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CANOE - Le Centre Technologique Nouvelle Aquitaine Composites & Matériaux Avancés CANOE - Le Centre Technologique Nouvelle Aquitaine Composites & Matériaux Avancés

CANOE is an R&T center created in 2008 at the initiative of the Nouvelle Aquitaine Regional Council. Our activities: development of composites and advanced materials (formulation, manufacturing processes and characterization) are spread over 6 technologies: - Thermoplastic & elastomer formulations - Fibers and carbon, - Thermoplastic composites and prepregs - Additive manufacturing - Surface treatment by printing - Characterization and NDT. Our objective: to support companies in the development of new technologies (product/process) using pilot equipment (TRL 3-6): R&D studies (feasibility studies, prototyping, scale-up, tests, etc.), cooperative projects, training activities. Our main customers and partners are recognized players in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

36 9 21 45

Boasting uninterrupted growth since its establishment in 2001, EPSA is a precious collaborator for any organization that wants to increase its performance and profitability, especially thanks to the power of its cutting-edge technology and digital solutions. Today our services have expanded to include a complete surveillance and analysis of all our clients’ activities. We offer bespoke solutions on every level, from purchasing optimization, organizational restructuring and new process rollout (Operations & Procurement), Tax and fiscal optimization (EPSA Tax), reduction of energy consumption through technology and innovation (EPSA Innovation & Energy); to the creation and setup of a personalized, user-friendly digital …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

54 14 35 434

Building a link to design co-living spaces As a project management assistant, COURTOISIE URBAINE supports hybrid assemblies and project communities to develop collaborative residential projects (participatory housing / Co-design / Renovation of co-ownerships, etc.) and Third Places. Participatory Real Estate, Cooperative Housing, Assistance to User Control, AMO, Third Places, Citizen Dialogue, Prospective Studies, Transformation of EHPAD Offers, and Participatory Energy Renovation of Co-ownerships

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

16 1 9 6
Cercle Promodul / INEF4 Cercle Promodul / INEF4

Succeeding in energy, environmental and digital transitions for healthy and efficient buildings The Cercle Promodul/INEF4 Endowment Fund, thanks to its patrons and through its operational structure, invests in today's issues and explores tomorrow's challenges to contribute to the development of the building sector. We work in the general interest to promote the place of humans at the heart of the energy, environmental and digital transitions of the building. Innovation is at the heart of our collaborative work to help the building industry face its transitions by highlighting needs, removing obstacles and promoting the emergence of innovative solutions adapted to current …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

49 2 47 5
BIM Services BIM Services

A team of BIM specialists at your service. Our BIM management activity has been OPQIBI qualified since 2021. BIM Services is a team of 6 people combining modeling software experts, architects, object developers and engineers. Since 2015, it has been doing everything possible to offer the best possible support. The company works on different types of projects including housing, offices, public facilities and urban planning. It specializes in BIM and CIM project support, BIM/CIM Management, BIM/CIM modeling and openBIM training. BIM Services supports you in defining your needs and creating your parametric objects using the GDL language such as personalized …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: SaaS

18 0 17 10
AXIS Experts Conseils AXIS Experts Conseils

AXIS Experts Conseils advises and supports you in all your projects! Founded in 2000, the company AXIS Experts Conseils is today managed by three chartered accountants, Laurent Bazin, Alexandre Herbeau and Geoffrey Defache, who have, over the years, surrounded themselves with a multidisciplinary team. Initially dedicated to accounting expertise, AXIS Experts Conseils has diversified its activities and developed new offers to serve the manager: - delegation of HR administrative management - development of simplification tools for the daily management of the company - structuring, development and financing of the company - promotion of good CSR practices and evaluation of intangible …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment legaltech

13 0 8 37
Ville de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés Ville de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés

Welcome to the LinkedIn page of the City of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés. Saint-Maur-des-Fossés is a town in Val-de-Marne located about ten kilometers from Paris, surrounded by water nestled in the Marne. It offers its 77,000 inhabitants a particularly pleasant and preserved living environment, a dense public transport network and a very rich community life.

Type: Public

15 7 12 446
Ile-De-France Mobilités Ile-De-France Mobilités

We imagine, organize and finance public transport for all residents of the Paris region. Give meaning to your talents! STIF imagines, organizes and finances public transport for all residents of the Paris region. The Ile-de-France region, the City of Paris and the seven other departments of the Paris region are members of STIF. STIF is the bearer of the global vision of transport in the Paris region, the implementation of which it entrusts to 74 transport companies. In order to meet the expectations of travelers, elected officials and economic stakeholders, STIF imagines innovative solutions for the transport of today and …

Type: Public

77 48 25 616
Département de l'Essonne Département de l'Essonne

Essonne, Land of the Future! The department has a unique position thanks to its major communication routes. At the heart of an international trade and transport network (Orly airport, A6 and A10 motorways, TGV stations), Essonne has benefited from a forward-looking economy. It is home to several competitiveness clusters, numerous research centres and laboratories such as the Synchrotron Soleil, the Genopole d'Evry, the CEA de Saclay and the University of Paris-Saclay. Its young population (more than 30% of Essonne residents are under 20) is a real asset. It also benefits from high-level universities and grandes écoles: the University of Paris-Saclay, …

Type: Public

76 42 29 947

0 LIQUID RELEASE: ONE TECHNOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE 100% LEGAL = ZERO DISCHARGE LIQUID his goal achieved! #ENVIROPLUS #INNOVATION #PRODUCTIVITY #STATION #WATER #POLLUTION #DIFFUSE #ENVIRONMENT #ZEROLIQUIDREJECTION #ZLR ENVIRO PLUS, the French leader in cleaning solutions for paint tools, façades and other applications Strong of its innovation ZERO LIQUID REJECTION directed towards the CIRCULAR ECONOMY; Specialized in the design, manufacture and marketing of machines; so-called washing stations of small tools of the Building It replaces petroleum solvents with bio-sourced and biodegradable products in cleaning, pickling or degreasing operations. The Rollers Cleaner: a mobile unit for cleaning paint rollers for painters, training centers, …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

2 2 0 1

The quality of innovative light designed and developed for users and their well-being thanks to LED 💡 LITED is a French service company that imagines and designs complete LED lighting solutions, both intelligent, eco-responsible and focused on well-being for professionals: retail, tertiary, industry. Manufacturer of LED lighting solutions, Specialist in lighting management, Lighting design office, lighting system development, and LED lighting solutions

Type: SMB Activities: manufacturing

3 2 2 58
CCB Greentech CCB Greentech

Les pionniers du béton de bois After 15 years of R&D, Carbon Capture Buildings Greentech have developed a new biosourced construction material, a wood-based concrete, and developed its applications in patented construction principles, walls and pre-slabs, adapted to heavy prefabrication. All these processes, protected by 6 patents, are marketed to prefabricators under a contract for TimberRoc technology. The particularity of this material is that it has a very negative carbon footprint, while allowing construction in a structural manner. In addition to this advantage, which is unique on the market, it has remarkable technical properties and is perfectly suited to the …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: New Materials

51 9 24 17

Looking for new talent! Our ambition is to offer you business solutions to relieve your daily workload and truly focus on the core of your business, whether in the health, catering, hotel, industry and agri-food sectors. For tailor-made support, we provide management of the linen function. Our deployed solutions are individual.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

1 0 1 61
4 jours de Dunkerque Organisation 4 jours de Dunkerque Organisation

Since 1955 ✅Official Page ✅ 🚴‍♂️UCI ProSeries Race🚴‍♂️ 📌68th edition from 14 to 19 May 2024📌

Type: Media

6 1 6 5
Nautile Production Nautile Production

🐚 Shell & creativity 💡 Audiovisual communication agency 🪄 VIDEOS, MOTION DESIGN, 360°, DRONE, WEBINAR, EVENT 📍 Rouen, Grand Ouest audiovisual, film, clip, institutional, production, drone, spot, advertising, motion design, webtv, web series, report, interview, brand content, and corporate

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment martech Technologies: Drones

3 3 0 8
Sonepar Sonepar

Sonepar is an independent family-owned company standing as the world leader in B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment, solutions, and services. In 2023, Sonepar achieved sales of €33.3 billion. Present in 40 countries with a dense network of brands, the Group is leading an ambitious transformation to make its customers’ lives easier providing them an omnichannel experience and sustainable solutions in the building, industry, and energy markets. Sonepar’s 45,000 associates are committed to accelerating the world’s electrification and driven by a shared Purpose: Powering Progress for Future Generations.

Type: Large company

30 15 18 20,795

Building trust for a safer and sustainable world SOCOTEC has built its reputation over 70 years as an independent third party assisting companies in the areas of quality, health and safety, and the environment. Through its inspection and measurement, assistance and consultancy, and training and certification services, SOCOTEC helps to optimize the performance of companies in every sector by managing the risks inherent in their activities. Let's SOCOTEC With consolidated revenue of €1.2bn, operations in 27 countries, 200,000 clients, 12,500 employees and over 250 forms of external recognition, the SOCOTEC Group is a major player in risk prevention. Inspection et …

Type: Large company

77 34 47 6,274

Naval Group is a partner to its customers' maritime sovereignty. An international player in naval defence and heir to French naval know-how, Naval Group develops innovative solutions to meet the needs of navies. Present throughout the entire life cycle of the ships, the group designs, builds, integrates and maintains submarines and surface ships, as well as their systems and equipment, through to dismantling. It also provides services for shipyards and naval bases. A high-tech company, it builds on its exceptional expertise, its unique design and production resources and its ability to set up strategic partnerships and successful transfers of technology. …

Type: Large company

106 72 37 11,376

Join us and Set your future in motion! Commitment, reliability, passion. Our 3 core values to help you Set your future in motion. Matériel de manutention, Equipement de manutention, Nacelles, Engins télescopiques, Chariot élevateur, services, logistique, finance, marketing, R&D, Informatique, Digital, Ressources Humaines, ventes, and distribution

Type: Large company

60 27 37 2,987
Ceetrus Ceetrus

Ceetrus is an impact real estate company whose mission is to make heritage prosper, with and for living things. It invests rigorously in commercial real estate and mixed-use urban renewal projects, with the ambition of accelerating the transition to the resilient city and the sustainable transformation of sites and territories. Ceetrus acts in alliance to develop and nourish ecosystems through three strategic action levers: maximizing the utility of its assets, regenerating living things and researching new construction concepts and techniques. Ceetrus holds a portfolio of real estate assets worth more than 9 billion euros and nearly 20 million m2, made …

Type: Large company Activities: proptech

51 6 45 124
Ville de Voiron Ville de Voiron

Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the City of Voiron! Located in Isère, at the gateway to Chartreuse, Voiron represents the perfect union between city and countryside. Serving 21,000 inhabitants, the City employs 384 agents and is a major player in its territory, the Pays Voironnais. The Municipal Council of Voiron chaired by its Mayor Julien POLAT is composed of 25 elected officials and 9 deputies. Discover the members of the Municipal Council: Voiron in a few figures, it is: • More than 500 local shops and artisans in the city center, including local specialties that enjoy a …

Type: Public

18 9 4 62
Conseil départemental de l'Allier Conseil départemental de l'Allier

Located in the Auvergne region, the Allier department offers a unique living environment, both dynamic and preserved. Just 3.5 hours from Paris and 2.5 hours from Lyon, Allier is distinguished by the brilliance of its natural spaces, the richness of its cultural heritage, the magnificence of its tourist sites and the multitude of outdoor activities and leisure activities

Type: Public

47 25 11 1,280
Affectio Mutandi, conseil en Vigilance ESG & Impacts RSE - Europe & Afrique Affectio Mutandi, conseil en Vigilance ESG & Impacts RSE - Europe & Afrique

Making Requirement & Impact the primary factors of Preference!!! At the confluence of stakeholders, Affectio Mutandi is the first consulting agency specializing in social, normative and reputational strategies on ESG issues. The agency articulates CSR, Corporate & Crisis Communication, Public Affairs, Government Relations, Legal Reading of ESG Issues, Positive Influence and Relations with NGOs, to build social responsibility strategies, due diligence plans, impact strategies and Human Rights policies. Affectio Mutandi also leads the CIAN - French Council of Investors in Africa's CSR & SDG Commission. First consulting agency specialized in social, normative and reputational strategies, at the confluence of stakeholders, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting govtech

35 4 22 2
3E Médias 3E Médias

The multimedia channel of the energy efficiency sector J3E: The only journal of active building management for the tertiary and collective sectors. Promote the advances made by the energy performance solutions provided by the Sector (achievements, application files, product innovations) and support their development and use with Energy Managers in the tertiary, industrial and collective building markets. Électricien 3E: The Smarthome journal for the residential and small tertiary sectors. For installers, distributors and manufacturers: low and high current electricity, home automation, lighting, security, communication/multimedia, ventilation, electric heating, photovoltaics, tools in the residential and small tertiary markets. Lumières: The review of …

Type: Media

91 2 87 1
CCI Grand Hainaut CCI Grand Hainaut

Our daily missions are to support the company in its development, training for the business manager, assistance with the creation and takeover of a company, trade, industry, entrepreneurship, service, digital transformation, tourism, business formalities, commercial performance, organizational performance, digital, networks, transmission, human resources, relationship and networking, corporate real estate, port management, rev3, international and financing. In order to facilitate the establishment of companies and their development, we provide project leaders and companies with a diversified real estate and land offer throughout the Grand Hainaut. We also manage the subsidiary SAS ATTRACTIVE Valenciennes and support the e-commerce platform '' ''

Type: Public

47 8 41 71
FIBOIS Occitanie FIBOIS Occitanie

The players in the forest wood sector Fibois Occitanie brings together all the professionals in the forest wood sector in the region. The interprofession leads concerted collective actions that promote the economic and technical development of the sector and ensures the promotion of wood materials in all their forms. The missions of Fibois Occitanie are structured around 4 axes: – Lead and coordinate the network of professionals and partners in the forest wood sector, – Support companies in their positioning on the markets and their development projects, – Communicate to ensure the promotion of the entire sector, – Represent the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

24 2 23 11
L'Université Numérique L'Université Numérique

In service of higher education. The association "L'Université Numérique" brings together French Thematic Digital Universities (Universités Numériques Thématiques -UNT). UNTs are groupings of higher education institutions created to support these institutions in the development of their digital policies through mutualization. Their missions are: Promoting the success and equal opportunities for students in initial training. Supporting teachers in the production, appropriation, mutualization, and integration of resources in their teaching to promote pedagogical innovation. Developing standard training pathways based on open educational resources for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. Expanding the offerings of continuous education and lifelong learning. Assisting and advising institutions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services

8 1 7 6
Freyssinet Freyssinet

Founded over 70 years ago by Eugène Freyssinet, the inventor of prestressing, Freyssinet brings together an unrivalled range of skills in the specialist civil engineering sector, offering integrated technical solutions in the fields of construction and structural repair. Freyssinet is involved in numerous projects across five continents, making it the world leader in its specialist areas of: · prestressing, · cable-stayed structures, · construction methods, · structural accessories, · structural repair and reinforcement, · structural maintenance. These activities are performed on a wide range of structures, including civil engineering structures, buildings, skyscrapers, industrial installations, power production plants, offshore platforms, transport …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

23 8 22 137
Capdevielle Traiteur Capdevielle Traiteur

Authenticity • Creativity • Sharing • Sustainable 👨‍🍳 Member of Traiteurs de France 🌟 ISO 20121 certified ♻️ "Authenticity, Creativity, Sharing, Sustainable" Since 1989, Capdevielle Traiteur has been a key player in culinary events in New Aquitaine. Capdevielle Traiteur's teams adapt to their clients' projects, offering friendly and creative cuisine based on local and seasonal products. ISO 20121 certified, Capdevielle Traiteur is a benchmark in terms of CSR policy, by placing its social and environmental actions at the heart of the culinary creation and customer support process.

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

17 0 15 45
Groupama Centre-Atlantique Groupama Centre-Atlantique

Groupama Centre-Atlantique is an insurance company based out of 2 AVENUE DE LIMOGES, NIORT, DEUX SEVRES, France.

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: it services

123 18 25 936

A regional group, anchored in its territory, which embodies the beautiful values ​​of the cooperative through all its employees! Let's cultivate the art of cooperation every day. Strongly attached to the virtuous circle of cooperation and communication, Arterris, a cooperative group of farmers, a major agricultural and agri-food player in the Mediterranean Arc, today brings together more than 15,000 farmers. Our cooperative model is based on firmly anchored values: a sense of the long term, positive innovation and shared requirements. A sense of the long term punctuates our relationship with nature and invites us to take a step back to …

Type: SMB Activities: agritech

41 10 37 499
Polytech Nantes Polytech Nantes

Polytech Nantes, école d'ingénieurs composante de Nantes Université Polytech Nantes is the graduate university engineering school at the University of Nantes. It's accredited by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (CTI), the French institution which awards engineering degrees. Polytech Nantes is a founding member of the Polytech group made up of 13 graduate university engineering schools. The school benefits from the scientific and academically stimulating university environment and, in keeping with its dedication to create well-rounded engineers, Polytech Nantes is privileged to maintain close connections with a number of businesses and with the economic world at both the national and international …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

35 2 16 260

Together, we share sustainable values. A real estate subsidiary of Action Logement, Valloire Habitat is a major real estate player in the Centre-Val de Loire region. Our purpose: to design and implement responsible housing and innovative services to support our customers' life paths and contribute to the attractiveness of the regions. Our activities: rental of social or intermediate housing, sale of properties in new or old real estate, construction, rental management Valloire Habitat We develop a wide range of innovative and quality products and services to meet the needs of the residential pathway intended primarily for company employees and to …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

30 6 23 157
Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération

39 municipalities in the heart of Europe, 3rd agglomeration of the Grand Est. A territory of #solidarity, #attractiveness and #excellence Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration (m2A) brings together 120 professions in various fields of expertise. m2A operates in the following areas: economic development, sustainable development, higher education, transport, waste collection and cleanliness, housing, early childhood, after-school care, sports and leisure facilities, zoological and botanical park... Located at the heart of the European market, the Mulhouse agglomeration belongs to a trinational innovation hub and has multiple skills. It has the only binational airport in France, the 3rd river port in France and is …

Type: Public

87 34 63 371
Réseau de Transport d'Électricité Réseau de Transport d'Électricité

RTE manages and operates the largest electricity transmission network in Europe! RTE is the manager of the French Electricity Transmission Network, the largest in Europe, as well as the EcoWatt system, the electricity weather forecast for responsible consumption. 24/7, electricity circulates on our high and very high voltage lines, which makes the economies of the regions vibrate and guarantees everyone a reliable and environmentally friendly electricity supply. In France as in Europe. Today, RTE is inventing solutions that combine electrical infrastructure and digital technologies to enable the energy transition and support new uses and new players in electricity. For the …

Type: Large company

190 91 120 7,295
IFF (Institut de Formation Ferroviaire) IFF (Institut de Formation Ferroviaire)

SHARING EXCELLENCE - ISO 21001 certified Based in Rabat (Morocco), the IFF was created in 2015 as part of a successful partnership between ONCF and SNCF as part of the High Speed ​​Line project in Morocco. The Institute develops and deploys a comprehensive catalog comprising more than 140 training modules covering all the skills required to operate the railway system. It covers conventional and high-speed networks, passenger, freight and logistics rail activities, as well as urban and peri-urban transport. The IFF relies on a body of more than 100 selected trainers with recognized skills in their field, mainly from SNCF …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech transporttech

12 1 9 29
Zaz Ventures Zaz Ventures

Fundraising for European Deeptech Innovators | Horizon Europe | EIC Accelerator | EIC Transition | EIC Pathfinder Zaz Ventures is a top-tier pan-European boutique consulting firm, specializing in securing public and private funding for cutting-edge deep tech startups. We are experts in navigating complex funding landscapes, particularly through the European Innovation Council (Accelerator, Transition, Pathfinder). Our firm is part of a larger group that includes a Family Office and Da Vinci Labs, a deep tech incubator. Since 2014, we have raised €1.4Bn of Public Funding for 330+ clients in the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes, with success rates consistently …

Type: Incubators & VCs

27 3 25 58
France Datacenter France Datacenter

The leading association for datacenter ecosystem players in France France Datacenter brings together all the players in the datacenter ecosystem in France. It represents and promotes the sector as the foundation of the performance and reliability of the digital economy. The association is now made up of around a hundred companies that design, build and operate datacenters. A natural player in thinking about the challenges of digital industries, France Datacenter promotes the formalization of knowledge, the development of skills and the adoption of best practices by professionals, in order to improve the competitiveness of the French sector in the face …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

59 4 41 6
Altitude Infra Altitude Infra

Invest, build, operate. Altitude Infra is the leading independent telecom infrastructure operator in France. In close collaboration with local authorities, which delegate their very high-speed public connectivity service to the Group, 10 million French people will be eligible for optical fiber at the end of the deployment carried out by Team AltitudeInfra. With its 500 employees, Altitude Infra generates more than 6,000 indirect jobs (subcontracting), invests nearly €3 billion in its projects and actively participates in the economic attractiveness of the regions. Its growth is based on a state of mind shared by both its employees and its partners around …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

56 14 48 819
ACNUSA | Autorité de contrôle des nuisances aéroportuaires ACNUSA | Autorité de contrôle des nuisances aéroportuaires

The Airport Nuisance Control Authority or ACNUSA is responsible for monitoring all the measures to combat the nuisances generated by air transport. It can issue recommendations on any issue relating to environmental nuisances generated by air transport on and around airports. It must also fulfil a duty of information and transparency, particularly with regard to local residents. In addition to its powers over all civil airports, it has specific powers over the 11 main platforms, and a power to sanction airlines. An independent administrative authority (AAI), ACNUSA does not have legal personality like the other French AAIs. Created by law …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

38 1 36 17
N7 Consulting N7 Consulting

N7 Consulting, the technical Junior-Enterprise for your unique projects. Commitment - Expertise - Passion N7 Consulting is the Junior-Enterprise of ENSEEIHT, formed in accordance with the 1901 law, member of the National Confederation of Junior-Enterprises. N7 Consulting has been advising its clients and developing concrete tailor-made solutions for their current and future problems for 47 years. Its affiliation with ENSEEIHT allows the 1,200 student-speakers it has to intervene in a wide range of skills: Electronics, Electrical engineering, Computer science & Big Data, Hydraulics & Fluid mechanics and Telecommunications & Networks. All are students passionate about the fields in which they …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

28 1 28 56

12 factories in 7 countries, 1 Group R&T expertise, 11 logistic centres, ... Our motto: Connexion makers Technological flagship of the French industry, specialist in high-tech cables in the automotive and data networks markets, ACOME is a major player in the industry of cables, optical fibers and synthesis tubes. With a total revenue of €534 millions in 2019 and close to 2,000 employees in France, Germany, Italy, China, Brazil and Morocco, the Group generates more than 50% of its business internationally. Systèmes de câblage automobile, Réseaux d'infrastructures télécommunication, Réseaux de communication dans les bâtiments, Equipements de connectivité Très Haut Débit, …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: IoT

28 9 21 728
Bio360 Expo Bio360 Expo

Bio360 2025 - 05-26 February 2025 in Nantes, FR. The professional event dedicated to ✔bioenergy and ✔bioeconomy Bio360 Expo is our flagship international event whose mission is to champion and accelerate the Biotransition. In these critical times in which human induced climate change events are increasingly causing harm and damage to all natural life forms (and we all stand in the frontline), economies and livelihoods, we need sustainable solutions to both significantly bring down CO2 emissions as well as and in parallel, innovative strategies and approaches to remove gigatons of excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Bio360 Expo is the …

Type: Event

25 3 21 6
Fondation Université de Lille Fondation Université de Lille

Acting together today, to imagine tomorrow. Invested in the development of its territory, the Université de Lille Foundation is mobilizing with stakeholders in the socio-economic world to meet the challenges of a world in transition. As such, it supports actions of mutual aid and student solidarity as well as projects of scientific and educational excellence in line with the sustainable development objectives. It also takes part in investing in start-ups resulting from the University's research.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

32 5 19 3
ENGIE Solutions France ENGIE Solutions France

ENGIE Solutions, the trusted ally of companies, industries and communities committed to carbon neutrality. Thanks to the plurality of our skills, our capacities and our fields of intervention, we are able to offer global and sustainable solutions while committing to results. We contribute to improving the competitiveness of your infrastructures, the attractiveness of your cities, the comfort of your living and working spaces. ENGIE Solutions is mobilizing for the #FranceRelance plan by supporting its customers, from the identification of eligible subsidies to the management of projects. #RecoveryPlan #CarbonNeutrality #EnergyTransition 🌱

Type: Large company

60 14 42 16
Vallourec Vallourec

Vallourec provides benchmark tubular solutions for the energy sector and for some of the most demanding industrial applications. Its offer ranges from oil and gas wells in extreme conditions to high-performance mechanical equipment, as well as solutions for hydrogen, CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage), geothermal and solar energy markets. Specialized in the most complex applications, we rely on 4 main R&D centers worldwide and 380 researchers to maintain our technological leadership and meet our customers’ requirements. Our expertise across the entire steel production chain from start to finish guarantees the quality of our products. The Group offers a wide …

Type: Large company

42 8 27 7,879
Inspire Metz Inspire Metz

Metz Eurometropolis Attractiveness Agency. Official website: and Inspire Metz, attractiveness agency serving the 46 municipalities of the Metz Eurometropolis, in charge of tourism, business tourism #MICE and the attractiveness and economic development of the territory. We are located at 2 place d’Armes-Jacques François Blondel in Metz.

Type: Public

64 13 57 28
Mission locale des jeunes toulonnais Mission locale des jeunes toulonnais

Always with young people! The Mission Locale des Jeunes Toulonnais is at the service of young people from Toulon and Revest aged 16 to 25 who want support to facilitate their entry into professional life. It responds to requests in terms of training, employment, but also health, rights, housing, etc. It ensures this public service mission with 5,000 young people received each year. Chaired by Geneviève LEVY, MP for the first constituency of Var, the Mission Locale is funded by the State, the Regional Council, the municipalities of Toulon and Revest, the Departmental Council, as well as the ESF. Integration, …

Type: Public

22 2 20 43

Vicat, a family group, has established itself as one of the flagship French companies internationally. Number three on the French market, the company, originally from Isère, is now established in 11 countries: in France, Switzerland, the United States, Turkey, Italy, Egypt, Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, Kazakhstan and India... The inventor of artificial cement continues its growth by responding to market needs and approaching new territories with attractive growth potential. To do this, it relies on the know-how of its 7,040 employees spread across the Group's various sites Cement, Aggregates, Concrete, Béton, Ciment, and Granulats

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

61 28 33 2,304
Ville de Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine Ville de Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine

Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, attached to its history, promotes innovation and the emergence of talents, and its popular values Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine asserts itself, more than ever, as one of the most attractive cities in the inner suburbs by displaying a promising vitality. In full transformation, construction and rehabilitation sites are multiplying throughout its territory. Many large groups have chosen to settle in the town or to expand there to benefit from its dynamism, and its ideal geographical location at the Gates of the capital and in the heart of the Greater Paris Metropolis. Host city of the #Paris2024 Olympic Games.

Type: Public

57 35 27 354
CHRU de Nancy CHRU de Nancy

Regional University Hospital of reference in the Grand Est region. Regional University Hospital of reference in the Grand Est region, the CHRU of Nancy provides daily referral and local care, thanks to multidisciplinary medical and surgical expertise serving the population at all ages of life. It welcomes 160,000 patients each year for more than 1.2 million consultations and hospitalizations. The CHRU is accentuating its outpatient shift, strengthening its actions to optimize the patient pathway and playing a leading role in the development of telemedicine. A major player in biomedical research with high-performance medical-technical platforms, the CHRU of Nancy contributes to …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

58 21 38 2,140

Your partner insurer With 4,400 employees, SMABTP provides insurance for all of the insurance needs of more than 180,000 clients and members: companies, professionals, craftsmen, managers, individuals. For over 160 years, SMABTP has been the specialist in professional liability insurance for the construction and real estate professions, property damage and vehicle fleets. SMABTP also has a personal insurance offering (life insurance, savings, pension, health, etc.) for companies and individuals. SMABTP distributes its offers through its network of insurance advisors located throughout France and overseas and over 600 partner brokers. The SMABTP group also has seven locations abroad: Asefa in Spain, …

Type: Large company Activities: insurtech constructiontech

74 26 52 2,613

Do you have energy? We have solutions! A leading player in renewable energy in France, ENGIE Green is present across the entire value chain: development, financing, engineering, construction, operation-maintenance, energy sales and dismantling of wind and solar installations. Our customers and stakeholders, together with our 600 employees, form a community of players committed to a sustainable and sovereign energy future. Our development and operation method has been certified as TED (Sustainable Energy Transition). This label guarantees the deployment of projects that are integrated into their territory, respectful of the environment and useful for reducing carbon emissions in the French energy …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: cleantech Technologies: Solar Technologies

33 10 23 692
Elles bougent Elles bougent

Transmitting passion, inspiring vocations The Elles bougent association encourages young girls to move towards engineering and technical training, which are among the most valued on the job market, and to move towards sectors lacking female scientific and technological talent.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

181 106 126 102
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne

A multidisciplinary university, the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne is made up of 8 UFRs, 1 University Center, 2 IUTs, 1 Engineering School, 1 Institute of Higher Technical Training and an IUFM. It welcomes 21,898 students (including IUFM) and is structured into 5 poles: - "Life Sciences, Health" - "Mathematics, STIC, Nanotechnologies" - "Agro-Sciences, Sciences of the Universe and Environment" - "Chemistry, Engineering Sciences" - "Human and Social Sciences"

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

75 21 55 1
IUT de Rennes IUT de Rennes

Success path! The IUT of Rennes is a public higher education institution of technology created in 1966. It is one of the components of the University of Rennes and is a member of the IUT network of Brittany. Within its 6 departments (Social Careers; Chemistry; Civil Engineering-Sustainable Construction; Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing; Mechanical Engineering and Production; Business and Administration Management), its educational function covers both initial and continuing training, while ensuring a professionalizing path through work-study programs and internships in companies. The training offer is available from B.U.T to Master's, including the Professional License and the validation of skills …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

44 2 41 154
Arte Charpentier Architectes Arte Charpentier Architectes

We are architects, landscapers, urban planners, interior designers, project managers, researchers Specialties: Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape Design, Interior Design Strong focus on sustainable design (LEED, BREEAM and HQE expertise) ISO 9001 certified Offices in Paris, Lyon, Shanghai Head office: 8, rue du Sentier 75002 PARIS, FRANCE Architecture, Urban Planning, Interior Architecture, Landscape Design, Project Management, Research, Design, BIM, European Architects Network, Paris, Lyon, and Shanghai

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

47 4 22 142
SIGERLy - Syndicat de gestion des énergies de la région lyonnaise SIGERLy - Syndicat de gestion des énergies de la région lyonnaise

For sustainable energy management in the Lyon region! Founded in 1935, SIGERly, the Lyon region's energy management union, brings together the Lyon metropolitan area and 65 municipalities, including 8 municipalities in the Rhône department. Organized as an open mixed union, SIGERLy provides a public service mission focused on the rational management of energy (municipal buildings, public lighting), the quality of energy distribution (electricity and gas), the sustainable, coherent and safe development of the territory (network erasure) as well as the development of renewable energies (solar, wood). Serving the member municipalities and users of its territory, SIGERLy works daily for sustainable, …

Type: Public

38 3 15 54
Université des Métiers du Nucléaire Université des Métiers du Nucléaire

What if your future was built in nuclear power? The University of Nuclear Professions was created in April 2021 by 12 founding members: CSFN, EDF, CEA, Orano, Framatome, Andra, GIFEN, Nuclear Valley, UIMM, France Industries, UFE and Pole Emploi. It brings together industrialists, training and employment stakeholders. Its purpose is to boost training systems in the nuclear sector, at regional, interregional and national levels and to provide answers to recruitment needs in professions essential to the sector.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: energytech edtech

32 12 24 18
YNOV Campus YNOV Campus

Learn to succeed For over 10 years, Ynov has been the French leader in training for digital, creative and innovative professions. Ynov is present in 13 cities with 13 campuses and nearly 10,000 students enrolled in its 64 diplomas (BTS, Bachelors, Masters, recognized by the State) spread across 12 sectors of excellence: 3D, Animation, Video Games & Industries of the Future; Creation & Digital Design; Marketing & Digital Communication; Interior Design; Digital Building; Audiovisual; IT; Tech & Business; Cybersecurity; Sound & Music; Artificial Intelligence & Data; Illustration. Ynov's recruitment is unique in its openness: 10% vocational baccalaureate, 20% technical baccalaureate, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

113 25 89 89
Wake up Café WKF Wake up Café WKF

Wake up Café a caring and demanding community for sustainable reintegration, without recidivism Changing their outlook, changing our outlook Wake up Café supports prisoners and people leaving prison towards sustainable reintegration, through the release of talents, the prevention of recidivism, and breaking with isolation. This is why we focus on three main missions: > Value Strengthen the self-esteem of prisoners so that they can regain the desire and energy necessary to become the driving force behind their reintegration. To do this, we work in detention by offering artistic and cultural workshops (choir, theater, beauty and well-being, floral art, visual arts, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

43 14 33 100
Ambassade de France à Madagascar Ambassade de France à Madagascar

Official account of the Embassy of France in Madagascar. Twitter - @ambafrmada Facebook - @ambafrance.madagascar Official account of the Embassy of France in Madagascar. Twitter - @ambafrmada | Facebook - @ambafrance.madagascar Diplomacy, Culture, Politics, Humanitarian, Ministry, Foreign Affairs, Francophonie, Development, and French people abroad

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment

30 5 26 73
Consulat général de France à Toronto/ Consulate General of France in Toronto Consulat général de France à Toronto/ Consulate General of France in Toronto

Consular representation of the French Republic in Ontario and Manitoba. Consular representation of the French Republic in Ontario and Manitoba.

Type: Public

47 5 39 10
Ville de Vitry-sur-Seine Ville de Vitry-sur-Seine

🏛️ Plural, united and friendly. Official account of the largest city in Val-de-Marne. 👋 Plural, united and friendly, Vitry-sur-Seine, 92,000 inhabitants, is the largest city in Val de Marne. Located 5 minutes from Paris by RER line C, it is rich in many socio-educational, cultural and sports facilities, green spaces and economic activities. It also carries out major development projects. The community is committed to promoting equality between women and men and recruiting people with disabilities.

Type: Public

13 0 13 14
Ville de Perros-Guirec Ville de Perros-Guirec

Living in Perros-Guirec means seeing La Vie en Roz! Perros-Guirec is a seaside resort, capital of the Côtes d’Armor department, in the Brittany region. Approximately 7,000 inhabitants, its surface area is 14.2 km2 with a population density of 514 inhabitants per km2 (INSEE, 2015). Located 78 km from Saint-Brieuc, 103 km from Brest, 175 km from Rennes and 524 km from Paris.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

24 6 11 29
Ville de Fontenay-sous-Bois Ville de Fontenay-sous-Bois

Official account of the city of #FontenaysousBois, a city to live in 💚 Welcome to a city to live in, a city that lives and breathes, that is built for today and tomorrow in a preserved setting. #FontenaysousBois💚

Type: Public

28 16 5 423
VINCI Energies VINCI Energies

In a world undergoing constant change, VINCI Energies contributes to the environmental transition by helping bring about major trends in the digital landscape and energy sector. VINCI Energies’ teams roll out technologies and integrate customised multi-technical solutions, from design to implementation, operation and maintenance. With their strong local roots and agile and innovative structure, VINCI Energies’ 2000 business units have positioned themselves at the heart of the energy choices of their customers, boosting the reliability, efficiency and sustainability of their infrastructure and processes. VINCI Energies strives for global performance, caring for the planet, useful to people and committed to local …

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: martech

49 28 19 23,199
UNICEM - Union nationale des industries de carrières et matériaux de construction UNICEM - Union nationale des industries de carrières et matériaux de construction

Materials to meet the needs of construction and public works UNICEM brings together 8 branches of activity, most of which are upstream of the construction industry. More specifically, this federation covers three areas of activity: - the extraction of mineral resources and their processing (aggregates and natural stones). Thus, UNICEM brings together almost all the branches of this extractive sector - cement, tiles and bricks are also partners of the Union for their extractive dimension. - a significant part of the concrete sector (with ready-mix concrete), - related industries and services (concrete additives and concrete pumping). UNICEM assists and informs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

78 11 65 10
Eiffage Génie Civil Eiffage Génie Civil

Eiffage Génie Civil: designing and building the most ambitious structures Eiffage Génie Civil is active in all areas of civil engineering. Its teams are involved from design to construction, as well as in repair and maintenance, and demolition, on numerous structures in France and abroad. #HumanPerspective

Type: Large company

29 12 23 112
EGF - Entreprises Générales de France du BTP EGF - Entreprises Générales de France du BTP

Innovating for a sustainable world General contractors carry out works from A to Z, from design to completion. They bring together all the functions and techniques of construction on a construction site. construction , building, BTP, BIM, Sustainable Construction, and CSR

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

44 8 37 33
Terres de Montaigu Terres de Montaigu

Terres de Montaigu is made up of 10 municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, at the heart of the La Roche-sur-Yon - Nantes - Cholet triangle, which are working to promote business growth and offer its residents quality facilities and services, equivalent to those of a medium-sized town.

Type: Public

15 2 14 154
TEDxSaclay TEDxSaclay

Let's Innovate Together in the Service of Life The idea was born in 2015 from the meeting of a passion for innovative ideas spread by TED and TEDx, and this melting pot of science, knowledge and innovations that is the Paris-Saclay ecosystem. By participating in TEDx Saclay, come and share stimulating ideas where the world of tomorrow is being invented... To EDUCATE... To INSPIRE... To CHANGE THE WORLD...

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

53 13 49 38

The transition will be collective! 🌍 The first general public fair whose vocation is to accelerate the ecological and societal transition around professions, training and impact employment. Do not hesitate to contact us on An AEF Info & Produrable event.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

52 15 47 1
Les Plombiers du Numérique Les Plombiers du Numérique

Digital is recruiting, the digital plumbers' school trains you! We build short and applied training courses allowing the large-scale integration of young people who have dropped out of school into the world of digital infrastructures: deployment of optical fiber, hosting and networks... Training, Network, Fiber, Datacenter, and Insertion

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 4 22 70
Syntagme, communication & influence Syntagme, communication & influence

Communication & Influence. We are a mission-driven company Influence is not a dirty word! Communicating is influencing... It is seeking an impact on decisions and behaviors, it is getting the person you are addressing to study another vision of things, to change their reasoning. Influence is therefore preparing opinion, internal or external, identifying and connecting with stakeholders, convincing... > Meaning Our mission is to give meaning through three fundamentals: "what we are, what we want, what we defend". This triptych is the foundation on which communication is built. For Michael Porter, "the essence of strategy is the choice to …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

52 1 52 14

EXPERIENCE the exceptional! Discover our sporting events, concerts and shows as well as our corporate events and public relations solutions The Pierre-Mauroy Stadium is a football stadium that can be configured as an Arena, located in Villeneuve-d'Ascq, in the North. Even before its completion, it was selected by the French Football Federation (FFF) to host matches of Euro 2016, France being designated as the host country by UEFA. LOSC Lille plays there from the 2012-2013 season. This is Pierre Mauroy's last major project at the head of Lille Métropole Communauté urbaine (LMCU). event, public relations, concert, sport, convention, seminar, corporate …

Type: Event

17 10 12 73
SPORT Stratégies SPORT Stratégies

The sports marketing specialist @sportstrategies Sport Stratégies is a professional information company, specialized in the field of sports marketing. Created in 2004, it publishes: - a weekly magazine Sport Stratégies Hebdo - marketed to the marketing/communication departments of the main French-speaking sponsors, sports federations, professional clubs, consulting agencies, etc. - a sports marketing directory - as well as a website with more than 65,000 subscribers. Sports Marketing, sponsoring, sport business, and sponsor

Type: Media

99 7 90 149
Sparknews Sparknews

Bringing forth new narratives to accelerate the shift towards a society based on respect for planetary boundaries Our purpose: bringing forth new narratives to accelerate the shift towards a society based on respect for planetary boundaries and social justice. This requires a profound transformation - a cultural transformation - of all actors in society. Sparknews is therefore developing an activity on 2 scales: The cultural transformation of the general public by raising awareness of the major issues of the ecological and social transition among those who participate in shaping our imaginations: the media, artists and influencers. The cultural transformation of …

Type: Media

173 46 152 20

2PM A, architecture and urban planning agency based in Bordeaux and Rennes 2PM A is an architecture and urban planning agency founded in 2010 by Matthieu Bergeret and Paul Rolland. It is the logical continuation of many years of associative work (Milk Pack collective then 2:pm architectures association) where creativity and creation in groups were the guiding thread. We learned the team spirit there. Since then, the agency has claimed a plural production, and places exchange and debate at the center of any architectural project development. Almost all of the projects have been (and will be) carried out by several …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city constructiontech

7 2 5 13

BUILDING FOR TOMORROW COFFIM is a family real estate development group, specializing in urban development, residential, serviced residences, hotels, offices, co-living. For over 30 years, we have been practicing “plural real estate” and have continued to surpass ourselves to provide the most appropriate and sustainable, innovative and responsible response, while developing the city and its uses. Our activity is mainly focused on areas where there is a strong need for housing, particularly in Paris-muros, in the Paris region and in the major regional cities of Lyon and Marseille. Real Estate Development, Development of urban projects, Property management, Investment in innovation, …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

13 2 12 74
Brownfields Brownfields

Un fond d’investissement écologique pour régénérer la ville durablement Specialized in the remediation and redevelopment of polluted sites, Brownfields redeems land contaminated by past industrial activities “as it is” and performs all of the work necessary for the conversion of the sites and the development of new activities. Brownfields appears as a unique actor by its dual expertise remediation and conversion / development. Thanks to its technical skills, its financial solidity and its environmental guarantee, Brownfields can position itself as the missing link between the industrial and the future users of the sites. With a long experience in the rehabilitation …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

10 6 6 46
Booster du Réemploi Booster du Réemploi

Circular real estate The Re-employment Booster is a coalition of project owners and real estate specifiers, who are joining forces to change the history of construction. Aware of the impact of our professions on the environment and consequently of our responsibilities as specifiers, we are committed to purchasing the least carbon-intensive materials, to reusing as much as possible the resources already implemented through reuse, to contribute significantly to restoring the balance between human activities and the planet. The triple mission of the Re-employment Booster: • Help and support project owners and specifiers to express a massive demand for reuse by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech constructiontech cleantech

58 13 49 2
Rêve de Scènes Urbaines Rêve de Scènes Urbaines

Bringing out urban innovations to contribute to the ecological transition and the attractiveness of territories. Rêve de Scènes Urbaines is an association that leads a community of public, private and academic actors to carry out innovative projects to serve the sustainable transition of territories. Convinced that it is necessary to play collectively to understand the complexity of environmental challenges and to maximize the impact of their actions, members and partners mobilize Rêve de Scènes Urbaines to create the conditions conducive to collaboration and the acceleration of their partnership projects. As a trusted third party, RSU allows its community to inform …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

38 5 37 3
Atypix Atypix

Professional photographers at the service of companies! Atypix is ​​a company specializing in photography for companies. We put our image expertise at your service to boost your communication strategy through qualitative and impactful visuals in line with your brand image! Brothers and photography enthusiasts for almost 10 years, we decided to put our passion, our know-how and our professional experiences at the service of companies. Construction site, photo-reportage, industry, agriculture, real estate... While some colleagues limit themselves to a specific field, we prefer to constantly expand the boundaries of our activity. Our curiosity and our taste for challenge constantly push …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

4 2 2 4
Fed Construction Fed Construction

We provoke meaningful encounters. Your BTP recruitment firm Fed Construction has adopted the formula of Martin Nadaud, a mason who became a prefect in the 19th century: "When the building goes, everything goes!" Created in 2013, our specialized firm Fed Construction is active throughout France to recruit the best professionals in the building trades, on temporary, fixed-term, permanent and site permanent contracts. We intervene to fill positions in project management and construction for large groups as well as SMEs. Do you build? So do we! We build great professional stories. Are you builders? So do we! We build tomorrow's successes. …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech

15 0 14 19
Moter Moter

Your public works partner in Gironde Moter et Sanz TP Médoc: developers in Gironde for over 50 years Who are we? With nearly 300 employees based in Gironde, we design, build and maintain your transport infrastructure and urban developments to improve your living environment. Our expertise has diversified over the years: • Specialized networks: gas, heat networks. • Sensitive environments: nuclear power plants. • High-end services: exceptional developments for Médoc wine châteaux. A strong commitment to the environment: Our environmental policy is based on concrete actions: • Reduction of GHG emissions: target of -40% by 2030. • Circular economy: double …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech Technologies: SaaS

13 5 8 32
Captrain France Captrain France

For our planet, every day, making you prefer rail Every day we transport our customers' goods in France and Europe, provide rail logistics on their industrial sites and support track renewal projects. Everywhere our teams are there to meet the needs of our customers and guarantee proximity, responsiveness and understanding of their environment. Many of them already trust us to transport their goods: Nestlé, Total, GEFCO, Kronenbourg, and many others.

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

8 2 7 438

Silver Economy and Ageing Well Portal is the portal of the Silver Economy and ageing well. Founded and directed by Jérôme Pigniez the objective of the Portal is to inform, and to allow manufacturers and service providers to present in detail their innovations in the field of ageing well. Silver Economy

Type: Media Activities: silvertech

126 40 81 3
SDEF - Syndicat départemental d'Energie et d'Equipement du Finistère SDEF - Syndicat départemental d'Energie et d'Equipement du Finistère

Energy at the service of the territory The Finistère Departmental Energy and Equipment Union, as the Organizing Authority for Electricity Distribution (AODE), is responsible for organizing the public electricity distribution service in the territory of 269 of the 277 municipalities in the department. It also has 4 optional skills: gas, public lighting, heating and cooling networks and electronic communications. A major player in the Finistère economy with €40 million in investments each year and around 600 direct or induced jobs through its activities, the SDEF is a major player in the energy transition. It is involved in controlling energy demand, …

Type: Public

19 5 18 40
Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération

Official page of Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération, an intercommunality grouping together 32 municipalities in Northern Brittany (France). In the center of Northern Brittany, Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération benefits from a recognized innovation and research ecosystem. The territory's driving forces are focused on creativity. 🚉🌊🌳 Easy to access thanks to its efficient road network, connected to Paris in 2h13 by the LGV, the territory offers an ideal living environment between land and sea, and benefits from a great cultural and sporting dynamic as well as exceptional natural spaces. Come and work where you dream of living! A Breton decision-making center, easily accessible, the …

Type: Public

54 30 32 407
Nye Veier AS Nye Veier AS

We will plan, build, operate and maintain safe main roads. We will plan, build, operate and maintain safe main roads. These connect our country together and connect Norway to main roads abroad. Nye Veier is a wholly owned state-owned limited liability company under the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Type: Public Activities: proptech

4 1 3 179
Boskalis Boskalis

Boskalis is a leading global services provider operating in the dredging, maritime infrastructure and maritime services sectors. The company provides creative and innovative all-round solutions to infrastructural challenges in the maritime, coastal and delta regions of the world. With core activities such as coastal defense, riverbank protection and land reclamation Boskalis is able to provide adaptive and mitigating solutions to combat the effects of climate change, such as extreme weather conditions and rising sea levels, as well as delivering solutions for the increasing need for space in coastal and delta regions across the world. The company facilitates the development of …

Type: Large company

8 4 3 6,641
Rebonds! Rebonds!

Education, social and professional integration of young people in difficulty. 📢 Rebonds! uses sport and more specifically rugby as a tool for education and social and professional integration of young people in difficulty in the Occitanie Region. Education, Social integration, Professional integration, Rugby, and Family support

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

26 5 24 61
Port de plaisance de La Rochelle Port de plaisance de La Rochelle

The largest marina in Europe Created in 1972, the La Rochelle Marina is one of the largest marinas in Europe and the world with more than 5,000 berths spread over an area of ​​100 hectares. Unlike marina management, all berths are managed on an annual rental basis or for rental for visitors on stopovers. Located on the Atlantic coast, our port is made up of 3 sites, close to the heart of the city of La Rochelle. In addition to a tourist stopover, our port is also a technical stopover with more than 230 companies on the Minimes nautical plateau, …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

29 6 5 24
SPIE Nucléaire SPIE Nucléaire

SPIE Nucléaire, the requirement at the service of performance SPIE Nucléaire is a major partner in the sector, involved in the construction, maintenance, work on operating sites and dismantling of nuclear facilities through its electrical, mechanical, piping/welding, climate and nuclear engineering businesses. For over 60 years, we have been supporting major clients in the profound transformation of the Nuclear Industry, by adapting and demonstrating operational excellence, particularly in the areas of safety and security, where it meets the highest demands of its customers. SPIE Nucléaire & its subsidiaries support you in optimizing the safety and availability of nuclear facilities through …

Type: Large company

17 3 10 1,162

With more than 915 branches and 100,000 persons at work every day PROMAN is the 4th European player on the temporary work market and recruitment. Company with a human dimension, 100% independent and family-owned, our group owes its position to its values: work, kindness, agility, audacity, pleasure and common sense. In constant growth, the PROMAN Family is expanding and looking for new collaborators to join the adventure!

Type: Large company

44 19 20 3,971
PRO BTP Groupe PRO BTP Groupe

Leading insurer for the construction and public works sector "The interests of the construction industry and our members come first." Non-profit and jointly managed, PRO BTP offers a range of social protection guarantees and services to companies, craftsmen, apprentices, employees and retirees in the construction industry. A solid social protection that effectively and long-term protects companies, employees and retirees in the profession, at the best quality/cost ratio. A caring social protection that responds in terms of guarantees and services in the most suitable and simplest way to the needs and expectations of members. A solidarity social protection, aimed at young …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

31 10 17 2,992
PressPepper PressPepper

Press agency specializing in regional legal news. Based in Nantes, Rennes and Lyon PressPepper is a press agency specializing in regional legal news. Founded in 2014 in Nantes, it is now present in Rennes and Caen, where it provides coverage of legal news in the greater West on behalf of around fifty local and national media outlets. PressPepper also publishes, the leading regional daily newspaper on law. Law, Press, and Media

Type: Media

20 2 18 5
Présidence de la République Présidence de la République

The President of the French Republic embodies the authority of the State. He is the Head of State in France, the head of the armed forces and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Since May 14, 2017, the President of the French Republic is Emmanuel Macron. The President has been elected by direct universal suffrage since 1965 for a 5-year term. His role is to ensure the normal functioning of public authorities and the continuity of the State. He is also the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and respect for treaties.

Type: Public

389 288 41 1,571
Pôle Habitat FFB Pôle Habitat FFB

Land developers, House builders, Real estate developers and Global renovators of the FFB The Pôle Habitat FFB is the first representative organization of private real estate construction in France. Within the French Building Federation, it brings together the major professions of private project management, which are at the heart of housing and habitat policy: house builders, real estate developers, land developers and global renovators. Complementary and supportive professions brought together to develop their collective intelligence and meet the diversity of housing needs expressed in all territories. An influential spokesperson for new real estate, Pôle Habitat FFB (formerly LCA-FFB) represents more …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech proptech

57 13 44 42