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La Fabrique des Communs Pédagogiques La Fabrique des Communs Pédagogiques

La Fabrique des Communs Pédagogiques is a French-speaking incubator for #commons (resources, communities) in education Adapting society to the ecological crisis through education. 📎 The #FabPeda is a non-profit organization that enables communities to take action to support educational and environmental transitions in accordance with the international convention on the rights of the child. Education and Communs

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 7 13 15
La Fresque Océane La Fresque Océane

The Ocean Fresco is a collaborative workshop to raise awareness about protecting the Ocean. The Ocean Fresco is a collaborative workshop to raise awareness about protecting the Ocean. Using 100 cards, guess the ecosystem services of the Ocean, immerse yourself in marine biodiversity, but also discover the impacts of human activities such as fishing, maritime industries, climate change or pollution. And of course, discuss solutions! This workshop is aimed at companies, communities, associations, ... and all citizens who want to know more about this ecosystem! Creator: Alice Vitoux

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

31 3 25 65
Lille Verte Lille Verte

Municipal opposition group composed of 12 elected officials and 3 political parties: EELV, Génération.s and Génération Ecologie. Our municipal opposition group Lille Verte is composed of twelve elected officials: Stéphane BALY (co-president of the group); Faustine BALMELLE (co-president of the group); Stéphanie BOCQUET; Maroin AL DANDACHI; Xavier BONNET; Julie NICOLAS; Mélissa CAMARA; Frédéric LOUCHART; Nathalie SEDOU; Maël GUIZIOU; Joe DABIT; Jérémie CREPEL. It also brings together three political parties including: Europe Ecologie Les Verts, Génération.s and Génération Ecologie. We are also present on the social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We regularly publish the content of our activities there.

Type: Public

34 1 32 1
Réseau des Agences Régionales de l'Energie et de l'Environnement (RARE) Réseau des Agences Régionales de l'Energie et de l'Environnement (RARE)

Relay, promote, share and pool the know-how of regional energy and environment agencies. The Network of Regional Energy and Environment Agencies (RARE) brings together agencies and structures that act on missions of general interest, in the field of sustainable development, at the regional level. Represent, promote, share, pool... Since 1995, RARE has been supporting regional energy and environment agencies to promote their know-how and encourage the exchange of experience on supporting territories in their sustainable development policies. The RARE pursues four objectives: * To be an interface on issues relating to sustainable development policies between regional agencies and institutional actors …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

33 1 30 5
Chaire maritime de Nantes Université Chaire maritime de Nantes Université

Research Chair on the Dynamics of Human Activities at Sea and Maritime Spatial Planning 🌊 In recent years, human activities at sea have continued to develop: maritime transport, marine renewable energies, fishing, aquaculture, extraction, tourism, leisure, etc. In the context of an increasing sharing of space between different users, maritime spatial planning has become a real societal issue and a knowledge issue. ⚓ In Europe, as in a growing number of countries in the world, the implementation of maritime spatial planning aims to ensure as much as possible multi-use by establishing a strategy shared between stakeholders. It involves stages of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: spacetech

11 0 10 1
France Nature Environnement Occitanie-Méditerranée (FNE OcMed) France Nature Environnement Occitanie-Méditerranée (FNE OcMed)

France Nature Environnement Occitanie-Méditerranée is a regional federation of nature and environmental protection associations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

20 2 18 5
wpd France wpd France

100% renewable electricity producer Created in France in 2002, wpd France develops, finances, builds and operates onshore and offshore wind farms, as well as photovoltaic parks. In order to guarantee harmonious wind projects, wpd works closely with local authorities, municipalities, government departments, the population, local associations, design offices and land owners. The wpd group was created in 1996 in Bremen, Germany, where its headquarters are still located. Present in 18 countries, wpd has 2,000 employees and France is its second largest market after Germany. Since its creation, wpd has installed more than 2,200 wind turbines in many European countries, as …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

27 7 24 155

Environmental Digital Assessments thanks to AI WIPSEA is helping natural parks and big infrastructures managers, researchers and consultants in ecology to process their images and videos acquired with camera traps or aerial imagery thanks to specialized deep learning software and services. Wipsea is based at Rennes in France. Deep Learning, Computer Vision, GIS, and Ecology

Type: Media

24 6 24 5

WEAMEC animates and agitates the marine renewable energy community in Pays de la Loire Because tomorrow, autonomy and energy sovereignty will not be achieved without MRE (marine renewable energies), today WEAMEC energizes and supports the sector in Pays de la Loire by providing research, innovation and training. WEAMEC detects innovative projects and supports them to make them the solutions of tomorrow. To do this, WEAMEC relies on around thirty laboratories in the region, on an exceptional concentration of test sites and on substantial funding from the Region and territories. Thanks to WEAMEC, these innovations are backed by a solid industrial …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

25 6 19 2
Antea Group - France Antea Group - France

Understand today. Improve tomorrow. Antea Group is an international environmental engineering and consulting company. With more than 3,200 employees worldwide, we work with a variety of clients: manufacturers, service companies, institutions and local authorities. The group is established in Europe, America, Asia as well as Africa and Latin America via subsidiaries or branches. Antea Group is a founding member of Inogen Alliance, an international network of environmental experts. In France, Antea Group is one of the major players in environmental engineering. Thanks to multidisciplinary teams of experts and qualified consultants, we offer global and sustainable solutions in the fields of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech water management

41 13 30 727
VINCI Autoroutes VINCI Autoroutes

VINCI Autoroutes finances, designs, builds and operates motorways in France. Its teams support more than 2.5 million customers every day - and up to 4 million in the summer - on its 4,443 km network, managed by the concession companies ASF, Cofiroute, Escota, Arcour and Arcos. Its 5,500 employees' main mission is to ensure the viability and maintenance of the network, the safety of its users and the continuity of the motorway public service in all circumstances. A partner of the State and local authorities, VINCI Autoroutes serves 10 regions, 45 departments, 14 metropolitan areas, more than a hundred towns …

Type: Large company

53 31 20 2,580
SMMAR EPTB Aude - Syndicat Mixte des Milieux Aquatiques et des Rivières SMMAR EPTB Aude - Syndicat Mixte des Milieux Aquatiques et des Rivières

The SMMAR works on the management of aquatic environments, flood prevention and supports climate change The SMMAR EPTB Aude supports local stakeholders in the Aude watershed in the GEMAPI policy (Management of Aquatic Environments and Flood Prevention), the rational management of water resources and adaptation to climate change. Together, let's preserve our water resources.

Type: Public Activities: cleantech consulting greentech

25 2 25 22
Communauté d'universités et établissements de Toulouse Communauté d'universités et établissements de Toulouse

The new University of Toulouse was created on January 1, 2023, bringing to fruition the transformation project initiated by the academic community in 2021. An important turning point in the trajectory of the Toulouse university site, now on track to be recognized as a "major research university". With one of the strongest academic communities in France, the University of Toulouse is the heir to the academic and scientific traditions of European humanism, built on the dialogue of knowledge and attached to the Toulouse and Occitan territory and constitutes an institution of higher education and research at the service of science …

Type: Public

75 34 47 13
Union nationale des CPIE Union nationale des CPIE

Artisans of environmental change The National Union of #CPIE is a recognized association of public utility whose goals are: • to respond to the environmental challenges facing our society and our #planet • to support and promote the action of its #network of CPIE-labeled associations It is made up of CPIE-labeled associations, which co-construct on a daily basis, with the inhabitants and all the actors of their #territory, innovative concrete solutions for a more #ecological and #united world. The CPIEs act by revealing the power to act of all. Artisans of environmental change, the action of the CPIEs contributes to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 5 13 42
UNICEM - Union nationale des industries de carrières et matériaux de construction UNICEM - Union nationale des industries de carrières et matériaux de construction

Materials to meet the needs of construction and public works UNICEM brings together 8 branches of activity, most of which are upstream of the construction industry. More specifically, this federation covers three areas of activity: - the extraction of mineral resources and their processing (aggregates and natural stones). Thus, UNICEM brings together almost all the branches of this extractive sector - cement, tiles and bricks are also partners of the Union for their extractive dimension. - a significant part of the concrete sector (with ready-mix concrete), - related industries and services (concrete additives and concrete pumping). UNICEM assists and informs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

78 11 65 10
UNADEL - Union nationale des acteurs du développement local UNADEL - Union nationale des acteurs du développement local

Unadel is the national network which, since 1992, has brought together elected officials, community activists and territorial engineering professionals mobilized around a common project: the promotion and recognition of project territories as a melting pot of local development.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

13 2 3 12

Conception, construction, et exploitation de centrales photovoltaïques professionnelles. Urbasolar développe les projets depuis l’ingénierie et l’obtention des autorisations administratives, jusqu’au financement, puis construit les centrales et en assure l’exploitation et la maintenance, en restant au capital des sociétés d’investissement, aux côtés des propriétaires des bâtiments et des investisseurs. Urbasolar développe aussi des solutions innovantes de diagnostic et gestion des centrales, ainsi que de mise en œuvre au bâtiment. Engineering, building and operating for professional photovoltaic plants. Urbasolar develops the projects since the engineering and the achievement of admistrative authorizations, to the financing, and then builts and operates PV plants while …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

24 13 8 459
Tour du Valat Tour du Valat

"Better understanding wetlands to better manage them" The Tour du Valat, located in the heart of the Camargue, is a research institute for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands. It has the legal form of a non-profit foundation, recognized as being of public utility since 1978. The mission of the Tour du Valat is to ensure the conservation and rational use of Mediterranean wetlands by improving the understanding of their functioning and by mobilizing a community of stakeholders. Research and Environment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

23 10 15 94
EGF - Entreprises Générales de France du BTP EGF - Entreprises Générales de France du BTP

Innovating for a sustainable world General contractors carry out works from A to Z, from design to completion. They bring together all the functions and techniques of construction on a construction site. construction , building, BTP, BIM, Sustainable Construction, and CSR

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

44 8 37 33
Teragir Teragir

Sustainable development education association. Acting together to build an ecological and united world! 🌏 Since 1983, the Teragir association has been sowing seeds of change and cultivating a fertile movement in mainland and overseas France that brings together millions of people. Alongside us, young people, teachers, local authorities and tourism professionals, citizens are committed. Hand in hand, we inspire, inform and transform education and tourism to build an ecological and united world with our citizen mobilization campaign - Action Solution - and our 5 programs: Green Key, Eco-School, Young Reporters for the Environment, International Day of Forests and Blue Flag. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech civictech edtech

48 16 40 45
Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Lorraine Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Lorraine

Protéger les espaces naturels de Lorraine, Le Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Lorraine : "Assurez la protection et la restauration du patrimoine naturel lorrain." mission territoriale, mission scientifique, mission gestion, and mission valorisation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

7 3 5 53
Spitha Pyxida Spitha Pyxida

Making organizations and territories more human, more sustainable, more innovative. In an increasingly uncertain world, where crises follow one another, let's put aside the major organizational transformations that disrupt men and women and often create little value. Let's give back their rightful place to concrete, original, pragmatic, responsible, committed actions, putting human beings and their environment at the heart of reflection, action and deployment. It is to support you on this path that we created Spitha Pyxida! To make ecological transition, innovation and the revelation of human talents the keys to the harmonious development of organizations and territories. innovation, strategy, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

31 0 25 4
Sparknews Sparknews

Bringing forth new narratives to accelerate the shift towards a society based on respect for planetary boundaries Our purpose: bringing forth new narratives to accelerate the shift towards a society based on respect for planetary boundaries and social justice. This requires a profound transformation - a cultural transformation - of all actors in society. Sparknews is therefore developing an activity on 2 scales: The cultural transformation of the general public by raising awareness of the major issues of the ecological and social transition among those who participate in shaping our imaginations: the media, artists and influencers. The cultural transformation of …

Type: Media

173 46 152 20

Creator of biodiversity and well-being in business. Nature and living things in response to your CSR challenges. BEECITY Creator of Biodiversity in business Let's transform green spaces into islands of Biodiversity!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

16 5 3 16
Société astronomique de France 🇲🇫 Société astronomique de France 🇲🇫

A passion: astronomy! A mission: to inform as many people as possible... The French Astronomical Society or SAF is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. Founded by Camille Flammarion in 1887, its goal is to promote the development and practice of astronomy. It has been recognized as a public utility since April 4, 1897. Astronomy, Planetology, Cosmology, Conference, Publication, Planets, Comets, Planet Mars, Moon, Eclipse, Shooting stars, Meteorites, Sundials, Telescopes, and Astronomical telescopes

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

39 1 38 11

SMAT is a SPL (Local Public Company). It carries out, in the name and on behalf of the SMTC, its shareholder communities, as delegated project owner, the studies and works of major transport infrastructure projects, on their territory. studies and monitoring of works, public orders, administrative procedures, dispute management, land acquisitions, and communication and mediation

Type: SMB Activities: smart city legaltech

22 7 15 162

Facilitates the realization of your projects at sea Bouquet of intellectual, technical and operational services for the benefit of the actors of Blue Growth. Turnkey maritime operations: - study and exploration of the marine and underwater environment; - marine energies; - R&D, sea trials and skills development. Turnkey maritime project management: - Deployment, inspection, maintenance and dismantling of works, structures, EMR generators, sensors, instrumented structures, prototypes, sensors... - Geophysical measurement campaigns, sampling, seabed mapping; - Search, qualification and recovery of submerged objects; - Maritime coordination and zone security; - Technical liaisons. Technical assistance: - Assistance to Project Owners; - Support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

20 5 19 15
Sciences et Avenir Sciences et Avenir

From the infinitely small to the infinitely large and from the Big Bang to future generations, the best of scientific news The reference for scientific news on the web. Subscribe to receive advice for your health, the latest innovations and technologies, and inspiring solutions for a better future! Here, the emoji 🚀 is indeed talking about space exploration 😉 written press, popular science, space, health, nutrition, nature, animals, technologies, archeology, and fundamental sciences

Type: Media

164 105 60 58
Salon du Végétal Salon du Végétal

🗓 10th, 11th & 12th September 2024 🌿 Plants make a key contribution to the planet, play a positive role in cities and rural areas, and nourish and support humankind’s wellbeing,which is why they are at the heart of the Salon du Végétal. Leading event of value and promotion of the vegetal market in France and abroad, the Salon du Végétal New era invites the whole industry to Angers for three days of of events dedicated entirely to vegetal products. Organisation d'événements ayant trait au végétal

Type: Event

12 6 4 5
Reef Pulse Reef Pulse

Sound recording and AI to scale coral reef monitoring globally 🪸 #PAM #bioacoustics #ecoacoustics #soundscape More than a billion people depend on coral reefs. ⏳However, 90% of these ecosystems could disappear by 2050 due to climate change and the unreasonable use of marine space for professional and recreational purposes. ✅ The strength of Reef Pulse, an impact-based company, is based on three expertises: it combines the temporal coverage of Passive Acoustic Monitoring (#PAM), the analytical power of Artificial Intelligence (#AI) and knowledge of the ecology of coral reefs in order to ensure their monitoring and restoration. 🪸🐠🦐🐋➡️🎤➡️💻↔️🧠 1️⃣ 🎤🪸 The …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: A.I.

8 1 8 11

Sched is a flexible and easy way for you to organize better events. Enjoy Unlimited Events and Free Small Events. Event planning is complex. We make it simple. Sched is a flexible and easy way for you to plan better events. Forget confusing spreadsheets. Simplify and centralize your events now. Enjoy unlimited events and unlimited free participants for smaller gatherings - all year round. Plan, promote, and execute events like a pro (even if you're not one!). content management system, mobile applications, software as a service, event management software, social media, print services, registration software, and event marketing software

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: SaaS

9 2 2 15
Communauté de communes du Val d'Amboise Communauté de communes du Val d'Amboise

The Communauté de communes du Val d'Amboise brings together 14 communes with nearly 30,000 inhabitants and covering 253km2. Benefiting from a privileged location, Val d'Amboise is the headquarters of 2,400 companies and establishments. A true economic incubator, the Communauté de communes manages 5 business parks and a business and innovation incubator (Pep'it). Community services: • Economic, digital and tourism development • Regional planning (urban planning, housing and ecological transition, building, water cycle, roads) • Service to the population (early childhood, childhood and youth, social, culture and sports) • General resources (DGS, secretariat, HR, communication, IT, finance, legal, institutional life and …

Type: Public Activities: proptech

5 1 3 37
RECORD  -  Recherche coopérative en environnement et économie circulaire RECORD - Recherche coopérative en environnement et économie circulaire

Cooperative research association in the environment and circular economy RECORD is a cooperative network focused on major environmental and health issues, a player in applied research in the field of end-of-life product management, waste and polluted soils, and the efficient use of resources - material or energy - and this with a view to the Circular Economy. Created at the initiative of the Ministry of the Environment, the RECORD association has been the place for triple cooperation between industrialists, institutions and researchers for over 30 years. RECORD's main objective is to finance and carry out studies and research in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

13 1 11 75
Protourisme Protourisme

Expertise and consulting in tourism, culture, sports and leisure Protourisme has been working for over 30 years in the fields of tourism, culture, leisure, hospitality and catering. Protourisme's 12 permanent consultants carry out missions: - feasibility studies (hotels, catering, group accommodation, sports facilities, etc.), - consulting in tourism strategy (tourism development plan, action plans, etc.) or marketing, - assistance in quality procedures (tourist offices, classified resorts, audits, etc.) - observation and consumer monitoring (customer surveys, economic impact of a territory, an event, etc.)... Created in 1980, the firm has chosen to be close to the territories through 6 regional agencies: …

Type: SMB Activities: martech traveltech

30 2 27 24
La Poste Immobilier La Poste Immobilier

Engagés et responsables POSTE IMMO, the general real estate operator of Groupe La Poste (the French Post Office) is a major player in the field. It manages an exceptionally large collection of real estate assets covering 7.4 million m2, comprising more than 12,244 office, industrial and retail buildings throughout the whole of France. As the subsidiary of a group with a longstanding commitment to corporate social responsibility, POSTE IMMO Immo considers an environmentally-friendly and socially responsible approach central to its strategy. immobilier, Maitrise d'ouvrage, Gestion d'actifs, Promotion, and Patrimoine

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: proptech

71 22 34 814
Pôle universitaire Pierre-Jakez Hélias - UBO Quimper Pôle universitaire Pierre-Jakez Hélias - UBO Quimper

Opened in 1996, the university center is a joint structure bringing together the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, the National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education (INSPE) and the Continuing Education and Work-Study Service. In Quimper, UBO develops specific courses in art history and archaeology, tourism and heritage. These latter, which are professionalizing, contribute to regional dynamism and attract students from all over France. The partnerships established with local businesses and institutions ensure that training is adapted to the expectations of professional circles and that graduates are quickly integrated. This naturally leads …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

10 3 5 13
Pôle Eco-conception Pôle Eco-conception

Performance du cycle de vie The Eco-design Center and Life Cycle Management is an association of industries wich deals with the diffusion of the best practises in product development and environment. The association’s activities are: Information: A web platform including newsletters, a regulatory watch, synthesis techniques and methodological guides. Half-day Technical Workshops in inter-enterprise Support: Level 1 : Assess the opportunity for your company to integrate concepts of eco-design through completion of a pre-diagnosis. The eco-design pre-diagnosis is a simplified study of one of your products. Level 2: Make the environment a competitive advantage with the method BtoGreen® by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

38 21 21 21
ESRI France ESRI France

At Esri France, we believe that Geo is essential to enable organizations to design a sustainable future Esri designs and develops the most complete and widely used GIS range in the world. GIS are now considered essential tools for the vast majority of existing processes in companies and organizations. GIS, Geomarketing, SIG, Système Information Géographique, Cartographie, Geomatique, Cartes, Maps, Données, and Datas

Type: SMB Activities: it services smart city Technologies: Data Analytics

20 5 15 268
Écosphère Écosphère

Conviction, rigor and dialogue in the service of biodiversity Ecosphère has been involved in consulting and engineering in the environmental field for 30 years. It brings its expertise to the service of nature conservation and the consideration of biodiversity in developments, activities and public policies. Ecosphère relies on a team of engineers and technicians convinced that ecosystems are sources of irreplaceable wealth that each project must take into account. It allows these passionate employees to flourish in peaceful conditions: systematic field work in pairs at night, training and risk prevention policies, etc. Key figures • 19 agencies and branches • …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: energytech greentech cleantech

21 3 7 222
Plan Bleu Plan Bleu

Making the Mediterranean a space for cooperation for sustainable development Plan Bleu is a center of expertise for development and the environment serving the 21 countries of the Mediterranean. Its main mission is to protect the Mediterranean basin by guiding the authorities for informed decision-making. Plan Bleu is composed of a team of experts, in charge of producing environmental and socio-economic information and knowledge in order to alert decision-makers and stakeholders on environmental risks and sustainable development issues in the Mediterranean, and to design futures for sustainable development in order to inform decision-making processes. Acting as a regional activity center …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

15 3 10 32
Association ADOPTA Association ADOPTA

Association for the Operational Development and Promotion of Alternative Techniques in Rainwater ADOPTA is an association under the 1901 law whose objective is to promote sustainable and integrated rainwater management. Thanks to more than 20 years of experience, ADOPTA is able to support you both on a technical level and to meet your organizational challenges in the face of this change in approach to rainwater management.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

25 13 7 11
Forum des Marais Atlantiques (FMA) Forum des Marais Atlantiques (FMA)

Atlantic, Channel and North Sea Wetlands Relay Center The Atlantic Marshes Forum (FMA) was born in the 1990s from the idea shared by its founders that a mediation space is necessary to facilitate the sustainable management of wetlands, to overcome the ancestral conflicts of use that are still too frequent in these territories shaped by the hand of man for thousands of years and to reconcile human activities with good water management, in terms of both quality and quantity.

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

23 2 20 26
INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse

Meeting the challenges: agroecological transition, climate change, bioeconomy, health & sustainable food With nearly 2,000 researchers, engineers and technicians, the INRAE ​​Occitanie-Toulouse center, open to innovation, is a place of multidisciplinary scientific activities, biology, biotechnologies, agronomy, plant and animal sciences, health management, economic, social and information sciences. The teams organize their research activities in response to three major challenges: • more sustainable agricultural and forestry systems adapted to climate change. • integrated health management (animal and human), for healthy food and respect for the environment. • new sectors for processing agro-resources for the emergence of a territorialized bioeconomy. Find us …

Type: Public Activities: agritech cleantech greentech healthtech

143 46 98 165
French National Parks French National Parks

Protect - Share - Discover - Welcome - Inspire - Observe French National Parks offer a network of 11 places considered remarkable for their natural and cultural diversity. They celebrate the harmonious balance between humans who have shaped landscapes through activities such as grazing, farming and forestry, and nature, including untouched environments in places ranging from Alpine summits to ocean depths and tropical forests. The National Parks are located across France to protect and promote numerous species, and a large number of natural and rural spaces. The network is a model of environmental protection and has received national and international …

Type: Public Activities: arttech

35 5 30 14
Parc naturel régional Livradois-Forez Parc naturel régional Livradois-Forez

Auvergne, the rising sun side Official page of the Livradois-Forez Regional Natural Park. environment, sustainable development, ecological transition, protection of biodiversity, economic actions, water management, environmental education, Natura 2000, welcoming new populations, territorial marketing, sustainable agriculture, organic farming, landscape protection, sustainable forest management, rural planning, heritage rehabilitation, built heritage, cultural heritage, cultural networks, and territorial food project

Type: Public

15 7 7 31
Parc naturel régional du Marais poitevin Parc naturel régional du Marais poitevin

Community at the service of the development and preservation of the Marais Poitevin, the first wetland on the Atlantic coast. The Marais Poitevin Regional Natural Park works to safeguard, restore and enhance the Marais Poitevin, in a sustainable development dynamic. Located between Niort and the Atlantic Ocean, the Marais Poitevin Regional Natural Park is 204,822 hectares and 284,064 inhabitants, spread over 91 municipalities. It is made up of two regions (Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Pays de la Loire), three departments (Charente-Maritime, Deux-Sèvres, Vendée) and eight communities of municipalities and agglomerations. The Marais Poitevin is the first wetland on the Atlantic coast. It …

Type: Public

16 4 15 32
Ville de Brétigny-sur-Orge Ville de Brétigny-sur-Orge

City located in the heart of Essonne, between city and countryside. Official page of the city of Brétigny-sur-Orge. Between City and Countryside 🏡🌾 1st City labeled Sustainable and Innovative 🌳💡

Type: Public Activities: cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

15 3 13 138
On Est Prêt On Est Prêt

Getting young people to take action by creating content to create a desirable world that protects living things. On Est Prêt​ is an association under the 1901 law with an international vocation, created in 2018 at the initiative of Magali Payen, whose objectives are to massively disseminate imaginaries with a positive impact on society and to mobilize citizens, through campaigns, events and video programs, on social and environmental issues.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

40 4 24 14
Cité de l’Économie et des Métiers de Demain Cité de l’Économie et des Métiers de Demain

A place of innovation, experimentation and foresight. With the aim of bringing together innovation, experimentation and foresight in one place, the City of the Economy and Jobs of Tomorrow is there to support changes, help companies gain competitiveness by imagining and creating the jobs of tomorrow in Occitania.

Type: Public

78 17 54 6
Communauté de communes Touraine Ouest Val de Loire Communauté de communes Touraine Ouest Val de Loire

Connected with you. Created on January 1, 2017 by the merger of the former communities of communes of the Pays de Bourgueil and Touraine Nord-Ouest, the CCTOVAL now brings together 28 communes (Ambillou, Avrillé-les-Ponceaux, Benais, Bourgueil, Braye-sur-Maulne Brèches, Channay-sur-Lathan, Château-la-Vallière, Cinq-Mars-la-Pile, Cléré-les-Pins, Continvoir, Coteaux-sur-Loire, Couesmes, Courcelles-de-Touraine, Gizeux, Hommes, La Chapelle-sur-Loire, Langeais, Lublé, Marcilly-sur-Maulne, Mazières-de-Touraine, Restigné, Rillé, Saint-Laurent-de-Lin, Saint-Nicolas de-Bourgueil, Savigné-sur-Lathan, Souvigné, Villiers-au-Bouin) within a "space of solidarity with a view to developing a joint development and planning project". A mild climate, rolling landscapes, exceptional wildlife, thousand-year-old vineyards and a unique concentration of the most beautiful castles in France, at the …

Type: Public Activities: greentech

12 2 11 27
EPAGE HuCA Huveaune Côtiers Aygalades EPAGE HuCA Huveaune Côtiers Aygalades

A public institution for integrated management of water issues The SMBVH, created in 1963, became EPAGE HuCA on September 15, 2022. The HuCA is an EPAGE (public institution for water development and management), competent over all the watersheds from Fos-sur-mer to La Ciotat. It works towards integrated and concerted management of floods, environments, development...

Type: SMB Activities: water management cleantech greentech it services

10 2 9 17
CESER Normandie CESER Normandie

The second regional assembly, representing organized civil society The CESER is the representative assembly of civil society in Normandy. It brings together management, union and association leaders, as well as personalities from the world of the environment and research. The CESER expresses its views on all regional topics of interest (training, economic development, transport, culture, health, environment, etc.), and favors an approach through sustainable development. It adds to its work a prospective vision of Normandy and strives to systematically make the link between citizens' concerns and their concrete translation into public action. Since 2015, it has also been able to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 1 4 40
Eaux & Vilaine Eaux & Vilaine

EPTB Eaux & Vilaine: expert, manager, coordinator and ambassador of water in the Vilaine watershed. An institutional player in the Vilaine watershed, the Public Territorial Basin Establishment (EPTB) Eaux & Vilaine works for the development and management of the Vilaine and its tributaries. As a leader in issues related to the Vilaine basin, Eaux & Vilaine aims to drive and coordinate the Water Policy at the watershed level, to promote and contribute to the balanced and sustainable management of water, the preservation of aquatic environments and the prevention of flooding. Among the establishment's major missions, Eaux & Vilaine Vilaine supports …

Type: SMB Activities: water management cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

10 3 9 54
DRAAF Bretagne DRAAF Bretagne

Official account of the regional directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty in Brittany. The Draaf Bretagne is a regional administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty whose headquarters is in Rennes.

Type: SMB Activities: agritech foodtech

13 2 12 47
PETR Forêt Orléans Loire Sologne PETR Forêt Orléans Loire Sologne

A territory of projects and actions The PETR Forêt d’Orléans-Loire-Sologne aims to define the conditions for economic, ecological, cultural and social development within its perimeter. To this end, the PETR Forêt d’Orléans-Loire-Sologne constitutes the framework for departmental, regional, national or European contractualization of public policies for development, planning and solidarity between territories. A local development tool, the PETR supports project leaders and promotes the emergence of projects by local stakeholders, whether public, private or associative. It monitors various study and forecasting missions in the areas of regional planning, mobility, biodiversity, landscape, energy, health, agriculture or services to the population.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

7 1 0 3
L'Europe s'engage en Région Sud L'Europe s'engage en Région Sud

For a Region that is smarter, greener, more social and closer to you with Europe! The South Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region, through its Directorate General for Europe and Mediterranean Cooperation and under the leadership of its President, Renaud MUSELIER, has confirmed over the years its central role in mobilizing European funding for the benefit of its inhabitants and territories. Since 2014, the South Region has distinguished itself with exemplary know-how in the management and capture of European funding, which earned it the 2021-2022 European Enterprising Region prize from the Committee of the Regions. This distinction is a recognition of the effectiveness …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

26 4 22 1
Agence de Développement et d'Urbanisme du Pays de Montbéliard Agence de Développement et d'Urbanisme du Pays de Montbéliard

The ADU is a shared public engineering tool for sustainable development of territories Created in 1990 at the initiative of the State and elected officials of the Pays de Montbéliard, the ADU is a shared public engineering tool for sustainable development of its territories. The ADU is constantly adapting to new territorial realities to effectively meet the needs of its partners, now engaged in metropolitan cooperation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 0 8 27
Communauté de Communes Les Bertranges Communauté de Communes Les Bertranges

Welcome to the Les Bertranges territory, Land of possibilities! Welcome to the Les Bertranges territory, Land of possibilities! La Charité-sur-Loire / Prémery / Guérigny sector 3 ZA in each town center

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

4 2 4 18
Parc naturel régional de la Sainte-Baume Parc naturel régional de la Sainte-Baume

Another life is invented here! Created on December 21, 2017, the Sainte-Baume Regional Natural Park is the 52nd French Regional Natural Park and the 8th in the Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region. It brings together 28 municipalities located in the Var and Bouches-du-Rhône Departments. 61,500 inhabitants live on this territory of nearly 84,200 ha, 80% of which are located in natural areas. Occupying a crossroads position between the urban areas of Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Toulon and the natural areas of the Calanques, Sainte-Victoire, the Massif des Maures, Verdon and Port-Cros, the Park is a territory of discoveries par excellence. From its height …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

15 3 14 20
Europe en Normandie Europe en Normandie

All the latest news on the intervention of European funds in Normandy: available programs and funding, events, supported projects, monitoring of implementation, resources, etc.

Type: Media

17 1 11 N/A

Manager of an event complex and event producer in the heart of Montpellier Manager of the event complex integrating the Parc des Expositions and the Sud de France Arena Organizer of general public and professional events Committed to an eco-responsible approach and ISO 20121 certified by AFNOR In full reinvention of the site by 2025 - opening of the new B2 and its rooftop from October 2021

Type: Event

13 5 9 60

Initiative Tarn, a network, a spirit Engineering of financing of the SME in the TARN Support for the creations, takeovers-transmissions and growth of companies Personal Honor Loans at 0% Partner of Banks & Banking Networks Partner of the Occitanie Region, the Tarn Department, the Agglomeration Communities and the Local Authorities of the Tarn

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

27 4 8 3
Foncière Agricole d'Occitanie Foncière Agricole d'Occitanie

Support for sustainable, viable and profitable agricultural installation projects, thanks to land ownership. In order to promote the economic development and harmonious development of Occitanie, a new regional structure has been serving farmers and territories since 2022: the Foncière Agricole d'Occitanie. Our objective: Support your installation project within the framework of sustainable, viable and profitable agriculture and allow you to complete the financing of your installation. Our action: Acquire all or part of the land for your project, finance it with a mixture of equity and borrowing, carry it on your behalf for a period of 4 to 9 years, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

28 5 26 96
Les Ports d'Occitanie Les Ports d'Occitanie

Discover the Occitanie Region from the ports of the Union of Port Cities of Occitanie. Representation of the marina sector, promotion and support of the maritime and river ports of Occitanie. Pleasure craft, Nautism, Port, Mediterranean, Occitanie, Maritime, River, Navigation, Canal du Midi, Canal du Rhône à Sète, Coastline, Navigation, Boat, Sailing, Harbor Master's Office, Dredging, Digital transition, Energy transition, and Environment

Type: SMB Activities: greentech entertainment

9 1 7 2

Let's cultivate innovative and quality agriculture! With more than 60,000 farms and 3 million hectares, the Occitanie region is the leading agricultural region in France. The diversity of its landscapes gives it a very wide variety of productions and practically all agricultural sectors are present in the territory.

Type: Public Activities: agritech

20 8 16 50
Préfet du Finistère Préfet du Finistère

Official account of the prefecture of Finistère. Welcome to the official account of the State services in Finistère.

Type: Public Activities: it services

16 2 15 50
Jura Nature Environnement Jura Nature Environnement

More than 50 years at the service of nature in the Jura Jura Nature Environnement is an association under the 1901 law, approved for the protection of Nature and the environment. It belongs to the Nature Environnement network whose National Federation, France Nature Environnement, is recognized as being of Public Utility. Its aim is to unite the associative world linked to the environment in the Jura, to support the territory's stakeholders for actions in favor of biodiversity and to raise public awareness of the challenges of preserving the environment.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

6 2 5 9
Parc naturel régional du Morvan Parc naturel régional du Morvan

Une autre vie s'invente ici Morvan is a small mountain at the hearth of Burgundy, and it's a natural park. In France of course !

Type: Public Technologies: Bio sourced materials

4 4 0 60
Agence Régionale de la Biodiversité Nouvelle-Aquitaine Agence Régionale de la Biodiversité Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Discover, Exchange and Act for the preservation and reconquest of biodiversity Born in 2018 from the merger of ARB Aquitaine and ORE, ARB NA aims to enable everyone, through the development and transfer of information, to get involved and act in the preservation and reconquest of biodiversity. It gives everyone the opportunity to learn, to participate in the public debate on the themes surrounding biodiversity. It also supports public policies. The actions of ARB NA are financed by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, with the support of the European Union, the DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the Deux-Sèvres department, the Vienne department and the Adour-Garonne …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech water management

18 4 14 19
Département de la Charente-Maritime Département de la Charente-Maritime

The Charente-Maritime Department currently employs more than 2,500 agents who work daily to serve the "Charentais-Maritimes". Doctor, social worker, engineer, road operations agent, secretary, reception agent, management controller, harbor master... The jobs are very varied and contribute every day to public service.

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech

14 10 3 493
Noé Noé

Biodiversity: our lives are linked! Noé is a non-profit, general interest nature protection association, created in 2001 by Arnaud Greth, its President and Founder. It deploys biodiversity conservation actions in France and internationally for the benefit of all living species, including the human species. To this end, Noé implements programs to conserve endangered species, manage protected natural areas, restore ordinary biodiversity, reconnect humans with nature, and support economic activities and civil society organizations that are favorable to biodiversity. Noé's vision is to reinvent a living and sustainable world, where biodiversity and humanity live in harmony. Biodiversity, Environment, Ecology, and Restore

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

33 9 25 232

Paris Boat Show - the link between professionals and enthusiasts or future practitioners. Nautic Festival SA is a trade fair and event organization company created in 2016. It is a subsidiary of the Fédération des Industries Nautiques (FIN) which owns the Cannes Yachting Festival and the Paris Boat Show. Nautic Festival SA has been organizing the latter since 2017. The Nautic de Paris is the unmissable event for the nautical industry and its enthusiasts in France, held annually at the Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles. With more than 200,000 visitors and 825 exhibitors, this show is both …

Type: Event

40 23 13 5
MSA Alpes du Nord MSA Alpes du Nord

Agricultural Social Security - Isère, Savoie and Haute-Savoie The MSA, Agricultural Social Security, protects farmers and agricultural workers by managing, on behalf of the State, their health insurance, retirement, family benefits and the collection of contributions. It also takes care of occupational medicine and carries out actions to prevent occupational risks. At the same time, it pursues a health and social action policy adapted to populations living in rural areas. As an extension of its public service missions, the MSA has developed a complementary offer, implemented by associations that are part of the MSA group, to meet the needs of …

Type: Public

8 0 0 62
MedWet MedWet

Wetlands for a sustainable Mediterranean region Established in 1991, the Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative brings together 27 Mediterranean and peri-Mediterranean countries that are Parties to the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971). Palestine and a number of organizations and wetland centres are also part of the MedWet Initiative. The MedWet mission is to ensure and support the effective conservation of the functions and values of Mediterranean wetlands and the sustainable use of their resources and services.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

10 2 5 10
Master 224 - Banque et Finance - Université Paris-Dauphine Master 224 - Banque et Finance - Université Paris-Dauphine

Since 1980, the 224 has been the reference training for experts in banking, finance, consulting, investment & fintech The Master 224, Banking and Finance of the University of Paris-Dauphine trains students in banking, corporate and market finance (asset management, auditing, consulting and high-level activities), but also in the finance of tomorrow: innovative finance (fintech modules, blockchain) as well as green and sustainable finance. Founded in 1981 and with more than a thousand Alumni, the Master 224 has forged its reputation on a developed and varied professional network. Its historical partner, KPMG, accompanies and supports the master's students. Open to the …

Type: Incubators & VCs

21 3 14 16
Mairie de Saint-Médard-en-Jalles Mairie de Saint-Médard-en-Jalles

Close to Bordeaux Mérignac airport, Saint-Médard-en-Jalles combines rural spirit and urban dynamism. Rich in history, the town is made up of eight districts, each with a strong identity to which the inhabitants remain attached. Saint-Médard-en-Jalles is also a site for the aerospace industry, one of the levers for the development of the local economy, which has made its territory ever more attractive. The economic fabric and the associative sector, particularly dynamic, also contribute to the quality of life in Saint-Médard-en-Jalles.

Type: Public

32 9 15 218
Made in Marseille Made in Marseille

Online news from the Marseille region Made in Marseille is the first online media that promotes initiatives and inspires solutions in the Marseille region. 📌 The leading 100% digital news site in the entire region with a community of 600,000 readers and 200,000 subscribers on social networks 📌 A daily, independent and free news media 📌 A team of passionate journalists who have been bringing you local news in a different way since 2014 📌 An ambitious and resolutely innovative editorial line, specializing in information on solutions and impact journalism 💡 Sections: news, economy, politics, innovation, urban planning, sustainable development, …

Type: Media

93 29 71 22
L'Institut Paris Region L'Institut Paris Region

ex IAU île-de-France Digital transition, climate change, urban resilience, smart mobility, innovative ecosystems, sustainable development, collaborative economy, biodiversity, urban agriculture... In a fast-changing world, the 200 experts of the Institut Paris Region explore all dimensions of regional and metropolitan life to help local decision-makers improve the quality of life and plan for the future. Our agency works for the Paris Region’s authorities and other cities worldwide. urbanisme, transports, mobilités, environnement, biodiversité, énergie, climat, déchets, économie, démographie, habitat, sécurité, prévention, santé, sport, planification, gouvernance, patrimoine, and paysage

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city greentech

113 36 77 162
LPO Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur LPO Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

The LPO PACA is a local association of the LPO France. The LPO is a nature protection association, recognized as being of public utility. Created in 1912, it is the representative of "BirdLife International", a global alliance for nature. The League for the Protection of Birds in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region is a non-profit association whose aim is to act for birds, wildlife, nature and man, and to fight against the decline of biodiversity, through knowledge, protection, education and mobilization. The LPO is an independent, apolitical and civic association. It acts with honesty, disinterest, solidarity, sharing, in a spirit of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

12 5 6 41
Unep - Les Entreprises du Paysage Unep - Les Entreprises du Paysage

Every garden counts Created in 1963, the National Union of Landscape Companies is the only professional organization in landscaping recognized by the public authorities. As close as possible to its thousands of members thanks to its 13 regional unions (12 in mainland France and 1 overseas), the National Union of Landscape Companies defends the interests of companies in the landscape and garden sector, develops the social standards of the profession and leads the creation of professional rules for the profession. The missions of the Unep are to represent and defend the profession, support, train, inform and advise members and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

49 7 42 137
Com au carré Com au carré

The scientific communication agency located in French Guiana We help scientits share their results with people in French Guiana. sciences, environnement, technologies, santé, and digital

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

4 0 4 1
La Demeure Historique La Demeure Historique

The association of private historic monuments and gardens La Demeure Historique represents and supports heritage stakeholders who are the owners-managers of private historic monuments and gardens in their mission of general interest of preservation and transmission. Patrimoine and Monuments historiques

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

12 2 8 42
La Cité des Congrès de Nantes La Cité des Congrès de Nantes

Vous êtes ICI chez vous La Cité des Congrès de Nantes (SPL) est une entreprise publique, performante et responsable, à vocation internationale au service de son territoire. Elle accueille et organise tous les ans plus de 300 événements économiques et culturels. Facile d’accès, située face à la gare et au cœur du centre-ville de Nantes, La Cité dispose d’une offre d’accueil diversifiée, originale et à la mesure de votre événement. Elle vous offre un cadre privilégié et met à votre disposition la polyvalence de ses espaces pour accueillir tous types de manifestations nationales et internationales de 200 à 4000 participants. …

Type: Public

55 38 24 170
La Bêta-Pi La Bêta-Pi

experiment, understand, share The identity of the association is based on two pillars: - the promotion of a scientific and technical culture - popular education Involving audiences, questioning ourselves, questioning the world around us, shaking things up, acting as citizens are part of the lexicon of our actions. We could say that we offer fun methods, but the fairer thing would be to say that we are looking for the most appropriate ways to conduct our mediations. It is not our fault if the levers of interest are often play, pleasure and curiosity! Bêta-Pi operates in Deux-Sèvres (79) in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

27 3 24 13
Carbet des Sciences Carbet des Sciences

Martinique Scientific Technical and Industrial Culture Center (CCSTI) Le Carbet des Sciences is the Martinique Scientific Technical and Industrial Culture Center (CCSTI) Our missions: - To make the link between science and society by disseminating general knowledge on science and technology to all types of audiences and all ages. - To create and run educational and fun tools. Our motto "Learn while having fun!" - To coordinate scientific, technical and industrial culture actions by promoting collaborations between organizations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

6 0 6 11
VetAgro Sup VetAgro Sup

Together for Global Health A public institution of higher education and research, VetAgro Sup offers initial training for veterinarians, agricultural engineers and veterinary public health inspectors. The institution also offers a wide range of continuing education and services for professionals and businesses.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech healthtech

54 7 48 525
CCI Martinique CCI Martinique

The Martinique CCI represents more than 36,000 traders, manufacturers and service companies. The Martinique CCI represents more than 36,000 traders, manufacturers and service companies. It is the preferred contact for public and state stakeholders. It is regularly consulted for its expertise and its privileged relationship with companies. Its advisors and agents support managers throughout the life of the company: creation, takeover, international development, sustainability and performance, sustainable development, apprenticeship and training and finally transmission. It also offers macro and micro economic studies, and participates in the development of master plans, public action plans in terms of economic development or regional …

Type: Public

23 1 21 85
Local News Festival Local News Festival

The Local News Festival is the event dedicated to local media professionals. The 6th edition of the FIL (Festival de l'info locale) will take place on September 26 and 27, 2024 in Nantes (France). Organized by Ouest Médialab, this professional event offers numerous conferences and workshops to discuss the evolution of professions and business models and share experiences and best practices. journalisme, médias, modèles économiques, communauté, and engagement

Type: Event

15 3 14 2
Pays de Morlaix Pays de Morlaix

The Pays de Morlaix supports Pink October The Pays de Morlaix is ​​a Public Intercommunal Cooperation Establishment composed of three members: Morlaix Community, Haut-Léon Community and the Community of Communes of the Pays de Landivisiau.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

18 3 10 12

Le rendez-vous international des professionnels de la pêche The international fishing industry trade fair MEET IN OCT25! The first trade fair for fishing industry in France, Itechmer is a meeting of professionals working in sectors from ship design to final processing of seafood products, including capture, security, logistics, marketing, etc. A MEETING FOR DECISION-MAKERS Itechmer is not just an Exhibition where you need to be. It is above all a place for business, promotion and communication.Like the 2017 edition, Itechmer is the only global Exhibition devoted to fishing industry in France for 3 major reasons: representativeness of its exhibitors, qualified …

Type: Event

21 4 18 2
IRIS - Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques IRIS - Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques

Strategic expertise in complete independence. IRIS, an association created in 1991 and recognized as being of public utility, is a French think tank working on geopolitical and strategic issues, the only one of international dimension to have been created on a completely private initiative, in an independent approach The Institute covers a very broad spectrum of geostrategic issues, operating on behalf of public bodies (ministries, European institutions, Parliament, international organizations) and private companies that commission studies, notes and training courses. Its researchers participate in multiple conferences in France and abroad. At the same time, its media activity, its dynamism on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

102 30 79 174
Eau&Climat Eau&Climat

Water news in France and around the world Water and climate news in France and around the world 🌍: adaptation of territories to climate change, highlighting nature-based solutions, technical innovations. Rainwater harvesting, watering, soil artificialization, water management, rivers, water reservoirs, rainwater, drinking water, wastewater, sanitation, drought, agriculture, irrigation, climate, and dam

Type: Media

21 1 21 4
HydroExpo HydroExpo

European Exhibition for the Maintenance and Development of Aquatic Environments HydroExpo is the professional meeting dedicated to the maintenance and development of aquatic environments. 3rd edition: April 10, 11 and 12, 2024 at Prés du Hem in Armentières near Lille. maintenance * development * treatment * preservation * wetlands * equipment

Type: SMB Activities: it services

9 4 6 N/A
La Plateforme Verte La Plateforme Verte

Focused on accelerating energy transition projects The Green Platform is open to accelerate the energy transition. In the form of a professional association in the sector, it brings together all the players involved in it in order to quickly provide them with the means – particularly financial – for their ambitions. Do you want to be a player and promoter of the energy transition and participate in disruptive models? Come and join us and participate in thematic working groups, benefit from presentations and conferences and follow the dialogue with local authorities and legislative authorities. The Green Platform will work to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

10 2 8 3
Université de la terre Université de la terre

🌍 Earth University 2025 Nature = Future See you on March 14 and 15, 2025! 📅 Registrations from December 1. 🌍 The Earth University was inaugurated in November 2005 at UNESCO. 🙂 Seven editions have already taken place there and have brought together thousands of people forming a large audience, increasingly numerous. 🤝 The Earth University is a crossroads of reflection and debates, which offers two days of discovery and exchange open to all, on the major themes of society and the environment. 💡 Rendez-vous de la connaissance, it invites business leaders, scientists, economists, politicians, religious leaders, sociologists, all aware …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 7 7 10

Nature is in crisis. Together we can save it. Passionate about nature, dedicated to saving it. Since we started on our mission in 1889, the threats to nature have continued to grow, but we've grown to meet them too. We’re now the largest nature conservation charity in the UK (although our work stretches far beyond that), consistently delivering successful conservation, forging powerful new partnerships with other organisations and inspiring others to stand up and give nature the home it deserves.

Type: Large company Activities: cleantech

19 9 8 2,151
Parc national de forêts Parc national de forêts

Official page of the National Forest Park, between Burgundy and Champagne. #parcnationaldeforets Welcome to the page of the National Forest Park! The National Forest Park is the first French national park dedicated to lowland deciduous forests. Chosen for its remarkable territory for the richness of its biodiversity and its heritage, it is a perfect destination for short stays, as well as for a longer escape to the great outdoors! You can discover 1001 riches, historical, cultural, and practice varied activities, from sylvotherapy to donkey rides, from hiking to gastronomic tourism! To find out more about our destination, our stays, contact …

Type: Public

4 2 3 43
OdysséeLab OdysséeLab

Innovative solutions for water and plants Our vision is to contribute to a more sustainable future by providing innovative solutions around water and plant management. Our missions: - Participate in the challenges of transition in cities thanks to plants by supporting communities and landscapers in the design and management of green spaces. - Design resilient solutions to meet the challenges of soil and water biodiversity - Bring together local plant stakeholders to bring out the ideas of tomorrow Irrigation, Plant, Cool islands, Water management, Biodiversity, Sustainable development, Water management, Sustainability, Urban green spaces, Urban agriculture, Green space, Resilience, Watering, Green …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech water management agritech

16 2 16 4
ITAB - Institut Technique de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation Biologiques ITAB - Institut Technique de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation Biologiques

40 years of expertise at the service of Bio #agriculture #agri-food #biodiversity #impact #research #experimentation The ITAB has been coordinating research-experimentation in organic farming in France since 1982. It is the national contact for everything related to research-experimentation and technology in AB. It works in a network with the many stakeholders involved in this field. The ITAB is once again doubly qualified ITA and ITAI until 2027 (Institut Technique Agricole = member of ACTA and Institut Technique Agro-industriel = member of ACTIA). The ITAB's missions are: - to identify the needs and actions carried out in research-experimentation - to bring …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

12 2 7 43

France's leading network of entrepreneurs, MEDEF places job creation and sustainable growth at the heart of its action MEDEF is France's leading network of entrepreneurs. More than 95% of MEDEF member companies are SMEs.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 1 8 4