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LogoName Σ Employees
Anap Anap

[Automatic translation follows] Supporting healthcare and social-medical professionals in the development of their organizations. Since 2009, Anap has been supporting healthcare professionals in healthcare and social-medical institutions in the development of their organizations in order to improve the service provided to users. Its productions are always developed thanks to the expertise of professionals in the field. Its action aims to: - Improve the fluidity of people's healthcare pathways; - Facilitate knowledge of the healthcare offer, decision-making assistance and management dialogue; - Improve the organization of patient care and support activities; - Improve the organization of support and support functions. Our …

Type: Public

65 19 49 312
Anah Anah

[Automatic translation follows] A territorial response to the challenges of private housing The National Housing Agency (Anah) is tasked with improving the existing private housing stock. It is a public institution under the supervision of the ministries responsible for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, Action and Public Accounts and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Anah grants financial aid for work under conditions to owner-occupiers, lessors and co-ownerships in difficulty. It is a partner of local authorities for programmed operations (Opah). And a State operator in the implementation of national plans. Fight against substandard and very degraded housing, …

Type: Public

99 43 71 320
AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France) AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France)

[Automatic translation follows] Created in 1990, totally pluralist and meeting the expectations of the municipalities of the Paris region, a structure for consultation and information at the regional level, the Association of Mayors of Ile-de-France (AMIF) ensures a role of representation of local elected officials and participates in regional dynamism. In 2021, 80% of the municipalities of Ile-de-France are members of AMIF. Municipalities can join AMIF by responding to the call for contributions sent before the beginning of each year by AMIF. With its representativeness and its interdepartmental structure, which gives it a role as spokesperson for the Mayors of …

Type: Public

96 41 64 19
Amcsti Amcsti

[Automatic translation follows] The professional network of scientific, technical and industrial cultures Amcsti is the professional network of scientific, technical and industrial cultures (CSTI). The association works for the recognition and development of CSTI. This recognition involves affirming the need for strong cultural and educational action in the field of science and technology, which constitutes a considerable societal issue at the heart of current debates. It is through the diversity of these members, the diversity of the territorial distribution that the issues can be addressed, discussed and shared. science, culture, network, mediation, and technique

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech it services

56 8 49 16

[Automatic translation follows] RMC BFM ADS represents and markets powerful media brands, including the most emblematic, BFMTV (BFM Business, BFM Régions) and RMC (RMC Découverte, RMC Story, RMC Sport) which inform and entertain 50 million French people every month. These media cover various territories such as continuous, national and local news, sports, economics, technology, history and discovery, and cultivate a strong relationship of proximity with the public. This positioning makes it possible to address everyone, regardless of their age, place of residence, or opinions. The agency is thus able to respond to all brand issues, from the most global to …

Type: Media

60 5 53 227
Alter'Incub Occitanie Méditerranée Alter'Incub Occitanie Méditerranée

[Automatic translation follows] What if it was the right time to create a company in line with your values? The first regional incubator dedicated to social innovation, Alter'Incub Occitanie Méditerranée supports the creation of companies that are fully anchored in the economic field, dedicated to the collective interest, as close as possible to the new needs linked to the evolution of our society. ALTER'INCUB promotes and strengthens the articulation between: - social entrepreneurs who benefit from individualized financial and technical support for the formalization and consolidation of their business project, - territories that identify needs of collective interest and listen …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

36 11 25 7
Alliancy - numérique et business Alliancy - numérique et business

[Automatic translation follows] Media on the digital transformation of companies, committed to "Stronger together" Alliancy, le mag is the first magazine that supports IT revolutions in the company and decodes the role of the players in the sector. Bimonthly, sold by subscription, Alliancy will offer on 80 pages a new look at the news of partnerships and business in IT. Technology, consumerization, mobility are revolutionizing the life of the company. These innovations and new uses are shaking up the entire IT industry and regularly reorganizing the value chain. Many opportunities, new players are born every day. The Alliancy magazine will …

Type: Media

221 38 200 22
Alliance HQE - GBC Alliance HQE - GBC

[Automatic translation follows] The HQE-GBC Alliance is the catalyst for a collective movement of men & women committed to sustainable development The HQE-GBC Alliance is the alliance of professionals for a sustainable living environment. It brings together unions, professional federations, direct companies, communities and professionals individually. Building, development, infrastructure at all stages of their life cycle – construction, operation, renovation – are at the heart of its DNA in a cross-cutting vision combining quality of life, respect for the environment, economic performance and responsible management. Through the voluntary initiatives it encourages in France and internationally, the association acts in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

46 9 40 22
Alliance Green IT (AGIT) Alliance Green IT (AGIT)

[Automatic translation follows] The association law 1901 of actors committed to responsible digital technology The Alliance Green IT (AGIT) is the association of actors committed to eco-responsible digital technology. Its mission is to "unite green IT actors to contribute to the public debate on the place of digital technology in sustainable development, promote the development of skills in organizations, and support them in identifying and sharing good practices". - Our website: - Our Publications: - Join us: Our themes: Energy transition, environmental footprint, WEEE, CSR, PUE, energy management, GHG, Cloud, Data center, circular economy, social and solidarity, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

21 5 16 5
Alliance du Commerce Alliance du Commerce

[Automatic translation follows] Ambitions for innovative commerce The Alliance du Commerce is a professional organization that brings together three federations of organized commerce: FEH, UCV and FEC. It represents department stores (Galeries Lafayette, Printemps, Le Bon Marché, BHV, etc.), popular stores (Monoprix), and fashion brands (Celio, Etam, Kiabi, Promod, Petit Bateau, etc.). Defend and promote organized commerce, Represent the interests of fashion brands, department stores and multi-commerce stores, Negotiate collective agreements, Inform member companies, and Develop the network of representatives of member brands

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

51 11 35 10
Dale Carnegie France Dale Carnegie France

[Automatic translation follows] It's time to take command Welcome to Dale Carnegie, the world leader in leadership, public speaking, confidence, and sales training. We are proud to bring our proven expertise in these critical areas of professional development. Our Leadership Training: Develop your leadership skills to guide your team to success. Master the principles of effective leadership and learn to inspire and motivate those around you. Public Speaking Training: Unleash your oratory potential. Our courses will teach you how to captivate your audience, structure your speeches, and speak with confidence in meetings, presentations, and public events. Self-Confidence: Acquire unwavering confidence …

Type: Public

18 1 8 7
RSM France RSM France

[Automatic translation follows] Member of the 6th largest global network for auditing, accounting and consulting. RSM in France, member of RSM International, the 6th largest international network for auditing, accounting and consulting, has 18 locations in the main regional hubs and nearly 1,300 employees and 90 partners who collaborate and exchange to provide tailor-made services.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Cybersecurity

50 9 34 1,159
Alliade Habitat Alliade Habitat

[Automatic translation follows] Facilitating housing to promote employment A subsidiary of Action Logement and the region's leading operator, with 55,000 homes and more than 130,000 tenants, Alliade Habitat is the partner company for employee housing in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. ​ Our mission is to be a regional player by renting, building and managing social housing for those who need it: employees, students and young workers, low-income households, seniors, etc. By promoting the employment-housing link, we create real societal ecosystems that allow companies to hire locally and residents to find work. ​ Our job is rich in meaning, with a commitment that goes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

50 12 38 523
Alimentation Générale Alimentation Générale

[Automatic translation follows] The platform of taste cultures Alimentation Générale is an online media and an agency specialized in Food - Culture - Communication issues. culture, food, advice, and gastronomy

Type: Media

24 3 24 138

[Automatic translation follows] Leader in housing for all, Alila supports #housing stakeholders throughout the territory #Housingforall. A recognized national player in housing for all (subsidized and intermediate), ALILA loudly affirms its commitment: to transform social housing into a human and friendly place to live. To succeed in these changes, we are betting on an eco-responsible and innovative real estate offer, focused on "well-being" and quality. Giving the city back to its inhabitants, supporting people towards ownership, building intelligently and more virtuous, so many commitments on which we have built our reputation. Approved and intermediate housing, Social accession, Social housing, Housing, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

63 11 53 94
Agria Grand Est Agria Grand Est

[Automatic translation follows] Serving the sustainable performance of people and companies in the bioeconomy Agria Grand Est is an association founded in 1986 by agri-food companies and research and higher education organizations in Lorraine. Agria Grand Est is the reference for the service of agri-food and agro-resource companies in our region. At the heart of the Grand Est region, Agria Grand Est experts are there to support bioeconomy companies in meeting the challenges of development, regardless of their size or sector. Its objective is to promote the competitiveness and technological development of regional bioeconomy companies. Our recognized experience allows …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

24 7 18 12
Agra - L'information agro-économique Agra - L'information agro-économique

[Automatic translation follows] Through our exclusive information, feed the performance of professionals in Agriculture and Food AGRA is the agro-economic information agency based in Paris and Brussels. Founded in 1948. AGRA is a publisher of publications, content provider and event organizer. AGRA's media are aimed at agri-food and agricultural companies, professional organizations, French and European administrations, and professionals monitoring the agricultural and agri-food sectors. 5 Media for 1 news agency • Agra Presse • Agra Fil • Agra Europe • Agra Innovation • Agra Business Events: AGRA Workshops-debates (breakfasts, cocktail debates) AgroFinance - biennial conference on the financing of agri-food …

Type: Media

40 1 32 8
Agglo du Pays de Dreux Agglo du Pays de Dreux

[Automatic translation follows] Dreux agglomération is located less than an hour from Paris, at the crossroads of the Ile-de-France, the Centre region and Normandy, Dreux agglomération is the territory of voluntarism and innovation. Serving nearly 58,000 inhabitants, the 19 municipalities of the urban community have pooled their skills dedicated to economic development, transport, water and sanitation, waste management, major cultural facilities, digital development and tourism. For more than five years, a real "recovery plan" has been implemented in terms of economic development. Companies are setting up and creating jobs in the remarkable living environment of the Eure, Blaise and Avre …

Type: Public

19 5 11 171
Agence RDN Agence RDN

[Automatic translation follows] Who better than an agency specialized in your sector to advise you on your communication? Who better than an agency specialized in your sector to advise you on your communication? Since its creation in 2011, the Ressources De la Nature agency has considered that any successful communication requires the combination of a content strategy and optimal knowledge of the media and the sectoral issues of its clients. It is through this efficient vision that RDN has built its approach. Made up of former journalists, agricultural engineers and communication consultants, RDN places content writing at the heart of …

Type: Media

32 1 33 5
Agence Qualité Construction Agence Qualité Construction

[Automatic translation follows] Preventing disorders, improving the quality of construction. The Construction Quality Agency (AQC)? We are a recognized association of general interest that brings together all professional construction organizations. Our mission? Preventing disorders in construction and improving the quality of construction. What actions do we take to achieve this? All our resources and free tools are intended to help construction professionals in the field in their daily practices! How are our tools and resources developed? -> we observe construction disorders in the field, -> thanks to this data and their lessons, we prioritize the subjects that require prevention, -> …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

47 13 33 54
Agence Pan ! Agence Pan !

[Automatic translation follows] Audacity intravenously. Otherwise, we also create websites and digital strategies. Created in 2011, Pan! is an interactive agency that designs websites with a strong personality and digital strategies, for all small and very large companies. Its employees are all passionate and are part of the digital generation. 9 people*, 28 years old on average, the agency has continued to grow since its creation. Pan! is a strong brand image. Based in Strasbourg, 1h30 from Paris, our achievements have allowed us to work on national projects. Pan! is experimentation, audacity, clearing the way, recognized know-how. Our digital productions …

Type: Media

6 2 4 7
Agence ORE Agence ORE

[Automatic translation follows] Facilitating the energy transition through digital technology Agence ORE (Energy Network Operators), an association under the 1901 law that brings together all electricity and gas distributors in France. A free, one-stop shop with a public service mission that provides gas and electricity data to support the energy transition of all stakeholders in French territories. energy, electricity, gas, renewable energies, renewable electricity, wind, solar, hydraulic, bioenergies, renewable gases, biomethane, biogas, digital, data, energy data, open data, datavisualisation, mapping, datavalorisation, energy mix, energy transition, energy planning, territories, and PPE

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

30 3 15 9
Agence Locale de l'Energie et du Climat - métropole bordelaise et Gironde Agence Locale de l'Energie et du Climat - métropole bordelaise et Gironde

[Automatic translation follows] Territorial engineering at the heart of the energy transition. ALEC was created in 2007 at the initiative of Bordeaux Métropole, the Gironde department and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, with the support of ADEME, and in response to a European call for projects. Since then, this territorial engineering agency has been supporting the energy transition of the Gironde regions. Neutral and independent, ALEC carries out activities of general interest, recognized by the energy transition law for green growth of August 2015 (Energy Code, article L. 211-5-1). Now recognized in the Gironde region, it relies on the know-how of its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

23 1 22 18
Agence du Service Civique Agence du Service Civique

[Automatic translation follows] #LeChoixDeSengager The Civic Service Agency ensures both the implementation of the Civic Service, a voluntary and compensated commitment of 6 to 12 months open to all young people aged 16 to 25, and up to 30 years for young people with disabilities, and, since 2016, the French version of the Youth & Sports components of the European Erasmus+ program and the European Solidarity Corps. commitment, solidarity, environment, culture, citizenship, education, health, sport, humanitarian, youth, volunteering, europe, and international development

Type: Public

101 42 57 776
Agence de l'Alimentation Nouvelle-Aquitaine (AANA) Agence de l'Alimentation Nouvelle-Aquitaine (AANA)

[Automatic translation follows] Quality and Promotion of agricultural and agri-food products in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. Since January 1, 2017, AANA has been the regional agency responsible for the Quality and Promotion of agricultural and agri-food products in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The three main missions of AANA are: [ Quality ] Develop and implement a regional strategy for the SIQO (Quality and Origin Identification Sign) sectors in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region in response to market and societal expectations. Coordinate and support the structuring territorial quality initiatives undertaken by the organized production sectors. [ Promotion ] Communication and promotion aimed at developing the …

Type: Public

21 5 14 19
Agence BIO Agence BIO

[Automatic translation follows] French Agency for the Development and Promotion of Organic Agriculture Created in November 2001, the BIO Agency is a public interest group in charge of the development, promotion and structuring of French organic agriculture. It brings together, within its board of directors, representatives of the Public Authorities – the Ministry of Ecological Transition – the Ministry of Agriculture and Food – and professionals (FNAB, APCA, Synabio and the Agricultural Cooperation). Its main missions: • Communicate and inform about organic farming, its products, its environmental, social and territorial impact and manage the AB brand for communication purposes, • …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

62 9 60 36

[Automatic translation follows] Study/engineering organization on territorial planning that supports the Metz metropolis & Moselle urban areas @agenceaguram / #aguram AGURAM is the study and engineering organization on territorial planning and development that has supported the Metz metropolis and Moselle urban areas for over 50 years. Its association status brings together, around the member communities, the State and public partners in urban development. Its president since October 2020 is Pierre Fachot, mayor of Jussy. Our missions: > OBSERVE the territory and its practices, > PRODUCE multi-thematic expertise, > MAKE KNOWN the challenges of territorial planning. Our areas of expertise: Urban …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

24 4 24 30
agéa - agent général d'assurance agéa - agent général d'assurance

[Automatic translation follows] Defend, support, train and inform general agents! National Federation of Insurance General Agents' Unions represents the profession at national and European level. agéa has 64% of the 12,000 active general insurance agents as members. insurance, professional union, general agent, advice, training, CCN, lobbying, studies, conferences, animation, attractiveness, promotion, general agents, professionalization, support, advice, and recruitment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: insurtech

38 7 33 122
Afigéo Afigéo

[Automatic translation follows] French Geographic Information Think Tank Created in 1986, the French Association for Geographic Information is a neutral and independent association that reflects the diversity and plurality of stakeholders and networks in the French geographic information sector. A think tank bringing together 200 members, a space for discussion and reflection open to the outside world, Afigéo promotes French expertise in the field in France and internationally. In 2024, Afigéo will continue its three main missions: - Lead the French community of stakeholders and networks in geographic information - Promote the geographic information sector in France and internationally - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

61 7 53 13
Francegaz Francegaz

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's transform energy. Together, let's transform energy. Francegaz is the professional union of the French gas industry (natural gas, biomethane, biogas, liquid gases and hydrogen) created in 1874. Its mission is to mobilize and bring together all the players in the sector including the territories, innovative companies and start-ups, industrial players, users, co-producers. It represents their interests and those of the entire sector by ensuring its representation with the public authorities by: • contributing to the development of legislative and regulatory texts, • contributing to European and international work, • carrying out studies through its six …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

33 5 22 30
AFAUP - Association Française d'Agriculture Urbaine Professionnelle AFAUP - Association Française d'Agriculture Urbaine Professionnelle

[Automatic translation follows] The head of the professional urban agriculture network AFAUP is a national association whose vocation is to unite professionals in urban agriculture and facilitate links with other stakeholders in the city, the agricultural world and the general public. AFAUP was created in 2016 at the initiative of historical French stakeholders in Urban Agriculture. urban agriculture, association, professionals, lobbying, public relations, promotion, and agriculture

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech smart city

38 4 32 15
Adrianor Adrianor

[Automatic translation follows] Expert in food formulation ADRIANOR aims to support the agri-food sector in all its technical issues. Our missions are divided into 3 main areas: - Inform, i.e. answer our customers' questions but also alert them to upcoming developments through our monitoring and communication activities. - Train existing staff and anticipate future technical skills needs. - And, of course, develop products/processes, whether it is to master the existing, improve it or even innovate. Our daily work involves assisting SMEs, which has earned us the CRT label since 1997, but we also support business creators or farmers as well …

Type: Media

9 4 5 13
ADRESS Normandie ADRESS Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] Expert in social entrepreneurship in Normandy, ADRESS supports you in your projects! ADRESS Normandy - Regional Development Agency for Social and Solidarity Enterprises - is an association under the 1901 law created in 2005 whose mission is the creation and development of social and solidarity enterprises in Normandy. ADRESS promotes the growth of companies that combine economic, social and environmental efficiency. These companies provide significant responses to the various challenges of society: the fight against inequalities, ecological transition, healthy aging, reduction of the digital divide, integration into employment, etc. By supporting entrepreneurs who combine economic, social and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

40 18 31 24

[Automatic translation follows] Association for Digital and IT in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region The 1st community of peers & experts in IT / Digital in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region with more than 500 member organizations! We are the 1st association in France that brings together both user companies (47%), service providers (49%) and education/research (4%). ADIRA is also the only regional association in the digital sector that is financially and brand autonomous. It only serves the interests of its members. Discover its 3 priority objectives: - Develop the means of sharing know-how and accelerating innovative projects - Share information and sector monitoring …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

73 15 58 24
Adebiotech Adebiotech

[Automatic translation follows] The think tank for Biotechnologies and One Health in France The independent think tank for Biotechnologies and ONE HEALTH in France, Adebiotech brings together industrial and academic experts as well as representatives of national and regional public authorities. With the largest French transdisciplinary network in life sciences, Adebiotech promotes biotechnologies and their applications in France, Europe and internationally. Adebiotech's interventions can be carried out transversally in all fields of application of biotechnologies, human and animal health, environment, energy, agri-food, industrial processes and sectors by encouraging sustainable development through the rational use of life techniques. Biotechnology think tank, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

23 3 11 3
ACTIVATION conjuguer Chimie et Technologies pour réduire l'empreinte environnementale des procédés ACTIVATION conjuguer Chimie et Technologies pour réduire l'empreinte environnementale des procédés

[Automatic translation follows] Service company created in 2003 specializing in R&D of innovative synthesis processes by catalysis and continuous flow ACTIVATION is a company specialized in the research and development of innovative reaction conditions in fine chemistry. We innovate for the performance and sustainability of your processes along three axes: new reactions, new technologies and renewable raw materials (bio-sourced).

Type: SMB Activities: it services manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

28 1 28 23
Acteurs du Grand Paris Acteurs du Grand Paris

[Automatic translation follows] First public-private professional network on Greater Paris, think tank, creator of meetings First public-network professional network on Greater Paris, the association Acteurs du Grand Paris is a place of exchange and cooperation of institutions, communities and companies involved in the realization of the project. From the beginning, it has been able to position itself as the interface between all the stakeholders of Greater Paris. After ten years of existence, Acteurs du Grand Paris has established itself as an essential entry point for all those who wish to know and understand Greater Paris. Our association is today a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

24 5 21 12
Agglomération du Grand Annecy Agglomération du Grand Annecy

[Automatic translation follows] Greater Annecy is a dynamic urban area at the heart of an attractive territory. It brings together 34 municipalities and more than 210,000 inhabitants, and its mission is to carry out territorial actions around 5 major themes: - Economy, tourism and higher education; - Old age and autonomy; - Ecological transition and environment; - Infrastructure and mobility; - Land use planning and housing. The urban area is committed on a daily basis to improving the quality of life of residents by offering sustainable solutions for a peaceful future. #greaterannecy #economy #highereducation #autonomy #ecology#environment #mobility #housing #development

Type: Public

44 21 20 280
Préfecture du Calvados Préfecture du Calvados

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the State services in Calvados Find all the news of the State services in Calvados in many areas such as: security, culture, economy, employment, training, relations with local authorities, agriculture and many others! The prefect is the only representative of the State in Calvados, the sub-prefects (Bayeux, Lisieux and Vire) being responsible for assisting him. Delegate of the government, he directly represents the Prime Minister and each of the ministers. He is responsible for national interests, and ensures the management of the State services in Calvados.

Type: Public

38 16 20 94
Fonds Aliénor du CHU de Poitiers Fonds Aliénor du CHU de Poitiers

[Automatic translation follows] Let's take medical research. Created by the Poitiers University Hospital, the Aliénor endowment fund is intended to supplement the institution's resources devoted to health research. It allows the financing and promotion of innovation and research. Endowment fund, Health research, medicine, high technology, and health

Type: Public

6 1 6 6
Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois

[Automatic translation follows] The Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois is located in the heart of Haute-Savoie, a few kilometers from Geneva. It brings together 9 municipalities and works daily to meet the expectations of the 29,912 inhabitants of the territory in terms of public services. The Communauté de communes is part of Greater Geneva, a cross-border project aimed at developing cross-border cooperation and services made available to the 750,000 inhabitants of this territory straddling Switzerland and France. As such, the Communauté de communes du Pays Rochois participates in discussions around large-scale urban developments aimed at improving the living environment …

Type: Public

11 1 8 44
Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT) Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques (AFPCNT)

[Automatic translation follows] Acting together for a more resilient future in the face of major risks The French Association for the Prevention of Natural and Technological Disasters is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. It was created at the end of 2000 to continue the action of the French Committee of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (DIPCN), as a national center for collective cross-cutting and multi-risk reflection on the issue of natural risks and a recognized player in international cooperation in this field. Supported by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES), it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

29 11 18 33

[Automatic translation follows] Tourism engineering company - Creating meaning, value and connection together Atemia is a tourism engineering company. We work across the entire value chain - from territorial strategy to the creation and management of tourist facilities, including design and project management - with one goal: to create value, meaning and connections for the tourism of tomorrow. Our approach is based on fundamental values, written into our DNA: solidarity, cooperation and eco-responsibility. Atemia is 18 multidisciplinary employees and 19 years of experience in the service of the tourism development of territories with more than 300 references throughout France (but …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

13 3 0 14
Championnat de France des économies d'énergie Championnat de France des économies d'énergie

[Automatic translation follows] The French Energy Saving Championship is the largest field competition in favor of the energy transition. It brings together different leagues, each with its own dedicated competition: - Cube for businesses - Cube.S and Cube Ecoles for schools - C-Cube for vehicle fleets - Cube PLD for businesses in Paris La Défense The objective? Reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions by making users actors in the ecological transition. The Championship was initiated by Ifpeb and A4MT. This year, its launch will take place on December 7 at Paris La Défense Arena. Find the news and preparations for …

Type: Event

35 6 32 N/A
Challenge de la mobilité BFC Challenge de la mobilité BFC

[Automatic translation follows] At work, we get there differently! This regional Challenge aims to encourage and promote alternatives to the use of individual cars (walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling, teleworking, etc.) when traveling to and from work. It also aims to promote good practices in terms of mobility, whether they are the work of employees themselves or of establishments that facilitate their use. A truly collective approach, ADEME and its partners will mobilize a chain of stakeholders, institutions, communities, employers and employees, to create a real regional dynamic and take up this first Mobility Challenge in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté together! For this …

Type: Event

10 2 8 N/A
CCI Lyon Métropole Saint-Etienne Roanne CCI Lyon Métropole Saint-Etienne Roanne

[Automatic translation follows] The CCI, my business partner! Growth accelerator for VSEs and SMEs. The CCI LYON METROPOLE Saint-Etienne Roanne provides its expertise for the competitiveness of companies, traders and business creators. It contributes to the management of major facilities for a better attractiveness of the territory. 100% useful support for business creators and companies! The CCI covers 537 municipalities in the departments of Lyon Métropole, Rhône and Loire. business support, training, apprenticeship, skills development, trade, industry, service, export, and innovation

Type: Public

123 36 79 280
Ville de Valence Ville de Valence

[Automatic translation follows] The Commune of Valence has almost 65,000 inhabitants and approximately 1,000 agents work for the Community. Prefecture city of Drôme

Type: Public

47 11 33 219
Fédération Française des Producteurs Agrivoltaïques (FFPA) Fédération Française des Producteurs Agrivoltaïques (FFPA)

[Automatic translation follows] The Association of Energy Cultivators of France A recognized player in the French agrivoltaic sector, the FFPA brings together players in agriculture and energy who are committed to responsible agrivoltaic production.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech cleantech greentech

23 2 23 7
Communauté de communes du Kreiz Breizh Communauté de communes du Kreiz Breizh

[Automatic translation follows] Composed of 23 municipalities in the South-West of Côtes d'Armor, on the border of Finistère and Morbihan. EPCI member of the Pays Centre Ouest Bretagne.

Type: Public

7 3 3 21
AC Presse AC Presse

[Automatic translation follows] News on construction and its industrial process Since 2005, ACPresse (Editions AvenirConstruction) has been offering construction professionals its media and expertise in the fields of concrete, screed and industrial processes of construction materials. The proposed themes are treated from the angle of the issues and major challenges of the sector such as low carbon, RE 2020, Rep... These 4 themes are developed in the form of multi-channel media: website, newsletter, paper title and social networks. Our brands: Béton[s] le Magazine, Chapes info, Process Industriels. Chape, Process, Matériaux, Construction, Diffusion, Communication, Actualité, Information, Image, Média, Béton, chape, Rep, …

Type: Media

15 2 14 9

[Automatic translation follows] Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole Public Housing Office ACM HABITAT, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole Public Housing Office, is the leading public social landlord in the Occitanie region. The Office manages a portfolio of approximately 21,500 housing units spread across the city of Montpellier and the territory of the Metropolis, and currently houses approximately 50,000 people, which represents more than 10% of the population of the Montpellier metropolis. ACM HABITAT employs more than 320 employees who work on daily management and the development of service quality. The Office is organized into 7 decentralized agencies and 30 local sectors, in order to …

Type: Public

20 8 13 180

[Automatic translation follows] A regional technology center to help adapt to climate hazards and prevent risks. The ACMG supports stakeholders in their adaptation to climate hazards. Local authorities, industrialists, farmers, management unions, etc., the ACMG supports structures to adapt to climate change through specialized developments, measures adapted to needs, measurement tools in line with expectations. The ACMG seeks above all to identify hazards and impacts, evaluate them and then propose solutions to the various stakeholders. agriculture, climate, remote sensing, meteorology, R&D, environment, irrigation, water, and soil

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

8 1 6 6
Acadie coopérative Acadie coopérative

[Automatic translation follows] ACADIE is a cooperative founded in 1978, bringing together trained consultant geographers, sociologists, political scientists and urban planners around an area of ​​reflection and action: the relationships between public policies and territories.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

21 4 8 14

[Automatic translation follows] Find our news on the page: Absiskey offers an offer entirely dedicated to the financing of Research and Development, Innovation and Investment to support companies and territories. Its leadership in the management of financing for innovation policies is based on the synergy of 3 areas of expertise: -› Strategy and financing of public policies: intervention in consulting, training and support for public actors, in the implementation of European directives in the service of innovation since 2002. Thus, we collaborate throughout the life cycle of public policies, from the management of financing programs and projects by focusing …

Type: Incubators & VCs

38 13 33 28
2ACR - Association Alliance Chimie Recyclage 2ACR - Association Alliance Chimie Recyclage

Faire de la valorisation des déchets, un outil de développement économique et industriel des territoires 2ACR is an economic non-profit organisation dedicated to the development of waste management as an opportunity for the development of local economy.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

9 3 4 1
Paris-Pantheon-Assas University Paris-Pantheon-Assas University

Paris-Panthéon-Assas University cultivates a synergy between research, teaching and professionalisation. It offers a wide range of courses in law, political science, economics, management, information and communication, journalism, management, as well as in digital technology, entrepreneurship and business strategy. In total, it is more than 23,000 French students, 4,000 international students, 26 research centres, 1,500 teachers, 340 education programmes and 3 international campuses, 600 international exchanges. Since January 1, 2022, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University has become an experimental public institution. In addition to law, economics, the /Maison des sciences de gestion/ and the /Institut Français de Presse/, it brings together 4 major private …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

71 23 52 2,067
Polytechnique Alumni Polytechnique Alumni

L'association des anciens élèves et diplômés de l’École polytechnique. The École Polytechnique Alumni Association (AX) is the association of alumni and graduates of École Polytechnique. Its four major missions are to: - create and maintain valuable connections between students and alumni, - support students and alumni in any difficult situation, - engage and coordinate the network of the alumni of École polytechnique, - contribute to maintain École Polytechnique amongst the world’s top scientific education institutions.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

72 8 61 15
Ville de Montivilliers Ville de Montivilliers

[Automatic translation follows] Located at the tip of the Seine-Maritime, Montivilliers, with its 15,802 inhabitants, is the second city of the Le Havre Seine Métropole urban community. It owes its prosperity and its nickname of "City of Abbesses" to its prestigious women's abbey, created in the 7th century and classified as a historical monument. Committed to sustainable development and nature, Montivilliers is crossed by a river, the Lézarde, and is dotted with several parks, gardens and promenades. In addition to its abbey church, the city's heritage jewels include the Brisgaret âtre, a rare example of a medieval cemetery, a Protestant …

Type: Public

9 3 6 107
ANVITA - Association Nationale des Villes et Territoires Accueillants ANVITA - Association Nationale des Villes et Territoires Accueillants

[Automatic translation follows] Network of local authorities and elected officials committed to the unconditional reception of people. Sharing of practices, support for voluntary territories, mobilization around issues related to migration policies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

18 4 17 5
Ateliers du Bocage Ateliers du Bocage

[Automatic translation follows] Employ - Reuse A social and environmental utility cooperative, a member of the Emmaüs movement, we believe that it is urgent to collectively change our ways of working and consuming. We support social, ecological and digital transitions to prove that a responsible economic model is possible. office consumables, IT, mobile telephony, recycling, reuse, Digital, Printer cartridges, insertion, Books, pallets, green spaces, and unsold non-food items

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

23 6 16 74
Biofluides Biofluides

Biofluides is a renewables and environment company based out of 300 avenue de l'Europe Z.A.C. de l'Europe, Saint-fargeau-ponthierry, France. RE2020, Traitement de l'eau, Chaufferie bas carbone, and Récupération de la chaleur des eaux usées

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

7 3 0 6
Behring Water Behring Water

[Automatic translation follows] 💧 Water fountains Made in France. Connected to the network, for 100% accessible, pure, safe, 0 plastic water. Behring is an innovative company that is shaking up the codes of water fountains and bottled water consumption habits. It takes concrete action and invites each consumer to reduce their consumption of bottled and carboy water on a daily basis. Together, let's be responsible for what we drink and say STOP to the millions of bottles consumed and thrown away every day! Hydration, Sparkling water, Water fountain, Sustainable development, Hospitality, Clinic, EHPAD, Business, Sports and Well-being, Made in France, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

23 2 22 39
ABG - Association Bernard Gregory ABG - Association Bernard Gregory

Where PhDs and companies meet Attachée à la promotion du doctorat depuis sa création en 1980, l'Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) aide les docteurs à concevoir leur projet professionnel et se présenter aux recruteurs. Elle aide également les entreprises à recruter des docteurs. Research in France, Europe & International, Human Resources, Training, Recruiting, Career coaching, Ressources Humaines, Formation, Recrutement, Conseil carrière, Recherche, PhD, and Doctorat

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

66 6 64 33
Relations d'utilité publique Relations d'utilité publique

[Automatic translation follows] Useful communication for essential ideas Created in April 2006, Public Utility Relations supports socially and environmentally useful organizations (associations, foundations, ecological and solidarity-based VSEs/SMEs, structures for integration through economic activity, social entrepreneurs, mutual societies and cooperatives, local authorities, etc.): - in defining their influence strategy (communication, public relations, advocacy and lobbying); - in its operational implementation (launching an opinion campaign, organizing conferences, writing arguments, searching for partners and financiers, etc.); - and in networking and network management (identifying suitable contacts, building alliances, presence on social networks, coordinating stakeholders, etc.). Public Relations, Communication, Lobbying, Press Relations, Graphic Design, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

15 3 16 12
ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire) ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire)

[Automatic translation follows] The ESS is the desirable standard for tomorrow's economy. The French Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy is constituted as an association enjoying the full legal capacity of associations recognized as being of public utility. This association is made up of national organizations representing the different statutory forms of the social and solidarity economy, including the commercial companies mentioned in 2° of II of Article 1, and by representatives of the regional chambers of the social economy. and united. (ESS Law 2014) PUBLIC POWER RELATIONS and PROMOTION OF THE ESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

105 47 31 31
DILA (Direction de l'information légale et administrative) DILA (Direction de l'information légale et administrative)

L'accès au droit, les droits et démarches administratives des usagers, l'information citoyenne. #JORF #Droits The direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) is a central administration department of the Prime Minister's Office, placed under the authority of the Secretary General of the Government. Its missions : - LEGAL DISSEMINATION DILA is responsible for publishing laws and decrees in the Journal Officiel de la République française (#JORF). It publishes and disseminates French legislative and regulatory texts on the Lé legal access website. It publishes all legal, economic and financial information relating to public contracts, business life and associations (BODACC//BOAMP/BALO). - ADMINISTRATIVE …

Type: Public

60 16 47 441
Atout France - The France Tourism Development Agency Atout France - The France Tourism Development Agency

L'Agence de développement touristique de la France #ActivateurDeTourismes ATOUT FRANCE is the France Tourism Development Agency, the mission of which is to promote France as a tourist destination to the travelling public of foreign nations through public information, press relations and commercial promotion activities. ATOUT FRANCE and its partners carry out promotional activities in 33 countries on all five continents, aimed at introducing as many people as possible to the riches of France – its colourful history, the culture, the gastronomy, the countryside, and of course the wine and the shopping. tourism, ingeneering, marketing, and promotion

Type: Public

150 61 101 434
Axens Axens

Oil & biomass conversion to fuels, petrochemicals production, plastics recycling, natural gas & water treatment, CCUS. Axens group provides a complete range of solutions for the conversion of oil and biomass to cleaner fuels, the production and purification of major petrochemical intermediates, the chemical recycling of plastics, all natural gas treatment and conversion options along with hydrogen purification and transport, water treatment and carbon capture. The offer includes technologies, equipment, furnaces, modular units, catalysts, adsorbents and related services. From feasibility studies to unit start-up and follow-up throughout the entire unit life cycle, Axens Group is ideally positioned to cover the …

Type: Large company

43 16 24 1,568

Maîtriser le risque pour un développement durable Founded in 1990, INERIS is an EPIC (French public research body of an industrial and commercial character), under the aegis of the French Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning. INERIS mission is to carry out or commission studies and research programmes aimed at preventing the risks brought about by economic activities on health, the safety of persons and property and on the environment, and to provide any services intended to facilitate the adaptation of companies with this objective in mind. Expertise, Service pour l'environnement, Toxicologie, Ecotoxicologie, Phénomènes dangereux, sécurité industrielle, innovation, …

Type: Public

57 17 32 542
CREA Mont-Blanc -- Research Center for Alpine Ecosystems CREA Mont-Blanc -- Research Center for Alpine Ecosystems

Explore, Amaze, Educate CREA Mont-Blanc is a French scientific nonprofit whose mission is to study the effects of climate change on biodiversity and to share knowledge that will allow both decision-makers and the general public to take informed action. The Mont-Blanc range is internationally renowned and serves as a powerful symbol for understanding climate change and its effects. Specialists in alpine ecology, data science and citizen science, CREA Mont-Blanc brings together an extensive network of French, Swiss and Italian researchers and works closely with decision-makers across the trans-border region. With an emphasis on participation, CREA Mont-Blanc encourages everyone to get …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

27 8 23 17
AIR coop AIR coop

Guider la transition des entreprises et des territoires AIR coop... a cooperative of entrepreneurs committed to create positive impact for people, communities and the environment. ...focuses on specific ecosystems : sports, tourism, fashion, culture. ...pledges 1% of its sales to environmental protection and is a proud member of the 1% For The Planet since 2010. a Certified B Corporation since 2015. #HaveFunDoGoodBeCreative #BtheChange sustainability, innovation, corporate social responsibility, Sport, Textile, agriculture, alimentation, culture, consulting, montagne, transition, tourisme, tourisme, RSE, climat, stratégie, évènement, B Corp, ACV, eco-conception, sensibilisation, entreprise à mission, and gouvernance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

18 6 16 22

ASSOCIATION COMMITTED TO ACCELERATING THE TRANSITION TO A LOW-CARBON FUTURE Transition Forum aims to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future by mobilising a diverse community of international stakeholders and catalyzing concrete solutions that reconcile prosperity and preservation of our planet for future generations. Founded at the initiative of Aqua Asset Management, Transition Forum is a non-profit association whose mission is to bring together business leaders, public decision-makers, investors, innovators, experts and representatives of civil society, committed to the ecological transition and to accompany these actors in the realisation of their projects. The TRANSITION FORUM, the association's flagship event, brings …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

70 22 52 6
Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services

Sodexo Benefits and Rewards is now Pluxee. Pluxee is the leading global employee benefits and engagement partner that opens up a world of opportunities to help people enjoy more of what really matters We believe that living life to the full means making the most of every moment and sharing experiences with the people we care about. To make these experiences meaningful, fulfilling, and personalised, we combine our 45+ years of experience with the agility and energy of a new digital brand. The result is an exciting mix of 250+ products that give employees more freedom in the choices they …

Type: Large company

34 12 20 4,960
MEDEF International MEDEF International

Le 1er réseau d'affaires privé français à l'international MEDEF International is a non-profit private-funded organisation, created in 1989 by MEDEF, the French Business Confederation. MEDEF International is the most representative organisation of the French private sector at an international level. It is chaired by Mr Frederic SANCHEZ, CEO of FIVES GROUP. MEDEF International aims at promoting the French companies’ know-how abroad through collective actions. MEDEF International supports trade, technologic cooperation and investments, long-term partnerships, especially on emerging and developing markets as well as reconstruction markets. It gathers every year about 7100 French companies already operating in the world, in 85 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

114 27 92 83
Heero Heero

[Automatic translation follows] Your energy renovation with peace of mind Heero finances the energy renovation projects of owners, for work with peace of mind. heero's mission is to make energy renovation accessible to all by offering a simplified digital experience for financing work, and by reasoning the remaining costs. All this is complemented by the presence of a team of available experts and a complete and adapted phygital service. heero has no superpowers or magic formula, just the will to do everything to transform good intentions into concrete and sustainable actions. To massify energy renovation, heero supports many French people …

Type: Incubators & VCs

27 6 25 36
Exponantes Exponantes

[Automatic translation follows] EXPONANTES hosts or organizes more than 85 events each year: trade and public fairs, congresses, etc. Exponantes, a subsidiary of the CCI of Nantes Saint Nazaire, ensures the management and operation as well as the maintenance of the Parc des Expositions, owned by Nantes Métropole. Exponantes is: - 85 events hosted or organized each year - 60,000 m2 of exhibition space - 6 reception halls, including the XXL hall of 13,000 m2 - 10 modular meeting rooms, designed to accommodate between 50 and 500 people - 6,000 exhibitors - 550,000 visitors - References in many sectors of …

Type: Event

25 9 14 36

Maison de conseil en stratégie, management et organisation EUROGROUP CONSULTING is a European and independent strategy and organisation consultancy with 1,000 consultants throughout 16 countries. In France, the company was created in 1982. Since then, we have developed a significant footprint within Banking and Finance, Industry, Insurance & Welfare, Transportation & Logistics, Retail, Energy & Environment, Public Sector including Healthcare. Banques & Services Financiers, Industrie, Assurance, Mutuelle & Protection Sociale, Transports, Logistique & Services, Télécoms, Energie, Environnement & Distribution, Secteur Public & Santé, and Automobile

Type: SMB Activities: consulting transporttech insurtech Technologies: Decarbonization

54 15 39 652
Centrale Nantes Centrale Nantes

Reinvent Engineering In keeping with the traditions of French Engineering schools (grandes écoles d'ingénieurs), Ecole Centrale Nantes, founded in 1919, trains versatile engineers to a very high scientific and technical level. Equipped with a strong managerial culture, they are capable of placing scientific subjects into a global context incorporating environmental and societal issues. Sciences and Engineering

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

54 19 31 628
Ville de Dunkerque Ville de Dunkerque

[Automatic translation follows]

Type: Public

47 36 3 254
ESS Forum International ESS Forum International

SSE International Forum promotes Social Solidarity Economy within a pluralistic economy and on all continents. For over 10 years, this international network has proved to be a real think tank in three flieds of action : - GATHER SSE leaders and major players, because sharing and the willingness to build together are at the core of this model; - CO-CREATE sustainable and inclusive projects, because field initiatives provide clear evidence of SSE's social, civic, environmental and economic efficiency; - INFLUENCE policies and agendas for SSE, because stronger international acknowledgement will further develop this efficient and resilient model on all continents …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

23 3 19 7
ClimateSeed ClimateSeed

Software and experts toward net-zero emissions. ClimateSeed proposes software and expertise to simplify the measurement and reduction of GHG emissions and transparently manage the financial contribution to carbon removal and avoidance projects. environment, Green Tech, RSE, CSR, carbon, CO2, reduction, compensation carbone, carbon footprint, carbon offset, carbon reduction, net-zero, biodiversity, bilan carbone, bilan GES, GES, CSRD, GHG emissions, SBTi, and CDP

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

29 9 19 42
AlgoSource AlgoSource

High-value bioactive ingredients from microalgae for food supplements, healthcare / CDMO. #microalgaeforhealth AlgoSource is the French pioneer in producing high-value bioactive molecules from microalgae biomass and natural marine resources for nutraceutical and health prevention. AlgoSource has a strong in-house R&D team, cultivates its own biomass, and handles the extraction and packaging of high-value products. This way, we maintain our experise throughout the entire process. Thanks to patented cold water extraction processes, without synthetic solvents or chemical inputs, we offer 100% natural products, systematically subject to internal and external quality controls before introduced to the market. Our main products are: - …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech foodtech healthtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

21 10 14 33
Constellium Constellium

For us, aluminium is more than a metal. It is part of the solution for tomorrow’s lighter, faster economy. ***Please note: Constellium will never ask for your personal financial or other confidential information via unsolicited text, email, social media, direct message, pop-up, or phone call. Constellium uses a structured process to assess both candidates for employment and potential business relationships. Please be aware of potential scams, including from fake email accounts and websites. About us Constellium is a global leader designing and manufacturing innovative and high value-added aluminium products and solutions for a broad range of applications dedicated primarily to …

Type: Large company Activities: manufacturing

39 18 21 4,084
Institut Pasteur Institut Pasteur

The Institut Pasteur, a non-profit foundation with recognized charitable status set up by Louis Pasteur in 1887, is today an internationally renowned center for biomedical research with a network of 33 members worldwide. In the pursuit of its mission to tackle diseases in France and throughout the world, the Institut Pasteur operates in four main areas: research, public health, training, and development of research applications. The Institut Pasteur is a globally recognized leader in infectious diseases, microbiology, and immunology, with research focusing on the biology of living systems. Among its areas of investigation are emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, certain …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech biotech

101 57 44 4,123
France Énergies Marines France Énergies Marines

French Research and Innovation Institute dedicated to Offshore Wind At France Energies Marines, we bring together and coordinate a range of scientific expertise and resources to validate standards and produce the innovations essential for the development of offshore wind energy. Recognised for its industrial, economic and societal impact, this French Institute for Energy Transition relies on top-notch R&D conducted by a multidisciplinary team of nearly 100 staff. France Energies Marines is built around four complementary R&D programmes: site characterisation, system design and monitoring, farm optimisation, and environmental integration. Marine Renewable Energies

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

40 8 35 84
ANR, the French National Research Agency ANR, the French National Research Agency

ANR provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science - for both basic and applied research - to public research organisations and universities, as well as to private companies (including SMEs). Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews compliant with international standards, ANR provides the scientific community with instruments and programmes promoting creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between academia and industry. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world. Since 2010, ANR has also been the lead manager of the …

Type: Public

145 98 38 546
Leyton Leyton

We are an international consulting firm that helps businesses leverage financial incentives to accelerate their growth We are an international consulting firm that helps businesses leverage financial incentives to boost their growth and achieve long-lasting performance. We simplify access to these complex incentives. Our combined teams of highly skilled Tax and Technical specialists, enhanced with cutting-edge digital tools, maximise the financial benefits for businesses. With compliance always in front of mind, we have been delivering optimal services for our clients for over 25 years, allowing us to establish the peace of mind that you will always receive the maximum benefits …

Type: Large company

88 38 51 3,094
Arcep Arcep

Networks as a common good Arcep, expert and neutral referee to the status of independent administrative authority, is the architect and guardian of the exchange networks in France. Architect of networks, Arcep creates the conditions for a plural and decentralized network organization. It ensures the opening of the market to new players and all forms of innovation, and ensures the competitiveness of the sector through competition for investment. Arcep organizes the network interoperability framework, so that they appear as one in the eyes of users despite their diversity, simple access and not partitioned. It coordinates the good public / private …

Type: Public Technologies: 5G

116 56 79 309
Paris International Agricultural Show Paris International Agricultural Show

The essential event for the agricultural sector #SIAPRO #SIA2020 The essential event for the agricultural sector is coming back this year from the 22nd february to the 1st march 2020. Every year, more than 30.000 professionals visitors are exploring the show to find out what's happening in the sector, meeting with their peers and assisting to the Concours Général Agricole.

Type: Event

137 113 29 48

Industrial production of components for hydrogen technologies (electrolyzer and fuel cell for heavy duty mobility) Launched in May 2022, HYNOLOGY is based in the Grenoble area, and will manufacture the active components for fuel cells for heavy mobility, and for the production of green hydrogen by electrolysis. This project is based on the observation that, since the end of the last decade, hydrogen technology applications (fuel cells and electrolyzers) have shifted from the passenger car market to the heavy mobility and green hydrogen production markets, with a radical change in component characteristics. Product lifespan had to be multiplied by 5, …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing Technologies: Hydrogen

2 1 1 4

HydroQuest is a technology leader powering the world with clean, competitive, predictable & reliable energy. HydroQuest develops a unique power turbine technology that produces electricity from the tides. Our mission is to feed the grid with a predictable, constant and minimally invasive clean energy source at a global scale.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech energytech

6 4 2 37
TerriFlux TerriFlux

Flow maps with Sankey Diagrams available on Wood, waste, energy, finance... throughout its value chain, each sector has data from various sources, incomplete or redundant. Do you need to make a diagnosis? Would you like to develop your sector? TerriFlux offers online software ( and services to visualize and model your flow data.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

6 4 3 6
Kikleo Kikleo

[Automatic translation follows] The ways of change ... Kikleo's mission is to reduce food waste in the catering industry by offering a detailed and detailed analysis using innovative artificial intelligence tools 🌱

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: A.I.

23 8 13 20
Hatch Hatch

Your own service marketplace. Development free. Hatch provides you with enterprise grade service marketplaces. No CTO or tech teams needed to make your project real in a few minutes.

Type: Startup Activities: it services

11 0 11 2

[Automatic translation follows] The National Agency for the Development of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is a public institution classified among the 39 strategic establishments of the Kingdom of Morocco, whose mission is to implement government policy aimed at reducing energy dependence, through the democratization of renewable energies and the promotion of energy efficiency. ADEREE is a benchmark agency in energy efficiency and renewable energies, a center of excellence and a crossroads between institutions, civil society, the private sector and national and international cooperation. ADEREE designs and implements development programs in the fields of renewable energies (wind, solar, micro-hydraulic, biomass), …

Type: Public

7 1 4 46
Acoté Acoté

[Automatic translation follows] People and Performance Acoté is an associated firm that builds, together with its clients, innovative paths for the development of organizations and people. And for an increase in their performance. This means leveraging resources that are unexpressed. It means understanding something that is not so clear and visible. For this reason, in our work, we want to place ourselves first and foremost alongside people. Being alongside means not judging and not leading: it means first of all understanding and accompanying. That is, to be: the mirror of your potential The "workshop" of your evolution the witnesses of …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

9 1 9 6
FTI Consulting FTI Consulting

Experts With Impact FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. Our professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. Services: Antitrust Blockchain & Digital Assets Business Transformation & Strategy Cybersecurity Data & Analytics Dispute Advisory & International Arbitration E-Discovery & Managed Review ESG & Sustainability Information Governance, Privacy & Security Investigations & Monitorships Managed Services - Powered by AI Policy & Regulation Risk & Compliance Strategic Communications …

Type: Large company

51 5 25 9,980
EuRIC - The European Recycling Industries EuRIC - The European Recycling Industries

Recycling: Bridging circular economy & climate policy EuRIC - The European Recycling Industries’ Confederation is the umbrella organisation for recycling industries. Through its Member Federations from 23 EU & EFTA countries, EuRIC represents across Europe over: • 5,500+ companies generating an aggregated annual turnover of about 95 billion €, including large companies and SMEs, involved in the recycling and trade of various resource streams; • 300,000 local jobs which cannot be outsourced to third EU countries; • An average of 150 millions of tons of waste recycled per year (metals, paper, glass, plastics and beyond); Recyclers play a key role …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 1 7 22
CRESS de Mayotte CRESS de Mayotte

[Automatic translation follows] Social and solidarity, the economy of the Mahorais. Registered in the law of July 31, 2014, the CRESS are representative and transversal structures whose purpose is to bring together the actors of the social and solidarity economy of their region: associations, cooperatives, corporate foundations, mutual societies, employer unions of the social economy and in most regions, solidarity economy and local development networks. The CRESS of Mayotte ensures at the local level the promotion and development of the social and solidarity economy. Enjoying by right the capacity of associations recognized as being of public utility, it concludes an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

12 2 11 22
Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF) Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF)

[Automatic translation follows] The Ministry of Natural Resources (MRN) is the manager of public land, forest, mineral and energy resources as well as land information. By relying on cutting-edge knowledge, the Ministry ensures the conservation of natural resources and the territory and promotes the creation of wealth through their development, with a view to sustainable development, for the benefit of citizens.

Type: Public

9 3 8 1,794