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LogoName Σ Employees
Alliance des Mobilités Alliance des Mobilités

[Automatic translation follows] The representation structure of mobility entrepreneurs. 19th profession of MOBILIANS (ex CNPA), the Alliance des Mobilités represents and unites entrepreneurs in the new mobility and automotive service sector since 2019. Through tailor-made support in their efforts as well as maintaining a permanent dialogue with public decision-makers and traditional automotive professions, the Alliance des Mobilités works daily to provide its members with a favorable framework for the development of their activity. New Mobilities, Automotive Services, Automotive Digital Solutions

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

49 2 48 7

[Automatic translation follows] Our motto: Welcome – Accommodate – Support – Insert. « LE FOYER NOTRE-DAME DES SANS-ABRI Since 1950, the association Le Foyer Notre-Dame des Sans-Abri has welcomed, accommodated, supported and professionally and socially integrated men, women and children in difficulty in the Rhône, in particular homeless people, isolated or with their families, victims of violence or suffering from psychological distress... to help them escape from precariousness in the long term: they are the Passengers. The street is not a shelter. To respond to this observation, Le Foyer offers solutions for accommodation, housing, day care, health, hygiene, social support, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

32 7 26 13
Banque Alimentaire du Rhône Banque Alimentaire du Rhône

[Automatic translation follows] Together let's help people eat and fight against food waste The Banque Alimentaire du Rhône was created in 1986, and is one of the 79 banks that make up the French Federation of Food Banks. Located in Décines, the Banque Alimentaire du Rhône supplies 126 associations and CCAS throughout the department and the Lyon metropolitan area. It is a team of 10 employees and 105 volunteers who work all year round to provide partner associations with food and a support service.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

14 4 13 25

[Automatic translation follows] National Federation for the Future and Quality of Life of the Elderly FNAQPA (National Federation for the Future and Quality of Life of the Elderly) is one of the main representative organizations in the gerontological sector. Acting in the field of the elderly, FNAQPA brings together managers of both establishments and non-profit home services, giving it a global vision of the issues related to aging. As the head of the associative network - FNAQPA is a driving force in SD-CSR approaches applied to the medico-social sector. In this capacity, it has led a major project on catering …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech edtech

21 4 13 57
AN2V - Association AN2V - Association

[Automatic translation follows] The think tank for safety technologies AN2V is a non-profit association created in 2004. It is a think tank for safety technologies, which has the particularity of associating users, institutions and the manufacturers concerned. Its objective is to pool knowledge, promote good practices and contribute to identifying and addressing obstacles to the development of these technologies. The association has more than 150 member suppliers in 2023, representing the entire ecosystem: design offices, manufacturers, distributors, integrators, etc. Nearly 1,000 public and private users participate in its work. It offers numerous events, as well as strategic advice for your …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

18 5 13 3

[Automatic translation follows] Our company is dedicated to optimizing the different payment options and trying to ensure that our customers spend as little time as possible on them. Our idea is based on the development of a payment device that speeds up the service carried out at gas stations.

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

10 5 3 4
GRIP - Groupe de recherche et d'information sur la paix et la sécurité GRIP - Groupe de recherche et d'information sur la paix et la sécurité

Depuis 40 ans, pour un monde moins armé et plus sûr... GRIP is an independent research centre, based in Brussels (Belgium). GRIP’s research work focuses mainly on the following domains: * Conflict prevention, management and resolution * Proliferation of small arms and control of the arms trade * European Union and international security * Defence economy. More on details on the website: Le GRIP est un centre de recherche indépendant, basé à Bruxelles (Belgique). Les travaux de recherche du GRIP s’articulent autour des axes suivants : * Prévention, gestion et résolution des conflits violents * Prolifération des armes légères …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

8 2 7 73

European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless is an umbrella of not-for-profit organisations which participate in or contribute to the fight against homelessness in Europe. It is the only major European network that focuses exclusively on homelessness at European level. See our featured groups on the side panel. The European Network of Homeless Health Workers (ENHW), one of FEANTSA's transnational exchange initiatives, also has a discussion group: The European Observatory on Homelessness has a discussion group too: homelessness, housing, …

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

21 9 15 35
Finnt Finnt

AI Agents for Finance teams. Finnt uses AI to augment your finance teams’ analytical capabilities and remove repetitive tasks.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: A.I.

18 1 18 8
The Media Leader FR The Media Leader FR

[Automatic translation follows] The media industry's leading source. The preferred newsletter for media decision-makers in France. An Adwanted Group company. Media and advertising news: audiences, studies, TV, radio, digital, streaming, adtechs, advertising offers... The newsletter 👉

Type: Media

92 5 90 15
TELT Lyon Turin TELT Lyon Turin

The cross-border section of the Lyon-Turin mixed railway line extends over 65 km between Susa and St-Jean-de-Maurienne. TELT is the binational public promoter responsible for the realisation and operation of the cross-border section of the freight and passenger Lyon-Turin railway line. Founded in 2015 by the Italian and French states, the company coordinates the design and construction of the 65 km of railway between Susa, in Italy, and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, in France. The main element of the project is the Mont Cenis base tunnel: an infrastructure consisting of two tubes of 57.5 km each, 4 access adits, 2 international stations, 1 …

Type: Event

32 9 21 177
Besançon, Ville et Communauté Urbaine Besançon, Ville et Communauté Urbaine

[Automatic translation follows] Join us in Besançon, a territory where it is good to live and work! The largest intercommunality in Franche-Comté, located in the heart of Western Europe on the Rhine-Rhône axis, a stone's throw from Switzerland, Grand Besançon Métropole occupies a privileged position less than 4 hours from the major European industrial regions with high technological value. With its unique microtechnical know-how, the fruit of a long watchmaking tradition, Grand Besançon is constantly reinventing itself, in sectors where miniaturization plays a major role: watchmaking, luxury, aeronautics, biomedical, health, automotive, etc. The most "Business Friendly" territory according to a …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

76 32 32 552
Alliance des collectivités pour la qualité de l'air Alliance des collectivités pour la qualité de l'air

[Automatic translation follows] Health, climate and economic scourge: air quality is a major challenge for communities. The Alliance of French Communities for Air Quality brings together communities from different levels that are committed to improving air quality in their territory and working to make it a major public health issue. Air quality, Pollution, Local authorities, Exchanges, Feedback, Training, Health, and Environment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech healthtech

30 5 29 4
Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marchables Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marchables

[Automatic translation follows] Spokesperson for communities committed to promoting cycling and walking Created in 1989, the Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marches (CVTCM) now brings together more than 220 member communities representing more than 2,000 territories. Present in twelve metropolitan regions and in Réunion, it brings together communities of all sizes (cities, public inter-municipal cooperation establishments - EPCI, departments, regions, joint unions, mobility organizing authorities). The diversity of the territories represented constitutes the richness of the network and feeds the proposals made to the public authorities. The Club also has seventeen associate members. As a spokesperson for these …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

76 17 62 12
Femmes ici et ailleurs Femmes ici et ailleurs

[Automatic translation follows] Spreading the culture of gender equality and professional diversity. The association Femmes ici et ailleurs, created in 2003 and recognized as being of general interest, works to spread the culture of gender equality and professional diversity. To build this equality together for the benefit of all, it highlights active women in France and around the world, who are often unknown. Because making them visible means fighting against clichés and proposing different models. The association Femmes ici et ailleurs carries out awareness-raising and educational actions among the general public, young people and the business world. Gender equality, Photography, …

Type: Media

11 1 11 21
Salon de l'Escalade Salon de l'Escalade

[Automatic translation follows] The only show in France dedicated to climbing and verticality! See you on January 11 & 12, 2025 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles The only professional & general public climbing show in France, see you on January 11 & 12, 2025 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles!

Type: SMB Activities: greentech

6 2 4 5
Le Progrès | Les événements Le Progrès | Les événements

[Automatic translation follows] Event organizer As an integrated event agency for the newspaper Le Progrès (EBRA Events*), we organize nearly 60 proprietary or tailor-made events for our partners per year. With over 30 years of solid expertise in organizing corporate events, editorial events, trade fairs, conferences, as well as intergenerational, festive, popular, cultural or sporting public events, we design events that promote civic engagement or mobilization around strong themes and are consistent with the Group's purpose: "strengthening the links of proximity and trust between the stakeholders in our regions". Our benchmark events: . Gastronomy and wine trophies . Agriculture trophies …

Type: Event

55 10 53 10
Maison de l'Environnement de la Métropole de Lyon Maison de l'Environnement de la Métropole de Lyon

[Automatic translation follows] A place that brings together around fifty associations and the Lyon Metropolis to support the ecological transition The Lyon Metropolis Environment House brings together around fifty associations and partner members working for the ecological transition in the Lyon Metropolis area. Located since 2017 between the Musée des Confluences and the Halle Tony Garnier, the Environment House welcomes more than 20,000 visitors per year. Since 1994, it has supported the ecological transition of the various stakeholders in the territory: citizens, communities, schools, businesses, associations, etc. The Maison de l'environnement develops actions in two main directions: 1 - Supporting …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

10 5 6 14
Zéro Déchet Lyon Zéro Déchet Lyon

[Automatic translation follows] The best waste is the one we don't produce. Association working to reduce waste in the Lyon metropolitan area. ZDL was set up as a citizens' collective in 2015 and then as an association in 2016. It is a local group that was set up in coordination with Zero Waste France, which operates at the national level and has existed for 20 years (formerly CNIID). The Zéro Déchet Lyon association was the first local group of Zero Waste France and has more than 300 members and more than 11,000 supporters on social networks. ZDL's 5 objectives: o …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 2 20 6
La Fête du Livre de Bron La Fête du Livre de Bron

[Automatic translation follows] Literature everywhere, all the time. The Bron Book Festival: a festival, a seasonal program, a media centered around literature. A festival The Bron Book Festival is a festival dedicated to contemporary literature – novels, poetry, human sciences, comics, theater, youth – which gives writers a voice and is aimed at all audiences. Each edition, the Bron Book Festival welcomes novelists, artists, philosophers, historians, poets and illustrators... promising authors, great figures of French literature and foreign writers. A season The Bron Book Festival is above all a festival. But it is also a set of projects proposed and …

Type: Media

1 1 0 6
Radio Pluriel Radio Pluriel

[Automatic translation follows] No. 1 in diversity Radio Pluriel is an associative radio station based in Saint-Priest and which has been broadcasting in the Lyon region since 1981.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

3 0 2 12
Office de Tourisme de Combloux Office de Tourisme de Combloux

[Automatic translation follows] Village resort in Haute-Savoie - Portes du Mont-Blanc ski area - First biotope lake in France Combloux is a ski resort in the Portes du Mont-Blanc ski area in Haute-Savoie. Large families, sports enthusiasts, heritage lovers or holidaymakers looking for peace and quiet will find everything they need to satisfy their desires in Combloux for an unforgettable mountain holiday. Ski resort and Tourism

Type: Public Activities: traveltech

6 1 5 12
Vatel Academy - Lyon Vatel Academy - Lyon

[Automatic translation follows] A CFA at the service of gourmet catering and the success of young enthusiasts. Join training courses that have taste!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 0 13 24

[Automatic translation follows] The Circus differently Permanently installed at the Carré de Soie in Lyon since 2012, the Cirque IMAGINE offers a wide range of activities, both for professionals and individuals: - Lunches and dinners-Cabaret-Cirque shows, available for group booking or privatization for professionals - Space rental (1300m2 spread under 3 marquees) and team building - The organization of Christmas trees for CSEs - Family shows during school holidays - A circus school for children and adults cabaret, circus, Christmas trees, event, teambuilding, circus school, Christmas Circus, artistic performances, and event venue

Type: SMB Activities: arttech entertainment

15 4 8 20
Tous Unis Tous Solidaires Tous Unis Tous Solidaires

[Automatic translation follows] Make your aspiration a reality, take action! The collective composed of 11 associations offers, via the website, a simplification of the connection of residents wishing to volunteer, with associations of the Lyon Metropolis. The platform allows associations to publish a “volunteer experience offer” by inviting a citizen to come and test volunteering via a field mission carried out in pairs with an already committed volunteer. It is a simple and authentic way to discover both the association, volunteering but above all to design and share the experience of a volunteer! OUR OBJECTIVES: Allow citizens to try …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 0 2 1
Réseau Environnement Santé Réseau Environnement Santé

[Automatic translation follows] Created in 2009, the RES is at the origin of the ban on bisphenol A in baby bottles and the National SNPE Strategy Created in 2009, the RES brings together NGOs, associations of health professionals, scientists and patients as well as individual members. Because "Our Environment is our Health", the RES acts to put environmental health at the heart of public policies. Faced with the epidemic of chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancers, asthma, reproductive disorders, behavioral disorders, etc.), acting on environmental causes is essential.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

17 2 1 11
COREVIH Lyon Vallée du Rhône COREVIH Lyon Vallée du Rhône

[Automatic translation follows] Regional Coordination for the Fight against HIV and STIs The COREVIH Lyon Vallée du Rhône is a structure bringing together representatives of health, social and medico-social establishments, health professionals, association representatives and qualified persons. The mission of the Corevih is to coordinate prevention and screening actions for HIV and STIs (sexually transmitted infections) in a specific territory. #HIV #STI #LYON #VALLEEDURHONE

Type: Public

6 0 4 2
URPS INFIRMIERS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes URPS INFIRMIERS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] Association contributing to the organization and development of health provision at the regional level Association contributing to the organization and development of health provision at the regional level, in particular to the preparation of the regional health project and its implementation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

3 1 0 7

[Automatic translation follows] Group of Medical Biology laboratories, listening to patients, serving healthcare professionals 🔬 First group of laboratories owned and managed exclusively by biologists, whose professional knowledge and professionalism constitute its strength. Biogroup, a major French player in local medical biology, treats more than 100,000 patients every day and offers a panel of more than 2,000 routine and specialized biological examinations, carried out on site on regional technical platforms. The team of competent and qualified medical biologists follows continuous and regular training. It is at your service to provide you with expertise and quality advice. High-performance and innovative technical …

Type: Large company

15 2 13 2,242
Pépinière de Valpré Pépinière de Valpré

[Automatic translation follows] 40 years and over, finding a salaried job is difficult. Entrepreneurship is THE solution for you! At 50, accessing a salaried job is often very difficult, while at the same time, financial needs are significant, particularly due to children's studies. The consequences of unemployment are not only patrimonial, but also family (divorce) and personal (self-confidence). We believe that entrepreneurship is THE answer to allow these former employees to regain self-confidence, find their place in society and flourish in their professional life. To do this, we support women and men in their business creation project through a collective …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

5 0 5 1
implid Legal implid Legal

[Automatic translation follows] Our team supports companies in all areas of private and public business law It's together that we become unique! implid is a major player in figures, law and business consulting. The first French group to bring together chartered accountants, auditors, legal experts, lawyers, notaries, judicial officers, consultants and recruiters, implid has more than 1,000 employees in France. Its mission: to help companies grow, day after day, by supporting their development and transformation By combining professions that are by nature individual, implid offers an atypical approach that is both cutting-edge and comprehensive over the long term. The group …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech proptech Technologies: Data Analytics

8 3 6 33
Spintank Spintank

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's create new forms of engagement! Together, let's create new forms of engagement! Corporate communication, Influence, Digital strategy, UX Design, Social media, Campaigns, Brand content, Corporate site, Editorial, Content, Strategic planning, Consulting, Brand, Identity, and AI

Type: SMB Activities: consulting uxtech Technologies: A.I.

44 10 35 59

[Automatic translation follows] The factory of the future! The UIMM of Ain acts for the development and transformation of industrial companies. It represents you to defend your interests It brings you together to inform you and advise you It meets your skills needs It supports your development, competitiveness, innovation and 4.0 projects

Type: SMB Activities: it services

52 6 45 8
Adopte Une Asso Adopte Une Asso

[Automatic translation follows] Awaken the volunteer in you!!! Adopte Une Asso is an association that starts from the observation that volunteering also brings a lot to the volunteer himself. We therefore wish to promote volunteering for all, and more particularly from people who are not often asked to be volunteers, for whom it is not natural, and who could nevertheless greatly benefit from the virtues of volunteering. In particular, people who are fragile for one reason or another, at risk of exclusion, isolated, stigmatized, etc. We work mainly with associations in connection with beneficiaries (disability, migrants, youth, professional integration, precariousness, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

6 2 3 10
Fonds de dotation Audacité Fonds de dotation Audacité

[Automatic translation follows] Audacité supports and assists those involved in integration and the fight against school dropout in Lyon. Audacité is an endowment fund created by ALLIES, the Lyon Association for Economic and Social Integration. Our role is to lead a committed community of patrons and partners, with whom we support and assist those involved in social and professional integration in the Lyon area and for its residents. We are convinced that encouraging integration and employment means enabling each person to find their place in society: more than a cause of social utility, it is a solidarity issue that concerns …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

9 1 8 N/A

[Automatic translation follows] French school for exiled people, asylum seekers and refugees / Associative restaurant The ERIS association, created at the end of 2016, has the mission of facilitating the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in France. Learning the French language and culture, creating social ties and supporting socio-professional integration are at the heart of the actions implemented on a daily basis. To achieve this, intensive programs, combining fun and useful activities, have been designed to promote individualized monitoring and allow each participant to be an actor in their integration process. ERIS aims to be a springboard towards autonomy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 1 1 9
La Melting Coop La Melting Coop

[Automatic translation follows] For a cooperative and participatory supermarket in Lyon La Melting Coop: a participatory grocery store and café in the heart of Villeurbanne. Our project La Melting Coop brings together under one banner: - the cooperative and participatory grocery store of the cooperative "Demain Supermarché", - a participatory café managed by the association "Les Amis de Demain" It is the cooperative and citizen mini-market of Lyon. A grocery store created, managed and owned by and for its cooperative customers. It is difficult today to combine quality, accessibility and responsibility during our daily purchases. However, more and more of …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 1 0 18
L'Autre Soie L'Autre Soie

[Automatic translation follows] L'Autre Soie is an innovative inclusive city project that will bring together on 23,500 m2, different forms of housing (rental, shared accommodation, accession, accommodation, home) as well as cultural facilities (performance hall, auditorium, creative residences, etc.), reception areas, coworking, with training, entertainment and social and solidarity economy functions. Launched in 2016 by the GIE La Ville Autrement and the CCO, l'Autre Soie is supported by the 5 actors of a joint company created specifically for the operation, the SAS l'Autre Soie composed of: Est Métropole Habitat, Rhône Saône Habitat, the Aralis Foundation, Alynea and the CCO. A …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech proptech

6 3 3 1
Espace de l'Ouest Lyonnais Espace de l'Ouest Lyonnais

[Automatic translation follows] The Espace de l'Ouest Lyonnais, a conference center reserved for companies and associations, welcomes you for all your events, 7 days a week. Each year, more than 40,000 delegates take advantage of our spaces for their events. From the amphitheater to the meeting room, we offer you a complete, professional and modern facility for the smooth running of your event. Our team is at your disposal to assist you in organizing your seminar, work meeting, corporate show, etc. We offer you turnkey solutions by organizing your professional events from A to Z: Receptions and coffee breaks, hostesses, …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

6 0 1 8
Grap - Groupement Régional Alimentaire de Proximité Grap - Groupement Régional Alimentaire de Proximité

[Automatic translation follows] Regional Local Food Group - Organic Agriculture / Short Circuit / Social and Solidarity Economy Cooperative (SCIC and CAE) bringing together more than 60 processing, distribution and consulting activities in organic and local food in the Rhône-Alpes region. Grap offers shared services to best support entrepreneurs committed to a more resilient food supply.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

9 6 5 31
Chaire économie sociale et solidaire Lyon2 Chaire économie sociale et solidaire Lyon2

[Automatic translation follows] A space for the production of critical knowledge at the service of social transformation. The chair is a space for interactions between actors and actresses of the SSE, researchers and students. It is at the service of research, training, promotion and development of the SSE. **Why a chair of social and solidarity economy?** To face the current economic, social and environmental challenges, we must transform our modes of entrepreneurship and economic development to integrate ecological, social and democratic considerations. This transformation requires that we strengthen our capacity to work together and cooperate to bring out new organizational, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

7 1 5 13
Ma Friche Urbaine Ma Friche Urbaine

[Automatic translation follows] Renewing ties to build the city together! Industrial wastelands are mostly present in the heart of cities. Before sustainable solutions can invest in the places, wastelands are, for years, "non-places" often synonymous with nuisances for residents, cities and land owners. The same is true for the development of urban projects which have a latency period during which the spaces remain unoccupied. My urban wasteland (MFU) proposes to use unoccupied spaces in a temporary way by helping the emergence of projects co-constructed between the different local actors and stakeholders. MFU also supports them throughout the occupation to pool …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

8 2 8 9
Tim&Colette Tim&Colette

[Automatic translation follows] Cohabitation by ESDES Intergénérations The Tim&Colette association, formerly ESDES Inter-Générations, was created in 2004 in Lyon and aims to meet the expectations of elderly people who need a presence at home in the evening, but also young people (students, interns, apprentices, etc.) looking for accommodation. Tim&Colette connects elderly people who can offer a furnished room and young people looking for accommodation (students, apprentices, interns, professionals or job seekers) to develop mutual aid between generations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 1 3 8
Cluster INDURA Cluster INDURA

[Automatic translation follows] Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster INNOVATING TOGETHER FOR SUSTAINABLE AND SMART ENERGY AND MOBILITY INFRASTRUCTURES The INDURA cluster brings together more than a hundred economic, technical and scientific players from the world of transport and energy infrastructures around a common objective: to jointly develop innovative solutions that meet current societal and environmental challenges. OUR VOCATION Building sustainable infrastructure to meet the needs of territories and the community through research and innovation OUR MISSIONS • Revealing innovation to serve territories and employment • Promoting the emergence of tomorrow's products and processes • Stimulating collaborative creativity, transferring innovation • Imagining together …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

51 13 45 4

Imagination can lights the world! TETRO is a creative and production agency for PUBLICS, SPACES, EVENTS and BRANDS TETRO disrupts communication standards for those who want to challenge the status quo. We stand out through a dual approach as both an agency and artistic producer, contributing to the French and international cultural landscape. TETRO TETRO STORY: Consulting, brand strategy, positioning, naming, and identity TETRO IMAGE: Content, media, creative activation, artistic objects TETRO SPACE: Scenography, volume design, space planning TETRO EVENT: Shows, exhibitions, ceremonies, conferences, trade shows TETRO+A Art · Light · Show TETRO+A is a studio for artistic creation and …

Type: SMB Activities: luxury entertainment Technologies: VR

28 2 26 17
Blog In Lyon Blog In Lyon

[Automatic translation follows] Local Media - Visits to Lyon, promotion of heritage and actors, videos, photos, events calendar... Blog In Lyon is a Webzine co-founded in 2016 by Clarisse BRET and Mickaël SOLER. We offer our readers the chance to discover Lyon from an original and dynamic angle. Visits to Lyon, promotion of heritage, videos, photos, virtual tour, portraits of Lyonnais with an atypical background or know-how, events calendar, good deals, tourism, wallpapers to download... Our goal: To be a dynamic and modern local media that highlights Lyon, its heritage and history, and promotes the know-how and spirit of initiative …

Type: Media

3 0 3 2

[Automatic translation follows] Multi-energy supplier As a multi-energy and service supplier, the Butagaz group's mission is to support every French person in their local energy transition, by helping them consume less and better. A subsidiary of the DCC* group, it is a major player in France in liquid gas (propane and butane), green and local energy solutions: biomethane, biopropane, green electricity and wood pellets and energy services: installation of photovoltaic panels, removal of fuel tanks, energy management in the tertiary sector. Operating for BtoC and BtoB customers, the Butagaz group is made up of Gaz de Paris (Gaz Européen brand), …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

80 6 76 421

[Automatic translation follows] #1 IN ENTERTAINMENT NRJ GROUP is one of the leading French private media groups operating as publishers, producers and broadcasters while marketing its own media spaces. In France, the Group occupies an important place in the private radio market thanks to its 4 brands (NRJ, CHERIE FM, NOSTALGIE and RIRE & CHANSONS); is a significant player in the television market that operates and develops two free national channels (NRJ 12 and CHERIE 25) and a pay channel (NRJ HITS, the leading cable-satellite-ADSL music channel); and is the 2nd operator in the French broadcasting market, through its subsidiary …

Type: Media

51 15 31 1,173
LOU Rugby LOU Rugby

[Automatic translation follows] The strength of LOU is in the pack! Founded in 1896, LOU Rugby (Lyon Olympique Universitaire) is one of the oldest clubs to date in the French elite of oval ball. It played eight years in PRO D2, before joining the TOP 14 in 2011. Chaired by Yann Roubert since 2012, it is made up of different structures: the Association, with more than 750 young licensees; SASP LOU Rugby, its professional branch, which mobilizes a large network of leading economic partners; a Category 1 Training Center, a fundamental tool for attracting and developing young talents. Playing at …

Type: Event

26 20 8 207
Les Echos Les Echos

[Automatic translation follows] Find on all the economic and financial news in France and around the world, discover exclusive analyses, special reports, analyses, columns and large formats.

Type: Media

650 459 235 1
La Tribune Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes La Tribune Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] The Auvergne Rhône-Alpes office of La Tribune, your economic media at the heart of regional transformations 🔴 The economy CHANGES, your media too! Every day, find and decipher with #LaTribuneAuRA the issues that mark your region: #Industry & #Recovery #Health #Mobility #Energy #EcologicalTransition #Innovation #Tech #SmartCity & #Territory in #Lyon and in #AURA. And also find every two months the T magazine, in paper format, which looks at the nature of these transformations in your region in more detail. News, Economy, Sociology, Entrepreneurship, Management, Territory, Innovation, Strategy, Events, Conferences, Major interviews, and Metropolises

Type: Media

122 29 106 8

[Automatic translation follows] Acting for a more #inclusive society #disability #socialinnovation #design #accessibility #universaldesign Signes de sens is an association that imagines and experiments, with a large network of actors, inclusive tools and services to enable the effective participation of people with disabilities. education, training, culture, transport, citizenship, health, prevention, ... Since 2003 we have been working on all themes with 2 constants: > a vision: disability is a lever for innovation and performance for the whole of society > a method: inclusive social design that places the user at the center of an analysis and creativity process and mobilizes …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

46 13 39 33

[Automatic translation follows] Federation of reference of the private solidarity sector in Health The FEHAP, present since 1936 in all fields of social protection, is the Federation of reference of the private solidarity sector in Health. It brings together more than 5,000 members, working within more than 1,500 management organizations. These associations, foundations, congregations, mutual societies, supplementary pension organizations, provident funds, etc. employ nearly 280,000 employees, or nearly 12% of salaried jobs in the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). Its flexibility combining private management and public service places its establishments and services at the forefront of innovation and research. Its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

75 28 53 1

Accelerating newcomers' inclusion✊🌍 Accélérer l'inclusion des personnes nouvelles arrivantes✊🌍 EN/FR Founded in 2012, SINGA is an international organization that accelerates the inclusion of newcomers to foster more cohesive, creative, and prosperous societies. The organization now has over 80,000 members in 7 countries and 17 cities. Since its inception, SINGA has supported over 2000 entrepreneurs, facilitated tens of thousands of intercultural encounters, and enabled thousands of solidarity-based cohabitations. /// Créée en 2012, SINGA est une organisation internationale qui accélère l’inclusion des personnes nouvelles arrivantes pour favoriser des sociétés plus soudées, créatives et prospères. L'organisation compte aujourd'hui plus de 80 000 membres …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech it services

100 45 55 502

[Automatic translation follows] RTL Vivre Ensemble RTL is a French private national general radio station located at 56, avenue Charles de Gaulle in Neuilly-sur-Seine and broadcast in France. The RTL Radio Pole is also composed of two music stations, Fun Radio and RTL2, stations of the M6 ​​group.

Type: Media

225 100 144 1,068
OTRE - Organisation des Transporteurs Routiers Européens OTRE - Organisation des Transporteurs Routiers Européens

[Automatic translation follows] Let's travel together OTRE, a professional employers' organization representing SMEs with capital in road freight transport, road passenger transport, removals, transport of funds and valuables, medical transport and logistics. Employers' organization and Road transport

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech transporttech

34 6 29 28
Weelz! Weelz!

[Automatic translation follows] The Leading Bike Magazine of Pignon! Present on the subject of cycling for 15 years, Weelz! has become THE reference on cycling news, with more than 2500 articles already published. Weelz! mainly deals with "lifestyle" cycling, i.e. non-competition: mainly bicycle mobility (everyday cycling = means of transport) but also bicycle tourism, travel cycling and leisure cycling. Weelz!, now in partnership with Ouest-France, is a weekly relay of French and international cycling news. You will also find reports, product tests, advice, buying guides, favorites and rants., leader of Pignon since 2008!

Type: Media

83 11 75 6
France Villes et territoires Durables France Villes et territoires Durables

[Automatic translation follows] The French association of stakeholders in sustainable territories France Villes et territoires Durables (FVD) is the French association of stakeholders in the sustainable city. FVD brings together, in the general interest, local authorities (leaders and associations), companies of all sizes (French groups but also VSEs), the State (mainly its specialized operators) and city experts (in particular national professional organizations) to advance the sustainable city in France and internationally, within a balanced partnership framework. It is first and foremost a place for sharing and meetings with a general interest vocation between all stakeholders in the sustainable city. Through …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

111 25 104 14
Euronews Euronews

All Views Euronews is an international news media, providing news with a European perspective to a worldwide audience in 17 languages, both on TV and digital platforms. It reaches over 400 million TV homes across 160 countries, including 82% of European homes. Every month, Euronews' website and app attract an average of 29 million unique visitors and over 29 million people follow Euronews across social media. Since 1993, Euronews has embraced independence and impartiality, with a resolutely European identity at the heart of its editorial offer. Its mission is to empower people to form their opinions by offering diverse viewpoints. …

Type: Media

101 47 45 873
Ligue contre le cancer Ligue contre le cancer

[Automatic translation follows] A fight on all fronts of the disease. 💙 Created in 1918, the League against cancer is an association under the 1901 law recognized as being of public utility based on the generosity of the public and the commitment of its volunteers and employees to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Our federation, composed of 103 Departmental Committees present throughout the national territory, is apolitical and financially independent. Fight against cancer

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

143 79 55 4
20 Minutes France 20 Minutes France

[Automatic translation follows] The daily media of French women and men Created in 2002, 20 Minutes is an independent news publisher owned equally by the SIPA-Ouest-France group, publisher of the leading French paid daily newspaper, and by the Rossel Group, the leading French-speaking Belgian press group. It is the only major French media independent of any financial, industrial or commercial group. Its audience brings together 20 million readers per month, more than 80% of whom are on digital media. Mobilized in the fight against false information, the editorial staff of 20 Minutes has obtained the label of the very restricted …

Type: Media

136 97 11 485
Hospices Civils de Lyon - HCL Hospices Civils de Lyon - HCL

[Automatic translation follows] Every day, at the Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), we do everything to reinvent the hospital The Hospices Civils de Lyon is a public institution and the second largest University Hospital Center (CHU) in France. A true center of expertise integrating all disciplines, they have a wide range of human, technical and logistical resources to carry out their missions of care, teaching, research and medical innovation, prevention and health education. More than 22,000 professionals, equipped with the most advanced equipment, devote themselves daily to their mission: contributing to the constant improvement of health. The Hospices Civils de …

Type: Public

119 58 48 7,057
Maison de l'Apprendre Maison de l'Apprendre

[Automatic translation follows] Festival de l'Apprendre - Lyon from January 24 to 31, 2025! The Maison de l’Apprendre brings together a territorial network of actors to respond, together, to current and future challenges of learning and skills development. education, learning territory, learning, festival de l'apprendre, and skills

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 5 29 20
JobIRL L'orientation In Real Life JobIRL L'orientation In Real Life

[Automatic translation follows] The 1st career guidance network that connects 14-30 year olds and professionals to talk about #jobs #training #internships JobIRL is the 1st career guidance network that connects young people aged 14-30 and professionals. Launched in January 2013, the network has more than 150,000 members, including 8,500 professionals. It invites professionals from all backgrounds to share their experiences and introduce their careers to young people looking for advice on their career guidance. 14-30 year olds contact them to meet them In Real Life: "Who better than a professional to talk about their career?" They can also talk …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

166 24 154 87
CoSpirit Groupe CoSpirit Groupe

Groupe media indépendant, intégré et expert des territoires de com' (national, local, hors-media et retail media) CoSpirit Groupe is a French marketing and media company. Its customers include Carrefour, Decathlon, Conforama, BricoDépôt, Conseil Regional des Pays de Loire, Conseil Regional de Rhône Alpes, la CCIP, le CNED. The company was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Paris, France with additional offices in Lyon, France. The group is a member and shareholder of Local Planet, the first international network of independent media agencies, 7th international media group, which brings together 3,000 people for a purchasing volume of 10 billion dollars! …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

40 8 36 276
les Républicains les Républicains

[Automatic translation follows] We call on all Republicans who have love for France in their hearts to unite with us. Our project is based on founding values ​​that inspire and guide our commitment: Liberty, Responsibility, Solidarity, our Nation, Europe. We affirm two principles to restore the confidence of the French in public action: listen to citizens, act with them and for them.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

59 36 22 191

Data for success As a designer of high value-added BtoB behavioral data solutions, EXPLORE identifies all the life stages of your prospects and customers and transforms them into a lever for commercial performance. +50,000 items of data analyzed daily Big Data, Veille commerciale, Connaissance Client, ABM, Géomarketing, API, Marché de la construction, Immobilier, Services BtoB, Génération de leads, Bases de données, and Data intelligence

Type: SMB Activities: martech it services proptech Technologies: Data Analytics

96 8 89 147
Citeo Citeo

Donnons ensemble une nouvelle vie à nos produits. Citeo is a not-for-profit company founded from the merger of Eco-Emballages and Ecofolio with a view to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and paper. 250 committed, passionate Citeo employees work to help companies find solutions to their recycling problems, advising them on environmental responsibility, optimizing low-cost sorting and recycling procedures and motivating the public to adopt user-friendly effective sorting.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

144 74 87 586
La Lettre Pro de la Radio / Podcast Magazine (Editions HF) La Lettre Pro de la Radio / Podcast Magazine (Editions HF)

[Automatic translation follows] The first media (magazine, site, application) for radio and audio professionals, since 2011. The Radio and Media Pro Letter is aimed at decision-makers, CEOs, CEOs, Presidents, managers or managers related to the radio media and its peripherals, institutions, broadcast operators, journalism schools, manufacturers or distributors of equipment as well as all radio players. It is also aimed at advertisers and advertising players in the media. radio, podcast, and audio digital

Type: Media

15 1 9 9
Atol CD Atol CD

[Automatic translation follows] an AmeXio company. Focusing on digital innovation to support its customers in developing their competitiveness, ATOL CD designs and develops business applications for major players in the public and private sectors in France. From design to development and operation, Atol CD capitalizes on its technical expertise and offers a 360° approach ranging from user experience to outsourcing: web and mobile development, open source GIS expertise, EDM, Business Project Management, Robotic Process Automation, Business Intelligence, big data, IOT platform, Application Programming Interface management... Join an ESN with strong values: trust, autonomy, benevolence, responsibility and excellence define us. Atol …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: IoT

54 14 42 230
Synergie Family Synergie Family

[Automatic translation follows] Association committed to equal opportunities⚡️Creation of optimistic experiences with strong educational values. Synergie Family is an optimistic association with a strong impact, which reveals talents by creating innovative experiences with strong educational values, in the service of individual development, to allow everyone to find their way. Our conviction is based on the fact that everyone has a talent that is just waiting to be revealed. Anchored in the field and specialized in educational and inclusive innovation, the start-up offers a real alternative in which the public, through empowerment, the practice of their passions and personal development, are …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

82 19 76 226
Groupe Ifop Groupe Ifop

[Automatic translation follows] International Market Research Group - Ifop | Sociovision | Occurrence | Deep Opinion | Brainvalue Founded in 1938 by sociologist Jean Stoetzel, Ifop is the pioneer of the survey method and the first to deploy public opinion surveys in France. Over the years, Ifop has developed in Europe, the United States and China, as a specialist in consumer and citizen knowledge, to become a multi-expertise group integrating Sociovision, Occurrence, Deep Opinion and Brain Value. Driven by the conviction that people are the ones who make the world move, and animated by the passion for humanity, the culture …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

138 67 77 371
Max Havelaar France Max Havelaar France

[Automatic translation follows] Together, we are changing trade for a fairer world. To advance fair trade certification, the Max Havelaar association is relaying the action of FLO-international in France. Its three actions: manage the label, encourage companies to sell fair trade products and raise awareness among the French on the issue. Max Havelaar France is a non-profit association. It manages and promotes the Max Havelaar label, an independent international label affixed to products from different brands. It connects these brands with producers and other commercial partners: exporters, importers, etc. It helps companies in their approach and encourages them to strengthen …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

25 10 19 57
Le Train Voyage Le Train Voyage

[Automatic translation follows] To learn more about the project and discover our vision, visit: Launched in 2019 at the initiative of entrepreneurs, rail and mobility experts, LE TRAIN is the first private French railway company designed to offer high-speed inter-regional and intra-regional connections. The growth of regions, the intensification of travel, and urban development raise essential questions about quality of life, ecology, and purchasing power for the millions of French people who travel every day. The train can continue, today and tomorrow, to improve the lives of the French. Soon, LE TRAIN will facilitate your explorations with direct high-speed …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

36 3 35 19
WorldSkills Lyon 2024 WorldSkills Lyon 2024

Where there is a skill there is a way The world's greatest skills competition will welcome you in Lyon from 10 to 15 September 2024 at EUREXPO. With 1500 competitors from more than 65 countries and 60 skills in competition, let's build together a skilled and inspired generation throughout the world!

Type: Event

39 28 15 67
Association SEVE - Savoir Etre et Vivre Ensemble Association SEVE - Savoir Etre et Vivre Ensemble

[Automatic translation follows] Let's help children grow in discernment and humanity through the experience of philosophy. Created in 2016 by philosopher Frédéric Lenoir and Martine Roussel-Adam, the SEVE association works to generalize philosophy with children and adolescents. It wishes to contribute, in a significant way, through the animation of philosophy workshops to the development of reflective thinking in children and adolescents, critical thinking and skills allowing them to grow in discernment and humanity to become conscious, active and enlightened citizens. The SEVE association develops its actions around 2 strong axes: - The animation of philosophy workshops thanks to the establishment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 1 0 69
Birdz Birdz

Connect to a SUSTAINABLE future Our vision: connected objects for a more sustainable future Committed to meeting environmental challenges, Birdz deploys large-scale connected solutions for cities, public services, industry and the service sector. As a leader in environmental IoT, we bring together the best of connected object technologies and simplify their use. We unify territorial data and transform it into useful services for local authorities. With our solutions, decision-makers can take action to make their policies more ecological and resource-efficient. As pioneers of the Internet of Things, we bring our unique know-how to bear on making cities smarter. Saving water …

Type: Corporate subsidiary SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech it services water management Technologies: IoT Sensors

48 14 41 198
Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM)

[Automatic translation follows] 82 municipalities = 4 million people = half of Quebec | Intervenes in planning, environment, transportation and more Created on January 1, 2001, the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal is a planning, coordination and financing organization that brings together 82 municipalities, or 4 million people spread over more than 4,360 square kilometers. The Community exercises strategic skills across Greater Montreal in the areas of land use planning, economic development, social housing, transportation (public transit and metropolitan arterial network), metropolitan facilities, infrastructure, services and activities, as well as the environment (waste management, air and wastewater treatment). It is also …

Type: Public

10 1 5 87
TheMayor.EU TheMayor.EU

The European Portal for Cities and Citizens TheMayor.EU - the European Portal for Cities and Citizens aims to enhance the understanding and cohesion between the citizens of the European Union, the local authorities and EU institutions. Our goal is to keep the taxpayers informed about the good practices on a local, regional and European Union level, by honouring the work of local authorities. This will ultimately lead to improved cooperation and exchange of information between the municipalities in the European Union and will contribute to the socio-economic development of the regions and cities. For our work, we have been awarded …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

31 1 30 1
EIT Health EIT Health

Together for healthy lives in Europe EIT Health promotes entrepreneurship and innovation in healthy living and active ageing, providing Europeans with new opportunities and resources. It enables citizens to lead healthier and more productive lives by delivering products, services and concepts that improve quality of life and contribute to the sustainability of healthcare across Europe. Health Care Administration, Health Consulting, Innovation in Healthy Living and Active Ageing, Sustainability of Healthcare, Acceleration, and Education

Tags: H2020 Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

175 54 136 8
EASPD - European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities EASPD - European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities

Improving services, improving lives EASPD (European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities) is a European NGO network representing over 20,000 social and health support provider organisations across Europe and across disabilities. Our objective is to promote equal opportunities for persons with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems. We work towards ensuring the full implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) and we are accredited to the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Member of Social Platform. Member of Social Services Europe. Member …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 2 7 51
Covenant of Mayors - Europe Covenant of Mayors - Europe

An EU initiative bringing together thousands of local governments working towards a fairer, climate-neutral Europe. The Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy brings together thousands of local and regional authorities voluntarily committed to implementing EU climate and energy objectives on their territory. New signatories now pledge to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 40% by 2030 and to adopt an integrated approach to tackling mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Twitter: @eumayors energy efficiency, climate change, CO2 emissions reduction, transport, adaptation, mitigation, energy transition, governance, policy, local action, mayors, and cities

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

22 8 15 14
Spirito Spirito

[Automatic translation follows] Professional chamber choir | Direction: Nicole Corti A professional chamber choir with variable geometry, Spirito deploys its members from its chamber, even intimate, form to the symphonic dimension. It aspires with conviction to restore the nobility of the large a cappella choir. Thus, it willingly puts itself at the service of the great repertoires of the end of the 19th century and the 20th century. Another tone is proposed by its mixed programs which fluidly reveal the possible bridges between the music of the past and contemporary creation. For the symphonic repertoire, the Spirito choir joins the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

2 1 1 32
Campus Lumière - CMQE Campus Lumière - CMQE

[Automatic translation follows] Smart light and sustainable lighting solutions: school-business network for light and lighting Campus Lumière is a network of secondary and higher education stakeholders, research laboratories, businesses and institutional stakeholders who work together to develop employment and skills in the light and lighting sector. Created in 2017, Campus Lumière has developed a strong dynamic to create a culture and skills related to light in existing training courses. It promotes relations between schools and businesses and the professional integration of young people through its close proximity to the Lumière Cluster and its institutional partners, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, the City …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

20 2 0 1
Lyon Positif Lyon Positif

[Automatic translation follows] Positive news from a changing world LYON POSITIF is the media for stakeholders involved in the transition of the Lyon metropolitan area. Around its editorial line "making the essential visible", it offers you every day the best local stories with a positive impact! True to its vocation "to be useful to those who are truly useful", it identifies and editorializes, to better highlight them, all the initiatives and projects that contribute to moving the lines and moving towards the hoped-for and necessary transitions, thus making it possible to regenerate action through inspiration. Associative and collaborative, it brings …

Type: Media

8 3 4 4
Franprix Franprix

[Automatic translation follows] People at the heart of our development! With nearly 900 points of sale in the Paris region and in the major French cities of the Rhone corridor and the Mediterranean arc, Franprix is ​​an urban local brand that has become essential. Its stores are located in the heart of cities and neighborhoods, and benefit from quality locations. Our ambition to continue growing our store network and our turnover allows us to constantly offer professional opportunities in stores and at headquarters. We seek to surround ourselves with enthusiastic employees who enjoy a challenge. At Franprix, it is your …

Type: Large company

56 15 17 4,403
extra. extra.

[Automatic translation follows] The ordinary & creative agency More than ever, we practice an ordinary and creative approach to communication: experience, know-how, end-to-end control of the design and manufacturing of our creations, a constant search for simplicity, sobriety, authenticity and efficiency. Understand, propose, agree, create: we tend to insist on doing things in this order. This is how we develop ideas, graphic universes, identities, illustrations and visuals, logos, texts and images that we adapt to the campaign media that we have chosen together: cards, posters, magazines, leaflets, films, books, advertising spaces, signage and scenography elements, editorial charters, websites, events, fixed …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: New Materials

15 0 14 26

[Automatic translation follows] Electric mobility solutions that change everything. Founded in 1998, a pioneering start-up of the EDF Group, we are today the leading player in the electric mobility market in France. IZIVIA has a simple ambition: to facilitate electric mobility for everyone on a daily basis, by becoming the leading operator of public & private charging networks in Europe. With more than 25 years of expertise, we are the 100% EDF subsidiary that benefits from unique feedback on the electric mobility market. SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION, SUPERVISION, AUDIT & CONSULTING, TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL OPERATION, SMART CHARGING, CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE, Electric mobility, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Batteries

51 14 41 229

[Automatic translation follows] Our expertise in gender equality at the service of territories and businesses The SCOP Perfégal provides services in the areas of professional equality, the fight against discrimination and social innovation for businesses, social partners, public stakeholders (communities, administrations, etc.) and associations. It implements on-site or remotely: * awareness-raising and training for employees, managers, executives, elected officials, members, etc. on professional equality between women and men and the fight against discrimination. * studies and diagnostics to measure the impact of human resources management and organization processes (comparative situation report), public policies or projects on professional equality between women …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

9 0 9 4
Ville de Vaulx-en-Velin Ville de Vaulx-en-Velin

[Automatic translation follows] Located 8km from the city center of Lyon, Vaulx-en-Velin is the 4th city of the Lyon Metropolis by its population. At the heart of the Lyon Metropolis, Vaulx-en-Velin, 51,045 inhabitants, is a young city in full urban, demographic and economic development. It is the fourth municipality of the Lyon Metropolis and the tenth of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region in number of inhabitants. It has remarkable natural sites, including the Grand Parc Miribel Jonage, located partly on the territory of Vaulx-en-Velin. education, culture, sport, youth, social, quality of life, proximity, development, innovations, environment, heritage, administration, and solidarity

Type: Public

35 16 15 358
Le Lien Théâtre Le Lien Théâtre

[Automatic translation follows] Opening our eyes to the world ... Le Lien Théâtre aims to be a tool for artistic creation that tackles the urgent issues of our world. Theatre as a mirror, revealing today's society. Theatre to open and transform our view of the world, to think about the future and the challenges it poses for us. Le Lien Théâtre is developed through the collaboration between director Anne-Pascale Paris, author Matheo Alephis and many artists and personalities mobilized by the link between art and society, convinced of the political, social and human mission of theatre. Our theatre also thrives …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

8 1 7 15

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the M6 ​​news page, Here, reports on the economy, business and the world of work. Find here the best of our reports and columns on the world of business, the economy, the world of work... media, information, news, reports, economy, general information, television, business, world of work, and consumption

Type: Media

155 87 13 46
Association docteur CLOWN Association docteur CLOWN

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's bring a smile to hospitalized children ❤️ Transforming euros into happy moments, bringing laughter, magic, color and music where we least expect them, this is the wonderful enterprise that doctor CLOWN invites you to. For each hospitalized child, the visit of the clown duo in his room is a special day.? We work so that these days multiply and continue thanks to you! The gift of laughter can be expressed in a thousand ways: giving time, bringing your ideas, financial or in-kind support, a sporting and cultural event with your company, your C.E. or your …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

6 0 6 12
Ateliers Vilas-Boas Ateliers Vilas-Boas

Artist Studio Artist studio contemporary art, public art, media art, robotic art, art and technology, and art and

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: Robotics

19 3 17 1
Editomac Editomac

[Automatic translation follows] Architect of your data Born in 1987, Editomac is the oldest French-speaking FileMaker expert recognized by FileMaker France and defines himself as a data architect: - Publisher of self-training tools and host of the blog, - Trainer on relational databases and more particularly on FileMaker, - Developer of FileMaker solutions, - Reseller of FileMaker licenses We know that data has become an economic issue for companies, their management a challenge for employees. Editomac is thus positioned as close as possible to companies and their employees to help them meet this challenge! Data management, FileMaker, Training, E-learning, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

5 0 5 3
IRIIG - International Research Institute for Innovation & Growth IRIIG - International Research Institute for Innovation & Growth

[Automatic translation follows] The Grande École de l'Innovation et de l'Impact - Talent Incubator & Innovation Accelerator IRIIG was designed to be, more than a school, a true entrepreneurial ecosystem dedicated to innovation and growth, which to be sustainable must be inclusive and eco-responsible. The first school 100% dedicated to innovation management, it capitalizes on: - An innovative pedagogy based on experimentation and learning by doing - Personalized support for its students promoting the 6C #softskills (Creativity - Critical Thinking - Communication - Cooperation - Trust - Courage), specific to entrepreneurs with whom we also share 3 values: Commitment, Agility …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

52 15 37 46

[Automatic translation follows] The reference AUREP is a private, independent and autonomous higher education institution. Recognized as one of the best training organizations in France in the field of wealth management, AUREP relies on a teaching team composed of highly qualified academics and professionals AUREP has developed a rigorous methodology based on the global approach to wealth: targeted recommendations follow a precise wealth audit. A cutting-edge wealth engineering is put to the service of clients' objectives. The training courses are multidisciplinary: economics, finance, civil law, tax law, social law, etc. are studied because of their usefulness in "optimizing the enjoyment …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

20 3 13 67
CRCC de Lyon-Riom (Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes de Lyon-Riom) CRCC de Lyon-Riom (Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes de Lyon-Riom)

[Automatic translation follows] The auditor: a legal third party serving the general interest The Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes de Lyon-Riom (CRCC de Lyon-Riom) is the representative body of the profession in the departments of Loire, Rhône and Ain, as well as Puy de Dôme, Cantal, Allier and Haute-Loire. A dynamic structure, it works with professionals, public authorities,. The CRCC de Lyon brings together nearly 900 registered auditors (individuals). It has a triple role of technical, moral and institutional support and, as such, anticipates and supports developments in the profession. On November 1, 2020, it joined forces with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

24 5 21 11
IGENSIA Alternance IGENSIA Alternance

[Automatic translation follows] A pioneer in apprenticeships in France and the result of the merger of our 5 CFAs in Paris, Lyon and Toulouse, IGENSIA Alternance has specialized for 45 years in work-study teaching of tertiary professions, with a constantly evolving educational approach to meet the needs of the job market and the expectations of learners. IGENSIA Alternance offers complete work-study training courses, from Bac to Bac+5, in Paris, Lyon and Toulouse, based on a skills-based pedagogy, adapted to all profiles and all singularities. With 25 state titles and diplomas and 9 training courses, IGENSIA Alternance offers a complete educational …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

51 0 49 317
Hove Hove

Data and Travellers, in rythms Hove puts data into action to boost shared mobility. 110 experts, data scientists, product owners, developers, devOps, urban planners, and project managers brought together to support public transport authorities and passengers with innovative digital products. The products developed are based on analysis and processing of mobility data and aim to improve the understanding of mobility within a local region, orientate the transport offer, track its performance and facilitate the journeys of passengers. Passenger information, Information voyageur, Calcul d'itinéraire multimodal, Trip planner, Mobile Application, Web services, Mobile ticketing, M-Ticketing, Responsive locomotion, Smart city, Open transport, Mobilité, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech smart city it services Technologies: Data Analytics

70 19 59 98