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LogoName Σ Employees

Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarrollo, COFIDES S.A., S.M.E. COFIDES es una sociedad mercantil estatal que gestiona fondos financieros del Estado, así como recursos propios y de terceras instituciones con distintos objetivos: la internacionalización de la economía española, la atracción de inversión extranjera a sectores estratégicos en España, la promoción de la economía de impacto en España y la contribución al desarrollo de los países en los que invierte. En su accionariado, además del Estado, que ostenta una posición mayoritaria, participan el Banco Santander, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), Banco Sabadell y CAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina. Más información: …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech Technologies: Decarbonization

21 119
EBN - European Business & Innovation Centre Network EBN - European Business & Innovation Centre Network

We are on a mission to connect, and support economic & sustainable development in EU regions - and beyond. Connecting a Global Innovation Partner Network EBN (European Business and Innovation Centre Network) is a not-for-profit that serves a pan-European, global community of people that use innovative business as a driver for regional economic, social and sustainable development. EBN’s initiatives include EU|BIC certification, development and distribution of quality business support programmes, facilitation and initiation of project collaborations, global networking and advocacy for excellent business support actors like the EU|BICs. 175+ Dedicated members operating in over 31 countries, covering the full spectrum …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

73 49
Burkina Business Incubator Burkina Business Incubator

A business incubator that targets youths and women towards developing their business ventures The Burkina Business Incubator Association (BBI) is an SME incubation center, a framework for maturing innovative project ideas and training in business creation, business development, a real common workspace whose main purpose is to promote entrepreneurship by selecting innovative and high-potential projects and supporting them from the idea to the launch, including the economic model, studies, training of the promoter, mobilization of resources and creation of the company. BBI prioritizes projects from the following areas: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Agro-industry, Tourism and Hospitality, Renewable Energy and …

Type: Incubators & VCs

1 9
Africalink Africalink

Transnational community on the Africa-Europe axis Transnational community of entrepreneurs on the Africa Europe axis

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

30 41
EuroQuity - Bpifrance EuroQuity - Bpifrance

Shine Match & Deal EuroQuity is a service by Bpifrance, France's national investment bank, financing businesses through loans, guarantees, equity investments, and export insurances. Created in 2008, EuroQuity is an online matchmaking platform that helps companies meet investors and partners. EuroQuity is one of the leading matchmaking platforms in Europe while becoming increasingly present in Africa. We provide many additional services such as acceleration programs funded by the European Commission, digital training, coaching sessions, and exclusive online pitch sessions for the most promising companies. In short, EuroQuity is the perfect match for companies to scale with confidence and speed and …

Type: Public

55 2
AfriConEU AfriConEU

H2020 Project 🇪🇺 | The first trans-continental Networking Academy for African and European Digital Innovation Hubs💡 AfriConEU is an H2020 project funded by the European Commission. We envision creating the first Trans-continental Networking Academy for African & European Digital Innovation Hubs, strengthening a common EU-Africa innovation & Startup ecosystem. The AfriConEU project envisions essentially strengthening and reinforcing the digital innovation ecosystems in Africa by targeting existing Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and supporting them through capacity building and networking activities. African DIHs are playing a central role in the development of digital entrepreneurship and by raising their capacities to tackle the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting entrepreneurship

8 3
Expertise France Expertise France

Projects, solutions, impacts Expertise France is a public agency and a key actor in international technical cooperation. It designs and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in developing and emerging countries. Governance, security, climate, health, education... It operates in key areas of sustainable development and contributes alongside its partners to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Gouvernance et Droits humains, Protection sociale et Emploi, Développement économique, Finances publiques, Santé, Développement durable, Coopération technique, gouvernance économique, Expertise technique internationale, Développement durable, and Développement humain

Type: Public

71 2,193

Find all African and international news. The latest information to read and listen to on 40 million listeners. 400 journalists. Listen to RFI live. RFI in 15 languages. Types: articles, reports. Follow the news of the world on the web: but also on mobile phone with our applications ( and our mobile site ( In France, listen to us on the phone on 3223 (10 languages). The news of the world is also on social networks: Twitter: and Facebook: International

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

16 92
By Filling Agency By Filling Agency

#Ysso By Filling is an agency specializing in online communication. In the digital space, we build innovative and sustainable "experiences". This, by providing the flexibility necessary for the development of applications to the common goal: to get closer to your customers. 360 ° experiences (computer - smartphone - tablet) that make your communication smart. By Filling - Live Smart!

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: IoT

4 14
LAfricaMobile LAfricaMobile

Create links with your customers in Africa Lafricamobile is the 1st multi-fuel, multi-operator and multi-country digital communication platform in West Africa. We support you to engage your target thanks to effective means of communication (SMS - USSD - Vocal - AirTime - WhatsApp Business - TTS). With Lafricamobile, create links with your customers in Africa! SMS, USSD, AirTime, Vocal, Whatsapp, and Text to Speech

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

1 37

SME Incubator Center for innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship in the Sahel. Member of the networks #Sahelinnov, #AfricInnov, Entreprendre en Francophonie

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

4 1
Partech Partech

A global tech investment firm headquartered in Paris with offices in Berlin, Dakar, Dubai, Nairobi, and San Francisco Partech is a global tech investment firm headquartered in Paris, with offices in Berlin, Dakar, Dubai, Nairobi, and San Francisco. We are a team made up of independent thinkers. We are unconstrained by hype, trend or fixed ways of working. We believe in the power of alliance in action, working together and side-by-side with the founders we back, in the shared pursuit of success. We bring together capital, operational experience and strategic support for the entrepreneurs we back from seed through to …

Type: Incubators & VCs

66 204
Orange Tunisie Orange Tunisie

Orange brings you closer to the essentials Welcome to the LinkedIn Orange Tunisia page. Orange is the 2nd private telecommunications operator in Tunisia and is part of the Orange group. Fixed, mobile and Internet telephone company on the Tunisian market since May 5, 2010, Orange Tunisia offers fixed, mobile lines, very high speed 3G Internet, the ADSL Internet, mobile phone equipment and many value -added services. Orange aims to offer its customers technological innovations, easy to use. This page is open to all audiences, has been initiated in order to create a community wishing to exchange, learn questions, share information …

Type: Large company

9 1,166

BRING YOUR IDEAS TO LIFE IN ONE OF THE BEST AFRICAN’S INNOVATION HUBS. African Startup Campus powered by UM6P - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

3 6
ToumAI ToumAI

Listen to all voices ✅ "Boost customer satisfaction and minimize churn with ToumAI— your multilingual Gen-AI & analytics solution for customer insights in emerging markets." ToumAI Analytics supports ventures willing to better understand their stakeholders no matter the language they use and improve their local impact across the EMEA region. ​ We believe in the power of language and cultural diversity to connect and enrich our world. Our commitment to understanding and embracing dialects is at the heart of our approach. We recognize that every dialect represents a unique cultural identity and perspective. By integrating this understanding into our voice …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

13 19
Everfly Everfly

Animal food and vegetable nutrition by the insect. Specializing in biotechnology, Everfly has been a startup located in the Center Val de Loire region since 2021. Dedicated to make its constructive contribution to take up three challenges: the food of humanity, the preservation of the environment and climate change, Everfly is an actress of the emerging and innovative industry sector of entomoculture. Expert in insect physiology and agile to enslave robotic systems to intelligent sensors, EVERFLY strengthens its mastery of entomological bioconversion of a wide range of organic matter and still optimizes its industrial processes, both those of protein components …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech biotech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 2
Susu Susu

Making Healthcare accessible and affordable for Africans Susu's mission is to make healthcare affordable and accessible for Africans, in an integrated approach which connects the beneficiaries of the services, their families, and healthcare professionals. - Our services include care bundles which are packages of curative and preventative services designed to monitor the condition of chronic disease patients and pregnant women. - We also offer insurance services in partnership with insurance providers. - Our offers can be subscribed by African diaspora members on behalf of their loved ones back home Chronic disease care, Preventative healthcare, Health insurance, African diaspora, and Maternity …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

16 568
Science, Technology & Innovation Policy Research Organisation (STIPRO) Science, Technology & Innovation Policy Research Organisation (STIPRO)

An independent think tank that conducts policy research on science, technology and innovation in Tanzania and Africa. We are the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization (STIPRO), formerly ATPS-Tanzania. The Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization (STIPRO) is an NGO that is conducting independent policy research on science, technology and innovation (STI) in Tanzania with a view to contributing to the resolution of the contemporary, complex and inter-related issues in STI for the purpose of informing STI policies. Carryout policy research that inform ST&I policies and decisions, Undertake capacity building for conducting ST&I policy research, and To raise …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

2 13
Initiative Grandes Ecoles & Universités Initiative Grandes Ecoles & Universités

Ensure the missing link in the initiation phase of innovative companies from grandes écoles and universities Grandes Ecoles & Amp; Universities is a national platform of the Initiative France Network whose objective is to develop the creations of innovative companies in the Grandes Ecoles, Universities and Research Centers that have implemented entrepreneurship support and have an incubator. Since 2012, we have supported entrepreneurs by: - Entrepreneurial support and technical expertise provided by partner establishments. - Funding at the non -dilutive start stadium, by an honorary loan, at 0 % and without warranty, from 10 to 60,000 € Funded expenses are …

Type: Incubators & VCs

12 2
Agorize Agorize

The most comprehensive innovation management platform, fueled by 10 million startups and innovators worldwide. Innovation wide open: reveal innovative ideas, and turn them into outcomes. We deliver innovation scouting like no other. Since 2011, Enterprise companies have been detecting startups and recruiting talent leveraging Agorize services enabled with cutting-edge innovation software. Get connected to our global network of 10M innovators: startups, universities, schools, and experts worldwide to accelerate your transformation. We help more than 300 Enterprise companies, including L'Oréal, PepsiCo, Microsoft, Accenture, Bayer, AWS, Schneider Electric, Sanofi, Sopra Steria, Société Générale, Philips, Allianz, Publicis, Michelin, Haagen Dazs, Bouygues-Colas, Paypal and …

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

54 70
Diaspor'Act Diaspor'Act

Invest - Innovate - Develop Our missions revolve around the mobilization, awareness and coordination of the actions of the diaspora. As well as its active participation in the economic development of the African continent.

Type: Incubators & VCs

2 1
iHub onderwijs & familiezorg iHub onderwijs & familiezorg

Perspective through resilience At IHUB we provide youth care, special education and youth mental health care under one roof. With a combination of care and education, we offer a suitable range of children and their families who need it. Youth care, special education, primary education, secondary education, and youth mental health care

Type: Large company

1 889
Zabbaan France Zabbaan France

A new taste from Africa! Our Zabbaan brand, already present in Africa produces drinks with fruit and plants, herbal teas, jams and many other products. Our raw materials such as hibiscus, kinkéliba, baobab fruit or ginger are selected and treated with care. They come from fair and lasting agriculture in Mali. A new taste from Africa! Here's what Zabbaan brings you.

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing foodtech

4 2
Initiative Ile-de-France Initiative Ile-de-France

Associative network for support, financing and accommodation for entrepreneurs in Ile-de-France Initiative Ile-de-France is a regional association law 1901, regional coordination of the 10 local associations of the initiative network in Ile-de-France. It offers a global service offer for entrepreneurs who revolves around support, financing, and accommodation through its nursery of adhering companies. Economic development, business creation, business resumption, business growth, jobs, entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurs, and creators of the future

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship fintech

28 10
i-Hub i-Hub

KYC Due Diligence process outsourcing i-Hub is the operator of the first centralized KYC repository for Ongoing Due Diligence in Europe. I-Hub facilitates the updates and reviews of KYC files for professionals subject to AML laws through its innovative KYC Partner solution. Putting technology, compliance and human expertise at the heart of its business, i-Hub has launched its operations in December 2019 after having developed its system according to the need of its Clients. i-Hub operates as a regulated financial services professional under a ‘Support PFS’ license granted by Luxembourg’s Ministry of Finance and is a subsidiary of POST Luxembourg …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

3 121
Kajou Kajou

Seeds of knowledge in the pocket. Everywhere. Without Internet connection. We give everyone the chance to learn and develop through digital educational content adapted to local cultural and linguistic realities available even without internet connection, in the most isolated areas! Educational content, digital content, education, health, and professional development

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

2 27
UniversCitiz UniversCitiz

Share Your Dream Around the World UniversCitiz is the platform dedicated to foreign students wishing to continue their studies superior in France, Morocco or Senegal. Our goal is to be the site of Reference for your international mobility project. 1 platform 1 file and several training offers in France, Senegal and in Morocco The platform invites you to apply and exchange directly with several higher establishments in Senegal and Morocco for Africa and France for Europe. The diplomas offered are recognized internationally and allow you to quickly integrate Large international companies at the end of your studies.

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

9 4
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum Steinbeis Europa Zentrum

Enabling Innovators to Grow Enabling Innovators to Grow - European innovations for sustainable society and a responsible industrial change. We enable innovation actors to develop their potential and advance their ideas. Strategically, we network entrepreneurs, researchers and representatives from public institutions, open up new ways of innovation and promote co-creation. We are passionate about bringing the world together through innovation partnerships because we believe in the effect of innovations. We use our skills and know-how for the benefit of our partners and customers and go beyond the limits of place and expectations. Based on Baden-Württemberg, we are committed to sustainable …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting greentech

20 107
Studely Studely

Offer the best conditions for success to mobility students to France and Germany #OSetonAvenir Studely is the first financial service dedicated to mobility students to France and Germany. Studely simplifies the administrative procedures necessary to obtain the student visa and facilitate installation in the host country: justification of financial resources, student housing, full insurance, installation credit. Studely also launches a scholarship system to encourage students to make their mobility project a reality and lighten their expenses. To find out more: Our values: Innovation, experience and commitment. Specialist in bond for studies, banking intermediation, studying in France, student accommodation, transfer …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech insurtech

1 141
SPI - Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação SPI - Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

SPI is a consulting firm, created in 1996, with an excellent understanding of public and private sectors and of how clients can position themselves to foster innovation, be competitive and create prosperity. We support the needs of our clients through the effective management of knowledge and a range of well-established capabilities across many fields. SPI’s ongoing success has resulted in the creation of several companies and representative offices worldwide. The SPI Group also includes SPI Açores, SPI China, SPI España, SPI USA, SPI Ventures, a SPI office in Singapore and a permanent representation in Brussels, through our partnership with the …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

13 73
Fresh Afrika Fresh Afrika

Good tropical fruits, which do good and that have sense Tropical fruits fresh from the tree, directly on your plate! At Fresh Afrika, we offer baskets of tropical fruits and vegetables sourced just in small farms from sub -Saharan Africa practicing sustainable agriculture. All our products are evolving to the rhythm of the seasons and the climatic hazards. They are 100% natural, picked up at maturity and filled with flavor.

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

7 3
Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT)

We accelerate and accompany your business at Every Step from and to Flanders. Because Together, we internationalize fast Flanders Investment & AMP; Trade (Fit) is the partner to realize your international ambitions. At Fit we strongly believe in the connecting power of international trade and foreign investments such as a source of employment, stimulus for knowledge sharing and motivation for research and innovation. To reinforce that dynamic, we bring companies, organizations and professionals in motion internationally. In this way we stimulate them, and at the same time the engine of the Flemish economy. For this we can rely on our …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

122 458
Association of African Universities Association of African Universities

The Voice of Higher Education in Africa With about 400 members across the African continent, AAU is the largest and most comprehensive organisation representing Universities and Higher Education bodies in Africa. AAU supports and takes forward the interests of individual institutions and the higher education sector as a whole. Follow us to be kept updated of the latest news and trends in African higher education, research and events.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 90
Yeesal Agri Hub Yeesal Agri Hub

"CHANGING THE FACE AND SPIRIT OF RURAL AND AGRICULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP" "CHANGING THE FACE AND SPIRIT OF RURAL AND AGRICULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP" - Yeesal Agri Hub is the first Hub in West Africa, a Support Structure for Innovative Entrepreneurship, specializing in agribusiness, agritech and the green economy. It was born in 2016 from the will of a group of entrepreneurs, producers, researchers and students from Thiès. This is how we decided to create a space for exchanges, sharing and stimulation of the creation of innovative projects which, from its headquarters in the city of the rail, has progressed in the rural areas …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

8 15

The CEPICI (Center for the Promotion of Investments in Côte d'Ivoire) is the one -stop shop for direct investment in Côte d'Ivoire. He federates, coordinates and rationalizes all government initiatives and actions in terms of promoting investments and development in the private sector.

Type: Public

10 71
Enabel Enabel

We are the Belgian development agency - #Enablingchange 🌍 We are the Belgian development agency, implementing Belgium’s governmental international cooperation. The agency also works for other national and international commissioners. With our partners in Belgium and abroad, we offer solutions to address pressing global challenges - Climate Change, Urbanisation, Human Mobility, Peace and Security, Economic and Social Inequality - and to promote Global Citizenship. With 2,000 staff, Enabel manages about 170 projects in twenty countries, in Belgium, Africa and the Middle East. agriculture & rural development, education, health, international development, governance, climate change & the environment, social & solidarity economy, …

Type: Public

20 1,990
Methys Group Methys Group

Digital | Performance | Innovation YOUR DIGITAL INNOVATION ACCELERATORS Methys is a unique international technology hub with expertise in Digital, Performance and Innovation through which we drive business performance for our clients. Since 2004, we have wholeheartedly invested into connecting ecosystems of innovation and digital transformation, and facilitating collaborative engagement between corporates, investors and startups. By building partnerships with the best breed of technology providers, and utilising a rich set of methodologies and technological excellence, we are able to bring our vision to life. Our vision is simple: we believe in leveraging technology to solves complex business problems and improve …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting it services e-commerce Technologies: Data Analytics

26 39
Kumulus Water Kumulus Water

Drinking water from thin air Your drinking water from air. A sustainable source of mineralized water for hotels, companies, and factories. 30-50% less spending on water, with no logistics or overhead. Order now - | Water, Services, Health, ONG, MENA, Africa, Water crisis, Sustainable developpement, Water from air, and Consulting

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing water management Technologies: Solar Technologies

43 30
La Ruche®️ Bordeaux La Ruche®️ Bordeaux

Form, supports, advises, supports, offers a space to achieve you everywhere in France #unimpactPOSTIVENOCMUN The Bordeaux hive welcomes, form and supports ideas and project leaders in a warm and friendly space! The Bordeaux hive is a coworking space within Bordeaux, but also an incubator. The place of 170m2 is arranged in several spaces (closed office, meeting room and an OpenSpace Coworking/Conviality) so as to respect everyone's work, while being open, thus promoting mutual aid and sharing. Here, the collective is in order! Here, commitment, transmission and solidarity are shared! We support impact project leaders thanks to our 3 supports: BOOSTER …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

23 13
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, we are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment promotion, energy and the environment, and peace and security. The diverse expertise of our federal enterprise is in demand around the globe – from the German Government, European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector and governments of other countries. We work with businesses, civil society actors and research institutions, fostering successful …

Type: Public

98 24,810
Expensya Expensya

Automated spend management for all companies. Expensya is the service to automate and treat companies spent from end-to-end: Budget setting, Validation, Payment and Accounting integration. With more than 200 employees in 4 countries, Expensya is used by more than 6,000 companies worldwide with more than 700,000 users. Fintech, SaaS, Gestion des dépenses, Cartes de paiement professionnelles (Smart Spend), Archivage Légal, Déplacements Professionnels, Comptabilité automatisée, and Business Intelligence

Type: Startup Activities: fintech it services Technologies: SaaS

33 151
French South African Tech Labs French South African Tech Labs

We are Innovation ✨Transformation 💥Acceleration 🚀 Empowering entrepreneurs day by day, we rise by lifting others The French South African Tech Labs (FSAT Labs) is an incubator and accelerator for French and South African tech start-ups, based in Century City, Cape Town. It offers 400 sqm of incubation & acceleration space. Based on the partnership between Seda (Small Enterprise Development Agency) and Methys, the FSAT Labs is a new service for entrepreneurs who desire to become powerful changemakers. Twice a year, we select and support a new class of entrepreneurs. As an international structure, the FSAT Labs’ primary goal is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

5 4
iHUB Nairobi iHUB Nairobi

Nairobi's Innovation Hub. iHub is a place where the brightest young minds can work together in a productive collaborative environment. We offer A-class office environment with everything you need to start a business so that you can focus on building up your own business and turn your dreams into reality with the help from our international network of experienced experts, mentors, entrepreneurs and investors. Using our global network which spans over 40 countries. We help young startup companies find international partners and investors to propel their businesses further. iHub is a place where dreams really come true when it comes …

Type: Incubators & VCs

33 82

The African-European Digital Innovation Bridge Network supports a common African-European Digital Innovation Ecosystem. The vision of AEDIB|NET is to shape a common African-European innovation and start-up ecosystem in collaboration with keys players and initiatives from Africa and Europe. The core of the project is to strengthen pan-African and African-European digital innovation partnerships with the objective to promote exposure and knowledge sharing between SMEs, start-ups, academic institutions, governments, hubs, incubators, large companies, research organisations and others. Digital Innovation, Start-ups, Entrepreneurship, Capacity Building, Knowledge Sharing, Horizon 2020, Digital Trade, Smart Cities, Climate Smart Agriculture, Digital Technologies, Trans-Continental Partnership, Innovators, Digital Innovation Hubs, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

4 1
Manpower Manpower

Manpower is the global leader in contingent and permanent recruitment workforce solutions. We provide the agility businesses need with a continuum of staffing solutions. By leveraging our trusted brands, we have built a deeper talent pool to provide our clients access to the people they need, faster. We effectively assess and develop skills, keeping our associates ahead of the curve, so they can get the jobs done each time, every time. Interim Recruitment, Permanent Recruitment, Workforce Management, Contingent Recruitment, Workforce Trends, Hiring, Employment, Staffing, Recruiting, and Career Guidance

Type: Large company

57 27,642
Investisseurs & Partenaires - I&P Investisseurs & Partenaires - I&P

Our mission: Financing, supporting and promoting entrepreneurs who are transforming Africa Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) is a pioneering impact investment group dedicated to financing and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups in Sub-Saharan Africa. For more than 20 years, I&P has been developing funds, programs, and training to support the emergence of entrepreneurs in Africa, to demonstrate their essential role in the development of the continent. I&P's model is based on four complementary lines of business that address the needs of African SMEs, according to the maturity of the companies and the size of their financing needs, but …

Type: Incubators & VCs Activities: fintech

24 107

Africa's Telehealth Leader. A winner of Orange Ventures MEA Seed Challenge 2020. Connecting Africa's Healthcare Ecosystem

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

3 61

A social impact organisation working to enable inclusive digital transformation in Africa. Africa Technology Business Network (ATBN) is a social impact organisation working to enable inclusive digital transformation in Africa. We support organisations seeking to create lasting, systemic impact in Africa through technology. We have an in-depth understanding of the African digital innovation landscape and experience working across the region including in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana and Nigeria.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 5
Julaya Julaya

The professional account for each financial challenge The professional account for each financial challenge Fintech, Mobile Money, Mobile Banking, Smes, and SMEs

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

16 106

IT agency (sites/apps). Digital accessibility experts for disabled (audit, realization, training) Bakhtech is a company in IT, social, responsible and innovative. France (Europe): Senegal (Africa):

Type: SMB Activities: martech

12 5
Teranga Capital Teranga Capital

Finance and support small and medium -sized businesses with high potential in Senegal and Gambia. Teranga Capital is an investment fund that provides innovative financing and support solutions specifically designed to meet the needs of small and medium -sized Senegalese and Gambian companies with a need for funding up to 300 million FCFA, often hampered in their Development by difficult access to long-term funding and skills.

Type: Incubators & VCs

5 27
UM6P - University Mohammed VI Polytechnic UM6P - University Mohammed VI Polytechnic

University Mohammed VI Polytechnic is a hub of education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship for Africa. Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is a hub of education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship, aspiring to become a solid bridge of knowledge between Morocco, Africa and the world. Located in the “Mohammed VI Green City” in Benguerir, near Marrakech, UM6P applies a “learning by doing” approach and develops sound partnerships with world-wide class universities, to promote leadership and training in focused research areas. By contributing to the training of a new generation of Moroccan and African researchers, entrepreneurs and leaders, UM6P is committed to positioning Morocco …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 2,020
mobility54 mobility54

Founded under a group JV among Toyota Tsusho Corp and CFAO to invest innovative mobility techs & services in Africa. Mobility 54 Investment SAS is committed to solve social challenges in Africa with innovative mobility technologies and services. Mobility 54 Investment SAS was founded in October 2019 under a group joint venture among Toyota Tsusho Corporation and CFAO. We make early and transformational investments in companies that have innovative mobility technologies and services having potentials to solve the social challenges in Africa. We are dedicated to support our innovative partners with our vast and on-the-ground network of automotive operation in …

Type: Incubators & VCs

1 10

With Africa For Africa The CFAO Group contributes to growth and industrialisation in Africa while catering to the continent's emerging middle class. With revenues of more than €6.9 billion, access to 47 of the continent's 54 countries and 21,000 employees, CFAO is a key player in mobility, healthcare, consumer goods, infrastructure and energy. The Group partners with leading international brands and covers the entire value chain – imports, production and distribution – in line with the best international standards, drawing on 170 years of hands-on knowledge and local expertise. CFAO pursues a twofold strategy, focusing on manufacturing to promote local …

Type: Large company

21 2,647
Co-creation HUB (CcHUB) Co-creation HUB (CcHUB)

CcHUB is a social innovation centre dedicated to accelerating the application of social capital & technology. CcHUB is a social innovation centre dedicated to accelerating the application of social capital and technology for economic prosperity. The technology hub is the first in Nigeria to serve as an Open Living Lab in which user-driven innovation is fully integrated in the co-creative process of new services, products and societal infrastructures. CcHUB’s methodology is hinged on engaging a community of progressive stakeholders (end-users, subject matter experts, government agencies, businesses, academics, civil societies etc.) who bring their creativity and knowledge to play in co-creating …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 140
France Medias Monde France Medias Monde

France Médias Monde, the group in charge of French international broadcasting, comprises the news channel France 24 (in French, English, Arabic and Spanish), the international radio station RFI (in French and 16 other languages) and the Arabic- language radio station Monte Carlo Doualiya. France Médias Monde broadcasts to the world in 21 languages. Its journalists and correspondents offer viewers, listeners and Internet users comprehensive coverage of world events via news bulletins, reports, magazines and debates, with a focus on cultural diversity and contrasting viewpoints. 64 nationalities are represented among the group’s employees. Every week, RFI, France 24 and Monte Carlo …

Type: Media

37 3,179
Positive Planet Positive Planet

Le pouvoir d'entreprendre ✊🏽 Our mission is to make the world more positive economically, socially, ecologically, and politically. Therefore, we help to create positive businesses, that is to say, economically sustainable businesses, socially, and ecologically useful, and promoting the various dimensions of democracy. Poverty is a problem; positive economy is the solution. At Positive Planet, we have made this mantra our priority. For more than 22 years, we have been fighting against poverty and all forms of exclusion through an innovative solution for the most vulnerable communities: positive entrepreneurship. Since its creation in 1998, Positive Planet International has aimed to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

104 243

We make your waste, a resource Sanuva is the first company in Mali to offer local communities, companies and event organizers, a full supply of multi-material waste management (plastic, metallic and cardboard waste). Our solution includes: - the installation of containers (Ecobox, sorting baskets, etc.) in your structure - training and communication to raise awareness among your staff about sorting waste - optimized collection of your sorted waste - The valuation of all your collected waste - Reporting to assess the environmental, economic and social assessment of your action. Waste characterization, carbon footprint, waste trade, extra-financial reporting, sorting and recovery …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 18
HUBiquitous H2020 HUBiquitous H2020

Empowering innovative startup ecosystems through collaboration of African & European Digital Innovation Hubs Digital technologies are forever changing the way goods and services are designed, produced and commercialised. To support businesses in this digital transformation, the EU is investing in digital innovation hubs (DIHs) at home and abroad. The EU-funded HUBiquitous project is creating a joint Africa-Europe Startup & Innovation Ecosystem for long-term collaborations and partnerships. Specifically, we are empowering the startup and entrepreneurship ecosystems and increasing the technology level and capacity building of 30 local DIHs/TechHubs in five African countries. Backed by a consortium of five European and four …

Type: Incubators & VCs

6 8
Délégation Générale à l'Entreprenariat Rapide des Femmes et des Jeunes - DER/FJ Délégation Générale à l'Entreprenariat Rapide des Femmes et des Jeunes - DER/FJ

Entrepreneurship activists! #Avoscotes or you are An innovative response for the economic empowerment of women and young people in Senegal. Initiated in 2017 by the President of the Republic Mr. Macky Sall for support and energize the entrepreneurship of women and young people in Senegal, the DER/FJ is the first technical and financial support instrument for Senegalese entrepreneurs, allowing them to create, develop and perpetuate their activity on the territory and internationally. Entrepreneurship, young people, women, leader, and senegal

Type: Public

8 266
L'Union Européenne (UE) L'Union Européenne (UE)

The European Union (EU) is an association of twenty-eight European states which delegate or transmit by treaty the exercise of certain skills to common bodies. It extends over a territory of 4,493,712 km24, is populated by more than 507 million inhabitants and is the leading world economic power. The European Union is governed by the Maastricht Treaty and the Treaty of Rome, in their current versions, since December 1, 2009 and the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. Its institutional structure is partly supranational, partly intergovernmental: the European Parliament is elected by direct universal suffrage, while the European Council …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

74 283
Les Canaux Les Canaux

Contribute to changing the economy for the benefit of models respectful of humans and the environment. Our mission is to support the development of a committed economy (local, social, united and circular) by forming and raising citizens, companies and communities to social and environmental innovation. Our professions: to raise awareness, train, support, create opportunities. We support 5,000 companies and 7,000 professionals in France and more than 300,000 citizens have participated in one of our events. ... The canals also animate the "House of Solidarity and Innovative Economies" located at 6, Quai de la Seine in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

161 41

TOP 1 AI Logistics Company in Africa. Yobanté Express (YES) is a logistics tech startup revolutionizing cross-border and last mile parcel delivery in key African markets. Cross-Border Logistics, Last-Mile Delivery, Emerging Markets Logistics, Parcel Delivery Optimization, Logistics Technology Solutions, Supply Chain Visibility, Real-Time Parcel Tracking, Digital Logistics Platform, Affordable Delivery Services, Local and International Shipping, Mesh Network of Hubs, Data-Driven Delivery Insights, Carrier Management, E-commerce Logistics Solutions, Software, Logistics, Cash on Delivery, Efficient Pickup and Delivery, Delivery Guarantee (YESCover), AI-Powered Logistics Optimization, Relay Point Delivery Model, Data analytics, Cloud software, Storage, and Capital

Type: Startup Activities: delivery transporttech Technologies: A.I. - Machine Learning A.I.

6 49
Est Ensemble Est Ensemble

For climate and social justice Territorial public establishment, is together to the service of 406,000 inhabitants of 9 municipalities in Seine Saint-Denis and constitutes one of the 12 territories of the Metropolis of Grand Paris.

Type: Public

78 483

The summit of emerging startups and organic Africa-Europe innovation Created in 2017 in Aix-Marseille, the new hub of emerging innovations between Europe and Africa, Emerging Valley is the international summit which attracts investors, African startups and African and emerging digital ecosystems in Provence who want to strengthen their International attractiveness, develop their business relationships and speed up their impact on a global scale.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

43 5
Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis

For employment, the Department mobilizes the actors and creates the conditions for implementing new initiatives and actions for the economic development of the territory to benefit the inhabitants.

Type: Public

91 2,902
AfricArena AfricArena

Bridging and accelerating the African tech ecosystem. Cape Town-based AfricArena is the highest impact tech ecosystem accelerator & deal flow platform in Africa. Going into its seventh year, AfricArena has operated in three key spheres that underpin Africa’s economic landscape: tech startups, corporates, and investors (i.e. angel investors, VCs, corporate VCs, and other institutional investors). Through Open Innovation Challenges, in partnership with corporations, AfricArena has brought together these 3 spheres, to foster co-investment and collaboration that can move the economies and people of the continent forward. The 2024 AfricArena Grand Summit, precedes by regional and/or global Summits which this year …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

28 7

ASSOCIATION COMMITTED TO ACCELERATING THE TRANSITION TO A LOW-CARBON FUTURE Transition Forum aims to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future by mobilising a diverse community of international stakeholders and catalyzing concrete solutions that reconcile prosperity and preservation of our planet for future generations. Founded at the initiative of Aqua Asset Management, Transition Forum is a non-profit association whose mission is to bring together business leaders, public decision-makers, investors, innovators, experts and representatives of civil society, committed to the ecological transition and to accompany these actors in the realisation of their projects. The TRANSITION FORUM, the association's flagship event, brings …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

81 6

Launched on December 2006, France 24 is the new 24/7 international news channel. Its mission is to cover international current events from a French perspective and to convey French values throughout the world. France 24 is a true news hub that broadcasts its programs over the airwaves and over the internet - in French - in English - in Arabic France 24 gives a French perspective to international current events through diversity of opinions, debate and confrontation of viewpoints. The channel provides keys to understanding ever more complex events through in-depth analysis. France 24 puts also culture at the forefront …

Type: Media

127 1,511
Tandem Office Tandem Office

We support you in the digitalization and automation of your processes thanks to no-code tools 🚀 Tandem Office advises and supports companies in the digitalization and automation of their internal processes. Digital, No-code, Digital, Administrative management, Digital solutions, Digital solutions, Automation, Guadeloupe, and Marketing

Type: Startup Activities: it services

3 3
Zuri Health Zuri Health

A virtual hospital providing quality affordable and accessible healthcare services to patients across Sub-saharan Africa Zuri Health is a virtual hospital providing quality affordable and accessible healthcare services to patients across Sub-saharan Africa via mobile app, website and SMS service. Through the app, patients can chat and consult with doctors, buy medication from a pharmacy, book labs and diagnostic tests and have a doctor visit them at home. We also take into cognizance Africa’s unique challenges and offer first-level medical consultation via SMS service to take care of the over 65% of the population without access to smartphones or the …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

5 67
Radio France Internationale Radio France Internationale

The world and all its voices RFI (Radio France Internationale) is a French news and current affairs public radio station that broadcasts worldwide in French and in 13 other languages*. RFI is broadcast on 156 different FM frequencies, via medium and short wave relays, on 30 different satellite signals throughout the world and also on the internet and dedicated apps. RFI is also broadcast across the globe via more than 1000 partner radios. It draws on the expertise of its Paris-based editorial teams and unique global network of 400 correspondents to provide news bulletins and features offering listeners the means …

Type: Media

142 1,176
Biocitech Biocitech

Installez vos laboratoires dans la cité des biotechnologies à deux pas de Paris ! Biocitech is a center for healthcare, biotech and environmental companies. It provides on-site support to residents from inception through to business maturity. Services are specifically designed to help firms grow and to publicize their development. Biocitech is the only science and technology center in the Paris area that is ICPE certified. It offers a comprehensive and flexible range of services that include technical buildings, multi-technical services and support services. ICPE certification provides entrepreneurs with secure premises of a high technological standard. The unique combination gives firms …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

13 4

Janngo builds, grows and invests in panAfrican digital champions with proven business models & inclusive social impact About Janngo: Janngo builds, grows, and invests in pan-African digital champions with proven business models and inclusive social impact. We believe that technology & capital can leapfrog development and achieve SDGs in Africa. Janngo Capital invests between 50,000 and 5,000,000 euros in tech and tech-enabled startups across Africa, solving key market failures and creating green jobs focusing on women and youth. Our portfolio companies are 56% female-led, 54% francophone and include soonicorn Sabi and fintech champion Expensya. We invest in all sectors, particularly …

Type: Incubators & VCs

23 25
Ville de Bondy Ville de Bondy

Happy in its shadow The City of Bondy is a territorial community of 54,000 inhabitants, located in Seine-Saint-Denis (93).

Type: Public

17 157
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)

HaDEA implements European programmes and initiatives for health, food safety, digital, industry and space. The European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) implements European programmes and initiatives for health, food safety, digital, industry and space. HaDEA's vision: Boosting Europe by building, from earth to space, a healthy society, a competitive industry and a digital economy.

Type: Public

12 314
Wallonia Export & Investment Agency (AWEX) Wallonia Export & Investment Agency (AWEX)

We help companies from Wallonia to export & foreign companies to set up in Wallonia The Walloon Agency for Export and Foreign Investment (AWEX) is a Walloon public body in charge of promoting foreign trade and welcoming foreign investment. Its missions: the development of Walloon companies in exporting and the strengthening of the international visibility of Wallonia. Export advice, Market information, International fairs & exhibitions, and Prospecting

Type: Public

45 402

UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United Nations promoting and accelerating #sustainable #industrial #development. UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United Nations with a unique mandate to promote, dynamize and accelerate industrial development. Our mandate is reflected in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”, but UNIDO’s activities contribute to all the SDGs. UNIDO’s vision is a world without poverty and hunger, where industry drives low-emission economies, improves living standards, and preserves the livable environment for present and future generations, leaving no one behind. UNIDO provides support to its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 2,459

Gender lens investing for a greater impact in Africa Launched in March 2019 by the Women’s Investment Club (WIC) Sénégal, WIC Capital is the first investment fund that exclusively targets women-led companies in Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire. The Fund brings together both local and international institutional and individual investors, who pool their resources to invest in women-owned Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire. The Fund invests through a mix of equity and quasi-equity in companies from all sectors, founded by women, at least 50% owned or run by women, or with a managerial team that …

Type: Incubators & VCs

6 8
Polaris Asso Polaris Asso

Inspire and mobilize young African citizens through digital technology, research and culture. Founded in 2019, Polaris Asso is an association committed to preparing young Africans to meet the challenges of today's world, marked by strong digitalization and unprecedented problems. By combining research, field actions, digital tools and cultural and creative industries, and finally social and political intermediation, Polaris Asso encourages young people to become actively involved in the democratic transformation of institutions. The objective? To make these institutions more attentive, inclusive, collaborative and responsive to the needs of young people. Education on Digital Issues, Innovative School, African Edtech, and Digital …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 41
Green Climate Fund Green Climate Fund

GCF is the world's largest climate fund dedicated to helping developing countries take climate action. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the world's largest climate fund dedicated to helping developing countries take climate action. GCF helps developing countries limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. It seeks to promote a paradigm shift to low-emission and climate-resilient development, taking into account the needs of nations that are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. It was set up by the 194 countries who are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2010, …

Type: Public

30 614
Afric'innov Afric'innov

Federate and equip a community of support structures for innovative entrepreneurship in Africa! Afric’innov is an association whose general objective is to contribute to strengthening the Support Structures for Innovative Entrepreneurship (SAEI) in French-speaking Africa, in order to enable them to facilitate the emergence and development of companies with high potential for value creation on the continent. Mapping, Networking, Promotion, Incubation, and entrepreneurship

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

7 3
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Within the german federal government, the BMZ is responsible for German development policy. Within the federal government, the BMZ is responsible for German development policy. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and the Paris Climate Agreement form the framework for our actions. Our focus is on fighting poverty and hunger, and a commitment to healthy people in a healthy environment. The BMZ sees itself as a transformative ministry working to support the worldwide transformation to a sustainable, climate-friendly and nature-friendly way of doing business whilst at the same time strengthening peace, freedom and human rights. To this …

Type: Public

37 586
International Trade Centre International Trade Centre

ITC is the joint agency of UN and WTO supporting sustainable and inclusive trade in developing countries. The International Trade Centre (ITC) is the only international agency fully dedicated to the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Working with partners to strengthen the competitiveness of small business exporters, we help to build vibrant, sustainable export sectors that provide entrepreneurial opportunities, particularly for women, young people and poor communities. Established in 1964, ITC is the joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. Providing trade and market intelligence, Building a conducive business environment, Strengthening trade and investment …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

18 1,205
Consorzio Arca Consorzio Arca

Business Incubator of the University of Palermo The ARCA Consortium is the Business Incubator of the University of Palermo whose mission is to promote and assist the birth of innovative entrepreneurial initiatives. Over the years we have supported the launch of startups and academic spin-offs with a high rate of innovation. The Arca Consortium, a consortium for the application of research and the creation of innovative companies, active since 2003, is a partnership between the University of Palermo and a private entrepreneurial group engaged in the field of industrial research and technology transfer. The incubator is located within the university …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

42 4