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LogoName Σ Employees
Biden Cancer Initiative Biden Cancer Initiative

The Biden Cancer Initiative is determined to bring urgency to the fight against cancer and to transform cancer research and care systems for the 21st century. The Initiative brings to life Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden’s vision of a day when we can effectively prevent, diagnose, treat and care for every cancer patient. We are an independent nonprofit organization that builds on the Cancer Moonshot’s goals and impact and that channels what we learned from that effort into programs that will make a real difference in the lives of patients for generations to come. collaboration, data sharing, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech healthtech

6 1 3 1
EOFlow EOFlow

A South Korea-based medical devices company that offers innovative technology to streamline diabetes care management EOPatch(Wearable Insulin Pump) Manufacturer

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

1 1 0 3
Fisabio foundation Fisabio foundation

We foster public health innovation and biomedical research in the Valencian Community region of Spain FISABIO (Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research in the Valencian Community) is a nonprofit scientific and healthcare organisation. Our primary purpose is to encourage, promote and develop scientific and technological research in health and biomedicine within the Valencian Community (Alicante, Valencia, Castellon). FISABIO integrates and manages the Health Research Map of the Valencian Community Centre for Public Health Research (FISABIO-Public Health) as well as of several University Hospitals (Foundation of Dr Peset University Hospital, Foundation of the University General Hospital of Alicante, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech healthtech

5 1 3 301
Federación Española de Diabetes (FEDE) Federación Española de Diabetes (FEDE)

[Automatic translation follows] 🤝 Representative entity of the group of people with diabetes in Spain. The Federation of Spanish Diabetics (FEDE) is the representative body of the diabetic community in Spain, which, today, is around 5,000,000 people. That is, more than 12% of the Spanish population, which represents the highest group of chronic patients in the country. Currently, FEDE has a total of 18 partners: 18 autonomous federations of people with diabetes, which bring together 168 Spanish diabetic associations, distributed throughout the national territory, which represent nearly 60,000 members. Patients Association, Patients with Diabetes, National Federation of Patients, and Association …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

7 0 6 8
Clinique de l'Anjou Clinique de l'Anjou

[Automatic translation follows] MCO clinic with a 24/7 emergency service and a level 2A maternity ward. The Anjou Clinic (CDA) was born from the merger in 2002 of three pre-existing clinics which are the Saint Louis Clinic, the Saint Martin Clinic and the Polyclinic of Hope. The clinic provides its patients with a range of hospital and local care, including in particular emergency reception 24/7 and their medical and surgical treatment. The clinic also has a level 2A maternity ward. Appearing for several years among the first in the ranking of the best French clinics, the CDA is also recognized …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

11 1 11 304
Eurofins Optimed Clinical Research Eurofins Optimed Clinical Research

A Carte Blanche for the 'Translation'​ of your 'Pre-Clinical Studies'​ to 'Early Clinical Trials'​ Eurofins Optimed’s mission is to contribute to global Health & Safety. With over 30+ years of experience, Eurofins Optimed is a worldwide leader in early clinical trials. Relying on our own ClinPharm Unit and on a strong international network, we provide efficient recruitment of healthy volunteers and patients within Europe. We offer One-Stop clinical trials. According to your needs, Eurofins Optimed can manage all the steps of your trial in Europe including study document design, regulatory requirements, study conduct, monitoring, pharmaceutical operations, bioanalysis, data collection & …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech healthtech biotech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 2 0 55
MatriSys Bioscience, Inc. MatriSys Bioscience, Inc.

Harnessing beneficial bacteria to treat chronic inflammatory skin conditions. MatriSys Bio is a clinical stage Specialty Biopharmaceutical Company focused on the $142 Billion WW dermatology and skin care market. We are developing therapies for the top 5 dermatology & skin care conditions - Atopic Dermatitis, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Acne, and Skin Infections, which have a huge impact on quality of life. More than 230 million patients suffer from these 5 skin diseases, which represent a $12.9 Billion Rx market and a $121 Billion skin care market. MatriSys Bio’s scientific approach is to rebalance the natural skin microbiome by application of microbial …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech biotech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

0 0 0 6
Goodwell Co. Goodwell Co.

We’re leading the way in creating a more sustainable oral-care industry, and making it easy for everyone to join. At Goodwell Co., we are committed to developing products that enable you to take care of yourself and the planet at the same time. We are dedicated to sustainable processes and practices that help enhance and empower the human ritual of personal care, through innovation, technology and impact.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 6

Award Winning Spinout from the Insight Centre @UCC AI Solution Built for Optimising & Reducing Diagnostic Waiting Lists. is a strategic clinical design tool built to reduce hospital waiting lists. An on demand SaaS cloud based platform designed to help hospitals utilise their resources in complex environments, through the systematic understanding of demand whilst managing capacity planning at department, hospital and / or trust level. At we are passionate about building healthcare innovation that disrupts the industry and dramatically improves patient care and experience. Healthcare, Technology, Innovation, Analytics, Data, digital transformation, AI, and Machine Learning

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Data Analytics SaaS

0 0 0 2
Chanua Ltd Chanua Ltd

Using the power of connection to build a healthier world. We are an enterprise driven healthcare innovation agency. We create, develop and collaborate on projects working with clients to meet healthcare needs and specialising in preventative healthcare measures. We partner with people interested in being part of an innovative health care movement. Our clients and partners are passionate about improving their healthcare and that of others. Mental Healthcare, Digital Technology, Project/Programme Management, and Psychology

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

4 1 2 6
Konnektis Care Solutions Konnektis Care Solutions

Using technology to improve the lives of people receiving care and support, and those providing it. Our population is rapidly ageing and the current paper-based systems for managing elderly care are not working effectively. Our digital platform enables more efficient care provision by digitising the current paper-based care record system. It also enables real-time communication and collaboration between all carer networks, be they relatives, friends, paid carers or local volunteers. Our vision is to create a coherent system that supports the highest quality care, providing greater accountability and a better quality of life for older people in our communities. software, …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech healthtech Technologies: SaaS

5 0 4 3
Breathe Happy Breathe Happy

AI for Posture Correction for hyper-personalized fitness solutions at-home & Healthy Ageing Breathe Happy is a technology platform for wellbeing at home. Using Computer Vision and motion tracking we are building AI for posture Correction.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Image Processing

4 1 4 1
Written Medicine Written Medicine

We are focused on enhancing patient safety & medication adherence through accessible and bilingual information. Written Medicine makes information about prescribed medicines accessible for patients with language and communication barriers, while reducing health inequalities. At the point of prescribing, dispensing and discharge, healthcare professionals use Written Medicine to print medicine instructions and warnings in simplified English linked to 13 languages and pictograms, mapped to 3000+ phrases. Language barriers is a contributing factor in non-adherence, poorer experience and reduced patient safety. NHS England’s Core20PLUS5 national agenda of reducing health inequalities recognises language barriers and seeks to make care as personalised as …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

4 0 4 4
PostureWorx PostureWorx

Wellbeing for Modern Working. Expert advice to ensure people feel great for work. Wellbeing for Modern Working. Our Mission is to improve posture while you work, ensuring people avoid the aches and pains associated with modern technology. The world has changed laptops, tablets and smartphones can dictate the way we position our bodies. We are a team of expert trainers and educators, running webinars, virtual advice sessions and providing strategies. Forward thinking businesses use us to look after their most valuable assets. Taking measures to reduce pain and discomfort due to poor posture is often a significant opportunity to increase …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 1
Kintell Kintell

Kintell was founded in 2017 to meet the needs of active elderly adults who wish to remain independent in their homes and be in control of their health as they age. We are passionate about creating smart-home technology to improve the lives of older people, by enhancing health, happiness and confidence to help them remain in their own homes for longer. Likewise, we prioritise providing a workplace which fits its employees. We believe that it's important to dream, to be passionate and to strive to be your best; which is what we want you to do with us, here at …

Type: Startup Activities: silvertech healthtech Technologies: IoT

1 0 1 4
Power Endurance Training Center Power Endurance Training Center

Power Endurance Training Facility is a state of the art, premier training facility designed for individuals seeking intense, elite-level training. Power Endurance is the only training facility in the world specializing in Gravitational Resistance Training (GRT). With our 50 yard GRT turfed hill, our 25x50 foot sand pit and our GRT focused weight room, we guarantee enhanced speed, power and endurance, in the shortest period of time. Power Endurance also features a cutting-edge baseball and golf program including 2 indoor batting cages and an innovative golf simulator. Make no mistakes; there is no better way to reach your training goals …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

2 1 1 3
Event Medicine Company Event Medicine Company

Delivering excellence in event medcial care The Event Medicine Company provides comprehensive high quality medical cover to events of all types and sizes around the UK. A landmark legal judgement in 1999 highlighted that failure to provide appropriate assistance broke the duty of care. Anyone who requires medical support for their event are urged to discuss their needs with us early so that the right professional care is provided. We have considerable expertise in a wide range of events including air shows, equestrian, road running, triathlon and corporate events of all types. We are familiar with the exhibition industry and …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 17
Hätäkeskuslaitos - Nödcentralsverket - ERC Agency Hätäkeskuslaitos - Nödcentralsverket - ERC Agency

Hätäkeskuslaitoksen virallinen sivusto. Huom! Hätäilmoituksen voi tehdä vain hätänumeroon 112. Hätäkeskuslaitos ( on sisäministeriön alainen valtakunnallisesti verkottunut virasto, jonka toimipisteet sijaitsevat Keravalla, Turussa, Porissa, Kuopiossa, Vaasassa ja Oulussa. Virasto tuottaa hätäkeskuspalveluita pelastus-, poliisi-, sosiaali- ja terveystoimelle sekä Rajavartiolaitokselle. Toiminnasta säädetään 1.1.2011 voimaan tulleella lailla ja asetuksella hätäkeskustoiminnasta. Hätäkeskuslaitoksen johtajan alaisuudessa toimii kolme osastoa; ohjaus ja ennakointi, hätäkeskuspalvelut sekä tekniset palvelut. Vuodesta 2015 alkaen Hätäkeskuslaitos on ollut savuton työpaikka. - The Emergency Response Centre Administration is a government department established in 2001 and steered jointly by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. It is …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 104
Fresh Hope Communities Fresh Hope Communities

Fresh Hope Communities exists to create spaces that cultivate belonging. Fresh Hope Communities is the welfare arm and Public Benevolent Institution entity of churches of Christ in NSW and ACT. For almost 90 years, we have been providing quality support and lifestyle choices across retirement, residential and respite settings, as well as conference and outdoor adventure experiences for school and community groups. Aged Care, Residential Communities, Community Housing, Outdoor Experiences, Accomodation, Communities, Seniors Communities, and Residential Villages

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 158
Ro Ro

Our mission is to help patients achieve health goals by delivering the most convenient and effective care possible. Ro is a direct-to-patient healthcare company providing high-quality, affordable healthcare without the need for insurance. Ro is the only company to seamlessly connect telehealth and in-home care, diagnostics, labs, and pharmacy services nationwide. This is enabled by Ro’s vertically integrated platform that powers a personalized, end-to-end healthcare experience from diagnosis, to delivery of medication, to ongoing care. Since 2017, Ro has facilitated more than eight million digital healthcare visits in nearly every county in the United States, including 98% of primary care …

Type: Large company Activities: healthtech

3 1 0 917
Sosteri - Itä-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymä Sosteri - Itä-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymä

[Automatic translation follows] We are part of the Etelä-Savo welfare area Eloisa from January 1, 2023. Eloisa produces the public social, health and rescue services of the Etelä-Savo area. Please follow the Etelä-Savo welfare area on LinkedIn. specialized medical care, primary health care, social services, veterinary medicine, care, and nursing

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 50
Groupe Laboratoire Rivadis Groupe Laboratoire Rivadis

[Automatic translation follows] A family business, created in 1971 by a pharmacist, Michel Rival, the Rivadis laboratory develops, manufactures, packages and markets hygiene and care products, for the medical and hospital world, as well as for the whole family.Today , the Rivadis laboratory has 184 employees and offers its products: • To medical-hospital establishments: promotion and distribution of hygiene and care products to medical communities. • To the whole family: sale by relationship to medical personnel and the general public (Rivadouce, Milton) • In pharmacies: Sale of Rivadouce products from the Baby and Care Partners ranges. • Export: sale of …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech cosmetics manufacturing

3 2 1 147
Groupe Hospitalier Artois-Ternois Groupe Hospitalier Artois-Ternois

[Automatic translation follows] The Artois-Ternois Hospital Group offers quality, local care to the population of Artois, Bapaume and Ternois, in the fields of Surgery, Medicine, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Psychiatry and of Geriatrics. With its more than 3,000 employees, its 1,200 beds and places, its technical platform and SAMU62 headquarters, the GHAT watches over the health of a territory of 250,000 people.

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

4 1 2 472
Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal nord-Ardennes Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal nord-Ardennes

[Automatic translation follows] 4 hospitals in the Northern Ardennes Territory: Charleville-Mézières, Sedan, Fumay and Nouzonville 4 establishments in the northern Ardennes: Charleville-Mézières, Fumay, Nouzonville and Sedan

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

4 1 2 182

[Automatic translation follows] The vanguard of health Pauchet Santé, Group of independent proven hospitals in Hauts-de-France and Ile-de-France Health, Social, Surgery, Medicine, Maternity, HAD Dialysis, Oncology, Orthopedics, Pain, PMA, SSR, Vascular, Obesity, and Ophthalmology

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

3 2 1 74
GIPTIS (Genetics Institute for Patients, Therapies, Innovation & Science) GIPTIS (Genetics Institute for Patients, Therapies, Innovation & Science)

The majority of rare diseases are chronic disorders which are most often of genetic origin (in 80% of the cases) and mainly affect children (60%). Each disease is rare (1/2000 person), but together the rare disorders affect around 6-8% of the general population. The number of people suffering from rare diseases is estimated to be around 3 million in France, 50 million in the Mediterranean Basin, 25 to 30 million in Europe and 27 million in North America. But Less than 5 % of patients receive an adapted treatment! A new healthcare model > GIPTIS (Genetics Institute for Patients, Therapies, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech

2 2 2 1
Fika Fika

Let’s make every day at work a bit better 🚀 Fika is on a mission to create a better you, better team culture, and better places to work. Build great workplace culture with bite-sized training for teams and individuals and see increased confidence, inclusion, and collaboration in just a few weeks. Better meetings, 1:1s, onboarding, manager relations and more. Bite-sized training fully guided by experts to reduce manager burden. Underpinned by our Mental Fitness Science, MI dashboards and ROI reports demonstrating reduction in burnout and intention to leave. Find out more about Fika: - Message us directly via LinkedIn - …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 53

REDEO is a company based out of 11 Zegeplein, Turnhout, Belgium.

Type: SMB Startup Activities: healthtech

2 0 1 2
IMT Innovation IMT Innovation

Digital Health IMT is a digital health incubator enabling the development of digital solutions for healthcare organisations, and running professional digital health mentorship programmes. Our mission is to foster innovation in digital health, with the aim to advance healthcare and help patients. We look forward to receiving you to the digital health family, and working with you for a better healthier future. Welcome to IMT mHealth, Medtech, Healthtech, eHealth, Precision Medicine, Gamification, Health IT, Wearables, Machine Learning, 3D Printing, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Telehealth, Medical Imaging, Blockchain, and Mixed Reality

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech games Technologies: 3D Printing A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Data Analytics VR

3 0 3 0
iPC H2020 iPC H2020

Giving clinicians the tools and knowledge to create individualized treatment plans for their paediatric cancer patients. Cancer in children is rare but when it happens, clinician prescribed treatment options are not always as clear as one would hope. In fact, on average, only a quarter of oncology patients respond to the drug therapy they receive. There are many reasons for this but evidence shows that a personalized treatment plan or treatment that is based on the patient's fundamental biology could significantly enhance treatment outcomes. As it turns out, the personalized treatment plan can be as complex as the cancer itself …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

2 0 2 0
B-wom B-wom

B-wom is a smart coach for women’s health. We offer an app that creates personalized care plans to prevent and address women’s health issues and boost their well-being. Some of the goals you can work on with B-wom are sexual pleasure, urine leaks, healthy pregnancy and postpartum or constipation. How we do it? B-wom guides and supports women through small daily actions, such as exercises, healthy habits, contents and tracking to help them achieve their goals. All the contents are personalized through data and created by health specialists. B-wom is available on IOS and Android and in 2 languages: English …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

0 0 0 0
Schlosselmau Schlosselmau

Schlosselmau is a company based out of Schloss Elmau, Elmau, Bavaria, Germany.

Type: SMB Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 0
Elansys Elansys

Elansys is a company based out of United Kingdom.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 1
Clinically Current Clinically Current

Our team combines the art of effective adult learning with scientific expertise and rigour to give healthcare professionals what they need to help their patients and, ultimately, improve public health. We place importance along the whole learning continuum, using a variety of easy-to-access ways of embedding knowledge, skills and evidence into everyday practice. We are championing a new excellence in accredited medical education across multiple therapy areas, by driving innovation, accessibility and engagement with measurable results. Our outcomes-based programmes positively change the way that healthcare professionals engage with their peers and patients. Medical education, CME, Continuing Medical Education, Independent Medical …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech edtech

0 0 0 0
Cuppla Cuppla

When mobile digitalisation is about people - not technology. World is digitalising with speed. People need information that is perfect for them, secure and respects their privacy - where ever they are, using whatever device. With Cuppla, you have your information - exactly when you need it! Cuppla is a software that has two models: Mobile Device Management and Content Sharing. With Cuppla Mobile Device Management schools, municipalities and healthcare organizations can make sure that both tablets and smartphones are always safe and secure to use. With Cuppla Content Sharing people can be sure that they have just the right …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech healthtech it services Technologies: IoT

2 0 2 3
Jontek - A Brand of Legrand Jontek - A Brand of Legrand

Jontek, a brand of Legrand, provide monitoring and response software solutions, incorporating telecare, healthcare and m-Care to both public and private sector organisations across the UK. Jontek is part of the Assisted Living & Healthcare division of Legrand. Legrand’s Assisted Living & Healthcare division designs, manufactures and supplies innovative technology enabled care services in the UK & Ireland. Legrand are global specialists in electrical and digital building infrastructures, with a presence in over 80 countries and a total workforce of over 36,000 employees worldwide. Legrand UK & Ireland is organised into the following specialist divisions: assisted living and healthcare, cable …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services manufacturing Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 1
inDemand Health inDemand Health

Demand-driven eHealth co-creation. Together for better health. Digital Health solutions with higher chance of success because they have been proposed and developed side by side with healthcare organisations. inDemand is a new model where Healthcare organizations and companies co-create Digital Health solutions, with the economic support of public regional funds. Why is this model innovative? inDemand applies at the same time demand-driven and co-creation approaches. inDemand will be implemented in 3 pilot regions: Murcia Region (Spain), Paris Region (France) and Oulu Region (Finland) - But also it's a model born to be replicated in other regions! We include a special …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

1 1 1 1

BitMED is a revolutionary healthcare platform that empowers members with customized smart content, peer-to-peer communities, and 24/7 access to doctors. Our platform is offered at no cost, no insurance needed, no bills, just access to care. BitMED's team of computer scientists, counselors, researchers, and medical providers are working together to fundamentally change the way we engage with healthcare. Learn more at! telehealth, telemedicine, Community Health, and Smart Content

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 2
Medtep Medtep

The Health Platform for Personalized Care Medtep is a Care Management Platform that facilitates lasting behavioral changes by personalizing validated prevention and treatment plans. By taking clinical protocols and turning them into care plans that patients can understand, we give healthcare professionals a key role in defining, personalizing and monitoring treatment for each one. Since patients are usually treating more than one disease, Medtep provides the possibility to maintain a complete follow-up plan taking into account more than just their disease, but their lifestyle habits as well. Medtep helps people worldwide achieve lasting behavioral changes through global partnership agreements with …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

6 2 0 0
Cloud DX (TSX.V: CDX) Cloud DX (TSX.V: CDX)

Virtual Care Platform (TSX.V:CDX OTCQB:CDXFF) and Remote Patient Monitoring | FDA Registered & Health Canada Licensed Accelerating healthcare delivery, Cloud DX makes healthcare better for everyone. Our Connected HealthTM virtual care platform is used by hospitals and medical clinics across North America to better manage chronic disease, enable aging in place, and deliver hospital-quality post-surgical care. Providers partnering with CloudDX achieve better healthcare and patient outcomes, reduce the need for hospitalization/re-hospitalization, and lower healthcare delivery costs. CloudDX is the co-winner of the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, a Fast Company “World Changing Idea” finalist, and one of Canada’s top 10 Telehealth providers. …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech Technologies: Data Analytics

4 0 3 37
AbiliLife AbiliLife

Join us on our mission to reduce back injuries and create a safer workforce with the Calibrace+ back brace. AbiliLife is a leading medical technology company transforming how people manage their mobility and balance challenges. Our innovative products are designed to enhance the quality of life and empower individuals to live independently and pain-free. Our flagship product, the Calibrace+, is a unique back brace that provides targeted support to the trunk and helps improve posture and balance. The Calibrace+ is a game-changer for workforces. Back injuries and pain are common problems in many industries, reducing productivity, absenteeism, and healthcare costs. …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech manufacturing Technologies: Synthetic Biology

0 0 0 1
Farm Jenny LLC Farm Jenny LLC

Farm Jenny provides DIY solutions to monitor farm animals 24/7, identify problems early, saving lives and money. 🐴🐄🐔 INSIGHT INTO ANIMAL VITALITY ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ Whether for profit or personal enjoyment, keeping track of your herd or flock, making sure they are fed, watered, protected and healthy is a full-time job. Problem is, you’ve got other responsibilities too — you just can’t be in the field 24/7. You don’t always notice a change in the behavior of an animal before its too late. The technologies under development at …

Type: Startup Activities: agritech healthtech it services Technologies: A.I. Sensors

1 0 0 1
Entrigna Inc Entrigna Inc

Real-time AI solutions that let you take actions when they matter - in the moment. Entrigna creates real-time Big Data and IoT solutions that help companies maximize revenues, improve customer relationships and increase efficiencies. Entrigna's proprietary software, Real-Time Expert System (RTES), is a single, seamless product that processes structured and unstructured Big Data in real time. RTES supports multiple predictive analytics frameworks such as Rules Engine, AI, Machine Learning, Complex Event Processing and Stochastic, which can be used individually or in combination. RTES is the only solution that offers all of these algorithms in one solution. By implementing RTES, companies …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city constructiontech healthtech smart home Technologies: Data Analytics IoT A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Sensors

2 0 2 7
Halo Neuroscience Halo Neuroscience

Creators of Halo Sport, the brain stimulator that helps you develop muscle memory faster. Welcome to Halo Neuroscience's home on LinkedIn. Please follow us to learn more about how the brain impacts human performance. Below you can read more information about our company. You can also send us an email at, or see our available job postings at ––––––– Halo Neuroscience is a neurotechnology company focused on human performance. Our first product, Halo Sport, utilizes neuropriming technology to accelerate the neurologic gains of strength and skill learning that result from athletic training. Since coming out of stealth in …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech

0 0 0 9

CAU is a company based out of Brazil.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 2 1 588
National MS Society National MS Society

We will cure multiple sclerosis while empowering people affected by MS to live their best lives. The National MS Society's vision is: A World Free of MS. The National MS Society's mission is: We will cure MS while empowering people affected by MS to live their best lives. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-344-4867. For more information on our career opportunities, visit: Human Services, Special Events, Medical Research, Fundraising, Advocacy, Education, Financial Assistance, Multiple Sclerosis, Nonprofit, Bike MS, Walk MS, Community Engagement, and Healthcare Access

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 1 5 1,875
Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

We are a public center dedicated to biomedical research. We are Hospital del Mar, CERCA and located at the PRBB. We are a public center dedicated to biomedical research. We are Hospital del Mar, CERCA, and located at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park. Investigación, Biomedicina, Salud, and Tranferencia de conocimiento

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: healthtech

10 3 6 451
Lespresso Lespresso

Lespresso is a supermarkets company based out of 11 Lange Str., Nienburg (Weser), Lower Saxony, Germany.

Tags: H2020 Type: Media SMB Activities: healthtech

5 3 1 4
Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft GmbH & Co. KG Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft GmbH & Co. KG

[Automatic translation follows] Economy - Law - Science. Leading specialist media service provider for the insurance industry - for over 75 years Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft GmbH is a publishing company based out of Klosestr. 20-24, Karlsruhe, Baden-W��rttemberg, Germany. Insurance industry, insurance law, insurance, think tank, insurance medicine, and insurance mathematics

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

4 0 4 18
Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec - Université Laval Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec - Université Laval

[Automatic translation follows] you, us, our institute Our mission The health of people with cardiovascular, respiratory and obesity-related diseases As an institute, we distinguish ourselves by: - Our specialized and ultra-specialized care and services; - Our complementary care and services in geriatrics, palliative care, internal medicine and several other specialties; - Our expertise and our interventions in prevention and rehabilitation; - Our specialized care and general care emergency; - Clinical and fundamental research in perfect harmony with our areas of clinical expertise; - Our teaching activities for the training of the next generation and the transfer of knowledge; - Our …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

3 0 1 609
France Cardiopathies Congénitales France Cardiopathies Congénitales

[Automatic translation follows] the patient association created by patients for patients and their families! The France Cardiopathies Congénitales (F.C.C.) association was created by 5 congenital heart patients aged 21 to 50, suffering from various congenital heart pathologies. It is managed by congenital heart patients with the support of a scientific council made up of congenital cardiologists and professionals from the paramedical and social sectors. We know that living with congenital heart disease has an impact and consequences on private and professional life. However, the impact of the disease will be different depending on its particularities and its management. No case …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

2 0 2 3
Fondation Pour l'Audition Fondation Pour l'Audition

[Automatic translation follows] 🤝 Foundation recognized as being of public utility since 2015. “Let’s stay tuned to life. » The Fondation Pour l'Audition has been recognized as being of public utility since 2015 and works daily to advance the cause of hearing health. This heritage imbues the brand with a culture of concrete and positive field action. An action which aims to support scientific and medical research, raise awareness, break the taboo and change the way we view the deaf, the hard of hearing and their loved ones. The Hearing Foundation wishes to create synergies by bringing together talents to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

33 4 25 13
Fondation du Souffle Fondation du Souffle

[Automatic translation follows] Give, Seek, Breathe! The Fondation du Souffle, created on the initiative of the National Committee against Respiratory Diseases (CNMR), was recognized as a public utility institution by decree of November 15, 2011. Itself recognized as a public utility since its creation in 1916, the CNMR carries a history that has long been intertwined with that of tuberculosis. The association has evolved to ensure the promotion of respiratory health, the Foundation being the natural outcome of this evolution. The Fondation du Souffle unites the fight against respiratory diseases, by acting with the supervisory authorities, industry, health professionals and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

21 8 12 16
 CHU Média CHU Média

[Automatic translation follows] Information at the heart of the hospital 🏥 🔬📚 Information at the heart of the hospital 🏥 🔬📚 CHU Média is an information site for those in the world of health and the general public. Created in 1998, it provides access to news from the 32 university hospitals in France. The objective: in a period where the COVID crisis has propelled university hospitals into the spotlight, it seems necessary to offer an autonomous, human and useful media, capable of explaining to as many people as possible number their missions (care, training, research) without forgetting the challenges of …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

15 2 1 4
Little Lion Little Lion

Team & Community Building via Inclusion, Wellness, and Leadership Development workshops, events, and online platform Little Lion provides services that prioritize Community Building to keep people connected, engaged, and healthy. Our activities are focused on wellness, inclusion, and leadership building through our interactive platform, workshops, and events. Learn more at

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 4
Recycle Recycle

Recycle is a company based out of Auchrannie Road Brodick , ISLE OF ARRAN, United Kingdom.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 96

RYMO is a restaurants company based out of 114 Diegemstraat, Zaventem, Belgium.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 1
Quartz Clinical Quartz Clinical

Quartz Clinical is an advanced healthcare data analytics platform that connects all of your data together. Through its artificial intelligence engine and more than 30 billion data points, Quartz benchmarks your entire enterprise down to the individual procedure and provider. Quartz empowers your leadership team and medical staff to achieve better health and better care at a lower cost. Rediscover the joy of the work that you do and join us as we make the world a better place. data analytics, executive dashboards, service line analytics, supply chain analytics, comparative analysis, physician benchmarking, healthcare intelligence, predictive analysis, quality improvement, performance …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

0 0 0 0

It’s rowing – and so much more. CITYROW is a boutique fitness studio offering a one-of-a-kind workout that combines rowing intervals on sexy, water-based row machines with dynamic sculpting exercises for the perfect balance of cardio and strength training. Since opening in early 2014, CITYROW has amassed a devoted following and earned raves from Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Details and more Group Fitness and Boutique Fitness

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

3 1 1 33
LighthouseLGBT LighthouseLGBT

Lighthouse is a rapidly growing network of LGBTQ affirming healthcare and wellness providers. Join our movement at

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 1
Medical Optometry America Medical Optometry America

MOA helps preserve the beauty of sight by expanding access to high-quality medical eye care. Medical Optometry America (MOA) helps preserve the beauty of sight by expanding access to high-quality medical eye care. Our medical optometrists have received extensive additional training and are committed to excellence in visual and ocular health. Their experience, supported by the advanced technology available at the MOA Diagnostic and Therapeutic Center, enables them to provide exceptional patient outcomes. With Medical Optometry America, you get the best of today’s leading medical science with personalized care from our primary eye care doctors. Medical Optometry, Medical Eye Care, …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

0 0 0 16

We make personalized therapeutic solutions for knee replacements, using avant-garde medical technology and AI. Rejoint is a company founded in 2015. Pioneer in new technology and surgical approaches in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Rejoint has developed a solution for knee replacement based on the integration of 3D Additive Manufacturing (AM), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT), which enables the design of personalized implants and surgical simulation based on unique patient anatomy. Committed to change the orthopaedic knee replacement offer, introducing new concepts and new technology. We deliver specific solutions for new generations of patients and e-patients. A highly experienced …

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech Technologies: A.I. IoT

0 0 0 7
Fhadi, I.A.P. Fhadi, I.A.P.

"No damos el pescado, enseñamos a pescar" FHADI es una Institución que, desde 1997, centra sus esfuerzos en resolver la raíz de la problemática de la discapacidad motora en la vida adulta; cuenta con experiencia profesional y especializada, contribuye en promover un modelo de atención integral psicológico, canalización médica, social y laboral; estable, visible y tangible. La intervención de FHADI ha logrado reducir de manera directa el rezago social en el que vivían más de 3,100 personas adultas con discapacidad motora. Para alcanzar este objetivo, FHADI ofrece el programa de Inclusión Social y Laboral con el propósito de que la …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech edtech

3 0 3 14
Elevate Healthcare Elevate Healthcare

Solving Healthcare's Evolving Challenges Welcome to Elevate Healthcare, where healthcare needs intersect with innovation in education. With a foundation built on expertise and forward-thinking vision, we're dedicated to elevating proficiency and prioritizing patient safety with every solution. Elevate Healthcare is a visionary company committed to enhancing patient safety and clinical performance through leading-edge healthcare education. We understand that the key to a healthier future lies in the hands of those who dedicate their lives to care, and we are proud to be the partner of choice when it matters most. In the swiftly evolving healthcare industry, our expertise, vision, and …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech healthtech

0 0 0 471
NorthStar Anesthesia NorthStar Anesthesia

Taking Great Care of Our People, So They Can Take Great Care of Our Patients. NorthStar Anesthesia is one of the largest anesthesia management companies in the United States. Founded by an Anesthesiologist and a CRNA more than 10 years ago, we have built a foundation of anesthesia expertise unparalleled in the market. NorthStar delivers a transformational anesthesia model, emphasizing a culture of mutual respect and accountability. Our clinical leadership works in partnership with our providers to implement experience, efficiency, and leadership initiatives throughout the entire perioperative process. Today, we run successful anesthesia programs at over 150 facilities in more …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 886
Strive MedTech Strive MedTech

The digital healthcare platform that harmonizes the distinct needs of patients and care teams. Strive MedTech is the digital healthcare platform that solves for disparities in healthcare and harmonizes the distinct needs of patients and care teams. Our robust telehealth system creates a vital connection between patients and care teams. Wearable Technology, Fitness Trackers, Orthopedics, Telemedicine, Software, Software Company, healthcare, solutions, remote patient monitoring, digital health, patients, care teams, health equity, and surgery

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Embedded Systems

1 0 1 5
Minds@Work Minds@Work

We create communities that care for each another through life's toughest struggles. New Friendships, Better Health. We create communities that care for one another through life’s toughest struggles. Together, we come out the other side stronger and healthier. Our “Highly Interactive Virtual Experience” (HIVE) is a 12-week virtual peer support programme that builds new friendships and better health. Each HIVE shares a life struggle that they work together to overcome. HIVE can strengthen bonds in any group of people with common ground - for instance any organisation, university, neighbourhood, or patient support group. As a charity, we build HIVEs for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 1 5 3
ENDOmind France ENDOmind France

[Automatic translation follows] The fight against endometriosis today mobilizes many people: patients, practitioners, groups, associations, health establishments, researchers, elected officials... ENDOmind is committed to participating alongside them in the open-mindedness of society and the development of the link between patients, associations and professionals. ENDOmind does not wish to be another patient association but rather an association which brings its skills and its network to all those who work in favor of endometriosis. Our objectives are therefore to help, support and promote all initiatives or projects that give more visibility to endometriosis as well as move forward for its recognition as …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

21 3 9 18
ariis - Alliance Recherche Innovation Industries Santé ariis - Alliance Recherche Innovation Industries Santé

[Automatic translation follows] Created in 2010, the Alliance for Research and Innovation in Health Industries (ariis) aims to unite the health sector around events or collective projects. Ariis interacts with all players in the innovation ecosystem to: - Promote French research internationally, - Foresight on disruptive innovation likely to transform the health of tomorrow, - Support the digital transformation of the health sector, particularly on the theme of health data and artificial intelligence. The Ariis is thus defined as a circle of focus for national research and innovation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

32 5 25 6
Ai4Health Ai4Health

Augmented Intelligence for Health AI4HEALTH S.r.l. è il partner per l'innovazione degli Enti del mondo sociosanitario. ASL, Ospedali, Strutture sociosanitarie, Distretti, Ce.A.D., ecc., possono trovare in AI4Health un partner referenziato per la fornitura di applicazioni software evolute ed internet based, per servizi di Consulenza e Tecnologici, per la FAD, e per soluzioni innovative che utilizzano Realtà Aumentata ed Intelligenza Artificiale. sociosanitario, telemedicina, realtà aumentata, intelligenza artificiale, gestionali per la sanità, app, and siti web

Type: Startup Activities: it services healthtech Technologies: SaaS

1 1 0 8
ExoWear, LLC. ExoWear, LLC.

Rehab for the knee alone includes over 28 million Americans with osteoarthritis, knee replacement surgeries, and meniscus tear surgeries. ExoWear aims to help patients recover faster by improving compliance and communication through wearable technology.

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 1
TapGenes TapGenes

TapGenes is a health engagement platform for families that helps you take control of your family’s health and care for the ones you love. A family’s health history is considered the single strongest predictor of disease risk yet only 4% of Americans have a documented health history past their parents in medical records. Family members share genes, behaviors, lifestyles, and environments that together may influence their health and their risk of chronic disease. TapGenes helps families crowdsource their health history, helping them understand medical conditions that may run in their family & what they can do about it. TapGenes connects …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 1
Virtudent Virtudent

To bring high-quality dental care to all. Virtudent is on a mission to bring high-quality oral healthcare to all. Our vision is to make dental care seamless, accessible, and patient-centered. teledentistry, on site care, virtual care, teledental, and dental

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 4
AppointmentNotify, Inc. AppointmentNotify, Inc.

A secure HIPAA-compliant online Patient Engagement marketplace for on-demand appointments. The Platform allows Patients to seek early appointments and reduces no-shows and late cancellations for Providers. The Patients and their Providers benefit from a more efficient engagement resulting in a more valuable healthcare experience. For more information check us out at: HealthTech, Patient Engagement, Patient-Centered Design, Innovation, Disruptive Technologies, and Health

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

8 1 8 4
GuideWell GuideWell

GuideWell Mutual Holding Corporation is a not-for-profit mutual holding company that is the parent to a family of forward-thinking companies focused on transforming health care. We’re at the forefront, forging ahead by innovating, collaborating and advocating for better health. We help people make sense of this new world, forming an integrated ecosystem of products and services and ensuring they get the best experience. We’re relentlessly building and refining to drive higher efficiency and exceptional care. GuideWell – Built for the future of health. Health Insurance, Health Care Consumerism, New Care Delivery, and Health Innovation

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech insurtech

15 0 12 603
Fit Company Fit Company

We Help Companies Build Rock Solid Teams Through Wellness. Fit Company is dedicated to helping people and companies thrive through fitness. Our unique events ignite excitement about fitness and health in companies, inspire employees to get healthy, and help companies take their teams to the next level!

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 6
endoscope-i Ltd endoscope-i Ltd

Endoscopic mobile imaging and advanced developments in Otolaryngology. We have created the first economical portable solution for attaching the endoscope to a technologically advanced camera smart phone. The innovative aspect of this device is to utilise a smartphone commonly used by clinicians thus reducing the need to purchase expensive stacking systems. Attaching a camera to an endoscope is well practiced and continues today in clinical medicine. There is no doubt that medical imaging is invaluable in both clinical practice and education and we aim to encourage its use by making endoscopic imaging readily available.

Type: Startup Activities: deeptech healthtech

3 1 4 3
Healthwork Group East Anglia Healthwork Group East Anglia

Occupational Health | Sickness Absence | Health Surveillance | HSE Medicals | Work Medicals | Driver Medicals We are local, highly professional and an innovative Occupational Health Provider. We work as your workplace health partner, no matter where you are based or how many staff you have. Local Based in Norwich with clinic facilities covering Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire. Highly Professional: The Wrightway Health team are dedicated, professional and committed. Our staff are all qualified and experienced practitioners, focused on keeping your workforce healthy and at work (just where you want them to be). We pride ourselves on …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 3
EFL Trust EFL Trust

The EFL Trust is the charitable arm of the English Football League (EFL) and was established in 2008 to oversee the remarkable and diverse work of EFL’s Club Community Organisations (CCOs). Our vision is ‘Stronger, Healthier, More Active Communities.’ We use the power of the Club badge and the affinity countless numbers of people have to their team, to deliver a wide range of community initiatives focusing on raising people’s aspirations and quality of life. Our core purpose remains to support the CCOs in our network to help us achieve our vision. We focus on: - Improving health and wellbeing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 51
International AIDS Society International AIDS Society

Founded in 1988, the International AIDS Society (IAS) is the world’s largest association of HIV professionals. We convene, educate and advocate for a world in which HIV no longer presents a threat to public health and individual well-being. The IAS has been at the centre of the HIV response from the very start of the pandemic. We unite the global HIV response because progress happens when science, policy and activism come together. Today, the IAS galvanizes the scientific response, builds global solidarity and enhances human dignity for all those living with and affected by HIV. The IAS also hosts the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 181
Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi)

An international society for the promotion and advancement of health technology assessment Health Technology Assessment international HTAi is an international not-for-profit society that promotes health technology assessment (HTA) around the world. HTA is a multidisciplinary field of scientific research focused on informing policy and clinical decision-making on the use of pharmaceuticals, devices, diagnostics and treatments. Our membership includes policy makers, researchers, clinicians, patient organizations and others from over 65 different countries.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

5 0 0 67
Aussel Aussel

[Automatic translation follows] Quality of life & Grief assistance. Aussel operates in São José dos Campos and the region, on two fronts: PARTNERSHIPS, to promote customers' quality of life through preventive campaigns and discounts of up to 60% in more than 900 partners, with a main focus on the health area. Available on all plans: Family, Company and the new Individual Partnership Plan. FUNERAL ASSISTANCE, an activity that gave rise to the company in 1993 and guarantees monitoring, reception, guidance and coverage of expenses in the event of the death of one of the members of the Family and Company …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Cybersecurity

0 0 0 65

Empowering mothers and enabling healthy children ARMMAN is an India-based non-profit leveraging mHealth to create cost-effective, scalable, gender-sensitive, non-linear, systemic solutions to improve access of pregnant women and mothers to preventive information and services along with training health workers to reduce maternal and child mortality/morbidity. It adopts a “tech plus touch” approach by leveraging the health worker network of the government and partner NGOs along with the deep mobile penetration. Maternal & Child Health, Pregnancy Care, Sustainable Solutions, mHealth, and Technology

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 139
Building Healthcare For Tomorrow Building Healthcare For Tomorrow

BHCT is a non-profit international organization aiming to rethink healthcare through a citizen-driven model Building Healthcare For Tomorrow is a non profit organisation specialised in Health & Wealth Management born december 2017 as a result of extensive collaboration between health practitioners and economic experts. BHCT, The art of balance in healthcare solutions. Healthcare, Carepathway, Health & Wealth, Medecine, Wealthcare , Patient, Value for Money, Healthinsurance, Care providers, Care, Hospital, Physician, Insurance, Medical Centre, clinical pathway, Prevention, Homecare, Telehealth, Well being & Comfort, and Clinic

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech insurtech

11 0 9 6
Rohan Rohan

Rohan is in Stealth Rohan is in Stealth

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 11

CSOA is a company based out of 46 Kloosterstraat, Beringen, Belgium.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 12
Mehad Mehad

Urgence · Santé · Développement Mehad is a French health and international solidarity NGO. It is committed to working with local players to build sustainable healthcare systems that guarantee long-term development for local populations. Mehad carries out vital missions for populations, relying on a network of more than 1,000 healthcare professionals, mobilised from France and all over the world. Solidarité internationale, Santé, Humanitaire, Droits de l'homme, Urgences, Public health, NGO , and Humanitarian

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

12 1 9 77
La Mut' - GHM de Grenoble La Mut' - GHM de Grenoble

[Automatic translation follows] With more than 430 beds and places, Mut' is positioned as the 2nd largest healthcare player in the Isèrois region. The Grenoble Mutualist Hospital Group is a non-profit Private Health Establishment of Collective Interest (ESPIC) participating in the public hospital service. It offers more than 400 beds and places divided into 6 institutes: medicine / surgery / women and newborns / unscheduled care / cancerology / cardiovascular. The establishment is located in the heart of Grenoble, has a recent and efficient technical platform and has recognized cross-functional services. La Mut' is an establishment of the Avec Group, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

2 1 0 223
IUIS - Institut Universitaire d'Ingénierie en Santé IUIS - Institut Universitaire d'Ingénierie en Santé

[Automatic translation follows] Research, Train and Innovate for better care #Sorbonne University #Technology for medicine

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech deeptech

1 1 0 1
Campanile - Chartres Campanile - Chartres

Campanile - Chartres is a hospitality company based out of ROUTE DE GALLARDON, Chartres, France.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 4

[Automatic translation follows] Association for Research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Overcoming Charcot disease. Since 1985, ARSLA's ongoing challenge has been to respond to the changing needs of patients to promote access to care, improve the quality of life of patients and their loved ones, defend their rights, promote and encourage research. . ARSLA is recognized as being of public utility and is labeled Don entrust. Funding for ALS research, Help for people affected by ALS, Disability compensation, Advice, Support for caregivers, Loan of personalized technical aids, and Organization of charitable events

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

27 5 22 21
AquitHealth AquitHealth

[Automatic translation follows] AquitHealth is an association whose ambition is to lead and promote the digital health revolution in the Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes region. It is from a concrete observation that AquitHealth was born: at present, the Aquitaine region has one of the largest ecosystems in France in e-health, and yet the awakening of health professionals to this theme is still weak and the walls between digital professionals and health professionals are still too thick. This is the origin of the creation of the association. The goal is clearly defined: to develop relationships, exchanges and collaboration between digital professionals (developers, designers, entrepreneurs), …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 0 10 1
Amawé Amawé

[Automatic translation follows] Amawé is a 100% digital company, helping women to transform themselves internally and reconnect to a state of full physical, mental and emotional health. To do this, we offer various online programs and content around the themes of nutrition, stress management and the search for meaning. A young structure on a human scale, it is part of a desire for more responsible consumption, and in response to a global search for meaning: today's women want to flourish personally, live better, while having the energy to do it. This is what we passionately facilitate.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 2
ClinFlows ClinFlows

Professional web-based tools to share medical images (DICOM) and clinical data in regulatory compliant workflows. ClinFlows offers online solutions for web based transfers of clinical data and medical images (DICOM). We manage various types of clinical project ins "Clinical Decision Support"​ and "Research and Clinical Trials"​. Clinflows'​ 'decidemedical'​ application is an extremely powerful platform to support even the most extensive workflows in clinical projects and clinical trials. We support central image read workflows and submissions to corelabs as well as online patient eligibility checks or screening workflows, medical proctoring activities and more. Our specific expertise comes to show when we …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics SaaS

1 0 1 7
Datica Datica

Cloud Compliance. Simplified. Cloud Compliance. Simplified. From startup to enterprise, Datica provides the easiest way to deploy, manage, and scale compliant solutions in the cloud. Automate compliance for HIPAA, HITRUST, SOC 2, and NIST so your teams can innovate quickly without headaches. Cloud Computing and Regulatory Compliance

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services regtech Technologies: SaaS

5 1 3 6
Silver Tsunami Productions, Inc. Silver Tsunami Productions, Inc.

We are a public charity that produces The Wellness Expo in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Our mission is focusing on the wellness of the community. The Expo has eight Wellness Zones: Health & Fitness, Hearth & Home, Mature Marketplace services for elders, Feathered Nest for all things about your nest egg, Fabulous Food offering food and beverage samplings, Celebrations for the important moments in life, Just for Kids, and Travel & Leisure. The Wellness Expo offers support, education and answers. Does your company fit into any of the zones? For more about the May 10, 2014 event, please …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

7 1 4 10
Aō Air Aō Air

Better Air for Life Ao Air allows active urbanites in polluted megacities like Beijing and London to reclaim their outdoor lifestyles and commute and exercise without fear of pollution. Ao Air’s facewear uses advanced nano-fiber technology to clean and filter air, protecting the user while providing unparalleled comfort, performance, and style. Wearable technology, Respiratory Protection, Health and Wellness, Nanotechnology, Consumer Electronics, Environmental Protection, Big Data, and Apparel

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consumer goods greentech healthtech nanotech Technologies: Data Analytics

2 0 1 6
CDW Healthcare CDW Healthcare

At CDW, we partner with you to build IT solutions that help you optimize processes and improve patient care. Health Technology, Health IT, Health Tech, HIT, EHR, Remote Care, Patient Care, Digital Health, Connected Care, Integrated Healthcare, Virtual Care, Clinical Mobility, Patient Data Security, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, AI, and Workplace Modernization

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: A.I.

17 1 14 2
Center for Global Health Innovation Center for Global Health Innovation

Dedicated to empowering the Global Health, Health Technology & Life Sciences Ecosystem to enhance health outcomes. CGHI is a first-of-its-kind 501c3 organization, representing more than 250 organizations through the merger of the Georgia Global Health Alliance and Georgia Bio. At its core, CGHI orchestrates programs that promote cross discipline cooperation to strengthen capabilities, accelerate problem solving and respond to global health crises.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

0 0 0 5
Duke-NUS Medical School Duke-NUS Medical School

Transforming medicine, improving lives Duke-NUS is Singapore’s flagship graduate entry medical school, established in 2005 with a strategic, government-led partnership between two world-class institutions: Duke University School of Medicine and the National University of Singapore (NUS). Through an innovative curriculum, students at Duke-NUS are nurtured to become multi-faceted ‘Clinicians Plus’ poised to steer the healthcare and biomedical ecosystem in Singapore and beyond. A leader in ground-breaking research and translational innovation, Duke-NUS has gained international renown through its five signature research programmes and 10 centres. The enduring impact of its discoveries is amplified by its successful Academic Medicine partnership with Singapore …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech healthtech

0 0 0 1,329