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Université catholique de Lille Université catholique de Lille

> An innovative university, open to the world: Its priority missions are teaching, research and service to society: but beyond knowledge, the training courses have a professional objective requiring know-how and interpersonal skills that are developed through original teaching methods. The Catholic University of Lille is a unique multidisciplinary institution in France, made up of 5 Faculties, 20 Schools, Grandes Écoles and Institutes, and a hospital group. It welcomes 28,300 students in 200 training courses. It bases its action in the field of higher education and research (ESR) and that of care, on the proposition of human and Christian values …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

52 16 28 282
L'Obs L'Obs

Inform, reflect, debate, act 📌 Follow us on Facebook: 📌 Follow us on Twitter: 📌 Follow us on Instagram: 📌 Follow us on YouTube: 📰 Subscribe to L'Obs numérique: ✉️ Receive our newsletters for free: Written press and Digital

Type: Media

58 49 50 283
L’Afrique des Idées L’Afrique des Idées

For a Responsible Afro-Youth Terangaweb – l’Afrique des idées is an independent association that aims to promote the debate of ideas and reflection on subjects related to Africa. Our think tank is mainly composed of African students and doctoral students, as well as people who are simply passionate about – and well informed about – the African continent. is the showcase of our association. This website meets several objectives. First of all, it is about making known the intellectual production of our think tank and the people associated with it. It also makes room for the productions and communications …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

24 1 22 15
Institut français d'Égypte Institut français d'Égypte

French Institute of Egypt Mounira - Heliopolis - Sheikh Zayed - New Cairo - Alexandria The French Institute of Egypt is the heir to the great tradition of cooperation between Egypt and France and a major player in the bonds of friendship between the French and Egyptian peoples. Its action is part of the cultural, technical and scientific cooperation agreement of 1968. The French Institute of Egypt is thus a service of the French Embassy in Egypt whose mission is: - to contribute to the influence of French culture, language and expertise in Egypt; - to strengthen cooperation between Egypt …

Type: Public

15 3 8 197
Eurojust Eurojust

The EU Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation, supporting prosecutors in the fight against serious cross-border crime The European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation helps prosecutors and judicial authorities to solve some of Europe’s most serious and complex crimes, including terrorism, trafficking in human beings, cybercrime, drug trafficking, corruption and fraud. Eurojust coordinates cross-border investigations and action days, supports joint investigation teams (JITs) and facilitates the use of judicial cooperation tools, such as confiscation orders, European Arrest Warrants (EAWs) and European Investigation Orders (EIOs). The Agency consists of prosecutors, judges and representatives of judicial authorities from the Member States. It …

Type: Public

9 6 4 301

Fund for the Integration of Disabled People in the Civil Service Created by law n°2005-102 of February 11, 2005, the Fund for the Integration of Disabled People in the Civil Service (FIPHFP) is a key player in disability policy in the civil service. The FIPHFP serves people with disabilities and public employers with the mission of supporting the implementation of an incentive policy promoting: - Professional integration - Retention in employment - Training of people with disabilities - Raising awareness among the work collective in the three public services The results of this policy are there: - A legal employment …

Type: Public

65 28 47 34
FENVAC (Fédération Nationale des Victimes d'Attentats et d'Accidents Collectifs) FENVAC (Fédération Nationale des Victimes d'Attentats et d'Accidents Collectifs)

Support and defense of victims by victims since 1994 The National Federation of Victims of Attacks and Collective Accidents (FENVAC) is a victims' association composed exclusively of victims and families of victims of collective accidents and acts of terrorism. Created in 1994, FENVAC brings together more than 80 associations and has intervened, in 20 years, in more than 130 events, in France and abroad. As for the most recent disasters, it welcomes the victims of the Rio-Paris Crash, the Xynthia storm, the Brétigny derailment, etc. FENVAC is today alongside the victims of all recent attacks (attacks of November 13 in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

14 1 10 11
Cour des comptes Cour des comptes

Official Account of the Court of Auditors - Ensuring the proper use of public funds, informing citizens The Court of Auditors is the French Supreme Audit Institution. The Court of Auditors ensures the proper, efficient and effective use of public funds. To fulfil its missions, as specified and extended in article 47-2 of the Constitution, the Court of Auditors assesses, audits, evaluates and certifies. Its public reports help inform citizens. Institution, France, Public Finance, Public Policy, Judge, Certify, Control, Evaluate, Inform the Citizen, Public Money, Financial Jurisdictions, and Economy

Type: Public

102 60 41 32
Niu Brand Activation Niu Brand Activation

Let’s create the new! #byniu #niu #niuexperienceagency #brandactivation #shoppermarketing #production #letscreatethenew We create experiences based on relevant insights that provide brands with the opportunity and the possibility to create emotional and commercial relationships by transforming their messages into stories worth sharing. Brand Activation, Production, Events, and Strategy

Type: SMB Activities: martech constructiontech

7 2 3 141
Groupe AEF Groupe AEF

Digital professional press group and event organizer. All economic sectors are currently experiencing profound economic, legal, legal and regulatory changes. In this unstable context, where the cycle of changes has accelerated, access to precise, reliable and neutral daily information is essential. It is the job of Groupe AEF to inform managers and executives. Information agencies, professional magazines and events (trade fairs, meetings, clubs) allow everyone to access essential information and make useful contacts. AEF Group is made up of 5 specialized information centers: AEF Education-Research: education, higher education, research and innovation, curriculum and integration, AEF Social-HR: professional training, human resources, …

Type: Media

174 55 115 168
Université des Antilles Université des Antilles

The University of the Antilles is the only French university in the Caribbean. It is a public multidisciplinary higher education establishment located in Guadeloupe and Martinique. Arts, Letters, Languages, Law, Economy, Management, Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities, Sciences, Technologies, Health, and Human and Social Sciences

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 4 5 86
The National Judicial College The National Judicial College

Making the world a more just place by educating and inspiring its judiciary. The National Judicial College has been the nation’s leading provider of judicial education since 1963, drawing participants from every state and from more than 150 countries. The NJC offers more than 100 judicial education programs annually onsite, online, and across the nation in support of its mission of making the world a more just place by educating and inspiring its judiciary. For more information, visit Judicial Education, Program Management, Special Programs, Law, and Judiciary

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 1 1 84

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

29 13 11 2,308
Groupe Sud Ouest Groupe Sud Ouest

SOLANDES is an electrical/electronic manufacturing company based out of ESPACE LASERIS BATIMENT B AVENUE DU MEDOC, LE BARP, France., Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

Type: Media SMB Activities: entertainment

210 137 73 1