppen - time to care to support its own transformation. Since 2011, we have put our technological expertise at the service of health establishments thanks to a range of products and services designed, developed and controlled from start to finish (installation, supervision and evolutionary maintenance) by our teams. Global but personalized, our approach to the Digital Hospital, associated with our business know-how, allow you to calmly consider the implementation of innovative, simple and intuitive tailor-made solutions. With our solutions, we help all the players in the care path: - patients: …

Tags: FrenchTech120 FrenchTech2030 Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

90 17 82 237
ESCP Business School ESCP Business School

It all starts here ESCP Business School was founded in 1819, making it the world’s oldest business school. Throughout its 200-year history, ESCP has remained committed to educating accountable, bold and creative leaders who launch trends, bring new solutions and initiate the codes of tomorrow. ESCP’s six campuses in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin and Warsaw are the stepping stones that allow students to experience ESCP’s European approach to management grounded in multiculturalism. Every year, ESCP welcomes 11,000+ students and 6,000 managers from 136 different nationalities. Its strength lies in its many business training programmes, both general and specialised (Bachelor, …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

125 64 28 2,911

The SIACI SAINT HONORE Group is a key player in: • the protection of industrial risks, • international mobility, • employee benefits, HR strategy and total rewards. The firm currently boasts more than 2,500 employees worldwide. Courtage d'assurance, Conseil, gestion et formation, Assurances de personnes en France et à l’international, and Assurances des entreprises

Type: Large company

56 11 32 2,530
Audencia Audencia

Never Stop Daring - L'audace comme moteur de l'engagement de l'école À propos d’Audencia Fondée en 1900, Audencia se positionne parmi les meilleures Ecoles de Management européennes. Régulièrement classée dans les premiers rangs mondiaux par le Financial Times, elle est accréditée EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA et fait partie du cercle très fermé des Business Schools détenant cette triple accréditation. Première Ecole de Management en France à adhérer à l’initiative Global Compact des Nations Unies, signataire de leurs Principles of Responsible Management Education, Audencia s’est très tôt engagée à former & guider dans leur développement de futurs managers et entrepreneurs responsables. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech edtech fintech hrtech

153 43 117 1,129
Hove Hove

Data and Travellers, in rythms Hove puts data into action to boost shared mobility. 110 experts, data scientists, product owners, developers, devOps, urban planners, and project managers brought together to support public transport authorities and passengers with innovative digital products. The products developed are based on analysis and processing of mobility data and aim to improve the understanding of mobility within a local region, orientate the transport offer, track its performance and facilitate the journeys of passengers. Passenger information, Information voyageur, Calcul d'itinéraire multimodal, Trip planner, Mobile Application, Web services, Mobile ticketing, M-Ticketing, Responsive locomotion, Smart city, Open transport, Mobilité, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech smart city it services Technologies: Data Analytics

70 19 59 97
Ifpass Ifpass

The Reference Institute for Insurance Training Join our community on LinkedIn and stay connected! #Assurance #Courtage #MUTURE #banque The Training Institute for the Insurance Profession (IFPASS) is a training organization that has since 2008 provide training in the field of insurance. He was born from the merger between the Association for Teaching Insurance (AEA) and the qualifying training center adapt. IFPASS feeds the vocation of being the privileged partner of insurance players in order to develop with and for them, an offer of training and education adapted to their needs. It is in this desire to always meet the direct …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech insurtech

45 6 42 298
Formatys Formatys

The better living at work Created in 2003, Formatys is a consulting firm and training organization specializing in the prevention of psychosocial risks and the better living in business. In a globalized economic context, the acceleration of changes often leads to a loss of meaning for employees. To restore meaning to work, the company must register its change management in a more global project. Quality of life at work, management, health and well -being, customer relations, prevention of psychosocial risks, digital learning, change management, private life balance, CSR, QVT, and work and balance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: edtech fintech

5 2 3 9

AFPOLS develops the skills of people and structures involved in the field of social housing. Training, professionalization and development of skills at the service of housing actors Strategic positioning The main purpose of AFPOLS is the training and development of skills of people and structures involved in the field of social housing. To this end, the AFPOLS implements training, professionalization, support, advice, study or any other action which contributes to the development of the professionalism of social housing actors. AFPOLS's action is part of the habitat and living environment. It is intended for any natural or legal person who intervenes, …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

31 11 25 104
k-ciopé k-ciopé

Put UX, Tech and Data in conversation to meet your digital challenges. K-Ciopé is a firm specializing in digital with three complementary trades: UX, Tech and Data. * Our raison d'être is to support companies in their digital challenges, by putting UX, Tech and data in conversation. * Our mission is to put digital, in all its dimensions, at the service of humans. * Our commitment is to make K-Ciopé a place where everyone can give the best of himself. * Our responsibility is to make a frugal digital for a lasting world. Born from the wedding of ICP Consulting …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Image Processing

10 3 6 67
Chefsquare Chefsquare

Transmit culinary know-how with passion, joy and commitment Our ambition is to allow everyone to reconnect with homemade, for individuals and businesses, through cooking and pastry lessons in face -to -face or visio, immersion in restaurants, and professional training. In our workshops in Paris and Lyon, no less than 60 chef. FOLD, experts from all back, share accessible, joyful and committed cuisine. Labelized Ecotable and B-CORP certified, we are keen to transmit the right gestures in the kitchen: short circuit supply, organic and seasonal products, waste sorting, solidarity menu. Culinary events, cooking lessons, pastry lessons, oenological tastings, team building, companies, …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

4 3 1 35
Cofidis Business Solutions Cofidis Business Solutions

Fractional payment specialist | Web • Point of sale • omnichannel | Expert in credit and payment split since 1982, Cofidis has supported more than 10,000 merchants and e-merchants in the implementation of digital and omnichannel solutions that put the customer experience and the best of technology at the heart of purchasing routes and at the service of French projects. Innovative, efficient and secure, the solutions offered by Cofidis improve the purchasing experience of its partners; They thus contribute to the development of their sales and the acceleration of their business. With the widest range of fractional payment solutions and …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

65 8 57 140

Communication house Corporate / Luxury / Real Estate Corporate / Luxury / Real Estate We take care to listen carefully, Because convictions are only worth if they are part of a shared path. We take care of our collective, Because it is the cornerstone of our ability to be inspired and inspiring. We take care of everyone's ideas, Because the most fragile of them can cause the most powerful achievements. We take care of our creations, From their genesis to their materialization, because they are an essential condition for your successes. We take care of you, Because our role is …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting martech

30 0 31 51
Truffle Capital Truffle Capital

More than an investor, an ecosystem Founded in 2001, Truffle Capital is an independent, European venture capital firm focused on disruptive technologies in IT (FinTech and InsurTech) and Life Sciences (BioTech and MedTech). Truffle Capital aims to support the creation and growth of young innovative companies with the potential to become tomorrow’s market leaders. Chaired by Patrick Kron, alongside the company’s founders and CEOs, Philippe Pouletty and Bernard-Louis Roques, Truffle Capital raised over $1.1 billion and has supported over 75 companies since its creation, in the digital technologies and life sciences sectors. At the end of 2017, Truffle Capital successfully …

Type: Incubators & VCs Activities: fintech

75 23 45 49
Athling Athling

Energy and committed professionals for the success of your development and transformation projects Do you want to develop more value, make your value chain efficient to better capture it, optimize value sharing? Let's talk about it! Athling has been working for more than 20 years on missions to banks and actors specializing in financing the economy: strategic plan, market research, income development, offer (products, services, pricing), research and implementation partnerships, value chain optimization, information system, etc. Athling has supported, since its creation in December 2000, banks and specialized establishments on development or processing projects. Our profession of advisory to general …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting fintech

33 4 29 11
AgroParisTech AgroParisTech

Talents of a sustainable planet Agroparisech is the Institute of Sciences and Industries of the Living and Environment, under the supervision of the Ministries in charge of Agriculture and Higher Education. Actor of higher education and research, this major reference establishment at the international plan is aimed at the major issues of the 21ses: nourishing men by sustainably managing territories, preserving natural resources, promoting innovations and integrating bioeconomy. The establishment forms by relying on research and its links to professional circles of executives, engineers, doctors and managers, in the field of living and environment, by deploying an engineer course, a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

84 17 37 1,027
Eficiens Eficiens

Our know-how & GT; Site redesign, quote-sous-writing route & amp; Customer-adherent spaces Partner of insurers, we create intuitive digital solutions: efficient websites, optimized customer spaces and user routes that transform the experience. Our know-how - Creation and redesign of brand site - Quote-sous-writing course, UX, benchmark - Creation of insured sites / members / customers The team - an ecosystem of 32 major professionals Experts Insurance - A DG with 20 years of experience in the field, Francis Mahut - 3 Directors in Technical, Media and Projects Our values - a signature "the digital agency which ensures ✔︎" which says …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech martech Technologies: Data Analytics

93 5 86 27

Get your time. The world has become complex, companies are constantly changing and the time compact everything. To cope with the excitement of our time, we help companies regain control of time with the aim of being the right business with the right speech, to each audience, every moment and each media. We are developing strategies and brands around corporate, HR and BtoB issues. Our customers are companies (of all sizes), institutions, schools and start-ups around information, membership, recruitment, acquisition, commitment ... In 2018, we supported more than 200 customers with our 150 employees, for a turnover of 40 million …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

121 36 99 185

IDTGV, it's an unprecedented way to consider traveling according to your desires! Do you like tranquility?So choose Idzen! You prefer conviviality, you are done for Idzap! You like to party ... Discover iDnight! Specificities: & gt;A 100% Internet offer with innovative services (reservation, purchase of services, placement, ticket printing, exchanges ...) & gt;A call price of 19 € accessible to customers who anticipate their departure & gt;The choice of its travel atmosphere (Idzen / Idzap / iDnight). e-commerce and it

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce it services

7 6 0 25
Croix-Rouge française à Marseille Croix-Rouge française à Marseille

Official account of the French Red Cross in Marseille. For almost 150 years, the 500 volunteers of the French Red Cross in Marseille have continued their mobilization to retreat precariousness and rescue the population. Their dynamism and their commitment allow the French Red Cross to carry out many missions, including a large number of social actions. More than 30,000 people are thus helped each year. Follow our news on social networks: @crfmarseille Social, humanitarian, emergency, and first actions

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

7 2 3 21

COLLIOURE is a computer software company based out of Postboks 736 Nymoen, KONGSBERG, Kongsberg, Norway.

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: SaaS

2 2 0 2
Wiko Wiko

By breaking established codes, WIKO has quickly asserted itself as a recognized brand in the world of mobile telephones and accessories. Driven by the desire to offer its customers products that make their everyday life easier, WIKO, the number 2 player in France, pursues its rapid deployment throughout the world, operating in more than 30 countries. A pure concentration of bold, imaginative and out-of-the-ordinary personalities bursting with vitality, WIKO is above all a culture, an inspiration, a French-style vision. At WIKO, there are people, personal stories, different career paths, a project in which humans are at the heart of all …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

18 8 4 277
Ellistat Ellistat

The Industry of tomorrow We create innovative quality software to advance your company's know-how and control your processes. With us, aim for operational excellence ! logiciel statistique, plan d'expérience, analyses statistiques, statistiques de production, pilotage des machines outils, SPC, APC, Six Sigma, Lean, and Contrôle Réception

Type: Startup Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: SaaS

10 4 7 21
Caroline Dujardin Caroline Dujardin

🇵🇲🇫🇷⚓️✒️📒 Founder Editions My other France® @monautrefrance #saintpierreetmiquelon #overseas member #bpw

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

16 0 15 N/A
Inspeere Inspeere

Together, protect otherwise Access your data, whatever happens. Inspeere is a company offering the only computer backup solution distributed for companies and organizations at a single price regardless of the amount of data. Inspeere's solution is based on many years of research within the I3S laboratory, UMR CNRS. backup, data backup, data protection, and cybersecurity

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

33 13 22 8