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LogoName Σ Employees
Rhône-Alpes Création Rhône-Alpes Création

For more than 20 years, Rhône-Alpes Creation has boosted innovative projects and helped outstanding entrepreneurs take their start-up to the next level by financing the early stages of their companies’ development. Up to now, we have accompanied more than 250 companies, many of which, such as Ad Think Media, Nanobiotix, Erytech Pharma, Docea Power and Amoeba, have become successful companies. With 69 million Euros under management, thanks to the support of the Rhône-Alpes Region, Bpifrance and several banks, firms and family offices of Lyon, we are a major player of the French seed and venture capital landscape. We invest in …

Type: Incubators & VCs

39 1
L'important L'important

#The essential info The info overflows from everywhere, in a continuous flow that bubbles, pasteurized, crushing and planer. Tweets around the world, the important thing only retains the important thing. The important thing has a human and non -algorithmic approach to info. The important thing chooses. The important thing is the number of unemployed, Arab revolutions, new political and social representations, gender equality, earth, secularism, Africa ... all that zapping of the news erases and which are the keys to our future.

Type: Media

38 8
Solar Impulse Foundation Solar Impulse Foundation

Boosting clean & profitable solutions that protect the environment. Following the success of the first solar flight around the world, the Solar Impulse Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life on Earth by fast-tracking the implementation of clean and profitable solutions to encourage decision makers to adopt more ambitious environmental targets and policies. Solutions , Clean Technologies , Adventure , Education, and Making the Impossible Possible

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship spacetech Technologies: Solar Technologies

176 126
Conseil économique social et environnemental Conseil économique social et environnemental

The Social and Environmental Economic Council is a Constitutional Consultative Assembly. By representing the main economic, social and environmental activities, EESC promotes the collaboration of the different socio -professional categories between them and ensures their participation in the definition and evaluation of public policies. EESC is mainly invested with five missions: • Advise the Government and Parliament and participate in the development of economic, social and environmental policy; • Foster, through its composition, the dialogue between socio -professional categories whose concerns, different at the origin, are closer to the development of proposals of general interest; • Contribute to the evaluation …

Type: Public

163 465

The leading French sustainability, thinktank and consultancy agency since 1993 UTOPIES is the top French consulting firm dedicated exclusively, since its creation in 1993, to the promotion of sustainable development through consulting and think tank activities. We help various organizations to design and implement sustainable strategies - ranging from pioneering ones (Ben & Jerry’s, The Body Shop, Nature & Découvertes) to major corporate groups such as Danone, Sodexo or L’Oréal passing by smaller structures (SMB, start-ups and associations). Follow us on Twitter: @Utopies_Paris Stratégie & conseil en RSE, Reporting & communication extra-financière, Consultation & dialogue avec les parties prenantes, Construction …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech agritech greentech consulting civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

132 92
Présidence de la République Présidence de la République

The President of the French Republic embodies state authority. He is the head of state in France, the head of the armies and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Since May 14, 2017, the President of the French Republic has been Emmanuel Macron. The president has been elected by direct universal suffrage since 1965 for a 5 -year term. Its role is to ensure the normal functioning of the public authorities and the continuity of the state. He is also the guarantor of national independence, the integrity of the territory and the respect of the treaties.

Type: Public

389 1,584
Consulate General of France in San Francisco Consulate General of France in San Francisco

Consulate General of France in San Francisco, representing France in Northern CA & NV / AK / MT / OR / WA / WY / ID / HI / UT / Guam.

Type: Public

80 63
Made in Marseille Made in Marseille

Online info from the Marseille region Made in Marseille is the first online media that propels initiatives and inspires solutions to the Marseille region. 📌 The 100% Digital Leader information site throughout the region with a community of 600,000 readers and 200,000 subscribers on social networks 📌 daily, independent and free information media 📌 A team of passionate journalists who make you live the local news otherwise since 2014 📌 An ambitious and resolutely innovative editorial line, specializing in solutions information and impact journalism 💡 Shops: news, economics, policy, innovation, town planning, sustainable development, culture, leisure, tourism ... 🎥 Formats: …

Type: Media

93 24

HOTEL BEL HORIZON is a company based out of France.

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

1 1
ROS Digital Grand Sud Est ROS Digital Grand Sud Est

Your trusted partner to facilitate the management of your documents of documents A one -stop shop, specialists in each job Since 2001, we have supported more than 10,000 customers on a daily basis, from VSEs to multinational, in France and Europe. Our companies, established on 15 sites in France and Belgium, provide a local service, and provide a personalized response to your printing, IT, telecom and operator, electronic security, document management, tactile and lighting. With Groupe Ros Digital, revolutionize your daily life and accelerate your digital transformation for the benefit of your efficiency and your productivity. Some figures: • 21 …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Cybersecurity

2 42
ASM Clermont Auvergne ASM Clermont Auvergne

#Asmrugby The ASM Clermont Auvergne is a professional rugby club in XV, evolving in Top 14 and in European Rugby Champions Cup. ASM Clermont Auvergne is historically a real economic pillar in Auvergne and has had a large community since 1911 which has released a strong sense of belonging. With its network of more than 550 companies and more than 160,000 individuals, ASM Clermont Auvergne is today a major communication vector for many companies. The high-end spaces of the Marcel-Michelin stadium offer the possibility of living moments of emotions during matches and organizing unique, completely tailor-made events. Your privileged interlocutor: …

Type: Event

41 148
Le Monde Le Monde

Reference news everywhere, all the time, by writing the world. has been present on the Internet since December 19, 1995, 51 years to the day after the creation of the paper newspaper. The site and its mobile applications are among the most consulted in France to follow the news in real time (international, economy, politics, society, ...) Leading News Website in French. Journalism, media, online press, written press, internet, video, and ethics

Type: Media

613 180
BlaBlaCar BlaBlaCar

We bring freedom, fairness and fraternity to the world of travel. BlaBlaCar is the world’s leading community-based travel app enabling 26 million active members a year to share a ride in 21 countries. Its technology matches drivers with empty seats with passengers heading the same way, so they can share the cost of the trip. With the mission to be the go-to marketplace for shared travel, BlaBlaCar combines carpooling with bus journeys from over 4000 operators to offer a wide choice of affordable and sustainable travel solutions, all in one app. In 2022, BlaBlaCar’s trusted community connected 2 million meeting …

Tags: FrenchTech120 Type: Large company Activities: transporttech it services

195 1,397

KOEO is a human resources company based out of Paris 8, France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

34 1
Planet Ride Planet Ride

Adventure at your fingertips Planet Ride is the first dedicated marketplace for motorized adventure travel. Founded in 2014, we are an international team passionate about adventure. Planet Ride offers hundreds of road trips around the world, organized by the best local agencies specializing in motorcycle, 4x4, quad and buggy trips, snowmobiling, etc. But Planet Ride is also a solution for brands: PLIDE. Thanks to our unique expertise, we offer a turnkey solution to create your own dedicated experience platform. Take advantage of our technological and commercial know-how acquired on our marketplace to develop a set of tailored experiences for your …

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech Technologies: SaaS

5 16
LOU Rugby LOU Rugby

The strength of the Lou is in the pack! Founded in 1896, the Lou Rugby (Lyon Olympique University) is one of the oldest clubs to date within the French elite of the oval ball. He evolved eight years in Pro D2, before joining the Top 14 in 2011. Chaired by Yann Roubert since 2012, it has been made up of different structures: the association, with more than 750 young licensees; The SASP Lou Rugby, its professional branch, which mobilizes an important fabric of leading economic partners; A category 1 training center, a fundamental tool for attracting and developing young talents. …

Type: Event

27 207
Pauline SIMON - Agence Watson Pauline SIMON - Agence Watson

Social networks, web and print writing, events, support and advice: the teammate of your communication! Watson agency, the teammate of your digital communication. We work on your digital communication and support you on a daily basis. Wear the culture of your business or your association is our credo, we become your unique contact, your referent on the web. Personalized support & amp; A follow -up of the actions carried out, we move forward together to boost the digital communication of your structure. Develop your website, entrust us with your presence on social networks, let yourself be guided in the organization …

Type: Startup Activities: martech

6 2

We cannot resolve social inequalities without resolving school inequalities. Stimulate, support and enhance young people from disadvantaged families Help college students in school difficulties to avoid dropping out of school. In the form of solidarity tutoring: a volunteer university student or grandes écoles gives 2 hours of his time per week all year school year in the college to a college student

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech civictech

21 137

Club de football professionnel Football Club

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

37 230

Let us have a body to your prevention approach Specialized in the prevention of risks linked to the physical requirements of work, we operate in all sectors of activity, when the spine suffers, or when an articulation is mistreated, to improve the quality of life at work, and take care of all Employees who suffer from professional low back pain to musculoskeletal disorders. Major back is empowered, by INRS and the Carsat of Auvergne, to provide training of actor PRAP (Prevention of risks linked to physical activity) IBC and 2S according to compliance with the specifications established by the prevention …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

5 1

Access to leisure for all! Dahlir is the handicap support system towards integrated and regular leisure. Born in Haute-Loire in 2012, the association now has 25 employees in 7 departments in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, as well as in the Hautes-Alpes. His goal? Access to leisure activities for all, whatever their condition. Dahlir contributes to the regular and lasting integration of people with disabilities, in a situation of exclusion or with chronic disease in leisure. The concept of handicap is apprehended as widely as possible: it encompasses any type of disability including social disability and health problems. Its field of action is …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech healthtech Technologies: Decarbonization

39 57
IRIS Interactive - Agence conseil en communication digitale IRIS Interactive - Agence conseil en communication digitale

Creator of fingerprints Communication consultancy agency specializing in web environment, Iris Interactive is based in Lyon, Puy-en-Velay and Clermont-Ferrand. From strategic reflection to the analysis of the results, Iris Interactive adapts its expertise to your problem. Our professional ethics is defined as follows: * Pragmatism of our recommendations; * Rigor of our working methods guided by our quality policy; * Clarity of our costing. Communication, internet, strategy, innovation, and web

Type: SMB Activities: martech

9 35

IG Tips | Experts in management, digitalization and training to boost business performance 🎯 IG Conseils - Your strategic partner in business management, information systems and vocational training 20 years of expertise to support companies in their organization, development and transformation. 💼 Business Management and Development Advice IG Conseils intervenes as a strategic ally throughout the life of your business. Our areas of expertise include: ✅ Accounting, finance & amp; taxation ✅ Commercial management: structuring of suitable processes and tools. ✅ Pay & amp; HR: automation of treatments and legal compliance. ✅ Management tools: creation of dashboards to follow the …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech it services Technologies: SaaS

5 5
Zevillage Zevillage

Media to rethink and transform the work #FureofWork #Teletravail #coworking #Tierslieux #Freelance Zevillage is the media to rethink and transform work. Created in 2004, it supports the community of makers and influencers, who create tools, methods, spaces to facilitate the emergence of more mobile, respectful, collaborative and inspiring forms of work for entrepreneurs and collaborators ... Zevillage is: - a website that more than 50 contributors make life on a daily basis by creating value -added content - A series of social media accounts (Twitter @zevillage with more than 14,000 followers, Facebook, Linkedin ...) - Events (Tour de France of …

Type: Media

78 1
GNIAC (Groupement National des Initiatives et des Acteurs Citoyens) GNIAC (Groupement National des Initiatives et des Acteurs Citoyens)

Civic engagement-Social innovation-Public innovation-Cooperation between the economic, social and administrative GNIAC is a network of benevolent and committed actors, in a personal capacity, in the promotion and development of ideas and initiatives that bring positive changes. Each member undertakes to make their experience and expertise available to the network. There are more than 400 citizen actors of diverse origins committed to breaking down barriers between worlds, the right to local experimentation, social and societal innovation. GNIAC is also a do-tank facilitating initiatives and a force of expertise whose ambition is to shake things up by being a force for proposals …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

18 1
Zoomdici Zoomdici is an online news media in Haute-Loire (43) since 2002. is an online news media in Haute-Loire (43) since 2002. media, news, information, and online press

Type: Media

5 9
Weldom Weldom

Repair, maintain and improve your home thanks to the solutions of proximity products and services Weldom is the local brand Adeo, specializing in DIY, decoration and gardening. The ADEO group is the leader in Europe and is the 3rd world player in the habitat improvement market and the Do-it-Yourself with a turnover of 35 billion euros in 2022. (Leroy Merlin, Weldom , Bricoman, bricoceenter, kbane). Weldom wants to provide solutions every day, to maintain, repair and enjoy the house, so that everyone can live better at home. Weldom is a network of stores mainly made up of independent entrepreneurs. In …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consumer services

21 2,190
Toulon Métropole Var Handball Toulon Métropole Var Handball

French champion 2010 - Winner Coupe de France 2011 & amp; 2012 - finalist 2016 & Amp; 2018 The Toulon Métropole Var Handball, is the flagship club of Var women's handball based in Toulon. Since its creation in 2007, the TMVH has established itself as a major player in the French 1st division championship, winning the titles of champion of France in 2010 and the Coupe de France in 2011 & Amp; 2012, and continuing to shine on the national scene. 🔹 Why associate with the TMVH? Visibility and notoriety: as a partner, benefit from exceptional visibility thanks to our …

Type: SMB Activities: sporttech

15 23
Changer son regard - Donner du sens Changer son regard - Donner du sens

Change your gaze. Give meaning and transform any situation into a positive development opportunity Virginie Lefranc Be free and sovereign of your balance Change your gaze Find its inner light With serenity, give meaning to his life Energy fluidity care Home consultations, telephone, skype, mail France and French -speaking countries Objective support: by benevolent listening and tools made available - Give meaning to his past, present and future experience - regain confidence and self -esteem - make your stress positive emulation - allow yourself to act and no longer undergo - Keep your free will, in all circumstances - Be …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 0
Think tank Sport et Citoyenneté - FR Think tank Sport et Citoyenneté - FR

Sport at the service of the company Created in September 2007, the Think Tank Sport and Citizenship intends to promote the values ​​of sport and campaign for their best establishment in society. Both the place of reflection, force of proposal and reference platform for national and European public authorities, sport and citizenship aims to lead, through a transversal and multidisciplinary reflection, to an exchange of ideas, to an analysis of Different policies and a networking of actors engaged on these issues. The association is based on a scientific committee made up of more than fifty experts, French and European. Every …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

73 23
Le Progrès Le Progrès

📰 Suivez l'actualité économique de la région News and timeliness on the official website of Progrès. Communication print, Communication web, Presse, and Informations locales

Type: Media

173 764
FB Digital FB Digital

Pure Player web agency from the merger of fbtech agencies, nexxpix & amp; Byone FB Digital is a digital communication agency, born July 1, 2016 from the merger of web agencies: FBTECH, NEXXPIX and Byone. It is a strong alliance of these 3 companies over 20 years of experience in web marketing! Discover our skills: creation of a responsive design website, e-commerce site, digital marketing (e-mailing, SEO, SEA & amp; SMO referencing), communication advice, ON and Off Line. Our site (in progress): Communication, natural and advertising referencing, webmarketing, SEA, SMO, and webdesign

Type: Media

2 3
DomeCrowd - Crowdfunding Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes DomeCrowd - Crowdfunding Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

It is by federating that one becomes big! Our Domecrowd company is involved in the field of crowdfunding in donations in Auvergne-Rhône-Aples. Commonly called crowdfunding, donations can be with or without counterpart, pre-sale, pre-order. Domecrowd was created on the initiative of two young dynamic entrepreneurs of Clermont-Ferrand, Benoît Garachon and David Ramirez. We have skills in areas such as business creation, business takeover, innovation but also international development ... We have profiles from entrepreneurship, having followed several years of theoretical, practical and field training in various fields such as: for example: business creation and takeover advice, logistics and international, innovation …

Type: Incubators & VCs

6 1
Conseil national du numérique Conseil national du numérique

Independent public commission responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship of humans to digital The National Digital Council, an independent advisory committee, is responsible for conducting an open reflection on the relationship of humans to digital. Its mission is to give citizens and decision -makers, on a national and European scale, keys to reflect and to act. The work he produces and sharing are from collective thought emanating from the debates organized within it and the meeting with people from all the components of society. Members and General Secretariat: we Tech, Digital, Government, and Public Policy

Type: Public

152 24
Bleu Blanc Zèbre Bleu Blanc Zèbre

An association that unites & labels a community of committed actors around concrete projects 🌿 🌎 🤝 Bleu Blanc Zèbre is a citizen movement that unites more than 450 solution providers located in all French departments who carry the vision of a society full of hope, where citizens get involved, where associations, public actors and companies cooperate to fight against social and environmental fractures and bring the common good to life. Solidarity, Fraternity, Education, Employment, Housing, Well-Being, Environment, Health, Transition, Habitat, and Food

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

67 24
Association ELA Association ELA

Get your employees involved in our connected challenge. More info: Founded in 1992 by Guy Alba, the European Leukodystrophy Association (ELA) brings together families who are mobilizing to defeat these rare genetic diseases that affect the nervous system and cause very serious disability situations. Every week in France, 3 to 6 children are born with these degenerative diseases that gradually lead to the loss of vital functions: sight, hearing, memory, locomotion, etc. For 29 years, the action led by ELA has made it possible to identify around thirty leukodystrophies, to develop the first treatments, to accompany and support the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

39 41
Mon Mon

Mon is a company based out of Regent Street, NE24, United Kingdom.

Type: Media

4 1,284