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The SunAir Fountain® - The panel which transforms Air into Water, tanks to the Sun, in complete autonomy. Carbon-free. AGUA DE SOL has developed the SunAir Fountain®, a solution that allows the production of clean drinking water from the environment, thanks to two abundant, renewable and free resources: atmospheric humidity and the sun.

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing greentech cleantech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

13 7 0 8
Alithya Alithya

Powered by collective intelligence Empowered by the passion and enthusiasm of a talented global workforce, Alithya is positioned on the crest of the digital wave as a trusted advisor in strategy and digital technology services. Transforming the world one digital step at a time, Alithya leverages collective intelligence and expertise to develop practical IT solutions tailored to complex business challenges. As shared stewards of its clients' success, Alithya accompanies them through the full cycle of their digital evolutions, paving new roads to the future of their businesses. Living up to its name, meaning truth, Alithya embraces a business model that …

Type: Large company

19 6 12 2,450

Interprofession of the forest-wood sector in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur FIBOIS SUD is the interprofession of the Forest-Wood sector in the territory of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. As such, it brings together and represents all the public and professional organizations of the regional sector divided into the following 3 colleges: - Holders and managers of the resource - Harvesting and 1st processing of wood - 2nd processing, users and prescribers FIBOIS SUD is committed to working alongside the players in the sector in order to boost forestry activity and promote the use of wood materials in the territory of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

17 4 14 8
The HR Lab The HR Lab

L'écosystème de l'innovation RH ! 🚀 Lab RH is a not-for-profit organisation born in 2015 from the grouping together of innovative players in the field of Human Resources with the aim of federating, energising and promoting HR innovation in France. Our ambition: "Inspiring HR to play an active role in the future of work". We're convinced that businesses have never had to think as hard as they do today about how their work structures, working methods and HR practices are changing. In this context, it seemed essential to us that the many players involved in innovation in France should have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

121 47 74 63
Pro Bono Lab Pro Bono Lab

Because you need you to make a (other) world. Pro Bono Lab is the specialist in commitment by sharing skills (volunteering/skills patronage). Everywhere in France, as in 30 other countries around the world via the Global Pro Bono Network, we carry this conviction that "all competence is a public good", the same one that in 2011 had motivated the creation of the association by our co-founders . We allow major societal causes to develop permanently by bringing together for each of them, the skills that women and men engaged are able to offer them free of charge, in Pro Bono. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

85 35 59 35
Les Premières Sud Les Premières Sud

Support project leaders and business leaders, innovative and impact, in the South and Corsica region. The first south belongs to the first network of incubators which mobilizes the immense economic potential of women entrepreneurs to innovate and create value, jobs and growth. The former move the lines for a model of gender mixed, social and territories, more innovative, more human and more efficient for over 10 years. The first south is present on 3 branches: Aix/Marseille, Côte d'Azur and Ajaccio! Entrepreneurariat, innovation, start-ups, diversity, jobs, women, support, training, and CPF

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

78 27 65 22
La Cité des Entrepreneurs d'Euroméditerranée La Cité des Entrepreneurs d'Euroméditerranée

Entrepreneurs, Euromediterranean actors!  Created in 2000, the city of Euroméditerranée entrepreneurs is implementing actions intended to facilitate exchanges, welcome, inform, establish bridges between companies installed on the perimeter of Euromediterranean or attracted by this large urban renewal and economic development. The city of Euromediterranée entrepreneurs aims to unite companies on Euromediterranean so that they help to boost the territory and be the ambassadors of this urban requalification operation. It also has an essential role in the connection between adhering companies. To do this, it is based on four levers of economic and territorial development that are: • Associate your …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

36 5 31 10
Saint-Gobain Distribution Bâtiment France Saint-Gobain Distribution Bâtiment France

Saint-Gobain Distribution Bâtiment France (SGDB France), a subsidiary of the Saint-Gobain group, is the first distributor of building materials in France, at the service of professionals and those who invest in improving their habitat. Its main brands are point.p, cedeo, Asturienne, Pum, SFIC, the building platform, Dispano, Clim+ and CDL Elec. Thanks to the latter, Saint-Gobain Distribution Bâtiment France has a network of more than 2,000 points of sale across France. To complete its offer, SGDB France has launched the Saint-Gobain Maison (, an inspiration, advice and services platform to support individuals from A to Z in their development and …

Type: Large company

60 16 34 1,081
Orange Cyberdefense Orange Cyberdefense

Orange Cyberdefense is the expert cybersecurity business unit of the Orange Group. As the leading security provider, we strive to build a safer digital society. Managed Security Services, Managed Detection and Response, Cloud Security, Security Awareness, Security Training, Identity and Access Management, Infrastructure Security, Ethical Hacking, Data-centric Security, SASE, OT Security, and Industrial Systems Security

Type: Large company

84 38 34 3,773

Training - Support - Conversion - Alternating AFPA, the first adult vocational training organization With more than 140,000 people trained each year in more than 200 locations throughout France, AFPA, which has become a national agency for vocational training of adults in January 2017, has been the first asset training organization, for over 65 years, has been, the first asset training organization, employees and job seekers. Its national dimension makes it one of the main players in employment and vocational training policy. Useful and efficient training, at the service of companies AFPA offers a wide range of qualifying and certifying …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

147 44 108 18,466

Grâce à nos boîtiers photos, supervisez votre chantier avec l’IA et racontez son histoire dans un film captivant Devisubox© is the European leader in real-time construction site monitoring. The adventure started off in 2006, the company was then a pioneer of the site-monitoring market. It has since developed into a successful global company with headquarters in Marseille and offices in Canada. The group operates in 5 continents and in over 10 different countries. The concept is simple yet highly innovative, the Devisubox© teams have developed a box, that is fitted with an ultra HD Reflex camera, this box is connected …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech it services Technologies: Solar Technologies Sensors

55 13 42 70
Waste In Peace Waste In Peace

Make Cities Green Again! Use WIP Deches Compressor so that the city is more beautiful Make City Green Again, the intelligent and autonomous compressor of Waste in Peace fights against the growing unsanitary conditions of cities, it transforms the repulsive image of the trash into an attractive urban furniture for the city of tomorrow WIP WASTE COMPRESSOR Our mission? More beautiful the city! Waste in Peace offers cities and businesses an intelligent and autonomous waste compressor in energy placed above rectangular trash cans 400 to 1000L, WIP therefore uses the existing and presents 4 main functions: -Popper waste in 400 …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

28 5 5 1

Cooperative flow creator at the service of sustainable territories Synchronicity First hubs of the circular economy which brings together Gisements (waste), logistics cyclo, short food/traders and actors of servic intelligence (IA IH IC). Circular economy, analysis of flows & amp; Life cycle (ACV), Economic model, Social and Solidarity Economy, Servicial Intelligence (IA IH IC), Animation, AMO PMO, experiments, open solutions, and control of uses and functionalities

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

8 5 3 3
Neuronalys Neuronalys

🚀Automatize your professions through artificial intelligence Neuronalys® is a French start-up specializing in the editing of software solutions with technological foundation artificial intelligence. Its main mission? Save precious time to companies from various sectors such as public space, industry, retail, education, health, etc., while reducing their operating cost. How? By optimizing and automating their business process through artificial intelligence. In technological language, this process is designated by the term "IPA" for "intelligent process automation" or "intelligent processes" in French. Neuronalys®'s offer consists of two distinct products: - Neurocop®, an intelligent video analysis solution aimed at strengthening security and safety - …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Robotics A.I.

21 3 19 11
FillnDrive FillnDrive

Making clean energy refilling easy FillnDrive is a french digital solution that offers a unique user experience for charging a vehicle (H2 or NGV or batteries vehicles) as well as providing an appropriate management tool for service stations operators or fleet managers. We offer a software solution with the best user experience for drivers, fleet managers & stations operators in fast deployment times. FillnDrive benefits the whole ecosystem. Filling the need for clean energy is our mission !

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech greentech cleantech Technologies: Batteries

11 3 8 17

Propose opérational BIM Flexibility, Efficiency, Capacity, Adaptability, Quality BIM design office spécialized in : - BIM modeling production all trades - BIM extraction for quantities, planning, drawings, etc... - Animation 3D, 4D & 5D - VR BIM, REALITE VIRTUELLE, VR, ANIMATION 4D, MODELISATION, and BIM MANAGEMENT

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech Technologies: VR

4 4 0 16
Skeepers Skeepers

Your one-stop-shop for UGC solutions. Skeepers helps brands translate authentic consumer voices into business thanks to our AI-powered UGC suite. Over 8,000 clients worldwide rely on our solutions to amplify reach, boost engagement, and drive sales and customer retention. By enabling brands to collect, manage, and activate UGC at scale, we help them unlock real customer insights and build lasting loyalty. With 400+ employees globally, Skeepers is headquartered in France, with offices across Europe and the Americas. For more information, visit

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

35 24 27 424
Kipsum Kipsum

Réduit les consommations énergétiques de vos bâtiments et équipements Fondée en 2017, Kipsum propose une solution d’analyse et de réduction des consommations énergétiques de 10 à 20% en 2 mois. Nous obtenons ces résultats sans travaux et sans équipement lourd pour un temps de retour sur investissement de moins d'un an. Nous apportons notre savoir-faire au domaine public, privé, sur des bâtiments tertiaires, logistiques & industriels. Avec vous, nous engageons un Protocole d’Accord Technique sur 2 mois pour analyser les données et réduire les consommations de vos bâtiments et équipements de 10 à 20%. Pour pérenniser le gain et l’optimiser, …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city greentech cleantech Technologies: IoT A.I.

14 13 0 7
EFFECTIVE YELLOW Cybersecurity, Serenity and Lucidity for Managers EFFECTIVE YELLOW Cybersecurity, Serenity and Lucidity for Managers

For a strategic and effective alignment of your systems and your information : Cybersecurity, GPDR, Safety, Audit, Risks Cybersécurité, sérénité et lucidité pour les dirigeants, pour un alignement stratégique et effectif de vos systèmes et de votre information - Task force experte (RSSI, DPO, Risk Manager, Project Manager, Formateur Expert) - Solutions logicielles sur-mesure en management et gouvernance - Domaines : Audit, Cybersécurité, Test d'intrusion, Gestion des cyber-risques , Confidentialité RDPR, Certification ISO 27001, eBios RM, Maîtrise consolidée des projets, Sûreté et sécurité, Intelligence économique Cybersecurity, serenity and lucidity for managers, for a strategic and effective alignment of …

Type: Startup Activities: it services privacytech Technologies: Cybersecurity

7 3 7 7
Les Émotionneurs Les Émotionneurs

Communication agency | designer, creator, producer 🚀 Event agency, video, digital strategy consulting, e-reputation. We live in an era that is as emotional as it is rational. This is why, while cultivating the classic and technical aspects of communication professions, our agency puts emotions at the service of its clients to help them set their world in motion! 🧡 Consulting Strategic communication consulting is the initial stage of our thinking. Depending on our clients' objectives, we help them find the positioning that will optimize their brand image with their different audiences and mobilize the means adapted to their development. 🧡 …

Type: SMB Activities: martech e-reputation

10 3 2 1
Les Déterminés Les Déterminés

Entrepreneurship For All! The non-profit organization Les Déterminés supports and trains entrepreneurs from Priority Areas of the City and Rural Zones. Since 2015, more than 800 entrepreneurs (64% of whom are women) have been trained all around France. Our mission : Accelerate your success! Our aspiration is to develop through entrepreneurship a positive and proactive state of mind: the state of mind of an entrepreneur. The association Les Déterminés provides trainings, support for entrepreneurship and networking. Visit our website: and follow us on Facebook: and Twitter : Formation, Entrepreneuriat, Association, Collectivités locales, Conseil, Création d'entreprise, Réseau, Coaching, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

105 72 49 311

Monitoring and optimization solutions for installations ☀️, using the weather for ⬆ its self-consumption METEOPTIM develops solutions to promote solar self-consumption Solar energy, Self-consumption, Artificial intelligence, and Optimization

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

8 4 7 2
I Lov'it Worklabs I Lov'it Worklabs

Tivoli Capital has decided to overthrow the office codes by creating: I LOV'it Worklabs The first workspace in Marseille for entrepreneurs, VSEs, SMEs ... which offers a unique combination combining tailor-made services and development of well-being in the office.An à la carte space that adapts to the needs of a community of IT Workers. Work bubbles with equipped offices, meeting rooms and coworking spaces.Air bubbles with relaxation spaces that combine conviviality and sharing.Pro or personal services that make life in the office easier. I Lov'it: You will like to come and work! Fully equipped offices, meeting rooms, domiciliation, and coworking

Type: Startup Activities: proptech

4 3 1 0

Pioneering IoT solutions for water #assainissement #pluvial #arrosage_intelligent #accès_eau_potable GreenCityZen is an eco- startup that designs and sells technology solutions for the environmental measurement, addressed to its environmental industrial customers and the smart and sustainable cities. Green CityZen develops the Humm solution , "​ IoT for the environment "​ , an innovative solution for the management and control of environmental sensors fleets, cost effective, scalable , and natively interoperable. The Humm box collects data continuously toward the cloud, analyzing and combining them with external data sources to effectively measure impacts and improve environmental performance. GreenCityZen designs and sells innovative, cost …

Type: Startup Activities: water management smart city Technologies: IoT

50 13 29 13

Small vehicle, big impact. The new generation of green and economical utilities 🍃 last mile delivery, interurban delivery, CargoBike, urban logistics, emissionfree, Green Innovation, activemobility, greentech, engineering, design, eco-design, sustainable mobility, last mile logistics, and electric vehicle

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech manufacturing delivery smart city Technologies: Decarbonization Solar Technologies

48 22 31 17
Deki - Ecologistic Deki - Ecologistic

Decarbonized transport and logistics solutions 🌱Deki: The SaaS solution for 100% decarbonized urban logistics, from the first to the last mile 🌱 Deki is the first business SaaS platform designed to help professionals optimize and decarbonize their logistics from the first to the last mile. 🚛 Our solution allows carriers and shippers to continue to deliver efficiently in ZFE, while measuring and reducing their environmental impact. Our technology at the service of green logistics• A mathematical AI engine 👨‍💻, developed in collaboration with the École des Mines, to optimize routes, reduce emissions and decongest cities. 🌆• A single interface centralizing …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech delivery Technologies: SaaS Decarbonization

42 14 38 8
Fenotek Fenotek

Gardez un œil sur votre maison de n'importe où, n'importe quand avec votre interphone vidéo connecté à votre smartphone Fenotek develops innovative products for the Smart Home bringing real comfort to the user and a clear value proposition. These products are simple to use but technologically complex making them difficult to imitate. Fenotek address low visibility market segments where, through innovation, it can quickly take substantial market share. "The value of a connected object is the associated service it provides to the user. The technology becomes innovation only when it creates new usage. Thus Fenotek, as a designer of innovative …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech manufacturing smart home Technologies: IoT Sensors

17 8 11 1
France Angels France Angels

France Angels is the National Federation of Business Angels France Angels is the National Federation of Business Angels. France Angels federates, represents and promotes French business angels. The Federation is working on the development of an economic, social and legal environment favorable to business angels and acts to promote their role as guides and funders of young companies with high growth potential, job creators.

Type: Incubators & VCs Activities: fintech

127 45 81 23
Pays d'Aix Développement Pays d'Aix Développement

Pays d'Aix Développement (P.A.D) is the economic development agency of the Pays d'Aix. P.A.D brings together all the stakeholders in local economic development, public and private. Since 1994, P.A.D has offered French or foreign companies wishing to set up or develop in the Pays d'Aix, a privileged reception and support service. From file engineering to the organization of site visits, P.A.D supports business leaders at each stage of their project.

Type: Public

46 8 40 19
French Foreign Trade Advisors French Foreign Trade Advisors

OUR PASSION, FRANCE OUR MISSION, THE WORLD 4,900 businesswomen and men, experts in the international field of promoting France’s development, for over 120 years. Present in every region of France and in more than 150 countries. The Conseillers du Commerce extérieur de la France (Foreign Trade Advisors of France, or CCEs) benevolently share their experience working for the development and influence of France. They carry out concrete actions on a daily basis in partnership with public and private players who have a role in promoting and supporting the internationalization of French companies. Appointed by the Prime Minister, CCEs are vested …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

149 57 97 1
Banque Populaire Méditerranée (BPMED) Banque Populaire Méditerranée (BPMED)

News from BPMED, a regional mutual bank present in 06, 13, 26, 30, 34, 83, 84, in Corsica and Monaco Resulting from the merger between Banque Populaire Côte d'Azur, Banque Populaire Provençale et Corse and Banque Chaix, Banque Populaire Méditerranée is: - 174 agencies, - 6 business centers, - 1 branch in Monaco, - 3 private banks, - 6 heritage spaces + 1 heritage center in Corsica, - 2,290 employees, - 517,000 customers, - 195,000 members. Find us on: Banking and Insurance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

80 30 44 1,497
ForumMedinjob - Votre rendez-vous annuel de l'IT & Digital ForumMedinjob - Votre rendez-vous annuel de l'IT & Digital

The ForumMedinjob, organized by Medinsoft, in partnership with around thirty public and private partners united around employment (Aix Marseille Provence Métropole, Pôle emploi, CIP, Andrh Provence, Omniciel, recruitment agency, etc.) will take place: - on April 4 at the Amphitheater of La Verrière in Aix en Provence - on October 10 at the Pôle média de la Belle de Mai in Marseille These are the meetings for all professionals or future professionals who wish to write their future in the IT / digital sector. In total, 500 permanent job offers and 70 internship offers will be proposed, 1500 visitors are …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

31 12 26 1
Siho Siho

Communication and webmarketing agency. We create your websites and graphically create (logo, flyers...) your print com'. Websites, Emailing, Social networks, and Logo

Type: SMB Activities: martech

4 2 2 3
Cité des Métiers Cité des Métiers

Orientation? Employment? Training? Business creation? Come to the Cité des Métiers and follow the guide! The Cité des Métiers of Marseille and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur is a member of the international network "Cités des Métiers". It is an Association created in 2002 under the impetus of the City of Marseille and supported by the European Union, the PACA Regional Council, the General Council 13 and the Public Establishment Euroméditerranée. The Cité opened to the public on March 22, 2005. As an information platform in the fields of Orientation, retraining, Training, Employment and Business Creation, its mission is to provide all the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

75 13 60 27
WI-Us by Stimshop WI-Us by Stimshop

Wireless communication under any circumstances with Wi-Us exclusive ultrasound technology. Stimshop provides mobile interaction and wireless data transfer for industry, banking, security. Thanks to its patented ultrasound technology, Stimshop allows any sound system to become a marketing and communication tool, transmitting data to or between smartphones, tablets, computers or any connected device or object. Stimshop technology works where radio communication does not work anymore. Compatible with 100% smartphones, with all devices equipped with a microphone. No network needed (no WiFi, no BLE, no UWB, no RF....). No hardware needed, the Stimshop's inaudible signal can be broadcasted through any existing audio …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics Geolocation IoT SaaS Wireless

57 14 48 6
Goodeed Goodeed

Goodeed, la publicité à impacts positifs ✊ Goodeed is a new website that allows people to plant trees, send vaccines or offer meals FOR FREE by simply connecting to the Goodeed website ( and watching twenty seconds of entertaining ads. The money generated by the ad pays for your donation, which goes toward a highly respected and trustworthy NGO such as World Food Programme, UNICEF, WWF, We Forest, and many more. Goodeed is a community that believes in taking action to make the world a better a place. Advertising, NGO, Donations, Communities, Activism, Philanthropy, Social actions, Communication, and Impact

Type: Startup Activities: martech

57 21 39 23
Kalyzee Kalyzee

Go even further remotely! 🎥 Discover Kalyzée: Pioneer of Audiovisual Innovation for Hybrid Learning 🌐✨ As a forward-thinking company, we are redefining how individuals and businesses interact and communicate through cutting-edge audiovisual solutions. 🔍 Our Expertise: Audiovisual Capture and Broadcasting Solutions We are recognized for our expertise in designing and implementing audiovisual capture and broadcasting solutions dedicated to hybrid, remote, and multisite courses and training. Our user-centered approach and technical mastery enable us to guarantee quality and performance. 🚀 Our Mission: Revolutionize Interactions At Kalyzée, our mission is clear: to relentlessly innovate in order to transform interactions and exchanges on …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: A.I.

23 4 19 8
ACWA Robotics ACWA Robotics

Robotic innovation for water supply networks Acwa Robotics develops robotic and digital solutions to help water utilities around the world map and assess the condition of their network. Our revolutionary autonomous robots move through pipes over long distances without disrupting water distribution and collect key data (visual defects, corrosion, leaks, residual thickness) to help water utilities decide when and where to renew or rehabilitate at-risk sections of the network. clean water, robotic, AI, eaupotable, robotique, deeptech, canalisation, reseaudeau, cleantech, aixmarseille, bastia, and engineering

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Robotics A.I.

66 23 53 23
Unitel Group Unitel Group

Make IT simple Unitel Group is an accelerator of digital transformation for businesses. We help our clients to fully exploit technologies of all kinds to improve their competitiveness and accelerate their growth. With our expertise in telecommunications and technological solutions, we support companies in their transition to a controlled digital future. Our solutions are designed to optimize processes, improve operational efficiency and open up new growth prospects. We offer tailor-made services in connectivity, cloud computing, cybersecurity and unified communication, allowing our clients to stay at the forefront of innovation. With European sovereignty as our priority market, we work closely with …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

13 7 10 63
Linkpick Linkpick

The platform to find and manage work-study programs, internships and training. For students, employers, schools and CFA. 💙 Linkpick, employment at your fingertips for schools, companies and students/learners! 🌟 🚀 Revolutionize your approach to recruitment and talent management with Linkpick, the all-in-one platform that simplifies every step, from preparation to post-training. At Linkpick, we believe in a world where access to employment is accessible to all, where talents are discovered and cultivated with care, and where career opportunities know no limits. 🎓 For learners: Explore a wide range of training, internships and work-study programs to find your path to success. …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech edtech Technologies: SaaS

10 6 6 12
Trust-Place Trust-Place

The expert in post-purchase traceability & data | Enhance customer relationship and make circularity profitable As a post-purchase traceability expert, Trust-Place partners with brands to authenticate their products, decode customer behaviors, trends, and satisfaction throughout the product's lifecycle. Through a SaaS platform for creating and managing secure digital passports, linking products to their owners, brands can now access to a universe of new data aimed at maximizing customer knowledge, understanding post-sale usage, and generating new revenue. Trust-Place thus builds lasting relationships and forges strong bonds between brands and all their customers, regardless of their acquisition channel, providing a concrete and …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

36 3 35 12
Les Épaulettes Les Épaulettes

Digital + Women = Empowerment! Digital is a lever for professional equality. How can you use it to promote greater equality for you and your company? ▪Group coaching to raise awareness and develop digital skills Themes: Managing your online identity, discovering and understanding social networks, the collaborative economy and you, the culture of online learning... ▪Individual mentoring Tailor-made program according to expectations and objectives ▪Digital transformation strategy for your company Optimize the operation of companies using tools, processes and elements of digital culture. More information on digital training, social networks, and digital strategy

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

10 2 6 9

Digital tool for managing and recruiting the best film crews for your audiovisual productions! is a digital tool for managing and recruiting technicians for audiovisual production companies. Both a platform bringing together a French-speaking community of technical operators from all backgrounds, is a SAAS (Software as a Service) software facilitating the management of film crews by production and the recruitment of technicians through effective matching with the community via the database. The tool will finally provide a predictive vision of future recruitment needs through data analysis. Winner of the Aix-Marseille startup weekend in 2014, aims to offer …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment hrtech Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS

4 2 2 2
Oneforum Oneforum

Oneforum: permanent exhibition and digital platform entirely dedicated to innovation and digital events ⭕️ Oneforum, a digital platform entirely dedicated to innovation and digital events and a permanent exhibition, is a solution designed by La Coque. 💬 Whether you participate as an exhibitor or visitor, OneForum will present halls dedicated to CSR, IOT, blockchains, smart cities... and will give you access to a "be connect" networking space to discuss various topics. ➡️ You, exhibitors, this Innovation Hub will allow you to hold a stand to present your company, to exhibit your products and services on a marketplace or to organize …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency IoT

7 2 7 1
AquaTech Innovation AquaTech Innovation

Collect, purify, recycle, regenerate to save our water resources. AquaTech Innovation is a GreenTech company, based in Montpellier and labeled Greentech Innovation by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. We design innovative solutions to limit the impact of economic and tourist activities on water resources. Our solutions save water and protect the environment from pollution from domestic wastewater, and adapt to any type of location (cities, sensitive environments, isolated areas, campsites, ports, etc.). A complete range for: - Conducting a consumption study to understand needs, - Monitoring, controlling and analyzing consumption using our digital solutions, - Collecting and treating black and …

Type: Startup Activities: water management cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

96 21 87 18
Soluciteam Soluciteam

Human-sized company and leader in IT time-sharing in the South-East of France A human-sized company and leader in IT time-sharing in the South-East of France, SolucITeam specializes in the fields of information systems, networks, cloud infrastructure and the digital and numerical transition of VSEs/SMEs. The time-sharing concept, implemented by our company, optimizes the skills of our IT technicians. SolucITeam offers SMEs/SMIs and VSEs an outsourcing manager, an IT expert, according to the time-sharing principle. This SolucITeam employee intervenes on a recurring basis within the company, over the duration and with frequency defined by its decision-maker.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

3 2 1 6
BPW France BPW France

NGO that fights for gender equality in the professional world. #feminism #sustainabledevelopment #work #inclusive BPW France is the French branch of the International NGO BPW, which has more than 30,000 members in 98 countries, and benefits from statuses with the United Nations and the Council of Europe. BPW has been working in France since 1930 to advance the cause of women at work, through actions such as Equal Pay Day ® or supporting companies in signing the WEPs (Women's Empowerment Principles). BPW is open to all working women, students or retirees, and has the following goals: - Help women take …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

31 9 14 14
Big Bloom Big Bloom

Learning Better By Doing Good Big Bloom is a global initiative that aims to accelerate social innovations from impact organizations. Today, it's over 200 accelerated social innovations in 15 different countries. 🚀 How? Through hackathons and incubations for good. 👉 A hackathon for good is a collective intelligence seminar to address an association's strategic challenge. Following the Big Bloom method, participants, gathered in teams, are coached to propose a concrete project in a short time. Each solution is presented in front of a high-level jury, which determines the most innovative and suitable for the beneficiary organization. 👉 An incubation for …

Type: Event

55 14 54 54
Les Ateliers des Capucins Les Ateliers des Capucins

Welcome to the Melting Place! "Melting Place", the Ateliers des Capucins are a meeting place for all audiences. The largest covered public square in Europe, free and open every day, it allows you (almost) all freedoms! Make its 10,000m2 Place des Machines your own to exercise, share, laugh, unwind... but also to organize your professional event. A unique and unusual place due to its history and architecture, it can be privatized and modulated endlessly. The Ateliers des Capucins adapt to all your events: seminars, company conventions, conferences, gala dinners, cocktails... Culture, gastronomy, sport, crafts... our roommates offer a range of …

Type: Event

27 13 15 9
France Bleu France Bleu

Listen, we're good together

Type: Media

264 189 81 9
Institut français Institut français

International cultural incubator / Freedom · Creativity · Diversity As the operator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for France's external cultural action, the Institut français is responsible, within the framework of the policy and orientations established by the State, for carrying a renewed ambition for our diplomacy of influence by contributing to the influence of France in a strengthened dialogue with foreign cultures. Chaired by Xavier Darcos, surrounded by Sylviane Tarsot-Gillery, Deputy Director General, and Laurence Auer, Secretary General, the Institut français replaces the Culturesfrance association in the form of an EPIC (Public Industrial and Commercial Establishment) with an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

86 38 52 2,568
Syntec Ingenierie Syntec Ingenierie

Impulsons ensemble les grandes transitions ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ingénierie, Bâtiment, Infrastructures, Environnement, Industries, Conseil en technologie, and Géotechniciens

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

97 26 76 48
Cercle des Nageurs de Marseille Cercle des Nageurs de Marseille

French swimming and water polo club. Champion factory since 1921. An emblematic site in Marseille, the Cercle des Nageurs de Marseille is a temple of water polo and high-level swimming. sport, swimming, water polo, marseille, coaching, sports club, elite, association, and amateur sport

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech entertainment greentech

27 9 15 70
Société du canal de provence Société du canal de provence

Let's make water and renewable energy our resources for adapting to climate change The Société du Canal de Provence et d’aménagement de la région provençale has been designing, building and operating structuring and environmentally friendly hydraulic developments for over 50 years on behalf of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region. In addition to the water service it provides for all uses to its industrial, rural and urban clients, the SCP is now able to offer its engineering expertise in France and internationally and services that are particularly geared towards the rural world. Its added value comes from its ability to take sustainable …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

47 16 38 503
Marseille Chanot Marseille Chanot

Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Marseille Marseille Chanot is the Marseille Convention & Exhibition Centre. Situated in the heart of the Mediterranean basin, Marseille Chanot is very attractive and has an exceptional site. This inescapable place in France and in Europe welcomes every year more than 200 events and around one million visitors. Marseille Chanot offers to welcome made-to-measure events (conference, convention, tradeshow, company’s event...) thanks to wide possibilities of multi-purpose spaces. On 17 hectares, at the heart of the Marseille, the park is composed of a Convention Centre, five Exhibitions Centres and one Art Centre. Website : …

Type: Event

38 19 17 10
MyCTOFriend MyCTOFriend

🚀 MyCTOfriend is the digital co-pilote for startup CEO ! We develop technological awareness of managers. Running your tech startup has never been so easy! Multiply your potential by having us as the co-pilot of your projects. Together, we create a world of possibilities in which your creativity is the only limit. You will have access to + 1000 hours of exclusive content to help you navigate on the tech ocean without any pitfalls ! Content about tech and entrepeneurship that corresponds to YOUR developement stage to help you move forward Your personalized path : theoretical (videos, articles...) and practical …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

3 1 0 1

Conversational AI Voice Agents for Businesses & The Phone Channel TALKR empowers businesses with AI Voice Agents for phone and web channels, providing seamless 24/7 customer engagement so you never miss a single opportunity. Thanks to TALKR’s no-code platform, AI Agents can instantly handle 100% of inquiries, achieving 35% to 85% full processing without human intervention—enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction. AI, Robots, Conversational AI, Voice Tech, Voicebots, Platform, Virtual Assistants , Voice Assistants, Conversational Agents, callbot, voicebot, chatbot, Personal Voice Assistant , VoiceBot for Call Centers, AI Agents , and AI Voice Agents

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. Generative A.I.

32 6 25 6
February | Patriarche February | Patriarche

Digital company specializing in the design of tailor-made solutions for buildings and users. Specializing in the design of digital services and solutions applied to architecture, the city and their users, February is the digital entity of Patriarche. Driven by the ambition to anticipate trends and respond to the challenges of transforming the real estate sector, February | Patriarche imagines and designs more "intelligent" buildings, capable of improving their energy efficiency, interoperability and services to occupants over time. Digital, New technologies, Digital solutions, Smart Building, Service design, Services to occupants, Building services, Energy management, Well-being and health, Maintenance and operation, Space …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: IoT VR

3 1 3 19

INERTIAL SENSORS - RFID SENSORS - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - RADIO FREQUENCY ASYGN have the ambition to deliver efficient analog circuit design. This namely included building specific Design Automation Tools dedicated to automatize analog circuit system level verification. The point was to ensure that before any circuit was deemed ready for Tape Out there should not remain even the mere possibility that it did not comply with its specification. From 2010, ASYGN started to deliver actual designs to its first customers focusing on low power analog, Radio Frequency and Sensor circuits. As the design teams grew, including digital design, test engineers, …

Type: Startup Activities: nanotech deeptech Technologies: Sensors Wireless

14 6 11 49
la Vitre la Vitre

The right people, to the right place ✨ With la Vitre, feel the presence! La Vitre brings closeness anywhere in the world! The right people, to the right place. Used by teams, speakers, hospitality, training, events, retail... for now. Why not give it a try yourself?

Type: Startup Activities: proptech

53 5 52 23
CRESS Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Chambre régionale des entreprises de l'économie sociale solidaire CRESS Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | Chambre régionale des entreprises de l'économie sociale solidaire

In the service of ESS companies in the South Provence-Alpe-Côte d'Azur region Cress at the service of ESS companies (Social and Solidarity Economy) in the South Region. ➡️ Presentation For more than 30 years, the Regional Chamber of Companies of the Social and Solidarity Economy (Cress Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) has been an institutional player who, by law of July 31, 2014 relating to the social economy And solidarity, is the legal benchmark and the megaphone for ESS companies in the region. CRESS is a movement of companies bringing together associations, cooperatives, foundations, mutuals, social enterprises (ESUS approval) and employers' unions. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

82 24 60 16
EnvirobatBDM EnvirobatBDM

Collective intelligence to build better! Environmentbdm is an association which aims to promote taking into account the requirements of sustainable development in the act of building, rehabilitating and developing, mainly in the Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur region. Durable buildings and environmental quality of the building

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech constructiontech

41 12 30 23
Why Digital - Créativité Communication Commerce Why Digital - Créativité Communication Commerce

#WHY18 what is it? September 20-21, 2018 With Aix-Marseille FrenchTech, Medinsoft and KEDGE, Why Digital is the Great Territorial Digital Event for e-commerce, digital transition and start-ups, placed under the sign of Creativity, Communication and Commerce. After 4 editions of "Shake your ecommerce", the formula is changing! #WHY18 is dedicated to collective intelligence, innovation and digital transition and uses psychology, design thinking, behavioral marketing such as Big Data or AI. Free Invitation --​> events, digital marketing, e-commerce, strategy, communication, advice, and exhibition

Type: Event

14 4 12 1

Industry is the factory of the future The UIMM La Fabrique de l'Avenir helps industrial companies to combine competitiveness, employment and development of their employees, by means of social dialogue and in line with the new expectations of society. The UIMM La Fabrique de l'Avenir works in the future of industry, French and France. Follow UIMM news on Twitter @uimim

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: industry 4.0

82 52 29 547
Trains Expo Événements SNCF Trains Expo Événements SNCF

Your event. A train. Thousands of possibilities. From the 1st train train launched, in 1973, in Monaco, with the brand of goldsmithery Christofle, on the last exhibition train in December 2011, the Christmas train, the Exhibition Trains Company, counts 267 trains created on behalf of Large industrial groups and service companies, national institutions, private associations, professional organizations or public authorities. The company was renamed Société des Trains SNCF Exhibition in 2000. Events, train, exhibitions, and travel

Type: Event

68 10 63 7
Startup Weekend Aix-Marseille Startup Weekend Aix-Marseille

🚀 No talk all action 🔥 📍 Arbois technopole Transform my idea into a startup in a weekend? Impossible ? After 5 years in the world tour during which more than 8000 startups were initiated and 100,000 inspired entrepreneurs! Heat your creative muscles and come and push your limits by launching a startup in less than 54 hours! A global movement A local event to discover the fabulous world of startups and creators and launch its box! Entrepreneur, innivation, startup, techstars, and creation business

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

26 10 20 N/A
Sport dans la ville Sport dans la ville

From sport to employment Sport dans la Ville ensures the establishment and supervision of 46 sports centers in 4 major regions in France. The Association aims at the social and professional integration of young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods. 6,500 young people are registered with Sport dans la Ville. Associative, Professional integration, Social integration, Sport, solidarity, Solidarity action, Employment, and entrepreneurship

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

111 51 76 423

Federation of Search Marketing professionals The FEPSEM is an association (law 1901) founded in 2008, under its former name SEO Camp. . Originally, it brought together several hundred members, and sympathizers, whose main activity or centers of interest was SEO: SEO or “Search Engine Marketing” (Webmasters, SEOs “in House”, independent consultants, employees of specialized agencies, passionate amateurs ...) In 2024 the SEO Camp association became the FEPSEM (Federation of Search Marketing professionals) in order to be able to represent, at best, all professionals in the sector: SEO, SEA, Analytics and other related activities in digital marketing! 🔥 Adhered to the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

22 4 10 17
Proparco Proparco

#ActingTogetherForGreaterImpact Proparco, a subsidiary of Agence Française de Développement Group, has been working with the private sector for over 45 years for a more just and sustainable world. With an international network of 25 local offices, Proparco works closely with its partners to build sustainable solutions in response to environmental and social challenges in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Proparco benefits from sector-based expertise as well as a wide range of financial solutions tailored to the different stages of business development, notably thanks to its Digital Africa subsidiary, and its Propulse technical assistance offering designed to scale …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech greentech cleantech

54 19 37 514

LA solution de gestion ultra-personnalisable. SIMAX ERP-CRM, 40 modules riches 100% No Code ! Simax est une société innovante dans le domaine de l'édition de logiciels créée en 2006. SIMAX met à votre disposition son savoir-faire et ses solutions de gestion pour vous faire gagner en performance et en productivité. Notre philosophie : c’est le logiciel qui doit s’adapter à l’entreprise et non l’entreprise qui doit s’adapter au logiciel. We edit Simax, an ERP and CRM software that stands out strongly from the competition by extreme flexibility. The strength of our management solutions lies in the fact that they are …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

19 4 13 57
Opco Atlas Opco Atlas

I qualifying financial and advice skills operator | ✅ News, advice & amp; Tools for companies Companies, we give you keys to remain competitive and attract new talents (and keep them!) To see the future more serenely, we are here for: 🔎 Identify your human resources and training needs 💰 Financing your employees' training 🆙 Improve your HR practices 📄 Facilitate your administrative procedures 💼 Set up a successful alternation Are these subjects interested? Follow us to remain informed of the news of our sectors ✔️ Training devices ✔️ Funding ✔️ and many other subjects that you will discover by …

Type: Public

103 60 49 348
Free Pro Free Pro

Free Pro, the best of free for businesses! Find us on! Free Pro, the best of free for businesses! Welcome to Free Pro, the B2B subsidiary of the Iliad group. Innovation, price, freedom, customer service, infrastructure, Free Pro meets telecom, cybersecurity, IT and Cloud needs of all businesses, from VSE to large groups, from SMEs to public organizations. By offering simple and ultra -forming pro -fixed and mobile offers and specific XPR solutions, which meet the more complex challenges of companies and organizations with more than 100 employees, Free Pro is thus aimed at the entire business market. Expert …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: SaaS

37 10 24 612
Mucem - Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée Mucem - Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée

The first museum dedicated to the cultures of the Mediterranean, MUCEM is an unprecedented museum located in Marseille. From Marseille, the Mucem asserts itself as the only large museum dedicated to the Mediterranean. Suspended between sky and water, floating at the entrance to the Old Port of Marseille, the Mucem deploys new bridges. Open to the open sea, this museum is by its very situation a major project for the Mediterranean, now a meeting point for its two banks. In his exhibitions as in his cultural programming, he offers a multidisciplinary vision where anthropology, history, archeology, art history and contemporary …

Type: Public

63 38 34 205
MProvence MProvence

Proximity information on Provence! Our raison d'être Highlight the talents and local riches and make it a source of inspiration that makes all Provencals proud and which reinforces the feeling of belonging to our territory. Our goal Understanding information from a "positive", peaceful, reflected and benevolent angle, with another temporality than the frantic pace to which the pressure of the news and the extraordinary speed of current means of dissemination, submit the vast majority of those and Those who put information within the reach of the public. Our bias An uncompromising journalistic requirement and the assertive will to provide our …

Type: Media

46 9 37 14
Marsatac Marsatac

Meeting on June 13 and 14, 2025 - Parc Borély, Marseille Created in 1999, Marsatac is today the most important festival of current music in Marseille and throughout the PACA region. His national notoriety positions him as one of the leading festivals on electro music in France and Europe. CREATION Place creation at the heart of his concerns! Marsatac promotes the emergence of local and regional talents by choosing, for a few years, to place creation at the heart of its concerns and by affirming a real desire to become the soil on which germinate and push new artistic projects. …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

16 5 14 32
DigeeTrips DigeeTrips

Learning Expeditions in Estonia, Masterclass and videoconferencing workshops Accelerate your digital transformation thanks to learning experience in Estonia! The Digeetrips team organizes tailor -made study trips to discover Estonia. First platform state in the world with 99% of online administrative services and a real "digital nation", this country has one of the highest European start-up rates by inhabitants with Skype as spearhead.

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

15 1 14 1
L'Essor Affiches Loire L'Essor Affiches Loire

The Journal of Legal and Economic Information of the Loire #Pressehebdo #News #Informations The boom posters is the newspaper of economic, legal and local policies of the Loire. Departmental weekly appearing on Friday. To follow the news in real time

Type: Media

135 25 108 6

Love the context Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape Office Based in Paris - Marseille The Leclercq Associés agency is a multidisciplinary structure of more than 70 people - architects, landscapers, urban planners from Sciences Po or bridges and roads, engineers, graphic designers ... Created by François Leclercq in the early 1980s, associated since 2019 With Charles Gallet and Paul Laigle, his approach combines architectural design, urban reflection, landscape reflection and research of environmental performance. With its diversity, Leclercq Associés has been developing a joint and multiscular approach in the city and the territories for the challenges of the issues for several …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech smart city

54 10 42 61
La Tribune Région Sud La Tribune Région Sud

Economic and financial newspaper, La Tribune is present on all supports: web and mobile with its site, applications and digital daily life. Its territorial anchoring makes the tribune the first economic media of metropolises.

Type: Media

101 47 62 2
La Fabulerie La Fabulerie

Fabulerie is a digital manufacture. A multidisciplinary team that accompanies the experience of scientific, cultural and/or educational content, facilitating access, in a creative way, to the knowledge and power to act. For this, it is based on facilitators such as digital, art, creativity and participatory processes. The city and the digital and cultural transformations that cross it are at the heart of our steps. Each project, each creation is an opportunity to develop links with professionals who wonder, with their audiences, how to develop their services (public or private) and enrich their trades. The Fabulerie primarily sends its actions to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 8 7 8
La Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat de région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur La Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat de région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Support you throughout the life of your craft business. The Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region ensures the representation and development of craft businesses at the regional level. It organizes learning through the Regional University of Trades and Crafts. Its values? Proximity, quality of service and added value to the service of craftsmen in the region! Representation of crafts, development of crafts, continuing education, learning, professions training, institutional communication, prospective, consultation, support for craft businesses, local services, keeping of the trades, and management of business formalities centers

Type: Public

62 22 41 367
Crowe Ficorec Crowe Ficorec

Smart decisions. lasting values. Founded in 1987, FICOREC offers a comprehensive, international range of services including: - Financial accounting services - Consolidation (French GAAP, US-GAAP, IFRS, local to group-GAAP conversion) - Financial audit - Financial advisory - Tax - Risk consulting - Internal audit (SOX Compliance) - Accounting compliance and reporting - Transactions Our firm held companies in businesses across all industries, from emerging growth companies to listed companies, deal with a broad range of businesses issues. Our focus is to help companies succeed and working in close partnership with their management. Expert comptable, Commissariat aux comptes, Conseil, Juridique, Paie, …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

23 6 19 75
Les Interconnectés Les Interconnectés

Our mission: to support the digital transformation of communities The interconnected network is responsible for supporting the digital transformation of communities through concrete actions based on sharing, collective intelligence, proximity to the user. The first national association for disseminating digital uses and innovations at the service of the territories, a reference contact of the State, we are both a platform for exchanges, resource center and sharing space. Created in 2009 by Urban France and Intercommunalities in France, the interconnected network has several missions which are all commitments: • Supporting the territories in innovation and communities on the strategic and operational …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city it services

140 62 91 5
PBC L’Agence PBC L’Agence

Committed digital communication agency, specialized in community management and marketing, Provence ☀️ PBC The Agency is a digital communication agency specializing in web marketing and located in Lançon-Provence (community management, influencer relationships, website creation, advertising campaigns, brand content ...). We support you in advice, creation, writing to the implementation of your operations. Whether in Indonesia, the United States or even Europe, PBC The Agency continues to develop through a single objective: customer support and its project. Our agency is made up of around twenty employees and develops a CSR policy & 3 Marketing, community management, public relations, communication, web marketing, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

26 1 4 21
Initiative Marseille Métropole Initiative Marseille Métropole

Supports and supports project leaders to create and take over very small businesses (VSEs). Initiative Marseille Métropole is the platform of the initiative network involved in the territory of the urban community Marseille Provence Métropole. It supports and supports the promoters of the creation and recovery of very small businesses (VSEs). Its flagship tool: the loan of honor. It is a personal loan without interest or guarantee of up to 15,000 euros. It should make it possible to strengthen equity and facilitate bank funding. Initiative Marseille Métropole also mobilizes other systems such as Honor growth in growth, the BPI honor …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

32 7 24 22
IMF Créa-Sol IMF Créa-Sol

Créa-Sol, benevolent and responsible microcredit IMF Créa-Sol, the benevolent and responsible credit Supports business creators in the decisive moments of their professional career and individuals in their life course. The Institute of Créa-Sol micro-finance is a bank of the social and solidarity economy created in PACA in 2005 by the Caisse d'Alivne CEPAC, to combat banking exclusion and contribute to the economic development of its territory. Faced with an unemployment rate which remains worrying and the lack of professional perspectives of many, Créa-Sol believes in the need to revitalize the economy of territories, by creating local economic activity, not relocating …

Type: Corporate subsidiary NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

38 5 23 17

Enter the tribe! Guarani is a digital service company (ESN). Composed of experienced entrepreneurs, full of ideas and energy, our team has been supporting more than 150 partner companies in their needs for digital services for 14 years. Atypical in all respects, Guarani is a society on a human scale, where everyone has their place, in an open and warm environment. On our totem, 4 cardinal values ​​that guide all our actions: the meaning of expertise, openness, support and responsibilities. Our goal: to advance everyone in a healthy environment, serving our customers and in line with everyone's personal life. Created …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

10 1 8 300
France Esports France Esports

Promotion and supervision of electronic sports The purpose of the France Esports association is to represent the common interests of economic, professional or amateur agents, from the electronic sports sector, as well as to develop, promote, supervise the practice of electronic sports in a spirit of equity and development human, registering in the values ​​and the main fundamentals of Olympism (article 1 of its statutes). E-sports

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

32 10 4 22
FACE, la Fondation pour l'inclusion FACE, la Fondation pour l'inclusion

Faced with, the Foundation for Inclusion is a recognized foundation of public utility (FRUP) since 1993. It brings together public, private and associative actors in the fight against exclusion, discrimination and poverty. For 30 years, it has been a unique meeting place for companies and public players acting on these fields, constituting the largest French network of socially committed companies. FACE is an original ecosystem made up of the Foundation, its network - around fifty local structures led by hundreds of employees and patrons, as well as around forty foundations under its aegis. Fight against exclusion, fight against discrimination, actions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

130 40 90 160
Fondation Abbé Pierre Fondation Abbé Pierre

Be human! The Abbé Pierre Foundation is a recognized non-profit association of public utility since 1992. It was founded by Father Pierre and aims to fight against poor housing, poverty and exclusion. It is a secular and militant movement. The Foundation has notably created a network of solidarity stores and family pensions, respectively unconditional reception structures for people in difficulty and living spaces for people leaving the great exclusion. In addition to her actions dedicated to access and maintenance in housing, she finances 500 associations each year which fight alongside her against poor housing. More info here: For 30 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

103 68 34 212
Fédération Française de Voile Fédération Française de Voile

Official account of the French Sailing Federation #Passion #plaisir #Sensation #transmission #performance The French Sailing Federation: - Accessibility - membership - Performance Our missions: - Promote and develop discipline and its events - Welcome and train all audiences - Animate and organize a national club network - detect and support high -level athletes - Plan and arbitrate all competitions - regulate and supervise all forms of practices Our values: #Passion #Pleasure #Sensation #Transmission #Initiation #Authenticity #Innovation #Commitment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

42 20 19 240
Euroméditerranée Euroméditerranée

Public development establishment in Marseille. Euroméditerranée is a public development establishment which conducts an operation of national interest in urban renovation, incorporating all the challenges of the sustainable Mediterranean city, economic development and employment, housing, equipment and public spaces, transport, culture, training, environmental quality , etc... Architecture, town planning, economic development, sustainable development, and transitional town planning

Type: Public

84 39 57 75
Entreprendre&+ Entreprendre&+

Philanthropes triggers of social impact. Entrepreneur & amp;+ is an endowment fund operated by an alliance of entrepreneur. Our alliance supports a young generation of social entrepreneurs who positively redraw a more united, more respectful and more balanced world. Entrepreneur & amp;+ carefully selects associations carried by women and men from all horizons, trusts them and gets involved for 3 years by their side. To be supported by Entreprendre & amp;+ is to benefit from: -An financial support for € 100,000 over 3 years -An strategic proximity mentoring assured monthly by entrepreneurs To apply for our support or join the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

25 3 16 13

The summit of emerging startups and organic Africa-Europe innovation Created in 2017 in Aix-Marseille, the new hub of emerging innovations between Europe and Africa, Emerging Valley is the international summit which attracts investors, African startups and African and emerging digital ecosystems in Provence who want to strengthen their International attractiveness, develop their business relationships and speed up their impact on a global scale.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

43 20 28 5
Eaux de Marseille 💧 Eaux de Marseille 💧

Our territory is so precious A player committed to the service of such a precious territory, the Marseille waters group works on a daily basis for more than 2 million people in Provençal territory. Each day, 1,200 employees are mobilized to meet the challenges of the cities of tomorrow: optimizing the water cycle, producing and distributing drinking water and treating wastewater to restore environmentally friendly water to the natural environment. Being an actor in ecological transformation and responding to societal issues are part of its raison d'être. We act on a daily basis: - Management of the water and sanitation …

Type: SMB Activities: water management

49 11 36 361
Association Germinal - Groupe SOS Association Germinal - Groupe SOS

Connect project leaders and customers, serving territories The Germinal association has supported and finance entrepreneurship for 20 years. We support the emergence and consolidation of business creation or takeover projects, carried by people in difficulty in social and professional integration, and by integrating ecological transition challenges. How ? We offer a range of services adapted to their needs and their situation: & gt; Personalized entrepreneurial and social entrepreneurial and social support in the months before their start -up or from the first months of their activity. On the program: to define its communication strategy, boost its commercial development, manage its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

26 8 23 84
Département des Bouches-du-Rhône Département des Bouches-du-Rhône

Collectivity of Solidarity, committed to all Provencals, from birth to good age of life. Welcome to the page of the Bouches-du-Rhône department 👋 A little story ... The department is an institution whose creation dates back to the revolution. The limits of the territory were defined as having to be a horse's day of the capital. Most of its skills results from the laws of decentralization of 1982 and 1983, recently supplemented by the Notre law of August 7, 2015 relating to the new territorial organization. The Department is an essential proximity level for the inhabitants, thanks to its actions …

Type: Public

114 64 37 1,040
Centre International des Arts en Mouvement (CIAM) Centre International des Arts en Mouvement (CIAM)

Let the circus surprise you Reference of the circus arts in Aix country, the CIAM works to share the diversity of these arts with the greatest number, inhabitants or artists, children or adults, initiated or novices. Installed on an area of ​​5 hectares on the edge of the city, it wants to be a place of meeting between the arts, of dialogue and discovery, where projects and vocations are born, without artistic or social border. It is organized around four major axes: discovery, transmission, creation, diffusion, which feed each other. Each year, at the end of September, he organized the …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

49 6 46 26
Bleu Tomate Bleu Tomate

Natural fertilizer of good ideas Tomato blue highlights the actors of the transition which favor biodiversity, proximity, naturality, renewable energies ... and beyond, all those who work for peaceful relationships between earth and its inhabitants. A global and virtuous movement Producing, feeding, acting ... preserving biodiversity, and more broadly while respecting the living, has become obvious for many of us. This approach is rooted in local practices but takes on meaning in a global and virtuous movement. It’s the seed of hope. An information relay Throughout the territory, men and women leave the beaten track to produce, innovate and act …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

52 4 43 17
B-Boost (Open Source International Convention) B-Boost (Open Source International Convention)

On the way to a new open world B-Boost is a business convention around the subjects of free software and open source. This meeting will bring together international speakers from more than 10 different countries, around thirty exhibitors and will allow the organization of more than 200 business meetings. These days are aimed at directors and managers of digital companies, those responsible for the digital strategy of companies in traditional sectors facing digital transformation, developers, students and all enthusiasts or curious about Free and Open. source. Open Source, Free Software, B2B, Convention, Free software, Expo, Open innovation, Technology, and Digital

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

19 6 12 0