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LogoName Σ Employees
Code for All Code for All

We connect organizations that drive change through technology. Creating fair and open digital societies. We are an international network of civic tech organizations that drive change through digital technology, citizen participation, collaborative decision-making, and good governance to deliver solutions for social challenges while improving the relationship between governments and citizens. Civic tech

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 1
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Coca-Cola Europacific Partners

We're Coca-Cola Europacific Partners - we make, move & sell your favourite brands across Europe, Australia & Pacific. We make, move and sell the world's most loved drinks, through our great brands, great people, great execution and all done sustainably. Read our privacy policy here ⬇️ DSD, CPG, Manufacturing, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, Sustainability, Recycling, Sales and Marketing, Soft drinks, and FMCG

Type: Large company

89 26,364
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

The German Red Cross is part of the International Red Cross and Red Cross MoD movement and the national society in the field of the Federal Republic of Germany. With 191 national societies, we are part of the world's largest humanitarian network that helps before, during and after crises on site. We are committed to crisis and support in emergencies worldwide and work with other organizations in partnership. With over 15.5 million volunteers, we are part of the world's largest voluntary network and use humanitarian aid in partnership with local Red Cross and Red Mond-volunteers and employees where it is …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

28 2,497
CNN Collection CNN Collection

Explore the CNN archives with CNN Collection, home to exclusive footage from the biggest global and local news stories. CNN Collection, the content licensing division of CNN, is a premier provider of footage, audio, and stills for film, television, advertising, and institutional production companies. With over 600,000 assets available online and over 4 million assets in the CNN archives, CNN Collection offers a library of unparalleled scope, including politics, entertainment, crime, b-roll, and historic coverage. As the exclusive source for CNN branded content, CNN Collection proudly features CNN’s world-renowned talent, including Anderson Cooper, Larry King, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Wolf Blitzer, …

Type: Media

94 13
CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

The Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC) is a research centre on climate science and policy The Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC) is a research centre on climate science and policy. The CMCC: - Integrates all studies on climate change and adaptation/mitigation policies - Promotes collaboration and synergy with international organisations, policy makers, and industry - Provides technical-scientific support to the institutions involved in the negotiation and international cooperation activities. CMCC produces thorough studies regarding climate variability, causes, and consequences, through the development of high-resolution simulations based on global models of Earth systems and regional models, with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

13 432
Cluster Digital de Catalunya Cluster Digital de Catalunya

Treballem conjuntament per innovar, generar oportunitats i afrontar nous reptes estratègics. CLUSTER DIGITAL is an association of companies, entities and research centers haring a common interest: the use of ICT. Integrated within the Catalonia Clústers Program, and recognised by the Ministerio de Industria as a Association of Innovative Entities, the CLUSTER DIGITAL aims at boosting the catalan ICT sector competitiveness, by promoting a new enterprise culture based on the collaboration and the open innovation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 16
Value for Good GmbH Value for Good GmbH

As a purpose-driven consultancy, we advise, empower and aim to inspire organisations to solve societal challenges. We aim to enable our clients to take effective actions towards a sustainable future. Through our services, we help organisations deliver on the UN’s sustainable development goals, deploy technology for good, build partnerships for impact, participate in sustainable finance, and manage impact effectively. Our advisory services encompass strategy definition, organisational development, operations support and impact evaluation. We empower through our impact management academy, workshops, and leadership coaching. We aim to inspire through sharing actionable insights from our client work and our partners. We work …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

6 35
European IP Helpdesk European IP Helpdesk

Follow us for regular updates: The European IP Helpdesk provides free-of-charge first-line support on IP-related issues aiming to help current and potential beneficiaries of EU-funded projects, as well as EU SMEs, manage their Intellectual Property assets. The European IP Helpdesk is managed by the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), with policy guidance provided by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG Grow). The information provided by the European IP Helpdesk is not of a legal or advisory nature and no responsibility is accepted for the results of any actions …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

14 16
Clean Clean

The Danish Water and Environmental Cluster Clean is Denmark's water and environmental cluster, and our vision is for Danish companies to be world leaders in the environmental sector. We are the innovation space for those developing environmental solutions and those needing to address environmental challenges. Together with strong partners, we open doors for innovation and business opportunities both nationally and internationally, driving company growth and the green transition. Clean is supported by, among others, Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse and The European Union. Test & demonstration, Matchmaking, Vækst og beskæftigelse, Erhvervsfremme, Grøn omstilling, Netværk, Udvikling, Vand, Ressourcer, Klimatilpasning, Luft, Jord, Materialer, and Cirkulær …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

11 203
foodwatch International foodwatch International

NGO fighting for food safety & transparency. Offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Paris and Vienna. foodwatch is an independent, non-profit organisation that exposes food-industry practices that are not in the interests of consumers. foodwatch fights for the right of consumers to know exactly what they are buying and to enjoy good food that is healthy and uncontaminated. foodwatch was founded in 2002 in Germany by former Greenpeace director Thilo Bode and has offices in Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna and Brussels.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

30 34
Clarkson University Clarkson University

Leading technological education & sustainable economic development through teaching, scholarship, research & innovation. Clarkson University educates the leaders of the global economy. One in five alumni already leads as an owner, CEO, VP or equivalent senior executive of a company. With its main campus located in Potsdam, New York, and additional graduate program and research facilities in the Capital Region and Beacon, N.Y., Clarkson is a nationally recognized research university with signature areas of academic excellence and research directed toward the world's pressing issues. Through more than 50 rigorous programs of study in engineering, business, arts, education, sciences and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 1,778

Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe. Excellence across all of AI. For all of Europe. With a Human-Centred Focus. CAIRNE is an initiative by the European AI community that seeks to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation. To achieve this, CAIRNE proposes the establishment of a pan-European Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe focusing on trustworthy AI that augments human intelligence rather than replacing it, and that thus benefits the people of Europe. AI, Research, and Artificial Intelligence

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

14 43
Ciudadanos ("Citizens"​) Ciudadanos ("Citizens"​)

Official Profile of Ciudadanos, the liberal, progressive and reformist party of Spain. #RadicallyFree We are a progressive, democratic and constitutionalist liberal party. We demand an open society, where public powers are dedicated to guaranteeing the freedoms and rights of citizens by complying with democratic laws. A society of free and equal citizens who have sufficient tools to develop their potential and seek their happiness. We advocate the defense and advancement of individual freedoms, without being limited by place of birth, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, opinion or any other personal or social circumstance. We believe that recovering and maintaining the …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

35 171
Benelux Union Benelux Union

Border-breaking cooperation | Cooperating to push back borders The General Secretariat of the Benelux is the hub of border-breaking cooperation within the Benelux Union. The Benelux Union is a pioneer in border-breaking cooperation, a model for regional integration and a project of European border-breaking, both as a precursor to Europe and as an adjunct. The General Secretariat of the Benelux is the linchpin of cooperation within the Benelux Union. The Benelux Union is a pioneer in cross-border cooperation, a model for regional integration and a laboratory for European cooperation, both as a precursor and as a complement to European policy.

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

6 35

Recycling. Disposal. Raw materials. Alba is one of the leading environmental service providers and raw material suppliers in Europe. The company generates an annual turnover of around 1.3 billion euros and employs a total of 5,400 people who make a contribution to more climate protection and a clean environment every day. Paper, glass, plastics, biomass, steel and metals - recycling is our passion. We save raw materials, energy and CO2. We are the sustainability makers. You can find our data protection declaration at the following link: Recycling, sustainability, waste management, circular economy, disposal, raw materials, and sustainability

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech civictech Technologies: New Materials

18 1,087
Circularity Capital Circularity Capital

Supporting growth and innovation in the circular economy Circularity Capital was founded as an independent investment manager in 2015, with a mission to deliver value for investors by supporting growth and innovation in the circular economy. We are a supportive hands-on investor and use our team’s specialist expertise and knowledge in the circular economy to support the businesses we back. Circularity’s investors comprise of pension funds, fund of funds, insurance companies and leading single family offices. Circular Economy, Sustainability, Decarbonisation, Investment, Growth Equity, Private Equity, Operational Support, Innovation, and Institutional

Type: Incubators & VCs

16 20
Circular Change Circular Change

The best entry point for your circular journey! Circular Change is a stakeholder engagement platform focusing on the Circular Economy. Our fundamental mission is to inform, educate, recognise leaders, interpret best practice and co-create pioneering case studies in the transition from linear to circular business models. The Circular Change platform was established by Giacomelli media, in cooperation with its international partners, in order to create a competence network to assist in a successful transition to the Circular Economy, embracing its economic, societal and environmental dimensions. circular economy, business models, innovation, systems thinking, education, industrial ecology, circular design, cradle to cradle, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

14 7
CIO Platform Nederland CIO Platform Nederland

The CIO Platform Nederland connects and strengthens The CIO Platform Nederland is the association for the CIO/CDO, their 'peers'​ and IT professionals of major users of digital technology in the Netherlands. Since 2005, the association has facilitated practical knowledge sharing, represents the interests of members and offers a platform for networking. This strengthens all members in their digital transformation: we make digital work! "The changes that digitalization makes possible and necessary in our organizations are so great and happening so fast that we can only be sufficiently prepared for these developments and prepare our organizations for them as well as …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

4 15

The big challenge of the small The CIC nanoGUNE is a research center established in 2009 with the mission of addressing basic and applied world-class research in nanoscience and nanotechnology, fostering high-standard training and education of researchers in this field, and promoting the cooperation among the different agents in the Basque Science, Technology, and Innovation Network (Universities and Technological Centers) and between these agents and the industrial sector. NanoGUNE develops the Cooperative Research Center (CIC) concept which has been successfully implemented in various cases in the Basque Country. CIC accounts for “Centro de Investigación Cooperativa”, which means Cooperative Research Center …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

6 132
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT

The Fraunhofer IPT develops technologies and services for sustainable, resilient and digital production. The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT researches and develops technologies and services for the sustainable, resilient and digitalized production of resource-saving products. We optimize new and existing methods, technologies and processes for an economic, crisis-proof and eco-friendly production of the future that includes climate protection and environmental compatibility in its calculations. As a partner to the manufacturing industry, our research makes valuable contributions to the establishment of new manufacturing processes, production systems and business models. Let us take you on the path to "Next Generation Production" …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: 5G Batteries

21 429
Chicago Council on Global Affairs Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Where your world and the world meet. We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing knowledge and engagement in global affairs. Our team of leading experts and our growing community are deeply invested in creating a more open and promising world for all. Learn more at Foreign Policy, Global Affairs, Food Security, Agriculture, Global Cities, Events, Membership, Leadership Development, and Young Professionals

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

32 81
Cetaqua - Water Technology Centre Cetaqua - Water Technology Centre

#Research #Collaboration #ThinkingForward Technology, research, innovation and management models allow us to propose solutions that guide all the processes in the water cycle toward a circular economy. Cetaqua (Water Technology Centre) is a model of public-private collaboration created in 2007 to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the water cycle, considering local needs. This model is consolidated as a reference in the application of academic knowledge to water and environment, creating products and services that benefit society. Cetaqua focuses in the following research programmes: • Water resources, production and reclamation • Environment, society and economics • Water 4.0, solutions for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

13 166

Imagine working in a place like nowhere else on Earth. CERN. Take part! CERN is a truly unique organisation. A genuine collaboration between countries, universities, and scientists, driven not by profit margins, but by a commitment to create and share knowledge. People here are part of immense scientific discoveries, answering some of life’s most complex questions and pushing the boundaries of understanding. Experts from every field come here to share in this ambition and the nature of this collaborative, international community creates a genuine atmosphere of trust. People are free to work creatively and to trust in, and rely on, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

85 7,176
Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies

An international research and consultancy network that promotes futures literacy with a focus on marginalized peoples. The Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies (CPPFS) is an international research and consultancy network that promotes futures literacy with a particular focus on marginalized peoples and Muslim societies. CPPFS works with communities, charities, foundations, and research, educational, and art institutions to foster critical inquiry, action learning, and an ethical imagination for shaping decolonized, alternative, and preferred futures. CPPFS has pioneered the theory and methodology of Postnormal Times (PNT): an era in which old orthodoxies are dying, new ones are emerging, and very …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

2 10
Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL)

A Global Privacy and Data Policy Think & Do Tank CIPL is a global privacy and data policy think and do tank based in Washington, DC, Brussels and London.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

12 N/A
Central Denmark EU Office Central Denmark EU Office

Central Denmark Region covers the central part of Jutland from coast to coast. With approx. 1.2 million inhabitants, it is Denmark’s second-largest region after the Capital Region. The region consists of nineteen municipalities and several large cities, including Denmark’s second-largest city, Aarhus, with approx. 300,000 inhabitants, as well as Randers, Horsens, Silkeborg and Herning. It represent Central Denmark Region, the 19 municipalities and Aarhus University. Central Denmark Region has great growth and development potential. The region has a vibrant economic life, strong competencies in relation to knowledge environments, research and education, and rapid population growth. The region thus accounts for …

Type: Public

1 35

"Id y haced discípulos a todas las naciones..."​ Mateo 28:19 We are an international Christian church, made up of men and women of all social levels, united by their faith in Jesus Christ, as the strongest factor of social union and the best guarantee of the future.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

23 68
Center for Democracy & Technology Center for Democracy & Technology

Promoting democratic values by shaping technology policy and architecture, with a focus on the rights of the individual. The Center for Democracy & Technology is a 501(c)(3) working to promote democratic values by shaping technology policy and architecture, with a focus on the rights of the individual. CDT supports laws, corporate policies, and technological tools that protect privacy and security and enable free speech online. Based in Washington, D.C., and with a presence in Brussels, CDT works inclusively across sectors to find tangible solutions to today's most pressing technology policy challenges. Our team of experts includes lawyers, technologists, academics, and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

25 61
CEEI Burgos CEEI Burgos

We support and promote business projects by helping to develop them and make them a reality CEEI BURGOS was created in 1994 as a specialized instrument at the service of local development under the model, quality criteria and sponsorship of the European Commission and the promotion of the regional and local entities and institutions most committed to the socioeconomic development of our territory. The Business Center is a reception and assistance center that supports and promotes those business projects that arise from the entrepreneurial spirit of the people of Burgos. The Business Center helps to develop them and make them …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

9 9
CEEI Bahía de Cádiz CEEI Bahía de Cádiz

CEEI Bahía de Cádiz is a non-profit foundation that has a public interest function and is constituted and supported by the main economic agents in the Bay of Cádiz area. It was established in 1997 following the CEEI model of the European Commission (EU|BIC). Its objectives are to stimulate investment, the creation and consolidation of companies, the creation of employment and innovative culture, the application of innovation in the industrial and service fabric in the Bay of Cádiz area, carrying out different activities and offering comprehensive consulting services for guidance and support to business projects, business accommodation or training, among …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

4 15

CECRA, the European Council for Motor Trades and Repairs established in 1983, is THE European Federation regrouping 24 national professional association representing the interests of the motor trade and repair businesses and 15 European Dealer Councils on behalf of vehicle dealers for specific makes. The main aim of CECRA is to promote the interests of its members and above all maintain a favourable European regulatory framework for the 380,000 enterprises of motor trade and repair businesses it represents through national associations and European Dealer Councils. CECRA provides representation to its members within the European Institutions and its offices are therefore …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

6 8
CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Investiamo il risparmio del Paese per trasformarlo nel patrimonio di tutti. Dal 1850. #conlitaliachecresce The Cassa depositi e prestiti Group is the national promotional institution that has supported the Italian economy since 1850. It finances public investments, supports international cooperation and is the catalyst for the country’s infrastructure growth. It supports Italian enterprises, helping them innovate and grow, while supporting their exports and international expansion. As the primary operator in social and affordable housing, it contributes to the growth of the Italian real estate sector.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

55 1,759

Official Confederal Profile on Linkedin of CCOO It is the first trade union center in Spain in terms of union members and delegates. According to its Statutes, CCOO is defined as a trade union: demanding, class-based, unitary, democratic, independent, participatory, of the masses, of men and women, socio-political, internationalist, pluri-ethnic and multicultural. Ideologically, it is oriented towards the suppression of capitalist society and the construction of a democratic socialist society. labor, employment, pensions, women, international, occupational health, youth, social movements, union, union action, and communication

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

27 675
BVMed - Bundesverband Medizintechnologie BVMed - Bundesverband Medizintechnologie

The BVMed is the voice of the German Medtech industry The BVMed is the voice of the German Medtech industry. We represent more than 300 manufacturers, suppliers and retailers of the MedTech industry as well as aid performance providers and homecare suppliers. About the industry: 265,000 employees | 93% SME | +40 billion € total sales | 9% investment in F & amp; e | 68% export Imprint: Medical devices, medical technology, CE marking, reimbursement, market access, Reimburement, benefit assessment, regulatory issues, and health policy

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

20 40
Rupprecht Consult GmbH Rupprecht Consult GmbH

We are a fully independent sustainability research and consultancy company based in Cologne (Germany) since 1996. Rupprecht Consult - Forschung & Beratung GmbH is a fully independent private research and consultancy company, mainly working on sustainability in the fields of urban and transport development, environment, information technologies and innovations to society. Our company is based in Cologne. We have developed and managed major European projects in our areas of interest. Project Management, Transport, Transport Planning, Consultancy, Sustainable Planning, Research, Project Development, Public Transport, Transport Policy and Governance, Shared Mobility, Innovative Transport, Dissemination, Stakeholder Engagement, Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, SUMP, Connected …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

10 39
PersonalData.IO PersonalData.IO

We are a Geneva based nonprofit promoting personal data protection rights. We want to make those rights actionable and useful, for individuals to produce a value within their community Big Data, Privacy, Advocacy, Consumer Protection, and data protection

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: privacytech it services

6 4
Interplanetary Database Association e.V.  (IPDB) Interplanetary Database Association e.V. (IPDB)

The IPDB Association fosters research into transparent governance and blockchain technology. IPDB fosters research and exchange in the areas of blockchain technology & governance as well as consortial collaboration across industries, the public sector and other important aspects concerning the technological and collaborative part of our future, through non-for profit activities. We support the documentation of open source code in order to enable blockchain-based backend capabilities such as registries for machine, object or code IDs, metadata notarization with web3 database capabilities - and all of that with real decentralization and regulatory compliance in mind. IPDB‘s focus on strong governance is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

12 2
Kleiderly Kleiderly

Converting clothing to reduce the world's fashion footprint 👣 Converting clothing to reduce the world’s fashion footprint Impressum: Circular Economy, Sustainability, Sustainable Fashion, Eyewear, Sunglasses, Blue Light Glasses, Material Innovation, Recycling, and Chemical Engineering

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: New Materials

11 2
Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi) Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi)

The Bitmi is the largest association for only medium-sized IT companies in Germany The Federal Association IT Mittelstand e.V. (Bitmi) represents over 2,500 IT companies and is therefore the largest IT specialist association for only medium-sized interests in Germany. IT industry and digitization

Type: SMB Activities: it services

12 17
Causeartist Causeartist

Causeartist is a global community of social entrepreneur, builders, creators, and conscious consumers. What is a Causeartist? causeartist – [cause-artist] noun. a person who uses their talents and skills to impact the world. Causeartist is a global community of social entrepreneur, builders, creators, and conscious consumers, who believe business can positively impact the world. At Causeartist, we contribute 1% of our revenue to carbon removal. Via Stripe Climate. Content, Publishing, social impact, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, ethical fashion, impact investing, conscious consumer, and sustainability

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

7 1
Crop Trust Crop Trust

Our mission is to ensure the conservation and availability of crop diversity for food security worldwide. The Crop Trust is an international non-profit organization dedicated to conserving and making crop diversity available for use globally, forever and for the benefit of everyone. The fight to achieve food security and end hunger is one of the most defining issues of our times. Agriculture feeds our world, both people and the livestock that we raise. Yet, agriculture is under threat. Rising populations, diminishing resources and deteriorating environments are all raising the stakes. We will need 50% more food on the table by …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Cybersecurity

14 73
Understanding eCommerce Understanding eCommerce

Putting the Pieces Together – Build, Grow, Convert Understanding eCommerce helps businesses build brand awareness, grow their online reach, and convert visitors into customers. We aim to provide the highest quality digital marketing services to entrepreneurs, small businesses, creative professionals, and consumers globally through cutting-edge solutions, strategic partnerships, and online offerings. Being a small business is much work. The hours are long. The pay? Well, let's not go there. This is something that you built that you own. You provide jobs, you support the community, and you pay taxes. And you wouldn't have it any other way. Every entrepreneur suffers …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

3 3
Catalan Water Partnership CWP Catalan Water Partnership CWP

Catalan Water Partnership. Water cluster: Innovation, R&D, Business Development, Internasionalisation and Shared Value. CAT ⬇️ El Clúster Català de l’Aigua (CATALAN WATER PARTNERSHIP) és l’associació estratègica on consultores, centres de coneixement, fabricants d’equips, enginyeries i altres entitats relacionades amb el cicle de l’aigua treballen conjuntament per a promoure col·laboracions multinivell, orientades a aconseguir, des d’una perspectiva sostenible, solucions innovadores a les necessitats globals d’aigua de qualitat en qualsevol lloc del món. Treballem amb un enfocament innovador i amb visió internacional. Per això busquem establir aliances estratègiques amb empreses i centres de coneixement de qualsevol país, per a identificar oportunitats i …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

15 22
Casa Netural Casa Netural

Coworking|Coliving|Incubator the home of social innovation in the heart of the Mediterranean A home where you can find inspiration and training together with people from all over the world, to regenerate and realize your ideas around the themes of social, cultural and creative innovation. Honorable Mention for Social Design XXV edition of the ADI Compasso d'Oro Award "Founded by Andrea Paoletti and Mariella Stella in 2012, Casa Netural is located in a historic working-class neighborhood created by Adriano Olivetti. In it, the community can start collaborations and shared projects, with social innovators from all over the world, who, thanks to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

6 6
Carbon Brief Carbon Brief

Award-winning website focused on climate change. Subscribe to our free newsletters: Carbon Brief reports on the latest developments and media coverage of climate science and energy policy, with a particular focus on the UK. We produce news coverage, analysis and factchecks. Subscribe to our free newsletters: Banner image credits: CTBTO, Knut-Erik Helle, NASA, S Kilungu/CCAFS. Journalism, Analysis of climate science/research, Science communication, Analysis of climate and energy policy, Fact checking, Data journalism, Data visualisation, Infographics, Climate policy, Climate science, Energy policy, Interviews, and Climate change

Type: Media

36 29

Let's act together for a more inclusive society. For over 60 years, our actions towards disabilities, young people in difficulty and children in poverty have been governed by strong values. We finance associations that encourage social ties and help people with disabilities as well as young people in difficulty. CAP48 works to ensure that no one experiences their disability or youth on the margins. Our funding allows schools and businesses in Brussels and Wallonia to welcome people with reduced mobility as they would welcome an able-bodied person. We also offer several calls for projects aimed at combating the clichés and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

10 32
imc Learning imc Learning

More Than Technology Scheer IMC is an eLearning technologies leader with over 25 years of experience. As a full-service provider, it offers training platforms, learning content, and strategic expertise for global brands to achieve complex learning goals. Founded by IT visionary Prof Scheer out of a pioneering university initiative, Scheer IMC has transformed learning for 10M+ learners at 1,300+ organizations. Driven by bold innovation, Scheer IMC goes beyond technology to deliver human-centred learning experiences. eLearning, learning, LMS, authoring, eContent, education, software, digitalLearning, CustomContent, AuthoringSoftware, elearningTechology, learning analytics, digital training, enterprise training, learning management system, blended learning, and bespoke content

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

13 348
Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana

Music, Theatre, Dance, Film, Art Exhibitions, Humanities, Congresses, Fairs .. Our cultural and congress centre presents, produces, co-produces, organises and provides cultural and artistic, congress and other events, state ceremonies, exhibitions and festivals. Since CD is mostly a cultural centre, over two thirds of the available halls are annually reserved for culture and the arts. With its programme CD has been attempting at enriching the quality of lives, to form, foster and effectuate cultural and wider national identity and educate the young people in culture and the arts. CD cooperates with similar cultural institutions at home and abroad in the …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

1 64
Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Cancer Research UK (CRUK)

We're the world’s largest charity dedicated to saving lives through research. Cancer Research UK is the world's leading cancer charity dedicated to saving lives through research, influence and information. Nearly one in two of us will get cancer in our lifetime, but we’re finding new ways to outsmart it, so that more people can live longer, better lives free from the fear of cancer. We carry out scientific research to help prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and our groundbreaking work, funded almost entirely by the general public, will ensure that millions more people survive. Together we are beating cancer. Registered …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech

55 4,991
365 Sherpas - Corporate Affairs & Policy Advice 365 Sherpas - Corporate Affairs & Policy Advice

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. 365 Sherpas was founded in Berlin in October 2013. Its team of experienced and specialised all-rounders provide corporate affairs and policy advice to enterprises, associations and government bodies like ministries on federal and state level. We have offices in Berlin and Brussels. If we need expertise in additional disciplines when advising clients or implementing communications, we can access the professional resources of the HIRSCHEN GROUP – one of the largest owner-managed agency groups in Germany and majority shareholder of 365 Sherpas – or our …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: IoT

25 62
Camera dei deputati Camera dei deputati

Democracy, daily work The Italian Constitution establishes that sovereignty belongs to the people, that is, to all citizens, who exercise it in the forms and within the limits that the Constitution itself indicates. One of the most important forms of expression of popular sovereignty is the election of Parliament. Parliament is composed of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic. Parliament is a central institution in our constitutional system. In fact, it approves laws, directs and controls the activity of the Government, carries out investigations on matters of public interest, grants and revokes confidence in the Government; …

Type: Public

9 1,401
Cambridge Cleantech Cambridge Cleantech

The UK’s leading cleantech innovation network, bringing together pivotal people to make climate impact. As the UK’s leading cleantech innovation network, Cambridge Cleantech brings together innovators, investors, corporates, academics and the public sector to create a sustainable future. Through events, technology scouting, projects and investment matching, we tackle global sustainability challenges in some of the most dynamic sectors, including energy, transport, building tech, water, hydrogen and circular economy.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 16
Cambridge Ahead Cambridge Ahead

A business and academic member organisation dedicated to the sustainable and inclusive growth of Cambridge. Cambridge Ahead (CA) is a business, research, and academic membership group dedicated to the sustainable and inclusive growth of Cambridge and its region in the long term. We produce evidence and analysis relevant to the key issues facing Cambridge’s future, and bring policymakers together to respond to this research. Our c. 50 members represent a workforce of over 40,000 in the Cambridge city region, and on their behalf we act as a voice for the Cambridge economy both nationally and locally.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 18
SEC Newgate EU SEC Newgate EU

Advocacy & communications consultancy. We anticipate & manage our clients’ policy & reputation needs. Formerly Cambre. Public affairs. Communications. Media relations. Association management. EU funding. As a 360° consultancy at the heart of Europe, we are your one-stop shop in Brussels. With our team of experts and panel of senior EU advisors, we have access to EU institutions, Member States and a hot line to leading European journalists, shaping opinions and delivering impact for our clients. Formerly Cambre Associates. Public Affairs, Government Relations, Corporate Public Relations, Media Relations, Online Communications, Crisis Management, Association Management, Audiovisual, Reputation Management, Research & Polling, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting govtech

28 33
Spanish Chamber of Commerce Spanish Chamber of Commerce

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce is the representative and coordinating body of all the territorial Chambers of Commerce before state and international organisations. It also plays an active role as a consultative and collaborative body with the General State Administration, being responsible for the design and execution of the Chamber's Competitiveness and Internationalisation Plans for Spanish companies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

25 432
Courrier picard Courrier picard

The news brings us closer! Regional information daily in Picardy. Information, advertising, and marketing

Type: Media

46 174
C40 Cities C40 Cities

C40 is a network of nearly 100 world-leading cities taking urgent action to confront the climate crisis. 🌳 🚴‍♀️ C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities who are working to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone, everywhere, can thrive. Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using a science-based and people-focused approach to help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities. Through a Global Green New Deal, mayors are working alongside a broad coalition of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: cleantech greentech

74 514
Business News Wales Business News Wales

The Voice of Innovation in Wales Business News Wales is a Welsh-owned independent media and communications business with a team of journalists and storytellers located in all regions of Wales. Our wide-ranging menu of platforms, communication services, and highly targeted distribution networks offers our clients a proven, strategically connected one-stop-shop solution for all regions and business sectors in Wales and beyond. news, business, wales, networking, thought leadership, and marketing

Type: Media

25 10
Business Leader Business Leader

We’re on a mission to inspire business breakthrough. Transform Your Business, Unlock Your Potential Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Growing a mid-sized company into a large, thriving enterprise isn’t just a dream—it’s a challenge. And you don’t have to face it alone. At Business Leader, we bring together ambitious founders and CEOs of mid-sized businesses (£3m-£100m turnover) in a peer-to-peer network that’s built for one purpose: to help you grow your business faster, smarter, and stronger. Imagine being part of a community where: Every member is a leader like you, navigating the same journey …

Type: Media

94 75
Business in the Community Business in the Community

We are the business network committed to transforming lives and helping the planet and communities thrive. WHO ARE WE? Business in the Community is the UK's largest and most influential responsible business network dedicated to building a fairer and greener world together. We inspire, engage and challenge purposeful leaders to take practical action to mobilise their collective strength as a force for good in society by: • Working fairer - to help everyone reach their full potential. • Working greener - to accelerate climate action. • Working together - to continually improve business and deliver impact at pace and scale. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

71 502

German Chamber of Commerce and Industry - #Single -of -the -Sade The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) represents the entire commercial economy in Germany. Its members are the 79 Chambers of Industrial and Commerce (IHKS) with several million companies from industry, trade and services- from kiosk owners to large corporations. For these companies, DIHK is committed to politics, administration and the public. It is committed to the commercial economy at the federal and European level- for example for less bureaucracy, free trade or fast internet. The goal: good framework for successful business. Economy, training, further training, advocacy, economic …

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce

42 327

Enabling Moments METRO is a leading international food wholesaler which specialises in serving the needs of hotels, restaurants, and caterers (HoReCa) as well as independent merchants (Traders). Around the world, METRO has approx. 15 million customers who benefit from the wholesale company’s unique multichannel mix: customers can purchase their goods in one of the large stores in their area as well as by delivery (Food Service Distribution, FSD) – all digitally supported and connected. In parallel, METRO MARKETS is being developed as an international online marketplace for the needs of professional customers which has been growing and expanding continuously since …

Type: Large company

67 1,917
Brussels Environment Brussels Environment

Environment and Energy Administration of the Brussels-Capital Region Created in 1989, Brussels Environment is the administration for the environment and energy in the Brussels-Capital Region. Our missions ? - To study, monitor and manage the air, water, soil, waste, noise, nature (green spaces and biodiversity) - But also to issue environmental permits, to monitor compliance with them, to develop and support environmental education projects in Brussels schools, to take part in meetings and negotiations at Belgian and international level... - Finally, Brussels Environment has developed its activities in the field of eco-construction and the links between health and the environment.

Type: Public

13 797
CoreTechnologie CoreTechnologie

Software for CAD and 3D Printing Data | Simplification | Conversion | Healing | Texturing We develop four software expert in 3D CAD data optimization for CAD users and 3D printers in the automotive, aerospace, robotics, machine tool, luxury and medical industries. 3D_Evolution for exact and tessellated conversion and simplification 3D_Analyzer, the pro viewer for advanced analysis 3D_Kernel_IO, the CAD interface library 4D_Additive, the software dedicated to data preparation for 3D printing (repair in exact geometry, textures, lattices). CoreTechnologie is the leader in global 3D CAD data management and the most robust technical ally on the market. Additive Manufacturing, CAD …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 it services Technologies: 3D Printing Robotics VR

29 48
British Water British Water

British Water provides leadership, support and best practice and addresses the challenges faced by the UK water sector. We represent the interests of UK water and wastewater supply chain companies together with wider stakeholders across the sector, through our UK, Technical and International forums, connecting them to contacts to raise their profile, grow their business and promote best practice. Our Water Industry Forum provides challenge-led, independent thought leadership, to tackle the challenges facing the sector. British Water provides leadership, support and best practice and addresses the challenges faced by the UK water sector through its UK, Technical and International forums, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

16 30
Bridge for Billions Bridge for Billions

Partnering with companies and organizations worldwide to generate positive impact through entrepreneurship support. Bridge for Billions is a social enterprise committed to make positive impact by supporting early-stage entrepreneurs worldwide. We partner with companies and organizations from all around the world to design and implement incubation programs for all those who have great talent and ideas, but lack of opportunities. By promoting this approach, we ensure the development of communities and regional ecosystems. Entrepreneurs with a higher survival rate are able to generate more revenue, jobs and raise more funds, unleashing economic growth. Our programs are open for all entrepreneurs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech entrepreneurship

25 259
Brembo Brembo

Brembo leads the world in the design and production of high-performance braking systems and components for top-flight manufacturers of cars, motorbikes and commercial vehicles. Founded in 1961 in Italy, Brembo has a long-standing reputation for providing innovative solutions for OEMs and aftermarket. Brembo also competes in the most challenging motorsport championships in the world and has won over 600 titles. Guided by its strategic vision – “Turning Energy into Inspiration” – Brembo’s ambition is to help shape the future of mobility through cutting-edge, digital and sustainable solutions. With over 16,000 people across 15 countries, 32 production and business sites, 9 …

Type: Large company

25 6,870
BPIE - Buildings Performance Institute Europe BPIE - Buildings Performance Institute Europe

We are advancing the transition towards climate-neutrality in Europe and globally. BPIE is Europe's leading independent think tank on energy performance of buildings. Our vision is a climate-neutral built environment, aligned with the ambition of the Paris Agreement, and in support of a fair and sustainable society. Our mission is to support the development of ambitious, yet pragmatic building-related policies and programs at EU and Member State level and to drive their timely and efficient implementation. Our Twitter account: @BPIE_eu energy efficiency, EPBD, energy performance buildings, EED, policy , nZEB, smart buildings, energy security, data, and climate adaptation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 36
Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien

Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien is a sports company based out of Rheinlanddamm 207-209, Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Type: Media

14 14
Borsa Italiana Borsa Italiana

Borsa Italiana, part of the Euronext Group, is responsible for the organization and management of capital markets. Borsa Italiana, part of Euronext, is responsible for the organization, management and operation of markets. Borsa Italiana organizes and manages the Italian market through national and international intermediaries that operate - in Italy or abroad - using a completely electronic trading system for the execution of trades in real time. Among the guiding principles, the entrepreneurial nature of the organization and management of markets and the separation of supervisory functions (exercised by Consob and Banca d'Italia) from those of regulation and management of …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

26 435
Bord Bia - The Irish Food Board Bord Bia - The Irish Food Board

Growing the success of Irish food, drink and horticulture. The role of Bord Bia, The Irish Food Board, is to act as a link between Irish food, drink and horticulture suppliers and existing and potential customers worldwide. Bord Bia was established in 1994 through the amalgamation of the Irish Meat and Livestock Board (Coras Beostoic agus Feola) and the food promotion activities of the Irish Trade Board. In 2004 it amalgamated with Bord Glas to incorporate the development of the horticulture industry and in 2009 Bord Bia took over the promotion of Irish seafood from BIM (Bord Iascaigh Mharaigh). Our …

Type: Public Activities: foodtech

14 313
Bodegas Martín Códax Bodegas Martín Códax

Discover the culture of Albariño with Martín Códax Bodegas Martín Códax was founded in 1986 and takes its name from the most famous Galician troubadour whose cantigas, the oldest in Galician-Portuguese, are still preserved, in which he sings of love and the sea that bathes our coasts. Since then, Bodegas Martín Códax has grown and evolved, always supporting its people, its land and its culture. A culture that it promotes in more than 50 countries around the world. A project that began with the enthusiasm and effort of a group of winegrowers and that today is already a reality that …

Type: Media

9 8
Érudit Érudit

Au service de la diffusion et de la valorisation numériques des publications scientifiques et culturelles. Érudit is a non-profit multi-university consortium. For more than 18 years, Érudit has provided the research and cultural communities with a wide range of services in digital publishing and dissemination, from data markup to document indexing through international content aggregators. For more informations, please communicate with Érudit at diffusion de données, valorisation, indexation de contenu, and production numérique

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

7 47
Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia

The Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia (MUVE) is responsible for eleven museums: the Doge’s Palace; the Museo Correr; the Torre dell’Orologio; Ca’ Rezzonico – Museum of the eighteenth-century Venice; Palazzo Mocenigo – Centre for the History of Textiles and Costume; the Casa di Carlo Goldoni; Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art; Palazzo Fortuny; the Museo del Vetro di Murano (Murano glass museum); the Museo del Merletto di Burano (Burano lace museum); the Natural History Museum of Venice. It boasts an immense cultural heritage, with over 700,000 works of art, five specialist libraries, a photographic archive and a well-equipped …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

1 128
Institut français NL Institut français NL

The French Agency for Cultural Cooperation in the Netherlands: creation, research, education, French language, ideas The French Institute in the Netherlands brings Franco-Dutch cultural cooperation to life: it promotes the learning of the French language and encourages multilingualism in the Netherlands; it supports Franco-Dutch mobility and partnerships in the fields of creation, research, teaching, the French language and ideas; it supports professionals in culture, research and teaching in their development in France and the Netherlands; it presents events that bring European societies into dialogue on contemporary issues. Cultural cooperation, Academic and scientific cooperation, Linguistic and educational cooperation, French language, Ideas …

Type: Public

17 28
MaibornWolff GmbH MaibornWolff GmbH

people.code.commitment. MaibornWolff has been inspiring clients from all industries in IT consulting, software engineering and test management for over 30 years. These include well-known companies such as BMW, Daimler, Deutsche Bahn, Dräger, KUKA, Miele, SMA Solar, Sonax, STIHL and Weidmüller. 900 employees in Munich, Augsburg, Berlin, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Bonn, Tunis, Alicante and Valencia ensure that the focus remains on people in all phases of demanding IT projects: We lay the technology foundation for new business models with digital design, UCD and enterprise architecture, agile methods and DevOps, in cloud-native projects, with web applications and IoT platforms, in web and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Cybersecurity IoT VR

23 840
American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (AmCham Germany) American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (AmCham Germany)

The voice of transatlantic business. The American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (AmCham Germany) was founded in 1903 and is a private, nonprofit business organization representing the interests of American and German businesses as well as other companies engaged in transatlantic affairs across all industries. AmCham Germany is one of the largest bilateral business associations in Europe and has close contact to a global network of more than 110 AmChams. Our members are drawn together by a common interest in the continued development of business relations between Germany and the US. AmCham Germany is led by the Executive Committee …

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce Technologies: Decarbonization

62 42
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is the competent department within the scope of the General State Administration for the proposal and execution of the Government's policy in the area of: - Rural development - Agricultural, livestock and fishing resources - Food

Type: Public

24 1,148

European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites. Monitoring weather and climate since 1986. EUMETSAT is the European operational satellite agency for monitoring weather, climate and the environment from space. We operate a system of meteorological satellites that observe the atmosphere and ocean and land surfaces – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This data is supplied to the National Meteorological Services of the organisation's member and cooperating states in Europe, as well as other users worldwide. The service provided by EUMETSAT helps to enhance and safeguard the daily lives of European citizens. They aid meteorologists in identifying …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech spacetech

17 791
BlueSky Education BlueSky Education

International PR & media consultancy of choice for many of the world's prestigious universities and business schools BlueSky Education is the media agency of choice for many of the world’s most prestigious universities, business schools, and organisations within the education sector. Since 2008, we’ve been: • Ensuring visibility for our clients • Building brand awareness • Elevating their reputations • Increasing awareness of faculty research • Boosting the profile of key personnel such as the Dean Resulting in: • Increased student applications • Attracting the best faculty • New corporate partnerships • Increased budgets for research • Worldwide acclaim Here …

Type: Media

19 16
eco – Association of the Internet Industry eco – Association of the Internet Industry

At eco You'll Find the Power of the Whole Industry At eco You'll Find the Power of the Whole Industry Reliable networks and constantly up-to-date industry knowledge are key foundations for any business today. At eco, you get both. We also take care of your interests and have influence on political decisions in Berlin and at the European level, as well as in international committees. When many individual players join together and speak with one voice, they can all achieve a whole lot more. Meet new business partners and customers: Thousands of contacts from more than 1000 international member companies …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services e-commerce martech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Cybersecurity IoT

45 76
Bloomberg CityLab Bloomberg CityLab

All things urban. Read for free: || Sign up for our daily newsletter: Discover how cities work, the challenges they face, and the solutions they need.

Type: Media

43 21
Blockchain Intelligence Blockchain Intelligence

Transforming the world with Blockchain Technology We unleash the potential of Blockchain Technology for positive impact. We work with organisations on strategic definition of blockchain use cases, public policy and regulatory issues and governance. We define strategic alliances and generate knowledge. Our Blockchlain Law Institute is the leading think tank and professional training center for Blockchain for Lawyers, Compliance and Regulators.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting regtech

13 5

Advocating for young Stroke survivors and people with a disability of Cerebral Palsy Founded by a tech-savvy couple living in Milan, Italy, and since 2011, by their son, Mario. While their baby initially seemed healthy, when he was just 10 days old, he was diagnosed as having had a perinatal stroke in the right side of his brain. The stroke left him unable to move the left side of his body. The D’Angelos have used mirror neuron rehabilitation to help Mario regain movement. Today, Mario is 10-years-old and has greatly improved motion. is now a movement aimed to gather …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

17 8
We Make Change We Make Change

Volunteer remotely with top impact startups that match your causes, skills, and schedule. We make impact easy for everyone. We enable individuals and teams to volunteer remotely with startups changing the world. Our 40,000+ ChangeMakers supercharge 1,300+ impact startups supporting the UN SDGs. Start your Impact journey here today. Technology, Innovation, Social Enterprise, Volunteering, Volunteer, CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, employee volunteering, ESG, Startups, and Impact

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

6 49
BirdLife Europe and Central Asia BirdLife Europe and Central Asia

We are the European and Central Asian Division of BirdLife International BirdLife Europe and Central Asia is a partnership of 48 national conservation organisations and a leader in bird conservation. Our unique local to global approach enables us to deliver high impact and long term conservation for the benefit of nature and people. BirdLife Europe and Central Asia is one of the six regional secretariats that compose BirdLife International. Based in Brussels, it supports the European and Central Asian partnership and is present in 47 countries, including all EU Member States. With more than 4,100 staff in Europe, 2 million …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

9 33
Bird & Bird Bird & Bird

We're an international law firm helping organisations being changed by the digital world. Bird & Bird is an international law firm with a focus on helping organisations being changed by technology and the digital world. We have over 1600 lawyers in 32 offices across Europe, North America, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa, as well as close ties with firms in other parts of the world. We're ready to help you wherever you are. If you'd like to know more about the type of work we do for our clients, please take a look at the relevant sector or …

Type: Large company

90 3,414
The Biomimicry Institute The Biomimicry Institute

Empowering people to create nature-inspired solutions for a healthy planet. The Biomimicry Institute ( is on a mission to help solve humanity’s biggest challenges through the adoption of biomimicry (nature-inspired innovation) in education, culture, and industry. For eons, nature has solved its problems with well-adapted designs, life-friendly chemistry, and smart material and energy use. We exist to shine a light on nature’s genius, and bridge pressing design challenges with proven biological strategies for a better future. Our initiatives across education, innovation, inspiration, and systems change have empowered thousands with the tools and training necessary to create a healthier world, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech greentech cleantech

13 71
World Bio Markets & Bio Innovations Midwest World Bio Markets & Bio Innovations Midwest

Driving the bio-revolution together We connect markets and create relationships to drive the commercialisation of the bioeconomy. For years World Bio Markets (est. 2005) and World Bio Market Insights (est. 2015) have delivered market leading events and content for our clients and readers around the world. Now in 2024, we are delighted to have taken our event to the U.S. with Bio Innovations Midwest. World Bio Markets – 10-11 June 2025, The Hague: Bio Innovations Midwest – 15-16 September 2025, Omaha: World Bio Market Insights – News & inspiration for the bioeconomy: We are committed to connecting …

Type: Media

39 16
Observatorio Pirenaico del Cambio Climático Observatorio Pirenaico del Cambio Climático

El Observatorio Pirenaico de Cambio Climático, OPCC, Tiene Como Objectivo Realizar a seguimiento including El Fenómeno del Cambio Climático en los pinineos para ayudar al territorio a adaptors Su Visión es ser La Platforma de Referencia sober conocimiento en adaptación al Cambio Climático as Ecosistemas de Montaña. El Observatorio Pirenaico es una iniciativa Transfronteriza de Cooperación Territorial de la Comunidad de Tabajo de Pirineos (CTP). Los Miembros de la CTP, y por lo tanto, del opcc, its las 2 regions Francesas: Nouvelle-Aquitaine y Occitanie, las 4 Comunidades Autónomas Españolas: Catalunya, Aragón, Navarra y euskadi y el mainado de Andorra. TODA …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

6 1
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net) Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net)

The UNDP-managed Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net), supported by UNEP-WCMC and UNESCO, promotes dialogue between science, policy and practice to build capacity for the sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystem services worldwide. Our posts do not represent the Consortium's views. biodiversity, ecosystem services, science, policy, practice, environment, sustainability, networking, and capacity building

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

8 5
Biocat, BioRegion of Catalonia Biocat, BioRegion of Catalonia

Doing now what the BioRegion of Catalonia needs next Biocat is the institution that promotes the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem in Catalonia and works to maximize its economic and social impact. Biocat’s strategy focuses on positioning the BioRegion of Catalonia as one of the leading European hubs, offering researchers and professionals innovative capacity with programs to improve talent and entrepreneurship, accelerating technology transfer and business growth by supporting TTOs and startups, and helping attract investors and investment to the ecosystem. Created in 2006 by the Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council, Biocat also promotes far-reaching political strategies …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

71 44
Billerud Billerud

We are a world leading company in high performance paper and packaging materials; passionately committed to sustainability, quality and customer value. The company has nine production units in Sweden, USA, and Finland with around 6000 employees in over 19 countries and customers in over 100 countries. We help reduce our customers’ climate impact by inspiring them to make the best packaging choices with confidence. We spare no effort to reduce our carbon footprint, and to make high performance products that help our customers do the same. Because at Billerud, we understand that the right packaging materials and solutions can be …

Type: Large company

13 2,782

EXPOSSIBLE! Get to know BEC BEC is much more than just a trade-show and congress venue: it is versatile and innovative. With an average of 160 events and 1 million visitors per annum, its facilities are transformed day by day to suit the needs of its customers. It is a 170,000 m2 site for all kinds of events and all kinds of users. BEC is the future This year BEC is celebrating its 10th anniversary. It has become a symbol of urban, social and cultural renewal, and the biggest trade-show complex on the Atlantic Rim. As such it continues to …

Type: Event

6 101
Wood for Good Wood for Good

The timber industry's campaign to promote use of timber in construction and design. Wood for Good is the timber industry’s campaign to promote use of wood in design and construction. We work with supporters across the supply chain to promote wood as a first-choice material for specifiers and designers by demonstrating the valuable environmental and aesthetic benefits of using timber. We launched Wood CO2ts less - an industry-wide campaign - in 2020. The campaign promotes the use of all wood products as low carbon materials and illustrates how using wood can help reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and contribute to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

4 7
BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group

BIG architects, designers, inventors & researchers based in NYC, CPH, LON, BCN, LA, OSL, ZRH, and SZN. BIG is a Copenhagen, New York, London, Barcelona, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Oslo, Zurich, and Bhutan-based architecture firm operating within the fields of architecture, urbanism, interior design, landscape design, product design, research, and development. The office is currently involved in a large number of projects throughout Europe, North America, Asia, the Middle East, and Oceania. BIG’s architecture emerges out of a careful analysis of how contemporary life constantly evolves and changes, not least due to the influence from multicultural exchange, global economic flows, and …

Type: Corporate subsidiary

39 1,531
Fundació Acció Social Infància "FASI"​ Fundació Acció Social Infància "FASI"​

We work so that children living in vulnerable environments can exercise their right to grow as a family The ACCIÓ Social Infantil (FASI) Foundation is an entity in the services sector for people with a vocation to promote and manage, through family intervention, residential services and innovative projects in the care of children in vulnerability and their families in Catalonia. Among the innovative services we have managed since 2010 is the Cases Infants Service as well as the Intervention Services in Extensive Families (SIFE) as Family Care Services (SAF). You can also find us on Twitter 🏽 @fasi_fundacio Social Services, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services

4 147
Better Incubation Better Incubation

Linking Incubation Actors for Inclusive and Social Entrepreneurship (LIAISE is an EU-funded programme) LIAISE aims to kickstart an “eco-systemic” change bringing incubation and business support services closer to the whole society to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment as means to create jobs, develop skills and allow unemployed and vulnerable people to fully participate in society and the economy. The European Business Innovation Centre Network (EBN), Impact Hub and the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) joined forces to formalise a knowledge exchange under the LIAISE Linking Incubation Actors for Inclusive and Social Entrepreneurship programme funded by the European Commission (DG EMPL – …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 1
BEST Growth Hub BEST Growth Hub

Free and impartial signposting to support businesses in Essex The BEST Growth Hub aims to help your business to identify and realise its potential with free business support for growth. It provides a focal point for businesses that are looking to increase their competitiveness and grow, it offers a great choice of advice, training, networking and more, all tailored to your needs. If you’re a business in Essex, Southend or Thurrock with an aspiration to grow and be more profitable – then we want to hear from you! Advice on financing a business, Advice on growing a business, Advice on …

Type: Public

6 3
FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Financial markets need clear, comprehensive information on the impacts of climate change. This includes the risks and opportunities presented by rising temperatures, climate-related policy, and emerging technologies in our changing world. The Financial Stability Board created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to improve and increase reporting of climate-related financial information. The TCFD has developed a framework to help public companies and other organizations more effectively disclose climate-related risks and opportunities through their existing reporting processes. Our recommendations encourage clear reporting on how climate change financially impacts companies across four pillars: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech fintech

48 14