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LogoName Σ Employees
SNCF Connect & Tech SNCF Connect & Tech

Innovate to make sustainable mobility accessible to all. SNCF Connect & Tech, a private subsidiary of SNCF Voyageurs, is the French leader in digital and e-commerce in the mobility sector. SNCF Connect & Tech aims to innovate to make sustainable mobility accessible to all through 2 key activities. That of e-retailer and distributor of sustainable mobility with SNCF Connect, an all-in-one mobility service. That of publisher of digital services and products for the SNCF group, regions and communities. For its two activities, SNCF Connect & Tech brings together digital skills to serve the customer and draws on the expertise of …

Type: Large company

27 15 16 1,832
Hays Hays

We are leaders in specialist recruitment and workforce solutions, offering advisory services such as learning and skill development, career transitions and employer brand positioning. As the Leadership Partner to our customers, we invest in lifelong partnerships that empower people and businesses to succeed. We help you achieve your career goals and deliver your business needs by combining meaningful innovation with our global scale and insights. Last year we helped over 280,000 people find their next career. Join the millions of people around the world that our specialist recruitment consultants provide with up-to-date information on career options, interesting insights and specific …

Type: Large company

50 10 28 26,891
AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France) AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France)

Created in 1990, totally pluralist and meeting the expectations of the municipalities of the Paris region, a structure for consultation and information at the regional level, the Association of Mayors of Ile-de-France (AMIF) ensures a role of representation of local elected officials and participates in regional dynamism. In 2021, 80% of the municipalities of Ile-de-France are members of AMIF. Municipalities can join AMIF by responding to the call for contributions sent before the beginning of each year by AMIF. With its representativeness and its interdepartmental structure, which gives it a role as spokesperson for the Mayors of Ile-de-France in the …

Type: Public

96 44 64 21
MLG Consulting MLG Consulting

International business conector and event maker MLG is a 20 years old firm that develop an unique expertise in collaborative project in Europe and around the world. Based in #Paris #Europe, MLG Events has design an unique operational prospective event platform that combine: • real life immersive technology showroom for cities, clusters, business and non profit organisation • augmented collaborative international delegation around the world those two event-solutions educate and promote innovative solution for better life, cities and business. Among a wide range of events MLG Events invite you to join of one its +20 experts’ communities and global projects: …

Type: Event

29 17 10 41
AFTE - The French Association Of Corporate Treasurers AFTE - The French Association Of Corporate Treasurers

Let's draw the space of the first community of treasurers AFTE is the reference Association of finance professionals involved in the management of cash, finance and financial risk. Since 43 years, AFTE is set on her missions : - To foster the transformation of our trades throught the exchange of good practices, the identification of the evolutions of our working environment and the diffusion of useful innovations. - To develop the expertise of our professions throught training, publication of technical notebooks and exchanges with the academic world. - To promote the interests of our professions with the representative bodies, national …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

94 20 84 68
BecomTech BecomTech

<Nous aspirons à un monde où chacune et chacun est libre de choisir son avenir/> #BecauseGirlsCan💪 The NGO Wifilles changes name to BECOMTECH! 2018 marks a major turning point in our ambitions to close the gender gap in Technologies Our core business is the introduction to digital and computer science, to open the field of possibilities, to junior and high school girls. More than 100 girls have taken the step. Through our signature program, they launch initiatives to address the issues of their community. They are solving problems, empowering their friends, and defining the future of our world. We’re thrilled …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

69 14 60 84
ANR, the French National Research Agency ANR, the French National Research Agency

ANR provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science - for both basic and applied research - to public research organisations and universities, as well as to private companies (including SMEs). Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews compliant with international standards, ANR provides the scientific community with instruments and programmes promoting creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between academia and industry. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world. Since 2010, ANR has also been the lead manager of the …

Type: Public

159 112 43 566
TEAM Henri-Fabre TEAM Henri-Fabre

Let's build the industry of the future together TEAM Henri-Fabre is: A regional project emblematic of the economy of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region A multi-sector project to "build the Industry of the Future together": The Henri-Fabre project is a unique public-private project that allows partners to synergize their expertise, resources, skills, projects and to structure a network with all the players in innovation and research. The project is deployed in the aeronautics, energy, medical, naval and transport sectors. The development of this new model is based on collaboration between Industrialists of all sizes, the world of Research and that of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

55 15 46 10
BigUp New Business Makers 🚀 BigUp New Business Makers 🚀

Custom-made innovation: Sourcing Expertise Support #Innovation #FrenchTech #Big4Start ➡️ Custom-made innovation: Sourcing Expertise Support #Innovation #FrenchTech #Big4Start ➡️ Visit to find out more! Custom-made Open Innovation

Type: Event

113 27 100 3
Covage Covage

3e opérateur d'infra - Seul opérateur à offrir 100% des solutions fibre & mobile sur un réseau dédié aux #entreprises Covage is the 3rd largest infrastructure operator in France dedicated to the business market. It is the only wholesale operator with the capacity to offer a complete range of fibre and 5G solutions, exclusively dedicated to the business market. More than 200 operators rely on its networks to provide very high-speed connectivity solutions to businesses and government sites. The Covage network addresses 150,000 end customers and covers 70% of French businesses with dedicated fibre (FTTO) and 75% with shared fibre …

Type: Spin-off

39 7 28 452
IS Edition IS Edition

French publishing company. IS Edition also offer print and publishing services through its label "Libres d'écrire"​. Official page of IS Edition, a Marseille publishing company established in 2012. Managed by Harald BENOLIEL, IS Edition is one of the french leaders in digital publishing through Libres d'écrire, its self-publishing label, and offer as well print, design and layout services. Livres numériques, Livres imprimés, Création et diffusion d'eBooks, auto-édition, Création de site internet, Graphisme, and Corrections

Type: Media

4 0 4 3
risingSUD risingSUD

Helping to grow the economy in the Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region risingSUD is the economic development agency for the Sud region. Our team of top economic experts has a perfect knowledge of the local ecosystem and the world of business. Développement économique, Accompagnement des entreprises, Innovation, Internationalisation, Attirer les talents, and Structurer les filières

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: it services

132 56 119 58
Erilia SA Erilia SA

Our housing has an Impact - Groupe Habitat en Région A career in social housing, does that tempt you? Erilia wants to be open, ready to welcome new talents who recognize themselves in its values ​​and its business model. A company of the Groupe Habitat en Région, Erilia is among the leading players in social housing in France. With a portfolio of nearly 58,000 housing units in France and an efficient local model serving its 119,000 customers, Erilia's primary vocation is to provide adequate and sustainable housing for the most modest populations. For 60 years, the company has been the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: traveltech Technologies: Decarbonization

56 14 50 735
Digital New Deal Digital New Deal

Think-Do-Tank dedicated to building a 3rd digital way in the face of the centralization of powers by BigTech Digital New Deal supports private and public decision-makers in creating a Digital Enlightenment, European and Humanist. Our conviction is that we can offer a third digital way by aiming for a dual objective: defend our values ​​by proposing a framework of trust through regulation (think-tank); and defend our interests by creating ecosystems of trust through cooperation (do-tank). Our publication activity aims to shed light as comprehensively as possible on the developments at work within the issues of "digital sovereignty", in the broadest …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

38 9 13 4
Pierre Cappelli [ Digital OI ] Pierre Cappelli [ Digital OI ]

Digital Manager & Strategist Consultant en Transformation Digitale des entreprises Spécialiste dans l'acculturation des entreprises sur technologies de rupture, la disruption Communication digitale, relation client, médias sociaux et e-réputation. Formateur & Communicant expert senior En savoir plus: Transformation Digitale des entreprises, Digital strategist, Technologies de rupture, Disruption, E.réputation, Médias Sociaux, Personal Branding, Marketing de projet innovant, Formation & Master Class, Content Marketing, and Stratégie Digitale

Type: SMB Activities: martech e-reputation

129 24 106 0
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet

Your guide to life-changing travel experiences. Your ticket to life-changing travel experiences. We've brought together a massive global audience, created a suite of trip-planning products and established one of the world's most iconic and loved travel brands. travel, leisure, hotels, publishing, ebooks, travel guides, travel photography, travel news, travel booking, online media, digital media, travel video, travel services, travel advice, guidebooks, travel news, and travel inspiration

Type: Media

23 9 0 759
Veilleur des Médias Veilleur des Médias

Your Media Watch simply Expert in media monitoring in West Africa, Veilleur des Médias offers high value-added digital solutions (clipping, press panorama, social monitoring, social selling, media analysis) for the benefit of companies and institutions. Member of French Tech Abidjan, player in economic intelligence, Veilleur des Médias is based in France and Ivory Coast. Information monitoring, Media analysis, Digital communication, and Press relations

Type: Media

19 2 17 25
Timcod Timcod

Enjoy Tomorrow! Integrator of IT solutions for mobile workers, in the warehouse and on the road (logistics and transport, sales forces, technicians) Technology specialist (barcode equipment, Wi-Fi, voice recognition solution, RFID) TIMCOD specializes in the implementation of automatic identification, traceability and mobility solutions for people: management of delivery driver tours, sales force, distribution, management of technical interventions, etc. in the transport, logistics, mass distribution and more generally trade and industry sectors TIMCOD is involved in the implementation of WiFi infrastructures, in the choice and installation of equipment (Terminals and PDAs, barcode readers and printers, etc.), in the integration of global …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Geolocation SaaS

12 3 8 119
La Boussole des Entrepreneurs La Boussole des Entrepreneurs

Structuring the support ecosystem to help entrepreneurs make an informed choice! The Boussole movement aims to bring together support providers (incubators, accelerators, etc.) for startups and young companies. It was initiated by 10 support structures (50 Partners, Blue Factory – ESCP, Google, INCO, Le Village by CA, Raisesherpas, Réseau Entreprendre Paris, Schoolab, NUMA, and URW Link – Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield) and we are now close to 60 (list of our members on The system is built on three pillars: - Expertise: sharing our know-how & access to complementary expertise. In particular through monthly meetings and the production of content by our …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

55 21 50 8

International growth accelerator for women who are changing the world. #JoinForcesDare #theMargaret We are an international accelerator of women in technology and innovation. We bring together a tribe of professionals in private, public, and media sectors to accelerate the digital transformation in Europe Africa and Canada. We believe in the benefits of having a greater share of women leadership. Its mission is to create an inclusive environment where women play a central role in defining the digital future. In over 10 years, JFD has gone from an annual event to a genuine growth accelerator for women who dare to take …

Type: Event SMB Activities: hrtech

126 43 91 32

For 19 years, we have been supporting our clients, professionals in transport and logistics, in their digital transformation. Our aim is to enable everyone to take the digital wave in order to remain competitive and reduce their ecological footprint. We offer them a wide range of business solutions: • B2PWeb: The freight exchange By and For transport professionals • GedTrans: The management of legal documents dedicated to transport • GedMouv: The solution for sharing delivery information • eProtocole: The right protocol, to the right recipient, in the right place and at the right time • Le Transport Recrute: The recruitment …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: Geolocation SaaS

30 8 12 129
InterContinental InterContinental

Type: Media

35 6 2 612
Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)

Funding research with impact The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) is the main funder of research activities in Luxembourg. Our vision is to establish Luxembourg as a leading knowledge-based society through science, research and innovation, thereby contributing to the country’s economic diversification and future prosperity. We aim to set up a sustainable world-class research system in Luxembourg that will generate societal and economic impact in key strategic areas. To this end, the FNR invests public funds into research projects in various branches of science and humanities, with an emphasis on core strategic areas. Furthermore, the FNR supports and coordinates activities …

Type: Public

17 8 6 52
Blue Stars Marseille Blue Stars Marseille

American Football 🏈 & Cheerleading 🎀 with a Southern accent☀️ One Team, One Attitude 👊🏿👊🏽👊🏻 #GoBlueStarsGo American Football in Marseille, really? And with the accent! The Blue Stars of Marseille is "One Team, One Attitude" 🏈 More than 450 active members including more than 300 under-20s and 90 women across 15 categories 🏟 An efficient training center with more than 30 players representing the club on the international scene (Elite France, CFL, NCAA, USports, GFL) 🏆 6 major titles since 2015 (National and Regional) 🥇 A senior Elite team (Division 1) in the Top 3 of the best teams in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

6 1 4 15
Fondation Cognacq-Jay Fondation Cognacq-Jay

Serving the common good since 1916 The Cognacq-Jay Foundation, recognized as a public utility since 1916, works with people in difficulty at all ages of life. Its 2,000 employees, spread across 13 establishments, work in four sectors of activity: health, medico-social, child protection and education. The Cognacq-Jay Foundation establishments are mainly located in Paris and the Paris region. They are also found in Haute-Savoie (Annemasse) and in the Var (Giens). The Foundation has 4 healthcare facilities, 1 nursing home, 1 medical-educational institute (IME) for autistic adolescents, therapeutic coordination apartments (ACT) for people with chronic illnesses and in social insecurity, 1 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

22 11 13 243
Binance Binance

The World’s Leading Blockchain Ecosystem and Digital Asset Exchange Binance is the world’s leading blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider with a product suite that includes the world's largest digital asset exchange and much more. Trusted by over 200 millions of users worldwide, the Binance platform is dedicated to increasing the freedom of money for users, and features an unmatched portfolio of crypto products and offerings, including: trading and finance, education, data and research, social good, investment and incubation, decentralization and infrastructure solutions, and more. Posts are not directed towards UK users. Digital Assets Exchange, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency Exchange, Bitcoin, Fintech, …

Type: Large company Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

75 19 22 11,677
The port of Marseille Fos The port of Marseille Fos

Port vert, économie bleue The Port of Marseille Fos is France’s leading port and the 2nd largest mediterranean port. Ideally located on the shores of the Mediterranean, France's leading port, the Port of Marseille Fos, is the natural gateway to the south of Europe. It positions itself as an alternative to the ports of Northern Europe. Covering an area as large as the city of Paris, it has all the required space and infrastructures to accommodate maritime, logistic and industrial activities. As a generalist port, it handles all kinds of goods: hydrocarbons and bulk liquids (oil, gas and chemical products), …

Type: Public Activities: spacetech

51 20 37 369
AtmoSud AtmoSud

The Regional Air Quality Observatory in the South Region. AtmoSud is the air quality monitoring observatory of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, approved by the Ministry of the Environment. Its missions of general interest contribute to improving the quality of life and well-being of each person, as well as to safeguarding biodiversity. Its collegiate structure makes it an independent actor that works alongside all actors - public, economic actors, associations - to promote their commitments in the preservation of air and climate. AtmoSud is the regional reference organization on air and climate: - 50 years of technical and scientific expertise - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

30 4 25 49
Festival de Cannes Festival de Cannes

Toute l'actualité du 1er festival de cinéma au monde ! // Follow the news of the #1 film festival in the world! Le Festival de Cannes est aujourd’hui le rassemblement cinématographique le plus prestigieux et l’événement culturel le plus médiatisé au monde. The Festival de Cannes is now the world’s most prestigious film gathering, as well as its most widely publicised cultural event.

Type: Event

65 47 5 191

Naval Group is a partner to its customers' maritime sovereignty. An international player in naval defence and heir to French naval know-how, Naval Group develops innovative solutions to meet the needs of navies. Present throughout the entire life cycle of the ships, the group designs, builds, integrates and maintains submarines and surface ships, as well as their systems and equipment, through to dismantling. It also provides services for shipyards and naval bases. A high-tech company, it builds on its exceptional expertise, its unique design and production resources and its ability to set up strategic partnerships and successful transfers of technology. …

Type: Large company

106 72 37 11,376

Designer of audiovisual solutions for 45 years Comil, designer of audiovisual solutions since 1977 in dynamic display, room layout,

Type: SMB Activities: it services

2 0 0 46
Aix-Marseille University Aix-Marseille University

EXPLORE TO CREATE SOCIETY The largest multidisciplinary French-speaking university, Aix Marseille University welcomes 80,000 students and 8,000 staff on 5 large campuses with international standards. Owner of 90% of the assets, it is present in 8 cities, in 4 departments of the South Region. All disciplinary fields are taught there via 17 faculties and schools. Betting on interdisciplinarity to promote scientific innovation and societal progress, the university has created 18 "institutional institutes" linking training-research and partnerships. A socially engaged university, amU places student success at the heart of its strategy by adapting training courses as closely as possible to needs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

113 43 74 1
60 000 rebonds 60 000 rebonds

Changing the way we look at failure & supporting post-liquidation entrepreneurs in their professional recovery! 60,000 rebonds is an association of volunteers that supports post-liquidation entrepreneurs in their recovery in a professional project. 60,000 is the number of companies liquidated in France each year. A reception and solidarity point, 60,000 rebonds offers personalized professional support, designed to overcome the triple personal, professional and economic trauma of these business leaders, to regain their expertise and the strength of the experiences acquired, the value of which is inestimable. Beyond their personal recovery, the challenge is to capitalize on this unique reservoir of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

94 35 63 165

Let's dare to be leaders differently The CJD is a movement of young leaders, representative of the economic fabric and who defend the idea of ​​responsible liberalism. It is also a place where young leaders come to break isolation, train and progress. Present throughout the territory through more than 100 locations, the CJD is representative of French companies, in terms of sectors of activity and size.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

122 56 56 6
Couveuse Interface Couveuse Interface

🎯 Test your activity in an incubator by benefiting from legal hosting and tailor-made support! The Interface business incubator! Collaborative entrepreneurship! Since its creation, the Interface Incubator has provided a specific response to future creators in their needs for preparation and training in the profession of Business Manager. An innovative support system for business creation, the incubator allows you to test and develop a business project in a real situation without registering. A true solidarity incubator, it is a place of collective, innovative and secure learning that allows a business creator to confront the reality of the market, produce and …

Type: SMB Activities: entrepreneurship

10 1 10 14
Africalink Africalink

Transnational community on the Africa-Europe axis transnational community of entrepreneurs on the Africa-Europe axis

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

29 12 5 41
Gares & Connexions Gares & Connexions

Activateur de la mobilité responsable Gares & Connexions, SNCF's 5th business unit, is responsible for the future of France's railway stations. The role of Gares & Connexions is chiefly to promote the development of passenger stations, improve the way they work, redesign and reinvent them so that we are constantly tailoring stations to the challenges of the future.

Type: Large company Activities: transporttech

152 74 80 2,754
Mission Locale de Marseille Mission Locale de Marseille

Making young people aged 16 to 25 independent and finding employment The Marseille Local Mission supports young people aged 16 to 25 towards employment and independence.

Type: Public

35 7 13 197
Groupe Meet&Com Groupe Meet&Com

Business accelerator, Leader in business meetings in France, Spain & Portugal A true business accelerator, our Group imagines, develops and organizes several business meetings in different sectors of activity such as events, CHR, QVT, CSR, Hydrogen, Finance ... Our wish: that professionals exchange, meet and conclude new partnerships in a minimum of time. Let's do together what others will do tomorrow! To find the agenda of our meetings, click here! Mice, Business Meeting, Business Meeting, Marketing, Strategy, Business Toursim, Retail, Event, Disruptive, Digital, Smart Phygital, Silver Economy, Travel & Mobility, Faci, Facility Management, CSR, QVT, and CHR

Type: Event

34 3 27 20
Enovacom Enovacom

Saving time for care Enovacom was founded in 2002 and has been dedicated to development software for healthcare, enabling the exchange and sharing of patient data. Enovacom invests more than 20% of its annual revenues in R&D to bring its customers the most advanced healthcare software solutions. Our solutions enable healthcare organizations to: >> Make secure the access and exchange of data >> Share, transform and integrate data between all types of information systems >> Manage and execute business processes >> Construct and design data repositories for integration and interoperability

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: SaaS

53 11 30 468
INPI France INPI France

We are the home of innovators. The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) is a major player in innovation and creation in France. It issues industrial property titles (patents, trademarks, designs and models), and works to promote economic development through its awareness-raising and training activities. The INPI is the operator of the one-stop shop for business formalities (creations, modifications, cessations) and the National Business Register. It ensures the dissemination of data on companies and industrial property. The INPI actively participates in the development of law in the fields of intellectual property, support for innovation and business competitiveness, and the fight …

Type: Public

270 167 111 658
GEPA - Groupement des Entrepreneurs du Pays d'Aix GEPA - Groupement des Entrepreneurs du Pays d'Aix

Network committed for 50 years to promoting and growing the entrepreneur by contributing to the influence of the Pays d'Aix Kindness, conviviality and enthusiasm are at the heart of each of our actions. The GEPA, Groupement des Entrepreneurs du Pays d'Aix, a network committed for nearly 50 years to promoting and growing each entrepreneur by contributing to the influence of the Pays d'Aix. The GEPA gives the floor to the entrepreneurs and companies of the territory to allow them to express their point of view, share good practices and anticipate solutions to the problems they encounter. You can find all …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

17 5 10 13
Pure Ocean Fund Pure Ocean Fund

Innovation for the Oceans Pure Ocean is an endowment fund created in 2017 in Marseille. Its main mission is to support innovative applied research projects around the world, contributing to the protection of fragile marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Beyond the funding of research projects, Pure Ocean organizes conferences and promotes races and sporting challenges to raise awareness of the critical situation of our Oceans. Ocean, Biodiversity, Ecology, Marine Ecosystems, and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

41 11 36 22
La Provence La Provence

It was in August 1944, with makeshift means that the first issue of "Le Provençal" consisting of a single sheet was printed. September 1944, three weeks after the first edition of Le Provençal, Le Méridional also published its first issue. It was in February 1971 that the two newspapers signed an agreement. There was a rapprochement between the two titles: the editorial offices, which kept their independence, shared the printing. But to face the problems faced by the PQR newspapers, Le Provençal and Le Méridional joined forces. This merger gave birth to La Provence on June 4, 1997. 2007 was …

Type: Media

122 70 33 722
CIP - Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée CIP - Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée

For 50 years, CIPMed has been working alongside IT decision-makers and IT service providers The Provence Méditerranée IT Club brings together "CIOs" and "Partners" who work together in a spirit of mutual assistance and conviviality. Everyone participates in the Club's activities in this spirit. Due to its reputation, now national, the number of its growing members, the exceptional events it is associated with in the region, its highly visited website, its presence on Viadeo, Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter, the quality, quantity and variety of the IT activities of its members, the CIP is "THE" place where any CIO can exchange …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

56 7 29 14
6t Bureau de recherche 6t Bureau de recherche

Comprendre la mobilité individuelle pour améliorer la mobilité collective 6t is a mobility research-oriented firm based in France and specialized in urban planning, transportation and mobility analysis. From an in-depth understanding of territories and people, we help public authorities and businesses in their decision-making in complex urban environments. Here at 6t, we engage with a variety of methods drawn from sociology, urban geography and urban planning to carry out qualitative, quantitative and cartographic analyses. Twitter: @6tRecherche Analyse des modes de vie, Analyse des nouveaux comportements de mobilité, Etudes de faisabilité, Evaluation des politiques publiques, Stratégies territoriales, Réalisation et analyse …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city

48 5 45 20
World Trade Center Marseille Provence World Trade Center Marseille Provence

Convention & Business Center • Marseille The World Trade Center Marseille Provence is part of the global WTC network. Located in more than 130 countries and designed to develop international trade, the 320 WTCs bring together nearly 750,000 member companies that benefit from the services, advantages and skills of the network. An exceptional location in the heart of Marseille. For business tourism, the WTC is in the immediate vicinity of the Old Port and the St Charles train station. A modern and efficient tool, the World Trade Center is the ideal partner for the dynamism of your company. Conference and …

Type: Event

36 10 15 25
Fundtruck Fundtruck

Fundtruck is a startup competition. The Fundtruck Agency specializes in mobile events. Innovation on the move! Fundtruck is a startup competition that connects entrepreneurs looking for funding and investors. It is organized in the form of a roadshow in France and Belgium. competition, startup, entrepreneur, investor, crowdfunding, invest, company, investors, entrepreneurs, startups, pitch, growth, financing, innovation, innovate, fundsinvestment, coaching, events, raodshow, tour, and micro-event

Type: Incubators & VCs

179 87 135 1
Vimeet Events Vimeet Events

Votre solution de gestion événementielle spécialisée dans la mise en relation BtoB. Vimeet, controlling the ROI of your event, your participants and your partners! In 1999, Proximum365 created the first business event management platform in Europe. 10 years ago, its business unit, Vimeet, became the leading technology for BtoB events. The platform is supported by our expertise in organizing physical, virtual and hybrid One-to-One events, refined over 22 years. Each year, the platform hosts 2,000,000 One-to-One meetings and 7,000 conferences as well as workshops on behalf of the company throughout 100 different countries. As an organizer, co-organizer or as an …

Type: Event

45 8 25 25
Klanik Klanik

Welcome to the era of Human-made technology ✨💙 KLANIK is a consulting company specialized in IT Engineering which accompanies its partners in their digital and technological projects. In 2011, Johan GUEDJ creates KLANIK with the will to renew the place of the engineer in the consulting companies, by positioning him as an actor of the influence and the development of his company. KLANIK now counts more than 800 talents, working in 12 agencies in Europe, North America, Africa and the Middle East. Experts involved in strategic projects thanks to their high level of competence in our 7 technological verticals : …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity Data Analytics

21 4 17 575
Talentis Horizon Talentis Horizon

Recruit today's and tomorrow's talents sustainably Talentis Horizon is the recruitment firm specializing in work-study programs of the Eureka Education / Icademie group, present throughout France. The group is made up of a national network of schools, with whom we work. And which are all renowned in their field. Are you a company? Talentis Horizon helps you find work-study students and integrate them into your company at any time of the year. In addition, we analyze your needs together and write the job offer to distribute it on nearly 15 job boards. Then, we select the candidates who match the …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

9 3 7 20

The players in the events industry of the 13th are launching an urgent appeal to the public authorities to save the industry Association bringing together the players in the events industry, which was created to defend the events industry in the face of the covid19 crisis and to enable the economic and health recovery of this industry.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 1 5 3

Global Solutions for Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) 🇫🇷 Proposer un écosystème inédit autour de l’intégration des talents féminins dans les filières scientifiques et technologiques : inspiration, formation, recrutement, mise en réseau et accompagnement pour favoriser les liens entre les jeunes filles, leurs parents, les équipes enseignantes, les acteurs économiques et les recruteurs. 🇬🇧 Providing a unique ecosystem for the inclusion of female talents in scientific and technological fields: inspiration, training, recruitment, networking and accompaniment to foster links between young girls, their parents, teachers, economic stakeholders and recruiters. STEM, Technology, Women In Science, Talent, Innovation, Social innovation, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech edtech

23 5 12 2
Rêve de Scènes Urbaines Rêve de Scènes Urbaines

Bringing out urban innovations to contribute to the ecological transition and the attractiveness of territories. Rêve de Scènes Urbaines is an association that leads a community of public, private and academic actors to carry out innovative projects to serve the sustainable transition of territories. Convinced that it is necessary to play collectively to understand the complexity of environmental challenges and to maximize the impact of their actions, members and partners mobilize Rêve de Scènes Urbaines to create the conditions conducive to collaboration and the acceleration of their partnership projects. As a trusted third party, RSU allows its community to inform …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

38 5 37 3
Shariiing Shariiing

Put people at the core of decision making. The software suite inducing your multidisciplinary teams to discuss and decide. collaboration solution, remote collaboration, collaboration plateform, presentation solution, intelligence collective, collective intelligence, software, multidisciplinary team, decision making, remote expertise, expertise à distance, présentation interactive, réunion collaborative, and réunion agile

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

21 2 16 3
Ministère de l'Économie - Luxembourg Ministère de l'Économie - Luxembourg

Official page of the Ministry of the Economy - Luxembourg, lead by Lex Delles Minister of the Economy, SME, Industry & Tourism: Lex DELLES All the news about the Ministry of the Economy on: - the website of the Ministry: - the website of the governement:

Type: Public

25 12 11 167

Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Convention Bureau - votre interlocuteur pour l’organisation de vos évènements professionnels LINKEUS, THE PROVENCE ALPES CÔTE D'AZUR CONVENTION BUREAU : A SINGLE DEDICATED CONTACT POINT FOR ORGANISING YOUR PROFESSIONAL EVENTS IN PROVENCE ALPES CÔTE D'AZUR LINKEUS has been a coordinating network with over 160 members since 2008. Our network stretches from Avignon to Menton, bringing together all players in the events chain. LINKEUS: A hub of excellence dedicated to business tourism and devoted to your professional events LINKEUS is an association under French law 1901 which has provided a framework for the major players in business …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

28 8 19 12
Présidence de la République Présidence de la République

The President of the French Republic embodies the authority of the State. He is the Head of State in France, the head of the armed forces and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Since May 14, 2017, the President of the French Republic is Emmanuel Macron. The President has been elected by direct universal suffrage since 1965 for a 5-year term. His role is to ensure the normal functioning of public authorities and the continuity of the State. He is also the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and respect for treaties.

Type: Public

389 288 41 1,571
France Design Week France Design Week

The unmissable event for those who make French design shine is back from September 12 to 30, 2025! France Design Week is an event label that aims to give visibility to the diversity and vitality of French design practices, in a common and shared time sequence. France Design Week brings together the world of French design during an international, annual and global event. Its objective is to promote design and the expertise of its designers to professionals and to raise awareness among the general public about its practice, by highlighting all fields of design. Professionals, the general public and design …

Type: Event

44 23 23 2
Armée de Terre Armée de Terre

Army, can you do it? The Army is recruiting 16,000 soldiers, in more than 100 different specialties. Come and live a unique adventure! Can you do it? Also come and follow us on all our social networks, and we'll see you on 👇 Defense and Security

Type: Public

33 25 4 21,040
Pépite France - Le réseau des Étudiants-Entrepreneurs Pépite France - Le réseau des Étudiants-Entrepreneurs

Aggregator of opportunities for all Student-Entrepreneurs within the 31 Pépite. Pépite France brings together the 33 Pépite (Student Hubs for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship) set up throughout the country in higher education sites at the initiative of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. An initiative supported by the FNEGE (National Foundation for the Teaching of Business Management), Pépite France enables the linking of business creation projects of students and young graduates with companies, as well as support and financing structures. What is a Pépite? Any student or young graduate wishing to be trained in entrepreneurship and innovation is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech entrepreneurship

151 75 68 15
Omniciel, cabinet de recrutement IT et Digital Omniciel, cabinet de recrutement IT et Digital

Recruitment firm specializing in digital and IT professions. Omniciel is a recruitment firm specializing in IT, Telecoms and Digital. Omniciel has been providing tailored support close to you for 19 years. We operate in PACA: Marseille, Aix en Provence, Toulon, Avignon, Nice, Sophia Antipolis, Arles, Nimes and Montpellier. But also Lyon, Paris, Nantes and Lille. The companies that trust us: More than 100 companies and institutions. Headquarters of large groups (2 in the Top 5 in PACA), Software Publishers, SSLL, Multimedia and Web companies, SSII (2 ESNs in the European top 5) and Innovative VSEs. The candidates who use our …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech it services Technologies: SaaS

20 7 16 8
Olenergies Olenergies

Welcome to the World of Smart & Safe Lithium Batteries ! Olenergies designs powerful, long-life, smart and highly secured lithium batteries to : - Store energy from renewables (solar, wind...), - Power supply vehicles (marine, automotive...), - Provide flexibility on the smart electrical grid (peak shaving...). energie, batteries, énergies renouvelables, lithium, smart grid, autoconsommation, solaire, nautique, stockage, groupes electrogènes, and zero emission

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Batteries Sensors

19 5 13 10
Industries Méditerranée Industries Méditerranée

Regional representation for an industry that innovates, creates jobs and invests for sustainable growth. Industries Méditerranée is the unified representation of industry in the Sud Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region, resulting from a collective approach initiated by the sector's stakeholders in July 2017. A privileged interlocutor on all industrial subjects in the region, Industries Méditerranée brings together 13 professional federations and inter-company organizations: metallurgy, chemistry, maritime, electrical industries, agri-food, plastics, the oil industry, quarries and materials, fashion, wood. #industry #innovation #industryofthefuture Its areas of work: sovereignty, skills-jobs-training, digital transition-industry of the future, ecological and societal commitment. industries and industry

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

34 6 10 1
Provence Tourisme Provence Tourisme

Together for another type of tourism! Welcome to Provence Tourisme, the official page of the Bouches-du-Rhône Tourism Development Agency. Provence Tourisme is an association under the 1901 law, mandated by the Bouches-du-Rhône Department to: - Promote tourism in the Bouches-du-Rhône while respecting the environment and residents and guaranteeing visitors a quality welcome. - Unite all stakeholders in tourism, culture, the environment, sports and regional planning behind a tourism development and territorial marketing program. Through its digital brand My Provence, Provence Tourisme offers essential safe values ​​such as advice for getting off the beaten track, thanks to its in-depth knowledge of …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

23 9 15 44
Earthship Sisters Earthship Sisters

Let's reveal women's leadership to accelerate the ecological transition! An initiative of the EXPE2M association, it will begin in September 2018. "Take 14 women who are passionate about the environment. Let them experience the Earthship Sisters adventure. You get great environmental ambassadors!" Women have a heightened sensitivity to the future of our planet and also a more collaborative leadership style. They need a helping hand to express themselves to the fullest at the dawn of the confluence of 2 major societal movements: the full expression of feminine potential and the protection of the environment. The "Earthship sisters" initiative will reveal …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech greentech

5 3 0 12
Les Jobastres Les Jobastres

Did you understand or should we explain it to you?! 🟡🔴 We put some #PROVENCE in your life ☀️ 🔴Hugo Balique & Romain Borelli 💪🏻 🟡So did you understand or should we explain it to you? 🤩 ➡️See all our nonsense 👇🏼 audiovisual, theater, humor, communication, creation, production, mediation, animation, culture, art, and cinema

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

2 2 0 2
Cofees, collectif des festivals éco-responsables et solidaires Région Sud Cofees, collectif des festivals éco-responsables et solidaires Région Sud

Because cultural events must assert their driving role in citizenship... Created in March 2014 and which became an association in 2020, Cofees has this year among its members a total of 34 eco-festivals* wishing to share and pool their experiments. The project is based on 4 principles: - transmission by promoting experiences and good practices, and encouraging all stakeholders (audiences, artists, partner teams, etc.) - territoriality in order to get as close as possible to the local issues of festivals, - transversality to allow close and constructive collaboration with field stakeholders (environmental and social associations, NGOs, researchers and universities, companies …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

6 1 6 23
Netsystem Netsystem

make IT clear ® Netsystem is a consulting company in information systems strategy and digital transformation. We offer our expertise in 2 service offerings: 1) Digital trust - Cyber: Audit, Risk analysis and management, Security plan, Awareness, Phishing, ISO 27001 certification, PRA, PCA, awareness, NIS2 - Privacy: Audit, Training, support for GDPR compliance - Shared service center: external DPO, external RSSI. 2) Digital transformation - Business expertise: > AMOA, Audit, Consulting, Bench, PMO, Change > IT due diligence, IT vendor due diligence, Carve-Out, PMI, Cyber ​​due diligence, Tech due diligence - Technological expertise: > Cloud, Telecom, IoT, > Business IS …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

31 3 18 92
Morphoburo - Coworking Aix-Eguilles-Venelles-Meyreuil et La Ciotat Morphoburo - Coworking Aix-Eguilles-Venelles-Meyreuil et La Ciotat

Coworking, e-commerce incubator and business center Aix-Eguilles-Venelles-Meyreuil and La Ciotat. Morpho: Coworking, Business and training center, Domiciliation, Incubator - Eguilles (near Aix-en-Provence, les Milles and la Duranne) - Venelles, Meyreuil and La Ciotat. Morpho, an address in the heart of Provence. An exceptional location near Aix. Morphoburo is at the same time a business center, an incubator, a coworking space dedicated to business leaders, independents, sales agents, self-employed or startupers and a sharing platform offering opportunities to exchange between professionals of the digital economy. Coworking, Business center, Accelerator, Collaborative economy, Domiciliation, meeting room rental, private office, workstation, training room, and …

Type: Event

17 4 14 1
Mood Conseil Mood Conseil

Experts in Digital and Innovation (Financing, Management & Emergence) A Digital Service Company specializing in innovation, Mood Conseil is looking for new talents to build its Nantes teams! Founded by enthusiasts of new technologies and innovation, our company positions itself as the driver of the digital & digital emergence of our clients. Thanks to its three skill centers (Innovation Consulting, Digital Transformation and IT Recruitment), our company offers cross-functional offers allowing the support of innovative projects during each phase of their development. Supporting companies in the emergence, implementation and financing of their innovations: - Emergence: activating our clients' innovative capital …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics

72 8 66 23

Partner, this is not a word we use lightly, it is a daily commitment. Montmirail, a subsidiary of the Verspieren group since 2000, is one of the largest insurance brokers in the South of France. Founded nearly 120 years ago, the firm now has 90 employees spread across Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse and Bordeaux and has a turnover of 13 million euros. While the group is present in all sectors, it is particularly specialized in construction, corporate risks, major accounts, SMEs and public and private institutions, but also internationally by meeting the needs of its customers in the context of their …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech insurtech

10 2 8 89
Marseille Solutions Marseille Solutions

Enable the emergence and construction of projects with a social and environmental impact in the Marseille area. Make Marseille the springboard city for social innovation. Like Medellin, in Colombia, Marseille is a territory teeming with potential. A true laboratory for experimentation, the Phocaean city is fertile ground for testing innovative solutions and transforming the city. Marseille Solutions wants to make Marseille an inspiring model, a pioneer in the field. How? By designing solutions with a strong positive impact. Our core business: engineering solutions that meet social and environmental issues in the area. We imagine and design tailor-made solutions while sharing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

39 11 31 9
Made in Marseille Made in Marseille

Online news from the Marseille region Made in Marseille is the first online media that promotes initiatives and inspires solutions in the Marseille region. 📌 The leading 100% digital news site in the entire region with a community of 600,000 readers and 200,000 subscribers on social networks 📌 A daily, independent and free news media 📌 A team of passionate journalists who have been bringing you local news in a different way since 2014 📌 An ambitious and resolutely innovative editorial line, specializing in information on solutions and impact journalism 💡 Sections: news, economy, politics, innovation, urban planning, sustainable development, …

Type: Media

93 29 71 22
L'Épopée L'Épopée

The right to dream, the power to do. L'Épopée, the first educational innovation village in France in the heart of the Sainte-Marthe district in Marseille. + 19,000m2 of common spaces, offices, manufacturing and play areas to learn, undertake and vibrate + 50 resident structures + 285 events organized and a vibrant program + 75,000 people came to live their epics (visitors, partners, seminars, etc.) A place with multiple uses: 🚀 Work and creation spaces for entrepreneurs and pioneering organizations 📣 Experiential spaces to allow everyone to discover their talents, whatever they may be 🏠 A friendly and accessible place to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

59 22 32 30
Le Méridional Le Méridional

Facts are sacred, comments are free. Le Méridional, the media of the people of the south for whom facts are sacred and comments are free. media, marseille, south, politics, sport, news, economy, outings, leisure, OM, marseille city hall, south region, and provence

Type: Media

35 1 34 10
l'eclozr l'eclozr

Lieu d'innovation pour les entreprises : Design Lab, Corporate Lab, Digital Lab, Conférences, Formations * Lieu d'innovation pour les entreprises : Design Lab, Corporate Labs, Digital Labs, Conférences, Formations, Experts de l'innovation * Centre ville : 15 min à pied de la gare de Rennes Corporate Lab, Design Lab, Training, Events, Conferences, Digital Lab, and Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

57 14 48 16
Le Cepac Silo Marseille Le Cepac Silo Marseille

Dance, theater, comedy, concert, event, conference or seminar, get your fill of sensations at Cepac Silo Built in 1927, the Arenc wheat silo revolutionized port handling in the unloading and mechanical transport of cereals. In 2001, the City of Marseille acquired the entire building to equip itself with a high-quality multidisciplinary performance hall with a capacity of between 1,700 seats in the seated version and 2,200 in the seated-standing version. The Silo reopened its doors on September 21, 2011. A jewel of industrial architecture with its "Salle des Mamelles", the Silo was labeled "Heritage of the 20th century" in 2004. …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

13 9 6 9
Club Marseille Métropole Club Marseille Métropole

Companies, a horizon. When it was created, the Club set itself the goal of developing the economic image of Marseille among personalities, international media, and global economic players present during the Football World Cup. With this experience in communication and promotion, the Club has continued its action beyond this event by inviting business leaders to come together to support and promote the IMAGE of MARSEILLE. It has made this its primary mission. Through a dual economic and civic dimension, the Club positions itself as a facilitator of exchanges and interactions between these worlds. The members of the Club, business leaders …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

31 0 31 5
Jeune Chambre Economique de Marseille Jeune Chambre Economique de Marseille

Incubator of young citizen leaders The Young Economic Chamber of Marseille is an association under the 1901 Law created in 1953. It is affiliated with the Young French Economic Chamber, founded in 1952 by Yvon CHOTARD and a few young business leaders and executives to serve the general interest. The Young French Economic Chamber has been a Recognized Association of Public Utility since 1976. The Young Economic Chamber or Young International Chamber, is a movement composed of men and women aged 18 to 40. The latter are committed to contributing to the development of society and its individuals by implementing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

12 1 11 3

1st professional network in the South region | Unites 6 MEDEF departments & the main professional branches MEDEF Sud is the first regional professional network serving businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit. Uniting 6 territorial MEDEFs and the main professional federations of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, it ensures the representation of businesses across the region. As a spokesperson for entrepreneurs, it is represented in nearly 50 regional socio-economic bodies by 250 representatives. Defender and promoter of businesses of all sizes and sectors of activity, more than 90% of its members have fewer than 20 employees. MEDEF Sud has been chaired since June 23 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

59 16 40 17
ISEN Méditerranée ISEN Méditerranée

Large engineering school for digital professions. Campuses in Marseille, Nîmes and Toulon. Since 1991 in the South Region, our school has been training engineers in digital and high technologies. By offering an original pedagogy: numerous technical projects, strong presence of human and social training in training, ISEN sticks as closely as possible to the demand of local companies. The employment rate 4 months after graduation was 100% with a strong network of more than 10,000 graduates worldwide. Engineering, engineering school, computer science, robotics, internet of things, smart energies, big data, software development, post-bac, master, engineers, cybersecurity, innovation, technology, bachelor, engineering, …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech it services Technologies: Cybersecurity Robotics

52 10 41 95
Invest in Provence by Provence Promotion Invest in Provence by Provence Promotion

Make Provence your company's best asset! As the leading economic attractiveness agency in the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan area and the Pays d'Arles, Provence Promotion has been providing free and confidential support to companies wishing to invest in Provence for 25 years. Its multicultural team does everything it can to help project leaders (French companies outside Bouches-du-Rhône or foreign companies) in their establishment process (real estate and financing research, assistance with recruitment and talent mobility, etc.). A range of services developed with the close participation of all economic players in the area. * * * * * * * * * * …

Type: Public

87 24 77 39
Club CO2 Club CO2

The CO2 Club is a place for exchanges, information and initiatives between players in the industrial world and research, interested in the CO2 Capture, Storage and Valorization (CCSV) sector. The members of the CO2 Club all share the observation of the anthropogenic origins of global warming as well as the need to develop solutions to remedy its effects. The technology of capturing, transporting, valorizing and storing CO2 is one of the key solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and concentrations in the atmosphere.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

12 4 7 1
Club WTC Apex Club WTC Apex

The Club des Entreprises de l'International, SOUTH region The WTC-APEX Club, created in 1975 under the aegis of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille-Provence and the Union Patronale des Bouches du Rhône, aims to develop regional companies internationally. It is one of the very first French associations of this type. This Association, law 1901 of Companies from several sectors of activity, brings together permanent staff and a Board of Directors composed of International professionals who can share their experiences and who together lead actions in favor of international development in the department. The role of the WTC-APEX Club …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 5 23 204

Impact, a new vision of performance RIVE NEUVE supports entrepreneurs and managers in understanding societal issues, the evolution of their business models and the implementation of tools to measure their impact. Our goal: to make companies the accelerator of the ecological and social transition. How? by putting impact at the heart of their strategy through training and operational and strategic support missions. RIVE NEUVE is also RIVE NEUVE CAPITAL, an impact investment fund whose vocation is to finance territory by territory the emergence of impact projects as well as the transformation of already established companies. impact, consulting, training, financing, change …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

32 8 22 15
APAE Eguilles APAE Eguilles

The mission of the Eguilles Activity Center Association is to promote and develop the Eguilles Activity Center. The defense of the interests of members, communication between the companies of the Center, with local authorities and partner Activity Centers, as well as the animation of the Center.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 2 4 1
POwR Earth Foundation POwR Earth Foundation

POWR EARTH FOUNDATION is a general interest organization working for the energy transition. POWR EARTH FOUNDATION is a general interest organization, whose vocation is to initiate, support and/or finance information and training actions around the energy transition, renewable energies, and solar photovoltaics in particular. Through: - public speaking in all media - the creation of physical and online events - partnerships with universities or major schools POWR EARTH FOUNDATION is an endowment fund initiated by POwR GROUP. Website: Energy transition, Foundation, Solar energy, and Training & information

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: energytech cleantech greentech

11 3 4 5

Connected Building Operator. Operator of services dedicated to smart and connected buildings, Idealys develops solutions for real estate professionals to manage the connectivity, equipment and services of their buildings. A web portal allows them to manage the building in compliance with regulations while improving its sustainability/profitability; and a super-app facilitates new uses at the hands of occupants in the tertiary and residential sectors (energy monitoring, home automation control, access control, incident management, etc.). These new neighborhoods, which we are building together, are the guiding principle of the evolution towards the city of tomorrow. They provide future generations with the best …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech smart city

34 7 29 25
Les Entrep' en Picardie Les Entrep' en Picardie

Entrepreneurship training for students and recent graduates! 100% on the field and 100% free 💪 Les Entrep’ en Picardie is an introductory entrepreneurship program for students and recent graduates 🎯 You are supported by professionals and business leaders to test entrepreneurship for five months (from November to March - compatible in addition to studies or a job)! 📍 Amiens - Beauvais and Compiègne campuses

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

107 25 89 5
La cravate solidaire Lyon La cravate solidaire Lyon

Clothes don't make the man, but they do help... La cravate solidaire Lyon is a non-profit organization under the 1901 law, recognized as being of general interest, created in Paris in 2012 and in Lyon in 2015. Its goal is to facilitate access to employment for people in professional integration or reintegration by fighting against discrimination based on appearance. To do this, it donates suitable clothing and advice from human resources specialists in order to properly prepare the candidate and give them every chance on the day of their interview. Emploi, Accompagnement, and Social

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

103 67 40 215

Go further with SURPHAM We are specialized in the Import and Sale of Medical and Hospital Equipment and Consumables, Chemical Products and Laboratory Reagents, Provision of Biomedical Maintenance Services. We have been in Madagascar for 8 years and we work with more than 300 professionals in the medical field (SALAMA, H LABO, OSTIE, AMADIA, MSI, ...). Offers based on quality and customer care are SURPHAM's main assets. Contact 034 15 376 00 for more information. E-mail: Laboratory Reagent, Medical Consumables, Hospital Consumables, Sale of Medical Equipment, Sale of Hospital Equipment, Import, and Biomedical Maintenance

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech healthtech

354 168 203 4
ETAP Software ETAP Software

Comprehensive Software Suite (ETAP, SEE, Caneco) to Design, Build, Operate and Maintain Electrical Systems ETAP is the global market and technology leader in modeling, design, analysis, optimization, monitoring, control, and automation software for electrical power systems. The company has been powering success for over 35 years by providing the most comprehensive and widely-used enterprise solution for generation, transmission, distribution, industrial, transportation, and low-voltage power systems. Founded in 1986, ETAP is headquartered in Irvine, California, USA, with offices around the world. Power System Software, Electrical Analysis Software, Power System Modeling, Analysis and Optimization Software, Arc Flash Analysis Software, Protection & Coordination …

Type: SMB Activities: energytech it services Technologies: SaaS

5 3 1 438
Gomet'​ Media Gomet'​ Media

The metropolitan media that creates links Gomet'​ Media is an all-digital media that covers local news in the Aix Marseille Provence metropolis in the south of France. The digital revolution and its impacts in the areas of political, social, economic and cultural innovation are particularly followed by the editorial staff, as is the construction of the new Aix Marseille Provence metropolis launched on January 1, 2016 and which brings together nearly two million inhabitants. is a positive media that wants to highlight the successes and expertise present in the territory. Provençaux from elsewhere are also invited to express themselves …

Type: Media

4 4 0 15
Gomet'​ Media Gomet'​ Media

The metropolitan media that creates links Gomet'​ Media is an all-digital media that covers local news in the Aix Marseille Provence metropolis in the south of France. The digital revolution and its impacts in the areas of political, social, economic and cultural innovation are particularly followed by the editorial staff, as is the construction of the new Aix Marseille Provence metropolis launched on January 1, 2016 and which brings together nearly two million inhabitants. is a positive media that wants to highlight the successes and expertise present in the territory. Provençaux from elsewhere are also invited to express themselves …

Type: Media

23 28 110 15

GIMS is the leading occupational health service in Bouches du Rhône with nearly 190,000 employees monitored. More than a Prevention and Occupational Health Service, a visionary ethical and societal group. Beyond its primary missions, GIMS nurtures a reflection in connection with major societal issues and has an entrepreneurial vision of its profession, thus allowing the monitoring of employee health while supporting companies in their projects and performances with the most advanced technologies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

26 3 16 145
FASK, l'opérateur de solutions pour la Mode en région Sud FASK, l'opérateur de solutions pour la Mode en région Sud

The solution operator serving the players in the Fashion ecosystem in the South Region (France) #FASKFORCE FASK is an association created in January 2019 by a collective made up of specialists in economic development and employment, and people from different Fashion professions. FASK was born with the objective of promoting the economic development of the Fashion-Textile-Clothing ecosystem in the Marseille-Provence-South Region area, with the ambition of contributing to the influence of our territory internationally. It is not a union or a federation, but a common tool for all to get to know each other better, learn from each other's experiences, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fashtech

26 8 25 8

Find where the energy loss [entropy] is in your company, measure it and reduce it THE HUMAN DEGREE measures and reduces the entropy of your company. Entropy is a measure of disorder, the degree of disorganization ... not perceptible to the naked eye! The consequences of high entropy impact the company: in terms of efficiency, or reduction in profitability, productivity or value proposition, a drop in employee engagement, or even an increase in turnover or a decrease in attractiveness. A relative disorder is a lack of efficiency, a real disorder is an explosion, in the long term it is the …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

2 1 0 3
Expectra Expectra

Leader in France in specialized temporary work and permanent recruitment of executives and supervisors, Expectra is organized around 5 areas of expertise: > IT & Telecoms, > Engineering & Industries, > Accounting & Finance, > Sales & Marketing, > HR & Legal. Our 400 employees, experts in your profession, are present in the 25 largest cities in France. Close to you, they integrate your organization, your corporate culture and your environment in order to offer you candidates perfectly suited to your project, using unique multi-channel sourcing. Signatory of the Diversity Charter, Expectra identifies, recruits and evaluates hundreds of candidates every …

Type: Large company Activities: hrtech legaltech

21 7 6 948
FidMed FidMed

The day of financing innovation and innovative business FIDMED is THE day dedicated to the financing of startups and innovative companies in growth. This event is structured around 2 key moments: • A morning dedicated to speaking by experts on subjects related to developments in Equity financing. These interventions are captured and the videos quickly available on the event website 🗣 • An afternoon dedicated to one or more pitching sessions of startups and growing companies in front of a jury made up of funds, VCs and qualified personalities 👩‍ 🏫👨‍🏫 💥 Building on the success of FIDMED Provence, present …

Type: Event

17 5 16 0