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LogoName Σ Employees
LPO France LPO France

Act for biodiversity The purpose of the LPO is to act or promote actions in favor of nature and biodiversity in the fields of knowledge, expertise and research; protection, conservation and defense; Management and reconquest; Education and valuation. The association contributes to the observation, understanding and monitoring of the evolution of nature and biodiversity by offering all actions that would be favorable to them. Biodiversity and environment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

73 43 21 349
Le Monde Le Monde

Reference news everywhere, all the time, by writing the world. has been present on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economy, politics, society, ...) Leading News Website in French. Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, and ethics

Type: Media

612 490 145 180
FRETY Avocats FRETY Avocats

Fresh lawyers, control of litigation. Frety lawyers is a duo of lawyers, the pooling of expertise and skills for an effective and dynamic defense of our customers.

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

9 1 10 3

Attorneys-At-Law-Trademarks agents Technologies and Digital, Intellectual Property, Media, Mediation and Complex Litigation IT law, intellectual property, Internet law, personal data, telecommunications, media law, audiovisual law, litigation, cybercrime, mediation, pubic law and technologies, and labor law and technologies

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech Technologies: Data Analytics

31 14 13 25
Crous Lorraine Crous Lorraine

The Regional Center for University and School Works (Crous): in the heart of your student life in Lorraine! The Crous de Lorraine is an establishment responsible mainly for social assistance, the reception of international students, housing for students, university catering and student cultural life. The Crous Lorraine is: 86,500 students in Lorraine 16 university restaurants Almost 3 million meals served each year 20 university residences 7,142 rooms or apartments Our mission: to give you, students from here and elsewhere, the means of your success, by helping you in your daily life, improving your living and working conditions and accompanying you …

Type: Public Activities: edtech healthtech hrtech

20 5 12 135
Embassy of France in the Netherlands Embassy of France in the Netherlands

Official account of the French Embassy in the Netherlands | Page officielle de l'Ambassade de France aux Pays-Bas The French Embassy in the Netherlands is the diplomatic representation of the French Republic to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Type: Public

56 10 38 50

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

13 0 13 2
Libération Libération

Another look at the news Liberation is synonymous with commitment. No opportunistic commitment and in tune with the times, no, an original commitment. Because it was the commitment that Libé was born in 1973. Almost 50 years later, Jean-Paul Sartre is no longer there, but the editorial staff continues to make choices. It alerts, it denounces, it offers its readers a height of view which allows them to see beyond appearances. Liberation knows how to laugh, Liberation knows how to transmit emotions, Liberation knows above all to surprise thanks to its audacity. Every day, the newspaper's cuff is a new …

Type: Media

201 138 82 534
Epitech Spain Epitech Spain

Higher School of Computer Science and Digital Innovation founded in 1999 and since 2017 with presence in Spain The IT school in France for more than 20 years, now also in Spain. Epitech was born to respond to the growing demand from startups, SMEs and large companies of highly qualified professionals in the world of computer science, technology and digital innovation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

267 86 225 1,439
Office français de l'immigration et de l'intégration Office français de l'immigration et de l'intégration

The OFII is the first interlocutor for the reception, support and integration of foreigners. It acts under the supervision of the general management of foreigners in France of the Ministry of the Interior since 2010. OFII missions are as follows: - welcome and support for asylum seekers - Management of regular (family, professional) immigration procedures alongside or on behalf of prefectures and consular diplomatic posts - the reception and integration of immigrants authorized to stay in France in France and signatories as such a republican integration contract with the State - Aid to the voluntary return and the reintegration of …

Type: Public

23 6 10 442
Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix-Marseille Université Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix-Marseille Université

The Aix-Marseille University law faculty and political science has been carrying a multisecular history for 1409 and welcomes around 10,000 students each year on its three sites (Aix-en-Provence, Marseille and Arles). However, it shows a certain modernity by bringing together all the members of the faculty around a daring project in training, research, valuation, innovation and influence. The emphasis is placed on a readable and carrier training offer for its graduates. The professional success of students is the priority objective of the faculty. In particular, it is necessary to develop educational innovations, the use of digital technology, as well as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 2 15 176

Master the unpredictable Created in 1985, the fischer firm, tandeau de Marsac sur & amp; Associates (FTMS) offers legal and judicial assistance with multiple skills. FTMS is organized in activity centers led by one or more partners. Beyond a requirement of excellence, the members of the cabinet gathered around a common vision of the lawyer's profession, which favors shared confidence, proximity and personal commitment. Independent structure, FTMS supports institutions, companies, managers and private customers. The cabinet advises them and represents them in legal and arbitration procedures. The organization of FTMS offers its customers: • adequate professional competence in carrying out …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech legaltech

14 2 11 84
Cercle des Journalistes Juridiques Cercle des Journalistes Juridiques

The circle of legal journalists has several objectives: - Promote the progression and quality of the treatment of legal issues in the media; - Stimulate confratern relations between journalists responsible for deciphering the news of the legal world; - Develop relations between its members and personalities whose activity affects French or international legal life. To this end, the circle of legal journalists intends to build privileged relations with the main actors working on the legal scene (firms and technical departments of ministries, independent administrative authorities, representatives of the legal and judicial professions, universities, etc.), and organize Formal and informal meetings …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

13 2 10 1
Le Défenseur des droits Le Défenseur des droits

"The defender of rights ensures respect for rights and freedoms" - Article 71-1 of the Constitution The defender of rights is a completely independent state institution. Created in 2011 (inscribed in the Constitution in 2008), it was entrusted with two missions: defending people whose rights are not respected; Allow the equality of all in access to rights.

Type: Public

86 55 21 476
Préfecture de Police de Paris Préfecture de Police de Paris

Your safety, our daily life The police prefecture, at the heart of the life of the city, guarantees the safety of people and property in Paris and in the 3 departments of the small crown. Created in 1800, at the service of all audiences, it brings together various skills which are both the mayor and the prefect in the other departments, while integrating the police and civil security services made available to it by the Ministry of The interior.

Type: Public

60 39 27 2,090
Campus Channel Campus Channel

The 100% video site referencing more than 150 schools/universities to help you make the right choice of training Campus-channel is the 1st live dating site between schools/universities and Internet students. Campus-channel is a response to needs: Students looking for training who are waiting for: - Direct interaction with training managers - a outspokenness - exclusive information, a first feeling of belonging to a group Schools and universities awaiting: - to capture new profiles and talents - to communicate on programs by going beyond geographic and social barriers - Install a brand image - to reduce their communication costs Orientation, students, …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech

18 7 10 3
Unadfi-Union nationale des Associations de Défense des Familles et de l’Individu victimes de sectes Unadfi-Union nationale des Associations de Défense des Familles et de l’Individu victimes de sectes

Reception, study and documentation center On sectarian movements UNADFI, National Union of Family Defense Associations and the individual victims of sects, aims to: - Prevent the actions of groups, movements and organizations of a sectarian nature. - Support and defend families and individuals victims of these groups. - Study doctrines and practices of sectarian movements. Inform and document the general public. UNADFI has extended its work to radicalization and conspiracy theories and has created within it the Center for Observation and Analysis of Radicalization and SECTAGE (COARES). To this end, it brings together, animates and coordinates the different ADFIs (family …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

11 1 10 8

Experts at your service Entrepreneurs and managers, #Fiteco experts are by your side Our personalized solutions for you and your #Intreprise: Do you take back or create a business? #Entrepreneur Do you want to be supported in administrative tasks and tax regulations? Do you have a farm? #Fitagri🌾 Do you care about the social and environmental responsibility of your business? #Re Are you looking for a tool to digitize your business management? #Myfiteco 📱 Do you want to delegate your #RH management and pay to be serene and save time? Do you prepare the upcoming transmission of your business? #Cession …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech legaltech Technologies: Decarbonization

26 6 16 1,628
Police nationale Police nationale

First domestic security force in France, we fight every day against all forms of violence. More than 150,000 women and men, police, administrative, technical and scientific staff, contract workers as well as reservists are at your service to intervene 7 days a week and 24 hours a day throughout the territory. We are at the heart of society to protect this precious good that is public peace. Our commitment is total. Our priority missions: - Ensure the safety of people, property and institutions - Fight against crime, great delinquency and trafficking - Protect the country against external threat and terrorism …

Type: Public

56 32 24 6,038
Master Unic Assas Master Unic Assas

Master in digital uses, innovation & amp; Communication from Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University Welcome to the Master Page Uses of Digital, Innovation & Amp; Communication from Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University. First university training in digital communication, the Master forms high -level professionals intended to occupy positions of supervision of multimedia systems in companies, public organizations, agencies or consulting firms. The teaching takes place alternating. Students can be admitted in the first or second year of Master. Find all the news of the master's degree on social networks: - Twitter: @masterunicassas - Facebook: @masterunicassas Communication, Digital Strategy, E-Business, UX/UI, Marketing, Project …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

9 1 8 4
Jurimanagement Jurimanagement

Management and organization consulting firm Created in 2003, Jrimunage is the first consulting company exclusively devoted to law firms. The objective of Jrimunagement is to help law firms to adopt leader behavior on their market, by promoting the development of efficient management of their organization. Jrimunage is a team of consultants who have carried out high -level management activities, in law firms, legal departments and businesses. Former lawyers, lawyers, partners or managers, we bring this double unique skill: knowledge of your profession and that of management. By these skills and our experience, we are able to advise associate lawyers, lawyers …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

40 3 51 4
IXAD Nord-Ouest IXAD Nord-Ouest

Initial and professional training of northwest lawyers Initial and professional training of lawyers in the North West

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

10 5 7 136

CONTROLEUR GENERAL DES LIEUX DE PRIVATION DE LIBERTE is a government administration company based out of 16 QUAI DE LA LOIRE, Paris, Îledefrance, France.

Type: SMB Activities: arttech

11 5 7 46
UGGC Avocats UGGC Avocats

Your ambitions, our talents UGGC Avocats is one of the first independent law firms in France. With offices present in 4 geographic areas (Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America) and a structured network of correspondents, the firm has an effective international intervention capacity. The cabinet is made up of more than 130 lawyers and a global workforce of nearly 160 people. UGGC Avocats assists its customers, private companies, public entities and natural persons, for all of their legal and tax needs. Each partner is recognized as one of the best specialists in his discipline; Together, they cover all areas of …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech cleantech greentech healthtech proptech transporttech

39 12 35 238
CCI Hauts-de-France CCI Hauts-de-France

The Hauts-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a key player in regional economic dynamism, works for business prosperity, job creation and sustainable development. With diversified expertise, we are determined to support entrepreneurs and economic players at each stage of their growth. Our areas of intervention: Company support: Strategic advice, tailor -made training and support programs to stimulate innovation and competitiveness. Internationalization: facilitation of international exchanges, export assistance, advice for foreign investments and support for implantation abroad. Local development: promotion of local attractiveness, support for creation and takeover of businesses, development of regional economic sectors. Training and apprenticeship: offer of professional …

Type: Public Activities: traveltech entrepreneurship hrtech

146 44 104 33
August Debouzy August Debouzy

Strategic Legal Solutions Worldwide Harnessing an entrepreneurial drive for over 25 years, August Debouzy offers more than just legal services. Our 150 dedicated attorneys in Paris and Brussels are deeply versed in all aspects of corporate law, working tirelessly to safeguard and enhance our clients’ interests. Our lawyers, admitted to the Bar in seven countries and fluent in 15 languages, are a driving force behind achieving growth, fostering innovation, ensuring compliance, and securing legal protection for our clients’ business operations. Our firm is recognized by leading corporations in the US, the EU, the UK, and Asia, reflecting our strong track …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech legaltech Technologies: Cybersecurity

75 20 51 279
Chatain Associés Chatain Associés

Lawyers for the "risk of undertaking" of all economic actors & gt; & gt; & gt; The contentious strategy at the heart of the business life: The lawyers of Chatain & amp; Associates make available to their customers, large groups and SMEs, French and foreign, and their leaders, as well as local authorities, their culture and experience of business litigation. They support them during their complex commercial disputes, litigation in matters of civil liability and industrial risks, disputes between shareholders, sensitive social litigation and criminal affairs law. The cabinet completes its services with a global offer in public law in …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

11 2 8 24
Conseil supérieur de l'ordre des experts-comptables Conseil supérieur de l'ordre des experts-comptables

The chartered accountant at the heart of the economy and society! The order of accountants is represented by the Superior Council, made up of 69 members including 23 presidents of regional councils. The order of accountants is a national institution whose role is to ensure the representation, promotion, defense and development of the profession of chartered accountant, both in France and abroad. He also ensures respect for professional ethics. The order defines standards and publishes recommendations, which chartered accountants must apply in the exercise of their functions. He participated in the development and dissemination of the national and international accounting …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech entrepreneurship greentech legaltech Technologies: Decarbonization

110 46 55 382
Ville de Bordeaux

Type: Public

14 13 0 70

The statutory auditors, builders of a trusted company. President: Philippe Vincent. The professional organization of auditors dates from the decree of August 12, 1969, modified on January 4, 1993. A relatively recent creation for a more than a century -old function! The qualification of "commissioner" appeared for the first time in 1863. But it was the law on societies of July 24, 1867 which establishes, in the midst of an industrial revolution, that which will first be called the "corporate commissioner". AUTHOR COMMISSIONS AND AUDIT

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

55 8 37 336
Cabinet Ferrant Cabinet Ferrant

We mainly intervene in matters of town planning, real estate law, construction law and environmental law. Following a desire to diversify our areas of intervention, we now support both individuals, businesses or public authorities. With our experience, we have continued to expand our territorial spring. If we exercise on the bars of Bordeaux and Strasbourg, we have developed serious partnerships on the Great South West, in particular in Mont-de-Marsan and Agen, which allows us to ensure a territorial network for the benefit of our customers. Real estate law, construction law, environmental law, business law, and energy law

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

8 2 2 6

Patrimoine de la personne vulnérable Wealth management of vulnerable people asset for both private customers and professionals. - Assessment of the social, and financial asset of vulnerable people - Identification of resources, costs, real estate and personal property - Reporting and accountability - Drafting of legal act - Assistance for tax returns Majeurs protégés, MJPM, Mandataire judiciaire à la protection des majeurs, Curatelle, Tutelle, Habilitation familiale, Mandat de protection future, CGP, and Gestion de patrimoine

Type: SMB Activities: fintech proptech

6 2 5 11
Préfecture de la région d’Île-de-France Préfecture de la région d’Île-de-France

Welcome to the official state page in Île-de-France. The state in Île-de-France, represented by the regional prefect, assisted by the regional departments, implements government policies. Objectives: support the territories, their sustainable development and their cohesion, for the benefit of all the inhabitants of the Ile-de-France. The State in Île-de-France is made up of 8 regional departments placed under the authority of the region prefect: - the regional and interdepartmental department of food, agriculture and forestry (Driaaf); -the regional and interdepartmental directorate of equipment and development in Île-de-France (DRIEA); - The Regional Directorate of Youth, Sports and Social Cohesion (DRJSCS); - …

Type: Public

79 28 61 314
Sciences Po Sciences Po

Sciences Po is France’s leading university in the social sciences and has been educating decision-makers in the public and private sectors for the past 140 years. Today, half of Sciences Po’s 13,000 students hail from 150 countries outside France. Why do so many international students choose Sciences Po? Because at Sciences Po, as part of a vibrant, multicultural student community, they will gain a multidisciplinary education and international experience to prepare them for career success. 88 percent of Sciences Po graduates are hired within six months of graduation and 39 percent start their career abroad. Students also benefit from Sciences …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Research & Education Activities: it services

265 127 139 5
Conseil constitutionnel Conseil constitutionnel

The Constitutional Council was established by the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, dated October 4, 1958. It is a jurisdiction with various skills, in particular the control of compliance of the law to the Constitution. Consult the moderation charter for the social media profiles of the Constitutional Council: law, legal, administration, justice, and constitution

Type: Public

47 28 13 150
Orange Cyberdefense Orange Cyberdefense

Orange Cyberdefense is the expert cybersecurity business unit of the Orange Group. As the leading security provider, we strive to build a safer digital society. Managed Security Services, Managed Detection and Response, Cloud Security, Security Awareness, Security Training, Identity and Access Management, Infrastructure Security, Ethical Hacking, Data-centric Security, SASE, OT Security, and Industrial Systems Security

Type: Large company

84 38 34 3,773
Ecole Nationale des Greffes Ecole Nationale des Greffes

A school, professions. Located in Dijon, the National School of Registrans (ENG) was created by an decree of April 29, 1974 of the Minister of Justice. Service with national jurisdiction attached to the director of judicial services according to an order of April 17, 2012, the school has the mission of the implementation of national policy relating to vocational training of all courts of the courts of the judicial order : directors of the registry services, clerks, secretaries and administrative assistants (civil servants of categories A, B and C), or more than 22,000 agents. She is headed by a director …

Type: Public

14 4 11 257
Barreau de Bordeaux Barreau de Bordeaux

Lawyer, prevention, advice and defense. ⚖️ Order of lawyers of the Bordeaux Bar ➕️ 2,200 #Avocats to advise you, defend you. 🎯 Find a lawyer ⤵️

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

27 5 23 36
Institut des études et de la recherche sur le droit et la justice Institut des études et de la recherche sur le droit et la justice

Finance, promote and enhance studies and research on law and justice in all areas The Institute of Studies and Research on Law and Justice (IERDJ) was born from the rapprochement of two entities rich in long experience of several decades: the Institute of High Studies on Justice on the one hand and the Right and justice research mission on the other hand, which he produces the merger, continues but also prolongs the missions. Created in the form of a public interest group, the GIP is promoting an original and prospective reflection, the development of research and its support, as well …

Type: Public Activities: legaltech

12 6 10 22
INGELAERE & Partners Avocats INGELAERE & Partners Avocats

Public Law Firm - Paris Lyon Lille Arrras Public Law Firm - Paris Lyon Lille Arras. Public law governs the functioning and organization of local authorities, administration and the State. It covers a multitude of areas, including tax law, administrative law, public finance and international law. For all your assistance needs in public law in Paris Lille or Lyon, you can trust the experts at Ingelaere Avocats. Our firm has been offering its expertise to local authorities and individuals for over ten years. Maître Ingelaere supports them in legal advice or litigation management in Paris and throughout France. Why call …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

14 1 14 4

Association for equality, parity and professional diversity within the Ministry of Justice Femmes de Justice is an association of women from the Ministry of Justice that promotes, fosters and consolidates equality between women and men, parity and diversity. The association was born in June 2014 from the desire to share reflection on the issue of the now majority presence of women in the professions of the Ministry of Justice. Focused on management and governance issues, it is open to all members of the Ministry of Justice, women and men, and offers the status of "friends" to those who support the …

Type: Public

18 2 14 3
Chambre des Notaires de la Gironde Chambre des Notaires de la Gironde

The Gironde Chamber of Notaries represents 527 notaries practicing in the 181 Notarial Offices. The Gironde Chamber of Notaries represents 527 notaries practicing in the 181 Notarial Offices present in the department. Composed of 21 members of the office, divided into committees, it ensures compliance with practices and promotes the values ​​of the profession. It plays an advisory and assistance role, particularly when preparing transfer or association files, a liaison role between the notary and the higher authorities of the profession, administrations and judicial services, as well as a role of classification and conservation of professional documents, and a communication …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech legaltech

18 4 14 17
Fondation René Cassin - Institut international des droits de l'homme Fondation René Cassin - Institut international des droits de l'homme

The René Cassin Foundation - International Institute of Human Rights works to promote and protect human rights through research and training. Our headquarters are in Strasbourg. Through our training and research activities, we aim to ensure the application of international human rights law, contribute to the establishment of democratic regimes throughout the world Identify practices and policies to strengthen the protection of human rights at the European and international levels and provide training in techniques for preventing violations of fundamental rights. Human Rights, Teaching, Training, Research, European Human Rights Law, International Human Rights Law, Civil Liberties, Public International Law, Justice, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

16 0 14 35
Association Française de Droit du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale Association Française de Droit du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale

French Association of Labor Law and Social Security French Association of Labor Law and Social Security Labor Law and Social Protection Law

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

3 1 2 3
CRFPA Ecole du Centre Ouest des Avocats (ECOA) CRFPA Ecole du Centre Ouest des Avocats (ECOA)

The Centre-Ouest School of Lawyers (ÉCOA) is a public utility institution; it is the result of the merger of the Regional Centers for Professional Training of Lawyers (CRFPA) of the Courts of Appeal of Angers, Bourges, Orléans and Poitiers. Its jurisdiction is made up of: - 4 Courts of Appeal (Angers, Bourges, Orléans and Poitiers); - 17 Bars (Angers, Laval, Le Mans, Saumur / Bourges, Nevers, Châteauroux / Orléans, Tours, Blois, Montargis / Poitiers, La Rochelle-Rochefort, Saintes, La Roche sur Yon, Les Sables d'Olonne, Les Deux-Sèvres); - 6 Universities (Angers, La Rochelle, Le Mans, Orléans, Poitiers, Tours). On the one …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 1 4 26
Festival Quais du Polar Festival Quais du Polar

International Festival, Lyon. The leading crime fiction festival in France and Europe, Quais du Polar is also one of the most important book events in France. Its impact on the promotion of crime fiction literature has grown over the years by creating a "crime fiction season" during which the publication of the main new releases by publishers, the tour of foreign authors and the release of major crime fiction files in the main French media are concentrated. This season allows each spring to highlight the literary genre, which is today the favorite genre of the French with nearly 22 million …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment traveltech

12 6 4 19
Editions A.Pedone Editions A.Pedone

From 1932, Madeleine Pedone, a rare female publisher, continued this editorial policy by publishing in particular the first works of young authors, both French and foreign, for example: the thesis of Boutros Boutros Ghali "Contribution to a general theory of alliances", Pedone, 1963. In November 1968, on the occasion of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, René Cassin received in the bookstore of the A. Pedone editions under the direction of Denis Pedone. In 2013, the A. Pedone editions, an independent publishing house, continued the same editorial policy resolutely focused on the development of international law. Beyond the inspirations of its …

Type: Media

7 2 4 5
Institut d'études judiciaires de la Sorbonne Institut d'études judiciaires de la Sorbonne

University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne CRFPA, ENM & Law of companies in difficulty: The IEJ of the Sorbonne (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) organizes the entrance exam to law schools and prepares candidates for them (CRFPA). The institute also offers several preparatory classes for the entrance exams to the National School of the Judiciary. (ENM) The institute also offers various training courses in law of companies in difficulty aimed at a varied audience. (Master 2 ALED Administration and liquidation of companies in difficulty and DU Law of companies in difficulty) and the Certificates Law of companies in difficulty Prepa ENM, CRFPA, LAW …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

4 1 3 32
Forum Montesquieu Forum Montesquieu

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

12 1 11 1
Droit Pluriel Droit Pluriel

For justice accessible to all! Droit Pluriel, an Association for justice accessible to all! In order to fight against the lack of equality and fairness, legal professionals, joined by very diverse profiles residing throughout the territory, founded the association Droit Pluriel. Their goal: to act so that disability situations are compensated in access to the law, thus ensuring that disability does not break equality in the face of justice. Access to law, Disability, Justice, and Training

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

23 4 21 14
Ordre des Avocats au Conseil d'État et à la Cour de cassation Ordre des Avocats au Conseil d'État et à la Cour de cassation

under the presidency of Mr. François Molinié The lawyers at the Council of State and the Court of Cassation, also called “lawyers at the Councils”, form an independent profession that has been profoundly modernized since its creation. A council composed of 14 members and a president is responsible for administering and representing the profession. The lawyers at the Councils are united in a bar dedicated to the two high courts that are the Council of State and the Court of Cassation. This specialized bar is distinct from the bars of lawyers attached to each high court.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

12 7 9 21
Université d'Orléans Université d'Orléans

Source de talents depuis 1306 The University of Orléans (French: Université d'Orléans) is a renowned French university, in the Academy of Orléans and Tours.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

56 16 37 1,728
Paname Paname

Ensemble ! Elkar ! SOKOA is a company based in the Basque country. It is parent company to a French manufacturing group that has been specialising in office and contract furniture and currently achieves consolidated turnover of over €100M and whose main brands are Sokoa, Eurosit, Genexco, Sorec Solutions and Sellex. SOKOA was formed in 1971 from a development project intended to help create jobs in the Basque Country by promoting a public savings plan “crowdfunding”. To care about the human being, to create jobs in its territory, to give meanings to its products, to continuously improve its manufacturing quality …

Type: Media

169 94 54 36
La Nuit du droit La Nuit du droit

⚖️ On October 3, 2024, come and discover the law in a new light! ⚖️ On October 3, 2024, come and discover the law in a new light! 📅 Discover all the events on

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech arttech

12 9 0 1

EMERGENCY TRANSPORTED Courier - Urgent/Express Transport - Sensitive Transport From parcels to full trucks - 7 days a week ENVOYE SPECIAL is a company specializing in courier services, urgent transport and regular shuttles, offering the most comprehensive range of vehicles and services on the market. We carry out missions ranging from single items to semi-complete items. The employees who lead the Envoyé spécial team all have experience in our professions. Our interventions are carried out during the day, at night, on weekends and on public holidays. 90% of our activity is carried out with our own staff and equipment. ENVOYE …

Type: Media

290 193 99 112
Instagram Instagram

More than one billion people around the world use Instagram, and we’re proud to be bringing them closer to the people and things they love. Instagram inspires people to see the world differently, discover new interests, and express themselves. Since launching in 2010, our community has grown at a rapid pace. Our teams are growing fast, too, and we’re looking for talent across engineering, product management, design, research, analytics, technical program management, operations, and more. In addition to our headquarters in Menlo Park, we have thriving offices in New York City and San Francisco where teams are doing impactful work …

Type: Large company

558 334 332 14
Eventbrite Eventbrite

A global platform that allows anyone to create, share, find and attend events that fuel their passions. For support, please visit event ticketing, event registration, tickets, event planning, social commerce, event technology, ticketing, and event management

Type: Large company Activities: it services

179 119 38 1,241
La Fresque du Climat La Fresque du Climat

Fun and collaborative workshop to understand climate issues! "The Climate Fresco" is a fun, participatory and creative workshop on climate change. It is based on collective intelligence and therefore extremely educational: it allows us to learn a lot in a very short time about the climate and the cause-and-effect links between the different components of climate change. The Climate Fresco is a 3-hour introduction, aimed at both novices and experts, on how the climate works and the consequences of its disruption. This workshop sheds light on the complexity of climate change, gives us keys to understanding and allows us to …

Type: Media

156 123 28 3,963
L'Etudiant L'Etudiant

Vous avez l'âge de l'avenir. 🎓 L’Etudiant, a historically multimedia company, is the leading organisation in France in the field of higher education. Regarded as the most significant publisher thanks to its monthly magazines and several yearly comprehensive guides, it is also the leader in organising student fairs. For more than 40 years, l’Etudiant has been keeping its public informed about the world of education through its activities in: > FAIRS • 76 fairs • 2 million visitors • 660 conferences • 1,830 lecturers > INTERNET • 4 websites : - - - • 7,3 million …

Type: Media

180 125 82 2,398
Faculté de droit - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 Faculté de droit - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Since 1875, the Faculty has trained generations of lawyers who have influenced the professional social circles not only of the Rhône-Alpes region but also beyond the borders of France. Today, we are constantly adapting to the evolution of society and its needs in terms of initial and continuing training and research. This year, the 174 teacher-researchers and 65 administrative staff supervise the 9,500 students attending the Faculty of Law and Political Science.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 7 4 109
Conférence des bâtonniers Conférence des bâtonniers

Official page of the Conference of Bar Associations of France and Overseas Official account of the Conference of Bar Associations

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

28 8 20 30
University of Perpignan, France University of Perpignan, France

Multidisciplinary university with 5 major areas of training and research Sciences, technologies, health Law, economics and management Human and social sciences Arts, letters and languages Sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

43 22 13 995
Université de Poitiers Université de Poitiers

A university committed to a more sustainable world The University of Poitiers is a French university located in Poitiers, in Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes. It is multidisciplinary and helps to make Poitiers the city having the highest student/resident report in France by welcoming nearly 24,000 students (in 2008). She is currently chaired by Professor Yves Jean. The University is a member of the Confederal University Léonardo da Vinci. (Source: Wikipedia) Research, training, innovation, culture, and international

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

57 24 27 3,359
Préfecture du Bas-Rhin Préfecture du Bas-Rhin

Official account of state services in the Grand Est region and in the Bas-Rhin department. The prefecture services provide the following missions: & gt; the representation and permanence of the State; & gt; the exercise of sovereign functions, especially in respect for laws; & gt; internal security and civil security; & gt; interdepartmental management and coordination, facilitated by reducing the number of decentralized services (DDI and UT); & gt; interdepartmental communication; & gt; the general regulation of public freedoms; & gt; immigration management; & gt; the functioning of local democracy; & gt; The exercise of prerogatives of public power. Interior …

Type: Public

169 100 113 203
Ofpra - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides Ofpra - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides

Listening to the world The French Office for the Protection of Refugees and stateless (OFPRA) is a public establishment with administrative and financial autonomy and functional independence, responsible for the application of French and European texts as well as international conventions relating to the Recognition of the quality of refugee, statelessness and admission to subsidiary protection. Ofpra has two essential missions: - A mission to investigate international protection requests on the basis of Geneva Conventions on July 28, 1951 and New York of September 28, 1954 as well as CESEDA. He decides independently on the requests for asylum and statelessness …

Type: Public

28 9 15 494
MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives

Mildeca coordinates government action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors. Placed under the authority of the Prime Minister, the MILDECA (Interministerial Mission to Combat Drugs and Addictive Driving) animates and coordinates the government's action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors and develops the strategy Government in this area in the following areas: research and observation, prevention, health and insertion, application of the law, fight against traffic, international cooperation. The Mildeca supports the public, institutional and associative partners of public policy in the implementation of orientations, by providing them with methodological or financial support. health, prevention, public …

Type: Public

51 14 6 29
The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights

Promoting Worldwide Justice The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights is an Italian not-for-profit foundation dedicated to education, training and research in the fields of international and comparative criminal justice and human rights. Its purpose is to contribute to international peace and security through the effective implementation of criminal law, as well as promote the rule of law and protect human rights in criminal justice systems worldwide. Established in Siracusa (Italy) in September 1972 by the International Association of Penal Law, in cooperation with the City, Province, and Chamber of Commerce of Siracusa (subsequently, a Convention was …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

2 1 1 22
Librairie Mollat Librairie Mollat

To keep you informed of all editorial news and more! Please consult "your mollat ​​bookseller". First independent bookstore in France. Literature, Human Sciences, Bandles, History, News, Sciences, Medicine, Law, Economy, Youth, Music / Cinema, Fine Arts, Architecture, Photography, Art of Living, Languages ​​/ Dictionaries, School / Slaws, Health, IT, Tourism, leisure, nature, ecology, manga, adolescents, graphics, and science fiction

Type: Media

19 11 6 136
Journal Spécial des Sociétés - JSS Journal Spécial des Sociétés - JSS

JSS is a digital media of legal, legal, judicial, and legal formalities ⚖️ The Special Companies Journal (JSS) is a newspaper of legal ads (J.A.L). The texts are sent by email to, and are verified before publication. Ads can be written by our services. Our website allows you online entry of your ads. It offers a complete service of legal formalities for companies, in order to update K bis quickly and efficiently. He organizes legal training. He edited the Journal of Societies, monthly of the lawyer and the company. The team of the Special Companies Journal is made up …

Type: Media

45 9 41 50
INSEEC Grande Ecole INSEEC Grande Ecole

INSEEC Grande Ecole, est l'école fondatrice d'OMNES Education, institution privée d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche interdisciplinaire. Née à Bordeaux il y a plus de 40 ans d’un projet pédagogique innovant inspiré des Ecoles de Commerce et des Instituts en Sciences politiques, INSEEC Grande Ecole a pour mission de former des « esprits libres », capable de penser, analyser, décider, argumenter, en conscience et en toute autonomie, et de se réinventer sans cesse. Sa promesse : préparer à un métier pour demain et à des métiers toute la vie. Elle bénéficie de l'implantation multi-campus d'OMNES Education au cœur de grandes villes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

41 12 10 318
Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique

The High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) is an independent administrative authority (AAI). Institution of the State, it is responsible for promoting the probity of public officials and ensuring the regulation of lobbying. On x: @Hatvp Ethics, compliance, accountability, transparency, audit, consulting, prevention of conflicts of interest, probity, and lobbying

Type: Public

17 7 12 61
Tourisme Judiciaire Tourisme Judiciaire

Collaborative application between lawyers, incubated by the Hauts-de-Seine Bar Judicial Tourism is a project incubated by the Hauts de Seine bar, aimed at facilitating pro travel from lawyers. #Avocats #legal #legaltech #tourismejudicial #judicial Lawyers and Legaltech

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

29 8 20 N/A
Fondation des Femmes Fondation des Femmes

Reference foundation in France on the rights of women and the fight against the violence they are victims. The Women's Foundation is the reference structure in France for equality and women's rights. It aims to bring together personalities, businesses and citizens committed on matters of equality between women and men, mixed, combat against violence and women's rights. The Women's Foundation today has three objectives. Its first mission is to collect funds, thanks to large -scale events and collection campaigns, with the general public and businesses. The Foundation of Women then redistributes the funds collected to associations which act for women's …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

93 54 49 94
Fédération Addiction Fédération Addiction

1st addictology network: brings together nearly 200 associations, 800 establishments and more than 500 natural persons. The Addiction Federation is the first addictology network in France. It brings together 190 associations, 800 health, prevention, care and risk reduction establishments and services and more than 500 doctors and pharmacists.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

49 10 34 52
DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique

State HRD Official page of the General Directorate of Administration and the Public Service - HRD of the State. Find us on and on Twitter: public service account @dgafp ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ................ The Directorate General of Administration and the Public Service's mission is to design and set up an overall policy of the public service in the field of human resources.

Type: Public

53 30 28 11,076
Agence française anticorruption Agence française anticorruption

The French Agency Anticorruption (AFA) is a service with national jurisdiction created by law no 2016-1691 of December 9, 2016 or law relating to transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernization of economic life (known as " Sapin law 2 "), placed with the Minister of Justice and the Minister responsible for the Budget, whose mission is to help the competent authorities and the persons who are confronted with preventing and detecting the facts of corruption, trafficking in Influence, concussion, illegal taking of interest, embezzlement of public funds and favoritism. AFA fulfills this mission by activating two additional and …

Type: Public

27 8 16 45
Council of Europe Council of Europe

The Council of Europe, based in Strasbourg (France), now covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 46 member countries. Founded on 5 May 1949 by 10 countries, the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Disclaimer We provide social media channels and job alerts to better disseminate information on our organisation and job opportunities. While we endeavour to keep the information up to date and accurate, we cannot guarantee the infallibility of these services. The Council of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Public Activities: it services

61 34 20 2
Collège de Droit | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Collège de Droit | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Complementary training to the Bachelor's degree in law, the Sorbonne College of Law provides access to a variety of courses The Sorbonne College of Law University Diploma aims to provide excellent and open training, as an accessory to the training provided in the Bachelor's degree in law. A place of educational innovations, the Sorbonne College of Law offers, in addition to the Bachelor's degree in law, an opening to subjects other than law for particularly motivated students with a solid capacity for work, admitted under two separate admission procedures. These will thus be initiated, as part of a 3-year course …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

82 50 55 8
The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ)

Follow us on twitter - @iijmalta It is the mission of the IIJ to enhance the competencies of lawmakers, police, prosecutors, judges, corrections officials, and other justice sector stakeholders on how to address terrorism and related transnational criminal activities within a rule of law framework. The IIJ is promoting co-operation and information exchange among relevant authorities on a national, regional and international basis placing particular focus on countries seeking to develop rule of law-based approaches to addressing security challenges. Training for justice sector stakeholders, Capacity Building, Rule of Law, and Rule of Law based training

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

5 1 5 38

ECOLE NATIONALE DE PROTECTION JUDICIAIRE DE LA JEUNESSE is a higher education company based out of 16 RUE DU CUROIR, Roubaix, Hautsdefrance, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

5 3 0 144
Arcep Arcep

Networks as a common good Arcep, expert and neutral referee to the status of independent administrative authority, is the architect and guardian of the exchange networks in France. Architect of networks, Arcep creates the conditions for a plural and decentralized network organization. It ensures the opening of the market to new players and all forms of innovation, and ensures the competitiveness of the sector through competition for investment. Arcep organizes the network interoperability framework, so that they appear as one in the eyes of users despite their diversity, simple access and not partitioned. It coordinates the good public / private …

Type: Public Technologies: 5G

118 59 82 322
Conseil d'Etat Conseil d'Etat

Advising public authorities - Judging disputes between citizens and the administration The Conseil d’État is a court that settles disputes between citizens and administrative authorities. It ensures that the rights and freedoms of each citizen are respected by administrative authorities. It also serves as a legal advisor to the Government and Parliament, suggesting improvements to their bills and legislative proposals to ensure the new laws entering into force are clear, effective and comply with the existing body of law. Lastly, through its studies, it performs a forward-looking role in improving public policy. Serving citizens, the Conseil d’État safeguards the rule …

Type: Public

63 34 26 1,432
Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice

Institut des Haute Études sur la Justice (IHEJ) is an independent not for profit research institute. It was created in 1990 to provide a forum for analysis and debate on the contemporary evolutions of justice, in France and throughout the world. By facilitating exchanges between legal professionals, legal scholars, and the broader public, it aims to contribute to the development of the values of justice and the dissemination of knowledge on norms, legal and judicial governance, and the philosophical and practical underpinnings of justice systems. IHEJ coordinates and conducts various initiatives, such as working groups, seminars, conferences, and the publication …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

10 3 5 9
EM Strasbourg Business School EM Strasbourg Business School

EM Strasbourg Business School is a business school born from the merger in October 2007 between the IECS (European Institute of Advanced Business Studies) created in 1919 and the IAE of Strasbourg. It has been re-accredited EPAS until 2022. It was also accredited AACSB in 2021 for 5 years, and AMBA in 2020 for 3 years. EM Strasbourg also obtained EQUIS accreditation in March 2022, for a period of three years. As of July 2021, only 108 institutions in the world have this triple accreditation. Integrated into the University of Strasbourg since 2009, the school is developing an atypical operating …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

34 3 19 554
Département de la Gironde Département de la Gironde

Our areas of expertise are vast but have the same objective: to be at the heart of the concerns of the people of Gironde. Colleges, solidarity, integration, mobility and assistance for the elderly: the areas of expertise of the Department are vast but they all respect the same objective: to be at the heart of the concerns of the people of Gironde.

Type: Public

86 49 32 1,680
INFN Institut national des formations notariales INFN Institut national des formations notariales

The great school of notarial professions - Notaries and collaborators INFN's mission is to train notarial professionals. The training of collaborators is structured around the BTS notarial, the professional license "Notarial professions" and the diploma of notarial professions. That of future notaries leads to the higher diploma of notarial (university route) or the diploma of notary (professional route).

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

25 9 13 234
Centre de Recherche de la Gendarmerie Nationale (CRGN) Centre de Recherche de la Gendarmerie Nationale (CRGN)

The purpose of the research center of the National Gendarmerie Officers' School (CREOGN) is to guide and lead research in areas corresponding to the needs of the gendarmerie, in particular by ensuring the coherence of the work carried out within the institution with that of the various existing research centers in the areas of internal security and defense. Research, Events, Documentation, External Relations, and Gendarmerie

Type: Public

232 128 88 20
Direction générale des étrangers en France (DGEF) Direction générale des étrangers en France (DGEF)

The Directorate General for Foreigners in France (DGEF) is active in all areas of the foreigner's journey in France. The Directorate General for Foreigners in France (DGEF) is responsible within the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas for immigration, asylum, integration and access to French nationality policy. It is competent to deal with: • visa regulations, • general rules for entry, residence and professional activity in France for foreign nationals, • the fight against irregular immigration, illegal work and document fraud, • asylum, • the integration of newly arrived foreigners and refugees, • access to French nationality, mainly by decree …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

21 5 18 123
Cour d'appel de Paris Cour d'appel de Paris

Official account of the Paris Court of Appeal The Paris Court of Appeal is one of the 36 French courts of appeal. The Court of Appeal is a court of the second instance judicial order that re-examines cases previously submitted to a court in civil, commercial, social or criminal matters, when the judgment does not satisfy one or more parties to the trial. Appeals filed against decisions of the courts of first instance of the jurisdiction are brought before the Court of Appeal and distributed among the chambers according to the nature of the dispute. Each of the chambers belongs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

11 5 6 684
Parquet national financier Parquet national financier

Official account of the National Financial Prosecutor's Office (PNF) Created by the law of December 6, 2013, the National Financial Prosecutor's Office (PNF) specializes in the treatment of complex economic and financial crime. Its area of ​​​​competence covers four categories of offenses: attacks on probity, aggravated tax fraud, attacks on financial markets and attacks on competition. The PNF is composed of 19 prosecutors, 7 specialized assistants and a registry team.

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

17 9 9 47

Professional Training School of the Bars of the Paris Court of Appeal Since 1981, the EFB has been THE reference for lawyer training in France. The Professional Training School of the Bars of the Paris Court of Appeal (Auxerre, Essonne, Fontainebleau, Meaux, Melun, Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis, Sens and Val-de-Marne) is the largest of the eleven regional centers for the professional training of lawyers (CRFPA). Each year, the EFB welcomes between 1,500 and 2,000 student lawyers in initial training and more than 30,000 participants in continuing education. Located in Issy-les-Moulineaux, a few steps from Paris, the school has nearly 10,000 m2 entirely …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

30 15 21 314
Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects (DGDDI) Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects (DGDDI)

Border and merchandise administration French Customs is the border and merchandise administration. ◼ Border administration: it is responsible for maintaining borders whether they are land, sea, physical or digital. ◼ Merchandise administration: it regulates economic activity through its action of controlling trade flows but also by supporting businesses and regulating certain sectors of activity (e.g.: wine-growing sector) More than 16,000 agents across the territory work collectively to carry out this broad spectrum of missions. French Customs is a department of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, a ministry committed to serving a strong and sustainable economy.

Type: Public

90 58 36 2,334
Délégation des Barreaux de France Délégation des Barreaux de France

The Delegation of the Bars of France represents the 67,000 French lawyers before the European institutions. In 1983, the Paris Bar, on the initiative of its President Bernard du Granrut, opened a liaison office of the Paris Bar with the European Communities in Brussels. In 1993, the Conference of Bars joined the Paris Bar to create the Delegation of the Bars of France. In 2003, the National Council of Bars became a member of the Delegation of the Bars of France. Thus, the Delegation of the Bars of France represents the 74,096 lawyers of the French Bars before the European …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

16 3 16 15
INSP - Institut national du service public INSP - Institut national du service public

Public operator of reference for the recruitment, initial and continuing training of senior executives of the State The National Institute of Public Service (INSP), created on January 1, 2022, is the new French public operator of reference for the recruitment, initial training and continuing training of senior executives and managers of the State.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

30 2 25 539
Expertise France Expertise France

Projects, solutions, impacts Expertise France is a public agency and a key actor in international technical cooperation. It designs and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in developing and emerging countries. Governance, security, climate, health, education... It operates in key areas of sustainable development and contributes alongside its partners to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Gouvernance et Droits humains, Protection sociale et Emploi, Développement économique, Finances publiques, Santé, Développement durable, Coopération technique, gouvernance économique, Expertise technique internationale, Développement durable, and Développement humain

Type: Public

71 30 45 2,147
Seattle Avocats Seattle Avocats

Seattle Lawyers is a law firm specializing in personal criminal law, business criminal law, press and communications law, intellectual property, environmental law, labor law, and civil and commercial litigation.

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

17 0 18 22
Fédération France Victimes Fédération France Victimes

Professional and committed associative network serving victims and social ties The France Victimes Federation was created in 1986 by the will of Robert Badinter, following the publication of the Milliez report that he commissioned. Its mission: to promote and develop aid and support for victims, and any measure contributing to improving their recognition. To fulfill these missions, the France Victimes Federation relies on a national territorial base that brings together 130 victim support associations spread across the national and overseas territory. It is funded by several ministries, mainly the Ministry of Justice. The network includes 1,700 professionals (lawyers, psychologists, social …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

24 8 16 169
Réseau des Écoles de Service Public (RESP) Réseau des Écoles de Service Public (RESP)

Develop and promote cooperation between the leading public service schools. The RESP, a non-profit association, aims to develop and support cooperation actions between French schools responsible for training A-level executives in the State civil service (civil and military), the territorial civil service, the hospital civil service, as well as senior executives and managers of social protection organizations. HIGHER EDUCATION, PUBLIC SERVICE, COOPERATION, SHARING, PROMOTION, and ATTRACTIVENESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

13 5 6 2
Présidence de la République Présidence de la République

The President of the French Republic embodies the authority of the State. He is the Head of State in France, the head of the armed forces and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Since May 14, 2017, the President of the French Republic is Emmanuel Macron. The President has been elected by direct universal suffrage since 1965 for a 5-year term. His role is to ensure the normal functioning of public authorities and the continuity of the State. He is also the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and respect for treaties.

Type: Public

389 288 41 1,571
Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme (CNCDH) Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme (CNCDH)

The CNCDH is the National Institution for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights within the meaning of the United Nations. The National Consultative Commission on Human Rights is the National Institution for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, accredited to the United Nations. Founded in 1947 on the initiative of René Cassin, Nobel Peace Prize winner, the CNCDH is a pluralist and independent institution. Its mission is to - Advise public authorities on respect for human rights in France; - Monitor France's compliance with its international commitments on human rights and international humanitarian law; - Promote consultation between …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

16 5 11 79