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Ville de Carrières-sous-Poissy Ville de Carrières-sous-Poissy

Welcome to the official page of the city of Carrières-sous-Poissy! Welcome to the official page of the city of Carrières-sous-Poissy. Territorial administration, local services, and recruitment

Type: Public

11 3 5 80
Association Bilan Carbone Association Bilan Carbone

L'ABC appuie les organisations et les citoyens dans la construction et la mise en œuvre de leur stratégie bas-carbone. The ABC is a French non-profit organization, mobilizing public and private stakeholders in the field of GHG emission reduction, coming from the business and consulting area to the local authorities and public organizations branch, such as Ademe, APCC, CINOV, CITEPA, Green Cross, EDF... Our mission is to facilitate discussions and partnerships on GHG emissions, and our ambition is a low-carbon society. Bilan Carbone®, Management des Gaz à Effet de Serre, Réduction des Gaz à Effet de Serre, Système de Management des …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

51 7 47 59
Centre Émile Durkheim Centre Émile Durkheim

UMR 5116 du CNRS, le Centre Émile Durkheim porte le nom du promoteur de la méthode comparative en #SciencesSociales Le Centre Émile Durkheim – science politique et sociologie comparative (UMR 5116 du CNRS), porte le nom du promoteur de la méthode comparative en sciences sociales. Notre laboratoire associe des politistes et des sociologues de Sciences Po Bordeaux, du CNRS et de l’Université de Bordeaux. recherche, sciences sociales, sociologie, and science politique

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

22 3 17 51
Caux Seine agglo Caux Seine agglo

Caux Seine agglo, la Normandie se [ré]invente ici ! 🏘️ 80.000 Habitants 📌 50 Communes #cauxseineagglo Caux Seine agglo est un établissement public de coopération intercommunale (EPCI) situé entre Rouen et le Havre. Née le 1er janvier 2008, de la fusion entre trois collectivités : les communautés de communes du canton de Bolbec, Caudebec-en-Caux/Brotonne et Port-Jérôme, puis en 2017 une partie de la communauté de communes de Cœur de Caux nous rejoint. Elle réunit actuellement 50 communes et 80 000 habitants. Son territoire, d’une superficie de 575 km2, se répartit autour d’une zone urbaine et industrielle, située le long de …

Type: Public

44 15 22 189
Eduvoices Eduvoices

The energy of transmitting Edovoices is an association law 1901 which aims to bring together the actors of education wishing to develop their teaching practices. Network of local learning micro-community of teachers, CPEs, educators, engineers, etc. who share their questions, experiments and inspirations, to discover and have been culturing to new practices.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 3 12 3

La chaîne culturelle francophone mondiale 🌍 TV5MONDE is one of the top 3 largest worldwide television networks (200 countries, 250 millions connected households). Broadcasting in French 24/7 and offering a wide variety of subtitled primetime films, in-depth coverage of international news, live world-class sports events, high-quality documentaries and magazines, cartoons and diversified lifestyle programming. Television, Média, WebTV, and Francophonie

Type: Public

63 28 15 732
Fédération Française de Tennis Fédération Française de Tennis

The FFT promotes, organizes and develops tennis and its associated disciplines in France. The French Tennis Federation (FFT )'s mission is to develop tennis in France. Today it has 1,100,000 licensees, in more than 7,650 clubs, making tennis the first individual sport in the territory. The FFT also participates in the influence of French tennis through the organization of Roland-Garros, Rolex Paris Masters and Greenweez Paris Major and in the engagement of France in international meetings (Davis Cup, Billie Jean King Cup, Games Olympic and paralympic). Since its creation in 1920, the identity of the FFT has been based on …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

51 36 7 1,224
Ville de Talence Ville de Talence

Talence, 4th city in the Metropolis of Bordeaux with nearly 45,000 inhabitants in a territory of only 8 km2, is the easy -to -live city with everything nearby: shops, schools, sports facilities, health establishments, parks - green spaces and Cycling tracks, culture, leisure and festive events ... The youngest city in France, it is also a big university city: the campus covers a 1/5th in the territory and houses many grandes écoles like Kedge BS, the school of architecture, the Enseirb-Matmeca or the ENSC , renowned scientific laboratories Iniria Labri, the scientific and technological campus of the University of Bordeaux. …

Type: Public

16 7 9 235
Upian Upian

Documentaires & interfaces since 1998 Founded in 1998 as both a digital design studio and an interactive production company, over the years Upian has become increasingly focused on the creation and redesign of media sites (newspapers, radio, television), and digital communication tools for institutions and brands that wish to communicate with the general public about important social issues. For the last 10 years, Upian has also been an internationally recognized documentary film production company. It was actively involved in pioneering the web documentary both in France and at the international level. Upian is a proud member of PNX, the association …

Type: Media

10 5 3 39
Conseil constitutionnel Conseil constitutionnel

The Constitutional Council was established by the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, dated October 4, 1958. It is a jurisdiction with various skills, in particular the control of compliance of the law to the Constitution. Consult the moderation charter for the social media profiles of the Constitutional Council: law, legal, administration, justice, and constitution

Type: Public

47 28 13 150
SOS homophobie SOS homophobie

Association nationale de lutte contre la lesbophobie, la gayphobie, la biphobie, la transphobie et l’intersexophobie SOS homophobie est une association de lutte contre les discriminations et les agressions à caractère LGBTIphobies. Créée le 11 avril 1994 et basée à Paris, SOS homophobie a développé plusieurs délégations territoriales pour assurer dans toute la France le relais de ses interventions et ses actions de lutte contre les LGBTIphobies en vue d’une meilleure acceptation de la diversité, pour la visibilité et l’égalité des droits des personnes LGBTI.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

44 22 19 18
Fondation Denise & Norbert Ségard Fondation Denise & Norbert Ségard

The Denise & Amp; Norbert Ségard supports the creation of innovative technological companies. The purpose of the Foundation is to continue the action of Norbert Ségard in the field of research and training of engineers. It acts by granting scholarships, prices, subsidies in favor of scientific projects (article 2 of the statutes). This object includes encouragement to entrepreneurship. Together let's create the conditions for research that favors humans for reasoned development: - support men and women, not only projects - Share and defend a common mink of reasoned progress - support young researchers and high potential projects - Promote a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

50 5 46 3
Théâtre Nouvelle Génération - Centre Dramatique National de Lyon Théâtre Nouvelle Génération - Centre Dramatique National de Lyon

En tant que Centre Dramatique National, le Théâtre Nouvelle Génération est un lieu dédié en priorité à la création théâtrale. Il fait partie des trente trois institutions culturelles françaises à bénéficier de ce label d’excellence, attribué par le Ministère de la Culture au regard de la qualité artistique du projet. Dirigé par un artiste, ce Centre Dramatique National s’engage, dans le cadre d’un contrat de décentralisation de trois ans, à réaliser au moins cinq productions ou coproductions. Dirigé depuis janvier 2015 par le metteur en scène Joris Mathieu, le Théâtre Nouvelle Génération développe une programmation ouverte aux nouvelles formes d'écritures …

Type: Event

10 4 3 23
Centre Hubertine Auclert - Centre francilien pour l'égalité femmes-hommes Centre Hubertine Auclert - Centre francilien pour l'égalité femmes-hommes

Centre francilien pour l'égalité femmes-hommes - Organisme associé de la Région Île-de-France Le centre hubertine auclert est un espace d’information et d’expertise dont l’objectif est de promouvoir une culture de l’égalité entre femmes et hommes. Créé à l’initiative du Conseil régional d’Ile-de-France avec et pour les acteurs-rices de l’égalité, le Centre Hubertine Auclert, centre francilien de ressources pour l’égalité femmes-hommes, a pour principaux objectifs la sensibilisation de différents publics à la nécessité de lutter contre les inégalités et les discriminations fondées sur le sexe et le genre, de promouvoir l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes et de produire de …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 5 2 22
Ville des Ulis Ville des Ulis

Land of talent The Ulis, a younger town in Essonne, is a dynamic city of 25,000 inhabitants. Located just 25 km from Paris, it benefits from the influence of the Saclay plateau but also from the Courtabœuf activity park which has more than 1,200 companies. Rich in her 100 hectares of green spaces, she is classified 3rd flower in the regional competition of flower towns and villages and also holds the green flower trophy of the Departmental Council of Essonne. Local authority, public service, municipality, public service, town hall, and town hall

Type: Public

15 4 9 41
Sporty Peppers Sporty Peppers

At Sporty Peppers, we pise the sports practice through the game! Sporty Peppers, these are sports video games in motion! 🔥 A solution to create in the long term interaction and commitment in order to acquire, mobilize and federate your community. 🎯 Easy to access On smartphone / tablet / computer Motion recognition therefore no sensor to carry Full body / high body mode for better inclusion 💥 A solution to enrich your events and activations by bringing fun, well-being and sport In event mode it is an activation and commitment tool. In sport mode is a tool for discovering …

Type: Startup Activities: games

41 8 36 9
Kardi : Logiciels et matériel de compensation et d'aide à l'apprentissage Kardi : Logiciels et matériel de compensation et d'aide à l'apprentissage

Le numérique pour un monde plus inclusif | Logiciels et matériel de compensation et d'aide à l'apprentissage Kardi distribue des logiciels et matériels spécialisés dans la compensation des troubles des apprentissages depuis plus de 10 ans et équipe aujourd’hui des établissements scolaires en solutions numériques sur tout le territoire. Aide à la lecture, aide à l’écriture, aide à l’étude... Autant d’outils qui permettent aux élèves Dys de mieux appréhender les contenus de leur cours. Compensation des troubles des apprentissages, Solutions matérielles et logicielles, dys, apprentissage de la lecture, troubles du neurodéveloppement, dysorthographique, dyslexie, éducation inclusive, handicap, inclusion, outils de remédiation, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

14 2 11 10

Depuis plus de 12 ans, Frogi Secure se révèle être l'un des leaders français de la sécurisation des accès web. Internet est aujourd'hui partout. Mais comment être sûr que les enfants ne se connectent pas à des sites qui ne sont pas pour eux ? comment s'assurer que vos employés ne se connectent pas toute la journée pour des raisons privées ?... les études prouvent que les salariés perdent 1H par jour à regarder des sites personnels sur leur lieu de travail.. C'est pourquoi Frogi-Secure a mis au point un boitier de filtrage internet, très simple d'utilisation, plug&play, et personnalisable. …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

4 0 3 6
La Fabrique à Neurones La Fabrique à Neurones

Boostez vos performances cognitives avec des neurosciences ludiques et bienveillantes! La Fabrique à Neurones propose des solutions issues des neurosciences cognitives pour mieux vivre et mieux travailler. Nous avons à coeur de sensibiliser chacun à la nécessité de prendre soin de son cerveau tout au long de sa vie afin de vivre au meilleur de ses possibilités. La Fabrique à Neurones a développé une méthode, testée actuellement au Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition de l'Université Grenoble Alpes, basée sur la bienveillance, le jeu, l'intelligence collective et le transfert de connaissances en neurosciences cognitives. ATELIERS COGNITIFS: Cette méthode est utilisée dans …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

18 3 19 24

LE JOURNAL DU CENTRE SA is a publishing company based out of 3, RUE DU CHEMIN-DE-FER, BP 106, CEDEX, Nevers, France.

Type: Media

21 10 8 7
Opéra comique Opéra comique

Opéra comique is a civic & social organization company based out of France., Civic & Social Organization

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment arttech

29 14 14 23
La Folle Journée de Nantes La Folle Journée de Nantes

A unique festival of its kind, La Folle Journée de Nantes takes classical music off the beaten track. Based on an original idea by artistic director René Martin, La Folle Journée is a cultural event supported by Nantes Métropole and the City of Nantes, designed by the Centre for Artistic Achievements and Studies (CRÉA) and produced by La Cité des Congrès de Nantes

Type: Event

18 10 9 11
eTwinning France (Réseau Canopé) eTwinning France (Réseau Canopé)

The French eTwinning national office. European action co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme and deployed by Canopé eTwinning encourages educational cooperation in Europe through the use of digital tools. It was set up to offer students the opportunity to learn together, share their knowledge, exchange their points of view and make friends. It allows awareness of a multilingual and multicultural European model of society. eTwinning's online tools also serve Erasmus+ project leaders in their search for partners and throughout the project with the virtual project space. Launched in 2005 as a main action of the European Commission's eLearning programme, eTwinning has …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

36 5 34 76
Entraide Union Entraide Union

Citizens above all Created in 1954, Entraide Union is an association operating in the social, medico-social and health sectors. It has nearly 60 establishments that welcome people of all ages, in great difficulty or with disabilities as well as children under the child protection umbrella. Over the years, it has adapted its organization, modernized its practices, diversified its areas of intervention and is part of the developments in the sector to offer an optimal quality of service to the nearly 4,500 users it supports. The association's mission is the operational implementation of social utility actions in line with the State's …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

9 3 0 364
Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens) Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens)

Let's dare the future at UPJV! The university has 30,000 students spread across 4 areas of expertise, as well as 33 research teams including 10 CNRS or INSERM, 2 doctoral schools, 11 UFR and 6 institutes. UPJV is located in 6 cities in the Picardy region; Amiens, Beauvais, Creil, Saint-Quentin, Cuffies-Soissons and Laon. The University of Picardy Jules Verne offers a wide range of multidisciplinary and qualifying courses: DUT, bachelor's degrees, professional bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and doctorates, in initial training or continuing education.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

35 4 25 2,370
l'éléphant l'éléphant

l'éléphant 🐘 Independent general culture magazine | l'éléphant junior 🐘 To understand the world of tomorrow L’éléphant and l’éléphant junior are two general culture magazines published by Scrineo, an independent French publishing house. Created in 2013, l'éléphant is based on two main axes: the transversality of knowledge and memorization. Through illustrated thematic files, written by experts, this 160-page quarterly offers its readers the opportunity to put events into perspective, contextualize them and delve deeper into them. To better understand and, above all, remember what we read, the magazine uses games, which allow the brain to switch to active mode! L’éléphant …

Type: Media

12 2 5 44
Institut international des droits de l'Homme et de la paix Institut international des droits de l'Homme et de la paix

⚫ International Institute for Human Rights and Peace ➖ Founded in 2008 by the Normandy Region, the Caen Bar Association, the University of Caen-Normandy, the City of Caen and the Caen Memorial, the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace is an association under the 1901 Law whose purpose is to promote human rights, international humanitarian law and the peaceful settlement of disputes. CONTRIBUTING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CULTURE OF PEACE BY PROMOTING KNOWLEDGE OF HUMAN RIGHTS BY ALL CITIZENS Drawing on its scientific expertise and on the methods of education in human rights and democratic citizenship developed …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 3 9 23
Saline royale d'Arc-et-Senans Saline royale d'Arc-et-Senans

UNESCO World Heritage Site. Historical, cultural and event site in Burgundy-Franche-Comté. A factory for the production of salt, the Saline royale was built under the leadership of King Louis XV, between 1775 and 1779. A masterpiece by the visionary architect Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, it is a testimony and a rare legacy in the history of industrial architecture. To give our visitors an unforgettable experience, in the heart of a site listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Saline royale combines architecture, nature and music through an ambitious and varied cultural and event program. In a 13-hectare park, an immersive …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

22 8 16 46
CCI Hérault CCI Hérault

1st Accelerator of companies and territories 🤝 The Montpellier Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Montpellier CCI, is a public administrative and economic institution that represents the commercial and industrial interests of companies in its territory to the public authorities. The Montpellier CCI has a fundamental role in providing technical assistance and advice to companies. Business Formalities Center - CFE, Innovation - growth, Business creation-takeover, Business networks - cluster, Studies and Economic Observatory, Trade and Tourism, Transmission, Continuing education, and apprenticeship

Type: Public

83 27 72 125
Récréasciences C.C.S.T.I Récréasciences C.C.S.T.I

Knowledge for all Récréasciences popularizes, disseminates and promotes science in all its forms in the Limousin region. Our goal? To promote exchanges between the scientific community and the public.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

30 6 20 6
Lutice Lutice

Custom videoconferencing 100% Ethical 100% hosted in France. Lutice is a videoconferencing campus solution 100% hosted in France. Our goal is to help training institutions develop through virtual classes. We also offer simple solutions for videoconferencing and webinars Lutice is a virtual class campus platform, development is structured around 4 axes: - Ease of use and handling by users - Speed ​​of implementation, it takes less than 24 hours to deploy a private white label platform - Efficiency for learners. The training courses carried out with Lutice are satisfactory thanks to the social link created on the platform - Ownership …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

73 8 68 3
Digital Music Solutions Digital Music Solutions

Founded in 2014 by Clothilde Chalot and Hannelore Guittet, Digital Music Solutions develops NoMadMusic and NomadPlay. Digital Music Solutions was created to break down the barriers between repertoires and to promote music to a wide audience. It includes the classical music and jazz label, NoMadMusic, along with the immersive musical practicing app, NomadPlay, winner of many prizes and awards (ArtTech Prize, Paris Innovation Award...). musique, numérique, label, production, and application

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

39 14 25 5
Qwant Qwant

The search engine you are the user of, not the product! Qwant is a European search engine, launched in July 2013, which offers an innovative search experience through the use of artificial intelligence and a loyalty program that is unique in the world of Search. In addition, Qwant is committed to respecting users' online privacy and to allowing them to explore the web with complete confidence and security. Qwant, the search engine you are the user of, not the product!

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: Data Analytics

124 72 45 130
LIAS Laboratory LIAS Laboratory

Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems The Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems, created in January 2012, is the result from the merge of two laboratories: the Applied Computer Science Laboratory (LISI, EA 1232) and the Laboratory of Automation and Applied Computer Science (LAII, EA 1219). The LIAS gathers 40 teachers/researchers from disciplines like automatic control, electrical engineering, and computer science. Although the laboratory is anchored in the Communication Systems community for the fundamental aspects, the LIAS, through its applications, is naturally open to the engineering sciences either for the new modes of propulsion, …

Type: Public Research & Education Startup Activities: deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

10 1 6 13
Hypermind Hypermind

Forecast better and prioritize faster with collective intelligence Since 2000, Hypermind helps organizations forecast better and prioritize faster with collective intelligence. We offer: - Open prediction markets and forecasting contests - A panel of champion forecasters - A crowd-forecasting software platform - A crowd-storming software platform Prediction Market, innovation, Collective Intelligence project managment, Geopolitical Forecasting, Business Forecasting, Economic Forecasting, Political Forecasting, strategy, and decision making

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I.

10 0 8 7
MyTweetAlerts MyTweetAlerts

It is like Google Alerts but for Twitter MyTweetAlerts is a new service founded on the idea that there should be a better way to search Twitter. Our sophisticated but simple platform allows you to easily set up and deliver custom alerts to your inbox, saving you time and maximizing your efficiency on Twitter. Whether you are looking to find new sales leads, job prospects, or just want to stay on top of your business or industry, MyTweetAlerts is the Twitter Alert system designed to meet your needs. Social Media Management, Social Media Marketing, Lead Generation, and Business Development

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

218 236 5 2, a Meltwater Offering, a Meltwater Offering helps millions of professionals and hundreds of companies publish and share curated content to engage their audience. provides content curation platform for professionals, helping them to discover, curate and share the most relevant content in order to engage internal and external audiences, as well as monitoring content ROI. Content Marketing, Content Curation, SMB Marketing, Website publishing, Social Media Publishing, Online Presence Management, Knowledge Management, and Content monitoring

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

129 56 38 37
Journal des Français à l'étranger Journal des Français à l'étranger

News about expatriates in France and international mobility Why create Le Journal des Français à l’étranger? Jean-Pierre Pont, editor of Le Journal des Français à l’étranger, created the newspaper Vivre à l’étranger in 1995, which was taken over by Studyrama. The latter stopped publishing the paper version eight years ago and since then, there has been no newspaper on international mobility on newsstands. He therefore started from this observation: the information and sharing offer for French people who want to go abroad or who have already decided to settle there is quite fragmented. Le Journal Les Français à l’étranger and …

Type: Media

4 2 0 7
Les Assembleurs Les Assembleurs

Mobilize stakeholders and collectively initiate projects for a digital service for all in Hauts-de-France! Les Assembleurs is a cooperative society of collective interest (SCIC) whose mission is to mobilize networks of stakeholders and collectively initiate projects for a digital service for all in Hauts-de-France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

33 6 30 11
Réseau d’Éducation à l’Environnement en Bretagne (REEB) Réseau d’Éducation à l’Environnement en Bretagne (REEB)

Regional association for environmental education and sustainable development in Brittany. The Brittany Environmental Education Network (REEB) has been working for 30 years to defend and develop environmental education in Brittany. A strong need for mutualization between stakeholders is at the origin of the creation of the REEB in 1992. The network now brings together 120 structures (associations, communities, schools, self-employed entrepreneurs, etc.) and individuals (facilitators, teachers, environmental professionals, parents, etc.) all invested in nature and environmental education. But what is environmental education? Environmental education aims to understand the complexity of the world to which we belong and the fragility of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech edtech it services

8 0 8 11
Educagri éditions Educagri éditions

The publishing house of agricultural education Educagri éditions' mission is to publish, produce, distribute and promote quality multimedia resources (books, videos, online resources) intended primarily for the various audiences of education and professional training, particularly agricultural: apprentices, trainees, pupils, students, teachers, trainers, managers, administrative staff, partners of institutions, but also the general public. Educagri éditions is a brand of the Institut Agro.

Type: Public

13 2 13 18
Association e-Enfance / 3018 Association e-Enfance / 3018

3018 is the number for young victims of harassment and digital violence. The e-Enfance / 3018 Association, a single point of entry against harassment and digital violence suffered by young people. Recognized as being of public utility, the Association operates 3018, the free, anonymous and confidential number for victims of harassment, cyberbullying and other digital violence. It is accessible by telephone 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., as well as on, Messenger and via the 3018 APP. The e-Enfance / 3018 Association raises awareness each year among 200,000 children, adolescents, parents and professionals on the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

54 23 38 42
L'Est Républicain L'Est Républicain

A selection of our best articles in Lorraine and Franche-Comté 🔴 Economy 🔵 Entrepreneurship 🟡 Innovation L'Est Républicain is a regional daily newspaper, founded on May 5, 1889 in Nancy. It is distributed in Lorraine and Franche-Comté through ten local editions. Since its creation, the newspaper of the Lorrains and Franche-Comtois has kept the same values: freedom of expression, reliability of information, proximity to its readers and the defense of a territory and its inhabitants. Since 2006, L'Est Républicain has belonged to the EBRA press group created by the Crédit Mutuel bank. EBRA is the largest press group in France …

Type: Media

122 50 78 504
Paris Match Paris Match

First general news magazine in France First general news magazine in France. Subscribe for free to our daily Newsletter 👇

Type: Media

126 63 57 188

Afev mobilizes young people all over France to create links in neighborhoods and fight against inequalities! Thanks to Afev, nearly 20,000 students commit each year to supporting young people with academic difficulties and creating links in working-class neighborhoods. By fighting against educational and social inequalities, they act for a fairer and more united society through three programs: > Volunteer mentoring 2 hours per week Each week, a volunteer high school or college student individually supports a child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in their education (from kindergarten to university) for 1 or 2 hours per week throughout the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

84 22 62 1,469
Université Paris 13 Université Paris 13

All the latest news from Paris 13 University, a major center of higher education and research in France. A multidisciplinary university in the north of the Île-de-France region, Paris 13 University is located on 4 main campuses: Villetaneuse, Saint-Denis and Bobigny in Seine-Saint-Denis and Argenteuil in Val d'Oise. #up13 Humanities and Social Sciences, Arts Letters Languages, Science, Technology, Health, Medicine, Culture and Communication, and Law, Economics, Management

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

53 19 31 1,091
Université d'Orléans Université d'Orléans

Source de talents depuis 1306 The University of Orléans (French: Université d'Orléans) is a renowned French university, in the Academy of Orléans and Tours.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

56 16 37 1,728
Paname Paname

Ensemble ! Elkar ! SOKOA is a company based in the Basque country. It is parent company to a French manufacturing group that has been specialising in office and contract furniture and currently achieves consolidated turnover of over €100M and whose main brands are Sokoa, Eurosit, Genexco, Sorec Solutions and Sellex. SOKOA was formed in 1971 from a development project intended to help create jobs in the Basque Country by promoting a public savings plan “crowdfunding”. To care about the human being, to create jobs in its territory, to give meanings to its products, to continuously improve its manufacturing quality …

Type: Media

169 94 54 36
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté International Bourgogne-Franche-Comté International

Network of actors of cooperation and international solidarity in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté 🌍 Network of actors of cooperation and international solidarity in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté 🌍 local development, international solidarity, international cooperation, international mobility, volunteering, education for global citizenship, public policies, external action of local authorities, SDGs, Local authorities, Associations, Companies, Institutions, sustainable development goals, and sustainable development

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

20 4 17 84
Play Bac Editions Speciales Play Bac Editions Speciales

The Play Bac Editions Spéciales team creates 100% tailor-made educational communication tools; declines and adapts all the Play Bac concepts that have proven themselves with children, their families and their teachers, takes charge of projects from A to Z, from design to manufacturing, and even up to distribution in schools or in your own networks. Print or Digital Media. (#brandcontent #native advertising #360° #custom publishing) 100% tailor-made, edition, press, digital, 360°, and youth, child, teacher, family, corporate

Type: Media Activities: edtech manufacturing kidtech

9 1 8 27

First online magazine for sharing experiences of French-speaking teachers on their teaching practices in the classroom LUDOMAG is the news media on digital technology in education! Our team has been a specialist in the digital education sector since 2007, the date of creation of the LUDOMAG magazine. Over the years, we have developed experience in filming and producing classroom reports, scientific and personality interviews, live broadcasting of conferences and hosting round tables on the sector, as well as writing and distributing articles on the news media supporting our activities. You can also find us on Twitter (14K subscribers), Facebook (3K …

Type: Media

52 12 36 3
LearningPlanet Alliance LearningPlanet Alliance

An open alliance uniting to transform education. The LearningPlanet Alliance is an open alliance of educational stakeholders and learning communities with a cause. Our mission is to inspire & empower learners of all ages to contribute to shaping better futures. New ways of learning, teaching, researching and mobilizing collective intelligence are needed to do so, as demonstrated by current global crises. Building on its international community of pioneers, #LearningPlanet aims to identify, develop and amplify the most effective ways to collectively solve the world’s most pressing and complex challenges, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learning Communities, Education, Sustainable …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 6 12 71
La France s'engage La France s'engage

The La France s’engage foundation has been accelerating social and solidarity innovations in all regions for 10 years. Created in 2017, the La France s’engage Foundation is a recognized public utility foundation (FRUP) that is part of the extension of the La France s’engage social innovation support program initiated by the State in 2014. The Foundation's objective is to promote the involvement of civil society in innovative, supportive and useful initiatives for the greatest number of people. Through these initiatives, it promotes living together around local services and the sustainable development of territories. Through an annual national competition, the foundation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

131 54 67 23
Startup For Kids Startup For Kids

Let's explore a world of innovations to imagine the best of futures More than 65% of children who start school today will work in a job that does not yet exist: What jobs will our children have tomorrow? The mission of Startup For Kids: to prepare young people for the world of tomorrow with equal opportunities and gender equality by exploring a world of innovation to imagine the best of futures. Children and adolescents are invited to explore a world of innovations to imagine the best of futures through creativity workshops, the discovery of new ways of learning, advanced training …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

93 30 67 17
Rennes à coup de coeur Rennes à coup de coeur

Local and cultural website: art, fashion, gastronomy, culture, music, event, agenda, meetings and talents from Rennes. Event organization: Fashion designers' aperitif-sale: June 15, 2012 and Fashion designers' brunch: Sunday, May 18, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fashion, gastronomy, activities. Website, Events, and Media

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fashtech

4 2 2 2
astu'sciences astu'sciences

Let's cultivate science in a network! For 30 years, Astu'sciences has brought together structures and individuals who are involved in scientific, technical and industrial culture (CSTI) in the Auvergne region. Its main skills are scientific mediation and the management of educational and cultural projects with the aim of promoting and developing scientific culture for all.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

25 4 22 7
Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ) Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ)

Generator of opportunities for 18-35 year olds The OFQJ, a major player in Franco-Quebec cooperation. The Franco-Quebec Youth Office (OFQJ) contributes to bringing together French and Quebec youth through mobility programs focused on professional development and improvement, in the economic, cultural and social sectors, while promoting intercultural discoveries and networking. Based in France and Quebec, the OFQJ advises and supports nearly 10,000 young adults aged 18 to 35 each year in their professional mobility project across the Atlantic (internship, temporary employment, participation in an event, trade mission, thematic delegation, etc.). The OFQJ has unique expertise in supporting mobility and designing …

Type: Public

86 36 54 40
University of Pau and Adour Countries University of Pau and Adour Countries

L'UPPA fait partie des 17 universités françaises d'excellence labellisées I-SITE pour son projet E2S UPPA. The Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour is located at the foot of the Pyrenees, in the southwest of France. It has five campuses with degrees in all non-medical disciplines: Arts and Sciences, Humanities and Engineering.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

50 13 38 1,739
Réseau Bretagne Solidaire Réseau Bretagne Solidaire

Breton multi-actor network for international cooperation and solidarity RBS aims to develop and lead the Breton multi-actor network for international cooperation and solidarity, to support the international action of Breton actors (communities, businesses, associations, institutions, health, education and research actors), to promote exchanges and partnerships between these actors, their networking, and to contribute to strengthening their skills and the sustainability of their actions.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

24 5 10 1
LE BAL - espace d'exposition LE BAL - espace d'exposition

LE BAL is an independent platform for exhibition, publishing, reflection and education, dedicated to the image. Created in 2010 and directed by Diane Dufour, LE BAL is a space dedicated to the image-document in all its forms: photography, video, cinema, new media. It is now internationally recognized for its demanding and dense programming. From Lewis Baltz to Antoine d’Agata, from Jeff Wall to Harun Farocki, from Watabe Yukichi to Paul Graham, from Dirk Braeckman to Sophie Calle... A platform for exhibition, production, publishing and reflection on the multiple writings of reality, the ambition of LE BAL is to resolutely include …

Type: Media

23 7 16 31
Conseil départemental du Finistère Conseil départemental du Finistère

Finistère, the department where everything can (re)start! Discover our job offers at the tip of Brittany. Finistère is waiting for you You have a professional project and are looking for a living environment that is favorable to your personal and family development. Department of 900,000 inhabitants, with preserved nature, a diversified economy, a rich culture and one of the schools of excellence, Finistère is the department where everything can (re)start for you! First of all, the quality of life The omnipresent sea, a culture in phase between tradition and modernity, a marked identity and authenticity, inhabitants open to the world …

Type: Public

51 30 18 833
Vélodrome National de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Vélodrome National de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Experience the Vélodrome National adventure! The Vélodrome National of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines offers a wide range of sports and cultural activities on a daily basis. Cycling enthusiasts of all levels will be able to take possession of the facilities specially dedicated to them: an indoor Olympic track of 250m by 8 meters wide and an indoor BMX track, in the heart of a green setting. Also discover the other sports practiced: Badminton, Kettlebell, Spinning Class, Fitness Kick, Self Kick Defense, Kick-Boxing, Bike-Polo, Free-style Airbag, ... ARENA SPORTS AND SHOWS As part of its "Sport-Show" vision, the Vélodrome National de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines will host …

Type: Event

30 7 24 12
Université de Rouen Université de Rouen

Law, economics and management, literature, humanities, health, sport, science and technology. Training Research

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

42 14 17 2,882

EMERGENCY TRANSPORTED Courier - Urgent/Express Transport - Sensitive Transport From parcels to full trucks - 7 days a week ENVOYE SPECIAL is a company specializing in courier services, urgent transport and regular shuttles, offering the most comprehensive range of vehicles and services on the market. We carry out missions ranging from single items to semi-complete items. The employees who lead the Envoyé spécial team all have experience in our professions. Our interventions are carried out during the day, at night, on weekends and on public holidays. 90% of our activity is carried out with our own staff and equipment. ENVOYE …

Type: Media

290 193 99 112

Creator of BUDDY 🤖, the First AI Emotional Robot Blue Frog Robotics is a market leader in Social Robotics providing high value, #Robotsforgood, to the Elderly, Fragile Children, Education System (supplier of the French Government) and international Events or Hospitality focused businesses. Blue Frog Robotics is the developer of Buddy, the world's first AI Emotional Robot, that has captured the affection of tens of thousands of people around the world. Buddy is built on an open based platform (Android SDK) and was conceived with the premise that it will become indispensable for all members of a household, much like today’s …

Type: Startup Activities: kidtech silvertech deeptech Technologies: Robotics Affective Computing A.I. IoT Generative A.I.

126 47 100 20
Kalyzee Kalyzee

Go even further remotely! 🎥 Discover Kalyzée: Pioneer of Audiovisual Innovation for Hybrid Learning 🌐✨ As a forward-thinking company, we are redefining how individuals and businesses interact and communicate through cutting-edge audiovisual solutions. 🔍 Our Expertise: Audiovisual Capture and Broadcasting Solutions We are recognized for our expertise in designing and implementing audiovisual capture and broadcasting solutions dedicated to hybrid, remote, and multisite courses and training. Our user-centered approach and technical mastery enable us to guarantee quality and performance. 🚀 Our Mission: Revolutionize Interactions At Kalyzée, our mission is clear: to relentlessly innovate in order to transform interactions and exchanges on …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: A.I.

23 4 19 8
VRAI Learning VRAI Learning

AI Avatars: the immersive transmission of tomorrow. Immersive experiences that transform education. VRAI Learning is revolutionizing professional training with immersive solutions combining virtual reality, augmented reality and intelligent avatars connected to AI. We create engaging learning experiences, designed to boost the transmission of knowledge and improve learners' skills. With intuitive tools and personalized dashboards, VRAI Learning supports trainers and educators to make each session simple, effective and personalized. Our ambition: to transform training into an immersive adventure where innovation, impact and engagement meet. virtual reality, artificial intelligence, education, immersive learning, elearning, formation, edtech, immersive experience, realite virtuelle, learning, metavers, pedagogie, …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: VR A.I.

15 4 12 4
Astres et Cie Astres et Cie

It is high time to relight the stars in the eyes of children who work ... Relight the stars in the eyes of children who work, such is the motto of Astres et Cie, which proposes to do it without turning on a screen thanks to the ETOILIUM! This entirely mechanical educational game is aimed at all children from 5 to 11 years old so that they can work independently and motivated in all school subjects, at school or at home. Why is it so addictive? Because the scratch stickers that children earn for each successful sheet are the driving …

Type: Startup Activities: kidtech edtech

6 2 5 5
Jexplore Jexplore

Virtual reality for lifelong career guidance and employment. Dare to innovate with Jexplore! Jexplore is an EdTech start-up that offers innovative services to enable, through virtual reality, tailor-made support for career guidance and employment. Our solutions are aimed at young people who are wondering about their career guidance, adults looking for a job and companies looking to develop the attractiveness of their professions. Our mission is to enable each person to benefit from quality information and support at each stage of their career path. For more information: Contact us: Immersion, Employment, Virtual Reality, 3D, Education, Professional, Professions, Orientation, …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: VR

33 9 26 15
KaviAR [Tech] ᯅ XR & AI for Humans KaviAR [Tech] ᯅ XR & AI for Humans

"We use today's tools to prototype the immersives experiences of the future in order to create the uses of tomorrow 🌎" At KaviAR [Tech], we believe that augmented reality is the web of tomorrow. KaviAR [Tech] focuses on uses and does not do R&D for a simple "Whaou effect", but to bring real added value to users and brands thanks to our vision of market disruption and evangelization of uses of this technology. Are you ready for the web of tomorrow? Yes, we AR ' We develop AR solutions : [Gate] 360 immersive Portal : [App] Scanner to superpose …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: VR A.I. Generative A.I.

21 1 11 9
Wattsgood Wattsgood

🚴‍♀️⚡Ecological and fun activities with electricity-generating bikes 🌍 🚴‍♀️ Wattsgood offers sports and fun activities with electricity-generating bikes ⚡ Wattsgood thus meets your challenges: - QVT and "Well-being" of employees by promoting physical activity for all. - Team Building through sports and energy challenges - CSR via an original awareness-raising approach to energy issues Whether for your team seminars, your internal or external events, on one or more sites, for a half-day or for a long-term approach, Wattsgood offers you a tailor-made solution to give impact and fun to your events. 🏅 Wattsgood is ESUS approved, labeled by the Solar …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

41 10 38 9
Instagram Instagram

More than one billion people around the world use Instagram, and we’re proud to be bringing them closer to the people and things they love. Instagram inspires people to see the world differently, discover new interests, and express themselves. Since launching in 2010, our community has grown at a rapid pace. Our teams are growing fast, too, and we’re looking for talent across engineering, product management, design, research, analytics, technical program management, operations, and more. In addition to our headquarters in Menlo Park, we have thriving offices in New York City and San Francisco where teams are doing impactful work …

Type: Large company

558 334 332 14
British Dyslexia Association British Dyslexia Association

We are the voice of dyslexic people of all ages across the UK Breaking through barriers and enabling everyone with dyslexia to be acknowledged, accepted and empowered. Dyslexia, Specific learning difficulties, Co-occurring difficulties, National Helpline, and Government lobbying

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 2 5 129
Pays de la Loire Coopération Internationale Pays de la Loire Coopération Internationale

The regional multi-stakeholder network for international cooperation in the Pays de la Loire Pays de la Loire Coopération Internationale is a regional multi-stakeholder network. Created in 2018, its purpose is to support the international action of Loire stakeholders, as well as to strengthen citizenship and openness to the world of the inhabitants of the Pays de la Loire. Pays de la Loire Coopération Internationale has six missions: - identification of Loire stakeholders in international cooperation - information and representation of these stakeholders - support for project leaders - animation of its network - education in citizenship and international solidarity - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

18 5 15 6
Réunion des Opéras de France Réunion des Opéras de France

The ROF is committed to defending and promoting lyrical and choreographic art in all its forms. The Réunion des Opéras de France currently brings together thirty-five operas, stages, companies or lyrical festivals represented within a Board of Directors by a college of elected officials and a college of directors. Committed to defending and promoting lyrical and choreographic art in all its forms, it is the national network of French lyrical stages and as such constitutes a permanent body for consultation with the Ministry of Culture and local authorities. It carries out its missions around information, coordination and promotion. Dissemination of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

21 3 14 6

International cooperation and solidarity Centraider is a regional network dedicated to international cooperation and solidarity. Centraider is aimed at individuals and organizations based in the Centre-Val de Loire region. Our goal: to improve the quality and impact of international cooperation and solidarity. Our missions: to identify inspiring structures & practices, to promote networking, to support, promote and represent project leaders in the region.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

21 7 14 11
EHESS - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales EHESS - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Comprendre les sociétés humaines For the past 70 years, researchers and students from all different countries and backgrounds have elected the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) as their academic home, drawn by the pairing of in-depth analysis of the past and research explicitly devoted to understanding contemporary societies. Thanks to our global perspective and research-based learning, the EHESS has been an incubator in the social sciences; from the Annales to French theory to Thomas Piketty's historical analysis of modern capitalism, we have played a central role in the emergence of numerous paradigms in the social sciences and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

32 11 13 1,121
ScholaVie ScholaVie

Psychosocial skills at the heart of education ScholaVie is an educational association that works for the well-being and success of students, and those who help them on a daily basis, through the development of psychosocial skills (CPS). ScholaVie supports, trains and equips education and health professionals so that they develop their own CPS and integrate them into their practices and postures. Equipping professionals allows for systemic change and the most effective and lasting impact possible on students.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 5 11 9
Département de l'Hérault Département de l'Hérault

Hérault is waiting for you, become a public service player. Join Hérault! The Hérault Department is a key player in the public sector in Occitanie. A local authority whose actions are expressed in various services. A local institution, every day the Department supports 1.2 million Hérault residents at different times in their lives in order to improve their daily lives. With an annual budget of 1.8 billion euros, all public service actions are carried out by 5,450 agents spread across the Hérault territory. The Department is fully invested in its diverse and impactful missions: • solidarity (autonomy, childhood and family, …

Type: Public

30 19 11 1,176
La Fresque du Climat La Fresque du Climat

Fun and collaborative workshop to understand climate issues! "The Climate Fresco" is a fun, participatory and creative workshop on climate change. It is based on collective intelligence and therefore extremely educational: it allows us to learn a lot in a very short time about the climate and the cause-and-effect links between the different components of climate change. The Climate Fresco is a 3-hour introduction, aimed at both novices and experts, on how the climate works and the consequences of its disruption. This workshop sheds light on the complexity of climate change, gives us keys to understanding and allows us to …

Type: Media

156 123 28 3,963

International Center for Research on Environment and Development. CIRED is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 8568) under the main supervision of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the National School of Bridges and Roads, with the Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), AgroParisTech and the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). At the CNRS, CIRED is attached to CNRS Human and Social Sciences. Director: Franck Lecocq Environment, Development, Climate, Environmental economics, Development economics, Public economics, Prospective modeling, Energy transition, Climate change, Climate negotiation, Agriculture, Game theory, Biodiversity, Low carbon transition, Land …

Type: Public

52 11 39 88
SO Coopération SO Coopération

Regional Multi-Actor Network in New Aquitaine for International Cooperation and Solidarity SO Coopération was created in 2017, following the merger of several regional entities engaged internationally, including Cap Coopération (2008) and RESODI (2014). SO Coopération is the Regional Multi-Actor Network (RRMA) for international cooperation and solidarity in New Aquitaine. International cooperation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

20 4 18 12
Département de la Creuse Département de la Creuse

The Creuse department is located in the center of France, in the northeast of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. In the northwest part of the Massif Central, Creuse is surrounded by the departments of Haute-Vienne, Corrèze, Allier, Puy-de-Dôme, Indre and Cher. It occupies a very central position, 350 km south of Paris, 350 km west of Lyon and 315 km northeast of Bordeaux. Creuse is a hilly department, where the small mountains predominate in the southeast and the hills are sometimes high in the north and west. Its territory is irrigated by many rivers, including the Creuse, which crosses it from side …

Type: Public

22 15 6 26
Agence Régionale de la Biodiversité de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Agence Régionale de la Biodiversité de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

ARB BFC Official account of the Regional Agency for #biodiversity of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté #biodiversityBFC #biodiversity #arbbfc

Type: Public

26 2 24 14
Digital Cleanup Day Digital Cleanup Day

Digital Cleanup Day is the global day for digital cleaning 🤳🌍♻️ Join the movement on March 18, 2023! Digital Cleanup Day is an initiative co-sponsored by World Cleanup Day – France and the Institut du Numérique Responsable (INR) to raise awareness of the environmental footprint of digital technology by cleaning our data and giving our digital equipment a second life. Co-supporting associations: The World Cleanup Day – France association was founded in March 2017 by a group of citizens to promote World Cleanup Day in our territory. It is accredited by the Let’s Do It! movement as well as by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

46 20 29 4
Association Orchestre à l'Ecole Association Orchestre à l'Ecole

Within the orchestra, music will change their lives! Listening to others, Sharing, Mutual aid, Respect, Pride... A school orchestra transforms an entire class into an orchestra for three years. A free program for families, in order to move towards real equality of opportunity, School Orchestra is above all a social, educational, cultural and civic project. It is a real territorial project, based on a partnership between a school, a structure specialized in teaching music and a local authority. School Orchestra is a collective practice of music with at least two weekly sessions. Since the creation of the program, 163,000 children …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

26 2 25 26
Bordas, maison d'édition du groupe Editis Bordas, maison d'édition du groupe Editis

Vos collègues sont nos auteurs. Editeur de manuels scolaires pour le primaire et le secondaire. The publisher who innovates for the success of all students Bordas, a leading publisher in the academic and extracurricular field, is a culture and knowledge broker, anxious to help everyone learn, revise and succeed through attractive methods and materials, modern and efficient. To support students from their first learning stages and help them deepen their knowledge throughout the school year, Bordas Editions relies on teams of talented authors – teachers and trainers - The recognized disciplinary and pedagogical expertise. They also draw on the creativity …

Type: Media

5 2 0 98
Editions l'Harmattan Editions l'Harmattan

At the crossroads of cultures A family and independent publishing house founded in 1975 around universal values: human rights, the rights of peoples to self-determination and with the constant vocation of being at the service of research for social transformation. Its ambition: to share knowledge and contribute to the emergence of French-speaking authors. A position that continually determines its editorial choices. Today, the Harmattan group is made up of 4 divisions: - Harmattan Editions: ranked 10th among independent French publishers (Source: Livre Hebdo 2017). - Harmattan Librairies: a network of 5 specialized bookstores, in the heart of the Latin Quarter …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

41 4 38 362
France Bleu France Bleu

Listen, we're good together

Type: Media

264 189 81 9
Planète Sciences Planète Sciences

Une aventure pour les jeunes ! Planète Sciences is a French voluntary association founded in 1962 dedicated to the sciences. The organization organizes the Coupe de France de robotique and Eurobot, an international amateur robotics contest.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech Technologies: Robotics

52 18 35 98
L'Obs L'Obs

Inform, reflect, debate, act 📌 Follow us on Facebook: 📌 Follow us on Twitter: 📌 Follow us on Instagram: 📌 Follow us on YouTube: 📰 Subscribe to L'Obs numérique: ✉️ Receive our newsletters for free: Written press and Digital

Type: Media

213 127 94 25

Météo-France is a public administration placed under the authority of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, with the main mission to observe and to forecast the evolution of the atmosphere, the snow cover and the surface of the ocean and thus to ensure the security of life and property. Météo-France has many centres in France (mainland), in all the overseas departments and in all parts of the world where France is present, including Terre Adélie in French Antarctica. Nearly 80% of Météo-France personnel are either engineers or technicians whose level of education is between that of university graduate and doctorate level.

Type: Public

154 98 55 1,573
Formation Professionnelle Continue Sorbonne Université Formation Professionnelle Continue Sorbonne Université

💡 A universe of knowledge to transform into performance. Continuing education in Sciences, Humanities and Health 👀Sorbonne University's continuing professional education offers training for professionals and businesses, drawing on the university's wealth of research and training, the expertise of its teacher-researchers in sciences, literature, health and medicine, and over 50 years of activity in the field of continuing professional education. The training offer provides an adapted and personalized response to the needs of professionals, businesses, communities and administrations. The training is for all audiences regardless of age or level of education. We offer short-term qualifying training courses designed to meet …

Type: Public

116 56 45 11
Ecole normale supérieure Ecole normale supérieure

Official account of the École normale supérieure - PSL component of the Université PSL Official account of the École normale supérieure | PSL component of the Université PSL. A center of French scientific excellence, the École normale supérieure | PSL is a prestigious teaching and research institution. Located in Paris, in the Latin Quarter, the School provides a unique offer of training through research, rich and interdisciplinary, at the interface of varied fields of study spread across 15 departments. The School has 1,200 undergraduate students (only in the third year) and master's students, as well as 700 doctoral students; 280 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

40 14 22 4,792
Ville de Poissy Ville de Poissy

Welcome to the official page of the city of Poissy! THE ORIGINS OF POISSY From the first centuries of our era, the inhabitants of this bank of the Seine lived from agriculture, hunting and fishing. The game-rich forest of "Iveline" attracted lords and kings who built residences there. King Robert II the Pious, son of Hugh Capet, rebuilt the Royal Castle and laid the first stone of a church dedicated to Saint Mary in 1016, a church rebuilt in the 12th century. The son of Blanche of Castile and Louis VIII, the future Saint Louis, was renamed there on April …

Type: Public

87 23 76 134
Éditions Retz Éditions Retz

The meaning of pedagogy The Retz editions catalog is aimed at the educational community, from kindergarten to middle school. Pedagogical innovation is at the heart of our approach. It is based on the know-how of our teams, as well as on the convictions of our authors. Our works create a dialogue between practices, are based on research, while paying particular attention to the most vulnerable children. Our catalog also includes a part of teachers since all the activities proposed have been tested in class, in real situations. All our tools reflect this sense of pedagogy that drives us. Education, Pedagogy, …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech kidtech

1 1 1 61
Département de l'Yonne Département de l'Yonne

At the gateway to Burgundy, on the Paris-Lyon axis, Yonne is an attractive department that offers a quality public service to its 350,000 inhabitants. The Yonne Department is pursuing a proactive policy of equipment and development, with complete coverage of the territory by fiber in 2024. With more than 200 professions, the Yonne Departmental Council offers opportunities within its various services and recruits in various fields of activity: education, social and medico-social, administrative, digital development, etc. Join us and let's build the skills of tomorrow together!

Type: Public

25 13 8 341
Ville de Poitiers Ville de Poitiers

Welcome to the official page of the City of Poitiers! The primary mission of the City Hall services is to serve the population, whether it is welcoming the public to the City Hall and sites throughout the city or in public spaces. There are 2,500 agents who work daily to implement the policies of the City. Are you looking for information or would you like to apply to work in the community? Find all the latest news from the city of Poitiers and job offers from the city hall here. Also follow us on Facebook: and Twitter:

Type: Public

37 21 17 227
Château de Fontainebleau Château de Fontainebleau

A journey to the heart of history "The true home of kings, the house of centuries." (Napoleon in Saint Helena, August 1816) With more than 1,500 rooms spread out in the heart of 130 hectares of park and gardens, Fontainebleau is the only royal and imperial castle to have been inhabited continuously for seven centuries. Visiting Fontainebleau means enjoying an exceptional presentation of French history, art history and architecture.

Type: Public

18 5 9 114
CAUE de Paris CAUE de Paris

Council of Architecture, Urbanism and Environment of Paris The Council of Architecture, Urbanism and Environment (CAUE) of Paris was founded in 1981. It is a departmental organization, created by the Architecture Act of 1977 to promote architectural, urban and environmental quality by informing, advising and raising public awareness of these themes. It conducts its public service missions in complete independence and objectivity. architecture, urbanism, cities, sustainability, environment, education, and resilience

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

20 4 4 51