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LogoName Σ Employees
Natéosanté Natéosanté

French designer and manufacturer of solutions for controlling and purifying indoor air in the workplace. NatéoSanté has been the French specialist in indoor air quality since 2009. As a player in the healthcare innovation ecosystem, we work every day to prevent occupational, nosocomial and respiratory diseases linked to poor air quality, a major public health issue. NatéoSanté has real expertise in the air industry and a perfect command of the issues specific to many professional environments. We offer a complete range of air measurement and purification solutions for professionals, and support establishments from A to Z in their efforts to …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing

40 7 38 13
Namaki Cosmetics Namaki Cosmetics

Natural and fun disguise makeup for children 🥳 Namaki designs, manufactures and markets organic, creative and fun cosmetics for young and old. Organic cosmetics, costume makeup, water -based nail polish, child cosmetics, and hair mascara

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing cosmetics kidtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 1 1 10
Naïo Technologies Naïo Technologies

Autonomous robots for easier farming Naïo Technologies is a French start-up, a pioneer and world leader in agricultural robotics. Since the company was founded just over ten years ago by two engineers, Aymeric and Gaëtan, Naïo believes it is possible to respect and celebrate our heritage while preparing for the future and our ecological transition towards a more environmentally friendly precision agriculture, ecosystems, and humans. That's why Naïo develops 100% electric and autonomous robots that allow farmers to focus on higher value-added tasks (and let the robot take care of sowing, hoeing, or weeding), reduce the arduousness of work, or …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: agritech greentech cleantech Technologies: Robotics A.I.

62 41 34 76
Minuit Sur Terre Minuit Sur Terre

Without leather and without reproach! Vegan, ethics and responsible 🌱, manufacturing in Portugal, based in Bordeaux 🍷. Without leather and without reproach! Vegan, ethics and responsible 🌱, manufactured in Portugal. It is with the desire to offer an ethical and vegan option to our customers that we have opted for vegetable materials for our shoes and bags, respectful of our customers and the environment, which are made from apple And grapes (wine waste)! 👉🏻 Come and discover our products: Created 2017 by Marie, midnight on Earth was born from a frustration not to find vegan and ethical shoe at …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

3 0 2 3
Local4People Local4People

Collaborative Platforms for the Common Good Local4People est une société anonyme simplifiée éditeur de plateforme collaborative en mode SaaS - CEO: Philippe Bouillé Nos projets: - TROCKEE (sept. 2020-maintenant) : échange de biens sans argent, expérimentation : - Co-organisateur SUMMIT4GOOD (2019-maintenant) : - TIMEBANKPRO (2018 - 2020) : - VivreDansMaVille (2013-2018) : 🇺🇸 Local4People is a privately held company editing SaaS collaborative platforms - CEO: Philippe Bouillé Our projects: - TROCKEE (2020-present) : Sharing of goods without money - PoC here : - Co-organizer SUMMIT4GOOD (2019-present) : - TIMEBANKPRO (2018-2020) : - VivreDansMaVille …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

2 2 0 2
Le Cozy Corner Le Cozy Corner

The second life of the furniture, decorative elements and dishes from professionals. We are two young entrepreneurs fresh out of an MBA communication and strategic marketing. Now a year ago, we embarked on a business creation project when we were still students. Throughout this year, we have refined our project, written its business plan, participated in startup competitions, postulated to integrate incubators, exchanged with various entrepreneurs, taken risks. And here we are today at the dawn of a new adventure. Our project? This is the Cozy Corner, a new way of furnishing your interior that binds responsible purchase and discovery …

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

9 1 4 1
Agence LUCIE Agence LUCIE

The CSR agency that accompanies organizations to a sustainable transition! The Lucie agency guides organizations in their CSR approach, whatever their level. We are a solutions center to help organizations become transitional players with: - CSR labels based on the ISO 26000 standard or the responsible digital standard adapted to their level. - A Lucie training center, leader in CSR training in France with more than 50 training courses to support organizations in their ecological and united transition. - The Lucie community: 1st community committed and responsible for Europe with more than 1,400 members. Social responsibility, sustainable development, CSR, ISO …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech consulting greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

109 24 57 56
Uvoji by T.zic Uvoji by T.zic

UVC LED treatment for fountain🚰 | Van, van & amp; CC 🚐 | Boats ⛵ | Tiny House 🏘 | Reuse 🚿 | 🔵⚪🔴 Uvoji is a French company specializing in UV-C LED disinfection. We design, develop, manufacture and market solutions ranging from water treatment (consumption, worn or OEM) to that of the surface (textiles and surfaces). Our expertise allows us to offer effective, instant, clean and lasting products. For good reason, Uvoji is an impact company and is committed daily through three pillars: - Social and sanitary - environmental - Economic It is in this era that we are …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing water management Technologies: Decarbonization

15 5 12 14

ID EAU CONSEIL is a design office specializing in the field of smart and connected territories. We support local authorities, social landlords and departmental energy and digital joint unions in the implementation of their connected territory strategies. We carry out feasibility studies and project management assistance services. A connectivity network makes it possible to remotely read water, electricity and gas meters, as well as a large ecosystem of sensors serving sustainable and intelligent cities.

Type: Startup Activities: smart city greentech cleantech water management Technologies: IoT Sensors

0 0 0 2
Kokpit - Service couches lavables Kokpit - Service couches lavables

Let's change the world a layer at a time! Let's change the world a layer at a time! We are working on the development of a rental / sale service and ultimately washing of washable diapers 🚀. Together let's offer the best to our toddlers! 👼 Washable diapers, rental, inserts, zero waste, zero waste, environment, health, and economics

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

2 0 2 1
TURBO CEREAL Coopérative solidaire de productions TURBO CEREAL Coopérative solidaire de productions

Solidarity agricultural network which allows farmers to finance themselves, produce and market their crops In order to guarantee farmers' income and agricultural sovereignty, Turbo Cereal puts finance and technology at the service of sustainable cereal production Finance + Blockchain 🔗 + Farmers 👨‍🌾 = 🌍️ Agriculture, Blockchain, Financing, Financing, Agritech, Crypto, Circular Economy, Sustainability, Sustainable Environment, Funding, Farmer, Farming, Social Impact, Cereal, Impact Investing, Greentech, Sovereignty, Impact, and Durability

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech agritech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

35 4 30 3

We develop and industrialize sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy solutions to accelerate the energy transition. EODev (Energy Observer Developments) is an innovative greentech industrial company founded in France in 2019 with the aim of accelerating the energy transition thanks to sustainable, reliable and affordable energy solutions using hydrogen. In particular, EODev is a world leader in the design and industrialization of zero-emission fuel cell power systems with its GEH2® electro-hydrogen unit for stationary and mobile operation, and REXH2® for marine applications. EODev counts among its customers prestigious references such as Loxam, GL events, Enedis, Fountaine Pajot or San Lorenzo. The …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Hydrogen

64 14 50 65
Evergaz Evergaz

Nothing is created, everything is transformed - Evergaz, creator of circular energies Integrated operator specializing in the production of biogas and the development of its uses, Evergaz develops, holds and operates a park of biogas production power plants. Created in 2008 under the name of Green Holding, Evergaz supports and federates the actors of the territories - farmers, industrialists and communities - to provide a lasting solution to the management and treatment of organic waste while producing green energy and a natural fertilizer .

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

7 0 2 54

Our DNA: Impact! Our mission: to manage non-transit and non-valued waste. @ecomegot @rmask Keenat (Keeping Our Nature) is a social enterprise, approved by ESUS (solidarity company of social utility), specialized in waste management. Keenat is three complete and innovative solutions: - Eco -on: sale of ashtrays, collection and valuation of butts. - R'MASK: sale of terminals, collection and valuation of masks and EPI for single use. - Freegum: upcoming offer. Keenat also offers strategic support for social and solidarity (ESS) and circular economy projects. development of solutions, learning experience, and networking

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

35 9 30 31
JustAuthMe JustAuthMe

Passwordless identity provider. Login everywhere, using your smartphone biometrics as your password.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

2 1 1 2
Apimani Apimani

Make your daily life, a good habit! ☀️ In 2017, three friends working in the same company set out to create an activity with the main idea of ​​revisiting an object of everyday life: the toothbrush. Alexis, Delphin and Thomas wanted a natural product in accordance with current societal issues, if possible without plastic. Here are the main stages of Althode's life until today: - December 2016: 1st successful Ulule campaign with 255% of the target reached - April 2017: creation of Althode and the brand I like my teeth !, The Bamboo toothbrush sold by subscription - February 2018: …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

30 1 27 13

We provide durable solutions to recyclers manufacturers and waste managers of plastic materials via our digital platform Circular economy is the key attribute of Poly to Poly. Our expertise in the area of analysis and characterization helps our recyclers add value to their products and at the same time provide them certification to increase their credibility. We ensure that the needs of our converters are met with high quality materials along with an optimal supply chain solution. We help waste managers with proper allocation of their resources. Sustainable growth comes with making the durable industry development and in order to …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

5 4 0 4
Hortinergy Hortinergy

Your software to design energy efficient greenhouse and model this inner climate Hortinergy is an on-line design software for greenhouse project. You can simulate for any horticultural greenhouse all over the wolrd: ✔ inner climate on houlry basis during a typical year, ✔ energy consumption : heating, dehumidification, lighting, cooling... Hortinergy, Greenhouse, Horticultural greenhouse, Semi-closed greenhouse, Climate control, Cannabis greenhouse, Energy efficient greenhouse, closed greenhouse, Greenhouse design software, and Tomato greenhouse

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech agritech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 2 1 4
HECOSFAIR HECOSFAIR 🍀 HECOSFAIR, Solidarity brand of exceptional products, organic Fairtrade & amp; CrueltyFree, offers you to eat healthy and to consume ecological, ethical, sustainable. 🌟 In, 2023 hecosfair was selected for the delicatessen and craftsman section by the very renowned French gastronomic guide Le Gault and Millau. 🌟 In 2022, Hecosfair won the Best Organic Grocery Store Paris Award from North America Business Awards from New World Report. 🌟 In 2022, Hecosfair received the mention "excellent" for one of these products, by the site of, which performs tests for establishing purchasing guides to help you better consume. 🌟 In …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech foodtech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Bio sourced materials

0 0 0 1
Greensheep Greensheep

The 1st community of local shepherds to mow your lawn by sheep 🐑 Greensheep offers a local eco-pasting service and turnkey to companies and communities throughout France 🇫🇷. By installing sheep on your land you participate in: ✅ The safeguarding of a rustic 🐑patrimonial race in your region. ✅The remuneration of a shepherd🧑‍🌾, local employment. ✅ On the return from biodiversity 🌱🐝 on your land. + 200 companies and communities already have their sheep with Greensheep, and you? More information on 👨‍🌾Poin our community of + 80 passionate local shepherds! The origin of the project: The idea of ​​Greensheep …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

13 2 11 7
Groupe Startec Energy Groupe Startec Energy

French industrial group specialist in technologies for energy transition At the core of the energy transition, Startec Energy is a French group that designs and provides technologies to accompany all professionals in the electrification of their mobile or stationary solutions. From R&D design to industrial production, the group's subsidiaries bring you their expertise across the entire value chain by providing complete solutions tailored to your needs: ▪ Neogy: Custom-designed batteries and systems adapted to all applications; ▪ Belios: Solar batteries for professionals and OEMs to create off-grid solar systems ▪ BMS PowerSafe: The most secure embedded intelligent solutions on the …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Batteries Embedded Systems

16 3 2 25
Groupe Chadasaygas / Méthajoule Groupe Chadasaygas / Méthajoule

Méthajoule is a young, dynamic SME specializing in the implementation of territorial projects for the valorization of biomass using the methanization process. The company has developed an innovative and inclusive collective methanization model based on the specificities of territories, particularly rural areas in the mid-mountains. The methanization units created are of average size with powers of 300 kWe to 500 kWe. Our projects offer an industrial valorization of local resources (livestock effluents, green waste, etc.) with a technology specific to the company and correlated with the typology of the material deposit present in territories with a strong agricultural dominance. The …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: New Materials

4 1 4 5
SolarCeram SolarCeram

We produce photovoltaic solar cookers and heaters that work off-grid. Our technology is unique on the market and gurantees a price and environmental impacts lower than the other photovoltaic heating systems on the market. énergie solaire, cuisson solaire, production de chaleur, hors réseau éléctrique, solar energy, off grid, innovation, no batteries, sans batteries, solar cooking, solar water heater, photovoltaic, photovoltaïque, eau chaude solaire, clean cooking, energy access, accès à l'énergie, and cuisson propre

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Solar Technologies

0 0 0 1
Qalway Qalway

Qalway, digital and sustainable heat by Qarnot Qalway, the Qarnot brand dedicated to ecological heat.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 1 N/A
Enercoop Paca Enercoop Paca

Enercoop, electricity, renewable, local and citizen, managed by a network of cooperatives ENERCOOP PACA is a regional cooperative within the ENERCOOP network. ENERCOOP cooperatives offers a 100% renewable offer thanks to a direct and exclusive supply from a network of electricity producers of renewable origin (hydraulic, wind, photovoltaic, biomass). At the local level, Enercoop Paca also offers an activity of design office and develops photovoltaic production projects in the region. renewable energies

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

10 3 6 13
Ubac_shoes Ubac_shoes

Inspired by nature. Designed for the future. Ubac, the first recycled wool basketball. Inspired by nature. Designed for the future! Ubac was created in 2018 by Simon and Mathilde. They wanted to design a brand of comfortable, timeless and responsible sneakers. The word Ubac designates the slope of the mountain least exposed to the sun and therefore the most preserved of the human imprint. Ubac then becomes a symbol of a preserved and still wild nature that we must take care of. It aspires to a feeling of freedom and protection that the high mountain landscapes can provide. Know-how, made …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech fashtech greentech Technologies: New Materials

2 2 0 15
Airseas Airseas

To power with wind! Discover Seawing, our automated kite that propels ships and reduce their fuel consumption. Airseas harnesses the power of the wind! We are an industrial company and we design and install Seawing, an automated giant kite system that propels ships and aims at reducing their fuel consumption and associated emissions. Our first product was installed in 2021 on a vessel owned by Louis Dreyfus Armateurs and chartered by our first customer, Airbus.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing

13 8 2 113
Wetri Wetri

The application that rewards sorting gestures! Wetri connects individuals and their waste to companies engaged in the circular economy. By digitizing recycling and rewarding consumer sorting, WWTRI improves the valuation of household waste, gives recyclers access to new material deposits and provides customer traffic to collector merchants. Wetri aims to become the reference digital platform to link individuals to companies in the circular economy.

Type: Startup Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

29 4 28 2

Prebona is a provider of sustainable and innovative products for odor elimination, surface protection, disinfection etc. Prebona is a smart material company using above all surface modified silica particles to produce a wide range of products with different functionalities. Silica is a compound of the two most abundant elements in Earth’s crust, silicon and oxygen. By attaching different active atoms or molecules to these particles, Prebona can create products with specific properties. The product portfolio includes for example: ● Prebona OdorControl (various formulations for odor elimination, developed as sprays and paint additives etc.) ● Prebona Cool&OdorControl (cooling and odor-eliminating additives …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials Decarbonization

0 0 0 6

We manage your electronic waste to generate social benefits We are a special employment center, in which all jobs are covered with people with disabilities. We are dedicated to the collection, disassembly and valorization of electronic waste, recovering almost 100% of raw materials. We are circular economy and social economy. Recycling, RAEE, Electronics, Electronics, and Plastics

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: New Materials

0 0 0 14
Hygen Energy Hygen Energy

At the forefront of the low carbon hydrogen economy delivering a sustainable net zero future. Hygen is a leading developer, producer and asset owner of low-carbon hydrogen production facilities in the UK and Europe, focusing on the decarbonisation of mobility, hard-to-electrify industries and power. Hygen is part of HydraB, the group holding company of a number of ‘Road to Zero’ companies which includes Ryze Hydrogen and Wrightbus. Ryze distributes hydrogen to fleet users and owns the UK’s largest fleet of tube trailers. Wrightbus manufactures Hydrogen and Battery Electric buses. Hygen is focused on the development and build of low-carbon hydrogen …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Hydrogen Decarbonization

1 0 1 20
Exus Renewables Exus Renewables

Independent Power Producer and asset management firm focused on the renewable energy sector. Exus Renewables is a global independent power producer focused on the development and asset management of renewable energy assets. With a strong presence across Europe, Exus takes pride in developing, owning, and operating large-scale, wind, solar and battery storage projects. Aside from its own portfolio, Exus extends its expertise to third-party asset management and project development services for solar, wind, and battery storage projects owned by external parties. Exus is also present in North America and LatAm. Asset Management, Investment Structuring, Technical Supervision, Operation & Maintenance, Development …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 159
sequestra sequestra

advanced carbon sequestration sequestra is a climate tech startup dedicated to advancing and bringing to market breakthrough technologies for carbonating mineral materials, specifically targeting the long-term storage of CO2. Our primary focus revolves around leveraging widely available industrial waste materials to drive sustainability. Our mission is to pioneer adaptable processes empowered by machine learning, ensuring cost-optimized carbonation for diverse materials. As we scale these processes on an industrial level, we are poised to make a significant impact in mitigating global greenhouse gas emissions, leading the way towards a more sustainable future.

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

3 0 1 5

Valencian Association of the Energy Sector | Valencian Region Cleantech Cluster | Energy transforms us | Director of Avaesen, leading association in promoting renewable energy in Spain, representing, dynaming, internationalizing and developing business for more than 120 associated companies in the energy sector (manufacturers, engineering, installer, consultants, promoters). AVAESEN manages in Spain Climate-Kic Accelerator, the largest echo-business acceleration program of the European Union. Promoted by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), the program offers coaching, mentoring, international masterclass sessions and financing for Start-UPS. The program takes place in 18 EU cities, being coordinated in Spain from Valencia. Climate-Kic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

26 5 16 13

ATV is a Belgian regional television channel for the region around Antwerp City, which was founded in December 1993. The channel is located in the city of Antwerp, on the island. Just like most other regional channels, regional news is one of the most important elements in the channel programming. The channel has since grown into a figurehead in the field of regional television.

Type: Large company Activities: cleantech greentech

3 3 0 972
Assofond Assofond

Where you don't expect it, the foundry is there Assofond - Italian Foundry Association is the industrial organization of category that represents the main Italian Foundry companies: a sector that in our country has over 1,000 companies, which give work to almost 30,000 employees generating a turnover of around 7 billion euros. Founded in 1948, Assofond adheres to Confindustria and the European Foundry Association (Caef). The Association assists companies on issues of general and specific interest in the administrative, commercial, economic, tax, regulatory, energy, technical, environmental, safety and hygiene of work. It also performs institutional functions and promoting the reputation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

8 1 6 10
Association béton Québec Association béton Québec

Our mission is to promote the use of concrete and to mobilize in the adoption of good practices. Our mission "Promote the use of ready -made concrete, mobilize our members and partners to join the good practices of the industry. »» The Concrete Quebec Association (ABQ) is recognized as the only representative of ready -to -use concrete producers in Quebec. It brings together 56 concrete producers which operate some one hundred and sixty factories spread across the entire Quebec territory. More than half of them are located in the region while the other half is in an urban environment. During …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

0 0 0 13
Asociación Latinoamericana de Minería y Energía-ALAME Asociación Latinoamericana de Minería y Energía-ALAME

The Latin American Mining and Energy Association, Alame, is an entity created in order to stimulate cooperation between active members, seek the progress and development of energy mining activity in the Latin American and Caribbean region and in each of the countriesMembers, within a framework of environmental and social sustainability, uniting efforts to contribute to the Latin American integration process, thus improving regional competitiveness and always oriented to compliance with our main objective that is to promote, develop, harmonize and integrate the mining sector ofThe region, through the promotion and coordination of actions, projects and programs of bilateral and multilateral …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

2 2 0 3
Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE) Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE)

Promote wind growth through the defense of their interests, research, communication and education The Wind Business Association (AEE) is the voice of the wind sector in Spain. It promotes the use of wind energy in our country, in Europe and in the entire world. Represents and defends the interests of the sector. AEE has more than 300 associated companies and represents more than 90% of the sector in Spain, which includes promoters, wind turbines and components, national and regional associations, organizations linked to the sector, consultants, lawyers and financial entities and financial entities insurers, among others. AEE coordinates research in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: energytech greentech

30 3 27 26
Asociación de Ciencias Ambientales (ACA) Asociación de Ciencias Ambientales (ACA)

Analysis, communication and action. The Association of Environmental Sciences (ACA), founded in 1997, is composed of students, scientists, technical and in general by professionals from different disciplines, concerned and busy in the study and resolution of environmental problems, under different approaches and with Interdisciplinary vocation. Why does here arise? As is known, environmental problems arise from the complex and difficult relationship between human beings and their societies with their environment. The complexity of this relationship, the globality of its processes and the delicate underlying balance causes, often, numerous errors both in its analysis and in its planning, evaluation and management, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

11 1 6 16

We turn waste into value for a circular economy. SELFRAG is specialised in waste-to-value solutions for incinerator bottom ash (IBA). With our patented high voltage pulse power technology, we up-cycle slag from incinerators at an unprecedented rate. We reduce the volume of waste ending up in landfills, reducing CO2 emissions and contributing to a circular economy. As an engaged group of scientists, engineers and business people, we have built an ambitious technology company which is today the world leading manufacturer of high voltage pulse power machines and corresponding processes. Recycling, Geosciences, High purity processing, Selective Fragmentation, Bottom Ash Recycling, High …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: New Materials

3 0 0 19
Energyminer GmbH Energyminer GmbH

Base load clean energy in harmony with nature and landscape We are revolutionizing hydropower by introducing a crucial form of base load-capable renewable energy generation. This approach is essential for achieving our energy transition goals. Our pioneering achievement lies in generating clean, local electricity without any ecological drawbacks. Our solution, the Energyfish, is a scalable micro hydroelectric power production device designed to be suspended in rivers. It harnesses the water's flow to generate electricity. Our patent-pending technology ensures high efficiency, driving remarkable profitability. Notably, this is accomplished without the need for dam walls, while also safeguarding the local flora and …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 2 19

Greece’s National Gas System Operator DESFA, as the Operator of the Greek National Natural Gas System, operates and develops with safety and innovation a wide network of modern infrastructure throughout the country, while paving the way for a greener future. With significant experience and highly qualified personnel, we make a decisive contribution to energy security and the diversification of supply sources in Greece and the wider region, positioning the country as a key energy gateway. We strengthen the competitiveness and extroversion of the Greek economy, having been established as a reliable partner in the development, operation, and management of gas …

Type: SMB Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 1 484
Photon Energy Group Photon Energy Group

Clean energy and water. The fundamentals of life. Photon Energy Group is a group of companies with a shared mission: making clean energy, clean water and clean environments accessible to all. Photon Energy provides comprehensive renewable energy solutions, including solar power and energy flexibility. Photon Water offers water treatment and management solutions, and our remediation technology removes contaminants from water and soil. A publicly traded company operating in over 15 countries across two continents, we combine a global outlook with localised expertise. Since our founding in 2008, we’ve expanded to a team of more than 400 employees around the world. …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech water management Technologies: Solar Technologies

1 0 1 440
Clade Engineering Systems | B CorpTM Certified Clade Engineering Systems | B CorpTM Certified

the UK's leading manufacturer of natural refrigerant heat pumps | B CorpTM Certified At Clade we lead, we don’t follow. We proactively find ways to innovate in the heating and cooling industry so that we can halt and reverse the effects of global warming. Recently achieving B Corp certification highlights our unwavering commitment, extending beyond financial success to social and environmental responsibility. We recognise the immense responsibility our generation has and we take it as a challenge. Our vision: a carbon-neutral world, made possible by Clade technology. From hiring some of the smartest minds in global green technology to becoming …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 0 80
Moray East Moray East

Moray Offshore Windfarm (East) Limited is a joint venture company owned by EDPR (33.3%), Diamond Green Limited (33.4%), ENGIE (23.3%), and CTG (10%) with main offices located in Edinburgh. The joint venture has been awarded 15-year CfD (contract for difference) for a 950 MW offshore wind project. The project is located on the northeast coast of Scotland with a completion date expected by 2022. When construction is complete Moray Offshore (East) Windfarm will be capable of meeting the average electricity requirements of at least 950,000 homes in the UK and the windfarm will be able to provide 40% of Scotland's …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 19
CollectiveCrunch CollectiveCrunch

CollectiveCrunch is a green technology company that is committed to building a sustainable future for forestry. CollectiveCrunch - AI for Sustainable Forestry and Nature-based Solutions Do you have challenges understanding the inventory and health of your forests? At scale? Are your inventories crude samples that are too inaccurate to drive decisions? Are you at risk of bark beetle outbreaks destroying your forests? These are the things we specialise on, so you can make data driven decisions and can respond to bark beetle outbreaks early. CollectiveCrunch is a firm that ‘collects’ process, climate and geo data to ‘crunch’ these data for …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: A.I. Decarbonization A.I. - Machine Learning

1 1 0 21
OneThird OneThird

Food waste prevention by predicting remaining shelf-life of fresh produce One-third of all food is wasted. A large portion of this occurs before it even reaches the consumer. We are on a mission to change that. Better understanding leads to effective actions! Retailers are unnecessarily throwing away too much food because they are struggling to predict shelf life and optimise their inventory to sell at peak freshness. Our solution enables retailers to scan produce at distribution centers and at the store to accurately predict days until spoilage. This enables them to improve inventory management and sell produce at the right …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: A.I.

2 1 0 21

Facilitiamo la transizione energetica del settore industriale e residenziale con le nostre soluzioni solari termiche SOLHO is a high-tech company developing technology to decarbonise the industrial and residential heating demand worldwide. SOLHO was founded in Delft, the Netherlands, by a team of Italian researchers with over 10 years of experience in the energy and solar industry. In Europe, more than 50% of energy is consumed in the form of heating or cooling. Of this demand, 80% is met by burning fossil fuels. At SOLHO, we have chosen to work with the sun as it allows our customers obtaining clean energy …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

5 1 4 5
Roofit.Solar Roofit.Solar

Award-winning integrated solar roofs. Roofit.Solar's award-winning fully integrated solar roofs combine the traditional Nordic metal roof design with progressive solar technology. Going solar has never been that easy and design-friendly. Integrated solar roof: Solar metal roofs built to last with premium materials Unrivalled design: Combination of sleek black roof panels and high-tech photovoltaic cells Planning consultancy: Personalized 3D project using our own roof planning program To get started with upgrading your roof and switching to solar power, get in touch with us: building integrated photovoltaics, standing seam metal roofs, zero-energy buildings, smart house, PV, BIPV, Solar roof, Solar energy, …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

1 0 1 34
Aquaservice - Viva Aqua Service Spain S.A. Aquaservice - Viva Aqua Service Spain S.A.

Leading company in bottled water with a dispenser in Spain and Portugal. Aquaservice is the leading company in the bottled water sector in Spain that installs, in your company or at home, a modern and comfortable service of cold and hot mineral water dispensers. Leaders in service, technology and passion for well -made work, Aquaservice was born in 1997 being the first company that introduced the water service for companies and homes with a global 500,000 daily users who enjoy our water of weak mineralization (with certificate of certificate of ISO 9001: 2008). Our area managers offer a periodic and …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

14 2 5 1,139
Greenlyte Carbon Technologies Greenlyte Carbon Technologies

Fueling Carbon Cycle GCT operates a low energy DAC approach to capture CO2 while generating hydrogen as a byproduct. The process consists of 3 main process steps. Absorption in a liquid, precipitation and desorption through alkaline electrolysis. The technology is based on 15 years of research with relevant patent applications filed and working prototypes. The company was founded as a university spin-out by 2 serial entrepreneurs and an experienced DAC researcher. Join us:

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

8 1 7 51
trawa trawa

We professionalize your green electricity shopping. Welcome to the Trawa universe! ⚡ Our mission is to make high -quality and affordable green electricity accessible to companies of all size! As a full-service service provider for the optimized purchase of green electricity, we support small and medium-sized companies in obtaining their electricity as large corporations can: sustainable and at the same time inexpensive. For this we have developed a AI-based technology that analyzes the electricity consumption of our customers and creates transparency about the current costs and CO2 emissions. The analysis enables our customers to put together the optimal electricity portfolio …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

4 2 3 41
ViridiCO2 Ltd. ViridiCO2 Ltd.

Enabling greater sustainability to manufacturers by deriving products from CO2 feedstocks, closing the carbon loop. ViridiCO2 enables chemical manufacturers and the foundation industries to transform waste carbon dioxide in to high-value, chemical products. Based out of the School of Chemistry at the University of Southampton.

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

3 1 3 16
Klimato Klimato

Klimato makes climate labeling. Climate labeling helps your guests choose climate smart - and show that you care about the climate issue!

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 2 0 36
ClimateChoice ClimateChoice

Trusted by procurement and climate teams to accelerate Scope 3 decarbonization ClimateChoice provides the AI-powered Climate Intelligence Platform designed for procurement- and climate teams to accelerate Scope 3 decarbonization. Companies use it to automate time-consuming and costly supplier engagement processes and collect audit-ready data at scale. Trusted by leaders like T-Systems, Lenovo, o2 Telefónica, and EnBW. In order to accelerate knowledge sharing, we support businesses to exchange best practices across a number of touchpoints, including our annual Climate Transformation Summit, our blended-learning program 'Scope 3 Action Group', regular ChoiceEvent webinars and our online ClimateMagazine Find more information on our website …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Data Analytics

15 2 13 16

Your digital platform for international secondary metal and recycled metal trade METYCLE is building the platform to accelerate the global circular flow of secondary metals. At METYCLE, we are bringing the $610 billion global scrap metal trading industry into the 21st century. We are building an online platform to connect buyers and sellers of scrap metal internationally, enabling the seamless flow of recycling material to accelerate the global circular flow of secondary metals. Secondary metals are essential building blocks in the global effort to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 95% compared to primary metal production and to make materials …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: SaaS

6 1 3 23
Phytonics Phytonics

Anti-Glare Solutions Phytonics offers anti-glare coatings and retro-fit films to remove the glare from solar panels, enabling the use of solar energy in many places like around airports and highways, but also in glare-sensitive neighbourhoods

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing greentech cleantech Technologies: Solar Technologies

1 0 1 9
RheEnergise RheEnergise

Innovation in Pumped Energy Storage RheEnergise is bringing fresh innovation to the world’s dominant form of storage: pumped hydro storage. We call our solution High-Density Hydro®. HD Hydro® uses our proprietary HD Fluid R-19 which has 2.5x the density of water. It is environmentally benign, non-toxic, non-corrosive, and non-reactive. R-19 gives RheEnergise projects 2.5x the power and 2.5x the energy when compared to water. Unlike traditional pumped hydro energy storage, HD Hydro can operate using smaller hills as opposed to needing mountains. As a result, it opens up vastly more options in terms of potential sites. The technology is sized …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization Batteries

7 0 4 35
ANIMA Confindustria ANIMA Confindustria

We represent and promote the Italian mechanical industry Anima Confindustria - Federation of national associations of the mechanical and similar mechanical industry - is the industrial organization of category that represents the companies of mechanics, a sector that occupies 225,000 employees for a turnover of 55.5 billion euros and an export share/ turnover that exceeds 60%. Mechanics, industry, water, air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, food, firefighting, boilers, energy, renewable, thermal, cogeneration, valves, pumps, safety, finishing, gates, safes, dyspers, environment, soundproofing, signs, and road

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

21 1 14 61
Wavepiston Wavepiston

Bringing wave energy to the world! Wavepiston is a revolutionary technology that harnesses wave energy to produce clean electricity and desalinated water. We believe that wave energy will play a crucial role in replacing fossil fuels and ensuring clean drinking water. The ocean energy potential is vast. Wave energy allows for a stable and predictable source, that can complement wind and solar energy. We have tested our technology extensively through several stages and our full-scale system is now being tested and demonstrated in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Gran Canaria. Unlock a sustainable future with Wavepiston, by harnessing …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

6 0 6 21
Pelt8 | Simple Swiss Sustainability Reporting Pelt8 | Simple Swiss Sustainability Reporting

We simplify sustainability reporting with standardized, time-saving industry templates for Swiss SMEs. The road to sustainability starts with measurement. Get started today with a free trial of our easy-to-use platform, designed to simplify your sustainability reporting. Pelt8 is a Zürich-based startup that simplifies ESG data collection and reporting, ensuring compliance with international standards such as ESRS, TCFD, CSRD, and more. We streamline the reporting process with standardized, time-saving industry templates so you can focus on running your business. Prefer not to handle the process yourself? We have a network of trained partners—whether specialized sustainability consultants or fiduciaries—who can manage your …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: Decarbonization Data Analytics

21 6 17 15
phelas phelas

Long Duration Energy Storage | Wind and Solar. All Day. Every Day. phelas develops the solution for the energy transition: An electricity storage system that is modular, mass-produced, cost-effective and safe. We help utilities, grid operators, industry, renewable energy developer & operators to provide renewable energy 24/7 Energy Storage

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Batteries

12 3 10 22
FlexThor FlexThor

Energy in your hands Belgian startup FlexThor creates cutting-edge IoT solutions and AI-enabled cloud platform for energy-conscious homeowners to earn incentives digitally by sharing surplus green energy with energy deficit communities and network operators in real-time. battery storage, IoT, AI-on-cloud, Renewables, Solar, Wind, Machine Learning, Energy waste, and Green energy

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech smart city Technologies: A.I. IoT A.I. - Machine Learning

1 1 0 3
AirZyme AirZyme

Reversing global warming using nature’s own regulators. Reversing global warming using nature’s own regulators.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 0 9 3
Smart Green Shipping Smart Green Shipping

A systems design house developing solutions that enable the rapid reduction of emissions from the shipping sector. Smart Green Shipping, SGS, is an award winning systems design house developing system solutions to contribute technically and commercially viable solutions that enable the rapid reduction of emissions from the shipping sector. It is privately owned and convenes a wider collaboration of SMEs, large corporations pioneering maritime renewables. Our purpose is to build 100% renewable powered ships. The first step is to retrofit an existing ship.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 0 1 10
ReLearn ReLearn

We simplify waste management by connecting data to organization. | Waste is more. We make waste management simpler by providing data in an accessible, clear, and efficient way to environmental professionals. NANDO, is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence, that delivers actionable insights for measuring, analyzing, and optimizing waste management. This empowers companies and communities to minimize their waste impact, safeguarding the planet for future generations. Waste is more. Climate Tech, Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, Waste Management, Environmental Impact, and Trasparency

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

9 0 9 17
Clipper Automotive Clipper Automotive

Accelerating the decarbonisation of commercial fleet vehicles CLIPPER electrifies your vehicle. The fastest, cheapest and most impactful way to decarbonise transport is to upcycle existing fleet vehicles. CLIPPER, a principle-led business, is on a mission to accelerate EV adoption through innovative vehicle repowering technology. We will convert your vehicle to all-electric for under 1⁄2 the price of a new equivalent and for around 10% of the carbon footprint of any other solution. CLIPPER’s integration platform enables upcycling of host vehicles to all-electric drive: - with the ability to integrate the latest battery technology, maximising range - fully vendor unlocked enabling …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 6
Think RE Think RE

Connecting sellers and buyers of renewable energy to promote the energy transition. Think RE connects buyers and sellers of renewable energy and is your versatile partner on your journey towards carbon-neutrality. This matching of partners is achieved through our renewable energy platform “RE Wave”. We are specialized in structuring and concluding Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). Through these PPAs, sellers and buyers can connect efficiently while minimizing the associated risks and find the best match. In addition, they can get an overview of relevant information on the international energy market to help them make decisions. By reducing your scope 2 emissions, …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 1 0 1
RFC Power RFC Power

Developing the next generation of grid scale energy storage solutions. Low cost, long duration hybrid flow batteries for grid energy storage applications

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Batteries

3 2 3 17
suena suena

The suena the better suena, short for sustainable energy applications, is a Hamburg based 100% digital flexibility trader for large-scale battery storage. With the suena Autopilot, suena offers optimization and trading services to maximize efficiency and reduce risks of energy storage systems on short-term electricity and balancing markets. Energy Trading, Flexibility, Energy Storage, Combining Storage with Energy Trading Optimization , Analytics, Investment Advice, Energy Storage Insights , Automated Trading, Trading Platform, and Transparency

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Batteries

8 4 5 36
Solskin by Zurich Soft Robotics Solskin by Zurich Soft Robotics

High-Tech Solutions for Sustainable and Comfort-Centered Building Envelopes With its multifunctional adaptive solar champagne, Zurich Soft Robotics offers a second building skin that offers a unique combination of dynamic PV system and sun protection. Solskintm increases PV energy production by more than 40% through active solar tracking and AI-controlled shading reduce building air conditioning energy by 20-80% compared to conventional systems. The comfort and well -being of the residents are also improved.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Robotics Solar Technologies A.I.

4 1 3 17
Parallel Carbon Parallel Carbon

Removing and Reducing Carbon, in Parallel Affordable Direct Air Carbon Capture and Clean Hydrogen Technologies At Parallel Carbon, we're on a mission to halt climate change through innovative solutions. Our technology combines Direct Air Capture (DAC) and Water Electrolysis processes, harnessing solar and wind power to remove carbon from the atmosphere and produce clean hydrogen affordably. With a commitment to sustainability, by 2030 we will capture carbon for under $100 per ton and generate clean hydrogen for $1 per kilogram. Embracing a dual process — ancient geochemistry coupled with modern electrochemistry — we're doubling our efforts against climate change. Carbon …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech manufacturing cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Hydrogen

8 2 3 10
Windswept and Interesting Windswept and Interesting

Kite Turbines Airborne Wind Energy Portable, Scalable, Safe & Efficient WINDSWEPT AND INTERESTING LIMITED Kite Turbines Scalable, networked, airborne wind energy systems. prototyping, airborne wind energy, rotary kite networks , multi kite turbines, flying wind turbines, dynamic modelling, and portable clean flying wind turbines

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech

0 0 0 1
ReviveBattery B.V ReviveBattery B.V

Cost-effective battery regeneration solutions for a sustainable future. IMPACT AWARD FINALIST 2023 At Revive Battery, we mitigate the early death of lead-acid batteries and regenerate them 2-3 times for up to 90% of their original capacity. In the process, we reduce 3.5 tons of Co2 emissions per battery. Battery recycling is an emission-intensive chemical process that causes environmental damage and harms people engaging with it. Our cutting-edge technology rejuvenates batteries without damaging them, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and avoiding the need for energy-intensive recycling. Lead-acid batteries are integral to battery backup systems in solar and wind farms, telecom towers, and …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: A.I. Batteries A.I. - Machine Learning

8 1 5 8
Bioreactor Bioreactor

A cleantech company focusing on creating a weather independent distributed clean energy resource for electric utilities. The Bioreactor is a revolutionary technology that converts bio waste into clean energy through biomass gasification. It's a sustainable, efficient and cost-effective solution that addresses energy poverty, energy security and climate change. With the use of the latest technology in computational fluid dynamics, cloud-optimized digital twin and deep learning algorithms, the Bioreactor can optimize its performance in real-time over a wide range of fuels and operating conditions. The Bioreactor is a game changer in the energy industry, it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, drastically …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning Decarbonization IoT

0 0 0 1
Waterwhelm Waterwhelm

Reinventing water supply Waterwhelm’s breakthrough water re-use and desalination technology operates at significantly lower pressures compared to reverse osmosis, resulting in lower capital and maintenance costs. Powered by waste heat or solar thermal energy, our circular solution achieves the LOWEST-EVER rate of electricity consumption and CO2 emissions in the market.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

2 0 1 14
Myriad Wind Energy Systems Myriad Wind Energy Systems

Creating the next generation of high performance wind turbines Creating the next generation of high performance wind turbines. We want to build the next generation of wind turbines. The industry is demanding ever-larger wind turbines offshore. The multi-rotor wind turbine is the ideal technology to scale up and meet this demand and secure our renewable energy future. Check out our website for more details.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

1 0 1 5
ACUA Ocean ACUA Ocean

Autonomous solutions for monitoring and protection ACUA Ocean designs and develops uncrewed surface vessels (USV) for ocean monitoring and data collection, providing a stable open ocean platform-as-a-service with the space, weight and power to deploy sensor and system payloads. USV, Offshore Operation, Zero Carbon Emission Vessels, and Offshore Survey

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

10 1 10 31
Corre Energy Corre Energy

Leader in the design, development and commercialisation of long duration energy storage Corre Energy ( is a European company (listed in Dublin, headquartered in the Netherlands) that is at the forefront of developing and operating Long Duration Energy Storage projects and products. These projects unlock the value of renewables by combining hydrogen production with long duration, flexible energy storage, thereby supporting Europe’s net zero decarbonisation goals, increasing Europe’s energy security and facilitating the energy transition. Our first storage projects, both Compressed Air Energy Storage schemes, are located in the Netherlands and Denmark and our ambition is to develop additional schemes …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech greentech cleantech Technologies: Hydrogen Decarbonization

6 0 6 34
Aqualung Carbon Capture Aqualung Carbon Capture

Aqualung Carbon Capture is a leader in membrane carbon capture and separation technology. Aqualung’s membrane technology will speed up decarbonisation and mitigate carbon emission costs by offering a safe, absorbent-free and highly compact carbon capture system for industrial flue gas and biogas. This will remove a significant amount of otherwise hard-to-abate CO2. Aqualung will be a driving force in the energy transition by deploying industrial scale carbon capture units, offering a complete well-to-wake solution for industrial CO2-emitters.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 20
Enerpoly Enerpoly

Enerpoly produces cost-effective and clean zinc-ion batteries for scalable stationary energy storage solutions Enerpoly develops and manufactures zinc-ion batteries to deliver breakthrough affordability in stationary energy storage. The patented technology using globally abundant zinc and manganese is also a safer, cleaner, and scalable solution. Founded in 2018, Enerpoly is headquartered at Stockholm, and brings the best of Swedish design and sustainability to the energy storage industry. Energy storage, Battery, Research, and Sustainable materials

Type: Startup Activities: energytech manufacturing cleantech greentech Technologies: Batteries

11 0 11 30
NorFalk NorFalk

We rethink the production of active and stabilizing ingredients for soap and cosmetics The active and stabilizing ingredients in detergents, soaps and cosmetics are now made from either, palm oil, fossil oil or a combination hereof. These sources are not sustainable as they contribute to the destruction of biodiverse habitats and emit large amounts of greenhouse gases. NorFalk rethinks the production of these ingredients from sustainable sources. Our process technology is innovative with novel sourcing of raw materials. With our technology, a minimal amount of waste is generated in the production by recycling chemicals and materials which reduce greenhouse gas …

Type: Startup Activities: cosmetics greentech Technologies: New Materials

4 1 3 19
Zenobē Zenobē

Making clean power accessible to the power and transport sector. We're Zenobē Energy and we're on a mission to make clean power accessible. How? ⚡Increasing the uptake of renewable power and driving down consumer's bills with the innovative use of battery storage. 🚍 Accelerating the electrification of bus, coach, truck and van fleets by minimising the lifetime costs of electric. 🔋 Extending the useable life of EV batteries by repurposing them in a second-life for EV charging, construction sites, film sets and more. We're delivering our mission at speed and scale with >1,000 electric vehicles supported globally, 435MW of battery …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Batteries

13 2 12 267
enmacc enmacc

We're hiring! enmacc is Europe's largest market venue for OTC trading of energy and environmental commodities. Our platform digitalises the end-to-end professional energy trading process. Using enmacc allows participants to gain speed, efficiency and security when trading in energy markets. More than 500 member companies, with over 2000 active traders, are already taking advantage of enmacc and are utilising our continuously growing network of energy suppliers, industrial companies, energy trading houses and municipal utilities for trading in power & gas. All of our clients can benefit from increased market access, additional liquidity and other business development opportunities. enmacc customers can …

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

1 0 1 104
Green Fusion Green Fusion

The digital boiler room that does more. The energy-saving pilot for all boiler rooms. We don't just digitize your boiler rooms, we automate and optimize the entire operation of your portfolio and ensure a smooth transition to regenerative systems. For maximum efficiency and sustainability in the housing industry. Want to operate your systems intelligently? Save money, energy and CO2? With our software, your systems optimize, control, analyze and monitor themselves: * Analysis & optimization - continuous and holistic * Semi-automated or fully automated operations management - sit back and save * For conventional existing systems, complex new energy systems and …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning Solar Technologies

9 2 9 54
Solarix Solarix

Energy generating design facades. Our facades contribute to a green and solar based future. Solarix designs, develops and supplies innovative coloured solar panels for facades. By generating energy in facades, Solarix wants to accelerate the energy transition and achieve a minimum reduction of 25% in CO2 emissions or realize completely energy-neutral buildings. With our unique colour technology, design collections and associated mounting system, Solarix solar panels can be fully integrated into sustainable and aesthetic facade solutions. A Solarix solar design facade contributes to the development of beautiful and smart cities where buildings generate more energy than they consume. #solarmanufacturer #solar …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Solar Technologies Decarbonization

4 1 3 26
Amaco - Servicios Ambientales Amaco - Servicios Ambientales

"In Amaco we work to inherit our children a better place to live" A company with more than 37 years of experience in the lease and cleaning services of portable bathrooms and cleaning septic tanks, riles and rises, with branches in the main cities in the regions of O'Higgins, Maule, Ñuble and Biobío. The experience in the field and the constant spirit of innovation in management, allow us to offer a rapid, efficient and quality service Rent chemical baths, cleaning, riles, laughs, rental bathrooms, industrial cleaning, luxury bathrooms, graves, and events

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech kidtech

7 2 4 15
Exeger Exeger

Exeger invented and manufactures solar cells that drive new possibilities for light-powered products. Exeger is a Swedish company with a unique solar cell technology that converts all forms of light into electrical energy. With its resilient and flexible design, the innovation, called Powerfoyle, can be seamlessly integrated into all products that benefit from being self-powered. Powerfoyle can enhance products with extended or even eternal battery life, putting the power of cutting-edge solar technology directly into the hands of consumers. By revolutionizing the perception of available energy, Exeger makes products both smarter and more sustainable – with the vision to touch …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing greentech cleantech Technologies: Solar Technologies

16 0 16 173

Future-shaping fats and oils We are ÄIO and our mission is to change the way we produce, consume and perceive foods and other products. On the oil drop level. By recognizing the full worth of microbial oils, we deliver tailored solutions for industries such as food, feed and cosmetics. We were officially founded in January 2022 and we plan to be the largest biotech company in the region. How do we plan to do it? Simple: we use locally available by-products to "brew" fats & oils. By-products such as forestry residues and food industry side streams. Our products are better. …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 1 4 19
GeoPura GeoPura

Sustainable Power Now GeoPura has a totally zero emissions answer to how we’re going to generate and distribute the vast amount of energy required to decarbonise our global economies. Generating 100% emissions free energy, independently from the grid, is essential to supporting a rapid transition away from fossil fuels. Off grid, renewable energy generation will pave the way to decarbonising transportation, construction and the events industry. Through harnessing the power of hydrogen, GeoPura delivers 100% renewable off grid energy when and where it’s needed.

Type: Startup Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization Batteries Hydrogen

12 1 9 104
Agoprene Agoprene

We’ll get rid of oil based foam. We produce biofoam from seaweed to get rid of oil based foam. Get in touch:

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 0 5 8
ScrapBees GmbH ScrapBees GmbH

We empower urban miners by covering the first mile in reverse logistics by a software-orchestrated swarm of BeeVans. We are the reliable partner for craftsmen, private households and SME when it comes to turning what was considered waste into a raw material. Fast, tech-driven and convenient, we are the world's first scrapyard on wheels.

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS

0 0 0 11
QiO Technologies QiO Technologies

Optimizing energy-intensive assets and data centers with AI-driven solutions for greater efficiency and sustainability. At QiO Technologies, we are dedicated to transforming energy-intensive industries and data centers into models of efficiency and sustainability. Our innovative AI-powered solutions optimize energy usage, enhance operational performance, and reduce costs, all while supporting global sustainability goals. Our Mission: We aim to lead the industry in intelligent energy optimization, providing advanced software solutions that deliver significant energy savings and environmental benefits for our clients worldwide. Our Key Solutions: ServerOptixTM: An AI-driven software for data center power management, designed to optimize server power configurations, reduce energy …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech it services Technologies: A.I. Data Analytics Decarbonization A.I. - Machine Learning

3 1 2 31
cylib cylib

Battery recycling with proprietary end-to-end technology cylib GmbH is a research-based company for holistic battery recycling enabling the green energy transition by ensuring the supply of sustainable raw materials for the battery industry. cylib's proprietary end-to-end recycling process is characterized by an efficient, resource- and climate-friendly recovery of all raw materials in a battery, including lithium, graphite, nickel, cobalt and manganese from battery packs, production scraps, or micromobility batteries. Founded in 2022 in Aachen, Germany, the company builds on nearly a decade of research by the founding team. cylib was founded by Dr. Lilian Schwich (CEO), Paul Sabarny (CTO), and …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech Technologies: Batteries

23 2 18 84

Water for Latin America ALADYR, Latin American Association of Desalination and Water Reume A.G. Founded on November 30, 2010, in the framework of the II International Desalination Seminar in the city of Antofagasta, Chile, aims Sustainability standards and environmental respect. Networks: Facebook: Associationaladyr Instagram: @aladyr_asociacion Twitter: @aladyr_asoc YouTube: Water and desalination treatment, membranes, reverse osmosis, sustainable water management, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, desalination, effluent treatment, water post, sustainability, and effluents

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech water management

15 4 13 31
Ozonium Ozonium

Clean your beverage lines safely and ecologically. Ozone based solutions across industries. Ozonium is a cleantech startup based in Tampere specialized in the distribution and installation of Ozone equipment for water and air treatments. We are experts in sustainable solutions with the environment, with applications for all types of companies through the treatment of air and water with ozone with our equipment of the highest quality, EU built. Our main goal is to lead our clients on their transition to a more sustainable, ecologic and quality systems for their disinfection, cleaning and degreasing processes and bad odours control, reducing energy …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech water management Technologies: Decarbonization

0 0 0 7
LiVert LiVert

We group Online Shopping so people can get Free and Greener shipping 🌱🛍️ LiVert is a solution to group online shopping to get free and greener shipping 🌿 ! 🛍️

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech delivery greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

6 2 4 6
The Chlorine Institute The Chlorine Institute

Aim For Zero The Chlorine Institute (CI) founded in 1924, is a technical trade association that exists to support the chlor-alkali industry in advancing safe, secure, environmentally compatible, and sustainable production, distribution, and use of its mission chemicals*. *CI’s mission chemicals: chlorine, sodium and potassium hydroxides, sodium hypochlorite, the distribution of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), and the distribution and use of hydrogen chloride. CI and its members are committed to ensuring the safe and proper handling of the industry's products throughout the value chain, by developing and sharing technical information, training and best practices for the industry, its customers, emergency …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

4 1 3 14
Factored Factored

Rent-backed financing Factored empowers landlords to access capital from their future rental income, allowing them to effectively meet their needs, significantly enhance living standards and drastically reduce carbon emissions from their properties. finance, real estate, epc, and landlords

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 0 5 3