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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
Unapei Unapei

For a united and inclusive society Commit to living together Created in 1960, Unapei is a French associative movement representing the interests of people with disabilities and their families. Unapei and its affiliated associations work together for the real effectiveness of the rights of people with disabilities and their families. They take their needs into consideration and build appropriate responses with them. Unapei campaigns for an inclusive and united society. Unapei and its associations represent all people who have a global delay in acquisitions and a limitation of adaptive capacities and who have lasting difficulties in representing themselves, whether it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

58 23 35 364
INRS France INRS France

Occupational risk prevention: follow the latest news from INRS The National Institute for Research and Safety (INRS) for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases works to serve 2.2 million companies and 18.4 million employees covered by the general social security system. From acquiring knowledge to disseminating it, the Institute uses its multidisciplinary resources to preserve health and safety at work, deploy a culture of prevention in companies and propose responses adapted to the diversity of occupational risks. Its action is structured around four complementary modes of action: studies and research, assistance, training and information-communication. Created in 1947 under the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

31 17 16 689
Odysséa Organisation Odysséa Organisation

Together we are even stronger Between running, walking, smiles and conviviality, Odysséa supports the fight against breast cancer 🎀 All year long our 3,500 volunteers, partners and local supporters mobilize throughout France and Overseas to offer you beautiful pink waves! Accessible to all 🏃🏃‍♀️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, we invite you to one of our stopover cities to experience a strong moment of solidarity as a team, colleagues, family or friends 🤝 To find out everything about our events ➡️ You have questions about group and business participation ➡️ Find us on: Instagram: @odyssea_fr Facebook: #ensembleonestencoreplusfort Sports Events, Fundraising, and Running

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech

102 81 19 10
microDON microDON

Give a little, more often 🤝 microDON is an ESUS-approved and B-Corp-certified startup that offers companies concerned about their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) innovative solutions to facilitate corporate solidarity engagement. These participatory mobilization and patronage tools help to unite the company and its stakeholders (customers, employees) around a common project and thus make solidarity engagement a real lever for overall performance in the company. Patronage, Solidarity mobilization, Donation engineering, Fundraising, Engagement, Solidarity, HR, Retail, Time donation, Salary donation, Cash donation, Distribution brand, Fundraising, and Solidarity

Type: Startup Activities: civictech fintech hrtech

89 41 69 44

Creator of BUDDY 🤖, the First AI Emotional Robot Blue Frog Robotics is a market leader in Social Robotics providing high value, #Robotsforgood, to the Elderly, Fragile Children, Education System (supplier of the French Government) and international Events or Hospitality focused businesses. Blue Frog Robotics is the developer of Buddy, the world's first AI Emotional Robot, that has captured the affection of tens of thousands of people around the world. Buddy is built on an open based platform (Android SDK) and was conceived with the premise that it will become indispensable for all members of a household, much like today’s …

Type: Startup Activities: kidtech silvertech deeptech Technologies: Robotics Affective Computing A.I. IoT Generative A.I.

126 47 100 20

Équipementier Français pour la valorisation des biodéchets. GreenCREATIVE is a French cleantech industry, specialized in delivering innovative solutions to optimize waste sorting and processing. So far, two lines of product have been designed and are now manufactured in its own factory. - R3D3 Dedicated to public spaces and workspaces, R3D3 is a smart and connected recycling bin able to automatically sort and compact disposable cups, plastic bottles and cans. - FLEXIDRY Designed for the industrial sector, FLEXIDRY is a food waste depackaging equipment. The machine removes all type of packaging from the food waste in order to recover the organic …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

18 9 10 19

Never Stop Sharing The first healthcare platform dedicated to sharing knowledge and experience between healthcare players. #health #medicaleducation French startup created in 2016, Invivox has allowed more than 44,000 healthcare professionals to be trained in 2020. Our primary mission: To democratize and facilitate access to knowledge in healthcare to improve the quality of patient care worldwide. Our vision: To become the reference for knowledge sharing between healthcare players. If you would like to know more about our offer, visit: #NeverStopSharing e-medecine, Medical Training, In Situ Training, Digital Health, e-health, Training inside the OR, Medical Education, Medical Mentoring, Peer to …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech edtech Technologies: SaaS

38 21 17 59
Shift Technology Shift Technology

AI-powered insurance decision automation and optimization Shift Technology delivers AI decisioning solutions to benefit the global insurance industry and its customers. Our products enable insurers to automate and optimize decisions from underwriting to claims, resulting in superior customer experiences, increased operational efficiency, and reduced costs. The future of insurance starts with Decisions Made Better. Learn more at Mathematics, Computer Science, Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Insurance

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Startup Activities: it services deeptech insurtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

66 27 39 550
Steeple Steeple

Help your teams feel 100% onboard thanks to our phygital internal communications solution Steeple is a phygital internal communications solution that allows companies to involve their teams and create links between employees. By digitizing companies' paper notice boards using large touch screens, Steeple makes information accessible to everyone, including the least connected employees. The solution is also available via web and mobile applications. With Steeple, employees no longer miss any company news! Simple and very intuitive, the solution allows you to better communicate throughout the life of your company: ✓ New arrivals ✓ Promotions and developments ✓ New contracts ✓ …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

25 16 11 115
Goodeed Goodeed

Goodeed, la publicité à impacts positifs ✊ Goodeed is a new website that allows people to plant trees, send vaccines or offer meals FOR FREE by simply connecting to the Goodeed website ( and watching twenty seconds of entertaining ads. The money generated by the ad pays for your donation, which goes toward a highly respected and trustworthy NGO such as World Food Programme, UNICEF, WWF, We Forest, and many more. Goodeed is a community that believes in taking action to make the world a better a place. Advertising, NGO, Donations, Communities, Activism, Philanthropy, Social actions, Communication, and Impact

Type: Startup Activities: martech

57 21 39 23
Ad Scientiam Ad Scientiam

Better data for better care At the heart of Ad Scientiam's project is a conviction: measuring and monitoring the evolution of serious and disabling diseases on a continuous basis and in real life is essential for better management. We make visible these evolutions, until now undetectable, through the design and clinical validation of digital biomarkers. This scientific and technological challenge should enable each patient to be an active participant in their own illness and allow healthcare professionals to offer more individualized and therefore more efficient care. Ad Scientiam thus participates in the development of future treatments and in reducing the …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech consulting it services Technologies: Data Analytics

23 12 12 62
BioSerenity BioSerenity

Connected & integrated neurosciences. Brain monitoring & remote diagnostic BioSerenity develops connected medical solutions to help diagnose and monitor patients with chronic diseases in neurology, sleep disorders and cardiology. We use physiological sensors, an IoT platform, apps and A.I. to detect digital biomarkers. We work with more than 200 hospitals in Europe and in the USA and help diagnose over a hundred thousand patients per year. Our headquarter is in Paris, France. The US main office is located in greater Boston area (Danvers) in Massachusetts. Medical Devices, e-Health, Neurology, Smart Clothing, Mobile Diagnostics, Sleep, Research, EEG, Polysomnography, Sleep diagnostic, and …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech biotech Technologies: A.I.

51 28 23 272

Motivational conferences "active life after 50" "Ambition and women" and individual motivational career advice Motivational conferences "Active life after 50" "Ambition and Women" #ambition and #second part of career by Frédérique Cintrat Author and CEO - individual and motivational career advice tel: 0622678404 conferences, professional development, ambition, mentoring, and career advice

Type: Startup Activities: entrepreneurship

47 13 38 1
AlloVoisins AlloVoisins

Services and Equipment Rental AlloVoisins is the largest French marketplace dedicated to services and equipment rental, bringing together a community of more than 4 million members, including 300,000 professionals, who generate 1.2 million requests posted per year. From requests for troubleshooting or personal services to the most complex work, including equipment rental, AlloVoisins allows you to activate all the professionals and residents nearby, who are likely to meet any type of need, in just a few minutes. A trusted intermediary, our marketplace promotes above all a win/win approach by relying on the residents and professionals of our neighborhoods. Driven daily …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

17 10 5 42

Raise your mobile applications up to your business goals GREENSPECTOR is the editor of the first solution dedicated to energy efficiency for mobile and IoT applications. The suite allows IT teams to lower the consumption of energy and resources of software that they make or integrate. Battery life is extended, performances are improved and user experience is enhanced. GREENSPECTOR is used by major companies in Europe and Asia to improve the efficiency of their mobile services, for end users or their own fleet of devices. GREENSPECTOR is the only tool to empower developers with the ability to measure the consumptions …

Type: Startup Activities: it services cleantech greentech Technologies: Batteries IoT

108 26 92 16
Lili smart Lili smart

Editeur de logiciels innovants en santé pour les personnes fragiles et leurs aidants Lili Smart is the first app dedicated to families accompanying a dependent close parent. It makes their daily life easier and allow them to look over the loved serenely. Designed with families, associations and professionals, Lili smart was been developped to meet 3 needs: • Anticipate risky situations and protect, • Stimulate and help autonomy, • Organize and communicate between caregivers. Our solution is composed by 3 elements: • An app dedicated to family caregivers to stimulate, be alerted in case of behavior changes, shared data, communicate …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech consumer services silvertech Technologies: Sensors IoT

24 16 10 8
Greenscope Greenscope

Where ESG can be leveraged. Greenscope is a greentech helping companies and financial institutions to manage their CSR/ESG approach with a SaaS platform and ESG consulting. Greenscope supports investors and companies in their 360° environmental transition process: - ESG reporting & CSR diagnosis - EU Taxonomy reporting & CSRD/SFDR reporting - Carbon & biodiversity footprint From data collection to sustainable actions, Greenscope is the ESG monitoring solution for companies and investors. reporting, ESG, Sustainable Finance, and RSE

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fintech greentech Technologies: SaaS Data Analytics

42 18 25 44
Diffly Diffly

B2B companies ignore the real reasons why they win or lose a deal. Start knowing why! Diffly is the European win-loss analysis automation platform for B2B companies. Diffly allows you to understand the exact reasons why you win or lose deals and improve up to 50% your win rates thanks to: - Regular feedback (because it’s automated) - Actionable insights (because it’s based on decision drivers) - Reliable data (because we are a neutral third party) Through the combination of SaaS technology & high value services, we reveal the true stories behind every deal. Win smarter, not harder. win-loss analysis, …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: A.I.

10 2 8 12
Gottaphish Gottaphish

Startup - Phishing Innovation Unleashed Custom phishing campaigns generated by IA Gottaphish is a turnkey platform that allows you to raise awareness of phishing attacks through campaigns automatically created based on your everyday tools! The game-changer in the realm of phishing. We are dedicated to redefining the fight against phishing attacks through our relentless pursuit of cutting-edge innovation. With our comprehensive suite of advanced solutions, we empower organizations to stay ahead of cyber threats and protect their valuable assets by their employees with our phishing simulation platform. Phishing

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

13 4 2 3
115K 115K

The VC fund of La Banque Postale 115K is the VC Fund of La Banque Postale (11th EU bank-insurance group). €150m AUM | First tickets €0,5-5m | Seed, Series A, Series B | Focus on Financial Services (FinTech, InsurTech, Cybersecurity, AI, Data...) fintech, assurtech, cybersécurité, insurtech, AI, IA, Climat, climate, regtech, venture, VC, and data

Type: Incubators & VCs

34 12 30 13
Portage Portage

We empower entrepreneurs reshaping financial services. Portage is a global investment platform focused on fintech and financial services. Our team partners with ambitious companies across all stages, providing flexible capital and deliver a global network of investors, commercial partners, advisors and value creation experts. With deep industry knowledge and entrepreneurial experience, Portage is committed to supporting the leaders who are reshaping financial services. A full list of portfolio companies is available at: Fintech, financial services, asset management, and venture capital

Type: Incubators & VCs

33 9 11 65
Association des Assureurs Mutualistes Association des Assureurs Mutualistes

United in our diversity! The Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (AAM) brings together French mutual insurance companies. Its mission is to promote the interests of mutual insurers at national, European and international levels... It offers its members a space for sharing and debating any topic specific to the world of mutual insurance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

25 5 23 5
Matrice Matrice

At the crossroads of worlds, innovation is born Created in 2016, Matrice is a technological and social innovation center that thinks, operates and supports projects committed to a fairer, more efficient and sustainable world. Both a training organization and incubator, a research and innovation laboratory, a place of creation and artistic residency, Matrice breaks free from classic dividing lines to seek answers at the crossroads of worlds, where human progress and technology converge. Our detailed programs on our website training, innovation, entrepreneurship, co-creation, agroecology, ESS, association, arts and crafts, digital, IT development, Financing, technology, deeptech, incubation, artificial intelligence, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

74 12 68 69
FAIR - Label Finansol FAIR - Label Finansol

FAIR aspires to an economy that places people at the center of their development and acts in France and internationally The Finansol association, a collective of solidarity finance stakeholders, aims to promote solidarity savings and solidarity finance. Please note, we have noticed that malicious people are pretending to be Finansol or one of its managers by sending fraudulent emails: this is identity theft, Finansol is not a financing organization.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

108 38 85 59
STOA Infra & Energy STOA Infra & Energy

Progress Builder STOA is an impact investment fund, financing and supporting the development of sustainable and resilient infrastructure for future generations in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Its mission contributes to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Investment Management, Infrastructure, Project Finance, Renewable Energy, Power, Transportation, Telecommunications, and PPP

Type: Incubators & VCs

28 4 22 40
Don en Confiance Don en Confiance

Our label guarantees donors the proper use of their donation Le Don en Confiance is an independent association that awards a label to associations and foundations that appeal to public generosity (donations, legacies and other gifts). This label certifies that these organizations respect criteria of transparency, efficiency, probity, and respect for the donor. Thanks to rigorous and continuous monitoring, the Don en Confiance label is a point of reference and a guarantee for donors and the general public. non-profit sector, ethics, appeal to public generosity, and control

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

22 4 19 55

Neutral and independent organization. Our mission: citizen participation and mobilization in the service of society is a neutral and independent organization whose mission is to involve citizens and mobilize the entire civil society to positively transform society. We have developed a method of massive consultation, capable of reaching several million people: - We initiate citizen consultations to respond to the key issues of society (the “Great Causes”): fight against violence against women and children, allow everyone to eat better, have access to culture, act for the environment and for the territories, give a chance to each young person, take …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

158 79 114 66
Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France Entreprendre Pour Apprendre / JA France

Dare to be an entrepreneur of your life Entreprendre pour Apprendre France is a federation of 16 regional associations that develop the entrepreneurial spirit in young people aged 9 to 25 in order to make them actors in their social and professional futures. Our approach is centered on the collective project. Our programs are based on an educational alliance between supervisors and mentors where each brings their knowledge, interpersonal skills and know-how to develop the skills of young people, in a mode of animation, governance and organization of a collaborative, cooperative and participatory type. Our courses are based on a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

126 22 105 8
Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises

The network of actors who act for a responsible company. The CSR Observatory is a multi-stakeholder association that supports companies' CSR strategies. Orse is chaired by Hélène Valade. Orse is a member of the CSR Platform, CSR Europe, and the Institute of Sustainable Finance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

113 28 98 16
Chateau Royal Amboise Chateau Royal Amboise

Share the emotion of kings - Share French king's emotion Burial place of Leonardo da Vinci and palace of the kings of France during the Renaissance, the royal castle of Amboise is one of the great French heritage sites, and one of the must-sees of a tourist stay in the Loire Valley. The castle is open every day of the year (except 25/12 and 01/01). Guided tour possible in FRA, GB, GER, ITA, ESP and POR. Visit with 3D technology "HistoPad" offered in 12 languages ​​(FRA, GB, ITA, ESP, GER, POR, NED, RUS, POL, CHI, KOR). Self-guided tour with visit …

Type: Event

11 5 8 18
Synapse Medicine Synapse Medicine

Achieving Medication Success with Clinical Decision Support At Synapse Medicine, we believe in medication success, and are dedicated to creating the technology that makes it possible for everyone. To achieve this goal, we have built an extensive global knowledge base for medication using algorithms to ensure the most reliable, up-to-date data. On the front-end, Synapse Medicine provides a SaaS platform and UI components that are used to prescribe, dispense, and manage medications across the entire patient journey. Synapse is working with world-leading hospitals and digital health companies in the United States, Europe, and Japan to transform today’s medication regimens into …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

51 20 31 83
Keen Eye by Tribun Health Keen Eye by Tribun Health

Computational pathology at scale Keen Eye is the AI platform company that elevates computational pathology to guide better drug development and diagnostics. *** Keen Eye has recently been acquired by Tribun Health*** Tribun Health powers the digital transformation of cancer diagnosis by designing innovative AI-based solutions to enable the management, analysis and sharing of pathology images for diagnostic labs, pharmaceutical and CRO companies. Please also check the Tribun Health website: Image analysis, Computational biology, Biotechnology, Deep Learning, Digital Pathology, Artificial Intelligence, Immuno-oncology, Inflammatory diseases, Life Sciences, Image analysis, Biomarker Quantification, Platform, and Drug development

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech biotech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Image Processing

8 5 4 10
YesWeHack YesWeHack

Global Bug Bounty & Vulnerability Management Platform YesWeHack is a leading Bug Bounty and Vulnerability Management Platform. Founded by ethical hackers in 2015, YesWeHack connects organisations worldwide to tens of thousands of ethical hackers, who uncover vulnerabilities in websites, mobile apps, connected devices and digital infrastructure. Bug Bounty programs benefit from in-house triage, personalised support, a customisable model and results-based pricing. Clients include Tencent, Swiss Post, Orange France and the French Ministry of Armed Forces. The YesWeHack platform offers a range of integrated, API-based solutions: Bug Bounty (crowdsourcing vulnerability discovery); Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (creating and managing a secure channel for …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity IoT

72 20 51 375
Glanceable Glanceable

Customer Review Insights at a Glance Glanceable is a leading SAAS provider that specializes in aggregating and analyzing vast amounts of reviews and comments with advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques. We consolidate both your public sources (Yelp, Tripadvisor, Facebook, etc.) and private/internal datasets onto a unified platform. Leveraging state-of-the-art technology and unique features, we empower you to sift through the clutter, identifying key customer insights and pain points. Our platform offers tailored analytics, whether you're examining global, regional, or local perspectives. Each client's experience is custom-fitted, and your feedback drives continuous improvements, ensuring your goals are always within reach.

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Natural Language Processing Generative A.I.

15 2 10 28
D'un Seul Geste D'un Seul Geste

First aid & fire safety training in virtual reality #TechforGood D’un Seul Geste designs first aid & fire safety training in virtual reality for employees of companies and communities. Our innovation reduces training time to one hour per learner and allows effective memorization of reflex actions. training, first aid, virtual reality, VR, SST, first aid, tech for good, life-saving actions, fire safety, fire, PPE, professional training, and QVT

Type: Startup Activities: civictech edtech Technologies: VR

65 16 52 25
Urban Practices Urban Practices

Urban Practices : Your Innovative Partner for Smart and Sustainable Buildings and Territories Welcome to the world of Urban Practices, your consultancy dedicated to supporting the digital transition of buildings and territories. As specialists in project management assistance (PMA) at the crossroads of building, urban and digital cultures, we are the ideal partner to turn your ambitions into reality. Our areas of expertise : 1. Smart Building Project Management : We support you from design to implementation and operation of the digital component of your building project: needs assesment, value-added services and data, digital infrastructure, cybersecurity... we're with you every …

Type: Startup Activities: it services smart city Technologies: IoT Sensors

28 8 18 9
Feelobject Feelobject

And matter becomes meaning... Virtuoz, mobility at your fingertips. OUR MISSION Create objects with strong social utility and in particular, give the visually impaired and blind people the freedom to choose their path and move independently, with #Virtuoz. Always innovate... ‹ To stay at the forefront of innovation and constantly bring more value to its customers, Feelobject maintains a technological watch and creates partnerships with universities, research institutes and manufacturers. ‹ We also invest in Research & Development to improve the independent mobility of people with disabilities and reduce our impact on the environment. Societal footprint ‹ Manufacturing is exclusively …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing smart city transporttech Technologies: Decarbonization

53 22 31 5
HypnoVR HypnoVR

Treating pain and anxiety differently. HypnoVR is a medical device combining the benefits of medical hypnosis with virtual reality. Designed by two anesthesiologists and hypnotists with more than 15 years of experience, HypnoVR has demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of pain and anxiety through 15 clinical studies (postoperative length of stay divided by 3.57 and 45% reduction in morphine consumption). HypnoVR is a simple and quick tool for health professionals, especially those specialized in anesthesia, surgery and dental surgery. It complies with the hygiene standards of health institutions and medical practices: HypnoVR adapts to your care organization with a …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech biotech deeptech Technologies: Sensors VR

36 18 22 35
Geekzie Geekzie

Geekzie promotes digital inclusion and reinvents home help by focusing on intergenerational. Our concept: Students carefully selected for their technical skills and interpersonal skills go to people's homes to train them in digital technology. It is possible to order a course for yourself or for a loved one, online or by phone. Geekzie innovates with its intergenerational approach, but also with its accessibility: €30/h. Our students find a small job that is socially and economically rewarding with courses paid at least €15/h. Personal services, Technology, Buying advice, Installation, and Training

Type: Startup Activities: consumer services

4 2 1 0
Qualitadd Qualitadd

Pioneering SaaS provider 🇫🇷 to drive governance in organisations #data #risks #control #audit Founded in 2016, Qualitadd is a French software publisher specializing in innovative digital solutions for Data & Risk Intelligence. Experts in data governance and quality, as well as risk management, internal control, and audit, our technology is designed to be powerful and inclusive, enabling diverse stakeholders to collaborate and meet a wide range of business and regulatory challenges. With 40 employees spread across Paris, Barcelona, and Casablanca, Qualitadd is a market leader, trusted by over 50 organizations such as CNP Assurances, Bpifrance, Covéa, Carrefour, and Groupama. We …

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

12 1 12 33
K-Ryole The Smart last-mile Vehicle K-Ryole The Smart last-mile Vehicle

The best TCO and delivering efficiency for the urban last miles logistic, carbon-free. We are at the forefront of innovating last-mile delivery solutions with cutting-edge electric cargo trailers. The company's innovative approach combines the efficiency and eco-friendliness of bicycles with the practicality of cargo transportation. Mobilité durable, Logistique du dernier kilomètre, Véhicule électrique, BTP, Greentech, Technologie d'annulation d'effort, Intelligence embarquée, and Conception et industrialisation en France

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech constructiontech greentech manufacturing cleantech Technologies: Batteries

54 32 18 40
Five Lives Five Lives

Add Life to Years. We build Digital Therapeutics for better risk assessment & prevention of dementia. Five Lives is a Digital Therapeutics start-up developing “Five Lives”, a direct-to-consumer brain health mobile app to help everyone measure and reduce their risk of dementia through an improved lifestyle.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

16 9 8 24
London TechWatch London TechWatch

The most trusted publication focused exclusively on the London Technology ecosystem, startups, and venture. London TechWatch is the destination for startup news; opinions and reviews; investment and product information; events reported, experienced, seen, heard and overheard here in London.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

52 1 50 1
Working With Cancer Working With Cancer

Changing the conversation about work & cancer. Supporting employers & employees with coaching, training & consultancy. Working With Cancer exists to help people with cancer to return to, or remain in, work. We offer training and consultancy to employers, equipping HR and managers with the knowledge and understanding to effectively manage cancer in the workplace. And we offer one-to-one support to individuals coping with cancer too. Services we offer: + One-to-one coaching and advice for employees and carers affected by cancer, helping them to deal with the psychological and physical effects of cancer. + A wide variety of training workshops …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

8 3 6 13
Primonial Partenaires Primonial Partenaires

Société du Groupe PRIMONIAL dedicated to wealth management advisers. Primonial company dedicated to CGP, Primonial Partners has been evolving for more than 20 years to the rhythm of the profession, seeking to always adapt its offer of products and services to the objectives, requirements and constraints of its partners. In order to be in line with the reality of their work, Primonial Partners offers CGP a double offer. • Primonial Solutions, designer of solutions Historical platform, Primonial Solutions offers an exclusive and qualified range and covers all the problems of wealth management. The products are selected from the largest signatures …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech proptech Technologies: Geolocation SaaS

21 4 17 35
WWF-France WWF-France

Our mission: to act on a daily basis for the preservation of a living planet. WWF, the World Environmental Protection Organization. WWF France leads around fifty field projects in France, Mediterranean and Alpine regions in priority and in the overseas territories, in particular in Guyana and New Caledonia. More than 220,000 donors and 2,500 volunteers support its action. Let us act together now to offer our children a living planet. Discover the missions of WWF France on Become a fan of wwf France on Follow our acts in real time on Twitter @wwffrance Discover our living rivers report: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

112 67 45 232
Ville d'Issy-les-Moulineaux Ville d'Issy-les-Moulineaux

Official page of the city of Issy-les-Moulineaux | Municipality of Hauts-de-Seine (92) A perpetual movement, Issy-les-Moulineaux shows determination and daring in all its projects. Under the leadership of its mayor André Santini, Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine), 70,000 inhabitants, has become an active digital pole in France but also internationally. Avant-garde, with the presence of innovative companies (Microsoft, Capgemini, Orange or Nestlé France), Issy-les-Moulineaux has risen to the foreground of "smart cities" in the world. This is the only French city to have been classified three times in the intelligent communities top 7. Its credo: to put new technologies at the service of …

Type: Public

82 41 47 280
Une Monnaie pour Paris : la Pêche Une Monnaie pour Paris : la Pêche

Thinking global and acting local: fishing, Local Ile -de -France currency! Since May 2018, the Association Un Currency for Paris: the mission is to circulate the local currency Fisheries in Paris. This local currency was born in 2014 in Montreuil, its name comes from the traditional walls of peaches in the region. Relocation, ecology, solidarity and democracy are the four values ​​of the local currency, and the businesses and services that share them can join the fishing network, composed of other committed professionals and individuals who wish to transform their means of payment by means of acting. local trade, environment, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

4 1 1 2

Building by sport. UCPA National Union of Outdoor Sports Centers "45 years of passion at the service of sport and youth" The UCPA is a 1901 law non -profit association created in 1965. It is a unity of associations unique in France, made up of legal persons. It is administered by the public authorities, including the ministries in charge of health, youth, sports and community life, local authorities as well as by the major French youth and French education movements, which ensure them alternately the presidency, and by the main sports federations of outdoor sports. The UCPA association registers its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

50 22 23 1,963

Act for the success of the academic journey and the professional integration of young people with disabilities Tremplin Handicap is a national association of general non -profit interest. With its network of nearly 150 partner employers, we want to contribute to a more inclusive company which gives a place for each young person with disabilities. How ? By promoting their academic success and their professional integration that meets their potential. It is thanks to individual support that is part of time, as well as many collective workshops that we contribute to the development of qualification, preparation for employment and professional …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

102 22 88 19
Canalchat Grandialogue Canalchat Grandialogue

Créateur d'interactivité en direct Create live dialogue between CEO's and stakeholders, brands and consumers, leaders and followers. Webchat, Webcast, Streaming, Live, Dialogue, Interactivité, Vidéo, Evénementiel, Webinar, Webconférence, Communication, Communication interne, Tchat, Chat, Conversation, Engagement, En direct, Corporate, Diffusion live, Interactif, and Studio TV

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

19 0 19 31
CFDP Protection Juridique Indépendante CFDP Protection Juridique Indépendante

CFDP Legal Protection, trusted partner of brokers CFDP independent legal protection, trusted partner of brokers. Relational proximity, legal expertise, independence, intermedied distribution, territorial anchoring are the pillars of CFDP. We provide an adapted and innovative response to our brokers and distributor partners within our 30 delegations. Legal protection

Type: SMB Activities: it services legaltech

10 0 8 252
Sfil Sfil

At the service of territories and exports 9th French bank, SFIL supports territories and major French exporters to provide them with access to the best conditions of market financing. Integrating SFIL is part of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations group (CDC). To get involved in our activities is to contribute to the influence of a public development bank on a human scale. Created in 2013, SFIL was entrusted with two major public policy missions by the French State: • Sustainably finance local communities and French public hospitals, in partnership with Banque Postale, which allows us to play a key …

Type: Incubators & VCs

52 9 42 404
Réseau Twiza Réseau Twiza

Mutual aid and professionals of healthy housing Twiza is the social network of ecological and participative housing in France

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 1 2 15
Prizle Prizle

Online solidarity shopping services

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

8 6 5 3
Premier Pas Premier Pas

Handicap: lever for innovation and creativity for the company What would happen if our managers of tomorrow knew how to enhance all the talents of our societies? While they represent 8.4% of job seekers, people with disabilities experienced an unemployment rate that reaches 19%, more than double the average rate of national unemployment in 2016. The first -step association was created by two students; Laure d'Harcourt (Edhec) and Lea Hardouin (Sciences Po Paris). We believe that difference is not an obstacle to entrepreneurship and can on the contrary be creative of value and source of innovation. This is evidenced by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

2 1 1 2
Plan International France Plan International France

NGOs that act alongside #Filles and Children to enforce their rights. Commit yourself for equality! Member of the International Plan network, the NGO Plan International France acts alongside girls, and more broadly children and young people, to advance their rights and achieve equality of girls-boys. In the context of humanitarian development and crises, we set up programs to ensure the protection of girls, and more broadly and children and young people, against all forms of violence. We act for their access to education and vocational training, we defend respect for their rights to sexual and reproductive health and support their …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 6 20 65
Patrimonia Patrimonia

The flagship agreement of wealth professionals. The Patrimonia Convention brings together more than 9,000 participants in Lyon every year (wealth management advisers - CIF, Family Office, accountants, notaries, brokers ...), nearly 380 partners -exhibitors (associations, management companies, banks , insurance, real estate ...). Patrimonia allows all these actors in financial life to exchange their experiences, establish new partnerships and train in the evolution of their profession through more than 100 speeches. Heritage management, asset management, events, finance, wealth, asset management, infopro digital, real estate, private equity, cgp firm, fair, training, regulation, bank, insurance, management companies, economy, digital, savings, shares , …

Type: Incubators & VCs

37 30 14 19
mind Fintech mind Fintech

News of the digital transformation of financial services Mind Fintech: the professional and strategic information service that supports managers from the Banking / Insurance / Finance sector in changes in their industry. Files, analyzes, benchmark, market data, managers, exclusive information, dedicated interlocutor ... Mind Fintech deciphers the banking, insurance and financial services sectors in order to anticipate their transformations and reduce your strategic risks . How does the Mind Fintech license work? It is an annual unlimited business license, in other words: ○ Unlimited readers ○ Unlimited terminals ○ Unlimited contents Personalized services enrich your license according to your needs: …

Type: Media

99 19 57 5
Merci Raymond Merci Raymond

Collective of creative urban gardeners with action to make our cities greener, and more greedy! 🌱💪🌳 Thank you Raymond is an eco-responsible French company bringing together gardeners and creative determined to give way to the plant in the urban environment, convinced of the importance of making cities greener, more delicious and more resilient, thank you Raymond conducted actions to multiple scales in different places (public spaces, rooftops, shops, offices, restaurants ...), both to give them green or create spaces dedicated to urban agriculture, and to encourage city dwellers to contribute to the green revolution and Thus create social ties around …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

95 20 73 56
Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque

Together, save children with heart defects! Cardiac surgery sponsorship allows children with heart defects and from disadvantaged countries to have France operated in France when it is impossible in their country for lack of technical or financial means. Hosted by host families volunteers and operated in 11 cities in France and 2 in Switzerland, more than 4,000 children have already been taken care of since the association's creation by Professor Francine Leca in 1996. Find Mécénat Cardiac surgery on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. To contact us: 01 49 24 02 02 Become a foster family, engage their business …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: kidtech healthtech

48 18 31 74
Makers for Change Makers for Change

Let's make an intercultural company together! Makers for Change is a non -profit organization of general interest created in 2015 and located in Strasbourg. Through the organization of fun, creative, educational and innovative projects, we work for the inclusion of people from forced migrations. We facilitate the creation of links between people from all walks of life by doing it. ************ Since its creation in 2015, Makers for Change has contributed to valuing and integrating people from forced migration, and promotes meetings between people from all walks of life in Alsatian and beyond territory. Arriving in a new country is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 4 2 2
ShareAction ShareAction

An independent charity and expert on responsible investment 🌎 ShareAction is an independent charity and an expert on responsible investment. We set ambitious standards for how financial institutions, through their investment decisions, can protect our planet and its people and campaign for this approach to become the norm. We convene shareholders to collectively push companies to tackle the climate crisis, protect nature, improve workers’ rights and shape healthier societies. In the UK and EU, we advocate for financial regulation that has society’s best interests at its core. Visit to find out more. Responsible Investment, Investor Engagement, Corporate Governance, Campaigning, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

51 16 41 112
LMedia LMedia

Group - &Co - Events LMedia, indépendant depuis 2012 entrepreneuriat, économie, nouvelles technologies, innovation, start up, optimisme, patrimoine, RH, and formation

Type: Media

86 26 62 56

With the letter of business lawyers, live to the rhythm of business law news. Each week, the letter makes a full point of market trends, follows with precision developments ... media, business law, m & amp; a, private equity, deals, lawyers, law firm, communication, web, marketing, and events

Type: Media

83 6 83 16
Petits Frères des Pauvres Petits Frères des Pauvres

No to the isolation of our elders Recognized of public utility, the association Small Brothers of the Poor Lutting since 1946 against the isolation and loneliness of the elderly, primarily the poorest. By our actions, we recreate links allowing them to regain a taste for life and be part of the world around them. It is the most important association, with its foundation and establishments, specializing in the issues of isolation of the elderly. The little brothers of the poor are also present internationally. Joining the little brothers of the poor is ✔ !!!! ✔️ Work on a more inclusive …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech silvertech

115 49 71 659
Le Mouvement associatif Le Mouvement associatif

Choose the general interest Corner of associative life, the associative movement brings together more than 700,000 associations, or 1 association out of 2 in France. The ambition of the associative movement is to promote the development of a useful and creative associative force, by intervening on four main lines of reflection and action: volunteering and volunteering, economics, civil dialogue and employment .

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

68 25 29 46
Le Club | Les Echos Débats Le Club | Les Echos Débats

The appointment of those who make the economy. @lesechos A series of meetings between major players in the economic life of our country and our readers. @lesechos Prospective, digital transformation, and responsible commitment

Type: Event Media

74 16 72 4
Le Club des Annonceurs Le Club des Annonceurs

1st Think Do Tank innovation of brand managers - Independent agitator! - Training organization. 1st "Mutual aid network & amp; Inspiration "of brand leaders in France and certified training organization ǫUaliopi. Created in 1991, it brings them together into a community of interests, focused on innovation and brand capital. Agitator, curious and open, he enlightens, decrypts & amp; Project the current changes. It helps its members find their bearings, forms and supports them on their challenges of anticipation and promotes the reinvention of their trades. Based on values ​​of inspiration, sharing and mutual aid, the community of the advertiser club …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Decarbonization

80 11 69 18
Le Cercle des économistes Le Cercle des économistes

Let us dare an enlightened debate. The circle of economists is a circle of reflection, founded in 1992, on the initiative of Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, which brings together around thirty economists and academics. Its mission is to organize and promote an economic debate open and accessible to all. Its members are distinguished by different approaches and skills, thus guaranteeing the richness and plurality of the debates. The circle of economists organizes various annual events including the economic meetings of Aix-en-Provence. economy, finance, markets, industry, energy, and innovation

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

55 31 27 40
Koom Koom

Crowd-acting: Solution to act together in business on CSR and climate challenges! What if all companies and their employees could have a positive social and environmental impact by acting on their scale? Koom is the crowd-acting platform aimed at making companies act and their employees through environmental and united challenges: a fun way to mobilize everyone by triggering a positive impact of the company! With Koom, a company can: - Promote your employer brand - Give meaning by its CSR policy - Give general visibility to its responsible actions - Make an internal dynamic - Strengthen its territorial anchoring Join …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

17 4 13 10

The leading information service for finance professionals in France. AGEFI is the leading information service for finance professionals in France. AGEFI relies on the 1st financial editorial team composed of 50 expert journalists in finance, allowing it to cover all sectors of finance: Asset Management, Private Equity, Institutional Investors, Cash & Risk, Heritage. Every day, our journalists analyze, decipher and delve deeper into the news and offer our readers unique information with very high added value (alerts, articles, analyses, in-depth reports, etc.) essential to their activity. AGEFI, as the facilitator of the communities that make up finance, organizes more than …

Type: Media

250 102 208 177
The ONE Campaign The ONE Campaign

The fight against poverty isn’t about charity, but about justice and equality. ONE fights for a more just world by demanding the investments needed to create economic opportunities and healthier lives in Africa. We envision a world where Africa is an equal player and people across Africa have abundant economic opportunities and lead thriving, healthy lives. We empower all people to use their voices to build a more just world, because none of us are equal until all of us are equal. Learn how you can take action at All ONE vacancies are listed on and applications are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

48 14 24 376
Handicap International France Handicap International France

International Solidarity NGO which acts in favor of vulnerable and/or disabled people 🖐 International Solidarity NGO which acts in favor of vulnerable and/or disabled people for 40 years 🖐

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

12 4 9 41
Institut national du cancer Institut national du cancer

Together, we will defeat cancers. Let's accelerate progress in the face of cancers The National Cancer Institute (INCA) is the State and Scientific Expertise Agency in Cancer of the State, responsible for coordinating actions to combat cancer. Created by the public health law of August 9, 2004, the Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The National Cancer Institute is made up of the form of a public interest group (GIP) which brings together the state within it, the major associations for …

Type: Public

89 38 45 195
Institut de l'Entreprise Institut de l'Entreprise

Bring the French closer to the company Created in 1975, the Institute of the Company is a think tank independent of any union or political mandate. Deeply anchored in economic reality, he concentrates his reflection on the relationship between the company and its environment and puts a large network of experts to carry out his studies. Also a meeting place and training center, the Institute develops a vision of the company open to the world and on society. Institute of Advanced Studies of the Company (IHEE), Melchior, and the Agora

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

105 18 100 36
Profession CGP Profession CGP

The media of wealth management experts Profession CGP is the media dedicated to the profession of wealth management consultancy. Find all your professional information in our magazine and on our website.

Type: Media

19 6 10 2
BPCE Assurances BPCE Assurances

BPCE ASSURANCES AND SHOWS OF BOUTS: BPCE LIFE, BPCE LIFE, BPCE ASSURANCES IARD, BPCE IARD BPCE ASSURANCES designs and manages a complete offer of people and non -life insurance products and insurance products, serving the BPCE group networks and their customers.

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

23 13 15 1,149
Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking

Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking is a leading global financial institution that provides advisory, investment banking, financing, corporate banking and capital markets services to corporations, financial institutions, financial sponsors and sovereign and supranational organizations worldwide. Our teams of experts in around 30 countries advise clients on their strategic development, helping them to grow and transform their businesses, and maximize their positive impact. Natixis CIB is committed to aligning its financing portfolio with a carbon neutrality path by 2050 while helping its clients reduce the environmental impact of their business. As part of Groupe BPCE, the second largest banking group in …

Type: Incubators & VCs

51 24 31 14,445
Immoweek Immoweek

The whole B2B info of real estate - News & amp; Real estate connections Created by Pascal Bonnefille and Valérie Garnier, the Immeek group (at the time PBO Press Initiatives) started from a double observation: the need for real estate professionals (both tertiary and housing) to have informative tools Indispensable for their development, but also to make yourself known better and to present a positive image of the sector, corresponding to the tremendous effort of professionalization carried out then, and since then. Immoweek is the press company dedicated to information for real estate professionals. From paper to paper (magazine) via …

Type: Media

143 37 129 8

Firm of expertise in financial and actuarial engineering In strategic partnership with Préfon Structuring of investment funds (SCI, SIcav, SCPI...) ... gestion d'actifs, acquisitions immobilières, property management, and investissement

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

22 2 21 7
Alpheys Alpheys

The development partner of wealth professionals Platform dedicated to professionals of the heritage council, Alpheys designs and disseminates a wide range of financial, banking, real estate, life insurance, capitalization and diversification solutions. Life insurance, banking (CTO, PEA ...), private equity, tailor-made services, digitalization, RTO, credit, and scpi

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: SaaS

17 2 15 82
Goods to Know Goods to Know

Advice, training and innovative awareness for an inclusive company! #HandeNDAP #EqualityFh #Mixity #Diversity Goods to Know is a structure dedicated to the awareness of employees on disability and equality between women and men in the world of work. Based on the observation that the traditional conferences and workshops mainly attracted convinced, Goods to Know relies on the interests of employees to offer innovative and fun awareness supports. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to fill up with good ideas for awareness and training in diversity and inclusion: Awareness advice, disability, training and workshops, professional equality, and communication: supports and events

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

38 6 30 16
Générations Cobayes Générations Cobayes

💗For To do good without hurting yourself! Cobaya generations, the movement that makes ecology sexy! Tired of being a guinea pig? Do you want to become an enlightened consumption, an eco-co-bay, what? We're here for that! But why this name? Cobay generations, it is of course ironic! Because we do not want to be the guinea pigs of certain unscrupulous manufacturers who would like to test on us their products containing all kinds of potentially harmful substances. This is why, we make young people aware of between 15 and 35 years of environmental pollutants present in our daily lives (food, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 11 11 9
Futuribles International Futuribles International

Futurible is a center for reflection, training, advice and prospective studies. The Futurible International Association is a center for reflection and prospective studies whose objectives are: - Understand the undergoing transformations - Explore possible future - Debate the challenges of the future - Enlighten policies and strategies It is possible to adhere personally as a member member, or to make your structure join as a partner member of Futuribles International. To discover the products and services that we reserve for our members, visit the site: The Futurible International association works in close collaboration with the SARL Futuribles which publishes …

Type: Media

69 15 47 33
Forum de l’Innovation Technologique et de la Transformation Forum de l’Innovation Technologique et de la Transformation

Fitt France, the community that puts technology at the service of the sustainable performance of companies. The forum of technological innovation and transformation brings together women and men, from all sectors and functions, which question their professional practices together to progress in the realization of their transformation projects for sustainable performance. To understand these challenges in a systemically and pragmatic way, the FITT is * Multidisciplinary: diversity of trades represented and subjects covered * Multisectoral: Share good practices whatever the sector from which they come * Collaborative: open, transverse, constructive and positive exchanges * Rigorous: analyzes based on facts and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

22 2 20 9
Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale

The FRM supports innovative research projects on all diseases to save or improve all lives. First generalist charitable financier of medical research in France, the FRM has supported research projects on all pathologies for over 75 years: cancers, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, neurological and psychiatric diseases ... Independent, it acts thanks to the only generosity of its donors, testors, partners and philanthropists. It is recognized as a public utility and labeled by donation in confidence.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech healthtech

43 17 27 87
Fondation Nexity Fondation Nexity

Since its creation in 2017, the Nexity Business Foundation aims to support projects of general interest in the field of social integration through housing, employment and training. Since 2022, the Nexity Foundation has been working for: - equal opportunities in particular for young people aged 14-26 from priority districts of city policy or modest circles, - the fight against precariousness, especially women and young people - Insertion through sport, using physical and sports activity as a tool for social impact with young people. With a budget of more than € 4.5 million over 5 years, it aims to co-construct with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

53 6 40 3
Inspection Générale de La Banque Postale Inspection Générale de La Banque Postale

The Postal Bank General Inspectorate: a springboard for your career! At the heart of the internal control system of the La Banque Postale group, the general inspection: - supports periodic control by internal audit missions, - is guaranteeing the assessment of risk control, - Participate in the constant improvement in the operation and image of the group. Discover our role, our organization, the profession of inspector and all our news. Internal audit, bank, insurance, information systems, modeled risks, actuariat, and financial mathematics

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

4 1 4 121
FACE, la Fondation pour l'inclusion FACE, la Fondation pour l'inclusion

Faced with, the Foundation for Inclusion is a recognized foundation of public utility (FRUP) since 1993. It brings together public, private and associative actors in the fight against exclusion, discrimination and poverty. For 30 years, it has been a unique meeting place for companies and public players acting on these fields, constituting the largest French network of socially committed companies. FACE is an original ecosystem made up of the Foundation, its network - around fifty local structures led by hundreds of employees and patrons, as well as around forty foundations under its aegis. Fight against exclusion, fight against discrimination, actions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

130 40 90 160
Fondation des Femmes Fondation des Femmes

Reference foundation in France on the rights of women and the fight against the violence they are victims. The Women's Foundation is the reference structure in France for equality and women's rights. It aims to bring together personalities, businesses and citizens committed on matters of equality between women and men, mixed, combat against violence and women's rights. The Women's Foundation today has three objectives. Its first mission is to collect funds, thanks to large -scale events and collection campaigns, with the general public and businesses. The Foundation of Women then redistributes the funds collected to associations which act for women's …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

93 54 49 94
Come2Mind Consulting Come2Mind Consulting

Transformation creator Come2mind Consulting is a strategy and organization consulting firm dedicated to the banking and insurance sectors. We support managers, managers and their teams to meet the challenges of transforming their business to achieve ambitious results and accelerate their implementation. Our goal? To perpetuate your economic performance, contribute to the continuation of your development and achieve excellence in terms of service. Our vision of the advice revolves around 4 key axes: • Create value by mobilizing all of our business knowledge, our methodological expertise and skills adapted to your context • Promote creativity to simplify complexity and get out …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: A.I.

10 0 10 7
Fédération nationale des Caisses d'Epargne Fédération nationale des Caisses d'Epargne

First funder of the social and solidarity economy A true body of representation and expression of the Caisses d'Epargne, the Federation is guaranteeing the interests of the members, the identity and the mutualist values ​​of the Caisses d'Epargne. A place of exchange and expression, it brings an original role to the life and development of the Caisse d'Epargne group.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

74 14 56 58
Fédération APAJH Fédération APAJH

Are you looking for a job that makes sense? Join us! Our core business? Support, on a daily basis, people with disabilities, whatever their age, their disability and their aspirations. APAJH has been committed since 1962, everywhere in France, to bring its humanist ethics and values ​​to life: - Republican principles: freedom, equality, fraternity - secularism: the crucible of living together, a permanent fight - citizenship: same rights, same duties for everyone - national solidarity: disability concerns the whole society The success of his project is largely based on a collective force sharing its values, and developing expertise around 5 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services

41 17 17 1,908

Federation of associations of Saint-Etienne Etudiants FASEE, Federation of Associations of Saint-Etienne Student, is a 1901 law association. It is built around its composed network: - Loire student associations; - elected students in the various councils of higher education establishments in the department and Crous de Lyon. FASEE is thus the first representative organization of students in the Loire. Together, our missions consist of: - Defend student rights; - Improve living conditions (access to care, access to culture, fight against student precariousness and social isolation, etc.) and studies; - Awareness of young people about current societal issues: sustainable development, gender …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 1 3 3
FAGE – Fédération des Associations Générales Etudiantes FAGE – Fédération des Associations Générales Etudiantes

Student life some people talk about it, we do it! The Federation of General Student Associations - FAGE - is the first student organization in France. Founded in 1989, it is working on participatory democracy and brings together nearly 2,000 associations and unions, or around 300,000 students. The purpose of the FAGE is to guarantee equal opportunities for success in the education system. This is why it acts for the constant improvement in living conditions and studies of young people by deploying activities in the field of representation and the defense of rights. By managing services and works that meet …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 4 13 87

Aviva is nothing without our people. Living up to our purpose to be with you today for a better tomorrow applies to those we work with just as much as it does to our customers. We want Aviva to be a place where people can be themselves, and we want our workforce to reflect the customers and communities we serve. This means offering market-leading benefits and challenging ourselves to do more to build a workplace – and society – that works for all. It takes you. It takes Aviva. Retirement, Investments, Insurance, Health, Insurtech, and Protection

Type: Large company

77 12 15 24,186

Innovative over -indebtedness support and prevention network Crésus is a network of non -profit federated associations whose mission is recognized as a public utility. Crésus was born in 1992 in Alsace. The network consists of 27 associations, 225 local reception points and 500 expert volunteers. The Federation ensures the consistency of the functioning of cresus at the national level. It thus organizes an unprecedented proximity network entirely dedicated to the reception of over -indebted households and the prevention of financial and economic exclusion. The purpose of the Foundation is to support the economic and social initiatives which act for the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

64 21 30 56
Comité français de l'UICN Comité français de l'UICN

For a just world that values ​​and retains nature Created in 1992, the French Committee of the IUCN is the network of organizations and experts of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in France. It brings together within an original partnership 2 ministries, 7 public organizations, 6 local authorities, 61 non -governmental organizations (NGOs) and more than 250 experts. By this mixed composition, the French Committee of the IUCN is a unique platform for dialogue, expertise and action on the challenges of biodiversity. The French Committee of the IUCN aims to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

74 30 46 94
CMA Lyon-Rhône CMA Lyon-Rhône

Crafts in the Rhône is a community of 45,300 craft companies. The raison d'être of the CMA Lyon-Rône is to give birth to passions, to grow projects, businesses, skills and territories.

Type: Public

61 12 52 7